FSU Member Services 1300 366 378 April Newsletter of the Finance Sector Union of Australia, NSW/ACT Branch bites Extra relief at NAB Get the most from your membership... Groceries/Petrol | Leisure | Dining | Discount Shopping | Legal | Financial | Careers Centre | Travel Authorised by Julia Angrisano, Acting Secretary, NSW/ACT Branch Staff at Westpac Kogarah branch led by FSU Workplace Rep Marcia Byrnes have overcome their “private little hell” and won against “awful” workplace bullying. Staff at the workplace were threatened with instant dismissal for the most trivial matters or things such as not balancing by a certain time. Staff were also instructed to do things they knew were against bank procedure so it could be used against them to threaten their employment at a later date. As well, staff were taken aside almost on a daily basis into one on one meetings where they were threatened and intimidated. The constant bullying and harassment left staff at the branch feeling fearful and intimidated as FSU Rep Marcia Byrnes describes: “The behaviour of the person in question was quite awful”, said Marcia. “The fear and intimidation tactics were over the top and for no apparent reason. Most of us had our employment threatened at some point or another”, she said. “Some staff were having panic attacks and not able to enter the workplace because of the fear of what the day would hold”. “We all for a period of time were going through our own private little hell and it was at that point I decided something had to be done”, said Marcia. Marcia suggested everyone meet out of working hours to compare notes and discuss the situation as it was quite impossible to talk in the workplace. “We all got together on the weekend and discussed the situation and made a very conscious decision to all stick together, support one another and enlist the help of our Union to protect ourselves”, said Marcia. “Once we contacted FSU, an organiser was sent to our workplace immediately who gave us advice on the spot about what to do and how to document everything that had been happening to us”. “We did that together and sent it to the Union office and FSU Lead Organiser Joanne Copper approached the Area Manager on our behalf”, she said. “A meeting then took place between everyone at the branch as a group, the Area Manager, FSU and HR where an investigation followed”. “To the bank’s credit they acted swiftly to resolve the issues to the satisfaction of all staff and the person concerned is no longer in the workplace”, said Marcia. If you’re experiencing anything similar to what Marcia and the staff at her workplace did, contact FSU immediately and discuss your situation. By working together, bullying and harassment can be overcome. FSU Staff stick together and win against bullying FSU Rep Marcia Byrnes with FSU member Sharyn Magner

Extra relief at NAB FSU - Welcome to the FSU - Finance ... bites e.pdfThe amount of unpaid work people in the branch were doing became difficult for people to continue with. Some of

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Page 1: Extra relief at NAB FSU - Welcome to the FSU - Finance ... bites e.pdfThe amount of unpaid work people in the branch were doing became difficult for people to continue with. Some of

FSU Member Services

1300 366 378

April NewsletteroftheFinanceSectorUnionofAustralia,NSW/ACTBranch

bitesExtra relief at NAB

Get the most from your membership...Groceries/Petrol|Leisure|Dining|DiscountShopping|Legal|Financial|CareersCentre|Travel

Authorised by Julia Angrisano, Acting Secretary, NSW/ACT Branch




Theconstantbullyingandharassment leftstaffat thebranch feelingfearfulandintimidatedasFSURepMarciaByrnesdescribes:





Marcia suggested everyonemeet out ofworking hours to comparenotesanddiscussthesituationasitwasquiteimpossibletotalkintheworkplace.


“Oncewe contactedFSU, an organiserwas sent to ourworkplaceimmediatelywhogaveusadviceonthespotaboutwhattodoandhowtodocumenteverythingthathadbeenhappeningtous”.

“Wedid that together and sent it to theUnionofficeandFSULeadOrganiserJoanneCopperapproachedtheAreaManageronourbehalf”,shesaid.


“To the bank’s credit they acted swiftly to resolve the issues to thesatisfactionofall staffand thepersonconcerned isno longer in theworkplace”,saidMarcia.


FSUStaff stick together and win against bullying


Page 2: Extra relief at NAB FSU - Welcome to the FSU - Finance ... bites e.pdfThe amount of unpaid work people in the branch were doing became difficult for people to continue with. Some of

FSU Contact Details

NSW/ACT Executive

Ph. 1300 366 378 Fax. (02) 9320 0099 Email:[email protected] Web: www.fsunion.org.au

The NSW/ACT Executive is made up of finance industry workers and is thegoverning body of FSU in NSW & the ACT.

MultipleEmployersMemberCouncilAmy PatrkMembersEquityPh.0282960321

CommonwealthBankMemberCouncilLouise ArnfieldCBAWestGosfordPh.0243245484

WestpacMemberCouncilCarolyn BlackburnWBC60MartinPlacePh.0282544744

NABMemberCouncilDale MillsNABLakeHavenPh.0243933429

MidSizedBanksMemberCouncilGreg OwensSt.GeorgeKogarahPh.0299523331

ReserveBankMemberCouncilMarc BamptonReserveBankPh.0295518963

ANZMemberCouncil&NSW/ACTPresidentJoy BucklandANZLearningServicesAustraliaPh.0466151870

InsuranceMemberCouncilKim BryantIAGWollongong0242224649

FSUNSW/ACTBranchSecretaryGeoff DerrickPh.1300366378

Julia Angrisano, Acting Secretary NSW/ACT BranchbitesFSU Secretary’s Report



Sowhyisitmuchworseinfinance?Whydowomenonaverageearnjust72%ofmen’searning?Therearesome factorswhicharepeculiar to thefinanceindustry.Theseinclude:

• Marketandperformancebasedpay,

• Womenandmeninjobswhicharevalueddifferently,forexamplemaledominatedsalesjobsearnhigherbonusesthanfemaledominatedservicesjobs,

• Farmorewomenthanmenworkpart-timeorreturnto‘familyfriendly’butlowerpaid,parttimeroleswhenreturningtoworkfrommaternityleave,

• Alargeamountofunpaidovertimeisworkedinunderstaffedretailbank-ing–anareawhichisdominatedbywomen.

Equal Pay AllianceThenewlyformedEqualPayAlliancerepresents150Australianorganisationsincludingbusinesses,unionsandcommunitygroups,whohavejoinedtogethertopursuepracticalactiontoensurewomen’sworkisproperlyvaluedandthattheinequityisbroughttoanend.

FSUworkplace representatives, LouiseArnfield (FSUCBAMemberCouncilPresident),MichelleMunnandMaureenWeeks(CPSCreditUnion)allattended

thelaunchoftheEqualPayAllianceinCanberraon11March.LouiseArnfieldwas able to discuss issues faced bywomen in the finance industry duringmeetingssheattendedwithSenatorJacintaCollinswhohasresponsibilityforWork,FamilyandPayEquityandMPSharronJacksonwhochairedtheHouseofRepresentatives Inquiry intoGenderPayEquity.This inquiryhasmadeanumberofrecommendationssuchastheestablishmentofaPayEquityUnitinFairWorkAustraliawhichwouldhaveasignificantimpactinthefinancesector.


Pay Equity – closing the gap by valuing women’s skills.


Page 3: Extra relief at NAB FSU - Welcome to the FSU - Finance ... bites e.pdfThe amount of unpaid work people in the branch were doing became difficult for people to continue with. Some of

April sees extra relief staff at NABReliefnumbersinNAB’sretailbankwillincreaseby36%afterconstantpressureandcollectiveactionbyNABFSUmembers.










FSU Active:For the period 1 Jan - 31 March$1,412,416recoveredonbehalfofFSUmembers5225callstotheNSWOffice596newcasesopenedonbehalfofmembers619casesresolvedforFSUmembers706workplacevisitsbyOrganisers


$1995.86 recovered in overtimeCBACastleTowersShoppingCentrebranchstaffhavebeensuccessfulinrecov-ering$1995.86owedtothemafternotbeingproperlypaidforworkingovertime.











Page 4: Extra relief at NAB FSU - Welcome to the FSU - Finance ... bites e.pdfThe amount of unpaid work people in the branch were doing became difficult for people to continue with. Some of

TwoFSUteamswilltakepartinthisyear’sMother’sDayClassicandwe’dloveasmanyFSUmembersaspossibletojoinus!TheMother’sDayClassicisagreatfundaythatraisesfundsforaveryworthycause,theNationalBreastCancerFoundationresearchprograms.Youcanregisteronlineand joinoneof theFSUteamsatParramattaortheDomainatwww.mothersdayclassic.com.au/register-onlineLookfortheFSUonthedayandwe’llseeyouonSunday9May!

Training the key for PeterAttendingFSURepstraininghasprovedinvalu-ableforCBAFSURepPeterLazellinhisroleasFSURepatCBA’sOlympicParksiteandhe’sencouragingotherstostepupandcompletethetrainingaswell.


“The training providedmewith not only theknowledgeand resources I needed, butmostimportantly the confidence to go forward andtakeontherole.It’salsogoodtoknowIhavethebackingandsupportofourUnionifIneedit”,hesaid.






That’s hard to wear

Members at a particular bankbrancharebeingforcedtoweara“negativitybracelet”.Evidentlystaffmustwearthisbraceletasaformofpublicshameiftheyareseenasnotperforminguptostandard!

No need to get stressed!

Atabranchwhereunderstaffingisamajorissue,thestaffwerediscussinghowstresscanbeafactoratworkandcanalsoaffectthe customer experiencewhen theman-ager stopped the discussion point blankandsaidthathedidn’twanttohearaboutstress.Themanagerwent on to say thatstressdidn’treallyexist,exceptinpeople’sheads!FSUBitessuggests thatmanagerfamiliarise themselveswith the countlessmedicalstudiesdoneovertheyearsaboutthephysicalandmentaleffectsofstress.

Satisfied?Anemployerwhoputoutastaffsatisfactionsurveydecidedthebestwaytogetstafftofillinthesurveywastoputonanicelunchandgeteveryonetofilloutthesurveystogether,despitethefactthesurveysaresupposedtobeanonymousandindividual.Wethinkat leastmanagementwere satisfiedwiththeresults!

Networking?Amember from an insurance companywhowasdoinga lotofovertimewas toldthatitdidn’tactuallycountasovertimeandwouldn’tbepaidbecauseitwasreallyjust‘afterhoursnetworking’.



Make this Mother’s Day a Classic!

In1998agroupofwomeninthe superannuation industrystarted the first twoMother’sDayClassiceventsinSydneyandMelbournebysettingupa fun run andwalk to raisemoney for National BreastCancer Foundation researchprograms.

Frommodest beginnings theMother’s Day Classic hasgrown intoAustralia’s largestcharity event, with a record80,000 people taking partin 2009. From families andfriends,schoolsanduniversitygroupstheeventencouragesthewholecommunitytowalkorrunandtakestepstofindingacureforbreastcancer.