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Extract from the PAD - Student Reflection – … · Web view©Oxford Brookes University PS/2013-114 7 | Page Revised January 2012 NCC/PS/PAG April 2010 (links updated Feb 2012) Mentor

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Mentor Update Hand outs/ activities

©Oxford Brookes University PS/2013-114

As a mentor you are required to

Update every year and complete a ‘triennial review’ of your performance as a mentor every 3 years (as part of your appraisal).

You should keep a ‘mentor profile and portfolio of evidence’ and self-assess against the NMC (2008) Standard to support learning and assessment in practice and ensure that your update meets your needs see NMC website or for summaries/presentations see: http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/nmc-standards

Additional resources are available at: http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/keeping-up-to-date-as-a-mentor-practice-assessor

You can get feedback from your student using a feedback form available at http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/feedback

To keep yourself up to date clinically and professionally you can access https://www.evidence.nhs.uk/ where you can access Nice guidelines, knowledge summaries and A-Z of topics. See also Cochrane Database of systematic reviews

There are also professional and clinical guides available on the RCN website http://www.rcn.org.uk/development/publications/publicationsA-Z and the NMC website standards http://www.nmc-uk.org/Publications/Standards/ or guidance http://www.nmc-uk.org/Publications/Guidance/

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Do an Initial self-assessment and then look at the ideas for collecting evidence for NMC (2008) Standard to support learning and assessment in practice (8 Domains).

There is a broad statement from the standard at the start of each domain and then further detail is given as bullet points

You are excellent at this

You are good at this

You have potential to improve in this area


Consider additional sources of evidence tooDomain 1. Establishing effective working relationships:You build an effective relationship with the student (as part of a wider team) to support learning by: Helping them to settle into the placement area effectively. Providing on-going and constructive support to help them to adjust to

the placement Role modelling effective professional and inter-professional relationships

(i.e. use of professional language/non- judgemental language and behaviour and gives constructive (not gossip) feedback to colleagues)

Verbal or written student feedback /evaluations

Completed Daloz tool for Challenge/support (see below)

Feedback from peers/managers Reflective evidence The student works with you regularly

(**they may avoid you if they do not feel the relationship is good!)

Thank you/leaving cards etc. You can state your students prior

experience/knowledge/skillsDomain 2. Facilitation of learning:You facilitate student learning, encourage them to self-manage learning opportunities and provide support to help them reach their potential by: Recognising what stage of the course they are at and helping them to

select appropriate learning opportunities Using a variety of ways to help them to integrate learning from practice

and academic experiences (asking them about their university course/other placements and discussing what to do if there are differences between perspectives)

Supporting them to critically reflect on learning experiences (by challenging asking probing questions, using reflective approaches, in

You discuss the different expectations you have of the student at different levels.

Student feedback that: you help them in setting SMART goals/

objectives that stretch them (different words for different levels) see http://www.businessballs.com/bloomstaxonomyoflearningdomains.htm

explicitly consider learning preferences specific needs/disability and educational theory such as hierarchy of needs, adult

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depth discussions) learning, active learning etc. You are observed promoting increased

independence/ decision making and case management

You can state what your student has studied in university recently that is related to the placement

Domain 3. Assessment and accountability:You fully assess their learning and competencies by observing skills/behaviour, discussing and questioning knowledge by: Helping them to become increasingly responsible/accountable as the

placement develops Considering a range of approaches to assessment (questioning, direct

observation and feedback, reflection, discussion etc.) Providing constructive feedback which helps them to identify future

learning needs and actions (particularly and where they may not be performing to a safe or acceptable level - explaining what they need to do to improve and what the consequences are if they do not).

Recognising and acting on your accountably for confirming that they have met, or not met, the NMC competencies

You are familiar with the students Practice Assessment documents (PAD) https://shsc-int.brookes.ac.uk/documents/browse.php?fFolderId=596 You need to select the relevant branch of nursing or midwifery to get the documents

You have read the PAD ‘how to use this document sections’ and the examples of completed paperwork (see later in these hand-outs)

Reflection on your experience of assessing

Photocopy or summary of constructive feedback given

You self-assess as confident and competent to fail a student

Domain 4. Evaluation of learning:You adopt a variety of strategies for evaluating learning in practice and academic settings by: Evaluating (asking them about) their learning and assessment

experiences – and suggesting changes if appropriate Self-assessing and asking your peers for feedback regarding your

professional and mentoring role development. Contributing to the development of others by constructively offering feedback and support.

Complete the practice assessor/mentor feedback form at the end of each placement

Verbal and written feedback from peers/managers/Link lecturer

Student feedback - that you check their understanding by questioning and discussion and their skill by observing them

Domain 5. Creating an environment for learning:You create an environment for learning, where practice is valued and

Copies of SMART goals for performance management and

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developed, that provides appropriate professional and inter-professional learning opportunities and support for learning by: Supporting students to identify learning needs and experiences that are

appropriate to their level of learning (setting challenging and realistic goals etc.)

Using a range of learning experiences, involving patients, clients, carers and the professional team

Identifying aspects of the learning environment which could be enhanced – negotiating with others to make appropriate changes

Acting as a resource to facilitate personal and professional development of others

development Student feedback that you can clearly

state/present in writing) a full range of learning opportunities for the different levels of students

You can identify if asked what makes a successful learning environment

Students observe good leadership and teamwork in the placement and evidence of a culture that is open to learning (questioning, challenging)

Domain 6. Context of practice:You support learning by drawing on health care and educational policies. You manage change to ensure that particular professional needs are met within a learning environment that also supports practice development by: Contributing to the development of an environment in which effective

practice is fostered, implemented, evaluated and disseminated Setting and maintaining professional boundaries which are sufficiently

flexible for providing inter-professional care Initiating and responding to practice developments to ensure safe and

effective care is achieved and an effective learning environment is maintained

You can discuss current ideas/topics in your profession for example 6 C’s, Francis report, Willis report, changes to the service, quality initiatives, targets etc.

You have accessed the latest report from the student feedback of your placement area (your link lecturer or manager should have access to it). Make some notes on how you can improve the student experience

You discuss raising and escalating concerns with the student

Domain 7.Evidence based practice:You apply evidence-based practice to your own work and contribute to the further development of a knowledge and practice evidence base by: Identifying and applying relevant research and evidence based practice Contributing to strategies to increase or review the evidence-base for

practice Supporting the student in applying an evidence base to their own


Feedback from the student that: You can discuss relevant evidence (see

https://www.evidence.nhs.uk/ ) relating to your speciality such as NICE and NSFs and Cochrane Systematic reviews etc.

You give clear rationale for your practice and if uncertain are proactive in seeking information/evidence

You self-assess that you have/are

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developing skills in evidence seeking/appraising and applying

Domain 8. Leadership:You demonstrate leadership skills for education within practice and academic settings by: Planning a series of learning experiences to meet their learning needs Acting as an advocate and supporting the student to access relevant

learning opportunities – involving a range of other professionals, patients, clients and carers

Prioritising work appropriately to accommodate their support. Providing feedback to managers and to the link lecturer about the

effectiveness of learning and assessment in practice.

You are familiar with the resources for supporting students available on the PEU website http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/resources-for-supporting-students

You have feedback that you communicate any issues in a timely manner to managers/Link lecturers etc.

You arrange for suitable support for the student in your absence (student and link lecturer feedback)

As a sign-off mentor (for final placement or return to practice students only)1. You have informed the student that you are a ‘sign-off’ mentor and meet

the criteria to remain a sign off mentorDiscussion

2. You can discuss current programme requirements, practice assessment strategies and relevant changes in education and practice


3. You can explain the NMC registration requirements for signing off end of programme competencies and your contribution to this

Explanation, correct completion of paperworkReflection

4. You recognise and can discuss your accountability to the NMC for the decision to pass or fail when assessing proficiency requirements at the end of a programme

DiscussionReflectionAppropriate liaison with Link lecturer

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Challenge and support Consider the balance you offer between challenge and support, This requirement varies with students but ask them using the tool below early on in the placement and then midway (from Daloz see http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tct.12028/pdf

You should mark high on each area –

Challenge and support feedback tool to use with your student

As a mentor what level of challenge do I give you?

1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10Not enough The best

As a mentor what level of support do I give you?

1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10Not enough The best

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Facilitation approaches:

Activity: In discussion with a colleague identify a range of approaches to facilitation of learning you use/could use – be creative

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More ideas for facilitating learning

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Identify competency of the day

5 whys! Keep asking why? To really understand the


Get the student to repeat back after you

have explained something Put some activities on

post it notes and get the student to prioritise them

Ask the student to present the patient to you (as in a grand


Ask the student to teach you a skill

Get the student to create something… a poster, information

pack etc.

Use the nursing process as a framework to discuss care

Assess problems/nursing diagnosis

Set goals Discuss evidence based

interventions Evaluate care

Uses story-telling to explain how you approach certain


Think out-loud or get your student to do so

(Decision making)

Get the student to show you clinicaskills.net

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Reflection for mentors

Activity Look at the presentation on reflection for mentors available at http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/images/peu/reflection-for-mentors-0713.pdf and do any of the activities on the last page. There is an also a new adapted Gibbs reflective cycle (Bulman 2013) what do you think of it? Use quick reflective tool for verbal reflections such as Driscoll’s (2007) there are additional trigger questions below for this model

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The What? Model of Structured Reflection and associated trigger questions (Driscoll 2007) 1. A description of the event

What? Trigger questions

What is the purpose of returning to this situation

What happened?

What did I see/do?

What was my reaction to it?

What did other people do who were involved in this?

2. An analysis of the event

So What? Trigger questions

How did I feel at the time of the event?

Were those feelings I had any different from other people who were also involved at the time?

Are my feelings now, after the event, any different from what I experienced at the time?

Do I feel troubled, if so, in what way?

What were the effects of what I did (or did not do)?

What positive aspects now emerge for me from the event that happened in practice?

What have I noticed about my behaviour in practice by taking a more measured look at it?

What observations does any person helping me to reflect on my practice make of the way I acted at the time?

3. Proposed actions following the event

Now What? Trigger questions

What are the implications for me and others in clinical practice based on what I have described and analysed?

What difference does it make if I choose to do nothing?

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Where can I get more information to face a similar situation again?

How could I modify my practice if a similar situation was to happen again?

What help do I need to help me ‘action’ the results of my reflections?

Which aspect should be tackled first?

How will I notice that I am any different in clinical practice?

What is the main learning I take from reflecting on my practice in this way?

Driscoll, J. (2007) (Ed.) Practising Clinical Supervision: A Reflective Approach for Healthcare Professionals Bailliere Tindall: Elsevier,

Edinburgh, UK.

Activity: Make a note of how you can further incorporate reflection into your mentoring (with your student and for your own development)

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Extract from the PAD - Student Reflection – Essential Care Needs for All PeopleReflection This reflection should highlight the essential care needs that you have experience of for the specific client group and how this experience will contribute to your future nursing practice. You should also indicate what areas you would like to explore further in relation to this client group if the opportunity arises. It is suggested that you focus on one patient you have cared for or on one aspect of the care of a number of people. Please use one sheet per patient group and per reflection. You may add in additional sheets if necessary. Please ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout, do not record patient names or specific details & do not name members of staff: It is recommended that you utilise a reflective framework as described in Section 1, pages 13-21.


Students now need to reflect on essential care given to all these client groups at least once in their course. Can you identify any opportunities for this within your placement area

Student Name: Student Number: Placement Area:

Please indicate with a tick which client group this reflection is related to:Pregnant women requiring essential care.

Babies requiring essential care. Person with a Learning disability requiring essential care.

Person with mental health problems requiring essential care.Postnatal women requiring

essential care.Children requiring essential care Young adult requiring essential


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Adult Nursing Competency FrameworkList of Competencies

Domain 1: Professional Values Domain 4: Leadership, Management & Team Working

1a (core): Professional Attitude 4a (core): Self Awareness1b (core): Professional Behaviour 4b (core): Teamwork, Leadership and Collaborative Practice1c: Confidentiality and Data Protection 4c: Time and Care Management and Prioritisation

4d: Manage Own DevelopmentDomain 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills2a (core): Communication2b (core): Therapeutic Relationships2c: Professional Communication and Record Keeping2d: Challenging Situations, Conflict and Aggression

Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making3a (core): Person Centred Care3b (core): Safety and Risk Management3c: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults3d: Assessment of Client Needs and Planning Care3e: Evaluation of Care3f: Emergency First Aid and Immediate Care3g: Prevention and Control of Infection3h: Nutrition, Fluids and Elimination3i: Medicines Management3j: Health Promotion and Empowerment3k: Wound Care and Management

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Feedback – think back to the last time you gave written feedback, If you were the student (or the next mentor) would

you know about the students specific strengths and areas for development (clinical, professional and attitudinal) ,

qualities and skills, what they needed to experience further or practice more in their next placement. Any concerns you

might have about their learning: confidence, initiative, knowledge base. Write a brief self-assessment of your last

written feedback

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Make a note here of all the tips and hints you can think of when giving verbal feedback. Discuss with your

neighbours and add to this list

Activity: Read the extracts below – think about how this feedback differs from your usual feedback: The competency list is above

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Extract from the PAD: Example – Student Midway Self - assessmentStudent Name: Sam Smith Placement Area: Ward 3XStudent Number: 0123456 Mentor Name: Lesley JonesYear of Study: 2012-2013 Link Lecturer Name: Jo Jackson

You need to provide the mentor with evidence of your development related to the objectives you have set and how you are progressing in relation to the competencies in each domain. You should provide examples from your practice and at least 1 reflection at this stage of the placement.Domain 1: Professional Values: I have been good at maintaining patient confidentiality for example I haven’t talked about any of the patients in the lift or anything. I am being professional on the ward I have been polite to everyone and adhered to the NMC code of conduct. I think this demonstrates competency 1b

Domain 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills: I think this is my strength, I have been able to use my past experiences during the first few weeks of my placement. I have always been clear when I am talking to patients and I answer their questions to the best of my ability. There was a deaf patient who was also confused and I was very careful to make sure they could see my face when I was talking to them and I also helped them with their hearing aids by phoning the auditory department and getting a new battery for one of them. I think this demonstrates competencies 1a and 2a.

Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making: I have been involved in washing lots of patients and helping them with their meals. I am really pleased that I have got much more organised. I think this demonstrates competencies 3a, 3h. I am having difficulty with doing blood pressure, Lesley has helped me a lot but I seem to have a block with it. I took out some stitches that was fantastic I found it tricky but the patient was lovely and let me take my time and didn’t worry me.

Domain 4: Leadership, Management and Team Working: I feel like that I have settled into the team well, I try and help everyone and answer bells quickly. I spent the day with the occupational therapist attached to our ward, her role is very different to that of a nurse, it was interesting to go on the home visit with the patient I hadn’t realised how difficult it would be for them at home when they are doing so well in the hospital. The Occupational Therapist was very professional and was caring when the patient started to cry. I also spent the morning with the dietician it is amazing how much they know and how quickly they decide how they should help the patient – I hadn’t

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realised the importance of ordering the pureed diet for Mrs X, poor thing it looks so horrible. I think I have demonstrated 4b

Extract from the PAD: Example - Midway Review of Progress: Mentor FeedbackPlease comment on the students’ performance, strengths and areas for development in relation to the competency domains:

Domain 1: Professional Values

Sam, As we have discussed you have been working mostly in a professional manner on the ward, and have maintained confidentiality and applied the NMC code appropriately. You were particularly compassionate when caring for an older patient with hearing impairment who had become confused and disorientated on admission to hospital. I do however have concerns which we have discussed. You are aware that arriving on time for the beginning of the shift is crucial; but have been late on four occasions now. You should also take more trouble over your appearance, your uniform should be clean and your hair should be tied back. You are at risk of not achieving competency 1b; section 1b 1, 2 and 4 is being demonstrated, section 1b 3 ii, iii, v is not yet being achieved we have discussed this and have added it to the action plan

Domain 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Sam, communication is your main strength and the majority of patients respond positively to the energy and enthusiasm you demonstrate during the day You have also shown that you can be sensitive but this is not always consistent; there are occasions (for example when Mr Y was feeling nauseated and sad last week) where more sensitivity was required, You should pick up on non-verbal cues and for example with Mr Y it would have been useful to have toned down the volume and speed of communication – I would suggest that you work on developing active listening skills. In addition, you should consider personal boundaries (this also links to Professional Values), it is not always appropriate to share personal experiences with patients (for example in bay 4 yesterday – sharing that you had your appendix removed and the anaesthetic made you vomit a lot). You are very warm and open and patients respond and value this; however too much self disclosure can be problematic – I would suggest you think more about what you contribute to conversations. Overall you are good at communicating and will get there, but just need to slow down and think (and read) a bit more about listening when communicating.

Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making

You are developing your skills in a timely manner. As discussed you are under-confident when taking manual blood pressure and have started to avoid doing them therefore we need to continue to work on objective 1; You should not compare yourself to team members that have been taking blood pressures for 15 or so years. You have good knowledge and have discussed the process for taking blood pressure, you nerves seem to make you rush and panic if you can’t hear it first time round – I suggest we approach 2 or 3 patients and you take your time, talk yourself through the process and explain to the patient what you are doing as you go along, hopefully this will boost your confidence we can then have a few shifts where you take every blood pressure that is required. I will check the first few and any you are concerned about. You have the skills but just require the practice to increase confidence. You are

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generally doing well with caring for patient’s hygiene and nutrition needs. You are improving with the organisation of these activities but can forget elements of equipment required to care for hygiene needs; you do recognise that this can compromise patient dignity. I suggest you think about the steps of the procedure so that this prompts you to remember everything required. You are very good at feeding patients and have started to use assessment skills. You do need reminding to record fluid input accurately and to maintain the food charts. The time with the dietician helped you to understand the importance of different dietary supplements. You are starting to realise that caring for someone is more than just doing things for them; further development and reflection on caring for people holistically would be beneficial.

Domain 4: Leadership, Management and Team Working

You are doing well and are very motivated to learn and have sought opportunities to spend time with other members of the MDT. You have discussed with me the different roles within the team and have started to effectively communicate with the team about patients’ needs and requirements. You are aware of your limitations and ask for help and advice if unsure. You have achieved competency 4b

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Now set some goals/objectives with this student (and compare to those in the PAD) then read the final feedback from the mentor below

No. Objective:I will be able to…

Related competencies:

Timeframe:I will have achieved this by…

Support /resources:To complete this I will require…

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Extract from the PAD: Example - Mentor Final AssessmentPlease comment on the students’ performance, strengths and areas for development in relation to the competency domains:

Domain 1: Professional Values

Sam, you have made a dramatic improvement with regard to your punctuality and appearance. You have not been late at all, and let the ward know when you were off sick for one day. You have always had a clean uniform and pens etc. that are needed for the shift. You are now more considered in your approach to situations. I agree that you have now met the competencies 1a,1b and 1c and the goals that we set at the midway review – in fact you met this very quickly after our discussions.

Domain 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Sam, you have really responded well to the criticism and advice given at the midway review; I know you found the feedback difficult as you saw your communication as a strength. You have now demonstrated to me how you have read more about active listening and applied this to practice and your observations of others and you have made real progress. You are much less likely to jump in with examples from your own experiences when communicating generally with patients. You were very sensitive when communicating with Mrs S and I found the reflection interesting and it demonstrates your development.

Domain 3: Nursing Practice and Decision Making

Sam, you have made much progress here as your reflection on Mrs S demonstrates, this along with consistently recoding input means that goal 2 and competencies 3a, 3b, 3d, 3e and 3h have been met. You are starting to think more holistically. You are more organised and rarely forgets bits of equipment when washing a patient. I have been very impressed with your development in relation to physiological observations especially BP, passing the OSCE seems to have helped with your confidence – goal 1 has now been fully met. It is good that you are starting to discuss the thinking behind what to do f there is an abnormality. Competency 3f has also been met.

Domain 4: Leadership, Management and Team Working

I agree with you that competency 4b has been maintained and even extended a little I have seen this when observing you on a day to day basis. The example of Mrs D is a good one; you were able to demonstrate multidisciplinary team working and began to show how she could contribute to patient treatment/care. Sam has also achieved competency 4a

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Activity: Make some brief notes here about how you will develop your own written feedback to students

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Becoming a sign-off mentor:

SOMs should be: Sign off Mentors are required for:

Identified on the live register of mentors. Registered on the same part of the register Working in the same field of practice as the student Have clinical currency and capability in the same field of practice as

the student Met the NMC requirements to remain on the register Undertake 3 supervised assessments of student’s progress

Adult and Child Nursing programme final placement students

All Midwifery students All Specialist Nursing programme leading to a recordable

nursing qualifications Specialist Public Health Nurses Return To Practice programme Nursing and Midwifery


All midwives need to be a SOM for all students.

If you have been a nurse mentor for about a year you should consider working towards this by:

Self-assessing against the SOM criteria Being observed by an existing sign off mentor on 3 occasions (the final observation

needs to be with an final placement student See additional guidance http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/images/pdfs/plu/guidance-on-the-sign-off-mentor-role-for-nurses-and-midwives.pdf

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Resources to help keep you up to date as a mentorThe Vision for Nursing including the 6 C’s http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/compassion-in-practice.pdf (see summary diagram on page 28 and as an attachment in this pack)

The messages from the Francis report http://www.midstaffspublicinquiry.com/report or http://www.nmc-uk.org/About-us/Our-response-to-the-Francis-Inquiry-Report/ see summaries in the professional journals e.g. Hayter M (2013) The UK Francis Report: the key messages for nursing Journal of Advanced Nursing July 2013 1-3 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jan.12206/abstract

The Willis report on nursing education http://www.williscommission.org.uk/recommendations

The importance of student satisfaction surveys to universities http://unistats.direct.gov.uk/searchresults/

See the RCN (2010) Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia toolkit for nurses http://www.rcn.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/333534/003835.pdf

Safeguarding Adults and raising and escalating concerns form the NMC http://www.nmc-uk.org/Nurses-and-midwives/Regulation-in-practice/Safeguarding-New/ or http://www.nmc-uk.org/Publications/Guidance/

Raising and escalating concerns (whistle-blowing) guidance for students http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/guidelines-for-managing-concerns-in-practice-placements

Duffy who wrote the research on failing to fail has a new article on feedback Duffy K (2013) Providing constructive feedback to students during mentoring. Nursing Standard. 27, 31, 50-56. You should be able to access this article through a database search or ejournals at your local library if the link does not work http://nursingstandard.rcnpublishing.co.uk/archive/article-providing-constructive-feedback-to-students-during-mentoring

http://www.scoop.it/t/nurses-nursing A useful link that highlights key papers

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What’s new? This section allows us to discuss any new initiatives that are happening either in practice or the university

Q. Do you know about… The range of courses now being offered in Nursing and Midwifery (MSc, Combined Courses etc,)? Any service changes that are happening? Placement of the year http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu Other ways to update yourself http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/keeping-up-to-date-as-a-mentor-practice-assessor


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Are you familiar with the Chief Nursing offices vision for nursing Called the Six C’s

There is a diagram (pg 28) here http://cno.dh.gov.uk/2012/12/04/vision-nursing/

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Appendix 1: (from PAD) Restricted Clinical Nursing Skills for

Pre-registration Adult Nursing Students

This document must be used in conjunction with the Adult Nursing Policy/Guideline Document, which can be found in the resource file.

This list does not preclude students from performing other skills not included here.

SKILL SPECIAL NOTE1 Check, calculate dosage and administer (non-controlled)

drugs through the following routes: inhalation, PO, PR, PV, topical, eyes, ears, enteral feeding tubes, IM Injections and SC Injections

Yes Students must be under direct supervision

2 Administer vaccinations/immunisations Yes Only to adults (over 16 years) and under direct supervision. Students must not participate in the administration or second checking of PGD's

3 Check, administer or participate as a second checker in the administration of a Patient Group Directive

No Students can only observe the mentor. They may be able to articulate related theory.

4 Calculate the rate of IV/SC maintenance fluid Infusions and prime giving sets/lines if it is not attached to a patient.

Yes Students must be under direct supervision

5 Connect IV/SC maintenance fluid infusions or IV drugs to a patient and flush IV access lines including venflons.Alter the rate/volume on any medical device/syringe driver connected to a patient.

No Students can observe the mentor. They may be able to articulate any related theory

6 Check or calculate dosage of IV drugs, including drugs added to IV bags and burettes

Yes Students can act as a second checker with the mentor.

7 Check, calculate dosage, set up PCA/other IV infusion pumps (including priming/ changing giving sets/lines, and setting rates on pumps etc.)

No Students can observe the mentor. They may be able to articulate any related theory.

8 Check and calculate Blood Transfusions and Blood Products

Yes Students can act as a second checker with the mentor.

9 Connect Blood Transfusions and Blood Products No Students can observe the mentor. They may be able to articulate any related theory

10 Defibrillate-manual No11 Defibrillate – AED (Oxford) Yes If they have been passed as

competent during HLS training and the mentor agrees.

12 Defibrillate – AED (Swindon) No13 Blood glucose monitoring Yes Only under direct supervision,

following attendance of Diabetes lecture and a skills session attached to module U40135

14 Insert male urinary catheters No This role requires additional training and is not addressed during pre-registration education.


15 Check, calculate dosage and administer controlled drugs In accordance with local placement

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through the following routes: PO, PR, enteral feeding tubes, IM Injections and SC Injection


16 Use airway adjuncts-insert oropharyngeal airways (Oxford)

Yes Only if in the final year of the course and under direct supervision

17 Use airway adjuncts-insert oropharyngeal airways (Swindon)


18 Use airway adjuncts-insert nasopharyngeal airways (Oxford & Swindon)


Direct Supervision requires that the Registered Nurse responsible for the student must remain in constant attendance with the student for the entire duration of the procedure/skill/competency.

Key to Abbreviations:IM = Intramuscular IV = Intravenous SC = Subcutaneous PO = Per Orally PR = Per RectumPV = Per VaginaPGD = Patient Group DirDirective/Directions

AED = Automated External Defibrillator PCA = Patient Controlled Analgesia

TM/AI: November 2003Revised February 2004

BGM Revision February (TM) 2005IV and AED revision Dec (TM) 2005

IV and Blood transfusion and airway adjuncts (CM) April 2008Patient Group Directives ( BR) December 2009

Revised April 2012 (module number amendments only)Revised IV/SC/ BGM Swindon/module number/ medical devices/syringe Drivers June 2012 ( BR)

28 | P a g e



Mentor Profile and Portfolio of evidence for nurses and midwives

You should keep this for your own records and take it to your annual appraisal and discuss it with your manager. The form on page 3 should be completed every 3 years (triennially).

If you were not designated to be a sign off mentor by Sept 2009 you will need to meet additional criteria and provide evidence that you meet this.


For further information regarding sign off mentor details access resources via your NHS Trust intranet




1ST sign off mentor evidence

2ND Sign off mentor evidence


Revised January 2012



MENTOR QUALIFICATION ( e.g. course or module number)DATE ACHIEVED

MENTOR STATUS (please tick √ )









Annual updating process for all mentors/sign-off mentors

There is a requirement for all mentors to undertake annual updates which have to include the opportunity for face to face discussions with other mentors. This can be achieved assessing your own update needs and by undertaking self-directed study or using any of the resources provided here: http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/keeping-up-to-date-as-a-mentor-practice-assessor

Or through the following options: Workbook and discussions Learning contract In-house session/team meeting Mentor update session http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/peu/mentoring-courses Mentor Conference/workshops (are held in July and January see above link)

Please record the update method undertaken each year in the boxes below:

Date (Year 1) Date(Year 2) Date (Year 3)

Mentor update session

Mentor Conference/workshops

Workbook and discussions

In-house session/team meeting

Learning contract

Other (please state)

Managers should record the dates above on the mentor database/register


Placement dates Year of Nursing Student 1st 2nd 3rd






NCC/PS/PAG April 2010 (links updated Feb 2012)


NCC/PS/PAG April 2010 (links updated Feb 2012)


The NMC (2008) requires all mentors to maintain and develop their knowledge skills and competence as a mentor through regular updating. Hence there is a requirement that all mentors are appraised in their mentor role. This triennial review takes place every 3 years and is undertaken as part of the annual appraisal process.

I can confirm that _______________________ has:

(Please Tick) √

□ Attended annual Mentor Updates

□ Mentored a minimum of two students in the last three years

□ Have evidence of CPD in relation to Mentoring/Practice Teaching

□ Been reviewed against the 8 domains of the NMC Standard for supporting learning and assessment in practice (SLAiP 2008) for full document see http://www.nmc-uk.org/Educators/Standards-for-education/Standards-to-support-learning-and-assessment-in-practice/ or see self assessment form on http://www.hls.brookes.ac.uk/images/pdfs/plu/self-assessement-of-standards-to-support-learning-and-assessment-in-practice.pdf

Signature of Reviewer /line manager________________ Date_________________ Print Name of Reviewer/line manager ____________________________________

Professional role_____________________________________________________

Mentor’s Signature_______________________ Date________________________

Date of next triennial review____________________________________________

Action Plan (optional):

NCC/PS/PAG April 2010 (links updated Feb 2012)