Maharashtra Sales Tax Department USER MANUAL Existing Dealer Registration.

Existing dealer Manual

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Maharashtra Sales Tax Department



Existing Dealer Registration.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Important announcement for PAN Updation ...................................................................................................................... 2

3. Instructions to fill form. ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

4. Steps of Registration Process ............................................................................................................................................... 4

5. Create Permanent Profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

5.1 Login as New User .................................................................................................................................................. 6

5.2. Type of Applicant. ................................................................................................................................................. 8

5.3. PAN / TAN Details.................................................................................................................................................. 8

5.4. User Details Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 11

5.5. Confirmation message screen. ....................................................................................................................... 12

5.6. Confirmation mail ............................................................................................................................................... 13

5.7. Profile activation screen .................................................................................................................................. 13

5.8 Successful Submission of Profile ................................................................................................................... 14

6. Login as Permanent User. ................................................................................................................................................... 15

6.1 Login Page ............................................................................................................................................................... 18

6.2. Dealers home page .............................................................................................................................................. 20

6.3. Registration Dashboard.................................................................................................................................... 20

6.4. Application Form ................................................................................................................................................. 22

7. Submission .................................................................................................................................................................... 24

8. E- Payment. ................................................................................................................................................................... 25

9. Forgot Password ......................................................................................................................................................... 27

10. Re-submission. ........................................................................................................................................................... 30

11. Re-application. ........................................................................................................................................................... 33

12. Online Registration Application Status. ........................................................................................................ 33

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


1. Introduction Under Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002, there are two modes of registration viz. (a) when the dealer crosses the threshold limit and; (b) When the dealer makes an application under voluntary scheme of registration Every dealer falling under above categories and having businesses in Maharashtra, have to register their business online under Maharashtra Sales Tax Act. The process of registration commences with the submission of application by taxpayer. It ends, unless application is rejected, with the grant of registration certificate bearing unique number called as TIN (Tax Identification Number) Now the dealer need not visit the department with original documents. At the time of filing the application, a dealer can submit the scanned copy of the documents. Department will verify the soft copy of the documents online and issue Registration certificate online. If sales tax department has any query, they can call for physical presence of the dealer, if required Existing Dealer going for New Registration:

Dealer, already having an active registration number (TIN), is known as Existing dealer.

Existing dealer going for new registration under other Acts, other than the already registered Acts, also have to create a temporary profile to get a permanent login id. This permanent login id will allow the dealer to login to dealer’s home page from MSTD website and get registered for various acts, make payments for registration/ returns/ assessments etc.

This manual helps an existing dealer with step by step guidance on creating a permanent profile, understanding the concept of already registered acts, filling & submitting the application form and also resubmission( if any).

2. Important announcement for PAN Updation

Some of the dealers who are already registered under VAT and CST Acts have not updated their PAN numbers

in the old system. Such dealers will have to first update their PAN numbers with us.

The list of such dealers is available on our website www.mahavat.gov.in.

If you find your TIN in that list, please update your PAN number by sending us an e-mail to

[email protected].

Every working day at 6.00 PM we shall update PANs for all the requests received during the day.

Once the said PANs are updated, you will be able to apply for registration through ‘Registered Dealer’


Please ensure that no other mails except for updating the PANs are sent to this mail id.

Any request other than for updating the PAN number will not be entertained if sent to this mail id.

For updating your PAN send us an email as “Please update the PAN number as (for ex ABCDE1234F)

for TIN (for ex 27123456789V)”

(Please note that if the TIN pertains to a company/Firm/LLP, the PAN should be in the name of

that company/Firm/LLP; and if the TIN pertains to a proprietorship concern, the PAN should be

in the name of the Proprietor).

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Following Certificate should be printed on the letterhead of the TIN holder and signed by the

Director/Partner/Proprietor/Manager/Authorized Person of the TIN holder and a scanned copy of the said

certificate should be attached to the mail and the original copy of the said certificate should be submitted to

the Nodal Officer having jurisdiction over the said TIN within three days after sending such a mail.

“I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am authorized to file a request with Maharashtra Sales

Tax Department for updating the PAN for TIN (for ex 27123456789V) by virtue of holding the position

of…………………………………in the said company/firm/LLP/Proprietorship Concern that is the holder of the

TIN (for ex 27123456789V). This request is being filed through email sent from the email id (For ex

[email protected]). Please note that this mail id should be the same from which such request for

updating the PAN is going to be filed), and the original copy of the request letter shall be submitted

to the Nodal Officer having Jurisdiction with the said TIN (for ex 27123456789V) within three days of

sending this mail. Please update the PAN pertaining to the TIN (for ex 27123456789V)”

If this certificate is being signed by a Manager or an Authorized Person, the Authority Letter in proper format

showing an authority for requesting such update of PAN should also accompany the said request for PAN


You may request updating PANs for multiple TINs in single email.

Every TIN being sent for PAN update should have an authority letter. Please attach as many authority

letters and above mentioned certificates with the said email as the number of TINs that are being

requested for PAN update.

If a TIN is not accompanied by the corresponding letter of authority and the above mentioned

certificate, the said request will not be honored.

3. Instructions to fill form.

Please make sure you go through below instructions before Registering online

Make sure you are filling correct and valid details in the input fields as per the description. Read carefully before entering details

Mobile Number fields will contain only 10 digit number. (Use of +91 is not allowed)

Do not use any initial prefixes (name or professional) before any names in the application such as “ Mr. / Mrs. / Shri / Shrimati / Master/ M/s / Messrs./ any professional suffix (CA, Dr., Adv., Arch., CS. etc.)“

Wherever ADD button is mentioned, you can add multiple details. E.g. Address, Bank details etc.

You can use DELETE button wherever multiple details are not needed as per your convenience

Wherever multiple details have been entered make use of side arrows to navigate information

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Make sure you have all soft copies of the documents which will be uploaded during the registration process

While filling FORM 101, NEXT button will save all the data you have entered before clicking on NEXT

PREVIOUS button will take you to previous page

Tip tool feature has been incorporated for many field inputs, when pointed with cursor, giving out information about that particular field entry

Below icon has been used in the document to indicate important note for the user.

Icon Meaning


4. Steps of Registration Process

The Existing Dealer has to complete the following steps for getting new registration under

any of the Acts.

Use Google chrome

for better browser

form clarity.


I.• Create permanent profile id with MSTD for New Registration

II. • Select the Acts required for new registration

III• Fill up all the details in the form.

IV• Submit the form online.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


5. Create Permanent Profile 1. Visit MSTD website - www.mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/index.jsp

2. Click on ‘e- registration’ as shown below. ( Screen 1a)

3. Dealers can find all the Act manuals on the site under “What’s New” box. (Screen 1a ).

(Screen 1a)

2. e-Registration will navigate to another website ( as shown in Screen 1b ) For New Registration Click on ‘New User. Register here”. ( as shown in screen 1b) For Existing Registration Click on ‘Existing user. Login”. ( as shown in screen 1b)

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(Screen 1b)

5.1 Login as New User

1. Click on “New User? Register here” on home page (Screen 1b), it will navigate to "Options for Registration" page. (This page will show various tax paying categories, availing services from sales tax department)

2. Select "New Dealer Registration under various Acts" ( Screen 1.1)

3. Instructions page will be displayed with respect to new dealer (Screen 1.1a)

a. The menu tab displays all the 7 ACTS.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


b. On selection of particular act, the page should display all the instructions w.r.t. the new dealer registration under that particular ACT.

4. Click on “NEXT” at the end of the Instructions page.

5. It navigates to “Type of Applicant” page. Existing dealer should click on “Registered Dealer” to

get registered for another new act(s). (Screen 1.3)

(Screen 1.1)

(Screen 1.1a)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


5.2. Type of Applicant.

1. Two Types of applicants can apply for registration :

New Dealer :

a. Applicants not registered with any of the Acts.

b. Applicants who have inactive / cancelled TIN ids.

Registered Dealer : Registered dealer is an existing dealer, registered for at least one act, administered by MSTD and

is having an active TIN number.

2. Note : Incase, if you have an active registration certificate under PTEC only and not under any of

the other acts administered by MSTD, then :

a. Click on 'New Dealer’.

b. If your PAN is not allowed there for creation of temporary profile, only then go through

'Registered Dealer'.

(Screen 1.2)

5.3. PAN / TAN Details

Before entering PAN details, please go through the PAN information given at the start of the manual. Note: If the combination of PAN and TIN is shown to be invalid, please check whether your TIN appears

in the list of TINs for dealers who have not updated their PANs with sales tax. If not updated, then update

PAN with the sales tax department, so that you can get registered under the remaining acts.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Instructions regarding this updating of PAN are available on our website under the head ‘Update Your


Now in the PAN/TAN screen:

1. Add either valid PAN or TAN in the PAN / TAN field ( Screen 1.3) 2. In case of PAN, Constitution must be populated as per the 4th letter of PAN

Select Sub-Constitution manually if applicable. (Screen 1.3)

3. In case of TAN, Constitution and sub-constitution is manually selected. (Screen 1.3a)

4. Enter 11 digit valid TIN number pertaining to the active Registration Certificate. (Don’t enter the

suffix such as V, C or P after the eleven digits of your TIN).

5. Enter CAPTCHA as displayed on the screen (If the image is not visible properly, the image can

be changed by clicking on refresh button beside)

6. Click on ‘NEXT’, it navigates to User details Screen.

PAN option.

When the PAN for Company is entered. The Constitution “COMPANY” is auto populated and the sub-constitution should

be selected manually. Drop downs available for sub-constitution under company.

(Screen 1.3)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


TAN option.

When the TAN for Company is entered. The Constitution needs to be manually selected, unlike PAN and the sub-

constitution also should be selected manually.

(Screen 1.3a)


PAN – Ten digit alpha numeric: The first five characters are alphabets, following four characters are Numeric, and last character is alphabet

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


TAN - Ten digit alpha numeric: The first four characters are alphabets, following five characters are Numeric, and last one character is alphabet

If entered PAN/TAN and TIN id doesn’t match, the message displayed is “Either Temporary Profile or TIN has been generated for this PAN."

If PAN / TAN / TIN is invalid, the message displayed is “Incorrect PAN... Please enter existing PAN..”

Any of the invalid PAN / TAN or TIN entries other than valid ones, will show that particular invalid

input as “Invalid entry” with red rectangular box.

Two unsuccessful attempts in filling PAN / TAN / TIN field, will close the current session and you will be taken back to “Options for Registration” screen.

After 5 unsuccessful attempts to fill the CAPTCHA field, the session will expire and you will be redirected to MSTD main screen

5.4. User Details Screen

1. PAN / TAN and Full Name will be auto populated in user details screen. Enter other details manually on the screen

i. Email Id ii. Re-enter Email Id iii. Mobile Number

2. Click on "Create profile".

(Screen 1. 4)


System allows only one email ID and mobile number to one PAN/ TAN and TIN combination. Same Email id and mobile number should not be used for more than one TIN id.

Email id should be in email format only (e.g. – umesh****@****.***)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Re-enter Email Id field does not allow you to copy paste Email Id

Mobile Number is 10 digit number. +91 or any other codes are not allowed

5.5. Confirmation message screen.

1. You will get confirmation message on the screen as below ( Screen 1. 5)

2. Activation Link will be sent to your Email id and One Time Password will be sent to your Mobile Number.

3. “Back” tab enables applicant to go back to User details screen and allows changes or corrections

to be done to email id and mobile number.


Note: Make sure you have mentioned valid Email Id and Mobile Number

This number and email will be a registered contact reference for all your future communications and

activities with the Maharashtra sales tax department with respect to registration, filing returns, audit, assessment, notices, refunds etc.

A registered dealer can change his email id and contact number, and confirmation of changed

registered number will always be done through OTP generation and an activation link on your Email Id through amendment.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


5.6. Confirmation mail

1. Go to your personal Email ID and click on the activation link provided in the email (Screen 1.6)

2. This link will take you to the Profile Activation (screen 1.7)

(Screen 1.6)

5.7. Profile activation screen

1. You are on Profile activation screen. Name and User ID will be auto populated on the screen

a. Enter One Time Password (OTP) sent to you in your mobile number (Screen 1.7)

b. Select any Security Question from the dropdown list c. Enter the Answer for the security question you have selected. d. Click on “SUBMIT”

2. Email will be sent to your Email ID confirming successful profile creation along with

Temporary Profile and Password.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Why Security question?

After getting registered, in case you forget the

Password, you can make use of Security question

to successfully login to MSTD Web Portal and get

new password sent to your email inbox

(Screen 1.7)

5.8 Successful Submission of Profile

1. Successful submission will give out a welcome message from MSTD ( Screen 1.8)

2. Email is generated on successful profile activation and is sent to the applicants email id with permanent id and password (Screen 1.9)

(Screen 1.8)

Note: If you fail to receive OTP, then click on

Resend OTP Maximum three chances available for

successful entries. In case you enter wrong OTP the system will

ask you to re-enter the correct OTP.

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(Screen 1.9)


6. Login as Permanent User. 1. Visit MSTD website - www.mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/index.jsp 2. Click on ‘e- Registration’ as shown below. ( Screen 2)

3. ‘e-Registration’ will navigate to another website ( as shown in Screen 2.1 )

4. Existing dealer can login with permanent User id and password from two ways :

a. Click on ‘New user. Register here” in home page ( as shown in screen 2.1) Existing user login under “Options for registration”. Or,

b. Click on ‘Existing user. Login” in home page ( as shown in screen 2.1a)

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(Screen 2)

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(Screen 2.1) OR

(Screen 2.1a)

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6.1 Login Page

1. Enter your Permanent User id and Password send by MSTD through email.

2. Enter details in following fields (Screen 2.2)

a. Enter User id (PAN) b. Enter Password (as sent on email)

3. Click on “Log on”

(Screen 2.2)

4. Again new Login page will open up for applicant to change the password ( screen 2.3)

a. User ID – ( PAN id) b. Current Password – ( same password entered above sent by MSTD) c. New Password – ( dealer can change with his own password) d. Repeat Password – ( repeat with the same password entered by dealer)

5. Click on ‘Change’

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(Screen 2.3)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


6.2. Dealers home page

1. Click on Registration dropdown and select “New Registration”

2. “New Registration” will navigate to “Registration” Dashboard

(Screen 2.4)

6.3. Registration Dashboard

Existing dealers are those dealers, having an active registration certificate under the act or acts with sales tax department.

1. In registration dashboard, already registered acts will show light color graded or freezed box(es). These selection boxes are deactivated as they are already registered acts. (Screen 2.5).

2. Dealer have to select only those acts which are not registered. ( Screen 2.5a).

3. If MVAT, CST, Luxury and entry tax is selected, then system will ask you "Do you want to apply registration for PTEC? (screen 2.6) Select “Yes”, if you want to register for PTEC or Select “No”, if you don’t want to register now or register later.

4. Select Type of dealer from dropdown list for new registration.

a. Regular Dealer b. Casual Dealer

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


c. Non-Resident Dealer d. Voluntary Dealer

5. Click on NEXT.

Registration dashboard (Screen 2.5)

Registration dashboard (Screen 2.5)

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Registration dashboard (Screen 2.5a)

(Screen 2.6)

6.4. Application Form

1. Once you select the Acts for registration, click on NEXT to fill the Application form as per the field descriptions.

2. Check if below fields are auto populated and freezed(greyed out) based on the selection of Act(s) : 1. Name of the Business/ Proprietor 2. Constitution of business 3. PAN/TAN. 4. Corresponding documents to be uploaded, wherever necessary.

3. While filling the forms, clicking on ‘NEXT’ button or tab at the end of the page, will save all the data that you have entered.

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4. All mandatory fields to be filled up, otherwise it won’t go to next screen.

5. Any details unfilled or wrong will be displayed, before the form is submitted.

6. Form 105, form V(B) should be filled, saved in your desktop and printed. This printed copy should be signed and uploaded in upload document at the end of the form.

7. Wherever ‘ADD’ button is mentioned, you can add multiple details. E.g. Address, Bank details etc

8. Wherever multiple details have been entered make use of side arrows to navigate information.

9. Make sure you have all soft copies of the documents which will be uploaded during the registration process.

10. When document is uploaded successfully, the upload button will turn green. You can also view the preview of the document.

11. After uploading each and every document, click on declaration and fill the details.

12. Click on “Print / Preview” to view & edit the form, if necessary, to assure, that all the details,

documents, photos, signatures have been properly filled in & uploaded.

13. Click on “Previous” to make any changes to the form or “Submit” at the end to get acknowledgement.

Please refer step by step filling of forms from New Registration manuals for all the acts already uploaded in the

website under “What’s New” information section (Screen 2.7)


MVAT - New registration under MVAT

CST - New registration under CST

Luxury - New registration under Luxury

PTRC - New registration under PTRC

PTEC - New registration under PTEC

SCPT - New registration under SCPT

Entry Tax - New registration under Entry Tax

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(Screen 2.7)

7. Submission:

1. Form ends up with submission

2. An email is sent to the applicant with downloadable PDF form & print option of the form

(Screen 2.8)

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8. E- Payment.

1. Applicant can make payment of fees through http://www.mahavat.gov.in/ .

2. Click on the option - “e-pay new registration” under e-services (as shown below).

3. Dealer will get MTR Form number 6 as below.

4. Select the Registration type and location of sales tax office. Fees for dealer type: - MVAT : Regular, casual, non-resident – Rs. 500. Voluntary dealer – Rs. 5000 + Rs.25000. CST : Regular, Voluntary, casual, non-resident – Rs. 25. Entry Tax : No dealer type – Rs. 100.

5. Enter dealer name.

6. Select the Bank name and click on “Pay” option.

7. “Pay” option will navigate to banks payment gateway and dealer can make the payment online.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


MTR 6 acknowledgement will be generated and this acknowledgement should be

uploaded in the registration application form in upload document.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


9. Forgot Password:

If the dealer forgets his password, he / she will be required to login to the website and follow as given below:

1. Visit MSTD website - www.mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/index.jsp

2. Click on “e-Registration” on the portal as shown below.

3. ‘e-Registration’ will navigate to another website ( as shown in Screen 2.1 ) To login with temporary User id and password Click on ‘Existing user. Login”. ( as shown in

screen 2.1)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


4. Click on “Forgot Password” tab in the login page.

5. User clicks on Forgot password and gets below output screen.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


6. User inputs his / her temporary PAN id and inputs the answer to the security question he/ she has

given during profile creation.

7. Submit will send a new password to dealers email id inbox.

8. Applicant will receive the email as below. Also check the email in spam folder.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


9. Applicant can give above password in the login page and can also change his password by clicking

on “Change Password” option in the login page.

10. Re-submission.

Re-submission takes place when the tax officer verifies the application data and uploaded documents and

sends rejection defect memo to the dealer, if the officer finds any fault in the data or documents. The dealer

receives an email for rejection defect memo. (As shown below)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Now the dealer has to login to the website and follow as mentioned below:

1. Login with permanent login id and password.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


2. Select all the acts that were selected during application, except the ones, for which RC has been generated.

( Acts for which RC is generated, will be disabled for selection)

3. Applicant has to make the required changes as mentioned in defect memo on the form and click on “NEXT”

tab on every page to save the data.

4. Dealer has to submit the application within 30 days from the date of receipt of defect memo.

5. The applicant will receive Acknowledgement with same Application Reference Number but with different

submission date.

6. This submission date will change to resubmission date (current date).

7. Dealer will receive an email for resubmission with same acknowledgement number with attached pdf form.

8. This resubmitted form will again be allocated to the same jurisdictional sales tax officer, who had reviewed it


9. If the officer finds that the documentary details or uploaded documents are not satisfactory, then the

discretion will be on the officer, either to approve or reject the form.

10. If the officer rejects the form again, then the dealer will have to re-apply for fresh application.

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


11. Re-application.

1. Dealer has to submit the application within 30 days from the date of receipt of defect memo. If not submitted,

then dealer have to re-apply for fresh application and not the old application form.

2. Dealer’s login id (i.e. User id ( TIN ) & password) will be the same as before.

12. Online Registration Application Status.

The dealer can view the status of new application, submitted by him to the Sales Tax Department and can

also download the registration certificate.

1. Click on “Existing User? Login”.

2. Login Page will open.

For Existing Registration Input TIN id and password (Permanent ID)

Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


3. This will navigate to dealer’s home page as shown below.

Click on the Registration Tab, and select “Application Status”.

4. The screen will appear showing the Status of the application and Registration Certificate, if granted will be

available for Download.

The dealer can download the registration certificate under any of the Acts approved by the Department i.e. VAT,


Existing Dealer Registration -User Manual


Application Status updates:

WITH APPLICANT This status is shown when the application is saved by the applicant without

submission or re-submission.

WITH STO This status is shown when the application is submitted or re-submitted by the

applicant and is in verification with STO (Sales tax officer).

RC GENERATED This status is shown when certificate of registration (RC) is generated by the STO

and it can be downloadable (preview) or printable by the dealer.

NOT APPLIED This status is shown when particular Act is not selected by the dealer.

5. Click on “Print/Preview”, to View the Registration Certificate. The same can be downloaded and printed.