Excelr8 Business Brochure

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This brochure shows what we have done with clients previously and gives an insight into how to use these techoologies to increase sales and decrease attrition

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Welcome to Excelr8!!

Excelr8 is a business booster company which delivers training, coaching, consultancy, speaker sessions and much more!

With business expertise in retail, sales and marketing we work with companies to

enhance sales, enhance performance and enhance engagement. Our people expertise

comes from management roles, NLP, Leadership development and Spiral Dynamics.

Our passion lies in people and connecting them with their purpose.

Kirsty, our Director and lead trainer delivers speaker sessions internationally

focussing on the attitude, performance, leadership, beliefs and values of people. Her style is fun, motivational, inspirational and focussed on taking action.

“Thank you for taking the time to look at our work. We are so passionate about what

we can do working with people that is just rude for us not to pass it on. Developing

people and leadership within companies is my absolute passion and getting people to

connect with others and their values is paramount. From working with individuals to

large audiences my main focus is creating action. It’s the “So what” that we go beyond and get people to create change in their lives and in their business roles”

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What do we do?

Ok, where do we start....?

Within businesses our roles vary depending on your needs. Firstly we need to work

out if what we do is what you require so it’s important that we spend time with you to

work out your needs.

Then we work together to create what is the investment portfolio for you.

In short, we increase businesses performance through people. We like to think of

ourselves as business boosters!


Our specialities are in the fields of leadership, communication, managing

change, presenting self and sales. The initial part of any of Excelr8 training

courses is to ensure self awareness. You can go on any course and train skills and techniques; it’s important first to understand ourselves in order to create


We deliver NLP in a Pod™ training within different areas of the business e.g.

recruitment, teambuilding, marketing, sales and Integral Leadership Programmes.


All of the training programmes or untraining programmes we deliver are supported by coaching. This ensures that people are maintaining the skills and

increasing the self awareness. CIPD studies demonstrate that 88% of skills from

training are lost due to lack of management follow up. For what purpose would you

throw 88% of your investment down the drain?

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We also cover off executive coaching with the Integral thinking model and deliver

breakthroughs in a personal and business context. Our Supercoaching programmes train people to be coaches and deliver results throughout the business.



Kirsty delivers different speaker sessions and after dinner speeches within

businesses and with large conferences. Her subjects are based on the mind and

leadership. All are fun, interactive and full of energy.

It’s an inside job!

What is going on in your head?

If only we could know! Well, we can. Discover how your head works and how you

manifest success

Snow to the Eskimos!

Selling an experience is key, and understanding our consumer is paramount. Work out buyer strategies and communication preferences with simple effective


Work sucks!

Work out what you are focussing on – the good? The bad? Or the ugly? Determine your

attitude and focus and pass on the positive messages with as much vigour and passion as bad news!

Having a mahousively successful life!

Are you leading the life you want or not? Are you happy? Work out what does make

you happy and even work out if you could get paid for it? Find out what your

oxygen is, find out your joy.

Leader doing or leader being?

How do you earn respect? What is your leadership style? Do people know your story?

Understand the impact of leadership within this session.

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Leadership Masterclass- First Direct We are receiving more and more demand from people who are after a brief introduction to

NLP and how it can be used. Having worked with Kirsty on many occasions, we were

thrilled that she agreed to visit us and share her knowledge, enthusiasm and all round

positivity. Kirsty captivates her audience with her tales of how the brain works and NLP. Her passion is infectious and she got us all to focus on the positive aspects of life!

She introduced us to her sausage machine and got us to think about what we are putting

in ours each day. Kirsty promised us an espresso boost of inspiration and

motivation and she delivered exactly that! Thank you so much. Look forward to the next


Kirsty also offered 6 mini coaching sessions (inside her mini) and every single person came

out wanting to change their lives! Wow, powerful stuff!!!

Louise Thomas

Learning & Development Specialist

First Direct

NLP in a Pod – Boehringer Ingelheim

“Could I please take this opportunity to thank you for all the work you have done with

Boehringer Ingelheim in 2008/9.

The feedback has been amazing from all attendees. Following on from your

workshops, I have received many requests from Employees looking to further their

own personal development and pushing through many old barriers. The shift to a

positive state has been amazing with many now taking

ownership of their career and personal development.

I would personally thank you for all you support, your ideas, innovation and ability to get me thinking outside the box and indulging in my creative side”

William McKelvie

Training Manager

Boehringer Ingelheim

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Who is Kirsty McKinnon?

Kirsty McKinnon is an entrepreneur, author, presenter, trainer and coach. Her background is in sales and retail with her decade of management experience

coming from companies such as Marks & Spencer, Mattel and Masterfoods so has

expertise in Barbie dolls, pet food and knickers!!!

She is Director and Founder of Excelr8 & Life sucks™– training and coaching Solutions

Company based in the UK. Her passion, enthusiasm and humour add a dynamic to the field of training in NLP as she dejargonises the brain and mindset.

Inspiring leaders is key to Kirstys success and works closely with individuals and

teams to motivate and activate.

Kirsty has helped set up many businesses within and outwith the NLP industry and

loves designing the marketing and sales programmes. She is a regular in the

media having spoken on radio, appeared on TV and within national newspapers.

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Words from our delegates, students and


“Fantastic, came with a view of more business context then quickly realised that I’m

where to start first. The fact is was seven days with a small number of individuals

increased the intensity, rapport and practise you received. Thank you for a great,

enlightening and many light bulb moments. Kirsty – thank you”

Tracey Underwood, BUPA.

“Kirsty McKinnon is a fantastic trainer who engages all people throughout the course.

The course exceeded all of my expectations and was a real pleasure. Thank you”

Steve Broom. Special Projects Manager. ROK

“I must say thank you to Kirsty. I really enjoyed the training and feel that I’ve (or my

Unconscious mind has) changed in some way. After this course, I could see my goal

and could believe in myself. I’m so happy that I could get rid of my fear about speaking

in public, that’s really great. Thank you!”

Rie Ota, Director of Manavi

“I really believe the enjoyment of the course was down to our trainer who I cannot

speak of highly enough- we were so lucky to get her. A fantastic fantastic experience”

Julia Armstrong, Teacher and Director of CJMind Matters

“Totally exceeded my expectations. This is going to change my life for the better”

Emma Jones, Lloyds TSB

“A fantastic course! Really opened my mind. Kirsty was fabulous and the group was


Marcus Jones, Lloyds TSB

“Had the most fantastic time and lots of light bulbs came on! I feel so refreshed and

eager to go!”

Osmaan Sharif, Lloyds TSB

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“What an amazing course! I have loved every minute and am really looking forward to

developing my skills. I want to learn so much more. This is a truly fascinating subject

and Kirsty totally brought this to life. She was knowledgeable, entertaining and

patient with our group”

Julie Evers, Learning & Development. Barclays

“Great fun, much more than I expected. Kirsty was approachable friendly and funny”

Mr Athanassopoulos, Consultant surgeon

“First class- great! Fantastic! Fandabyydozie! Magic!

David Kelly, Lead trainer and coach, Unicus coaching.

“Excellent trainer. Really good mix in the group. Precourse work was thorough. Lots of

time to devote to practice and then to ask questions. Really enjoyed the course. Thank

you. I have gained a great deal from it personally. A special thank you to Kirsty for her

patience, support and enthusiasm”

Catherine Dymond, Marketing Manager, Learn Direct

“I have truly enjoyed this course! It feels like the start of something for me. There have

been some fantastic opportunities for me this week that have allowed me to realise

and act on my potential. I am leaving feeling happy, motivated, and ready and with a

big “yes” inside me. Kirsty... you’ve done a great job this week! Thanks for all the

humour, intellect and support. I am really pleased and excited for you and I genuinely

think you are great for this. It’s not just all the study, knowledge, communication skills

etc it’s also your heart. You have a big, strong, generous heart! Thanks”

Johnny Parks (JP), Musician and Director of Towards Consulting

“Everyone should do this especially teachers! So they understand predicates and

submodalities and the basic fact that we (kids especially) learn differently and that

there is no failure only feedback! This would help prevent so many kids thinking they

cannot do certain things. Adult communication could improve dramatically and when

that happens there won’t be as much conflict and war in the world”

Sue Van Eesteren

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time this week and I would like to thank Kirsty and Emma

especially as it’s rather easy to distinguish genuine interest from commercial interest”

Neil Waudby. Rilwood consultants

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“Kirsty was great – warm and determined style but gained rapport with everyone

very quickly. “

Martin Miles. Director Glue Together.

“Kirsty is a star! Fantastic. I shall take all that she has shown me and use it. Excellent

trainer - I learned so much”

Valerie Barrit

“Very enjoyable course. Wish I’d done it years ago! Kirsty is a fantastic presenter and

explained everything perfectly. The best course I have ever been on”

Steve Waud

“The course has been life changing – brilliant”

Gillian Davies

“This course and how it was delivered has had a profound effect and hopefully lasting

effect on me. I have met some fantastic people who have changed the way I view life. I

feel as though I finally know who I am”

Alison Crosbie

“I have really enjoyed the past 7 days. The course has really opened my eyes to lots of

things. I found the timeline therapy incredible. I feel that Kirsty had a lot to do with

the group getting on so well and is an excellent trainer. Fab!”

Judi Chartres, Learning and Development. Halifax

“Kirsty what can I say! Had a fabulous life changing time. The change will continue

through generations as I teach my children the value and worth of NLP... now what

other course can say that?! I am definitely going to encourage my children to come on

the course in a few more years’ time – what power would it give them to be master


Christine McLean

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To talk to any of the team regarding business application and speaker sessions then

please contact us on any of the available means of communication.

If all else fails, send a pigeon.

Earth phone: 0141 248 3913

Email: [email protected]

Visit our website at: www.excelr8.co.uk

Twitter: Kirstmeister

Linked in: www.linkedin.com/in/kirstymckinnon

PS... Look out for Kirst.tv coming soon!!!

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