Experimental Foods: Fat Substitution in Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas By: Rachel Enck

Experimental Foods: Fat Substitution in Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas By: Rachel Enck

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Experimental Foods: Fat Substitution in Sour Cream

Chicken Enchiladas

By: Rachel Enck


• Disease: Cardiovascular Disease: Atherosclerosis

• Recipe: Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas

Disease: Cardiovascular Disease: Atherosclerosis

• Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in the United States (CDC, 2011).

• The biggest risk factor for cardiovascular disease is a more specific disease known as atherosclerosis (Mahan & Escott-Stump, 2007, p. 834).

• Fat plays its role on atherosclerosis through the initiation of endothelial dysfunction by increasing the chance for plaques to form (Mahan & Escott-Stump, 2007, p. 834).

Recipe: Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas• Sour cream chicken enchiladas, with their

creamy texture and balance of spicy and sour flavors, is a prized recipe in many kitchens.

• Sour cream contributes to a big part of the overall product.

• Sour cream has a high fat content, cholesterol content, and sodium content

• There are several healthy low fat foods that hold similar characteristics to sour cream itself.

Independent variables

• Sour Cream (Control)

• Fat Free Sour Cream

• Fat Free Greek Yogurt

• Silken Tofu

Sour Cream

Fat Free Sour Cream

Fat free Greek Yogurt


Dependent variables

• Sourness (Subjective)

• Creaminess (Subjective)

• Saltiness (Subjective)

• Viscosity (Objective)

ScorecardSour Cream Chicken EnchiladasDirections: The following scored card is to be used in evaluating sour cream chicken enchiladas.1.First, read the scorecard and look at the scale for each of the characteristics being evaluated. 2.Fill in the numerical value in the appropriately labeled box from each of the sensory characteristics which are being scaled. 3.Double check your scorecard before returning it to the investigator.Scorecard:


219083 674

Saltiness a

Sourness b

Creaminess c

a Saltiness1________ 2_______ __3_____ ____4________ _5

Bland Salty Very Salty

*Note: Umami = Savory

b Sourness1________ 2_______ __3_____ ____4________ _5

*Umami Sour Very Sourc Creaminess

1________ 2_______ __3_____ ____4________ _5 Watery Creamy Very Creamy

Observations from Scorecard

• BIG differences in opinion regarding the perception of flavor for fat free Greek yogurt and fat free sour cream in regards to sourness.

Results: SignificanceTable of

Significance Significance between variables

Significance between judges


Saltiness .314 .959  

Sourness .504 .880  

Creaminess .091 .879  


Although there was no significance between variables, there was more significance between variables than there was between judges. Creaminess had the most significance.Sourness had the least significance.


• The control recipe using sour cream was scored as being the most creamy, with fat free Greek yogurt showing comparable results.

• The fat free sour cream was also voted as being less creamy, although not by a significant degree.

• The tofu, out of all of the variables had the lowest score for creaminess.


• The recipe made with the fat free sour cream was measured as being the most salty.

• The recipe made with the tofu was measured as being the least salty.


• The recipe made using fat free sour cream was scored as the most sour with regular sour cream not falling too far behind.

• The recipes using yogurt and tofu in place of the sour cream were scored as being less sour with the recipe using tofu being even less sour than the recipe made with the yogurt variable.

Viscosity: Line Spread Test

• The control (sour cream) variable was measured as being the most viscous.

• Fat free sour cream was the least viscous followed by silken tofu and then fat free Greek yogurt.

Viscosity: Cone Penetrometer

• The control (sour cream) variable was measured as being the most viscous.

• Fat free sour cream was the least viscous followed by silken tofu and then fat free Greek yogurt.


• Although there was no significance between variables, there was more significance between variables than there was between judges.

• Creaminess had the most significance.• Sourness had the least significance.• Tofu was the least acceptable substitute.• Sour cream had the greatest viscosity according

to the cone penetrometer and the line spread test.


• Since there was no significant difference observed among the variables, the fat free sour cream, fat free Greek yogurt and silken tofu make acceptable substitutes to sour cream for contributing comparable results in regards to saltiness, sourness and creaminess in sour cream chicken enchiladas.


• Small sample size.

• Lack of diversity in sample size.

• Conflicting flavors and smells.

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