Extent of Cyber Crimes around the World March 6, 2016

Extent of Cyber Crimes Around the World

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extent of cyber crime around the world

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Extent of Cyber

Crimes around the


March 6, 2016

Extent of Cyber Crimes around the World

Course Title: Accounting Information Systems

Course Code: AIS 3310

Submitted To:

Mahpara Nodee

Lecturer (SOBE); Assistant Proctor (UIU)

Submitted By:

Fyaz Mahbub Rohan

ID: 114 121 025

Section: A



Definition of Cyber Crime: ................................................................................................................ 2

Classification of cyber crime: ............................................................................................................ 2

Cyber Crimes Committed in Bangladesh: ......................................................................................... 3

Cyber Crimes Committed in India: ................................................................................................... 4

Cyber Crimes Committed in United Sate of America: ...................................................................... 5

Cyber Crimes Committed in Canada: ............................................................................................... 7

Cyber Crimes Committed in UK: ....................................................................................................... 8

Cyber Crimes Committed in Pakistan: .............................................................................................. 9

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... 10


Definition of Cyber Crime:

cyber crime” means any criminal or other offence that is

facilitated by or involves the use of electronic

communications or information systems, including any

device or the Internet or any one or more of them.” The term Cybercrime, although widely used in the same context over the past decade, does not

have a precise or universal definition. Due to the varying scenarios and environments, it varies

between jurisdictions and differs largely based on the perceptions of those involved.

Classification of cyber crime:

Cyber crime can evolve criminal activities that are traditional in nature, such as, theft,

fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all of which are subject to the penal laws of the

country. The abuse of computer has also given birth to a gamut of new age crimes that are

addressed by the special laws enacted to penalize this crime.

For example, in Bangladesh Tatha o Jogajog Projukti Ain, 2006 defines certain offences

which are not covered by penal code.

All such crimes can be classified as follows.

It can be classified in to 4 major categories as

I. Cyber crime against Individual

II. Cyber crime Against Property

III. Cyber crime Against Organization

IV. Cyber crime Against Society


Cyber Crimes Committed in Bangladesh:

Cyber Crime 1

Year: 2004

Crime Committed: E-mail threatening to the Prime Minister Shekh Hasina

Way they were


By sending e-mail from a cyber cafe wired by the broadband internet


Committed By: Shaibal Saha Partha

Cyber Crime 2

Year: 2007

Crime Committed: Bangladesh computer society website hacked by libyan hacker

Hacked by: Taroq-Libyan hacker

Website Hacked: www.bcsbd.org.bd

Cyber Crime 3

Year: 2008

Crime Committed: The website of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has been hacked

Hacked by: Shahee Mirza, twenty one year student of Saic Institute of

Management and Technology in Mirpur

Website Hacked: www.rab.gov.bd

Cyber Crime 4

Year: 2012

Crime Committed: The website of Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd has been hacked

Hacked by: TeamGreyHat(TGH)

Website Hacked: www.islamibankbd.com

Losses Incurred: gained sensitive data of banks customer information

Cyber Crime 5

Year: 2015

Crime Committed: Bangladesh Coast Guard website hacked

Hacked by: Pak Cyber Pyrates


Website Hacked: http://www.coastguard.gov.bd

Cyber Crimes Committed in India:

Cyber Crime 1

Year: 2015

Crime Committed: Indian stock market hacked

Hacked by: Bangladesh Cyber Army

Website Hacked: http://www.nseindia.com/

Losses Incurred: Get real-time last sale and extended hours stock prices, company

news, charts, and company-specific research

Cyber Crime 2

Year: 2012

Crime Committed: BSNL.co.in taken down by Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers(BBHH)

Hacked by: Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers(BBHH)

Website Hacked: www.BSNL.co.in

Losses Incurred: leaked customers details in public

Cyber Crime 3

Year: 2007

Crime Committed: Official website of Maharashtra government hacked

Hacked by: Hackers Cool Al-Jazeera based in Saudi Arabia

Website Hacked: http://www.maharashtragovernment.in

Losses Incurred: The state government website contains detailed information about

government departments, circulars, reports, and several other topics.

Hackers may have destroyed all of the website’s contents

Cyber Crime 4

Year: 2007

Crime Committed: Three people held guilty in on line credit card scam

Way they were Shaikh was working in the credit card department; due to this he had


done: access to credit card details of some customers. He gave that

information to Kale. Kale in return passed this information to his

friend Lukkad. Using the information obtained from Kale Lukkad

booked tickets. He used to sell these tickets to customers and get

money for the same. He had given few tickets to various other


Committed By: Dharmendra Bhika Kale and Ahmead Sikandar Shaikh

Cyber Crimes Committed in United Sate of America:

Cyber Crime 1

Year: November 24, 2014

Crime Committed: Sony Pictures Entertainment hack

Hacked by: OurMine, the attack was sponsored by North Korea.

Way they were


The attack was conducted using malware. US-CERT said that the

attackers used a Server Message Block (SMB) Worm Tool to conduct

attacks against a major entertainment company. Components of the

attack included a listening implant, backdoor, proxy tool, destructive

hard drive tool, and destructive target cleaning tool. The components

clearly suggest intent to gain repeated entry, extract information, and

be destructive, as well as remove evidence of the attack. The cleaning

tool used on Sony's computer infrastructure, Wiper, is a malware

program designed to erase data from the servers.

Losses Incurred: Leaked a release of confidential data from the film studio Sony

Pictures Entertainment. The data included personal information about

Sony Pictures employees and their families, e-mails between

employees, information about executive salaries at the company,

copies of then-unreleased Sony films, and other information.

According to a notice letter dated December 8, 2014, from SPE to its

employees, SPE learned on December 1, 2014, that personally

identifiable information about employees and their dependents may

have been obtained by unauthorized individuals as a result of a


"brazen cyber-attack", including names, address, social security

numbers and financial information. On December 7, 2014, C-SPAN

reported that the hackers stole 47,000 unique Social Security numbers

from the SPE computer network

Cyber Crime 2

Year: 2014

Crime Committed: Hackers Breach Security of HealthCare.gov

Way they were


Hackers downloaded malicious software onto a test server of

HealthCare.gov as part of a broader denial-of-service attack, intended

to cripple other websites. In such an attack, hackers infect hundreds or

thousands of computers, called botnets, with malware and then

command those computers to send traffic to a particular website in an

effort to push it offline.

Losses Incurred: Home Depot confirmed in September that they had been infiltrated by

hackers since April, admitting that 56 million accounts were put at

risk. The company expected to pay $62 million to cover the costs of

the attack, including legal fees and overtime for staff, and causing an

estimated $90 million in costs for banks to replace 7.4 million debt

and credit cards.

Cyber Crime 3

Year: 2014

Crime Committed: 53 Million Email Addresses Stolen in Home Depot Hack

Way they were


Home Depot's investigation found the hackers escaped detection by

using custom-made malware that had never been seen before. Such

malware -- which hackers call "zero days" because that's how long it's

been known -- can't be spotted by traditional anti-virus software.

Losses Incurred: Home Depot confirmed in September that they had been infiltrated by

hackers since April, admitting that 56 million accounts were put at

risk. The company expected to pay $62 million to cover the costs of

the attack, including legal fees and overtime for staff, and causing an


estimated $90 million in costs for banks to replace 7.4 million debt

and credit cards.

Cyber Crime 4

Year: 2014

Crime Committed: JPMorgan Chase Hacking

Losses Incurred: Losses of financial information in its computer systems that goes

beyond customers’ credit card details and potentially includes more

sensitive data. One million accounts were affected. Operating

overseas, the hackers gained access to the names, addresses, phone

numbers and emails of JPMorgan account holders. Names, email and

postal addresses, and phone numbers of account holders were

obtained by hackers, raising concerns of potential phishing attacks.

Cyber Crimes Committed in Canada:

Cyber Crime 1

Year: 2015

Crime Committed: Cyber attack on CSIS website

Website Hacked: https://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/index-en.php

Hacked by: CTV’s Mercedes Stephenson that a rogue hacker had launched

Losses Incurred: No information has been breached

Cyber Crime 2

Year: 2011

Crime Committed: Cyber attack on Canadian Government Website

Hacked by: By foreign hackers using IP addresses from China

Losses Incurred: The hackers managed to infiltrate three departments within the

government and transmit classified information back to them. The

attacks resulted in the government cutting off internet access in the

departments affected and various responses from both the Canadian

government and the Chinese government.


Cyber Crime 3

Year: 2015

Crime Committed: Cyber attack on Canadian Government Servers

Hacked by: The government blamed China for the attack

Control Measures


A new $32.5-million system was built to better withstand further


Cyber Crimes Committed in UK:

Cyber Crime 1

Year: 2016

Crime Committed: HSBC Online Banking Hit by Cyber Attack

Way of Attack: A denial of service attack is where a website is swamped with traffic in an

attempt to bring it down.

Losses Incurred: The cyber attack came less than a month after HSBC suffered a systems

failure, which stopped customers from using its site and mobile app for

nearly two days. HSBC suffered another high-profile systems failure last

August, which delayed 275,000 customer payments — just before the


Cyber Crime 2

Year: 2015

Crime Committed: Hackers steal £650 million in world's biggest bank raid

Way of Attack: The hackers managed to infiltrate the bank’s internal computer systems

using malware, which lurked in the networks for months, gathering

information and feeding it back to the gang. The illegal software was so

sophisticated that it allowed the criminals to view video feeds from within

supposedly secure offices as they gathered the data they needed to steal.

Losses Incurred: The scale of the losses by UK based financial institutions has not yet

been disclosed, but is thought to run into tens of millions of pounds.


Cyber Crimes Committed in Pakistan:

Cyber Crime 1

Year: 2013

Crime Committed: Cyber Attack on Pakistan's Electoral Commission Website

Hacked By: An Indian hacker

Way of Attack: The hacker defaced the home page and has possibly compromised its

availability to visitors

Control Measures


Electoral Commission decided to shift its website to another server. All

election-related data was secure despite the attack.

Cyber Crime 2

Year: 2016

Crime Committed: Federal health ministry website hacked

Hacked By: An Indian hacker

Cyber Crime 3

Year: 2015

Crime Committed: Hacked around ten Pakistani websites, including a high profile Pakistan

government website.

Hacked By: A group of Indian hackers, calling themselves the Indian Black Hats have

launched a symbolic cyber attack against Pakistan.

Websites Hacked: The websites that the Indian Black Hats hacked till evening on Thursday

were www.csd.gov.pk and www.mona.gov.pk, while a variety of non-

government domains, including www.metroshoes.com.pk, and as well were

hacked by the Black Hats.



1. http://cybercrime.org.za/definition

2. http://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2015/jul/22/coast-guard-website-


3. http://www.ehackingnews.com/2012/03/islami-bank-bangladesh-ltd-hacked-


4. http://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/2008/09/07/rab-site-hacker-shahee-arrested

5. http://tahmidmunaz.blogspot.com/2007/11/official-website-of-bcs-hacked-by.html

6. http://archive.thedailystar.net/2004/08/27/d4082701055.htm

7. http://www.newsbangladesh.com/english/Cyber-attack-on-numerous-Indian-sites/772

8. http://www.ehackingnews.com/2012/02/bsnlcoin-taken-down-by-bangladesh-black.html

9. http://www.arabnews.com/node/303555

10. https://www.causes.com/causes/579336-fight-against-cyber-crime/updates/452447-three-


11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Pictures_Entertainment_hack

12. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/18/home-depot-hack_n_5845378.html

13. http://www.usnews.com/news/newsgram/articles/2014/11/07/53-million-customer-email-


14. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/05/us/hackers-breach-security-of-


15. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/10/02/jpmorgan-discovers-further-cyber-security-


16. http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/cyberattack-takes-down-csis-website-1.2446727

17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Canadian_government_hacking

18. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/government-of-canada-websites-under-attack-


19. https://advox.globalvoices.org/2013/04/01/cyber-attack-on-pakistans-electoral-


20. http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/indian-hackers-pay-back-pakistan-for-


21. https://advox.globalvoices.org/2013/04/01/cyber-attack-on-pakistans-electoral-


22. http://dunyanews.tv/en/Pakistan/319283-Cyber-attack-Federal-health-ministry-website-


23. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11414191/Hackers-steal-650-million-in-
