TEL: 053 - 831-2331 WEDNESDAY 13 AUGUST 2014 WWW.EXPRESS-NEWS.CO.ZA FREE Northern Cape } Boipelo Mere ANITA FISHER and her hus- band’s life has changed for the better. They are born-again Christians who left their complicated life in Johannesburg behind. Because of her husband’s drug addiction they packed their bags and came to the farm Highfield near Ritchie to make a new start. Fisher, a qualified chef, said they had been given a second chance. “My husband was so deep into drugs that he ended up stealing everything and selling it for a fix. I ended up so deep in debt that I could not pay my children’s school fees or even our rent of R400. “I could not bear seeing our friends and neighbours dying, marriages falling apart and the children suffering any more,” said a tearful Fisher. She gave her testimony in front of other women in Ritchie at a women’s conference held over the weekend. On Saturday, Fisher held her head high and shared her life story with the women who attended the conference that was hosted by the Late Harvest Ministries in Ritchie. She was not shy to show her emotions during the praise and worship session, where she testified how the Lord had pulled her out of her misery. The event was graced by the award-winning businesswoman Nerina Smith and Past. Marie Willemse both from the Western Cape. Smith, who is a survivor of cancer and who has been left partly deaf and partly disabled as a result, shared good business tips and motivated those attending by reminding them of their worth. Smith called Fisher to the stage and demonstrated the story of a woman covered in mud who was then transformed by God. She brought a green outfit she had made which she said was a sign of greener pastures. She then chose Fisher to wear the outfit. According to Smith, she wanted to tell the women, who mostly came from a poor background, how God had called her to minister. She said she was also a prophetess. “Surviving cancer at 27 has made me a stronger woman, stronger than I thought I could ever be. “After my illness I started my own business from scratch. “Today my business has become a great success, and it has won more than one award,” she added proudly. Irene Farland, the leader of the women pastors at the Late Harvest Ministries, who is also the founder of the Women on the Move Movement based in Ritchie, said that the event had been a great success and that it was expected to give the women in the poverty-stricken township a new lease of life. Farland is known for her empowering programmes for women including services such as counselling and motivational talks within the Ritchie community. She said she had met Smith and Willemse through Past. Dirk Venter of Deaf South Africa. ) Log onto the Express website at www.express-news.co.za for Fisher’s testimony, photos and related videos. ‘Drugs ruined my life’ Woman testifies about escape from addiction THE women of Ritchie stand united against drug abuse thanks to Anita Fisher (left), who shared with them how drugs had almost torn her marriage apart. With her is Nerina Smith, who also shared some motivational tips with the women. Photos: Boipelo Mere IRENE FARLAND (left), leading woman pastor at the Late Harvest Minis- tries, shared with the guests how far they had had to travel to reach out and bring the Fishers closer to God.

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Northern Cape

} Boipelo Mere

ANITA FISHER and her hus-band’s life has changed for thebetter.They are born-again Christians

who left their complicated life inJohannesburg behind.Because of her husband’s drug

addiction they packed their bagsand came to the farm Highfieldnear Ritchie to make a new start.Fisher, a qualified chef, said

they had been given a secondchance.“My husband was so deep into

drugs that he ended up stealingeverything and selling it for a fix.I ended up so deep in debt that Icould not pay my children’sschool fees or even our rent ofR400.“I could not bear seeing our

friends and neighbours dying,marriages falling apart and thechildren suffering any more,” saida tearful Fisher.She gave her testimony in front

of other women in Ritchie at awomen’s conference held over theweekend.On Saturday, Fisher held her

head high and shared her lifestory with the women whoattended the conference that washosted by the Late HarvestMinistries in Ritchie.She was not shy to show her

emotions during the praise andworship session, where shetestified how the Lord had pulledher out of her misery.The event was graced by the

award-winning businesswomanNerina Smith and Past. MarieWillemse both from the WesternCape.Smith, who is a survivor of

cancer and who has been leftpartly deaf and partly disabled asa result, shared good business tipsand motivated those attending byreminding them of their worth.Smith called Fisher to the stage

and demonstrated the story of awoman covered in mud who wasthen transformed by God.She brought a green outfit she

had made which she said was asign of greener pastures. She thenchose Fisher to wear the outfit.According to Smith, she wanted

to tell the women, who mostly

came from a poor background,how God had called her tominister. She said she was also aprophetess.“Surviving cancer at 27 has

made me a stronger woman,stronger than I thought I couldever be.“After my illness I started my

own business from scratch.“Today my business has become

a great success, and it has wonmore than one award,” she addedproudly.Irene Farland, the leader of the

women pastors at the LateHarvest Ministries, who is alsothe founder of the Women on the

Move Movement based in Ritchie,said that the event had been agreat success and that it wasexpected to give the women in thepoverty-stricken township a newlease of life.Farland is known for her

empowering programmes forwomen including services such ascounselling and motivational talkswithin the Ritchie community.She said she had met Smith and

Willemse through Past. DirkVenter of Deaf South Africa.) Log onto the Express website atwww.express-news.co.za forFisher’s testimony, photos andrelated videos.

‘Drugs ruinedmy life’Woman testifies about escape from addiction

THE women of Ritchie stand united against drug abuse thanks to Anita Fisher (left), who shared with them how drugs had almost torn hermarriage apart. With her is Nerina Smith, who also shared some motivational tips with the women. Photos: Boipelo Mere

IRENE FARLAND (left), leadingwoman pastor at the Late HarvestMinis­tries, shared with the guests how far they had had to travel to reachout and bring the Fishers closer to God.

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} Boipelo Mere

THE John Taolo Gaetsewe DevelopmentTrust (JTGDT) celebrated yet anothermilestone.

The trust sees itself as a trend-setter anda history maker in the district because itkeeps on celebrating good results.

On 31 July the JTGDT in partnershipwith Kurara FM hosted a Kurara FMbusiness dinner and the official launch ofthe Kurara FM community radio station atthe Eldorado Hotel in Kuruman.

This was in an effort to encourage thebusiness community to support thecommunity radio station so that it couldrealise its full potential and to allow thestation to occupy centre stage as a strate-gic marketing partner.

Prominent mining houses and localbusinesses, including major banks, werepart of the dinner.

Kurara FM was launched in January2012 and the trust gave it a helping hand.

“As the trust we saw this as an oppor-tune time to adopt and resurrect Kurara

FM and take it under our wing to bringabout stability within the station,” saidTumelo Mpolokeng, the chief executiveofficer (CEO) of the trust.

An amount of more than R1,9 million hasreportedly been pumped into the station toupgrade it over the last two years.

The dinner was used to motivate otherbusinesses to follow suit in investing inKurara FM for them to become financiallystable.

Mpho Malele, the chairperson of theboard of directors, gave a presentation andthere was interaction between the manage-ment of Kurara FM and business individu-als.

In his speech Mpolokeng highlightedhow community radio stations survived.

“We encourage the community tosupport this station. The exposure KuraraFM is enjoying is thanks to the JTGDTthat continues with its commitment tocommunity development which covers allspheres of life. We hope that the stationwill continue growing,” concluded Mpolo-keng.

Radio station officially launchedTHE presenters of Kurara FM. Photo: Supplied

THE South African Institute for Occupation-al Safety and Health (Saiosh) is hosting ameeting on 28 August at the Free StateResidential Care Centre, Bloemfontein.

Topics which will be discussed, areemergency response regarding incidents andaccidents in the workplace and emergency

spill response.The meeting starts at 13:30. Registered

Saiosh members will earn 1 ContinuingProfessional Development (CPD) point.

For bookings (before 25 August) and moreinformation contact Johan van Wyngaard on083-534-2377 or at [email protected].

Safety issues discussed at Saioshmeeting

THE police appeal to parents to be vigilantin taking precautionary measures bysafeguarding their children against drown-ing during the upcoming summer.

It is expected that temperatures in theNorthern Cape will soar to extreme levels,resulting in children going to dams to cooloff during the hot weather.

The police would like to issue a warningthat dam drownings are not unfamiliar andparents are warned to make sure that theirchildren are safe and are under adultsupervision.

Police members noted that children arerarely supervised by an adult and often getinto trouble when swimming, resulting inthem drowning.

“Always keep the gates to the swimming

pool locked; it is important that swimmingpools be enclosed or covered with safetynets.

“Parents must know where their childrenare at all times and should never givepermission to their children to swim indams that are not safe and unsupervised,”warned Colonel Priscilla Naidu from thepolice.

People are also cautioned to refrain fromswimming while they are under theinfluence of liquor as many of past drown-ings occurred while people were under theinfluence of intoxicating substances.

The police are appealing to the public totake heed of these warnings so as toprevent the loss of lives which can beavoided.

Help stop drownings

DARRYL WOEST (32) from Van Wyksv-lei will spend the next 20 years behindbars. After the Carnarvon Regional Courtrecently found him guilty on nine chargesrelating to the Sexual Offences Act.

The charges that Woest was foundguilty of are:

Count 1 – rape – sentenced to 18 years’imprisonment.

Count 2 and 3 – both sexual assault toan 11-year-old child.

Count 4 and 5 – both causing a child towitness a sexual offence.

Count 6 – sexual assault to a 15-year-oldchild.

Count 7 – Causing a child to witness asexual offence.

Count 8 and 9 – both possession of childpornography.

According to the police, the accusedbefriended his two victims (aged 11 and 15at the time) and often invited them to hisresidence at the old school hostel in MainRoad in Van Wyksvlei in 2012.

Due to the victims’ poor background theaccused offered them food and drinks tolure them to his place.

“On one occasion the accused and thevictims watched a movie and due to thefact that it was late, he requested thatthey sleep over. It is then that he rapedthe 11-year-old boy. He offered money tohis victims for their silence,” stated thepolice.

It is further reported that the caretaker,who became suspicious and approachedthe two victims, is the one who laterreported the matter to the police after thevictims had confessed.

Woest, who later pleaded guilty to allcharges, has been in police custody eversince he was arrested until the finalisa-tion of the case. For count 1 of rape hewas sentenced to 18 years’ imprisonment.

Sentences on count 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 offour years’ imprisonment are expected torun concurrently with count 1. Two years’sentence on count 3, whereby the accusedgot a three-year sentence, are to runconcurrently with count 1.

Two years’ sentence of counts 8 and 9 ofwhich he got 18 months imprisonment oneach count are to run concurrently withcount 1.

The commander and investigatingofficer of the Carnarvon Family ViolenceChild Protection and Sexual Offences Unit(FCS) welcomed the sentencing.

DWO Johannes Pelzer expressed hisappreciation to the Cyber Unit in Pretoriaand his dedicated team of detectives at hisunit. While the sentence may serve as adeterrent to potential rapists, the police,through it is FCS units, are leavingnothing to chance.

The provincial commissioner of theNorthern Cape , Lt Gen. Janet Basson,applauded the sterling work done byDWO Pelzer and his team.

“This outcome is one of commitmentand hard work of dedicated investigationofficers within the specialised units of thepolice. The sentence is welcomed becausethe combating of crimes against womenand children is a priority for the policeand such a sentence will definitely be adeterrent to other people from committingsuch crimes.”

Child rapistgets 20 years

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} Boipelo Mere

CRITICAL debates and discus-sions were presented at theProtea Hotel to channel anddetermine a clear programme ofaction in going forward provin-cially to advance, promote andprotect different languages,cultures and religions forembracing their unique heritageand diversities.It was during the Social

Cohesion and Nation–BuildingMiniconference organised by bythe Religion and LinguisticRights Commission (CRL) incollaboration with the Pan SouthAfrican Language Board(Pansalb).The conference, which was

held in the form of a consultativeprocess, was aimed at creating aplatform for information sharing,public awareness and educationwith key stakeholders andstrategic partners to advance anddeepen constitutional democracythrough the promotion ofcultural, religious and linguisticrights for social cohesion andnation-building.Invited to participate in the

conference were political parties,the youth, traditional leaders,traditional healers, inter-denomi-national religious groups,cultural groups, different churchministers, civil society organisa-tions and responsible statedepartments, chapter 9 institu-tions, language, Arts and Cultureteachers and practitioners.Interestingly, the dialogues also

touched on eye-opening discus-sions relating to current chal-lenges facing cultural institutions

and traditional leaders, notingbad practices that were happen-ing at initiation schools, tradi-tional marriages, clashes betweenreligion and cultural practices.The aim was to encourage thespirit to respect and tolerateother people’s cultures, religionsand languages.According to Pansalb, the

sessions proved to be an eye-opener for the province becausean in-depth analysis of theprogress, achievements andchallenges for promoting socialcohesion and nation building waslooked into.The conference was conducted

under the theme ConsolidatingOutcome-Based Programme ofAction in Advancing SocialCohesion.Boichoko Moremi, the provin-

cial manager: Pansalb in theNorthern Cape, told the delegatesthat the conference was not justa complaint platform.He said that some of the

complaints, especially concerningthe language issue, were beingaddressed by government.“Some of these issues have

been debated for the past 20years. We as CRL and Pansalbare here to ensure that govern-ment addresses the issues thatare raised during our sessions,”said Moremi.The way forward after the

miniconference will be theformation of a communitycouncil that will consist of fourcommunity members includingthe councillor from each commu-nity and one representative fromall government departments.

Issues debatedat conference

MATHEWGOPANE (right), themanager of the Religion and Linguis­tic Rights Commission (CRL) in Gauteng, also graced the eventwithhis presence. Photo: Boipelo Mere

THE Alzheimer’s Associationof the Northern Cape herebyinvites members and friends toattend their upcoming annualgeneral meeting.The meeting is scheduled to

be held in the library of theACVV Kimberley (corner ofLong Street and HollandStreet) tomorrow at 09:00.

The meeting is very impor-tant as a new committee is tobe elected, followed by a talkon communication with aperson suffering from demen-tia.For more information

contact the Alzheimer’sAssociation on 053-831-5815 oremail [email protected].

Association holdsmeeting

THREE people were arrested withdrugs during a sting operation byPostmasburg police membersassisted by the Kuruman K9 Unit.The operation reportedly yielded

success after police followed up oninformation and raided somehouses where suspected drugdealers resided.A house was searched where two

suspects, known as EarnestChukwuere (39) and his wife,Genevive Chukwuere (27), werearrested.According to the police, they

found approximately 480 g of tik onthe premises, which they confiscat-ed last Monday at about 09:50 inthe Postmasburg Central BusinessDistrict (CBD).

The next day, at approximately08:45, another 40-year-old man,known as Benjamin Odezuko, wasarrested with tik. That is after thepolice raided his house in Bio-choko, Postmasburg, and found20 g of tik stashed in his vehicle,together with R59 000 cash whichwas hidden behind the frontnumber plate of the vehicle.The police also confiscated the

white Opel Corsa as it wasallegedly used in the crime. Thetotal street value of the confiscateddrugs amounts to approximatelyR165 000. The three suspectsappeared in the PostmasburgMagistrates’ Court and all wereremanded in custody as the casewas postponed.

Police confiscatetik from dealers

POLICE members are from the left Sgt Niklaas Papier, Const. Tefo Ma­khete, Sgt Libby Bosch, with suspects, and kneeling is Det. Sgt RaneoMolelekeng with drugs and money confiscated. Photo: Supplied

ANDREW LOUW, DA provincialleader:

THE Northern Cape has onceagain been rocked by recentprotests which were all sparkedby the ANC-led provincial govern-ment’s failure to provide theservices our people are entitled to.The school shutdown in Kuruman,the bus protests in Ritchie and theongoing land invasions in Kimber-ley all come from a real need incommunities to have their rightsrespected.It is sad that, three months after

the election, people are driven tosuch desperation. Communitiesfeel they need to burn down

schools and deprive children oftheir right to education before thegovernment will listen to theircomplaints. In 2012, when the firstround of school shutdowns hit theprovince, the provincial govern-ment promised that a stretch ofroad would be built.So far, they have only done the

environmental impact assessmentand approved of the road design.

That is the only work done in twowhole years.The DA does not condone any

form of violence. We do, however,know that communities needservices and we sympathise withtheir needs. It does seem thatgovernment only pays attention toyou if you have a rock in yourhand. We want to remind commu-nities that governments can bevoted into power, but they canalso be voted out of power.If you are unhappy with service

delivery, you can change yourcircumstances without usingviolence. Use your vote. Partici-pate in ward and council meet-ings.

Protests sign of desperation

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} Boipelo Mere

WOMEN in agriculture found anotherreason to dress up in their most elegantclothes on Friday. That was when theyattended their own awards ceremony thatwas hosted by the Northern Cape MEC forAgriculture, Land Reform and Rural

Development, Norman Shushu, in aneffort to advance the empowerment ofwomen.

Guests and participants were hosted atthe Mittah Seperepere Convention Centrewhere Shushu, together with other MECs,bestowed the honours at the gala awardsceremony.

Elegant in agriculture

SHARON BLOCK did not mind gracingthe evening on a cold night.

GLADNESS NTWAGAE (left) and NorahModise were amongst the aspiringwomenwho also consider a career in ag­riculture. They hope to also collect a tro­phy during next year’s award ceremony.

RAYNETTE DIBECO (left) and MirriamMbanga in their traditional gear.

NALEDI (LEFT) AND NOEKSIE MTONGAlooked stunning when they attended theevent to support other women.

SEITEBALENGSEGWAI inher traditionaldress.

BIANCA (LEFT) AND JANICE BEZUIDEN­HOUDT’s positive attitude worked for themas Janicewas awarded theYouth inAgricul­ture Trophy on the night.

FOOTSOLDIER MOGOROSI (right) wasproud to take a picture with his fellow­com­rade Bonolo Makwati.

THE guests were welcomed by the marimba band at the entrance. Photos: Boipelo Mere

THE band that entertained the guests.

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LEARNERS at the Waterworks PrimarySchool near Kimberley have received schooluniforms donated by Droogfontein SolarPower.The donation, valued at around R25 000,

included both winter and summer schooluniforms for gr. R to gr. 7 learners.According to Droogfontein Solar Power,

the school comprises 110 learners from thelocal Riverton area, as well as surroundingfarms, many of whom have never owneduniforms before.“This donation will not just have an

impact on the learners from the surroundingfarms but also on the local learners, as mostof their parents are unemployed and rely onsocial grants to provide for their families,”explained Wilfred Sell, head principal of theschool.During the presentation to the school,

Droogfontein Solar Power’s plant manager,Mpho Makhetha, demonstrated to thelearners how electricity is produced from thesun.“We are thrilled that the school’s curricu-

lum covers the importance of energy savingand the basics of renewable energy,” saidMakhetha.The Department of Education attended

the event. The departmental officials whoattended, were Palesa Thulo (director: ECDCurriculum), Ntombi Mashodi (director:Curriculum Support Programmes) and BasieMathane (director: GET Curriculum).According to the school’s principal, the

donation will also enhance the learners’school pride.The school is also appealing for assistance

in improving their very limited internetaccess which is at times non-existent.

Plant gives uniformsMPHO MAKHETHA, the plant manager of Droogfontein Solar Power, doing a demo onhow energy is generated with a solar jar. Photo: Supplied

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} Boipelo Mere

MARIA MATONGA from Magogong couldstill not believe that she was the overallwinner of the 2014 Annual Female Entrepre-neur of the Year.She was recognised by the Department of

Agriculture, Land Reform and RuralDevelopment in conjunction with theNational Department of Agriculture,Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) for being thebest female entrepreneur in the agriculturalsector and the top entrepreneur smallholderin the province.The award ceremony was hosted in an

effort to invest more in female farmers toensure food security within the provinceand the country.Sobbing her way to the stage to receive

the award for her project, Motonga was at aloss for words when she was escorted byher colleagues to the stage.Her project, Motswedi Women, won a

whopping R375 000 for the two differentcategories in the competition.According to her she has always dreamed

of extending her current hectares on herfarm in order to create more jobs. She saysthat winning the award is an indicationthat nothing is impossible for women.“My hard work, passion and perseverance

for farming has paid off. If you do not lovefarming, you will never succeed in thisindustry. Every day when I leave for thefarm I always ask God to give me strengthto succeed in my dream,” she said.Matonga reveals that she managed to

reach her dream of becoming a femalefarmer, even after three of the membersthat she started the project with droppedout after 2005.“I really appreciate all the support that I

received from the Department of Agricul-ture. After we approached them, they gaveme and my partner, who also left afterfinding a job, training, mentorship andtangible material to work with.“I can still remember the tough times

when we were forced to approach a neigh-bouring farmer to assist us in making ourten hectares of land productive. We stillcontinued to survive on a mere R1 000stipend”.

She adds that it was a good decision forthem to have approached the departmentbecause they could still not benefit fromtheir farm after other farmers deductedtheir dues after harvesting.The Northern Cape premier, Sylvia

Lucas, highlighted during her keynoteaddress that agriculture is about all theagricultural input, provision, farming,processing and distribution activities thatadd value to agricultural activities.“Our awards this evening seek to recog-

nise all the role players within the sector.We also recognise the significant roleplayed by farm workers who are themainstay of any agricultural activity.Agriculture is an important engine forgrowth and poverty alleviation given itsinfinite nature and its ability to re-engineeritself with good management of naturalresources and good management andconservation of this resource,” emphasisedLucas.) Go to our website on www.express-news.co.za for more pictures and videos.

Female farmerreaps benefits

IT took awhile forMariaMatonga to believethat her project won the award.

Photo: Boipelo Mere

PRESENTING the award to Maria Matonga (third from left) were from the left Grizelda Cjiekella­Lecholo (MEC of Education), Norman Shushu (MEC of Agriculture, Land Reformand Rural Development) and Sylvia Lucas (premier of the Northern Cape).

‘I can still remember thetough times when we wereforced to approach a neigh­

bouring farmer to assist us inmaking our ten hectares ofland productive. We contin­ued to survive on a R1 000stipend.’ – Maria Matonga

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THE Rooiwal Primary School’su.13 girls’ soccer team from theNamaqua District will representthe province at the nationalsoccer championships inPretoria later this year.This follows their scintillating

victory at the provincial girls’soccer championships thatwere held in Kuruman thisweekend.The Kuruman sports grounds

were abuzz this past weekendwith u.13 and u.17 girls of tenschools from across the prov-ince.To be crowned the provincial

champions, the Rooiwal girlshad to overcome stiff competi-tion from their opponents, theKareeville Primary School.Meanwhile, in the girls u.17

championships, it was adifferent ball game.The Theron High School from

the Pixley ka Seme District wonthe u.17 edition following theirconvincing 3-1 win against theBosele High School. They willalso represent the province in

the national championships inPretoria.There were also awards to

players who produced outstand-ing skills with five players fromeach age group selected for thenational squad trials.The president of the South

African Schools FootballAssociation (Sasfa) in theNorthern Cape, Dickson Moleko,emphasised the importance ofthe tournament as the breedingground for players to be scoutedfor the national women’s team.“Girls must be more involved

in soccer to realise theirdreams of representing thecountry. These games are aplatform to stand a chance ofdonning the national colours.Many great names of women’ssoccer like Mpumi Nyandeniand Portia Modise started inthis tournament before theywere recognised international-ly,” said Moleko.He also called on parents to

support their children who wereinterested in women’s soccer.

Rooiwal girls NC’s soccer champsTHE u.13 girls’ soccer team of the Rooiwal Primary School from the Namaqua Districtwere crowned the provincial champions in Kuruman this weekend. Photos: Supplied

THE Theron High School from the Pixley ka Seme District celebrates their u.17 girl’s soccerchampionships victory following their convincing 3­1 win against the Bosele High School.They will also represent the province in the national championships.

‘Girls must be more involved in soccer torealise their dreams of representing thecountry.’ – Dickson Moleko

For more news and photos go towww.express-news.co.za.

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