Universidad Nacional de La Pampa Facultad de Ciencias Humanas Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014 NIVEL POST-INTERMEDIO

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

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Page 1: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas

Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa

Año 2014


Page 2: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

Nivel: POST-INTERMEDIO Paper: READING (90 min)

A. Read the following text.

You are going to read an article in which four people comment on a book

they have read recently.

A – Kerry

Sundance by Teresa Wilson I really don't know why this book is so popular. I mean, I suppose it is

going to appeal to young girls who want danger and romance, but I found this book really tedious. For a start, the characters were really unconvincing. The author went out of her way to add lots of details about the characters, but I found these details really pointless. I thought

that some of the facts she presented about the main characters would become significant in some way later in the novel, but they didn't. They were just worthless bits of information. I also was disappointed that,

although this book is meant to be about kids at high school, the writer seems to have no recollection at all about what it's like to be 17. The main character thought and acted like a 32-year old. It just wasn't

believable. I'm not saying Teresa Wilson is a bad writer. She can obviously string words together and come up with a story that is appealing to a large number of people, but she lacks anything original.

There is no flair. It just uses the same sort of language as you can see in many other mediocre novels.

B - Liz

Wild Ways by Margery Emerson

I have to say that I won't forget this book for a long time. I was hooked from the very first chapter. The devastating story affected me so much that I don't know if I'll ever feel the same again. I was close to tears on

several occasions. I've got images in my brain now that I don't think will ever leave me. It's incredibly well-researched and, although it is fiction, is based on shocking real-life events. I learned an awful lot about things

that went on that I never knew before. Margaret Emerson has a brill iant way with words and I really felt real empathy towards the characters, although I was sometimes irritated by the choices they made. However,

the parallel story, the part that is set in the present, is not quite so good. I found myself just flicking through that part so that I could get back to 1940s Paris.

C – Imogen

Orchid by Henry Rathbone

This is a delightful novel full of wonderful imagery, which paints a

remarkable picture of life in a distant time and a far-away place. If you're looking to learn about Eastern culture in great detail, then this is probably not the book for you, as the writer skims over most of the

more complicated aspects of the country's etiquette. The historical

Page 3: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

aspects are also not covered in much depth. However, I wonder whether

this was the writer's intention. By doing this, he symbolises the superficiality of the girl's life. She, like the book, is beautiful and eager to please, but remains too distant from us, the readers, to teach us

much. Although I loved the book and read it in one sitting, the ending was a bit of a disappointment. A story which involves so much turmoil, in a place where the future is uncertain, should not have a happy-ever-after fairy-tale ending.

D – Hannah

High Hills by Mary Holland

I read this book for a literature class. I know it's a classic, and I did try to like it, but I just didn't get into it. I kept persevering, hoping that I'd start to enjoy it, but no such luck. The famous scene out on the moors

was definitely the best bit of the book, but even that I found ridiculous when it is clearly supposed to be passionate. As I approached the end of the book, I figured there must be some kind of moral to the story,

something that I would learn from the experience of trudging through seven hundred long pages, but there was nothing worthwhile. I don't know why the literary world sees this book as such a masterpiece. The characters are portrayed as being intelligent, but they do such stupid

things! And as for it being a love story - marrying someone you don't love and then being abused by them - that doesn't spell love to me.

1. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from sentences a-d the one which fits each gap (1-4). There is one extra

sentence which you do not need to use.

a. which paints a remarkable picture of life in a distant time and a far-away place.

b. I also was disappointed that, although this book is meant to be about kids at high school, the writer seems to have no recollection at all about what it's like to be 17.

c. The role did not entirely suit her. d. I kept persevering, hoping that I'd start to enjoy it, but

no such luck.

e. I was close to tears on several occasions.

2. For questions 1-15, choose from the people A-D. The people may be

chosen more than once.

Which person read a book which...

1. was set in an Oriental country Imogen

2. finished in an unrealistic way Imogen

3. had characters that the reader could sympathise with Liz

4. is well-known and was written a long time ago Hannah

5. contained two stories Liz

6. was not set in the past Kerry

7. was historically accurate Liz

Page 4: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

8. made the reader cry Liz

9. contained insignificant details Kerry

10. has a well-known scene Hannah

11. is written for teenagers Kerry

12. had unbelievable characters Kerry

13. is classed as romantic fiction Hannah

14. contains nothing new in the way of writing Kerry

15. has an attractive but shallow heroine Imogen

3. Choose, from the options below, a suitable explanation for the meaning of

the underlined words in these phrases extracted from the reading.

a. but I found this book really tedious.

i. monotonous

ii. everlasting

iii. painful

b. There is no flair.

i. discernment

ii. talent

iii. interest

c. I was hooked from the very first chapter.

i. very enthusiastic

ii. obssessed

iii. surprised

d. I found myself just flicking through that part

i. reading slowly

ii. reading silently

iii. reading quickly

e. I loved the book and read it in one sitting

i. in a sitting position

ii. without interrupting my reading

iii. in a meeting

f. I figured there must be some kind of moral to the story

i. took into consideration

ii. concluded or thought

iii. solved the puzzle

g. but there was nothing worthwhile.

i. that I wanted to learn from reading it

ii. sufficiently troublesome to justify the time spent

iii. sufficiently rewarding to justify the time spent

Page 5: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

B. Read the following text.

1. You are going to read a magazine article about a woman who goes gliding.

Seven paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the

paragraphs (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra

paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the

beginning (0).


Twelve months ago, it was Lyn Ferguson

who had the honour of cutting the ribbon

to declare our Oakham Distribution

Centre and offices open.

0 / ........H........

‘I had my first glider flight when I was

16, but it wasn’t until January 1986 that I

took it up seriously. My boys had gone to

school, I had lots of spare time and I

thought, ‘What am I going to do?’ It just

so happened that I had the opportunity to

go up in a glider as a passenger to see if I

liked it. I did.’

1 / ........B........

‘Really, it’s very easy. All you need is

coordination. The average person needs

about 60 flights before they can go solo,

completely alone, which sounds a lot, but

the average instruction flight only takes

around eight minutes, so training doesn’t

take long. I once did eleven trips in a day

when I was training.’

2 / ........D........

‘Well, once you’ve done it alone, you can

register with the British Gliding

Association, then work towards your

Bronze Badge. Each badge after that is

about height, distance and endurance.

3 / ........G........

Then, there are 10 km flights (straight out

and back to the beginning), and 300 km

flights, which show navigation skills.

They’re flown in a triangle starting and

finishing at the airfield.’

4 / ........E........

‘Once, when I was in Australia, I lost

height whilst attempting a 300 km flight

and had to select a field to land in.

Luckily, I spotted a field with a tractor in

it and was able to land there. I think the

farmer was pretty surprised when a glider

suddenly landed next to him! He did let

me use his phone, though.’

5 / ........A........

‘When you have a student who’s finding

things difficult, you convince them that

they can do it. When they do, they’re so

pleased with themselves. When you land

and they say “I can do it”, it’s brilliant.’

6 / ........C........

‘Flying is the main part, but there are

other angles too. Gliding is like

everything else. What you put in is what

you get out. It’s all about team work too.

Everybody mucks in to push gliders

around, pull cables in and generally help

out. You can’t do it on your own. I’ve

met people in gliding from all walks of

life, from lots of different countries, that I

would never have met if I didn’t go


So, next time you see a glider soaring

overhead, it may well be Lyn flying her

way to another badge or, knowing her

love of the sport, just gliding for the sheer

fun of it.

Page 6: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

A. After eight years g lid ing experience , Lyn has achieved her Bronze

and Si lver Badg es and i s an Ass i s tant Rated Ins tructor. She hopes

to go on and earn more badges , as well as becoming a Full Rated

Ins tructor in the future. Her role as ins tructor p rovides her wi th

some of g lid ing’ s most rewarding moments .

B. To those of us on the ground gaz ing up , the p i lot ’ s ski lls are there

for a ll to see, as the g lider soars effort less ly on the warm ai r

thermals . Lyn i s not one to boas t about her tra ining though.

C. But for a ll the achievement of solo f li ght, g lider p i lots have to

work for one another, and t hi s i s another s ide of g lid ing that Lyn

enjoys and appreciates .

D. So wi th the f i rs t so lo f li ght behind you, what’ s next?

E. Lyn thinks for a moment when she’ s asked i f she’ s ever had any

emergencies to contend wi th.

F. As a result , a fr i end of hers f lew in a g lide r a longs ide her a long

the Innsbruck Valley a t mountain top height . . . that’ s around

seven thousand, four hundred feet .

G. To get the Si lver, for example, you have to get over 1,000 m in

height, complete a f ive -hour f li ght and then a 50 km f light to a

des ignated a i rf i eld.

H. As PA to our Managing Director, Lyn has to be pretty level -

headed, but in her spare t ime, she likes nothing better than to

have her head in the c louds , indulg ing in her pass ion for g lid ing.

1. Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE, according to the text you read. Correct the false ones.

a. Lyn Ferguson took up gliding when she was sixteen. _________F (She had a

glider flight at 16.)

b. To be allowed to take the first solo flight you need to train in about 60 flights. T

c. Glider pilots flying above 1,000 m and covering 50 km get the silver badge. F

(No, they also need to complete a five-hour flight.)

d. Lyn had to land unexpectedly because she had flown 300 km. F (She lost


e. Lyn enjoys her job as an instructor. T

f. Gliding should not be considered a team sport. F (Glider pilots need the help of


g. People who engage in gliding can belong to different spheres of society. T

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Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

2. Choose from the options below, a suitable explanation for the meaning of

the underlined words in these phrases extracted from the reading.

a. As PA to our Managing Director (H)

1. Personal Assistant 2. Purchasing Agent 3. Publicity Agent

b. Lyn has to be pretty level-headed (H)

1. practical but exaggerated 2. quick-tempered but reliable 3. calm and


c. The glider soars effortlessly on the warm air thermals. (B)

1. flies downward 2. flies upward 3. flies around

d. ... to a designated airfield. (G)

1. voted 2. appointed in advance 3. nominated

e. ... any emergencies to contend with. (E)

1. to consider 2. to argue about 3. to struggle against

f. Each badge after that is about height, distance and endurance. (main text, par. 4)

1. prize 2. device worn as a sign of achievement 3. symbol

g. Everybody mucks in to push gliders around (main text, par. 8)

1. shares the job 2. gets dirty 3. walks around

h. ... from all walks of life (main text, par. 8)

1. all social, economic and ethnic groups 2. different places 3. different


Page 8: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………


(1h 15m)

1. Read the text and then select the correct answer (a, b, c or d) from the options

below. There is an example at the beginning.

(0) a. sigh b. yawn c. cough d. sneeze


Wi t h a t h o u gh t fu l (0) ____ _ , Hel en t u rn ed a wa y fro m t h e wi n d o w a n d

wa l ked b a ck t o h er fa vo u r ite a rmch air . (1)_____ h er b ro t h er n ever a rr i ve?

Fo r a b r i ef mo men t , sh e wo n d ered i f sh e rea l l y ca red t h a t mu ch . Over t h e

yea rs , Hel en h a d gi v en (2) _____ wa i t i ng fo r Ma rt i n t o t a ke a n i n t erest i n

h er . Her feel i n gs fo r h i m h a d gra d u a l l y (3) ____ _ u n t i l n o w, a s sh e sa t

wa i t i ng fo r h i m, sh e ex p er ienced n o mo re t h a n a s i s t er ’s (4) _____ t o see

wh a t h a d (5) _____ o f h er b ro t h er .

A l mo st wi t h out (6) _____, Ma rt i n h a d l o st h i s jo b wi t h a b u sy p u b l i sh i n g

co mp a n y a ft er sp en ding t h e l a st e i gh t yea rs i n New Yo rk a s a key f i gu re i n

t h e US o ff i ce. So meh ow t h e t wo o f t h em h a d n’t (7) _____ t o keep i n t o u ch

a n d , l eft a l o n e, Hel en h a d s l o wl y fo u n d h er (8) _____ i n h er o wn

ju d gemen t gro wi n g. (9) _____ t h e wi sh es o f h er p a ren t s , sh e h a d l eft

u n i versit y h a l fway (10) _____ h er co u rse a n d n o w, t o t h e a st o n i sh men t o f

t h e wh o l e fa mi l y , sh e wa s (11 ) _____ a fa st -gro wi n g rep u t a t i o n i n t h e

p a ges o f resp ect ed a rt ma ga z in es a n d wa s a ct u a l l y ea rn i n g en o u gh t o l i v e

(12) _____ fro m h er p a i n t i n gs . Of co u rse, sh e (13 ) _____ n o p l ea su re i n

Ma rt i n’s su d den mi s fortune, b u t sh e co u l d n ’t (14 ) _____ l o o ki n g fo rwa rd

t o h er b ro t h er ’s a rr i va l wi t h (15) _____ sa t i s fa ct i o n a t wh a t sh e h a d

a ch i eved .

(1) a. Could b. Should c. Would d. Ought

(2) a. in b. up c. out d. away

(3) a. depressed b. weakened c. lowered d. fainted

(4) a. wonder b. idea c. curiosity d. Regard

(5) a. become b. developed c. arisen d. changed

(6) a. caution b. warning c. advice d. signal

(7) a. minded b. concerned c. worried d. bothered

(8) a. dependence b. confidence c. certainty d. courage

(9) a. Ignoring b. Omitting c. Avoiding d. Preventing

(10) a. along b. down c. through d. across

(11) a. gaining b. reaching c. starting d. opening

(12) a. for b. by c. with d. on

(13) a. made b. took c. drew d. formed

(14) a. help b. miss c. fail d. drop

(15) a. soft b. fine c. quiet d. still

Page 9: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

2. In m o st l i n es i n th e te xt b e l ow, th e r e i s o n e u n necessary wo r d. It i s

e i th er gr ammatically i n correct o r do e s n o t f i t i n wi th th e se n se o f

th e te xt. Wr i te th e e xtr a wo r d i n th e spa ce a t th e e n d o f e a ch l i ne. If th e r e i s n o u n n ecessary wo r d, pu t a ti ck ( ) .


A l mo st a n yo ne sa ys t h a t co mp ut ers a re wo n d erful a n d t h a t t h ey a re (00)

ch a n gi ng o u r o wn l i ves fo r t h e b et t er b y ma ki n g everyt hing fa st er a n d

(0)o wn

mo re re l i a bl e, b u t I ’m n o t so mu ch su re t h a t t h i s i s t h e ca se. (1)

T h e o t h er d a y I wa s s t a n ding i n a l a rge d ep a rtment s t o re u n t il (2)

wa i t i ng t o p a y fo r a co u p l e o f f i l ms fo r my ca mera wh en t h e a ss i s tant (3)

a n n o unced t h a t t h e co mp u t er wh i ch co n t ro lled t h e t i l l i t h a d s t o p p ed (4)

wo rki n g. I d i d n ’t t h i nk t h is wa s a b i g p ro b l em a n d I set mysel f o ff t o (5)

f i n d a n o t her co u n ter, b u t o f co u rse, a l l t h e ma ch i nes a re o n e p a rt o f (6)

t h e sa me syst em. So t h ere we were: a sh o p fu l l o f cu st o mers, mo n ey (7)

a t t h e rea d y, wa i t in g t o ma ke o u r p u rch a ses, b u t i t wa s q u i t e cl ea r t h a t (8)

n o n e o u t o f t h e a ss i s tant s kn ew wh a t t o d o . Th ey weren ’t a l l owed t o (9)

t a ke o u r mo n ey a n d gi ve t o cu st o mers a wr i t t en recei p t, b eca use t h e (10)

sa l es wo u l dn’t t h en h a ve b een reco rd ed o n t h e co mp u ter syst em. (11)

In t h e en d , l i ke wi t h ma n y o t h er p eo pl e, I l e ft my sh o p ping o n t h e (12)

co u n t er a n d wa l ked o u t . Do n ’t yo u t h i n k so t h a t ’s r i d icu lous? I t wo u l d (13)

n ever h a ve h a p p ened b efo re co mp u ters , a n d t h a t , fo r me, i s a l l t h e (14)

p ro b lem: we a re b egi n n ing t o d ep en d o n t h ese m a ch i nes fo r so (15)

co mp l etely t h a t we s i mp l y ca n ’t ma n a ge wi t h out t h em a n y mo re.

3. Co m plete th e se co nd se n te nce u si ng th e wo r d gi ve n so th a t i t h a s a

si m ilar m eaning to th e f i r st se n te nce. DO NO T CHANGE THE

WO RD GIVEN. Yo u m u st u se b e twe e n 2 a n d 5 wo r ds, i n cluding the

wo r d gi ve n .

Exa m ple :

0. I las t saw him at my 21 s t bi rthday. si n ce

I __haven’t seen him since__ my 21 s t bi rthday party .

1. My car rea lly needs to be repai red soon . m u st

I rea lly __MUST HAVE MY CAR__ repai red soon.

2. The top shelf was so high that the chi ldren couldn’ t reach i t . to o

The top shelf __WAS TOO HIGH FOR __ the chi ldren to reach .

3. There i s no i ce -cream left . r un

Page 10: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

We ___HAVE RUN OUT OF __ i ce-cream.

4. There’ s no point in asking George to help . wo r th

It ___IS NOT WORTH ASKING__ George to help .

5. ‘Where have I lef t my sunglasses , David? ’ asked Susan . wh e re

Susan asked David __WHERE SHE HAD LEFT HER__

sunglasses .

6. Susan regrets not buying that house . wi sh e s

Susan ___WISHES SHE HAD BOUGHT___ that house.

7. The bread was too s ta le to eat . fr e sh

The bread ___WAS NOT FRESH ENOUGH ___ to eat .

8. Perhaps Brian went home early . m ay

Brian ___MAY HAVE GONE___ home early.

4. In th e te xt b e l ow, u se th e wo r d gi ve n i n ca pitals a t th e e n d o f th e l i n e to fo rm a wo r d th a t f i ts i n th e spa ce i n th e sa m e l i ne. Th e r e i s

a n e xa m ple a t th e b e gi nning.













The site of the town of Winchester was a (0) _natural_ place for a (1)

SETTLEMENT, at the point where the river cut through the chalk of the

(2)SOUTHERN hillsides. A simple camp at St Catherine’s Hill was the

(3)EARLIEST known use of the site. This was followed by an Iron Age hill-

fort, but this was left (4) UNINHABITTED by 100 BC. It was the Romans

who finally established the town and (5)SURROUNDED it was a

defensive wall for the protection of their people and trade.

With the (6) BUILDING of its first cathedral in the seventh century, the

town became an important (7) RELIGIOUS centre. Later, King Alfred,

who had (8) SUCCESSFULLY pushed back the invading Danes, moved his

palace to Winchester. The town then experienced rapid (9)

DEVELOPMENT, and its (10) CENTRAL role in English history was

underlined in 1066 when the conquering Normans, like Alfred, made

Winchester their capital.

Page 11: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………



A. Listening 1 Listen to the following report on Valentine’s Day and fill in the missing

information with up to 4 (four) words.

Valentine’s Day is not only about

1) ……….………………………………………….: in recent

years it has also become big business. But

even if Valentine’s Day has become a 2)

………….…………………………..……………… with more

than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are

unclear. Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, although

some historians suggest he was a Roman martyred in

3)…………………………………………………………… AD by a Roman Emperor.

It is believed that the first recorded Valentine’s card was sent by

the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415, who sought solace from

his confinement 4)………………………………………………..……… to his wife.

Valentine’s Day, or its equivalent, is now a

worldwide celebration. However, the 5)


from place to place. In Korea April 14th is

known as ‘Black Day’ and is when the

unfortunate men who received nothing on

Valentine’s Day 6) ………………………………………

………………………… and commiserate with each other.

7) ……………………………………………………….. have also played their part

in keeping Valentine’s Day relevant in the 21st century.

Valentine’s 8) ……………………………………….………… have been all the

rage in recent years. However, internet security experts warn web

users about 9) …………………………………………………………. who could use

e-cards 10) ……………………………………………………....

But not everything is about romance. 11) ……………………………………

city of Liverpool sent Valentine’s cards to criminals who failed to

appear in court or 12) ……………………….…………………………... The cards

13) ……………………………….……………………, “Roses are red, violets are

blue, you’ve got a warrant, and we’d 14) …………………………………….”

Who says romance is dead?

Adapted from bbclearningenglish.com

Page 12: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

Valentine’s Day is not only about public displays of affection: in recent years it has

also become big business. But even if Valentine’s Day has become a global industry

with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear.

Nobody knows exactly who St Valentine was, although some historians suggest he

was a Roman martyred in the third century AD by a Roman Emperor. It is believed

that the first recorded Valentine’s card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans

in 1415, who sought solace from his confinement by writing love poems to his wife.

Valentine’s Day, or its equivalent, is now a worldwide celebration. However, the

traditions often differ from place to place. In Korea April 14th is known as ‘Black

Day’ and is when the unfortunate men who received nothing on Valentine’s Day

gather to eat noodles and commiserate with each other.

Technological developments have also played their part in keeping Valentine’s Day

relevant in the 21st century. Valentine’s e-cards have been all the rage in recent

years. However, internet security experts warn web users about malicious hackers

who could use e-cards to spread viruses.

But not everything is about romance. Police in the UK city of Liverpool sent

Valentine’s cards to criminals who failed to appear in court or have not paid fines.

The cards contained the verse, “Roses are red, violets are blue, you’ve got a

warrant, and we’d love to see you.” Who says romance is dead?

B. Listening 2

1. Lis ten to the fo llowing man ta lking about a technologica l device

which would make hi s li fe eas ier. Decide which computer

“Ica rus” or “Ch u ck” can perform the fo llowing tasks . Wri te I (for

Ica r u s) or C (fo r Ch u ck) next to the fo llowing s ta tements . Some

s ta tements may correspond to more than one speaker.

Which computer? Computer

1. can be asked to do things for you. A. I C

2. can check oxygen levels B. I

3. can control the water temperature C. C

4. can flush the toilet D. C

5. is intelligent enough to control solar shields E. I

6. would be intelligent enough to recommend outfits F. C

7. can generate a damage list G. I

8. can communicate with you H. I C

Page 13: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

2. Listen to the same man and answer the following questions as fully as you can.

A. What other chore does the speaker hate doing?

“What I loathe is having to de al with my hair. ”

B. What device does he sugges t as a poss ibl e solution? What w ould

thi s device do?

“I think it would be ne at to have some sort of au tomat ic body-

hair de vice conne cte d to my body, or e ve n implante d, that I

could use to control the le ngth, shape , and e ve n s tyle of my

hair and be ard, Kind or, like a human Chia Pe t .”

C. What name w ould he give to thi s device?

“It could be calle d some thing lik e , 'Chuck: Supe r-compute r,

Pe rsonal Ass is tant and Groome r' .”

(Adapted from the magazine Think N° 141 )

Page 14: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………



A. Wr i te a su i ta ble te xt o f 2 1 0-2 40 wo r ds o n ONE o f th e fo l lowing

o pti ons:

O pti on 1 :

Your English friend, Robert, wants to spend his summer holidays in your country and get part-time job in an ice-cream parlour. He has written to you for advice. This is part of the letter you received:

I’m working in a snack bar in my town at the moment,

as you know, to save some money for the trip, but I think I ought to learn some Spanish before I go. I bought a “Teach Yourself” book on the Spanish language, but I was wondering if you had any other suggestions which would help me. It’s quite a while since I studied Spanish at school, so I’d also be really grateful for some general tips on learning a language.

Write a letter to Robert giving advice and any helpful suggestions that you can think of.

O pti on 2 :

You read the following advertisement and decided to buy the package holiday.


* di r e c t f l ight + f r e e t r ans por t f r o m ai r po r t to ho te l

* l uxur y ho te l w i th s w imming po o l , gym and di s c o

* a l l r o o ms hav e b ig balc o ny and s e a v iew

* s ate l l i te TV and w i - f i i n e v ery r o o m

* w ate r s po r t s and a t r ip ar o und s o me o f the i s lands inc lude d in pr ic e

* jus t 50 me t r e s f r o m a w o nde rf ul be ac h

You have just come back and feel very dissatisfied. The holiday was not what you had expected due to the fact that nobody met you at the airport, the hotel was quite old and did not satisfy your needs (explain why), you had to pay extra for water sports, and other things went wrong as well.

Write a letter of complaint to Mr. Williams, the travel agent who sold you the holiday.

Page 15: Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa Año 2014

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas-SEREX

Examen de Acreditación de Niveles de Lengua Inglesa 2014

Candidate’s Name .........………...……………………………….

DNI …………………………………………………………

B. Ch o ose ONE o f th e fo l lowing o pti ons a n d wr i te a su i ta ble te xt o f

2 1 0-240 wo r ds. Gi ve y o ur te xts a ti tl e .

O pti on 1

As pa rt o f a fa m ily b o ok, y o u h a ve b e en a ske d to wr i te a sto r y a b out

so m ething th a t h a ppened to y o u wh e n y o u we r e a ch i ld. In cl ude th e

fo l lowing se n te nce i n y o ur sto ry.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up because I could feel something on my

pillow. I switched on the light and…

O pti on 2

Your school magazine is running a series of articles under the title “Effective punishments for criminals”. Write your ARTICLE to appear in the series.

O pti on 3

Yo u wo r k fo r th e l o cal to u r ist o ff i ce a n d y o ur m anager h a s a ske d y o u

to wr i te a REPO RT de scr ibing th e cu rrent si tu a tion o f h e a lth fa ciliti es

i n y o ur to wn . Th e r e port wi l l b e u se d to pr o duce a l e af let fo r to u r ists

co m ing to y o ur to wn . (Re fer to h o spitals, e y e cl i nics, do cto rs’

su r geries, e m ergency se r vices).