IS;* Hft8THE LHRGE8T in :•: '.i; Northern New Jersey. :*: VOL. XXIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10,1894. NO. 37 F0BUBHEO KrXRT FHIDA.T flT TUB Dover Printing Gompaay, POBU8HKB3 iira PROPRIETORS. O^ioe m SladcwdllSlreel next door to lite National Union Bank. OF 0UBSOBIFTIOCT INVAXII* ABLT IN ADVAHG0. onYiui law aiiuomi loo THHEB MONTHS 60 ADV-ERT 1 ifiCE. 8 " 6 " X COLUMN. 1 " SPACE. 1 INCH. a " 8 " 4 || X COLD MM. 1 " [fllNC 1 wk. t 76 125 1 70 225 a 70 aw 460 060 10 00 $ 8 60 COO 650 boo 10 00 13 60 15 00 lbW 84 00 BATES, 1TwE|STwki f 1S5 2.a) a 76 360 62S 060 8 00 1700 mew 14 60' flfiO ttOO 1100 18 00 10 25 13 00 25 00 4a oo $ 160 260 S 50 460 CM 700 800 io ia aioo (linos #000 11)00 14 00 IB 00 aioo 25 60 S2U6O 87 BO 05 00 1 mo f 175 860 450 j.GK 000 8 60 10 UO 1360 moo Ty7. HOOD 17 00 23 00 27 00 &>00 85 00 45 00 05 UU llll 00 FeroenUtgti added for extra*. Local notloM fifteen cent* per line. T-VatWITr R. HUMMER. Uoo. iUtaWwiii Insurance Agent Offioe over The Geo. Rio arils DOVER, N. J. Oo.'s Store, p J. COOPER, "• ATTORMEY AT LAW AKD MASTER ARD BOLICITOR IN CHANCERY Office la th^Tcso Building, ' OVKR J. A. LYOM'H STORK, DOVER. M. J, TAUES O. CODPER, DOVER, H. J. Insurance Brokerand CoramiMlonerof Deeds. Fire, Life, Steam Bolter, Employers 1 Lia- bility and Live Block Insurance. Our In- surance insures. Real Eatftte bought and sold i'f Counniflpon 27J THE MOEEIS COUNTY SAYIHSS BANK, UOHI1I8TOWN. ft. J. IlfCOKPCRATKD »ARCII 3d, 1H7*. Pieddent-HBHRY W. MILLER. Vi-ie-Proiidoiit—AUREUU8 B. HULL. Treasurer—H. T. HULL. MANAGERS: Henry G. Pitney, Henry W. Miller, Hampton O. Hanh, Aareliiu. B. Hull, FblllpH. Hoffman, Paul fievere, Cha*.Y.Bwfcn,M.D. Edmund D. Halaey, John Thatcher. AB8ET8. January lst,'l&» 11,333,721.1 UABIUTIKU. Dus deposJton 11,180,728.30 Int Dividend Jan. 1, lfl,U38.1S H,20fl,OOH 52 lurplus 127,055.44 is declared nnd paid Ja January am. July of each year from tbe profit* ot tbe pre- vious six months 1 business. Deposits nude on or before the Sddays of January, April, July and October! draw in- terest from the, 1st days of Mid month* re- spectively. BAMBINO HOURS. 9 A . u. to 4 P. M. daily, except Saturday Saturdays from 9 A. ». to 19 M. (noon) and from Tto 9 p. H. MINING MACHINERY MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &SSON Co AIR COMPRESSORS, of high- est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical, 00RNIS3 PUMPS, double or single, GEARING andP ULLEYS, large and email. Heavy and Light Castiuga in Iron, Braes, and Plimpbor Broiue, FOFKIURS of o?ery de- scription : BOILBKB, horizonUl, tubular and THE RQUiPMENT OF IRON SPECIALTY, fi EO. O. CDMMINB.M. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER, ABO BPKOIAUBT lit TO! TRKATlflMT OF BBBU- KATUN AMD MAI.AH.tAT- DIBIABM. Office on north side ot Block well street and about 200 feet went of Warren street, DQVS&, H , J . OCTI0I i BTTBaBZrTRBST. ' V i EOItOE W. BOWER, ARCHITECT, HORRISTOWH, B. 3. OwncmPAH* FLICS, COB. JUBJWT BT. G 0TO KAKOUdE & HOSKINQ'S BAKERY for freeh Bread, Cuke aid Flea dally. A frah itock of Conf«oUooery always on band. SUSSEX BTR<ST, (NBAB CAHAL BBISOS,) DOVXB, N, J. TOHN DRUMMER'S SHA WHO AHD HAIR CUTTINO SALOON, MANSION HOUSE. COB. BUOKWIE. £*D BDBSXX STBIKT, v DOVER, N. J. The place taa be«n entirely refitted In a neat nunner. LadW and Children'* Hair Cutting A ipedalty. JOB. R. WILLIAMS, MASOK AMD SLATER, POBTOBAH, N. J. Contract* taken for all kinds of work ID «lthw UMO( bualneM and. the bait materials BMiaz Boilen and oovorlng Bteun Plpea with Aibertot a ipedalty. Omoi N«AK CBNTBAI. DIPOT 23-ly FUNERAL DIRECTORS, AHD OBJTMHAL Frainmnsa UHOEBMSOUS. P«naosJ attention ft-r«n to mil oalb by J. G. Johnson. Office andwarerootna in the old t M H t t u bonding, HontaitrMfc. 1&-V ••VTAaTIN LUTHEH COX. COUMTY BUPERIHTENDEST OT PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Omo»—BLACKWBLL ST., DOVER, N. J. Bores j 9 A. M. to IS M. erery Saturday. O 1 ftEEMAN, CARFENTERAND BUILDER, Plan* andtpedncatloni made and oontracta takem. Jobbfcg alwrnyiparticnlarly attended 10. Ortenlelt « the Brick Drug Btoreof Mr. Wffl. H. Qoodale. or at the port office will 'ito. Corner Union and NEW JERSEY IRON MIFING CO. WOBKB, DOVHR, H. J. Storing Furniture Whore people can store Furni'ure in a oleaa place at low rates in where they are goiug, and sucli ia the New BuUdicg at 88 Bunk Street. Finn it are removed with TADS. ......... UGHRIGHT. •** •*> TRAVEUMG^ALESMAH ESTABLISHED 1830. GEORGE E. VOOKIIEE8, MOEEISTOWN IT. I., HARDWARE —AMD— IRON MERCHANT, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SKEDS andFEBTItlZEES. WILCOX & BERRY Carpenters and Builders, Dover, N. j . Pluu, ap«dflc«tloiu(orballdtt]^ oontnrti ikro wd uutef1«l fwniBbttl. Jobbing Promptly Attondsd to- SLA.™; HOOFS.—W« totolih lltHUa •Ut« ud pntoDFlKtarDofsbjioodnechanlci. 8oekBt'B StaMUiIng Paper alwayt on bud. Offlo. and iliop on BUekw«ll Bt, next to Dorsr Lumber Companj'i 1UU. N R. WUOOX. A. B. BlBBT. DSSIRABLE FARWING AND TIMBER - LAUDS IS MORRIS COUNTY, in lota of 6 aarec andupwardi, and several sood building Iota In Port Oram, N. J. Addraai L. O. BtKfiWiBTQ, Seo'r, OO TO THB OLD EELIADLE HOUSE JOS. C. JOHNSON FOR ilA, . (PHOLITCIIIB M.1 •)• •i. FNIITUIE «0U MOBHI3 St., (Netr the KImrJ DOVEJ1, N. J. . JOHNBOH, manofaotnnr and dealer In MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTELS E tudaUwarklaUarblQandGniiita. All work ' ot tW( bert ordw and price* reaaonable. L 8TBKKT, DOVER, N. J. TT7H. H. PiftRQLEB, J*., FLOWST, OOIJ) BTBEET, DOVER, H. J. . Cat Flowers and D*dgns ol every deacrlp- tion, for all occasions, Jornistod sA atetat W BOUClTOIliXDMAflTKRINCUAlICERY i m SOTARY PDBUO, fa 8TAKHOrE,H. J. I'AND BUILDER, Plans, spedQcauani ttvktnaiid materials furnished. E. T. BJUTU. THOU. fABBING SMTEII & FANNING, Masons and Builders, DOVXB. n. j. OoBtmota for all Undi ot work tak.n and aU matarlala tnralaoed. PraotlCAl ezperlfiow bOTarybranch of matmi work. JOBDmO PHOMPTLY ATTEHBBD CO Baov oa- Bnant Bnni; w»XT TOv.. T. * vr. n n Hones, tUntleaonhtui •bop opposlts A Tb*» nibacriber lieroby RITW noUoe VkaA be la Mml la Uko coatncU for bulWlngs nod do ns and Jobbing "f »n°rt noUw and In a unllke tumour. lUvlur hnd a longcz- ce In the carptalt-r bualoeaa ACJ baring mxnr tou«» in DOTWU. ihow u to Uwqualltj at bu work, hen*i*ctfuil)' ulti a. mliaro of the public patronage and aa opportunity to Nttraate £Q i£l VoriTSau nuw hito U, do In hla Una ONE WOBB TO AmosH. VAN HORN Are taking & great many oruers for goods to be delivered in the Pall, on account of tbe great Cut in Two Price Bulo. N. B— Orders are taken for goods with or without a deporit Ctmli or credit, to bo de- H?ered in the Fall. PRICES. All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard 45 ctB Tapestry Erusssls Carpet, per yard 46 ots Velvet Carpet, per yard 76 ctB Body BrnBSels Carpet, par yard '. 90 eta Antique Ool Bedroom Baits J10.00 Autiquo Oak Bedroom Suits 15.00 Antique Ouk Bedroom SititB 20 00 Parlor Snits, in Plash Covering 20 00 Parlor Suits, in Plush Covering 25.00 arior Sniis, inJtng OovoriDg 3000 MY STRE Is headquarters for all kinds of Kussott Shoos. Amagnificent assortment of Ties for Ladies are also a special feature. You cau save lots of money by giviag me your trade in footwear and have the best as- sortment in this County to select from. If our store in Boonton is more convenient you cau get the same treatment. Do not buy a range until you have eoen the Famous Portland. Over 500 now in nae. Warranted a good buker or uion«y refunded, and the only place they can be purchased at ia at our establishment. TELEFHOHE SSO. I LPTED 73 Market Street, Near Plane St., NEWARK, N.J. ECONOMY! COMFORT! SAFETY! —)BDI THE(— PK-MEAL-uiSOUKE vSWES. I have a {all line of thorn at lowest prices OIL STOVES AND OIL CULS STOVES, REFRKJERAT0H8, CREAM FREEZER8. I Bha.ll sell the NEW DEERING MOWER, rhioh has given the best satisfaction. One of these in use six years, oostirig any 75 cents for repairs. Plumbing, Tinning, Steam Beating and Hot Water Heating done in the best manner. D. S. ALIEN, Pover, N. J. BUSINESS. ENERGY flND SUNSHINE TO THE FRONT The Celebrated CORNISH PIANOS and ORGANS.I IMPORTANT NOTICE. Tho Wareroomi ciUbliahed for the con. vcoknee of bleitn. CoMMiir & Co.'n 1.ypitrull.in.lJl..er »,,d jhp Ttl?,f-y hailKtnrenioTedtnlirctrnrtiiinci ,»nilB nlaiivewiir . , hour*. anJuk P M w both tor j»t 1'lan 13 suit a p pekti _ , MAKE A NOTE OF THISI 'Tfta New Cflulsfc W m r o o ! n i , Htt b^g£^'r > 'plAHO8fromSI70.O0. ORGANS from S33x3: frM WABEB00MS: Dor. Blaokwell and Morris 3ts M DOYBT, J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager, Also dealer in Bmall Kusinal Instrumeiite of all kiuds, Trim- mings and Supplies, Sheet Musio and Music Bnoks. Plctura FramM or band and made to crdor. Orders taken for Crayon and Oil Portrait* "Seeing is Believing." Tine Bologna Sausage. We are making the finest Bologna olferod to the market, and onr s - " is tbat ton r—' k iton ot Jotn Downing, XMrt Own. HEDDEN BKOS., Butchers, jT-tf . OORTBB QROVS.H. J. JOSSPH Ebop oof. of ItorttK. and BUckwefl fltt., Dorer, N. J. iS-Bm, I Simflt, Beautiful, Good— these words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" will impress the truth more forcibly. Its mar- velous light is purer and brighter .— than gas light, softer than electric light, and more cheerful than cither. The choicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van- derhilt reveals nothing,finer. We have 2,700 ••>• artistic varieties, inbrass, bronze, silver and black iron. Ladid olten like to go down among me large wholesale bouse*tun! bny of fimfaonda, Theywlllflnaaloofsileirooini (thelargest In tha world) anrecollectionof ArtlaUmpt. AciulcgoetoaendyoMtlyoucuwoicooie. TnBBO01 ^^'"^ ? :l c ""' I " lt0 " T> ^ " T h e Rochester." JENKLNGS & BTJTLER. Uuani >tnd Balldars. obUBK prampUy Attended to. We EUCTRIC TELEPHONE !JISiaS!ift!ft CRUSHED STONE. Any di9 orjiu*ntlty, delivered on the llnraor the Del&wuo, I^ckawanaa, &nd W<«Uni E. K, and Osnlnl n. R. of HewJereej-. Addmw OEORGK BIUW. flupt, M-tf P. O. HEAGAN, Opp. 0. L. & W. R. R. Depot. DOVER, N. J. EXTRA. United StatesTroopsGannot Prevent us From Cutting Prices. L. LEHMAN &, CO. Cash Grocers and Tea Dealers. FLOUR. LErlllAN'HBEBTMlNNESOTAtf.,! Oft FATKNTFLOUK, BARIlEIiflP't.t);/ Our beat patent Hour Is made exclusively for ua by oneof tho best mills IDMinnesota, It Is made from selected No, 1 hnrd wbeat, and ire frill guarantee It to be tbe lineal fl-jur In Ihe market, and to please every time. Lflh- nan's boat inbags at barrel prices. TEAS. We have junt receiftd a Iarg4 lot of New Crop TEAS meb ai Formoji Oolong, Engllih Breakfast, Japan, Gunpowder and Young HJBOD and our special brand of line in lied teas. Our teai at £0 centa a pound uro a bargain. But tomore thoroughly Introduce i wewill give free to cook purchaser of one pound of Ua 4 pounds of thebeitgranU' lated sugar for a snort time onlf. Dry Goods and Notions Retailed at Wholesale Prices. L. LEHMAN & Co.. Dover, )U. Next to Post Office GOODS DELIVERED FREE. WHETHER THE SEN- ATE PASSES THE FREE WOOL BILL OR NOT YOU WILL NEVER BUY SUITS CHEAPER THAN NOW. The recent storms have interfered with utisincss and kept many of our out-of-town patrons from visiting us. Push and prices must make up for lost time. We'll make it profitable for you to come now. MEN'S SPRING SUITS We are exhibiting not only the largest and most complete line we ever asked you to look at, L>ut are selling them at prices far below their actual value. You nor we ever saw such $10 suits before. You nor we ever saw such $12 suits before. OUR OWN FINE CLOTHING We don't and we couldn't buy such Clothing; as we sell. But that is not all. I'OU save the profit of the middleman by dealing with us first hand. THE BOYSTOO THE BOYS {TOO MCGREGOR & Co. 850 A 852 Broad St., - - - - NEWARK, N. J. )JOBDERS AND BEALEIia 1N<— HARDWARE, IRON g STEEL PIPE, Special AgonU norrhig-HaU-Harrw Oo.'s BAFES AND VAULT WORK. Buppllas of Every Description for nufcc.urera,, Machinist, Steam Filters, Railroads, Hills, Con Ira dors, Office M'ti- logs, Publto iDflfilulloRs. Uvn Mowers, Water Hose, and aummcr specialties. TO BEGINNERS 'PERFECT" and "PROVIDENT" RANGES Scnntor, and Uri!e.t a i J l«at GASOLINE AND KEHO8ENE OIL STOVES For Bummer O HOUSEHOI-D FURNISHINO GOOPS TAIiy PLUMDmO ANDTINKma A BPEOIALTY. J. T. KERR, opp Pails Holel, Blactwell 61, Dover, N. J, ECONOMIC VALUE OF GOOD B0AD8. From Juliu CiiltuiT fSl«*J In liarinTHW In tbemovami-iit far a betUtrtneut of thi coinuion roatla of tie country tlio jiolicy the untiouul goieriiiiiuiil It uu\y U} unakt tlw educational part of the movtiiieiit. A Bma!) apjircprlivtiuD was mode lo enable tb Department of Agriculture *o attablixb I Bureau of Road Iuijufry, and tho ottltvr ID cbirgo lias 1>€UD for a year pant engaged lu KaUjerlugnnddlswiniDaUtig itatlqtlca BS to tbs liurJeus entalltd on agriculture b; re*BOD of Lad roods, tho ooet of good roods, ond tbe cheapest methods of CtiiiBtrnetltig them. Ho bai concluded that in a reglou bad roads—and t>a.d toad* uiiiortuoately arc tho rule all over tlie country—tbe (arming operation* coat nauuaily f 1.3.1 jwr acre IUO than they wculd wers tbe roads good 01 hard aud In prime condlllou at all EOUUII Evtry faraieraod land-owner can en "uif for hluiBolf liow serluus this burdon U, and overy consumer or r«rin product—that I rjbody in tbe whole country—can tati- what ehare of this Lurdeu be LBS to bear. This feet mutt Lo tLoroustjly undi stood before wo cm secure uniform SJBUJI of good ruads la America, Tbs boneflta are general, and tbtrefor tho funds, or at leait large share of them, to par fur tbe Improve meuta should be ruiiod by genuml taxatlui or by pledKlug tbe general credit. A thorough impTovement o! tbe rondd would not be of temporary but of pernittneut valuu sod therefore It seeus a iwrfectly propei course to leave a part ot the cost of roue improvement to tbo coming generation!. It 1B thought that couuty road Improvement bonds bearing A low ruto of iutertst be ewily saleable, for every dollar spent In •uch work increases ttio taxable values lu tbe districts bonefl'.od to a very coiiplder tout For Instance, tho eiporta cf the Agrl- oultutat Doiiattment con tend UIQ coaatrui:- if goodeume roftde inn purely ngrlcul- VUIBVbtoijDu .uurt-tiieo IW value ol l un, lands t'20 per acre. I'be socretary of tbs Imtioim) Farm era 1 Cougresa, by aualyilDg tho transportation returns ol the country, in ikes the coet uf wagou transport one billion dollars aunually, of which eix and otio quarter buudrod mil- lions Is due to bad roads. Tho total annual 'alueof tbo farm produals In tbe Uuitod Btates is about two and a hslf billion dollars. Itnllltliereforobo wen tliat one fourth of tbe home value of all tbe farm produuU of the country Is lost through bod roads. "If this logs," says the road engineer of the Agrf iltural Departmeut, "fall wholly upon tatmora, It would remit in instant and ROE eral baokniptcy, for there Is no such iuargti of proQt In sgrlcultural anywhere. But while the farmer nrnet pay this tax on ell ;porlablo pi-oducte, tbe price of wbicb in fixed by foreign competition on tbote pro- ducts ffblch have only a bams market, lie ii able to adda part of It to the price, and to trantfer the tat to tlie conuutuera in to 1 ind cities. Tho bunion on the country at large, however, Is Done the loaa real grievous, and in amount It ne&rly equals &\1 itber taxation, local and national " Hovf Uie quettloD to answer is hoi* best to lift tbls burden without placing another one equally hoavy on the people. It may bo that tbe previous suggestion about county Improvement bends maythe correct solu- tion uf tbe problem. In the Southern states drainage will not cost BO much as lu the North, where the frosts go deeper, and If thi convict*—and what to do with tbe convict labor Is lu lUelt a serious problem, li Southern states—were used to quarry and break stone good roads could be built thi for 11,000 a mite. Indeed, to Canad&iR, New York, the roads have betn Improved at cost than this, and Are so good that during the than* ol last Febmary they were in prime condition, whereat the unimproved roada la tbe same nelejabarhood w passable. Delaware has adopted this policy of working convicts In preparing material for macadam road?, and this material Ifl be furnished free on board the cars for coi id townships undertaking to me good roads. Tbe great ra-lrouds, and mall, in tbe United States, re&lldug the value of good roads In Jncrtfliing the amount of freight shipped, havo very generally ex- pressed a'Nlllingnessto carry stone tor roads at a very low rate. There are, indeed, many methods which may be employed satisfactorily both aa to constrcutlon and as to raising the necessary futds. The alMmp'-rtant factor In the prob- ' Bver, Is the attitude or the people towardi this movement. Tbor need to ba stirred up by COD a taut and luccwnut aglta- lion, BO that the Rood idsa now abrcad may not die. The influences now at work ore many and powerful, but all of them nre needed all the time,' for the people are at aid to undertake such a great enterprise as the one presented to them, and tboy da not realize tbe shame and tho cost ol thi wntched bigfcwayi nowIn general use. The common roads are at once tbe means end the measure of n people's, civilization. Those of the United SLatei are worse tlian la any country la tbe world wita a stable govern- ment. Toe conclusion from this trulim nnj this fact Is obviously disgraceful, and a serl- ons reflection on the progress of which we prate w loudly. An Excellent Performance. "A large audience greeted FiUand Webster In their rollicking farce comudy, "A Drwzy Time," at the Academy of Music last night. A Brerzy Time " has lost none of its powers to atnute and the audience warmly, mani- fested Its appreciation of the many natv ipedaltieo by hearty applaute, E, B, Ftu and Kathryn Webster are tbe leading Ilgbts of the company end provoke mirth and laughter by their many songs aud witty say- ings. Ulsa Webster has a sweet soprano voice which BUR used to good effect lost night. The Umt.1* quintette, Mandoline, tette and Turkish bell gavottes by tbe com- iy wen delighted sniolaUIea much appreci- ated by the spectators. As musical artiste, Fits and Webs'er are umurpaEsed The iedy It filled with pretty girls, gay songs, pretty dances and musical solos which make It a lint-class success," That It what the Soranton Times says of the show that will op*n tbe season at Baker Opera House next Thursday night. A Dabr Found Uurdered. J. 8. Bunt, a farmer residing near Phillips- burg, when goiug through bla cornlleld Mon- day afternoon round the partly decomposed body of Amale Infant Tbe child, which was liks old, bad bad Its skull crushed In and there were bullet boles Inthe bead. The coroner held an Inquest Tuesday and, •cm the evidence brought out, It Is thought the baby was the child of £11IB Hajlock turn Dr, Watford Nixon. Dr. Nixon and lllaa Haylock havd been living together and neigh- bors testified that a child was born to them itao time ago, and that nothing bad been «B of It linco Bhortly after Its birth. Dr. Hiion was present during tbe inquest, id as It progroBsed he slowly edged toward the dour of tbe room. When a witness was testifying ho suddculy sprang out of tbo door and ran up the railway track. A crowd started la purault, but the doctor was fleet footed and left his pursuers behind. lie bm not been seen since. Ingenious Jersey men. Patents Usued to Jerteymon, reported for the EH*, by Diske&Co.,Bolloltorsot patents, cor. Bratd and Uarhct St., Newark N. J. Blackboard rulnr, B. W. Ahne, Bajonn loot, E.C*itn, Wnt Hobokan; condenter : fluUher carding machine, J. Crotnle, COL. den; steam heating apparatus, K. M. Dlxon, Ewt Omiigo; centrifugal blower, W. 11. Jarrlson, Newark; steam generator, W. E, Kelley, New Urunswick: oiphon bottlo, J. UuKinauJOrange: railway slgniU, F. K. Kinsman, Pialnfleld; nroceta ot condensing otdpreservlngmllk,IJ. F. Mclntyr*, East Orange; oil burning apparatus, J. W. Mor- tis, Pleuant Valley; caterpillar trap, T, I). Nootc, Camden; prccotBDf. making amonla. I*. BUrnberg. Jeney City; furniture caster, J. T. Vtgloid.I'lnluQoldi valve, T. IL Wll- llami, etal, Jersey City. H&ilwty rlgnallnRdevluo, W. DATOS, Jersey Lily; regulator for dynamo-electric machine, T.A. Edtson, Ucnio PflJtt; water-closet, M. Gotland, Seabrigbt; fwd waltr heaUr and puriUer, W. Webster, Ueichantvllio; ring, (ISpatent*), W. Durand, Kewaik; scarf-pin. J. uTTbeberaib, Newark. Bit Prop In price of bicycles, at S. H. Berry Hardware Co.'*, Dover. Call and see tbelr wheels. .. ... pasBeaand ijovod by the children ot Tabor Hud toe two neighboring aeboo.8, namely,Denville md Chestnut Grove. The Denvillo ball team lent down in the afternoon and cioesod bats with the T. A. A. aud oniue off victorious in 1 score of 11 to 10. Tooparade was the great ,'euture In tbe evening. Along tbe line of march tbe housei were beautifully decorated. Tlien fireworks of nil descriptions added their In*i>lratlun to Ilia joyous occasion. There were a large number of poople present from tlio surrounding to win, cltlas and neighbor- ID Uioeo tisye of commercial disaster with a Oocgrots that pronilwd everything to get in potter, but when tbe power la ([lven them by dlm-»lgliUid Republicans and mugwump*} they snovr tbolr weakonaa by useless sfctlousl quarrels, thus proving tbe Democmoy a party of stict'onalliin, u tbe Boutb wants freo trado, North protection, West on the fence, and 10 It goer, with thedutleaof Sborlff multiply Ing beggara »t o?ery door and thasugar kings rii- lug rough shod over every other Interest, mroly protection could not or did not, after thirty fears trial, cau 10 dfsaater, but tbe re- verse. Democracy Is t. great party, but great only In uuaibera and as oppoaltlonfata. FLANDEBB. Rev. D. E. Frambei loft on Monday for Stockholm, N. J , to spend a fair davi with lila daughters, Mrs. William?, of Faterson, and Ure. Theodore Murell, of Kewburgb, " V., who are spending part of tbe eeawn that place. Mrs. Clinton Gray Halaej, oee Miss Viola Marvin, andlittle daughter, of Forest Bill, Newark, are at "TbB Uomeiteod" for a fen weeks. Motors. Harry and John Meeker started on a drive to Yonder*, N.Y.,oa 8»turday ol DENTILLE. ere attacL- o f lj jihold malaria. i'eler Y, Uonk ia conQned to tbe brute with imhria. Mrs. and Miss Vourheej, of Brooklyn, &r« toiiploK with Ure. J. Hliinbman. MIM 1'ouuie Clark, of Eliiab«th, Is vfultloj he Ml^eflDioterwin. W. T. Leightua bas been engaged to loach Cbcutnut Urove school this coming sc' ' year. Mrs. J. A. KfRhter U1oktaga triji thruugb Orange Co,, N. Y. Mr?. Wm. Ctstorlinp, a sister to J. D,Cooper, of tbii plive, tiled athor home at Kraultlfii parly Monday moruiug. Thn funural services wet* beld *vt bur late borne W*duBwlay raorn- lug of tbis week, A taatn uf horees by some me*ni got tlie beat of tlielr drivers Monday afUTDOon on the read lending from DenTllle toTabor &ed rao away. The only damage dnne BOfar as I bave boon able to ascertain Is tha cauiubiie destruction of the wagon which can:? in cou- ict with a wood pile Ulow T 'JOT. TLB ttentluinan" crawled out beliUd tbo car- rluge and with tbe exceptions of a few slight lirufEOs BEda copfoiuBU]i.>1y of Tabor dust eacaped uulujured, Tho Uucas Club held tholr an Dual election last Friday evening and eltcted K. L. Dicker- preitdeDt i Elmer Dlcberaon, SocreUry Treasurer; Banj. Hurd and W. J. Price, Truitces; Herberton Uiucbraan, H. Barrett, T. lieatty, House Couimlllee and gsuerol anagent DI the social tealuioa ol tbe club. F. L. DlekorBon is doiiig a rushing business selling electric rall-oad tlea. If tbo corpora- tluns build all tbe linn they are oontemplat- liig It will mate the tie business generally gooil. Sidney Cook K M awabened lost (Saturday light by a nolsn <u hii kitchen. Thinking It t-BB an animal of some sort after some bread bis wife had left 111 a clueet, be careles.ij come down stairs, and to Ills greet surprise several men left Sidney rubbing bid eves and naktog an effort to pull toe trigger of an old uaty gun. Tbat wai tbe last beard from last < •ek. J. IV. F a m w lias returnsd from his sea- side trip. A party of about eighteen young people, of Durer, drove to M. U. HorUin'a, of this plftoe.isrtt Friday evening. Theie wcre&lw a few of our young paople present and the evening was most pleawatly tpent. Rerreah meuts was ervd and in the wee bours ol Haturday morning theyounf people left for home. Mr*. John Doerlng li speeding a fewweeki at Anbury Park. Mrs. W. H. Miller, of Woodbrldge, spent a part of lait week wltb her SOD, Dr. C. K. Miller nnrl Mrs. Miller. Mrs. J. P. WoodbuU and children, and Mrs. William Waer, ol Dover, made fi Bbort rUlt with Mr. and H n . Theodora Woodlinll ait week. James Fraher, of Bridgeport, Conn, was In tbe village a short tlms last week, 81s. turley buuardfl wero aeon by Mrs. Fred Burroughs near tndr home ote day but Mm Luelli P. rrottraan, of Hacket'stowu, a vieltlng with her grandparents, Mr. and Urs. William Tborp. Fred BlUey was recently tbe guest of his mole, D. A. Nloliolas. William CharleMUs Uttlaionof Dr. and Mrs. W. R Funtnr, recelued the rite of bap- tlfm, by tbe Presbyterian Cbnrch,ft* tho pre- paratory lecture on Saturday lut Gu: Doeriug, of White Plains, was In the village on Saturday. Mes'er John Bird 1> tho champion toner, having caught thirty-sis catfish la one day l u t week, and on another day tie landed twenty-six. CAtio LTKK. MT. AHLINOTON. Mayor nnd Urs. Prothlngham and daughter. Miss Ulllan, loft tut Monday for a ten days 1 >journ at Arvcmo, L, I. U iss Lela Thomas, of Btanhope, ia vlaltlng ur auiit Mrs. Catherine Hart. Little Frank Canfleld. Uie lnfunt BOB of F. Canneld, fell from bis carriage one day I^st woctand we*laierelv lujurVd. Uiwlwtho Bkillful treatment of Dr. J, L. Taylor, who ras immediately summoned, lie Is doing ilcoly. Mr. Cotter, the photographer of tha Eaglo Gallery, Dover, Is again among us, and bas been very buij taking pictures around the Lake, Including uimpi, cottages, etc. Mr. and Mrs. George Deatty amenjoying t. riva through northern Hew Jersey. A bout race for tbe ladiea of tbe Brotdln took place In front of tbe hotel dock on Wednesday afternoon. Urs. Joliu Tone, *bo bas been seriously 111 ir the p u t two weeks, we are pleased tinote now Improving. Mrs. L. C. WMiami and Mrs. George Decker nave also been on the sick list, but both nn» nan- convalescent A Bpoclai meeting of tlio Common Council «UB held lu the Town H&U lut Fdds.y after- son At Qve o'clock. UIBS Madaline JIcQuire, of Tarry town, N. Y., Is the guost of Hiss Agnes Walsh. Mrs. E. F. Totton and Mlsi Addio Hinds, if Dover, were guestd at theGlon House ,'hla cek. A grand minstrel perfortnance and cake alt Mill bo given by tho Breslin walurs in 'be hotel dining room, Friday evening, Aug. lOtli. Agood time is expected. RUSTICATE. IBONIA. W. K. Diion has a bouse full of city boarders. E. C. Ilavey boa tbe first potatoes In town. B. J. DIckerson Is kept bus; painting wagons. Jacob IUdner and wife spent Sunday at Rcckaway. Mlts Nellie Clayton, of Hew York, Is (top-, plug at Dr. DehanueV Adolph Debanne bas return od from a weeta ttay at the sea shore. ' UTS. D. L. Bryant baa her Urge houaeQ rlth friends from the city. Tbe rain lost week done a groat deal of good fn this vicinity. We ore scarce of good bill players, but 'hen it come* to shooting Arthur Darnes takes the take. Tlieo Stelttnier and wife, of Morrittown, ipeut Sunday with Mrs. Charles Strand. 8. O. HsrvAy runs hli produce wagon to the lake three times n. week. H. K. Causon anddaoghtor, of Chester, spent Sunday with Ed J. Dlckerson. Charles Tumor, of Orange, spent Bunday in town. Geo. lUdnor, of Hew York, Is home i vacation. Evarbody Is plwued with our two msili a day and we make our best bow to Postmaster Cory. MIKB Three Special Values Lac« Curtalny at BO c, OSo. and 41.30 a pair, all new patterns tbls season. Twenty- Qve per cent, under regular price. Don't .In them, at the Dc/vtr Bwuix of J. H. 'Jrimm. Hew Crop 16W Turnip Beed now for sale at Killgore'i Corner Drug Store. Tbe Florida Btsun UTeatex. For Ulutnted oircnlon send to Tbe Fred* D. Utvp&eDi Ua,, Uta^iu Vallsr. B. J. OALIFON- Mi«KcCutJ, o( Ketr OeriianUiwu, paid* short visit at tbe hotun of her nl<ce, Abram Philhower, Miss Katie Ueyccck, also of New Uermsntownt la (pending a few weeke at bar ftunU, Mrs. Qeo. Latourette'f. Un. H. Jones li entertaining her niece this week. Hie. L. H. Potter and children, of Brook- lyn, are bojuuruing at her mothers, Mrs. H. Trimmer. Miss .'oncle Crawford, of l'aturaon, Is tho guest ot Mm. EIIBHUB Apgnr. The high wbeeler Is intown Look out boys - you will get your eyes Oiled with -lust. Humor bas it there will bo a wedding In town soon. Wesley Button Is all mullet. It's a great big boy, alto D, W. Apgor. It's a girl. The peach growers say If tbora don't corns rain the* peach crop will bo a failure. After weeks of jxvtlence sufTttruiK from tbat dreaded dlwase oonsumption Mrs. Eete Force JKI puocetuUjr away at b^v pwwiU home In tills plane oa hut Friday morning. Funeral services were very iarRely attended In tbe £1. E. Church on Monday afternoon and a very feelfug sermon was rendered by her pastor. Rev. 8. II. Jouos. Interment at Lower ValUy. The people of tills place, I mean those who enjoy a game of base bail hod tbe pleasure of wltaoetng twogames here latt Saturday afternoon, our boys oroKted bats with tbe German Valley and theAnthony leauu, they first tackled tbe tlio Anthony boys and drove them up to tbat time of 21 to Ii. They said they came ever ia bave a good practice, and didn't caro 1f tbey did lose, but never the less they were ratlier wrotby after they were beaten, tbe spectators thought the German Valley boys would tnske a better ahow, and one o( tboM men, I think it was the right Holder, after T*knowing the Anthony and Callfon game, said our boys, played like children auil they could easy dothem up, tut at tbe end of tbe game when tbo score stood 2 to6 In favor of Callfon, It would seem as though they played like chickens themselves and very small ones at that. Bogem, pitcher for tbs borne Unn had Gorman Valley at till iflQ/ey ami Tc swined .mp-ies.b.e tor them to Milve bin curvet »nd dro;>t as one after an* other was struck out. Hyde was put In to pitch for the German Valleys and was soon knocked out ot the box and tne other two pitchers passed but little better. Boys wouldn't it be advlsabls for you to learn to play ball before going away from borne. Now AND THEN. Tbe Misses Annie aud Laura Thorp* of Huccasuuna, were In town last Monday to at- tend the funeral of Urs. Elmer Force. E. E. Beams, of Cbetter, made our town a dying visit on Moad&y lost. Mrs. Oakley Apgor baa quite a number of city boarders at present. Peaches are coming ID quite rapidly and tire bringing gojd prices. John Neighbour, our postmaster, bti the Wilson peach sorter for sale. It looks like a good thing. Ouryoung people are BDjoying'tbe boating these fine «ten.nsi. W. W. Wooden bas bean cutting down some fin* trees from the hotel to the station, iblch Is an Improvement Do not forget tba excursion to the Lake ezt Tuesday, August 14. Isaiah Apgur Is Uklag charge ot tbs peach Car from this place. Jobn Williamson, our barnees-maker, tias lately put In a soda fountain, and Penti, the High Bridge druggist, hw decorated bti win- dows very nloely, calling attention to the soda water. If these are good old Denooratla time, "give us a rest," far we are certainly tired. Illlldaro up announcing a harvest home at tbBFaInncuatM.E. Church oa Wednesday, August IS. LTMX. OEB.K&.H VAX.UBT. Mr. Btryber and family and Mrs. Buib, of Kewark, spent lost week with Urs. Wiggins. Mr*. Dorland has been entertaining some friends this weak. [. T. Welsh and family are enjoy log tbe ootan. broexes. J. W. Welsh md totally left Wednesday to jaln hla brother at Ocean Grove for a week. Mrs. James Cortrlght and children, of Newark, are spending a few weeks at tbe home or Mrs. Cortrighfi father, E. M. Bart- Mrs. J. W. WUIet is entertaining guesU. Mr. Henry, of Newark, joined hli daughters m Monday at thebomeof Mrs. John&£. Todd. Mrs. Naooy Vaughrlght Is sojourning among friends Ia 2{ew York State. tin. John Van Fleet, of Rockaway, paid her many friends la town a short oil] last Mr.'and Mrs. O*»r Bchoenhelt and MUs Miller, of Mo:ristown, are at the borne of Un. L R. Px&eoenhelt. Jonathan Bartley, o( Uorrlstown, wa* In tenn for a f«whours on Tuesday. Borne of our young people took In the. ex- cursion to Delaware Water Gap on Thursday. Quite a number from this place attended tbe Flanders fair on Wednesday and Thurs- day. Mrs. Downs hada water bjacinth ID bloom on Tuesday, which drew many spectators and waa vary handsome. BUDD'S LASS. We caution some girls and boys to the necessity of the proper proprieties and obedi- ence to loving mammai Chapel exerclnes are Interestingly per- formed by the Revs. Scofleld, Waliton; Tim* broil and Btout. Blaak bass fljbing Is now good. Dr. Joan- son andothers are landlnx BOmany of them thttthey begin to Ure of their flshy flavor. Nothing Ilka good t>lokerel and the lunflsh. Under the direction of Col. Evans, our mfn- 4 engineer, the foundations for tbo goldand silver mill Is now nearly completed. To ' thick that theproclous metals can be scattered IntberockD ot toe rocty n.Us northeast ot Budd's Lake is more than many can believe and hundreds are trying to verify* by personal examination. This mine wai discovered by an old California miner some years ago and the enterprise of the present operators will be tucoeatully developed. All of our boarding-houses are full to tiielr utmost limits, and tbe Forest Bouse, under tbe direction of .Fred Durjct, boa not had such a rush for years. A. Smith's Kooky Bhor* Is becoming bean- tillfd, and with the beautiful shady grave, i-ialng gradually above the waters, which in their itillneM reflect each progressive step of Mr. Smith's Improved acres from the hilltop to thelimpid stream. Mr. Smith's dairy Is qow growing some of tho b x t stock lu the State. Our shores are now liks a military encamp- ment and It is doubtful If our State troops at Sea Girt under tbe direction ot tbe Governor gave more happiness to the tightly-buttoned up boys than our campers are receiving by Budd'a Lake's fresh waters, accompanied by the beverages which msta mm, though tick and worn out, feel like prolonglgti their days for one hundred yean or more. We told l when they Ant thought of buying Sea Girt It wai no place compared to tbe beauti- ful lakes of Morris County, but our Icgbla- tc-3 took to salt water. LEDCJEWOOD AND "VICINITY, Wanted Inthlsvlclnltyagoodoldfasbloned ' rain storm, praises will be sung to the donor. The sldewheel Bopatcong Is laid up for re- pairs at the Landing dock, same part ot her machinery being broken. A canal boatman, bad his horse killed by plane car number three oust last week. Will some one be kind enough toInform us wfaen the good timsa th&t tbe Clevelaadlten promised us ore forth coming, At present they ore out ot sight, like a blind man. Wm. B. King's oHlce Is nearly completed u far as carpenter work Is concerned. Tbe work already done ipeaki highly ol the obiil< ttea or Messrs. Hiits & King;. Cbas. A. Black has been visiting ir. Port ttarrla. Fred. Cook, ot New York, has b*m visiting his aunts, tbe Misses Cook, during tho last week. H. Cook, of FlsbkUl, H.Y.,waalatowi.ior a fewdays. Uly O. Todd, formerly ot Landing butl&to of Etaira, Is vlmting bis parents at Landing. Mrs. Wm. E. Search, of landing, Is con- Bned to her home dangerously ill, we hopsfor her speedy recovery. WAO. Saafnosa Canaot Ba Cttred by local applications aa they cannot reach the diseased portion of tbo ear. There Is only one nay tocure deafnns, and that Is br conitltu- tlonal remedies. Deifntsa is caused by an In- flamed condition of tho mnooui lining ot the Guitaohlan Tube. Whoa this tubs U inCam- ed you bave a rumbling lound or Imperfect bearinff. and when It is entlrclj closed doaf- noss Is the result, fuid unless tbe Inuamitlon can bo taken out and tbls tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed, forever; nlno can* out oF ten are caused by niUrrb, which Is Dotbingbuton InflamedOOM- ditlon of ttio mucous surface*. We wtllatva One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cauied by catarrh) that carnot bo cured by ball's Catarrh Cure. Rend for circulars, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., T o l e d o r*T3old by Drugglsta, 75c.

EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,

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Page 1: EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,


:« i n • : • :

'.i; Northern New Jersey. :*:



TUB Dover Printing Gompaay,POBU8HKB3 iira PROPRIETORS.

O ioe m SladcwdllSlreel next doorto lite National Union Bank.


onYiui lawaiiuomi looTHHEB MONTHS 60


1 ifiCE.

8 "


1 "


1 INCH.a "8 "4 | |


1 "


1 wk.

t 761251 702 25a 70

aw4 6 00 6 0

10 00

$ 8 60COO6 50boo

10 0013 6015 00lbW84 00



f 1S52.a)a 763 6 0

62S0608 00



1 4 60'flfiOttOO

110018 0010 2513 0025 004a oo

$ 1602 6 0S 504 6 0C M7 0 08 0 0

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#00011)0014 00IB 00aioo25 60S2U6O87 BO05 00

1 m o

f 1758 6 04 5 0

j.GK0 0 08 60

10 UO13 60moo


17 0023 0027 00&>0085 0045 0005 UU

llll 00

FeroenUtgti added for extra*. Local notloMfifteen cent* per line.


Uoo. iUtaWwiii Insurance Agent

Offioe over The Geo. Rioarils


Oo.'s Store,

p J . COOPER, "•



Office la th^Tcso Building,



DOVER, H. J.Insurance Brokerand CoramiMlonerof Deeds.

Fire, Life, Steam Bolter, Employers1 Lia-bility and Live Block Insurance. Our In-surance insures. Real Eatftte bought andsold i'f Counniflpon





Pieddent-HBHRY W. MILLER.Vi-ie-Proiidoiit—AUREUU8 B. HULL.

Treasurer—H. T. HULL.MANAGERS:

Henry G. Pitney, Henry W. Miller,

Hampton O. Hanh, Aareliiu. B. Hull,FblllpH. Hoffman, Paul fievere,Cha*.Y.Bwfcn,M.D. Edmund D. Halaey,

John Thatcher.


January lst,'l&» 11,333,721.1UABIUTIKU.

Dus deposJton 11,180,728.30In t Dividend Jan. 1, lfl,U38.1S

H,20fl,OOH 52lurplus 127,055.44

is declared nnd paid Ja January am.July of each year from tbe profit* ot tbe pre-vious six months1 business.

Deposits nude on or before the Sddays ofJanuary, April, July and October! draw in-terest from the, 1st days of Mid month* re-spectively.

BAMBINO HOURS.9 A . u. to 4 P. M. daily, except Saturday

Saturdays from 9 A . » . to 19 M. (noon) andfrom T to 9 p. H.



AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency,

HOISTING ENGINES, duplexand reveraabU.

PUMPING' ENGINES, strongand economical,

00RNIS3 PUMPS, double orsingle,

GEARING and P ULLEYS, largeand email.

Heavy and Light Castiuga in Iron, Braes,and Plimpbor Broiue, FOFKIURS of o?ery de-scription : BOILBKB, horizonUl, tubular and


f i EO. O. CDMMINB.M. D.,


KATUN AMD MAI.AH.tAT- DIBIABM.Office on north side ot Block well street and

about 200 feet went of Warren street,DQVS&, H , J .







G 0 T O

KAKOUdE & HOSKINQ'S BAKERYfor freeh Bread, Cuke a i d Flea dally. Af r a h itock of Conf«oUooery always on band.






v DOVER, N. J.The place taa be«n entirely refitted In a neat

nunner. L a d W and Children'* HairCutting A ipedalty.



Contract* taken for all kinds of work ID«lthw U M O ( bualneM and. the bait materials

BMiaz Boilen and oovorlng Bteun Plpeawith Aibertot a ipedalty.

O m o i N«AK CBNTBAI. D I P O T 23-ly



P«naosJ attention ft-r«n to mil oalb by J .G. Johnson. Office and warerootna in the oldt M H t t u bonding, HontaitrMfc. 1&-V




B o r e s j 9 A. M. to IS M. erery Saturday.


CARFENTERAND BUILDER,Plan* and tpedncatloni made and oontracta

takem. Jobbfcg alwrnyiparticnlarly attended10. Or t en l e l t « the Brick Drug BtoreofMr. Wffl. H. Qoodale. or a t the port office will

' i to. Corner Union and




Storing FurnitureWhore people can store Furni'ure in a oleaa place at low rates

in where they are goiug, and sucli ia the New BuUdicg at 88 BunkStreet. Finn it are removed with TADS.

. . . . . . . . . U G H R I G H T .•** •*> TRAVEUMG^ALESMAH








WILCOX & BERRYCarpenters and Builders,

Dover, N. j .Pluu, ap«dflc«tloiu(orballdtt]^ oontnrti

ikro w d uutef1«l • fwniBbttl.

Jobbing Promptly Attondsd to-

SLA.™; HOOFS.—W« totolih l l t H U a•Ut« u d pntoDFlKtarDofsbjioodnechanlci.

8oekBt'B StaMUiIng Paper alwayt on b u d .Offlo. and iliop on BUekw«ll B t , next to

Dorsr Lumber Companj'i 1UU.



in lota of 6 aarec and upwardi, and severalsood building Iota In Port Oram, N. J .

Addraai L. O. BtKfiWiBTQ, Seo'r,





•i. FNIITUIE « 0 UMOBHI3 St., (Netr the KImrJ DOVEJ1, N. J.


manofaotnnr and dealer In

MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTELSE tudaUwarklaUarblQandGniiita. All work

' ot tW( bert ordw and price* reaaonable.


TT7H. H. PiftRQLEB, J*.,


. Cat Flowers and D*dgns ol every deacrlp-tion, for all occasions, Jornistod sA a t e t a t




fa 8TAKHOrE,H. J.

I'AND BUILDER,Plans, spedQcauani

ttvktnaiid materials furnished.



Masons and Builders,DOVXB. n. j .

OoBtmota for all Undi ot work tak.n and

aU matarlala tnralaoed. PraotlCAl ezperlfiow

b OTary branch of matmi work.


Baov oa- Bnan t B n n i ;

M» w»XT TO v.. T. * vr. n n


tUntleaonhtui•bop opposlts A

Tb*» nibacriber lieroby RITW noUoe VkaA be laMml la Uko coatncU for bulWlngs nod do

ns and Jobbing "f »n°rt noUw and In aunllke tumour. lUvlur hnd a long cz-ce In the carptalt-r bualoeaa ACJ baring

mxnr tou«» in DOTWU. ihow u to Uwqualltjat bu work, he n*i*ctfuil)' ul t i a. mliaro of thepublic patronage and aa opportunity to Nttraate£Q i £ l VoriTSau nuw hito U, do In hla Una

ONE WOBB TOAmosH.VAN HORNAre taking & great many oruers for goods to be delivered in the Pall,on account of tbe great Cut in Two Price Bulo. N. B— Orders aretaken for goods with or without a deporit Ctmli or credit, to bo de-H?ered in the Fall.

PRICES.All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard 45 ctBTapestry Erusssls Carpet, per yard 46 otsVelvet Carpet, per yard 76 ctBBody BrnBSels Carpet, par yard '. 90 etaAntique Ool Bedroom Baits J10.00Autiquo Oak Bedroom Suits 15.00Antique Ouk Bedroom SititB 20 00Parlor Snits, in Plash Covering 20 00Parlor Suits, in Plush Covering 25.00

arior Sniis, in Jtng OovoriDg 3000

MY STREIs headquarters for all kinds of Kussott

Shoos. A magnificent assortment of Ties

for Ladies are also a special feature. You

cau save lots of money by giviag me your

trade in footwear and have the best as-

sortment in this County to select from. If

our store in Boonton is more convenient

you cau get the same treatment.

Do not buy a range until you have eoen the Famous Portland.Over 500 now in nae. Warranted a good buker or uion«y refunded,and the only place they can be purchased at ia at our establishment.



73 Market Street,Near Plane St., NEWARK, N.J.


PK-MEAL-uiSOUKE vSWES.I have a {all line of thorn at lowest prices


I Bha.ll sell the

NEW DEERING MOWER,rhioh has given the best satisfaction. One of these in use six years,

oostirig any 75 cents for repairs.

Plumbing, Tinning, Steam Beating and Hot Water Heatingdone in the best manner.

D. S. ALIEN, Pover, N. J.



Tho Wareroomi ciUbliahed for the con.vcoknee of bleitn. CoMMiir & Co.'nm»1.ypitrull.in.lJl..er »,,d jhp Ttl?,f-yhailKtnrenioTedtnlirctrnrtiiinci ,»nilB

nlaiivewiir. , hour*. anJukP M w both tor

j » t 1'lan 13 suit a p pekti„ _ , MAKE A NOTE OF THIS I'Tfta New Cflulsfc W m r o o ! n i , H t t b ^ g £ ^ ' r >

'plAHO8fromSI70.O0. ORGANS from S33x3:frM


Dor. Blaokwell and Morris 3 ts M DOYBT,J. R. DALRYMPLE, Manager,

Also dealer in Bmall Kusinal Instrumeiite of all kiuds, Trim-mings and Supplies, Sheet Musio and Music Bnoks.

Plctura FramM or band and made to crdor. Orders taken for Crayon and Oil Portrait*

"Seeing is Believing."

Tine Bologna Sausage.We are making the finest Bologna

olferod to the market, and onr s- " is tbat ton r — '

k b» iton ot Jotn Downing, XMrt Own.HEDDEN BKOS., Butchers ,


JOSSPHEbop oof. of ItorttK. and BUckwefl fltt., Dorer, N. J .

iS-Bm, I

Simflt, Beautiful, Good—these words mean much, but tosee "The Rochester" will impressthe truth more forcibly. Its mar-velous light is purer and brighter

.— than gas light, softer than electriclight, and more cheerful than cither. Thechoicest bric-a-brac in the palace of a Van-derhilt reveals nothing,finer. We have 2,700 ••>•artistic varieties, in brass, bronze, silver and black iron.

Ladid olten like to go down among me large wholesale bouse* tun! bny offimfaonda, Theywlllflnaaloofsileirooini ( the l a rges t I n t h a w o r l d )anrecollectionof ArtlaUmpt. AciulcgoetoaendyoMtlyoucuwoicooie.

„ T n B B O 0 1 ^ ^ ' " ^ ? : l c " " ' I " l t 0 " T >

^ " T h e Rochester."JENKLNGS & BTJTLER.

• U u a n i >tnd Balldars.

obUBK prampUy Attended to. We


Any di9 orjiu*ntlty, delivered on the llnra orthe Del&wuo, I^ckawanaa, &nd W<«Uni E. K, andOsnlnl n. R. of Hew Jereej-. Addmw

OEORGK BIUW. flupt,M-tf


Opp. 0. L. & W. R. R. Depot. DOVER, N. J.

EXTRA.United StatesTroopsGannot Prevent us

From Cutting Prices.L. LEHMAN &, CO.

Cash Grocers and Tea Dealers.


FATKNTFLOUK, BARI lEI i f lP ' t . t ) ; /Our beat patent Hour Is made exclusively forua by one of tho best mills ID Minnesota, ItIs made from selected No, 1 hnrd wbeat, andire frill guarantee It to be tbe lineal fl-jur InIhe market, and to please every time. Lflh-nan's boat in bags a t barrel prices.

TEAS.We have junt receiftd a Iarg4 lot of New CropTEAS meb ai Formoji Oolong, EngllihBreakfast, Japan, Gunpowder and YoungHJBOD and our special brand of line in liedteas. Our teai a t £0 centa a pound uro abargain. But to more thoroughly Introduce

i we will give free to cook purchaser ofone pound of Ua 4 pounds of thebeitgranU'lated sugar for a snort time onlf.

Dry Goods and Notions Retailed at Wholesale Prices.

L. LEHMAN & Co..

Dover, ) U .Next to

Post Office



The recent storms have interfered withutisincss and kept many of our out-of-townpatrons from visiting us. Push and pricesmust make up for lost time. We'll makeit profitable for you to come now.

MEN'S SPRING SUITSWe are exhibiting not only the largest

and most complete line we ever asked youto look at, L>ut are selling them at pricesfar below their actual value.

You nor we ever saw such $10 suits before.You nor we ever saw such $12 suits before.

OUR OWN FINE CLOTHINGWe don't and we couldn't buy such Clothing; as we sell. But that is not all.

I'OU save the profit of the middleman by dealing with us first hand.


MCGREGOR & Co.850 A 852 Broad St., - - - - NEWARK, N. J.



Buppllas of Every Description for

nufcc.urera,, Machinist, Steam Filters, Railroads, Hills, Con Ira dors, Office M'ti-

logs, Publto iDflfilulloRs. Uvn Mowers, Water Hose, and aummcr specialties.



Uri!e.t a i J l«at




J . T. KERR, opp Pails Holel, Blactwell 61, Dover, N. J,

ECONOMIC VALUE OF GOOD B0AD8.From Juliu CiiltuiT fSl«*J In liarinTH W

In tbemovami-iit far a betUtrtneut of thicoinuion roatla of t ie country tlio jiolicythe untiouul goieriiiiiuiil It uu\y U} unakttlw educational part of the movtiiieiit. ABma!) apjircprlivtiuD was mode lo enable tbDepartment of Agriculture *o attablixb IBureau of Road Iuijufry, and tho ottltvr IDcbirgo lias 1>€UD for a year pant engaged luKaUjerlugnnddlswiniDaUtig itatlqtlca BS totbs liurJeus entalltd on agriculture b;re*BOD of Lad roods, tho ooet of good roods,ond tbe cheapest methods of CtiiiBtrnetltigthem. Ho bai concluded that in a regloubad roads—and t>a.d toad* uiiiortuoately arctho rule all over tlie country—tbe (armingoperation* coat nauuaily f 1.3.1 jwr acre IUOthan they wculd wers tbe roads good 01hard aud In prime condlllou at all EOUUIIEvtry faraieraod land-owner can en "uiffor hluiBolf liow serluus this burdon U, andovery consumer or r«rin product—that I

rjbody in tbe whole country—can tati-what ehare of this Lurdeu be LBS to

bear. This feet mutt Lo tLoroustjly undistood before wo c m secure uniform SJBUJIof good ruads la America, Tbs boneflta aregeneral, and tbtrefor tho funds, or a t leaitlarge share of them, to par fur tbe Improvemeuta should be ruiiod by genuml taxatluior by pledKlug tbe general credit. Athorough impTovement o! tbe rondd wouldnot be of temporary but of pernittneut valuusod therefore It seeus a iwrfectly propeicourse to leave a part o t the cost of roueimprovement to tbo coming generation!. I t1B thought that couuty road Improvementbonds bearing A low ruto of iutertstbe ewily saleable, for every dollar spent In•uch work increases ttio taxable values lu tbedistricts bonefl'.od to a very coiipldertout For Instance, tho eiporta cf the Agrl-oultutat Doiiattment con tend UIQ coaatrui:-

if goodeume roftde inn purely ngrlcul-VUIBV btoijDu .uurt-tiieo IW value ol l u n ,lands t'20 per acre.

I'be socretary of tbs Imtioim) Farm era1

Cougresa, by aualyilDg tho transportationreturns ol the country, in ikes the coet ufwagou transport one billion dollars aunually,of which eix and otio quarter buudrod mil-lions Is due to bad roads. Tho total annual'alueof tbo farm produals In tbe Uuitod

Btates is about two and a hslf billion dollars.Itnllltliereforobo wen tliat one fourth oftbe home value of all tbe farm produuU ofthe country Is lost through bod roads. "Ifthis logs," says the road engineer of the Agrf

iltural Departmeut, "fall wholly upontatmora, It would remit in instant and ROEeral baokniptcy, for there Is no such iuargtiof proQt In sgrlcultural anywhere. Butwhile the farmer nrnet pay this tax on ell

;porlablo pi-oducte, tbe price of wbicb infixed by foreign competition on tbote pro-ducts ffblch have only a bams market, lie iiable to add a part of It to the price, and totrantfer the t a t to tlie conuutuera in to1

ind cities. Tho bunion on the country atlarge, however, Is Done the loaa realgrievous, and in amount It ne&rly equals &\1itber taxation, local and national "

Hovf Uie quettloD to answer is hoi* best tolift tbls burden without placing another oneequally hoavy on the people. It may bo thattbe previous suggestion about countyImprovement bends may 1« the correct solu-tion uf tbe problem. In the Southern statesdrainage will not cost BO much as lu theNorth, where the frosts go deeper, and If thiconvict*—and what to do with tbe convictlabor Is lu lUelt a serious problem, liSouthern states—were used to quarry andbreak stone good roads could be built thifor 11,000 a mite. Indeed, to Canad&iR,New York, the roads have betn Improved at

cost than this, and Are so good thatduring the than* ol last Febmary they werein prime condition, whereat the unimprovedroada la tbe same nelejabarhood wpassable. Delaware has adopted this policyof working convicts In preparing materialfor macadam road?, and this material Iflbe furnished free on board the cars for coi

id townships undertaking to megood roads. Tbe great ra-lrouds, and mall,in tbe United States, re&lldug the value ofgood roads In Jncrtfliing the amount offreight shipped, havo very generally ex-pressed a'Nlllingnessto carry stone tor roadsat a very low rate.

There are, indeed, many methods whichmay be employed satisfactorily both aa toconstrcutlon and as to raising the necessaryfutds. The alMmp'-rtant factor In the prob-

' Bver, Is the attitude or the peopletowardi this movement. Tbor need to bastirred up by COD a taut and luccwnut aglta-lion, BO that the Rood idsa now abrcad maynot die. The influences now at work oremany and powerful, but all of them nreneeded all the time,' for the people are at aidto undertake such a great enterprise as theone presented to them, and tboy da notrealize tbe shame and tho cost ol thiwntched bigfcwayi now In general use. Thecommon roads are at once tbe means end themeasure of n people's, civilization. Those ofthe United SLatei are worse tlian la anycountry la tbe world wita a stable govern-ment. Toe conclusion from this trulim nnjthis fact Is obviously disgraceful, and a serl-ons reflection on the progress of which weprate w loudly.

An Excellent Performance."A large audience greeted FiUand Webster

In their rollicking farce comudy, "A DrwzyTime," at the Academy of Music last night.

A Brerzy Time " has lost none of its powersto atnute and the audience warmly, mani-fested Its appreciation of the many natvipedaltieo by hearty applaute, E, B, F tuand Kathryn Webster are tbe leading Ilgbtsof the company end provoke mirth andlaughter by their many songs aud witty say-ings. Ulsa Webster has a sweet sopranovoice which BUR used to good effect lostnight. The Umt.1* quintette, Mandoline,tette and Turkish bell gavottes by tbe com-

iy wen delighted sniolaUIea much appreci-ated by the spectators. As musical artiste,Fits and Webs'er are umurpaEsed The

iedy It filled with pretty girls, gay songs,pretty dances and musical solos which makeIt a lint-class success,"

That It what the Soranton Times says ofthe show that will op*n tbe season at BakerOpera House next Thursday night.

A Dabr Found Uurdered.J. 8. Bunt, a farmer residing near Phillips-

burg, when goiug through bla cornlleld Mon-day afternoon round the partly decomposedbody of A male Infant Tbe child, which was

l i k s old, bad bad Its skull crushedIn and there were bullet boles In the bead.

The coroner held an Inquest Tuesday and,•cm the evidence brought out, It Is thought

the baby was the child of £11IB Hajlock turnDr, Watford Nixon. Dr. Nixon and lllaaHaylock havd been living together and neigh-bors testified that a child was born to them

itao time ago, and that nothing bad been«B of It linco Bhortly after Its birth.Dr. Hiion was present during tbe inquest,id as It progroBsed he slowly edged toward

the dour of tbe room. When a witness wastestifying ho suddculy sprang out of tbo doorand ran up the railway track. A crowdstarted la purault, but the doctor was fleetfooted and left his pursuers behind. lie bmnot been seen since.

Ingenious Jersey men.Patents Usued to Jerteymon, reported for

the EH*, by Diske&Co.,Bolloltorsot patents,cor. Bratd and Uarhct St., Newark N. J.Blackboard rulnr, B. W. Ahne, Bajonnloot, E.C*itn, W n t Hobokan; condenter :fluUher carding machine, J. Crotnle, COL.den; steam heating apparatus, K. M. Dlxon,Ewt Omiigo; centrifugal blower, W. 11.Jarrlson, Newark; steam generator, W. E,Kelley, New Urunswick: oiphon bottlo, J .UuKinauJOrange: railway slgniU, F. K.

Kinsman, Pialnfleld; nroceta ot condensingotdpreservlngmllk,IJ. F . Mclntyr*, EastOrange; oil burning apparatus, J. W. Mor-tis, Pleuant Valley; caterpillar trap, T, I).Nootc, Camden; prccotBDf. making amonla.I*. BUrnberg. Jeney City; furniture caster,J. T. Vtgloid.I'lnluQoldi valve, T. IL Wll-llami, etal, Jersey City.

H&ilwty rlgnallnRdevluo, W. DATOS, JerseyLily; regulator for dynamo-electric machine,T.A. Edtson, Ucnio PflJtt; water-closet, M.Gotland, Seabrigbt; fwd waltr heaUr andpuriUer, W. Webster, Ueichantvllio; ring,(ISpatent*), W. Durand, Kewaik; scarf-pin.J . uTTbeberaib, Newark.

Bi t PropIn price of bicycles, at S. H. Berry HardwareCo.'*, Dover. Call and see tbelr wheels.

. . . . . pasBeaandijovod by the children ot Tabor Hud

toe two neighboring aeboo.8, namely,Denvillemd Chestnut Grove. The Denvillo ball teamlent down in the afternoon and cioesod bats

with the T. A. A. aud oniue off victorious in1 score of 11 to 10. Too parade was the great,'euture In tbe evening. Along tbe line ofmarch tbe housei were beautifully decorated.Tlien fireworks of nil descriptions added theirIn*i>lratlun to Ilia joyous occasion. Therewere a large number of poople present fromtlio surrounding to win, cltlas and neighbor-

I D Uioeo tisye of commercial disaster with aOocgrots that pronilwd everything to get inpotter, but when tbe power la ([lven themby dlm-»lgliUid Republicans and mugwump*}

they snovr tbolr weakonaa by useless sfctlouslquarrels, thus proving tbe Democmoy a partyof stict'onalliin, u tbe Boutb wants freo trado,North protection, West on the fence, and 10It goer, with thedutleaof Sborlff multiply Ingbeggara »t o?ery door and tha sugar kings rii-lug rough shod over every other Interest,mroly protection could not or did not, afterthirty fears trial, cau 10 dfsaater, but tbe re-verse. Democracy Is t. great party, but greatonly In uuaibera and as oppoaltlonfata.

FLANDEBB.Rev. D. E. Frambei loft on Monday for

Stockholm, N. J , to spend a fair davi withlila daughters, Mrs. William?, of Faterson,and Ure. Theodore Murel l , of Kewburgb, "V., who are spending part of tbe eeawnthat place.

Mrs. Clinton Gray Halaej, oee Miss ViolaMarvin, and little daughter, of Forest Bill,Newark, are a t "TbB Uomeiteod" for a fenweeks.

Motors. Harry and John Meeker started ona drive to Yonder*, N . Y . , o a 8»turday ol


ere attacL- o f lj jihold malaria.i'eler Y, Uonk ia conQned to tbe brute with

imhria.Mrs. and Miss Vourheej, of Brooklyn, &r«

toiiploK with Ure. J. Hliinbman.MIM 1'ouuie Clark, of Eliiab«th, Is vfultloj

he Ml^eflDioterwin.W. T. Leightua bas been engaged to loach

Cbcutnut Urove school this coming sc' 'year.

Mrs. J . A. KfRhter U 1 ok tag a triji thruugbOrange Co,, N. Y.

Mr?. Wm. Ctstorlinp, a sister to J. D,Cooper,of tbii plive, tiled athor home at Kraultlfiiparly Monday moruiug. Thn funural serviceswet* beld *vt bur late borne W*duBwlay raorn-lug of tbis week,

A taatn uf horees by some me*ni got tliebeat of tlielr drivers Monday afUTDOon onthe read lending from DenTllle to Tabor &edrao away. The only damage dnne BO far asI bave boon able to ascertain Is tha cauiubiiedestruction of the wagon which can:? in cou-

ict with a wood pile Ulow T 'JOT. TLBttentluinan" crawled out beliUd tbo car-

rluge and with tbe exceptions of a few slightlirufEOs BEda copfoiuBU]i.>1y of Tabor dusteacaped uulujured,

Tho Uucas Club held tholr an Dual electionlast Friday evening and eltcted K. L. Dicker-

preitdeDt i Elmer Dlcberaon, SocreUryTreasurer; Banj. Hurd and W. J. Price,

Truitces; Herberton Uiucbraan, H. Barrett,T. lieatty, House Couimlllee and gsuerol

anagent DI the social tealuioa ol tbe club.F . L. DlekorBon is doiiig a rushing business

selling electric rall-oad tlea. If tbo corpora-tluns build all tbe l inn they are oontemplat-liig It will mate the tie business generallygooil.

Sidney Cook K M awabened lost (Saturdaylight by a nolsn <u hii kitchen. Thinking Itt-BB an animal of some sort after some bread

bis wife had left 111 a clueet, be careles.ijcome down stairs, and to Ills greet surpriseseveral men left Sidney rubbing bid eves andnaktog an effort to pull toe trigger of an olduaty gun. Tbat wai tbe last beard from

last < •ek.J. IV. F a m w lias returnsd from his sea-

side trip.A party of about eighteen young people, of

Durer, drove to M. U. HorUin'a, of thisplftoe.isrtt Friday evening. Theie wcre&lwa few of our young paople present and theevening was most pleawatly tpent. Rerreahmeuts was e r v d and in the wee bours olHaturday morning theyounf people left forhome.

Mr*. John Doerlng li speeding a few weekiat Anbury Park.

Mrs. W. H. Miller, of Woodbrldge, spenta part of lait week wltb her SOD, Dr. C. K.Miller nnrl Mrs. Miller.

Mrs. J. P. WoodbuU and children, andMrs. William Waer, ol Dover, made fi BbortrUlt with Mr. and H n . Theodora Woodlinllait week.James Fraher, of Bridgeport, Conn, was In

tbe village a short tlms last week,81s. turley buuardfl wero aeon by Mrs.

Fred Burroughs near tndr home ote day but

Mm Luelli P . rrottraan, of Hacket'stowu,a vieltlng with her grandparents, Mr. and

Urs. William Tborp.Fred BlUey was recently tbe guest of his

mole, D. A. Nloliolas.William CharleMUs Uttlaionof Dr. and

Mrs. W. R Funtnr, recelued the rite of bap-tlfm, by tbe Presbyterian Cbnrch,ft* tho pre-paratory lecture on Saturday l u t

Gu: Doeriug, of White Plains, was In thevillage on Saturday.

Mes'er John Bird 1> tho champion toner,having caught thirty-sis catfish la one dayl u t week, and on another day tie landedtwenty-six. CAtio LTKK.

MT. AHLINOTON.Mayor nnd Urs. Prothlngham and daughter.

Miss Ulllan, loft t u t Monday for a ten days1

>journ a t Arvcmo, L, I.U iss Lela Thomas, of Btanhope, ia vlaltlng

ur auiit Mrs. Catherine Hart.Little Frank Canfleld. Uie lnfunt BOB of F.

Canneld, fell from bis carriage one day I^stwoctand we* laierelv lujurVd. UiwlwthoBkillful treatment of Dr. J, L. Taylor, whoras immediately summoned, lie Is doingilcoly.Mr. Cotter, the photographer of tha Eaglo

Gallery, Dover, Is again among us, and basbeen very bu i j taking pictures around theLake, Including uimpi, cottages, etc.

Mr. and Mrs. George Deatty am enjoying t.riva through northern Hew Jersey.A bout race for tbe ladiea of tbe Brotdln

took place In front of tbe hotel dock onWednesday afternoon.

Urs. Joliu Tone, *bo bas been seriously 111ir the p u t two weeks, we are pleased t inotenow Improving. Mrs. L. C. WMiami and

Mrs. George Decker nave also been on thesick list, but both nn» nan- convalescent

A Bpoclai meeting of tlio Common Council«UB held lu the Town H&U l u t Fdds.y after-

son At Qve o'clock.UIBS Madaline JIcQuire, of Tarry town,

N. Y., Is the guost of Hiss Agnes Walsh.Mrs. E. F. Totton and Mlsi Addio Hinds,

if Dover, were guestd a t the Glon House ,'hlacek.A grand minstrel perfortnance and cakealt Mill bo given by tho Breslin walurs in

'be hotel dining room, Friday evening, Aug.lOtli. A good time is expected.


IBONIA.W. K. Diion has a bouse full of city

boarders.E. C. Ilavey boa tbe first potatoes In town.B. J . DIckerson Is kept bus; painting

wagons.Jacob IUdner and wife spent Sunday at

Rcckaway.Mlts Nellie Clayton, of Hew York, Is (top-,

plug a t Dr. DehanueVAdolph Debanne bas return od from a

weeta ttay a t the sea shore. 'UTS. D. L. Bryant baa her Urge houaeQ

rlth friends from the city.Tbe rain lost week done a groat deal of

good fn this vicinity.We ore scarce of good bill players, but

'hen it come* to shooting Arthur Darnestakes the take.

Tlieo Stelttnier and wife, of Morrittown,ipeut Sunday with Mrs. Charles Strand.

8. O. HsrvAy runs hli produce wagon tothe lake three times n. week.

H. K. Causon and daoghtor, of Chester,spent Sunday with Ed J. Dlckerson.

Charles Tumor, of Orange, spent Bundayin town.

Geo. lUdnor, of Hew York, Is home ivacation.

Evarbody Is plwued with our two msili aday and we make our best bow to PostmasterCory. MIKB

Three Special ValuesLac« Curtalny at BO c , OSo. and 41.30 a

pair, all new patterns tbls season. Twenty-Qve per cent, under regular price. Don't

.In them, a t the Dc/vtr Bwuix of J. H.'Jrimm.

Hew Crop16W Turnip Beed now for sale at Killgore'iCorner Drug Store.

Tbe Flor ida B t s u n UTeatex.For Ulu tn ted oircnlon send to Tbe Fred*

D. Utvp&eDi Ua,, U t a ^ i u Vallsr. B . J .

OALIFON-Mi«KcCutJ, o( Ketr OeriianUiwu, paid*

short visit at tbe hotun of her nl<ce, AbramPhilhower, Miss Katie Ueyccck, also of NewUermsntownt la (pending a few weeke a t barftunU, Mrs. Qeo. Latourette'f.

Un. H. Jones li entertaining her niece thisweek.

Hie. L. H. Potter and children, of Brook-lyn, are bojuuruing at her mothers, Mrs. H.Trimmer.

Miss .'oncle Crawford, of l'aturaon, Is thoguest ot Mm. EIIBHUB Apgnr.

The high wbeeler Is in town Look out boys- you will get your eyes Oiled with -lust.Humor bas it there will bo a wedding In

town soon.Wesley Button Is all mullet. It's a great

big boy, alto D, W. Apgor. It's a girl.The peach growers say If tbora don't corns

rain the* peach crop will bo a failure.After weeks of jxvtlence sufTttruiK from tbat

dreaded dlwase oonsumption Mrs. Eete ForceJ K I puocetuUjr away a t b^v pwwiU homeIn tills plane oa hut Friday morning.Funeral services were very iarRely attendedIn tbe £1. E. Church on Monday afternoonand a very feelfug sermon was rendered byher pastor. Rev. 8. II. Jouos. Interment a tLower ValUy.

The people of tills place, I mean those whoenjoy a game of base bail hod tbe pleasure ofwltaoetng two games here latt Saturdayafternoon, our boys oroKted bats with tbeGerman Valley and the Anthony leauu, theyfirst tackled tbe tlio Anthony boys and drovethem up to tbat time of 21 to Ii. They saidthey came ever ia bave a good practice, anddidn't caro 1f tbey did lose, but never theless they were ratlier wrotby after they werebeaten, tbe spectators thought the GermanValley boys would tnske a better ahow, andone o( tboM men, I think it was the rightHolder, after T*knowing the Anthony andCallfon game, said our boys, played likechildren auil they could easy do them up, t u tat tbe end of tbe game when tbo score stood2 to 6 In favor of Callfon, It would seem as

though they played like chickens themselvesand very small ones at that. Bogem, pitcherfor tbs borne Unn had Gorman Valley attill iflQ/ey ami Tc swined .mp-ies.b.e tor themto Milve bin curvet »nd dro;>t as one after an*other was struck out. Hyde was put In topitch for the German Valleys and was soonknocked out ot the box and tne other twopitchers passed but little better. Boyswouldn't it be advlsabls for you to learn toplay ball before going away from borne.

Now AND T H E N .

Tbe Misses Annie aud Laura Thorp* ofHuccasuuna, were In town last Monday to at-tend the funeral of Urs. Elmer Force.

E. E. Beams, of Cbetter, made our town adying visit on Moad&y lost.

Mrs. Oakley Apgor baa quite a number ofcity boarders a t present.

Peaches are coming ID quite rapidly andtire bringing gojd prices.

John Neighbour, our postmaster, b t i theWilson peach sorter for sale. I t looks like agood thing.

Ouryoung people are BDjoying'tbe boatingthese fine «ten.nsi.

W. W. Wooden bas bean cutting downsome fin* trees from the hotel to the station,

iblch Is an ImprovementDo not forget tba excursion to the Lake

ezt Tuesday, August 14.Isaiah Apgur Is Uklag charge ot tbs peach

Car from this place.Jobn Williamson, our barnees-maker, tias

lately put In a soda fountain, and Penti, theHigh Bridge druggist, hw decorated bti win-dows very nloely, calling attention to thesoda water.

If these are good old Denooratla time,"give us a rest," far we are certainly tired.

Illlldaro up announcing a harvest home attbBFaInncuatM.E. Church oa Wednesday,August IS. LTMX.

OEB.K&.H VAX.UBT.Mr. Btryber and family and Mrs. Buib, of

Kewark, spent lost week with Urs. Wiggins.Mr*. Dorland has been entertaining some

friends this weak.[. T. Welsh and family are enjoy log tbe

ootan. broexes. J . W. Welsh m d totally leftWednesday to jaln hla brother a t Ocean

Grove for a week.Mrs. James Cortrlght and children, of

Newark, are spending a few weeks at tbehome or Mrs. Cortrighfi father, E. M. Bart-

Mrs. J. W. WUIet is entertaining guesU.Mr. Henry, of Newark, joined hli daughters

m Monday at thebomeof Mrs. John&£. Todd.Mrs. Naooy Vaughrlght Is sojourning

among friends Ia 2{ew York State.

t i n . John Van Fleet, of Rockaway, paidher many friends la town a short oil] last

Mr.'and Mrs. O*»r Bchoenhelt and MUsMiller, of Mo:ristown, are at the borne ofU n . L R. Px&eoenhelt.

Jonathan Bartley, o( Uorrlstown, wa* Intenn for a f«w hours on Tuesday.

Borne of our young people took In the. ex-cursion to Delaware Water Gap on Thursday.

Quite a number from this place attendedtbe Flanders fair on Wednesday and Thurs-day.

Mrs. Downs had a water b jacinth ID bloomon Tuesday, which drew many spectators andwaa vary handsome.

BUDD'S L A S S .We caution some girls and boys to the

necessity of the proper proprieties and obedi-ence to loving mammai

Chapel exerclnes are Interestingly per-formed by the Revs. Scofleld, Waliton; Tim*broil and Btout.

Blaak bass fljbing Is now good. Dr. Joan-son and others are landlnx BO many of themtht t they begin to Ure of their flshy flavor.Nothing Ilka good t>lokerel and the lunflsh.

Under the direction of Col. Evans, our mfn-4 engineer, the foundations for tbo goldand

silver mill Is now nearly completed. To 'thick that theproclous metals can be scatteredIntberockD ot toe rocty n.Us northeast otBudd's Lake is more than many can believeand hundreds are trying to verify* by personalexamination. This mine wai discovered byan old California miner some years ago andthe enterprise of the present operators willbe tucoeatully developed.

All of our boarding-houses are full to tiielrutmost limits, and tbe Forest Bouse, undertbe direction of .Fred Durjct, boa not hadsuch a rush for years.

A. Smith's Kooky Bhor* Is becoming bean-tillfd, and with the beautiful shady grave,i-ialng gradually above the waters, which intheir itillneM reflect each progressive step ofMr. Smith's Improved acres from the hilltopto the limpid stream. Mr. Smith's dairy Isqow growing some of tho b x t stock lu theState.

Our shores are now liks a military encamp-ment and It is doubtful If our State troops a tSea Girt under tbe direction ot tbe Governorgave more happiness to the tightly-buttonedup boys than our campers are receiving byBudd'a Lake's fresh waters, accompanied b ythe beverages which msta mm, though tickand worn out, feel like prolonglgti their daysfor one hundred yean or more. We told

l when they Ant thought of buying SeaGirt It wai no place compared to tbe beauti-ful lakes of Morris County, but our Icgbla-tc-3 took to salt water.

LEDCJEWOOD AND "VICINITY,Wanted Inthlsvlclnltyagoodoldfasbloned '

rain storm, praises will be sung to the donor.The sldewheel Bopatcong Is laid up for re-

pairs a t the Landing dock, same part ot hermachinery being broken.

A canal boatman, bad his horse killed byplane car number three oust last week.

Will some one be kind enough to Inform uswfaen the good timsa th&t tbe Clevelaadltenpromised us ore forth coming, At presentthey ore out ot sight, like a blind man.

Wm. B. King's oHlce Is nearly completedu far as carpenter work Is concerned. Tbework already done ipeaki highly ol the obiil<ttea or Messrs. Hiits & King;.

Cbas. A. Black has been visiting ir. Portttarrla.

Fred. Cook, ot New York, has b*m visitinghis aunts, tbe Misses Cook, during tho lastweek.

H. Cook, of FlsbkUl, H.Y. ,waala towi . iora few days.

Uly O. Todd, formerly ot Landing butl&toof Etaira, Is vlmting bis parents at Landing.

Mrs. Wm. E. Search, of landing, Is con-Bned to her home dangerously ill, we hopsforher speedy recovery. W A O .

Saafnosa Canaot Ba Cttredby local applications aa they cannot reach thediseased portion of tbo ear. There Is only onenay to cure deafnns, and that Is br conitltu-tlonal remedies. Deifntsa is caused by an In-flamed condition of tho mnooui lining ot theGuitaohlan Tube. Whoa this tubs U inCam-ed you bave a rumbling lound or Imperfectbearinff. and when It is entlrclj closed doaf-noss Is the result, fuid unless tbe Inuamitloncan bo taken out and tbls tube restored to Itsnormal condition, hearing will be destroyed,forever; nlno can* out oF ten are caused byniUrrb , which Is Dotbingbuton InflamedOOM-ditlon of ttio mucous surface*. We wtllatvaOne Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness(cauied by catarrh) that carnot bo cured byball's Catarrh Cure. Rend for circulars, free.

P. J . CHENEY & CO., T o l e d or*T3old by Drugglsta, 75c.

Page 2: EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,

TETK EB/LFriday, August 10, 1894.


By one of those strange mlscarriajes olnature tbe Governor of Texas ilroppod into aBtyo Instead of a stall and bis name U BpetledHogg Instwul of AM.

President Clove]and tim, asnJii upset tbocomjiromlae of tbe lariR ct/nt&treeM, aud tbeInformal agreement reached Wednesday hasbeen abandoned. The Conferred are appa-rently as farapait a* ever on tho disputedquestion of free raw ujaterjnli. aud tra re.i»rtii apt to bo maiirj tbfa r-eok. Wednesday'soompiTniae would lm«e b«on adopted by thafull conference committee jest onlay and re-ported to tlifc t"O HI/UK* today, but for thidetermination of 1'resldent Cleveland tof oroa& free coal schcdulo upon tbe Senate. Devel-opments clearly Jem oast rate tbat the tariffcontroversy lias narrowed down to a ilgbt ontbe ilnglo item of the duty on coal, and tbeNova Boot.a cool iytul.c-n.tc appears to bo ableto hare tbo duty removed c- .Irfeat tho tariffbill altogether. The »ngar schedule, 40 percent ad valorem nnii l-r> ofn ceutdllferpuUnl,ag arranged lost nook aud rat I (led at Woduai-day's conference, would br*e been agreed to,and tbu Heimlo would hove swepted tbuproposition fur f reu Iron ore, but tha Preel-deat laid dfinn tliu ultimatum tbat coal mustbe upon the free Hut, and by doing BO btsmashed tbe eou.promise arrangement of yeeterdtvy, and the tariff confer row are now a!at sea agiln.

rieveral weeks ago the Etu called attentionto the fact tiiat ttie Prohibit ton orgia priin ttila town bad, through the Ignorance oftU luAiittger, drawn 193.15 illtgnllj from tbicounty ID eveara bills TUu company beganM&rcblug their flUanod found tbat they hadprinted the Collector'* Statement once andhad never been paid lor It. That was at tbotime each paper nan allowed (i'i per quarter.Loat week Mr. Tuarp,ctmlnnan of tbp FinanceComraltt^-, had a consul tat ion with tbaJournal people and agreed to settle tbe mat-ter if tbe money illegally drawn wai refundedby Wednesday of (bis week, and also toldthem to prwont ttieir bill for tha work thathad been done ami It would be paid. At themi*ting Wrilueaday the |i)3 M wu not re-funded but lbs bill for ftf w u presented.Tbit Finance CommlttM would have IwujuntKlod In proMeutiug tbo Journal company,hut decided, to gi*e tbotn another month tomake Rood tba money Illegally collected. Tha

^loaJcncv of ibn Flnaiim* Commltte* U M »lcoHJioeudeO, HC tiiuiu \t no uuu'ivL'uut that tb&oonipBuy is *uttering irom UJO dupujity ot Itamanager, but If HUB of the partisan papers oftbe county had committed eucha blunder tbeJournal would never have admitted, wlib allit* alleged cbrlitinn pnndplu, that (ho actwas not an attempt to rob tba county.

The road question hu got into a very prac-tical and encouraging thape this Y. I«1I, Bud Iftbe exuberauce or some of tbs Hoad Com-mittee con bu subdued, tbe work will be duneand to tba entire eutisfiction and tbe .lastingbom-flt of the county. Tlie prewiWbore ofGeneral Itoy M. Btcue, who hao charge ofHoed Iropioveinent, undor the United BtatfflGovernment, hag done mare to bring thamatter Into practical shape and to get tbacommittee Co norktug together In tbe rightdirection thun all the ogHatioa snd Investi-gation that baa pievkSualy ln»n R.IU.6. tilsrenmrbft before the Board of Freeholder! onWedne»3ay were tue TOBUU ol bta own ex-perience, observation and Investigation, andbo baa been In conau.tAtlon with the Com-mittee and tba engineer, DO that the countywill reap tbe benefit of hli ripe judgment Intbli very Important expenditure for publicimprovements.

We wlBh again to ropoat that It waa notInter d«d that tbe amount of 1350,000 abou'dbe rafsed and expended In a lump. Suofa acourse would be (tupendoua folly. TboHoad Committee undee thli resolution canraire as mui-h or u little as they may used aton; one time, Lat thetn nte tha same judg-ment In this matter that tboy would if theybad a capital ol t&Q,wu to Invest in a newbuoiutsj, witb the Intricacies of which they«re sUU, in roaay pftrtleularB, Ignorant. Toput all tbat capital Into the btiamen at (would bo the act of a simpleton. We do notbeU«re tbat (he amount of 125,001 proposedat tie agricultural meeting two weeks ago Isenough. Let the comittee start with (50,000or (150,000. That is a (air turn aud would givethem ample moan; to make a, good start.Lot the coininlttte build ton or fifteen ml 1Mof good road and ihow that it Is good andthere will net be a murmur about tfao expenditure by ths taxpayer!. The E M . hasperalitently fought for good roads and hasaa tualduoucty supported tbe tomllng echtniebecsu>a it teemed to ha ths bett, but we ahalliurt as penltUaUy onpone tbe expenditure ofthis vait aum of money in one year.

It 1B only necwf&ry to ibow the peoplethat they are getting au equivalent for themoney upended to have tbim thoroughlyaatltflfd to maka tho expenditure, u d thebert results caa only come through practicalexperience.;

fleemed to be Dead.Llttlo August VandoTTelde, two f u n old,

of Factalc, luffared several days tu t we*kwith a Rummer complaint. Oo Monday nightho died apparently. Bit father, AoKuit Vanderrelde, fa tbe wealthy proprietor of • hotel.HemadearraogeniDDUfor a big funeral andordered nn expuasfve cwket for the tody.Turtday evening when tha undertaker WMplacing tha corpse Inthecmtkot be found Itwas not yet cold. Ht> totonsed the parenUand they bartii; sent for a doctor anil al*oattempted th tnudm to reTlTB tbe child,when tbe physician arrived he found the boybad already worn to life Biatn. He !• itillweak, but there is every hope that his lifewill be taved. The doctor explalni tba ap-parent miracle by the fact tbat tha child h uweak lungi and Ita respiration wai always

faint. He MJS altboanb the child w u deadapparently it brratbed nifiiclently to keeptbe body. It wai not olaced under Ice at all.

Tbe funeral, which i r u t o have bc«n heldWednenday tncrnfng,hat been dsclared oftard the happy Vandirrnldet are bt»y notify-Int their friends aot to wme,

Tee, In Five 7 « u t .In a quarter of s century Morris county

•will see, the wisdom ot appropriating one'third of a million of dollars upon her high*wtvjs. Nothing «o t(&da to increase tbe im-portuiCAaad wealtn of a community as goodOJJIV carefully atUcded public blgbwaya.Aad In no one direction Is money more ruth-5e»s1y tQuandered than in the prwent c&releMtnanoer of "working" the public roads.Every resident of Morris county should re-jolco in tbe thought that one hundred u dtwenty-live mile* of its more Important higb-wajs are to bo thus properly repaired aodmaintained. Tune alone will demonstratetba wisdom of this important action on thepart of the Freeholders of that county.—SUB-•ex Herald,

Miss Llirie Corwin, of ttiverptyx.isrotnd-• log a tow days In town.

Georga P. tfeeker, sf South Orange, ipertSunday in town aa the gu«rt of Joelah Ueeker.

Uu> Ellnbeth Babbitt, of New York dty.IB spending a daje with Urs. Harsh at Wm.Corwin's.

Ulsses Orrle and MatUe L»w, of Newark,•re »p*EdlBg a few days vtslUng friends IntbU vicinity,

Mrs. Marsh g&TB an evening tea to ftbont' elghtpon of tba young poepleoo Tuesday •rao-

laa ID honor of Mlii BiiLWtt. Tbe evenlwas one of great fsjoymtnt to all present.

Dr. and Mrs. Stoddard gaie tbe Boy's Bri-gade a reception la tliechnplo Thursday even-ing. Averyltibrre*tirgprograinb&abwapre>pared by thebojiaspartof theevenmg'tfes;-

' tlviUM, Will try to give a fall report nextweeJt,

Lawn tennis seemi to be the chlaf awtue-ment for tbeyouog people attbepnstanttimoand I bollcTej there Is some talk of reorganl>-Icg tba club with Boveml new piemben. "W«have aaaie very promUfng playen.

P. P. Yonng smd L. O. Balmon, of Hatk-ettttown, passed through town Sunday mora-les; e< rout* lor POIDT.

Irene Wiggtna le spendtos a couple of weokaTlslttBg Iri«nd» in Jersey City and New York.

His* CanJs Worthbgtfln, of Brooklyn, isB. few week* with Mend* hi tola

M l s S t d t a A r m i t « ^ W M ltown ittdayfm« BaturcUf of laai week.

Ulsam Hi«» esd Mina Voorheee.of Nawark,are viaitlns; fr&ais In town.

Wm Dell* Fancber.or: Jersey City,lsBp«nd-inK t, couple of n u k i with UlM Lticy Winter.

R B m

OntlMMfr ,Bd. X* & ? . H. I>lckw«on we ratting price*. [

OQBilaomtMr (Coda, '*Tialt to onrwubliab-1men;willwa-rUtecjouotthtfaot, " j

POET MOBniS.A canal boat propallad by & couple of. floe

balking mule* was coming eaat rn Tu^adaymorning between tha itor« of the Dar Broe.and the round houae. A big culm burner

'as pulling out witb her train forborantocat the tame time. Tbe mule* gut touvd olh« culroburagr. Jumped hito the canal,

• "am scrota to Bird's Island, which *as op*pouite, and fetched up there. Ho body hurt,Tb uiulea uad a batn and their owuer's boat

a dtlojed half an hour or so while theywere coaxlog the mtilos to swim back to thetoirpnth.

One of ibe Doys U»» a rtory cl when hi>%BQolvti wltb Bhernian when bo inarched

down to tbe ee«. Ho says he wte in IheBtructlon corps and their superior ofnW wasacUUettgiae«r, named 8me*d, from Scranton. They cut down a treo ooe day for aonipurpoeo, and the place where U fell wai alittle swampy. Too Warns of mules werehlichetltothBtreo and they mired In theCOM, but could not, or would pot budga tbattree. Smead had a rope tied securely to tbetree aud distributed ntwut 60 men along therope. "Confound tlio mules," iald Bmtad,"Now, boy*, let uaeeo wbit men cau do.All together now I" They gave a surge andthe tree came where we wanted it all rightwhile the male* looked on and laughed slylyTbat ijtneatl n u a clmractcr ia bis way.Ue cams in one day with his pants slit downfrom the waistband. "Iloya, I tore urtwmUloons, who can sew them I' bo aaiiOue ot the tioje ttapuod out tram the otlieiftud teld "I caa." "I thought you lookedlike a tailor," s&id Bmead as bo got out ofhis pantaloons and flrod them at the other fel-low, who returned Ihom as good as new In alittle wbllo. Another day we came to a hillin Georgia aud the engine that was pulliugsli|jp«d on the rail, and, like a balky horse,rrfubed to go for word. Bmoad thought itmat the cnr,!neerti tault ami after Allowinghim W maliu four or five atUuupts to startttie train be sail to the crowd : "Can anyut you fellowa run an euglnoF" A littleeltfcp about the uublleat In the g&ng, eteiipwlforward and said, "I can." "Caa you maktkat engtufl go \tp that hill I11 "t g,ue«e so.""Con you take that train aud those men up,too 1" "Yea, air." "All aboard boys,tumble in there," scld Smead, and the IltUengtueor, who bad been working as a com-muu laburer, stopped on tbo engine, pulledthe throttle acd tho engine and train wentup that hill as If ube had nevor tried to tearherself all to pieces. When we got to thetop Bmead said; "Well, I wondnr whatbind of men 1 have got hero anywayf Theother day I wanted a man to BOW my pnnleLnd he wan there; to-day I wanted a man*luo could run » locomotive bad behold be

nan hero. If I want a man tomorrow ton an (tea? an civil englneerlug, military

tactics or astronomy, I suppose you couldturulgU blui obo. But why tho dickens dtdyou not nay before that you could ruu au en-giuo I" "I saw no oocailon for It," said thomodest engine*!-, After that be kept thatengine.

Tbn three-monthmild baby boy of Mr. andMrs. Warien Bostedo was buried from the

ildcnco of Mr, Uoetodo, ai Netcong, ODBatnrdav oftenioou uf lott n-oel.

Tbe w'eitorn railroads report a decrease Inewnlngefor June last as follows: Waba&b,IU5.WS; Heck Island, tVSO.o^; St. Faul,»SH,1M, &c. And that waa before Deb'sstrike. Just wait until next year's report*come In they will show, perhaps, bow the

U d Buffered by the itrlke, but whowill tell of tho many pour men thrown out ofeuiplayuiQ&t whose wag«n atopped when theystopped work! Deb's thrtft thounnd dollarsa I ear g OB on, strike or no .rlke. Outwhat of tbs poor privates In the ranks wboaefoc«c«a»cd to le good at the store when biswagns was out off.

The Btacbope boys went over to Budd'sLake last Saturday and just wiped the earthwith the Eudd'B Lake boya In a gams of baseball. Thereon was 81 to Bin favorof B^n-hppe, though it Is only /air to any that on theprevious Thursday Budd'a Lake l>e«t Stao-hope to the tune of 38 to '21.

In last Monday's Hew York World thereIs a cartoon rtpraeontlng Senator Gorman,ol Maryland, en bla ka«u wtth fate hudstied behind him and bis nook bored ready fortbe headman's knife, while the. trollUonadUncle Bom of tbe stage elands before himrolling up his shirt sleeve with one hsnd,while In the other be holds aotoothing thatloobe like our bl« carving knife, while be-hind Gorman stands Drlce and our own Sena-

,1th, of New Jerwy, waiting with theirhands tied behind them 00 tbny can taketheir turn when Gorman'a head rolls off.Over tho picture Is wrltt- n In large capitals:"If this were China11 and under It "This Iswhat would happen to tariff deserters.1Doubtless. But Mr. Cleveland In all hlistatilineas and avoirdupois ought to wieldtbe knife of tbe he'dwnan. ]t is not InUnda Ram's Hue. Tbeprnldwit wbo kiw>wtbat tbe barbarous quean of Hawaii wouldbebsad bit great and good friend, Dole, Ifsbe were restored to tbe throne and who not-withstanding, that knowledge done pis pret-tiest to restore her, ought to make * prettygood headsman But how would ths Worldfore If this were China t Thefellowswhogotinto Fort LafnyetU for giving aid and com-fort to JeiT Davls-thougb that la anctint hla-tory now-were not much greater traitors thanthose who try to accomplish by upsetting thebustnws of our country, what Jeff failed toaccompllab wben be Qashed from SouthOrolina to a friend at Washington what hethought a-very witty message intended to bi•bown to president Lincoln:

"WHb,P«xbau, murUr and petardWe tender blm our Beauregvd."

You know wbat happened J»ff,What Is the reason Erice and Smith and

BUI have, not u »ood arlgbt to UwW optaloaabout the urlff WU as the fat deity of theWorld to bis!Oh, yeSainUI B*lold your light, your star,Ya would be tlavM and bandmeaand j e are."

Did you ever see a colored man with a jagJ ! Our colored brother has u good a

right to fill himself with rum as bit wbiUbrother, for does not the IMd&ntlon or Inde-pendence ray that all men are created freeand equal? A white man with a jug on isunusually noliy, he thinks ha can Hcb bisweight in wildcats aDd wants to fight some-body, butyonr average colored man U su-premely ridiculous. I saw a young coloredmaawitba jag onlutSunday atHopatcong.Thought they did not sell whiskey downthere on Bund*)! Ferb»pt the young ob»pgot hta bottle Oiled Baturdsy night, for sure-ly such retpecUule people u Hie therewould not violate the law of the iu t« *ndbend one ot the tea commandments at thesame time by putttpg the bottle to his nslgh-bor'a lips on Sunday.

In the 2nd year of Mr. Cleveland's firterm that b in 18S0, Rbodo Inland lod off onthe first Wednesday in ApriL Tbe Republlcan plurality in that Republican etata wasthatyMr4,81ffila the correspoDdlng election(Q ISM th» BepubllcAn plurality waa 6,225,Tbe Democratic party In tbat state went allto piece*. Next came Oregon in tbe secondyear ol Mr. Cleveland1! tint ftdminlstntlOB,Tbe Democrata elected their Gorernor 00 thefirtt Monday la June, 1686, by a plurality ol3,702. In the corresponding election In June,1WH, tha RepubUc*ni*eptOt<gon from endto end. They carried everything and electedtheir candidate for Governor by a pluralityof nearly 7,000. In Tennessee the first Thunday la August, 1880, the majority for theDeinocratJo candidate* was about 35,000,Last week, though the returns ara not all Inas I write, it Is known that the Republican*bave carried Congress district by al least1,000 majority. InlBSO the Democrats car-ried this nine district by a big majority. Inthe great Democratic state of Alabama, InI860, the Democrats elected their Qovernerby * majority of 107,021. Ou Monday la*tthey managed to elect* Governor, mppnwdto be la sympathy with Graver Cleveland bja majority of 18,000 or 20,000. Behold howPresident Cleveland ua« etreagkteued tb«Democratic party! I glean these facta fromthet?uncfAugntt8, 1SH.

Partor Button, of this town, lost his babyby cholera ID fan turn, on Tuesday nlgbt orearly Wednesday morning. "It Is weU withtbe child."

A boatman had hli arm broken, on tbiMorris canal near Stanhope, by a ajck of on<of fals own malM last Wednesday.

I am glad to say that young Jams* Turner,wbow leg was amputated last week b dotnefinely and expects to be out of the hospital inJerwy City, whet* he now Is, pretty soon.

Congressmsn Cornlah waa hastily lum-tooarf to Wwhlntfon Wedaeaday Qlgbt andstarted on No. 10. Look out far somethingImportant [n Connrcaa.

If tbe tariff conferreea and the dry wsatberjeeps on Indian meal will soon b* dearertban -m beat flower and our bcgi may be feed-

on the finest of the wheat insteadIdling* and Indian meaL D. J.

M.0BBI8 PLAlKS.ale Sheehan

visIUng. Mead* la KflwMrs, Silas Thorp is at Bhongnm •pending a

month with her parents Mr. and MrQuimby,

Eaxen BU1« and family spent Sunday 1tneir cottage nt ML Tabor.

U n . Fryllng, of Newark, ia spendingfew days witb bar »on,Rer.Wm. Frjllng.

Quite a number from tbe Plains wint ontb« excursion to Asburj Fark and OoaaaQrgvs from Uorriatown on Wrdnaeday.

Mr. aod U n . Wm. Carter gave a btrUid*'party last Friday night In bonrr of theirdangbter, Amy. Quite a> sutuber of lilVirfolks were Invited, and, judging from thenoise they made, thflj nad a. good time. 1U-freahmenta wore served and All departed fortheir bomei at nine o'clock,

Tbs Sunday acbonl has decided to go ontheir excnnlon to Si'lnefleld next Tue*d»T,AlltfaoMnotaantieotidwIUi tbe school willbe charged t adults, «*., and ohUdren £3c

We had tba pleasnrs of having with us atpnjer-mwtiaf, OD T/edncsday evening, thaRer. Mr. Eelbler, of "^Tiii-fc. He madsfc very able speech which must have nude ani l DO bis bcanra.


Mlsi Clark Z&k, of Newark, la thisof MifA Utuulo Vtvudrouf at this place.

William Anderson, of Nework.was tn townon Tuesday,

Mrs. Marguerite Moore and ber son, ofBcnmtou, I'*., wuro In to wo Tuetfay.

Hiss NsRg, of Putornou, In the gueat of Mr,and Mrs. Hiram Nix at this plow.

Miss Clara Struit spent last Sunday intown.

Dr. P.»Ur lost a valuable colt but Tueedsymorn I nff

iirook £>6vey and Geo. Tijipltt axe workingat the Murris County Machine aiiopB atDover.

Tumor Seymour, Joliu Bnlilua, "Win. Mor-gan, Ely Vandroof anil Fred Fichter aicamping ftt (ire* a l'ainl

Ben Mott and Sylvan Freeman Gpent Buiday at Clieefcr.

Mrs. Jobn lteeves and children have been'idling frluuds atMorrialoira fora few dajB.

Fred Ouutber, nf Boon toil, paid a short•kit with frlt-nds iu this town.

Aaron HiJor mid William Miller M t Uiliitac? Imt Sunday morittiig on thtrfr bicycleor a jileasuru trip Ui rough Connecticut and

A. Force aud wifebavereturncdhoioefroniJreeu point, L I., nliure they hare been forL few day* past.

Ur. &DL, Mrs. John Tattle left last Mondaytnorutng via, UiuD.,L. tuid W. lor tta wi-tcudtd pk'iuniro trip through Connecticut aud

County Cbrk E. B. Mott and wifo have ro-turnod home after a sojourn nt Ocoau Grove

r] Asljury I'ark.lire, turnout find her children, Llzife and

Jalisco, of llrooklyu, are tbo guMta of Air.and Mrs. Harvey WJiiget,

Andruw AuilarBun and lire, Jobn, of Dover, were the gueils of Mrs.

James BullUio, on Academy utroet, on Tues-day.

Ilaxvvy Archer Is Ufclng a trip through tbolorlhem jxirt of tho State on bis bicycle*

KotjH Berry took a llyiug trip to New Yorklity Maniiay.

Jobu 0111 [a visiting frieud* at New York

Wins EdluTucftirluul is tbo gurat oi Mm.Floruuc. Sdiatt.

i Strublo has moved from HubbardBrickie'* house into Mrs. Wniten,lil,W house

the corner of Main and Now streets.lenklus Bros, bavo started e Sunday paper

route.Richard Davora tins the contract for ercct-

ng a building for Wm A. Kubmlcklo on thoIDOII l)6twt*a n t . Tabor and Morris I'l&iw.

B. V, DulibtuH will do tbe DIOMU work.W. B. Giiwltvlo ia on t!io nick, lint at thft

irewnt time; also U n . Jntin Tutty.Frank Todd, at Uorrlstown, eoa ot PotV

miuUT E, II. Todd, of tbls place, w&a mar-ried on A\'edDunday to Mite aortmtla Pratt,or New York city.

Orlin Knnouse, of Montclair, was ID town

Tho L. A. A., of this place, went to W onhiRton last Saturday to play tbo W, A. A

Tliu h. A. A. far ouUiliuswl ttie home team luevery point and defeated then, by a tn;.*a atIll-S. After the game tli» L. A. A bom ">^ninnoKer were Invited to Hotel Bt. Cloud topartake of supper and refn°ulimont4 wiilcbthey readily contented to.


Tbe four-year old child of Mr. and Mrs.Van U jck Hiker tell to t to «.n»l new^lark's coal ynrd Saturday afternoon lastmd hut far the timely ftaal&tAtice of Ulsi*

Maggie Clark, wbo board, a child soreamtDgfor beli), and yrha ran from ber home to t&-cerlaiu tbo trouble, the cbtld would bai

ted. Just how tbe child got la thecaual I don't know, but by the time MlsiClark hid reftobed tho tov?path tba oblld hadcams to the surface of tbs water. Seeingwhat tbe troubl* w«i at a Rlanoe MIu ClarkJumped late the canal, although unable toswim berself, And grasplDg what weedBandgrosa she could reach OD tbe canal book withone haud, ebe with ber other hand managedto get hold of tbe cnlld'n foot when bt cameup for tbe second tlmo, and drawing tbe childtu her, kept htB head above water and tlioncalled for help, Two or three men at workiu ibftco&l yard heard the call for btlp&ndran to (he canal bank, where they found MistClark «LUi tae cuild In her armt. and theywere both taken out of tbs water, Tboybegan to work oa the child and la a hw mla-»tci he appeared to be all right again, whileUlsa Uiark hurried home for a change ofclothing.

The last report of tbe Inspector of theWater Works tbows about tiro hucdrsd menat work, Including foremen, drillers aodlaborers. In order to lay tbe plpea a t thestarting point It has been necessary to sinkshaft* and tunnel through a hill some twenty-four hundred feet, and la places some plaowteighty twt deep. Tbe men are at this worknow. Seme four or five carloads Of waterpipe and lead bavo arrived lately.

Tbo OBtGBsor reports one bundnd and•Igcty-tour flogs to bo Maesatd In the corpor-ation and elgbty-ulne outside. Of this num-ber la the town only eighty-four owners ofdogs have complied witb the lair and badtheir dogs registered wttti toe towu Qlatk.

Tbe choir of the Biformod Church gave asocial on the lawn at U n . Culvert's Hondayevening. Tbe grounds were prettily lighted.Icecream and cake were served and tbs Boon-ton cornet band furoUbtd the muslo,

Tho monthly vesper service WAS held IDSaint John's Church on Sunday afternoonlast.

Archie Uoran baa leased tbe plant bouaeon William street for one y u r .

I am glad to note tbe Improvement la Dr.Cooper's health. He hai so far recovered asto be a>bl» to go aw a; for a change,

Alfred Spender and family, of Brooklyn,have returned, to their home.

Mrs. Alfred H. De Camp and children, ofTrantou, a n flitting Ufa General ' " ~Scbuitz*,atPowervl1l».

The special committee of tbe Board ot Edu-cation appointed to look Into tbs nutter ofenlarglna: our publio school have asked Frrae-cutor Saimou bow tboy could ralM the moneynecessary for such Improvement, and be gaveas hli opinion that tbls ooly could bo done bya popular vote of the peopls, Tbe need ofmore sobool room baa been long felt, a* tberooms are crowded and ballwaja have beeosubstilutfid for class room. A room hu beenfitted up In the baaementaDd ovary concelve-ablft thlitgbub»«ndo&«toaccommoilatethsKbolara. Tbls queitlon was brought beforeourptople&t tin eltctloo & year or two agoand they voted It down Finns for addingfour additional rooms to the larger buildinghave been made and lubmitted to builders forestimates on the coat, and It U probable thatour people will egain ba*e a chance to voteon thli queitlon.

After a month's vacation at Z^ke Oeorgethe Iler Tbomaa Carter has returned hoiand occupied hu pulpit on Sunday Jan.

Saint Jobn's Episcopal Church and the rec-tory are b«ing painted by Oeorge Hesaey.

Btreet Commluicner Brown Is making *great Improvement on Cornrlla street, between Cedar and Bpruce •treeta. A blindditch has been put ia oaons sldeof ths street,thus getting rid of tome stagnant water tbatbaa been n traltanco to tbe neighborhood foryears. Culverts have been put tn «t the cor-ner of Spruce street, dolug t w i y >rith thegutteis and making a level crossing, and tbeblock will be thoroughly cindered and ms.-cadaniiud and the property owner* utendcurnlng and In aoma Instance* flagglag theirsidewalks, and when completed tbls BO doubtwill l » about tbe finest block In towu.

Mr. and Mrs, Gordon started Wednesdaylorniog fur a two weeks' vacation at Green-

wood Lake.J. 1* K. ]>fferte will erect a residence oi

Itae lot recently purchased by him front Jame0 . Demoreat, os Harrison street.

Tfaenetvbellfor the Fir* Department hasarrived and will be placed In theenglnehouMtower iclibln a few days. I t was made bytbe Gltaaon & B*U*y Manufacturing Com-pany tmd U billed to welsh t.ff» pounds,

William i l . Bmlth and family, of UUCA, N.'., ara (pending & tew d»ys In town.Tbe work of digging trencbe* and lajlng

pipes (or the water supply through oar ttrteUw u romuenced Wednesday morning. Alarge | ong of Italians are doing tne work.


Davl Lef s ii coovaletceot and Ii able to b)up and around again.

We are tarry to leara of tbe death of •:hlld of Rev. Button, of Port Morns.

Fred Henderson tvliosa funeral took placelast wt#k was a very amiable kind ot a boyand ol course wtU llkel by Us acquaintancesHe bad been • cripple fur a. longtime anddied pi dropsy,

Oeorge KB ber and friend, of Port Morris,were M Scccasunna on WedaeftdRj eveningItabei'ti borae broke loose and ran to Btanbope,a disUncs ot six mile*. He ran into s> tree b jKnight's botel and fell on the sidewalk andwas tecured. Nobody w u hurt.

Tbe next race at Stanhope Lids fair to belargely attended. Sammy Thompson, atWashington, b u a racer training bare now.Otbf rs from a dUUnot will bare horses bere

Tbe Jftdloo who bare purchased blcrcleibera are learning to rids thttu better tbansome ot the male ptnuaslon.

Amos Aekenon burled a child test weekthat died of cholera Infantum.

B. P. Uutchhmn and wife are awayv U t among tb»r V s m n Co. friends.

1 Wm. E. Bistsll Is visitingfilends In north-

We saw Thomas BI««11 In town this week.Bob. aad Ed. n t n to b* daiag & good trade

lo tea, coihe. iplcer, eta. We inoaii McCon-nell aud Todd,

ThaSUnbopa Cornet Dsnd diaconrwil tnuilafor ths feUv&l of the Flaudnrs M. K. Church.Jas. MarrtB'a gondola on I<ake Alarvlna wasagreat attraction and nioob patrnnlcod,


Sussex St.,

PloorOllOloth,SOQ, and 23c. iqo*rn jan l , at tha Dover B •Hivs Store, Sussex s t m t , Dover.


When a man tells you ha will give you $8.00 worth for oneit's false. Some people may claim to do JO, but if they dothey oortainly must have been high prioed, and they arestill.

Low Prices

HONEST DEALING IS OUR MOTTOWe sell the Best $8.00, AU Wool Suit in Morris County. The

Bent $1.00 Child's. Buit from 4 to 14 years in the State.All other goods in Proportion. No use tiring your brainwith prioes, come see for yourself. Don't believe falseadvertisers, but oall on

Dover's Poplar W o l f e DiveMU.



Diamonds, Watches, docks,JEWELRY, SILVER WARE,

ilwy will Blvrn>*8 Hm

t would remind my customer* »wiy Mock In all itu tlt'partmeuu andlus

All kinds of Watches, Clocks and JowelryCleaned, Repaired, Eepoliehed and other-

wise Renovated as Required.



F. F. BICRH, Proprietor

Steam Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Oil Tanks,

Chemical Fans, Ore Buckets and all kinds

of Sheet Iron Work.


Old boilers taken in exchange. Coal and

Wood, Barrelled and Loose Lime, Hair,

Piaster, Cement, Front nnd Common Brick

Flagging, Steps, Curbing Sills, Slate Man-

tels, etc., etc.


DOVBB., 1ST. a".

CAFr, ROBT. COOK, Cam-den, N. J., says:

"I had bem serloutly troubled for lone timevilh Indigestion, eonitlpalion. and a weak Btom.*cli, mv system Itecomlni; nil tun oou'it, unAIdling My pounds In welgnt. I had about civepup hopvofagali, being a welt nun, when 1 came

Dr. Deane's

Dyspepsia Pills,which coon restored me to health. I gainingtwenty-live pounds in threcweeks. Give them atrU I and see what they wllldo (or you."

A l l d t - B d t a b i«Bpt l(Kn,DR. J. A. DEANE CO.,

Kingston, New York.



One meK ID Slaughter me LotPast Color Fronoh Challies

at 31-3 ctB.31 iucb. Percales at S1-2 ots,Dotted Swiss, l ight Colors,


MtcnUr In tw«prlus of today.

Respeotfally submitted tothe cash trade only.

HPHE best investment•*• in real estate U to keep build-

ings well paintccL^Paint protectsthe house and saves repairs. Yousometimes \rant to sell—many agood house ha3 remained unsoldfor want of paint. The rule shouldbe, though, " the best punt ornone." That meana

Strictly Pure

White LeadYou cannot afford to use cheap

paints. To be sure of getting Strict-ly Pure White Lead, Joolc at thebrand; any of these are safe:

"Atlantic," "Jewett,"

"Brooklyn."FOR COLORS.—National Lead Co.'s

Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.Theie colon «re told In cae-pound cani, ctcb

Pnn^VhTle Lud the dnlr<3»lv»(ie; they are inno tcnie reidr-mlxcd mlou, but • corabluatltmof perfectly pure colon in the lamdlot/ona totint SirtciffPun While L«d.

A cood mtny ibonund dotttn hmvt t*tnMvwTproptrty^nien by bavins our book MpilnlbE *nd mlor-canl. Send us a poila] cmrd

NATIONAL LEAD CO.. t'err Yotk.




terksbtro Valloy. T. O. Dover, K. J .SiVSm


a DOUITH, Marlftt U itoirere, William U.

E. K. eKouiKK, Sol-r.

BVTirtueof.the.aliovo Elated writ of fieri fadaaia my bands, I eliall nximne for Bale at Publl

t'enilueatthaCuurtlloiuielti Morrlstown, K. JHI

MONDAY, the 10th d v of September neit,K. V. IBM, between tliu hours of IB JL aad/clock p. u., that in to nay at ii o'clock in Ui

_. ..^ _____*:tfroffl UIB ^ v . . . - . w. A.«ns.^l^HMn^ aVfdl curb, paid polnHwlt-s ID HID line imdWg to

' in bouse on tbu - " • - - - - - - « • • -itisiMtfil(leofsa.J

„ .rauvn niiiiltis nnd twciity-o»e Mi —of Joints Martin; (*> nlong Ills Iltlo south,

..|;bt unit a tiuartcr Oegrws vast, sereuctutlna„„„ Btvfnl/-(-lK|it links to tuiotlirr corner of Jlnr-tlu's; (3) mill along Ills IInu south, Iorty4hrw anda hair degree west, two cliains and llfteuu llumtoannllii'rnf Blarlin's wrncH; (41 soulh, Ilfty-(our aud a half di-crew, i^t, seventeen cbsJtu anilllItyllnbHlo utiutiior of Mnrtin'ii raniin oortli,Uilrl j-.sis ntij tlttve (ntatter« Uegrccs «o&t, vdioliut uiul flirty links; (6) south, ilftj-seruc Ao liitlf (legit** east, Hewntuea chainH and fliUnk»wmiol.lit;tut MtrUu'iwroert; WRi>U(t,ounJlartla1* IIDO wiutb, fifty "".cBreea tost, si?ventlinlns; (7) Boulh, tweniy-nlneileKreea east. Utlrty-t«o chain** and twtmy-nii liikWH to a itAke AIMtwna wmwr lo MurUn And William Drvke'i; (8jujtilli,Blxty-siiiJi'CTix-acast, oil cbalnt and (lvelinks loKtoncs In John lUt^l's Hue; (9) north,sixtr mill I* tiulf d(^(vw9 e tfjt, dtliiv cbum aotthirty iluki to rock <*ik iluniii nnj Btowa cornerto Jolin lievd'B; Ot>J north, Uilrty-one degreeiwest, rotirtwt) chnins and (ltty-w-feo link* to mtennofstenes; t,!l) noulh, neientj-Uireo liegrecflirenl, titty- tlin« liuks to a white oak tree; (1*Jnorth, soTeuU^n ami a (ltuirter degrvce west,Utirtvuncbalnaauul llrteea links (aaooruer la tbelino or Mrs. 13. K. Crane, OTIT tbn l»I[* of Itnck-tttstowa AcqUiMttk't uompony; CIS) over the iUpei.t Mid Coutpatiy norUt..iarty-t>tK KQ<1 Uirtt-quar-ler ilferetia west, twrnty-llvo clislas and fortyllDkatonooroor IUII o*vr enlJ Jill*: OO BOUUI,Iorty-lhK« and thretMiiuuier ilt TWs vest, oneclma anil thirty links; (IS) nonli, fortr-sercnontlanuurlcr deitrcea »HII, itn tih&ins nntl twen-ty elfllil llnlial till! north, nil j w"l o quarter do-rKesweat, four cltaUMuml arty links; (17) north,iortj-four nod a r|uartcr df^rees west, thrm

HnliNfromn waluut Uvu; (IS) nortti, .... . __Budahalt iti-stii* weflt,'iiTo chains ami IhlnylluKntoncuniuriutliB Uao over tho jijpc of tbetlacVi-lUtunii Ati|ii«]uci. Coiui«uiyi (1« alonirawl orer tlw yljw ol will Uoinimny In said t*nunonli, fofiy-novun J'-gniL* west, eleven cltalos totin* plnoe of • J . . .

lain., be Ulues being


clutloa toImndml

tietanaredl.iii nctea ofBaniu niora or lesa The abore nratii'|wrt or tho lanU of which Jacob Hbarp,UlKlzed.

The Beccnd Tract begiiw at a comer orer Uutjtre lino ol tliu »tier pipe of l i e Uacliettato*D

AciiuiidiKtOoinpBtty.U'lnnUiH lourtoenth comerof Ute tmct Uitrn owned by one Want, and runs (1)6outh,fnrt|'-tlinTivniln]inJ[actrr«a wen t,ooo chainandtiiirty Hnii; (SJ uonb, fortysei-wj an*: anuoner degree*! wmli ten dial PB noil twenly-eightlints; (8) nnrtli, flfty and a quarter tk'creca nert,four chain* and fifty links; W nortb, fortj-fota

d a quarUT itfarcefl *e*t, tliTCQ CIUIDB to acanierumo^LatQA^U'caty-iWTUi Unka tracn ftwalnut trrt-i C« north, tlJrty-tlin* and a half de-prw* went, iln' chains and thlny Unks to a Corner

riiiBCcnlre llnouf JevldiiBter p!j«; (6) Uieuwtre line ot noUwaler pipe to toe place

f beRlnnlDatrd A

n A. BACKER, SberUt.

Clearing SaleOF

LRDIES' SHIRT WRISTSUnlaundered Waists Reduced from 40 to 30c.

50 to 40c.

75 to 50c.

85 to 55c.

9o to 65c.

1.00 to 75c.

1.25 to 85c

1.50 to 1.15

Waists with Laundered Collars andCuffs r&.*-,\&*&&mm 98 to 75c.

Waists with Laundered Bosoms,Collars and Cuffs reduced from98 to 75c.

1ft fieo. ifiaifls company,DOVER, New Jersey.



It gives me pleasure to acquaint my friondiwith the foot that they OAD have t«eth extraotedwithout pain by tlio nee ol S t . Jeasop'e LocalAiEBthetio at the office of Dr. Freeman, Dover. '

M W PBookov. ay, N. J., April 8th, 1893.

Try tbe."Local Aim thetio at Dr. Freeman's'office and be oooTinoed that it is all that is olahnedfor.it. Mn&H.EBnnoK,

Notoong, N. J., April 21st, 1893.

I can cheerfully recommend the " Local Anss-thetio" lor eitnotinK teeth.

MT H i K E S H ,Port Oram, April 21th, 1693.

DIM. FRJEMAH ADD VIUIBLIM) :DEiS Sma:—I n a EO veil pleased with the use

of the Local AniBBtbetfo ia hating teeth extraotedtliat yon have my permiteion to nae my name any ,way yon please AS r -ference.

MB. LEWM Wsint,Btauhape, N. J., May, 1st, 18S3.


DR. R. O. V R E E L A N P ,alter ten years experience, having a well knownreputation for extracting teeth, Has accepted &position with. Dr. Freeman.

D R iBEEMAS has the exclusive right to useDr. Jeesop'a Loo*l Anaesthetic

H. II. Hmtdeld <Ken«i«l trader), b

act ANYTHING now, aeoa&ds, MCond hand,ou «t«b to bur, tell or trade, write him at 1WJ— " * — • Mew York.




"A Breezy Time."

STILL IN THE BUSINESS.aounsuin & Oooper tav« not' gliua up Ut

undertaklog bualnesB, wid have no thought of Idolne, all reports to the contrary notwiUuitwulln^.Our office u heretofore OD Morris street, new t ioriver. fl^i

Notice of Application.Notice la hereby given that Ute und«»Inti*d will

matotipplldctJontoth.jOommon OouaeQ of thetown at Doverat the next ngulmr mtttlag forIICCDW to sell ipWlous, Tlooua mat malt UqaorawholMal*. ID the MeEia*lt building, Btaekwrtrwl, Dorer, K. J. L. Ixtau* & Co.

Dorer, N. J., July 80, )KM.-aO-3ir

Funny OomcdlMiti, SpeciilUea, Dialogue*, CU-

PretU DlrU, BlngerB, Dtucen, Oottumco. Oar




So »nd 75c

• 35c

on lain at G%on'i Drur Ston, DOTV.

"WANTED.al store,


FOB SALEHotel property tor tola or tent tt landing. 1

ness the cause for the above action. Coll oner

"'" WM. E. BEAHCn.

REriOVED.DH. QEO. W. MoDAVITu nmaved his Deuba Farlon to tbe rooms orer

Hsiibousa't Je«dT7 tton, u d Is prepared to do

au kinds ot dental work In the beat manner.

tUnnleee ftnnsuieuei used lo extrutlna; tottli.


DR. GEO, W. MCPAVIT-To me for an ex-pert to oall aniltell yon the priceand styles of fab-rics of awningsfor store and pri-vate houses.



Office find Residence oo Morris St., •

one door south of Brick Block.

Funeral Directorsand Embaimers.

All ull i responded today orall hours of the olgtit

J B to 9 ft. m,1 to 9 p. H.StoBp. ro.



rierj Compoaml

Gre*oIB Meirrora Q

Bcotrt Emnlaon

Cutlcara Soap..,

CuUeora UesoWent

FInkbam'i Compoond

FnkoU, small

B«n*oo1a Capdtu P l u t e n W e

(Tbe word c^pciitx cut In every plaitor)

Allcock Plasteri 100

Cwtorla nae.

Attwood1! Bitten I8o.

Wjeth'i B«f , Iron and Wln» &7o.

Bell ini Food, unatl 8I0.

MeMin'.Fooa.largB 550.

Hotford'« Acid PfawphkUa, smiU



winning suitwith ruffle and

Now 33o. each

Now 87c. eachd Satin Wa


lonC. L.OU... ..tyre.

Fellow's Syrup HJFO FhosphlUs.........Wo.

Do you buy in Newark or New York f If

;on buy In New York, thro you pay higher

prices than you caa buy tha same artlclA at


u n A m It this Is not so.

627 and 629 Broad St.,


Now 88o. each

Kow$l.a5eaohsold at I«M than *

TRENTON, N, J.Fall term will open Septftmbu- 11th, 1SH.The Hormal frnnides xptxitl prepontloni for

baching. Ibe HoAelelna general academic «du-U l n prepwiOotT to college, tnuineat or the Ortl-

punulU ot life. ' •oKhooUanproTlded wtth acLeaUQc latiarv

tortes, Ubmy, manuil tmlnjnj roomi, gjrniiiuliiiu,- l c

Th*donnitorift«»wooint>leWj' fumlthMl, llgbtodvttfa gas and heated with iteam.

Ooat for boardcr»-At the KonnaI,|IHpBr ytu;at Uie Uodel, WX> per year. Ooat far Oty pupils—At UuKormal, UDO per rear for uMot book*; ntba Uodd, from B30 to «fi6 per rear.

For further parUoulan addreas

JAMX3 Jkf. ff-REStf, Frtactp*!.Ww Trenton, K. J.

At «2.98 eachek All.WooI Btonn Bergs

MPor|5.88 •

UMkputwit ;

To OIOBO at 12.23

gsa&rarsBB'To close at 92,59


To close at $t97' =OHn*Hed Button 8 b e »«ke: rcEulBrprlceii.tv

To close at »1.59

To eloee Bt $1.10» » - — « • • - " > * . > -

To olose at cues

701 .703 & 705 BRDflD Sf.NEWARK, N.J.

Page 3: EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,

JESSEY. m^^^mmmmi^iis^lsll'iisJ»d«»JBnt of t b ~ n f ' " " " W"°, 1" "..< W | . j w * ™ " - «*neH or olb.* nndor coutrart. '"i


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mlnoonupro-tbo land, . n d

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bill or » , » „ , , " , S d '""«l«tl»n uolem , b .

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OHAPTER COLXXUI ~ '.te«Aita»;r^T'"tt»tt«".»iApproved May 1T( 1 ( ^^Wmwittoao-aetMltlrf ".7, • u

i^l^s fesss asijstswMjUitoBOlTAIUBuponip°' i!J' wonBlrlcelv«l«li«Ub«lm ^ f ' S a d ' " bu* than ro^ ""mdred aod11 |D6tj. t I;

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>Hce Justice " ^ J 1 0 1 ! 1 • r ' m t t l i a B*l*rlea of

• » * cJtj b rtSbJ" " " » C01u"y 1» whl0b

Approved May 17, i £ |


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Approval M . y n . t J ,


Page 4: EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,

9. Aud bs It enacted. That when, by tha•awe of any other state or nation, and taxes,lino*, penalties, Uceutoa, fees or other obliga-tions or requtretnants are tin pane*] UUJU eucbcorporations ur this stats, dilag business insucb othur siato or nation, or upaa tholramenta therein, BO long as such laws continuein lorce, toe same iaxe?, fines, penalties,licenses, fee?, o-lig*lli)u; and requirement*ofwhatever kind shall he Impooed upon »11 suchcorporations of uuch other atato or ufttion do-ing business within this «tale and upon theiragent* here; provided, that noLhing hereinshall be held to rejieal any duty, condition orrequirement now UHpum. by Ian-upon Buehcorporation! of other state) or nations tran-saction busiuess In this state.

2, And be It enacted, Ttiat&U scUtm^ p&rat'of acls inconsistent with this act be and thetame are hereby repealed, and this act Bhalltake etlect Immediately.

Approved May 17, 1634.

CHAITElt CCCI.An Act relatiiiK to the Improvement of alde-

walkt la borough! incorporated unditrpecitl charters.1. Be It enacted by tho Senate and General

Aiseuibly of tho Biota of yew Jersey, Tc»tthe council cr other governing body of anyborough incorporated under special clmrteituny make and c a tab Hub ordinances for grad'ing, pavlug and curblnn the dido walk a on thoBtreoU of such borough, provided that aoproperty owner Khali be mjulred to grade,pave ae'-l curb innre tban two hundred eBecutivo feet of elde wo I It in ouy one year.

•i. And bo it entitled, That thin act shalltake effect immediately.

Approved May 17, IMH.

CHAPTER CCCII.An Act concerning municipal boardi or <le-

portmeats In eltLs of the tlratclaPein tblsstate1. Be it enacted by tlia BeimUj and General

torcft wovlt ia taid workliovro, and to tto the nitt E und I^ITM of the muuo" piLuwovcr, tluit Hucti puntuji shall nut besaid wurkhouse to be confined thailonger time than ninety days.

H. Aud bo It cuactud, Thut thu otllopowered Ut *-rvu uliy wnrraut ioiued by anor the police justices bhall be, bos id us tho.tables elected or appointed with Iu tho.ity, tho iwlkviuun of t*id city, mid thntu-ix*** ahall ho r.'tunitxl in tho KUMO man

r tlio arnvt uf Itrial of H

yAssembly «if tho Bute ot New Jersey, Thatall moneys received from any source by muni-cipal boards or departments established incities v>l Iho first class in tliia state ahnll bepaid by euch board* or department* to thetreasurer or other pewm charged with thecustody of tbo funds of Buck city; and whorethe power to borrow money In anticipation ofestimated receipts has heretofore beeu vestedID liny board in sueh city such [wwer (hall beand Is hereby transferred to aud vested in tbomayor and common council or other bodyha ring control of the 11 nances of such city.

2. And bo It enacted, That all muneys vi-pended by such boards or deji&mutmie auaHbe by warrant on the trpftnurer or other per-

wl; uml thai tho diifuuduot ur dofud thtirciu Bliull, if thu polk-u jua

lit to wljuuni tliJ IimrliiK of the rhurK1 HO onler, filler iulo rtcognliaiicai iiiRj U: In themaniKirdirLvUxi in thuthu triul of huitill cmi-**, iu Dm nun

tho (tenuity minimi in th« rirnivsH, ur any piwliiigi* to 1)0 brought for the rtcovcry of

itiiL*, withsuflisiirtityau miiy bo upproiy tho iwlic* jiiMtiLn', until such city, fornrAHTOfJii tlia day to AVIIIL-L UI.1(1 hearny 1*) ndjimmed; and in default

U il'c tUii i'l rLtupii


ye might hnve

irU fur thu triul of a

4. And be It enacted, That tho board ofIkt* coiiiiuIiHiont'rti HIIBII designate the plnci;uiil dty WIRT.I ou'li of said jmltw justi-liall nit fur tho transaction or business itlio timo when thoir court shall be npeijpoii inch day, to tiio end that tha uduiiiLmtimiof jiiKtl.-o by aiid justk-.u through:hou!ty muy Itu fiiuiliUiUMl nud iiuufo coni]Iotit;nnditxliallb>Jtlmduty uf said pol

a ho In fttWndfttico nt tho Unit) cphicu M> clt-.xlgtintcd.

fi. And be It umicU.1*!, Thut in uuy procaIng iHifure nny ]H)tico Justice of nny such c

tho purpuse of recovering a penalty ftviolnUon of nny ordliinnco or rogulutiu

of such city, eueh ordlimnoo tnay ba pby the copy thereof certified by tho city elm

ot auch clt, Issued, counlereignedandas warrant* of tha board of pollco and flrocotutnliulonere In such cltlod are UQW requiredto be issued, countersigned, and audited.

8. And be it enacted, That all nets tparts of »ctn lucoutfatent with tha provfukof this act be and tho same are herebypealed, and this act shall take effect Imnieately.

Approved May 17, 1801.

CHA1TEK CCCIII.An Act to repeal chapter two hundred and

taurleoa oStho lavm nt one thou&awl eighthundred ami elghty-uliie, entitled "Apleaieat loan act entitled 'An act regulat-ing proceedings In criminal cases' [Re-vision), approved March twenty-seven tb,one thnu-aud eight Lund red and »eventy>lour," which Huppletuout was approved Maysixth, one thousand eight hundred andeighty-nine, and to end the term of otUce cfany officer or officers appointed thereunder.1. Bo it euaclod by the (Senate and General

AsMinbly of the Btate of New Jersey, Tartchapter ti*o hundred fourteen of tbo laws ofone thousand eight buiidred and eighty-nine,entitled "A supplement to ao act entitled 'Anaot regulating proceedings la criminal cases'[Revision], approved March twenty-seventh,one thousand eight hundred and aerectj-four," which supplement was approved MayBlxlh, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, be aud tbe same Is hereby repealed.

3. And bo it enacted, That tbotorm ofoIHoeof any officer ur officers appointed under andby virtue of said act, be and tho same Ii bore-by terminated.

8. And beUenacted,That thfaactahall takeeffeot immediately.

Passed May IS, ISM.

under the wal of such city, ur by tlio Intnductiira In evidence of nny printed compIon of the ordinance of »ueh iity, duly nu-

md dim publication uf all ordinances und nilntioiis by any board of such city shalliretmttiwl U> havo boon Hindu ull til thu txvary la prorcn.0. An ttu it enacted, That every poUw Ji

Ice so api win ted uhull, within ton days nflhia appointment, tnko nnd subscribe the UBLoath or ailinuatlnii taken by oflk-ew i'f suity, and file thu saino with thu dork thuruolUL-L oath nmy he takeu before such dork, wa hereby authorized nnd empowered to a

iniulstur thu sumo.1. And be it enacter], That each of said p

Men justices uhall bavo power to appointclurk, whoso duty it uhall bu to atl«imui of tho court hold by Bald police justlotaud keep n tluckut iu which shall bo cntcn.ilbrief rooord of all mntUini whichbefore such justlco; all III LOB and pposed hy such justice shall be iwiil to nucldark, who wliall account tor nnd ]>ny thu snnnmer tot 1^ proper oftlcor of BUCII city withtie time limited In the charter of such city fisuch payment, or If DO such timo U limltetthuu within tweuty-four hours nftei receljthereof; each uf wild darks shall nwx-lvo a MI

ty of nna tliouiiaiid two hundred dolluru iwimuni, to ba paid monthly by tho hoard c

poll™ com nil aa ion era of nuoh city , ami bofuientering upon tlio duties of bin ollice suerlurk tthall givu bond to the city in tho ]>eiutuiuuf (lvo thousand dollars, wltuntlenattwmdlcteut eurtstles to be approved by \*-mayor; every dork M) npiwiuUid shall ho!ofileo during thu pleasure of tho police Juatlt

lipotiiUng him.B. And bo It enacted, That nny vacancy oc

ciirrlug In the olUce of police justice shall bfilled for tho unprpirwl tt'rm by thn in,tho eity whoroln such vacancy occurs.

D. And bu It unnoted, That all octa and partjof actfl, Bonoral or Bjieutal, IuconsisU»nt witlthu provisions of this act, be and the sameloreby repealed, and that Oils act shall tabjffect immediately.

Passed May 18,1804.

CHAPTER CCCIV.An Act to rapal an act entitled "An aot COD-

e«rnlng cltifi of the unit claaa In this I U Uand constituting police courts in >uch cities,and proTfding for the appointment ofpolks justices of eucfa courts and definingtte jurisdiction, powers and duties of suchpolice juat lets and abilishlnx all otherpolice courts and police justice* ID suchcities," approved March aLttmutti, onethousand eight hundred aud nInely-0De,(mdtha supplements and amendments thereto.1. Be it enacted by tho Senate and General

Assembly of the State of New Jersey, Thatthn act entitled "An act concerning cities ofthe flnt class in this state and constitutingpolice courts In suob cltios, and providing fortbe appointment of police justice of sucbcourts and defining the jurltdlction, poiteraand duties of such pwi.oe justice andabolIiblDgaU other pollcocouta and police Justices In suchcities," approved Mwcn ilxteontb, one thous-eaidelghtliundredandnlnety-orjB, andallgup-plementa and amendments thereto, ba, andthe same are hereby repealed, anil that thisaot eball tako effect (mmodlately.

Paassd May 18,18M.

CHAPTER CCCV.As Act to provide for the appointment ot

police justice* in citlos of tho first clam.1. Be It enacted by tba Senate aud General

Asswnblyof th» State or New Jersey, ThatID each city of the first class there shall betwo police Justices, who shall receive an an-nual salary of two thousand Ore huudred dol-lars; they shall be appointed by the major otauch city and shall hold oftlee for tho term ofthree yoara and until their lucceasora are ap-pointed and qualified.

S. And be it enacted, That each of the.police juitlcM shall bave all tho power* hicriminal maltars that Justices of tb» pc*oe Inand for the several counties of tho state nowhave, and, for the purpose of rtoTering tb«penalty for violating any ordinance or regu-lation ot sold city, bo Is hereby empowered,on oath or afDrinalion made according talaw, tbat auy person or persons has or hnv»been guilty of any violation of noy of theordinances or f i l ia t ions of any board of thesaid city, to Issue process, at the suit of said-city, either In tho Datura of & summons otwarrant, aa ta him «h&U weiumost tulvlt&blft,ogaimt tbe person or p*r*on* so violating suchordinance or regulation, wblob process eh nil,when In tbe nature of a. warrant, be return-able forthwith, and when In the nature ot s.summons, be returnable In not less thannor more ttaant«n entire days; sucb procraishall state what ordinanance or regulation, bytbd defendant or defendants named thereinbss been violated, and fn wbat manner thi

. same bos been violated; and on tbe return oi

. such procusa, ar a t tha tlrao to which th* tftltJustin ihsll have adjourned tbs same, thusaid justlco shall proceed to hear testltand to determine and give Judgment la thomatter without tba Bling of «ny pleadings;and tbo said Justin shall, if Judgment bo ren-dertd tor the plaintiff, forthwith Issue ezecuUon against tbe goods and chattels and person

• of tho defendant or defendants; each of tbesaid police Justices Is further empowered toInflict floes, not exceeding the sumof tweDtydollars, on auch persons as shall bo orougkt

• befon him and charged with vagrancy, dis-orderly conduct, breach of tbft peace, or anyother light offense, If found guilty, or, la hisdiscretion, to order ouch persons committedto tha county JtU or workhouse for any periodnot fixoeodlag ninety days; provided, that to

. all oases whem tho One or penalty shall ex-ceed twenty dollars, or wboretne punishment

- shall be imprisonment, then may be a trialby Jury, to be conducted as to cases now tri-able la tho courts for trial of small MOMS,and also an appro! a* In all oases wkere aa ap-peal may cow bo had from Judgment fn oonrUfor tho trial of small cauaai; In case the per-son v n i t i l for any offense shall be • minor,y ,each of the said juttloea ahall have the power,la hla dlacretttn, to Inflict, or commute, orwholly remit the penalty prescribed for tbaoffense committed by said minor; and each ofHid Jattioes fi hereby empowered to causeany perwn or peraoui who jhall be foundguilty of o violation of tho ordinances or reg-ulations of oaf board of cold city, and whomay refmw or neglect to pay any penalty Im-posed by reason of the same, and all or anyperson or persons found guilty of a breach oftin pease, or of any other light offense, with-la the jurisdiction of the said jtutlco, ta bopant to tho vrorttumse for sucb time aa In hisdiscretion 11U17 se«m meet, and there to per-

JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER V.Joint Resolution for tb? apiuintinent of cc

niif*ionors Ui report mnoudmentft of the ey»-t«m of juriHprudenco of this state, and pro-vMo for tha fllectlon of certaithe people.

Whereas, It has been represented to lUo logto-laturc that tho cititons of this stateJoalroita that such changes bo umdo in itsentire system uf legal and equitable juris-prudeiico as will render the administrationof justice more simple, speedy and econom-ical, aud also that tho appointing power,far as U practicable, 1» rtetored to the peo-pic, tho only legitimate source of all |Mwer:therefore,1. Ho it resolved by theBennto and General

ABsembly of tha State of New Jersey, Thathfi governor bo and is horoby nuthorliod to

p p t , with tlio advice andconsent of tho Honnto, twenty discreet com-missioners, two of whom shall renide in eachif the euugrcsslooal districts of this Htate, atour of whom shall bo appointed from t!

Btato at large, whose duty It shall bo to pra-l sucb acta and such amendments of thiconstitution of this state OB nuty be proper andueceesary to carry Into oIToct the otijoctapressed In tho proamhlo to those resolutions,ni.d submit tho acts, and tho amendments pre-pared by them to tbe constitution of thastata,to tho governor OH hereinafter directed,

2. And be It resolved, That said commis-sion* nt shall servo without compensationthey shall meet in the senate chamber, In thecity of Trenton, on the flnt Tuesday In Jinext, at tbe hour of twelve o'clock noon; theyshall elect from their number a president;they shall have power to adopt tholr ownrules of procedure, they shall have powerand authority to employ such clerical assist-ance u way be necess&ry tor thetraroacUonof tholr business and to dx the compensationof such employees, who shall be. paid by thetreasurer of the state; tho compensationfixed by the commissioners, upon a certificateto that effect signed by the president of saidcommhulon and approved by the governor,and the actual expenses of the said commitsloners, shall be paid upon llko certificate; «Unecessary printing required by the sail com-mlislooers shall be paid by the treasurer ofthe state upon certltlcata of the president oftho commission, approved by the governorprovided, however, that the expenses of t iesaid commission, exclusive of the necessaryprinting, shall not exceed the sum of twothousand dollar*.

S. And be it nwoWed, Tb&t the said comniislon shall conclude Ita labors within sixty

days of tbe date at which it shall convene asby this resolution is provided, and shall re-port tho result of lte labors to tho governor ofthis state, signed by the pmldtnt of tbe soldcommlulon aud n majority of the said com-missioners, and It shall be the duty of thegovernor to transmit luch report, with suchrecommendations or suggestions as be maydesire to make, to this present session of thitho legislature, if to BesaXoa alter said com-

iision shall transmit to aim the result ofh sion, then

e held intheir labors, and if not then in ito the nest session of tht> Insdlatithis stats.

4. And ba It resolved, That this joint reso-lution shall take efToct ImmutUtely,

Approved May 17, ISM.

JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER VI.A Joint, Beeolutloa requesting the senators

and representatives ot thisitate In oangTento uie their best efforts to prevent anylegislation imposing » tax on mutual build-Ing and loan associations.

Whereai, There is now pending before thecongress of the United State* certain pro-posed leglilition, whlcb, upon being enact-ed, will Impose heavy taxation upon mutoalbuUdlog and loan •Boclatlons; and wbere-•i , In this steta upward* ot thirty-cms mill-ions of dollar*, mode up almost entirely otthe poor and wage-earners, are Inflated Insuch associations, whicn are pscallarly thspeople's savings institutions In our i tat*;and whereas, It Ii proposed to exempt fromt&xatlon savings bonks under such proposedlegislation, and in tho Judgment of the peo-ple of this state mutual loanaBsoelatloDB vnamong the beet of our Initltutlans for Uubenefit of Uo working people; therefore,L Belt resolved by the 6«naU and Gen-

>ral Assembly of the Btate of Now Jersey,That tbe unators and representatives fromthis rtata In t U congress ot tho United Statnof America be and they are hereby requestedand desired to use all effort* ia their power todefeat any legislation which will Impose s taxupon themntuai building aad lota associa-tions of thi* state.

2. And be ra»lve4, Thftthls excellency thagovernor Irt requested to forward a properly-engrossed copy of this resolution, under thagreat seal of this state, to rach of onr sena-t a and representatlvta in congress.

3. And be It resolved, Td»t this joint reso-lution ahall take effect immediately.

Approved Va j IT, 1801.

JOIST HE30IXTI0S NUMBER VII.Joint Resoluti'ja providing fur oertalu

peases Incurred And to be Incurred Incontested election case between JotLippfncott and Wiliam J. Thoujpton.I. Bo It resolrud by tbe tkuateand Qi

cral Assembly of the State of New Jur*That tha comptroller upon the prowto him of a c?rtiflcst« or certificates, tigiby the chairman of tbe committal onlions of thelljuaeof AsBimblv, may drai

rant uc wtrmnLB 'a an avnduiit nocoed ing the cum of two thousand dollars, Itbe etato truajiurer, who tball theroupou jx

same, for tho fees and mileage of winesses, and tucli otter ncoeswry expeniM inboll IKJ and may haro bwn Incurrud bysaid cnmuULoe In tho pursuit of the!Investigation into and roiicerulicontested election case betweenC, Lippincott and Willlaai J. Tnom;

for moniber of the Oonornleenibly from the third district of CamdCounty.

a. And ho it resolved. That this rasolutlshall take offeut Juimodiately.

Patsed May K, 1811*.

CHAPTEIl CCCVI.Au Act to nrgulatu Uie practice of medic]

and Burgery, to license physicians andgeuns, and to punish parsons violatingprovisions thereof.1. Be it enacted by the Senate and QOUDI

Aweinblyof t ie Htate of New Jersey, Tlith<J governor bhall appoint, by and withadvice aud content of the locate, a board

to IM known QJ tho utata boardical m i a hali! l 1 tuci

line niDiuUers. who shall be persoi(;ed profeeoiouii! ability aud honor; turm* ot ufllco of wid board iJiall lx> thi•eara, or until their Hucccasors are appointedirovided, howorer, that tbe meiubuni of t

board tint appointed buall be divided Iithroe claase», each clus to coualut of thpersins; the first CISSH shall hold oflloo uut

ild ftpiwintniBnt for cne your, the second Itwo years and the (bird for three years fro

date of their appointment, acd tberosf toreach uieinuer *lnll hoapp Intad for a terof three y»ar«; and provided furtlnmiA hoard nball conniat of live old-iohool ph;

UISDH, three houiumpalhild appoiiiteoaihall, within thirty d*ysoft<« iece!j>t of the TespeeU^e comtiilBalo

takB, Hubucrlbe aud 111B, lu the odlce of tec-y of state, the oath or afilnmtlon p

•cribtd l>y law.•2 And bo it euacUd, That said board sh

ilect a president, a secretary aud a treuureirom its memberabip; It shall h

seal, nm\ {*•• .i

H nr.Utaking testimony In any matter pertainingtbo duties of nail board; It Bunll make aiidoct alt nocesssry rules, regulation! end hLWBnot inconsistent with tho laws of ItAte or of tho United States, wherebyerforni tho dutlua and to transact the bueas rf quired under the provisions of this ad3. And be It enacted, That sold beard *ha

lold meetings lor ezamlnatsODs at tea capit<lilding of tbls state on Uie third Tuesday

Fune and September of each year, and at sue!itbor times and placet as the board may deeniperflunt; *atd board shall keep an odlcla

•ecdrd of all its meet logs, and an ofllcfa•egistiir or all applicants for a license to proa

nuKllclne and surgery In thU «Ute; saleregister shall Bhow the name, age, nativitylast and Intended place of residence, of &

indidate, the time ba or she bas spent laitulug a competent common acliool cdu

Uon, and in medical study, in or outmedical school, and the names and location

modic&l schools or exomlnfnjmd licensing boards which bairrantod said applicant any degree or cert!ito of attendance upon lectures upon medl-Ine and surgery or state examinations;•g(*t*r shall also nbow whether said applluit was eionilned, Hoe need or rejected undiits act and each register shall bo jirlma focliriddnca of all matters therein contained,4 And ba It enacted, That all persons hene

after commencing the practice of medicine csurgery in any of Its branches In this stalshall apply to said bonnl for a license BO to

>; applicants for examination shall presenttba Bocrotary ot this board, at least tea

dayt before the commencement ot tho ox-

ic!J.ir ut wtlcb ha or she Is to beunlned, A vrrltten application on a form or

ins provided hy said board, together withlatlsfactory proof that tha applicant is maithan twenty-one years of ago, ts of gotmoral character, lias obtained a compete]

union school education, and boa either rIved a diploma conferring the degree olctorof medictca from some legally-incor-

anAfA mwilc&l college (which ID tbo opinionsaid board was In good Btandlng at thei6 of Issuing said diploma) la the United

Itatos, or a diploma or license conferring theull right to practice all tho branches ofnedlclno and surgery In some foreignry, and has also studied medicine four years,

iludlng three courses of lectures ia diuTsr-it ysars Inaomo legally Incorporated Amcrl-

or foreign medical college or collegesto the granting of said diploma or fgr-

Ign license; provided, however, tbat tw<iraoa of medical lectures, both of which

ball be either begun or completed within theune calendar year, Bhall not be consideredi satisfy tho above requirement; and if said

application is approved and tha said appli-cant stall have deposited the sum of twenty-

dollars with tho treasurer of auch bonrdn eumlnatlon fee, which sold sum shall

returned to sueh applicant In case of fail-to pass such oxamlnation, the applicantdgn hli or her name oppwito a c "

i s book kept for that purpose by thitry, aad ahull mark his or her examinationuper with said number and shall be knownthe members of said board only by saidtuber until bis or her papers have been ex-

ailnod and tBailtsd; applicants examinedceased by or wbo are or have been m

of state examining and licensing boards' other BtAtm, upon tha paymont of fifty>llars to tha treasurer of said board, and onIng with the secretary of said board a copy

her license orcortlflcate, ocrtifiodby;be affidavit of the president aud secretory of

" board, showing also that the standardrequirements of said board at the time of

isld llcensa or ceriiflcsta was Issued wasilanUally tha some ta th&t required by taldboard, and of his or her affidavit sa to thepersonality thereof, may be granted a licenseby Bald board without further examination


5. And be it enacted, That alltiail bs written la the English language, andbe questions and answer* shall be except in

itcri* medlca and therapeutics, such as conanswered In common by all schools of

tctke; if the applicant intends to practiceuiioopethy or eclecticism, the members ofid board ot those school* respectively shall

' : said applicant iu the materia medlcaid therapeutics of tbe school in -blob such'ipllcant intends to practice; the eiamtn-

tlons Bball be in tho following subject*,ounely, nuterla medlca and therapeuticsobstetrics aadgymealogy; practice of medi-

i, Including diseases of the sbln, nairoat; surgery, Including surgical anatomy

' diseases of tho eye, ear and gonlto-rlnary organs; anatomyg physiology; chem^

y; histology; pathology; bacteriology;lonOj medical Jurisprudence, and in such

other subjects as the board may decide; ellexaminations shall be both sclenttao andpractical, and of tufSclBnt severity to Uet thei&adidate'a fitness to practice, medlc'-aa andurgtry; It laid Examination Is satisfactory,

board shall lame a license, entitling thoillcaat to practice medicine and surgery in

this state; Ibe votes of all examiners shall be

or no, and written with their signetion the backs ot the examination papers of

candidate; said application and oxamiii papers shall bo deposited In the r,tate

>rary, In the cepttol building, and tboy iiball>prima facie evidence of all matters therein

ontained; ail licenros shall be signed by thepresident and secretary of the board, andthall bi attested by thB seal thereof.

And bo It enacted, That tho board mayise to grant or may i evoke aUoeow forfollowing causes, to wit, chronic and per-ait Inebriety-, the prattle* of criminalrlloa; conviction of crime involving

oral turpitude or for publicly advertisingol ability to treat or cure chronJo and fn-alo dlseasos; or where any person Bballmt to this board any dlploms, license or

trtlflcate tbat •hall have been Illegally ob-ed, or that shall have been signed or boned.wfully or under fraudulent represcnU-•; fn complaints for violating the pro-

iens of this section, the accused person' " be furntihed with a copy ot ths eoio-ilalnt, aud given a bearing bet or* wdd boardn person or by attorney; and aay person,'ter such refund (or revocation of license,

ill attempt or continue ths practice ofmedicine, shall be subject to tbe penaltieshereinafter preaenbrd.

And be It enacted, Tbat the person »3irlMg said license shall 01s tho same, or *

certified copy thereof, with the ck-rk ofcounty in which he or the reoldea, and •clerk shall file said cerUQuto or copy ttui

enter a memorandum thereof, giving3 of said license, with the ntune uf tbe pe

sou to whuin the same Is issued, and the daof said filing, In a Uwk to be provided by tbiboard and to ha ktipt for that purpose, axufor which registry the said county clerk nlmlbe eutltled to detna-id aiid receive fromperson registering Uie sum of one dollar;

the person so licensed alia 11 iaovfiier county cif this stall?, ha or hbe

procure from the said clerk & certifieduch regiatratloo, and tbya file thu

with tho clerk of tLo county to which hoiibo fihoJl remote, and the said clerk shalland enUsr the sanio with lite effect as If

unowasan original license, aud for nh:g!atiy the sold clnnr shall ho omilled toland and receive the sum of one dollar; i

rach county clerk in the counties cF this statshall, upon the laatday of November of eacyear, furnish to tho socrutary of said bo mlHit of all the certllbates uf tills board filedhb ofllce during the previous year, aud u |

TO to him of the change of locationdeath of tho person ao licensed, or uf thevocation of Bild ticunse, said county eleithall ontor at the appropriate placercsordi sn kept by him a tr.enoraudntn

;t, aud xuld memoruuila shall be furnlshito the secretary of tbls board in ibe aim

;port above mjuired.B. And be it ODOCUHI, That any person st

bo regarded BI practicing medicine or mug.wltkintfaBmesniugof tbis net, who shall Ithe words or letters, "Dr.," "Doctor," "PfosBor," «M. D." or "M. D." in eminwUwith hh or her name, or any otl

tie intending ta Imply or donigns.1Im or her as a jiractltloiiBrlediclno or surgery In any ofranches, and wha In connection with amtit)or titlia or u-Itbuut the use of sni'h tltl

niudlclnny jiemo

lorwll, for tin

, any drug oiUgeuey ur appHratiun foi- thu treat me nt, cuor relief of any bodily Injury, infirmitydisease; and it is further provided thnt thu n>f any one of tlio nfore-munUotied tttlua ur 11ixposuro of a sign, circular, ailvortisciiiuntiny other Jo vice or In format Ion, indlcatl

thereby tho occuiution of tha person or peiBOOK, shall be eonsldorod jirimafacleovidenctand it is further provided that the provisionif this act shall apply to all pornons profijid attemjiting to euro dbeoew by men:ba po-onlled Hyst«mii nf "faitupiirjstn," "mindlenling," " lnylng-ou-of-haudi," and othoiJuiilar gystcina,

0. And be It enacted, Tlmt this act shallly to thn romn]|«nlni)«I w'fr'ym1* pf.Jl'pit«i BtaUH army, navy ur nuirine hospital•ico, •wiiiioho couimitcioncd, or Mi bo"

illy-qu nil fled pliyniclauti or surgoom resldin;other itatos, mooting registered pbyfiicii

id surgeons of thin Htate In consultation,a any legally-qualified puyulotan or surgeoi' another «Uit« taking cUnrgo of tha [irnu *' a legall}'-tiunlifled physician or eurgtonibt slate iflinjKirarlly during tho lattor'n obnee tttevirfrom and wpon tlio written roguesi said board tlorefor, or (o any physician .irgeou of nnuthur aUto, uud duly ijuthoiiz-

under tho lawn thereof, to practlco modloiiid surgery therein; provldiMl, that nud

jiraetitluiior uhull not ojieii nn ollice or a plaoTor tho i.rm-tico of lila profession within thebordtra of thltt htate, or to any oua nhlle ac-tuntlj twrvlng tut a member nf the residentmedical staff of nny legn Uy-1 incorporated chn

ibk> or municipal hospital or osylim, nr tly legally-qualified and registered dentist:clusiv«ly engaged In practicing tho art cmtlatry, or to auy lugally reglfitorud phaioclat cxduxivcly engngeil in tho jiiactlco clarniucy, or to any jwreon cluliulug th

•fght to practice medicine mid surgery In thito, whohnaqeon practicing therein slue

bofore tho fourth day of July, one tuousam;lght hundred and ninety; jirovlilcd,•jght or title was obtained upon o dljiloma olwlilul) tho holder nnd applicant wns the Ini!ul poBHosBor, Issuml by IJ lognlly-cliartere*]molkal Iiutltutlon, which, in tlio opfnionuild board, was in good ulanding at tlio tlsaid diploma woe issued.

10. And be it enacted, That any person bere<ter commeuulug or continuing tho practicera«Ucina umi Eiirgory Sn any of Its brandiestblx state without Unit having obtained

lied the Ilcenso herein provided for oriry to the provisions of this act, fib all be

losmod guilty of n misdemeanor, nnd upownvlction thereof shall be punlshod for tliIret ofTenso by a fine of not less thnnonebuu'Ireddollan or hy imprisonment In tail for a l»rlod of not loaa than thirty dnys,

by both flno and Imprltioninont, and f<h subsequent offcase the puiushmcnt shalldouble that of the preceding one; KWX Itill bo the duty of tha respective district at-

torneys of the counties of this state to prose-cute violation of tbe provisions of thla net.

11. And bo it eunctod, Thnt tbe expenses ofsaid board and of tha examinations shall bepaid from the license fees above provided ftand if any surplus remain, tho wimo limy bodistributed among the members of Bald bonrd

compansatinn for their services as mum-bars, hut otherwise they shall recoipensallon whatever.

12. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts' acto, general or special, now existing,accordance with the provisions of thisInconsistent tli ero with, aro hereby re-

ilod.Approved May ffl, 18W,

CHAPTER COOVir.act legalizing, ratifying and confirming

township elections heretofore held in pur-suance o( an act entitled "A further cup-pleuenttonnoctentitled'Aii act concern-

iwnship ofUcern,' approved Apriltwenty-first, one thousand eight huudredmd seventy-six," which supplement

proved March thirteenth, cm thousandeight huudred and eighty-eight.

. fie it enacted by tha Senate and aA.ssotnb1y cf the StaU of Now Jersey, Thntiny oleetlon of tomwhlp officers horetofor

had In, any township of this Btato, fiursuance of an act onUtled "A further ttuj>-lomeiit to an act entitled 'An act concerningtwnship oRlcers,' npproved April twonty-

>ne thousand eight hundred and seven-'hlch supplement was npproveJ llurch

Irtoenth, one thousand eight hundred andeighty-eight, be and tbo somo iahcreb; "Izod, ratified and confirmed, any law to thocontrary notwithstanding.

2. And bo It enacted, That the members ofihlp commitLee elected a t w y suchshall hold and poascai their odlcca

ntil tho end of tholr respective k-nna.3. And bo it cnActod. That ouly so many

ishtp commlttocmeu shall bo oloctod Insuch case, under existing laws, as will9 tho wbole uumbor of the townshipae live, including those vrlio hold

ndor existing terms of office.4. And bo it enacted, That all actn, in-

consistent with this act, be repealed, and thatthis act shall be deemed and taken to bo a

iblio act and nhnll take effect Immediately,"•ftiworl May 23, IBM.

CHAPTEIl CCCVIII.Act to repeal on act entitled "A f i

lupplomoat to the act entitled 'An act relu-to sales Dt land undar a public statute.!

or by virtue of any judicial proceedings'[Revision], approved March twenty-seventh,one thousand olght hundred and seyonty-Cour," which further supplement wns ap-iroved March BixtcDntb, one thousand eight

hundred and ninoty-ono.Boltenoclod by tbe Renata and O<

Assembly of tho State of Now Jersey,t an act entitled "A farther »uppl<

thfi act entitled 'An act relative to sales ofudundera public fstatuto, or by virtue

judicial prooeedinca' [Revision], approved•th twenty-seventh, one thousand eight

lundred and seventy-four," which furtherupp!emenL was i>;>provod March sixteenth,

~ eight hundred and nicety-one,a and tha tome Is hereby repealed.5. And be It enacted, That all acts and partsr acta inconsistent with this act be and Iho

\ are hereby repealed, and that thist i l ] effect immediately.

\pprovfld May 23, IfflM.

CHAPTER CCC1X.in Act to amend on net entitled "An act toestablish a ayitem of public Instruction"[IlevisJon], approved March twenty-seventh,

thousand eight hundred anilseventy-our.

De It enacted by the Senate and Oeneraltowrohly.of tbe Btate of New Jersey, Thatlection one of the act entitled "An act to es-

bllshasyitemof pnblftf instruction" [Ravl-inl, approved Mtirch twenty-seventh, cmoDuaand eight hundred and seventy-four, be

the same is hereby amended so as to readollowi:Be It enocte<l by Ui* U«4ate and Qeucral

imbly of ths State of Now Jersey, l l iatUio general supervision and control of publicinstruction in the state of New Jorvey shall bo

In a state board of education,'

'hiuh boord nliali cousist of twiem from cnoli ctiugreudlounl district,uly oiiu of wlium rihf-11 be a inoinh«!f thtj miine j'ulitlu'id lmrty, uiid IUJ t*vo oi.hum sUull reside In thu win if county, cxct>i>t.-hi'i-B u fongrt-iwluiiul district lits entiivlyrllhiii oiio cuunty; uuiil iui;iiiU.'rn »huli be a]lointtd by thu governor, hy and witb tlintixcut of tlio M-unte, und tdmll hoH ollicivuraily for thu U<nu cf ilve years, ntnl I'ntl

their Biict'esisore hliuli bo aiipoiiiLAxl OH afore

IIH pjiiire, tiiifct'ssora in like manner undit liko t.'i'in hfnttl•oshiill nlvvayd bo I

-iswiir for the imui irul t n nhull ill like

2. Anil i wrs u£

hhull c

1 fimi:twl, TliutW Itourduf educationiilroartyapixiiliitisiuo in utlk-c, saveriiliy fur tlivte:

ik-li tiiey Imvo bcuu upiwlutod; pro-however, Hint tliin Motion Khali nut

apjtly to nny congrusttioiiul district wblrliIma two members uf wild staLo Ixuird of

ho arupnrty, 1.


of tllbUL-t, Ull'id from1 in thu f)mil lx- in


inoiiiburs ofs k'L\1

l udimctk<xl

rniK of olllitwuiiimtoVO tllL'lllbol

t h e tuiino:-n<


t i ic t in Uie i>u lit th is uot,for thL> full t

iif iinciinn thuhall baDUQiiur


trm uf

it'Uibcrs from KiUd dUtiicrt would have sorH nu'iiiU'i-H or wiiil hoard hud their UTimllko not beou tLTminatwI by this act.if. Ami be it OIIIICUKI thnt thin net t,]iku efft'L-t Imuiedfattily.Apiiroved May Si, 1S1K.

CHAl'TEll CCCX.Aii Act concerning Unw mid the oqunllxnt

nf values with refoienco thoreto,1. lie it uimeU'd liy thu Senate nnd Oeno

Assunibly ut Iho HtJite of New Jersey, Tlmt

lawful for uUd boards of choeec freeholita use soy luoueys of tbelr rospectlre ooutlee not otherwise appropriated, and to rai'roouej from Ume to time by taxation, and fttbo purpose uf building and rebuild teg subridge Uie counties to be caunocted tiy ebridge or bridges may iasue, In addition tohtudsboretofore Issued fonuch purposeseuoh count; or couuiles, or either of ththe bond* ut their raipt>cUva counties (or i

'icoediDg one hundred and flfilioutanil dotlar* for sachejuuty, and min'gotiate BDd sell tbe tame at any price

ian per; nucli bonds, if Issued, diallpayable in Dot u-re than tnaaty Jftbo dite of tholr i£au>, Qudobftil bi

iuLcrcut a t a rate not greater thug five•ilium pf r tncum.

7, And belt eauoted, That In CHFC- it rlbn ppcewary tu nnjuire land for thearproai>r approaches mentioned In tlio arth beetle>f thla set, anJ the boards oF cboien tre?hnl:

en of the cauntiea in which &\ioh landiand tfaeewneror owners thereof canuot fau

upon the prico to be paid therefor, it ehand mar '«> lawful for auv justice of tbepreme court, and tha said Justice in here Id'rectcd, up^u application by said boird*chosen freeboldors of the county lu whiuoh approach or approaches shall He, up.wo itcuki' pmvlouiuiitice, aar<-ei in poiirby laiTlDgo copy theiBoIht the duttIOUMS or UHUII ploco of BIJCKID ot tbe OWDOI

owners of aiid lauds find ths teniute, lt<" -.orlu casaof tbe absence from

stato nr legal disability of the owner or ownthe slid notice shall

pullished In r published fn tl

, I y>tutc whurc nny ini-r•hole or nggregatu alu

l Iu

y,t.', in any county uf thU

diminution of tliouf the real CHtata

t or taxing dlstrirtbii ot such wiuuty, HI Uie same aball

urnod or mailo to npjMJiii1 tu Iho board,or authoritiu) horolnaftor moutlonwl, bym the returns ur abstrncU of ratablwf prusontod by any asMawunj, nssessoi'8

tni board or other llko nutborlty or body

JV iHv

ximity, uthorized ami empowered tot f l tof ttiioe U[>on real

it'rein, ilinll be Hindu ornlTuitod by, through1 hy nny nieniis of nny Ixmnl of coiiunLisIon-

urn, tax urasMSHinentbonrdorotherauthorityur boily whatever, autlioriicd by any law ol

\tatti to make miv IIII-I-I'HM> nr diminutionA WIL I real poluUi valua, for the purposeBUoctinp on txfiializatlon cf values or v.tli.

Ii real estate between tho sovoidbitrk-te, cities, U»vnsarU)»iiHhl

if mifli L-ouuty, uo notice thereof shalllocoisary or roqulalte to bo rent to any ta:«yers of such district, but tho action no ilorixed, anil hereby authorized formiclipiitse, Khali \x> regarded as fliuil nnd (.•oneluilIthout sudi notice; in all cuseti, howaviiiei-e nny sucii increase or exctiango slmlliadore»i])ectii:g tho value of nny partimiiwst or portirn nf real estflto within any ai:«o«nieiit or taxing district, notluo alwjll hIven to nny nnd all taspnyora UITOQUH),

tlioy aliall IHJ hetml, by nay of apjwuthenvlse, In rutatlon tliurvte, aa tho ]amdi case may direct.

r,. Aud bo it uimctod, That tUU aot Hliuli Iijoined a public act, nud sliall tako offout Inledlulcly.Approvul May 23, IBM.

CHAPTER CCCXI.SujipIyniLUit to an act L-ntllled "Au act f(thu cataI)llHhment unii govern merit ofnnval mllltln of New Jersey /'which net woiup-proved Moy eighth, otio tliousaud ulgbihuuilred nud ninety-four.1. lio it t'lmcUxl by tbu Senate nud Q<GWlubly of the StuUi of Now Jeiwy, Thntio titles of wild nut Iw and the wra« Ii here1

ntomk<d to rend "An act for tho ostubllitent and guvcmiiient uf u naval rcucrvn

fuw Jeriiey,"oi|d wheuaver tho words" nninililla " «]>]>ear (n bnid ucf, thosnn(o aio be;

udml to rt'iid " naviil rworvo."3. And be It euaeted, That thu act shiike efrect Immediately.Approved May 33,18W.

CHAPTER CCCXII.i Act ta authorIK« tlio vunatvuoUon atinaiuteuanco of bridges and tho ojiproache.' oreto over nnviguhlo lvaUrs which matho dividing lino bcUwjn countiw* in tl

1. Bo it enacted by tho Bennto and Qcn-ral Assembly of tho Sttte of New Jersey,'hat where nav'ignblo waters mark tlio dlvidig Hue between two comities of thisid the respoctivo boards of choseu fro©ildere of such coiinties liava resolved,^renftor rwuilvo, thnt a brfilgp <ir b,v[dgea•vos} such wuK'ra nt utjy 'j»)nt or points,twoen any jKiints, Is a public necessity, IPall nnd nuty bo lawful f.utly to construct and maintain mioh liridgubridges for uBoa oiduHlvoly jiubllo, and theponso tlioreof slinll bo borne by tho soliunties equally; provided, botvever, thnt bo-re any such liridgo shall be built, or con-act mndo, or moneys exiwnilod lu res|»octicreto, the net ion of sucli boards of chosen«liolde» shall bnvo boon approved byijorlty of the legal votersof tuoirreapecthmt fee, tho npproval or disapproval of suetore to bo expressed Rt the flrat general fallctlon hold next nft«r tho passage of Bucholutjoii by such boarda of chosen fi

alders, ar cltlviv of tl)em, tvntl to bo lntlicaU*lttoso who fnvurtbn building of such bridgeadding to their ticket the words "for

iridgo botwoen county ami county,casomnybe; and Ly those opitosed toilldlng oF such bridge by tho word

against bridge botwoen county andcounty;" provided further, that notice

it au election for the nbovo purpose will beaid slmll linvo boon given by the clerks of thospoctlvo bonnlii of chosen freeholders of said

iu tho uawHpajwrs iu eoidnthorlsed to publish tho lan-s for the preced-ig year, for at least four weeks Immedintorjreceding tho tlmaof holding such election.3.' Anil bo It enacted, Tliat whenever plorr wharf lints shall be or have been estnb-

iral by nny act of tbo legislature, or by any'son or persona, commlBs'onor or coinaila-

Ionera,orpureonorcon>oraUGii3, nuthorliy nn act of tlio legislature to fix and i« nhlishid] lines, then In every caso tbo structure) oreoted by said boards of chosen f r-joholdimil extend from suoh plor lino toplcrline,

uch further only as may bo necessaryir tho construct lou of projjur fouijdatii

itiuonts; and if In any caso It shall bo foundesanry in bullduig such bridge to )ilnco theXmcnw on either Bido of BUCII nighw,

ipon a public highway It Bball be lawful BO

And be it enncUxl, Thnt in case suchidgo, when construct**!, will Interfere with

lavlgntlon of such waters, thon the narmi eonstmctw), shall bo provided witltbio draw to lio determined by tho soldd of clioBon frecholdcrn, any law, public

1 special, to tho contrary notnltlistandlng,id to bo placed as nearly as jiractlcable

llh tho cluuiiMil of aucli wators,id of xuflluieut wldlli to nil on- vessels usedroon to i»as3 throiNh tho saino frooly, andexpense or oiiorating aiich draw nnd cat

ig for such brilgo shall bo borno by such^unties equnllj.4 And bo ltGnactid,Taatbonrdsof cbaseneeboldets of aifd oountie*, or thn jilntilttees having charge of nail hrldgn,

fee such regulations not Inconalitentprovision! of Ihli act, as they snail .teemet»a<y for the pntoctlon of ssM bridge

aedtho accomoiodatl'-n of pas'engers crois-tog the MUDP, and may pirce tbs (aid bridgeIn the rpeclat core or charge of such suitableperrons •« they may appoint for tbat pur-

i, ard miy thcreupoa apply to the gorbrn-• of this state to comml«lon sacb person or>rsoni to act as polfotmea In respect to saidridge, and the enforcement o* thn provisionsthis act, and of such regulations as shall be


And bo It enaoUd. Ttat if la anyioll b* found nBceasarr to conttrart ap-•oachei to nueh bfUgo ia ord«r to connect

ssme with tba publio roads or streets oteither end thoreof, or to maka »uoh roadi oritreeta conform to the grsde of the bridge

tryiuchca-K-ltdhaUbon council, board or al-

srmen, towmfalp commlite?, or other gov-erning body of tho town, township or munic-ipality through which sucb approach or ap-proacbei shall He, to construct and maintaintno saaiB a*, the expense ot the county In

Ich such approach shsll be ecnitructad and[ntafned. And bo it eaao!(d, Tbat for the purposefurnishing tha moneys ntocniory for bulld-

re build lug, rv pelting and amlntalnlogeach brlJge, >ttd for making and mala*

ilng suab approach or approaches and ao-uhrlng lands tberefor, It shall and tnaj be

runty where mid land) are iltuute, f r tM-bi jirlir to the ttmo fixed for turn apj.

PBtlon, to appoint three dMiiUrerted p?rso(.Jinmfailnnera, which (aid ooaimiidonfohsll be rrsEdonte of the county whore sal<1 icds are rltuste, to condemn onii at was nma. oo. talzi tbe vaJua of the lands neaeisary tosuuh approach or approaches, which "ommfionira ibalt appoint a time aud placewhich thny shall meet and cicoutfl tbe dutiesot th'a •ppolutment, and stiati c&usi twoweeks'c^t'o* thereof to be given to tbeoeror owners and Unaat or tenanta thereofdtber by penon^l KT?ice or by Itsavlngn cop:thereof ut tbe dwolllnf house or nuaal ahowner or owners and tenant or Unantv, oicaw of tbs absence from tbe Btstt or legal dliutility of said own*r or owner or tenanttenant*, then ssld notloe s^all be publishedi newspaper published In th* ciunty wheall landa ar t situste, for two weeks prior

tbe Ume ol such ineotlnit; at which time amplace tie said commissioners, or any two' i, ahall meat and slew t U preotfwn and

lands, aad hear all Uie parties lotereiUxl,Xu'ii* wioepce, if nay ibnil be olterad, and Utbit pu rp l e shall have fiowot-ti artnoaths and afTirmatbcB, and to adjountime to Urn*; and tbe said board offrwuiiaew Bball make and exhibit to the sslcoatulralouen, at their meeting aforesal I,disoilutlou of eald lands rnjulrtd for iucoapproaob or approschrs'u aforeaali, citheru writing or by rasps or drawlags or both;md tbe Bald commissioners, or any t *o i

them, shall thereupia BR-jertaln and arseof Mid lands and shall execute u

dt-r tbefr bands and seal*, or tha hinds atHeals of any f o o t them, an I a»ard to sahoards of pho»en freeholdsrs, itttlng thoreltbe o^mpenaation therefor by th'iq aaarta*

favor of B»Jd owrer or owners, tenn-it it:nante, if any there bo, and « detgrlptlou otfansald land*, wbloh >ald award ahull be ac

ledged by the cmtnlastotiers makmff tbeiume and filed In the regMtr'a ofllca ot the

ity wnere said lands are situat", and re-corded by the said rentier In the tame rnao-

aud In the sama bwlu that deeds for nCBtata are now recorded,

8. And he it enacted, Tbat wheo the taMnmlBsloners, or any Xvro ot tbotu, »h»lake tbslr ft word ani assers the value ot thi

landp aforusaid, then It shatl be the dutytbe board of chosen freeholders to pay to theowner or owners or said lauds and to the tTj-or tenants, if any there be, tha amount BO (W

>fd by tbe said oomralsalonerj, and Ia ou*tha said owner or owners, tenant or

'fuse to rcoelve tbeiarao.orreil leout of thiate, or ore legally disqualified, or canm t b*

found, then tbe said board of chosen f.\r% shall P»? tba uitd amount so assho clerk of the droult court of tbeo unt;"ho'fl *oid lands are idtuite

B, And be it enacted, Hint theawardoftcommissioners aforesaid, or any two of tbeiand tbe payment o( tbe money so awo aed ataforesaid by the board of chcunthall invest la them iu tbe land) an lprcmlwspre'crlbedto said award, the Binn estate a'

ould bavo vested (a thorn had theowners thereof oonveyed tha wn* t • th» e«l.board of chosen freeholders, under tholr banand seals, In fM simple.

10. And be iteuiaotcd.Thfttif theealdboai•t cboteu freeholdpm, or the ownar or own-rs, or tbe tenant or tenantt, of said lands ai

not satlsGed with tbe assessment of the saidpommluilouej's of tbe amount to be paid tihe owner or otrners, tenant or tenants

raid land?, then and In that case either part jmay appeal to tbe next or second term there-after of the circuit court of the county obisaid t&nds are eiti»&, by &ltng * petition

Ith the clerk nf said circuit oourt and eerv-ig " notlco of such appeal upon the opposltrirty three weeks prior to such term, or fa;nbllcatlon fn a newrpaper printed In>unty whore ssld lands are situate, for fourPrts prio' to such Urm; which peUtli

• hen filed, and the tiotloessmd or publishedos afore-ald, Bhall veit la said court full

>w«r to hear and determine aald appeal.

11. And be it enacted, That In nil COWKippeal from the assessmeat ot tho comnila-sloners, ft shah* and maybe lawful for citherparty to demand ar|d have o trial by jury,and tl(o assessment qf Uia equrt of jury shall

- final,IS. And ho It enacted, That all acts and

parts ot aoU mconilsUmt witb this aot be andtho sanio are hereby repealed, nod that thfinet ihall take effect Immediately.

Approved May 83,18W.

CHAPTER CCCXIH.A Supplement to an act entitled "An act foi

tha protection of certain kinds of birds,mats and fish, and to provide a proccduirecover fnnHlon for the violation thereof,"approved February twenty-vlgutti, onethousand eight hundred and ninety-three.1. Be it ouoctwd by the Semite and General

Assembly of the Stato of New Jersey, Thattho first section of tbe act to which this Ii alupptcment, and which reads as follows:

1. Be it enacted by the Benaln and OeneralAssembly of the State of New Jersey, Thatit shall t>3t bo lawful to pursue, take, kill, or

unlawfully In possession any buck, doe,or wild dear, oxcept only between tho

fourteenth day ot October and, &o sixteenthday of December In any year, under a penalty

ie hundred dollars for each buck, doe,ur wild door BO killed, pursued or had

unlawfully In possession," shall be amended,so that tbe Borne shall read as follows;

1. Be It enacted by the Bonate and GeneralAssembly of the State of New Jersey, ThatIt shall not bo lawful to pursue, take, kill, orhave unlawfully In possession any buck, doe,fawn or wild deer except only between thIwonty.flfth day of Novemlmr and tlio si)tecnth day of December in any year, underpenalty of ono liundrod dollars /or each bucii,loo, fawn or wild deer BO killed, purauod orlad unlawfully In possession.3. And be It enacted, Tbat the third tcctloc

it tho act to wnltfi thla Is a supplement, tun"ich section rends as follows;':i And ba It enacted, That harcofLor f

ihnll not bo lawful for any person or personsie, kill, or havo unlawfully In IK

Inn after tho sains has boon token or killed,any n.unU or any haro (commonly colled rnl>hlt), except ouly between the lost day of Oc-tober and the sixteenth day of DucemUar ininy year, uudcr a penalty of twenty Aoliunor ottch quail or rabbit so token, killed or hoinlawf uliy In possession,1' ehall ba amendedi that tho same shall rood as follows :3. And bo It enacted, That hereafter it slial

not be lawful tar any person or persona to cap-ture, kill, or bare unlawfully in posseaionafter tbosamo has been taken or killed, nny

or any bare (commonly called rabbit),Bxcept only betwwn the tenth dny of Novem-ber and the sixteenth dny of December in nny(•ear, under a penalty ot twenty dollars for

:h quail or rabbit sa taken, lifllod or hadunlawfully In possession.

2. And be it enacted, That this act shalltake effect immediately.

Approved May 22,18&i,

CHAPTER CCCXIV.lupplcment to an act entIUBd"An act f t .the protection of cartaln kin da of birds, ani-mals nnd fish, and to provide a procedure to

r penalties for tho violation hereof,'approval February twenty-eighth, OHLthousand otgut hundred ami nicety-throe.1. Be It t'uacted by the Sew.to and QonenU

Assembly of thu Bute of How Jersey, Thattbo second section of tho set to which this Ia

a supplement be nod tlio aanio hi huaxiiunded BO pp to rctfid PH 1 OUO VB*

2. And be it enncUjd, That hereafter itumil ba hiH'ful far any jxjrson or pcrwficapture, kill, or have unlawful])- iu powsalter tUo sauiu ban 1MB takuu or killt-O,black or foi squirrel, cicept only butivoeitiilrty-Ilnit iUiy cf October und tlio viKt .day of Ik'ct'Uibor in any year, undorupeiiof twuuty dollars for ench bleck or tax w|rd uo taken, killed or hud unlawfully In

1!. Andbuit ontlon of tlio aut tobo and tho mimo irood us follows:

4. And 1* it cnaot bu Inwful furic, Kill ur iiuv

FUT tliu snmo hnsrtiilled gruUMi (co

[i-GI]totilylx.-tWL<mi tlio sixteenlhuur, jndur a it

each millwl yroiishin-fully In iRisscf

H. Ami Im it fiiku oiTwt itutiiiMlApproved May

ctwl, Tliat tho fourthwhich thin Un KUPJIIUIIhtimhy cimcudod bo u

cU-d, Tlmt hweutlur IIHUIuy pt'fbun or purbuus t<i LMc uulan-ruliy in \KK

ityt'ii tuken or killtinnionly called p H i g ;ii tha last dny of Octobeiloy nf lHsxinber iu i

imlty of twenty doll liram tuken, killed or I mil ui

ncUtl, Thnt this[it'il>-.<, ISM.

ct nil

CHAPTER CCCXV.JI Act to tuiifiud uu act cnMlled "A iuioiit to uu net entitled 'An act to Incorprate trusUiifi of religious wwUstfaa/aivApril ninth, one thnimand eight hunilrtKl amsovunty-ilvu," which sujipIinuBnt was «pnH(."d April fourth, one thousand dpbuudrod and luimty-artu."1. Be itenat'Lwl by tbo Stiimtc and Qonot

Assembly nt the Hlato ot Now Jf may, Tlithn liltovo-orititlwL act bo ai

.lie KOIUC Is huroby amotidud to ba and roadfollow.

1. lie it otiacted by tho Sunateand G<Assciiibly of tho BtaW of New Jureoy, Tlu

not bo liiuful for thu roctor, wardcistrynien of any prottstaut e[>h>coj

church, or, In enso tha church ho withoutmlnUter or roctor, tliun for tho said war

nd vestrymen, or for the wantons andli'ynwn tor tlio timo being of nny protestonepiucoiial church who ere trustees of tlie ttninuto nliun, grant, asaign, dwuitie, lot nr nigaga any ronl church proimrty, without

iivioua written consotit of tho bishop and iijority of the standing committee of thi>ccaa within which eufh real cburcli p

orty may ho 8ltuntod;or, in case of a vau

the aflk-e uf blHliop, ur or bis nbsenco froiuiid diot-use, tlicn n umjorlty of tnu

iniittoo Uiereor, which consent Bhall Iw ocfcnawlcdgod, or proved awl recovdwl witl

:h deed, lia^u inuiUrfiifu nr IIIH)nmooiirej-antr*, nnd wltlwut -nr}: CJIU*nliunitllon, ^rrant, nflsipiiiiiont, liomtae,mortgngo elioll lie null nnd void; provided

r, tlmt tlin provlHlonii of tlihi net shillot apply to alienations, oonvoynnL-ee, grm

,onU, demlsGB or rtleaeca made by tliirector or minister, wardens and vcstryniL'iany cpbco|wl cliurcli, <jf lands hu-ld by (.hand to them lwlonging, and not utuxl pr thel

:bvanl, burlnl ground, or tut a slto foSunilay-scliool, and nny and nil

, c-onvorniiccu, grants, assignniciits, do.lor IOOEMJ Heretofore made and executed,

or lieroatter to bu tnada and executed bytrustees, of nny lands or real church proi»ort:uot la utod OB ntoraaald, witlinut nucli

nalil, nil all be as goal and offclaw aa i( tlio obovo not had not boonanything therein to tho contrary iunotwithstanding.

3. And bo it unacted, Thut UIIH net filialtakti efTact inimedlately.

Approved Mny 33,1HW.

CHAPTEIl CCCXVI.. Hupplomont to on net eutItl«l"An notitroviAe for the more iwnnanrait improveinont of tho pulillo roads of this Rtato," npjirovod April Tourt«ontb, ona tltousBHeight bundrod and nlnoty-oue.1. Bo It enacted by tlie Senuto aud (JenonHsembly of tlio State of Kow Jersey, Thihonovor there sliu.ll hu preseuUil to tlio bom

if choaen freeholders of nny county n pctittoiigntd hy tho owners or nt least tivo-tlilnbi <he Linda and roqlefitntafraiitlnjjorlionloriii) nny jmbllu rood or eootjon uf rond It) KU<anuty, not loss Uian ouo mllo Iti length, pvang tho uonnl to causa such ronil or sectionho roof U) bo Improved unilor tlio pruvlsloi

n Rovctn of the act Io which tbin isipplutnent, and It shall appear tlmt a part <

rood or section theroof, as dtaitgtintwl inaid iwtltlon, elmll Ho wit 1.1 a tho t-oq«rnUjIndteof any city, town or borough hi si

ity, it shall bo luwful for tlio Iward ofemien, council or other governing Imly;h city, town or borough to consent by reso-

utlon, adojitcd nt a regular meeting of sal"•oardof nldvrmcn, council Or other governingloily, thnt the said road or Gectlou tlicreoi*itbin the lunlta of tbo cifci1, town or 1-orouglmil lie improved In tha manner iircivjdwl f<said act, and that ttm niuwutiMCiit provider ii) Uia vcmniniag stttim]a of taild not si ini collected by tho collector of remtuo «r Ui:jlloctor, or other odleor o«n«irert>dxA taxes and aswsamciits 1Q said city, townr borough In tho nuinncr dirvctctl In Nct; thnt n certified copy of tho resolution•nsentas nCores&ld Rliall be filed with tha

tuty collector In bis oflko, and upon suchHug of micli resolution the wild board ol

in freeholders shall proceed with wild in:irovemont.

a And bu It enacted, That wh«u the eaM[m])roveraent shall be completed nnd finishedUie liability of the said Ixwinl of froolioldersver Buch jmrt of eaid road as shall Ho nlthli i city, town or borough ta maintain tliJno eball cease and detormiije; tlio city,

»wqorliorough,ihall have bean improved shall from thence-forth resume all control of mid road withins jurisdiction tlmt it noswssed at the timeId inijirovument was proposed, nud tlio costtlio maintenance uaid ull uwe*wavy repairssniil road within Bald llmlte shall bo bornesaid city, town or borough an Loratflro.

11. And bo it onnctod, Tlmt nit acta (nrts of acts wnOlcting horn with ahall ba i

i nro hereby repealed, and tlilaAudi taVo cited immediately.'Approved Moy Si, 16iU.

CHAPTER CCCXVII.. Supplement to an act entitled "An act con-cerning contagious and infectious dfeea&tnmong animals and to repeal it-rtnln actmlatlng therpto." approvedJIayfourth,onthousand eight liundrod and eighty-six.I'hcrcaj, It is said that tuberculosis In cattl

ilia in roiiiosectionsofthis«tate,ivliore-by tho boaltVi of our citizenstherefore,1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Geuoral

\sembly of tho State of ttew Jersey, Thaipresident of Uia state board of agriculture

ihall appoint flvo persons, citizens and tax-payers of thin state, wbo, together witb liim-!lt and the secretary of tho state bonnl ofgrioulturo, shall comtituto n commissionhashnll, nttho request of two membei

Btnto bonrd of health or tho state dairyconuutetoner or nny owner of suspected unl-mals, iiTDstignto thoeibtoncoof tuberculosis,

6 the some to be invcsligatixl, and if:li disease Is found to exist, to onf(

ich regulations In relation to tbe same as tbolid commission may adopt.3, Andboltenactod^hatwhcuanyKUlmalr animate Bhall be slaughtered by dlrectinn

' iruuiIflHbn, tbo vnlue of tlio snme shall3rtaincd and appraised by three disin-

terested freeholders, re*d(loiitinUilsRtnto,n-hishall mate and sign cwrllucotai thar«af tu tha

senco of a wiUioss who sLnll attest theio; such apprakemont slmll bo madebasis of ths market valuo of tho animal

an I tools slaughtered Just prior to tho tii:n thoy becamo so douuased, and shall be[ted to tbo Bum uf one bumlred dnllara for

rrglitcrnl snlmnla ontl to forty dollars for alli; one-half ot tho vnlutionsonscertalncd

ibnil bo paid by tho state on tho presentation:h eortlflcnto, witb the npproval of thoDommiffllon indorsed thereon, to tbi

rrnor or owners.

3. And bo it enacted, Thnt It el mil bo thoy of until commission to keep a full andiplet« record of all their proceedings unili: act and report the mtuo annually to tho

stato board, ot agriculture, and such a reportshall be printed in and form a part of Uio

luol report of Die state board of ngrirul-ii.

4. Anil bo Henacted, That.the Bum of fi1

dollars is hereby annually appro*-istod to said commission to defray ita ex-Duscs and tlie value ot tho cntUe to be slaugh-

tered by ita direction, provfdod, that no othercompensation thall be allowed mid eommlfflkthnt the expenses actually Incurred In tho ai

itlon of Uiedutin hereby Imposed.And bo It enacted, Thnt nil bills ft

icney expanded under this not shall beidlted by ibe comptroller ot this stato and

i submitted to tho governor for his up-al, aad alter being thus audited and ap-ed, by tho governor shall bo paid by tiioi treasurer upon tho warrant of Uio com-

itrollor.And be It enacted, Thftt this aetahftll

J May S3, 13W.

CHAPTBtt UCCXVin.pj] hvt Biillinriziiig Ibu lighting

Bta-u** uud places in the cities, to'Hbijw, boroughs ami village* of tlieetate, mito erect nnd inniiitaiu thcprojier appliance1. Bu it cassui lythc Senate nud Oei

u-nl Aaatmbly of tho Siflti> of New JiThat it (diall Lweafter bo lawful tor the COL

•il, taivnvlirp comnilttoe or oUniiuiiiriruil niitlioritiiwof any (.'ity, town, town-ihip, h'.>ronBli or vilbgo in this etate, autliiK«I tu main MH:1I nuittera from timo to tiniuul hy unUuiUKv vir rtitmUtton, t«i ofdercauwi any public street or 8truole, placi(JIUWS, or nny jwrt. ur jwrta tlieruur, luiiich city, town, township, borough or villiitspwHvni)-, tube lifliU-d with gas, clecli^htnor othenvisL', and for tlmt jwposccrw t uud uutfiitaiu or cause to 1« erectedinaliitaiiiEil nil imceainry nud projiar jiosta,|HI1I«, imitcniHEtui flituroH nn nny or allIho [inblic road», streets, lunos jr allofR, n;<> lniilt'.1 tunl enter into any contract or KtrnctM willi any other party or parties, foraterm or terms udt eictxxiing five years, a

ng iistvrtjilned or determined by rewolutiaif tuiid council, raruuiitiee or other i tlUthuritics, to boeertiiiedU.>tliswani of nalil city, town towusliij), boroug

ir vitluge; nnd that sur-b annualox]«nso shnllthoroiifMjn b» levied, nspessed and collevl

i all tho roal and i«n*mal proj^rty in sicity, town, township, iHirough nr villngo,lM-ctlroly, In tlio eamo niannor, a t the stuIiio and undoi' tlio KBUIO psiultioA (hut wit]tut Miy extra eompeiLsatioi) tJiorofor) aa tiaxw for tlio working or repairingf roods oi' streets

city, lawn, township, borough or village, repecUveU,e.reor may to; provided, htrn

*, that in making eucb awcssnwntof thaihereby authorised, the said assessor or asscrs nball not be restricted or eootroltfl la any

way by any special act of tbe legislature here-toforo passed, whereby the amount of *n

iz to be raited ID any city, town, townshiprnugh nr village Ie llmlt<d to a certtin intago up™ tbB valuation of tbo (uses

property therein.

3 And be It enacted, That aay aot nr ator part or part* the root, inwuslslent vrlto.

Islons of this act, Is and are Herebyperiled In BO far as it or they is or aro iocou•Ittrat herewith, and that this act h bersh;declared to be a publia not and ihall takeFeet Immediately. '

Approved Miy £4, itW

UHAPi-BK CC0XIX.An Act concerning corp >ntlom nud benevt

lent aHBoelatlo.\, DsiteDBcted by the Senate ana Oeneral

Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That'here tbo oh ar tar of anybody corporate

of any twmevofont awoeistlou, by whiteoev> the Mote bs called or for whatsoarei

purpose the tame may be Incorporated, whlclprovides bj th« oharlerof such oorporotioi

such beuevoleut a-Boclatlin that aucorporatloD or association shall not holdown property exceeding (a valus tha ittm

m thousand dollars, that it shall aud ma; bIt* ful lor BUoh body corporate onuehbe-

ivoleut asaoclation to hold or own propertnot to exceed In value tha mm ot fifty ttan Adrian.

And be It en noted, Tbat inich bodj-pirate or benevolenf asooclatlon shall hav<

1 authority and pswer to Impro'iperty and to borrow money for such puie, end to give Its corporate baud therefor,

to be lecursd by mortgage ID fee on suohproperty so owned by such body cwporata or

r Buch ben»Tol«nt ftnrtclftUo9. And bait enacted, Tbat this art (hall

be deemed a public act and shall take effectImmediately.

Approved May 2T, 18W-

CHAPTER CCCXX.a Aot relative to tbe construction, repairand management of buildings urod In con-nection with the police department in citiesof the drat clou.1. Ba It enacted by tbe Senate and Oeneralssembly of the State of Hew Jersey, Tha

tbe board of police oonmlssloiwrs «r otherboard having charge of the-police departmen

cities of tbe drat clan In this state, ebalhiva tUo entire confol and management olll tha buildings owned or lpasod by suoh citj

and uied la conuretlon with tha policpartment thereof; that said board nball iand nWnt&rn all tbo building* of tatddeport-

!nt in good order and repair, and tnakesuabilUratio-» nnd additions thereto as may be

dfiary rrom timo to tlma.ADd be it enaoUd, That all unexpended

ippropt.'atlons beretofore made to any othericard or department In Bald city for tho re-

troffiuchpoUoabutlJlngi ihall forthwithstrauifermlupontliabjokiot tho city toie credit of ufd polios board.3. And be It enaitod, That nothing in this' mtaiued ihalt enTMt cilnttng oontroota

made ty such city for the repair of buildIi _poltco purposes, and that tbe expetidlturra

>j told police board for any purpose hereinthorltwl shall comply with tha provlsl<law now or hereafter In forco filing and

limiting appropriations and ttwlr. dUpod-

effect| 'I. Andboit»;uacled,'"Ml'wl 'eD^•con in the ownership ol property in any

,,icb city, town or township, It *hall b» U»duty of the neir owner to prewut nil dwd, orother evidence of titlo, to the officer, offlofln

e j*rtm ent having charge ot tbs aoett-X of taxes therein, tint the change of

^ e r n b i p may be properly noted on thobooks and maps kept by tlie said taring offi-cer or onicers.

3. And be it enacted, That no register ofdoedi, county clerk or other officer, whoseduty It Bhall be to record deedj, >hau record

4. And be It enacted. That all acts anparts of acts, general or ipecla!, inconiiitentwith tbe provisions of this set, are hereby

lod, and LhltMot shall Ukeeffeot Immedl-


CHAPTKR CCXTi.Supplement to »n aot entitled "An act toauthorise tbe construction, curbing andpavlngut sidewalks and croniralki Intiwn-sblp*," "pproved May ninth, ono thousandeight hundred md eighty-four.1. Be it enacted try tbe Senate and GeneralLflrembly of the Slate of New Jeney. That

authorize the ' construction, curblan;,md paving of Bidew&iki and crosswalks Intownshlpf," approved Mar ninth, ono thou-sand eight hundred aud eighty-foar, beamended so as to read as foliowi

BI. ADO be It enacted, That ton townshipiltUeo! any township in thli aUtsts

hereby authorlred and empowered to borrow,upon the credit of the towntblp, by thB Inn-anceofpromfnorynotia or bonds of tbe In-labltantt of iuch towmhlp, ilgtud by th«:talrmanofBuchcjTmitt*eand atUrted bytha town.hlp clerk und^rthe attlot tha townihlp, which br&di «h«Il pledga tba wholeiroperty of the township for tba

and e«pedslly phdgo wSX

its arising from sidewalk andletwalklniproveaieDU under the provlilonisaid act, which bonds or note* shall bearerest at a not greater rate than Qv« per

mtum per annum, and tho interest on•nds tony be made payable Mml-annotUr,dd bonds miy bs either rfgUtorsd or oou-M bonds, as tho towaebtp commltUa mayIrect, and asid nobs or aald bonds may ba

de pajahle at tuch time at s*ld townshipamltUerav direct, but no boo-! ^hall beltd for a 'oi-ger pertodot Ume than tenLTS from l u date, nor shall tha aame bt ns-

atlated at b j i than par.3. And be It enacted, That In CAM any rids

raika or orossnallu have been heretofore laidtba townihip committ« of any townihlptbli state, acd the aiMsunent for tha Hma< bwn Md against property in aocordancs

Ith the provlelonj of the act to which thli aiplemBOt, or any other act, that It thai) berful for tha towntfalp ojmmlttM In anyhtowntUptolttaushaoorporata bondjof

;ha charaoter and In tbe maaaer In tb« flnticctlon Df this act provldod for, and f nnd all

ewalk or crotssralh; assEHmen'B at thhlitoduBnnduiip&ldtosaldtawnihlp,aDd laue ot the lstun&ca of such bonds, thsn andi that cue the pnaeut aswaimeob tor kids-ralks or croeawalts outstanding and BOW die

*td, sball ba beU by tho commissioner! ofsinking fund! of inch township, if snch

utnmlBflionera eilit, or by such other officeris the township cwmmlttM thall direct, M _

dng fund to meet and dlscharg* any bondsled ia punuaQM to the provisions of this

8. And bo It enacted, That this act shalleffect Immediately.

Approreo May 32, IBM.

CHAPTER CCCXXJLAct In relation to asaeannenti of taxes In

CIUBS, towns and townships.. Be it enacted by IU SaoaU and General•mbly of the Btate ot Ne« • Jersey, That

all cllitf, towns and towothtt* of thli state' >ow bavs or may hereafter bavo block

ips, ft ahsll be tba duly of tbe UzlugofllMr: •rflcerB la all caies, In making their KJMII->ents tor l u e s upon real estate, to dtscribt>e aame by block and lot uumbrn, aj ifaown

inthsaawnniFntmapaotanoh dty, townl.TWlhlp.

any doed which conveys any property incities, towns or townships of this state Ui»tnow have or horeaf te. mar bave block maps,unloai It sttill be duly eertlflwl thereon thatthe e»mo hoe bten prelected at tho office ofthe c-IBcer, olBuci-* or othor department hawhig charge of Uio aawwsmeDt of Uxea, for thepurpose of recording or noting, such changesas may ha?e been made thereby in tbe prop-erty lines and ownorihip of thB property,prosld&d, that rach officer, oBccm t r depwt-ment having charge of theaaseasnient ot taxesshall have filed with the regiiter of doed*,couuty clerk or other officer, whoso duty Itshall bo to record deeds, a notloe in writing,signed byauch ofllcer or officers, that lushcity, town or township that has adopted blockmaps for tho purposes of taxation; and pro-vided further, that nothing in this act shallprevent $&e recording uf suuli il«d In case »fee of twenty cents per lollo for t ie abstractuerlnsitor mentioned Is paid at the tune anysucb deed is deposited for record to the regis-ter of deeds, oouuty clerk or other ofitcerwhose duty It Ii to record the same, uponwhich payment having been made, it Bhall bethe duty of said register of deedi. countyclerk, or ether officer, within five days tier«-after, to present an abstract of such d«ed totho officer, officers, or department having incharge the assessment of taxes, for tho pur-pose ot laying «uru change* in line* olownership as may be made thereby reoordodor noted.

And bs it enacted, That t i l MU and pwteof note Inconsistent wife this aot be and th*same ore hereby repealed, and that this actBhaU take effect immediately.

Approved Hay £2, IBM.

CHAPrKR CCCXXIII.An Act to amend an act entitled "A Supple-

ment to an aot entitled 'An act to author-ise the Inue of bonds to provide moneys fortbe erection of county lunatic asylum build-ings In counties of this "Ute," approved Juo»tentb, one thousand eight hundred andninety,", which suppl»uient was approvedMay firm, one thousand tight hundred Midninety-four.1. Ba It enacted by the Senate and QenBral

Assembly of the SUtt of Now Jersey, Tbatsection one ot tLo above-mentioned aot be andi hereby amended to be and tors*d Mlol-

1. Bo It enacted by tho Senate and GeneralABsemhlyof tbB State or New Jersey, Thatla addition to tha bondii authorised f> beIssued by the above entitled act as smerrifd,there may be and hereby Is authorised Io baIssued for the purposes of affording, provid-ing and constructing a suitable kitchen and

igina house or building to contain neoessarjttoam or other power, machinery and thingsrequisite and necessary to and for tbo properoperation, use: and accommodation of th*main building,' authorlrad and prodded forio the act to which this Is a supplement, andto further provide, for tb« msklog, ereoUoaand construotloo of such other adjoining orconnecting out-house* or buildings a* may befound or deemed to be necessary, with suchsteam and otter pipe, sewer and other similarconnections and communication, u may be>

ssential and proper tbtrafor, by tho hoard olhosen freeholders antboratd to provid* for

tbe erection of such main bu tiding, bonds ofth character, denomination, tenor and effectof those heretofore authorised fn and by suuhamended ant, tu which, tula U asupptaosnt,exoept that it shall be nntieoesiiry to itati onthe face of tlJe bonds the purpose for whichlbs tame are issued beyond mention of thlaaot of authority therefor, to an amount or

im not exceeding fifty thoumnd dolUntnich bonds to be made, issued and sold u di-rected In suoh act, exempt as may h*nln bedlreotod to tha contrary, and th* mo»ya £arlaing tbertfrom ore to bo uaad forth* pur-paens above mentioned; provided, nevorth*-

tbat any part, surplus or balanos of suohmoneys that may not be Deeded for th* pur-poses above mentioned may and hereby ui*authorized to be used for and toward thecompletion of the main building above re-ferred to, and such wings, parts or portion!thereof u miy be Incomplete oronBolsfaed,

which It miy be deemed neoeastry to adda, enlarge or extend.

3. And be it enacted, That this aot shall Uk*iffeot Immediately,

Approved May S3,1804. •

CHAPTEn CCOXXIV.\n act concerning UM power of boards ot *

education to borrow money, issue bonds orincur indebtedness for the purchase of landsor the erection ot Khool building*.1. Ba it enacted by th .'Senate *ad General•semblyof tUStetoof New Jersey, Thatshall not be Uwful for may board ot odac*-on In any city of tfcii it«V> to borrow money,sue bonds or incur indebtedness ID excess otve thousand dollars for the purpose of pur-

chisiDg loads orertoting say Khool building,without the concurrence and appror*] flntobtained, of th» common council, board otaldermen or other governing body of saidcity, provided, however, that the provisions

* "ib Mtsball not apply to any school dis-Lrlet wh*rein moneys for school pnrpososur*•mlsed at an annual meeting of tho votarsthereof; aad provided farther, that this actshall not apply to or affect any board ot edit*cation tbo boundary lines ot whoso schooldistrict extend beyond the boundary lines ot

-town or city in which tbe school housesi located, Into any adjoining towtuhlp out-

ride of the limits of such town or d ty .S. And ba It enacted,Tbstrtlactetndpart.

if acts, general or spools!, so far *• they or*•.consistent with this aot, be and the —m+

hereby repealed, and that this. aot snaile effect Immediately.

Fused Hay S3,18M.

CHAPTER CO0ZX7I.a * ; . to repeal chapter two hundred sadlourteen ot the laws of one thousand eighthundred sad ninety-three, entitled "A sup-plement to the act 'entitled 'A supplementto tha act entitled "An act to establish an

department In cities of tbls state;'*paused April olghth, one thousand eighthundred and eighty-four,' which supple-mentary act was approved February twenty-fourth, In the year of our Lord, one thotu-and eight hundred and ninety-two," tudwhich supplement waa approved Marchseventeenth, one thouiand eight hundredand ninety-threo. :

It enacted by the> Benate and GeneralAssembly of the State of Kew Jeney, Thatchapter two hundred mad f oarteon of tha lawsof one thouiand eight hundred and ninety-

ree entitled "A suppjement to U*e act en-titled "An act to establish « excise depart-ment In cities of this state," passed Aprileighth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-lour,' which supplementary »ct was approvedenruary twenty-fourth, in the ye*rof.our

Lord out) thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and which supplement was approvedMarch seventeenth, one thousand eight hun-dred and atnety-thra, be and the ifttnelshereby repealed.

2. And bo it enacted, Thatthiiact«ball'»k«ffoct immediately.Passed May 23,18W.

CHAPTER cqqxxvn.Further Supplement to sit act entitled " A 3 ^ext respecting writs of error" [Revision] 'approved llarca twenty-seventh, OBBUWM!and eight hundred and setenty-f our1. Be i t enacted by the BenaU «,d General

lusembly of the Btate of Now Jersey, Thatio writ of error tiiall be brought or Ila to re-

— any in Jgrnmt of the supromo court rsn». on any appeal heretofore taken or here-to be token to aold supremo court from

the judgment of any circuit court In any caw

3. And belt enacted, That ths act entitledA supplenunt to an act entitled 'An u t n- 'octlng wrltaot orror- tRwUm,) approTrfarch twonty-Beventh, anno domlal at-iousand eight hundred and serenty-fotir, i» ! S ( r ap i l I??1Bn t w «PProred Mimurth, one thouand eight (

S 0 0 " bemad *•••»»••

e effect Immadlately,^W*%WHW

Page 5: EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,

nVr.Jty.AuguitnUi.«*tf pin li •dvertlaed for la another

p laV JaR opcai a t Meant Tabor on

two Blight fire* ID Horrlatoivn• • light.

" i wheelmen will bold ft centuryI or Day.

^merry-go round left on WedneadavjtButern atatea.

i one hour ehorter than tbey* ths end of Jane. •

;e B. Smith eucoeede L'barley Green\t ofMorrlatowa.

l[ The Voaat Olive annual Ftlr will be beldS- j p Uie 18tb,-neil Tnuaday." ^ Baker Opera. House opena witti "A Rnezy

~n»» n u t Thursday night, tbe ifl h.f* Tha voriouj firo coapanl'm ot tbs ton' rill elect oHIoera next Monday night.

Tie Vigllauts eicunioa train next Friday; wi Heave Port Oram at 7:30, Dover 7 ;if).

l i Brcgularmontbly meeting^ the CommonG, iiicll takee plaoee on Monday blfht n u t

The Liberty Bicycle raotory bas cloeed[ dLvnfortffo weekitotakaaooouiitaf stock.

a Beuator Smith's graveatoiia Is likely toI 9 wrtttent "Ha died from too ranch letter

r Line »Tbe sewer' quefl'lon Is being

MwrUtown. It Ulbectyingneedof Dover too.

The Democratic. Congreaalooal Goa'tntlon. for this DlnrlotwiUbe held at TYashlnnton

It lakta Force, UIB street sprinkling man,s juit two minntea and a-half to fill the tank of

hliaprlnkllng wagon.A large number of tie men at Alison wero

t*mrCTgtttr l»)d niT lu t Saturday untl! tpain can ba finished.

ft. E. Btet'i low b u been adjuated andpild to bti entire utUfactloa through L.Danbani'a Insurance agency.

Partlea who want to buy bt,r»ea ihou'dforget tha tale at Nawke.rk'8 stablta. In thistown, to-morrow (Saturday).

Tbe one-mile bicycle record now stands at1 63 4-6, which WM made by Barry Tyler a tWalttaam, Maw., on August a.

It la estimated that then are 1W bfamlilat out of work In MorrlBtown, cof whom are skilled mechanics. '

Tha Uaoksttflto-n Driving Associationwill hold a meetlug next Tuesday and localbonemeti are exiwctlog aome good racing.

Tbefl., L . & W . C a l l trying to Altaicgrennd In Patenon upon which to build aetotion and tpur Into the oentra of tha city.

Tbe Honli County Machine and Iron Com-pany are worklpg a day and night shift in or-der to finish a big order at a specified time,

Mr. and Mn-Bamuel Horae entertained aDumber of young people last Friday eTenlugA moat MtjoTabla time waa had by all preaent.

Engine Company Ho. 1 ara d beaming anew uniform. The uniform will be darkblue, witb •-cutaway mat and nickel but-tons.

Bev. Wm. M. Trnmbower, of GraceiChurcb, want down to Bomerrllls one dayUat weak to preach the f nneral lermoa of anold friend. ,,

The ladlM of tba Dover Baptist Cfturob,will |lv« an loe oraam and peaon aoclal attbalr rooms on Bergen street, Friday evening,Ancort 17th.

Tba lawyara and oourt official*, oftown, bave challenged IndependentCtopany to •> gome o* ball forttaa benefit ofMemorial Hospital.* Tba conductor* on tba main lino, wbo havebean losing four dayi a month, will b§ put

\ DM* on tall time on Ue l i t of.. September,£ by their own requeat.

Of tbe, n!nety-«i|ltt raUroad oorporaUom; ofHewJaney, last year only twenty-one, paU * dividend, while aarenty-tsfen ware

| operated witboQ -;wflfc- .

There e n a good many third-rate olrcuieatraveling through the country, but the only

f .(int-claw one that la likely to visit Dover thi*| j e a r la Walter B. Holn'a. :

' : iMtrBaturday, Bdward Healley, of Mor-. • i i t own , while Baniog la Ltk» Hopatoong,Peii<vbtt lwlarrat oatflsh ever pulled from^'tbaUka. It welched 8H poundi.

Toe summer meeting of the Haw Jeney W.O. T. V. will be beld at lit . Tabor oa the 15th,

^Bpedel ratea hate been aaourad lor enter-A very Intcmtlng ptogam bai

John Scully, formerly of Mina Hill, 1•truck and Instantly killed by a trainHartlcgi, N. Y., on Taeadny.

Tbo Ltckawantia Railroad Cxunpcny githe Washington Fire Cepartmuit a free ex-oonlOD to Laka Uopatcong today for wrvlceirendered at a recent fire,

Bdward T. E. Talmage, a ion of Ber. T.DeWitt Talmage, of Brooklyn, haipurchatoda paVt of the Andrew M. Farrli farm of U.

ID M-rthani township, and will ereot«40,000 Bnnimsr rwldwios upon it. Tho pricepaid !• #18,991 TO.

Miclael Reilly, a eon, of Jamea Reilly, pro-prietor of the Club Stable*, in Horrlatoirn,

himself to t£* pqllca authorltleayeeUrday. Reilly bas been a fugitive frojuitlce alncd laut winter. Ho Is •couwd byyoung wonan namod Bpaln with b*toi thifather of ber child. / O

The Uorrlatown p ^day Call has a kink In hla bead. Tbe DoverFiremen's U*M Ball Clah Iwusd a challeugeto any and all rin departmenta In Morrli"Warren and Bn«Bor oonntlec To make th

r Firemen Issue a di-made up of Uorria-

roattor bbdlng the Dorect ohaJleage to a tei


The Pastime Plub ot MorrUtown recentlydecided to include la tbeir nodal oflalra iboat clab. Ace rdlcgly row bout a were parch&Mdanda boathoaM ooni true tad on thaborea of Pooahontoa Lake. *Jkime trouble•row over the payment of tbe carpenter'sbill, and Utiurfl. MuUen^aad Davi. bavtplnoed a lien o& tut nmpef^v *

A Haokettetown l a d y b i r d e d a Lack-wonnn train the other day and carried a.

small sitcbal containing about $3,000 Innotoa, which shB waa carrying with her foreafe koeplng. In obanging cars at Waablng-ton, ehe left tbe satchel In her aeat. It waarecovered, howrvur, by the prompt action ofbonett and lntellLjeat railroad men. -Star.

PK&SONAU3-BobortJonkloB spent Bunday at UacketU-

tOWB.Ulsa Nettle Mellck apsnt Sunday at Waib-

Inglon.Frederick Searing, of Peterson, fpent Sun-

day In town.Albert Cbambre la taking a ferr daya at

LtlanUo City.Miss Ron a Force li spending a week with

relatives In Flsnden.M'ai Edhn Bloom, ofinltouBrlHs, 1.1. , In

tbeguwt of Ml« Olive Hall,F. B. Baganen wai one of the Anbury

Park ppeotaton over Sunday.Mirt Kate Cook, of Hackettstown, la viilt<

ing her brother Dr. H. h Cook.Hra. Uara McCarthy la spending tbli

'ttk with her itaUr at Morrlatown. - 'Ulsa Utde Bower, of Elitabetb,lsthegu»t

of HIJI Liule Gray for a sbort time,Frank Hellck, of Junction, haa b»en renew-

ing old acqutlutance In town t t l i waelc.George D. Alwker, of Booth Orange, spent

Suoday with bU father at BucaaaanDa.Jnllui HalrhouFe and wife nre epjojlog (hi

IM breie at Aibury Park for a few aaya.Mra. ^athaa Wllcox, of King street, li

Bptndlng a week ftt Bohooley'a Mountain.Ills* Lfttte Redmond, of Kofi York city, Is

vhltlng the Hisses O'fiilea, of Gold Dtnot.HIM Ruth Bmcett Is tpendisg t*n days at

the cottage of B. B, Fentilman at AtlantloCity.

The Mlswa Trlganowan, of Bridgeport,Conn., are spending ihelr vacation la thliplace.

HIM Jennie Mitchell, of BUikbetli, la thoguwt of Uiaa Mame Jenklni, of KlchardMlr.e.

Vlra Llllle Jirvli, of Newark, Is visitingber frlsnd, Kim LotUs Soaring, of Bunex•tiwt.

Mr, and Mi*. Charles H. Bennett spentlunday with ths famUy of John 8. Gibson atfe-ark.Mill Mary Kent, of Htcksttatowo, Itipend-

Ing the week with ber tlater lira. F. E.Everett.

Frank Klxon, of the George Richards Co.'ajbn, la taking hla vacation at Atlantlo

Through th» courtesy of Dr. Tl eo. P.! t Wolfe, the BRA this week prints aa original

K*. poem on "Lake 3o}»trong," by Uary KjWifthemortobannln* writera of

? U » present day.. JfrankFaribMsiwaclrledinspeolataeulona

f At HDrrbtOira oa Monday for the laratny otBoswrtHughra'a biofd*, and was aeotonosd

r to fifteen days in Jail and to stand committed: uutUtbeoottaarapald.

Bev. Eux*neH. Smith, for.thrte yew* tbe. private MereUry of Preetdaot Bnttx, of

Drew Beuiaary, has gone wert to ba pastorat Blbky, la. Ha b succeeded by bisbrotbtr, Hcrle N. Smith.

. Tha railroad! feel the hard times u nrncb u' others, Tha nut Income of tbe D,,L sud W.

Cs a falling offofabont $1TO,000 for th*ter ending July lit, as compared with

tfaa* same quarter last year.

Utmn. John B. Trewartha, of Boonton,' and*Joba F. Fbalon, of FaUnon, a n fur-

nlaUng tha mado at the Wood port Boose thisseaaoti. They ara thorongb mnttdaiii and

. tfaair efforts pat Ufa In the dancers.

Barton Bmlth Iaat week told to O. M.Backer, presWeot of OrUbga Bant, Orange,

• K. J., bta anml trotUr g gelding " Glflaooe."Olanooe Is a flne lndMdoal, wai brad loKentucky. The price realtirad wai 1600.

^ Ilatton Bmltb tbia morning started bis2k, trotUng bora*, "Harry," over the road for

Fleetwood Ps^k, K. Y., In cnergo of hli old^reliable groom, Joseph Tbomptoa, wbere he

p, win be pat In training for tbe fall raoes.

lAat Friday afternoon the barna of Uat-: Flora, at UadtsoD wan destroyed by flrr,

whfoh was no doubt orated by spontaneouscombustion, as over eefen tons of new bay

jj&kadjiutbecnputln. It waa aU burned.

Tba fifth annlTerairy cf the church ofEl VOurtadyofthe L\k»n at Mt, ArilDg'on,

•will take plaoe on Bunday morning, tbe 19thIntt , at 11 o'clock. Rev. Father Tighe, ofBoonton, may be able to be p r w i t to de-


will be cd,brated at Aa-boryPatkby the Jr . 0. U. A. H., of NewJaney aa American Dny- It Is exptotedthat fully S.OOOJnolora will Ukepirt in thaparade, Mid each will we»r a small Anwri-oanflaglnhta'hab - .

Tbe'ramiU-aof FhlUp J . H. Banett and. Adalbert UoDavlt ara mobmlcg tho loss of

their babies, who succumb^ to thst greatestaoemy of infanta, cholera Infantam, and the

'- ajinpttby of tbe community la wiih tbem In', tbe sorrow whose d>ptlia only themwJvee canI- fcotw. -. - - . . , •

Tbs Bit; BUtJoartet or "Fopollrt OUea n b , " WUl sing at Faoker1! laltod, nearFlimJngton, If. J., on rrldiy, Aog IT. TbeFarmers Pionlo tobilt there annaally andfrom three to Qvs UiouMnd people Rttber

.tbeneveryyearfortwodayi. Oood ipfak-. ing;rerreahnuntauiabubdu)ce.

' Tbe ottter day a. yonng man of Dover at-' 4mptrdto belp bU beatgtrl oat of tbe old

ytasiura tOO^QTBr In tha csuial buia whoretbey bad been ilttlog. Be o«re»tlra»ttd tbpwdgbt and exerted*so mocU it«B£Ui that be.threw her against lha frame for Ue covering'•ndnotrabels weiring a pair of black eyea.

u - Tha Marrbtown Chronlele baael&n extrar Iaat Oaturday oontalnint; tba foil sooonnt of

tbs Common Council prooecdloss, and pab-P " Usb«d In tvSl Charley OIWQ'I lotw of ralg-' naUon. Iaa t astnu politician nhowi very

• dearly ; why Cnarlaa W. Eani* was not•bated Mayor lart apring. Wo eompllmant

tUghlaDda.U s i Martha TretbaWRy, ot HtrrlKD, Is

the guest of the family of Wm. Bedgemin, on•«rk avenue.Mrs. Andrew Byram, of Nuttey, wh? has

beta vlslUng friends In town, returned to htr.Dine Monday.Dr. Geo, W. MoDavIt with hb wife and

child are taking a trip by carriage throughNe* York Rut*.

L, D. Sobwarx haa been confined to tbahouw for a, week witb * atomach troable, butla able to be about again.

Misses Lottie Sedgeman m d Nellie Flenonare enjoying a two weeks' sojourn amongfrieoda rtFerryvlllB, Pa.

Miss Ui&BIeger, of Hew York, has beeuspending a few days with jer nnole, RlnenartRlegar, of Randolph avenue.

Mrs. D. R." Hummer and children returnedWednesday from a. very pluuant vlitt amongrelativM In HusterdoD county.

Mrs. W. P. Davis, t-ho haa been vklUugrelaUve* here and at Haokettstown lsft forber home In Atlanta, Utw, ynterdar.

M. J.. UelMOftila and nepbew, Edward•cBoley, ofNt YiiTk, hara been tbe gueitit Mrs. B. O'Connell, of Ht Fern.

Superintendent 3. W. Baker and familyspent Sunday with his sitter, Mrs. GeorgeBeam, at Schooley'i MonnUIn Bprlog*.

Linld and May Munson, of Hlbernla,ara spending a few waaka with B. G. MoKflr-an at his samper homo at Ogdeniburg.Deputy County Clerk Voorbeea is limping

around from the effect of an Injury to falaknee, caoted by a tub. weight falling on it.

Carrie Houg'b, of Rlchardi avenue,left for Aabury Park lact Saturday, whereabe will remain until tbe first of Beptember.

Mrs. P. A. Bearing, widow of Atbury Sear-Ing, with bar tire* gracdcbUdnn, Ii VIIIUDKMrs. S. J. Searing and family, jf Sussex

i Mary RIcgrr.ot Randolph Avenue,has rataiited home from Now York city,wbeniaefau been •pending throe weeks ofher school vacation.

Ulas Mamie Jofanion, of Fatsrson, Ii Tlslt-Ingherannt, Mra. J. H. OHmm, of Rudolphaveau*, and her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs.M. 0'Grmdy, c! Mine Hill.

Lewis Q. Salmon and Frank F. Youuf, ofHacbettatown, on Bunday came down toDover on tbeir wheels from Budt'a Like,where tbey were In oamp.*

P.P . Apcar isn't walking with eaM-andgrace theea daya. He sprained hla anklepretty badly last week and oonsequeaUy btato move witb a decided bait.

John O'Connell, of ML Fern, bai Ifft ttaUmorning for Wllllmantic, Conn., where heb u accepted a position with the firm of C. DClark & Co., plumbers and gas fitter*.

Irving E. Bcbwan h u been camping atI^ke Hopatoong with the Haunted BouseCamping Club for the last three weeks. Dr.MatkH E m l n ^ of New York, a particularlybright yooog newspaper man, Is one of the

Robert W. Elliott, General Superintendentof the UomHated OeaCompwy of Jersey Citr(

and a former resident of tbli town, WM mar-ried on Monday to Miss Uary Kufght, d&ugh-

A BIO FIEE.For the third tluii tbe building belon^ng

to William Donaldson, on BUckwell atreet,formerly used as s photograph giiUury, butof late yean as a bowiicj alloy, w :strojedbynreearljTuMdoy nnmlng. Aboutbnlf past c 1 Tueeday morning ANlatautMarahal Byram saw a stranger golDg upB l k U street acting auspiciously. Heallied him where be lived and he replied "upbere," nodding bis hoad toMtj-dPcrt Uram.Tbe officer followed him at far aa the treabyterlan Church and tion tost slgbt of him,Coming back he walked over to tbe gate-tander'i home, at Warren street crossing, andupon inquiring found that a man answeringthe deaorlutlon of tbo suspicious acting chapbod pitted there a few minutes bernr*. Abait boar Isler heagsln walked up Blackball

itreet and going past toe Donaldson buildingdiscovered that tbe place waa on fire. Hestarteu on a run for tbe engine DOUM to givethe alarm, but at Helman'i corner he caughtilafoot and fell with such force at to stun

him for a few minutes and when heca^o toblB senses tbe alarm was rimrln?. "Nick1

DBIW was the first to dlaccvar the Ore aftee called out of his window U

Baker R. C. Best and then sounded tbe alarmThe firemen wore prompt fn tbeir responseand No, S soon had four streams on the fire

1.1 one stream. Three of tbete atrratn awere kept busy pro tea ting sdjscent propertyand the other two fought tho fire proper. Tbe

started on the down v *n side aboutone-third or the way from tbelront, and theredoesn't appear to beany reasonable tkplan-at Ion of Jts origin, e i c p t that of lECendUr-Ism. The flamea spread with groat rapidityand aoon ate tha'r way Into tbe adjoining

illdlng ocenpied hy R K. But as a bakery,witb dw ind flew When Mr.Beet WM awakened smoke had already begut

fill the room and tt waa with difficulty thathe got bis family out, and they hftvont fullyrecovered yet from tba effrcU ot the rtookethey inhaled. The flronieo worked nobly aodtheir careful and ready help laved most ofUr. Beet'd boiuehold goodi, and atao a falamount of tbe stock of Samuel Block's *boestore, which occupied a part of the front orthe Donaldson building. It was after fiveo'clock when the back taps were Boundedand wLan tho firemen left the Donaldi

ulldlng was an almost total wreck andiMt'a placa wai •nailed and tmuke begrimed,j that It, too, looks &• though there had beenerr little eared.There was an Insurance of (5,000 on tha

Donaldson building, CS.OOO beld by Agent O..ge,«ud t)3,C(M tiy 4.%-ULC Zt. R. t

mer. Tne adjusters hare not yet niaeued tbelots,

Bamoel Slock, wbose ahoe store waa In theburned building, was Insured for $1,100 byU. L. Duttbam, and bla loss Is figured at $800

rIOOO. Tbls baa bas not been adjusted.R. E. Best was loBured tor K1.600 In tbe*

BprlngCald Company by H L. Dunham andadjuster came up on Wednesday and paid ths

amount as claimed by Ur. Beit, *381.83.eorge Pieraoo, who owoa t te building oo-l«d by Ur. Beit, bad an insnratice ot

$3,000,(500 hold by Agent D.-B. Hummer|3,W0 by Agout H. L. Duubam, Tbt

loss to Ur. Flenon will be Hsi than $1,000

Dr. Cummlci' bandfome brick apartmenbouie was considerably damaged, the doctorestimating It at $500 Tbo bulldirg Is fo-amed for $18,090, l-H.000 tirough Hummer'sagency, and $10,000 through Danbam'd.

Thla is the fourth time Baker Beat haa beenimpelled to clean up after a lire and in n<ue w«9 the fire started In bis place, but hi

bas had to take all ths smoke and water. HiIs now lo ated in ths storeroom reoantly oo-

ipled by Joseph Dlckeraoa and ble familyoccupying the flit over Kwatoskl'd ehm

Store. His oveu was not damaged and hlibualnen was Interferred with only one day.

There will probably be a thorough lavostltatlon made by tbe insurance companies be-Fore they pay the lou on the Donaldsonbuilding.

Mr. Donaldson bad a number of picturesind photographic appiratm dsatroysd upon

iloh lie held no Imurai

BASE BALL NOTES-The general expectation of on enllvenlLune of Ute ball, heightened by the sailrlaus state of the weather, on Baturdaj

last met with n> alight rebuff on ttte arrival oli ill ootuortod toam to represent tha Madi-n Atfaletta Club of Harlem, to oopc with

the Hoepltal uotu. It waj but chlld'i pUyto whip euoh aa they rrtre, and c&niaand -ilthout the standard uniform drosatb; J » I M njfght hare varied still more Ifthe HospitalE bad not ooj#d witb. themu * cat ott*:n does witb a muiuo bafortpntcUtog it. Ai It happened the result wai


JiUila 4 0 7 3 8-iMadlsqna.... 2 0 1 0 8—

Innings pluyed,r on tbe teruil-

has a good reputationty bo expected, if they

Ai a«en there were but llvths game b*iDg declared or

dtlon of the filth.The XoTler clubid a brisk game lu

cuoie, next Saturday.The Liberty A, A., of ltockanay, beat

Wathlugton on Haturdny by e oreof IB to6II tbe cbalkD&J printed In the KBA

?o*k la taken up tbo Liberia will meatcluba of tbolr claw and their ikUl wUl betested to tbe utmost.

Tho TrypbeuBH weut up to Lake Hopat-ong lu t Saturday to play the Bred I us, an

tbe game ended in a row.It la quite apparent that tbo Late ball team

it die Dover Ore department DTTUB ton belt.There Is no similar team in Sussex, Wan

Morrle that can defeat it, and If WB nouulrarlwisg 1 ID Urn since wo will withdraw

Justice'" Court Ho tea.Tbe jury In tbe Totten cue failed to agree

Iaat Friday and too case stould and doubt-be dropped. This la tbe third time it

h u been triad and if a jury of such repre-tWemenas thitof last Friday cannot

agree tbtn It is u*el«ss to try tbe case agalo.it Uarshal Byram shot Totten't dog.

latter felt that It waa an unfair discrim-ination and gave Byram a ''blowing up."Totten was arrested for disorderly conduct,

three juries could not deolde whetherordinance was violated and now tbe case

'111 be dropped,

July S8th John Hart, wbo keeps a salooi>n Warren street, wai arroated on complaint

Richard Champion for assault, and tbebearing was eet down for lait Friday, but tbeomplainant had been gotten out of town and10UI he gets back tha case will stand In

qua.Luc Friday Oeorgo Bwayze, a member ofi growler gang that htngi around the rail-id, waa arrested by AasUUnt Marsh«1

tyram for being drunk and disorderly oaHckereon ete'eet. Justice Gige fined him.00 and sent him to jail for fix days.Tuesday Tred Ford vat arrested by Mar-

iball Hagan on complaint of Eugene Smithor dlaorderly conduct in interfering with Mr.

Smith's children Police JustlcD Brown im-pended lentence upon prora'se of good bebavlor.

Wednesday John Bfrd, cf Hack* tte town,d n en oipacalvfl and wide reach-

g drut&. He WM Uken In by MarshalHagan, and yesterday Justice Oage fined him

and costa,

, , (lake) population abou'. 9,000, have one ot ihoQuest V. M. O. A. buildings you will findauywbera. The building was dedicated freeot debt. Tbe ooat of hulldlng, lot and fuinlefainge complete was (52,800. . Tbo It

allied at $7,000 was the gift of one pereoa,tbe frontage la TO feet, tbe depth 80 feetThey Have a beautiful ball that will sent 400

gy (a beauty) 4Bx30 feet.They nlll In addition to a secretary and as-sistant, employ a physical director at st salaryof 1800

All WB want la the R-y-m-n-a-*-l-u-m 1Tbe fluid day and race meet of the Water-

Iu-,N. V , V . M. C. A , promises to be aBUCCOU. The prltos are gold and silvi

medals and u-eful artlcleb. Thy bavo about300 entries1. Constants coming from allassoolation points In Central Now York, and

>m» from Bow York city.A sound body means a sound mind,

gjmnaitum meant both to Dover's youngten.Uolp us get a gytnnuium.Educational claasea will toon begin.

Which date do jou desire to join T Tell tbeSecretary about It or ask any qUBatlon urelLFully 335 persons (100 of which were men,)

gathered at Baker Park last Sunday after-noon to welojm* tbe Ep worth League cf thePint M. K. Ciiaroh. Mr. Edward Jenkins,President, and Bpoko briefly and to the point,tbe chorus ot 16 ladles and 8 me 11 on the pl*t-

n did admirably Rev. W. B. Gallaway,O. D.t gave an address, which was wdl de-livered, tbe subject matter and Illustrationscombined, malting It one of the moat forcefuland contInolng argument* we have bad givenus in a long time. TUB response* from other

embers of tbe league were all tolling IDtheir eltVct, and the afnglnir with the, organ

lade it the grandest part mrviet, of tha MI-son. Thanks to all.

ASunjeotforttie Or an 4 Jury.John Bterena, whose amatory etcapadeaid counnbial infelicities have twen subjectsnewspaper criticism during tbe last year

and ft'balf Is again giving bli neighbors cauterighteous IndignaUon. Same time ago

ie went op to Ediion to work and If tt biaamlly here. After he bad been up there

bile bis wife round tbat be bad anotheritnan keeping home for him and she left her

iotne and nobody knowa where she has goneo. Stavern la back her* now taking care of

lldren and tbe woman who lived with1m at Edison visits him at bis home here[bts and Bundays and tbeir bold action*

bare bran witnessed by different persona 11 T-Ins; fn tbe vldnliy. He sayi be doern't carewhether bli wife ever comes back or not.Ills Is tbe mormd or tbird time bis dfirtputa-ile actions hat driven fala wife from ber

•, andlntbeinUreBtaof«iutmon decencyBMtbouId be laid before tha next Grand

lury. ' ^

Qrao* Oanroti Hotea.As was anticipated the services In Grace

U, E, Church list Sat'bath were v(ry InUr-eetlog, repedaily In the evenbg, when tbepiator preached tbe Qrit of bla seriea of pic-torlat sermona, Illustrated, on "Scenes in theLife of the Prodigal Son." The sermon wmIntensely intereitlng, tha singing was good,and the large coDgregatlon preient waa heldthrougbout the whole aa if by magic.'

The services for mxt Sabbath will be:•reaching at 10.30 A U., Bobbath school at,.10 p. tt., Epwcrtb League devotional ner-

vlce at 7 P. ii., and nt 7 45 r. M. the pastorwill preach tbe seond sermon of the serieson "Tbe-LUo ol tbp Prcdtgil Son." All are

ilkd to attend tbeto servfees. Wo -willJce room for JOG. The second quarterlyaferrnce waehtld In Grace M. E. Cbuicb,

Thursday evening, Dr. Van BenwoUn pro-

Jamei Strong, S. T. D. ( LL. D.Dr. Junes Strou?, Profesaor Emerltut c

of Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. BUckton, of «PgBti«l Tbeologj at DrowSsmlnBry.Uait-*lt Oraogo. I t»on, dlrd on Tuesday, at RotiO'l L»ke, N. J.,Charles B. Green and Cull Ins Wier, of where be was engaged In delivering a wrlet

llorrlstown, are visiting tha Gettysburg b»t-! of Uoturen on " Tbe RevpUUon." He was soUeQeld. PromtGlsltlsnottobalnferrrdtbatJknowledftO'JtobothemMt thorougb tnaiter•' Charley11 spoke his little piece emd tbra ran of filhle exegnis In the United Btat s, andawty to tbls historic battle ground to brace . m a tbe author of a number of valuable sttta-up bis oourage. He ba» plenty ot rand and (d*rl works on tbe Bible. The cblet work of

1 Is too good a soldier to use up ell bis amu-1 bis lite la a " Cycl ipm Ha of Diblloit, Tboilui^~ ind Eccleilasllcal. Uteraturc," la ten

, la tbe preparation of wblob he wasPweral Rny Htono, Vditor* tlndslay, Vugtand Adamant Horrlstown. K ogin *er King,and Freeholders Than1, Valley, Lura andOnntuer, of the Bpcelal Road Commmlttoa ofthe Board of Freeholders, who were drivingover tb»roadjprop?scdtobelniprored Theywill take another trip to-morrow, starting

nltion in the tint round. j lealWe Da4 a pleaatat call yettertar from

Cnlld SoalfleO.A tcsldlug accldtnt happened In Itockaway

tbe BBsxlate < f Dr. John UcCKntock, whowas the projector ot tbn work. Dr. B'TOQB;waa bora In New York City, on tbe Mth ofAngnflt, 1822.—Banner,

Pleasant Time at Landing1.Landing wai favored with one ol tbe mrst

pltasantand tnjirableputles on Thursdayavonlug thit thit place baa sean for maay along day. Tbe event took place at t ie homeof M-Aues*or Prank Flowers, wboao daagh-

•, UIM Sue, WBS tbe hoaUaa of tbe evening.j pp y ^ , gon Snnd.7 i t n i n , 1« which Krilrn a*n~, d.oelng. Mo., m n lodolgw In ull(MJ I t . 8 . j « roH.daash t . r ot b , M 4 l f b t t

bnmed. While at dinner tha tao-psE was Qtciodj t n o evening all . too BOOH spent,accidentally orerturned, and the boiling F , ( M ) d i W m pnttnt from Hewark, Dover,Snld ran down tbe little girl's arm and aide, Vtllt M o r r l l m i ^ rarroUQdInf village*.bUiterlagUwflMhaalt went. Bbe fell to . , , ^-~the floor, screaming lo agony with tbe fn- Boda. W a u rteMB pain. Dr. Wukson wai •ommoosd and The beat Boda Water In all flavors at Kill-

the assertion. Our bays ara afraid of It, batthen ban, ball bai a chill in Newton tbat It Isnot likely to recover from tbii year, ii eWith Skinner In the box the Dover nine de-feated a team from Washington by a score of27 to I, and although the DOTBF boys worebeaten In a game at Boonton (ai tbey allege,iy unfair methods) the Doveritea express aitllllngtieii to play ihroe more «»mes to Msttlhe question cf superiority, Tha Djver taatt

boa White, Dnbe aud other good players.—

•Tbe Fort Oraoi club played a vory excitinggame of ball with tbo Mt, Hope team Sotiday liut on tbs Part Orara grounds. FortOraro played a very poor game and allowedl i t Hope to make It a ten Inning contest.Ur. Batuee, of Mt. Hope, played tie part otumpire, coachor and tun getter for tbe MLHope club. Following la tba BIPort Oram 0 1 3 1 0 0 . . . . . .Mt.ilope 0 0..3 8 0 0 0 1 3 I— 0

"»So OQO out when winning run waa scored.The Tort Oraui dub plays tbo Dresllns at

The Hnworya, of l 'on vihun, uefeatol thiEclipse II. B. club, of Dover, on Saturdaylestby tbe close soore of 10 to 9.

T. I I . C. A. NOTES.Tbe meeting on Buuday next will be 1)

charge of the Christian Endeavor Boclety 0thePrcibjteriao Cburch. All personB wd-

nme. A short, hrlght Ber vice. Coma andIBI 45 mlnutoH In a shady spotTbe Epwoith League, of tbeUraca Church,

conduct tbe park service Sunday, Aug. 10th.AuRUht QOth will be a day of Intorrst

tbe park nbould be ailed. D. L. end W. 11.It. r>hop men's dey. Seate reserved foi

Mate this a big meeting by tdling your fiiende.

When itormy the service Is at tbe build-log.

a, H. Y-, (on tbe border* of Benecal t h

P. O. B. of A. XnaUtaUon.A large dslegttlon' of Washington Camp

No. B, 1*. O B. of A., of tbiB place, accom-panltd District President Frank T. Fetera toDanville last night and Instituted a camp atthat place, to be known at Washington CampN . 10. Tbe initiating toam from tola placeperformed the work. The new camp start*off with thirty-Ova members. The following

re tbe officers:Post PneUtnt-BUas D. Biikor.I'rcslucnt-J. D. Cooper.VU».Pn«IdM,t-D. M. Wghter.Recording Becretary-G. D. Vonordun,Fisandal Secrelary-F. L. DIckersonTrcoBurer-St«pban DIckenoD.Master ot Foraia-W. J. Dcam.auplsln-CharlciM. Myers.Cuiuluutur-Joseph Uuoro.Inside EcntlntJ-Mahlop Hoore.OutjddoBentinel-Frank Dlckerson.Trustees—Thomas Loam, Uiree years; J. D,

Cooper, two yeara; Bllas D. SUker., ona year.

An Annex Zieaaed.T1JB Board of i^ducatlon held a meeting on

Friday h i t and tho President and DistrictClerk were directed to execute a l e w withL. D Scbwars for his ball back of tbe Cen-tral station. Mr. Sehware uked f 15 per

th for t te room, but when the Board ex-plained what th»y wanted done to the roomto put It la proper condition to bo used an aschool room he finally agreed to rent it forIIOQperjear, tie Board tgflje up tbo room,which will cost from «7fi to * 100, Tbe Boardavn tbe privilege of renewing the lease'early for Gvo years. Tbe bail will make aery pleasant school room, there being light

on both sides and at the end, and it IB largenough to accommodate over a hundredupils. It U about the only available placo

In tho town, and the rental Is very reasonable.

That Oballenve.MB. EDnon,—In Manager Doogbty'achal-

lenge of but we«k ha statee that the Liberty. A. b u not been beaten tbls leasrn. Bo*

abon; tbe Cuban UJantt! Did thfj not de-feat Hockawsy tbl« eeisnnT He also saysthey faave defeat*! the Cabin Ulanti.

I end where! How about* tbe BtatoHofpital t*am taklug that chullaoge. Theyare at present champions of Morris County.Rockuwsy has not defeated Port 0,-am yet,

I ho squnre, and should 'lecoraa cham-pions ol Uorrfs Couuty before talking ofstate honor* with Orange A. C, and Eliza-beth A C. . EKQuinin.

Street Oara for Morns town.Civil Engineer Fred 8. Bmlth ha* bf en en-

gsgtd by a company of capltalfats, many of 1them from Morris town, to make a survey for

BirBctrsilwny. iThe line will begin at tbe Inckiwanna

H*tlrtad tUtlon, running up Morris Btreet tothe Fart, along the aontb aide ot tba Fnik toSouth street, tben along tha westerly tide olPark piece to and through Washington rtrtftM Kills, through Mill* street to Bunex ava-ine, and from Busarxaveuu-tfae Use will nmiatttt Speedwell avenue and abng the east-

rrly tide of thn Park,connecting with the linerunnirgop Morris street

Mr. Smith brgtn wort on Wednesday andpushing It right along.—Chronicle.

Tne Tlrtt-Dlaaa Hotelsew York city uie Edmunds' Fancy Print

Butter, Call and give It a trfaL Twenty-fle cents per pound at tha Savenlgut' Co-aperatlie Store, Dover,

Before Buymif a BicycleBee the stock and get the prices fromS. H.Barry Hardware "Co., Dover.

A Pretty Wedding;.A very pretty wedding took place Wwlaes-

day ev»Dlng, Uie Bib inst, ameng tho minesRt Hurdtown. Tbe conlxftctiua partiesMlsi May, the younsest daugbtor of 'Squireand Mra. ViUlm Cobel and ThemCockfng, of Port Oram. At air o'clock Mi™Laura Delp, Df Portland, P»., took her placeat tbe organ and played the wedding aa. HlecLlon from "Fount," and the happy

iple *ere ushered Into A prettily doooratedlur uf overgnsewi and flutrurs by illaa

Barsli Hajibe on bridesmaid and HenryUobel, a brother of the groom, as IKMII maiind very abortiy tbo knot was tied and twwere oca, Bev. A. M. Uanfs, of Port Orom,

latlnft. The bride worn a w bite cart mereilrou trimmed lu deep cream lace and carrieda, bunch of beautiful fiowem, Tbe part thU

ioi to be enjoy*i most by all, except tbehappy couple, wan tbe flneiy spread tables,which stood in waiting for the guest* uutil t iearrival uf tbo Dover Bind, who were highly

mured witb an invitation from the 'fiqulibe present on fill jojoue OOCOBIOQ. AfUrpfier the bund reudured some of tbeir i

lent music and tbe mined aeemed to lose tbeirdreoriueRs. Prof. Kenntlor gave a tout tothe bappy couple and otbera ate and drank totheir health. A number of Qne present* werereceived, bath ornamental and uarfiil. They

:pect to muke their bitue for a short time ae boms of tbe bride's father. At an earl,

hour In the morn lug the friends and guestsdeparted extending to the happy couple best

>iibe« fur future happiuest, and amougtheiore thoeo of tho Elti.


Years agn, when the gifted Mary KyleDallas wai by no meant BO famous OB sho haa

1 become ami Lake Hopatcong was com-paratively unknown, ihe sent lo me themanuscript of tbe following poem, writUnby the lake shore one August morning.Perhaps you will think It worthy of presorvi

In tbe EHA;

Farewelliiwoct Into! llio airly morn la brcaklug,T1 l l « t lillU Kn>«- rwy In the nkk«,

tlicc, wy brli-r farewt'U takingUUffsring eyes

erlalt tlidon-y K

Uffsring eyes

In lUtdi orit fT

Uotti any of lliy CAIIII sntl poaoa go nltli m

[avuli.luoTo lull in,

Nnturo h u olTcrw! much Umlilt) lliy mnrgin,Anil if I foil 10 in-aitp

Nnturo h u olTcrw! mAnil if I foil 10 in-ait

Tlie (ritt, 'tis nol Lie rrault of her kind larpvre

iLdlbU. hblu otuTjuonuu in Xtiy nwttrVtjOBOiti.And from Uiy tunJy eliorur'urti an/ foolish words-1 may linvo written,And keep them evcrrnoru

Ti«o. F, WOLFK,Uemiock Udgo, Au«. Otli, 1HM.

Swflat Music at tho Hur l MmMB, EniTOtt—The D.iver baod came up on

Wednesday evenluK to bring life tohome, tbe - ocas Inn balng tbe wed-

ding ot my daughter to Tbntnas Cocking,Port Oram, and I must eny, them boys cplayiniulo; thor are eecond to none la theQtals of New Jw«ty. My friend and com-rade, Frank KensUer, mide a few very ap-propriate remarks, congratulating tbe youngcouple and wishing thorn, on behalf of theasnd, long life aid prosperity. Mr. MelickAto let h'tnielr, out. as h» declared wbe

called u n to 8Jfat, tliathe always does theeating aud Keiistler tlio Bpoaktilg. Joe Bakerfollowed with Home very appropriate re-

bB Th«M wn pltnty o( fua and mussinging, and tbe boys euv they never hi

a better timo In their lives ttmu they bad Invillage known as tbe Hunl

Mine. 1 now on behalf of tuysilf and familyaud our uommuDlly at large thank the bandfor their klottneuand bops soon to have then:ooms again, u they wUl be torerer welcome


A Oood Woman Done.Nancy A., wife ot William H. Caaterlin.

who lives on tbe Horrtstown road nearUnion Sahool House, dlsd on Monday of aoonjestke chill, following an attaok cfcholera morbus. Bbe had breu tick a week,and while had suffered intensely andknown to be very nick her death was notpeottd. Bhe was S7 years old, and wasof those noble bfarted and kindly nitured

omen whoee virtues are the miathine ot thelome. Her charity was unbounded and berife exempllfled, the text thtt It Itblessed to give than to receive, and sue neverteemed more hippy tban whon tin could addto another's jojs' Her worth at a womanwas highly appreciated by her neighbor* andwhen tbe funeral was held on W e d n e ythere gathered to pay their last tribute ofrespect to their neighbor and friend, and onehundred and fifty vehicle* followed hercasket to her last resting place In tho Rock-away Cemetery. Tbe funsral services werecoudiicted by Rev. Robert Jenkins, of tbls

Bookaway Horee Case.Tbe tult brnugut by the B P. 0. A. ngsltmtubUrJ Stickle, of Rockaway, for cruelly

eating fcla bom on July 17th last, waitried before Justloe Axtell and a jury, atthe Court Houe, last FVIday.Mr Mahlou Pit-ney being too 111 to try the causa for theplaintiff, It was 0 inducted by John B. Fen-cell, Eeq, Mesors Runyon & O'Brien, C.Ang Mnlr and John Btlckle appeared fortho defendant The oouiplalnt was made byLester K. Hough, wbo with others witnessed

i beating. Quite a number ot wltneueire sworn. The defendant admitted the

beating tut claimed aa a Justification thatthe horse wai biliy, The jury hr>wsver

dnDt to bgree witb the defendant at tobe extent of puultbment f tr a balky bone

and after baing out about ten minutes re-t r n e d * verdict of guilty. Jutttca Axtell

iposed a floe of $35 and ootta.

Tramp* Snare Women.The MorrUtown Bummer Shelter, a benov

cileut Institution maintained by severalwealthy women realdtoi In Morriitown, on

outskirts of the city, Is a summer homeor poor and worthy young girls wbo live InItlea. Late Sunday night someof the trampsrho Infeat tho neighborhood, brooming em-

boldened hy tbe knowledge tbat tbe bousewai occupied by women only, sought to gainan entrancm by forcing off a window catchand opening a window. The mU* tbey madeawoke Borae o( tbo Inmites, whoee ecreamsFrightened away Uie marauder*. Tbe attempt

get into the bouse waa reported to Mrsellon, of Iforrlttown, one of tbe patrons ofi Institution, Bbe applied to (he polfca au-

thorities for protection, and hereof Ur the in-mates of the home eipect to live lu security.-

Sweet Sixtaos.Ur andUr«.J.W.Fat>oher,ofSaccuunna,LT« a birtbday party to their daughter,lice, In honor of her sixteenth birtbday, one first lost. About twenty of her young

friend, who were Invited, opeot tbe after-noon and evening with Kit? Alice In a mostdelightful manner and left about eight o'clockwishing their young friend tbs return ofmany at bright and happy birthdays. MlaiAJice was the recipient of many line presentson this ber sixteenth birthday. The mpper•bleb * u gotten up hv Mrs Fanchtr andEra Eplsr, waa rometblnR sup«rb and was

igblr enjoyed by All who were present.

Model Sohoole.Tbe advcrtlKment of tbe State Normal and[odrl Fcbnula In another column Is worthye careful consideration of every parent who

bat cb<ldren to cduca'e. Thete echools arawJegtd to fce tbe brat or their kind Inuntry, and under Dr. Green's efficient

nanagement, are Improving year by year.rh>y a n under the jurisdiction of tbe Stateoard of Education, and virtually the only

>nse connected with them for ths aohnlarfor board.

Complete AaaartmeutInfants and Children'* Lace Cape«; Lawn

lats, abort and long; White Draftee, Idogind abort; Clnate at priooa to salt the times,t tbe Dover Bazar of J. H. Grimm.

id Reapers at greatly reduced price* atH. Borry Hardware Co.'a, Dover.

Window Shades,30c. and 20a., at tbe Dover Bee Hire Store,iiataez street.

ive your tyes^xflmlned and Glasses made.y A. Jay Croaa (R. O.), 18 W. 23d 8 t H. Y.

Onr Entlie Block

Corsets I Oorteta 1Tailor made, glove fitting, all bone and five

looks. Regular pries 70 cent", will Bell for aliort time at 47 osnta nt Dover Bee Hlva.

Pea-mars, Attention IDo you want the beet Hay Rake at lowest

BOAKD OF FBEBEOLDEB3.hu regular rueuUnjj ot Uie Board or Vi

holders was beld Wednesday wi'h a full boardpresent, except Ur. Gill en, of Randolph.AfUr cue nadlng of the rcfitutoe Ur. (Juther, of Mendliatu, iotrodut^d Ueneral HiM. Btoua, ol Washington, D. C.,spe«lal egtutIncbarge of road Improvements ID UIB DApart men t of Agriculture, who ipuke iiitancetui tuUomt:

I oongratuUte you upon the Rood workprbicb you bare itiu-ted in tbli oouuty. Youire puHblng tbo county t" tho (ort.frm.1 bAdopting at nnraa rAaoluUdn U> go to tba f u]limit of your power in too building of stonroods, and If you are able to take instruclioj

countlts, and partlculeriy frorataldBof yourBtate, yuu IT 111 powil-

bly take tbe load of all Uio cuuntloe uf ycHtata and be (ri the forofi ' 'the TJnlUd HUtca.

Tbeiiueatlonorgoitd roadi IH beinnit dlfTorentlp ID difTorent placei Tbe object[ID y work Is to bring the results of UIB wori one section to tbe kuawledge of those IIhor sections.We flu 1 tbat there in a vnnt amount of roa

building going on ID t tie United Sutea arthe best roaifs tbat I bave found are tlcheapest roads Tula Ie surprising, but It

iur*«(og, The building of stone roads be-„ ._ whb an expenditure of (10,000 per m\]and tboee roads to-day are not giving an mui

itlufactlon un3mo of tbe roads built f<i.(HX) per mils.I sliould eetimate tbe coat uf liulldlnn ruidam road. i<( tbia county at from t)3.000 v

49.5OU p*r mile, but for that amount I Ui

rttbnut feeling tbe burdeu at al.. _._aunty tnxet will not be Increased becaua;ou will bring Ineunugb furelan capital tc

lacrf aw tbe vtiiimtiiin uf proporty as fust ayou lncreasa your taxation. Tha final reeulwill be to diminish taiaUon, Tbe result ontbe lownehlpa Trill bit heavy taxoa at 111they have lopsy one third of tbe expensedown, or within a year or tr>, Imt tbey willget all tbia back In not having to repair thoroads, which boconid county roads aud aro(ept In repair by tbe county. Tbe townshipsby paying Boy f,TOO per mile will save fc.u permilowblch they now pay annual I j — -pairs, equal to a 7 per cent. ir.vwtaJonl

Now DB to mcthodH OL consiructiui. _lur locations right Qrflt. It wUl be mcesaarjir your e»Rlne«r to lay out bettor location!

lor many of your roads. It would be folly tdspend tfto or tbreo tunu^and dollars on a sec-tion of rood and tben (Ind It KBB in tbe nrcplace nl-en flni.htd, aud If an lndlvldioat by being thrown oil the highway or -faavlug the road cut tbrough tbe farm tbocounty «iil bnve power to cornitenwte b1-out of the county funds.

i ou are somewUat bamp«rcd by the Iiunder which you are working which corop .jcu to build a road twelve feet wide la themiddle of tbo way, and tbat la n lerfous draw-back, but you can easily get tbe law amended,In a country district yuu aon't ue«d a roadtwelve feet wide. You need only a elnsletrack ot »tuuu mud. You will do butler withunearth rood eljtbt or nine feet wide andtingle tuck macadam rood a'onjsiJo nt (C,«i

UVB a single track mieaunm rood in tliailddle and on eartb road on each side ol It'hat Isbelrg done uaw In Michigan, ""

Carolina, Obi- end Georgia, and In Cdlagua, New York. Tbey bave bulit _ _laotory roads wlib one track of macadamind a aboulder of earth on each side for 9U00KT mile. An earth road ie better tbai-oad when it Is good, but when theyjy side you have a good road al) tbe time.And tbia will only coat you wily about halfaa much, and the coat ol repair oill 1H- muchless than half.

Tbe wear ou A ttoce road la almost entlrel.In dry neatber, Tbe ktotia beuumes loosenei

d if one stone bocomea loose___ also, and to oa. Tbe lootu

itone become crushed very MCD and the dustIs washed or blown away. If a Btoue read IBIOC u>ed lu dry weatner >our repairs will beJmai t no thing for a good many years.There was great apprehension ID the

ginning of trouble fn peaeii* teat a tbliroad, but jou won't experience wiy.dimculty•• that reject. The two tracks marge Intoicb other au.tbat tbo Junction cannot been; and rootecver, your earth ruad neverJing uecd when It la wet; it lualwoynhard

enough to turn out upon and it may bamontba Lefore two I tarns will r.eed to j au atthe same place fn the road, to it la never cip br turning- cue

Upon tbe question of the cost or these roodsIn tbia oauDty I should think with the nmounof anrfaca Ktotut I aee about here, tbat joicould build M cheaply as any eoctlin of tbcountry, though you may hare lo brinematerial by rail from tbe trap rood uilla Inneighboring counties to surface the roads,would got a good depth of common countrvstone, I ihould say about nine inches, atbroken, and tben about three Inches of abetter class of material on tbo surface. Thedllllculty with macadam road9 In manyJIOUOB I* tbat tbey are built of material tbaiIocs not stand the near. It wants a verj

uniform material fur tbe aurfaca eo that thoroad will wear down evealy and smoothly.I would plough up the nhnle surface of theroad and on tbe aide where you want tbeearth rued remove all tbu atone and put moatof tbo dirt on Ihot eld*. Where jou want thestone road remove the dirt and roll it thor-oughly and make It hard, laying tile dralmIf there are wet place*. Then drop In threeor four inches of broken (tone, and tben threeor four iucbes uf finer a tuns, making It floerand liner, and place sereeulngs r~ " - "--

'tbe roedi thould be left In tba c „ . .binds for- nine or ten mentbs alter buildingto that tb»y can stood the testof a winterand sprlDjt> *na then be can fix up any badplaces lu tun rood* before turning tbem over- tbe county.

[f you atlopttbls ustem you will be &b]Jbably to build one hundred or one bun;d and llfty miles mare of road for the

same money and the roadc will give bettersatlsfacUou.

Wo do not know exactly the ooet of keepli•eee roads in repair, aa we have not yet faiis experience upon ibis chua ol roads, hutir lb» first four or five jeara the cost would

be tDflfng-. Thtre Is no queatlon but tbat Itwill tw less (ban the cost ol keeping eartbroads in repulr, I don't think tbat you willneed to tpetd over (30 per mile on repairingfour it»da for the n u t ten yt&rt.

It you adopt tbia system of mads peopleill! want to come bete and see roads tbat aremilt according to tbe moit modern Ideas amkid bow they are librd and botr the peoplLtand tbetaiatloD. I am inUrestod In having<au adopt tbe best system, becauaa your

county is to located tbat I can uw It as aahuff plioe to exhibit tbs beet aud cheapestrvais aud so prouioie rood Improvement all>rcr tbo Uulkd titatesTtioie are a gixd many plaeoi where heavy....— n e e d a u |,e d u u B a n d t h « c a i be

on tbroutb the winter, provided thematter Is looked up In advance and tbe owe*

-y alterations la ihe read 11 nea secured. IEims to me that it would tie well fur Uie eii-

ilnoer to make a> rtcnnoloance o( ths wholewunti> to find out sucn placet and mean-tblle go ahud on tho roads Uial do not ru-[uire. any beavy grading and get oat hlaitans, etc, far getting w> woric right away.1 ebuuld ibink It would bo ou Hi dent geuer-lly to run a centre line through the roadsrbere (here ara cnangm to ba made Involv-ug beavy grading, outs ami tills, there Itrould bemueuory to go Into detail surveys,think It would be very detiraole in going

o?er tbe reads to have aome member ui Urnoommitteo K» wilb the engineer aver everyportion ct tb«w roads, say toe two nearest ofhe committee, and bave them comult witbie people of their neighborhood who are:ten batter obio to wli woere tbe road would

' t j be "

At tba conclusion of Osneroi Btone's ro-marks tbe Board extended him a vote otthanks for tbe very Important Information

hadglren them, and then adjourned till0 o'clock.

Tbe board met at 3 o'clock.Mr. Thorp, for the Finance and Auditing

iported rewlpta for tbe mouth,icludlng balauce, |T,258 5T; dlsburaemeaU,3,007.M; balance. $1,231 bS. Approved billsthe amount or faw.Ul ware preoented

ordered paid.Ur. Kutclier, for tbe Cuurt Houae and Jail

JomnftUB, reported In jail at lout report 10,lilted 40, discharged W, rtmalnlnR in jailApproved.

Mr. Umltb, for tbo Commktoo on Bills,•ted for current expenMs to tbe amount

SOB 22, and far permanent Improvements1,015 SO wore ptejented and ordered paid.Mr, Smith, for tbe Committee on Alraioui9, reported In houw at last report 01>,Imltted 8, dlacharged 6, remaining Ti. In

tbe Children'* Home then ara Tl), the same aslast month's report, Approved LULi for$1,20X42 were presented acd ordered paid.jfedlu of toa were also reported.Mr, Carllle, for the Committee on Hboel-ineoua Account*, reported approved bills toe amount of »I,H5.31, whlcb were ordarodKid.BriJgtt bills ordered paid, ft'J.lTl.OlMr, Cook reported that the coaiinitteo onitler bridge had awarded ths contract to

the Oroton Bridge Company at #731.Mr, Halley reported that tbe cammlttea on

bridge at Hair's MUI had awarded thawork to the Canton Bridge Company at

1,110, acd atuue work to A J. Tuers at $435,Mr. Smith asked for a commUteo on two

irldgca at HurdtowD, on tba old Hamburgurnplke, to oust about $800. Bime com*llttOP.Mr. QIU aaked for commit too ou brldgo at

[lockiway. Committee, Oil!, Smith, Lyon,Jook.

Mr. Cook asked for $160 par Keek for .inidlgent resident ot Ptquannock, C rtrigbv

On matloa referred to Poor Haiueilttee with power. -

Mr. Carllle reported (h«t bis committee hadw«d tbo trldgo on tbe road betweenckleborney and Chester and found that1 bridge could ba rcpilred for about #00

Tbe following outstanding bridge bills werereported; Cfaatbam, $300; Chester, $75;Hanover, fSOi; Jefferson, $1,200; Uorria,

,000: Mendbnm, $75; Ut. Olive,$00; Mont-'llle, $150; faitatc, sitne u loat month;5eqnannock,$l75; Washington, H35.Adjourned.

DtFISlTK AOTIOK AT LIST.After the edjauroment cf tbe Board oJ

freehold*™ Wednwday the Hood Comiultted,gether with Engineer King, Qen. Roy

Ur. Ltun saJd tbet tbe iurv<-ys, &c, fithe roadi and tba advertising for bide woitake until away ID Octolwr and bo felt tl

lore should only be a small portion of thtork laid out.Mr. Mallny antied if it wai absolutely i

wary for a prnfiio to he niaila. Can wegat an eatiiiiata far «o much atooe worli pelaquoro yard and thus advertisu iu advai

ad save just BO much time.Engineer King said tVy cuuld not got 1.

until tbo irurk naa clfnrly yuUluod, audnve first to do Bome grading and be agnritb UbD. StOD6 that tbia et=uld bo done UB complete a degree as possible, and tbiDntractor cannot Ilgur6 uuttl be knowirbat In te be duna—what kind of road be

to build over.

Mr. Lum thought it would be desirableike one or tuara email pfecai of road ai

work tbem this fall.tone eatd that durtoft the winterild be a good deal at rock cutting

done In eroding the roads—heavy grading—nd thin will advance tilt* work.Finally on motion ot Ur. Lum It K U do

elded to Instruct engineer Elng to Immedlately make tbe profile maps and grade <•IK pieces of rood below designated, and lieluding about 40 miles, ta tbe end tbat wormay be begun upon them aa early as pDealbli

These pieces of road are as fallows :Ptfquannoa tawniblp— from Butlor I

SmitW mills. 2)1 milesRoibury tonneblp—Kenvll to Lnndiniom Riibury line to Buccamnna, to Ijtdge-

wood, aud cuoucct witb former roads, slimiles

Morriitown to Wblppany, < mllea.From the Chatham lines at Easex and Unloc

nuntleato Morrlstown, Mnrria I'lalns, Usn-'illo, Rockaway, Dover end Kenvll, 23 teller,Borksblre to Woodport, A){ mllee. Total

On motion it won resolved that Uie cniittee and engineer ehnuld go over Urn

Cbotbam to K«DV11 today, (Tbursdaj)and General Stone ard representatives of tht

were lnrlted to aocouipiny thiGeneral Hto"o accepted the lafltatlon

at the invitation, of thi Lcardgavef: ie prnctaas how to begin tbe preliminary

when you wont to buy Underwear,good gooda and low prices It nil I pay you U<visit tbe Dover Bazar of J. B. Qrlmm.

r Die Ming gftie.

day to closo out all s

MULLIOAN—HAK1U8— At 1'ort OreniAuKunt4,by Rev. A. M Horrlfl. MfctiaelMulligan tolliaa Mary Jane Harris, of I'oit

CO0KIND—COBEL—At HurdUiwa, at thii-DBldoncoof Wtu.Oobd, f^j, , AueustHthby thpltav. A.M. HnrrU,Thomas H.Cook.lug to Mlis Mary Kdltb Cobol, of Kurd-town.

DIED.McDAVIT—At Long Branch. August 7tb,

1804.Of mrnfogill*. Mary Howena,daughterof Adalbert and Bortfaa U. Mo Davit, agedfive montbeend eleven days. Interment etDover,

Letters Bemainlmr Unoloitnea in thiPost Offloe at Dover, If. J.

Dover, N. J., Aug. Oth, IBM,J. D. Allen, G. E. Backlr.Use Carrie Buddies, Mr. Charles Hall,idward llaRan, Oeo 1' Johnson,

Mr. H. H. S-nrlDR, Wm. Stout,Mm. Annie Yackoff, Mrs. C M. Wolfe,

Mrs. Alice 8. Jlortimere,To obtain any of the aiove letters say " ad'ertUed " and give date ot this HBU


LOST!On Monday a scarf p!n v u lost dtlior i


Lnultm will tw elected fur Hire


Dder careof Frlentk, Opens Dtli moutli Wtli, I Bnil College courses (or young men anU yououion, leodlnf; to ClfiflalcaJ, EDRlaecrili/r, BcIctitUlc

icd Literary ducn«a. Hochliiu stiops, InWratorii*ind librarli*. t o r catalniruss and particulars ml-

SV,M 0 h* r l"D


urerironuompany.orMtiir Jersey, «nu bo liulUt tlio uouipauy'a on Ice, DuTor, N. J., on TUEti-IAY, Aupist UW,, ]t)M, at 10 o'clock *. H. Uk

Notice to DelinquentTaxpayers.

Notice is hereby-given tbatthe Township Committeeand Collector will Boon takeogal steps to oolloot all back

taxes. Those who have notet paid their taxes shouldtto

10 at once and thus save ex-;ra trouble and nxnense.

H. L. DUNHAM,Collector.

BRIDGE SALEn Uuit Benled hUU will be

Iron hiidj(enllortiaond-OH Lha Uuacobutcong rirtr twt

neroountlwi, at Stanhope, N. J

uesday, Aug. 2lstf 1894AT ELEVEH O'CLOCK AT THE


Also, BCUIHI bids will be received at tbe eaniemo for Uw contract of tbo masonry anil liningid gTaalng. BpcclUcatioiu ot 1110801117. &c-< m t J 'BWBBtllieBWrwnf LAnrrnccKiDB> or at thi-

sWeuceotSI. K.Tharp, Flanders, N. J. Com-Ittce mwrvea tho rifiht to ref lisa niiy or alt bids., R. KT'U, « . K. TIIARP, ChairmanANOLEVE DRAKE, WM. BA11TLEY,

E. HAWK, It. Q CAnULE,Sussex. UorrU.




31st Annual Excursion





.dultB - - - $1.25

Ihildron - - - 1,00

itmmi tha bmr» , gore't Brm| Btert.if Winter Gooda will be oold a t a saarlfloe. price ! Tht a buy " The Wiaid" of B. H, Btone and others, met In tbo Court roem, all Uk, tauS uau|nUuirUip. °?P°"unlty "

Tnko a dny off anil •lrpmon. Th«y iirniniiujdrnu'll get jour money'a v

NonCB^-TJutre will be tt. „rrm Port Oram at 7:30 A. II., which

- ' - ' - " — —-;libo-* • " '

s Jolly crturil oloml care ot you

liwry Uordwan Co., DOTW, Uie oicmben iiraveu', Tin Cbairraaa T THS COHlUTTKfi.


tlie liplniilci; wlieul wuit unif^raa], and ALL WOOL clothes were the rule. They Am alsn Ui* rule InmiruUHrk ur TiuiLiltiiiutfJu build, H rule, tou, to which (Jtrru iw~i no (.' ceiitloTiD. No ouo In New Jentoj

ikrai «TC«j.tlor.ii lo our L-1O!1IIHK, liwsuue It Is above unFavorutjlu crllldnni lu very point, styla, ui*-Tiul, Ht, cut and IliiUli. fcrer/ null hav In

u tbem elsewhere in thial l A t t l it

| w , uisil nlHa u wt!lll!UtiK mill ilunihR Tliur* ID uolhlnu illtu tbem elsewhere in thiawit. The iml.lic Ilk.' our lirioM, UK; btcauiw Uu-y don't Hod Uiem e* luw elw-wliem. As to (stylo, itiixlbutlm ' J*TKST1ioliateaj)lintiiBour(Hwk. Jiwtuow we Have Men'* all wool NUIW lor 10.00,ortli (10.00; lioy'soH wool BUIU fur (S.iK), worth ((j.(W[ Clilldreu'H ail wool euiw for J3.J0, worth (1.00.




The Adriance Buckeye! [Mowers,Reapers and Binders.

PRICES GREATLY REDUCED.The Wiard Bulky Hay Bake,Soring Tooth Cultivators.Syraouse Cultivators, $1.25.Screen Doors Complete, $1.00.Lightning loe Cream Freezers, $1.45 up.Lawn Mowers, $3.25; all sizes.Fisbing Taokle, Boat Ours and HammookB.Remington BiovclOB, 26 1-2 lbs., $125.00.Gales' Safety, 1893 patternMajestic Light Roadster, 1894 patternBoys' Safety, Fneumatio Tire, $25.00.












LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS.Calico, Light Colors, only were 29c. now 22c.

" " 380. " 29o." Navy Stripes and Small Figures, 65o. now 5Oc

Peroalo, best Light Colors, were 35c. now COo." Mod. Colors, were 5Oc. now 4Oo.' Finks, Blues and Heliotrope, were 75o.now82o,1 Laundered, were SSo, now 75c.

Lawn, Croam only, were 65o. now BOo.Satine, plain Black, were $1.00 now 88c.

" Narys Stripes and Sots, were $1.00 now 88o." Black and White Striped, wero $1.50 now $1.00.

White Lawn Waists at twentyper cent. less than regular prices.Come NOW if you want one.


Page 6: EXTRA.test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1894/...AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency, HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reveraabU. PUMPING' ENGINES, strong and economical,

THE FBEE TfiADE WATEHLOO.From Ilia N.w \nrk Trilmue

If Waterloo fitanda fcr tbo most cruslilnjJeteatin history, it tjjiiaus tbe jear'H compttigo of froe traders against tbe Amuricaij*Mcj ot protection. With overwhelmingmajorities In lioth Lnuson, thoy etarUnl juittone year ono ID extra tteaalontoovcrthrowKe|ml)liraD policy. It IK a Buburddiata ijition now whether air Uannan'a ulliiiisligiving tbe conference until noon today toagree or dUagm, cuds iu the passage uf tbeSepal* hill or defeat of any tariff legislation.In either case tbo detent of frre traders hcomplete and huniillatlag. Ik-toie tU« Hiaction a brief review IB ID ordO'\

I. The free tracers' Jtniftiid, (wDiulnted byDemcprntln leaders and truaiury re)j>rl.»t to tli© eitm K»&I<wiu Augunt. nraw tb« Unlit. Tbo inert) report nr It brought«uch cloaing.01 wlK tuna of employment,Jucliun uf wages and general d If a Her tliutwhen the extra BeHsiim met tn Augutt iconntructioii of the proposed bill began.

L' B-fore thebUvtrquesijon waJt llnall^outof the way, theovernbelwtDg papular vetat llio fall elcctfona last ybar warned fn*>traders that they mpxt modify their bill ymore. Tho measure IWcaior Wils-n J,I;>o*otl In Ii*coluber was fur d(flt?reut ftuiu tbill be would Imve i:nijxjje<J in Oniolier.

3. Continuing cllnsler and continuing twillmajirltiuM ftiriied furtliDr jleldi:in in ttluus* Committee and In tbe H-m«- The tilllM It [>uwd the Houm was a weak iJilutfcthBUillulTered, as thai Anna weak uilu

of lbs bill orlglnaliy passed. It luft dlufrl-miimUUK duties ut almost every point andub.:ut half the |irol«:tiou given by the MeRidley act, though llie tree trucleiH utorUilout to tufce awuy protcctfuii eiitinily, have ulit might result from a purely revenue tariff.

4. A ilo/eli Hfliat'irn, reprewiitiiig manu-fncturiog OIK) mining BtaU-s, found it an obbOlute neccuity far their titnUti end tUetiLwtv*8to force radical changes In the bill Over-whelming Ut-tuiKx&Liu defeats di spring ultc-tioiiB bound them together In an Iriesitlblephalanx t<i L-Uacgu the bill or l>ent It. Tlieaugur trust, with iba uuftar priniucfrfl ofLuulntaua, Kanftw ami Nebraska, Jilnedforce* for the aamu purjirMt.

5. Tlie Honatorn who combined ngaimt tber .1JI bluntly Ktated In caucus th.-ir dt'sriiiina-lion »»t to vote for It unlrtHJtwaiitiia'leMitJfl-faatorj tu them. Tbu caucus yleldui), andforty tbrp« Democratic H.uators bound them-selves by pledge to BU|<jw)rt the bill requiredhy thi' ri>|)ri>M>iitativON of tbe augur Interestnnd of ni mi uf act uririg and uilolng Htitra,

fl Tiie cp|>uriunit>D9 furcurrufit mid sliame-Ic-w barter iirewiited by tlia " tillud youl" toturipurt any bill reported nt-r«* Used to thun'nio*t by all tbe trust* mul uiouoisolioa. Abill resulted which tiea trade organs dottoanced ai " a Ml uC Bak>," a^ a etiumefu)luiioiiLler of orory principle fur wMi>h thp

. I>»ri.'x.""&l.i': flirty liml ii.unW. au'l^f* itu-[Ht'QBurfllily vt'or e than tho present lariir, IUgooornl elluet was to leave much nitie tbaubait tbe protection olT-rdwl by tho McKinluj-law, but monopolies aud favored (titprasts•retired adrauta^D BB great US, and to ID BOIUOftkBee greater tban, reunited from all thetrrom and abusua whioh had grown up undera system of general proUctloD.

7. Toe Democratic BenaiorB wore tocid to1>B(B this Ml), bod as It waa and rwking witUcorruption, or to bill tvt «ij. When It pastedfree traders frankly ulmliUil tbat tbe rreuntturitt was more fair and juat, more adajitodU3 the ivaou of tliirtrent Juduatrfet, a betterprotective UrlU lu all respects, boafdea beingfree from the t-cauiialg nrnl the lufamouifavoritiiinii of the [iropojcd bill. I t ia thedeliberate Judgment uf the country that, If Itliai to chotflo between the McKiiiley law amitlio eliaraolses Bill of Halo and Surrender, itsmajorities for Intelligent prolcclinu will gofar boyand those hitherto oast for tbe protec-tive system.

fl The conference waB etpected to ftiutndand purify tho bill. Tlie J'reuIJent tiimself,though he bail twen »insulUtl »uil bad au-leutod to all its features, denounced ita "per-fldy nnd dlabouor," and yet his friends ntonce began to barter with t&natora for favorsto t ru i t i and monoiwlles which Uad beouomlttud (u tho distribution of plunder. Theyhave HBj-cuteil to a sugar scbedulo even lea*decent than tbe otiu prupoaHl by tbe Htiuate,and to shauirliMi favoritism for tbo benefit ufother monopolies by the score, but Inslet uponft elft < f mtllluDs to tha Canadian eon! mo-•opolyattbeoxt>en9oof AmerlcauQMlmlacra.

If nny ouch bill puacs, It In ulaitlng dis-honor M well as cru&Mog defeat [at tree Lr&do.If no bill passe*, ttie detail of free trade Iscomplete, though annie vnoo can Mtve honor.In either r u n tbo verdiot next fall will abovrwbatlh«> pttfple think ol PemocrnUo tarJHreform. _ _

T B O S S M A B K E T S OF T H E WOBLDTbe renowivl «f i t » (ree tiade party's de-

structive free raw material war cry ngnAtnericao tndu) t r l» naturally culls to titheir old theory of thn markets of tbo wewill bow great a gain H will be If wa can only•ecu™ them. Let us look Into It.

The total Dmuufacturea of the Unitedfitat** ID IBtt), according to tha lasteenauiturns, amounted lu valuo to W,O>I,-I35.337, of»bfch we exported to the Vftlao or (131,102,-371), loa»lDg 18,003,333,Ml worth of Amer!-cannnnufactured gnoda consumoct a t hoias follows:

AMKR1CAN KiHUFACTTUnEa.Total United States manufacturos.

IW |B.&M.43S,KnTotal exported, 181HI 151,HW,a7U

Total home co11uoption, lbl>0.,.$S,[im,KQ,lUIIn tbe •atne way trr mu>t deal with our

farm products, tbo to-al value of which dur.Ing 1889, conaumed la 18W, wat4a,<00,l07,-l.Vt.We cxportod to the extent of |M2,H1,-)M,leaving Americaa f i rm produou worth $1,


ToUl home con«umpt(oo, isao..$tfi!7jmji6iIVe m that the American pwplB consumed

Atnfrlcaa manafa^tureil goods and farmproducts in 161W to the extent of * 10,831,288,-KM. To this w» mint add the valtKoCtlnforeign goods entered forthrounh our ciMtama department, whichamounted to t773fi7i,m in 15M, therebygetting « » followlug apgregate value of theentire

*M*R1CAM CONSUMITIOlf IN 1890.Am^Ican maoL/acturpg f8,003 333,061American mrm product 1,W!7, »«,« .*Porelgn gooda 7rJ,074,oia

Total American consumption..Itl.OM O7J,Oa7Against this aggrpg«t« cooaumpttoa of

goods in the United Htatcs, wo-th #11,001,-fns,73r lo tha y«ar 1SW, or #173.53 for eirevyman, woman and child of a population of « , -000 000 porwoi, what ftrethogr*at mwkeuOf the world that WB may expect to »eeure I

The market* of tha world oorjprSM onlysuch gooda as are Imported by tbe dilTerentoauotrlta of tlio world, bec&uw wo canootclaim to aupply them with what tbey alreadymanufacture or grow lu their own countries,unless they propose tn* trade, aa tbe Dnmo-ciTtio party would nave ui do. Tbey are not»ofooll«b, howoier. Other countries prefert o r e u i n what they already poasew rotherthan throw away tbe tubsUnca for theshadow. •Wflflnd, from ths American Al-manac of 1888, that the total Imports ot allot ter oouDtrle* In tbe world a t the latest datetor which complete re tanuare ualUbtowefeas follows:

TQTiL PQREION Ut PORTS.Europe, A*la, Africa, North and

Sou tli America, AutiUaWlaand the Mands of the 8 ^ t7,M0,0OO,OOOTbta Is Irea by over four blUloat of dollars

that tbo total consumption or goods In tbeUnited atat** Thus:

Total United 6Utw oonsump-tion.1690 : . . . . , tlI,fl(M .073,737

Total import*, all o t te r coun-

tries, 1893 7,569,000000

United Btstei market exceu. ...#4,035,073.737TbB policy ol tbe free trade party It to

throw our American market—worth |11 , -flW,OT3,7S7 In 1WO—open to the competition oftbe fnrtnen and manufacturera of all olherD&tloDi, while we strive to secure theirDUJ-kets, all of wblcb put together are worth

' #4,035,073,737 ]BM thtu our own horn* market.la it not beat to roteJa tlis good homo

narketi tbst ws already poaxw, adao strf ringto OMae buj iac lh« «773,074,813 wortb olforeign goods t b i t we coQiuue and lo pro-does tasM good* fo." ounolvts. If w* can,r*tb»r tban to throw away what we are tureof and tokscboaCM Ia »cciiring a portion oltbe smaller market* of tbe r u t of tbe world luopen competlllcQ with tbe cheap labor ofEurope, of Asia, of Africa, of Canada, ofCentral and Bouth America, an4 ottheaavagelabor of tbe Islaoda of tho Be* r

BDCIJ l l Ua policy Df protecUoB. hut thntrtt tr«de pallcjr ! • to give our marfcet* to tbocheap labor coantrief And to compete witht i e cb*ap labor in thefr smaller market*. WBalready ouosuma orer four bill)on dollar*'worth of goods more Oian tbey can buy fromnt. I* lB*ktepourownWau*fi«*. Alwajavote for protection.


t\*1int to Do In I lie Liit-k cifa Ciirktprrw orWlipn Tl«-r« In €ork In tliu >t..-r.

During UHJ bwniin "f out .if Uuor uttj.iym o m s inul U|M-» itlr IIUK-IH^ >.iiu<il DJI1

t i l ings Hint will ofifii tjiitl«

u l t l t w i t h irlnktiLili-a I- m i h u l l

t itorli^ifH. UIinwu u» Iw In \

, l ik t ) Ili«-M- IllflL

i;ir(y -vllllui Ivntcli

iroo if tin;

Is o trick of fciUliiK ell thu hwids.•stLut iri worlli kicnvliiK. V"u iiruimnu Imvu ul huinl « talilu kmfu


A aitUi^D Ituo'a M l u r -Illnc, WJil.li U-

Iny in tinm.siiliiflat wlH-ii.'

biin|,]v ilir.Tl lilt' li.iul pi'iliHutlu-r li!» i)rli.i.;iiii..ii c.r I-1),

(,•.-,1,.!. of tlR-


grMla.•or tho•ytlu-y

Kit-, 'i'hurely Iwrri-

W » .>» j-mir^. i^v ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ [ j H B r t ' u n ' l y 1^'U.i with tlim- ..1.1 fpunlhli

:u-li['il, [fiiMlun lllllnrkrt I


i nnmtKl Kr:»dii:illy until Vi.' ni-fli has tarn uiidfr tlyi iuw' l l "A-riitcli tlio I'limmall iiroinid. Thia la liio |H


1 1 1 1 " ' " t l w iifI«l.-,L- Uf T J | (

iny tl'iu kU'lfu hlmli? lliitwlhu uii.lliii LuIIlu " " ,mid v i i l ) t hv \«ick u ( tlio tilLHlCt-.vilw \ l w \\ r u

but i lu r im t w o r ilinx- hlwrji » ! " » • « . ,1«IIBUIWI«« tit th«l»*iU-»hU yuuvuuiai; , , , , , , .kiiovk tin* IICIMI (tff. l'n-»i'iitly you willlu-ar if iTt-iik timliT Uio hliuvs, utui H willbrwik jiu-t i» lIiu linu uf tho

lU' itrstttiHUif

Tlio urk Iia i,

ii i

a i•u!i-:liu

n n

> In1


ttr.r lll in


i l l l


fr>'u milling <>n', awork It. SVIiH.-thn

sloli in Jjini! hi I)

\v!ii<'li tlit'y puttlio \,w^vt thuirlitif Jlvo (irHls

ml ihL- L-uvultado

Thu uia Urttlo Hum will uiA tliiuik JMI iM ) ti.i-v'Arriv.V'thm'tlu- (Ion wall's tiiu cmiti-niHtho trick, but yuu will m.t ntx-d to worry I o f ,',10 i ) lusku(S| f ( , r w J l l L . | , J1(, KMvu* fromabout a corkwjrow when >uu havo »«')»"' UI-I.UIIO to JIM.l'OO In fiwli In Alex leanabout,c-Ulu

Atiutluur lUllo bit of iiuuiliiului.Luu Ugood tu know ubout. Uorfcs lu nil lwttk>suro olu-ii l)ii»l uml I" ilraivliig tlit'in theywill cruinWo- ir thu nlo Is jiuun'd illivctlyunder iln'bui'lriniiMiinw-4, IIII.H uf cork willamtuiir ill fcomu of tlio clause:). TlifSO tiils

ll id f. Hold thu

fltU-s tlii'lr Jiiilf, Hliu llm

l h

wiijiofl, wliltlt tlieyifiitknih prims tlieyruli mill tliu pulque-

ml nni'ivc II iiMHllvuin loki'cpuml llit-ir fiiiiillics iMirtly v\u\h-

ill! HI.MIOII huhlHtlif next ofuf ttirk lire uiullyuol rid ol. Hold Uiu J l[s K r iml VaUU^ \vhk-h .wur f.«r otbotch, unrlglit uiid tii]« Us sldo hlmrj.lj-. ) „ fu

l T 1 | U l U l l l O W I I B „ , n i l | ! .

All thu Irita of cork will rlsu into tlio nnck ,,.()„,.,, i,,w.il.mi« ] , , w a lm.ly wlfo amiof thu lwtllu. mul iiivsmitly lhaulu will bu- I ["'^ i^miful tlmwliifm, «•(... Lvo all thugin to wnil tint ii bend of fuuin. On top „_,.,.,.,, , j , , , triieCuatllliiiiH. The liaolundiiol this t in coff u.ol...,.J or tl,u »•uf uurk will bo B-x.iwi.omit tho ..lo ittid li(iv«dcluk.—New Vurlt i-u


jr iiu

Thu liudondu, . md U on uiu of

irli)fl|Jiil liltsliMiiyt) loading o l l t ofiialinti, upon wliiili, llKu must of tlit<\viiurH of tJILT country, Iiu jinya littletaxes.—KiiliBns City Jutirniil.

QUO SOL KNOCKED OUT.Iureiitluii uftlio Screw rroyt

Tho IntnHluctlot) of tlio suruwInto list) wnfl OL'coniltlliiliod BlinuUiincuusly i'iiul«nr«tiiis May im -wwn »nn i-cmifiby Smith In Kngliiiid mid trlcssou in tbo I ivitimut Uie AM oriimMm.Unliod titiite*. lloth-ivt-rti niunof great I OMHulliiiii lutif; liccu muwwssury Iinullity. Km-li roimltloitil lilniM'ir thu In- ' t I l 0 mkliiK of |ilif>l»»ffnuilin.ivncjr fi( lliuMTiiW i)ni|ii'lkT. Eaoli Umk 1 I , , . ( J ii,.. >"H-si'!it- tout jmttiBls lu Kniflitnd In lbUO mid In tbo jiniliiiljly L-XIIIHU m iUnhid Htuii'rt two ur tlirue ymrs iiftur- eertnlti H-ri-lri'.s uiliht bo lintl tu print thiw.nl. Kni'h piilont illlTcrwl rdtllmlly from [il,,,ttiWr«jili.tlio uthtT. Ki'lHwr i»itt>tit, fur Iliu Kuiicrul j idit uyuUi the ulil olmii Ims Ufii gl'



Et b

ulllu.tho (

' lit llI by,

i>( I

n i xl l t i

) DCnay KUlk

Hinlth'H bi'luu of sis tuiin but-dun, with <i J KU-ctrivlty \\m scurwl it ylutor)- over 1Wwotxli'ii FL-ruiv, drlu'n by ii oix hirr^jiuwer t,i(i chatt, inn! It In iiriictk'tilly u knuckuut- • ' " - ' ' " - "—"slii tu tliU imrifcutiir Hue.U. OKdt-n, liavliid abuut doublo tliu n»i

uml imwur.ill built larger screw veasola that

wuro Biici-'Cfisfully trkul in Kn^i

Uu iidaytinio by tlio nid (if iltctilc ll

1 11 h l l h l l l i t hut to (t

Hniltli'ti vessel, tlio Archlinmles, bo- J aftfirnoon nnywity, nnd Mmu-llim-H IOIIKLT,if 'M0 tunu bnrdL'ii mid driven ! u u iicconlint' tu Old .SUI'K lunimr.Ins upward

by L'lit'lncM dtiilirni-Hl by Kcnnio, of V0] Kowonocn: _ . . .liorwiiowcr, elreiiinniiviBnti'il tliolHlana of imn-Idln^ tlmt uciilli-iniin lias tlio properGrriit llrltiiin In Mny, 18W. Erlrssim'8 ( niiniirahis— lit nny tlini', i-vi-li nildnltflit,VI'KSPI, tliu ]{iil>L>rt F. Stockton, Biniiller ' mul sit fur hU pli.iltjyr/iph. Xul (inly that,aud witli ti!sa jmwer, WS\H ttted tu ICngltmtl i( ho U wlHItiff In wait liulf tin limir, )w

in, nnd then, In April, 1 HitII, I ,„„,. riTdvo n nliv K^ftpiint from thu noy-Alhmtto untlue sail. Eiicli In- I mlvu.

traduced tlio w-ruiv projit'ller on inureliant I '1'lm nppitnitnti coiifilsttd of an ortlluiiryvessels In 1810. Knch lntroduutid tha ' civiswru, u 4,m"> CIUHUV |WWIT iktsi Il^ia furtwrevv propt-'llcr on war vcssola In IBIQ, J u,u taking ond n (l,nt'<'cinidiu puwt-r nrcKrlcsson on ilio I'linccton und Smith on llylit Cur th« |irlutl(iK>

ttlcr.—F. II. dtui i lu Cuaaiur'e

Chliimu Lcnrn Frain Forelsnern,llilmi, so loiig Iho most fitntionnry olcouiitrli-H, Is ili'uldcdly inurtliing on.j Viceroy 1*1 ll«»a ClmiiB'6 Mwllcal

Bcliool uc Tli'iitalii [(

, Iliu (ipL-n 1-iHiui, thodubject hits In n hurt tif cuiKipy, Iliu tildesuml top IK'IHH wiilli', uml thu bta-k tlia or-diniiry liiickfroiind.

Iimtutduf Imving tlio llBl't Bliliw tllrcct-I j t | t a


in tliu HiibJiTt, It uli 1 M 4 awiiy ntid Is

liool at TlHitfllo fo? tl.o fliuay of tho j ™ ' & S ^ T O ^i-au-rn arts und (utcticuii ut iuniinB U al- I I e c o n d K | K M U B J W w imulu. Tim uliiw wiu

ready In itctlvo oimrulion, ami it In Btiited t l l 0 I 1 duveluiw l and iinkkly drlwl, comingl>y a Chincdo iiupur that tho army nnd m U ,,„„, n n i , c i m t i l t 1V11H then taken toiinvrwlll In future ilupuul upon It for t h o p r i l l M l I H r < M m l i I i n d nflvrlUinlnuU<«their BiiDplln of incdk'Int'snHWfllaB for u n a t t F tlw lnftiHMiw>ot lb* lmwnful vanthoapliolutineilt of olllulout medical inun . | j g l l t t | 1 0 j l i 1 | H , r ntni m^ntlvi! WITO tnl:cnfor both acn-lH.% from tho box. Tlw jwlut \VM wnmtUUly

Tlio sniiio iiiithorlty Blaics lliaL (ho Cm- I B o [ f uii:lie lim\ ,lcenTaiv

turn driiBftlsbi an, totally If-norantof hied- j A ' n t [ l 0 t l m i ) U l k m [ n m l t l i o K i m p y , t h l1 (-"?. c l ) m" l f : t5-. A ^ r w . r i J ! ^ " " ^ ^ ' c n n i L T O until tho print w.s JliUahM vra

KH, und tlio pmluiiU titke thiu«dtclnt> In ilucwAluns. UUhioi-o tturgviyis UUHHI upon a bniHii modrf Kprnwullngtli« tlr\.tt\iru i«n\ lwiiHty ot li.luci.nlonganalnltio hunmn boily. TlioinwlulIs vuguo aud until to bo usi-d by utiidotitaof such mi liiiiiortiuit s.il-jcct. Wh

itirlala only

tlcgnU'M Old Pul tu thu rear, n iwick

writetho west oru pctlgn of tlio luiniiin butly. TlieronguesBlnjj workw ilonu lu tho west.tlssiRMit tho body Is mliiiiloly tli'smiillociiUtd."—London News.

vorka ofIOWI-

m m , iH«ru o a t o u



ii> the worldin force-pro-ducing ele-ment is



Backlen'a Aralc» Solve.Tbo tieet salve In tho world for Cuts, Borea,

Brnlws, Ulccn, Bait liheum, Paver Sores,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coraand aU Skin Eruptions, and potltlve y our**Piien, or DO paj rfqnired. It Is quorantcedto give perfect satisfaction, or moaoy re-funded. Price twenty-Ore eenta per box.Vat wle by Robert Killgore, Dover. Orwn.Hanoe & Co., Port Orun. P. N. Jenkins,

Dr. Halo'* HouieHold ointment.IJ the flnext remedy In the world. Jt abso-

lutely c u m catarrh. It curm neuralgia andm&tlxm. Cures pile* lite magic. Cun*

salt rlicum In tbe moat soothing manner.Curta inflamed ftndgr»nulnt«d eyelids. CurescouKhs and colds. Can be taken internallyA positive ipeciflc for pneumonia. Cut*,bruise*, burns, chilblains, aom of long rtmnd-

different from nil else; superior to >11 else ; Ithas no equal. 25c. and We. box**. Large

1Mcheapest, HoWnt Robert KlURore'c Cor-ler Drug Stars.

We autboriKeauradrertlDeddniKglBt to «ellDr. Klnn'i Kew DIreovery for ConsumjiUoo,Coughs nnd Colds, upon tbli condition. Ifyou s.re ftflltcted with & Cough, Cold ot KDJLanz, Throat or Cheat trouble, und will uw

It remtdy aft directed, giving It a f ntr trial,id experience no beneflt, jou moj- • etum ttif

bolile RDO linve jonr money refuodctl. Viecould not make tlilu offer did ve not knowthat Dr. King's 3ew .Jl.-wverf <-otiM U

d on. It never dimj.poliitj. Trial ButtleKt tbo I>rue Blares of Robert KtllKore

Dover ; R. F. Oraro it Co , Port Omra: andF If. Jenkins, Chester.

"Put money in Thy Pnr ie ."How f BAT* doctor's bills. A]»«y» keepn hand a bottle of tbut noeat of remodftp,

Dr. HaJo'i Household Cough Cure to allaytbe Grit irritation caused by a cold. Don'tthink you can &x up somethlDK jutt as dood»hen for '25a. or 50a you can have the resultit year* ot practice a>nd experience expended

la muting t&Ia pirporatlon absolutfily theb n t For salt a t Robert Kill gore'* ComerDrug Btore, Dorer, M. J,

EffuctsofBJlonkcy1* iniliiHtriiil Unbltitontlie SiunLl Colti SuiM>ly-

It IB not often that Kml Doty, tho wellvvii ticket agonc, gp.tn wliftt ha ntylcH &II down," but llio otliorcvniiinKlRMvnaliiB h'lnonuduon nil Incident tlmt Imp-i>d In hUotik'o (luring thu nf to moon,t iMjfurn tliu hway huur a jiui'lpiitutlc nn-

tlvo of eiinny Italy who Immlk-fl tho throt-Uo uf natrtTt, ]ilati(> drifted Into Fred's ea-

fiit nnd «sktd F n d If howimtcdBuy chungo. Now, It liuniM-'iicd tlmt Fredhud just biiiikL-d it^alnst n run of largobills und \\t\s ghul to wt euuio mnutlrhimgo,HOho iiiitiwrrcd otlhundudly, "Ifos,I'll tiiku nil you'vo HOC. "

'l'lila was whuro Mr. Doty niiulo tho blg-jjest mlstiiko of lilt) life. JJtH'p down Intohis big iioclwtn dived U\o ItuUiiH, unU Innn liistdiit Uio uuiintor won Ilturully covjtvd with a masa of. CQIHIOKI. HnutUul trft-IT liiimlful was inured forth bofoio tho ns-tonlslioil Fred, who at lungth mnimei'd to

"•Tlmt'li dft, tlint'll do ," to which,• • „. • • pnlil no IIOIML

ihlnd him, imllod out nloJitlior hag, and sovuriil paunda

i[ cop|ior coin incri'nRL'd tJio bulgliifrlion p. Thuro worj fsomo $18 In coppers ft)

•iiloh tho Iullun w«tit«l good \hilt<J(States silver, nit Ho ugh ho -was willing V

"In tho nninoof Cnlimictnnd Ilcoin,'ovUwl t'rul, pttliitliig In ilLsutny U> tlvnp of coin, "havo you cornun-'d tlio coji

por pupply ot tho world* Whcro dtd yougot nil llmtf"

tonislied Fred, wlm nt lunggfifip, "Tlmt'li tin, tiint'll dhowiivor, liia dnuu frluiulIi l l b h i d M

vendemonlc plokn (lem lip," replied tlio

f n s l o ulii<erfully na lio Wflteifor Fred to (,-lvo him MH olaiigo.

It was too IIIK a contract for Air. Doty,hoivuvur. Tho imink's master slowly tookon weight ai ho loaded himself tip withtlio ciijiper tnuisnrii, nnd (is ho disappearedthroiiyli tlio tluurrltD wind waited In somithlugthnt Bounded IIko thk:

"Mulooricha lor liia blood."—Buffalo

ho young Moiiiitn who walked Into AI'B olllcoun l'lftlinvt'iniisHiKl bc-lnborcd

tho man ovor tlui head with nn umbrellasulise<iucntly offiTtil nn OIDUSO lor litrconduct which Is said (o hnvu been entire-ly satisfactory to all i«irti«a concerned.Tlio youiiR woniiin tvnn pretty, ynnaiful

' ainhitlous. Sim hiidetudlodelocutton,o department nnil ihincliif;, tint sho

eoiiid not get on thu istngo. Hlio hud ob.i<d that tho women who got tholr.uu In tho papers 1>y inwins of ilglite,L-iftlo rawH, illiimond Bk-aillog CHCJI-13 or othur vltilcnt episodes of coutoin-,ry Itfo xrow Invariably nppronched bytrlcal imiUiigcrH with iitTunt of ciiBiigo-t. KinllilriK tliltt, tho young wumanilcd to Ktt her namo Iu Uiu imiicrs, andii»B lino Uro iimn'u ufllco begun to

hammur him ovur tho hcntl with on tim-bre.Ua. TUumiui luiil nuthSng to GowHlithu case. It was tho woman's (scheme,She got her natno lu tiio pmicra nrutnpUy

g t\enough, but tho man felt n

l ld t k

.n profgrler

pytil bo-enough, u ho ma ntfg o

CJIUSO lio could not muko nny nden.tmto ex-plauntlon of tbo incldunt In thu familyclrclo nt homo. Now thu girl feels ng-

lvtHl uocauu) liur brutlior, to uso lilni lanKiuigi'. "took her homo by thoiff of bcr neck," ami tbo Incident wased. It will hnvo to (fo on it-cord aa n;mo thut fnHud, but It unnuetitlonnbly

points o mural. _Xow York Sun.

Noltlior 1* Ever SatUflMl."Just ivf.tch that slut weighing itinchlno

forafun-inlnutcs," wiidono of tlioofllceraof tho Union station. Tlio reporter ntw«lat uno Fldu and fustcmtl hln orlw on tlioliincblno M dln-cUd. Jufit nt that mo-

long, l.-itik Indlvldunl ennio up,t th hi i t t tl

g,miulntcd at tha

l J l bi lchin n itt


.it, tlicl

bis glnssoa and sized 1lcJilly. Then lio fundiknl In IllsIiockub tutil bvuii^lit fnn.li n emit. Stum)-liiK on tho plnuorni, liu'lroppttl tho jwnnyIn tliu slat, nnd i'tu hntid <>u tlw tlLnl Qevround <o Ua. Tho lung man then doscciided, nfiil with n 4 by 6 Rttillu explain«) thai he hid (rnlnctl four pounds In tw<weeks. Next thnro was ft matronly look-ing woman tncklwl tho in no lit no. Showould hnvo been called 6tout, lint this didnot In tho least detruck front hor goodlooka Hho Rented rpprehunslvo na ehtdropped tbo copper ln tbo mnchino, ani_when UiO ImndreirlfitGrcd 1114 she hopped offthe plntfimn nnd ut n iinrtitiR nnluto lathn oOlnrr fnirly snapped: ''TIIOBU horridecalra devn't rlptit. I know they arc not."

"Thnt's thutvnr," «»hl tho ofllcor JIho.walkcd awny, '^Fatpoopluara nsUnntcdof lt, and lean i<a>p\a envy tnoui."—I'llta-bnitf Poet


tint of four llie> c

l H

iulu>rvf otliurwlwil d d l

Two frli'i

y culled "A Cot:arnvn( 1):IW*OJI mid

inmT c i i l f . l..nl;hift over the TlmiiU'Sil thu ninry «.«•<- mi, -'Jly lliia tlmu tliuuiminiion Imil ri^-n, muUts c»kl li|slit

st iitst'ii Hut IHJ »u iHilcumniiur, liut huEliiinld at least try to ilnm' fmtn n.itnru

ld mil preiend lo Imvu wi-n tliouiK.li risliiK ui Ihti huur when ItK paelieil olT to Intl.ilny purhaps a little arqnnlntnniw

lit (Iri-Htiiiid with tlieI.ro.i(lrsifni:.Mt)f na-All! hu thought!! reiiulKlIu for writ-

ing a Koutl novel, but thu time Is not yet.Mei i i iHmo, l foi i r i i i )vulUi l l l t rv t l '*arIn mind tlmt tliu yuuntf

h l l

A LOADj , of misery !s tnlcon from vt>-Jiutn, 1-y Ur. 1'iVm'K r-.-..,,itor J'njMTiption. Wmkiui.st'fl tbut

i I>i MI nl.l Mr.>riir<iulr. I <il>iiilnt'il nn i/on.l('frycl.uiilil I IH'UIIII the uscuf Itii'"KuvnlluI'Mwrl[)iurn." willed Until itui buriluu MIULUuitn nti'hiiiM my Ufc.

Jtv (fnilltn.lt' 1 i»ni tn the "PrfserlpMoii."

treGR amoa& the poor of Ch.oogo tbo <ing winter Tho Key. Dr. W. C. Yimid ax-Uai.Kro6.ii a tin ButtemorthiJro.^od thu bouflh 11.cotlugntAn.1urj* Park

Nearly 40 urt.Httt bml tlveit stadlosrulmd in it llto In Now Vork city, causingan rstlniuUid leas uf ? 100,000 An Ital-ian mabhuil tliruu ui"-.i in Kew Hoc hollo,N. Y., und eseujiod Tlirw doittliHund

Injury ivoro c.iiiBod by trolleyi In N'oi -Mrs Cluruluna


| t i > i fnot trust It oul Into

wny «(lm rl^ht

nti, Ilka mliery,lhntnnti»ot nltflit, tiny

h I i

Until UousHisur omigfusi vero tn BCEBIOII.In tlii< Muii.itt: thu Ktiiulr.v eivil up|imprla-

i lion lilll wnt. ciiUnlileretl. Mr. CluuidluroiTercil a rcsuliiilun ojilliiiK ftir an invesrl-

I Ration of tliu rolutloiiN of tlio Novn fjuotin• eoitlfyndleiiietotlioiarliriilll. In tliol.ousOI thn jiyrlc-ultiirul appropriation bill was

— Kcd thu bonntK navlltft withdrnwn ltdh l

S'''l"Ii°"'lM|1°'M!!!,n" ' i l iJS.rdSI. 'n " M '!""

id Her chlldron nro guarded by llireontnt dowiiitivi's wMioln tbulrsnu nt liuc/ard's Duy A bullo Kplscopol rliuroh of ttia lit... _or, ln Newark, N. J,, anil spreadlutlon until n man put him to

(light, by twisting his tntl Young Mo-Intofih, who dixliiiuil ho hnd thu pluguo,

an looked up In I'liturgon, N. J., »Dd Iliaotlior'B body prepared fur Lurlul Thourplo Nina, with Cautiiln Krlotsoh, thoilyolio on hourd, hugaD her vuyoRo toJmiHtowii The Faltli CuiinU of Nowiruiy cobbrated tiio tortli fitinlrcrsary of0 finimllncof Muutit KlouKiinctuary, lnJwiwlllii, N. J. Thu innD'(if.n-ur Ma-tn iviia uu flrn at Vullpjo, C'al. Onk

Untlnit, O.. twvrt Ijson turrorliuil by ttro-hufsn 'J'ho Chicago bmnohof thoAmcr-iouti Knlhwy uol<m duatamd tho culliaiulatrllio ofl in tlmt city. Tho utrlfco of Chi-cago Lu toll era liua uleo boon dcolitrod off

I'lvo lIungarlanH were utaltbud at awodding In AIouiU Cnmiol, Va. Twononunion rnllroad man \LTO t it oil mobbod in Uriwll, Ind. IAJ^IS Itogors, Uul BunJciilowi), N. J was kill si I T ablow fruiu his plnyj iu o Tronk ConnORLHI IU Hichnrd Lro) ur a n other la

•Dispatches from hi nngliol

tliu term.A jilnguluritllli-il ••Nii

ml i

n urtlelolulo(,'lenl

iik i t i i

mi prlnled In tlil 1 I

s it bi-itlfttllrl l a



inliriinl JMSSIW. Tho (,'niy UHIIUI-tmlin Hiullnwl npriiisl thu iiurtli-•/.on wi-iw Bli>wly riKlliiirrruin vlt-w,LllU (MVntUtlt IlKMit! WWJtttltot tllO

oiwt."—I'upular ticloiicu


ACentlemiin Wlm I.UUKCII I or m I>l»h ofGrllli-a Klc]>tinuV« l'ticl,thu iniiiiiier of servlHK their food

pntk'iitD mmioIliDcH Jinvn onrloiiH fancH'.t.- i ono CIIHU a -.vniiuui porxlKtontly rt'fuseil

p tnlioliiir hcut tcaiinlussiholiwnwlwliiehiuinn jinn led it was cut In tlio Kliupo of.uniuwltt, vhl loin luraUwr It win nlwiij'Bifcsenry to servo thofuodlii nbluo bnslii,t out uf uuthltig ulau wliutwur vfoiiliiiu tako nuiiribhinuut.A boy who wus nttimkcd with Bcnrlct

dlHlnellnntlim tn Uilic

( t


ll 10,11\o K






\ (



I) tlion !<.-,





n A roj


- T h oOOltl-

ort.-d11)1 HOIIn fa-.... -unit to ilrli^i.IrM fruni tlio Sixth afimto tilts- .trlct A htrlku of workmen on (lio pub- ,llu ROhool hiiililliigu hi Nuw York ully iinsbeen onli-rud A raid win inmlo on"I.lttiu .Mimlo I'arlit," thn gambling resortin \Vo.iti lioster enmity, N. V., mid nixbooluimkora weio nrrwstMl A il fill ing |erhooner was run ilm-ti liy tlie Wltlto Star ,btwituvc Mtijcstlc. Two live* woto loat. by jtho (icoldont, which occurred In iv dtinfio _._._fug A dL'snoriite riot occurred nt Wyl- j cuiujiany ot No'

"» . *" " » - - - - . ! _ ..MM r^t I I . 1.111 _ . . . _ ~-

inotbur CUR igement \\ id \x notl thn Koruuu coa t In w hi oil

tlinw t'lduoeo warslilpa wcru captiirod byt'iD Jnpanuso It HQS nnnounood Hotbills fur tlio rupresslon of Eociulluin milnntirdilMn would bulaid before t leGorman rolchstag An unknonn trampwits found douil on a Ji I eh way uoor Burrvlllo. Conn. Tho mithorltloa bullovo howon foully dmilt with, and two trumps,mill la IIIITO hcon In his company, aro liold

Work will bo rosinuod tomorrow «toil minos ubnut Phillpsburff, Pa., Idle onaccount of tlio strlko iur throo montlis.

Tuesdar, Aug. 7.

Doth liouGOH of congrcBs wore In session.In thn si'iiiito tlioru was a long discussionovor Mr. Dhftiiillor'a resolution of InquiryInto tlio history of tho Dominion Coul

. . . „ . . , r h e .

t fedii

in JJwieh, N. Y., liotwem tho crows of. h t bill was passed and sent to canfcr-tlie tiiK Idluwlhl nnd tho buriiox Coxmiuklo ' caco. In tho housu tho Donferetico rv iwtand foliinibiaand a tliuiixiind inoiiibura on tlia IIKIIIUI apprcpriatloii bill was ills-of tho (JrociTrt' imd l'lsliiiiout'ors' asBOuin-- ciissfd. Tho rlvur and hurhor bill was rn-llitn of Ilriiiiklyn. Hlronuis of hot watur ' culled for correction Ex-Governorworo turned upun tlio rintors from tho Jnnica V. VorUir was iippuinted districtvossule At thosomiiii trial of Hobort jui|Ko of tiio Uiiitwl Hlntoa by Pros Id antHt'hhl, tho aimrohW, in Picnic, N. J., ; Clovrlund Mr. fahlplchlro Korlno wnsCharles A. Doebtmlor tcstliloil Unit Max ' oppolntid JnpamBo inlnistor to tlio UnitOhlctischlacRor wiia mimler.'d by ntmr- od Btittes The deacons' convontlonclilMsfut tatrcylng « dynwulto plot j oponca nt Aflbiiry Park Tho grandItiihiit-ll i ii o Ii s/ild to bo dl-pli iiBcd IMJ- J utaudun tlio I'hlhtdolphlu lnifiiiball({ruuiidsctMs.ii ttciirjio GuuUl tlQcllniB to wiuo b m i 1 ivns bnmiil, wllli A IOKH of >1it(i,i)00

iiiie j fiiini KUIUJIU, but prufurti to enjoy II1JH;IJU Kurlv ri't.iiniB from tlit^eleciton In AJ'f

tlie', t;ouldj(''liiten'6t3 n» well us MH o w n — ; curried tlio Stnto 'cimrHCs woro pro-lan IJriinett wns lithl for thu net Ion , laxlQA t,0[uM t,i!0 K C W York pollou com-

'"It*~y pruvldvd Jiu iion m i AH i ,4V . Liinti

llowlug way: Tho bwl tea, nr whatnvtr 1'olkus tolwfc'lveii htm, waH]iul hitimnllvi'r of tlic grund jury In Iviing Iiraneli for jntfiHionorH nitainst Cnptnln D'ovury A

teupot. ThOHpootwiiMplamlliihlHiiioutli, ' Bliontltifi uti vscuping prlMinor in a etreist j o u n R man from Gashen, Ind., coiutnit-(intl ln this manner tlio food was poured Illh'tl ulili perscins nur ture blow opon t,.(i suleldo at tlio Windsor liotd, Nowdown MH throat. Uio fiiifo of tho postollko In titan Covu, N. y u r k t , i t y . ,1I0tlT8 unknown Thofuou

•lilerly (fcntlcinnn who Imd ejwiit. Y.( and innnuKcd to oscupo a IIOSHO that i,, tho nllegftl oountt'rfultlng coiiBpiraoyt I T . < , . . . . ! . . . . . . I . J_ . 1 / . I n . . . . I . ' rwn— -- I " - . » . • I * * • . . . • . « » . . . . > .icli uf hid tlitiu liuntliifT In Africa, t

\vabit of

daintyf l

n >-llnfi, n'plh'it that lit) would llkl h - foutl Under wrtiii

Loliovo, thiy dish Islilufj; one, 1'ut tlio prleo of olu-

plinnt lu this country bring prohibitivethia HhUily ^'illlrod wan forced to content

liiiheK with a U^rstcnk instead.A clrrpyuittii wllli n broken k g bad a

great Unglng to put on a [iiilr uf Klllt.i, nIinstlinu wlileh lio Jiiitl iiuver jot tried,wlii Us a man wliaso icgliiul IHH'U nininuiit-

l dinltilng thu luijiractluiv-uli, decliintl Unit a PHHSIOH

stl/wl nj

n t In ]iura

rwored0 ll

11 rumhy tlio1'tlll!


eii worefull! IIK




K. 3.

ilL'd (11it Hot

Onu 11

d flr iiu

vo In-ring a

L-II, ultliougliblilty ol tliu

" ' I l

i>f Hussull ]). Hoyt and othorn wnru divntgwl hy Unltwl Stntea (iniclnk Awlfo Uoator In Stdnwny.nenr Long InlandCity, N. Y.t was almost lynchoil by anIndignant crowd, lint was saved by tho

killed uml nuVL'fal liurt by tlio teppltng lloll,cu n t t L ' r ft l l t f t nK l lb T l l ° " l o b o t

ovorol u brick wall tluriiiR n lira In Detroit striking lulnwa which tbwiitt-ncd to ln-'I'horo won n RVCQUII UIR blazo ln tho yn&° 1 «M«I Ills., was mot by inilUIn and

lunihor yard dlHtrict or UIIIUIRO Tho hcaton bnuk ufiur suvoral luon hud buonoiMsm liwuau block at .f mnrBtowfl. S. Y. bayonotod tScnaloi VOOTIIWB la nn ID-was buriiit' A Krlsi-o trulu wiis held torvluw dtclurtd In favor of free iron orouu"i!6 niltca wwt of St. UuU, but t in ci- and free cual Thorowtia afrutt slut inJIIWS* nKjefiont'ur fought off tho robborn, ^'>" Kraiicixuo, nnd 40 pound baskets ofshooting ono and bulng himself vruundad pi'uclies sold for Ti cants n bnskot Tho

ol lii.4 limb tlmt lm r»'BroHud bi>-ratcil upon cblully on tliatocuouut.


liK p—London A iw


Tho IteliiBjknblo Pcconil Itontlliig or an(lrli;lii»t Verne,

"Two young wuiiion, for whom I linilwritten SOVUMI ridtllen und pnzxluyimiH,hnvliiD nsketl for 'Kiniii'tfiliitf hanlei',11 'writes ChriritoplierL. Ward of Wllmington, I>1., " I Bentthem tlio following orig-inal rliiaio:

yuu Beck a tinnier nucslluu

InmH'ir<,It him JiJ

ny Inmlu

i i nvos! 1-nipauy as

1"B i*dk-r'H rusoliitlou onlllng for tho

' ~ ' ibla Cotil (oboilulowniiy inilnipiirtant IIIIBI-

ni'ss witstrn'iKiHitt'd—— Mr. Moody proach-

ni'iit .^tiisliiiis of l*onn-,lnui)Hn »( Mount tiiutna

closed Genera] O. U. Jloivurd iiddrcso.od tha muluiuil U'lHjwruucu cmup muut-Ing nt Ocean Grovo, N. .1. Tho NowYork cotiHlltntloiinl convention unseutudtliu flvo IlwiKicrnttii ih'loKtites from thoHlxth " "

Of Ufl

clouk wurkem at TJiomnHton, Uunn., ro-Biiinoil Foil River cotton manufactur-ers voted to Inaugurate a general wugoeutdown of 10 percent AUK- "0 BDII-atorUaulol's 8-year-old son was killed nthis lioino in Lynciiburg, Va., by a fallIroin n liorso Tho Vigilant won thornco nroiind tlio IHIO of Wlfjht, boating thoUrltnunlu \>y nbmit six minutes eonvoU'dtluionnd tlw Siitanita by nearly 4Q mln-Mtea-—-U llungGhattg rciimhiain com-mand of tho CIIIUCBO nnny, although dl-VitiUd of tin; yullcw jncket. Gtcat &lunn

pruvoils (imoii({ foruignera In China .Tlie trial of ISO leading anarchists Uogau

1« P»ri» Mm. Wary F. Ustvr, wlf« of•unto district Thruu hundred Unnlol M. Ijostor, n lunuufaourorof Nor-it tott'urk In the I'ulliiiiin cur wlch, Corn., committed uulclilo in a prl-

. . . . . m t a r o t r c ] l t for [JK, insono at Stamford.Wedneailk)', Aug. 8.

Dcmocnitlo rcprosontatives mot In cnu-OUR and ducided to Inava tho tariff con-feroos frautocdntlniia tholr offorts to roachan njjreoinont wlta tho sonnto—Both

In tlmsuiititcOio consideration ol the In-dian appruprintlon bill was completed,and voiloua bills wore passed. In tbohouso only liuslncsfi of minor Importancowas ttftiisaotud Tlw New York Ynobtclub on Its unnunl cmUo reached NowUaTcu "Old First Ntjjtit" was calo-

ctlo oxpedltlDn, ro- bratcd at Clinutuuqua, K. Y.——ilonry ofnllvo nnd wall on Kavurre won tho Foxholl etakaa nt Saru-

it foil from n hot toga and 1'rlnco Df Jlonaoo tlio BollcII, Mass., und was Moiulo Ktud stakes J. 11. Wilson, ono

_ _ . . H „.„.. urd belWnn op- I t t t n »? hurt Uunoro, 35. D., l a i n of tho iiien wlm tarred and foathorod Ad-probrlons synonym for tbo u-urd lnton- »sl»°3. A lire aid vranta tlio ontlro biisl- j u t n n t Goneral Tanner o( Colorado, mudotlonally couwaled tlio lorHiltous coinlil- 1 1 C B S c"nt c r " ' l l i u >oWn l n o ™»ln a confession Thoro WDfl a booin ln thtnation of tho letters forming tho second •?,"_ »'.B ° _ . o l " , ?l. ", °1.^f5^r!'-0" corn inarkut—r-A gnog of Coxoyltoa, un-

ist ho rcgiiTiluil

.... . _ -'J'lio lJuinocrats of Georgiatinted W. Y. Atkinson for govornor'i'lio emporor of China Issued a manifestoaccepting war with .lapnn und Uirowlngtliu blnmo for liloudBhud upon that coun-t-ry- 'Vho .Inpmioso losa in thn battle at

hnn f« reported tooxmil L',000 Thol «t Co-uirlo, U» tiinnterurar PrnMtmtiwt. 1»gmi at Lyons Tho Now-

lnid>tHnc«vcwHliaHitllHsl(;UBrelKim«dlato-ifIl<Utt«<l K'BUlaUiro was tipaninl. I boly fnllowin^ th(»>e vrhhsh luutlu tho con- «»vormneiit l,an a majority of Jlvo ovorGcnlud wunl formed tho word -hussr.1 In ' t l 1 0 Whitowayltos -Then wan ISdoathiwriting It I InttMidod It only to contain from c-bolcra In Th^otborlaada and fivo'woniiin'uml liiid tio Idea t tu t 1 was hid- l n varl t ^ f ( a n y l l o c

ln« any other mini In a rimllar mnniitr. | ™ «/Wh id th l d

wiilnoLtnckloil I]fc will b«Bw;n that by taking tho first "<

letter of Iho ilrat line, tlio wjouml of tlio tlnext and no on for flvo linen tbo word r

They di.-cl[>hi-rcd this, I Vtl nstuiilslmieiu vulnt- *-r

rlln.-rf.at, which t boy ?an\ in

a imrt^of (lorl " llln« any other mini In a rimllar mnniitr. | /

When wo consider tho olmncra against ported to lio lost, wcro n

nuy word-being accidentally forinwl In J » n . a J,' " ' V ^ n ? /

Buol. a w n y and iho Infinitely greater ^ ' » » « " « « " » « ' ^ l

dlnary uolncidciKlu tliwo diiys of avgumc'HU'rury clphcra,' "—Ko

Crti.Uc* H( Faolilnn

Ata lifglily elaboiut

tho gnus

•win tho second building *>' i-

m worthy of noto hurnetl to tho ground.

i(l dor tlio cam muml of Curl Btowno, Btoloj frolght tmln at 1'loa.santvllie, N. J. Tliroe

Sutucdny, Aug. 4. j nf then, van cnrrlcd lo Atlantlo City andBoth houses of congress woro In session. ' woro turned over to tho pollen Prolea-

In tho sonata tho ponornl doflclonuy titll tant mission houeca nnil tho Salvationwas jinss^l. In tlio IIOUBO only rtiutlno Army barracks woro wroekot! by n mob lubusiness was transacted Dr. Judaou B. , Quctoo In tho New Yock conatltu-

to hnvo duvcloped tho Andntwe, fliipi<rlntDiidont of tho Now ' tlornil convention tho omor.dmont provid-„ ..jilietltL-s, and « regular York state liowjiltal for tlio lnuino at Buf- \ Ing for homo rule for oltloa waa Ulacueaod

mob of men took posseEslon ot the costly falo, is dead A mooting of tho Now Koturns from tho Alabama electionViandi, thereby excluding tho women York Domounitlo stalo conmiltlao has Indicoto tho cloctlon of tha DomooratloIroni tlio supper room nnd preventing tlio boon called at Saratoga for Thursday, ticket by more tliaa 20,000. Tim Koltiiteawiiltera from Ei-rvliiR any ptrsou In tlio Aug. u Carroll V. Wright locturcd at itlll olaliu tbo victory end mako chargesrooms lx>yeml. Tho manners ol tbo crowd Cbnutimqun 13loyelo contcslfl ol thona- or fraud Tho packing house utrlkors inwere severely criticised by spectators ab ttonnl circuit woro hold at Chicago , South Omaha aro arming, and trouble Isthe time, uml loud Ttero thu comments of Dr. J. M. limy ol Uostun ami others npoko • Toarod Threo tons of powder explodedthoso who tried in vntn togct oven a plate ot Mr. Monily'e conforenco nt Nortliilold j In n powder mill at IlnzardvlllD, MASS.,of lea ctvam for tlwi Uullen in llielr chaTgc. ' JeQ*rei''Bcomi»oi\woftloraUj t tu liuin- and ono workman was blown to atomsIt was eafd fiuoli a inpEo of bnvding could lior of 200 tried to captnro a B. nnd O. | Cuptnln BronJbont and bis throonut luipticn UIRUVIIOTO, but wlmt will thnso froltjlit train nenr Cotnu'llavlllo, Pa,, but dnuphtcK finved tbo orow ol a Noiwoelansuffemrfl any wlicn thoy U'arutlintftslnillnr woro beaten oft" after a linrd fislit, and 100 Bhlp ihnt WJIB wracked on SantaRosnls-"nish,"clnBW)d by them us "hoggish," oo- ft t lm in arrest od Tliroe boys, soiniDf hind, oft* the Florida coast A lOQg-ourrotl At Uuokinghum piilnoo ut n rucutit Cornelius i'ioce, wero tiurnod to rioatl! in Bhorumon'rt strlko IB threatened In BostonBtatw balll J tholr homo at Sptmcerport. Js*. Y., Iho rost ——Adjutant fictnoml Tarsnoy wan flnod

Good heavens) Bight under royalty's of tho fmnlly osrnplntc with dillicully (050 for centoinpt of courb nt Coloradonoso tho lilghwt Htistocmcy fought llko Flvo persons were drowned by a cloud- I Springs Tlio boiler of a dredging boateo ninny cubs for tho boxus of uanboim burst noar llurwlni), CPIO. Ono boy ] anchored ln tbe river off Phlladoljihliwhich adorned tho supper tot'lo, nnd, if was kllold and throa other children hurt j blow up. Ono man Is misusing, and llvirc]>ort ftays true, Ohplayi.il temper wlion by llio envoin ot a trench ln wMob tlioy { woro eonldcd I t ia sold thutHusala willdoprlvcd cif tho swifts thoy thought to wero playing nt Providence Twenty- Interfere In tho war between Japan andcarry homo. - It euvh fitencs ftS would ills-' lour poiBona Imnrdlng at nbotbl hi I'latts- ] Chlnn If her trade suliars too severelygraco a cako walk tako pliico In tho hailt moiitli, Mo., wuro poisoned by milk tbnt j Cosarlo, tho assassin of Proslilont Carnot,nioude, vttU halt a. ecoruaC loyalists loot- hi«l Iwou dtuuged A plcnlo imrty ol 10 la to bo osocntod ln about t' *•-Ing on, lioRtoir need not fetl very soro pwpla ln a wagon wua struck by llglit-about its own bad amiincra. Tootilo bo- nlnff near Nowport, H. L, and threo par-eomo very hungry nt stnto bnlls nnd club-; BODB fatally hurt Heat drovu Sirs.orato wcddiiigB, and that's all thero Is W»ry Springer of Trontun to commit BUI-about It. A hungry man will ilo anything oldo Nuwimu received of tbo death in

,to npponKO bis hunger.

Tho bousa of commona poBgod tlia avlctcdtennnu Mil liy a %-ote ol aSeveral hundred dratlis from cbolera lnRussia nto reported Frnnala It. Under-wood, UiiittHl States oonsulot Lelth, 6oot-

palueo or a hotel.—Boston Herald.whether lt In in a Sootlnnd of tiuargo InnosB, tlio landscape .' land, and n well known author, d!

untain SI elm CM.

g la a French envntit-who hnj5bcon ln\cstiBi\tSti(| tho causes of mountjuiil k H t k Uvo normal fowls, I

thElokncsH. Ho took Uvo normal fowls, In ; . -default ot wlUlng Ah>lsts, n«J put thorn incomlliiry, wiw frflwl Jundo pu ith adl

, __?r Llchtnlng Btrtiolc a nutnbor ofbuildliiRs In tlio Euburha cif Now York,and ln Brooklyn knocked Bcvoral peoplounuoiiBcIons^—An outrageous attempt,in KL-W T ork city, to burn up n many

ited npnrtniL'nt house, tha work of an' " i York

ind robut thorn incomlliiry,Jnutioa ! wbbor triu.I t

J. L. G. Mownt, librarian of tombrokooallego, Oxford, commlttod inloldo by

of nivjisun comsuotullng to nn tiltUudo o( ' » iowolor In Ma Ucondway eto« Juat a t10,000 feet. Ono of tho fowla was til lowed ' «•""'. *»'* *»»••"* "»* W«B arroatwl It U !totako IUCWHC; tho othur hud t u t u m a ' roportod that fciighttul, Geniiany. Italy ,Bert of squirrel enso. Tho ono tlmt waa <"»! tho United Htiitcs havo ontcrod Into ;esertllig Itself allowed Blgns of sickness, f o" agrooinont to nautrnliza tho treatyWhllo tho Other roiuulncd iinnffectwl. ' P«rU of Clilna and Japan. Thodograda-WhonUio vacuum was Incrtrasnlto a imlnt t'ou of LI Hung Chang bythoempcicorresponding wit Ii baromotrlc pressuro at oauBod crunt Diultumont In China •• (




._ . . . ilth barmetric pi. ...3.D00 fuct, both tho fowls gave out and ro-filgned tbcniselvcs to dlo. Tiio Idle one,liowover, was very shortly rcstoml on bo-Ing rclcnBcd, irhcrcas tho other wonttlirough n protracted nnd uncomfortnbloillwisa. Thn h\ft\punco t» tlmt imimitnlnsickness In ns much tluo to fntlguoniidwear of ttssuo as tu rarity of tliu attuos-plioru, and that If lifts or bnilnona couldbo applied to tho Himalayas, foe lnstnuco,mountaineering would bo deprived of ouoof JU most unpleasant features.—Pall MnUGarctto.

lite Country Editor.

Thoro la no itrnn on enrtb wbodocs morofor tbo community ia v;hWh ho Lives tbsmtho editor of n country nowspapor, Toll-Ing cfdaclcsaly fcam ono year's end to un-othcr, eftcu with inauflldcut hclpnndun-ahlo to becuro assistance, ho manages tolaauo tvgularly Ida weekly paper.

N t i t I jtN ov g u y y p p.itertainuiuiit Ia projected by tho

h h I t l l d t i it

pj ychurch that ho Is not called on to givo ita tree puff. If a citizen dlus, liia columnsnro thrown open for liberal obituaries,while births nnd nwldlnga nr» nil noticedanil arulot cansklcmblo lovigth. 1'or nujrouterprlso of nny kind tho communitylooks JOT booming.

In a thousand ways he helps Ills coun-ty, wid every UsuooC lila i^i|»r ia^vortha RTcat den! to liln community. But ftwpeoplo nppreclnto tlra duties tho country

to got hlspai>crout.s hnrriwnrlclng anil na poorly

—Southern Ulstciwrogo laborer In tho country.

Bored Flowcn.

A Inrgxi number uf fluivcra aro bored, aait Is bclloveO, by bumblebees. .Theyctjl-lcct tho nectar In this way Initcndof en-tering by iho jnouth of tlio flower. Dr. J .SchntOt o! Mount Cnnne.1, Ills., ono of

tho genus bombus, but belong to tliol t t p p u l r l Itnwfl bor-

tho genus bombus, butgenus ijloooptt, populo.rly. Itnoera or carpenter bees, lio hn. . . _ . . . . _ _ Iiu certainlyKen thoBO creatures slitting tho tubenofeloror and bujnbldwesenteringUionicmthIa theuiuAl w»y.—Meobaa'a Moatily.

irio, tho tnurdororof President Cnrnot,vraa found Riillty a:id sentenced to dlo bytho gulllotina by tho nsslzo court at Lyons

Many vossoia nnu crowds ol visitorsbavo arrival] nt Cuwos to wl tnosa tho matchbotweou tho \'lglln\it tmd Uio Btltasnla

~ irnollus lion, tha Panama lobbyist,uUiaccd to imprisonment and fined

In Paris.niontlny, Aug. 0.

Scores of spectator* wore Injured In apanic cauEwl by, n tiro at tho Chicago ballgrounds whom a gaiuo was In progress

Prorossor Alhion \V. Small of thoUniversity of Chicago prod lota groat dls-

For pimples and all otherconditions resulting fromconstipation, go by thebook on Beecham's pills.

Book free; pills 25c. Atdrugstores; or write to B FAllen Co., 365 Canal st, Ne*.Vork.

s a ri-mnJy fur all forma of HeadacheElectric Hiit-ru bai pro^ur) to be lbs vrrybest. It flTfCtn a permanent cure and thetucit tltendod babltual sickhradsohes yl>-ld tolti Influence. We urge all who are «mcU d toprocure a listUe, aod p i v tbta remedy & fo.trItlul. In coaei of hoWtua] constitution El«>trlo Btiwr* cure* by fiUlog the reeded tone

lie bo Tel*, find few cases lvog mis t tl>0ol this medldao. Try It once. Large

bat ilo* m Ir piftr r*nls af tb* Drug Stores ofRobert KHIgorc. Dover: R. P. Oram &. CoFort Dram : sn.t V. N. Jenlilnn, CtMiter.

. Any PsTBon

that ii troubled with c-nnUpat(on can getimmediate ami por man en t relief by using Dr.

>'« Household Tea. Qaa dom a d»y—«tbt>d time-^fi5o- and 60c. package* at RobertKiUxoreV Drug Store, Uyver. . '

C l MA I



MotherssuiTering wiUt weaknos« andemaciation, who give littlenourishment to b&bSes.shouldtako

$L00 BotU<ODOecntad


base irU i i

ts OUGHT Oinaa CURB ptorapuy curtare all otiicra fall. Couch*, Croup, lor*oat, Ilaancnoii, V/liOopinp Coush indm* For ConsutnpUon It &M no tin!;

thousand*,ana will cvnr TOO iiBld pjf D r n l a t s on a guar


uamyouuiiimiy This remedy Urnaran.toodtocuroyou. Frica,Mcta. Injector at*.

Bold by Ruben Elllgora. Dover H. J.


tbo cream or Cod-liver OUand hypophosphltes. It willglvotbem strength and maketheir babies fat. Phj/ticfans,the world over, endorse It.

Don't ba im\nd by Substllutesl

1 ""* $5.00 EachBTen's Furnishings.

Mtu'a OuUug BUIrta, ri-duutrf frur»$t to76 ots

Men's OivtliiR KUlrts, mliued Irutu 81-^ to. .$l>00

»'BOuUngBliirt*i,nxlua-d rn im| l .n t | -

[i*d OiiMnfc- Slilrts, rwlu-vd /ram £1.75

Jk-n'u OnlJtiK tjlilrta, nxlui^d from $i.?0 J'2-00Washiihle Neckwear, mlucixl from S5e. to. . .

la one-Half otsHalf Ho*;, bliiek, value :\>c, now ltki.oruoutlnror 25* OtS.4MI0HU, fwit-iJuck, full ri-cular vuluoita , iiciH w e , or t«o imin t o r " " £ g ^

Ludlt's11 lliilliringii'i Tt*lH, irjiutar $1.00 value

SHOgS,look through my poem

you may poaeibly oon-

olude its the way to ob-

tain value when wanting

anything iu the form of a

good shoe. It ismj^pne

I od at variance with the

first cause of selecting

reliable goods at a price

rightly sung to. their

bonartdo quality.

May 18th, 1894.



777 and 779 Broad Street,' NEWARK, N. J.

A fAUTIOMWhen jou auk for Ballatttine'a Export, U

.are you Bet i t Do not accept auy othe/Heer, because BO roe one MVB Jt la juat to goodA. vmnll B\BM ot tbe genuine Is better than oRallon of ohup Imitation. For tale in allflrat-olasa pldceo and delivered SBywhero Intbe Northern port of tee Btate by




AlfD TH» BCflT

Soda and Mineral WatersOF KVKltY DHOaiPIIOff,






Ijeiut expensive In time and mossy,




Affections of the Stomach and BowelsAi Diarrhosa, pa in in t&B Stomaob or

B w e l i , Orftmpi,01ioleraMortiu*( Dy»-ntarri 6iok Hflad«ohe, I n d l f f t lFlatulence or Wind, Colio

Sea. Bicltne

It la it rduabla Famlly Medlclna,parilculsrlr aer-vIcoftLle to children aad del lea to femafea, rvllovlnsliyniwpslo, Ntrvoua Headache, OlddlutM, Buj>-

Btcrctlona. i c ,

tST8ot<l *t the Stores In Twenty-flvo Cent Sottlet.



Xadies'.Shirt Waists.11H- bulnui*: of our nt.-.-k of WuisU will l« I11A1MB .RRIVK A«D W A K t lrBO«



Buffalo MproM* 6:41 MllteipreM 0;W„.«..,.• ix.in n^iy^r acc^ni. n:io

iiigh'Um moll '

'1*^ IVuilu'uiVil Wnlhts, formerly HOC,ink;, aud Ji,(U — - ^ .

60c. Eaoliof Ladlitt' tittle WOIKIH, lliat mt!;! ul *0


n 1'nutn, rt 'gulnrjl K) valuto! Each.

LINENS.Henmtitcliod Ilnuk Toivulu

.'.'.','.'.*.'.'.'.'.'.'! son'.

"60 ots.

Vaiius iw.

i 'talilil-'Jc. SMa.

,, UOc, 75ct li5«.. iwr yarii.40\;,t 4At!., (Mto. T5o. l*er j'arJ





ux Stcani and JIot Watw livdUire. They aroof wrought boiler iron, have copper iluee

HUdcliilinBUi>uiaritrlDtlierulluiTiii|{l>oriiUi GreatccoDoiny lu Intil: Hliiipllcity of conaEruuUr>D; Noiinius.fJuilblo lnitils; No long Illioa nr liualliig Bur.Tuou Jinicult lo kren clean; Easy to IIIODDCP ; Nocoal to lift to tlm ton of ft largu UUIL'BZIIIO ; Tenect

All kinds of riumlilnc, Tldodnj? nnd Bbwt IranWork aallNfdctarily executed. In stock at all timesmoTia and Hot Air f u m u f l of every ticscrlutloii;IlorUwon-, Culler/, Tin-wanj, Oil Clotltfl, Corpela,etc, LelilKh oiij 8cmoton Oual, Lamps, Paints,OMa' FairGattkt Rcult* And Holt's Rubber Bucket


na unirards.t until wltli-numi E*e-Invtitmeut


A. B. HULL, VIw President.•W. W. OUTLEK. EJ Vies PresltlenLCHARLES P. CUTLER, Treasurer.

PAUL HEVEitE, Becretoy.JOHN n . B. CORIELL, Aeat 6eo. and Aost. Trea«.

Samuel Fn*man,CliarlLtt f. Culler,Wfllnrd W. Cutler,

Patrick FarroUy.A. Ii. Hull,Qualav E. KJssel.

Luther KounUe,lUclianl A. McCurdy,RltvlB Packard.HatnCtoa SIcK.Twombl

G. 0. Frellaghujsen,Paul Ikn-ero.



POvistt. •:- Wew Jersey


|TIE SHEEMiS Ooi lTTIE COIPMY,3 Brick Block, Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.




Tin, Capper and Sheet lionHoofing, Zlno, Sheet Lead,

Lead Hpe, Pumps, &o.



HEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING,.Ladies'and Children's Capes, Jackets and Ready-mado Dresses.

Also the largest stock of

In the Stale. CALL AND SEE US.



Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.BRACKET M S SCROLL SAWINC DONE TO ORDER.

C O A L , f f O i i l B O M B MATERIALl««ji on h»od. G»rln« Utsij oreotci • lwf« Coal Trettle with COVULRD F O O K K I

u i m eipMlt7OfDsabtu)dir4aari, wflo»a«nppIjoiironitoiDer*Titli

CDBY ANH SCREENED COAX.F«rtiw deriring to tundto thtlr owo oool can b a n it Kreaned and loadad without tbaroUug.




t ui New York/foot of Barclay St. (Uld

foot ot Christopher St.

COMBBKCIMO MAY 20lb, 1681.



weco ovoreii




r inxiitoa e»p.* 11:11!r nccoia 11-.SU

p. v.Dover ftccom. 12;4B

•Klmlr* expre»* 1:80E.Btoa mull 2:44Oiweeo eiprtsa* 4:110UQreFttOc-om. 4WUncktil.Uit'u apl.lloifir accora.IluHalu eiitreBs*Dover nccom.Mltkexorosu* B:1UE M ton Aorom. H ;HTUltlc exprew* HA"

n 100510:05

Via. Boonton Brauch.

8:MS^rton'maU Os28Buffalo e«prefls» 10:17Dover espreu 10:58H'beUst'n npl." 11:03

P.M.accom 12:27

Eaaton exprew 2:l»

Pover expre» 6 'ilWoahlDRton epl. C:S7H'Lettatowne«p ?;I8

»m. 8:03ipre^* B-M

•nm. 10:10tptasb* IC;29raJo 1:83



Morris to wi

lOil1I|58 "

1:1 Ii P. I3:16 "4-.S5 "



8il70:29 "

10 B8 "113:27 P . M .2K» "8:53 "5-.WJ "6:25 "7:18 "






At 4:30, e;00, 7:20*, 7:80, 0:00*, 0:C0, l>^0»,

10:10, A U ; 12-.Q0 U. lrf»«, 2JJU* a$Qt i.-J3Vy

4:20*. *:30, 5:10*, fi:80,0:00, 7:30*, 8rfW, &i\0*, .

0-.00*, 11 -.30. . - ' - < • " '

•Via, Boonton Bmncb.


Eait tcard. StoKoni. WMward.

i. U. P. U. P. U. A II. P. H. t. M,T;M 13:00 4:10 Chwiter 10:89 8iO5 B:237:50 13:-8 4:18 Hortoo lOtSU 3:57 0;lfl1.00 Vi-U UW Irosik 10.12 S*2 tt:t3HM 1B;18 4:51 Surcasuona 10:113 3:47 0:08HtQ7 Vi:li2 4 40 E^nvll 0;52 3:43 (5:05813 12:27 *:V, Junction Q:43 2i!t1 <!:00H:lj V2-.S0 5:00 Port OrfttD U:40 2:35 5:57ti;20 ia;S5 b;W , Lover C;85 2:i» 6:53

Tbb tinckb'Ji«Ui*.(. i l i i , r t ^ aSfia a t ¥ortOram «oiDg ea«t At 7:81 A. U ; golog w u t a t72a


<A.uthrnojte coal uued eiclualfely, liuorlogcleaaKnoBs and ootntott.

TUB T1BUC IN SF7KOT Jt7NE 17, 1604.


ForKevr York, Newark and Elia-.abeth, at 6.51, A. K.; 12:09, 3:31,6:54 p. M.

For Philadelphia at 0.61, A M ;1 2 0 9 , 8 : 3 1 , 6 : 5 4 P.M. '

^51?or Long Branch, Ocean Grove,Asbury Park and points on NewYork and Loos Branch Railroad,at 6-.51, A. K.; 8:31 V. M.

For all stations to High Bridgeat 6 51, A, M.; 12^)9, 3 31, 5:04 P. H.

For Lake Ho pat«one at 6:61&3 K. IL; 12:09, 331, 6:B4, 6:49

P. M,

For all stations to Edison at G:51;8:53 A. K 3:31 p. u.

ForEookaw.ay nt 8:15,9:15,11:40A. M.4:16,6:19,7:18P.M.

For Hibernia at 9:16 A. M., 4:1Gr. u.

For Eaeton, Allen town and MauohOhnnk at 6:61, A. IL; 3:81, 5:54,P.M.

Leave New York at 6:00, 9:10A. ».• 1:10,1:30, 4KK) 4:30 P. x.

Iieave Bookaway at 6:42, B;44 A.; 12:00,3:23, 6:45 6:40 p. M P. M.Leave Port Oram at 8:10. 9:10,

11:85 A. K.; 4:10, 6:14, 7:14 ?. M.Leave Hi^h Bridge at 810,10:37

A.M.; 8 : 0 7 , 6 : 1 5 P . M .



Qflti. FMO A|t,

. ot all ob*srr.localisenwlctbeit a t j la*io flneat


J. J. ,


RI ANCE^m Cored Wiltonl iht Knife

E . M A T H E E , M. D. ,Skin, Cancel and Malignant Diseases






lolo) Au't N. Y


omranoiwai i

BAILT, smpl