DOI: 10.1007/s10884-006-9065-7 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2007 (© 2006) Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic Stability of Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation Shiwang MA 1 and Jianhong WU 2,3 Received November 8, 2005; revised July 11, 2006 In this paper, we study the existence, uniqueness, and global asymptotic sta- bility of traveling wave fronts in a non-local reaction–diffusion model for a single species population with two age classes and a fixed maturation period living in a spatially unbounded environment. Under realistic assumptions on the birth function, we construct various pairs of super and sub solutions and utilize the comparison and squeezing technique to prove that the equa- tion has exactly one non-decreasing traveling wavefront (up to a translation) which is monotonically increasing and globally asymptotic stable with phase shift. KEY WORDS: Non-local reaction-diffusion equation; traveling wave front; existence; uniqueness; asymptotic stability; comparison principle. AMS (1991) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 34K30; 35B40; 35R10; 58D25. 1. INTRODUCTION We consider the following system ∂w ∂t = D 2 w ∂x 2 dw + −∞ b(w(t r, y))f (x y)dy. (1.1) This model describes the evolution of the adult population of a single spe- cies population with two age classes and moving around in a unbounded 1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, People’s Republic of China. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3. E-mail: [email protected] 3 To whom correspondence should be addressed. 391 1040-7294/07/0600-0391/0 © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.

Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic Stability of …wujh/Paper/existence_wave_fronts.pdfDOI: 10.1007/s10884-006-9065-7 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 19, No

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Page 1: Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic Stability of …wujh/Paper/existence_wave_fronts.pdfDOI: 10.1007/s10884-006-9065-7 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 19, No

DOI: 10.1007/s10884-006-9065-7Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, Vol. 19, No. 2, June 2007 (© 2006)

Existence, Uniqueness and Asymptotic Stabilityof Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local DelayedDiffusion Equation

Shiwang MA1 and Jianhong WU2,3

Received November 8, 2005; revised July 11, 2006

In this paper, we study the existence, uniqueness, and global asymptotic sta-bility of traveling wave fronts in a non-local reaction–diffusion model for asingle species population with two age classes and a fixed maturation periodliving in a spatially unbounded environment. Under realistic assumptions onthe birth function, we construct various pairs of super and sub solutionsand utilize the comparison and squeezing technique to prove that the equa-tion has exactly one non-decreasing traveling wavefront (up to a translation)which is monotonically increasing and globally asymptotic stable with phaseshift.

KEY WORDS: Non-local reaction-diffusion equation; traveling wave front;existence; uniqueness; asymptotic stability; comparison principle.

AMS (1991) SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION: 34K30; 35B40; 35R10; 58D25.


We consider the following system





∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t− r, y))f (x−y)dy. (1.1)

This model describes the evolution of the adult population of a single spe-cies population with two age classes and moving around in a unbounded

1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, People’s Republicof China. E-mail: [email protected]

2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada M3J1P3. E-mail: [email protected]

3 To whom correspondence should be addressed.


1040-7294/07/0600-0391/0 © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.

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392 Shiwang and Jianhong

1-dimensional spatial domain. In this context, D>0 and d >0 denote thediffusion rate and death rate of the adult population, respectively, r≥0 isthe maturation time for the species, b is related to the birth function, andthe function f ∈C∞(R,R) satisfies

f (x)≥0,∫ ∞

−∞f (y)dy=1 and

∫ ∞

−∞|y|f (y)dy <+∞.

The main feature of the above model is the non-local interaction repre-sented by the convolution (in space) term, and this is biologically realisticbecause the matured population at the current time t and spatial locationx was born at time t− r or earlier and might be at different spatial loca-tion. Therefore, the kernel function f describes the diffusion pattern of theimmature population during the maturation process. We refer to Ref. [8]for more details and some specific forms of f , obtained from integrationalong characteristic equations of a structured population model and fol-lowing the pioneering work of Smith and Thieme [6] (see also ref. [3] for asurvey of the short history and the current status of the study of reactiondiffusion equations with non-local delayed interactions). For related topicsand some theoretical aspects of delayed reaction-diffusion equations, werefer the readers to [4,9].

In this paper, we always assume that the birth function b∈C1(R,R)

and there exists a constant K>0 such that


Therefore (1.1) has at least two spatially homogeneous equilibria

w1 =0, w2 =K.We are interested in the existence and other qualitative properties of

a traveling wavefront w(t, x)=U(x+ ct) of (1.1), with U saturating at w1and w2. Let ξ =x+ct , we then have the following equation for the profileU :

cU ′(ξ)=DU ′′(ξ)−dU(ξ)+∫ ∞

−∞b(U(ξ − cr−y))f (y)dy (1.2)

subject to the boundary conditions

U(−∞)=w1, U(∞)=w2. (1.3)

The so-called non-local monostable case (where there is no other zeroof du=b(u)) on [w1,w2] was addressed by So et al. [8] and Faria et al. [2].Here, we consider the so-called non-local bistable case. Namely, let

u+ := sup{u∈ [0,K);du=b(u)}, u− := inf{u∈ (0,K];du=b(u)}.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 393

We assume the following conditions are satisfied:

(H1) b′(η)≥0, for η∈ [0,K];(H2) d >max{b′(0), b′(K)};(H3) u∗ :=u+ =u− and b′(u∗)>d.

A specific function which has been widely used in the mathematicalbiology literature given by b(w)=pw2e−αw with p>0 and α>0 does sat-isfy the above conditions for a wide range of parameters p,α.

Denote by [0,K]C the set {ϕ ∈C([−r,0]×R,R); 0≤ϕ(s, x)≤K, s ∈[−r,0], x ∈R}. We can now formulate our main result as follows:

Theorem 1.1. Assume that (H1)–(H3) hold. Then (1.1) has exactly onetraveling wavefront U(x+ ct) with 0 ≤U ≤K and |c| ≤C for some positiveconstant C, which is independent of r. The unique traveling wavefront U(x+ct) is strictly increasing with respect to ξ=x+ct and globally asymptoticallystable with phase shift in the sense that there exists γ >0 such that for anyϕ ∈ [0,K]C with

lim infx→+∞ min

s∈[−r,0]ϕ(s, x)>u∗, lim sup


ϕ(s, x)<u∗

the solution w(t, x, ϕ) of (1.1), with w(s, x,φ)= φ(s, x) for s ∈ [−r,0] andx ∈R, satisfies

|w(t, x, ϕ)−U(x+ ct+ ξ0)|≤Me−γ t , t ≥0, x ∈R

for some M=M(ϕ)>0 and ξ0 = ξ0(ϕ)∈R.

We should remark that time delay does implicitly play a significantrole in the dynamical behaviors of system (1.1), as the function b involvesthe size of this time lag. In terms of modeling the dynamics of adult pop-ulation, the function b should be the birth rate times e−rdi when the deathrate of the immature population is assumed to be a constant di > 0, andthis factor must be used to account for the survival probability of a newborn during its maturation phase. Theorem 1.1 seems to remain true whenwe replace the linear death rate dw by a strictly increasing function (andof course some relevant technical conditions), but it is not so clear if thearguments developed in the main body of this paper can be generalized toa more general class of scalar delay differential equations with non-localinteraction, mainly due to the technical details of the construction of pairsof super and sub solutions.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we estab-lish a comparison result and then prove the uniqueness of a traveling

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wavefront. The asymptotic stability of the unique traveling wavefront isobtained in Section 3 and the existence is given in Section 4. We provethe asymptotic stability of the traveling wavefront by using the compari-son and squeezing technique, this trick was used previously in [1,7]. Someresults needed in the existence proof can be obtained by using argumentsvery much similar to those in [1], and these results are summarized in theappendix, with sketched proofs that we believe are needed to fill out somegaps in the arguments of Chen [1].


We start with the following initial value problem

∂w(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w(t, x)

∂x2−dw(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t− r, y))f (x−y)dy, t >0, x ∈R,

w(s, x) = φ(s, x), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R. (2.1)

Let X = BUC(R,R) be the Banach space of all bounded and uni-formly continuous functions from R to R with the usual supremum norm| · |X, and let X+ = {φ ∈X : φ(x)≥ 0,∀x ∈ R}. It is easy to see that X+ isa closed cone of X and X is a Banach lattice under the partial orderinginduced by X+.

The heat equation


= D∂2w(t,x)

∂x2 , t >0, x ∈R,

w(0, x) = φ(x), x ∈R(2.2)

has the solution

T (t)φ(x)

= 1√4πDt

∫ ∞





)φ(y)dy, t>0, x∈R, φ∈X (2.3)

and T (t):X→X is an analytic semigroup on X with T (t)X+ ⊂X+ for allt ≥0.

Let C = C([−r,0],X) be the Banach space of continuous functionsfrom [−r,0] into X with the supremum norm ‖ · ‖ and let C+ = {φ ∈C :φ(s)∈X+,∀s∈ [−r,0]}. Then C+ is a closed cone of C. As usual, we iden-tify an element φ ∈ C as a function from [−r,0] × R into R defined byφ(s, x)=φ(s)(x). For any continuous function y: [−r, b)→X, where b>0,we define yt ∈C, t ∈ [0, b), by yt (s)= y(t + s), s ∈ [−r,0]. Then t → yt is acontinuous function from [0, b) to C.

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Under assumptions (H1) and (H2), we can choose a positive constantδ0>0 such that

du<b(u), for u∈ [−δ0,0) (2.4)


du>b(u), for u∈ (K,K+ δ0]. (2.5)

We also assume

b′(u)≥0, for u∈ [−δ0,K+ δ0]. (2.6)

By (H1), this can be achieved by modifying (if necessary) the definition ofb outside the closed interval [−δ0,K + δ0] to a new C1-smooth functionand apply our results below to the new function b.

For any φ ∈ [−δ0,K + δ0]C = {φ ∈ C; φ(s, x) ∈ [−δ0,K + δ0], s ∈[−r,0], x ∈R}, define

F(φ)(x)=−dφ(0, x)+∫ ∞

−∞b(φ(−r, y))f (x−y)dy, x ∈R.

Then F(φ)∈X and F : [−δ0,K+δ0]C →X is globally Lipschitz continuous.

Definition 2.1. A continuous function υ : [−r, b)→X,b> 0, is calleda supersolution (subsolution) of (2.1) on [0, b) if

υ(t)≥ (≤)T (t− t0)υ(t0)+∫ t


T (t− s)F (υs)ds (2.7)

for all b > t > t0 ≥ 0. If υ is both a supersolution and a subsolution on[0, b), then it is said to be a mild solution of (2.1).

Remark 2.2. Assume that there is a bounded and continuous υ :[−r, b)×R→R, with b>0 and such that υ is C2 in x∈R, C1 in t ∈ (0, b),and

∂υ(t, x)

∂t≥ (≤)D ∂

2υ(t, x)

∂x2−dυ(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(υ(t− r, y))f (x−y)dy, t ∈ (0, b), x ∈R.

Then, by the fact that T (t)X+ ⊂X+, it follows that (2.7) holds, and henceυ(t, x) is a supersolution (subsolution) of (2.1) on [0, b).

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�(J, t)= 1√4πDt


(−dt− (J +1)2


), J ≥0, t >0.

Clearly, �∈C([0,∞)× (0,∞),R).We first establish the following existence and comparison result.

Lemma 2.3. For any φ ∈ [−δ0,K + δ0]C , (2.1) has a unique mildsolution w(t, x, φ) on [0,+∞) with −δ0 ≤ w(t, x) ≤ K + δ0 for (t, x) ∈[−r,+∞) × R and w(t, x, φ) is a classical solution to (1.1) for (t, x) ∈(r,+∞)×R. Furthermore, for any pair of supersolution w+(t, x) and subso-lution w−(t, x) of (1.1) on [0,+∞) with −δ0 ≤w+(t, x),w−(t, x)≤K + δ0for t ∈ [−r,+∞) and x∈R, and w+(s, x)≥w−(s, x) for s∈ [−r,0] and x∈R,there holds w+(t, x)≥w−(t, x) for t ≥0, x ∈R, and

w+(t, x)−w−(t, x)≥�(|x− z|, t− t0)∫ z+1


[w+(t0, y)−w−(t0, y)]dy (2.8)

for every z∈R and t > t0 ≥0.

Proof. Under the abstract setting [5], a mild solution of (2.1) is asolution to its associated integral equation

w(t) = T (t)φ(0)+ ∫ t0 T (t− s)F (ws)ds, t >0,w0 = φ ∈ [−δ0,K+ δ0]C.


By the choice of δ0 in (2.4) and (2.5), it is easy to see that υ+(t)=K+ δ0and υ−(t)= −δ0 are an ordered pair of super and subsolutions of (2.1)on [0,∞). Since b ∈C1(R,R), it can be easily checked that F : [−δ0,K +δ0]C → X is globally Lipschitz continuous. We further claim that F isquasi-monotonic on [−δ0,K+ δ0]C in the sense that



dist(φ(0)−ψ(0)+h[F(φ)−F(ψ)];X+)=0 (2.10)

for all φ,ψ ∈ [−δ0,K+ δ0]C with φ≥ψ . In fact, it follows from (2.6) that

F(φ)(x)−F(ψ)(x) = −d[φ(0, x)−ψ(0, x)]+ ∫∞

−∞[b(φ(−r, y)−ψ(−r, y)]f (x−y)dy≥ −d[φ(0, x)−ψ(0, x)]


and hence, for any h>0 with hd <1,

φ(0)−ψ(0)+h[F(φ)−F(ψ)]≥ (1−hd)(φ(0)−ψ(0))≥0

from which (2.10) follows. Therefore, the existence and uniqueness ofw(t, x, φ) follows from Corollary 5 in [5] with S(t, s)= T (t, s)= T (t − s)

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for t ≥ s ≥ 0 and B(t, φ)=F(φ). Moreover, a semigroup theory argumentgiven in the proof of Theorem 1 in [5] yields that w(t, x, φ) is a classicalsolution for t > r.

Since w+,w− ∈ [−δ0,K+δ0]C and w+ ≥w−, it follows from Corollary5 in [5] that

−δ0 ≤w(t, x,w−)≤w(t, x,w+)≤K+ δ0, t ≥0, x ∈R. (2.12)

By applying Corollary 5 in [5] with [υ+(t, x) = K + δ0 and υ−(t, x) =w−(t, x)], [υ+(t, x)=w+(t, x) and υ−(t, x)=−δ0], respectively, we get

w−(t, x)≤w(t, x,w−)≤K+ δ0, t ≥0, x ∈R (2.13)


−δ0 ≤w(t, x,w+)≤w+(t, x), t ≥0, x ∈R. (2.14)

Combining (2.12)–(2.14), we have w−(t, x) ≤ w+(t, x) for all t ≥ 0 andx ∈R.

It remains to prove the last inequality in the lemma. Let υ(t, x)=w+(t, x)−w−(t, x), t ∈ [−r,∞), x ∈ R. Then we have that υ(t, x)≥ 0, t ∈[−r,∞), x∈R and w+

t ,w−t ∈ [−δ0,K+δ0]C with w+

t ≥w−t in C for all t≥0.

For any given t0 ≥ 0, by Definition 2.1 (2.11) and the fact that T (t)X+ ⊂X+ for t ≥0 that, for all t ≥ t0,

υ(t) ≥ T (t− t0)υ(t0)+∫ tt0T (t− s)[F(w+

s )−F(w−s )]ds

≥ T (t− t0)υ(t0)−d∫ tt0T (t− s)υ(s)ds. (2.15)


z(t)= e−d(t−t0)T (t− t0)υ(t0), t ≥ t0.Then z(t) satisfies

z(t)=T (t− t0)z(t0)−d∫ t


T (t− s)z(s)ds, t ≥ t0. (2.16)

By Proposition 3 in [5] with υ−(t)= z(t), υ+(t)=+∞, S(t, φ)=B−(t, φ)=−dφ(0), we get υ(t)≥ z(t) for all t ≥ t0. Thus it follows that

w+(t)−w−(t)≥ e−d(t−t0)T (t− t0)(w+(t0)−w−(t0)), t ≥ t0. (2.17)

Combining (2.3), (2.17) and the definition of �∈C([0,∞)× (0,∞),R), wehave that for all t > t0 ≥0 and x ∈R,

w+(t, x)−w−(t, x)≥�(|x− z|, t− t0)∫ z+1


[w+(t0, y)−w−(t0, y)]dy.

The proof is complete.

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Remark 2.4. By virtue of Lemma 2.3, it follows that if w+(t, x) andw−(t, x) are the pair of supersolution and subsolution of (1.1) given inLemma 2.3 and w+(0, x) �≡w−(0, x), then for any t >0,

w+(t, x)−w−(t, x) ≥ maxz∈R

�(|x− z|, t)∫ z+1


[w+(0, y)−w−(0, y)]dy >0.

In particular, if υ(t, x, φ) is a solution of (1.1) with the initial data φ ∈[−δ0,K + δ0]C and φ(0, x) ( �≡ const.) is a non-decreasing function on R,then for any fixed t >0, υ(t, x) is strictly increasing in x ∈R.

Lemma 2.5. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Let U(x + ct) be anon-decreasing traveling wavefront of (1.1). Then

0<U ′(ξ)≤ b(K)


, f or all ξ ∈R (2.18)






dy >


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and hence,

U ′(ξ) = 1D(λ2 −λ1)


∫ ξ


∫ ∞





H(U)(s)=∫ ∞

−∞b(U(s− cr−y))f (y)dy. (2.22)

Since λ2 −λ1 ≥2√dD, it follows from (2.21) and (2.22) that

U ′(ξ)≤ λ2b(K)


∫ ∞


eλ2(ξ−s)ds= b(K)



which together with (2.20) yields (2.18). Finally, (2.19) follows from (1.3),(2.21), (2.22), and the dominant convergence theorem. This completes theproof.

Lemma 2.6. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Let U(x+ct) be a non-decreasing traveling wavefront of (1.1). Then there exist three positive num-bers β0 (which is independent of U ), σ0 and δ such that for any δ∈ (0, δ] andevery ξ ∈R, the function w+ and w− defined by

w±(t, x) :=U(x+ ct+ ξ ±σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0t ))± δe−β0t

are a supersolution and a subsolution of (1.1) on [0,+∞), respectively.

Proof. By (H2), we can choose a β0>0 and an ε∗>0 such that

d >β0 + eβ0r (max{b′(0), b′(K)}+ ε∗). (2.23)

By (2.6), there exists a δ∗>0 such that

0≤b′(η)≤b′(0)+ ε∗, for all η∈ [−δ∗, δ∗], (2.24)

0≤b′(η)≤b′(K)+ ε∗, for all η∈ [K− δ∗,K+ δ∗]. (2.25)

Let c0 =|c|r+ (eβ0r −1). Since limξ→+∞U(ξ)=K and limξ→−∞U(ξ)=0,there exists a constant M0 =M0(U,β0, ε

∗, δ∗)>0 such that

U(ξ) ≤ δ∗, for all ξ ≤−M0/2+ c0, (2.26)

U(ξ) ≥ K− δ∗, for all ξ ≥M0/2− c0, (2.27)

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d >β0 + eβ0r (max{b′(0), b′(K)}+ ε∗)


[∫ ∞12M0

+∫ − 1


−∞f (y)dy

]. (2.28)

By virtue of Lemma 2.5, we have m0 :=m0(U,β0, ε∗, δ∗)=min{U ′(ξ); |ξ |≤

M0}>0. Define

σ0 := 1β0m0

[(eβ0rb′max −d)+β0]>0 (2.29)



1σ0, δ∗e−β0r


We only prove w+(t, x) is a supersolution of (1.1). The proof for w−(t, x)is analogous and is omitted. By a translation, we can assume that ξ = 0.For any given δ ∈ (0, δ], let ξ(t)= x+ ct + σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0t ). Then for anyt ≥0, we have

S(w+)(t,x) : = ∂w+(t,x)∂t



−∫ ∞

−∞b(w+(t−r,x−y))f (y)dy

= U ′(ξ(t))(c+σδβ0e−β0t )−β0δe


−DU ′′(ξ(t))+dU(ξ(t))+dδe−β0t

−∫ ∞

−∞b{U [ξ(t)−cr−y+σ0δ(e

β0r−e−β0(t−r))−σ0δ(eβ0r−e−β0t )]

+δe−β0(t−r)}·f (y)dy= σ0δβ0U


−∫ ∞

−∞b{U [ξ(t)−cr−y+σ0δ(1−eβ0r )e−β0t ]+δe−β0(t−r)}·f (y)dy

+∫ ∞

−∞b{U [ξ(t)−cr−y]}·f (y)dy

= [σ0δβ0U′(ξ(t))−β0δ+dmδ]e−β0t

−∫ ∞

−∞b′(η){U [ξ(t)−cr−y+σ0δ(1−eβ0r )e−β0t ]+δe−β0(t−r)

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−U [ξ(t)−cr−y]}·f (y)dy= [σ0δβ0U


−∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)[U ′(ξ )σ0δ(1−eβ0r )e−β0t+δe−β0(t−r)]·f (y)dy

= {σ0β0U′(ξ(t))−β0 +d

+∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)[U ′(ξ )σ0(e

β0r−1)−eβ0r ]·f (y)dy}δe−β0t ,


ξ = ξ(t)− cr−y+ θσ0(1− eβ0r )e−β0t ,

η = θU [ξ(t)− cr−y+σ0δ(1− eβ0r )e−β0t ]

+θδe−β0(t−r)+ (1− θ)U [ξ(t)− cr−y].

Clearly, 0≤ η≤K+ δeβ0r ≤K+ δ∗. Therefore, b′(η)≥0, and hence,

S(w+)(t, x)≥{σ0β0U

′(ξ(t))−β0 +d− eβ0r

∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)f (y)dy

}δe−β0t .


We distinguish among three cases.Case (i): |ξ(t)|≤M0. In this case, by (2.29) and (2.30), we have

S(w+)(t, x) ≥ {σ0β0U′(ξ(t))−β0 +d− eβ0r

∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)f (y)dy}δe−β0t

≥ {σ0β0m0 −β0 +d− eβ0rb′max}δe−β0t

≥ 0.

Case (ii): ξ(t)≥M0. For y ∈ [− 12ξ(t),

12ξ(t)], we have

12M0 ≤ 1

2ξ(t)≤ ξ(t)−y≤ 3


By the choice of δ, for any δ∈ (0, δ], we have σ0δ≤1, and hence,

ξ(t)−y− cr+σ0δ(1− eβ0r )e−β0t

≥ 12M0 − cr+σ0δ(1− eβ0r )≥ 1

2M0 − c0,


ξ(t)−y− cr≥ 12M0 − cr≥ 1

2M0 − c0.

Therefore, it follows from (2.25) and (2.27) that

K+ δ∗ ≥K+ δeβ0r ≥ η≥K− δ∗

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402 Shiwang and Jianhong


b′(η)≤b′(K)+ ε∗.Hence, by (2.28) and (2.30), we have

S(w+)(t, x) ≥ {σ0β0U′(ξ(t))−β0 +d− eβ0r

∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)f (y)dy}δe−β0t

≥ {−β0 +d− eβ0r

∫ 12 ξ(t)

− 12 ξ(t)

b′(η)f (y)dy


∫ ∞12 ξ(t)

b′(η)f (y)dy− eβ0r

∫ − 12 ξ(t)

−∞b′(η)f (y)dy}δe−β0t

≥ {−β0 +d− eβ0r (b′(K)+ ε∗)


∫ ∞12M0

+∫ − 1


−∞f (y)dy]}δe−β0t

≥ 0.

Case (iii): ξ(t)≤−M0. The proof for this case similar to that for Case (ii)and thus is omitted.

The proof of Lemma 2.4 is complete.

Theorem 2.7. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Also assume that (1.1)has a non-decreasing traveling wavefront U(x + ct), then for any travelingwavefront U (x+ ct) with 0 ≤ U ≤K, we have c= c and U (·)=U(·+ ξ0) forsome ξ0 ∈R.

Proof. Since U (ξ) and U(ξ) have the same limits as ξ→±∞, thereexist ξ ∈ R and a sufficiently large number h> 0 such that for every s ∈[−r,0] and x ∈R,

U(x+ cs+ ξ )− δ < U(x+ cs)<U(x+ cs+ ξ +h)+ δand hence,

U(x+ cs+ ξ −σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0s))− δe−β0s

< U(x+ cs)<U(x+ cs+ ξ +h+σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0s))+ δe−β0s ,

where β0, σ0 and δ are given in Lemma 2.6. By the comparison, we obtainthat for all t ≥0 and x ∈R,

U(x+ ct+ ξ −σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0t ))− δe−β0t

< U(x+ ct)<U(x+ ct+ ξ +h+σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0t ))+ δe−β0t .

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Keeping ξ = x+ ct fixed and letting t→∞, we then obtain from the firstinequality that c≤ c and from the second inequality that c≥ c, so that c=c. In addition,

U(ξ + ξ −σ0δeβ0r )≤ U (ξ)≤U(ξ + ξ +h+σ0δe

β0r ) for ξ ∈R. (2.31)


ξ∗ := inf{ξ ; U (·)≤U(·+ ξ)}, ξ∗ := sup{ξ ; U (·)≥U(·+ ξ)}.

Then from (2.31), both ξ∗ and ξ∗ are well defined. Since U(·+ξ∗)≤ U (·)≤U(·+ ξ∗), we have ξ∗ ≤ ξ∗.

To complete the proof, it suffices to show that ξ∗ =ξ∗. By way of con-tradiction, assume that ξ∗<ξ∗ and U (·) �≡U(·+ξ∗). Since lim|ξ |→∞U ′(ξ)=0, there exists a large positive constant M= M(U)>0 such that

2σ0eβ0rU ′(ξ)≤1, if |ξ |≥ M. (2.32)

Note that U (·) ≤ U(· + ξ∗) and U (·) �≡ U(· + ξ∗), by Lemma 2.3 andRemark 2.4, it follows that U (·) <U(· + ξ∗) on R. Consequently, by thecontinuity of U and U , there exists a small constant h ∈ (0, δ] with h≤

12σ0e−β0r , such that

U (ξ)<U(ξ + ξ∗ −2σ0eβ0r h), if ξ ∈ [−M−1− ξ∗, M+1− ξ∗]. (2.33)

When |ξ + ξ∗|≥ M+1, we have

U(ξ+ξ∗−2σ0eβ0r h)−U (ξ) > U(ξ+ξ∗−2σ0e

β0r h)−U(ξ+ξ∗)= −2σ0e

β0r hU ′(ξ+ξ∗−2θσ0eβ0r h)≥−h, (2.34)

which, together with (2.33), implies that for any s ∈ [−r,0] and x ∈R,

U(x+ cs+ ξ∗ −2σ0eβ0r h+σ0h(e

β0r − e−β0s))+ he−β0s ≥ U (x+ cs).

Therefore, the comparison implies that for any t ≥0 and x ∈R,

U(x+ ct+ ξ∗ −2σ0eβ0r h+σ0h(e

β0r − e−β0t ))+ he−β0t ≥ U (x+ ct).(2.35)

In (2.35), keeping ξ =x+ct fixed and letting t→∞, we obtain U(ξ +ξ∗ −σ0e

β0r h)≥ U (ξ) for all ξ ∈R. This contradicts the definition of ξ∗. Hence,ξ∗ = ξ∗ and this completes the proof.

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404 Shiwang and Jianhong


Let ζ ∈C∞(R,R) be a fixed function with the following properties:

ζ(s)=0, if s≤−2; ζ(s)=1, if s≥2;

0<ζ ′(s)<1; |ζ ′′(s)|≤1, if s ∈ (−2,2).

Then we have the following result.

Lemma 3.1. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Then there exists a pos-itive number δ0<min{u−

2 ,K−u+

2 , δ0/2} with the following property: for anyδ ∈ (0, δ0], there exist two positive numbers ε= ε(δ) and C=C(δ) such thatfor every ξ± ∈R, the functions υ+(t, x) and υ−(t, x) defined by

υ+(t, x) := (K+ δ)− [K− (u− −2δ)e−εt ]ζ(−ε(x− ξ+ +Ct)),υ−(t, x) := −δ+ [K− (K−u+ −2δ)e−εt ]ζ(ε(x− ξ− −Ct))

are a supersolution and a subsolution of (1.1) on [0,+∞), respectively.

Proof. By a translation, we can assume that ξ± =0. By (H2), we canfind two constants �∈ [1/2,1) and ι>0 satisfying

�d >max{b′(0), b′(K)}+ ι (3.1)

and then, by (2.6), we can choose a positive constant δ0<min{u−2 ,

K−u+2 ,

δ02 }

such that (1�

−�)δ0<K (3.2)

0≤b′(η)<b′(0)+ ι for η∈ [−2δ0,2δ0] (3.3)


0≤b′(η)<b′(K)+ ι for η∈ [K−2δ0,K+2δ0]. (3.4)

In what follows, we always assume that δ ∈ (0, δ0]. We note that the con-stants �, ι and δ0 are independent of δ.


du<εb(u) for u∈ [−δ0,0)∪ (u+,K),

we haveM1 =M1(δ) :=min{b(u)−du; u∈ [−δ,−δ/2]}>0,

M2 =M2(δ) :=min{b(u)−du; u∈ [u+ + δ/2,K− δ]}>0.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 405

Therefore, we can choose two positive constants ε∗ = ε∗(δ)> 0 and M0 =M0(δ)>0, with ε∗ sufficiently small and M0 sufficiently large, such that

Kε∗<2(1−�)δ (3.5)



∗ +2Kb′max

[∫ ∞


+∫ −M0

−∞f (y)dy

]<0. (3.6)

Take κ=κ(δ)∈ (0,1) sufficiently small such that

0≤ ζ(s)<ε∗/2, if s <−2+κ, (3.7)

1≥ ζ(s)>1− ε∗/2, if s >2−κ. (3.8)

Take � =�(δ)>0 small enough so that

(1−�)(2−κ/2)>2−κ. (3.9)

By (3.1) and (3.6), we can take ε= ε(δ)>0 small enough such that

(K−u+)eεr <K, u−eεr <K, εM0 ≤�(2−κ), (3.10)

εK+Dε2K− δ[�d− (max{b′(0), b′(K)}+ ι)]<0 (3.11)


εK+Dε2K+ rKb′maxεe

εr − min{M1,M2}+Kb′maxε


[∫ ∞


+∫ −M0

−∞f (y)dy



Finally, we set

M :=min{ζ ′(s); −2+κ/2≤ s≤2−κ/2}>0.

Then take C=C(δ)>0 large enough so that

−Cεu+M+ εK+Dε2K+ rKb′maxεe


+max{|du−b(u)|;u∈ [−δ,K+ δ]}+2Kb′max<0. (3.13)

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406 Shiwang and Jianhong

Clearly, for any t ≥−r and x ∈R, we have

δ≤υ+(t, x)≤K+ δ, −δ≤υ−(t, x)≤K− δ.

Set ξ =x−Ct . Then for t ≥0, we have

S(υ−)(t, x) : = ∂υ−(t, x)∂t

−D∂2υ−(t, x)∂x2

+dυ−(t, x)

−∫ ∞

−∞b(υ−(t− r, x−y))f (y)dy

= −Cε[K−(K−u+ −2δ)e−εt ]ζ ′(εξ)+ ε(K−u+ −2δ)e−εt ζ(εξ)−Dε2[K− (K−u+ −2δ)−εt ]ζ ′′(εξ)+dυ−(t, x)

−∫ ∞

−∞b(υ−(t− r, x−y))f (y)dy

≤ −Cεu+ζ ′(εξ)+ εK+Dε2K+dmυ−(t, x)

−∫ ∞

−∞b(υ−(t− r, x−y))f (y)dy, (3.14)

For t ≥−r, we have

∂υ−(t, x)∂t

= −Cε[K− (K−u+ −2δ)−εt ]ζ ′(εξ)+ ε(K−u+ −2δ)−εt ζ(εξ)

≤ ε(K−u+ −2δ)eεr ≤ εKeεr

and hence, for t ≥0,

b(υ−(t− r, x))−b(υ−(t, x)) = b′(η)[υ−(t− r, x)−υ−(t, x)]

= −rb′(η)∂υ−(t∗, x)


≥ −rb′(η)εKeεr ≥−rb′maxεKe

εr ,

where t∗ ∈ [t− r, t ] and η= θυ−(t, x)+ (1− θ)υ−(t− r, x)∈ [−δ,K− δ].On the other hand, for t ≥0, we have

|υ−(t− r, x−y)−υ−(t− r, x)|= |K− (K−u+−2δ)−ε(t−r)| · |ζ(ε(ξ−y+Cr))−ζ(ε(ξ +Cr))| (3.16)

≤K|ζ(ε(ξ −y+Cr))− ζ(ε(ξ +Cr))|.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 407

Therefore, it follows that

S(υ−)(t, x) ≤ −Cεu+ζ ′(εξ)+ εK+Dε2K+dυ−(t, x)−b(υ−(t− r, x))−∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)[υ−(t− r, x−y)−υ−(t− r, x)]f (y)dy

≤ −Cεu+ζ ′(εξ)+ εK+Dε2K

+dυ−(t, x)−b(υ−(t, x))− [b(υ−(t− r, x))−b(υ−(t, x))]


∫ ∞

−∞|ζ(ε(ξ −y+Cr))− ζ(ε(ξ +Cr))|f (y)dy

≤ −Cεu+ζ ′(ε(ξ))+ εK+Dε2K+ rKb′maxεe


+dυ−(t, x)−b(υ−(t, x))


∫ ∞

−∞|ζ(ε(ξ −y+Cr))− ζ(ε(ξ +Cr))|f (y)dy,


where η= θυ−(t− r, x)+ (1− θ)υ−(t− r, x−y)∈ [−δ,K− δ].We distinguish among three cases:Case (i): εξ ≤−2+κ/2.In this case, εξ ≤−2+κ, 0≤ ζ(εξ)≤ ε∗/2, and hence

−δ≤υ−(t, x) ≤ −δ+ [K− (K−u+ −2δ)e−εt ]ε∗/2≤ −δ+Kε∗/2< −δ+ (1−�)δ= −�δ≤−1


for all t ≥ 0 and x ∈ R. Set E(t, x)= {y ∈ R;υ−(t − r, x − y)≤ 0}. It thenfollows from (3.14) that

S(υ−)(t, x) ≤ εK+Dε2K+dυ−(t, x)−∫E(t,x)

b′(η)υ−(t− r, x−y)f (y)dy

≤ εK+Dε2K+dυ−(t, x)−∫E(t,x)

b′(η)υ−(t− r, x−y)f (y)dy

≤ K+Dε2K−d�δ+ δ∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)f (y)dy,

where η= θυ−(t− r, x−y)∈ [−δ,0]⊂ [−2δ0,2δ0].Hence, by (3.11), we have

S(υ)(t, x) ≤ εK+Dε2K−d�δ+ δ(b′(0)+ ι)= εK+Dε2K− δ[�d− (b′(0)+ ι)]< 0.

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408 Shiwang and Jianhong

Case (ii): εξ ≥2−κ/2.In this case, εξ ≥2−κ, 1− ε∗/2≤ ζ(εξ)≤1, and hence

K− δ≥υ−(t, x) ≥ −δ+ [K− (K−u+ −2δ)e−εt ](1− ε∗/2)≥ −δ+ (u+ +2δ)(1− ε∗/2)= u+ + δ− (u+ +2δ)ε∗/2≥ u+ + δ−Kε∗/2≥ u+ + δ− (1−�)δ= u+ +�δ≥u+ + δ/2

for all t ≥0 and x ∈R. It then follows that

dυ−(t, x)−b(υ−(t, x))≤−min{b(u)−du; u∈ [u+ + δ/2,K− δ]}=−M2.

By the Choice of ε and � , we see that

�(x−Ct)≥ �(2−κ/2)ε

≥ �(2−κ)ε


and for any y ∈ [−�ξ,�ξ ],

ε(ξ −y+Cr)≥ ε(1−�)ξ + εCr≥ (1−�)(2−κ/2)>2−κ,ε(ξ +Cr)≥2−κ/2+ εCr >2−κ.

Hence, it follows from (3.8) that∫ �ξ

−�ξ|ζ(ε(ξ −y+Cr))− ζ(ε(ξ +Cr))|f (y)dy≤ ε∗

∫ �ξ

−�ξf (y)dy≤ ε∗.

Therefore, by (3.17) and (3.12), we have

S(υ−)(t, x) ≤ εK+Dε2K+ rKb′maxεe

εr −M2


∫ �ξ

−�ξ|ζ(ε(ξ −y+Cr))− ζ(ε(ξ +Cr))|f (y)dy


[∫ ∞


+∫ −�ξ

−∞f (y)dy


≤ εK+Dε2K+ rKb′maxεe

εr −M2 +Kb′maxε


[∫ ∞


+∫ −M0

−∞f (y)dy


< 0.

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Case (iii): −2+κ/2≤ εξ ≤2−κ/2.In this case, by (3.13), we also have

S(υ−)(t, x) ≤ −Cεu+M+ εK+Dε2K+ rKb′maxεe


+max{|du−b(u)|;u∈ [−δ,K+ δ]}+2Kb′max

< 0.

Combining cases (i)–(iii), we have

∂υ−(t, x)∂t

−D∂2υ−(t, x)∂x2

+dυ−(t, x)

−∫ ∞

−∞b(υ−(t− r, x−y))f (y)dy≤0, t ≥0, x ∈R.

Thus υ−(t, x) is a subsolution of (1.1) on [0,+∞). In a similar way, wecan prove that υ+(t, x) is a supersolution of (1.1) on [0,+∞). This com-pletes the proof.

Remark 3.2. Clearly, the functions υ+ and υ− have the followingproperties:

υ+(s, x) = K+ δ, if s ∈ [−r,0], and x≥ ξ+ −Cs+2ε−1,

υ+(s, x) ≥ u− − δ, for all s ∈ [−r,0], and x ∈R,

υ+(t, x) = δ+ (u− −2δ)e−εt , for all t ≥−r and x≤ ξ+ −Ct−2ε−1,

υ−(s, x) = −δ, if s ∈ [−r,0], and x≤ ξ− +Cs−2ε−1,

υ−(s, x) ≤ u+ + δ for all s ∈ [−r,0], and x ∈R,

υ−(t, x) = K−δ− (K−u+−2δ)e−εt , for all t ≥−r and x≥ ξ−+Ct+2ε−1.

Let U(x + ct) be a non-decreasing traveling wavefront of (1.1). Wedefine the following two functions:

w±(x, t, η, δ)=U(x+ ct+η±σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0t ))± δe−β0t ,

where σ0 and β0 are as in Lemma 2.4. By the proof of Lemma 2.4, wecan choose β0>0 as small as we wish.

Lemma 3.3. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Let U(x+ct) be a non-decreasing traveling wavefront of (1.1), and ϕ ∈ [0,K]C be such that

lim infx→∞ min

s∈[−r,0]ϕ(s, x)>u+, lim sup


ϕ(s, x)<u−.

Then, for any δ > 0, there exist T = T (ϕ, δ) > 0, ξ = ξ(ϕ, δ) ∈ R, and h=h(ϕ, δ)>0 such that

w−0 (x, cT+ξ, δ)(s)≤wT (x,ϕ)(s)≤w+

0 (x, cT+ξ +h, δ)(s), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.

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410 Shiwang and Jianhong

Proof. By Lemma 2.3, w(t, x, ϕ) exists globally on [0,∞)× R and0 ≤w(t, x, ϕ)≤K for all t ≥ 0 and x ∈ R. For any δ > 0, we can choose apositive constant δ1 = δ1(δ, ϕ)<min{δ, δ0} such that

lim infx→∞ min

s∈[−r,0]ϕ(s, x)>u+ + δ1


lim supx→−∞


ϕ(s, x)<u− − δ1.

Hence, there exists a constant M3 =M3(δ1, ϕ)>0 such that

ϕ(s, x)≤u− − δ1, for all s ∈ [−r,0], x≤M3, (3.18)

ϕ(s, x)≥u+ + δ1, for all s ∈ [−r,0], x≥M3. (3.19)

Let ε = ε(δ1) and C = C(δ1) be defined in Lemma 3.1 with δ replacedby δ1. Define ξ+ = −M3 − Cr − 2ε−1 and ξ− =M3 + Cr + 2ε−1, and letυ±(t, x) be defined in Lemma 3.1. By (3.18), (3.19) and Remark 3.2, it fol-lows that for all s ∈ [−r,0],

ϕ(s, x)≤u− − δ1 ≤υ+(s, x), for x≤−M3,

ϕ(s, x)≤K<K+ δ1 ≤υ+(s, x), for x≥ ξ+ +Cr+2ε−1 =−M3


ϕ(s, x)≥u+ + δ1 ≥υ−(s, x), for x≥M3,

ϕ(s, x)≥0>−δ1 ≥υ−(s, x), for x≤ ξ− −Cr−2ε−1 =M3.

Therefore, we have

υ−(s, x)≤ϕ(s, x)≤υ+(s, x), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R. (3.20)

By Lemma 3.1 and the comparison, it follows that

υ−(t, x)≤w(t, x, ϕ)≤υ+(t, x), t ≥0, x ∈R. (3.21)

Since δ1<δ, we can choose a sufficiently large constant T > r such that,for all t ≥T − r,δ1 + (u− −2δ1)e

−εt <δ, and K− δ1 − (K−u+ −2δ)e−εt >K− δ

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and hence, again by Remark 3.2,

w(t, x, ϕ)≤υ+(t, x)<δ, for x≤ ξ+ −Ct−2ε−1 (3.22)


w(t, x, ϕ)≥υ−(t, x)>K− δ, for x≥ ξ− +Ct+2ε−1. (3.23)

Let x− = ξ+ −CT − 2ε−1 and x+ = ξ− +CT + 2ε−1. By (3.22) and (3.23),it follows that, for all t ∈ [T − r, T ],

w(t, x, ϕ)<δ for x≤x−, w(t, x, ϕ)>K− δ, for x≥x+. (3.24)

Take a large constant M4>0 so that

U(x)≤ δ for x≤−M4, U(x)≥K− δ, for x≥M4.

Let ξ =−M4 −x+ −|c|(T + r), then for x≥x+ and s ∈ [−r,0],

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ)− δ≤K− δ≤wT (x,ϕ)(s)and for x≤x+ and s ∈ [−r,0],

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ)− δ≤U(x+ +|c|(T + r)+ ξ)− δ=U(−M4)− δ≤0≤wT (x,ϕ)(s).

Therefore, we have

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ)− δ≤wT (x,ϕ)(s), for s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R. (3.25)

Let h=M4 −x− +|c|(T + r)−ξ=2(M3 +M4)+2(C+|c|)(T + r)+8ε−1>0.Then for x≤x− and s ∈ [−r,0],

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ +h)+ δ≥ δ≥wT (x,ϕ)(s)and for x≥x− and s ∈ [−r,0],

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ +h)+ δ≥U(x− −|c|(T + r)+ ξ +h)+ δ=U(M4)+ δ≥K≥wT (x,ϕ)(s).

Therefore, we have

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ +h)+ δ≥wT (x,ϕ)(s), for s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.(3.26)

Thus, it follows that

U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ −σ0δ(eβ0r − e−βs ))− δe−β0s

≤wT (x,ϕ)(s)≤U(x+ cs+ cT + ξ +h+σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0s))+ δe−β0s ,

s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.

This completes the proof.

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412 Shiwang and Jianhong

Lemma 3.4. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Let U(x+ct) be a non-decreasing traveling wavefront of (1.1). Then there exists a positive numberε∗ such that if w(t, x) is a solution of (1.1) on [0,+∞) with 0≤w(t, x)≤Kfor t ∈ [0,+∞) and x ∈R, and for some ξ ∈R, h> 0, δ > 0 and T ≥ 0, thereholds

w−0 (x, cT + ξ, δ)(s)≤wT (x)(s)≤w+

0 (x, cT + ξ +h, δ)(s), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R

then for any t ≥T + r+1, there exist ξ (t), δ(t) and h(t) such that

w−0 (x, ct+ ξ (t), δ(t))(s)≤wt(x)(s)≤w+

0 (x, ct+ ξ (t)+ h(t), δ(t))(s), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R

with ξ (t), δ(t) and h(t) satisfying

ξ (t)∈ [ξ −σ0(2δ+ ε∗ min{1, h})eβ0r , ξ +h−σ0(2δ+ ε∗ min{1, h})eβ0r ];

δ(t)= (δ+ ε∗ min{1, h})e−β0[t−T−r−1];

h(t) = h−2σ0ε∗ min{1, h}+σ0(3δ+ ε∗ min{1, h})eβ0r

= h−σ0[ε∗ min{1, h}(2− eβ0r )−3δeβ0r ]>0.

Proof. By Lemma 2.6, w+(t, x, cT + ξ, δ) and w−(x, t, cT + ξ, δ) area supersolution and a subsolution of (1.1), respectively. Clearly, υ(t, x)=w(T + t, x), t≥0, is also a solution of (1.1) with υ0(x)(s)=wT (x)(s), s ∈[−r,0], x ∈R. Then the comparison implies that

w−(t, x, cT + ξ, δ)≤w(T + t, x)≤w+(t, x, cT + ξ +h, δ), t ≥0, x ∈R.

That is,

U [x+ c(T + t)+ ξ −σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0t )]− δe−β0t

≤w(T + t, x)≤U [x+ c(T + t)+ ξ +h+σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0t )]+ δe−β0t ,

t ≥0, x ∈R.


Let z=−ξ −cT . Then it follows from Lemma 2.3 that for any J ≥0, x∈R

with |x− z|≤J , and all t >0,

w(T + t, x)−w−(t, x, cT + ξ, δ)≥�(J, t) ∫ z+1

z[w(T , y)−w−(0, y, cT + ξ, δ)]dy

=�(J, t) ∫ z+1z

[w(T , y)−U(y+ cT + ξ −σ0δ(eβ0r −1))+ δ]dy

≥�(J, t) ∫ z+1z

[w(T , y)−U(y+ cT + ξ)+ δ]dy.(3.28)

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 413

Since lim|η|→+∞U ′(η)=0, we can fix a positive number M5>0 such that

U ′(η)≤ 12σ0

, for all |η|≥M5. (3.29)

Let J =M5 +|c|(1+ r)+3, h=min{1, h}, and

ε1 = 12

min{U ′(η); |η|≤2}>0.

Then ∫ z+1


[U(y+ cT + ξ + h)−U(y+ cT + ξ)]dy

=∫ 1

0[U(y+ h)−U(y)]dy≥2ε1h

and hence, one of the following must hold:

(i)∫ z+1z

[w(T , y)−U(y+ cT + ξ)]dy≥ ε1h,

(ii)∫ z+1z

[U(y+ cT + ξ + h)−w(T , y)]dy≥ ε1h.

In what follows, we consider only Case (i). Case (ii) is similar andthus the proof is omitted.

For any s∈ [−r,0], |x−z|≤J , letting t=1+ r+ s≥1 in (3.28), we have

w(T +1+ r+ s, x)≥U [x+ c(T +1+ r+ s)+ ξ −σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0(1+r+s))]− δe−β0(1+r+s)

+�(J,1+ r+ s) ∫ z+1z

[w(T , y)−U(y+ cT + ξ)+ δ]dy≥U [x− z+ c(1+ r+ s)−σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0(1+r+s))]−δe−β0(1+r+s)+�0(J )ε1h,


where �0(J )= mins∈[−r,0]�(J,1 + r + s). Let J1 = J + |c|(1 + r)+ 3, andchoose a positive constant ε∗>0 such that

ε∗ ≤min{


�0(J )ε1




}, (3.31)


U [x− z+ c(1+ r+ s)+2σ0ε∗h−σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0(1+r+s))]−U [x− z+ c(1+ r+ s)−σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0(1+r+s))]=U ′(η1)2σ0ε

∗h≤�0(J )ε1h,


where η1 = x− z+ c(1 + r + s)−σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0(1+r+s))+ θ · 2σ0ε

∗h, and inthe last inequality, we have used (3.31) and the estimate

|η1|≤ |x− z|+ |c|(1+ r)+σ0δeβ0r +2σ0ε

∗ ≤J1.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 415

Therefore, by the comparison, we have

wT+1+r+t ′(x)(s)≥w−t ′ (x, η, δ+ ε∗h)(s), for all t ′ ≥0, s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.


Hence, for t ≥T +1+ r, setting t ′ = t− (T +1+ r) in (3.36), we get

wt(x)(s) ≥ w−t−(T+1+r)(x, η, δ+ ε∗h)(s)

= w−(t− (T +1+ r)+ s, x, η, δ+ ε∗h)= U [x+ cs+ ct− c(T +1+ r)+η−σ0(δ+ ε∗h)(eβ0r − e−β0s · e−β0[t−(T+1+r)])]−(δ+ ε∗h)e−β0[t−(T+1+r)] · e−β0s

≥ U [x+ cs+ ct− c(T +1+ r)+η−σ0(δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r −σ0δ(t)(e

β0r − e−β0s)]− δ(t)e−β0s ,



δ(t)= (δ+ ε∗h)e−β0[t−(T+1+r)]. (3.38)

It then follows that for t ≥T +1+ r,wt(x)(s)≥w−

0 (x, ct+ ξ (t), δ(t))(s), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R, (3.39)


ξ (t) = −c(T +1+ r)+η−σ0(δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r

= ξ +2σ0ε∗h−σ0δe

β0r −σ0(δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r

= ξ +2σ0ε∗h−σ0(2δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r .


Clearly, by (3.31), it is easy to see that

ξ (t)∈ [ξ −σ0(2δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r , ξ +h−σ0(2δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r ]. (3.41)

On the other hand, for t ≥T , by (3.27), we have

w(t, x)≤U [x+ ct+ ξ +h+σ0δ(eβ0r − e−β0(t−T ))]+ δe−β0(t−T ),

which implies, for all t ≥T +1+ r, that

wt(x)(s) = w(t+ s, x)≤ U [x+ c(t+ s)+ ξ +h+σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0(t+s−T ))]+ δe−β0(t+s−T )≤ U [x+ cs+ ct+ ξ +h+σ0δ(e

β0r − e−β0(t+s−T ))+σ0δ(t)(e

β0r − e−β0s)]+ δ(t)e−β0s

≤ U [x+ cs+ ct+ ξ +h+σ0δeβ0r +σ0δ(t)(e

β0r − e−β0s)]+ δ(t)e−β0s

= U [x+ cs+ ct+ (ξ +2σ0ε∗h−σ0(2δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r )+ (h−2σ0ε

∗h+σ0(3δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r )+σ0δ(t)(e

β0r − e−β0s)]+ δ(t)e−β0s

= U [x+ cs+ ct+ ξ (t)+ (h−2σ0ε∗h+σ0(3δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r )

+σ0δ(t)(eβ0r − e−β0s)]+ δ(t)e−β0s , s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.

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416 Shiwang and Jianhong

Therefore, for t ≥T +1+ r, we find

wt(x)(s)≤w+0 (x, ct+ ξ (t)+ h(t), δ(t))(s), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R, (3.42)


h(t) = h−2σ0ε∗h+σ0(3δ+ ε∗h)eβ0r

= h−σ0[2ε∗h− ε∗heβ0r −3δeβ0r ]= h−σ0[ε∗h(2− eβ0r )−3δeβ0r ]>0


and in (3.43), we have used (3.31) and the estimate


∗h≥h− h≥0.

Now the conclusions of the lemma follow from (3.38), (3.39) and (3.41)–(3.43).

Theorem 3.5. Assume that (H1) and (H2) hold. Also assume that (1.1)has a non-decreasing traveling wavefront U(x+ ct). Then U(x+ ct) is glob-ally asymptotically stable with phase shift in the sense that there exists γ >0such that for any ϕ ∈ [0,K]C with

lim infx→+∞ min

s∈[−r,0]ϕ(s, x)>u+, lim sup


ϕ(s, x)<u−

the solution w(t, x, ϕ) of (1.1) satisfies

|w(t, x, ϕ)−U(x+ ct+ ξ0)|≤Me−γ t , t ≥0, x ∈R

for some M=M(ϕ)>0 and ξ0 = ξ0(ϕ)∈R.

Proof. Let β0, σ0, δ be as in Lemma 2.4 with β0 chosen such thateβ0r <2, and let ε∗ be as in Lemma 3.3 with ε∗ chosen such that σ0ε

∗(2−eβ0r )<1. We further choose a 0<δ∗<min{ δ0

2 , δ,1σ0

} such that

1>k∗ :=σ0[ε∗(2− eβ0r )−3δ∗eβ0r ]>0

and then fix a t∗ ≥ r+1 such that

e−β0(t∗−r−1)(1+ ε∗/δ∗)<1−k∗.

We first prove the following two claims.

Claim 1. There exist T ∗ =T ∗(ϕ)>0, ξ∗ = ξ∗(ϕ)∈R such that

w−0 (x, cT

∗ + ξ∗, δ∗)(s) ≤ wT ∗(x, ϕ)(s)≤w+0 (x, cT

∗ + ξ∗ +1, δ∗)(s),s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.


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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 417

Indeed, by Lemma 3.3, there exist T = T (ϕ) > 0, ξ = ξ(ϕ) ∈ R and h =h(ϕ)>0 such that

w−0 (x, cT + ξ, δ∗)(s) ≤ wT (x,ϕ)(s)≤w+

0 (x, cT + ξ +h, δ∗)(s),s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R.


If h≤1, then Claim 1 follows from the monotonicity of U(·). In whatfollows, we assume that h>1, and let

N =max{m;m is a non −negative integer and mk∗<h}.Since 0<k∗<1 and h>1, we have N ≥1, Nk∗<h≤ (N+1)k∗, and hence,0<h−Nk∗ ≤ (N+1)k∗ −Nk∗ =k∗<1. Clearly, h=min{1, h}=1. By (3.45),the choice of k∗ and t∗, and Lemma 3.3, we have

w−0 (x, c(T + t∗)+ ξ (T + t∗), δ(T + t∗))(s)≤wT+t∗(x, ϕ)(s)≤w+

0 (x, c(T + t∗)+ ξ (T + t∗)+ h(T + t∗), δ(T + t∗))(s),s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R,



ξ (T + t∗)∈ [ξ −σ0(2δ∗ + ε∗)eβ0r , ξ +h−σ0(2δ

∗ + ε∗)eβ0r ],

δ(T + t∗)= (δ∗ + ε∗)e−β0[t∗−r−1]<δ∗(1−k∗),

0≤ h(T + t∗)≤h−σ0[ε∗(2− eβ0r )−3δ∗eβ0r ]=h−k∗.

Repeating the same process N times, we then have that (3.46), with T + t∗replaced by T +Nt∗, holds for some ξ ∈R,0<δ≤ δ∗(1−k∗)N , and 0≤ h≤h−Nk∗<1. Let T ∗ =T +Nt∗, ξ∗ = ξ . Again by the monotonicity of U(·),(3.44) then follows.

Claim 2. Let p=1+σ0(2δ∗ +ε∗)eβ0r , Tm=T ∗ +mt∗, δ∗m= (1−k∗)mδ∗and hm = (1 − k∗)m < 1,m≥ 0. Then there exists a sequence {ξm}∞

m=0 withξ0 = ξ∗ such that

|ξm+1 − ξm|≤phm, m≥0 (3.47)


w−0 (x, cTm+ ξm, δm)(s)≤wTm(x,ϕ)(s)≤w+

0 (x, cTm+ ξm+hm, δ∗m)(s),s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R, m≥0. (3.48)

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418 Shiwang and Jianhong

In fact, Claim 1 implies that (3.48) holds for m= 0. Now suppose that(3.48) holds for some m= �≥ 0. By Lemma 3.4, with T = T�, ξ = ξ�, h=h�, δ= δ∗� and t=T�+ t∗ =T�+1 ≥T�+ r+1, we then have

w−0 (x, cT�+1 + ξ , δ)(s) ≤ wT�+1(x, ϕ)(s)

≤ w+0 (x, cT�+1 + ξ + h, δ)(s), s ∈ [−r,0], x ∈R,


ξ ∈ [ξ�−σ0(2δ∗� + ε∗h�)eβ0r , ξ�+h�−σ0(2δ

∗� + ε∗h�)eβ0r ],

δ = (δ∗� + ε∗h�)e−β0[T�+1−T�−r−1]

= (1−k∗)�(δ∗ + ε∗)e−β0[t∗−r−1]

≤ (1−k∗)� · δ∗(1−k∗)= (1−k∗)�+1 · δ∗ = δ∗


h = h�−σ0[ε∗h�(2− eβ0r )−3δ∗� eβ0r ]

= (1−k∗)�{1−σ0[ε∗(2− eβ0r )−3δ∗eβ0r ]}= (1−k∗)�+1 =h�+1.

We choose ξ�+1 = ξ . Then

|ξ�+1 − ξ�| ≤ h�+σ0(2δ∗� + ε∗h�)eβ0r

= [1+σ0(2δ∗ + ε∗)eβ0r ]h�= ph�.

It follows that (3.47) holds for m= �, and (3.48) holds for m= �+ 1. Byinduction, (3.47) and (3.48) holds for all m≥0.

For every m≥0, by (3.48) and the comparison, it follows that for allt ≥Tm, x ∈R,

U(x+ ct+ ξm−σ0δ∗m(e

β0r − e−β0(t−Tm)))− δ∗me−β0(t−Tm)

≤w(t, x, ϕ)≤U(x+ ct+ ξm+hm+σ0δ


β0r − e−β0(t−Tm)))+ δ∗me−β0(t−Tm). (3.49)

For any t ≥T ∗, let m=[t−T ∗t∗]≥ 0 be the largest integer not greater than

t−T ∗t∗ , and define δ(t)= δ∗m, ξ(t)= ξm−σ0δ


β0r , and h(t)=hm+2σ0δ∗me

β0r ,then we have Tm= T ∗ +mt∗ ≤ t < T ∗ + (m+ 1)t∗ = Tm+1. By (3.49), it fol-lows that for all t ≥T ∗, x ∈R,

U(x+ ct+ ξ(t))− δ(t)≤w(t, x, ϕ)≤U(x+ ct+ ξ(t)+h(t))+ δ(t). (3.50)

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 419

Set γ :=− 1t∗ ln(1 − k∗)> 0 and q= exp {−(1+T ∗/t∗) ln(1−k∗)}. Since

0≤m≤ t−T ∗t∗ <m+1, we have

(1−k∗)m<(1−k∗)t−T ∗t∗ −1 = exp

{(t−T ∗



}=qe−γ t .

Therefore, for any t ≥T ∗, we have

δ(t)= δ∗m= (1−k∗)mδ∗ ≤ δ∗qe−γ t , (3.51)

h(t) = hm+2σ0δ∗me


= (1+2σ0δ∗eβ0r )(1−k∗)m≤ (1+2σ0δ

∗eβ0r )qe−kt (3.52)

and for any t ′ ≥ t ≥T ∗, by (3.47), we have

|ξ(t ′)− ξ(t)| = |ξn−σ0δ∗me

β0r − (ξm−σ0δ∗me

β0r )|≤ |ξn− ξm|+σ0|δ∗n− δ∗m|eβ0r

≤ ∑n−1�=m p×h�+σ0δ



=[pδ∗∑n−m−1�=0 (1−k∗)�+σ0e


≤ ( pk∗δ∗ +σ0e


≤ ( pk∗ +σ0δ

∗eβ0r)qe−γ t ,


where n=[t ′−T ∗t∗


[t−T ∗t∗]. Therefore, it follows from (3.53) that ξ0 :=

limt→∞ ξ(t) exists, and for t ≥T ∗, we have

|ξ0 − ξ(t)|≤( pk∗ +σ0δ

∗eβ0r)qe−γ t . (3.54)


M :=max{b(K)


[ pk∗ +3σ0δ

∗eβ0r +1]q+ δ∗q,2KekT ∗


Since 0<U ′(ξ)≤ b(K)


, it follows from (3.50)–(3.54) that for all t ≥T ∗,

|w(t, x, ϕ)−U(x+ ct+ ξ0)| ≤ b(K)


[|ξ(t)− ξ0|+h(t)]+ δ(t)≤{b(K)


[ pk∗ +3σ0δ

∗eβ0r +1]q+ δ∗q

}e−γ t ,

which together with the fact that |w(t, x, ϕ)− U(x + ct + ξ0)| ≤ 2K, t ∈[0, T ∗] yields |w(t, x, ϕ)−U(x+ ct + ξ0)| ≤Me−γ t for all t ≥ 0. The proofis complete.

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420 Shiwang and Jianhong


First, we consider the following reaction–diffusion equation without delay:

∂w(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w(t, x)

∂x2−dw(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy, t >0, x ∈R. (4.1)

where c∈R is a parameter.

Lemma 4.1. Assume that (H1)–(H3) hold. Then there exist two smallconstants δ∗> 0, ε0> 0 and a large constant C0> 0, which are independentof c and r, such that

(I) the functions υ+1 (t, x) and υ−

1 (t, x) defined by

υ+1 (t, x)=K+ δ∗ −Kζ(−ε0(x+C0t))


υ−1 (t, x)=−δ∗ +Kζ(ε0(x−C0t))

are a supersolution of (4.1) for c≥0, and a subsolution of (4.1) for c≤0;(II) the functions υ+

2 (t, x) and υ−2 (t, x) defined by

υ+2 (t, x)=K+ δ∗ −Kζ(−εc(x+Cct))


υ−1 (t, x)=−δ∗ +Kζ(εc(x−Cct))

are a supersolution and a subsolution of (4.1) for all c∈R, respectively, hereεc= ε0

1+|c|r and Cc= (1+|c|r)C0.

Proof. By (H2), we can find two constants � ∈ [1/2,1) and ι > 0satisfying

�d >max{b′(0), b′(K)}+ ι (4.2)

and then, by (2.6), take a positive constant δ∗ <min{u−2 ,

K−u+2 ,

δ02 } such

that (1�

−�)δ∗<K, (4.3)

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 421

0≤b′(η)<b′(0)+ ι, for η∈ [−2δ∗,2δ∗] (4.4)


0≤b′(η)<b′(K)+ ι, for η∈ [K−

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422 Shiwang and Jianhong

Finally, we set

M :=min{ζ ′(s); −2+κ/2≤ s≤2−κ/2}>0.

Then take

C0 = 1


0K+max{|du−b(u)|;u ∈ [−δ∗,K+ δ∗]}+2Kb′

max]>0. (4.15)

We note that δ∗, ε0 and C0 are independent of c and r.Clearly, for any t ≥0 and x ∈R, we have

δ∗ ≤υ+i (t, x)≤K+ δ∗, −δ∗ ≤υ−

i (t, x)≤K− δ∗, i=1,2.

Denote ε1 = ε0, ε2 = εc= ε01+|c|r ≤ ε0,C1 =C0,C2 =Cc= (1+|c|r)C0. Set ξi =

x−Cit . Then for i=1,2 and t ≥0, we have

S(υ−i )(t, x) : = ∂υ−

i (t, x)


2υ−i (t, x)


i (t, x)

−∫ ∞


i (t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy

= −CiεiKζ ′(εi(ξi))−Dε2i Kζ


+dυ−i (t, x)−

∫ ∞


i (t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy

= −CiεiKζ ′(εi(ξi))−Dε2i Kζ

′′(εi(ξi))+dυ−i (t, x)

−∫ ∞


i (t, x− cr−y))f (y)dy

= −CiεiKζ ′(εi(ξi))−Dε2i Kζ

′′(εi(ξi))+dυ−i (t, x)

−b(υ−i (t, x))−

∫ ∞


i (t, x− cr−y)−υ−i (t, x)]f (y)dy

≤ −CiεiKζ ′(εi(ξi))−Dε2i Kζ

′′(εi(ξi))+dυ−i (t, x)

−b(υ−i (t, x))−Kb′


∫ ∞

−∞|ζ(εi(ξi−cr−y))−ζ(εi(ξi))|f (y)dy,


where η=θυ−i (t, x)+ (1−θ)υ−

i (t, x−cr−y), and in the last inequality, wehave used the estimate |υ−

i (t, x−cr−y)−υ−i (t, x)|≤K|ζ(εi(ξi −cr−y))−


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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 423

We distinguish among three cases:Case (i): εiξi ≤−2+κ/2.In this case, εiξi ≤−2+κ, 0≤ ζ(εiξi)≤ ε∗/2, and hence

−δ∗ ≤υ−i (t, x)≤−δ∗ +Kε∗/2<−δ∗ + (1−�)δ∗ =−�δ∗ ≤−1


Set Ei(t, x)={y∈R;υ−i (t, x−cr−y)≤0}. It then follows from (4.4), (4.13)

and (4.16) that

S(υ−i )(t, x) ≤ Dε2

i K+dυ−i (t, x)−


b′(η)υ−i (t, x− cr−y)f (y)dy

≤ Dε2i K+dυ−

i (t, x)−∫Ei(t,x)

b′(η)υ−i (t, x− cr−y)f (y)dy

≤ Dε2i K−d�δ∗ + δ∗

∫ ∞

−∞b′(η)f (y)dy

= Dε20K− δ∗[�d− (b′(0)+ ι)]

< 0.

where η= θυ−i (t, x− cr−y)∈ [−δ∗,0]⊂ [−2δ∗,2δ∗].

Case (ii): εiξi ≥2−κ/2.In this case, εiξi ≥2−κ, 1− ε∗/2≤ ζ(εiξi)≤1, and hence

K− δ∗ ≥υ−i (t, x)≥−δ∗ +K(1− ε∗/2)≥K− δ∗ − (1−�)δ∗ ≥K− 3


It then follows that

dυ−i (t, x)−b(υ−

i (t, x))≤−min{b(u)−du; u∈ [K− 3

2δ∗,K− δ∗]


By the Choice of ε0 and � , we see that

�ξi ≥ �(2−κ/2)εi

≥ �(2−κ)ε0


Let y ∈ [−�ξi,�ξi ]. Then for c≤0 and i=1, by (4.10), we find

ε1(ξ1 − cr−y)≥ ε1(1−�)ξ1 − ε1cr≥ (1−�)(2−κ/2)>2−κfor c∈R and i=2, by (4.12), we find

ε2(ξ2 − cr−y)≥ ε2(1−�)ξ2 − ε2cr≥ (1−�)(2−κ/2)− ε0>2−κ.Noting that εiξi ≥2−κ/2>2−κ, by (4.9), we get

∫ �ξi

−�ξi|ζ((εi(ξi − cr−y))− ζ(εi(ξi))|f (y)dy≤ ε∗

∫ �ξi

−�ξif (y)dy≤ ε∗.

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424 Shiwang and Jianhong

Therefore, it follows from (4.14) and (4.16) that

S(υ−i )(t, x) ≤ Dε2

i K−M2


∫ �ξi−�ξi |ζ(εi(ξi − cr−y))− ζ(εi(ξi))|f (y)dy



+ ∫ −�ξi−∞ f (y)dy


≤ Dε20K−M2 +Kb′

maxε∗ +2Kb′



+ ∫ −M0−∞ f (y)dy

]< 0.

Case (iii): −2+κ/2≤ εiξi ≤2−κ/2.In this case, by (4.15) and (4.16), we also have

S(υ−i )(t, x) ≤ −CiεiKM+Dε2

i K+max{|du−b(u)|;u∈ [−δ∗,K+ δ∗]}+2Kb′max

≤ −C0ε0KM+Dε20K+max{|du−b(u)|;u∈ [−δ∗,K+ δ∗]}+2Kb′

max= 0.

Combining Cases (i)–(iii), we have

∂υ−i (t, x)


2υ−i (t, x)


i (t, x)

−∫ ∞


i (t, x−y))f (y)dy≤0, t ≥0, x ∈R.

Thus for c≤0, υ−1 (t, x) is a subsolution of (4.1) on [0,+∞) and for all c∈

R, υ−2 (t, x) is a subsolution of (4.1) on [0,+∞). In a similar way, we can

prove that for c≥0, υ+1 (t, x) is a supersolution of (4.1) on [0,+∞) and for

all c ∈ R, υ+2 (t, x) is a supersolution of (4.1) on [0,+∞). This completes

the proof.

Lemma 4.2. Assume that (H1)–(H3) hold. Then for every c ∈ R,(4.1) admits a unique strictly monotonic traveling wavefront with speed C(c)which is a continuous function of c.

Proof. The proof for the existence of non-decreasing traveling wave-fronts is similar to that of Theorem 5.1 in [1], and will be given in theappendix. It follows from Lemma 2.5 that the obtained traveling wavefrontis strictly monotonic. The uniqueness follows directly from Theorem 2.7.

For any c∈R, we denote by Uc(x+C(c)t) the corresponding travelingwavefront with the wave speed C(c). Without loss of generality, we assumethat Uc(0)=0 for each c∈R. Then we have

C(c)U ′c(ξ)=DU ′′

c (ξ)−dUc(ξ)+∫ ∞

−∞b(Uc(ξ −y))f (y− cr)dy, (4.17)

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 425

where ξ =x+C(c)t . Hence

Uc(ξ) = 1D(λ2(C(c))−λ1(C(c)))

[∫ ξ


+∫ ∞


eλ2(C(c))(ξ−s)Hc(Uc)(s)ds], (4.18)



<0, λ2(C(c))=C(c)+√C2(c)+4Dd2D



Hc(Uc)(s)=∫ ∞

−∞b(Uc(s−y))f (y− cr)dy. (4.19)

Since 0≤Uc(ξ)≤K, and





it is easy to show that

|U ′c(ξ)|≤




for every c∈R and ξ ∈R.Suppose cn → c, but C(cn) does not converge to C(c), then there

exists a subsequence cnk → c so that C(cnk )→ b �= C(c). By the Arzela–Ascoli theorem, we can choose a subsequence of {cnk }, also denoting it by{cnk }, such that Ucnk (·) converges to a continuous function U (·) in R. LetH ∗ = sup{|cn|}. Since Ucnk (·) is non-decreasing, Ucnk (0)= 0, and by (A.3)and (A.4) in Appendix, Ucnk (·) also satisfies

Ucnk (x)≤u∗ − δ∗, if x≤−M∗ −L∗H ∗r≤−M∗ −L∗|cnk |r,

Ucnk (x)≥u∗ + δ∗, if x≥M∗ +L∗H ∗r≥M∗ +L∗|cnk |r,

it follows that U (·) is non-decreasing, 0≤ U (·)≤K and,

lim supx→−∞

U (x)≤u∗ − δ∗ (4.21)


lim infx→∞ U (x)≥u∗ + δ∗. (4.22)

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426 Shiwang and Jianhong

In Eq. (4.18) with c being replaced by cnk , we let k→∞ and applythe dominant convergence theorem to get

U (ξ) = 1D(λ2(b))−λ1(b))

[∫ ξ


+∫ ∞




and hence U (x+ bt) is a solution of (4.1). By virtue of Theorem 3.5, weconclude that there exists a constant γ >0 such that

|U (x+bt)−Uc(x+C(c)t+ ξ0)|≤M∗e−γ t , t ≥0 (4.24)

for some ξ0 ∈R and M∗>0.If b>C(c), keeping x+bt fixed and letting t→∞ in (4.24)(and not-

ing that Uc(−∞) = 0), we get U (·) ≡ 0, which contradicts to (4.22). Ifb<C(c), a similar argument yields U (·)≡K, which contradicts to (4.21).Therefore, we have b=C(c), which is also a contradiction. This completesthe proof.

Theorem 4.3. Assume that (H1)–(H3) hold. Then (1.1) admits a strictlymonotonic traveling wavefront U(x+c∗t) with |c∗|≤C0, where C0 is given inLemma 4.1.

Proof. It is easy to see that if there exists a c∗ ∈R such that C(c∗)=c∗, and U(x+c∗t) is a monotonic traveling wavefront of (4.1), then U(x+c∗t) is also a traveling wavefront of (1.1). Therefore, it suffices to showthat the curves y= c and y=C(c) have at least one common point in the(c, y) plane.

For c ≤ 0, let υ−1 (t, x) be the subsolution of (4.1) given in Lemma

4.1. Then there exists a large constant X>1 such that U(·)≥υ−1 (0, ·−X).

Therefore, by the comparison, it follows that U(x+C(c)t)≥ υ−1 (t, x−X)

for all t ≥ 0 and x ∈R. Thus there exists a large X, which is independentof t , such that x+C(c)t≥x−C0t− X for all t≥0. Letting t→∞, we thenobtain that C(c)≥−C0 for c≤0. Similarly, we can show that C(c)≤C0 forc≥ 0. Finally, we note that the common point c∗ of two curves satisfies|c∗|≤C0. This completes the proof.


In this section, we sketch of the proof for the existence of travelingwavefront of (4.1).

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 427

Let w(t, x) be the solution to the following initial value problem

∂w(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w(t, x)

∂x2−dw(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy, t >0, x ∈R,

w(0, x) = Kζ(x), x ∈R, (A.1)

where c ∈ R is a parameter and ζ(·) refers to the function ζ given inSection 3.

By Lemma 2.1, it can be shown that

wx(t, x)>0, for all (t, x)∈ (0,∞)×R

and since the constant δ∗ in Lemma 4.1 can be chosen as small as wewish, by Lemma 4.1 and the comparison, it is not hard to show that

limx→∞w(t, x)=K, and lim

x→−∞w(t, x)=0, for all t >0.

Therefore, there exists a unique function zc(α, t) defined on (0,K)× [0,∞)

such that

w(t, zc(α, t))=α, α∈ (0,K), t ∈ [0,∞).

Following the idea in [1], we can show that, for some sequence{tj }∞j=1, the sequence {w(tj , ·+zc(u∗, tj ))}∞j=1 has a limit Uc(·), which is theprofile of a traveling wave front.

The proof for the existence of traveling wavefront of (4.1) is based onPropositions A.1 and A.6. In what follows, we only give proofs of Prop-ositions A.1 and A.6, the rest of the proof is similar to that of Theorem4.1 in [1] (see also Theorem 5.1), and thus is omitted.

The following Proposition A.1 is a directly consequence of Lemma A.5.

Proposition A.1. Assume that (H1)–(H3) hold. Then there exist asmall positive constant δ∗, two large positive constants M∗ and L∗ ≥ 1 ,which are independent of c and r, such that

zc(u∗ + δ∗, t)− zc(u∗ − δ∗, t)≤M∗ +L∗|c|r, for all t ≥0. (A.2)

Remark. Clearly, it follows from (A.2) that, as a limit w(tj , · +zc(u

∗, tj )) as j→∞, the function Uc(·) satisfies U(0)=u∗ and

Uc(x)≤u∗ − δ∗, if x≤−M∗ −L∗|c|r (A.3)


Uc(x)≥u∗ + δ∗, if x≥M∗ +L∗|c|r. (A.4)

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428 Shiwang and Jianhong

Using the assertion of Proposition A.1, we can also derive the follow-ing.

(a) For every δ∈ (0, δ∗/2], there exists m(δ)>0 such that

zc(K− δ, t)− zc(δ, t)≤m(δ), for all t >0. (A.5)

(b) For every M>0, there exists a constant η(M)>0 such that

wx(t, x+ zc(u∗, t))≥ η(M), for all t ≥1 and x ∈ [−M,M].


Lemma A.2. Let w11 and w12 be the solutions to the following linearevolution problems


= D∂2w11(t,x)

∂x2 −dw11(t, x)+b′(u∗)∫∞−∞w11(t, x−y)f (y− cr)dy,

w11(0, x) = H(x)




= D∂2w12(t,x)

∂x2 −dw12(t, x)+b′(u∗)∫∞−∞w12(t, x−y)f (y− cr)dy,

w12(0, x) = −1+2H(x)(A.8)

then there exist constants τ0> 0, ε0> 0, which are independent of c and r,and xc ∈R with |xc|≤4(1+|c|r)ε−1

0 such that

w11(τ0, xc+0)≥3, w12(τ0, xc−0)≤−3

here and in the sequel, H(x) is the Heaviside function equal to 1 when x>0,1/2 when x=0 and 0 when x <0, and wij (τ0, xc±0)= limy→xc±wij (τ0, y).

Proof. By (H3), we can show that the flows of the equation

∂w(t, x)


2w(t, x)

∂x2−dw(t, x)+b′(u∗)

∫ ∞

−∞w(t, x−y)f (y− cr)dy

also satisfies the comparison principle.Let λ∗ =−d+ b′(u∗). Then, by (H3), λ∗> 0 and eλ

∗t is a solution of(A.5). Since 0≤w11(0, x)=H(x)≤1, by comparison, we have

0≤w11(t, x)≤ eλ∗t , for all t ≥0.

In addition, since for each h>0,w11(0, ·+h)≥w11(0, ·), we have w11(t, ·+h)≥w11(t, ·) for all t≥0. That is, w11 is non-decreasing in x∈R. Thus, forany x ∈R, w11(t, x±0)= limy→x±w11(t, y) exist.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 429

Take a small positive constant ε0>0 such that

ρ(ε0) := 1λ∗ [Dε2

0 + ε0b′(u∗)

∫ ∞

−∞|y|f (y)dy+ ε0b



Let εc= ε1+|c|r and w(t, x)=ρ(ε0)e

2λ∗t + ζ(εcx)eλ∗t . Then

S(w)(t, x) = ∂w




∫ ∞

−∞w(t, x−y)f (y− cr)dy

= (2λ∗ +d)ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t + (λ∗ +d)ζ(εcx)eλ∗t −Dε2

c ζ′′(εcx)eλ


−b′(u∗)∫ ∞


2λ∗t + ζ(εc(x−y))eλ∗t )f (y− cr)dy

≥ [2λ∗ +d−b′(u∗)]ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t + [(λ∗ +d)ζ(εcx)

−Dε2c −b′(u∗)

∫ ∞

−∞ζ(εc(x−y))f (y− cr)dy]eλ


≥ λ∗ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t

+[−Dε2c +b′(u∗)

∫ ∞

−∞[ζ(εcx)− ζ(εc(x−y)]f (y− cr)dy]eλ


= λ∗ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t + [−Dε2

c + εcb′(u∗)∫ ∞

−∞ζ ′(η)yf (y− cr)dy]eλ


≥ λ∗ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t − [Dε2

c + εcb′(u∗)∫ ∞

−∞|y|f (y− cr)dy]eλ


≥ {λ∗ρ(ε0)eλ∗t−[Dε2

c + εcb′(u∗)∫ ∞

−∞|y|f (y)dy+ εcb′(u∗)|c|r]}eλ∗t

≥ {λ∗ρ(ε0)− [Dε20 + ε0b

′(u∗)∫ ∞

−∞|y|f (y)dy+ ε0b


= 0.

Hence, w(t, x)= ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t + ζ(εcx)e

λ∗t is a supersolution of (A.7). Sincew11(0, x)=H(x)≤ ζ(εcx+2)≤w(0, x+2ε−1

c ), x ∈R, the comparison yieldsw11(t, x)≤w(t, x+2ε−1

c ) in [0,∞)×R. That is,

w11(t, x)≤ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t + ζ(εc(x+2ε−1

c ))eλ∗t .


0≤w11(t, x)≤ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t , if x≤−4ε−1

c .

By using a similar argument, we can shows that w(t, x) = (1 −ζ(−εcx))eλ∗t − ρ(ε0)e

2λ∗t is a subsolution of (A.7). Since w11(0, x) =H(x)≥1− ζ(−εcx+2)≥w(0, x−2ε−1

c ). By the comparison, we have

w11(t, x)≥w(t, x−2ε−1c )= (1− ζ(−εcx+2))eλ

∗t −ρ(ε0)e2λ∗t ,

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430 Shiwang and Jianhong

which implies that

eλ∗t ≥w11(t, x)≥ eλ∗t −ρ(ε0)e

2λ∗t , if x≥4ε−1c .

Now set τ0 = 1λ∗ ln 9> 0, so that eλ

∗τ0 = 9. Therefore, by the choice of ε0,we have

0≤w11(τ0, x)≤81ρ(ε0)≤1, if x≤−4(1+|c|r)ε−10 ,

8≤9−81ρ(ε0)≤w11(τ0, x)≤9, if x≥4(1+|c|r)ε−10 .

By the monotonicity of w11(τ0, ·), there exists xc ∈ R with |xc| ≤ 4(1 +|c|r)ε−1

0 such that

w11(τ0, xc+0)≥3, w11(τ0, xc−0)≤3.

Using the identity w12(t, x) = −eλ∗t + 2w11(t, x) on [0,∞)× R, we alsohave

w12(τ0, xc−0)=−eλ∗τ0 +2w11(τ0, xc−0)≤−3.

This completes the proof.

Lemma A.3. There exists a small positive constant δ∗ > 0, which isindependent of c and r, such that the solutions w21 and w22 to

∂w21(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w21(t, x)

∂x2−dw21(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w21(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy, (A.9)

w21(0, x) = u∗ + δ∗H(x),


∂w22(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w22(t, x)

∂x2−dw22(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w22(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy, (A.10)

w22(0, x) = u∗ + δ∗[−1+2H(x)]


w21(τ0, xc+0)≥u∗ +2δ∗, w22(τ0, xc−0)≤u∗ −2δ∗.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 431

Proof. Let λ>λ∗ be fixed and w(t, x)=u∗ +δ∗w12(t, x)+δ2∗eλt . Since0≤w11(t, x)≤ eλ∗t , we have

−eλ∗t ≤w12(t, x)=−eλ∗t +2w11(t, x)≤ eλ∗t

and hence,

u∗ − δ∗eλ∗t + δ2∗eλt ≤w(t, x)≤u∗ + δ∗eλ∗t + δ2


for all t≥0 and x∈R. Therefore, for t ∈ [0, τ0], |w(t, x)−u∗|≤B∗ for someconstant B∗, and hence there exists a small constant δ∗>0, which is inde-pendent of c and r, such that

δ∗eλτ0 ≤1


S(w)(t, x) = ∂w




∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy

= δ∗[∂w12



∂x2+dw12]+ δ2


+du∗ −∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy

= δ∗b′(u∗)∫ ∞

−∞w12(t, x−y)f (y− cr)dy+ δ2


−b′(u∗)∫ ∞

−∞[w(t, x−y)−u∗]f (y− cr)dy+o(δ2


= −δ2∗b

′(u∗)eλt + δ2∗(λ+d)eλt +o(δ2

∗)= δ2

∗[λ+d−b′(u∗)]eλt +o(δ2∗)>0

≥ δ2∗[λ−λ∗]+o(δ2


Therefore, w(t, x)=u∗ + δ∗w12(t, x)+ δ2∗eλt is a supersolution of (A.10) on[0, τ0]. Moreover, we have

w22(0, x) = u∗ + δ∗[−1+2H(x)]

= u∗ + δ∗w12(0, x)≤w(0, x).Therefore, the comparison implies that w22(t, x)≤w(t, x),∀t ∈ [0, τ0] andx ∈R. In particular, we have

w22(τ0, xc−0) ≤ w(τ0, xc−0)

= u∗ + δ∗w12(τ0, xc−0)+ δ2∗eλτ0

≤ u∗ −3δ∗ + δ∗ =u∗ −2δ∗.

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432 Shiwang and Jianhong

In a similar way, we can show that w(t, x)= u∗ + δ∗w11(t, x)− δ2∗eλtis subsolution of (A.9) on [0, τ0]. Since w21(0, x) = u∗ + δ∗H(x) = u∗ +δ∗w11(0, x)≥w(0, x), by the comparison, we have

w21(τ0, xc+0) ≥ w(τ0, xc+0)

= u∗ + δ∗w11(τ0, xc+0)− δ2∗eλτ0

≥ u∗ +3δ∗ − δ∗ =u∗ +2δ∗.

The proof is complete.

Lemma A.4. There exist a large positive constant h0, which is indepen-dent of c and r, such that for hc= (1+|c|r)h0, the solutions w31 and w32 to

∂w31(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w31(t, x)

∂x2−dw31(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w31(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy, (A.11)

w31(0, x) = u∗ + δ∗H(x)−u∗H(−x−hc)and

∂w32(t, x)

∂t= D

∂2w32(t, x)

∂x2−dw32(t, x)

+∫ ∞

−∞b(w32(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy, (A.12)

w32(0, x) = u∗ + δ∗[−1+2H(x)]+ [K−u∗ − δ∗]H(x−hc)satisfy

w31(τ0, xc+0)≥u∗ + δ∗, w32(τ0, xc−0)≤u∗ − δ∗.Proof. Let λ=−d+b′

max. Then λ>0. Let

w(t, x)=w21(t, x)+ψ(t, x),

ψ(t, x)=−ε1/20 e2λt −u∗eλt ζ(−εc(x−xc)−2),

where ε0 is a small positive constant and εc= ε01+|c|r satisfying

ε1/20 e2λτ0 ≤ δ∗


λ≥ [Dε3/20 + ε1/2

0 (λ+d)∫ ∞

−∞|y|f (y)dy+ ε1/2

0 (λ+d)]u∗.

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Traveling Wavefronts in A Non-Local Delayed Diffusion Equation 433

Denote ξc=−εc(x−xc)−2. Then for t ∈ [0, τ0], we have

S(w)(t, x) = ∂w




∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy

= ∂w21



∂x2+dw21 + ∂ψ



−∫ ∞

−∞b(w(t, x−y))f (y− cr)dy

= ∂ψ



+∫ ∞

−∞[b(w21(t, x−y))−b(w(t, x−y))]f (y− cr)dy

≤ −(2λ+d)ε1/20 e2λt − [

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434 Shiwang and Jianhong

Therefore, w(t, x) is a subsolution of (A.11) on [0, τ0] × R. Clearly, if wetake h0 =4(ε−1

0 + ε−10 ), then hc= (1+|c|r)h0 ≥4ε−1

c +|xc| and hence,

w(0, x) = w21(0, x)+ψ(0, x)= w21(0, x)− ε1/2 −u∗ζ(−εc(x−xc)−2)

≤ w21(0, x)−u∗ζ(−εc(x−xc)−2)

≤ w31(0, x)

so that by the comparison, we have

w31(τ0, xc+0) ≥ w(τ0, xc+0)=w21(τ0, xc+0)− ε1/2e2λτ0

≥ u∗ +2δ∗ − δ∗ =u∗ + δ∗.Let

w(t, x)=w22(t, x)+ψ(t, x),

ψ(t, x)= ε1/20 e2λt + [K−u∗ − δ∗]eλt ζ(εc(x−xc)−2).

Then by using a similar argument, we can show that w(t, x) is a superso-lution of (A.12) on [0, τ0]×R, and

w(0, x) = w22(0, x)+ψ(0, x)= w22(0, x)+ ε1/2 + [K−u∗ − δ∗]ζ(εc(x−xc)−2)

≥ w22(0, x)+ [K−u∗δ∗]ζ(εc(x−xc)−2)

≥ w32(0, x),

so that by the comparison, we have

w32(τ0, xc−0) ≤ w(τ0, xc−0)=w22(τ0, xc−0)+ ε1/20 e2λτ0

≤ u∗ −2δ∗ + δ∗ =u∗ − δ∗.The proof is complete.

Lemma A.5. Let w(t, x) be the solution of (A.1), then for every t >0,there exist ξ−(t) and ξ+(t) such that

w(t, ξ−(t))=u∗ − δ∗, w(t, ξ+(t))=u∗ + δ∗and

ξ+(t)− ξ−(t)≤max{4+2(1+|c|r)(4ε−10 +C0τ0),2hc},

where hc= (1+|c|r)h0, ε0 and C0 are given in Lemma 4.1.

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Proof. Let υ±2 (t, x) be as in Lemma 4.1. We note that

υ−2 (0, x−2−2ε−1

c )≤w(0, x)=Kζ(x)≤υ+2 (0, x+2+2ε−1

c )

and hence, by the comparison, we have

υ−2 (t, x−2−2ε−1

c )≤w(t, x)≤υ+2 (t, x+2+2ε−1

c ), for all t ≥0.

Therefore, for every t ≥0, ξ+(t) and ξ−(t) exist and satisfy

ξ+(t)− ξ−(t)≤4+2(1+|c|r)(4ε−10 +C0t).

In particular, for all t ∈ [0, τ0], we have

ξ+(t)− ξ−(t)≤4+2(1+|c|r)(4ε−10 +C0τ0).

To finish the proof, we need only prove the following: for every t1 ≥0, ξ+(t1 + τ0)− ξ−(t1 + τ0)≤max{ξ+(t1)− ξ−(t1),2hc}.

By translation, we can assume that w(t1,0)= u∗, so that ξ−(t) < 0<ξ+(t). By symmetry, we need only consider the case ξ+(t)≥|ξ−(t)|.

Set h+ = max{ξ+(t1), hc}. Then, w(t1, ·+h+)≥w31(0, ·) in R, so that,by the comparison,

w(t1 + τ0, xc+h+)≥w31(τ0, xc+0)≥u∗ + δ∗,which implies that ξ+(t1 + τ0)≤xc+h+.

Set h− =max{ξ+(t1)−ξ−(t1), hc}. Then w(t1, ·+ξ+(t1)−h−)≤w31(0, ·),and hence, by the comparison,

w(t1 + τ0, xc+ ξ+(t1)−h−)≤w32(τ0, xc−0)≤u∗ − δ∗.Therefore, ξ−(t1 + τ0)≥xc+ ξ+(t1)−h−.

Combining the two estimates for ξ+(t1 + τ0) and ξ−(t1 + τ0), we have

ξ+(t1 + τ0)− ξ−(t1 + τ0)≤h+ − ξ+(t1)+h− ≤max{ξ+(t1)− ξ−(t1),2hc}.This completes the proof.

Proposition A.6. Let w(t, x) be the solution of (A.1), then there existthree positive constants β,σ1 and δ1>0 such that for every δ∈ (0, δ1], everyT >0 and every ξ ∈R, the functions w+(t, x) and w−(t, x) defined by

w±(t, x)=w(x+ ξ ±σ1δ(eβr − e−βt ), t+T )± δe−βt

are, respectively, a supersolution and a subsolution of (A.1) in (0,+∞)×R.

Proof. Proposition A.6 can be proved in a similar way as used in theproof of Lemma 2.6 and the details will be omitted.

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436 Shiwang and Jianhong


Research partially supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China (SM), by Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada, Mathematics for Information Technology and Com-plex Systems, and by Canada Research Chairs Program (JW).


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