R ochester, New York’s Marie Tomlinson con- sidered herself blessed to be able to stay home and raise three children. And although she was intrigued at the idea of Arbonne’s top-level income, Marie and her husband were initially excited at the idea of just earning extra money. Marie reached that goal — and then things got really interesting! I have built my business over the past seven years while having 3 children, moving from Florida to New York (and several times within the state), and through the many ups and downs that life has brought. When I was introduced to Arbonne (I was only 22!) at a friend’s Presentation, I was excited about the opportunity. Right away I saw the income potential at the top level and said, “That’s where I want to go!” Who wouldn’t, right? However, I was not comfortable meeting people, had no business experience or college degree, and did not know many people as we were new to the area. But once I saw the support and training available, I realized I would not be alone in my business. So my husband and I said “Yes” despite my discomforts, because we saw it as a vehicle to help us pursue what was important to us in life. Showing Our Children What’s Possible Marie Tomlinson Arbonne Independent Consultant, Regional Vice President Marie and Andrew with their children Eden (in front), Layla and Gavin (in back). Marie with her children Eden, Layla and Gavin, and husband Andrew. I am so blessed by all that God has done for us through Arbonne. I stay home with our children, yet make an amazing income working the same hours I did in the beginning. That’s what is unique about this opportu- nity — we can have not only the money, but the time to enjoy it as well! We have surpassed our original goals of making extra money to pay off debt, build savings, and travel. Now we have to keep dreaming and plan- ning bigger! We are gaining more options and are able to design how we want our life to look. Our goal is to demonstrate to our children how to be loving and generous to others with our time, money, and resources. It has not always been easy or glamorous. There are still times I don’t feel like working and things I get nervous doing. I actually lost my District EYE ON ARBONNE REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT “I’m just a normal person who was determined, coachable, and stuck with it. It’s really that simple.”

EYE ON ARBONNE REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Showing Our …...The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of Regional Vice President. The average number

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Page 1: EYE ON ARBONNE REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Showing Our …...The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of Regional Vice President. The average number

Rochester, New York’s Marie Tomlinson con-sidered herself blessed to be able to stay home and raise three children. And although

she was intrigued at the idea of Arbonne’s top-level income, Marie and her husband were initially excited at the idea of just earning extra money. Marie reached that goal — and then things got really interesting!I have built my business over the past seven years while having 3 children, moving from Florida to New York (and several times within the state), and through the many ups and downs that life has brought.

When I was introduced to Arbonne (I was only 22!) at a friend’s Presentation, I was excited about the opportunity. Right away I saw the income potential at the top level and said, “That’s where I want to go!” Who wouldn’t, right? However, I was not comfortable meeting people, had no business experience or college degree, and did not know many people as we were new to the area. But once I saw the support and training available, I realized I would not be alone in my business. So my husband and I said “Yes” despite my discomforts, because we saw it as a vehicle to help us pursue what was important to us in life.

Showing OurChildren

What’s PossibleMarie TomlinsonArbonne Independent Consultant, Regional Vice President

Marie and Andrew with their children Eden (in front), Layla and Gavin (in back).

Marie with her children Eden, Layla and Gavin, and husband Andrew.

I am so blessed by all that God has done for us through Arbonne. I stay home with our children, yet make an amazing income working the same hours I did in the beginning. That’s what is unique about this opportu-nity — we can have not only the money, but the time to enjoy it as well!

We have surpassed our original goals of making extra money to pay off debt, build savings, and travel. Now we have to keep dreaming and plan-ning bigger! We are gaining more options and are able to design how we want our life to look. Our goal is to demonstrate to our children how to be loving and generous to others with our time, money, and resources.

It has not always been easy or glamorous. There are still times I don’t feel like working and things I get nervous doing. I actually lost my District


“I’m just a normal person who was determined, coachable, and stuck with it. It’s really that simple.”

Page 2: EYE ON ARBONNE REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Showing Our …...The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of Regional Vice President. The average number

level twice and my Area once. I realize now that a lot of what held me back was that, although I believed in the success available through Arbonne, I didn’t know if I had what it took to be really successful. It was through Learn and Burn trainings, reading, coaching with my VPs, and lots of prayer that I was able to push through and actually grow my belief and change my mindset. God has used my Arbonne business to grow me in other areas as well, making me a more positive, loving, generous person.

I hope you see that if I can do it, you can do it! I’m just a normal person who was determined, coachable, and stuck with it. It’s really that simple. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. You have to commit and keep going. But if you have the mindset of belief and determination, work our system for success and give it enough time, you too can be successful! I promise you this opportunity is worth it! You can do it — see you at the top!

I want to start by thanking and honoring God. It’s only because of Him blessing our efforts that this has happened.

To my husband Andrew: Thank you for listening, believing in me, and encouraging me. Thank you for living life with me and being present with our family. Thank you for all the dinners, baths, and bedtimes you have done after a full day of work while I was running out the door. I’m loving every minute of life with you and am so excited to continue raising our family together to glorify God.

ENVP Tammy Higginbotham: Thank you for reaching down and getting to know me when I was a struggling DM. Your belief in me helped keep me going more than you know! Thank you for the huge amount of coaching you have provided for my team.

ERVP Maria Williams: Thank you for your support, leadership, and friend-ship to all of us.

ERVP Nancy Seigel: Thank you for the hours and hours of coaching you have poured into me and my team. Your friendship and example inspire us all.

To my Sponsor, EAM Shelly Shiver, for sticking with coaching me for years. It was through watching your success and loving support that I always knew I could do it too. Your leadership and friendship have made a huge impact not only in my business but spiritually as well.

To my good friend, EAM Neyir Urminsky, my first “Ace.” Thank you for taking this journey with me. I have learned so much from you. You are an amazing leader and vision painter. Because of that, you are growing an amazing team!

Thank to AM Gyllian Bell, for your servant’s heart and desire to lead by example. Because of that, your team is exploding! You are an inspiration to us all!

I would love to recognize the District Managers on my team: Anna Dana, Emily Mcgowan, Heidi Aberi, Jessica Barrios, Stephanie Gunn, Joanne Funk, Chrissy Ryder, Jen Pike, Michelle Raeppel, Jami Cook, Carrie Hineline, Ashley Motell and Elaine Friend. You all are in a place where it is crucial to keep working when it’s hard because it will start to grow and take you to the next level if you don’t give up!

To my Consultants: I am so glad you are on our team and I am here to support you all the way to the top. Know that you hold an amazing gift in your hands. With your business you have the ability to pursue what you need in life for you and your family!

Thank you also to my friend Nicole Sloope for introducing me to Arbonne!

Top to Bottom

Marie with her Sponsor, EAM Shelly Shiver. • At GTC 2013. Back Row, L–R: Rachael Grant, DM Anna Dana, DM Jen Pike, Jeremy Pike, EAM Neyir Urminksy, Marie, Sarah Rhinehart and Annie Graham; Front Row, L–R: DM Carrie Hineline, Stephanie Szpila, Holly Lowden, EAM Gyllian Bell, EDM Emily Mcgowan and EDM Stephanie Gunn. • With Marie’s Upline VPs: ENVP Tammy Higginbotham, Marie, ERVP Maria Williams and ERVP Nancy Siegel. • Some of the Tomlinson Region team. L–R: EAM Neyir Urminsky, Amy Shattuck, Samantha Jagoda, Jessica McMillan, DM Chrissy Ryder, DM Michelle Raeppel, DM Jessica Barrios, Marie and husband Andrew in car, AM Gyllian Bell, Shannon Summers, Annie Graham, Andrea Franke, DM Carrie Hineline, Holly Lowden and EDM Joanne Funk.

The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of Regional Vice President. The average number of active Arbonne Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and average compensation is described further in the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS) available at arbonne.com.

The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. The results discussed in this EOA by the featured Arbonne Independent Consultant are not typical and should not be relied upon by prospective or current Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what they should expect to earn. Actual results for each Arbonne Independent Consultant will vary depending upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. Arbonne makes no guarantees regarding income.

JUNE 2014

“The key to your success is your mindset.”