E E x x e e r r c c i i s s e e s s i i n n A A I I M M / / E E n n d d u u s s e e Module 2: AIM/Emission Model Session 6: Training Sessions for Asian-Pacific Integrated Model (AIM) Go Hibino (Fuji Research Institute, Japan) Manmohan Kapshe (IIM, Ahmedabad) APEIS Capacity Building Workshop on Integrated Environment Assessment in the Asia Pacific Region 24-26 October 2002

Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”

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Page 1: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”

EExxeerrcciisseess iinn AAIIMM//EEnndduussee

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GGoo HHiibbiinnoo ((FFuujjii RReesseeaarrcchh IInnssttiittuuttee,, JJaappaann))

MMaannmmoohhaann KKaappsshhee ((IIIIMM,, AAhhmmeeddaabbaadd))

AAPPEEIISS CCaappaacciittyy BBuuiillddiinngg WWoorrkksshhoopp oonn

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Page 2: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


I Installation of AIM/Enduse 1 AIM/Enduse distribution CD

AIM/Enduse distribution CD contains the following files.


\src \AIM_CMB.gms AIM/Enduse GAMS program (main)

\_errorout.gms AIM/Enduse GAMS program (sub)

\_interp.gms AIM/Enduse GAMS program (sub)

\_printout.gms AIM/Enduse GAMS program (sub)

\data \AIM_Enduse.mdb AIM/Enduse database system

\AIM_Enduse_ex1.mdb AIM/Enduse database system for exercise 1

\AIM_Enduse_ex2.mdb AIM/Enduse database system for exercise 2

\AIM_Enduse_IND.mdb AIM/Enduse database system for analysis of India

\AIM_Enduse_JPN.mdb AIM/Enduse database system for analysis of Japan

\ AIM_Enduse.inp Control file

\GAMS_inclib \(42 files) Library files for GAMS program

2 Installation of GAMS

1) Run the file \system\win\setup.exe in the GAMS distribution CD.

Open the \system\win using the Windows Explorer and double click setup.exe.

2) Copy the files in \GAMS_inclib on AIM/Enduse distribution CD to gams20.0\inclib on your PC.

These are some library files which are needed by AIM/Enduse.

3) Add the GAMS directory to your path.

Under Windows 95/98, this change requires editing “Autoexec.bat”. Add the GAMS directory

to the path, as illustrated by the following example:

path = %path%;c:\gams20.0; c:\gams20.0\inclib

Under Windows NT or 2000, the following procedure must be applied to add the GAMS

directory to your path:

Open the System Properties under the Control Panel.

Page 3: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


On the Environmental tab click on the existing variable PATH.

In the Value box, add the GAMS directory to the path, as illustrated by the following


C:\****\****; C:\gams20.0; C:\gams20.0\inclib

Click set

3 Installation of AIM/Enduse Database

1) Make “src” and “data” directories under your working directory.

2) Copy the following files in \AIM/Enduse\data of AIM/Enduse distribution CD to “data”

directory on your PC.



After copying, cancel read-only attributes in the two files. For this, select the two files on the

explorer and click the right button on your mouse. Cancel the check in the Read-only check


If you set the former version of MS ACCESS 2000, sometimes AIM_Emission.mdb does not

work well. In that case,

make a new blank database of ACCESS 2000

import all forms, tables, macros, and modules from AIM_Emission97.mdb to the new one.

3) AIM/Enduse Database needs Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library. If the library is not referenced,

the system does not work well. After installation, check if references shows the same order as


Fig.1. References of Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library

Page 4: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


How to display the above window.

Open AIM_Enduse.mdb.

Select “Modules” in “Object”.

Click “GAMS_INPUT”. VBA editing window appears.

Select “Tools” -> “References”.

4 Installation of AIM/Enduse GAMS program

1) Copy the following files in \AIM/Enduse\src of AIM/Enduse distribution CD to “src” directory

on your PC.





2) GAMSIDE is a graphical interface to create, debug, edit and run GAMS files. At the first time

you must create GAMS project file in ‘src’ directory as follows.

cf.) GAMSIDE manual : http://www.gams.com/mccarl/useide.pdf

Fig.2. GAMS project file 3) AIM/Enduse GAMS program needs CPLEX as linear programming solver. Select CPLEX as

shown in Fig.3.

How to display the above window.

“File” “Options” “Solvers”

Page 5: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Fig.3. Selection of CPLEX

Page 6: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


II Exercise 1: Estimate future emission from passenger car 1 Purpose

- Learn how to develop data for AIM/Enduse. - Learn how to estimate future emission with the following countermeasures.

1) Countermeasure at use stage 2) Carbon tax 3) Subsidy

2 Assumptions

- Transportation demand of passenger car is shown in table 1.1. - Share of conventional gasoline car is 100% of passenger car transportation in 2000. The

quantity of stock in 2000 is given in table 1.2. - Efficiency, price and emission characteristics of conventional car and its potential competitors

(high efficiency gasoline car and gasoline hybrid car) are shown in table 1.3. - Average number of persons and average km traveled per car is as shown in table 1.4. The value

will remain constant in the future. - Energy specification is shown in table 1.5. The value will remain constant in the future.

Table 1.1 Passenger car transportation demand (106 km)

2000 2010 2030 Passenger Car 120 000 200 000 300 000

Table 1.2 Stock quantity of passenger car

2000 Stock number of conventional gasoline car 6 000 000 Total gasoline consumption of passenger car (1000 t) 3 750

Table 1.3 Energy devices for passenger car

Fuel efficiency Price NOx Conventional gasoline car High efficiency gasoline car Gasoline hybrid car

18 km/kg 24 km/kg 36 km/kg

1 000US$ 1 500US$ 2 000US$

1.0 g-NO2/km 1.0 g-NO2/km 0.2 g-NO2/km

Table 1.4 Average usage characteristics per car

2000 – 2030 Average number of persons per car 2 Average km travel per car per year 10 000

Page 7: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Table 1.5 Energy specification

Emission factor Price CO2 SO2

Gasoline 0.4 $/kg Note : Refer to Appendix H1 of Manual about CO2 and SO2 emission factor

3 Exercise: Case setup

- Estimate future emissions of the cases described in table 1.6. - Draw the profiles of energy consumption and CO2/SO2/NOx emissions after simulation, as illustrated in

figure 1.1. - Discuss why CO2 emission decreases in the view of technology selection after simulation.

Table 1.6 Case setup

Case Content Reference case Countermeasure case 1 Countermeasure case 2 Countermeasure case 3

No countermeasure Countermeasure at use stage Case 1 + carbon tax Case 1+ case 2 + subsidy for hybrid car

Fig 1.1 Example of emission profile

4 Exercise: Data entry

Use “AIM_Enduse.mdb” for exercise. There is no data in the file. Step 1. Enter parameters as follows in “Parameters used in computation”.

- Start year = 2000 - End year = 2020 - Discount rate = 20% - Unit price = US$ - Unit of Energy = GJ - Unit of CO2 = kg-C

Page 8: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


- Unit of SO2 = kg-SO2 - Unit of NOx = kg-NO2 Step 2. Enter your country code in “Region Classification 1”. cf.) Table I. Recommended country code Step 3. Enter sector classification concerning road transportation in “Sector Classification”. ex) TR-ROD cf.) Table II. Recommended sector code Step 4. Enter service classification concerning passenger car transportation in “Service Classification”. ex) TPRC Step 5. Enter service demand of passenger car transportation in “Service Demand”. cf.) Table 1.1 Step 6. Enter energy specification of gasoline in “Energy Data”. cf.) Table 1.5 cf.) Table III. Recommended energy code Step 7. Estimate the specification of energy device in table 1.3 and enter them in “Energy Device

Data”. - Life time = 10 years

- Service supply = Average km traveled per car per year * Average number of persons per car cf.) Table 1.4

- Energy consumption = Fuel consumption per km * Average km traveled per car per year * calorific value

cf.) Table 1.3, 1.4 Appendices H, I of A Guide to AIM/Enduse Model - NOx emission = NOx emission per km * Average km traveled per car per year

cf.) Table 1.3, 1.4 Step 8. Enter the stock quantity of passenger car and the average fuel consumption of stock in “Stock

in Start Year”. cf.) Table 1.2 After step 9, calculate future emission of reference case. - Click “Export data to GAMS”

- Execute AIM_CMB program (see Appendix C2 of A Guide to AIM/Enduse Model) - Click “Conversion Data from GAMS” - Click “Display simulation result” - Reserve the results

5 Exercise: Countermeasure setup

5.1 Case 1

Step 1. Enter countermeasure at use stage in “Improvement at use stage” Step 2. Enter action rate in “Action of improvement at use stage” After step 2, calculate future emission of countermeasure case 1.

Page 9: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Table 1.7 Countermeasure menu

Fuel saving Driving with appropriate tire pressure Stop idling

3.8 % 3.0 %

Table 1.8 Action rate

Base = 2000 2010 2030 Driving with appropriate tire pressure Stop idling

10% 10%

50% 50%

100% 100%

5.2 Case 2: Carbon tax

Step 1. Enter countermeasure type in “Tax/Regulation Classification” ex.) 1 A Carbon Tax Carbon tax for transportation sector Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”.

2000-2002 without carbon tax 2003-2020 Carbon tax 0.5US$/kgC

After step 3, calculate future emission of countermeasure case 2. 5.3 Case 3: Subsidy

Step 1. Enter the following subsidy rate in “Subsidy (Recruitment/Operation)”. 2000-2002 Without subsidy 2003-2020 20% subsidy for recruitment of gasoline hybrid car After step 1, calculate future emission of countermeasure case 3.

Page 10: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


III Exercise 2: Estimates of future emission from power generation 1 Purpose

- Learn how to combine energy device with removal process. - Learn how to estimate future emission with the following countermeasures.

1) SO2 emission regulation 2) CO2 emission regulation

2 Assumptions

- Crude steel demand is shown in table 2.1. - Energy device which can produce crude steel is only electric furnace. - Coal power plants or gas power plants satisfy electricity demand of electric furnaces. - Energy device specifications are shown in table 2.2. - Stock quantity and operating rate of energy devices in 2000 is shown in table 2.3. Operating

rates will remain constant in the future. - Energy specification is shown in table 2.4. The value will remain constant in the future.

Fig. 2.1 Technology system

Table 2.1 Crude steel production demand (103 t)

2000 2010 2030 Crude steel production 10 000 15 000 30 000

Table 2.2 Energy device specifications

Capacity Price Energy efficiency Electric furnace Coal power plant Gas power plant

500,000 t/year 1,000,000 kW 1,000,000 kW

25 million US$ 3,000 million US$ 3,000 million US$

250 million kWh/yr. 40% 50%


Electric furnace

Crude steel


Coal power plant


Natural Gas

Gas power plant

Page 11: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Table 2.3 Stock quantity and operating rate of energy devices

Stock Operating rate Coal power plant without desulfurization 1 000 000 kW 57.1% Coal power plant with desulfurization 0 57.1% Gas power plant 0 57.1% Electric furnace 20 (500,000 t/year scale) 100%

Table 2.4 Energy specification

Emission factor Price CO2 SO2

Coal Natural gas

0.05 $/kg 0.2 $/Nm3

Note : Refer to Appendix H1 of Manual about CO2 and SO2 emission factor 3 Exercise: Case setup - Estimate future emissions of the cases described in table 2.5. - Draw the profiles of energy consumption and CO2/SO2 emissions after simulation, as illustrated in

figure 2.1. - Discuss why CO2 emission decreases in the view of technology selection after simulation.

Table 2.5 Case setup

Case Content Reference case Countermeasure case 1 Countermeasure case 2

No countermeasure SO2 regulation CO2 regulation

Fig 2.1 Example of emission profile 4 Exercise: Data entry

Step 1. Parameters in “Parameters used in computation” is same as the ones in the previous exercise. Step 2. Use the same country code as the one in the previous exercise.

Page 12: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Step 3. Enter sector classification concerning steel production and electric generation in “Sector Classification”.

ex.) IN-STL, CV-ELE Step 4. Enter service classification concerning steel production and electric generation in “Service

Classification”. ex.) STL, EL_ELE Step 5. Enter service demand of crude steel production in “Service Demand”.

cf.) Table 2.1 Electricity demand is decided endogenously. Nevertheless the database can not permit null

value. Enter small value as service demand of electricity, e.g. “1”. Step 6. Enter energy specification of coal, natural gas, and endogenous electricity in “Energy Data”.

cf.) Table 2.4 Step 7. Enter specification of flue gas desulfurization process (Hard coal, >300MWth) in “Removal

process”. cf.) Table G4 of A Guide to AIM/Enduse Model. Step 8. Enter combination of advanced flue gas desulfurization process in “Combination of removal

processes”. Step 9. Enter combination of advanced FGD and coal power plant in “Combination of energy device

and removal processes”. Step 10. Enter combination of “ELE” and “ELE” in “Relationship between Internal Energy/Service”. Step 11. Enter the stock quantities of power generation and electric furnace in “Stock in Start Year”. cf.) Table 2.3 Step 12. Enter the operating rate of power generation in “Operating rate”. cf.) Table 2.3 After step 12, calculate future emission of reference case

5 Exercise: Countermeasure setup

5.1 Case 1: SO2 regulation

Step 1. Enter countermeasure type in “Tax/Regulation Classification” ex.) 2 B SO2 constraint SO2 regulation Step 2. Select SO2 regulation in power generation sector for SO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation”. Step 3. Enter the following maximum limit in “Tax/Regulation”.

2000-2030 20,000,000 kg-SO2 After step 3, calculate future emission of countermeasure case 2.

Page 13: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


5.2 Case 2: CO2 regulation

Step 1. Enter countermeasure type in “Tax/Regulation Classification” ex.) 3 C CO2 constraint CO2 regulation Step 2. Select CO2 regulation in power generation sector for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation”. Step 3. Enter the following maximum limit in “Tax/Regulation”.

2000-2030 150,000,000 kg-C After step 3, calculate future emission of countermeasure case 3.

Page 14: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Table I. Recommended country codes

ID CODE_CMM NAME 4 AFG Afghanistan

31 AZE Azerbaijan 48 BHR Bahrain 50 BGD Bangladesh 51 ARM Armenia 64 BTN Bhutan 96 BRN Brunei Darussalam

104 MMR Myanmar 116 KHM Cambodia 144 LKA Sri Lanka 156 CHN China 158 TWN Taiwan Province of China 196 CYP Cyprus 268 GEO Georgia 275 PSE Occupied Palestinian Territory 344 HKG Hong Kong Special Administrative 356 IND India 360 IDN Indonesia 364 IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) 368 IRQ Iraq 376 ISR Israel 392 JPN Japan 398 KAZ Kazakhstan 400 JOR Jordan 408 PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea 410 KOR Republic of Korea 414 KWT Kuwait 417 KGZ Kyrgyzstan 418 LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic 422 LBN Lebanon 446 MAC Macao Special Administrative Region of China 458 MYS Malaysia 462 MDV Maldives 496 MNG Mongolia 512 OMN Oman 524 NPL Nepal 586 PAK Pakistan 608 PHL Philippines 626 TMP East Timor 634 QAT Qatar 682 SAU Saudi Arabia 702 SGP Singapore 704 VNM Viet Nam 720 720 Democratic Yemen 760 SYR Syrian Arab Republic 762 TJK Tajikistan 764 THA Thailand 784 ARE United Arab Emirates 792 TUR Turkey 795 TKM Turkmenistan 860 UZB Uzbekistan 886 886 Yemen 887 YEM Yemen

Page 15: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Table II. Recommended sector codes

ID CODE NAME 10 PRD Indigenous production 20 IMP Import 30 EXP Export 40 BNK International marine bunkers 50 STC Stock changes 60 TPES Total primary energy supply 70 DIF Statistical Differences 80 TFC Total Final Consumption

101 CV-ELE Electricity plants 102 CV-CHP CHP plants 103 CV-HET Heat plants 104 CV-COK Coal transformation 105 CV-BLS Blast furnace 106 CV-OIL Petroleum refineries 107 CV-GSW Gas works 108 CV-LNG LNG plants 109 CV-MIN Energy mining 110 CV-OTH Other transformation 111 CV-OWE Own use for electricity, CHP, heat 112 CV-LOS Distribution loss 150 EU-TOT End-use total 200 IN-TOT Total industry sector 201 IN-STL Iron and steel 202 IN-CHM Chemical and petrochemical 203 IN-NMT Non-metallic minerals 204 IN-NFE Non-ferrous metals 205 IN-TRN Transport equipment 206 IN-MCH Machinery 207 IN-MNN Mining and quarrying 208 IN-FOD Food and tobacco 209 IN-PPR Paper, pulp and printing 210 IN-WOD Wood and wood products 211 IN-CNS Construction 212 IN-TXT Textiles and leather 213 IN-OTH Non-specified industry 300 TR-TOT Total Transport Sector 301 TR-INT International Civil Aviation 302 TR-AIR Domestic Air Transport 303 TR-ROD Road 304 TR-RAL Rail 305 TR-PPL Pipeline Transport 306 TR-WTR Internal Navigation 307 TR-OTH Non-specified Transport 400 OT-TOT Total Other Sectors 401 OT-AGR Agriculture 402 OT-CMM Commercial and Public Services 403 OT-RSD Residential 404 OT-OTH Non-specified Other 500 NE-TOT Non-Energy Use 501 NE-IND Non-Energy Use Ind/Transf/Energy 502 NE-TRN Non-Energy Use in Transport 503 NE-OTH Non-Energy Use in Other Sectors

Page 16: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Table III. Recommended energy codes

ID CODE NAME 1 EN_SLD Solids 2 EN_LQD Liquids 3 EN_GAS Gas

101 EN_COL Coal 102 EN_CPR Coal products 103 EN_CGS Coal to gas 201 EN_OLC Crude oil 202 EN_OLL LPG 203 EN_OLK Kerosene 204 EN_OLG Gasoline 205 EN_OLD Diesel Oil 206 EN_OLN Naphtha 207 EN_OLH Heavy Oil 208 EN_OLF Other oil for fuel 209 EN_OLS Other oil for stock 301 EN_GNG Natural gas 400 EN_RBM Commercial Biomass 500 EN_NUC Nuclear 600 EN_HYD Hydro 700 EN_GEO Geothermal 801 EN_RSL Solar 802 EN_RWN Wind 803 EN_ROT Other renewable energy

1000 EN_ELE Electricity 1010 EN_ELP Primary Electricity 1020 EN_ELS Secondary Electricity 1100 EN_HET Heat 1105 EN_THM Thermal 1200 EN_OTH Others 1300 EN_TOT Total

Page 17: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


X Pony for teachers

Exercise 1 Parameters used in computation

- Start year = 2000 - End year = 2020 - Discount rate = 20% - Unit price = US$ - Unit of Energy = GJ - Unit of CO2 = kg-C - Unit of SO2 = kg-SO2 - Unit of NOx = kg-NO2 Region Classification 1 1 JPN Japan Region Classification 2 (Skip) Allocation Index Type (Skip) Sector Classification 1 TR-ROD Transportation - Road Service Classification 1 TPRC Passenger car transportation 1000p.km TR-ROD Service Demand 1 JPN TPRC(1000p.km)

2000 120,000,000 2010 200,000,000 2030 300,000,000 Service Loss (Skip) Energy Data 1 EL_OLG Gasoline 8.9 19 0.004 0 Change in Energy Data (Skip) Energy Device Data 1 TCG1 Conventional gasoline car 10 1 unit TPRC 20 2 TCG2 High efficiency gasoline car 10 1 unit TPRC 20

Page 18: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


3 TCG3 Gasoline hybrid car 10 1 unit TPRC 20

1000 0 EL_OLG 24.9 0 0 10 1500 0 EL_OLG 18.7 0 0 10 2000 0 EL_OLG 12.4 0 0 2 Change in Energy Device (Skip) Removal Process (Skip) Combination of Removal Processes (Skip) Combination of Removal Processes and Energy Device (Skip) Relationship between Internal Energy/Service (Skip) Stock in Start Year 1 TCG1 NON 6,000,000 Energy consumption 28 Maximum share of Energy Device (Skip) Operating rate (Skip) Improvement at Use Stage 1 T01 Driving with appropriate tire pressure TCG1 3.8% 1 T01 Driving with appropriate tire pressure TCG2 3.8% 1 T01 Driving with appropriate tire pressure TCG3 3.8% 2 T02 Stop idling TCG1 3.0% 2 T02 Stop idling TCG2 3.0% Action of Improvement at Use Stage 1 JPN T001 10%(Base) 50%(2010) 100%(2030) 2 JPN T002 10%(Base) 50%(2010) 100%(2030) Tax/Regulation Classification 1 A Carbon Tax Carbon tax for transportation sector Group for Tax/Regulation 1 JPN TR-ROD - Carbon tax - - Tax/Regulation √ [A] Carbon tax 2000 0 2002 0 2003 0.5 2030 0.5

Page 19: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Subsidy (Recruitment/Operation) √ [TCG3] NON for recruited 2000 0 2002 0 2003 20% 2030 20% Subsidy (Removal Process) (Skip) Exercise 2 Parameters used in computation

- Start year = 2000 - End year = 2020 - Discount rate = 20% - Unit price = US$ - Unit of Energy = GJ - Unit of CO2 = kg-C - Unit of SO2 = kg-SO2 - Unit of NOx = kg-NO2 Region Classification 1 1 JPN Japan Region Classification 2 (Skip) Allocation Index Type (Skip) Sector Classification 1 TR-ROD Transportation - Road 2 IN-STL Industry - Steel 3 CV-ELE Power generation Service Classification 1 TPRC Passenger car transportation 1000p.km TR-ROA 2 STL Crude steel production t IN-STL 3 EN_ELE Electricity GJ CV-ELE Service Demand 1 JPN TPRC(1000p.km)

2000 120,000,000 2010 200,000,000 2030 300,000,000 2 JPN STL (t)

2000 10,000,000 2010 15,000,000 2030 30,000,000 3 JPN EN_ELE (GJ)

2000 1 2030 1 Service Loss (Skip)

Page 20: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Energy Data 1 EN_OLG Gasoline 8.9 19 0.004 0 2 EN_GNG Natural gas 5.3 15.3 0.001 0 3 EN_COL Coal 2.0 25.8 0.333 0 4 EN_ELE Electricity 0 0 0.004 0 Change in Energy Data (Skip) Energy Device Data 1 TCG1 Conventional gasoline car 10 1 unit TPRC 20 2 TCG2 High efficiency gasoline car 10 1 unit TPRC 20 3 TCG3 Gasoline hybrid car 10 1 unit TPRC 20

4 ELSTL Electric furnace 40 500kt STL 500000 5 PWCL Coal power plant 40 1 kW EN_ELE 31.54 6 PWNG Gas power plant 40 1 kW EN_ELE 31.54

1000 0 EN_OLG 24.9 0 0 10 1500 0 EN_OLG 18.7 0 0 10 2000 0 EN_OLG 12.4 0 0 2

25000000 0 EN_ELE 900000 0 0 0 3000 0 EN_COL 78.84 0 0 0 3000 0 EN_GNG 63.07 0 0 0

Change in Energy Device (Skip) Removal Process 1 SHWF3 FGD Hard coal > 300MWth Post SO2 3.53 0.19 0.009 95% Combination of Removal Processes 1 SHWF3 - - SHWF3 - - - Combination of Removal Processes and Energy Device PWCL PWCL_SHWF3 Coal power generation + FGD [SHWF3] Relationship between Internal Energy/Service EN_ELE EN_ELE Stock in Start Year 1 JPN TCG1 NON 6,000,000 Energy consumption 28 2 JPN ELSTL NON 20 3 JPN PWCL NON 1,000,000 Maximum share of Energy Device (Skip)

Page 21: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Operating rate 1 JPN PWCL 2000 57.10% 2030 57.10% 2 JPN PWNG 2000 57.10% 2030 57.10% Improvement at Use Stage (Skip) Action of Improvement at Use Stage (Skip) Tax/Regulation Classification 1 A Carbon Tax Carbon tax for transportation sector 2 B SO2 constraint SO2 regulation 3 C CO2 constraint CO2 regulation Group for Tax/Regulation 1 JPN TR-ROA - Carbon tax - - 2 JPN IN-STL - - - - 3 JPN CV-ELE - CO2 regulation SO2 regulation - Tax/Regulation [A] Carbon tax 2000 0 2002 0 2003 0.5 2030 0.5 [B] SO2 regulation 2000 2E+07 2030 2E+07 √ [C] CO2 regulation 2000 1.5E+09 2030 1.5E+09 Subsidy (Recruitment/Operation) (Skip) Subsidy (Removal Process) (Skip)

Page 22: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Exercise 1 Energy Data 1) Energy price Gasoline 0.4$/kg * 1000 / (1.07 toe/t * 41.868 GJ/toe) = 8.93 $/GJ (Table1.5) (App.H.1#) (App.I.1#)

2) CO2 emission factor Gasoline = Motor gasoline = 18.9 kg-C/ GJ (Appendix H1#)

3) SO2 emission factor Gasoline = Motor gasoline = 3.8 – 108.7 kg-SO2/TJ (Appendix H1#)

Energy Device Data 1) Service Supply 2 * 10,000 = 20,000 person-km

2) Energy Consumption 10,000 km / 18 km/kg *0.001 kg/t * 1.07 toe/t * 41.868 GJ/toe = 24.9 GJ 10,000 km / 24 km/kg *0.001 kg/t * 1.07 toe/t * 41.868 GJ/toe = 18.7 GJ 10,000 km / 36 km/kg *0.001 kg/t * 1.07 toe/t * 41.868 GJ/toe = 12.4 GJ (Table1.4) (Table1.3) (App.H.1#) (App.I.1#)

3) NOx emission 10,000 km * 1.0 = 10,000 g-NO2/km = 10kg-NO2/km 10,000 km * 0.2 = 2,000 g-NO2/km = 2kg-NO2/km (Table1.4) (Table1.3)

Stock 1) Energy consumption (Average)

3750 *1000 (t) * 1.07 (toe/t) *41.868 (GJ/toe) / 6000000 (unit) = 28 (GJ) (Table1.2) (App.H.1#) (App.I.1#) (Table1.2) (Note: # refers to corresponding Appendix in A Guide to AIM/Enduse Model)

Page 23: Exercises in AIM · 2013. 9. 25. · Step 2. Select carbon tax in the list of group for CO2 in “Group for Tax/Regulation Measure”. Step 3. Enter the following tax rate in “Tax/Regulation”


Exercise 2 Energy Data 1) Energy price Coal 0.05$/kg * 1000 / (0.6 toe/t * 41.868 GJ/toe) = 2.0 $/GJ Natural gas 0.2$/Nm3 * 1000 / (0.901 toe/ 1000Nm3 * 41.868 GJ/toe) = 5.3 $/GJ

2) CO2 emission factor Coal = Hard coal = 25.8 kg-C/ GJ Natural gas = 15.3 kg-C/ GJ

3) SO2 emission factor Coal = Hard coal = 333 kg-SO2/ GJ Natural gas = 1 kg-SO2/ GJ

Energy Device Data 1) Service Supply Coal or natural gas power generation

1 kW * 365 * 24 * 3.6 MJ/kWh /1000 = 31.54 GJ 2) Energy consumption Coal or natural gas power generation Coal 31.54 GJ / 40% = 78.84 GJ

Natural gas 31.54 / 50% = 63.07 GJ Electric furnace 250 * 10^6 * 3.6 MJ/kWh / 10^3 = 900,000 GJ Stock 1) Energy consumption of stock in 2000

900,000 GJ * 20 = 18,000,000 GJ 1,000,000kW * 365 * 24 * 3.6 MJ/kWh /1000 = 31,536,000