Letter T Takes a Trip

Example Digital Story- Letter T

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  • 1. Letter T Takes a Trip

2. Letter T was tired of her town and decided to take off.
3. Letter T wanted to take a trip to Tennessee.
4. Letter T tried to leave today, but her dad said they had to leave tomorrow.
5. Letter T packed a towel in her suitcase.
6. Letter T packed a toothbrush and toothpaste.
7. Letter T packed her trumpet to practice her tunes.
8. Letter T had to leave home her pet cat named Tiger.
9. Letter T and her dad packed so much they had to bring a trailer on their truck.
10. They drove through a dark tunnel.
11. They stopped for a train.
12. It took ten hours to travel to Tennessee.
13. In Tennessee, Letter T and her dad took a tour of tiny museum.
14. Letter T and her dad tasted the state fruit, tomatoes.
15. The End