1 eyeShare Studio Integrating with CA Spectrum CONTACT: [email protected]

eyeShare Studio Integrating with CA Spectrum - … About this Document This document describes the eyeShare – CA Spectrum integration components, Module configuration and activities

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eyeShare Studio

Integrating with CA Spectrum

CONTACT: [email protected]


LEGAL NOTICE .................................................................................................................................... 4

ABOUT AYEHU SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES........................................................................................ 5

ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................... 6

REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 7

MODULE OPERATION ......................................................................................................................... 7

INTEGRATION ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................ 7

MODULE INSTALLATION..................................................................................................................... 8

REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 8

INSTALLATION PROCESS – NEW INSTALL ........................................................................................ 8

INSTALLATION PROCESS – UPDATE ............................................................................................... 9

MODULE CREATION AND CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................... 12

DEVICE CREATION .................................................................................................................... 12

MODULE GENERAL SETTINGS ..................................................................................................... 12

SERVER SETTINGS .................................................................................................................... 13

FILTERS .................................................................................................................................. 14

MAPPING ............................................................................................................................... 15

Fields ............................................................................................................................................. 16

Severity .......................................................................................................................................... 17

State .............................................................................................................................................. 19

VARIABLES USAGE ........................................................................................................................... 20

CONDITION ............................................................................................................................. 20

ACTIVITY ................................................................................................................................ 21

ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................ 22

CAS ACKNOWLEDGE ALERT ....................................................................................................... 23

CAS CANCEL MAINTENANCE MODE ........................................................................................... 23

CAS CLEAR ALERT ................................................................................................................... 24

CAS CREATE EVENT ................................................................................................................. 24


CAS GET ALERT ....................................................................................................................... 26

CAS SET MAINTENANCE MODE ................................................................................................. 27

CAS UNACKNOWLEDGE ALERT .................................................................................................. 27

CAS UPDATE ALERT ................................................................................................................. 27

CONFIGURATION FILE ...................................................................................................................... 29

LOG SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................... 29

TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................................................... 31

MODULE IS DOWN ................................................................................................................... 31

TEST CONNECTION FAILURE ....................................................................................................... 31

NEW ALERTS FROM CA SPECTRUM DO NOT CREATE EYESHARE INCIDENT ........................................... 34

ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................................. 35


RECOVERY WORKFLOW ............................................................................................................ 35


Legal Notice

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About Ayehu Software Technologies

Ayehu was founded in 2007 to develop and market innovative solutions for the

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EYESHARE, significantly reduces MTTR by bridging the gap between critical business

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About this Document

This document describes the eyeShare – CA Spectrum integration components,

Module configuration and activities.

The following style conventions are used in this document:

Convention Use

Calibri Regular text

Calibri Bold Names of menus, commands, buttons, and other elements of the

User interface.

Calibri Italic Special terms; the first time they appear.

Notes offering an additional explanation or a hint on how to

overcome a common problem.

Warnings indicating potentially damaging User operations and

explanations on how to avoid them.



Supported Version

The supported version of eyeShare for this integration is Ayehu eyeShare 4.7 (and

above), with a CA Spectrum Module license.

The supported version of CA Spectrum is 9 and above.

User Access

The CA Spectrum eyeShare module user has to be a member of the Operator group.

Server Time

Times and time zones on eyeShare and CA Spectrum servers must be synchronized.

Module Operation

The CA Spectrum Module provides a bidirectional communication channel between

CA Spectrum and eyeShare. Once the Module is defined and available, eyeShare

pulls new submitted alerts and updates, translates them into incidents and displays

them in eyeShare Dashboard. Alerts closed in the CA Spectrum console trigger

incident closure in eyeShare.

Integration Architecture


Module Installation

Execute installation file and follow the installation wizard instructions.


1. One of the following operating systems:

Windows 2008 Server 64-bit

Windows 2012 Server 64-bit

2. Software: .Net Framework 3.5.1 and 4.5.1 installed.

3. The user running the installation should be an Administrator of the target host.

Installation Process – New Install

1. Run the eyeShare installer.

2. In the Setup Type step select Custom and click Next.

3. Expand Integration Packs branch and select This feature will be installed on local hard drive for for eyeShare CA Spectrum Server. Then click Next.


4. Continue the installation as described in the Installation Guide.

Installation Process – Update

For instances already running eyeShare 4.5 and above, proceed with the following steps to add the CA Spectrum integration module:

1. Execute eyeShare.exe, and click Next.

To run the installer as the Administrator, right click the executable and select

“Run as administrator”


2. Choose Modify and click Next.

3. Expand Integration Packs branch and select This feature will be installed on local hard drive for eyeShare CA Spectrum Server. Then click Next.


4. click Install.

5. A success notice will appear at the end of the installation process.


Module Creation and Configuration

Device Creation

1. In eyeShare Studio, access Incident Management Devices, and click New.

2. Set the CA Spectrum server name and IP Address.

The device’s name must be available within the DNS or include the IP Address.

3. Click OK.

Module General Settings

1. In eyeShare Studio, access Configuration Modules, and click New.

2. In the Module Selection window, select CA Spectrum.

3. Configure the Module’s general settings:


In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the new Module (e.g., "CA

Spectrum Module").

In the Description field, enter a description of the new Module.

From the Device field, select the Device on which the Module is installed.

This is the device on which the “eyeShare CA Spectrum Server” service is

installed and not the device where the actual CA Spectrum is installed.

In the Port field, enter the port through which the CA Spectrum Module


From the Monitor field, select the Module's monitoring option: select “Yes” if

you wish eyeShare Server to monitor the Module’s availability.

Click Configuration.

Server Settings

To configure the server settings of the CA Spectrum Module:

In the Device field, select the CA Spectrum device.


In the User Name field, enter a CA Spectrum user that is a member of

the Operator group.

In the Password field, enter the password of the selected user.Click

Test Connection. If the connection was tested successfully, proceed to

the next step. Otherwise, refer to the Troubleshooting section and

search for your error.


In the Filters window you may determine which alerts are forwarded from CA

Spectrum to the eyeShare server. You can create several filters, each containing a

number of conditions. The operator between two filters is “Or” and the operator

within a filter is “And”. To get all alerts of a specific project do not create any filters.

Click Add to add a new filter and new filter categories, and then click Update:



In the Mapping window you may translate CA Spectrum properties into eyeShare

variables and objects. The window is divided into three sections: Fields, Severity, and



The following checkboxes are located at the bottom of the Mapping window:

When checked, every time an alert is updated the rule base is checked to find a

matching rule.

When checked, incoming alerts are processed but an eyeShare incident is not


In case of a tag that holds a condition that matches the message properties,

the mapping window is ignored.

CA Spectrum attributes are imported to eyeShare using the file

CaSpectrumAttributesSettings.xml. To add/remove attributes or change their values

edit the file and restart the eyeShare CA Spectrum Server service.


In this section you can translate CA Spectrum properties into eyeShare variables.

Click Optional Properties to add eyeShare properties to the list, or to remove them

from it.



In this section you can translate CA Spectrum severities into eyeShare severities.

There are two options for severity selection:

Static Severity: all alerts open an eyeShare incident with the selected static severity.


Customized Severity: alerts open an eyeShare incident according to the selected

values. The possible fields in this category are all fields which are of list type (drop

down list/radio buttons).

An eyeShare severity can be mapped into several CA Spectrum severities. For

example, if you wish all Critical and Major CA Spectrum alerts to be opened as

Critical incidents in eyeShare, type in “Critical,Major” in the CA Spectrum Severity



The manually typed in values must be valid (and must exist in the drop down

list). The values are case sensitive.


In this section you can translate CA Spectrum states into eyeShare states. There are

two options for state selection:

Static State: all alerts open an eyeShare incident with the selected static state.

Customized State: alerts open an eyeShare incident according to the selected values.

The possible fields in this category are all fields which are of list type (drop down

list/radio buttons).


Variables usage

When the CA Spectrum Module is available, related variables are discovered in

eyeShare and can be used to define conditions or used by any activity.

In eyeShare, the names of “State” and “Severity” CA Spectrum variables are

“_State” and “_Severity”.


To use CA Spectrum variables in a condition, in the condition window select the

Variables radio button, and then select the CA Spectrum Module’s name from the

list. All imported CA Spectrum variables will then appear in the Standard Object Type




To use CA Spectrum variables in an activity, click the Add Variable button ( ) in

the activity (or, alternatively, press Alt+V). From the Type field select the CA

Spectrum Module’s name from the list.

All imported CA Spectrum variables will then appear in the Name list:



To use the CA Spectrum activities, open the Workflow designer window from

eyeShare Studio, and expand the CA Spectrum category from the toolbox. Then drag

the relevant activity to the designer area.

To learn more about the eyeShare Workflow designer please refer to the eyeShare

Workflow User Guide.


CAS Acknowledge Alert

This activity acknowledges an existing alert in the CA Spectrum console.

Output: Success/Failure.

CAS Cancel Maintenance Mode

This activity cancels the maintenance mode of a CA Spectrum model.

Output: Success/Failure.


CAS Clear Alert

This activity clears an existing alert from CA Spectrum.

Output: Success/Failure.

CAS Create Event

This activity creates a new event in CA Spectrum (note, this is an Event and not an

Alert). Click Add/Remove to add/remove properties to the selected event. Only

String type properties are supported by the CA Spectrum API.

Output: Success/Failure.



CAS Get Alert

This activity gets a list of CA Spectrum alerts according to the selected criteria.

Click Add to add filters to the list, and click Edit to modify the existing filters.

Filters are applied (by the activity) to alerts which contain values in the

specified field.

Not all string type fields are filtered by the CA Spectrum API.

Output: a result set of all matching alerts.


CAS Set Maintenance Mode

This activity puts the CA Spectrum model in maintenance mode.

Output: Success/Failure.

CAS Unacknowledge Alert

This activity unacknowledges an alarm in the CA Spectrum console.

Output: Success/Failure.

CAS Update Alert

This activity updates an existing alert in CA Spectrum. Click Optional Properties to

add/remove fields.


Output: Success/Failure.


Configuration File

The following settings are available within the eyeShare CA Spectrum module configuration file - eyeShare CA Spectrum Server.exe.config, located in the directory of the eyeShare CA Spectrum Module executable, assigned to the Windows service eyeShare CA Spectrum Server.

{eyeShare Install Directory}\eyeShare CA Spectrum Server

The Default location is C:\Program Files\eyeShare\eyeShare CA Spectrum Server\eyeShare CA Spectrum Server.exe.config

In order for updates to take effect, restart the Module’s Windows Service.

Log Settings

The following setting define the eyeShare Module logging:

<add key="LogLevel" value="1"/>

Default: value="1"

Defines the level of details captured and written to the module log file:

1 – Critical errors are written to the log file

2 - Critical and warning errors are written to the log file

3 – All log levels are written to the log file

<add key="LogsDirectory" value=""/>

Default: value=""

Defines the log file path. The default path is the one set during the installation.

<add key="LogFileName" value=""/>

Default: value=""

Defines the log file name. The default name is “eyeShare_CA Spectrum Server_DDMMYYYY.log”. For example: eyeShare CA Spectrum Server_17092015.log

<add key="LoggingDateFormat" value="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"/>

Default: value="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"

Defines the date and time format written to log file entries.

<add key="LogNumberOfDaysToPreserve" value="14"/>

Default: value="14"

Defines the number of days log files are kept prior to auto deletion.


Other Settings

<add key="ArchiveTTL" value="14"/>

Default: value = “14”

Defines the number of days an alert ID is kept in the module’s memory

waiting for clearance. Alerts that are cleared in CA Spectrum after waiting

more than the specified number of days will not be closed in eyeShare.

Maximum value for this key is “60”.

<add key="RepeatCount" value="-1"/>

Default: value = “-1”

Sets the number of duplicated alerts that the CA Spectrum Module pulls.

When set to “-1” the module pulls an unlimited number of duplicated alerts.

Each repeated alert is translated into an incident instance in eyeShare. When

set to any number greater than “0” the module pulls duplicated alerts

according to the specified number. For example, if the parameter is set to “5”

the module pulls the first alert and the following 5 duplicated alert. If

multiple identical alerts are generated between the pulling intervals only one

alert is pulled and one new incident instance is created in eyeShare.

<add key="QueueDelay" value="1000"/>

Default: value = “1000” (milliseconds)

Sets the eyeShare Server pulling interval from the module’s alert queue.

<add key="DisregardRecovery" value="False"/>

Default: value = “False”

Determines whether or not recovery alerts are ignored by the module.

<add key="UseHttps" value="False"/>

Default: value = “False”

Determines whether the module communicated with CA Spectrum using HTTPS.



Module is down

If the Module is down, open the Configuration window and click Test Connection.

If the test is successful - verify your license contains the “CA Spectrum” in the

Modules section.

If the test fails - continue troubleshooting according to the next section.

Test Connection failure

1. Error: “Could not connect to net.tcp://ServerName: 11046./ The connection

attempt lasted for a time span…” ( “ServerName” represents the device you

have listed in the General Settings window).

Explication and/or Solution: CA Spectrum Module is not installed on

“ServerName”, or service “eyeShare CA Spectrum Server” is not running. If

the specified server is incorrect then select the correct server where the

component is installed. If the server name is correct then start the service (or

restart it if it is already started). If the service does not exist install it on the

selected server.


2. Error: “Unable to connect to the remote server”.

Explication and/or Solution: Either the device selection or port configuration

in the Server Settings window is incorrect.


3. Error: “The server committed a protocol violation”

Explication and/or Solution: The port that was set does not match the

protocol selection as it’s configured in the module’s configuration file key

“UseHttps”. If you plan to use HTTPS port make sure that “UseHttps” is set to

True and restart the “eyeShare CA Spectrum Server” service after editing the



4. Error: “Invalid user name or password”

Explication and/or Solution: Check that the user name and password you

have provided are valid and have sufficient permissions to login to CA


New alerts from CA Spectrum do not create eyeShare incident

If new events are created in the eyeShare Active Log window, but new incidents are

not created in eyeShare Dashboard:

1. Verify all CA Spectrum fields required for the mapping (module Configuration

Mapping window) are sent with data from CA Spectrum, and are not sent

empty (you may verify that by opening the CA Spectrum log [C:\Program Files

(x86)\eyeShare\eyeShare CA Spectrum Server\Logs] and searching for the

incoming messages.



1. Error: an Activity displays the error “Unable to communicate with CA

Spectrum Module”.

Explication and/or Solution: CA Spectrum Module is in status Down, check

troubleshooting step “Module is down”.


Recovery Workflow

If you want to trigger a Workflow when an alert is acknowledged, select the relevant

option from the following list and perform the following steps:

The closed alert complies with the original alert’s condition:

1. In eyeShare Studio, go to Rules, and open the relevant rule.

2. Add a recovery workflow to the row of the original condition.

For example: if the condition to execute a Workflow when getting an alert is

“_Severity = Critical”, the Workflow in the Workflow field is executed when

the alert is opened, and the Workflow in the Recovery Workflow field is

executed when the alert is closed.

The closed alert does not comply with the original alert’s condition:

1. In eyeShare Studio, go to Rules, and open the relevant rule.

2. Create a new condition that complies with the closed alert.


3. Add a recovery workflow to the new condition.

For Example: if the condition to execute a Workflow when getting an alert is

“Acknowledged = False”, the Workflow in the Workflow field is executed

when the alert is opened; however, closed alerts that are also acknowledged

do not comply with this condition. In this case, add another condition -

“Acknowledged = True” and add a recovery Workflow to be executed when

the alert is closed.