Extended Applica.on Naviance Senior Gradua,on Requirement

Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”

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Page 1: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”



Page 2: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


1.  BudgetRealityCheck

2.  AddCollegestomylist

3.  UnderstandingFAFSA

4.  SeptemberEASurveyaboutcollegeplans

• UndertheAboutMetab

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1.  Gradua.onRequirement

2.  EAcanbedoneinmul.pleplacessuchasadvancedlevelSSCclassesandTransi.onclass.(Themajorityofthisprojectisdoneindependently).

3.  CompletedinNaviance

4.  9assignmentstohelpyouprepareforaQergradua.on

5.  ExitinterviewmandatoryonFebruary3rd-Markthisdatenow!

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1.  GototheRexPutnamhomepage

2.  Clickonthe“Student”tab

3.  Clickon“googleapps”

4.  Enteryourusernameandpassword

•  Username:[email protected]

•  Password:6digitstudentnumber

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1. GototheRexPutnamhomepage

2.  GotoquicklinksontheleQhandsideofscreenandclick“NavianceFamilyConnec.on”

3.  Username:Enterlastnameandfirstini,alonly

4.  Password:6-digitstudentnumber

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HomePage•  Links• What’sNew• Messages• DocumentLibrary• ContactUs

Tabs• Colleges• Careers• AboutMe• MyPlanner

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•  SAT



• PutnamJr./Sr.page(understudenttabonRexPutnamhomepage)

• Helpfulwebsites

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SAT•  Itmeasuresyourknowledgeofreading,wri.ngandmath—subjectsthataretaughteverydayinhighschoolclassrooms.

•  RecentlyredesignedtolineupmoreconsistentlywiththeACT.

ACT•  Itmeasureshighschoolstudents'generaleduca.onaldevelopmentandtheircapabilitytocompletecollege-levelwork.

•  Itisamul.plechoicetestscoveringfourskillareas:English,mathema.cs,reading,andscience.

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SATNextTestDate:•  November5LateRegistra,on•  October21TestCost:$51.00(ReasoningTest)$24.50(SubjectTest)LateRegistra.on:$27.50

ACTNextTestDate:•  December10LateRegistra,onPeriod•  November5-18TestCost:$39.50(Nowri.ngtest)$56.50(Withwri.ngtest)LateRegistra.on:$22.00

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1.  OntheNaviancehomepage,clickonthe“MyPlanner”tab

2.  Clickon“TasksAssignedtoMe”

3.  Click“ExpandList”atthebolomrightofthescreentodisplaycompletedassignments

Page 11: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


•  JobApplica.on

•  BudgetReality

•  BuildResume

•  AddCollegestomylist

•  AlendCollege,MilitaryorTradeSchoolVisit

•  ApplytoCollege

•  ScholarshipSearch

•  FAFSAWorksheet

• MyPlanEssay

•  ExitInterview


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Page 13: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


•  ClickingFile•  ClickSaveAs•  Savetoyourdesktop


•  GotoBudgetRealityCheck•  SelectUpload•  Selectyourdocumentfromthedesktop•  Selectuploadfile

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1.  OntheNaviancehomepage,clickonthe“Colleges”tab

2.  Clickon“viewallupcomingcollegevisits”

3.  Clickonthecollegevisityouwanttoalend

4.  Clickon“SignUp”

5.  Clickonthe“SignMeUp”box

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1.  Onthe“Naviance”homepage,clickonthe“Colleges”tab

2.  Clickon“SuperMatch”

3.  UsethecategoriesontheleQtoconductacollegesearch

4.  ClickonthesavebulononthetopleQpor.onofthescreen.

5.  Createa.tlethatwilliden.fythesearch.(IfyoudidasearchforschoolsthatmatchedyourSATscores,Sports,Religion,etc…)

Page 16: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


1.  Clickonthe“Colleges”tab

2.  Clickon“CollegesI’mthinkingabout”

3.  Clickon“+addcollegestothislist”

4.  Click“Lookup”andtypeinnameofcollege

5.  ClickontheCollegeyouwanttoadd

6.  Click“AddColleges”atthebolomofthepageThiswillsavethecollegesyouaremostinterestedin.Youcanaccesstheschool’sinforma.oneasilyfromyourlist,aswellasmoveforwardwithsometotheapplica.onprocess.

Page 17: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”

ApplyingForCollegeApplica,onProcess•  Eachcollegehasadifferentapplica.onprocesswithdifferentdirec.onstofollow.Readthemcarefully

•  Mostcollegesallowyoutodoapaperapplica.onorapplyonline.

Applica,onCost•  Manycollegeschargeanapplica.onfeewhichmayvaryamongcolleges.

(Don’tletthefeesstopyoufromapplyingtomul5pleschoolsbecauseofthecost,someschoolswillwaivetheapplica5onfee).Deadlines•  Eachcollegehasitsowndeadlineforapplica,onstobesubmiJed.

Page 18: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”

CollegeApplica.onPacket1.  Applica.on

2.  Transcripts

3.  Lelersofrecommenda.on

4.  SomeUniversi.eswillaskforaCollegeEssay

Page 19: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


•  TheCommonApplica.onisusedforundergraduateadmissionsbyover500collegesanduniversi.es.

•  Onlyschoolsthatevaluateapplica.onsholis.callyareallowedtousethecommonapplica.on;thatis,theadmissionsstaffmusttakeintoconsidera.onthingslikelelersofrecommenda.onandtheapplica.onessay.

•  IfacollegebasesadmissionsolelyonGPAandtestscores,theycannotbemembersoftheCommonApplica.on.

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Page 21: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


EarlyAc,on•  Acollegeadmissionprocessthatissimilartoearlydecision,butisnotabindingcommitmenttoalendthecollege.

EarlyDecision•  Studentswhoapplyunderearlydecisioncommittoenrollatthecollegeifadmiledandofferedasa.sfactoryfinancialaidpackage.

•  Applica.onDeadlinesareusuallyinNovemberorDecemberwithamid-tolate-Decemberno.fica.ondate.

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EarlyAc.on–Private&PublicSchoolsEarlyAc,onthroughCommonApplica,on•  LewisandClark-November1•  Linfield-November1•  Willamele-November15•  GeorgeFox-November1EarlyAc,onPublicSchools–(applythroughindividualwebsites)•  UniversityofOregon-November1•  OregonStateUniversity-November1•  EasternOregonUniversity-November1•  PortlandStateUniversity-December1EarlyDECISION•  Reed-Nov15(binding)PriorityDecision•  UniversityofPortland-December1

Page 23: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”

FAFSA• FAFSA=FreeApplicationforFederalStudentAid•  [email protected]•  PellGrants,federalstudentloansandworkstudy•  CollegesanduniversitiesusetheFAFSAtodeterminenon-federalstudentaid

•  StatesprogramsusethedatafromtheFAFSAtodetermineifyouareeligibleforstateaid

•  PrivatescholarshipprogramsuseFAFSAdatatodeterminewhoquali,iesfortheirscholarships

• ManypeopledonotcompletetheFAFSAbecausetheyassumetheywillnotbeeligibleforfederalaid.

Page 24: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”

FAFSACont.• 2016-17FAFSAOpens=October1st• Youwillneedto,iletheFAFSAeachyearyouwillbeincollegetobeconsideredforaid.• FilingtheFAFSAisFREE!• CompletingapaperworksheetoftheFAFSAaheadoftimemakestheprocessmucheasier• OnFAFSA.govtypeFAFSAworksheetinthewebsite’ssearchbar• https://fafsa.ed.gov/fotw1516/pdf/fafsaws15c.pdf

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InfoneededfortheFAFSA:1.  2015Incometaxreturns(parents)2.  W-2formsandotherincomerecords3.  Currentbankstatement4.  Mortgageinformation5.  Recordsofbene,itsfrom

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AfterFilingtheFAFSA•  YouwillreceiveaStudentAidReport(SAR)•  TheSARreportcontainsinformationfromtheFAFSAapplicationandyour“ExpectedFamilyContribution”(EFC)

•  YourEFCisnottheamountofmoneyyourfamilyisexpectedtopay.Rather,itisanindexthatcollegesusetocalculatetheamountof,inancialaidyoumayqualifytoreceive.

Page 27: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”

FinancialAidAwards• WhenyoucompletetheFAFSA,youselectthecollegesyouareinterestedinattending.

•  ThesecollegeswillreceiveyourFAFSAinformationanddeterminetheamountandtypesofaidyouareeligiblefor.

•  A,inancialaidawardletterwillbesenttoyouforeachcollegethatacceptsyouforadmission.

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Page 29: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


• WHAT:PutnamFAFSANight

• WHERE:PutnamHighSchool

• WHEN:Monday,Oct.17th@6:30-8:00PM

• WHY:Get,inancialaidquestionsansweredandlearn


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• OntheNaviancehomepage,onleQhandsideclickonthesurvey.tled“SeptemberEASurvey”

• Pleasecompletetheshortgradua.onsurveyaboutyourplansfornextyear.

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•  BuildResume•  OntheNaviancehomepage,clickonthe“MyPlanner”tab•  Clickon“TasksAssignedtome”•  Clickon“BuildResume”

•  CollegeVisit

•  SignupforacollegevisitonNaviancethroughtheCareerCenter.•  Completethe“CollegeVisitReflec.on”form.

•  FAFSAworksheetturnedinoruploaded

Page 32: Extended Applicaon Naviance...• Build Resume • On the Naviance home page, click on the “My Planner” tab • Click on “Tasks Assigned to me” • Click on “Build Resume”


• OntheRexPutnamHomePage• Clickonthe“Student”Tab• Clickon“ExtendedApplica,onAssignments”• Allassignmentsthatrequireapapertobeturnedin(FAFSAQuiz&CollegeVisitReflec,onForm)shouldbeturnedintoLoriGu,errezintheCareerCenterortoyourcounselor.

• MyPlanEssaysshouldbecompletedinGoogleDocsandsharedwithLoriGu,errez.

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• Seniormee.ngswithcounselors

• CollegeApplica.ons

• Scholarships

