CFOspace EY Digital Finance Lab Showcases and first impressions

EY widescreen presentation€¦ · 3 Microsoft Surface devices and 16 iPads Light, surround speakers and video cameras Microsoft HoloLens Apple AirPlay ... EY widescreen presentation

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CFOspaceEY Digital Finance Lab

Showcases and first impressions

The CFOspace is a physical,

mental and digital place where,

together with our CFO clients, we

ask better questions and explore

innovative new technologies that

will help them face the challenges

and opportunities of continuous

change, digitization, and disruption

for the finance function.

Imagine a simple screen

transforming into a 360°

audio and video

experience where you

have various data

sources right there at

your fingertips and

innovative finance

scenarios are coming

to life in the most

interactive way.

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“We want to demonstrate

disruptive technologies of

today and tomorrow, and

define, together with our

clients and our professionals,

the right way for your finance

and Global Business Services

(GBS) organization.”

Christian Mertin

Executive Sponsor EY Digital Finance Lab

EY Global Solution Leader

Global Business Services

The CFOspace — the initiator’s idea

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The CFOspace — showcase overview

► The CFOspace is a digital working environment for CFOs’ and their direct reportees, showcasing advanced ways of using today’s technology.

► Showcases provide clients with insights into relevant trends, challenges and innovative technologies for finance and GBS.

► The aim is to present technical solutions by EY professionals (so called showcase owners) to initiate development and simulation of individual solutions, together with our clients in our interactive lab environment.

► Phase one of CFOspace is starting now with seven showcases.

► Outlook: We will expand and add further showcases soon in 2017 and 2018.

Digital Boardroom

Robotic process

automation (RPA)



Business Analytics

Agile Business Finance


Digital Finance



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Showcase: Agile Business Analytics

Showcase owner: Dr. Andreas Reiser

Senior Manager, Advisory

Ernst & Young GmbH


Provides a broad picture of how a modern analytics and reporting

landscape can look like based on various state-of-the-art

business analytics tools along the main business functions

Provides insights into real-time analysis of data by applying

cloud-based business intelligence and analytic tools

This showcase will help you to answer the following questions:

What do modern analytics and reporting landscape look like?

What are the useful business analytic tools, methods and models

to drive my finance organization?

How can these tools be integrated along the main business functions?


“In our workshop for agile business analytics, we take you on an incredible trip

by giving an overview about the analytics tools, methods and models along the

main business functions. After that, we integrate the group environment, such

as the enterprise data warehouse and consolidation solutions, to the business

environment. At the end of the workshop, you will have the full overview about

what kind of analytics tools, such as cloud environment or big data, you can

integrate in to your business.” (Dr. Andreas Reiser)

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Showcase: Agile Business Finance

Showcase owner: Jos Töller

Partner, Advisory

Leader Agile Business Finance, GSA

Ernst & Young GmbH


Experience ways of combining EY’s industry-specific finance experience with

SAP’s IT application to identify relevant topics

for clients

Showcase support provided by SAP S/4 HANA to increase process efficiency

and enable real-time decision-making

Understand possible integration scenarios with related applications

This showcase will help you to answer the following questions:

How can technology help to increase the agility of finance and how can

finance run in a more agile way?

How can new technologies, such as SAP S/4 HANA, real-time consolidation

and process controls, work together and help you to improve your finance


What is your road map to become an agile finance organization?


”Agile Business Finance means for us a finance function that is able to provide

strategic advice, actionable and timely insights. At the same time, it also provides

efficiency in managing finance processes and business risks.” (Jos Töller)

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Showcase: CFO Onboarding

Showcase owner: Dr. Verena Metzger

Manager, Advisory

Ernst & Young GmbH


Discover the evolving role of the CFO — their hopes, fears and legacy

Discuss the initiatives and priorities

Define and evaluate relationships, and assess the first 180

days as CFO

This showcase will help to answer the following questions:

How should the CFO define his or her role in the future?

What characteristics do CFOs need and how will their tasks develop in the


What are the hopes, fears and legacy of the attending CFOs?

What are the strategic priorities and initiatives of the CFOs?

How can the CFO improve the relationship management and what is his or

her road map for the first 180 days in this role?


“In our CFOspace, we provide you a highly interactive and innovative workshop

environment in which you can increase your creativity.

With our broad knowledge and experience we can collaborate with you to define

your roadmap to become a successful CFO.“ (Dr. Verena Metzger)

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Showcase: Digital Finance

Showcase owners: Florian Hess

Senior Manager, Advisory

Ernst & Young GmbH


Co-create your response to the digital revolution, understand

latest trends, and identify areas of focus and actions to futureproof your

finance function

Get an interactive digital readiness evaluation and gap analysis

on process, organization and people readiness

This showcase will help you to answer the following questions:

How does your accounting, controlling and corporate finance organization

look today, tomorrow and in the future?

What are the mandatory prerequisites for your digital finance future, and

which technology, such as predictive analytics and blockchain, can help you

in the future?

What is your strategy to become a digital finance organization?

What are your next steps and the road map to realize the objective of

becoming a digital finance organization?


“The EY Digital Finance showcase provides an outstanding journey exploring

the finance function of tomorrow. We are providing a broad overview about the

future technology impact on the finance function.“ (Helmut Rattenberger)

Helmut Rattenberger

Assistant Director, Advisory

Ernst & Young AG

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Showcase: Global Business Services (GBS)

Showcase owner: Niklas Oldiges

Partner, Advisory

Solution Leader GBS, GSA

Ernst & Young GmbH


Display the relevance of GBS in the market and its development potential

Participate in an interactive dive into GBS operating model, process scope,

latest hot spots, infrastructure must-haves and talent acquisition

Highlight GBS leading practices and trends

This showcase will help you to answer the following questions:

What is the relevance of GBS in the market and which development

potential can you use in your organization?

What are the leading practices and trends of GBS?

What is the most appropriate operating model, design sprint, sourcing

scenario, location strategy or business case topic for your GBS


What does your GBS model look like in the future and how could you set up

end-to-end process architectures?


“What I personally want to achieve with the CFOspace is that my clients walk

out of the session with a totally changed mindset, inspired to innovate and to

collaborate.” (Niklas Oldiges)

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Showcase: Robotic process automation (RPA)

Showcase owner: Martin Weis

Partner, Advisory


Ernst & Young AG


Gain insights into the impact of RPA in your organization today and tomorrow

Get an overview of RPA in the markets and discover major trends

Define and identify the potential of RPA and discuss RPA’s

impact on your future organization

This showcase will help you to answer the following questions:

What is RPA and what are the major trends in the market?

What is the right approach for an RPA project?

What is the impact of RPA in your organization today and tomorrow?

How can RPA help you in the future to reach your

organizational goals?


“With the RPA showcase, the bot really comes to life in front of you. We set up this lab

so that we can make you more familiar with robotics and see for yourself how this

works. We invite you in our CFOspace to convince you of the potential of the

technology and corresponding benefits for your organization.” (Martin Weis)

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Showcase: Digital Boardroom

Showcase owner: Tristan Werner

Partner, Advisory

Ernst & Young GmbH


Explore the Digital Boardroom platform and its collaboration tools to see

how data can be analyzed live

Showcase various functional, sector-specific and cross-functional

perspectives (Performance Improvement Finance, People Advisory

Services Talent and PI Customer) using the Digital Boardroom

Discuss cases and analyze shown data (e.g., balance sheet and KPIs)

This showcase will enable you to answer the following questions:

What is the relevant future and strategy for your company, based on a

specific data analysis?

Which functional and sector-specific perspectives are applicable for your


How can these perspectives affect your company in the future?

What is the specific road map to transform the company into an digital



“EY has developed different cases in the Digital Boardroom on functional (e.g., PI Finance, Tax and Risk) and

sector-specific perspectives (e.g., Media & Entertainment) in order to discuss and analyze the shown data.

Further, the lab provides an opportunity to experiment with live data for the purpose of promoting real-time

decision-making, simulation and visualization.” (Tristan Werner)

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The CFOspace — the collaboration room of the future


The CFOspace specializes on finance and GBS, dedicated to CFOs and their direct reportees.

It provides predefined content showcases and live demonstration of applications possible

for a maximum of 20 persons per session.

It should position EY as a thought leader in imagining and shaping the future of finance.

It builds the physical space to co-innovate with clients following our “think disruptive,

experiment and scale fast” approach.

Technical features

► Hardware features

► Software features

Finance analysis and simulation with SAP

Digital Boardroom

Live voting


Ventuz Virtuali-zation

Skripting, EY intranet

Big data analysis with S/4 HANA

3 Microsoft Surface devices

and 16 iPads

Light, surround

speakers and video cameras

Microsoft HoloLens

Apple AirPlay



with four touchable


Skype and Cisco video conference

More to come

More to come

EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About EY

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and

quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in

economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our

promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better

working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of

Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young

Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.

For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

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This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended

to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your

advisors for specific advice.
