20/32 Exponential Functions Logarithmic Functions Exponential/Logarithmic Equations Applications Growth/Decay Models Newton’s Law of Cooling . . Exponential Models of Population Growth The formula for population growth of several species is the same as that for continuously compounded interest. In fact in both cases the rate of growth r of a population (or an investment) per time period is proportional to the size of the population (or the amount of an investment). . Exponential Growth Model . . . If n 0 is the initial size of a population that experiences exponential growth, then the population n(t ) at time t increases according to the model n(t )= n 0 e rt where r is the relative rate of growth of the population (expressed as a proportion of the population). http://www.ms.uky.edu/˜ma137 Lecture 4

Exponential Models of Population Growthma137/Fall15/Lectures/Lecture_05.pdfGrowth/Decay Models Newton’s Law of Cooling. Exponential Models of Population Growth The formula for population

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Page 1: Exponential Models of Population Growthma137/Fall15/Lectures/Lecture_05.pdfGrowth/Decay Models Newton’s Law of Cooling. Exponential Models of Population Growth The formula for population


Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Exponential Models of Population Growth

The formula for population growth of several species is the same asthat for continuously compounded interest. In fact in both casesthe rate of growth r of a population (or an investment) per timeperiod is proportional to the size of the population (or the amountof an investment)..Exponential Growth Model..


If n0 is the initial size of a population that experiencesexponential growth, then the population n(t) at time t increasesaccording to the model

n(t) = n0ert

where r is the relative rate of growth of the population (expressedas a proportion of the population).

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Page 2: Exponential Models of Population Growthma137/Fall15/Lectures/Lecture_05.pdfGrowth/Decay Models Newton’s Law of Cooling. Exponential Models of Population Growth The formula for population


Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Remark:

Biologists sometimes express the growth rate in terms of thedoubling-time h, the time required for the population to double in

size: r =ln 2


Proof: Indeed, from

2n0 = n(h) = n0erh

we obtain

2 = erh ; ln 2 = rh ; r =ln 2




Using the doubling-time h, we can also rewrite n(t) as:

n(t) = n0ert = n0e

ln 2ht = n0e

(t/h)·ln 2 = n0eln(2t/h) = n02

t/h .

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Radioactive Decay

Radioactive substances decay by spontaneously emitting radiations.Also in this situation, the rate of decay is proportional to the massof the substance and is independent of environmental conditions.

This is analogous to population growth, except that the mass ofradioactive material decreases.

.Radioactive Decay Model..


If m0 is the initial mass of a radioactive substance then the massm(t) remaining at time t is modeled by the function

m(t) = m0e−rt

where r is the relative rate of decay of the radioactive substance.

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Remark:

Physicists sometimes express the rate of decay in terms of the

half-life h, the time required for half the mass to decay: r =ln 2


Proof: Indeed, from1

2m0 = m(h) = m0e


we obtain1

2= e−rh

; ln1

2= −rh ; − ln 2 = −rh ; r =

ln 2




Using the half-time h, we can also rewrite m(t) as:

m(t) = m0e−rt = m0e

− ln 2h t = m0e

(−t/h)·ln 2 = m0eln(2−t/h) = m0





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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Example 6: (Online Homework HW03, # 8)

A town has population 750 people at year t = 0.Write a formula for the population, P, in year t if the town

(a) Grows by 70 people per year(b) Grows by 12% per year(c) Grows at a continuous rate of 12% per year.(d) Shrinks by 14 people per year.(e) Shrinks by 4% per year.(f) Shrinks at a continuous rate of 4% per year.

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Example 7 (Frog Population):

The frog population in a small pond grows exponentially. Thecurrent population is 85 frogs, and the relative growth rate is 18%per year.

(a) Which function models the population after t years?(b) Find the projected frog population after 3 years.(c) When will the frog population reach 600?(d) When will the frog population double?

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Example 8: (Online Homework HW03, # 14)

Assume that the number of bacteria follows an exponential growthmodel: P(t) = P0e

kt . The count in the bacteria culture was100 after 15 minutes and 1800 after 35 minutes.

(a) What was the initial size of the culture?(b) Find the population after 105 minutes.(c) How many minutes after the start of the experiment will the

population reach 14, 000?

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Example 9:

The mass m(t) remaining after t days from a 40-g sample ofthorium-234 is given by:

m(t) = 40e−0.0277 t .

(a) How much of the sample will be left after 60 days?

(b) After how long will only 10-g of the sample remain?

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. From Neuhauser’s Textbook, p. 27

[...] Carbon 14 is formed high in the atmosphere. It is radioactiveand decays into nitrogen (N14).

There is an equilibrium between atmospheric carbon 12 (C12) andcarbon 14 (C14) — a ratio that has been relatively constant over afairly long period.

When plants capture carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules from theatmosphere and build them into a product (such as cellulose), theinitial ratio of C14 to C12 is the same as that in the atmosphere.

Once the plants die, however, their uptake of CO2 ceases, and theradioactive decay of C14 causes the ratio of C14 to C12 to decline.

Because the law of radioactive decay is known, the change in ratioprovides an accurate measure of the time since the plants death.

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Example 10: (Neuhauser, Problem # 64, p.37)

The half-life of C 14 is 5730 years. Suppose that wood found at anarcheological excavation site contains about 35% as much C 14 (inrelation to C12) as does living plant material.

Determine when the wood was cut.

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Newton’s Law of Cooling

Newton’s Law of Cooling states that the rate of cooling of anobject is proportional to the temperature difference between theobject and its surroundings, provided that the temperaturedifference is not too large.

Using Calculus, the following model can be deduced from this law:.The Model..


If D0 is the initial temperature difference between an object and itssurroundings, and if its surroundings have temperature TS , thenthe temperature of the object at time t is modeled by the function

T (t) = TS + D0e−kt

where k is a positive constant that depends on the object.

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Example 11 (Cooling Turkey):

A roasted turkey is taken from an oven when its temperature hasreached 185◦F and is placed on a table in a room where thetemperature is 75◦F.

(a) If the temperature of the turkey is 150◦F after half an hour,what is its temperature after 45 minutes?

(b) When will the turkey cool to 100◦F?

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Exponential FunctionsLogarithmic Functions

Exponential/Logarithmic EquationsApplications

Growth/Decay ModelsNewton’s Law of Cooling

.. Interested in Forensic Pathology?

Newton’s Law of Cooling is used in homicide investigations todetermine the time of death. Immediately following death, thebody begins to cool (its normal temperature is 98.6◦F). It has beenexperimentally determined that the constant in Newton’s Law ofCooling is k ≈ 0.1947, assuming time is measured in hours.

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Logarithmic Scales

MA 137 — Calculus 1 for the Life SciencesSemilog and Double Log Plots

(Section 1.3)

Alberto Corso⟨[email protected]

Department of MathematicsUniversity of Kentucky

September 4, 2015

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Logarithmic Scales

When a physical quantity varies over a very large range, it isoften convenient to take its logarithm in order to have a moremanageable set of numbers.Quantities that are measured on logarithmic scales include

acidity of a solution (the pH scale),earthquake intensity (Richter scale),loudness of sounds (decibel scale),light intensity,information capacity,radiation.

In such cases, the equidistant marks on a logarithmic scalerepresent consecutive powers of 10.

10−1 100 101 102 103 104

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

The pH Scale

Chemists measured the acidity of a solution by giving its hydrogenion concentration until Sorensen, in 1909, defined a moreconvenient measure:

pH = − log[H+]

where [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions measured inmoles per liter (M).

Solutions are defined in terms of the pH as follows:

those with pH = 7 (or [H+] = 10−7M) are neutral,

those with pH < 7 (or [H+] > 10−7M) are acidic,

those with pH > 7 (or [H+] < 10−7M) are basic.

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Example 1 (Finding pH):

The hydrogen ion concentration of a sample of each substance isgiven. Calculate the pH of the substance.

(a) Lemon juice: [H+] = 5.0× 10−3M

(b) Tomato juice: [H+] = 3.2× 10−4M

(c) Seawater: [H+] = 5.0× 10−9M

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Example 2 (Ion Concentration):

Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of each substance fromits pH reading.

(a) Vinegar: pH = 3.0

(b) Milk: pH = 6.5

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Semilog PlotsIn biology its common to use a semilog plot to see whether datapoints are appropriately modeled by an exponential function.

This means that instead of plotting the points (x , y), we plot thepoints (x , log y).

In other words, we use a logarithmic scale on the vertical axis.

−2 −1 0 1 210−1





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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Graphs for a Science article

= 1/c + 1/8, can be shown formally (Table 2). The average value of T for the patients was 2.6 ? 0.8 days (Table 2).

By a heuristic procedure, we found min- imnal estimates for the average duration of the HIV-1 life cycle and of its intracellular or eclipse phase (from virion binding to the release of the first progeny). The duration of the HIV-1 life cycle, S, is defined as the time from the release of a virion until the release of its first progeny virus; we estimat- ed S by the lag in the decay of HIV-1 RNA in plasma (Fig. 1) after the pharmacologic delay (Table 1) is subtracted. The shoulder in the RNA decay curve is explained by the fact that virions produced before the phar- macologic effect of ritonavir are still infec- tious and capable of producing, for a single cycle, viral particles that would be detected by the RNA assay. Thus, the drop in RNA concentration should begin when target cells interact with drug-affected virions and do not produce new virions. These "missing virions" would first have been produced at a time equal to the minimum time for infec- tion plus the minimum time for production of new progeny. The estimated values for S were quite consistent for the five patients, with a mean duration of 1.2 ? 0.1 days (Table 2). In steady state, 1/c = I/NkTo is the average time for infection (Table 2, legend); if this average time is assumed to be greater than the minimal time for infec- tion, then a minimal estimate of the aver- age duration of the intracellular phase of the HIV-1 life cycle is given by S - (1/c) = 0.9 days (16).

Previous studies that used potent anti- retroviral agents to perturb the quasi steady state in vivo provided a crude estimate of the t1/2 of viral decay in which the life-span of productively infected cells could not be separated from that of plasma virions (1, 2). Our results show that the average life-span of a productively infected cell (presumably an activated CD4 lymphocyte) is 2.2 days; thus, such cells are lost with an average t1/2 of -1.6 days (Fig. 2). The life-spans of productively infected cells were not mark- edly different among the five patients (Ta- ble 2), even though individuals with low CD4 lymphocyte counts generally have de- creased numbers of virus-specific, major his- tocompatibility complex class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (17).

The average life-span of a virion in blood was calculated to be 0.3 days. There- fore, a population of plasma virions is cleared with a t1/2 of 0.24 days; that is, on average, half of the population of plasma virions turns over approximately every 6 hours (Fig. 2). Because our analysis assumed that the antiviral effect of ritonavir was complete and that tt target cells did not re- cover during treatment, our estimates of the virion clearance rate and infected cell loss

rate are minimal estimates (12, 16). Con- sequently, the true virion t1/2 may be shorter than 6 hours. For example, Nathanson and Harrington (18) found that monkeys clear the Langat virus from their circulation on a time scale of -30 min. Thus, the total number of virions produced and released into the extracellular fluid is at least 10.3 X 109 particles per day (14); this rate is about 15 times our previous minimum estimate (1). At least 99% of this large pool of virus is produced by recently infected cells (1, 2) (Fig. 2). At quasi steady state, the virion clearance rate cV equals the virion produc- tion rate NbT*. Because c has similar values for all patients studied (Table 1), the degree of plasma viremia is a reflection of the total virion production, which in turn is propor- tional to the number of productively infect- ed cells T* and their viral burst size N. The average generation time of HIV-1 was de- termined to be 2.6 days, which suggests that -140 viral replication cycles occur each

year, about half the number estimated by Coffin (19).

It is now apparent that the repetitive replication of HIV-1 (left side of Fig. 2) accounts for ?99% of the plasma viruses in infected individuals (1, 2, 19), as well as for the high destruction rate of CD4 lymphocytes. The demonstration of the highly dynamic nature of this cyclic pro- cess provides several theoretical principles to guide the development of treatment strategies:

1) An effective antiviral agent should detectably lower the viral load in plasma after only a few days of treatment.

2) On the basis of previous estimates of the viral dynamics (1, 2) and data on the mutation rate of HIV-1 (3.4 x 1O-' per base pair per replication cycle) (20) and the ge- nome size (104 base pairs), Coffin has co- gently argued that, on average, every muta- tion at every position in the genome would occur numerous times each day (19). The larger turnover rate of HIV-1 described in our study makes this type of consideration even more applicable. Therefore, the failure of the current generation of antiviral agents,

A B ,1, , | 0 107 -

104 'Z^ 105;

- Free virion t112 0.19 days Free virion t112=0.34 days :, 103 -Infected cell t1/2 = 1.39 days \10nfected cell t1/2 = 1.31 days


zr 10o6 ? 104

1058 *0X - 103T -

104 - > 1 o2 \El

Free virion t1/2 = 0.22 days 6

Infected cell t112 = 1.39 days \ Infectious virus t1/2 = 0.23 days 103 - 10 I IAr I I , ,_, nl I

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Days Days

Fig. 1. (A) Plasma concentrations (copies per milliliter) of HIV-1 RNA (circles) for two representative patients (upper panel, patient 104; lower panel, patient 107) after ritonavir treatment was begun on day 0. The theoretical curve (solid line) was obtained by nonlinear least squares fitting of Eq. 6 to the data. The parameters c (virion clearance rate), 8 (rate of loss of infected cells), and VO (initial viral load) were simultaneously estimated. To account for the pharmacokinetic delay, we assumed t = 0 in Eq. 6 to correspond to the time of the pharmacokinetic delay (if measured) or selected 2, 4, or 6 hours as the best-fit value (see Table 1). The logarithm of the experimental data was fitted to the logarithm of Eq. 6 by a nonlinear least squares method with the use of the subroutine DNLS1 from the Common Los Alamos Software Library, which is based on a finite difference Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The best fit, with the smallest sum of squares per data point, was chosen after eliminating the worst outlying data point for each patient with the use of the jackknife method. (B) Plasma concentrations of HIV-1 RNA (upper panel; circles) and the plasma infectivity titer (lower panel; squares) for patient 105. (Top panel) The solid curve is the best fit of Eq. 6 to the RNA data; the dofted line is the curve of the noninfectious pool of virions, VNI(t); and the dashed line is the curve of the infectious pool of virions, V(t). (Bottom panel) The dashed line is the best fit of the equation for V(t) to the plasma infectivity data. TCID50, 50% tissue culture infectious dose.

1584 SCIENCE * VOL. 271 * 15 MARCH 1996

The graphs are taken from the article

HIV-1 Dynamics in Vivo: Virion Clearance Rate,Infected Cell Life-Span, and Viral Generation Time,

by Alan S. Perelson, Avidan U. Neumann, MartinMarkowitz, John M. Leonard and David D. Ho,

Science, New Series, Vol. 271, No. 5255 (Mar. 15,1996), pp. 1582-1586.

David Ho was Time magazine’s 1996 Man of the Year.

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

How to Read a Semilog PlotYou need remember is that the log axis runs in exponential cycles.Each cycle runs linearly in 10’s but the increase from one cycle to another is an increase by a factor of 10.So within a cycle you would have a series of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (this could also be 0.1-1, etc.).The next cycle begins with 10 and progresses as 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.The cycle after that would be 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000.

Below is a picture of semilog graph paper.


1 unit 1 unit 100=1



234 56789

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

log 2 log 3 log 4 log 5 log 6

Number log100 290 1.954280 1.903170 1.845160 1.778250 1.699040 1.602130 1.477120 1.301010 19 0.95428 0.90317 0.84516 0.77825 0.69904 0.60213 0.47712 0.30101 0.0000

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Example 3:Suppose that x and y are related by the expression

y = 4 · 10−x/2[= 4 · (10−1/2)x = 4 · (0.316)x ].

Use a logarithmic transformation to find a linear relationshipbetween the given quantities and graph the resulting linearrelationship in the semilog (or log-linear) plot.

−2 −1 0 1 210−1





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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Lines in Semilog Plots

If we start with an exponential function of the formy = a · bx and take logarithms of both sides, we get

log y = log(a · bx) = log a+ log bx

log y = log a+ x log b

If we let Y = log y , M = log b, and B = log a, then we obtain

Y = B +Mx ,

i.e., the equation of a line with slope M and Y -intercept B.

So if we obtain experimental data that we suspect mightpossibly be exponential, then we could graph a semilog scatterplot and see if it is approximately linear.

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Example 4:

When log y is graphed as a function of x , a straight line results.Graph the straight line given by the following two points

(x1, y1) = (0, 40) (x2, y2) = (2, 600)

on a log-linear plot. Determine the functional relationship betweenx and y . (Note: The original x-y coordinates are given.)

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Example 5: (Problem # 46, Section 1.3, p. 53)

When log y is graphed as a function of x , a straight line results.Graph the straight line given by the following two points

(x1, y1) = (1, 4) (x2, y2) = (6, 1)

on a log-linear plot. Determine the functional relationship betweenx and y . (Note: The original x-y coordinates are given.)

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Logarithmic ScalesThe pH ScaleSemilog PlotsDouble-log Plots

Example 6: (Problem # 52, Section 1.3, p. 53)

Consider the relationship y = 6× 2−0.9x between the quantities xand y . Use a logarithmic transformation to find a linearrelationship of the form

Y = mx + b

between the given quantities.

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