Experiment No. 1 (1)-(f)

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  • 8/9/2019 Experiment No. 1 (1)-(f)



    AIM: Introduction to DBMS and RDBMS

    Database Management System (DBMS)

    A Database Management System is a set ofcomputer programs that controls the creation,

    maintenance, and the use of the database with computer as a platform or of an

    organization and its end users. It allows organizations to place control of organization-

    wide database development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) and other

    specialists. A DBMS is a system software package that helps the use of integrated

    collection of data records and files known as databases. It allows different user

    application programs to easily access the same database. DBMSs may use any of a

    variety of database models, such as the network model or relational model. In large

    systems, a DBMS allows users and other software to store and retrieve data in a

    structured way. Instead of having to write computer programs to extract information, user

    can ask simple questions in a query language.

    The DBMS accepts requests for data from an application program and instructs the

    operating system to transfer the appropriate data. The queries and responses must besubmitted and received according to a format that conforms to one or more applicable

    protocols. When a DBMS is used, information systems can be changed much more easily

    as the organization's information requirements change. New categories of data can be

    added to the database without disruption to the existing system.


    Flexibility : Because programs and data are independent, programs do not have to

    be modified when types of unrelated data are added to or deleted from the

    database, or whenphysical

    storage changes.

    Fast Response to Information Requests : Because data are integrated into a

    single database, complex requests can be handled much more rapidly then if the

    data located in separate, non-integrated files.

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    Multiple Access : Database software allows data to be accessed in a variety ofways and often, by using several programming languages.

    Lower User Training Costs : Users often find it easier to learn such systems and

    training costs may be reduced. Also, the total time taken to process requests may

    be shorter, which would increase user productivity.

    Less Storage : Theoretically, all occurrences of data items need be stored only

    once, thereby eliminating the storage of redundant data. System developers and

    database designers often use data normalization to minimize data redundancy.

    Systematic Storage : The data is stored in the form of tables. The tables consists

    of rows and columns. The primary and secondary key help to eliminate data

    redundancy, enabling systematic storage of data.

    Data Security : Data is the most important asset. Therefore, there is a need for

    data security. Database management systems help to keep the data secured.

    Multiple Simultaneous Usages : The database can be used simultaneously by a

    number of users. Various users can retrieve the same data simultaneously.

    Privileges : Different privileges can be given to different users. For example,

    some users can edit the database, but are not allowed to delete the contents of the


    Data Consistency : Data consistency ensures a consistent view of data to every

    user. It includes the accuracy, validity and integrity of related data. The data in the

    database must satisfy certain consistency constraints, for example, the age of a

    candidate appearing for an exam should be of number data type and in the range

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    of 20-25. When the database is updated, these constraints are checked by the

    database systems.

    Abstract View of Data and Easy Retrieval : DBMS enables easy and convenient

    retrieval of data. A database user can view only the abstract form of data; the

    complexities of the internal structure of the database are hidden from him. The

    data fetched is in user friendly format.


    Cost of Hardware & Software : Aprocessorwith high speed of data processing

    and memory of large size is required to run the DBMS software. It means that you

    have to up grade the hardware used for file-based system. Similarly, DBMS

    software is also very costly.

    Cost of Data Conversion : When a computer file-based system is replaced with a

    database system, the data stored into data file must be converted to database file.

    It is very difficult and costly method to convert data of data files into database.

    You have to hire database and system designers along with application

    programmers. Alternatively, you have to take the services of some software

    house. So a lot ofmoneyhas to be paid for developing software.

    Cost of Staff Trailing : Most DBMSs are often complex systems so the training

    for users to use the DBMS is required. Training is required at all levels, including

    programming, application development and database administration. Theorganization has to be paid a lot of amount for the training of staff to run the


    Appointing Technical Staff : The trained technical persons such as database

    administrator, application programmers, data entry operators etc. are required to

    handle the DBMS. You have to pay handsome salaries to these persons.

    Therefore, the system cost increases.

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    Database Damage : In most of the organizations, all data is integrated into a

    single database. If database is damaged due to electric failure or database is

    corrupted on the storage media, then your valuable data may be lost forever.

    Lower Efficiency : A database system is a multi-use software which is often less

    efficient than specialised software which is produced and optimised exactly for

    one problem.

    As users can access the data from any place, any time so some techniques are

    needed to control quality of data. Several users can access data directly, so many

    opportunities for users exist to damage data.

    Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

    One of the most popularly used database models is the relational model. It was developed

    by Edgar Codd in 1969. This model provides a declarative method for specification of

    data and queries. In a relational model of a database, the database users directly state the

    information they want to be retrieved from it and abstract away from the responsibility of

    describing the data structures that are used to store data. A database that confirms to the

    relational database model is known as a relational database.

    A relational database is a collection of relations or tables. The rows of a table in a

    relational database are known as tuples and each column of a table is called an attribute.

    By definition, a relation becomes a set of tuples having the same attributes. Operations,

    which can be performed on the relations are select, project and join. The join operation

    combines relations, the select queries are used for data retrieval and the project operation

    identifies attributes. Similar to other database models, even relational databases support

    the insert, delete and update operations.


    Relational databases are based on relational set theory. A relational database

    supports relational algebra, consequently supporting the relational operations of

    the set theory. Apart from mathematical set operations namely, union,

    intersection, difference and Cartesian product, relational databases also support

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    select, project, relational join and division operations. These operations are unique

    to relational databases.

    Relational databases support an important concept of dynamic views. In a

    relational database, a view is not a part of the physical schema, it is dynamic.

    Hence changing the data in a table alters the data depicted by the view. Views can

    subset data, join and simplify multiple relations, dynamically hide the complexity

    in the data and reduce the data storage requirements.

    Relational databases use SQL, which is an easy and human-readable language .

    SQL instructions are in the form of plain instructions, which can be put to the

    database for implementation. Relational databases provide the users with simple

    operations to manipulate data in the databases and retrieve it. Moreover relational

    databases establish defined relationships between the tables, thus giving their

    users a complete picture of the data stored.

    Relational databases have an excellent security. A relational database supports

    access permissions, which allow the database administrator to implement need-

    based permissions to the access of the data in database tables. Relational

    databases support the concept of users and user rights, thus meeting the security

    needs of databases.

    The other important advantages of relational databases include their

    performance, power, and support to new hardware technologies as also

    flexibility and a capacity to meet all types of data needs. Relational databases are

    scalable and provide support for the implementation of distributed systems.


    Cost: One disadvantage of relational databases is the expensive of setting up and

    maintaining the database system. In order to set up a relational database, you

    generally need to purchase special software. It does take time to enter in all the

    information and set up the program.

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    If your company is large and you need a more robust database, you will need to

    hire a programmer to create a relational database using Structured Query

    Language (SQL) and a database administrator to maintain the database once it is


    Abundance of Information: Advances in the complexity of information cause another

    drawback to relational databases. Relational databases are made for organizing data

    by common characteristics. Complex images, numbers, designs and multimedia

    products defy easy categorization.

    Structured Limits: Some relational databases have limits on field lengths. When you

    design the database, you have to specify the amount of data you can fit into a field.

    Some names or search queries are shorter than the actual, and this can lead to data


    Isolated Databases: Complex relational database systems can lead to these databases

    becoming "islands of information" where the information cannot be shared easily

    from one large system to another. Often, with big firms or institutions, you find

    relational databases grew in separate divisions differently.