EXCERPT from SPRG Book 1: Voices in the Theater

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  • 7/28/2019 EXCERPT from SPRG Book 1: Voices in the Theater


    Excerpt from Voices in the Theater by A.S. Santos Page 18

    Sir Julius now looked directly at me.

    It was my turn. And I honestly didnt know what to say.

    Yes, I knew my reason for being here. But I didnt know if I could tell them

    the truth.

    I took a deep breath. Im here because I looked at the ten different faces

    in front of me. Because Im looking for answers.

    Migs deep set eyes grew more serious as he seemed to study my face. Aris

    tilted his head. The four new people whod come in and sat behind them now leaned

    forward to take a better look at me. Lanas face was now just inches away from my


    Can you explain? It was Sir Julius who asked. His voice was comforting in

    the middle of all that scrutiny. His question sounded like an invitation that I could

    either accept or refuse, and either way it would be alright.

    I looked at Sir Julius, and tried to be honest. Im not sure I can.

    Youve had a strange experience before, and you want to make sense of it,

    said Migs suddenly. It was both a statement and a question. His voice sounded

    slightly deeper when he said it, which made me look back at him. There was a slight

    Voices in the TheaterExcerpt from

    (Book One in the SPRG Series)by A.S. Santos

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    Excerpt from Voices in the Theater by A.S. Santos Page 19

    darkening in his deep set eyes. Suddenly, a clear single thought flashed in my mind:

    Hes talking about himself.

    Yes, I answered, simply.

    It was true.

    Granted, it was an extremely abbreviated version of the truth, but the truth

    nonetheless. I was beginning to realize that Migs really had a gift for summarizing

    things so briefly yet accuratelywhether or not he was aware of it.

    Oh, said Richard. He gave me a crooked grin. Id like to hear that story


    Chynna frowned.

    I smiled politely. Maybe. Sometime.

    Lana briefly squeezed my hand. Her smile was reassuring, as if she was

    saying, Its okay. You dont need to say anything else.

    Good. Sir Julius nodded. Thats a very good reason for being here. Is

    anyone else looking for answers, like Sam?

    An older-looking guy in a white collarless uniform raised his hand from

    behind Aris.

    Peter, he said, introducing himself. Peter Cartalaba. Aris turned a few

    degrees sideways in his seat so he could get a better look at Peter, who was sitting

    directly behind him.

    Peters slightly wavy hair was clean cut, with a slight hint of bangs resting on

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    Excerpt from Voices in the Theater by A.S. Santos Page 20

    his forehead. His voice was measuredculturedand coming from his chest.

    Im actually in my second year of medical internship now. Which is why Im

    lateI just came from a 24-hour shift from the hospital. He smiled openly.

    Actually, the school doesnt really see me as a student anymore. And I really donthave much time for extracurricular stuff like orgs.

    The girl to his right (who was also wearing a white uniform) nodded in silent


    But something happened to me, Peter continued. Well, something

    happened to one of my patients. She died. But somehow we brought her back, and

    when she woke up she said shed been to heaven.

    Lana gasped beside me. The smile on her face was joyful as she hung on

    Peters every word.

    Shes only twenty-three. My patient. Lets call her Tina. Shes part of this

    Charismatic group, so Im not sure if that influenced her experience.

    She was leaving this building after a Bible study of some sort, when she gotsideswiped by a car. Dragged her almost ten feet down the street. Hit her head on

    the pavement, broke a few bones. Her friends quickly rushed her to E.R. She was

    gone for a few minutes. When she came back, she seemed very sure about what

    she saw.

    Tina said that after she died, she saw herself leaving her body. She said that

    shed never felt so free in her lifelike she was everywhere and could feel

    everything at once. Then she looked down at her body, and it looked so small and

    worn out that she didnt want to come back to it.

    Then she saw this bright light opening up from the ceiling. She went up to it,

    and the next moment she found herself alone in this garden. But she could hear

    music all around, so she didnt feel alone. In fact, the music seemed to come from

    inside her, vibrating through her. Tina said the music was so comforting, like it was

    embracing her with sound. For some reason, it made her absolutely sure that she

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    was deeply and incredibly loved.

    The breath I didnt know Id been holding came out in a gasp. But no one

    noticed, because everyone was just as focused on Peters story as I was.

    Music. I knew that kind of music Id heard it too . Once. The first time the

    first time I started hearing things. Music so strong it vibrated through you. Music

    that enveloped you until you felt like you were being embraced.

    But then, she heard a voice in the music , Peter continued. It was telling her

    to go back to her body, thatit wasnt her time yet. When Tina woke up, she was

    back in her hospital bed, and every part of her was in pain. She keeps telling

    everyone what happened, and the way she tells it, you want to believe her.

    We were all silent for a few moments.

    Peter smiled. You should see her. Her face is different. Like shes

    incredibly happydefinitely not like a young woman in a neck brace and double leg

    casts. Sometimes when I feel tired, I just pop into her room to say hi. I always feel a

    bit lighter afterwards.

    That was amazing, Lana whispered. Ive got goose bumps! She showed

    me her arm.

    A near death experience, said Sir Julius, nodding. Thats another angle wecan explore here.

    Definitely, agreed Migs.

    I looked at Migs when he spoke, and at that exact same moment his eyes met


    His eyebrows were slightly knitted. He was asking me a question.

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    What happened to you, Sam?

    Did he know I could hear his thoughts? I was sure he didnt, but it bothered

    me anyway. I looked away.

    I have a not-so-heavenly experience,said the girl to Peters left.

    She was slightly big boned, with golden brown skin and beautiful wavy hair

    that seemed to reach her knees as she sat. Her smile was bright, and she began her

    story with a flourish that assured us we would be entertained.

    Actually, it happened just last term. Im part of the drama club, so of course

    we spend a lot of time rehearsing for our plays. We usually practice in the Little

    Theater at the third floor of this building. Youve all been to the Little Theater,


    Everyone nodded, except me.

    So last term we were there, having our dress rehearsal forAvenue Q, with the

    puppets and everything? It was, like, two in the morning, and our show was

    scheduled for seven p.m. that night. So I was standing on the stage with mypuppetI was playing Kate

    She now stood up, and went near the door where there was more space for

    her reenactment. Im Eartha, by the way, she added, smiling. Eartha Tejada.

    Eartha gave us a little wave, before she continued:

    So I was standing over here, and my partner Jasonhe was playing

    Princetonhe was standing on this side. There was just the two of us onstage, and

    then there was Chris at the piano, with the rest of the cast seated in the front row as

    the audience, Mark and Jethro were up in the booth, manning the lights.

    Like I said, it was early in the morning, and we really wanted to finish and

    wrap up. I was holding my puppet with both hands like this, and I was looking at

    this cassette tape that my puppet, Kate, was holding. When I looked up at Jason to

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    say my next line, I saw something move near the curtains behind him..."

    One minute Eartha was speaking, and every head in the room turned to her


    The next second I was hearing other things, other voices, and it was like

    someone had taken the remote and put Eartha on mute.

    Chapter 3

    Do You Hear Them?

    It was like being underwater.

    Everyone was moving so slowly, and even though they were opening their

    mouths, I couldnt hear their voices. Except for the ones in my head.

    Get out!said the first voice. It belonged to a distraught young woman.

    No!Dontdo it pleaded a guy.

    Get out!This time the girl was hysterical. A sob caught at the end of her


    I looked around the room, at the faces. Each one of them was still riveted on

    Eartha, and Eartha herself was still talking.

    And I still couldn't hear her.

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    You can't stop meIts too late, no one can help me. The girl's voice was

    resigned and sad.

    Please don't do this... There was love in the guys voice now. Please dont


    She's ours... she's ours... she's ourrsss...

    The last words were cold, strange, a chorus of many voices that had no

    gender. I shuddered.

    ...oursss... oursss... ourssss...

    They sounded gleeful, in a sick sort of way. I shook my head, wishing I could

    get their voices out of my head. But now their many voices merged into a sinister

    low chorus of whispering and hissing.




    The hissing sounds were overwhelming. They filled my head until I felt like I

    was drowning.

    Stop, please!I thought desperately. I suddenly had a horrible image of myself

    tearing my ears out of my head with my bare hands. Please stop!

    ...ours... ours... ours... hahahahahahaha...!!!

    "...and so we ran out of there as fast as we could, Eartha ended.

    I looked up at Eartha sharply, and when I realized it was her voice I heard I

    gulped in a huge breath of air.

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    Excerpt from Voices in the Theater by A.S. Santos Page 25

    The hissing voices were gone.

    Everyone was moving normally now, and I could hear their soft breathing.

    My own breath was ragged, but no one noticed, thanks to Eartha's hold on

    everyone's attention.

    More importantly, my ears were still intact.

    Eartha now flipped her long honey-colored hair. "Of course we still have to go

    there sometimes, but now we always make sure to go in groups. And we bring

    crosses and rosaries."

    "What's a rosary?" I asked.

    The heads now turned to me. Part of me wanted them to stop staring, but

    another part of me wanted this new situation, if it meant I wouldn't have to hear the

    chilling chorus of voices again.

    "It's a Catholic thing," Lana told me, squeezing my hand gently again, in her

    familiar friendly way. "They're beads that we use as a sort of guide when praying."

    "So guys, do you think this should be your first case?" Sir Julius was suddenly

    all business, promptly ending the staring fest and getting everyone excited at the

    same time. I wondered if he knew I needed this distraction.

    Migs was nodding thoughtfully. "Definitely. Especially since we already have

    witness accounts."

    "Alright. Sir Julius sat back in his chair, his eyes assessing. "So imagine you

    were a professional paranormal research group. Your objective is to create a body

    of research that will help you formulate theories and test hypotheses about

    paranormal phenomena. What would you do?"

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    "Interview the witnesses, said Aris, a half smile on his face. "Not just for this

    incident, of course, but for the other similar incidents that happened in that theater."

    "Good, good." Sir Julius was nodding. "What else?"

    "Wait, we have to question them separately, Migs said. "We can't talk to

    them in groups. I want to see if their accounts are the same."

    "Yes. And we should have standardized questionnaires, not just for this

    incident, but for future ones as well, said Peter.

    Intake sheets, his mind said. I had no idea what that meant, but I was glad I

    was hearing normal voices again, normal thoughts.

    "I can come up with a questionnaire based on the intake sheets we have at the

    hospital, Peter continued. "It can help us separate the subjective experiences from

    the objective observations."

    "Cool!" said Lana beside me. She giggled a little. "This sounds so


    "Oh, and I want to find out the real history of the place!" said Eartha. She

    seemed especially stoked, maybe because her story was getting so much attention.

    "We can check actual records, see if anyone really died there."

    "What kinds of records?" asked Richard, his head cocked slightly towards

    Eartha. This gesture seemed to increase Chynna's pout.

    "I dunno... student registrations maybe? Find out if we lost any students therein the past years...?" Eartha shrugged.

    "How about tabloids?" suggested Karen, and Peter nodded beside her. "A

    death inside a major university isn't really something you'd easily find in

    respectable papers."

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    "Right, said Aris. "We can Google for stories in the major papers...but I doubt

    if local tabloid stories ever make it to Google."

    "Unless they're in blogs!" said Lana. Her face brightened. "I remember seeing

    a friend's note on Facebook; hed typed up this whole tabloid article about a

    shootout that supposedly happened in his subdivision. He shared it with everyone

    because the news report had so many errors, and he was really mad."

    "Good, this is really good." Migs was half-smiling now. "So we Google AND do

    Facebook searches for our university's name, the theater's name, and the word


    "Suicide," I said, before I realized I was going to say it.

    The heads turned to me. Expectant, excited. There was no backing out of this

    one. I took a deep breath.

    "The cause of death was suicide. It was a girl, freshman. In 2005."

    Six jaws dropped.

    "Are you... sure?" Lana was looking at me with a hint of alarm. "How do you

    know this?"

    I was quiet for a beat. "I hear things," I said, simply.

    To continue readingVoices In The Theateron Amazon.com, click here.

    To learn more about the SPRG paranormal romance series, visithttp://StudentParanormalResearchGroup.blogspot.com
