Exact and Conceptual Repetition Dissociate Conceptual Memory Tests: Problems for Transfer Appropriate Processing Theory KATHLEEN B. MCDERMOTT and HENRY L. ROEDIGER, III Rice University Abstract Three experiments examined whether a con- ceptual implicit memory test (specifically, category instance generation) would exhibit repetition effects similar to those found in free recall. The transfer appropri- ate processing account of dissociations among memory tests led us to predict that the tests would show parallel effects; this prediction was based upon the theory's assumption that conceptual tests will behave similarly as a function of various independent variables, hi Experiment 1, conceptual repetition (i.e., following a target word [e.g., puzzles] with an associate [e.g., jigsaw^ did not enhance priming on the instance generation test relative to the condition of simply presenting the target word once, although this manipulation did affect free recall, hi Experiment 2, conceptual repetition was achieved by following a picture with its corresponding word (or vice versa). In this case, there was an effect of conceptual repetition on free recall but no reliable effect on category instance generation or category cued recall. In addition, we obtained a picture superiority effect in free recall but not in category instance generation. In the third experi- ment, when the same study sequence was used as in Experiment 1, but with instructions that encouraged relational processing, priming on the category instance generation task was enhanced by conceptual repetition. Results demonstrate that conceptual memory tests can be dissociated and present problems for Roediger's (1990) transfer appropriate processing account of dissociations between explicit and implicit tests. Performance on implicit memory tests has been the focus of intense research in the past ten years. However, researchers have been unable to agree upon a standard definition of implicit memory tests. Following Jacoby (1984), Roediger and McDermott (1993) suggested that they could be described as those which engage incidental retrieval. Just as the distinction between intentional and incidental learning during encoding focuses on subjects' intent to memorize, the distinction between explicit and implicit test orientation focuses on subjects' intent to retrieve (see too Richardson-Klavehn, Gardiner, & Java, 1994). Of course, there is no objective measure in either case of subjects' true intentions; nevertheless, an abun- dance of evidence converges on the claim that subjects do employ different strategies under explicit and implicit testing conditions. Many implicit memory tests have been devised, and one useful categorization of them, originally derived from transfer appropriate processing ideas, is the contrast between perceptual and conceptual tests (Blaxton, 1989; Jacoby, 1983; Roediger & Blaxton, 1987a; Tulving & Schacter, 1990). Perceptual implicit tests are those in which subjects are required to resolve perceptually-impov- erished displays (e.g., word identification, in which words are flashed on a screen very briefly). Conceptual implicit tests are those in which subjects are asked to invoke their semantic knowledge to answer questions or to provide associates to a cue. In both cases, retention (or priming) on the implicit memory test is manifested to the extent that performance on the task is facilitated by recent prior exposure to the target stimulus. Explicit tests can also be classified as conceptual and perceptual, as shown by Blaxton (1989; Roediger & Blaxton, 1987a). Most implicit memory research has focused on perceptual tests, but our interest in this paper is in conceptual implicit memory tests. Three principal con- ceptual implicit memory tests have been devised: category instance generation, word association, and answering general knowledge questions, hi the category instance generation task, subjects are given a category name as a cue (e.g., metals), and they are asked to produce as many exemplars of the category as possible in (say) 20 s. In the word association task, subjects are presented with words (e.g., bronze) and asked to say the first word that comes to mind. In the general knowledge task, subjects are asked to answer trivia questions (e.g., What metal makes up 10% of yellow gold?) to the best of their ability. In all cases, priming is manifested in the increased tendency to pro- duce the target word (e.g., copper) after having recently encountered it in an earlier phase of the experiment. Conceptual implicit tests have been shown to exhibit the following patterns of results: (1) a generation effect (an advantage for words generated from a semantic clue over words read; Blaxton, 1989; Smith & Branscombe, 1988; Srinivas & Roediger, 1990), (2) an effect of level of processing (an advantage for items processed with respect to their meaning over those processed at a more superfi- Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1996, 50: 1, 57-71

Exact and Conceptual Repetition Dissociate Conceptual

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Exact and Conceptual Repetition Dissociate ConceptualMemory Tests: Problems for Transfer Appropriate

Processing Theory


Abstract Three experiments examined whether a con-ceptual implicit memory test (specifically, categoryinstance generation) would exhibit repetition effectssimilar to those found in free recall. The transfer appropri-ate processing account of dissociations among memorytests led us to predict that the tests would show paralleleffects; this prediction was based upon the theory'sassumption that conceptual tests will behave similarly asa function of various independent variables, hi Experiment1, conceptual repetition (i.e., following a target word [e.g.,puzzles] with an associate [e.g., jigsaw^ did not enhancepriming on the instance generation test relative to thecondition of simply presenting the target word once,although this manipulation did affect free recall, hiExperiment 2, conceptual repetition was achieved byfollowing a picture with its corresponding word (or viceversa). In this case, there was an effect of conceptualrepetition on free recall but no reliable effect on categoryinstance generation or category cued recall. In addition,we obtained a picture superiority effect in free recall butnot in category instance generation. In the third experi-ment, when the same study sequence was used as inExperiment 1, but with instructions that encouragedrelational processing, priming on the category instancegeneration task was enhanced by conceptual repetition.Results demonstrate that conceptual memory tests can bedissociated and present problems for Roediger's (1990)transfer appropriate processing account of dissociationsbetween explicit and implicit tests.

Performance on implicit memory tests has been the focusof intense research in the past ten years. However,researchers have been unable to agree upon a standarddefinition of implicit memory tests. Following Jacoby(1984), Roediger and McDermott (1993) suggested thatthey could be described as those which engage incidentalretrieval. Just as the distinction between intentional andincidental learning during encoding focuses on subjects'intent to memorize, the distinction between explicit andimplicit test orientation focuses on subjects' intent toretrieve (see too Richardson-Klavehn, Gardiner, & Java,1994). Of course, there is no objective measure in eithercase of subjects' true intentions; nevertheless, an abun-

dance of evidence converges on the claim that subjects doemploy different strategies under explicit and implicittesting conditions.

Many implicit memory tests have been devised, and oneuseful categorization of them, originally derived fromtransfer appropriate processing ideas, is the contrastbetween perceptual and conceptual tests (Blaxton, 1989;Jacoby, 1983; Roediger & Blaxton, 1987a; Tulving &Schacter, 1990). Perceptual implicit tests are those inwhich subjects are required to resolve perceptually-impov-erished displays (e.g., word identification, in which wordsare flashed on a screen very briefly). Conceptual implicittests are those in which subjects are asked to invoke theirsemantic knowledge to answer questions or to provideassociates to a cue. In both cases, retention (or priming)on the implicit memory test is manifested to the extentthat performance on the task is facilitated by recent priorexposure to the target stimulus. Explicit tests can also beclassified as conceptual and perceptual, as shown byBlaxton (1989; Roediger & Blaxton, 1987a).

Most implicit memory research has focused onperceptual tests, but our interest in this paper is inconceptual implicit memory tests. Three principal con-ceptual implicit memory tests have been devised: categoryinstance generation, word association, and answeringgeneral knowledge questions, hi the category instancegeneration task, subjects are given a category name as acue (e.g., metals), and they are asked to produce as manyexemplars of the category as possible in (say) 20 s. In theword association task, subjects are presented with words(e.g., bronze) and asked to say the first word that comes tomind. In the general knowledge task, subjects are asked toanswer trivia questions (e.g., What metal makes up 10% ofyellow gold?) to the best of their ability. In all cases,priming is manifested in the increased tendency to pro-duce the target word (e.g., copper) after having recentlyencountered it in an earlier phase of the experiment.

Conceptual implicit tests have been shown to exhibitthe following patterns of results: (1) a generation effect (anadvantage for words generated from a semantic clue overwords read; Blaxton, 1989; Smith & Branscombe, 1988;Srinivas & Roediger, 1990), (2) an effect of level ofprocessing (an advantage for items processed with respectto their meaning over those processed at a more superfi-

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cial level; Hamann, 1990; Schacter & McGlynn, 1989;Srinivas & Roediger, 1990; Weldon & Coyote, in press),and (3) an effect of semantic organization at study (in liststhat contain multiple exemplars of categories, an advantagefor lists blocked by category over those containingrandomly intermixed items; Blaxton, 1992; Rappold &Hashtroudi, 1991). In contrast, perceptual implicit mem-ory tests have generally been shown to exhibit: (1) areverse generation effect (i.e., reading a word producesmore priming than generating it from a conceptual cue;Blaxton, 1989; Jacoby, 1983; Winnick & Daniel, 1970);(2) no effect of level of processing (Roediger, Weldon,Stadler, & Riegler, 1992; but see Challis & Brodbeck,1992); and (3) no effect of organization (Rappold &Hashtroudi, 1991).

Many of the studies cited above were designed to testthe transfer appropriate processing approach to explainingand predicting dissociations between explicit and implicitmemory tests; this theory, which is an extension ofMorris, Bransford, and Franks' (1977) approach, holds thatperformance on memory tests reflects the extent to whichthe mental operations required by the test match thoseinvoked during the study phase (Blaxton, 1989; Roediger,Weldon, & Challis, 1989). When applied to the implicitmemory domain, transfer appropriate processing theoryexplains the dissociations in the following way. Perceptualmemory tests by their very nature require subjects toresolve perceptually-impoverished displays (e.g., complet-ing fragmented words [c p _ r] or identifying briefly-flashed words.) Because performance on these tests makesdemands on the perceptual system, and because (accordingto transfer appropriate processing logic) performance ona test benefits to the extent to which the study and testprocesses match, transfer should occur from relevantvisual processing during the study episode (e.g., readingthe intact word, copper). Priming on perceptual tests isgreater following reading a word than generating it froma conceptual cue because in the generate condition, thetarget word is not visually perceived; therefore, perceptualpriming is often reduced or absent (but see Masson &MacLeod, 1992). Similarly, the findings that semanticelaboration and list organization do not affect priming onperceptual tests are explained by the observation that theseare conceptual variables that do not significantly alter thevisual perception of the target word.

More important for this paper is the explanation ofperformance on conceptual tests. According to the logic oftransfer appropriate processing, because conceptual testsinvoke subjects' semantic knowledge, they should beaffected by study manipulations that affect meaning-basedprocessing. Thus, semantic processing should (and does)produce greater performance than surface-level processing.Similarly, the richer processing achieved by blockingpresentation of category instances within a study list(relative to randomly intermixing items from the variouscategories) enhances performance on these tests. Inaddition, the conceptual elaboration invoked whengenerating an item from a conceptual cue enhancesperformance on these tests (relative to the condition in

which the target item is simply read).Roediger and his colleagues have generally assumed that

conceptual tests should behave similarly as a function ofvarious independent variables (Roediger & Blaxton, 1987a;Roediger et al., 1989; Srinivas & Roediger, 1990). Indeed,Roediger and Blaxton (1987a) argued that all conceptualtests should behave like free recall, which they labeled the"paradigmatic" conceptual test in that no external cues areprovided for subjects; subjects therefore have to rely solelyon top-down, conceptual processes for responding (p. 371).In fact, almost all experiments to date have supported thisassumption that all conceptual tests should behave similar-ly. (Two recent exceptions — Cabeza [1994] and Weldon& Coyote [in press] — are addressed in the GeneralDiscussion.) Note that the effects described above (level ofprocessing, generation, and organization) on conceptualimplicit memory tests mirror those obtained in free recalland other conceptual explicit tests (Cofer, Bruce, &Reicher, 1966; Craik & Lockhart, 1972; Slamecka & Graf,1978).

The research reported here was designed to assess theassumption that a conceptual implicit test would behavelike free recall as a function of independent variables. Oneindependent variable we chose was repetition. Beforeexplaining the design of our study, we describe briefly thefindings with respect to repetition effects — the advantageof repeated events to single events on later retention — inperceptual implicit memory tests and in the conceptualexplicit test of free recall.

Following Roediger and Challis (1992), we distinguishbetween two types of repetition: exact and conceptual.Exact repetition entails presentation of the same item twoor more times. Conceptual repetition is achieved byfollowing an item with a conceptually similar item, suchas a synonym, associate, or picture.

Free recall has been shown to be sensitive to both con-ceptual and exact repetition (e.g., Kolers & Gonzalez,1980; Melton, 1969). For example, Glanzer and Duarte(1971; see also Durgunoglu & Roediger, 1987) obtainedboth exact and conceptual repetition effects by presentingSpanish-English bilingual subjects a Spanish word followedby the same word in Spanish or by its English equivalent.Subjects recalled more items in both conditions than whenthe concept had been presented only once, in eitherSpanish or English. Furthermore, when presentations weremassed (i.e., one followed the other immediately), theconceptual repetition effect was greater than the exactrepetition effect, a finding replicated by Durgunoglu andRoediger (1987).

Curiously, almost all the studies in the implicit mem-ory domain that address the effect of repetition haveemployed (1) exact repetition and (2) perceptual implicitmemory tests. Conceptual repetition and conceptualimplicit memory tests have been relatively neglected. Thegeneral finding in the literature on perceptual implicitmemory tests contrasts sharply with the pattern obtainedon free recall: massed repetition (both exact and concept-ual) exerts little or no effect on perceptual priming(Challis & Brodbeck, 1992; Greene, 1990; Jacoby &

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Conceptual Repetition Effects 59

Dallas, 1981; Perruchet, 1989). We will not take the spaceto review all the relevant studies but refer the reader toChallis and Sidhu's (1993) review. Remarkably, theseauthors found that massed presentation of a word 16 timesin the study phase did not produce a reliably greater levelof priming (.19) than did four presentations (.15) or asingle presentation (.15). Although massed repetitioninvariably fails to affect perceptual priming, some positive(but small) effects of spaced repetitions have been reported(e.g., Roediger & Challis, 1992, Experiment 3).

To our knowledge, only one article has addressed thequestion of whether conceptual repetition affectsperceptual priming. Roediger and Challis (1992, Experi-ment 2) demonstrated that conceptual repetition does notenhance priming on a word fragment completion test.That is, immediately following a target word (copper) bya semantically related word (bronze) did not affect primingof the target relative to the condition in which the targetwas presented alone, with priming of .34 and .31, respect-ively. They also failed to obtain an effect of exact repeti-tion on word fragment priming (.33), replicating thecommon finding discussed above. However, the standardeffects of exact and conceptual repetition were obtained ona free recall test, with performance in the conceptualrepetition condition (.26) and in the exact repetitioncondition (.31) exceeding that in the single presentationcondition (.09).

The aim of the current experiments was to apply thisstudy manipulation to the conceptual implicit memorytest of category instance generation to determine whetherthis test would behave like perceptual implicit memorytests or like free recall. Like the experiments mentionedabove, we restricted our repetition manipulations tomassed repetitions. We include several other tests toreplicate past work and to examine other issues discussedbelow. Repetition does not affect priming on perceptualimplicit memory tests; does this result generalize toconceptual implicit tests? On the basis of transfer appro-priate processing theory, we predicted that it would not.As advocated by Roediger and his colleagues (Roediger,1990; Roediger & Blaxton, 1987a; Roediger et al., 1989),the theory holds that performance on the categoryinstance generation test should show effects of exact andconceptual repetition because repetition enhances perform-ance on conceptual explicit tests, most notably free recall.In addition, Challis and Sidhu (1993) showed that exactrepetition enhanced priming on the conceptual implicittest of answering general knowledge questions.

The first experiment of this series instantiated concept-ual repetition in the same way as Roediger and Challis's(1992) experiment in which target words were followed byhighly associated words. We expected that the target +associate condition (e.g., present larceny thief) wouldenhance priming on the category instance generation task(producing as many types of crimes as possible in 20 s)relative to the target only condition (e.g., present larceny).In addition, we expected that the target + target (or exactrepetition) condition would enhance priming relative tothe target only condition. These predictions were based on

the pattern previously obtained in free recall.We also included a condition in which subjects studied

the associate (thief) without the corresponding target word(larceny). The question in this condition was whether theassociate would prime production of the target word.Cramer (1966) and Cofer (1967) labeled this type ofpriming indirect priming, in contrast to direct priming, inwhich the target is presented in the study episode.Roediger and Challis (1992, Experiment 2) found noindirect priming from an associate on a word fragmentcompletion test (see also Mandler, Graf, & Kraft, 1985).However, because we were using a conceptual implicit testand because an associate is conceptually related to itstarget word, it seemed plausible that it might promotepriming on a conceptual test.

Three other tests were used in this experiment so thatwe could compare patterns of results across tests. A wordfragment completion test was given to some subjects in anattempt to replicate Roediger and Challis's (1992) basicfindings with our subjects and procedures. That is, weexpected to find that the conditions in which the targetword was studied (i.e., target only, target + associate, andtarget + target) would produce equivalent priming. Theassociate condition, however, was not expected to producepriming because there would be no overlap in theperceptual procedures between the study and test episodes.

Finally, the explicit counterparts to category instancegeneration and word fragment completion implicit testswere given. Including these tests permits our experimentto use the retrieval intentionality criterion to evaluate thedifferences between explicit and implicit tests by compar-ing performance on the tests when the retrieval cuesremain constant and all that changes is the test orientation(Schacter, Bowers, & Booker, 1989). On the category cuedrecall test, subjects are given category names and asked touse each name to help them remember an instance of thecategory from the study list. Like the category instancegeneration test, category cued recall is a conceptual test,and therefore we expected it to manifest exact and con-ceptual repetition effects. On the word fragment cuedrecall test, subjects are given word fragments and asked tofill in the letters of a fragment only when they can do sowith a word they remember from the study list. This testis difficult to classify (Weldon, Roediger, & Challis, 1989)because it has some perceptual components (subjects mustresolve a perceptually degraded representation to performthe test) but also conceptual components (intentionalremembering is thought to invoke conceptual processing).Evidence consistent with this claim was obtained byRoediger et al. (1992), who found a level-of-processingeffect on this test (but not on its implicit counterpart).Thus, it is generally assumed that word fragment cuedrecall is a mixed test, having some characteristics ofperceptual tests and some of conceptual tests (see Weldon,Roediger, Beitel, & Johnston, 1995). Predictions for thistest were therefore difficult to make, but presumably theconceptual aspect involved in intentional recollectionwould cause this test to reflect repetition effects, unlike itsimplicit counterpart. Greene (1986) and Challis and Sidhu

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(1993) found that multiple presentations (four or more)enhanced performance on a word fragment cued recalltest.

Experiments 2 and 3 represent variations on this generalapproach. In Experiment 2, conceptual repetition wasinstantiated by following a word with a picture of itsreferent (or vice versa). In Experiment 3 we returned tothe original stimuli used in Experiment 1 but changed theinstructions subjects were given at study. In general, theprimary focus of the experiments was in whether repeti-tion effects would be obtained on the category instancegeneration test, although the other test conditions werealso of interest.

Experiment 1In Experiment 1, all subjects viewed a series of 60 words,rating each according to the pleasantness of its referent.Four conditions of presentation were included. In thestudy phase, target words were presented either once(vulture), once followed by a semantic associate (vultureprey), twice (vulture vulture), or they were not presentedbut their associates were (prey); this manipulation occurredwithin subjects.

A few minutes after the study phase, subjects weregiven instructions appropriate to their particular testcondition. Until this time, all subjects were treated exactlyalike. At test, one of the two types of cues (word frag-ments or category names) was given along with eitherimplicit or explicit instructions. Cues for all 50 of thetarget words were presented, with an equal number ofcues corresponding to items that had occurred in each ofthe aforementioned study conditions. Ten of the cuesrepresented items that had not been presented in the studyphase; they were used to obtain nonstudied baserates onthe implicit tests and false recall rates on the explicit tests.Finally, we included a free recall condition to verify theeffects of repetition on that measure.

METHODSubjectsOne hundred and thirty-five undergraduates from RiceUniversity participated in this experiment in partialfulfillment of course requirements.

MaterialsFifty seven-letter target words and their correspondingword fragments and category names were selected primar-ily from those used by Srinivas and Roediger (1990).Examples of these materials can be seen in Table 1. Foreach target word, a conceptually-related associate waschosen to be presented in the study list in the conceptualrepetition condition. The selection criteria were that theword was semantically related to the target word but nota member of the same category as the target. The purposeof this latter criterion was to prevent the associates frominterfering with the production of target words on thecategory cued recall test. However, because of this cri-terion, the target-associate pairs in this experiment wereprobably not as closely related as those used by Roediger

TABLE 1Sample Study and Test Items for Experiments 1 and 3.

Target Associate Category Name Word Fragment



toystypes of crimestypes of meatorgans of the bodytypes of snakestypes of birds

_ u z _ 1 _ sr c n y

v _ n sd y s

_ y h n s1 ur

and Challis (1992). We were unable to use their materials,though, because of the possibility of subjects recallingcategory coordinates instead of targets on the categorycued recall test.

The target words and their associates were typed inlowercase letters onto white paper and then transformedinto slides. Test sheets consisted of word fragments orcategory names that •were typed in the same font as on theslides. They were constructed such that all target itemswere represented on each test sheet.

DesignA 5 (study manipulation) X 5 (test type: word fragmentcompletion, word fragment cued recall, category instancegeneration, category cued recall, free recall) mixed designwas used. Study conditions were manipulated withinsubjects, with each subject studying items in each of thefollowing conditions: target presented once (hereafterreferred to as the target condition), target presented twicein succession (target + target), target followed immediatelyby an associate (target + associate), or only an associatepresented (associate). The fifth condition was thenonstudied condition, which was used to estimate baselineperformance. Test type was manipulated between subjectswith thirty subjects participating in each of the followingfour conditions: word fragment completion, word frag-ment cued recall, category instance generation, andcategory cued recall. Fifteen subjects were tested by freerecall.

Stimuli were assigned randomly to five different blocksof 10 items. Each block was rotated across subjects suchthat every item set occurred in each study condition anequal number of times. The order in which items werepresented within each block remained constant across allconditions. The order in which the blocks were presentedwas also counterbalanced. Five study lists were required tocomplete the counterbalancing.

All test sheets for the cued conditions consisted of cuesrepresenting all 50 target items; therefore, they containedten cues representing each of the five conditions, includingthe two (associate and nonstudied) conditions in which thetarget word had not been presented. Thus, for 60% of testcues, the corresponding target had been seen at study (andan additional 20% of the cues corresponded to itemswhose associate had been studied in the absence of thetarget word). The proportion of studied items tononstudied items is higher than usually used, but wewanted (1) the implicit and explicit tests to differ only in

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Conceptual Repetition Effects 61

instructions and not by test cues and (2) the proportion oftarget items in the cued recall conditions to be highenough that subjects would not quit trying. In addition,Challis and Roediger (1993) failed to find any effect ofproportion of test cues corresponding to target items onthe amount of priming on an implicit word fragmentcompletion test.

ProcedureSubjects were tested in groups of one to four. Until thetest instructions were administered, all subjects weretreated exactly alike. Subjects were exposed to the materialunder incidental learning conditions and were led tobelieve that they were participating in an experimentabout judging characteristics of words. At study, itemswere presented by a slide projector at a 5 s rate andsubjects were asked to rate each of the words on a scale ofone to seven according to its degree of pleasantness, with1 representing extremely unpleasant and 7 extremelypleasant. Forty target items were presented at study,including ten target items presented once, ten presentedtwice, ten presented and followed by an associate, andassociates of ten targets presented alone. Thus, 60 slideswere shown. Following the presentation of slides, a threeminute distractor task consisting of multiplication prob-lems was administered. Subjects were then given theinstructions appropriate to their test condition. This entireprocess of administering the distractor task and the testinstructions took approximately five minutes.

Subjects in the implicit word fragment completioncondition were told that they were going to participate ina different experiment, one that was designed to investi-gate how people gain access to words from the letters ofwhich the words are composed. Examples of fragmentswere shown and subjects were told that they would begiven 20 s to complete each fragment with the first wordthat came to mind. They were told that they would bepaced by a tape recorder and that at the sound of eachbeep on the tape recorder (which occurred every 20 s),they were to advance to the next fragment. They weregiven cover sheets to prevent them from looking ahead tothe items they had not yet reached; they were also askednot to return to any items on which they had alreadyworked.

Subjects in the word fragment cued recall conditionwere told that they were being given a memory test andthat they were to complete only those fragments that theycould solve with a word they had seen in the study list.They were asked to be reasonably confident that theirresponses corresponded only to words they had seen onthe slides and were warned that some test fragments didnot correspond to studied words. The test sheets wereidentical to those used in the implicit fragment completioncondition. As in all test conditions, subjects were paced ata rate of 20 s per item and were asked to use cover sheets.

Subjects in the category instance generation conditionwere told that they were participating in a differentexperiment, the purpose of which was to study the way inwhich people gain access to words from the categories to

TABLE 2Mean Proportion of Target Items Produced as a Function of StudyCondition and Test Type in Experiment 1.

Study Condition

Test Cue Test Instructions T T + A T + T A NS

Word Fragment Implicit .41 .41 .45 .20 .19priming .22 .22 .26 .01

Explicit .47 .55 .49 .02 .02

Category Names Implicit .41 .40 .44 .22 .20priming .21 .20 .24 .02

Explicit .62 .62 .57 .02 .00

None (Free Recall) Explicit .25 .45 .43 .00

Note. T refers to the study condition in which the target word waspresented once, T + A to that in which the target was followed by asemantic associate, T + T to the condition in which the target waspresented twice in succession, A to that in "which the associate waspresented alone, and NS to the nonstudied (baseline) condition.

which the words belong. They were then asked to writeas many instances of each category as they could in thetwenty seconds allotted to each of the fifty presentedcategory names.

Subjects in the category cued recall condition wereinstructed that some of the words typed on the test sheetcorresponded to a category name of one of the items theyhad studied previously. They were told to write thestudied item next to the appropriate category label.Subjects were told to be "reasonably confident" that theirresponses corresponded only to words that had occurredon the study list and were told that some category namesgiven as cues did not represent items in the list. The entireexperimental session lasted approximately 30 minutes forsubjects in the four cued tests.

Subjects in the free recall condition were asked to recallas many of the words they had seen on the previously-shown slides as they could remember in eight minutes.They were given blank pieces of paper on which to writethe words. Subjects were asked to try to recall words forthe full eight minutes. The experimental session lastedapproximately 20 minutes for free recall subjects.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONMean proportions correct for all the conditions of the fivetests are shown in Table 2. For the groups receivingimplicit instructions, proportion correct and primingscores are presented for each condition. Priming scoreswere calculated by subtracting the mean proportion ofnonstudied items completed from the mean proportionsfrom each of the other conditions. Each of the five testsis discussed separately. For all the results reported in thispaper, the level of significance was set at .05.

Word Fragment Completion. As predicted, priming wasobserved on the word fragment completion test for thetarget (.22), the target + target (.26), and the target +associate (.22) conditions. A within-subjects ANOVAconfirmed this observation, showing a significant main

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62 McDermott and Roediger

effect of study condition, F(4, 116) = 24.01, MSe = .019.Planned comparisons revealed no differences among anyof the three conditions in which targets were presented,largest t = 1.34. In addition, presentation of an associatealone did not lead to performance reliably greater than thenonstudied base rate, t < 1.

These results are consistent with predictions andreplicate the findings that conceptual repetition (Roediger& Challis, 1992) and massed exact repetition (Challis &Sidhu, 1993) do not enhance priming on an implicit wordfragment completion test. In addition, they support theproposition that the word fragment completion test, aperceptual implicit test, is unaffected by conceptualmanipulations at study. One question that follows logical-ly is whether manipulation of test instructions whileholding test cues constant would make this test sensitiveto the study manipulations.

Word Fragment Cued Recall. Consistent with thehypothesis that this test would be affected by conceptualelaboration at study, presenting an associate immediatelyafter the target led to a greater proportion of itemsrecalled (.55) than presenting the target without itsassociate (.47). Presenting the target twice in succession atstudy, however, did not enhance recall (.49) relative topresenting it only once. A one-way within subjectsANOVA (excluding the nonstudied condition) revealedsignificant differences across study conditions, F(3,87) = 116.67, MSe = .016. Planned comparisons confirmedthat directly following a target word with an associate ledto significantly greater recall of the target than didpresenting the target word twice, £(29) - 2.11, SEM = .03,or presenting it only once without its associate,t(29) = 2.49, SEM = .03. These latter two conditions didnot differ significantly, t < 1. Results also revealed thatpresentation of the target's associate alone did not enhancefalse recall relative to the nonstudied condition, t < 1.

Results for this test were as predicted in that theenhanced conceptual processing invoked by conceptualrepetition was reflected at test. However, it was surprisingthat presenting the target word a second time did not alsoincrease recall relative to once-presented targets; this latterpattern had been predicted on the basis of the free recallresults of Roediger and Challis (1992) and by the wordfragment cued recall results of Greene (1986) and Challisand Sidhu (1993).

Category Instance Generation. As with word fragmentcompletion, robust priming occurred in all three condi-tions in which the target word was presented: target (.21),target + target (.24), and target + associate (.20). Thisobservation was confirmed in a one-way within subjectsANOVA in which the nonstudied condition was included,^4, 116) = 15.98, MSe = .025, indicating that reliabledifferences in production of target words occurred as afunction of study condition. Surprisingly, however,neither exact nor conceptual repetition exerted any effect;performance in these conditions was not reliably greaterthan that in the once-presented condition, both ts < 1.That is, no differences were found among the followingconditions: target, target + target, or target + associate. In

addition, presentation of the associate alone did notreliably increase later production of the target wordrelative to the baseline condition, t < 1.

These results were unexpected, especially becauseconceptual repetition affected free recall in Roediger andChallis's (1992) study and word fragment cued recall inthis experiment. As outlined in the introduction, a reviewof the sparse literature on the category instance generationtest reveals that it generally seems to be affected byconceptual manipulations at study, such as generating(versus reading), levels of processing, and organization ofmaterial at study (Rappold & Hashtroudi, 1990; Srinivas& Roediger, 1990). This unexpected finding is addressed inthe experiments to follow.

Category Cued Recall. In the category cued recall test, asin the category instance generation test, neither conceptual(.62) nor exact (.57) repetition increased production oftarget items relative to presentation of the target once(.62). In addition, presentation of the associates alone hadonly a slight effect (.02) on later "recall" of target wordsrelative to the nonstudied condition. The ANOVA (exclud-ing the nonstudied condition) revealed an effect of presen-tation condition, /(3, 87) = 134.71, MSe = .019. Plannedcomparisons showed that as in the category associationtest, neither conceptual nor exact repetition increasedrecall of target items relative to presentation of the targetonce, ts < 1. The associate did exhibit a small effect,though; when it was presented alone, it led to a false recallrate that was reliably greater than that of the nonstudiedwords whose associates had not been presented,t{29) = 2.4, SEM = 01.

As in the category instance generation results, the lackof repetition effects was unpredicted. One possibility issimply that our materials were less effective than thoseused by Roediger and Challis (1992); because we could notuse category coordinates as associates in our procedure (forreasons described in the Method), our associates may havebeen more weakly related to the target words. The freerecall results permit us to ask if our materials and pro-cedures produced a conceptual repetition effect in freerecall.

Free Recall. As shown in the bottom row of Table 2, aconceptual repetition effect did occur, with mean propor-tion of items recalled being greater in both the target +associate (.45) and target + target (.43) conditions than inthe target condition (.25). Thus, both conceptual and exactrepetition exerted a positive effect on recall of targets,although there was no difference in the amount ofinfluence they had. In addition, it can be seen that presen-tation of associates alone did not induce "recall" of thetarget. A within-subjects ANOVA revealed a significantmain effect of study condition, F{3,42) = 6.32, MSe = .024.Planned comparisons confirmed initial observations,showing that proportions recalled of words presented inboth conceptual, t(14) = 3.96, SEM = .05, and exact,t(14) = 2.76, SEM = .06, repetition conditions were greaterthan recall of words presented only once. The slightdifference between the two repetition conditions •was notreliable, though, t < 1.

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Conceptual Repetition Effects 63

These results indicate that the lack of conceptual repeti-tion effects on category instance generation and category-cued recall tests cannot be attributed to a weakness in thestudy manipulation because conceptual repetition affectedperformance on the free recall test. In fact, the conceptualrepetition effect was of the same magnitude (.20) as thatobtained by Roediger and Challis (1992, Experiment 2),who reported a .17 conceptual repetition effect in freerecall. The constraints we imposed in constructing ourmaterials by not using category coordinates did notweaken the conceptual repetition effect in free recall.Therefore, we can accept the results as producing adissociation of conceptual memory tests: conceptualrepetition enhanced free recall performance but left theimplicit test of category instance generation and its explicitcounterpart (i.e., category cued recall) unaffected. Thispattern is not consistent with our predictions, which werebased on the transfer appropriate processing account ofmemory performance. We expected the three conceptualtests to behave alike and predicted that all would beaffected by conceptual repetition.

In Experiment 2, we sought to instantiate conceptualrepetition in another (stronger) manipulation. We changedour materials so that conceptual repetition was achievedby presentation of pictures and their corresponding words.If the pattern of results obtained in Experiment 1 werereplicated even with a stronger manipulation, then thedifficulties for transfer appropriate processing would bemore fully established.

Experiment 2We used six study conditions in Experiment 2: (1) apicture presented once (hereafter called the picture condi-tion); (2) a word presented once (the word condition); (3)a picture followed by the word that names it (the picture+ word condition); (4) a word followed by a picture ofthe concept (the word + picture condition); (5) a picturepresented twice (the picture + picture condition); and (6)a word presented twice (the word + word condition). Fivetests were used: free recall, category instance generation,category cued recall, word fragment completion, and wordfragment cued recall. Numerous comparisons can be madeamong these conditions; we discuss the picture-wordcomparison and the conceptual repetition conditionsbelow.

On tests of free recall and recognition, pictures areremembered better than words, a finding called the picturesuperiority effect (Paivio, 1971; Paivio, Rogers, & Smythe,1968). Although a number of explanations for this findinghave been proposed, all essentially attribute it to picturesproducing more elaborate or distinctive encoding thanwords (e.g., Paivio, 1971; Nelson, 1979). In transferappropriate processing terms, pictures produce moreconceptual elaboration than do words; therefore, perform-ance on free recall is higher following the study ofpictures. According to transfer appropriate processingtheory, pictures should therefore produce better perform-ance than words on other conceptual memory tests. Thus,we expected to find greater retention for pictures than for

words on free recall, category instance generation, andcategory cued recall.

The picture superiority effect has been shown to besensitive to the retrieval demands of tests; that is, althoughit is obtained on conceptual tests (e.g., free recall andrecognition), it can disappear and even be reversed onperceptual tests, when the match of physical featuresbetween study and test is an important determinant of testperformance. Thus, for example, on the word fragmentcompletion test, words produce more priming than dopictures (McDermott & Roediger, 1994; Rajaram &Roediger, 1994; Roediger et. al., 1992; Weldon & Roedi-ger, 1987). We expected to replicate this finding in Experi-ment 2 on the implicit word fragment completion test.

The primary question driving this experiment waswhether conceptual repetition achieved by presenting botha picture and a •word would enhance priming on theconceptual test of category instance generation. Paivio andCsapo (1973) showed that following a word with itscorresponding picture enhanced performance on a freerecall test (.23 recall) relative to simply presenting thepicture (.14) or word (.07). Weldon et al. (1995) replicatedthis finding in word recognition. Therefore, according totransfer appropriate processing theory, the conceptual testsof category instance generation and category cued recallshould show the same pattern of results: the picture +word (or •word + picture) condition should producehigher rates of performance than the picture condition,and the picture condition should produce higher perform-ance than the word condition. In addition, according tothe same logic, pictures should produce more primingthan words on the category instance generation test. Freerecall was also included in an attempt to replicate thepattern of results obtained by Weldon et al. (1995) andPaivio and Csapo (1973) with our materials and to com-pare the results to the category instance generation andcategory cued recall tests.

METHODSubjects and DesignSubjects were 360 U.S. Air Force recruits tested atLackland Air Force Base. Each subject studied either (1)pictures; and pictures followed by their correspondingwords or (2) words; and words followed by their corre-sponding pictures. Each subject then took one of the fivetypes of memory test. Therefore, a 2 (Format of target:picture or word) x 3 (Presentation condition: singlepresentation, conceptual repetition, or nonstudied ) x 5(Test type: free recall, category instance generation,category cued recall, word fragment completion, wordfragment cued recall) mixed design was used. Number ofpresentations was varied within-subjects, whereas formatof the target items and test type were manipulatedbetween-subjects.

MaterialsTwenty-one items were selected from the Snodgrass andVanderwart (1980) norms to serve as materials. Items weredivided into three groups of 7 for purposes of counterbal-

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64 McDermott and Roediger

ancing. Each subject studied 7 items in a single presenta-tion condition (picture or word), 7 in a conceptualrepetition condition (picture + word or word + picture)and 7 items were not studied but served as baselinemeasures in the later memory tests. Repetitions werealways massed. Each subject received the study items in arandom order, which was determined separately for eachsubject.Test sheets for the four cued memory tests contained cues

for all 21 items (14 of which had been studied and 7 ofwhich had not) as well as 7 filler items. Therefore, half ofthe tested items referred to studied items on both theimplicit and explicit tests with word fragment and cat-egory name cues.

ProcedureSubjects were tested in groups of 40 or fewer. Until thetest instructions were administered, all subjects weretreated exactly alike. Subjects were led to believe that theywere participating in an experiment about language. Studymaterials were presented by means of a computer monitorcontrolled by Micro Experimental Laboratory software(Schneider, 1988). Each picture and word was presentedfor 3.5 s and followed immediately by a prompt forsubjects to rate the item (word or picture) on a scale ofone to seven according to its degree of pleasantness. Theprompt for the pleasantness judgment remained on thescreen until the subject made a response. For each subject,seven target items were assigned to the single presentationcondition (i.e., picture or word) and seven items to therepetition condition (i.e., picture followed by the wordthat names it or vice versa). In the repetition condition,subjects rated both the picture and the word for pleasant-ness. Thus, they saw, for example, a picture for 3.5 s,rated its pleasantness, then saw the word that names thepicture for 3.5 s and then rated its pleasantness. Threefiller items were assigned to each study condition. There-fore, a total of 30 pictures and words were shown.

Following the presentation of study items, subjectsparticipated in a five minute distractor task of completingword stems. None of the stems presented in this taskcorresponded to items that had been studied. Subjectswere then given the instructions appropriate to their testcondition.

Subjects receiving the free recall test were given linedsheets of paper and asked to write down the names ofitems that they had earlier rated for pleasantness, withoutguessing. Further, they were instructed to recall the namesof items regardless of whether they had seen them aspictures or words (or both). They were told that they hadeight minutes in which to perform the task and to try forthe entire time.

Subjects in the other test conditions were given instruc-tions similar to those in Experiment 1. In the cued recalltests (with category names and words fragments as cues),they were always told to provide an answer if they couldremember an item that was presented earlier and fit thecue. They were instructed that they should provide ananswer regardless of whether they had seen the item as a

TABLE 3Mean Proportion of Target Items Produced as a Function of StudyCondition and Test Type in Experiment 2.

Test Cue

None (Free Recall)

Word Fragment

Category Names

Test Instructions
























P + W
















Note. P refers to presentation of a picture once, W to presentationof a word once, P + VC to presentation of a picture followed by theword that names it, and W + P to presentation of a "word followedby a corresponding picture.

picture or word (or both). However, they were told thatsome cues did not correspond to studied items and thatthey should not try to guess. In the category instancegeneration task, subjects were asked to write down asmany instances of each category as they could in theallotted time. In the word fragment completion task,subjects were instructed to fill the blanks in each fragmentto form the first word they thought of that fit the frag-ment. Emphasis was placed on responding as quickly aspossible with the first word to come to mind. The pacingof the cued tests was as in Experiment 1 at the same 20s/cue pace.

RESULTSResults of Experiment 2 are shown in Table 3. We discussthe results for each test separately. Seven of the 360subjects were discarded from analyses due to their obviousfailure to follow instructions (e.g., producing extraordinar-ily high false recall rates on an explicit test).

Free Recall. This test was included to insure that wereplicated past results. We did by obtaining (1) thestandard picture superiority effect, with pictures producing.46 recall and words producing .37 recall, £(68) = 1.93,SEM = .05, and (2) a conceptual repetition effect, with theconceptual repetition conditions produced greater recall(mean of .60) than the single presentation conditions (.42).A t-test between the picture + word condition and thepicture condition confirmed this claim, £(34) = 3.96,SEM = .03. Note also that the picture + word and word+ picture conditions produced remarkably similar results.We made no differential predictions for these conditions,and their similarity further suggests that the differencebetween the picture and word conditions cannot beattributed to differences in subject groups.

Word Fragment Completion. Consistent with predic-tions, the word fragment completion test showed nopicture superiority effect; indeed, there was no reliablepriming (.04) from the picture condition, whereas the

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Conceptual Repetition Effects 65

word condition exhibited substantial priming (.27). Theseobservations were confirmed by planned comparisons,£(35) < 1 for pictures and £(35) = 5.6, SEM = .05 forwords. These findings replicate those of Weldon andRoediger (1987), among others.

Presenting both a picture and a word did not enhancepriming on the word fragment completion test (mean of.27 priming) above the rate with which fragments werecompleted after presentation of the word alone (also .27priming). Thus, as predicted, the sole determinant ofpriming on this test was whether the perceptual featuresof the study and test stimuli matched; the conceptualelaboration provided by viewing a picture in addition tothe word did not enhance priming on this (perceptual)test.

Word Fragment Cued Recall. On the word fragmentcued recall test, we obtained superior recall of words (.58)relative to pictures (.46), t(69) = 2.03, SEM = .06. Inaddition, a conceptual repetition effect was observed, withthe conceptual repetition conditions producing enhancedrecall (.69) relative to the one-presentation word condition(.58). The difference between recall in the word conditionand in the word + picture condition was reliable,£(34) = 1.89, SEM = .05. Performance in all conditions wasgreater than the false recall rate of .05.

These results are fully consistent with transfer appropri-ate processing theory and with previous results in theliterature (Weldon et al., 1989; Weldon et al., 1995).Transfer appropriate processing theory assumes that whentest cues that are perceptually impoverished (e.g., wordfragments or word stems) are used with explicit testinstructions, a conceptual component is added to thealready-existing perceptual component of the test. There-fore, although these tests still exhibit sensitivity tomatches and mismatches in perceptual features betweenstudy and test episodes (e.g., a word superiority effect ona word fragment cued recall test), they also show aconceptual component, which is invoked by the nature ofintentional recollection. By this logic, words producegreater recall than pictures because priming aids theresolution of the word fragment in this condition. How-ever, a conceptual repetition effect is obtained due to thegreater elaboration of these items at study (see Weldon etal., 1995, for further explication).

Category Instance Generation. Results in this conditiondid not turn out as predicted by transfer appropriateprocessing theory. There was no picture superiority effect,with pictures producing .04 priming and words producing.07 priming. In fact, there was only minimal (statisticallynonsignificant) priming in both the single presentationconditions, £(34) = 1.62, SEM - .04, p = .057 for wordsand £(35) = 1.01, SEM = .04 for pictures. Priming in theconceptual repetition conditions was numerically greater(and different from zero, for picture + word £(35) = 1.73,SEM = .04 and word + picture £(34) = 2.71, SEM = .04).However, tests of significance between the picture andpicture + word condition, £(35) < 1, and the word andword + picture conditions, £(34) = 1.2, SEM = .04, werenonsignificant. Thus, we obtained (1) only very weak

support for our hypothesis that a conceptual repetitioneffect would obtain on this test, and (2) no picturesuperiority effect.

Category Cued Recall. On the category cued recall test,we obtained a picture superiority effect: Pictures wererecalled at a higher rate (.63) than words (.46). This resultallows us to infer that the implicit test was in fact measur-ing incidental retrieval because factors having sizableeffects on cued recall did not produce any effect on theimplicit version of the test. However, only a small (.05)increase in recall occurred when both a picture and aword had been presented at study (relative to when apicture alone had been presented).1 Finally, the false recallrate on this test was .03.

Statistical analyses confirmed the above description ofthe data. Pictures were recalled at a level reliably higherthan words, £(67) = 3.24, SEM = .05. However, a testbetween the picture and picture + word conditionsshowed that items in the picture + word condition werenot recalled at a higher level, f(33) < 1.

DISCUSSIONResults from this experiment combined with those ofExperiment 1 are puzzling. In both cases, conceptualmanipulations exerted powerful effects on free recall butnull effects or only hints of effects on category instancegeneration and category. cued recall. Furthermore, inExperiment 2 we dissociated category instance generationand category cued recall: category instance generationshowed no picture superiority effect, whereas categorycued recall reflected this effect. In addition, the conceptualrepetition effect was more robust in cued recall than incategory instance generation.

Experiment 3The inspiration for Experiment 3 lies in the distinctionbetween item-specific and relational processing (Einstein &Hunt, 1980): item specific processing engenders thinkingabout some specific aspects of an item (e.g., the meaningof a word) without regard to the context in which theitem occurs; relational processing involves associating orrelating items with other items. Einstein and Hunt haveshown that the two types of processing make uniquecontributions to memory performance (see Hunt &McDaniel, 1993, for a review). Obviously, for a concept-ual repetition manipulation to take effect, subjects wouldhave to process relations between words (targets and theirassociates or pictures and their names). However, we hadsubjects rating pleasantness of items, the task used in Huntand Einstein's (1981) experiments to study item-specificprocessing. Perhaps we failed to find conceptual repetitioneffects in Experiments 1 and 2 because subjects failed to

1 Note that if the word + picture and word conditions are com-pared, it could be argued that a conceptual repetition effect wasobtained. However, because a picture superiority effect occurred,we chose the more conservative comparison (to the picturecondition) as the baseline condition from which to measurerepetition effects.

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66 McDermott and Roediger

interrelate studied words sufficiently.2 Therefore, inExperiment 3 we sought to enhance the relational process-ing subjects gave to items by having them rate each wordaccording to how related it was to the immediately-preceding word. The same materials as in Experiment 1were used here.

Note that some degree of relational processing musthave been invoked in our earlier experiments becauseconceptual repetition exerted powerful effects on freerecall. Nevertheless, we wanted to see whether strengthen-ing this type of processing in Experiment 3 might produceparallel effects on category instance generation andcategory cued recall.

METHODSubjectsSixty Rice University students served as subjects in returnfor course credit.

DesignA 5 (study condition: target, target + associate, target +target, associate, nonstudied) X 2 (test type: categoryinstance generation or category cued recall) mixed designwas used. Study condition was manipulated withinsubjects and test condition was manipulated betweensubjects.

MaterialsThe same target words and associates as in Experiment 1were used in this experiment. In addition, the categorycues given at test remained the same.

ProcedureSubjects were told that they were participating in anexperiment designed to investigate the relatedness ofwords. They were told that they would see words pres-ented one at a time on the computer screen and that theirtask was always to judge the degree to which the wordwas meaningfully related to the word that had immediate-ly preceded it. Several examples were given, using a ratingscale of 1 to 7, with 1 representing not at all related and7 representing extremely related. It was explained thatsometimes they would see the same word twice in a rowand that these items should be considered maximallyrelated. Each word was presented for 5 s and immediatelyfollowed by the rating scale.

Until presentation of the test instructions, all subjectswere treated identically. Test instructions were the sameas those given in Experiments 1 and 2. To summarizebriefly, subjects in the category instance generation taskwere instructed to fill in as many instances of a givencategory as they could produce in 20 s. In the categorycued recall test, subjects were told to write an instance ofa category beside the cue only if they could think of aninstance of the category that they had studied previously.In this task, also, 20 s were allotted for each category.

We thank Teresa Blaxton for suggesting this possibility to us.

TABLE 4Mean Proportion of Target Items Produced as a Function of StudyCondition and Test Type in Experiment 3.

Test Cue


Test Instructions

Names Implicitpruning






Study Condition


.41 .36

.19 .14

.55 .40








Note. T refers to the study condition in which the target word waspresented once, T + A to that in which the target was followed by asemantic associate, T + T to the condition in which the target waspresented twice in succession, A to that in which the associate waspresented alone, and NS to the nonstudied (baseline) condition.

RESULTSResults are shown in Table 4. We discuss first the categoryinstance generation test and then the category cued recalltest.

Category instance generation. Priming was obtained inthe following three conditions: target; target + associate;and target + target. In addition, we obtained a conceptualrepetition effect: priming was greater in the target +associate condition (.19) than in the target condition (-08).Priming in the direct repetition condition fell between theother two conditions, with .14 priming. No indirectpriming (.00) occurred from presentation of the associate.

Statistical analyses confirmed the above descriptions. Aone-way ANOVA on the study conditions found a reliableeffect of study conditions, F{4, 29) = 7.9, MSe = .21, whichindicates that an overall priming effect was obtained.Planned comparisons revealed reliable priming in thetarget condition, t(29) = 2.24, SEM = .03, the conceptualrepetition condition, t(29) = 4.45, SEM = .04, and theexact repetition condition, t(29) = 3.37, SEM = .04. Thedifference between the amount of priming obtained in thetarget condition and the target + associate condition wasreliable, t(29) = 2.5, SEM = .04. However, the conditionin which the target was presented twice failed to producereliably greater priming than the single presentationcondition, t(29) = 1.26, p = .11 SEM = .05.

Category cued recall. The pattern of performance on thecued recall test mirrored that obtained on its implicitcounterpart. The conceptual repetition condition producedthe highest level of recall of the target items (.55), thesingle presentation condition produced the lowest level(.35), and the direct repetition condition fell in between(.40).

Statistical analyses showed that the target + associatecondition produced reliably greater recall than the condi-tion in which the target was presented twice, t(29) = 3.36,SEM = .04. When the target was presented twice, recallwas not reliably higher than when the target •was pres-ented once t(29) = 1.14, SEM = .04, p = .13.

DISCUSSIONThe principal result in this experiment is that bothcategory instance generation and category cued recall

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Conceptual Repetition Effects 67

exhibited conceptual repetition effects. When subjectswere given instructions to process relations between thestudied words, following a word with an associateenhanced performance on the tests (relative to the one-presentation conditions). Both tests also showed a numeri-cal advantage of direct repetition (relative to the one-presentation condition), although this difference did notreach significance in either case.

General DiscussionThe three experiments reported here were designed to testRoediger's (1990; Roediger et al., 1989) transfer appropri-ate processing approach to explaining dissociationsbetween memory tests. The results are mixed. Predictionsof the theory were upheld on three tests — free recall,word fragment cued recall and word fragment completion.However, on two other tests, category instance generationand category cued recall, the predictions were at variancewith the results. We discuss results of each of the tests inturn before ending with some remarks that may point theway for future research.

Free Recall. Free recall was included as a test in Experi-ments 1 and 2 because it is considered the quintessentialconceptual test, and we wanted to see if manipulation ofconceptual repetition would affect free recall. If it did not,then null effects in the other tests would not be surpris-ing. In Experiment 1 we showed that following a targetword by a weak associate boosted recall of the targetword. In Experiment 2 we showed that following a word(or a picture) by a picture (or a word) also enhanced recallof the target. In addition, in Experiment 2 we showed apicture superiority effect in free recall. Therefore, the freerecall results replicate past findings and show that ourmanipulations did have the intended effects.

Word Fragment Completion. The implicit test of wordfragment completion has been classified as a perceptualimplicit test (Roediger, 1990), and therefore we expected(a) little or no cross form priming from pictures, (b) noindirect priming, and (c) no conceptual repetition effect.These predictions were all upheld in Experiments 1 and 2.Presenting associates or pictures produced no priming ofthe target item on the word fragment completion test, andfollowing a target word by either an associate or a picturefailed to increase priming over single presentation of thetarget word. In addition, massed presentation of the targetdid not enhance priming relative to a single presentation.These results are all consistent with the transfer appropri-ate processing view and largely replicate prior work(especially Challis & Sidhu, 1993; Roediger & Challis,1992; Weldon & Roediger, 1987, and Weldon et al., 1995).

Word Fragment Cued Recall. Roediger et al. (1989)suggested that explicit tests involving perceptuallydegraded cues such as word fragments are sensitive to bothperceptual and conceptual factors. The degraded fragmentmust be resolved (so perceptual factors will be importantin this process) and then subjects must use the cue torecollect information from their past, which is assumed toinvolve conceptual processes. Therefore, results obtainedon this test should reflect a mixture of perceptual and

conceptual processes. The results of Experiments 1 and 2bear out this assumption. The study of words producedgreater recall than did the study of pictures in Experiment2, and conceptual repetition enhanced recall in bothExperiments 1 and 2. The word/picture results are likethose obtained by Weldon et al. (1989, 1995), whereas theconceptual repetition results of Experiment 1 have notbeen obtained previously. Word fragment cued recallbehaved as expected from the transfer appropriate process-ing view.

Category Instance Generation. This implicit memory testhas been shown to produce a generation effect, a level ofprocessing effect, and an effect of organization, asreviewed in the Introduction. Therefore, we fully expectedto obtain an effect of conceptual repetition, as well as apicture superiority effect, on this test. However, in thefirst two experiments, we failed to obtain an effect ofconceptual repetition, and in Experiment 2, we did notobtain a picture superiority .effect, either. Weldon andCoyote (in press) have also obtained equal priming frompictures and words on conceptual implicit memory tests.

In Experiment 3 we did obtain a conceptual repetitioneffect (using the associate materials), but only when studyconditions emphasized relational processing. Therefore,although the category instance generation test can reveala conceptual repetition effect, it did not do so in Experi-ments 1 and 2 under the same conditions that producedthe effect in free recall. Therefore, we found dissociationsbetween two conceptual tests, free recall and categoryinstance generation. Clearly, this pattern contradictspredictions of Roediger's (1990) transfer appropriateprocessing view. However, the present results do permitus to conclude that the category instance generation taskmeets the retrieval intentionality criterion for an implicittest. As discussed in the next section, the pattern of resultsfrom the category instance generation test differed fromthat on the category cued recall test with all conditionsheld constant except the type of instructions given at test(implicit or explicit). Therefore, performance on theimplicit test was not compromised by conscious recollec-tion. Despite the fact that category names are powerfulretrieval cues, they do not automatically provoke con-scious recollection when used with implicit test instruc-tions.

Category Cued Recall. This test was assumed to repre-sent another strongly conceptual test, as defined in thetransfer appropriate processing view. However, the patternof results obtained from it differed not only from thecategory instance generation test in Experiments 1 and 2,as just mentioned, but also (in some cases) from thepattern of free recall. For example, a strong effect of bothexact and conceptual repetition occurred in free recall, butneither effect occurred in the category cued recall data. InExperiment 2, a picture superiority effect occurred incategory cued recall, as in free recall, but adding a word toa picture greatly augmented free recall but had only aslight and nonsignificant effect in category cued recall.

In short, category cued recall showed important differ-ences between both category instance generation and free

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68 McDermott and Roediger

recall. According to Roediger's (1990) transfer appropriateprocessing view, all three tasks should have behavedsimilarly.

Theoretical Implications. A large body of evidence hasbeen generated that, in general, supports the transferappropriate processing view for explaining dissociationsbetween memory tests (see Roediger & McDermott, 1993for a review). Of course not all the evidence is uniformlysupportive (see Masson & MacLeod, 1992; Tenpenny &Shoben 1991; Toth & Hunt, 1990, for some exceptions).On tests using word fragment cues, the results of thepresent experiments generally supported the transferappropriate processing approach; however, the resultsfrom tests using category names (whether with explicit orimplicit instructions) produced discrepant results.

How might the theory be elaborated to account fordissociations among conceptual tests? We can consider ananalogous situation in perceptual implicit memory tests,where it has long been clear that the match of particularperceptual features between study and test greatly affectspriming. For example, studying words primes performanceon a word fragment completion test but not a picturefragment identification test; conversely, studying picturesprimes the picture fragment identification test but notword fragment completion (Weldon & Roediger, 1987,Experiment 4). The present results argue that distinctionsprobably need to be made between forms of conceptualprocesses. That is, transfer appropriate processing theoryhas assumed that all conceptual processes are generallysimilar. In all likelihood, this assumption is wrong.Distinctions between different kinds of conceptual pro-cesses must be made. For example Cabeza (1994) hasrecently shown that two conceptual implicit memory testscan be dissociated. He compared priming on the categoryinstance generation test with priming on a word associ-ation test. Study conditions involved either generatingcategory labels for items or generating associates to items.Priming was greater from the study condition involvingcategory label generation on the category instance gener-ation test, relative to the word association study condition.Conversely, priming on the word association test wasgreater following the word association study conditionthan the category label generation condition. These resultspoint to the necessity of distinguishing different types ofconceptual processes. Although it is clear that transferappropriate processing theory must be altered to accountfor the results, we must leave specific developments forthe future.

The transfer appropriate processing ideas were original-ly introduced as an alternative to postulating multiplememory systems to explain dissociations between tests.Over the years, these two approaches have come to beseen as complementary rather than as competitive (seeRoediger & McDermott, 1993, and Schacter, 1990; 1992,for the suggested rapprochement). Nonetheless, it is worthspending a paragraph considering how current multiplememory systems (e.g., Squire, 1994; Schacter, 1994) mightaccount for these results. Generally, dissociations betweenexplicit and implicit memory tests are accounted for by

postulating separate declarative and nondeclarative mem-ory systems (Squire, 1987) or distinguishing betweenepisodic memory and a perceptual representation system(Tulving & Schacter, 1990). Although these theories wouldbe well-equipped to explain dissociations in our experi-ments between some explicit and implicit tests (e.g. thosewe have reported between free recall and primed wordfragment completion), these theories are ill-equipped toexplain differences found between free recall and categorycued recall. After all, both are explicit (episodic) memorytests and therefore one may expect that variables shouldaffect them similarly. Thus, in addition to being problem-atic to transfer appropriate processing views, some of thepresent data are not easily aligned with current versions ofmultiple memory systems theories either.

One approach to explaining test differences thatborrows from both the multiple memory systems theoriesand from the transfer appropriate processing ideas is thecomponential theory espoused in one form or another byTenpenny and Shoben (1991), Hintzman (1990), andMoscovitch (1994; Witherspoon & Moscovitch, 1989).These authors argue that each memory test can be con-sidered as composed of various component processes. Testsmay share some processes in common, but others willdiffer on any two tests that can be dissociated. To theextent that manipulations affect similar processes, associ-ations will be found when comparing tests. To the extentthat manipulations affect different processes on the varioustests, then test differences will be found (Hintzman, 1990).Although this approach is vague unless the componentprocesses are specified in detail, they at least permit abeginning towards understanding dissociations that areproblematic for the other views. For example, findingdissociations between category cued recall and categoryinstance generation or dissociations between free recall andrecognition (as in the word frequency effect; see Balota &Neely, 1980), or between free recall and category cuedrecall (as in the present Experiments 1 and 2) are problem-atic for all extant theories of test differences. In order toexplain such differences, it will be necessary to describethe component processes underlying each test, to notewhich processes distinguish the various tests, and todetermine what variables affect the different components.This elucidation remains as a challenge for the future.

This research was supported by Grant F49620-92-J-0437 fromthe Air Force Office of Scientific Research to the secondauthor. Correspondence concerning this article may beaddressed to the authors at the Department of Psychology, MS25, Rice University, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005-1892 orvia electronic mail to [email protected] or [email protected].

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SommaireLes effets de repetition

lors de tests de memoire implicite conceptuels

Trois experiences ont ete menees pour verifier si un testde memoire implicite conceptuel (specifiquement, laproduction de membres de categories) montrerait des effetsde repetition semblables a ceux que Ton trouve dans lerappel libre. Le traitement adapte au transfert afferent auxdissociations implicite et explicite entre les tests de memoi-re, comme l'avance Roediger (1990), nous a amene apredire que les tests montreraient des effets paralleles.Cette prediction etait basee sur Phypothese de la theoriedu traitement adapte au transfert qui veut que les testsconceptuels agissent comme une fonction a multiplesvariables independantes (voir Roediger et Blaxton, 1987a).Nous nous attendions done a ce que Pamorcage surPepreuve de production de membres de categories soitameliore autant par la repetition exacte (presenter Pitemcible deux fois) que par la repetition conceptuelle (presen-ter Pitem cible suivi d'un item semantiquement sembla-ble). Au cours de la premiere experience, la repetitionconceptuelle a ete instanciee en faisant suivre un mot cible(puzzle par exemple) par une association (casse-tete parexemple); cette manipulation n'a pas augmente Pamorcagedu test de production de membres de categories quand lemot n'etait presente qu'une seule fois bien que la manipu-

lation ait affecte le rappel libre. De meme, deux represen-tations du mot cible n'ont pas augmente Pamorcage dansla production de membres de categories mais Pont aug-mente dans le rappel libre (dans le cas d'une seule presen-tation). Dans la deuxieme experience, la repetition concep-tuelle a ete atteinte en faisant suivre une image par le motcorrespondant (ou vice versa). Dans ce cas, il y eut uneffet de repetition conceptuelle sur le rappel libre mais pasd'effet significatif sur la production de membres decategories ou le rappel par indices. De plus, nous avonsobtenu un effet de superiorite de l'image dans le rappellibre mais pas dans la production de membres de catego-ries. Au cours de la troisieme experience, en utilisant lameme sequence d'etude que celle de la premiere experien-ce, mais avec des consignes differentes qui encourageaientle traitement relationnel, Pamorcage sur Pepreuve deproduction de membres de categories fut augmente a lafois par la repetition conceptuelle et par la repetitionexacte. Les resultats demontrent que les tests de memoireconceptuels peuvent etre dissocies et ne valident pas lesdissociations entre les tests de memoire explicite etimplicite du traitement adapte au transfert de Roediger(1990).

Revue canadienne de psychologie experimentale, 1996, 50:1, 71