J. theor. Biol. (2002) 216, 301–326 doi:10.1006/yjtbi.2540, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on Exploring the Formation of Alzheimer’s Disease Senile Plaques in Silico Leah Edelstein-keshet*w and Athan Spiros wDepartment of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6 T 1Z2 (Received on 28 August 2001, Accepted in revised form on 15 January 2002) An experimental simulation environment suitable for exploring the neuroinflammatory hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been developed. Using scientific literature, we have calculated parameters and rates and constructed an interactive model system. The simulation can be manipulated to explore competing hypotheses about AD pathology, i.e. can be used as an experimental ‘‘in silico’’ system. In this paper, we outline the assumptions and aspects of the model, and illustrate qualitative and quantitative findings. The interactions of amyloid beta deposits, glial cell dynamics, inflammation and secreted cytokines, and the stress, recovery, and death of neuronal tissue are investigated. The model leads to qualitative insights about relative roles of the cells and chemicals in the disease pathology. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. An In Silico Experimental System Biological experiments have traditionally been carried out in vivo or in vitro. Recent interest has grown in the new setting of ‘‘in silico’’ experi- ments, i.e. those carried out in the setting of detailed computer simulation models where hypotheses can be tested. In silico systems could ideally provide an initial platform for drug target triage, rapidly identifying the pathways most likely or rejecting those least likely to lead to positive outcomes: see Eddershaw et al. (2000), Norris et al. (2000), Gray & Keck (1999). An in silico system is not meant to replace tradi- tional biological experiments, but, rather, to complement them. As a theoretical framework, such systems can help to identify key relation- ships that might be hard to ascertain from the complexity of the biological system. Recent examples of in silico systems include ECELL by Tomita et al. (1999), Virtual Cell (Schaff et al., 1997; Fink et al., 2000), and simulations of biochemical pathways by Palsson (2000); these are systems that explore events at the level of single cells or small groups of cells, internal biochemical pathways, or distribution of sub- stances inside cellular compartments. Other recent applications include experimental tests of the effect of permuting genomes for fitness of a bacterio- phage T7 (Endy et al., 2000). The business models of several companies (e.g. Entelos, Physiome) are based on such systems, though their work is proprietary and not available for open discussion in the wider scientific community. In this paper, we describe a preliminary online in silico simulation for neuroinflammation and pathology associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We outline the background of the pathology, the way that we modeled and simulated the various known and hypothesized interactions, the tests carried out to study the system, and what we learned from these. As we show, the ability to accurately portray details of this complex disease is challenging, and perhaps beyond immediate reach. However, some quali- tative and quantitative results are obtainable even *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] 0022-5193/02/$35.00/0 r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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J. theor. Biol. (2002) 216, 301–326doi:10.1006/yjtbi.2540, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Exploring the Formation of Alzheimer’s Disease Senile Plaques in Silico

Leah Edelstein-keshet*w and Athan Spiros

wDepartment of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6T 1Z2

(Received on 28 August 2001, Accepted in revised form on 15 January 2002)

An experimental simulation environment suitable for exploring the neuroinflammatoryhypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has been developed. Using scientific literature, wehave calculated parameters and rates and constructed an interactive model system. Thesimulation can be manipulated to explore competing hypotheses about AD pathology, i.e.can be used as an experimental ‘‘in silico’’ system. In this paper, we outline the assumptionsand aspects of the model, and illustrate qualitative and quantitative findings. The interactionsof amyloid beta deposits, glial cell dynamics, inflammation and secreted cytokines, and thestress, recovery, and death of neuronal tissue are investigated. The model leads to qualitativeinsights about relative roles of the cells and chemicals in the disease pathology.

r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

An In Silico Experimental System

Biological experiments have traditionally beencarried out in vivo or in vitro. Recent interest hasgrown in the new setting of ‘‘in silico’’ experi-ments, i.e. those carried out in the setting ofdetailed computer simulation models wherehypotheses can be tested. In silico systems couldideally provide an initial platform for drug targettriage, rapidly identifying the pathways mostlikely or rejecting those least likely to lead topositive outcomes: see Eddershaw et al. (2000),Norris et al. (2000), Gray & Keck (1999). Anin silico system is not meant to replace tradi-tional biological experiments, but, rather, tocomplement them. As a theoretical framework,such systems can help to identify key relation-ships that might be hard to ascertain from thecomplexity of the biological system.Recent examples of in silico systems include

ECELL by Tomita et al. (1999), Virtual Cell(Schaff et al., 1997; Fink et al., 2000), and

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail: [email protected]


simulations of biochemical pathways by Palsson(2000); these are systems that explore events at thelevel of single cells or small groups of cells, internalbiochemical pathways, or distribution of sub-stances inside cellular compartments. Other recentapplications include experimental tests of the effectof permuting genomes for fitness of a bacterio-phage T7 (Endy et al., 2000). The business modelsof several companies (e.g. Entelos, Physiome) arebased on such systems, though their work isproprietary and not available for open discussionin the wider scientific community.In this paper, we describe a preliminary online

in silico simulation for neuroinflammation andpathology associated with Alzheimer’s disease(AD). We outline the background of thepathology, the way that we modeled andsimulated the various known and hypothesizedinteractions, the tests carried out to study thesystem, and what we learned from these. As weshow, the ability to accurately portray details ofthis complex disease is challenging, and perhapsbeyond immediate reach. However, some quali-tative and quantitative results are obtainable even

r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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in cases where not all details are known, or whereparts of the system are not explicitly included.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with progres-sive death of neurons in the central nervoussystem (CNS). Specific pathology includes senileplaques (Fig. 1), amyloid deposits [Fig. 1(a)],and abnormal cytoskeletal structures (neurofi-brillary tangles). Certain genotypes cause in-creased propensity, but the details of the geneticvs. environmental causes are uncertain. As thedisease develops over a period of years, percep-tible changes in cognition and memory occuronly at advanced stages, when a significantfraction of neurons have died.The statistics of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are

frightening: in the year 1998, nearly 23 000deaths from AD were recorded in the U.S.A.alone, amounting to 2.6 deaths per 100 000individuals, and making AD the ninth leadingcause of U.S.A. death (National Vital StatisticsReports, Vol. 48, No. 11). According to theAlzheimer’s Association, it is estimated thatmore than 22 million individuals worldwide willbe affected by the year 2025; this rate ofincidence will include 10% of all individualsover age 65, and almost 50% of those over age85. The time span from onset of symptoms todeath varies from 8 to 20 years. Some of the keyaspects of the disease are described below.

Biological Background


Amyloid-beta (A-beta) plays a dominant rolein AD. This is a small peptide, roughly 3–4 kDain size (40–42 amino acids). Amyloid-beta is cutby enzymes from a segment of a large (695amino acids) trans-membrane protein calledamyloid precursor protein (APP). The meanlevel of soluble A-beta is much higher inAlzheimer’s disease than in normal individuals,and correlates with severity of the disease(McLean et al., 1999). In familial AD, produc-tion of amyloid-beta protein is elevated up tosix-fold over normal levels (Cai et al., 1993).Soluble amyloid-beta (in the form of mono-

mers) diffuses freely through neuronal tissue; at

elevated levels, it produces pathological aggregates,fibers, and persistent deposits that cannot bereadily cleared. According to Come et al. (1993),formation of an initial ‘‘seed’’ is a rate-determiningstep for aggregation. Sites of amyloid deposition inAD form diffuse plaques, and are believed todevelop into mature senile plaques that areassociated with stress and death of neurons(Fig. 1; see also Itakagi et al., 1989). Physiologicallevels of metal ions [e.g. Cu(II) and Zn (II)]accelerate amyloid aggregation (Bush et al., 1994)causing nanomolar levels of A-beta to aggregate in15min [Moir et al. (1999); see Bush et al. (1994) forrate constants]. Other factors that influence A-betadynamics include apolipoprotein (the APOE4allele is a known risk factor for AD), pH, a1anti-chymotrypsin (a1 ACT) and other amyloid-associated proteins (Akiyama et al., 2000).There are numerous studies on morphology

(Christie et al., 2001), size distribution (Hymanet al., 1995), density (Itakagi et al., 1989), andcorrelation of senile plaques to AD severity.Benes et al. (1989) proposed the idea that a senileplaque results from diffusion of amyloid out-wards from some source. A theoretical treatmentof plaque development was proposed by Urbancet al. (1997, 1999), Cruz et al. (1997) as a processof aggregation and disaggregation with nospecific underlying mechanism. In this paper,we look in greater detail at the underlying eventscausing deposition, uptake, removal, and degra-dation of amyloid, as well as a number ofhypotheses for chief determinants of neuronalstress, going beyond what was proposed in theabove reference. In particular, we investigatesome of the feedback mechanisms that perpe-tuate the problem once it has been initiated.


Glial cells (including microglia and astrocytes)are non-neuronal cells with various functionsin the healthy brain [Fig. 1(b) and (c)]. The rolesof microglia and astrocytes in the pathology ofAD is described below.


Microglia are non-neuronal cells that play animportant part in the immune system of the

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brain (Streit and Kincaid-Colton, 1995). In theirresting state in the brain, microglia are highlyramified cells. Under conditions of injury orstress, they undergo successive stages of activa-tion, and reactivity: changing morphology andbecoming compact, motile, chemotactic, andphagocytic. A primary role of phagocytic micro-glia is removal of foreign substances, debris anddead material. In mature plaques, reactive micro-glia are generally found clustered at the plaquecore [Fig. 1(c)]. The distribution of microglia inthe AD brain, and their relationship to amyloiddeposits are described by Itakagi et al. (1989).Microglia participate in an inflammatory

response, signal other glial and neuronal cells(via cytokines), secrete a variety of immune-related substances (e.g. Complement), generatefree radicals, as well as act as a clean-up crew incharge of clearing amyloid deposits. Accordingto Giulian et al. (1994), reactive microglialproducts mediate activation of astrocytes as wellas neuronal injury. Substances that lead to theactivation of microglia (e.g. the bacterial en-dotoxin lipopolysaccharide, LPS) are correlatedwith neuronal toxicity. Evidence suggests thatwith normal human aging, microglia becomeincreasingly reactive in the brain (Sheng et al.,1997). Further, differences in the density ofmicroglia may explain why some parts of thebrain are more prone to inflammation or foundto develop a higher density of senile plaques(Kim et al., 2000).Reactive microglia are attracted to and move

towards amyloid (and other soluble substances)by chemotaxis (Davis et al., 1992; Nolte et al.,1996, 1997). However, fibrous amyloid immobi-lizes the microglia and also results in theproduction of reactive oxygen species (Shafferet al. 1995; El Khoury et al., 1996, Fig. 3).Adhesion is affected by the presence of solubleamyloid (e.g. Fig. 1(a) and (b) in El Khoury et al.,1996). Microglia are known to take up beta-amyloid in the soluble form. Fibrous amyloid isremoved by microglia by phagocytosis, but tendsto be relatively resistant to degradation.


Astrocytes participate in the cycle of inflam-mation. They become activated by microglial

cytokines, notably IL-1B (Hu & Van Eldik,1999), and secrete a variety of chemical factors,including the cytokines (Griffin et al., 1996). Likemicroglia, astrocytes can migrate in the centralnervous system, though details of this motion inthe adult brain are not well known. In maturesenile plaques in the AD brain, astrocytes arefound mostly gathered around the periphery of aplaque [Fig. 1(b)]. Here they form a ‘‘shell’’ or‘‘scar tissue’’ encasing the plaque (Griffin et al.,1996). There is evidence suggesting that astro-cytes produce barriers that seal off affected areas.Astrocytes may also affect the way that micro-glia uptake and clear amyloid from plaque-associated deposits (Shaffer et al., 1995;Akiyama et al., 1999). According to Shafferet al. (1995) astrocyte secretions reduce theability of microglia to process amyloid.


A variety of potent chemical signaling mole-cules, collectively known as cytokines, mediateinflammation in the brain. Among these are theinterleukins (IL-1 beta, IL-6), and tumor necro-sis factor (TNF-a). IL-1beta (IL-1B), secretedpredominately by reactive microglia, occurs atelevated levels early in the development of aplaque. IL-1B activates the production andprocessing of APP in the tissue, leading to apossible increase in amyloid-beta production(Mrak et al., 1995, 2000; Donnelly et al., 1990;Buxbaum et al., 1992; Forloni et al., 1992). Inthis way, IL-1B contributes to the formation ofnew sources of amyloid in a kind of positivefeedback that can accelerate formation ofplaques and destruction of neurons (see sche-matic diagram, Fig. 2). IL-1B activates astro-cytes, promoting their secretion of IL-6, TNF,and S100-beta (Mrak et al., 1995, 2000; Shenget al., 1996). IL-1B has also been shown to bedirectly toxic to neurons (in vitro) at highconcentrations (Mrak et al., 2000). Evidencethus points to IL-1B as a major factor drivingthe disease (Sheng et al., 1996).The cytokine IL-6 occurs at high levels during

normal nervous system development, but isvirtually undetectable in healthy adult brain. InAlzheimer’s disease, IL-6 is produced at highlevels by activated astrocytes as part of the

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Fig. 2. Schematic diagram showing some of the interactions considered in the simulation. Soluble amyloid causesmicroglial chemotaxis, and activates IL-1B secretion. Astrocytes activated by IL-1B secrete cytokines TNF and IL-6.Neurons uptake IL-1B and produce new amyloid sources. A variety of assumptions were explored about what causes stressand death of neurons.


inflammatory cycle. It is believed that IL-6 isinjurious and destructive. (Mutations that re-duce the expression of IL-6 are also associatedwith delayed AD progression.) Ma & Zhu (2000)showed that low levels of IL-6 kill neurons andsuggested that cell death results from nitric oxideaccumulation.Controversy surrounds the role of TNF.

Known to be toxic in the body to specific tumorcells, its role in the brain has been identified as

Fig. 1. Light microscope images of senile plaques and arraamyloid-beta-42, showing the characteristic morphology anmicroglia in the center (CR3-43 stain) and surrounding ring ofCongregation of microglia (dark shapes, CR3-43 stain) and nmarks represent 0.01mm (i.e. 10mm) in each frame. Images kinthe McGeer group, Kinsmen Laboratory, University of Britis

Fig. 4. The secretion of the cytokine IL-1B (not here shownlead to new sources of beta amyloid in the tissue. This resultsinitial plaque, or possibly much heavier deposition of fiber inmeans that the number of new sources, and their locations adiameter of the plaque in (c) is about 120 mm. Results shown f(a)–(d) and slower neuronal dynamics and fiber deposition (o

Fig. 7. A variety of shapes and sizes of plaques obtained wproduced with fast neuron and fiber deposition dynamics (r=neuronal health dynamics (r=0.01, eF = 0.1499). The overall

destructive by some (Gelbard et al., 1993) and/or protective by others (Cheng et al., 1994;Tarkowski et al., 1999). Conflicting ideas maystem from differences in experimental condi-tions, or may be related to the fact that there aredifferent cell-surface receptors for TNF (p55 andp75) that probably play distinct roles. The p55receptor is linked to the intracellular apoptosissignal, whereas the p75 may be protective(Akiyama et al., 2000).

cngement of glial cells in human AD brain. (a) Staining ford distribution of amyloid at plaques. (b) Localization ofastrocytes (star-like shapes, GFAP stain) at a plaque site. (c)uclei of other cells (neutral red stain) at a plaque. Small tickdly supplied by Claudia Schwab and used with permission ofh Columbia.

) by microglia is assumed to promote processing of APP andin the formation of new plaque sites at the periphery of thethe central plaque. The stochastic nature of the simulationre somewhat random, leading to quite variable results. Theor runs with fast neuronal dynamics lasting 800min in partsver a period of 10 days) in parts (e)–(h).

ith astrocytes included in the interactions. Parts (a)–(d) were0.1, eF = 1.51) Parts (e) and (f) were produced with slowerresults are quite similar qualitatively. Length of bar: 100mm.

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One of the currently held hypotheses is that aninflammatory cycle drives AD pathology (Fig. 2;see also McGeer & McGeer, 1995, 1998a, b,1999). Feedback and feedforward effects ofcytokines on glial cells and neurons amplify initialstimuli into rampant runaway responses. Theseresponses consist of cytokine cycles (Griffin et al.,1996, 1998; Mrak et al., 1995), and production ofa variety of factors such as complement, chemo-kines, inflammatory and acute phase proteins, a-1anti-chymotrypsin (reviewed in Akiyama et al.,2000). Head trauma, or infection that results ininflammation are known as risk factors for AD(Griffin et al., 1996; Brugg et al., 1995).Death of neurons depends on a balance

between injurious and protective effects. Thetoxicity of a factor need not necessarily be adirect killing: in many cases the actual effect maybe excitotoxic (over-stimulating the neuron, orinduction of excess glutamate that overwhelmsthe cell), induced production of reactive oxygenspecies that damage the cell or its components,or inhibition of protective mechanisms. There isagreement in much of the literature that amyloiddeposits are deleterious. (Amyloid toxicitycaused by induced calcium influx and reactiveoxygen species is discussed by Ekinci et al. (2000)and Michaelis et al. (1998).) Further, toxicity ofamyloid-beta to neuronal cells in culture hasbeen found to depend on its form: some studiessuggest that fibrillar amyloid is more toxic thansoluble amyloid (Moir et al., 1999 and referencestherein) other investigators (e.g. McLean et al.,1999) find that mean level of soluble, but notfibrous amyloid beta, correlates highly withmarkers of disease severity.

bFig. 10. The evolution of a growing plaque under the effec

set) at times t=50, 300, 750, and 1200min. Astrocytes signiirregular central dead region surrounded by smaller ‘‘sproutsthrough breaks in the sealed-off region.

Fig. 11. (a)–(e): A typical time sequence (t=40, 80, 200, 23in neuron health due to a diffusible toxic product of activatedIL-1B was gone by t=130 (due to neuronal death). This eventucontinued until about t=210, due to time for gradual remchemical levels had fallen, a fairly rapid recovery occurred in tneurons in the center. Here amyloid fiber has no effect on neurtime sequence.

The effects of cytokines are more controver-sial. Direct or indirect toxicity of cytokines atelevated levels has been reported but little isknown about the mechanisms (Bocci, 1998).Cheng et al. (1994) argued that TNF-a isneuroprotective (by leading to an increase incalcium-binding proteins, e.g. in rat neurons).Carlson et al. (1999) argued that TNF-a, IL-1a,IL-1B, and IL-6 are neuroprotective to anexcitotoxic influx of calcium mediated throughneuronal (NMDA) glutamate-gated ion chan-nels. Gelbard et al. (1993) found that TNF-a isneurotoxic through activation of AMPA recep-tors. Chao et al. (1995) found that IL-1beta andTNF-a, were injurious in combination, andattributed this to induction of nitric oxide(NO) production by astrocytes. Cytokine treat-ments can also have synergistic effects (Jeohnet al., 1998). According to Stoll et al. (2000),some cytokines such as TNF-a and IL-1betamay have double roles: in the presence ofinducible NO synthase (iNOS) they are neuro-toxic while in the absence of iNOS, they enhanceneuroprotection and plasticity.The time-scale on which significant neuronal

death occurs in AD brains is many years(in vivo), resulting in slow decline in mentalfunction in affected elderly patients. However,this cognitive decline is noticeable only when thedisease is in an advanced form, making it hard todeduce the time-scale on which injury, repair,and neuronal death takes place locally, i.e. closeto foci at which pathological events are initiated.The development of plaques is hard enough tofollow non-invasively (see Christie et al., 2001).The level of health or stress of neurons on a locallevel is even harder to assess in vivo. The slowoverall development of AD symptoms may stem

t of astrocyte blocking is shown here (for another parameterficantly affect the morphology of the plaque, leading to an’’ in places where the toxic influence of amyloid has leaked

0, 270min from left to right, top to bottom) showing changesastrocytes. The amyloid source causing microglia to secreteally stopped astrocytic secretion, but stress and further deathoval and decay of the inflammatory substances. Once thehose regions that had not died, leaving a small core of deadonal health directly. (f) A plot of the neuronal health for this

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from one of several factors: (1) it may resultfrom accumulation of very rare initiation events,(2) it may be due to efficient localization andcontainment of the injurious effects so that theyrarely spread beyond small affected regions, or(3) it may stem from inherently slow dynamics ofneuronal death at all size scales. In the first twocases, we may still study significant local eventsat a time-scale that is much shorter than thetime-scale of the disease as a whole. The thirdpossibility is less likely, given the knownsensitivity of neuronal cells to toxic or excito-toxic effects, but if this were the case, then asimulation of local events on the time-scale ofminutes, hours, or days would be an inappropri-ate tool for studying the disease. On the otherhand, in vitro experiments, using tissue culturesof undifferentiated human neuroblastoma cells,reveal significant mortality in response to var-ious secretions produced by stimulated microgliawithin times on the order of 24 h (Klegeris et al.,1999). The process of apoptosis (programmedcell death) known to occur in damaged cellstakes place on a time-scale of 1–24 h. Thismeans, at the very least, that experimentalinvestigations of neurotoxicity on this time-scaleare not wholly unreasonable. Similar argumentsbridging the time-scale of individual and localevents to overall disease progression appear inClarke et al. (2000, 2001).

The Simulation

The purpose of the simulation is to dissectand understand how a limited number of parts,believed to be implicated in AD, fit together(Fig. 2). In this study, we aim to incorporatemore detail than previous models (e.g. Urbancet al., 1997, 1999), while maintaining a level ofsimplicity that allows dissection and analysis.The controversial state of the discipline makes itdifficult to identify detailed disease progressionscenarios that are uniformly believed by thecommunity. However, part of the strength ofmodeling and simulation is that they can testa wide variety of hypothetical mechanisms, atvarious levels of detail. Hypotheses or subsys-tems that produce unrealistic predictions areinformative: they can indicate which parts of thepathology cannot be accounted for when certain

key components or interactions are missing.Clearly, we do not claim to reproduce theAlzheimer’s disease pathology in its full com-plexity, a daunting goal that remains beyondreach currently.Brain structures and AD plaques (Cruz et al.,

1997) are three dimensional. In our online Java-based simulation, restrictions on computationalspeed, memory, and visualization techniqueslimited the initial investigation reported hereto a 2D setting, representing a thin square sliceof neural tissue (400� 400 mm2, with assumeddepth 10mm.) A time-scale of minutes is used tofollow cell motion and molecular diffusion.Diffusion of peptides is rapid relative to move-ment and interactions of cells. Thus, we use ashort time step to compute chemical diffusion,and a longer time step for calculating cellmovement and changes in the states of cells(e.g. from inactive to active). The simulationaccurately depicts diffusion and cell motion.When prolonged runs are made, typical time-scale of neuronal degeneration (hours, days, orweeks) can be followed. In this study we havemade many preliminary short-term runs to gainsome appreciation of the events on a short time-scale, as well as some longer runs to understandthe interplay between neuron health dynamicsand these short-term events.The idea of the simulation is to investigate the

cascade of events that follow downstream of aninitial inflammation-provoking stimulus, injury,or defect. Accordingly, we assume that one‘‘infected site’’ provokes a tissue response. Torepresent this, a single source of soluble amyloid-beta (‘‘the stimulus’’) is placed in the center of aregion of healthy neuronal tissue in the initialstate of the system. A population of microglia,astrocytes, and some foci of amyloid fiber seedsare placed randomly in the region at frequenciesthat are adjustable parameters. The simulationbegins with the diffusion of soluble amyloid fromits source, and attraction of microglia bychemotaxis to soluble amyloid.


The diffusion coefficient of a soluble peptidecan be estimated from its molecular weight (seeAppendix.) We used a standard approximation

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to estimate diffusion coefficients of all appro-priate chemicals. Diffusion in the brain is slowedby tissue structure and inhomogeneities. Wecorrected for the average tortuosity of braintissue (described in Sykova, 1997; Nicholson &Sykova, 1998), and for local changes in tissueproperties that evolve over time (see effects ofastrocytes, described below). Typical effectivediffusion coefficients that we use are given inTables 1–3 in Appendix.Chemicals are treated using deterministic,

continuous kinetics, i.e. we numerically solve adiscretized version of the 2D diffusion equationfor each substance, expressed in the flux-basedform:


@tcðx; y; tÞ ¼ �r � Jðx; y; tÞ þ sðx; y; tÞ;

Jðx; y; tÞ ¼ �Dðx; y; tÞrc:

Here c(x, y, t) is the concentration of the givenchemical at a point (x, y) and time, t, D(x, y, t) itsdiffusion coefficient, and J(x, y, t) the diffusiveflux of the substance. (Initially, D is constant.Later, should astrocytes be present, it maychange over time in a spatially localized way.)Sources of chemicals (at secreting cells) arerepresented by the term s.We found that the above formulation was

useful in meeting the challenge of correctlysimulating diffusion in cases where the materialproperties of the region were not homogeneous.When astrocytes encounter fibrous deposits, wemodel their tendency to seal-off these regions asa local reduction in rates of diffusion ofchemicals, as described below. This means thatdiffusion coefficients vary temporally and spa-tially. A numerical method based on the aboveflux formulation of the diffusion equation (in2D) was chosen to minimize artifacts such asspurious amplification of concentrations thatcan arise in such discrete computations. (seeAppendix for details).


Cell types included in the simulation aremicroglia, astrocytes, and neurons. Initially, theregion contains a uniform tissue of healthyneurons. Glial cells of both types are distributedrandomly over the domain. (The numbers of

microglia and astrocytes are adjustable para-meters.) Motion and state transitions of cells areincorporated in a Monte-Carlo fashion. (Anexplanation and further details are given inAppendix.) Motion of glial cells includes achemotaxis component with some superimposedrandom motion, both governed by adjustableparameters. Cells are represented by movingpoints or graphic images, but to avoid excessivecomputational expense, each moving particle(‘‘agent’’) in the simulation represents cumula-tive effects of some number of actual cells. Thenumber of glial cells that can occupy a given gridsite is limited, and the presence of one type of cellmay exclude other types from entering the samegrid space. Cells secrete and absorb chemicals attheir current grid space.


Microglia move in a direction biased by thegradient of soluble amyloid with probabilityset by an adjustable chemotactic sensitivityparameter. Microglia are excluded from placesalready occupied by astrocytes or too manyother microglia.The motion of microglia next to fibrous and

soluble amyloid is based on data and parametervalues extracted from El Khoury et al. (1996):their Fig. 1(a) describes how microglia adhere tofibrillar amyloid at various concentrations; theirFig. 1(b) shows how soluble amyloid blocks thisadherence. Based on those data, a Michaelis–Menten-type relationship (i.e. a simple saturat-ing curve) was used to fit the probability that amicroglial cell would stick to fiber at a givenconcentration, and a decreasing exponentialdependence on the soluble amyloid concentra-tion was assumed (see Appendix.)



The simulation starts with a single site ofsoluble amyloid at the center of the domain thatdiffuses outwards over the region. This sourcepersists until turned off manually, or untilneurons at the given site have died.When the level of soluble amyloid exceeds

some critical value associated with fibrillization,fibrous deposits form in one of several ways:

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Fig. 3. Top row: Formation of a plaque and death of neurons in the absence of glial cells, when fibrous amyloid is theonly injurious influence. The simulation was run with no astrocytes or microglia, and health of neurons was determinedsolely by the local fibrous amyloid. Shown above is a time sequence (left to right) of three stages in plaque development, atearly, intermediate, and advanced stage. Density of fibrous deposit is represented by small dots and neuronal health byshading from white (healthy) to black (dead). Note radial symmetry due to simple diffusion. Bottom row: Effect ofmicroglial removal of amyloid on plaque morphology. Note that microglia (small star-like shapes) are seen approaching theplaque (via chemotaxis to soluble amyloid, not shown). At a later stage, they have congregated at the plaque center, wherethey adhere to fibers. As a result of removal of soluble and fibrous amyloid, the microglia lead to irregular plaquemorphology. Size scale: In this and all other figures, the distance between the small single dots (representing low fiberdeposits) is 10 mm. Similar results obtained for a ten-fold scaling in the time-scale of neuronal health dynamics.


where there are pre-existing fibers, growth byelongation takes place (up to some maximaldensity) at a rate that depends on the presence ofboth fibrous and soluble forms by simple mass-action kinetics. Fibers in one site can alsoelongate into adjoining sites. These processesare all computed by Monte-Carlo methods. Alow level of de novo fiber nucleation occurs atempty sites away from deposits (Come et al.,1993). It is assumed that fiber deposition rateincreases dramatically when the level of solubleamyloid is far above its critical threshold fornucleation.Amyloid removal is carried out by microglia.

Tissue culture experiments have resulted inquantitative estimates of the rate of uptake(Shaffer et al., 1995; El Khoury et al., 1996;Ard et al., 1996). We have assumed Michaelis–Menten kinetic forms and parameters for re-moval of soluble and fibrous amyloid, based onthat experimental data. Microglia cannot uptake

amyloid in excess of some maximal capacity, andthey ingest amyloid fibers at some low basal rate.We assume that microglia neutralize and/ordegrade the amyloid that they have absorbed.Our simulation includes the induction of new

sources of amyloid by IL-1B: this means thatwhen neurons have absorbed IL-1B secreted bymicroglia, there is some probability that newsites of amyloid production will be formed in thetissue, leading to new foci of inflammation. Thisfeature is meant to represent the increasedprocessing of APP known to occur in thepresence of elevated IL-1B (see Mrak et al.,1995, 2000; Donnelly et al., 1990; Buxbaum et al.,1992; Forloni et al., 1992).


In the simulation, IL-1beta is secreted bymicroglia, and IL-6 and TNF are secreted byastrocytes. Microglia begin to secrete IL-1B

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when their internal concentration of solubleamyloid exceeds some level needed for triggeringsecretion. Astrocytes secrete IL-6 and TNF oncethey have been activated by exposure to IL-1B.Details of the activation are given below. Therates of secretion of cytokines are based on datain Lee et al. (1993), Fiala et al. (1998), VanWagoner et al. (1999). Typical rates of secretion,in units appropriate to the simulation are givenin Table A2 and described in Appendix.


We use Michaelis–Menten kinetics to describecytokine-receptor binding and resulting uptakeof cytokines by cells. This standard assumptionis based on a fixed number of receptors,saturation of receptors as ligand concentrationincreases, and uptake of ligand bound to thereceptor. To estimate appropriate values for theMichaelean parameters we found informationfor typical equilibrium dissociation constants,KD for IL-1B, TNF, and IL6 cytokines and theircell-surface receptors. In a few rare cases, we alsofound cited values for forward- and reverse-binding constants, as well as half-life of thereceptors. One difficulty is that values we foundcome from a variety of species, cell types andconditions and may be very different for in vivohuman cortical neurons. This problem is a majorchallenge facing in silico models, in general, anddeserves wider recognition and discussion. An-other problem is that receptors tend to be up- ordown-regulated as a result of exposure to ligand:this was not taken into account at this stage ofour investigation.Values of receptor rate constants on which the

simulation is based are shown in Table A3 inAppendix A. Information about the number ofreceptors per cell was also obtained from theliterature. Since we are not modeling individualneurons, we had to calculate the approximate‘‘receptor concentration per unit volume’’ (unitsof mM) in case of cytokine uptake by neurons.


We wanted to represent the ability of astro-cytes to ‘‘gather’’ at the periphery of plaques asseen in Fig. 1(b) and as described by Itakagi et al.(1989). To do so, we assigned four states to

astrocytes: inactive, receptive, motile, blocking.Transitions between the first three states areassumed to depend on exposure to IL-1B (see,e.g. Hu & Van Eldik, 1999) with uptake assumedin the form of Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Thesetransitions are accompanied by an assumedchange in the morphology: the diameter of theregion in which an astrocyte senses any stimulusdecreases from about 90mm to about 60mm asthey become motile. They then move a shortdistance by a biased random walk (max speed0.1mm/min: Kornyei et al., 2000) in the directionof amyloid fiber. To avoid crowding, we assumedthat astrocytes do not move into a site occupiedby microglia, fiber, or too many other astrocytes.We were also interested in depicting the fact

that astrocytes form a kind of scar tissue aroundplaques, i.e. seal off the area and make it lesspermeable. To do this, we assigned a fourthstate, called blocking. We assumed that transi-tions to the blocking state occur when anastrocyte senses and arrives at a fiber deposit.The cell becomes immobilized and starts to sealoff the region. This is represented by a reducedrate of diffusion of substances in the vicinity.This leads to non-uniform spatial propertiesand has an interesting impact on the simulationoutcomes that we discuss in a later section.


In the simulation, neurons are represented as ablock of neuronal tissue, rather than a collectionof individual neurons. Absorption of somechemicals (notably cytokines), secretion ofothers (such as amyloid-beta) and changes inhealth in response to conditions are incorporatedinto the simulation.Absorption of IL-1B, IL-6 and TNF is

modeled by receptor kinetics as described above.Production of new amyloid sources is promotedby IL-1B but can only occur in some maximalfraction of neurons (an adjustable parameter).New amyloid sources are currently active forthe duration of the simulation or until neuronsat the given site die. (We assumed that deadtissue is no longer capable of producing amyloid.)In modeling the health of neurons, we had

several requirements in mind: first, we do notintend, at this preliminary stage, to include

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details of the intracellular events and signalingpathways that determine the fate of the neuron.Rather, we consider an aggregate parameter h,describing the local health of the neurons from 0(dead) to 1 (100% healthy). (Currently, each sitehas a value of health, 0oho1, associated with it,and this value varies with time). Second, wewanted to satisfy several criteria: (1) An injur-ious effect should result in a decrease in health.Sub-lethal effects should merely depress thehealth without killing the neurons. (2) Belowsome minimal level of health, neurons shouldnot recover. (3) Neurons above that minimallevel should have innate capacity for recovery, sothat removal of the affecting stimulus leads toeventual restoration of health. (4) Beyond somecritical level of toxicity, the neurons should die.(5) Neurons that have been pre-stressed by somefactors should be more susceptible to furtherinjury or toxicity.We found a simple deterministic rule that

satisfies all above reasonable assumptions. Therule is described in a differential equation, thatkeeps track of changes in the health ofthe neuronal tissue at a given grid point asfollows:


dt¼ rhð1� hÞ � I :

Here, r4 0 is a recovery rate, and a time-dependent injury term, I (if positive) representsthe level of toxicity at the given site. I depends onthe environment at the given site, and its valuechanges as injurious chemicals accumulate. (It is

Fig. 5. Average neuron health over time, showing variabil(b) For runs in parts (e)–(h) of Fig. 4.

worth noting that this differential equation is thewell-known logistic equation with removal rateI. Similar equations are used to represent simpledensity-dependent population growth in thepresence of a removal or harvesting term.) Asdescribed in the appendix and shown in Fig. A1,this equation has dynamical properties corre-sponding to requirements listed above, withseveral possible outcomes depending on relativerecovery and injury rates. (i) In the absence oftoxicity, every viable state evolves to fullrecovery. (ii) When toxicity is too high, recoveryis too slow to compensate for the stressinginfluence: neurons in that site will all die. Thiscan be prevented only if the injurious stimulus isremoved before the neurons fall below theirminimal health level. (iii) For sub-lethal toxicity,the outcome depends on the current state of theneurons: those whose health is too poor will die,whereas others will recover, but not to fullhealth. While this simple differential equationcannot describe intricate aspects of health, stressand mortality, it suffices as an aggregateindicator for our purposes.The rate of neuronal injury caused by a given

factor (e.g. IL-1B, IL-6, TNF-a, etc.) is assumedto be proportional to the fraction, BC, of cell-surface cytokine receptors bound on the givenneuron. That fraction is taken to be a simpleMichaelis–Menten function of the concentrationof cytokine, C, at the given site:


kn þ C:

ity in the runs of Fig. 4. (a) For runs in parts (a)–(d) of Fig. 4.

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Fig. 6. Relative positions of microglia (star-shaped cellsin center) and astrocytes (small fuzzy disks) next to aputative fiber deposit. Microglia have been attracted to anamyloid source at the center, and astrocytes have gatheredat the edge of the fiber deposit. The effect of astrocyticblocking is shown by shaded areas. These shaded squares inthis figure represent regions of reduced diffusion ofchemicals.


Here kn is the half-maximal binding concentra-tion. This means that we are modeling theimpact on health as an aggregate effect thatstems from activation of cell-surface receptors,leaving out detail of what happens inside the cellbeyond that point.Soluble and fibrous amyloids are treated

separately. We do not consider receptor binding,but rather direct cytotoxic effects, e.g. due tolocal redox reactions and oxidative stress(Huang et al. 1999a,b). Relative effects on healthof soluble and fibrous amyloids are assumed tobe simply proportional to the given amyloidconcentration (S, F ), scaled in some appropriateway (scale factors Smax, Fmax).The combined effect of various factors is

calculated as follows. Each factor or substanceis associated with a parameter, eC, that describesits relative weight or influence. This parametercan be negative (signifying an injurious effect),zero (no effect), or positive (representing aneuroprotective influence). The values of theseparameters can be changed interactively in oursimulation to explore hypotheses about howcompeting destructive and neurotrophic influ-ences interact, as described in the results section.The net injurious effect is computed by addingthe contributions of all toxic and protectivefactors at the given site, leading to a cumulativeexpression as follows:

I ¼ eSS

Smaxþ eF






In practice, many of the factors are assumed tobe neutral in a given test case, as described in ourresults. For example, in one of the main cases wehave explored (see next section), we assume thatamyloid fiber is the toxic factor.The average neuronal health in the region is

determined by averaging the health of each ofthe 40� 40=1600 sites in the region. This isplotted as a function of time for each run, asshown, for example in Fig. 5.

Experimental Exploration of the System

In this section, we summarize several resultsobtained by running the simulation underspecific conditions. We explore the effects of

certain small subsystems to dissect the influencesof various cells and chemicals. Many of thesecases were informative, particularly in theirinability to match realistic plaques.Our simulation is best suited to time-scales

associated with cell motion and diffusion. In somepreliminary runs, we have assumed that neuronalhealth changes occur for a short time-scale of oneor a few hours. Using longer simulations weverified that similar outcomes were obtained whenthe time-scale of the neuronal dynamics was muchslower: many hours, days or even weeks. Acomplete list of default parameter values withmeanings is given in our website and parametersets corresponding to some of the runs areavailable and can be used to run the simulation.


Amyloid and Neurons

Omitting glial cells, and considering only theproduction of amyloid and the effect of amyloidfiber on neurons, we obtained results shown inthe time sequence (top row) of Fig. 3. For thisexperiment, we assumed that injury to neuronsdepended solely on amyloid fibers, and we set therecovery rate to zero (r = 0). This means thatfiber deposits will always eventually kill neuronsin their vicinity.Initialization with a source of amyloid at the

center of the domain created a local amyloidconcentration above the threshold for nucleating

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and maintaining fiber growth. The spread ofamyloid, its conversion to fiber, and death ofneurons followed a symmetrically expandingdiffusion-limited disk. If fiber nucleationprobability was low, the evolving plaque had afractal appearance, as in diffusion-limited ag-gregation (DLA), whereas for higher rates offiber deposition, the plaque was more radiallysymmetric. These observations match resultsof Cruz et al. (1997) who simulated growth ofa 3D plaque as a process of aggregation ofamyloid.Size of the plaque was limited by the rate of

amyloid conversion to fiber, and the toxicity ofthe fibers, since this, in turn, determined thelength of time that the amyloid source wasactive. We ran two longer scale computations forperiods equivalent to several days. Both caseshad no neuronal recovery (r= 0), but in one, theeffect of fiber on neuronal health was eF=0.92,and in the other it was eF=0.04, i.e. a factor of20 less. The two results were very similarmorphologically, with a 9.06% health decreasein the first case, and 10.08% decrease in thesecond over a period of 100 hr. Dead neuronswere restricted to the site of the fiber deposits.Once the initial source was extinguished, amy-loid concentration would fall below a criticallevel for fiber growth. At that point, the plaque

Fig. 8. Variability in outcomes and a comparisonbetween fast and slow neuronal and fiber depositiondynamics for simulations similar to those of Fig. 7. Thecurves shown in black were obtained from runs withparameter set as in Fig. 7 (a)–(d) (fast neuron healthdynamics) and the curves shown in gray were obtainedfrom runs with the parameter sets used for Fig. 7 (e) and (f)(slow dynamics).

stopped expanding, and very little furtherchange occurred. [Compare with experimentalresults of Christie et al. (2001) who find littlechange in the majority of observed plaques overtime-scales of 2 days to many months, butappearance of a few new plaques over the sametime intervals.] If fiber deposition occurred onlyat very high amyloid levels (or else if fibers werehighly toxic), the site of neuronal death would berestricted to the immediate proximity of theamyloid source.

Amyloid, Neurons, and Microglia

We next investigated the effects of microgliaon amyloid removal and on the evolution of theplaques described above. At first, we omittedcytokine signaling and focused only on the threemost basic properties of microglia: (1) chemo-taxis towards the amyloid source, (2) tendency toadhere to fibers, and (3) removal of both solubleand fibrous amyloid. [Here we are modeling aprocess that has been called ‘‘disaggregation’’ byCruz et al. (1997), Urbanc et al. (1999) with amore detailed cell-based mechanism.] Resultsare shown in the bottom row of Fig. 3. We findthat microglia congregate at the center of theplaque, where chemotaxis and adherence tofibers tend to dominate over random motion.Removal of amyloid by these glial cells leadsto a more irregular plaque morphology, witha serrated edge and non-uniform internal

Fig. 9. Size distribution of the plaques obtained in runswith parameters as in Fig. 7 (dark bars) shown next to thesize distribution obtained from an AD brain by Hymanet al. (1995) (light bars). The horizontal axis representsplaque areas in multiples of 100 mm2. The last categoryrepresents all larger plaques that were obtained.

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density. Results were similar for longer runs withmore realistic, slow neuronal dynamics. How-ever, if the source of amyloid persists for longertime due to a slower rate of death of affectedneurons, the eventual size of theplaque tends to be somewhat larger in thesimulation.

The Cytokine IL-1beta

We now included the secretion of the cytokineIL-1B by microglia, and its potential stimulationof new sources of amyloid. This leads to apositive feedback that has significant impact,leading to one of two distinctly new phenomena:(i) the formation of a number of new plaques inthe region or (ii) massive growth and dominanceof a very large plaque, with or without smalleroffshoots. (The difference between these casesdepends on the proximity of the amyloid sourcesto one another and the persistence time of thosesources: sources forming close to one another, orlasting for a long time, tend to form a mergeddeposition of fiber, and large plaque size.) If theprobability of new amyloid sources forming istoo small, or the level of cytokine needed toproduce such new sources is too high, theoutcome is identical to previous experimentsdiscussed above.Typical outcomes of several runs are shown in

Fig. 4. Parts (a)–(d) show plaques formed withaccelerated neuronal dynamics. Parts (e)–(h)show outcomes with longer runs in which bothfiber deposition and neuronal health changes aremuch slower, on a time-scale of many days. Thecorresponding temporal dynamics in these runsare shown in Fig. 5(a) (fast dynamics) andFig. 5(b) (slow dynamics). The comparisonreveals several notable facts: first, the overallqualitative comparison is robustFeither one,several or very little plaque deposit will form inthe region, with evidence for sprouts forming offa central site in cases (a), (b), (d), (e) and (h). [Incase (h), the original site is not severely affected,but one of its offshoots grows.] Second, thetemporal dynamics scale comparatively well,with a lag phase in each case, followed by arapid decline that tapers off gradually. This typeof declining health behavior has been referred toas the sigmoidal or increasing risk degeneration

(Clarke et al., 1999, 2000), and stems from thefact that over the time-scale of the simulation,toxicity is gradually building up in an initiallyhealthy region. The significant difference be-tween short and long time-scales is seen in theremoval of amyloid by microglia. This affectsfiber accumulation on the long time-scale to agreater extent, leading to more noticeable‘‘holes’’ with resident microglia in plaques [4(e)and (f )].If amyloid fiber deposition is much faster than

neuronal degeneration, these types of resultswere not obtained. Then, to get similar behavior,it was necessary to assume that some factor asidefrom neuronal death limits the length of timethat an amyloid source continues to produceamyloid. Manually turning off some of the newamyloid sources produced discrete plaques as inFig. 4. Allowing amyloid sources to persist onthe expanded time-scale of hours, could lead tomassive accumulation of fiber throughout thedomain and unrealistic behavior.Similar experiments were carried out with

many parameter settings: we varied the effect ofamyloid fiber on neuronal health, the proportionof neurons that could give rise to new sources,the level of IL-1B that triggers those newsources, and the rate of recovery of neurons.We found that: (a) New sources can be formedeven after the initial source has been removed, asaccumulated IL-1B takes time to be depleted. (b)Microglia are then seen to chase one source afteranother, sometimes splitting up into separategroups. (c) For high amyloid production rate,fibrous deposits can become much heavier nearthe core of the plaque. This can trap andimmobilize the microglia. (See assumptions wemade about microglia motion.) (d) If the numberof new sources is very high, there is a rapidacceleration in the decline of health after sometime, since the uptake of amyloid by microgliasaturates. (e) There is variability in runs withidentical parameter values: some runs (e.g.lowest curves in Fig. 5) lead to significantdecline of health over the given time periodand large plaques. Other runs (e.g. highestcurves) leave health nearly intact and noplaque formation at all. The causes and implica-tions of this variability are discussed in a latersection.

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Toxicity of a Microglial Product

We asked what would be the outcome oftoxicity of some product secreted by microglia inresponse to activation by amyloid. We ranseveral simulations in which fiber toxicity wasremoved, and replaced by toxicity of a microglialdiffusible product. Results (not shown) can bedescribed as follows: (a) toxicity begins whenaggregated microglia are found in large numbersclose to the attracting amyloid source thatactivates their secretion. The wave of stress andtoxicity spreads outwards from this site. (b)Variations in the size of the product (i.e. in itsrate of diffusion), in the secretion rate, theuptake rate, and/or impact on health determinehow quickly the pathology develops, and the sizeof the necrotic region. (c) Individual runs arevariable (see later discussion), and initiation ofnew amyloid sources strongly affects the severityof the outcome. (d) In contrast to previousresults, motion of microglia (e.g. between an oldsource of amyloid and a new one) creates a ‘‘trailof death’’. Death of tissue correlates with sites ofreduced fibrous deposits, since microglia removeamyloid fibers as they move across a developingplaque. (e) Once sources of amyloid are extin-guished, gradual inactivation of microglia meansthat all slightly stressed regions that are not yetirretrievably damaged tend to recover. The endstage consists of a dead core of neurons, somefibrous deposits, in an otherwise healthy region.It is premature to attempt here to identify

which of the numerous factors secreted bymicroglia could play this specific neurotoxicrole; complement, cytokines such as IL-1B,reactive oxygen species, proteases, etc. arepossible candidates (Akiyama et al., 1999). Thesesubstances range in molecular size (and hencerates of diffusion in the brain) as well as rates ofproduction by microglia, uptake by neurons,action on the cells, and impact on neuron health.In our simulation we currently include only onemicroglial product explicitly (modeled afterproperties of IL-1B), but each of the aboveparameters can be varied online interactively, todepict gross behavior of a range of sizes andactions of such molecules. We can in principleexplore in detail a variety of possible chemicalfactors, but this was not our purpose here.

Astrocytes and their Effects

The next subsystem was used to explore theeffect of astrocytes on amyloid fiber toxicity. Weincorporated the following properties of astro-cytes: (a) uptake of IL-1B and activation toreceptive and/or motile, (b) motion towardsnearby fibrous deposits and (c) ability to wall-off or seal-off a region, represented by thedecreased diffusivity of chemicals across ‘‘bar-riers’’ created by the astrocytes: dark gray areassurrounding a plaque in Fig. 6 denote suchbarriers, i.e. sites of reduced diffusion for solublespecies. Such regions tend to hold elevatedconcentrations of chemicals, though the seal isgenerally somewhat permeable.Results can be summarized as follows. (a)

Astrocytes tend to cluster at the periphery ofplaques but some remain scattered throughout;In many cases, some amyloid and other solublesubstances can leak out through the astrocyticseals. This leads to a low level of fiber inthe region surrounding the affected areas. (b)Variability with a given set of parameters arises,as before, from the number of secondaryamyloid sources, the timing of those newsources, how long they last, and their proximityto one another. (c) Results are strongly affectedby the following factors: probability of forma-tion of new amyloid sources, persistence of thosesources (depends on the sensitivity of theneurons: if death is rapid, the progression of thepathology is not as wide), and to a lesser extenton the effectiveness of the astrocyte barriers.Typical shapes of plaques are shown in Fig. 7.

In parts (a)–(d) fast neuronal dynamics, and inparts (e) and (f) slow neuronal health dynamicswere assumed. The figures are qualitativelysimilar, and their time courses are shown inFig. 8. In extreme cases, there is no new sourcecreated, and the plaque is quite small [seeFig. 7(d)], while in other cases, the new sourcesclose to the original one lead to massive andlethal fibrous deposits [Fig. 7(b)]. The variabilityin the average health of neurons in various runsis also illustrated in Fig. 8.We experimented with a variety of parameter

settings. The evolution of a developing plaque inthe presence of astrocytes for one set is shown inFig. 10. The final shape resembles some plaque

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Fig. 12. A comparison between fast and slow neuronhealth dynamics in the case that IL-6 is the only toxicsubstance affecting neurons. This run shows time on a scaleof hours over a period of almost 6 days. Two runs areshown in which the only difference is the timescale ofneuron health dynamics. In the slow run we usedeC = 0.600 for IL-6 effects on health and r = 0.0060 forthe health recovery rate. In the fast run, we used eC = 12.5,r = 0.1: ( ) fast; ( ) slow.


shapes in AD shown in Fig. 1 and in Itakagi et al.(1989), Akiyama et al. (1999) and others. Thecentral plaque is relatively self-contained. How-ever, smaller plaques tend to sprout off thecentral one, in places where the astrocyte seal hasimperfections (Fig. 10).

Toxicity of an Astrocyte Product

The next investigation explored the hypothesisthat astrocytic secretions, rather than amyloidlead to neuronal toxicity. We assumed that therate of secretion of some deleterious astrocyteproduct depends on the fraction of IL-1Breceptors on the astrocyte that are bound toIL-1B. As a result, proximity of astrocytes toactivated microglia became highly significant indetermining whether and to what extent neuro-toxicity occurs.Two substances secreted by astrocytes are

represented explicitly in the simulation. Fordefault parameter settings, we have based themain attributes of these simulated chemicals oncharacteristics of the cytokines, IL-6 and TNF-alpha (Fig. 2), but this is not to indicate anyclaim that either of these cytokines is directlyneurotoxic. (Evidence is controversial inboth cases.) Qualitative spatio-temporal results

described here should be closely related to resultsobtained with any other small (15–30 kDa)diffusible astrocytic peptide, with similar ratesof uptake or secretion. (Exploration of effects oflarger or smaller substances can be accommo-dated easily in the simulation by adjusting theappropriate rates of diffusion, secretion, uptake,and/or impact on neuronal health.)We found that several representative scenarios

occurred, including (a) stress of a wide zonefollowed by death in some small region. In caseswhere amyloid sources were then extinguished,there followed progressive recovery in all but thedead core. The average neuronal health in suchruns decreased, achieved some minimum, andthen increased by partial recovery. Figures 11and 12 illustrate a representative example of thistype. (b) In some cases, the initial wave of deathdoes not remove all amyloid sources, and aperpetually stressed region surrounds one ormore dead cores (not shown). The numbers andsizes of such dead regions depend on the numberof amyloid sources that were formed. (c)Persistence of a perpetually stressed area withno net recovery and no net death (not shown).This occurred in cases where steady-state con-centrations of the astrocyte toxin were not highenough to kill neurons outright and amyloidsources in the region continued to be active.In all cases, the pathology has different

dynamics under the assumption that death iscaused solely by soluble substances that diffuserapidly in the region. Unlike fibrous amyloid,which persists over extended periods of time, suchfactors are present only so long as glial cells areactivated by stimuli (in this case amyloid) to keepup production. This affects the recovery process,and (by virtue of more even spread) causes necroticareas to be more symmetrically distributed.


In this study, our primary interest is acomparison of gross features of the morphologyof plaques that might result from one or anotherset of hypotheses about effects of amyloid, glialcells, and factors produced by such cells. Manyquantitative details of such interactions weregathered and incorporated in the simulation,though the number of unknown parameter

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values still limits our ability to describe theprocess in detail. At this stage of the investigation,detailed quantitative comparison of simulatedplaques to real plaques is still somewhat pre-mature.Hyman et al. (1995) computed size distribu-

tions of plaques in an AD patient, and reporteda log-normal distribution. We performed somepreliminary quantitative estimates of plaque sizedistributions (for parameter sets correspondingto Figs 7 and 8) and compared results withthose of Hyman et al. The comparison isshown in Fig. 9). Here the relative proportions(vertical axis) of plaques of various sizes(horizontal axis, in multiples of 100mm2) havebeen tabulated for a set of 50 simulations, eachrun for 400 time steps (dark bars). We definedthe ‘‘size’’ of a plaque as the area occupied byhigh fiber concentrations that corresponded tokilling zones, i.e. to black squares in the finalstate of the region. Shown on the samehistogram (light bars) are the data from Hymanet al.Our results for the given set of parameters are

qualitatively similar, with most numerous pla-ques in the 100 mm2 size category, though somedifferences are notable. In particular, showngrouped in the largest category are all cases inwhich significantly larger plaques occurred,stemming from coalescence of effects of multipleamyloid sources in close proximity. It is stillunclear what prevents such large plaques fromforming in the real AD brain, though we mightspeculate that other processes tending to limitthe production of amyloid, or to more effectivelysealing areas in proximity of a source may beat play.


While still at a preliminary stage, the simula-tion described here has provided a number ofinsights and results. We highlight these brieflybelow.

1. The result of a stimulus depends on abalance between competing effects. Clearly, thebalance between production and uptake ofsubstances determines whether the levels ofinjurious factors will build up to dangerous

levels. Some removal rates (e.g. of amyloid bymicroglia, of cytokines by various cells) tends tosaturate due to receptor kinetics, and can beoverwhelmed and pushed to toxic levels by highrates of production. Protective and injuriouseffects of cells also compete: for example,microglia remove amyloid, reducing local stress,but also secrete IL-1B that promotes newamyloid sources. Astocytes wall off a region tohelp cap the spread of toxicity, but they alsocontribute to the inflammation by secretingcytokines. While these results are not surprising,they lend support to many of the hypothesescurrent in the field (see, for example, McGeer& McGeer 1995, 1998a, b, 1999). Since theunfolding early events in the development of ADcannot be investigated easily in vivo by currenttechniques, the simulation can fill in gapsbetween known or hypothesized interactionsand downstream consequences.2. There are feedbacks in the system that can

exacerbate pathology. One important feedbackis the effect of microglial IL-1B on new sourcesof neuronal amyloid, and on a heightening of thetoxic load. This seems reasonable with hindsight,particularly in the context of the analogy withspread of infections in other modeling contexts.However, the overriding importance of theparameter that controls this feedback was notat all evident to us before undertaking extensiveexperimentation and parameter sensitivity.3. There are delays in the system, e.g. between

the initiation of the stimulus and arrival ofmicroglia, between the production of cytokinesand activation of astrocytes, between the uptakeof cytokines and the death of neurons. Theextent to which this delay affects outcomesbecame apparent only after experimenting withthe simulation. This means that there is sometime when interventions could, in principle,reverse the process and prevent massive deathof neurons. Conversely, once an inflammatoryprocess is initiated, there is a time delay inhalting it, even if the irritant is removed. Thisdelay results from the time it takes for theinflammatory chemicals to be removed, and theactivated immune-like cells to return to aquiescent (non-secreting) state.4. For a given parameter set, results are quite

variable, and randomness plays an important

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role. In some cases, the outcome on health ofneurons can differ by 50% or more in parallelruns. There are several causes for variability inthe runs, including (a) stochastic aspects of cellmotion (b) random initial distributions of cells,and (in some cases) fiber seeds, (c) proximity ofnascent plaques to one another or to groups ofastrocytes that affect activation levels of thoseastrocytes (d) random component of new amy-loid source initiations. All these effects are likelyto play a role in a real biological setting, wheremany other sources of individual cell variabilitymight also be important.5. Among the variable factors is the dichot-

omy between cases in which inflammationpersists with no resolution over extended periodsvs. cases in which there is a finite transient, withsome lost tissue surrounded by a region of nearlyfull recovery.6. The simulation reveals the importance of

spatio-temporal effects. These include (a) theimportance of relative placement of cells withrespect to other cell types or to amyloid sources.(e.g. we noted that astrocytes behave differentlyaway from microglia, even when they are inproximity of an amyloid source). (b) Theimportance of relative time-scale of neuronaldegeneration and other processes that lead tothat degeneration. We saw that the conditionsthat pre-dispose neurons to die can becomeirreversible long before neurons react, and thistends to cause severe eventual outcomes, incontrast to local limited death in other cases. (c)Changes in material properties caused by astro-cytes in proximity of a plaque result in trappingof substances in a localized way. This affectsthe way that plaques develop. (d) Distinctpatterns of mortality are noted when the factorscausing stress of neurons are local and persistent(such as amyloid deposits) vs. soluble, labile,and rapidly diffusing (such as cytokines orother substances). Note that none of these effectswere ‘‘built in’’ or pre-assumed, but ratheremerged from the underlying spatio-temporalinteractions.

Aside from these observations, the simulationis also a useful tool for exploring the sensitivityof the system to a variety of parameters. Asnoted, by shifting the balance towards produc-

tion or towards removal of any injuriouschemical factor, one can produce outcomes thatbias the results towards full health or fullmortality. The relative rates of recovery andinjury similarly affect the outcome as expected:once a threshold is crossed, the system cannotrecover from an insult that, in other circum-stances, might be inconsequential. This situationmay reflect real biological differences betweenthose people susceptible to AD and those whoare not: some slight change that shifts thebalance of effects would suffice to produce thefatal pathology.Less intuitively clear is the observation that

severity of the disease need not correlatepositively with sensitivity of neurons to amyloidfibers. Indeed, we found that when amyloidfibers are highly and rapidly toxic, neurons closeto a source of amyloid die so quickly, that theprocess is halted before the amyloid depositsspread. Even if numerous amyloid sources arepresent, this results in only small regions whereneurons have died, and eliminates the sourcesrapidly. This means that inflammation has littleopportunity to take hold. In the simulation,neuronal death is the main factor controlling thepersistence time of the amyloid sources. Thismay or may not be the case in real neurons, andfactors that govern the amount of amyloidproduction, and its rate of fibrillization may beequally, or more important.One parameter that had an interesting and

highly significant effect is the fraction of neuronscapable of producing new amyloid sources whenstimulated by IL-1B. When this fraction is low(in our case, below 0.2%), the system responsestems from one stimulus, present at initiation.This is analogous to gradual outward spread ofan epidemic from a single site of infection, orgradual spread of a fire from a single ignitedsource. The spread of such infections tends to belimited to the perimeter of the affected region,where contact with a susceptible region occurs,or to the internal ‘‘volume’’ of the region, given aporous or fractal interior structure (Cruz et al.,1997). This contrasts with pandemics in whichsecondary sites of infection arise or fires whosesparks ignite new areas. As a result of suchsecondary sites, the process of infection can growexponentially (at least while susceptible areas

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remain) instead of simply spreading ‘‘radially’’outwards.A similar phenomenon occurs when the

fraction of neurons capable of producing newamyloid sources rises slightly to 0.4%: we foundthat in such cases, the initial stimulus nearlyalways creates one or more secondary sources.(Significantly, this can occur even after theoriginal amyloid source is extinguished, asthe accumulated microglial IL-1B that triggersthe new sources takes time to decay.) This causessignificant worsening of the situation, either byfeeding massive growth of one expanding plaque(when the amyloid sources are close together) orby spawning new plaques in adjoining regions.The fraction of neurons that die is usually muchgreater in such cases.It is worth remarking that this type of

sharp threshold is similar to a bifurcation thatoccurs when the basic reproductive rate, r of aninfection increases above 1 (r is the number ofsecondary infections in a susceptible populationcaused by a single infected person during thetime course of the infection). As argued here, asimilar parameter in our model represents theability of the inflammatory stimulus to replicateother stimuli before being eliminated by theresponse.


In considering the results, a number oflimitations of the current model must beappreciated. We list some of the limitationsbelow.

(1) To allow our simulation to be run onlineinteractively (www.math.ubc.ca/Bais), it hasbeen written in Java, a framework with limitedcomputational speed and memory capabilities.We have simulated two spatial dimensions tosuit these computational resources, though thisis clearly a drastic simplification. Commentsabout differences between diffusion in 2D and3D are given in the appendix. Basically, the timeassociated with a diffusion process (or, analo-gously, the distance through which diffusion hasan effect over a given time span) can depend ondimensionality. (2) Only a few key interactingparts are modeled explicitly. The other effects(chemical factors, environmental and genetic

pre-disposition) are treated as variations in basicparameter values. We may be missing otherdynamical phenomena by our omissions. (3)Finding a reasonable set of biological parametervalues is the single biggest challenge. Afterextensive research, this set is incomplete (20–30% missing or unknown, including rates ofdecay of neuronal health). Those parameters wecould estimate (e.g. receptor binding, secretionrates, etc.) are pertinent to a variety of speciesunder various conditions (in vivo, in vitro, withdistinct treatments) and are suspect, to say theleast. This difficulty is not just a problem we hadto contend with: rather, it is an indication of oneof the grand challenges facing in silico modelingin general. This challenge is far from beingaddressed and leads to natural skepticism aboutvalidity of the results of such work. It remains tobe seen to what extent such challenges can beovercome, even with close work coupling experi-mental research and theoretical models. (4) Theneuro-inflammatory hypothesis, and its detailsare still controversial, with wide disagreementin the scientific community about basic facts.The simulation would have to be changed asnew information is gathered. (5) Even in thissimplified system, the set of parameters is quitelarge. This makes it difficult to explore para-meter space and find all the relevant transitionsin behavior. This is a second ‘‘grand challenge’’facing the new biology: how to understand thecomplex behavior of large interacting networks,even when their parts are well characterized. Thechallenge is even greater when many parts ofthe interacting network are unknown. (6) Thetime-scale for health deterioration in neuronsmay be faster in the simulation than in reality.While we have checked that most interestingregimes can be obtained on a slower time-scaleby suitable scaling of the parameters, this aspectshould be studied further as more informationabout neuronal degeneration dynamics in vivo isgathered.Future work will be aimed at addressing some

of the above limitations. In particular, we planto investigate more realistic neuronal healthkinetics based on intracellular events, includingother chemical intermediates explicitly, studythe process on a longer time-scale, with a morefaithful replication of the time course of AD, and

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design experiments to measure some of theuncertain parameters. We will then be in aposition to test interventions and potential drugtarget designs.

The authors were supported by NSERC (Canada)funds to LEK and by MITACS NCE funds. We werealso funded for 1 year by In Silico Biosciences(R Carr, Pres.). The following people providedvaluable comments: Dr P. McGeer, Dr C. Shaw,Dr S. Maree, Dr M. Labecki, M. Luca, J. McEach-ern. Thanks to A. Klegeris, A. Chavez-Ross, J.McEachern, M. Luca and T. Wong for help withreferences, bibliography, literature surveys, figures,etc. We extend special thanks to Claudia Schwab forproviding images for Fig. 1.


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A short time increment (dt=0.0125min) isused to compute chemical diffusion. A longertime increment (DT=0.5min) is used forcalculating cell movement and transitions inthe states of the cells. The region showncorresponds roughly to a square area of sidelength 400 mm, discretized into a 40� 40 spatialgrid.


The diffusion coefficient of a soluble peptide scales a

molecular weight (Goodhill, 1998, 1997), a fact wappropriate chemicals. For example, a 0.3–0.5 kDa

10–6 cm2s�1 =

Molecule type Molec. weight(kDa)

Diffusion c

Amyloid-beta 3–4 5� 10–7 cm2s�1=30IL-1 beta 17 3� 10–7 cm2s�1=18IL-6 26 2.7� 10–7 cm2s�1=1

TNF-a 17 3� 10–7 cm2s�1=18


Rates of diffusion of typical substancesassociated with AD were estimated from mole-cular sizes of the chemicals (see Table A1). Theconcentration of chemical in a grid space (i,j),denoted as S1i,j, is computed using an explicitnumerical integration method based on theconcentrations of the chemical in the previoustime step, S0i,j. Choice of the explicit method wasconstrained by limitations on speed and memoryavailable in a Java-based online application. Incases where the material properties of the regionwere not homogeneous, many numericalschemes (ordinarily adequate for uniform mate-rial properties) produce spurious results such asunrealistic amplification of concentrations. Thenumerical scheme was adjusted to preserveconservation principles. For example, we wouldcompute flux into grid square ij from grid squarei�1, j as follows:

Ji�1;iði; jÞ ¼ Dij cði; jÞ � cði � 1; jÞð Þ=Dx:

Note that the coefficients Dij need not beconstant in this formulation. We then calculatethe new concentration in grid space ij using, forexample

Dcði; jÞ ¼ Ji�1;i � Ji;iþ1� �


þ Jj�1;j � Jj;jþ1� �

=Dyþ sij�Dt:

The term sij represents a source of chemical.Amyloid sources are stationary sites, whereascytokine sources are cells (microglia, astrocytes)producing chemical at their current site of

A1pproximately as a reciprocal of the cube root of its

e used in estimating diffusion coefficients of allpeptide has a diffusion coefficient of approximately


oefficient Effective diffusioncoefficient(mm2min�1)


00 mm2min�1 1500 Goodhill (1997)00 mm2min�1 900 Goodhill (1997)620 mm2min�1 810 Goodhill (1997);

Moghe et al. (1995)00 mm2min�1 900 Goodhill (1997)

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Table A2Rates of secretion of cytokines by various cell

types (Lee et al. 1993, Fiala et al., 1998, VanWagoner et al., 1999) are calculated as a local

concentration change assuming that a (single) cellsecretes substance into an adjoining volume of


Type Rate secretedper cell nM min�1

Cell type

IL-1 beta 0.366 MicrogliaIL-6 0.100 AstrocytesTNF-alpha 0.049 Astrocytes

Note: For a substance of molecular weight M, the factorconverting concentrations from pg ml�1 to nM is c=[10�3/(M)]nM[pg ml�1]�1. If there are n cells secreting for d hr,the concentration change in the given volume will be (109/60) c/(d n) nM min�1 per cell.


occupancy. The formulation above ensures thatflux of substance leaving one grid squarematches with flux entering the adjoiningsquare. This corrected such artifacts. (Seefurther comments in the last section of thisappendix.)


Diffusion depends on dimensionality (i.e. one,two, and three dimensions) in the following way.Diffusion over a distance x follows the relation-ship /x2S= qi Dt, where /x2S4 is the mean-


Typical parameters associated with cytok

Cytokine kf


IL-6 (mouse)IL-6 0.013Human interleukin DA (high affinity) 2.4Human interleukin DA (low affinity) 0.072IL-1 human B-lymphomaIL-1 murine thymoma cellIL-1 betaTNF mouse leukemia

TNF alpha Overexpressing Human cellsTNF alpha recombinant human

Note: Data from [1] Yamaguchi et al. (1992), [2] Hammach[5] Dripps et al. (1991), [6] Benjamin et al. (1990), [7] Michishitcell of volume V (in mm), with r receptors on its surface, resulnM. Typical cell volumes are taken to be V=1000–1300 mm

square displacement, t is the time taken, and theconstant qi has values 2, 4, or 6, for diffusion inone, two, or three dimensions. Similarly, thetransit time to diffuse over a distance L hasthe form t=(L2/2D) fi where the factor fi isdimension-dependent. For example, in diffusionfrom a source to a target, setting y=L/a wherethe diameter of the target is a and the distance todiffuse is L, it was shown by Hardt (1981) thatthe factor fi is proportional to ln(y) in 2D, to y in3D and independent of y in 1D. This can make asignificant difference in the 2D and 3D caseswhen the ratio y is small.



Each moving particle (‘‘agent’’) in the simula-tion represents cumulative effects of somenumber of actual cells. At a given time step,the Monte-Carlo transition of an agent from onestate to another, or from one position to anadjoining grid space, is governed by a prob-ability that depends on the cell environment, itshistory, and certain adjustable parameters. Thevalue of a random number (‘‘coin toss’’)determines whether the transition occurs ornot. Cell motion can have directed (e.g. chemo-tactic) as well as random component. In thisrespect, the simulation is a so-called ‘‘lattice-gas’’ type of Cellular Automata (CA). Themotion of the cells takes place once per time

e A3ines binding to the cell-surface receptors

kb(min�1) KD= kb/kf (nM) Receptors/cell Reference

2.25 300–720 [1]0.054 4.3 [2]0.0084 3.8� 10�3 20–600 [3]0.18 2.6 1000–5000 [3]

2.1 7709 [4]0.15 [5]1.0 [6]

Human TNF1.7–2.8

4–5000 [7]

0.2 94 000 [8]1.3 1100 [9]

er et al. (1996), [3] Godard et al. 1992, [4] Horuk et al. (1987),a et al. (1990) [8] Pennica et al. (1992), [9] Ding et al. (1989). Ats in a local ‘‘effective concentration’’ of receptors 1.655 (r/V)3.

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Fig. A1. Neuronal health is represented by an aggregate value which ranges from h = 1 (or 100%) for full health to h = 0for dead neurons. Shown here is the rate of change of neuronal health (dh/dt) as a function of current health (h) for threevalues of the injurious influence, I. The directions of the arrows indicate increasing health (to the right) or decreasing health(to the left). (a) No injurious influence (I = 0): health increases up to full recovery at h = 1 regardless of the initial state. (b)0oIor/4: intermediate level of toxicity. Here neurons will become partially stressed (i.e. approach the steady state markedby heavy dot) unless they are already in very low health. In the latter case, they would die. (c) I>r/4: this is a fatal level oftoxicity and all states lose health and die unless the toxic influence is removed.


step, DT. Grid spaces occupied by astrocytes, ortoo many microglia exclude new cells.In the simulation, microglia stick to amyloid

fibers. The probability of immobilization, PI, ina given time step and the probability, PS, of acell to remain stuck to fiber in the presence ofsoluble amyloid is based on data in El Khouryet al. (1996). We have also assumed that theseprobabilities have the forms


F þ G;Ps ¼ e�kS;

where G, k are adjustable parameters.


The rules governing fibrous and solubleamyloid are given below. We define the follow-ing notation: S is the concentration of solubleamyloid and f is the fiber concentration at agiven site, Fmax is the maximal fiber level per siteallowed in the simulation, F is a weightedaverage of local fiber concentration (ij fibersweighted double those in surrounding eight gridsites i71, j71), q is the concentration ofmicroglia at the given site. Then changes in thelevels of fibrous and soluble amyloid can berepresented by a stochastic, discretized versionof the set of equations below (with time stepDT):


dt¼ �R1ðS � bÞF � R1ðS � bÞ2 � k2q


hþ S;


dt¼ R2ðS � bÞF þ R1ðS � bÞ2 þ n


Fmax� k1qf :

Growth and elongation of pre-existing fibers (firstterms in both equations) occur only when thelevel of soluble amyloid exceeds some criticalvalue, S>b, and the rate of conversion is thengoverned by the parameter R. If Sob, this termis omitted. De novo fiber nucleation (second termin equations) similarly occurs given a sufficientlyhigh level of soluble amyloid, S4b, and resultsin new ‘‘seeds’’ or nuclei for fiber deposits. Thequadratic dependence on amyloid concentrationrepresents the fact that this step is rate-limiting.If Sob, this term is omitted. New fibers adjoininga deposit: an empty site adjoining a site contain-ing fibers can be nucleated de novo withprobability that depends on a parameter n.Soluble amyloid removal by microglia (lastterms in both equations) follows Michaelis–Menten kinetics for the soluble form withparameters k governing the maximum uptakerate, and h the amyloid concentration atwhich the binding is half-maximal. Microgliacannot absorb amyloid in excess of somemaximal capacity. Fibrous amyloid removal bymicroglia occurs by a distinct mechanism ofphagocytosis at an assumed 10% of the uptakerate for the soluble form. There is currently nolimit on the amount of fiber that can be ingestedby a cell.Neurons that have been exposed to IL-1B in

excess of the level that triggers a new source aretested once by random draw to determine if theycan give rise to new sources of amyloid-beta under the appropriate conditions. Anamyloid source at the site of a dead neuron isremoved.

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Microglia that have taken up amyloid inexcess of some threshold level secrete thecytokine IL-1B. Similarly, astrocytes secreteIL6 and TNF-a once they have absorbedsufficient IL-1B. The rates of secretion havebeen calculated from data in the literature (TableA2). We assume that the amount secreted perunit time per cell is constant so long as thestimulus to secrete is in effect. Chemical secretionis calculated on the micro time step dt.


We use a Michaelis–Menten formulation forcytokine-receptor binding kinetics and cytokineuptake by cells: for C the cytokine concentra-tion, we discretize the equation


dt¼ �Kmax


kn þ C;

where Kmax is a maximal uptake rate, and kn thehalf-maximal chemical concentration. Standardassumptions of Michaelis–Menten kinetics (e.g.see Edelstein-Keshet, 1988) lead to Kmax= k2 Rand kn=(kb+k2)/kf , where R is the total (local)concentration of receptors, kf , kb are forwardand reverse-binding constants for ligand to cell-surface receptor, and k2 is the rate of processingof receptor–ligand complex. Typical values ofthe cytokine receptor equilibrium constantsKD= kb/kf are shown in Table A3. The valueof k2 was estimated as 1.0 s

�1. This is taken toreflect a typical time-scale pertaining to earlysignal transduction events mediated by mem-brane-bound receptors.


In the simulation, the state of each astrocytetoggles between inactive and receptive as the IL-1B concentration nearby rises above or fallsbelow a triggering level. Beyond a second IL-1Bconcentration threshold, the cell has a prob-ability of becoming motile. With some prob-ability, a receptive or motile astrocyte will move ashort distance towards nearby amyloid fiber(with superimposed random motion), but notinto a site currently occupied by microglia, fiber,or too many other astrocytes. The maximum

speed of an astrocyte is 0.1 mm min�1 (Kornyeiet al., 2000). When the astrocyte senses amyloidfiber in any of the eight adjoining grid sites, thecell changes to a blocking state with someprobability. This leads to reduction in thediffusion coefficients at the site: the value Dij isscaled by (1-w)m where w is an adjustableparameter and m is the number of blockingastrocytes at the affected grid sites.


Neuronal health has a value 0o ho 1 at eachgrid site, with initially full health, h(0)= 1

everywhere, and subsequently dh/dt= rh(1�h)–I, at each site, so long as h > Hmin, whereHmin is a critical health level below which there isno recovery. If hoHmin, the rule is dh/dt=�I.Possible outcomes of neuron health dynamics

at a given site are shown in Fig. A1. (i) If there isno local toxicity (I = 0), full recovery occurs.(The stable steady state, h = 1 is an attractor forall Hmino ho 1.) (ii) Where toxicity is high,(I4 r/4), neurons die. (All states in 0o ho 1 areattracted to h= 0.) (iii) Where toxicity is sub-lethal (Io r/4), the outcome depends on thecurrent state: neurons in poor health will die,neurons in good health will recover partially.(The upper steady state is depressed, signifyinglowered steady-state health, and the range ofhealth associated with mortality increases.)The overall neuron health shown in Fig. 5 is

the average health over all n=40� 40 sites,H= (1/n) ShI, where hi is the health of the i-thneuron site.


In simulating chemical diffusion, severaldistinct methods (Strikwerda,1989; Press et al.,1988) were implemented and tested rigorouslyagainst one another, and against simple settingsin which analytic calculation of diffusion meth-ods could be used for comparison (e.g. diffusionfrom a point source in a homogeneous do-main).We briefly describe our experiences withseveral of these methods here:

K Simple explicit scheme (Strikwerda, 1989).Problem encountered: failure of material con-servation.

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K Implicit scheme with LU decomposition ofan n2� n2 matrix (Press et al., 1988). Problemencountered: Matrix multiplication is expensiveand computing matrix inverse is memory in-tensive. As soon as diffusivities change (due toastrocytes), the inverse must be recomputed atgreat expense. (Note: matrix is not tri-diagonalbecause computing diffusion in more than onedimension leads to more non-zero off-diagonalbands.)

K Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) withPeaceman–Rachford Algorithm (Press et al.,

1988). Problem encountered: accuracy requiresa step size of 1/40min which results in samespeed as the explicit method with a step size of 1/80min.

K Explicit scheme based on flux balance.Computed the flux to follow diffusion fornon-uniform diffusivities. Limitations: Step-size is restricted due to stability of the scheme,but this was found to be the best method interms of ease of use and memory usage for ourpurposes.