Week 8: Social Justice Christian Olmstead | [email protected] OH: THURS 12PM-1PM outside of Pines

Example Lesson Plan 1

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Week 8: Social Justice

Christian Olmstead | [email protected] OH: THURS 12PM-1PM outside of Pines

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I. Tip of the Week

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I. Tip of thE Week● Stay open-minded. The people most different from

you can teach you the most about yourself and the world around you.

● Reddit - subreddit for everything

○ Reddit.com/r/________

○ r/eli5 - r/worldnews - r/askreddit - r/lifeprotips

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II. Announcements

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II. Announcements1. Congrats on finishing the Video Projects! I laughed

and smiled a lot from them! We will try to watch them in week 10, but I have other fun things stored in for our last discussion together!

2. Final Project (Reflection Paper)a. DUE: Section of Week 10 (2 weeks from today)b. On Ted.If you have any questions, feel free to

email me.

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III. Events

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III. Events● Samosa Making Class

○ Price Center | Thursday (Today) | 3-6PM● ASCE Presents: Hullabaloo

○ Friday (11/18) | Matthew’s Quad | 8PM-12AM

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IV. Rules for Today

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III. Rules for Today● This classroom is a safe and open-space to share.

○ No one will judge you for what you have to say. We are here to learn.

● Please keep what people say unidentifiable.● If you need to, you can step out of the classroom.

○ This section will be very heavy and if you feel uncomfortable and

need a breather outside, go ahead and step outside. I’ll come check on you if you don’t come back after a while.

● This classroom is respectful.○ Please no cell phone or electronics at all.

● If you don’t understand something, please ask a question.

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V. Aim For the Basket

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IV. Aim for the Basket● Activity● How did that make you feel?

○ Closer rows vs farther rows● What if I told you there is a word for


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VI. Social Justice Basics

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Vi. Social Justice Basics● Identity: the parts you identify with that make up who

you are● Some examples of identity

○ Race○ Gender○ Ethnicity○ Sex○ Gender○ Sexual Orientation○ Class○ Ability○ Age○ Occupation○ Geographic Location○ Appearance

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Vi. Social Justice Basics● What does it mean to be privileged?● What does it mean to be oppressed

(dis-privileged)?● What is diversity?● What is a multicultural lens?

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VII. Resource Centers and Why THey Exist

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VI. Resource Centers and Why they exist ● Compton Cookout

○ 2010 (only 5 years ago)○ A Fraternity Party during Black History Month

○ Guests were “invited to don gold teeth in the style of rappers from the Los Angeles suburb of Compton, eat watermelon, and dress in baggy athletic wear.”

○ The black community and professors got very upset and protests eventually lead to creating the black resource center

● We are not as diverse of a campus as you may think and these resource centers are here to help those who fall into those minorities/oppressed/disprivilege

● Other resource centers came to exist post that event

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/27/education/27sandiego.html

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Cross CulturalCenter

Committed to supporting the needs of UCSD’s campus communities by creating a welcoming and holistic learning environment for everyone. Our vision at the Cross-Cultural Center is to empower UCSD to recognize, challenge, and take proactive approaches to diversity for campus as a whole. As part of the UC San Diego Campus Community Centers, we value differences and building relationships at all levels of the university and experience community and diversity through broad lens.

Established in 2013 as a

unit of Equity, Diversity &

Inclusion, the Black

Resource Center (BRC) is a

Campus Community Center

which serves the entire

population of UC San Diego

while emphasizing the Black

experience. Services

include but are not limited

to: academic support



development, co-and


programming, and

non-academic counseling.

Since opening in 1996, the center has been a space where people work collaboratively to foster the development of diverse groups of women. We strive to increase awareness of issues affecting women and men while creating a sense of community at UCSD.

Since opening on November 8, 1999, our office has been a proud home for the entire UCSD Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community. We provide a visible presence on campus and enhance a sense of connection and community among LGBT faculty, staff, students, and our allies at UCSD.

One of the newest Campus Community Centers under the new Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UC San Diego. The RRC is open to everyone but we strive to emphasize and foster the access, retention, and graduation of Chicano/a-Latino/a students as well as create strong connections with our surrounding community.




Resource Center

Raza Resource


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VIII. Privilege Activity

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If more time, identity activity