12 Experience a Superior Life by Eating Superior Food By Peter Pure “If you don’t have time for your health now, soon you won’t have time for anything else!” ~ Norman Walker I f you want a superior experience of life it’s important that you eat superior foods. We’re all aware of the phrase, “You are what you eat,” but how are you going to have a superior experience of life if you’re eating sub-standard food? In the UK, for example, it’s evident that there’s definitely something wrong with the food and drink choices the majority of people are making. The human body is designed to live past the age of 100, yet in the UK men die at an average age of 77, and women at 81 and a half. This means that people are needlessly slashing their lives by at least twenty years! To discover where we’re going wrong, we don’t have to look much further than people’s food choices. Eighty two out of every one hundred people die of the big three diseases: cancer, heart disease, and strokes. The number one reason is the foods they’re eating. Not to mention the gross underperformance of these people, including brain fog, poor eyesight, obesity, headaches, poor memory, bad skin, bad breath, colds, feeling mentally and physically tired, etc... There isn’t much to like about the affect the standard western food program has on us. I have coached thousands of people to health and physical performance breakthroughs, and I’d say the foods you put

Experience a Superior Life by Eating Superior Food Chapter_Peter Pure_2.pdfThere’s a group of elements described as Ormus minerals, which are fourth dimensional in nature. ... leaders

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Experience a Superior Life

by Eating Superior Food☼

By Peter Pure

“If you don’t have time for your health now, soon you won’t have time for anything else!”

~ Norman Walker

If you want a superior experience of life it’s important that you eat superior foods. We’re all aware of the phrase, “You are what you eat,” but how are you going to have a superior experience of life if you’re eating sub-standard food?

In the UK, for example, it’s evident that there’s defi nitely something wrong with the food and drink choices the majority of people are making. The human body is designed to live past the age of 100, yet in the UK men die at an average age of 77, and women at 81 and a half.

This means that people are needlessly slashing their lives by at least twenty years! To discover where we’re going wrong, we don’t have to look much further than people’s food choices. Eighty two out of every one hundred people die of the big three diseases: cancer, heart disease, and strokes. The number one reason is the foods they’re eating. Not to mention the gross underperformance of these people, including brain fog, poor eyesight, obesity, headaches, poor memory, bad skin, bad breath, colds, feeling mentally and physically tired, etc... There isn’t much to like about the affect the standard western food program has on us.

I have coached thousands of people to health and physical performance breakthroughs, and I’d say the foods you put

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in your mouth account for about 75 percent of your overall health.

Now here’s where I’m going to introduce my totem pole strategy! If we’re after a great result we need to carry out the ideas at the top of the totem pole, rather than the ideas at the bottom.

If we had a scale, ranking food choices from best to worst, and we look at the food choices of people suffering from poor health, chicken would fall somewhere like 88,221, at the bottom of the scale, and bread would be number 56,665. Dairy is another shocking food for human beings. If we had to give that a number it would rank at about 1,867,569—all of these foods are found towards the bottom of the totem pole.

So a simple way of vastly improving our health and wellbeing is to eat the foods at the top of the totem pole; foods which have been proven to give us superior results.

If you want a great experience of life eat the top seventy fi ve foods for human beings and get off everything else as much as you can.

Some people choose to add some of the top seventy fi ve foods into their diet, along with a bit of bread, or a few dairy products. But why would you only want a half exceptional result?!

Why not aim to be 100 percent exceptional, and eat only the top seventy fi ve foods?

Connection to source: how to manifest more, faster!

When we get health and nutrition right, the results are pretty dramatic. Many of my clients now have an extra three to fi ve hours of energy each day, many have rid themselves of so-called incurable diseases, and people have even turned their grey hair back to its original pigment. It’s quite astonishing what can be achieved through natural approaches to diet, supplements, and detoxifi cation.

Experience a Superior Life by Eating Superior Food

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As we work towards a healthier mind and body, our spiritual connection also improves. Our body is like an information transmitting and receiving station, and we’re able to transmit and receive information far easier when we’re not internally encrusted with the contemporary food choices found in the supermarket. As your body is cleaned out, even if you have never experienced a great cosmic connection, more and more synchronicities will begin to occur in your life.

A huge synchronicity happened to me recently. I never usually sleep anywhere near my computer, but for some reason I had my laptop in my bedroom, and just before I got up I turned it on and looked at a specific website on water technology for around one minute. I got up, went to my office, and within three or four hours I got a phone call from a lady who wanted to enrol in my raw chef training course. I chatted to the lady for a while and then she gave me her email address…the exact same email address from the website I’d visited that morning! I immediately noted the opportunity and I said, “I was looking at your website only this morning, so instead of paying me for the course, how about we do a swap? If you install one of your water filtration systems in my kitchen I’ll accept that as payment for the course.” She agreed straight away.

That incident got my mind percolating about other water filtration technology. There are three pieces to the puzzle—drinking water, house water, and bathing water. So I started putting together packages with different pricing bands from low to high. However, I needed to find a company offering a five hundred pound whole house carbon block filter. The next day, back in the office, I got another phone call and the man on the other end said, “Hello, I own a company that provides whole house, five hundred pound carbon block water filters.” The missing part of the puzzle had just turned right up!

Incidents like this happen to me with increased frequency as I’ve cleaned out my body, and become more in alignment

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with the right foods. I see these signs as the Universe telling me I’m on the correct path. To improve our mental and physical performance and get rid of diseases is one thing, but when we start experiencing these amazing synchronicities and manifestations, life becomes very exciting indeed.

Certain people are connected to source no matter what they do. A friend of mine is incredible at picking up on people’s information, yet he eats a terrible diet and drinks a lot of beer. However, I’ve found that even though people have different abilities and gifts when it comes to tapping into source, if we clean our bodies out this ability improves greatly.

Our bodies are pretty encrusted over internally because of the horrific food choices we’ve made in the past, eating “foods” which were never designed for human consumption. According to a medical friend, the human organism is 120,000 years old, yet many of the foods we consume nowadays weren’t even around back then. When we clean out our bodies, and eat and drink the foods that were meant for us, our bodies and minds begin to function far more efficiently.

What foods can we include in our diet to aid manifestation?

There’s a group of elements described as Ormus minerals, which are fourth dimensional in nature. They’re not always here; sometimes they’re someplace else but during these times we don’t know where they are! They do not appear on Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements, but we know that approximately two new elements are added each decade.

Ormus minerals are a levitational force, they have healing properties, and they increase our ability to manifest. The leaders in the field of modern day alchemy are isolating and condensing these elements and ending up with a jar full of isolated Ormus powder. At this point you can see the substance, touch it, pick it up, and weigh it, but when that jar is sent to the most advanced analysis laboratories on the planet

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they say it contains “nothing.” However, that “nothing” is an element documented by conventional science. So it is clear there is much more to discover about it.

You can buy and make Ormus supplements, but if you do it’s important to be a pretty positive person because they help to manifest things far faster. Therefore, if you think about things you don’t want, those things will show up in your life faster. To find out more about Ormus, log on to subtleenergies.com.

There are Ormus concentrates present in food as well, which by and large are what we call “super foods.” Add Ormus foods to your daily diet to increase your power to manifest, and your connection to source. Here are a few foods which contain Ormus elements:

Goji berriesNoni Apricot kernelsMustard WatercressAloe veraMedicinal mushrooms, tree grown, such as chaga and reishiGrass grown with seawaterFresh coconut waterPollen

These are the kinds of foods I include in my diet as they increase my ability to manifest.

Detox plans

I break health down into two major activities:1. Putting the good stuff in our body2. Taking the bad stuff out of our body

The consistent application of these two activities guides our way to incredible health or disastrous health. Many

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people put bad things into their body and leave them there. But it’s important to put the good things in, and take the nasty things out. There are a few levels when it comes to cleansing and detoxification:

Level one – for most people this is simply eating fresh live plants. This is cleansing and detoxifying as it allows the body to throw off all the old garbage. This is the best place for you to start.

Level two – Involves more tenacious things such as chemicals, heavy metals, and drugs. There are hundreds of thousands of chemicals being stored in your body, and we don’t have any defences against them. These chemicals cause cancer, hormone disruption, immune system disruption, chronic degenerative diseases, birth defects, and respiratory problems.

Sadly, we live in a chemical soup. They’re found on our clothes, in the air we breathe, and in tap liquid, which I can’t even call water any more. In the fifty biggest cities in the world, thirty eight different drugs can be measured coming out of the tap. Whatever gets flushed down the toilet is recycled into the tap water.

A simple way to remove all those chemicals from your body is to take activated charcoal (rather than non-activated…and definitely don’t use barbecue charcoal!) three times a week. Put one teaspoon of activated charcoal in a jar, half fill the jar with water, shake it, and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is one of the most incredible ways of getting rogue drugs and chemicals out of your body. If you want exceptional results add a squirt of zealite, which is micronized lava from an underwater volcano.

Level three – Intestinal Cleansing – This involves ridding the body of years of accumulated debris in the intestines which come from sources of glue in the diet: dairy, wheat, and other grains containing gluten.

Level four – This is more advanced, and deals with things like nano bacteria and parasites, for example.

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The body of a baby is made up of 80 percent water, whereas an elderly person’s body is only made up of only 70 percent water, and correlated with this comes a lot of disease, ailments, and pain.

When we put dried foods into our body we’re pulling out living electrical waters, and this is the major reason why humans dehydrate. If we take a plum and dehydrate it we get a prune. If we take a human being and dehydrate it we also get a prune!

Bearing this in mind keep your diet as wet as possible by eating plenty of fresh, living, uncooked plants. These contain a lot of fresh, living, electrical juice. I’d recommend drinking green vegetable juice, fresh coconut water, and spring water. And if you don’t know where to find a spring, it’s easy—just go to www.findaspring.com!

If 90 percent of our food is fresh, living plants, our water intake will decrease as we’ll be getting it from the foods we eat. A simple way of assessing whether you’re dehydrated is by looking at the color of your urine. The only color it should be is clear. If it comes out any other color that’s a good indication that you’re not drinking enough water!

The benefits of eating a live food diet

In my experience live food accounts for about 75 percent of our overall health. Some people say if you just eat live food then you’ll be ok, but this approach could result in an extremely unbalanced diet. You could be living off of iceberg lettuce, avocadoes, oranges, apples, and bananas, which isn’t a balanced diet. If you eat like this, at some point you’ll have trouble with digestive issues, brittle hair, brittle nails, and anaemia. If you hear people knocking live food they just don’t understand what constitutes a correct live food diet to protect against nutritional deficiency.

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Education is key. For more information about how to succeed with a live food diet, visit www.MaxVitality.Me.

Here’s a list of the best foods for humans to consume

Experience a Superior Life by Eating Superior Food

Seaweed:Kelp DulseNoriHijiki

Tree and bush ripened fruit, which you pick off the tree yourself, such as elderberries and blackberries. Grasses:WheatgrassBarley grassSpelt grassKamut grassKaleNettlesDandelionsCleavers (known as goose grass in the UK)

Vegetables:Celery Onions, especially redBroccoli CabbageRadishes

Seeds:Pumpkin seedsChia seedsHempSunflowerSesameWater melon seedsApricot kernels Pine nutsBrazil nutsAlmondsCacao/Cocoa – raw chocolate

Fruits:Tree ripened figsTree ripened olives PineapplePapaya / PawpawTomatoes

Berries:Goji BerriesBlueberriesCurrantsBlackberriesElderberriesRaspberries

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Spices:CinnamonCardamom ClovesGarlicGinger Mustard Fenugreek

Herbs:HorsetailStinging nettleRomaine lettuceGreen leaves in generalParsleyWatercressKale

Fermented foods:KombuchaSauerkrautKefirNato – Japanese fermented soya bean

Algaes:SpiralinaBlue green algae ChlorellaMarine phyto plankton

Oils:Flax seed oilHemp seed oilOlive Oil

Baby vegetables, known as sprouts:Alfa sproutsBroccoliRadishGrassesGourmet –Sunflower & pea green shootsBuckwheat lettuce. The sprouts we don’t want to eat are beans, lentils, chickpeas, and black eyed peas.

Other:Royal jelly Pollen Spring waterVanilla – fresh vanilla pods are very high in ormus. Put one in a glass of spring water and leave it for a few hours and you’ll get a lovely vanilla flavored water. After, the pod is soft so you can blend it into a smoothie. Tonic Mushrooms – reishi, chaga, shittakeMacaAloe Vera

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Honey is by far the best choice as a sweetener. However, shop bought honey is cooked, and when we cook something it destroys the life force. It’s a very different experience for our body to have cooked food versus uncooked food, and this translates into how it affects your life when it comes to your mental and physical performance, connection with source, and manifestation.

The easiest way to achieve a diet containing these superior foods is to eat a salad every day. I’m the author of the world’s first book on exclusively living salads, called Lush Salads (see www.lushsalads.co.uk). While most salads consist of last night’s leftovers gone cold—food such as chicken, pasta and mayonnaise—you’ll find only raw plant salad recipes in my book.

There’s nothing simpler than chopping up a bunch of plants and mixing them together. People often complain that salad is boring, but in reality it’s any leaf, any shoot, any root, any spice, any fruit, any seed, any nut, and any herb. You can incorporate all of these things into a salad, and there’s an infinite amount of combinations available.

For an easy beginner’s salad start with a green leaf, add something with an element of sweetness like a red bell pepper or a tomato, then something salty like an olive, caper, or seaweed, then a simple oil like chia seed oil, flax seed oil, or olive oil. Next add something sour, such as citrus juice, and a pinch of Himalayan or Atlantic sea salt. That will make a pretty tasty salad. You may also want to add some herbs. Coriander—or cilantro as Americans call it—is great for detoxifying mercury. Spices like ground fenugreek, caraway, and juniper are also good. It’s this combination of basic elements which give us a delicious salad that’s also very nutritious.


People go wrong by making smoothies entirely out of fruit, but ideally they contain vegetables. One vegetable which is

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an excellent source of organic sodium is celery. I start with celery juice and then add to it.

Smoothie recipe:1 pack of celeryA tablespoon of goji berriesThe lump of gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf Teaspoon of mixed algaes, such as spirulina Mixed teaspoon of High Vitamin C containing powder, such as Camu Camu or rosehipA chunk of gingerA little bit of beetroot For a creamier smoothie add hemp seeds out of the shell A small handful of brazil nuts for selenium

This makes a super nutritious smoothie, which is ideal to start the morning!

What to look for when buying plants

In general we’re looking for richness and depth of color—blacks, purples, reds, oranges, and greens. The foods that aren’t very nutritious are usually clear or white (with rare exceptions like garlic and aloe vera). Brown foods are always destructive to your health (with the possible exception of cacao—raw chocolate nut, which are actually purple when fresh).

Here’s a simple way of looking at it: get off the clear, white, brown stuff, and get on the colorful stuff. For example, it’s better to buy a red onion than a white onion. It’s much better to eat some kale, watercress, or spinach than it is to eat an iceberg lettuce. And for fruit, you’re better off eating blueberries than a banana.

To a better future

We live in a time when there are multitudes of different dietary ideas. But diet for humans is not something new. In

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fact, it’s as old as we are. There are no “tricks” just a better understanding of what we’re designed to eat: plants! Of all the different dietary ideas you may hear, nobody ever says, “Eat less plants!” And if we’re going to eat plants then why not eat the best plants on the planet which are proven to give us excellent results. Better still, why not eat those plants in their most nutritious state: raw and alive!

With the overwhelming majority of people choosing to die of the big three diseases: cancer, heart disease, and strokes, isn’t it critical that you discover precisely WHAT these people are doing to themselves to end up dying of such diseases? And isn’t it critical that YOU do the complete opposite, and enjoy a long, rich, healthy, productive, happy life?

About Peter Pure

Peter Pure is a global authority on natural health, plant based diets, longevity, and detoxification. He is a featured speaker at the Geneva Anti-Aging Medical Conference, where he speaks about which plants and natural health strategies slow down the rate of human aging.

Peter Pure is an honorary member of the Complimentary Medical Association, The British Holistic Medical Association, British Longevity Society, and Calorie Restriction Society. He is author of the book, Lush Salads—how to turn your life around one salad a time.

To get free health tip videos from Peter, go to www.MaxVitality.Me.

Experience a Superior Life by Eating Superior Food