Exercise Consider the following sentences. In each sentence, circle the verb and underline the subject. Also note the word pattern of each of these sentences. Congress passed the Homestead Act in 1862. Maya Angelou recalls her formative years in her memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. In 1873, Heinrich Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy in Turkey. The bacteria grew exponentially. Because of the roaring applause, Marcia performed an encore. Mountain-climbing is excellent exercise. Though the Berlin Wall was dismantled in 1989, East and West Germany remained economically disparate for years after. The bookstore closed early on Sunday due to the hurricane. The art of origami involves intricate paper-folding techniques. The RMS Titanic sank into frigid Atlantic waters on April 14, 1912


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Exercise Consider the following sentences. In each sentence, circle the verb and underline the subject. Also note the word pattern of each of these sentences. Congress passed the Homestead Act in 1862. Maya Angelou recalls her formative years in her memoir, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.In 1873, Heinrich Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy in Turkey. The bacteria grew exponentially. Because of the roaring applause, Marcia performed an encore. Mountain-climbing is excellent exercise. Though the Berlin Wall was dismantled in 1989, East and West Germany remained economically disparate for years after.The bookstore closed early on Sunday due to the hurricane. The art of origami involves intricate paper-folding techniques. The RMS Titanic sank into frigid Atlantic waters on April 14, 1912


1 INCORRECTStudents from 45 colleges and universities today agreed to form a national organization devoted to fighting student apathy.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

2 INCORRECTThe students said their immediate objective is to increase student turnout in elections.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

3 INCORRECTStudents don't vote.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

4 CORRECTThat was the message the group told delegates to take home.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

5 CORRECTMost of the delegates to the weekend conference appeared enthusiastic about the prospect of increasing student activism.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

6 CORRECTStewart Haines of Mallory College told the 150 delegates, "Your task is just beginning."


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

7 CORRECTStudies have shown that college students lack civic concerns.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

8 CORRECTThe result, said Haines, is the growing power of special-interest groups and lobbyists.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

9 INCORRECTThe delegates also want to stimulate interest in public-service careers.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

10 CORRECTFew students seem interested in teaching or government service.


B)S/V/SC-subject-verb-subject complement


D)S/V/IO/DO-subject-verb-indirect object-direct object

Your Results for: "Exercise 22.2: Sentence patterns"Print this page

Site Title:Ashford Guide for Academic and Career Success

Book Title:the Ashford Guide for Academic and Career Success

Book Author:Aaron

Location on Site:4 Sentence Parts and Patterns > Chapter 22: The Sentence > Exercises > Exercise 22.2: Sentence patterns

Date/Time Submitted:February 14, 2011 at 3:18 PM (UTC/GMT)

Summary of Results

80% Correctof 10 Scored items:8 Correct:80%

2 Incorrect:20%

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1.Identify the word in bold.

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the most beautiful nature preserves inAmerica.Your Answer:object of a preposition

The bolded word is the object of the preposition "in."

2.Identify the word in bold.

Youcan see a wide variety of animal life in the park.Your Answer:subject

The bolded word is the subject of the sentence.

3.Identify the word in bold.

Flocks ofsheepexist in their natural habitat.Your Answer:subject

Correct Answer:object of a preposition


The bolded word is not the subject.

4.Identify the word in bold.

Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the most beautiful naturepreservesin America.Your Answer:object complement

Correct Answer:object of a preposition


The bolded word is not an object complement.

5.Identify the word in bold.

The Rocky Mountain National Parkisone of the most beautiful nature preserves in America.Your Answer:linking verb

The bolded word is a linking verb.

6.Identify the word in bold.

You can see a widevarietyof animal life in the park.Your Answer:direct object

The bolded word is the direct object of the sentence.

7.Identify the word in bold.

You can see a wide variety of animallifein the park.Your Answer:object of a preposition

The bolded word is the object of the preposition "of."

8.Identify the word in bold.

You can see a wide variety of animal life in thepark.Your Answer:object of a preposition

The bolded word is the object of the preposition "in."

9.Identify the words in bold.

Rocky Mountain National Parkis one of the most beautiful nature preserves in America.Your Answer:subject

The bolded words are the subject of the sentence.

10.Identify the words in bold.

Youcan seea wide variety of animal life in the park.Your Answer:transitive verb

The bolded part is a transitive verb.