ESTABLISHED May PLAIX^IElf), X. J.. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 1^87 j ||PRICE, TWO CENT|SW THE DAILY PRESS or Tat WEEKLY *Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT DVT— Bf ifniYs ASI> HOLIDAYS—AT! KOCH nmuoj; hE.VT TH*or<lH ATlS.tM A VKAK, 10 CETDJ A U AJT OOHBTm-TIoX •xcErrixii. O'CLOCK IS TBS Pan UVEBEIl BT TH£ . orrioi CA BBIRB AT SIXMJS COPIES, a cxsnp. 1>K- ,tt » DEVOTKU. IfJCAI.Uf. TO THE ISTlRlWt* Of , Tmz c m r or lLAixnti.i>, ITS BITBTRM AJCD mi NEIOUKQIUiti T0WK8; ASD. PuUTIcj\f.I.T. TO THE ADVASC KKEST OF THE P I B n F I - W or TH* DEXOttKAnc PABTT—"THE j GOOD TO Till O BCATmr 00BJUBFOXM.NCI HOMCITEU OX PTBLIc: r* orariuucc ajn> Hoxnrr ALL MATTtBSOr BIT PtBLISHED OXLY «t HJDf THE SAKE or TBE WHITE*. AM EXDOHSIXO THE ijltrTH H4TEST or THE OOJUUSICVTIOX. ADrnTUlSo TK>» AT Tflia! BABES TOW, CABtMt WtC. IXSEBTEI* MADE ESOW» OS APM.ICA- orncs. NOTICE* or cararn FAIBH, SOCIABLES, : La:- THASKS. LODOE KC4UL0TlO!t». FBEE. r. L. A5D A. PBOrKIETOBB. J. A. PEXABXRJ B" TH i: WAY. —The "Jolly walk for July <i —Fire crack<ream latore have ma 1e tlu graduates will to-morrow mor Ding. —The, usual irch, unt gregational evening, on building. —John Mills .Lynch yestirdiy fo Bned, two dollirs b; thi* morning. ATnjltsf Th* High School Commencement. The following is the complete order of exercises in Music Hall, to-morrow ev.-n- : ing. upon tli'- iKvaxloti of the Se\ien?.->iith Annual Conlmeniemeirt ».f the linintl. Id High 8choo|. The programme wjjl t>egiii at 7 :4't o'el.tek. andevery memo.-!* of the graduating class will! take jwrfc The motto of the Class of 'ijTjis a g<>o<j| "iie in the way of mottoes, hilt rather inaccurate In the way <»f the Worljl. It is Great Is Lightly Won.J' The , be by C'api««'s 7th Keg"t or.-hestra( URDEU OK EjEUlISES. PARTICUI MENTION. will JC.ir.hJ, .i|Lrrtni I . HrxjrxA Ei AntrWA ! To ICE, - PUBLISHES* AJCD TW<I th. Th«' Carnival;<>f the S.1". t|..u, Eriulni. our ruku..vu Voridllan Ft*: Three Picture* , J.... ).;.,... .LrrlA ; S. Woou. The Passing Our Waltz.. X ultana (D.tn XAXAOISO EDTtoa. arc arranging a cake Confectionery a tores. | —The Anal n hears al of the High 8»ih<i Jike ]>lac<- in Mu»>ic Hall >rayei nu-etlng at Ui« will be omitted, thlH >f the cleaiiingtif the v y I. a si ounty other Hngi-r ttiutl- r appearance in the wait arrexU-cl b y p nicer bfing drunk, was Qty Judge Ulricii : month's pris. Jail was y Board of the Horn pardoned by th Oeii. (ireen —Work wa«l new bridge of lhe Baltimore and Ohio time and they did not go away dl«»a.j.point- Bailroad cotnpi iny across Htateu Inland , ,*i. A programme which was pui.li»r>. d Bound at EllzaUpthpoit. jjf j in y.-atenlay'* PUEM*. was carrie<l j<uil to —A.base bull inaU:l fa* being arrarigrd j the letter, and provwl the best thei<Tiori»- for next Satunlay aft* moon f>n the Park I ters have ev«-n given. The orchestra eon- avenue ground*, between the "Crescents" j si*>tim< of twelve pie<-es leil l.y Pn»|. Bar- Hymtx.ln,. The raiuily of Jojfn W. Murray, will i.jave th-lr t'ent^al avenue re*ld' early in Juljy. f.>r| a Sui:iii..-r at I»o* Shore, L. I. j . 1 : Mr. N. V. W.>M!I-U|. the propri-t-.r o | th.-Cil.-man H"us" |t Anbury Park. :vll| tender hi.- guests th| flr^t hop of th- - a - soti. this ev«'iilng. | Mrs. Van Ar-ial«-.| Mrs. Herring. M :-•»• and JIi--"|oriiliusoii ar>> .-x|.. ,-t-~ 1 lumie fr.kni th|ir trip! to — •— ami • injtv. this evening. The Anbury Parf Daity Prr-m -ays \ C. .f \ on- ot !•:•••, n^'l Hall." ,. WALTEB jj MooKF- .AIlRIE M|(WIL.«OX .. HUT .F»AS« i. HAhhAUK . ELEAXOB l Bt irr JBEV. W. IL U>rBlMkF<4?»M...B^-nli«rc. PHE8ESTAT1OS OF For IVnman«>ilF t>jr Mn. J. Kirtn.r. "Mrs. Dr. \ Puiiflflel.l's 111. <>ffi<-er M'"Cue ba4 l«'eli coillln.; 1 home on West Fouri|i street fn.m ai; . tack ofrh«iu:iiatiMn,fi and Sj <•< ial O Mattox is detail.-d tijjact in hii- place. All ^he entries forfthe Plainfleld t" at K«4-'vill«'. July 4|h. are not y.-t '. ceive<|. but, eo far. jMr. Daniel Adu s^t-niw to be the favojHte for winner. i Mrs. S.A.(ri»inaeii£-rtain«-d tl:.- tcacli of the Bethel Mi--i"(J at her Ce-id.-nee Broadway, last ••veijii^. Mr. <»iima. v i* a f.iriuerlCouiiciliajjtn. is the .-n-ator Last Night's Shows*. : During last night another hisrivy Hhower itmed over the city, to tlio North, i ^ itje-ompanied by several loud c)ap» of thunder. An immense volume; of! water fell, and for a time some of the jstreeM •Sere entirely submerged. Th* fffw pe- •fcstrians who were obliged U> bo out when the storm bad subsided, f.iund it viury difficult to pass under the rkilroad liridges. Near Sew Brooklyn a telephone |K>1>- ou tbe main line butwuen; this city and New Brunswick, was shattenHl into kindling vootl. A milkui&n, who Kwides BWar New Brooklyn brought to tonjn this Baorning a "s|ilulU'r" from tbe pole which Measured about three feet in Itn^ii, several inches in cbrcumfcrenc.% Wy the great.-»t damage done wns that eustain4-d by the tele i; it~j pany. Bat one wire was in working order !••• "C^tBis morning wbpreby telephone connec- Uoiis could be had «ith tlie oulside jworld. ,'4. Oi the many connections. the Company h*s with the large cities the only \tjire in Use was the one connecting PlairiflcljJ with Jersey City, and that only as far as Eliza- beth. The night operator at the Central dJl<-e says that during h> wliote tjiperi- by Prc-ba- F For Mathematlox IfaH. c. H. F<.rC. 8. History [...\..'.Jir. 1. W. V i u o v . For Engll-h Oi^\--mllt''n.< MB. J KIBKMII F.irH|«Hllll|t i..MB. i. F«r Lanjrua«»- (Latin) Ha. E. R. con- In Orertur^. -.KNPI aail IN-asanl PBESEXTATIONOF PBEHE3TATIO3I OT IHPUOfAN To TKA1S1JC*. CLA>» Mailed for Eur..|»- On$h>- •City at the High S«-liool,| this morning. .-njoy.wl the vi«-al re|iev. l.y the win'i of their s<miss of t$.- t.-rin ju.-t el<.s: Mr. Miller k-ad. and * Mi-s La ira li'i Ibeiu. 8 the Mist-eil M.-'.tee. Mi.-s Pot city, v .f Koii. and Mi-» Titi»w«.rthJ of Addnm t-> tluiOra.luau-«. Flrnt Awt. 8ti|.t , thi" morning, then- •*! alM> aiuoni: i!i#- ness-d. The telephone 'fflce was! filled wllh smoke, and the b.;lls kept lip ^t|JDual ringing wbich wa*i talm from the nxifs of dwelling anjd de- posited in tne HiimryanU. A pprtijtu of tjtr chimney nn Frank C. Green's residence On West Fourth Btn-et was Mown clown, t|iK- bricks falling with a crash. Aflew of tjjie District Telegraph wires I were grounded this meaning, but no serious lu- was occasioned thereby.: Last ,'s storm Is conceded to be the se- if X.V. ... Sail- >ual ilr» ! FaMivsI at WarrMt Mictkm. , The oloriKter'x fe«tiVMl at t,h»f SVarr»-n Million la*t ev<>nli(g. prov<-<l a r<u<t<j>->»* in pvorj' wny. Tli4- atten<lan<-e WMSI larn- andevenixKty prewnt »how.-d by their •laughter of the Bev|l>. Bry«'i- .rfttteM. E. <|iur.h. Mi- the for li.-r hoiur in Holy}>ke. M.i- foriii.il : "" f 5 *j»rest that has visited this section of' far r- 1 Ml»« Minnie L. 7|ioniai<. a t«-a<,-h-i inf, ie North FUinOeM |Publi<- S.l!.»,l. !• ft y«—t- 1 lay. Alotit a <l<.z^n Mfholarx aeo>.nipani<-4 eimntenanee that th'-)' had •<>ni<- turn K' time tlfteen of i r to the d- jiHHsage fill I her ««Ki—1« fd by and anine j the "oiliest Inhabitant" ball player; —The case o!f Prof. Dennstwdt rn. Hopkins, bite propri-tor <-f tho #ark House, came UP on t fipeal at Elizabeth this,n>orning, ai d o/te r the case wan partly heard, the matt -rwa>| a<ljourne«l overi un- til next-week —Last night'i atteu lance at the Duiihiim 1 —This oaic-rs Judge Wadewjurth U>w of Itound Brook, nudiT'->J <-x(ill. nt d to when triiin. and all on her journey. | Mr. <>«•«.rg«- Kirkn<+ returj»-d froii. Paul. MiUII-. his plAfHK of bllrtll.-^s, UZl.-Xv pceti-flly to Ids fnrfllly. yeMenlay. thus gave his father 4 decldetlly agre»-a''in Eark i«4- by way of i-i-|ebraling tlie latl.-i *: . and tniu-h credit 1M due theto and their leader. The vocal musi>- gii^-n l»y the Cliori*t<trH waw Hst»-iH-<l t<> aiutj much appre<-iatc<l by the audU-no*. I^|.e<-Lnl mention Inmade of the m\t»- n-rxfria-i^l by MetMrH. M. M. Dunham, C. H. Farlt-y and William Kankin. all of whi.,-h w.rcj thor- oughly enjoyed. O>nn(-Jlnian D<inha.ni at Chorister s festl val w^s a large' one, : but | .... . , . , ... ., . . ™., _L : a n d their asM«Uint»* were ready for busi- to-uights will^[• larger. The programme _ . • ' * .. i of music was tl troughly enjoyefl, and an entire change if'I-Lhi4evenliiRi«|>ubli!4hed' . . . . . . ... » r : other delicacies, and the wait on our next paj-. \> , || ^ ^ <y ^ f —TheKewV»rk Worid Is <-atchlu^up on IU Pluiutieidi news. It was Weeks ; be- lt copied THE PKEMT ' lious skeepc-r," but ivrconnt it of up our points o tbe Xutbcrwocd chfpei discord, within three dayn. | ] of tbe Grand Omric'il. Kiiyal Ar aniiiu of the StuU-, will >'onip!i- mient FirebiJeiC >un«-il of WwtUield With an official visit;' to-morrow ev>niBg.: A hoarty invitaU«»i is extended tic Pla|n- fleld Council U> <e present. ; —Tbe membe v of tbe Plain Scld"&>.- form club will givA aii e^cuisl<>n to Eo< k»way Eeoi h oit- August ' t h . Tb<* trip wiil include a forty mile s|Ul. Full particular-) as 11 time of starting. «U.. will be odvertlw d in th*-*- columns. i ,—Briefs were submitted l>efonj the !low Jersey State Coi rt of Errors and Appeals at Trenton yesti rday in the canf- of the Mayor and Cou icil of the Borough! iof will pn»bably be enmlled. The Kt>rtli Piainfl.-1( r*. Tunis 3. Carey court reaep'ed 1 s decision. —Keports frdl i all parts of snow that thetn is a fenrftil mf>rtali|ty' iinion.; fliickeni. In parts of Warren. Hunttrdon. Unim, Mercer and Burlington counties chickei s are dying off dally «<ti account of the j< kraoitic worm known gave oflli-fal notice that the i-lr aw. ness. The evening proved an exi-.-ll.-nt and kept thfjir cus- tomers. An entire change in thi' pr.» gramme is published for tills evening, and a large audience will in all probability be e n c with electricity laet ni^bt'n Wat- tbe mi»t ei'vere be has «ver storm wit- is season. Many person* who are l|i the of sleeping while a thunder strtrm is Iti progress, were awakened but ijight, gD'\ many were thoroughly excited!. A nbtable fa<rt is that for about a Week past, with the exception of a single nignt, a tilbower, most neverc in its nature., has fjlfcited thU place between the bouB« of Mti and two, each night. j binee the a>x>vn was written It ban lMx:n ai»--ertalried thai the damage done is _ wan at first reported. The (Jwelling h..os* •>( Juwtice V. W. Maa«, on COMMENCEMENT AT RODMAN SEMINARY. Interesting; Ex«rciie*-The Ust of Prizes and an Addrw* by Dean Rodman. The first annual;i-<.miii«Ti<-.-imnt of the Rodman Heminaryiook plaee la.-t evening. All day yueterday |h.- cl.ixing w.-iif* were enacted about tli.^!iuiiiuiy imilding 011 Eatrt Fifth street a|id la>t night the par- ents of the scholar^ and friends of the »«hool gathen>il th^ire in large nurnl>cri4 to listen to tho deling of ert*i\> and the rendition of a i^uSrfully prepared pn»- grammearranged ^y th- priucipal. Mrs. K. C. Dlnge-, wl|>s.! able awsihtant in Mli» FKunince Ku>ten.-*. The parlors in wbich U10 graduating cxcrciwM t<>ok place, presentud a pleasing-appearance. On the mantles an<l at (-• iiv.iii.nt joints aUiiit the roomi tli'i'- W^K a profuse display of fragrant flower*. ; Every one wenied 1 brimful of pleasure and th<? dvciit panned off pleasantly, notwithstanding the inLeiiw heat. The programme w.-is tak.-n up shortly after eight! o'clock and was as follows: i % TtLr 1>TU~ Aunt. MI»M Maltby. MI8lU Asm Jemima. - -•*. Mm. Uu^U.- ..." I Mary -1 5 Mr UuMtlti i Fnxl .... ;. i ;. K<^!t tat Ion. Th« Threr Suurlw- Mi Th«» Hnin Little ..May IbKlman. ..Fro.1. u. Hmltli. 1. Lluii Exinall Mary E. Collier ,JeHMl^ Hancbctt near Put man avenue, ; was 4$ruck by lightning and afbout tw«lvd f'-et «f the weatlier-UXirdiugili the rear of Uie ;t|jlilding was torn iofT and carried Some blrthflay, and fie can jbe pn—'-ilt with past (jra.hiatus at th? Couiin'Mieement Musi. Hall to-inorroiir evening. | ^Mtanee. The sln'e roofing was shatttemd Mr A. P. Wright .L.j-nr-d l-J-.re •!,.•: 4'' ""* tluirA "* r ' 1 * wintered. After Citizens A*H-tatU.n£ of W.-Ufl.-ld. b,,t 4«"'ki"K the house the bi.lt appeared U evenin,,. anddeliver-^ a v.-ry .nte r e ri ti: : * 1 ?!» v< " matl " » i um f " f "" me * ***• "« aln and ,n.~t Instm.^i^- -t«t,-ment of , !lrt . ^ k i n g the structure, and slivering;two pr.-lu. tion, use. sent.,-and e.-onomy of|^'«- Betw^u UL, weather-Umrdn and eieAric Sighting by 4 andesernee. I:.,I: W' "he«thing wa* a cMiling of heavy pa- to th.«e pTOi-^nt who w.-ie best ai-iuaiM.-i .# r - * >n »" " fwhlf * waa mn " d through with Mr. Wright. hisihor-UKh k n o w l - i ^ r rnuk » '" tjOard ^ In 1>nr - " f ih( -, f th* ~i «•• «1 igri * f ill*" trn'i r I UJ»;NT ri^onis wtui a wire ninl cftg* 1 , and and fl,:en'-vf.f -i~«A "were unesw-ct-l'lMi" *a»twb,t*.l an.l bent into an in.xjtric- ' ' mass. Mr. Nash wivs his- family •r" uwake at the time, (jut did not kjnt.w A Demand for Building Lotk. it has t«<-ome, known that f new nianufm-turing industry is alx.ut tojI.H-ate In thi-> city the demand for building lots In the neighborhood of Grant avenue is something unprecedented in the history of tb>- city. Sui.-e Thursday last tbe Cen- tral Xcw Jeir«-y Laud Improvement com- pany through Its agent, William C. Ayers, has nold Ui the vicinity of the Grant •ve- nue station about (6,1100 worth of |ir .pnr- ty, all of which was purchased byTTain- flcld parties. The remainder of the prop- erty belonging U> Ui-> e«»mpany, about twenty ncr.-v In all. will lie cut up in lots ranging from fifty to three hundred feet fn-utage. to suit the purchaser. ; Mr. Ayere Informs that th.: company has made no advance in the price of land and probably will not. He says that Mr: John R. Moiire, treasurer uif tlie Land Impn>ve- ment company is exjxfcted to conic up U*- nmrrow and locate a number of cottap « The l.H-.ition of these buildings. he;w»ys. would have been made before, but the plans were not completed. ley f'f sjH-»ip. were lineX]Mt't Mrs. Mar}) SiUirk.|wid..w of the iu:.t Charl..-s M. tfilli.-k. wl|.. u-itil witiiin a f -. months a^oI wa.~ a ib—ident-of C"i;. j Place, thi- ejtv, but Utterly of Br.«.k:.v: died at her horn.- in tfeat . ity on M"nd.i\ The remain^ will u- tjjh.ught to Plainti.'i. ;h. ho'ise had b>-eii -tru. k until this m«.ruing. He says he thought a tnN>in tb<- neighboring strip of w.HKlUuid was ol.j.-ct struck. St. "Mary'rt B<wan , at the forner of Sixth the Presbyterian e.-ni|tery. The husljnn<i of the deceased died Jin North PlainfieUi on Jan. 2"tll. ISJO. nii^j a daughter. Louise^ di.nl <>n Mav 21st. lH*fe. —At the meotlhg of the Military pany iu The Ce-sc.-nt. bist evening,- a number of apptii atiu (.a-scd their exanil- nation and some new name.s nerc posi-d. .Sixt. ••« ire now waiting for -uii- mittauce. and t>\ the first of next ni<i*ith ut least oii.«-na!f the necossary |uuuiA»cr M —Sineothe pioject 0/ e«tabli»liini} a «f »uch asseiubl.-d. Among those present public librarj- a*n I fre« teading rjoomjat j-^^g Mn?. Judge Koome. aged H3 yearf, Scotoh Plains vfi s lirst inaugurated, it is j mother of Mrs. H-gcman ; als<., Knv. and said, a friend <^f| th«- cause has donated i Mrs. D. J. Yerkes, Eov. an«i Mrs. jU\ E. $100 cash and <lt ler smaller contributions arc pouring in. 1 It is proposed, to lovjate Is to be given at Street, will !«• fo Mr. V.M.rhwJ an1 Mr. Isltell:-. .is alieu-lv iu j | ! Reception to the New PastdV- ; The reception tendered the Kivtj Cor- ; nelius Schenck. by Mr. and Mrs. 3B. A. * Hegeman at their residence on Willow av- enue, lost evening, was a brilliant |iffair. The commodious house was thrown- open to the congregation and friends of Trinity Ibfformed church, and a large gatheriiiK the rooms in Es< elsior Hall. —Through a typographical error, Mr. Hawthorne's lee .uro on "WriUng Novels," in some plkv •es, announced for the evening of Tuee lay, June 23d, Instead of Thursday. Ti'.ket. for Ulio lecture which Seminary Kail, Fevejitih Honeyman, Bev. C. L. GoodrichJ Rex. AM B. Dilts, Bev. J. B. VanMctcjr and the Bev.iMr. Koechli. Tho occasion over- came all (restraint, andeveryl»ody mjlngled sociably (together. The supper Was by Comptonj the Front street caterer^ Tlie ushers wj-re ull incmbera of the Young People's Stx;lety of Christian Endeavor, nd included Messrs. Samuel J. Jloon-, List OotrtDleted. The full ^oin|.|etij«9it of public schoo; U-achers fr»ti the c<i|iiing b'rra is n< fixed upon.j After ijhe r»?-apjM»intnients; had been made and' pubii*he<i in TH: PKE«, f«urj vacancUfr- p-niain.-d Twn wert- filled s«jim<; daysjuno, a* we ann>>un cil by tlie ap;«>intnient of Mi's I(a-s and Miss Hutpb'tn. gradiiut<-s{ of the school. who an; to rcr-eiveU»|r truiuiiiL;, last* .er- tificutes ti^morrow evening. The remain- Ing two .-tppolntmenis have now l ^ n tendered— ..nn to Miss C. A. Barber, n graduate of FramiugHam Normal School, and at.-a.her of ^ v . u yeai s experieuc<-; and the other to MI-wcArrjuit, a eradu.iU' of Adelph! Academy.;. Brooklyn, Oswego Normal S. h<».'l. anda leather of non^S two ycrirs In the Hnmpt. I; Institute, Va., with whi ii a slsUjrof the tttv. W. K Kichanls I-<-«.nnet-t<Hi.! The fulj list ia ae follows: MW I'etrie.! Mia,; N^.-s, kliss Hornby, Miss Runvon Mi~~ t>.i\is. Mins 1'eUU. Miss Annie TICUIKT. ! Mi-s Stout, Miss Whitney, Mis* Gilbert, MUs Day, Mi-e BuH.K-k. M:*^ P.»r.«.'.;Mi8s Brown. Miss Newman. Miss Waters. Mi-«.- Huiupf. n. Miss Vedder, Miss U'Oi. am. Miss Wo.* 1 , MLS.H Clark, Mins Norton. Miss Shrev. . Mis* Lewis, Miss* SU>v{r!', Jliss Kctchaua. Miss Burt, Miss C. fkiino'. HIM Bast-. Miss Sutphcn. Miss Hai r> r, Miss Aixj'.it. Prof. Hazell. \ We Cot pThere. In^t<-afl of T-'rintingUhn dispatch sent us at the tlnif. stutlnjl the dlw'overv ami IF. lightning:. One of the windows in bell-tower was shattered into <rag- ! nts. which i? the only damage reported i ha\>- Ix-en done U> the church. A lurge | fillow tree on Jackson avenue. Njorth ainlleid. wa« considerably dlsflgurejrl by §V«ilt of lightning, and the growth iof a near Mr. Halsey Compton's residence i West Front stn-et. wits stopped l.y a "ke. [ i Plainfield Tennis Tournament. The lawn U-nnis tournament announced I T H E P U B * to take place in this :city irtwi.-en clubs from Bergen Point. £3iza- Jth. K<«elle. Westfleld. North Bainrield ill 1'lalnfieUl, It- all arnuig«d. The ^urnament Commlttet' consists of ii>ssi>. H. W. Bet-tie. James P. | Murray ><1 Fn-<l W. Walz, who have laljl oqt a t^ifnimme of contests in which t|iealcove u)>s will take part during the «lay» of ily 1, 2 and 4. Th.-w contests Will occur i the "rounds ..f the Plainfleld Lawn nist'lul)—Central avenue alnive Eighth dll interesti'd in tlie Hjw.rtian- fcoMially Inviud tf) tic pn-sent during the j ^ _ !i*s^. GIHMI piny is assured ji by the jjjwiiliilier of entries' already ijbc. ivt-d. in uacb of the ind at. the urug store.-i 4*1 J. Kandk.lph Dunn, Samuel IS. Snmcl- ntioned. lit j sou, Fred CutU-r. Charles Goopf.-it I •! Luca,* and John VanDyke. Fretl : *ne ni<|rdor<T of the. un- known girl at) Hahwayf. we told our read- ers that tilery was no; foundation for any such sensati'inal claiidi. as the man «f seeking not<»riety and ifrce transportation from the W.HBt. THI; PHEHB, as klway^. w a s ri»?ht there is ifr> uw for fly-pai in thu) o31ce i |laiidw>ni«- prizes for tin- winner offered. The naru isileld contestants, nnil! th. games, will be iuiijo&iu-t in a few days. y THE Advic* to Graduate*. \ y..;To theyoung laJi.-s: bo just ab ewcet a.- 1 \">i cun. Tbe man who doesn't like to l.rtik u|»,n a a«KHt girl graduate Liu viiliai.—or married. Tie your essay with »blue ribbon, and be practical i in the ilU>ice flf a subject. We eugges^ "The Coining Miui." To young men: Don t iliiad the newspapers. 'Whoop it; up" lor i l l jj-ou're worth on the commeiicunienl |^j?e about "Tlie Bcliolar in Ppllti«e," :!-fhe Ideal BepubUc," and the "political Iv^iiny of Patagonia." About five years from now read your creation over toyour- se!f slowly.—Buffalo Ejcpnm. The U»l C>illJ i. Kgntii U/~lman 8«ven AK--4 1 lu Tableaux tu-fulllil <j( Esxays Mlw. Swltufr. -• Minn Maltbr Dl»trlliul!i.ii of frizes unil Ul].]. .inan. The nvjuitions b^ little- Miss Marj- E. Oilller and Miss J^K 1 "' 1 * R<»lman, were delivered In clear tones, and ea.'h wa*.ac- ceptably nscelved.; A tableau entitled •TheSf'vfrt Ages,";beautifully illustratiKl a child In her teenrtj the maiden, the pn^ pf>nttl, the marriagtj, then with a happy and prosperous family, and lastly, old age and death. Each <if the seven represen- tations were Ulunjinated by variegated lights, Uie whole p|i;>»cntlng an imposing sjKX'tacle, and eliciting prolollgeil ap- plause, l The KrwluaU-s w#re Miss Lizzie Maltby and Miss <Parrie 8wjtz»;r. The subject of the latter!'* es«>ayi was "Westminister Abbey," wtiich thu^joung Uvly read off with appai i-rit ease, following much care in its preparation; Her dull very was el.-ar and 'listiu.-t, ithd at the clow she re- .-elved a w^roi ovation. Tho subject- of Miss Maltby's easajtjwas '•Catherlnw Parr," but the young ladjr was excused from reading It. It tiegain with the reign of Henry VIII of England, and Uild.of the pollti<al andrellgiotm troubles during his nrign -'wiiie to any; man that dare.I to differ with him. for jtliey were at once de- clared heretic* andburned to the stake.' NcvcrthcUrSs. he W4B a man of titles and line arts and was n#ver so happy as wli.-r b>- could find guilt. • Catherine Parr « .LS the sixth wife of Hejliry VIII; of English birth, and the first Protestant Queen in England. She was well educated and was the only one of Henry's wives who. in tbe sincerity of an honest heart, the doctrines of th«j' refunnaUon. After her marriage she wrote a book entitled tlie ' Lamentation <4 a Sinner," and next to the writings of Sir Thomas Moore, thir was one of the finest productions of that era. Catherine did good without display, and shunned no danger if it availed to- ward the accomplishment of a noble work. Beautiful hand-eugraved diplomas, the work of Mr. Oscar Stevens, of Evonu, were then presented to the graduates. Bev. Dean Uoduiail followed with an address in which he expressed his thanks to the pupils of thefeeh'H'lfor their kind- ness in giving the sdhool his name. He was uiutblo to understand why It bad nit been called -The Dtngee Seminary" in- stead of the "liodmiii Seminary," because of the good work wbich hadbeen done by Mrs. Dingee. Iu Conclusion be called attention U> the fjet} that tiiu grafluatcs hail lintsiied their course of study ou the day of the Queen s Jtibilcc. In speaking of Victoria's life, a Christian woman and a Christian Queen, Mi*. Hodman remarked Unit every woman uilght I*' u Queen and every' m.in a King I'BEW. At tfie beginning! of the year, Mrs. DiufC'-c. the Principal, offered what, is kn >%vn as the --Star trizj-," consisting of Shakespeare's Complete Wot ks, t«. the yoing lady or gentjemuii wlio attained t.ie highest average tor everything during t!ie yeur. inol'J.Uu;,' tlie various studi*-!-, depoii.iucnfi and ult^mdattce. This prL:.- wao awarii.M to Miad Lizzie il^ltby, she having un average far the year of 93, and Mi-te Curricj Switzer, Second with an avcr- a^oof 91 J. I Other pjrizes of Uxikd were awarded for tho highest avurago in the t e. erol stu4les aud upecial mention was also made 4 f those »4io madu next to the highest average. Tlje following is a com- plete list: j ; Astronomy and <i*ology—First Prire, Miss 8wit*:r, 93 'i-8; special uienUon, Miss Multby, 97|. ' Chemistry—First prize, Mias Maltby Oof; Rpecial mention, Miss Switzer, U3 4-5. Mathematics—First prize, Master Linn Edsall, 100; special mention. Master Fred. Smith, 90. Literature-First prize, Miss Swltxor, 'M{ ; specialj luention. Mias Maltby, 92*. Etymologjy—First : price. Miss Kate I igfit f.jAJtth ,,., . .,-->: sp.M-ial mention, Master fNd. Smith. H-'J. t ;Histoiji_ First prtJH", Master Harry ii^t, HB5-!»; sjiecinl mention, Maflfc r fikrles Jlaftby. '•»> i-'J. | ijeoernphy—First prize, Miss MaytBotl- iB|i,.!A); fe-iMfiaJ meirtion, Master iFred. itdth. J : | S*enmai|.slup—First prize, Master J^has. fu|tby. 3. r ijj-!); speeidi mention, Master bin E.lsi|ii, ii4 .Vl*. | Jji the jjrirnary dflpartment Miss Mary if|i.-r s.!|ured a piizt- for the highest ijjrHuc i^j nil the lessons fluring thejyear, [|.l Jliss .^gnes"Rodman a prize fof tho ag<; In deportment. | «' of thoexercises re^resh- ^J^jits w<|r<! served jn abundance! and Ij^njcine- »^i4 In.hil^e.l |n by the scholar*. |i|IJhc K'Klmiin Seminary although jcom- 6(jr|ith''ly.In Its infancy. Is dcstibo|l to 4k-('m|'lih!i fanich g<K>d wtirk In thefuiture. | ( r i . Dinj^H. heretoff>rft comlucti-d n prU |jjt4> school jit Evona, but about a iyear 4^j>»she siJL-iired her present commt^Ilous '}Ui«rteiH i^nd starteil the above mvned !|etnliiary.» The institution has amopg lt« ^tcpjilr- scW'larw ranging in age from bight ijj twenty ij-t<nrH, sons iind daughter^ of sjfpje f>f onr most wealthy resident*. \ The I|J4<JB rfMinjs are light and airy, thorough- ly kvntilatjif'd, and the play ground Is j pro- " : ' wittf fin abundance of shade.' No hav«} l«cvn spared to make the place •tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health f cl<comf<.{h. it IK said to bo unsurpassed. .. f • e-^ s \ 3; J J Chrirtianity-Flagt. ] J!:^ESHHH.|EDITO»»:—Permit me through |jf jnedlii|n of your paper to have ai few inls wlt^ my old comrades of the atroy. i4radcH| the glory of our war is thkt It t|not a,l*ar of conquest pillage, jrlo- or raJTcenary destru<:tion except in & ^j| inola|ed case*. The glory of> our V, i$>ry Is |hat none suffered punlshBient ffT |helr «t?n>r-crime If you wish tocall It mth If 4 crime, one conduced by j the I |ri>- in [•JWT when the war ceased, j We ij^ thaijiwc werr;menaswnlla«.8oldjiers- )iB'! hajl old soldier*) take from $helr |j>cjicts aj|>it of li-a.1 and with pride] nay '5*»i» I" «*at I got at such andsu<jb a l^ife," b(|t never havfl I hadone say to 4H j'Com^to my homo and I will show j|in'jsllverj|j>r; pictures or aught el«« taken fjiinji n so||them home," I tliank Oofl for it 'Let ufl be mem in this matter. -You mtm whai It cost t/> gather up those flage. 1^ r«'tn(|nUr wo gathere<l them all "|iing fron Vlcksburg ti> the soa—from l|itf^ U> 1H< 5, we gathered them on thefway t^ •nd fro| |> Blchmond by a cjreuttous r^u6> viit Gettysburg, Antietam, Vicks- b|»f^, the t 1 jk'iidemess, trtc. The gathering 1 not ;|ill on our side. Comrades, ft jyou <jjs|ly know what, to gather them fnd ite may cost something to /give up. b|it' it seems to me the most sfMjrijeiicc t<» a war wagcl between couiti'ynicil. More than one fcgl- il tbuj has aU-eady bi.>«'n returneiJi I c tlu» the illliistrious s<»ldier ilan- |4 undj|r whom many of us foqgtlt, >(i|d be.ljr li^iug, In full sympathy With kindly-:Let. I firmly believe that! the ftf of thj«|Boldie#iin blue will upon second t-i*bt, a|d t;»at i-re long, bless Otxi for fcC'lirlstiaa act if His Excellency^ tbe id.nt t)l these United SUtcs. l WW. D. W. MU.LEB, to C«pt. and A. D. C, U. i. A. ! ft Machine Home g jffclie c o m p l y <>f the Fifth. V. ti Artil- le^y; thut (jjotised through, this city at nooo o( M:'y ^'tj 1 ' "> route from' Fort Bamfitoa Uf'Wilmin^on, Del., la un its way back agaiji. >Lalt ni^ht ft encamped directly ^pjiu tbf Grant avenue .station, and aU paFisipd asevere night building pon- ri.lg^g to ke«'p out of the flood.^and. ug |he attacks of skirmishing t of ignosquitoe. The company of e rrifn and the usual equipment of- ^ , gui^a and baggage wagons, broke cwnp aU>u| six o'clock this morning. Tbe olthwis arepas published lu TnK PBEHBof Mjhyr.-5tb :4<iii.t. Brinkle, Lieut. BUey, L|>ui 15iupt and Surgeon Evert. The jj^ve »4O(H1 the severe march with e, aijd are all well. Tho most dan- ca^4 that has come under the' at^ of flie surgeon being only thai of j who| htrollinl into canip with a j fr lit Firf Near New Market. ' t|e iirogrcss of the thunder r hi.-t nlgut, a large Itarn on tho 't Mr. Handolph Qiles, between an<l Possuiuluwn, and occu- pied i by ^m. Stryker, in Pi&catuWay T4^ship. jlriu struck by lightning, sei o^u lirji'apd totflly destroyed, together with iiiiiolf of Ite^contcnts, also a wagon-house and ;4ovcl. ^ All that was saved was a trlai^powei thresher and wind-mill. The loa* ^-ill pr<|bably reach several hundred i \Tp are unable to learn if tnbre Glazier, the German fertil- izi»g ] uian!|fi^turer or Linden, Gxis i-oonty, who pleaded non vull to the Ju> .liiitn<ent agiiinpt him for maintaining a nuJBttJioe, pA)m!isoil Judge McCormick; at EJizaU'th, yttjtii day, U.at if sentence was Bunpqnded jje would n>movo his facuiry. Prw»tocutor iwilsou acoepted plea and McCormick released tbe prisoner >wni|eeognizance. t * I 1 1 /, The Daily Press IS AX ETKXIXO Oosarm-TioHi* OCETTISI. Sf! n O'CLOCK IS Th|s m foot or« UIUUI BY C. BOK1LE COPIES. lortios or the weezlt ! AHD IS UWrU) EVERY [DAY— ! at* axd Holidays—at! Foch Amasoo*; «KST THIun.ll i at M.uu a Teas, ok de-j HER AT 10 CECTS A WEEK. ! 2 CEXTS. XT B DEVOTED, IOCALL' F LAI the cm or m NxiaBBQBipo TO THE ADV. GOOD TO E ADVASC DZKl-CBL TO THE G TOSS*: ASD. POLITI or THE PHISCiri (TIC PABTT—“THE TEST NfHBEB.” GBEAT OSDESCE public coxeac* AOOOXPASIED IS OOSFIDESCT. AMD IK 'S PUT 1 SOLICITED OS ALL HA' , BCT PC BUSHED OSLT the Sajo: or the as Esdousixo the i rrn or the oosxrsic. ios RAj) E* If IU t IV A0TZIT1SIXO TIOIf AT THI*! KrrUTA TURKS. C'AKIW ETC., IXHEBTKIA S O f *APE KSOWJf OX APfLIUA- ornaL NOTIfTH OF CdriTH Fairs. Hociables, j Lurr- Thaxks. Lodge Reholctiox.h. Free. . . r. L. ASD A. paorKiirroBs. J. A. PEHABEMT, B” —The “Jolly walk for July -i tli -Fire crack*; graduates will to-morrow inoi nlng. irch. —The, usual gregatlonal eh’ evening, on amount building. —John Mills the Somerset —Work was new bridge of Bound at Eliza —A.base hull to-night’s will of music was entire change hed May io, 1887. 1 njj$ :;Sf j PLAIXFIElb, X. J.. WEDNESDAY, June 22, 1887. j Price, Two Cents. _ —M - —- - ALLY, TO THE 1STEH IXFIELD, ITS BtlBT FotlCS, - PCBLISUER* ASD THI WAY. Two YIasaoiso EDITOB. an? arranging a cake rs and other linger muti- lators have ma :le the Ir appearance in the Confectionery * tores. —The Anal r hears *1 of the High School Lake place in Music Hall iraveii meeting at the Con- will be omitted, this jf the eleaning of the 4- I vho w Aii arrested byOOUer Lynch yestord iy for being drunk, was Bned, two dollar* by City Judge U|rtch this morning. —(surge Bell, a sit month’s prisoner in county Jail was yesterday of I’anlolis pardoned by th * 8taf i B< >ard Oeo. Green pis sldinjj. The High School Commencement. The following Is thelcomplete order «.f exercises in Music Hall. bsm<>rro«r even- ing. u|sm tie* occasion of the Sevientecnt h Annual Coniineiieemeirt of the Ptnlnfi* Id High School. The pr*igramnic will l*-gin at 7 :45 o’clock, anil evfijy'mciubejj-j of the grnduating class will take imrt. Tie- motto of the Class of 87 is o go**]) one in the way of ne>lt<ies, but rather inj||ceurate In the way Of the V.ulil. It is "Nothing fin al Is Lightly Wen.!’ The anisic will be by Cappa’s 7th Reg’t on-hostra. oIIDEK OK ESKlHCISES. PARtlCULAP MENTION. Last Night’* Shower. p During last night another heavy shower COMMENCEMENT AT RODMAN SEMINARY. The family of J*.fn W. Murray, E«i.<f$Maed over the city, to tlie |North. will leave th-fr C’critgal avenue res|.lencc§«>oomp»nied by several loud ejaps of f-.rfi early in J uljy. Shore, L. I. Mr. S. V, vfi««lru|. the pr"pri*-t* the Coleman House |t A-Miry Park, terrier hi- gue-t- th£ fir-t hop of the son. this evening. | Mrs. Van Ap-dal*-.: Mrs. Herring. Summer at Haig thunder. An immense volume: of] water fell, ami for a tittle some of the streets r oj| Ajerc entirely submerged. Th* few pe- •vill dbstrians who were obliged Randolph ami Mi--T“iiiliiisi>n ur" *-x|*eet{JJ? U> ts> out ,. a f ilhen the storm had subsided, found it ' very difficult to pass under the railroad bridges. Near New- Brooklyn a telephone pOle on th*» main line between^ thin city Mi** StiHi. .L... Hrlrfn**a ....... Mevlnjc Onw«nl, Thr Cftrniral of the FH‘W*4h. Errajinlt our I'nkuovn B**n»*f»j*v»ni. YerittUan Fl*jtir»i» Thr«w» Plctum j... Tlu* Pawinj; Kpjjini»*ut. Our Ftirpmoiirr* L... j .11 . - Wi-ysB-!. Utm 1. lin.uniT . .HELPSA Ei H 'KAS. I ArontTA; Holhes. laJoil-tysk i . Walter j| Moore. ABBIE. M, jWlLsoX. [ . . Ll’rlA > Wood. . OAerljr. Mart TiT*»--itTn , i and New Bruusrtick, was shat.ten|d Into l,U - kindling wood. A milkman, who t-oaide* | War New BnMikiyn brought to : Booming a from the pole^which ed horn** fr«i»m th<ar trip t vi«*lnjty. thi- p\«*ninj|. The A?*burjr P^rit Daily Prr+M -ayt* •*Mrs. Dr. \\ . t. I^(«*ne, one of alK)iit three f«xtt in IfengLii, by Plainfield's most pn#uinent nnsliesl «ea| :Sv etm i inches In clrcumteivnc^ I’reba- Is -topping at Sunset| Hall. ' l4y the gre«t.-st damage done liei 1 ‘Ulsluts i ilTleer M.-Cue iia 4 l.s-ii is inline 1 to iiiA «fn- that sustaimsl by the b lp|>honl(• com- home on M”est Four® stns*t from an ats pary. But one wire was in working order tm k ofrheuinatiMn.jj and Sj cr-ial < morning wiipn*by telephone connee- Hnrrilp».. l...Lfbaxk J. m Walt*.. Marl thrift d>*nbithAn Drllltitf«r. Xymbr.iH,..'.:J J... j-. Eleaxo* d. Beal. ValedUtaAnr... j, „• CLaT.a M Bit:t Mattox ir* deutiltsi t«»a* t in hin j»ia< Ail the trie- for i th** Plainfield Club* chaini*ionj»iiip one mil*- bicycle r»*a»l ra'*ej l at K«i**\*ille, July 4th. not v**t ret t It I *»'oo * IUY . •» UIJ Still. Hi* * O - reived, imt, so far. | Mr. Daniel AdamC Akruey City, and that only us far os Elizu- Aililre**. Rev. w. is. IU' Kai::s Idyl The Mill lu ths Bl«k Forest . Ep.-nheriL 1 lieth. The night op«»raU)r at the Central a* wiys that during hj<* whole «jxperi- iee with elc^-tricity la»L nigbl'n &torin the moet severe he ha* ever! wit- PUE8EXTATION OF KEWARDfll orr. rt*.l \>y For P«*nmanBhip Mu. J. Kirkn. r. For Mathomatlo,.... ...Mr*. C. H. StjLUOS For IT. 8. History Mr. J. W ilnui.iv. 1 For English On|ipo«ttfr*n. 1.. MR- J. Kll:t M II For Hpeilhig I,.Mu. J. W. Merrat. | For LanKuage (Latin MB. E. IS. AC*ermas. —s-m- to be the favofite f..r winner. Mr-. S. A-tiilina eiih-rtained the teaehe] of the Bethel ili—ioj) at her re-ideliee <: Broad wav., last evening. Mr; irinna. »h<8 . is a former Couneili^in. is the creator Jhe telephone office was ; filled Urartu re. . P»*et AO'I B-lVMHlt ?*' PliEsEXTATtuN OF DIPDJM.VS pbesestatios or Uiplomam d Tkaisiss class Address n the Ura-luates, tbom.AsF. Hynuisos. First Aset. Sujd., Public Heles.ts rd N. V. CKy Selection ...XaibiiA] Ailrs. (la) 1-i. the sueeessful misriijb mentioned ab Quite a niirals-r of Visitors Were prcseijl at the High Sehool.J this morning, ant enjoyed the visnl reViev. by the .-chi dan of their siinses of the term just idosingS Mr. Miller Wad. and j Mi-s Laura liukeft aeeompani«(l them. 5 besides the Mi-l“*4 Mrtree. Mi-s Potte and Mi-- Titsworthj of this city. vl> sailed for Eurojs- uuItiie “City of Home, this morning, there Was ais.. among th(| cabin passengers 811-- Aggi* - Bryan, daughter of the Bev|D. Brjan- fonm-rlj pastor of the M. E. i||iureh. Mi— Minnie L. Tiiomas, a ti-acie-r i ve ? With smoke, and the isdls kept up a eon- *1 O 1 _i. t L:..l. .1.,..r....i.... J,j ls»gurj yesterday on j tin LUe Bttltimon' and (thl- Ballroad comp iny across Staten Island attroi port, bill b pr*thj mabtli W being urrartgf d for neztSatunlky afbtrniHin on the Park avenue ground*, between tlio “Creieenta" Prof. ?ropri Judge Wadswfirth ball player; Dennstaedt r*. Mrs 'rtl-tor of the Park appeal at Elizabeth :uif the ease was partly waa adjourned over; nn- and a nine pick si by the “oiliest Ink ibltant —The case (if Hopkins, late House, came utt on tbls monilpg, ai id oil heart, the matter til neit wis'k —Last night'* attendance at the Dunham Chorister’* festl val w as a large one, but | ". fc* larger. The programme of music was thoroughly enjoyed, and an lie 'Ifir thlievenlng ispuMldheil on our next pn{ <*. \ -The New Y wk World U cgU-htug-up news. It was weeks tc- Tue Press' account »f i Fastivol at Warren Mission. The Chorister's festival at the IVarr,-n Mission last evening, proved a sue.s--- in every way. The attendums- wwk largi- and eveninaly present showed by their oiuntenaiiee that thf-y had .sune fodii go**l time and they did not go away di-upi-iint- ed. A pngramme which was published ltt yiwtenlay's Press, was carried j<»uf to the letter, and proveil the best the (’hori— ters have even given. The orchestra eon- sisting of twelve pieces led by Prof, bar- tow of bound Brisik, reuderisl excellent music, and much credit Is due thein and their leader. The vpeal musie gih-n by the Cliorisbini Was listem-l to and, - nmi-h appreeiateil by the audience. ^jasrlal mention is made of the solos rembiied hv Messrs. M. M. Dunham, C. II. Farji-.y and William Kankin. all of which venij thor- oughly enjoyed. Councilman Dtinham gave official notice that the chorf-t.-r- and tlii'ir assistants were ready for busi- ness. The evening proved an i xc.-ll.-nt L. Thomas, a teacher the North Plainfield |publie School. 1-fl f<»r h**r liDiue in Holv^ik**. j lay. AlicUt a <*r flft«**-ri »*f j**h«»lar?* a<*y«’mpani<*4 *^*1^ iv«*t«T»lay. Hh«*r«* *«*k i»ah*-a^G on th 12 train. all m9**1i**<1 h«tr |j «»fi h**r j«Mirn«fy. ( : : the •!><»%'« wm* writtc*n it ha* jb**»n Mr. Kirkn**r r»‘tfron. StM Paul, Minn.-, hi* «»f bupii! ** *% un*‘x| jM*«*b^!ly !i!h family. y***rt<*nlay. thu ft «av#* hi- father 4<b*H(i**d|y airr#***aMi|B ||rk W* 4 * near avenue, j wxm -iirjiris.- by way of c.|.d,rating the latb-r g|w*ruck by llghtnilig and aliout twelve feet ^ the wentlii-r-boariiiugin the rear of tin- one for the dispensation <if c-Deani and other delicacies, anil the waiters wep- kept on its Plainfield fore It eopied “Holmes’ lious (keeper," but it; followsl up our pointe 011 discord, within the Nuthcrw three days. of the Grand Gnmail. of the Slab , will cunipli- ment Fireside C >uncii of Westfield With ' bsmorrow evenlag. A Is extended tlic Plain- je present. —The officer* Uoyal Ar anuiu an official visit hearty 111 vita tin i field Giuncil to gin —The member* of, the rial! ui ere August forty mile time of starting. form club will Iiockawaj- Eeaiih trip will include partii-ulars a* t will be advertliafil In the*,- colu; .—Briefs were Jersey State Cut n at Trenton yesb i tairts dunins. 11 lubmitted liefoni the Now rt of Errors and Apiwals rday In the t-asp of .tlie Mayor And Com icil of the Borough of Nortli Plainfl'-lt court reserved li * decision. —beport* from all fiarts of New Jersey show that them i among elilcki-m. Hmib-rdon, Uni Dvugumlii. i —At the nii-et pauy in The C numtier of appli’ nation anil some posed. Sixbs-h mittauce. and M at least on.*-hull will pmliably be —Since the pijojoct Beotoh Plains » salil, a friend are pouring in.’ the rooms in Exielslor Hall. —Through a Thursday. Tick is to lie given at l street, will is- f" Mr. Vi*irhces- an J those already in -ntlont d. L-hdfs-1 1 rw. Tunis J. Carey. Tbf’ :l> busy attending to the wants of lh--jr cus- tomers. An entire ehar(ge in the |-r-- gramme is publishisl for this evening, and a large audience will in all probability be preis-nt. is a fearful mortality' In parts of Warren. i m. Mercer and Burlliigtpu counties clik-ker s are dying off dally on account of the piraaiUc worm knowu as ihg of the Military obi u- escent. last evening, u auts passed their e\an li- ne w names wen? pi:“ ' are now waiting for ail- 1 the first of liexi ni< *n!h A Demand fer Building Lots. Sinn it has t-ecome known that a new manufai-turing industry is at*>ut toiloeate in this city the demand for building lot- in the neighborhood of Grant aveljue i- somethlng unpns .-denUsi in the tjisti iry of the elty. Silas- Thursday last the Cen- tral New Jeisey Laud Improvement com- pany through its agent, William C. Ayer-, has sold in the vicinity of the Grant ave- nue station about Stt.bOO worth of pr )>or- ty, all of which was pun-hnsed by :Plain- ficld parti.sv. Tie- remamdi-r of the prop- erty belonging to the company, about twenty acr--s in all. will be cut up in lots ranging from fifty to three hundred feet frontage, to suit the parchasi r. Mr. Ayers informs u- that the company has made Do advance in the price of bind and pml stilly will not. He says that Mr: John R. Mislre, ticasurer of the Land Improve- ment company l* ei[>ected to eume up to- morrow and locate a numlier of cottages. The l< siat ion of these buildings, he says, would have bc-a made before, but the plans were not completed. birthday, and fie can be present wltb"tlirtt: past graduates at tii8 Commi*n<--meut ut£ ; Jliisic Hall tisraorroW evening. Mr. A. P. Wright 4ji(*-ar--d t*-lore tin# i Citizens Association: --f W.-kQl.-ld, last evening, and dellv.-n-<j a v.-ry interesting ; and most Instructive statement of tb« prisiuction, it-.-, -1-rvJr.- and f-eonoroy 1 *1 -l.-Alie lighting by iljraridosrcnee. Evn£ ; to tho-r pri-s-'iit who w !.- i---t ae.|uafaite<f \v:th Mr. Wright, hi-thorough knowl»-lg<|-Y of th>- -ch-nee. i-leftra--" of lllustrati-iv i i -'f' 1 ami ?-}*••*-*-p. wen* - . ii®’ Mrs. Mary] SiUii-k.jwidow of the la to Charles M. HUlU-k. " 4“ until within a f- w ; | months ago Was a Iv-idont of Coll Place, this city, imt lltti-rly of BriH-klyn, died at her Home in t ii.it city on Monday, The remains will Is- br--ught. to Plainfield; ti-rnomiw for burial In the faniily plot in; y the Presbyterian e.-m^t<-ry.. The husband; of the dei.a-s-d db-i jin North Flainftelds on Jan. Joth; 1Nj3. aii(j a daughter. Loui: di-sl on Mav 21st. 1 s-Vt '•V JLhe necessary enrolled. I number of establishing a Jiublic library am 1 free reading room nt i s first inaugurated, it is the cause has donated -f S100 t-asli and <lt icr smaller contributions It is proposed to Uh«U‘ typographical error, Mr. Hawlborbe's lecture on “WritingNove|s,” Kin home plates, announced for lhe evening of Tues lay, Juno 23d, instead of itket. for this lecture w hich , Seminary Kail. f-eve|ith 'o md at tlie orug store- of! l l Mr. Stelle. as welpati Reception to the New Rastpf. The reception tendered the Kc-Vj Cor- nelius Schenck. by Mr. -and Mrs. B. A. Hcgeman at their residence on Williiw av- enue. last evening, was a brilliant affair. The commodious house was thrown open to the congregation and friends of Trinity Rifformed church, and a large gathering of such assembled. Among those present was Mr*. Judge Roome, aged 83 years, mother of Mrs. Hegeman ; also, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Yerkes, Rev. and Mrs. jW. E. lloneyman. Rev. C.' L. Goodrich.] Rev. Asa R. Dilts, Rev. J. R. VanMcter and the Rev. ;Mr. Koechli. The oceasiott over- came all restraint, and everyliody mjlnglcd sociably jtogetiier. The supper wras by- Compton; the Front street caterer; Tlie ushers wi-rc ull members of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, and included Messrs. Samuel J. Moon-, J. Randolph Dunn, Samuel S. gnmel- Th* List Com Dieted. The full Uomplemi^it of public schtNilt teachers fop the coiiiing terra is now] fixed upon, j After the re-appointments had been made and; jiutilished in The Press, four vacanc-hl* n-mained Two wen- filled daysiigo. as we aun->un- e -d by tlie appolntmept of Mis- ba-s and Miss butph'tn. graduates of the schi»>l, who are t-. receive their training class cer- tificates t.. m-irrow evening. The remain- ing two appointments have now l«een tendered—one to Mis- C. A. Barber, a graduate of Framingham Normal School, and a t.-ache| of seveii ycai s experience; and the otbcp to Mi-s Anju!t, a graduate of Adelphi Ai aiien.y, ( Brooklyn, Oswego Normal Si hoijl, and a leather of two years in the Hampt--li-InstituU-, Va„ with whi-h a sistijrof tht- lit v. W. Ii. Richards I-connected.) The fufi list is as follows : Mi-s Petrie. Miss Nljb-s, Miss Hornby, Mi-s Runyon, Mi»~ Davis. Miss Pettis. Mi-s Annie Tieknor. | M s Stout, Mi-s Whitney, Mi-s Gilbert, Mirts Day, Mi-a BuHock. Mis.- P-ins-, Mis- brown. Miss Newihan. Miss Waters. Mi— Humpst- n, Miss Vcddcr, Miss Boorvam, Miss Wots*, Mis- Clark, Miss Notion. Miss Shrevi , Miss Lewis, Miss Storjf!', Miss ICcteham. Miss burt. Miss ll Tjtiinte*, Miss Bass, Miss Sutphcn, Miss Bii ber. Miss Anp.it, Prof. Hazel 1. We C-Jt There. Instead of printing Ithe disjiatch sent u- at the tim'-. stating the discovery and at sou, Fred Cutter, Charles Goopf.-rt; Fred Luca.- and John VanDyke.' confession . f 11 ne nitlrderi-r of the. un- known girl at; K.if.wav, we told our reatl- ere that here was no (foundation for any such sensatiijnal claiiri, as the man waf seeking notoriety and free tianspoijtation from the W-st. The i Press, os always, was right There is no use for fly-paper in this office tions could be had w it h the out sick- world. Of the many connections the Company with the large cities the only w ire in was the one connecting Plainfielil with tiimnl ringing which was deafening. Yfcrious parts of the city scuttles were from the roofs of dwcillngs anjd de- ted in tnc Hl.mfyanls. A portion of chimney <m Frank C. Green's resilience West Fourth str----t was blown down, bricks falling with a crush. A flew of District Telcgrapb wires : were undtsl this rndh ing. but no serious in- mvenienee was iMs-asioned thereby. Last gbt's storm Is conceded to be thie so- rest that has visited this seetion -o fur is season. Many jiersons who are iii the iblt of sleejiing while a thunder storm Is lil progress, were awakened last ijight, and many were thoroughly excited. A Stable fact Is that for about a Week past, th the exception of a single night, a Interesting ExerciSes-The List of Prizes and an Address by Dean Rodman. nwi-r, most severe in Its nature, has lited this place lietwe*n the houifs of i ami two, each night. icertaiued that the damage dorje Is reater than was at first reported. ; Th*- Selling house of Justice V. W. Nash, on tiding was tom kiff and carried Some * w-Lancv. The sla'e risifing was shattered <#id weatlier-boarils sjilintercd. After striking the house the bolt appeared to have mail*- a jump of -<>nie 3<i feet, again iking the structure, ami slivering t wo rters. lk-t wis-ii th-; weather-boards and >• sheathing wu* a c-Miting of heavy pa- r, some of which was jiimmi-d tiirougii e eriu-ks In the boards. In ofie of the per rooms was a wire t-ir-1 cage, and is was twisted and bent Into an im-xjtric- jttfeie mass. Mr. Nash says his- family Wer 1 - awake at the tim*-. Hut did not know th*- house had b*-en -truck until tills morning. He sav- he tliouglit a tree in ;tjle u*-ighl>oring strip of Wc--dlund was ,e otiji-i-t strut k. St. Mary’s Roman Itholic church, at the corner i*f Sixth kl Lits-rty stns-ts, was also struck by ii* lightning On** of {he windows in itiSir- t*eli-tow*-r was shatter*-*! into frag- TBi-nL-. which is the only damage reported have been done to the dhureh. A lfirge 11**w tree on Jackson avenue. Njorth iiinfii-ld. was cottslderatily dLsftgure|l by ja'lx >lt of lightning. an*l the growth [of a ttv*- near Mr. Halsey Compton’s residence *>tt West Front street, was stopped by a no -Miss ijaimc nwitzcr. ine sunject oi in* latter* essay; was ‘•Westminister bticy,” wiilch the .young lady read off dth apparunt easel Showing much care i its preparation. Her delivery was Plainfield Tennis Tournament. ;.The lawn tennis tournament announced ,;ltt The Press b> take place in this city lifetw*-<-ri clulis from IKrgcn Point. Eliza- th, Roselle, Westfield. North Plainfield id Plainfield, is all arranged. The jumament Committee consists of ssrs. H. W. Becl*e, James P. MuiTay id Fr*‘<I W. Walz, who have laid *>{it a 'ittygnimme of contests in which the above Ctiilis will take part during the day* of July i. *2 and 4. Thi-s*- c--nt*-sts wil! occur i<0 the grounds of th*- Plainfield Lawn (SattnlsClub—Central avenue almvf Eighth tttaxsit—and dll Interested in tlie sjs-rt arc e<»r*lialiy invited to Is- pn -*-nt during the Dios Good play i-s assun.st by the ilutier of entries already iW-eived. HHndsoni,- prizes for the winner j in each i-lass are offenst. The namesll'f the -^(lahUeld contestants, am* the hour- of fth* ; games, will be announced i-i The hltm in a few days. y . .. i Advice to Craduxt r s. o the young ladi**s : be just ait sweet y-ou can. Tlie man who doesn't like to tdbk u{sin a sW*R t girl graduate is u vlliiai.—or married. Tie your essay with ue ribbon, and be practical in thc (tthoiee of a subject. We suggest “The Mon.” To young men: Don't the newspai*ers. “Whoopitiup” lor (i|| [you’re worth on the commei|cemenl Stftge about “The Scholar in Polities,” c Ideal Republic,” and the “political Destiny of Patagonia." About five years Hu now read your creation over to your- self si. iwly.— Buffalo Krprttt*. The first amiual;*r-onimen<emi nt of the RtHlman SeminnrvtiKik place last evening. AU day yestenlay the closing scenes were enacted about tin-^emimuy ludlding on East Fifth street ajnl last night tin- par- ents of the schoiaiT and friends of the sehool gathered thfire in large numlier* to listen to the dclivijpy of essiiys and tin- fi;ndition of a carefully prepared pro- grammearranged {iy th*-' principal, Mrs. R. C. Dlnge--, w(|oso able assistant is Miss Floronce St*-Y*-n- The parlors in which the graduating exercises b-ik place, presented a pleasing appearance. On the mantles and at ciivenient joints alsiut the room* there was a profuse display of fragrant flowers. \ Every one »*-emod brimful of pleasure and the event passed off pleasantly, notwithstanding the intense heat. The programme was taken up shortly after eight! o'clock and was as follows: Tkr }“avl." Aunt. Aunt Jemima MIhh Maltby Mra. liuM4«‘ MIhh Switzer. Mary 4 $ May ID r] mail. Mr Busiltt i Fred. U. Smith. Frist 1.1 ?. J. Liun Ed-all K'**j|tat|eli, TB.! Three |Llulc f'l-lir- Mary E. Collier I’US-. Solo Suurls*- Miuourka . ,i Jessie Hanchett lieiStaLloB The Haliit^'ir f. Seven Pupils R*''Juitl ,u . The IS'Mt CliUd !, Xgries tlolmai) Seven AR'-sL * In Tableaux . . K*-a*llu|f of Essays MissSwltaufr. " Miss Maltby. Dtstritiutlou of Frizes amt Iupt Ulms Th*- r*-i-Stations by little Miss Mar)- E. (sillier and Miss Agm-s It<slinan, were delivered in clear times, and oa*-h was- ai- eeptably ree<-ived. A tableau entitled “The Seven Ages,"(beautifully Illustrated a child in her teensj the maiden, the pr*e [k>*td, thoi marriagej; th*-n with a happy and prosperous family, and lastly, old age and death- Each <>f the seven rcprcscii- tations were illuminated by xari*-gat*-d lights, the w hole pissentlng an liiii>osing sjioctacle, ami eliciting prolonged ap- plause. The grail uates were Miss Lizzie Maltby and Miss (jjarric Hwjtzer. The subject of the latb-ii's essay: was ‘-Westminister Ablwy with in dear anil distinct, aiid at the close she re- ceived a w|inu ovation. The subj-i-t- of Miss Multby’seasayiwas “Catherine Purr," but the young ladji was excused from reading It. It ts-gan with the reign of Henry VIII of England, and told , of the politieai and reltgiofis troubles during his reign—-‘wila* to any; man that dared to differ with him, for they were at once de- elared heretics and burned to the stake.' Nevertheless, he was a man of titles and fine arts and was never so happy as wh--n In- could find guilt.: Catherine Parr was the sixth wife of Hejhry VIII; of English birth, and the first Protestant Queen in England. She was -well educated and was tin- only one of Henry's wive* who, in the sincerity of an hottest heart, embraced tin- doctrines of the refimnauon. After her marriage she wrote a book entitled the‘ Lamentation of a Sinner," and next to the writings of Sir Thomas Moore, this was one of the finest productions of that era. Catherine did good without display, and shunned no danger if it availed to- ward the accomplishment of a noble work. Beautiful hand-engraved diplomas, the work of Mr. Oscar Stevens, of Evona, were then presented to the graduates. Rev. Dean Rodmatl followed with an address m which he expressed his thanks to the pupils of the tteh-s-1 for their kind- ness in giving the school his name. He was unable to understand why it had not been called “The Dlngee Seminary" in- stead of the “liodmttii Seminary," because of the good work which had been done by Mis. Diugee. In Conclusion he called attenuou to the fact that the graduates had finished their course of study on tin- day of the Queen s jubilee. In speaking of Victoria's life, a Christian woman and a ChrL-tian Queen, Mr. Rodman remarked that every woman might i*e a Queen and every man a King PHBEES. At tin- beginning] of the year, Mrs. Diug»-e, the Principal, offered what is hn *wri a- the --Star Prize," consisting ot Shakespeare's Complete Works. t*> tlie young lady or gcutj.-man who attained t ie highest average for everything during the year, including The various studies, deportUiOii{ and alti-rulance. Tliis priz-- w»» awarded to Mis* Lizzie Maltby, she having an average for tlie year of 93, and Miss Curriej Switzer, fettcond with an aver- age of 91 j. Other prizes of books were awarded fo|- the highest average in the te eral studies and special mention wus also made of those who made next to the highest average. The following is a com- plete list: j Astionomy and Geology—First Prize, Miss Switei r, 93 2-8; special Uienlion, Miss Maltby, 97|. Chemistry—F'iret prize, Miss Maltby Daj; special mention, Miss Switzer, 93 4-E. Mathematics—First prize, Master Linn Edsall, 100 j special mention. Master Fred. Smith, 90. * Literaturtt—First prize, Miss Switzer, 94J ; special] mention. Muss Maltby, 92J. Etymologty—First prize. Miss Kate -r Rtiil.-r, tak 4-9 ; spis-ial Fred. Km[th, 93 H-9. 5: Hist. II)»— First prtke mention, luster {Ifift. 98 5-9; sts-elnl fihirl-s Maltby, '.Ml 4-9, Master Harry mention. Master SiGeograjhy—First prize, Miss May.Ibsi jnh)i, h([; i-ix-clal mention, Master Fred, ““ttth. f |!M«*nma:islljj*—First Prize, Master Chas. Mbjtiiy. !t r i2-9; speeial mention, Master Linn Edsjjill, 94 .".-9, lit Hi*- nriniary department Miss Mary Fl^i'-r so|ured a prizi* for the highest Ajdrago i|j all the lessons during the [year, jid Miss kgnes'R.Klnian a prize fo{ the ilj^iest a^eoige In deportment. ! * At tin' i-li:is»; of tho exercises re{resh- il|(jits w<|re served In abundance: and 4iU(-itig W)IS indulged In by the w iiolars i;3jhe R'ittiikiin S*-mlnary although icom- ||tt{itivelj| in its infancy, is destlhojl to 4{i-(impli(4i inueh g(s>d work in the future, tipi. Dint^s? heretofore conducted <s pri- ^i*t(‘ school .at Evona, but about a ;year 4^4 she sdL-ured her present commodious '|(uu-t<-rs fuid started the above named {|emiiiary.» The institution has among Its pupil- schlil^rs ranging In age from fight tp itjventy ^-ears, sons and daughters of fyufie of our jnost wealthy residents. ] The risiro- are light and airy, thordugh- xvntila^til, and the play ground Is j pro- led witl{ an abundance of shade. No Itsfqs lim'd la-en spared to make the place f^titactiveijtd the pupils, and for health {djcomhtt't it is said to bo unsurpassed. T | Christianity—Flags. IjMEssns.jEditors:—jPermit me through t||i| yncliuhi of your paper to havo ai few i^iliYls with my old comrades of the army Q»h|ntdc*| the glory of our war is thjtt it Wttttnot a,lvar of conquest pillage, xdc- l«IBk or n^-rt-enary destruction i*xcepi in a f|-,W': is*ilqp-d cases. The glory of; our i^dorv Is that none suffered punishment ,f|tt{ their fttrdr—crime If you wish to call It If 4 crime, one conduced by ; the flirty In i^wier when the war ceased. We iffli^v thatTwe were men as well as soldier*- fjisvi! haf| old soldier* take from their Kpa pcts ai|jlt of lead and with pride* say ‘Sthts Is w;hat I got at such and sudh a l^t$e," b(|t never have I had one say to rttji f'Comdjto my home and I will show )|itt'*sllveij 4>r]pictures or aught else taken f{l«ni a soipheni home," I tlinnk God for It jLetusbe men In this matter. You ktiow wha{ It cost to gather up those flags. VSPU; re.manWr we gathered them all fdiitjg from Vlck*burg to the sea—from iftii to: - 10®. -we gathered them on the-way t(j apd fri'tt 1 Richmond by a circuitous xHa Gettysburg, Antietam, Vlcks- fhc j^’ilderness, etc. The gathering Wj{|b not 'Alton our side. Comrades, Jt cfetyou t|ily know what, to gather them un«' And i|| may cost something to give t Bern U P- Kt It seems to me the most tityl^g se*jtt*-nce a war waged b<-tween f*(lliiw eonAir) meij. M<*r<* than one regi- fi|CIiLaI Mag has already been returned: I iijdtsu: thitt, {he iIllustrious soldier Han- cock, mu lor whom many of us fought, "5>fi|d be. Iff liing, In full sympathy with t^e kindly pet. I firmly believe that: the of tiuj soldier in tilue will upon seeond tA^sht, apd that ere long, bless God for tfffelit, ai. ( . thik(Christian act of His Exeelieiuy the I’jji(*dd* nt |jf these UulbHl States. Wii. D. W. Mxlleb, P Lfto Capt. and A. D. C-, U. 3. A. fi]i Marching Home Agairw i /Tlie company of the Fifth. U. 8. Arttl- that Ikissed through this city at nooo of M :l >' ’Zetli, m route from Fort Hamiltoa Ur Wlimingfim, Del., Is on its way back ;aip. «Lait night ft encamped directly jj»|site its- Grant avenue station, and aU h^M" passpd a severe night building pon- toon’bri'Igitt* to keep out of the flood,-and. rqpctdng the attacks of skirmishing pArtte* of mosquitos. The company of Hffy-3ivc nlfn and the usual equipment of hOrsi—. gui^i and baggage wagons, broke c imp abou| six o'clock this moiHing. The dice 1 - arefa* published In Tiie Press of M(iy:2>th :-rCapt. brinklc, Lieut. Riley, L|iuf Blupt and Surgeon Evert- The injja} have td*Hsl the severe march with Clipf|g'-, ai|d are all well. Tho most dan- g*frois ca-*> tpat has come under the at- 'c|iti| 'ii of pie surgeon being only tha{ of a |xjj who; strolled into carup with a btptkpu raiifus. f|i' Fir* Near New Market. liili ing t|e progress of the thunder slttf*|i r lastinight, a large !»am on tho piJMlpsi-s otMr Randolph Giles, between N’uu- ’Mai k'-t and Fossumtown, and occu- pied * by Ifm. 8tryki-r, iu PiseataWay T.)|YBshi)i. p its struck by lightning, set oil tim u/id totally destroyed, together with niCsslj of Its contents, also a wag.on-hduse and hovel. I'All that was saved wa* a tr^aift-power thresher and wind-mill. The lof» Fid pixjbably reach several hundred dujiars. \f| are unable to h-arn if thbre wi|»iiriy insurance. ; « : !i —• ^Theodore Glazier, the German fertil- izing : manttfactun'r of Linden, this country, wlal pleaded non vull to the in* diCtnient a^iinst him for maintaining a nu|Bapce, pAohiiscd Judge McCormick: at Elizabeth, yesterday, tl.at if sentence was suspended Ue would remove hi* factory. Prvi*»s:utor tWiisou accepted plea and Judge McCormick released the prisober onJhiA own ifeeognlzance. I p.il tU Iii j ^ I

f •tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health fileESTABLISHED May PLAIX^IElf), X. J.. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 1^87 j ||PRICE, TWO CENT|SW THE DAILY PRESS or Tat WEEKLY *Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT

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Page 1: f •tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health fileESTABLISHED May PLAIX^IElf), X. J.. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 1^87 j ||PRICE, TWO CENT|SW THE DAILY PRESS or Tat WEEKLY *Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT



*Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT DVT—Bf ifniYs ASI> HOLIDAYS—AT! KOCH

n m u o j ; hE.VT TH*or<lHATlS.tM A VKAK,



TH£ .orrioi



,tt » DEVOTKU. IfJCAI.Uf. TO THE ISTlRlWt* Of, Tmz c m r or lLAixnt i . i> , ITS BITBTRM AJCD



r* orariuuccajn> Hoxnrr




ADrnTUlSoTK>» AT Tflia!



MADE ESOW» OS APM.ICA-orncs. NOTICE* or cararn





B" TH i: WAY.

—The "Jollywalk for July <i

—Fire crack< re amlatore have ma 1e tlu

graduates willto-morrow mor Ding.

—The, usualirch,

untgregationalevening, onbuilding.

—John Mills.Lynch yestirdiy foBned, two dollirs b;thi* morning.


Th* High School Commencement.The following is the complete order of

exercises in Music Hall, to-morrow ev.-n- :ing. upon tli'- iKvaxloti of the Se\ien?.->iithAnnual Conlmeniemeirt ».f the linintl. IdHigh 8choo|. The programme wjjl t>egiiiat 7 :4't o'el.tek. and every memo.-!* of thegraduating class will! take jwrfc Themotto of the Class of 'ijTjis a g<>o<j| "iie inthe way of mottoes, hilt rather inaccurateIn the way <»f the Worljl. It isGreat Is Lightly Won.J' The ,be by C'api««'s 7th Keg"t or.-hestra(




JC.ir.hJ,. i |Lrrtni I. HrxjrxA Ei

AntrWA !




Th«' Carnival;<>f theS.1". t | . .u, Eriulni.

our ruku..vuVoridllan Ft*:Three Picture* , J....).;.,... .LrrlA ; S. Woou.

The PassingOur

Waltz.. X u l tana (D.tn


arc arranging a cake

Confectionery a tores.| —The Anal n hears al of the High 8»ih<i

Jike ]>lac<- in Mu»>ic Hall

>rayei nu-etlng at Ui«will be omitted, thlH>f the cleaiiingtif the

• v y

I. a siounty

other Hngi-r ttiutl-r appearance in the

wait arrexU-cl byp nicerbfing drunk, wasQty Judge Ulricii

: month's pris.Jail was yBoard of

the Hornpardoned by thOeii. (ireen

—Work wa«lnew bridge of lhe Baltimore and Ohio time and they did not go away dl«»a.j.point-Bailroad cotnpi iny across Htateu Inland , ,*i. A programme which was pui.li»r>. dBound at EllzaUpthpoit. jjf j in y.-atenlay'* PUEM*. was carrie<l j<uil to

—A.base bull inaU:l fa* being arrarigrd j the letter, and provwl the best thei<Tiori»-for next Satunlay aft* m o o n f>n the Park I ters have ev«-n given. The orchestra eon-avenue ground*, between the "Crescents" j si*>tim< of twelve pie<-es leil l.y Pn»|. Bar-


The raiuily of Jojfn W. Murray,will i.jave th-lr t'ent^al avenue re*ld'early in Juljy. f.>r| a Sui:iii..-r at I»o*Shore, L. I. j . 1 :

Mr. N. V. W.>M!I-U|. the propri-t-.r o |

th.-Cil.-man H"us" | t Anbury Park. :vll|tender hi.- guests t h | flr^t hop of th- - a -soti. this ev«'iilng. |

Mrs. Van Ar-ial«-.| Mrs. Herring. M :-•»•and JIi--"|oriiliusoii ar>> .-x|.. ,-t-~

1 lumie fr.kni th|ir trip! to — •— ami• injtv. this evening.

The Anbury Parf Daity Prr-m -ays \C. .f

\on- ot

! • : • • • ,

n^'l Hall."


. . HUT

.F»AS« i. HAhhAUK

. ELEAXOBl Bt irr




For IVnman«>ilFt>jr

Mn. J. Kirtn.r.

"Mrs. Dr. \Puiiflflel.l's 111.

< >ffi<-er M'"Cue ba4 l«'eli coillln.; 1home on West Fouri|i street fn.m ai;

. tack ofrh«iu:iiatiMn,fi and Sj <•< ial OMattox is detail.-d tijjact in hii- place.

All ^he entries forfthe Plainfleld t"

at K«4-'vill«'. July 4|h. are not y.-t'. ceive<|. but, eo far. jMr. Daniel Adus t-niw to be the favojHte for winner.

i Mrs. S.A.(ri»inaeii£-rtain«-d tl:.- tcacliof the Bethel Mi--i"(J at her Ce-id.-neeBroadway, last ••veijii^. Mr. <»iima. vi* a f.iriuerlCouiiciliajjtn. is the .-n-ator

Last Night's Shows*.: During last night another hisrivy Hhoweritmed over the city, to tlio North,

i itje-ompanied by several loud c)ap» ofthunder. An immense volume; of! waterfell, and for a time some of the jstreeM•Sere entirely submerged. Th* fffw pe-•fcstrians who were obliged U> bo outwhen the storm bad subsided, f.iund itviury difficult to pass under the rkilroadliridges. Near Sew Brooklyn a telephone|K>1>- ou tbe main line butwuen; this cityand New Brunswick, was shattenHl intokindling vootl. A milkui&n, who KwidesBWar New Brooklyn brought to tonjn thisBaorning a "s|ilulU'r" from tbe pole whichMeasured about three feet in Itn^ii,several inches in cbrcumfcrenc.%Wy the great.-»t damage donewns that eustain4-d by the tele

i; it~j pany. Bat one wire was in working order!••• "C tBis morning wbpreby telephone connec-

Uoiis could be had «ith tlie oulside jworld.,'4. Oi the many connections. the Company

h*s with the large cities the only \tjire inUse was the one connecting PlairiflcljJ withJersey City, and that only as far as Eliza-beth. The night operator at the CentraldJl<-e says that during h> wliote tjiperi-


FFor Mathematlox IfaH. c. H.F<.rC. 8. History [...\..'.Jir. 1. W. Viuov.For Engll-h Oi^\--mllt''n.< MB. J KIBKMIIF.irH|«Hllll|t i..MB. i.F«r Lanjrua«»- (Latin) Ha. E. R.


Orertur^. -.KNPI aail IN-asanl


PBEHE3TATIO3I OT IHPUOfAN To TKA1S1JC*. CLA>» Mailed for Eur. . |»- On$h>- • C i t y

at the High S«-liool,| this morning. •.-njoy.wl the vi«-al re|iev. l.y the win'iof their s<miss of t$.- t.-rin ju.-t el<.s:Mr. Miller k-ad. and * Mi-s La ira li'i

Ibeiu. 8

the Mist-eil M.-'.tee. Mi.-s Potcity, v.f Koii.

and Mi-» Titi»w«.rthJ of

A d d n m t-> tluiOra.luau-«.Flrnt Awt. 8ti|.t ,

thi" morning, then-


alM> a iuoni : i!i#-

ness-d. The telephone 'fflce was! filledwllh smoke, and the b.;lls kept lip

t|JDual ringing wbich wa*i

talm from the nxifs of dwelling anjd de-posited in tne HiimryanU. A pprtijtu oftjtr chimney nn Frank C. Green's residenceOn West Fourth Btn-et was Mown clown,t|iK- bricks falling with a crash. A flew oftjjie District Telegraph wires I weregrounded this meaning, but no serious lu-

was occasioned thereby.: Last,'s storm Is conceded to be the se-

if X.V.

. . . Sail- >ual ilr»

! FaMivsI at WarrMt Mictkm., The oloriKter'x fe«tiVMl at t,h»f SVarr»-n

Mil l ion la*t ev<>nli(g. prov<-<l a r<u<t<j>->»* inpvorj' wny. Tli4- atten<lan<-e WMSI larn-andevenixKty prewnt »how.-d by their

•laughter of the Bev|l>. Bry«'i-.rfttteM. E. <|iur.h.

Mi-thefor li.-r hoiur in Holy}>ke. M.i-


:""f5 *j»rest that has visited this section of' f a r

r- 1

Ml»« Minnie L. 7|ioniai<. a t«-a<,-h-i inf,ie North FUinOeM |Publi<- S.l!.»,l. !• f t

y«—t- 1• lay. Alotit a <l<.z nMfholarx aeo>.nipani<-4

eimntenanee that th'-)' had •<>ni<- turn K'time

tlfteen of ir to the d-

jiHHsage fillI her ««Ki—1«

fd byand a nine jthe "oiliest Inhabitant" ball player;

—The case o!f Prof. Dennstwdt rn.Hopkins, bite propri-tor <-f tho #arkHouse, came UP on t fipeal at Elizabeththis,n>orning, ai d o/te r the case wan partlyheard, the matt -r wa>| a<ljourne«l overi un-til next-week

—Last night'i atteu lance at the Duiihiim

1—This oaic-rs

Judge Wadewjurth U>w o f I t o u n d B r o o k , n u d i T ' - > J < - x ( i l l . n t

d to

whentriiin. and all

on her journey. |

Mr. <>«•«.rg«- Kirkn<+ returj»-d froii.P a u l . MiUII-. h i s plAfHK of bllrtll.-^s, UZl.-Xvpceti-flly to Ids fnrfllly. yeMenlay.thus gave his father 4 decldetlly agre»-a''in Eark

i«4- by way of i-i-|ebraling tlie latl.-i *:

. and tniu-h credit 1M due theto andtheir leader. The vocal musi>- gii^-n l»ythe Cliori*t<trH waw Hst»-iH-<l t<> aiutj muchappre<-iatc<l by the audU-no*. I |.e<-Lnlmention In made of the m\t»- n-rxfria-i l byMetMrH. M. M. Dunham, C. H. Farlt-y andWilliam Kankin. all of whi.,-h w.rcj thor-oughly enjoyed. O>nn(-Jlnian D<inha.ni


C h o r i s t e r s festl val w ^ s a l a r g e ' o n e , : b u t | . . . . . , . ,. . . ., . . ™., _L : a n d t h e i r asM«Uint»* w e r e r e a d y for bus i -

t o - u i g h t s w i l l ^ [ • larger . T h e p r o g r a m m e _ . • ' * .. io f m u s i c w a s t l t r o u g h l y enjoye f l , a n d a ne n t i r e c h a n g e i f 'I-Lhi4evenli iRi«|>ubli!4hed' . . . . . . . . .

» r : o t h e r d e l i c a c i e s , a n d t h e wai ton our next p a j - . \> , | | ^ ^ <y f

—TheKewV»rk Worid Is <-atchlu^upon IU Pluiutieidi news. It was Weeks ; be-lt copied THE PKEMT

' lious skeepc-r," butivrconntit


up our points o tbe Xutbcrwocd chfpeidiscord, within three dayn. | ]

of tbe Grand Omric'il.Kiiyal Ar aniiiu of the StuU-, will >'onip!i-mient FirebiJeiC >un«-il of WwtUield Withan official visit;' to-morrow ev>niBg.: Ahoarty invitaU«»i is extended t ic Pla|n-fleld Council U> <e present. ;

—Tbe membe v of tbe Plain Scld "&>.-form club will givA aii e^cuisl<>n toEo< k»way Eeoi h oit- August ' th. Tb<*trip wiil include a forty mile s|Ul. Fullparticular-) as 11 time of starting. «U..will be odvertlw d in th*-*- columns. i

,—Briefs were submitted l>efonj the !lowJersey State Coi rt of Errors and Appealsat Trenton yesti rday in the canf- of theMayor and Cou icil of the Borough! iof

will pn»bably be enmlled.

TheKt>rtli Piainfl.-1( r*. Tunis 3. Careycourt reaep'ed 1 s decision.

—Keports frdl i all parts ofsnow that thetn is a fenrftil mf>rtali|ty'iinion.; fliickeni. In parts of Warren.Hunttrdon. Unim, Mercer and Burlingtoncounties chickei s are dying off dally «<tiaccount of the j< kraoitic worm known a»

gave oflli-fal notice that thei-lr aw.

ness. The evening proved an exi-.-ll.-ntand

• keptthfjir cus-

tomers. An entire change in thi' pr.»gramme is published for tills evening, anda large audience will in all probability be

e n c with electricity laet ni^bt'nWat- tbe mi»t ei'vere be has «ver


is season. Many person* who are l|i theof sleeping while a thunder strtrm is

Iti progress, were awakened but ijight,gD'\ many were thoroughly excited!. Anbtable fa<rt is that for about a Week past,with the exception of a single nignt, atilbower, most neverc in its nature., hasfjlfcited thU place between the bouB« ofMti and two, each night. j

binee the a>x>vn was written It ban lMx:nai»--ertalried thai the damage done is_ wan at first reported. The(Jwelling h..os* •>( Juwtice V. W. Maa«, on


Interesting; Ex«rciie*-The Ust of Prizesand an Addrw* by Dean Rodman.

The first annual;i-<.miii«Ti<-.-imnt of theRodman Heminaryiook plaee la.-t evening.All day yueterday |h.- cl.ixing w.-iif* wereenacted about tli.^!iuiiiuiy imilding 011Eatrt Fifth street a|id la>t night the par-ents of the scholar^ and friends of the»«hool gathen>il th ire in large nurnl>cri4 tolisten to tho d e l i n g of ert*i\> and therendition of a i uSrfully prepared pn»-grammearranged ^y th- priucipal. Mrs.K. C. Dlnge-, wl|>s.! able awsihtant inMli» FKunince Ku>ten.-*. The parlors inwbich U10 graduating cxcrciwM t<>ok place,presentud a pleasing-appearance. On themantles an<l at (-• iiv.iii.nt joints aUiiitthe roomi tli'i'- W^K a profuse display offragrant flower*. ; Every one wenied1

brimful of pleasure and th<? dvciit pannedoff pleasantly, notwithstanding the inLeiiwheat. The programme w.-is tak.-n upshortly after eight! o'clock and was asfollows: i %

TtLr 1>TU~ Aunt.

MI»M Maltby.M I 8 l U

A s m Jemima. - -•*.Mm. Uu^U.- ..." IMary -1 5Mr UuMtlti iFnxl....;. i ;.

K< !t tat Ion.Th« Threr

Suurlw- Mi

Th«» Hnin


..May IbKlman...Fro.1. u. Hmltli.• 1. Lluii Exinall

Mary E. Collier

,JeHMl Hancbctt

near Put man avenue, ; was4$ruck by lightning and afbout tw«lvd f'-et«f the weatlier-UXirdiugili the rear of Uie;t|jlilding was torn iofT and carried Some

blrthflay, and fie can jbe pn—'-ilt withpast (jra.hiatus at th? Couiin'MieementMusi. Hall to-inorroiir evening. | ^Mtanee. The sln'e roofing was shatttemd

Mr A. P. Wright .L.j-nr-d l-J-.re •!,.•: 4 ' ' ""*tluirA"*r'1* wintered. AfterCitizens A*H-tatU.n£ of W.-Ufl.-ld. b, , t 4«"'ki"K the house the bi.lt appeared Uevenin,,. and deliver-^ a v.-ry .ntereriti::*

1?!»v<" matl" » i u m f " f " " m e * ***• " « a l n

and ,n.~t Instm.^i^- -t«t,-ment of , ! lr t. ^ k i n g the structure, and slivering;twopr.-lu. tion, use. sent . , -and e.-onomy o f | ^ ' « - Be tw^u UL, weather-Umrdn andeieAric Sighting by 4 andesernee. I:.,I: W' "he«thing wa* a cMiling of heavy pa-to th.«e pTOi-^nt who w.-ie best ai-iuaiM.-i . # r - *>n»" " f w h l f * w a a J « m n " d throughwith Mr. Wright. hisihor-UKh k n o w l - i ^ r rnuk» '" " » t j O a r d ^ I n 1>nr- " f ih(-,f th* ~i • «•• «1 igri * f ill*" trn'i r I UJ»;NT ri^onis wtui a wire ninl cftg*1, and

and fl,:en'-vf.f -i~«A "were unesw-ct-l'lMi" *a»twb,t*.l an.l bent into an in.xjtric-' ' mass. Mr. Nash wivs his- family

•r" uwake at the time, (jut did not kjnt.w

A Demand for Building Lotk.it has t«<-ome, known that f new

nianufm-turing industry is alx.ut tojI.H-ateIn thi-> city the demand for building lotsIn the neighborhood of Grant avenue issomething unprecedented in the historyof tb>- city. Sui.-e Thursday last tbe Cen-tral Xcw Jeir«-y Laud Improvement com-pany through Its agent, William C. Ayers,has nold Ui the vicinity of the Grant •ve-nue station about (6,1100 worth of |ir .pnr-ty, all of which was purchased by TTain-flcld parties. The remainder of the prop-erty belonging U> Ui-> e«»mpany, abouttwenty ncr.-v In all. will lie cut up in lotsranging from fifty to three hundred feetfn-utage. to suit the purchaser.; Mr.Ayere Informs u» that th.: company hasmade no advance in the price of land andprobably will not. He says that Mr: JohnR. Moiire, treasurer uif tlie Land Impn>ve-ment company is exjxfcted to conic up U*-nmrrow and locate a number of cottap «The l.H-.ition of these buildings. he;w»ys.would have been made before, but theplans were not completed. •

l e y f'f sjH-»ip. w e r e lineX]Mt't

Mrs. Mar}) SiUirk.|wid..w of the iu:.tCharl..-s M. tfilli.-k. wl|.. u-itil witiiin a f -.months a^oI wa.~ a ib—ident-of C"i;. jPlace, thi- ejtv, but Utterly of Br.«.k:.v:died at her horn.- in tfeat . ity on M"nd.i\The remain^ will u- tjjh.ught to Plainti.'i.

;h. ho'ise had b>-eii -tru. k until thism«.ruing. He says he thought a tnN> intb<- neighboring strip of w.HKlUuid was

ol.j.-ct struck. St. "Mary'rt B<wan, at the forner of Sixth

the Presbyterian e.-ni|tery. The husljnn<iof the deceased died Jin North PlainfieUion Jan. 2"tll. ISJO. nii j a daughter. Louise^di.nl <>n Mav 21st. lH*fe.

—At the meotlhg of the Militarypany iu The C e-sc.-nt. bist evening,- anumber of apptii atiu (.a-scd their exanil-nation and some new name.s nercposi-d. .Sixt. ••« ire now waiting for -uii-mittauce. and t>\ the first of next ni<i*ithut least oii.«-na!f the necossary |uuuiA»cr

• M

—Sineothe pioject 0/ e«tabli»liini} a «f »uch asseiubl.-d. Among those presentpublic librarj- a*n I fre« teading rjoomjat j-^^g Mn?. Judge Koome. aged H3 yearf,Scotoh Plains vfi s lirst inaugurated, it is j mother of Mrs. H-gcman ; als<., Knv. andsaid, a friend < f| th«- cause has donated i Mrs. D. J. Yerkes, Eov. an«i Mrs. jU\ E.$100 cash and <lt ler smaller contributionsarc pouring in.1 It is proposed, to lovjate

Is to be given atStreet , will !«• foMr. V.M.rhwJ an 1 Mr. Isltell:-. .is

alieu-lv iu

j |

! Reception to the New PastdV-; The reception tendered the Kivtj Cor-; nelius Schenck. by Mr. and Mrs. 3B. A.

* • Hegeman at their residence on Willow av-enue, lost evening, was a brilliant |iffair.The commodious house was thrown- opento the congregation and friends of TrinityIbfformed church, and a large gatheriiiK

the rooms in Es< elsior Hall.—Through a typographical error, Mr.

Hawthorne's lee .uro on "WriUng Novels,"in some plkv •es, announced for the

evening of Tuee lay, June 23d, Instead ofThursday. Ti'.ket. for Ulio lecture which

Seminary Kail, Fevejitih

Honeyman, Bev. C. L. GoodrichJ Rex.A M B. Dilts, Bev. J. B. VanMctcjr andthe Bev.iMr. Koechli. Tho occasion over-came all (restraint, andeveryl»ody mjlngledsociably (together. The supper Was byComptonj the Front street caterer^ Tlieushers wj-re ull incmbera of the YoungPeople's Stx;lety of Christian Endeavor,

nd included Messrs. Samuel J. Jloon-,

List OotrtDleted.The full ^oin|.|etij«9it of public schoo;

U-achers fr»ti the c<i|iiing b'rra is n<fixed upon.j After ijhe r»?-apjM»intnients;had been made and' pubii*he<i in TH:P K E « , f«urj vacancUfr- p-niain.-d Twnwert- filled s«jim<; daysjuno, a* we ann>>unc i l by tlie ap;«>intnient of Mi's I(a-s andMiss Hutpb'tn. gradiiut<-s{ of the school.who an; to rcr-eiveU»|r truiuiiiL;, last* .er-tificutes ti^morrow evening. The remain-Ing two .-tppolntmenis have now l ^ ntendered— ..nn to Miss C. A. Barber, ngraduate of FramiugHam Normal School,and at.-a.her of ^ v . u yeai s experieuc<-;and the other to MI-wcArrjuit, a eradu.iU'of Adelph! Academy.;. Brooklyn, OswegoNormal S. h<».'l. anda leather of non S twoycrirs In the Hnmpt. I; Institute, Va., withwhi ii a slsUjrof the tttv. W. K KichanlsI-<-«.nnet-t<Hi.! The fulj list ia ae follows:MW I'etrie.! Mia,; N^.-s, kliss Hornby,Miss Runvon Mi~~ t>.i\is. Mins 1'eUU.Miss Annie TICUIKT. ! Mi-s Stout, MissWhitney, Mis* Gilbert, MUs Day, Mi-eBuH.K-k. M:*^ P.»r.«.'.;Mi8s Brown. MissNewman. Miss Waters. Mi-«.- Huiupf. n.Miss Vedder, Miss U'Oi. am. Miss Wo.*1,MLS.H Clark, Mins Norton. Miss Shrev. .Mis* Lewis, Miss* SU>v{r!', Jliss Kctchaua.Miss Burt, Miss C. fkiino'. HIM Bast-.Miss Sutphcn. Miss Hai r> r, Miss Aixj'.it.Prof. Hazell. \

We Cot pThere.In t<-afl of T-'rintingUhn dispatch sent

us at the tlnif. stutlnjl the dlw'overv amiI F . •

lightning:. One of the windows inbell-tower was shattered into <rag- !

nts. which i? the only damage reportedi ha\>- Ix-en done U> the church. A lurge |

fillow tree on Jackson avenue. Njorthainlleid. wa« considerably dlsflgurejrl by

§V«ilt of lightning, and the growth iof anear Mr. Halsey Compton's residence

i West Front stn-et. wits stopped l.y a"ke. [ i

Plainfield Tennis Tournament.The lawn U-nnis tournament announcedI THE P U B * to take place in this :cityirtwi.-en clubs from Bergen Point. £3iza-Jth. K<«elle. Westfleld. North Bainrieldill 1'lalnfieUl, It- all arnuig«d. The^urnament Commlttet' consists ofii>ssi>. H. W. Bet-tie. James P. | Murray><1 Fn-<l W. Walz, who have laljl oqt at^ifnimme of contests in which t|iealcoveu)>s will take part during the «lay» ofily 1, 2 and 4. Th.-w contests Will occuri the "rounds ..f the Plainfleld Lawn

nist'lul)—Central avenue alnive Eighthdll interesti'd in tlie Hjw.rtian-

fcoMially Inviud tf) tic pn-sent during the

j^ _ !i*s . GIHMI piny i s a s s u r e d ji by t h ejjjwiiliilier of entries' already ijbc. ivt-d.

in uacbof the

ind at. the urug store.-i 4*1 J. Kandk.lph Dunn, Samuel IS. Snmcl-

ntioned.lit j sou, Fred CutU-r. Charles Goopf.-itI •! Luca,* and John VanDyke.


: *ne ni<|rdor<T of the. un-known girl at) Hahwayf. we told our read-ers that tilery was no; foundation for anysuch sensati'inal claiidi. as the man « fseeking not<»riety and ifrce transportationfrom the W.HBt. THI; PHEHB, as klway^.was ri»?ht there is ifr> u w for fly-paiin thu) o31ce


|laiidw>ni«- prizes for tin- winneroffered. The naru

isileld contestants, nnil! th.games, will be iuiijo&iu-t

in a few days. y


%¥ Advic* to Graduate*. \y..;To the young laJi.-s: bo just ab ewceta.-1 \">i cun. Tbe man who doesn't like tol.rtik u|»,n a a«KHt girl graduate Liuviiliai.—or married. Tie your essay with»blue ribbon, and be practical i in theilU>ice flf a subject. We eugges^ "TheCoining Miui." To young men: Don tiliiad the newspapers. 'Whoop it; up" loril l jj-ou're worth on the commeiicunienl|^j?e about "Tlie Bcliolar in Ppllti«e,":!-fhe Ideal BepubUc," and the "politicalIv^iiny of Patagonia." About five yearsfrom now read your creation over to your-se!f slowly.—Buffalo Ejcpnm.

The U»l C>illJ i. Kgntii U/~lman8«ven AK--4 1 lu Tableaux

tu-fulllil <j( EsxaysMlw. Swltufr. -• Minn Maltbr

Dl»trlliul!i.ii of frizes unil Ul].]. .inan.The nvjuitions b^ little- Miss Marj- E.

Oilller and Miss J K1"'1* R<»lman, weredelivered In clear tones, and ea.'h wa*.ac-ceptably nscelved.; A tableau entitled•TheSf'vfrt Ages,";beautifully illustratiKla child In her teenrtj the maiden, the pn^pf>nttl, the marriagtj, then with a happyand prosperous family, and lastly, old ageand death. Each <if the seven represen-tations were Ulunjinated by variegatedlights, Uie whole p|i;>»cntlng an imposingsjKX'tacle, and eliciting prolollgeil ap-plause, l

The KrwluaU-s w#re Miss Lizzie Maltbyand Miss <Parrie 8wjtz»;r. The subject ofthe latter!'* es«>ayi was "WestministerAbbey," wtiich thu^joung Uvly read offwith appai i-rit ease, following much carein its preparation; Her dull very wasel.-ar and 'listiu.-t, ithd at the clow she re-.-elved a w^roi ovation. Tho subject- ofMiss Maltby's easajtjwas '•Catherlnw Parr,"but the young ladjr was excused fromreading It. It tiegain with the reign ofHenry VIII of England, and Uild.of thepollti<al and rellgiotm troubles during hisnrign — -'wiiie to any; man that dare.I todiffer with him. for jtliey were at once de-clared heretic* and burned to the stake.'NcvcrthcUrSs. he W4B a man of titles andline arts and was n#ver so happy as wli.-rb>- could find guilt. • Catherine Parr « .LSthe sixth wife of Hejliry VIII; of Englishbirth, and the first Protestant Queen inEngland. She was well educated and wasthe only one of Henry's wives who. in tbesincerity of an honest heart,the doctrines of th«j' refunnaUon. Afterher marriage she wrote a book entitledtlie ' Lamentation <4 a Sinner," and nextto the writings of Sir Thomas Moore, thirwas one of the finest productions of thatera. Catherine did good without display,and shunned no danger if it availed to-ward the accomplishment of a noble work.Beautiful hand-eugraved diplomas, thework of Mr. Oscar Stevens, of Evonu,were then presented to the graduates.Bev. Dean Uoduiail followed with anaddress in which he expressed his thanksto the pupils of the feeh'H'l for their kind-ness in giving the sdhool his name. Hewas uiutblo to understand why It bad nitbeen called -The Dtngee Seminary" in-stead of the "liodmiii Seminary," becauseof the good work wbich had been done byMrs. Dingee. Iu Conclusion be calledattention U> the fjet} that tiiu grafluatcshail lintsiied their course of study ou theday of the Queen s Jtibilcc. In speakingof Victoria's life, a Christian woman and aChristian Queen, Mi*. Hodman remarkedUnit every woman uilght I*' u Queen andevery' m.in a King


At tfie beginning! of the year, Mrs.DiufC'-c. the Principal, offered what, iskn >%vn as the --Star trizj-," consisting ofShakespeare's Complete Wot ks, t«. theyoing lady or gentjemuii wlio attainedt.ie highest average tor everything duringt!ie yeur. inol'J.Uu;,' tlie various studi*-!-,depoii.iucnfi and ult^mdattce. This prL:.-wao awarii.M to Miad Lizzie il^ltby, shehaving un average far the year of 93, andMi-te Curricj Switzer, Second with an avcr-a^oof 91 J. I Other pjrizes of Uxikd wereawarded for tho highest avurago in thet e. erol stu4les aud upecial mention wasalso made 4f those »4io madu next to thehighest average. Tlje following is a com-plete list: j ;

Astronomy and <i*ology—First Prire,Miss 8wit*:r, 93 'i-8; special uienUon,Miss Multby, 97|. '

Chemistry—First prize, Mias MaltbyOof; Rpecial mention, Miss Switzer, U3 4-5.

Mathematics—First prize, Master LinnEdsall, 100; special mention. Master Fred.Smith, 90.

Literature-First prize, Miss Swltxor,'M{ ; specialj luention. Mias Maltby, 92*.

Etymologjy—First : price. Miss Kate


i g f i tf.jAJtth

,,., . . , -->: sp.M-ial mention, MasterfNd. Smith. ;« H-'J. t;Histoiji_ First prtJH", Master Harryii^t, HB5-!»; sjiecinl mention, Maflfc rfikrles Jlaftby. '•»> i-'J. |ijeoernphy—First prize, Miss MaytBotl-iB|i,.!A); fe-iMfiaJ meirtion, Master iFred.itdth. J : |S*enmai|.slup—First prize, Master J^has.fu|tby. 3.rijj-!); speeidi mention, Masterbin E.lsi|ii, ii4 .Vl*. |Jji the jjrirnary dflpartment Miss Maryif|i.-r s.!|ured a piizt- for the highestijjrHuc i j nil the lessons fluring thejyear,[|.l Jliss .^gnes"Rodman a prize fof tho

ag<; In deportment. |« ' of tho exercises re^resh-

^J^jits w<|r<! served jn abundance! andIj njcine- »^i4 In.hil^e.l |n by the scholar*.|i|IJhc K'Klmiin Seminary although jcom-6(jr|ith''ly.In Its infancy. Is dcstibo|l t o4k-('m|'lih!i fanich g<K>d wtirk In thefuiture.| (r i . Dinj^H. heretoff>rft comlucti-d n prU|jjt4> school jit Evona, but about a iyear4^j>»she siJL-iired her present commt^Ilous'}Ui«rteiH i nd starteil the above mvned!|etnliiary.» The institution has amopg lt«tcpjilr- scW'larw ranging in age from bight

ijj twenty ij-t<nrH, sons iind daughter^ ofsjfpje f>f onr most wealthy resident*. \ TheI|J4<JB rfMinjs are light and airy, thorough-ly kvntilatjif'd, and the play ground Is j pro-

": ' wittf fin abundance of shade.' Nohav«} l«cvn spared to make the place•tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health

f cl<comf<.{h. it IK said to bo unsurpassed.. . f • e- s

\3; J J Chrirtianity-Flagt. ]J!:^ESHHH.|EDITO»»:—Permit me through|jf jnedlii|n of your paper to have ai few

inls wlt^ my old comrades of the atroy.i4radcH| the glory of our war is thkt Itt|not a,l*ar of conquest pillage, jrlo-

or raJTcenary destru<:tion except in &^ j | inola|ed case*. The glory of> ourV, i$>ry Is |hat none suffered punlshBientffT |helr «t?n>r-crime If you wish tocall Itmth If 4 crime, one conduced by j theI |ri>- in [ •JWT when the war ceased, j We

ij^ thaijiwc werr;menaswnlla«.8oldjiers-) iB'! hajl old soldier*) take from $helr

|j>cjicts aj|>it of li-a.1 and with pride] nay'5*»i» I" «*at I got at such and su<jb al^i fe ," b(|t never havfl I had one say to4H j'Com^to my homo and I will showj|in'jsllverj|j>r; pictures or aught el«« takenfjiinji n so||them home," I tliank Oofl fori t 'Let ufl be mem in this matter. -Youmtm whai It cost t/> gather up those flage.1 ^ r«'tn(|nUr wo gathere<l them all"|iing fron Vlcksburg ti> the soa—froml|itf^ U> 1H< 5, we gathered them on thefwayt^ •nd fro| |> Blchmond by a cjreuttousr^u6> viit • Gettysburg, Antietam, Vicks-b|»f^, the t1 jk'iidemess, trtc. The gathering

1 not ;|ill on our side. Comrades, ftjyou <jjs|ly know what, to gather themfnd ite may cost something to /give

up. b|it' it seems to me the mostsfMjrijeiicc t<» a war wagcl betweencouiti'ynicil. More than one fcgl-

il tbuj has aU-eady bi.>«'n returneiJi Ic tlu» the illliistrious s<»ldier ilan-

|4 undj|r whom many of us foqgtlt,>(i|d be.ljr li^iug, In full sympathy With

kindly-:Let. I firmly believe that! theftf of thj«|Boldie#iin blue will upon secondt-i*bt, a |d t;»at i-re long, bless Otxi forfcC'lirlstiaa act i f His Excellency^ tbe

id.nt t)l these United SUtcs. l

WW. D. W. MU.LEB,to C«pt. and A. D. C , U. i. A.

! ft

Machine Home gjffclie comply <>f the Fifth. V. ti Artil-

le^y; thut (jjotised through, this city at noooo( M:'y ^'tj1' "> route from' Fort BamfitoaUf'Wilmin^on, Del., la un its way backagaiji. >Lalt ni^ht ft encamped directly

^pjiu tbf Grant avenue .station, and aUpaFisipd a severe night building pon-ri.lg^g to ke«'p out of the flood.^and.ug |he attacks of skirmishingt of ignosquitoe. The company ofe rrifn and the usual equipment of-

^ , gui a and baggage wagons, brokecwnp aU>u| six o'clock this morning. Tbeolthwis arepas published lu TnK PBEHB ofMjhyr.-5tb :4<iii.t. Brinkle, Lieut. BUey,L|>ui 15iupt and Surgeon Evert. The

j j ^ v e »4O(H1 the severe march withe, aijd are all well. Tho most dan-ca^4 that has come under the' atof flie surgeon being only thai of

j who| htrollinl into canip with aj fr

lit Firf Near New Market. 't |e iirogrcss of the thunder

r hi.-t nlgut, a large Itarn on tho't Mr. Handolph Qiles, between

an<l Possuiuluwn, and occu-pied i by ^m. Stryker, in Pi&catuWayT4^ship. jlriu struck by lightning, sei o ulirji'apd totflly destroyed, together withiiiiiolf of Ite^contcnts, also a wagon-houseand ;4ovcl. ^ All that was saved was atrlai^powei thresher and wind-mill. Theloa* -ill pr<|bably reach several hundred

i \Tp are unable to learn if tnbre

Glazier, the German fertil-izi»g ] uian!|fi^turer or Linden, Gxisi-oonty, who pleaded non vull to the Ju>.liiitn<ent agiiinpt him for maintaining anuJBttJioe, pA)m!isoil Judge McCormick; atEJizaU'th, yttjtii day, U.at if sentence wasBunpqnded jje would n>movo his facuiry.Prw»tocutor iwilsou acoepted plea and

McCormick released tbe prisoner>wni|eeognizance. t


/, The Daily Press


lortios or the weezlt ! AHD IS UWrU) EVERY [DAY— !

at* axd Holidays—at! Foch Amasoo*; «KST THIun.ll i at M.uu a Teas, ok de-j HER AT 10 CECTS A WEEK. !









SOLICITED OS ALL HA' , BCT PC BUSHED OSLT the Sajo: or the as Esdousixo the i rrn

or the oosxrsic. ios

RAj) E* ■If IU t IV


S O f


Fairs. Hociables, j Lurr- Thaxks. Lodge Reholctiox.h.




r. L. ASD A. paorKiirroBs.



—The “Jolly walk for July -i tli

-Fire crack*;

graduates will to-morrow inoi nlng.

’ irch. —The, usual

gregatlonal eh’ evening, on amount building.

—John Mills

the Somerset

—Work was new bridge of

Bound at Eliza —A.base hull

to-night’s will of music was entire change

hed May io, 1887. 1 njj$ :;Sf j

PLAIXFIElb, X. J.. WEDNESDAY, June 22, 1887. j Price, Two Cents.

_ —M — - —- -





YIasaoiso EDITOB.

an? arranging a cake

rs and other linger muti- lators have ma :le the Ir appearance in the Confectionery * tores.

—The Anal r hears *1 of the High School Lake place in Music Hall

iraveii meeting at the Con- will be omitted, this jf the eleaning of the

4- I vho w Aii arrested byOOUer

Lynch yestord iy for being drunk, was Bned, two dollar* by City Judge U|rtch this morning.

—(surge Bell, a sit month’s prisoner in county Jail was yesterday

of I’anlolis pardoned by th * 8taf i B< >ard Oeo. Green pis sldinjj.

The High School Commencement. The following Is thelcomplete order «.f

exercises in Music Hall. bsm<>rro«r even- ing. u|sm tie* occasion of the Sevientecn t h Annual Coniineiieemeirt of the Ptnlnfi* Id High School. The pr*igramnic will l*-gin at 7 :45 o’clock, anil evfijy'mciubejj-j of the grnduating class will take imrt. Tie- motto of the Class of 87 is o go**]) one in the way of ne>lt<ies, but rather inj||ceurate In the way Of the V.ulil. It is "Nothing fin al Is Lightly Wen.!’ The anisic will be by Cappa’s 7th Reg’t on-hostra.


PARtlCULAP MENTION. Last Night’* Shower. p During last night another heavy shower


The family of J*.fn W. Murray, E«i.<f$Maed over the city, to tlie |North. will leave th-fr C’critgal avenue res|.lencc§«>oomp»nied by several loud ejaps of

f-.rfi early in J uljy. Shore, L. I.

Mr. S. V, vfi««lru|. the pr"pri*-t* the Coleman House |t A-Miry Park, terrier hi- gue-t- th£ fir-t hop of the son. this evening. |

Mrs. Van Ap-dal*-.: Mrs. Herring.

Summer at Haig thunder. An immense volume: of] water fell, ami for a tittle some of the streets

r oj| Ajerc entirely submerged. Th* few pe- •vill dbstrians who were obliged

Randolph ami Mi--T“iiiliiisi>n ur" *-x|*eet{JJ?

U> ts> out ,.af ilhen the storm had subsided, found it

' very difficult to pass under the railroad bridges. Near New- Brooklyn a telephone pOle on th*» main line between^ thin city Mi**

StiHi. .L... Hrlrfn**a .......

Mevlnjc Onw«nl, Thr Cftrniral of the FH‘W*4h.

Errajinlt our I'nkuovn B**n»*f»j*v»ni. YerittUan Fl*jtir»i» Thr«w» Plctum j...

Tlu* Pawinj; Kpjjini»*ut. Our Ftirpmoiirr* L... j


. - Wi-ysB-!. Utm 1. lin.uniT . .HELPSA Ei H 'KAS. I

ArontTA; Holhes. laJoil-tysk i . Walter j| Moore. ABBIE. M, jWlLsoX. [ . . Ll’rlA > Wood. . OAerljr. Mart TiT*»--itTn

, i and New Bruusrtick, was shat.ten|d Into l,U- kindling wood. A milkman, who t-oaide*

| War New BnMikiyn brought to : Booming a from the pole^which

ed horn** fr«i»m th<ar trip t vi«*lnjty. thi- p\«*ninj|.

The A?*burjr P^rit Daily Prr+M -ayt* •*Mrs. Dr. \\ . t. I^(«*ne, one of alK)iit three f«xtt in IfengLii, by Plainfield's most pn#uinent nnsliesl «ea| :Svetmi inches In clrcumteivnc^ I’reba- Is -topping at Sunset| Hall. ' l4y the gre«t.-st damage done liei1 ‘Ulsluts

i ilTleer M.-Cue iia 4 l.s-ii is inline 1 to iiiA «fn- that sustaimsl by the b■lp|>honl(• com- home on M”est Four® stns*t from an ats pary. But one wire was in working order tm k ofrheuinatiMn.jj and Sj cr-ial < morning wiipn*by telephone connee-

Hnrrilp».. l...Lfbaxk J. m Walt*.. Marl thrift d>*nbithAn Drllltitf«r.

Xymbr.iH,..'.:J J... j-. Eleaxo* d. Beal. ValedUtaAnr... j, „• CLaT.a M Bit:t

Mattox ir* deutiltsi t«»a* t in hin j»ia< Ail the trie- for i th** Plainfield Club*

chaini*ionj»iiip one mil*- bicycle r»*a»l ra'*ej l at K«i**\*ille, July 4th. not v**t ret t It I *»'oo * IUY . •» UIJ Still. Hi* * O - reived, imt, so far. | Mr. Daniel AdamC Akruey City, and that only us far os Elizu-

Aililre**. Rev. w. is. IU' Kai::s

Idyl The Mill lu ths Bl«k Forest . Ep.-nheriL

1 lieth. The night op«»raU)r at the Central a* wiys that during hj<* whole «jxperi-

iee with elc^-tricity la»L nigbl'n &torin the moet severe he ha* ever! wit-

PUE8EXTATION OF KEWARDfll orr. rt*.l \>y

For P«*nmanBhip Mu. J. Kirkn. r. For Mathomatlo,.... ...Mr*. C. H. StjLUOS For IT. 8. History Mr. J. W ilnui.iv. 1

For English On|ipo«ttfr*n. 1.. MR- J. Kll:t M II For Hpeilhig I,.Mu. J. W. Merrat. | For LanKuage (Latin MB. E. IS. AC*ermas.

—s-m- to be the favofite f..r winner. Mr-. S. A-tiilina eiih-rtained the teaehe]

of the Bethel ili—ioj) at her re-ideliee <: Broad wav., last evening. Mr; irinna. »h<8 . is a former Couneili^in. is the creator o« Jhe telephone office was ; filled

Urartu re. . P»*et AO'I B-lVMHlt ?*'


pbesestatios or Uiplomam d■ Tkaisiss class

Address n the Ura-luates, tbom.AsF. Hynuisos. First Aset. Sujd., Public Heles.ts rd N. V. CKy

Selection ...XaibiiA] Ailrs. (la) 1-i.

the sueeessful misriijb mentioned ab Quite a niirals-r of Visitors Were prcseijl

at the High Sehool.J this morning, ant enjoyed the visnl reViev. by the .-chi dan of their siinses of the term just idosingS Mr. Miller Wad. and j Mi-s Laura liukeft aeeompani«(l them. 5

besides the Mi-l“*4 Mrtree. Mi-s Potte and Mi-- Titsworthj of this city. vl> sailed for Eurojs- uuItiie “City of Home, this morning, there Was ais.. among th(| cabin passengers 811-- Aggi*- Bryan, daughter of the Bev|D. Brjan- fonm-rlj pastor of the M. E. i||iureh.

Mi— Minnie L. Tiiomas, a ti-acie-r i

ve? With smoke, and the isdls kept up a eon- *1 O 1 _i. t L:..l. .1.,..r....i.... J,j

ls»gurj yesterday on j tin LUe Bttltimon' and (thl-

Ballroad comp iny across Staten Island attroi port, bill b

pr*thj mabtli W being urrartgf d

for neztSatunlky afbtrniHin on the Park avenue ground*, between tlio “Creieenta"

Prof. ?ropri

Judge Wadswfirth ’ ball player;

Dennstaedt r*. Mrs 'rtl-tor of the Park

appeal at Elizabeth :uif the ease was partly

waa adjourned over; nn-

and a nine pick si by the “oiliest Ink ibltant

—The case (if Hopkins, late House, came utt on tbls monilpg, ai id oil heart, the matter til neit wis'k

—Last night'* attendance at the Dunham Chorister’* festl val w as a large one, but | ". fc* larger. The programme

of music was thoroughly enjoyed, and an lie 'Ifir thlievenlng ispuMldheil

on our next pn{ <*. \ -The New Y wk World U cgU-htug-up

news. It was weeks tc- Tue Press' account »f

i Fastivol at Warren Mission. The Chorister's festival at the IVarr,-n

Mission last evening, proved a sue.s--- in every way. The attendums- wwk largi- and eveninaly present showed by their oiuntenaiiee that thf-y had .sune fodii go**l time and they did not go away di-upi-iint- ed. A pngramme which was published ltt yiwtenlay's Press, was carried j<»uf to the letter, and pro veil the best the (’hori— ters have even given. The orchestra eon- sisting of twelve pieces led by Prof, bar- tow of bound Brisik, reuderisl excellent music, and much credit Is due thein and their leader. The vpeal musie gih-n by the Cliorisbini Was listem-l to and, - nmi-h appreeiateil by the audience. ^jasrlal mention is made of the solos rembiied hv Messrs. M. M. Dunham, C. II. Farji-.y and William Kankin. all of which venij thor- oughly enjoyed. Councilman Dtinham gave official notice that the chorf-t.-r- and tlii'ir assistants were ready for busi- ness. The evening proved an i xc.-ll.-nt

L. Thomas, a teacher the North Plainfield |publie School. 1-fl f<»r h**r liDiue in Holv^ik**. j • lay. AlicUt a <*r flft«**-ri »*f j**h«»lar?* a<*y«’mpani<*4 *^*1^ iv«*t«T»lay. Hh«*r«* *«*k i»ah*-a^G on th 12 train. all m9**1i**<1 h«tr |j «»fi h**r j«Mirn«fy. ( : : the •!><»%'« wm* writtc*n it ha* jb**»n

Mr. Kirkn**r r»‘tfron. StM Paul, Minn.-, hi* «»f bupii!♦**■*% un*‘x| jM*«*b^!ly !i!h family. y***rt<*nlay. thuft «av#* hi- father 4<b*H(i**d|y airr#***aMi|B||rk W*4* near avenue, j wxm -iirjiris.- by way of c.|.d,rating the latb-r g|w*ruck by llghtnilig and aliout twelve feet

^ the wentlii-r-boariiiugin the rear of tin-

one for the dispensation <if c-Deani and other delicacies, anil the waiters wep- kept

on its Plainfield fore It eopied “Holmes’ lious (keeper," but it; followsl up our pointe 011 discord, within

the Nuthcrw three days.

of the Grand Gnmail. of the Slab , will cunipli-

ment Fireside C >uncii of Westfield With — ' bsmorrow evenlag. A

Is extended tlic Plain- je present.

—The officer* Uoyal Ar anuiu

an official visit hearty 111 vita tin i field Giuncil to

gin —The member* of, the rial!

ui ere August

forty mile time of starting.

form club will Iiockawaj- Eeaiih trip will include partii-ulars a* t ■ will be advertliafil In the*,- colu;

.—Briefs were Jersey State Cut n at Trenton yesb i

tairts dunins. 11

lubmitted liefoni the Now rt of Errors and Apiwals rday In the t-asp of .tlie

Mayor And Com icil of the Borough of Nortli Plainfl'-lt court reserved li * decision.

—beport* from all fiarts of New Jersey show that them i among elilcki-m. Hmib-rdon, Uni

Dvugumlii. i —At the nii-et pauy in The C numtier of appli’ nation anil some posed. Sixbs-h mittauce. and M at least on.*-hull will pmliably be

—Since the pijojoct

Beotoh Plains » salil, a friend

are pouring in.’ the rooms in Exielslor Hall.

—Through a

Thursday. Tick is to lie given at l street, will is- f" Mr. Vi*irhces- an J those already in -ntlont d.



rw. Tunis J. Carey. Tbf’


busy attending to the wants of lh--jr cus- tomers. An entire ehar(ge in the |-r-- gramme is publishisl for this evening, and a large audience will in all probability be preis-nt.

is a fearful mortality' In parts of Warren.

i m. Mercer and Burlliigtpu counties clik-ker s are dying off dally on account of the piraaiUc worm knowu as

ihg of the Military obi u- escent. last evening, u

• auts passed their e\an li- ne w names wen? pi:“ '

are now waiting for ail- 1

the first of liexi ni< *n!h

A Demand fer Building Lots. Sinn it has t-ecome known that a new

manufai-turing industry is at*>ut toiloeate in this city the demand for building lot- in the neighborhood of Grant aveljue i- somethlng unpns .-denUsi in the tjisti iry of the elty. Silas- Thursday last the Cen- tral New Jeisey Laud Improvement com- pany through its agent, William C. Ayer-, has sold in the vicinity of the Grant ave- nue station about Stt.bOO worth of pr )>or- ty, all of which was pun-hnsed by :Plain- ficld parti.sv. Tie- remamdi-r of the prop- erty belonging to the company, about twenty acr--s in all. will be cut up in lots ranging from fifty to three hundred feet frontage, to suit the parchasi r. Mr. Ayers informs u- that the company has made Do advance in the price of bind and p ml stilly will not. He says that Mr: John R. Mislre, ticasurer of the Land Improve- ment company l* ei[>ected to eume up to- morrow and locate a numlier of cottages. The l< siat ion of these buildings, he says, would have bc-a made before, but the plans were not completed.

birthday, and fie can be present wltb"tlirtt: past graduates at tii8 Commi*n<--meut ut£ ; Jliisic Hall tisraorroW evening.

Mr. A. P. Wright 4ji(*-ar--d t*-lore tin# i Citizens Association: --f W.-kQl.-ld, last evening, and dellv.-n-<j a v.-ry interesting ; and most Instructive statement of tb« prisiuction, it-.-, -1-rvJr.- and f-eonoroy 1 *1 -l.-Alie lighting by iljraridosrcnee. Evn£ ; to tho-r pri-s-'iit who w • !.- i---t ae.|uafaite<f \v:th Mr. Wright, hi-thorough knowl»-lg<|-Y of th>- -ch-nee. i-leftra--" of • lllustrati-iv i

i -'f'1 ami ?-}*••*-*-p. wen* - . ii®’

Mrs. Mary] SiUii-k.jwidow of the la to Charles M. HUlU-k. " 4“ until within a f- w; | months ago Was a Iv-idont of Coll Place, this city, imt lltti-rly of BriH-klyn, died at her Home in t ii.it city on Monday, The remains will Is- br--ught. to Plainfield; ti-rnomiw for burial In the faniily plot in; y the Presbyterian e.-m^t<-ry.. The husband; of the dei.a-s-d db-i jin North Flainftelds on Jan. Joth; 1Nj3. aii(j a daughter. Loui: di-sl on Mav 21st. 1 s-Vt


JLhe necessary enrolled.

I number

of establishing a Jiublic library am 1 free reading room nt

i s first inaugurated, it is the cause has donated -f

S100 t-asli and <lt icr smaller contributions It is proposed to Uh«U‘

typographical error, Mr. Hawlborbe's lecture on “WritingNove|s,” Kin home plates, announced for lhe evening of Tues lay, Juno 23d, instead of

itket. for this lecture w hich , Seminary Kail. f-eve|ith

'o md at tlie orug store- of! l l Mr. Stelle. as welpati

Reception to the New Rastpf. ■ The reception tendered the Kc-Vj Cor-

nelius Schenck. by Mr. -and Mrs. B. A. Hcgeman at their residence on Williiw av- enue. last evening, was a brilliant affair. The commodious house was thrown open to the congregation and friends of Trinity Rifformed church, and a large gathering of such assembled. Among those present was Mr*. Judge Roome, aged 83 years, mother of Mrs. Hegeman ; also, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Yerkes, Rev. and Mrs. jW. E. lloneyman. Rev. C.' L. Goodrich.] Rev. Asa R. Dilts, Rev. J. R. VanMcter and the Rev. ;Mr. Koechli. The oceasiott over- came all restraint, and everyliody mjlnglcd sociably jtogetiier. The supper wras by- Compton; the Front street caterer; Tlie ushers wi-rc ull members of the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, and included Messrs. Samuel J. Moon-, J. Randolph Dunn, Samuel S. gnmel-

Th* List Com Dieted. The full Uomplemi^it of public schtNilt

teachers fop the coiiiing terra is now] fixed upon, j After the re-appointments had been made and; jiutilished in The Press, four vacanc-hl* n-mained Two wen- filled daysiigo. as we aun->un- e -d by tlie appolntmept of Mis- ba-s and Miss butph'tn. graduates of the schi»>l, who are t-. receive their training class cer- tificates t.. m-irrow evening. The remain- ing two appointments have now l«een tendered—one to Mis- C. A. Barber, a graduate of Framingham Normal School, and a t.-ache| of seveii ycai s experience; and the otbcp to Mi-s Anju!t, a graduate of Adelphi Ai aiien.y, ( Brooklyn, Oswego Normal Si hoijl, and a leather of two years in the Hampt--li-InstituU-, Va„ with whi-h a sistijrof tht- lit v. W. Ii. Richards I-connected.) The fufi list is as follows : Mi-s Petrie. Miss Nljb-s, Miss Hornby, Mi-s Runyon, Mi»~ Davis. Miss Pettis. Mi-s Annie Tieknor. | M s Stout, Mi-s Whitney, Mi-s Gilbert, Mirts Day, Mi-a BuHock. Mis.- P-ins-, Mis- brown. Miss Newihan. Miss Waters. Mi— Humpst- n, Miss Vcddcr, Miss Boorvam, Miss Wots*, Mis- Clark, Miss Notion. Miss Shrevi , Miss Lewis, Miss Storjf!', Miss ICcteham. Miss burt. Miss ll Tjtiinte*, Miss Bass, Miss Sutphcn, Miss Bii ber. Miss Anp.it, Prof. Hazel 1.

We C-Jt There. Instead of printing Ithe disjiatch sent

u- at the tim'-. stating the discovery and

at sou, Fred Cutter, Charles Goopf.-rt; Fred Luca.- and John VanDyke.'

confession .■ f 11 ne nitlrderi-r of the. un- known girl at; K.if.wav, we told our reatl- ere that ’ here was no (foundation for any such sensatiijnal claiiri, as the man waf seeking notoriety and free tianspoijtation from the W-st. The i Press, os always, was right There is no use for fly-paper in this office

tions could be had w it h the out sick- world. Of the many connections the Company

with the large cities the only w ire in was the one connecting Plainfielil with

tiimnl ringing which was deafening. Yfcrious parts of the city scuttles were

from the roofs of dwcillngs anjd de- ted in tnc Hl.mfyanls. A portion of chimney <m Frank C. Green's resilience

West Fourth str----t was blown down, bricks falling with a crush. A flew of

District Telcgrapb wires : were undtsl this rndh ing. but no serious in-

mvenienee was iMs-asioned thereby. Last gbt's storm Is conceded to be thie so- rest that has visited this seetion -o fur is season. Many jiersons who are iii the iblt of sleejiing while a thunder storm Is

lil progress, were awakened last ijight, and many were thoroughly excited. A

Stable fact Is that for about a Week past, th the exception of a single night, a

Interesting ExerciSes-The List of Prizes and an Address by Dean Rodman.

nwi-r, most severe in Its nature, has lited this place lietwe*n the houifs of

i ami two, each night.

icertaiued that the damage dorje Is reater than was at first reported. ; Th*- Selling house of Justice V. W. Nash, on

tiding was tom kiff and carried Some * w-Lancv. The sla'e risifing was shattered

■<#id weatlier-boarils sjilintercd. After striking the house the bolt appeared to have mail*- a jump of -<>nie 3<i feet, again

iking the structure, ami slivering t wo rters. lk-t wis-ii th-; weather-boards and >• sheathing wu* a c-Miting of heavy pa- r, some of which was jiimmi-d tiirougii e eriu-ks In the boards. In ofie of the per rooms was a wire t-ir-1 cage, and is was twisted and bent Into an im-xjtric-

jttfeie mass. Mr. Nash says his- family Wer1- awake at the tim*-. Hut did not know th*- house had b*-en -truck until tills morning. He sav- he tliouglit a tree in ;tjle u*-ighl>oring strip of Wc--dlund was

,e otiji-i-t strut k. St. Mary’s Roman Itholic church, at the corner i*f Sixth kl Lits-rty stns-ts, was also struck by ii* lightning On** of {he windows in

itiSir- t*eli-tow*-r was shatter*-*! into frag- TBi-nL-. which is the only damage reported

have been done to the dhureh. A lfirge 11**w tree on Jackson avenue. Njorth iiinfii-ld. was cottslderatily dLsftgure|l by

ja'lx >lt of lightning. an*l the growth [of a ttv*- near Mr. Halsey Compton’s residence *>tt West Front street, was stopped by a

no -Miss ijaimc nwitzcr. ine sunject oi in* latter* essay; was ‘•Westminister ■bticy,” wiilch the .young lady read off dth apparunt easel Showing much care i its preparation. Her delivery was

— Plainfield Tennis Tournament.

;.The lawn tennis tournament announced ,;ltt The Press b> take place in this city

lifetw*-<-ri clulis from IKrgcn Point. Eliza- th, Roselle, Westfield. North Plainfield id Plainfield, is all arranged. The jumament Committee consists of ssrs. H. W. Becl*e, James P. MuiTay

id Fr*‘<I W. Walz, who have laid *>{it a 'ittygnimme of contests in which the above Ctiilis will take part during the day* of July i. *2 and 4. Thi-s*- c--nt*-sts wil! occur i<0 the grounds of th*- Plainfield Lawn (SattnlsClub—Central avenue almvf Eighth tttaxsit—and dll Interested in tlie sjs-rt arc e<»r*lialiy invited to Is- pn -*-nt during the

Dios Good play i-s assun.st by the ilutier of entries already iW-eived.

HHndsoni,- prizes for the winner j in each i-lass are offenst. The namesll'f the -^(lahUeld contestants, am* the hour- of fth*; games, will be announced i-i The hltm in a few days. y

. .. i Advice to Craduxtrs.

o the young ladi**s : be just ait sweet y-ou can. Tlie man who doesn't like to

tdbk u{sin a sW*R t girl graduate is u vlliiai.—or married. Tie your essay with

ue ribbon, and be practical in thc (tthoiee of a subject. We suggest “The

Mon.” To young men: Don't the newspai*ers. “Whoopitiup” lor

(i|| [you’re worth on the commei|cemenl Stftge about “The Scholar in Polities,”

c Ideal Republic,” and the “political Destiny of Patagonia." About five years

Hu now read your creation over to your- self si. iwly.— Buffalo Krprttt*.

The first amiual;*r-onimen<emi nt of the RtHlman SeminnrvtiKik place last evening. AU day yestenlay the closing scenes were enacted about tin-^emimuy ludlding on East Fifth street ajnl last night tin- par- ents of the schoiaiT and friends of the sehool gathered thfire in large numlier* to listen to the dclivijpy of essiiys and tin- fi;ndition of a carefully prepared pro- grammearranged {iy th*-' principal, Mrs. R. C. Dlnge--, w(|oso able assistant is Miss Floronce St*-Y*-n- The parlors in which the graduating exercises b-ik place, presented a pleasing appearance. On the mantles and at ciivenient joints alsiut the room* there was a profuse display of fragrant flowers. \ Every one »*-emod brimful of pleasure and the event passed off pleasantly, notwithstanding the intense heat. The programme was taken up shortly after eight! o'clock and was as follows:

Tkr }“avl." Aunt. Aunt Jemima MIhh Maltby Mra. liuM4«‘ MIhh Switzer. Mary 4 $ May ID r] mail. Mr Busiltt i Fred. U. Smith. Frist 1.1 ?. J. Liun Ed-all

K'**j|tat|eli, TB.! Three |Llulc f'l-lir- Mary E. Collier I’US-. Solo

Suurls*- Miuourka . ,i Jessie Hanchett lieiStaLloB The Haliit^'ir f. Seven Pupils R*''Juitl ,u .

The IS'Mt CliUd !, Xgries tlolmai) Seven AR'-sL * In Tableaux .

. K*-a*llu|f of Essays MissSwltaufr. " Miss Maltby. Dtstritiutlou of Frizes amt Iupt Ulms

Th*- r*-i-Stations by little Miss Mar)- E. (sillier and Miss Agm-s It<slinan, were delivered in clear times, and oa*-h was- ai- eeptably ree<-ived. A tableau entitled “The Seven Ages,"(beautifully Illustrated a child in her teensj the maiden, the pr*e [k>*td, thoi marriagej; th*-n with a happy and prosperous family, and lastly, old age and death- Each <>f the seven rcprcscii- tations were illuminated by xari*-gat*-d lights, the w hole pissentlng an liiii>osing sjioctacle, ami eliciting prolonged ap- plause.

The grail uates were Miss Lizzie Maltby and Miss (jjarric Hwjtzer. The subject of the latb-ii's essay: was ‘-Westminister Ablwy with in dear anil distinct, aiid at the close she re- ceived a w|inu ovation. The subj-i-t- of Miss Multby’seasayiwas “Catherine Purr," but the young ladji was excused from reading It. It ts-gan with the reign of Henry VIII of England, and told , of the politieai and reltgiofis troubles during his reign—-‘wila* to any; man that dared to differ with him, for they were at once de- elared heretics and burned to the stake.' Nevertheless, he was a man of titles and fine arts and was never so happy as wh--n In- could find guilt.: Catherine Parr was the sixth wife of Hejhry VIII; of English birth, and the first Protestant Queen in England. She was -well educated and was tin- only one of Henry's wive* who, in the sincerity of an hottest heart, embraced tin- doctrines of the refimnauon. After her marriage she wrote a book entitled the‘ Lamentation of a Sinner," and next to the writings of Sir Thomas Moore, this was one of the finest productions of that era. Catherine did good without display, and shunned no danger if it availed to- ward the accomplishment of a noble work. Beautiful hand-engraved diplomas, the work of Mr. Oscar Stevens, of Evona, were then presented to the graduates. Rev. Dean Rodmatl followed with an address m which he expressed his thanks to the pupils of the tteh-s-1 for their kind- ness in giving the school his name. He was unable to understand why it had not been called “The Dlngee Seminary" in- stead of the “liodmttii Seminary," because of the good work which had been done by Mis. Diugee. In Conclusion he called attenuou to the fact that the graduates had finished their course of study on tin- day of the Queen s jubilee. In speaking of Victoria's life, a Christian woman and a ChrL-tian Queen, Mr. Rodman remarked that every woman might i*e a Queen and every man a King

PH BEES. At tin- beginning] of the year, Mrs.

Diug»-e, the Principal, offered what is hn *wri a- the --Star Prize," consisting ot Shakespeare's Complete Works. t*> tlie young lady or gcutj.-man who attained t ie highest average for everything during the year, including The various studies, deportUiOii{ and alti-rulance. Tliis priz-- w»» awarded to Mis* Lizzie Maltby, she having an average for tlie year of 93, and Miss Curriej Switzer, fettcond with an aver- age of 91 j. Other prizes of books were awarded fo|- the highest average in the te eral studies and special mention wus also made of those who made next to the highest average. The following is a com- plete list: j

Astionomy and Geology—First Prize, Miss Switei r, 93 2-8; special Uienlion, Miss Maltby, 97|.

Chemistry—F'iret prize, Miss Maltby Daj; special mention, Miss Switzer, 93 4-E.

Mathematics—First prize, Master Linn Edsall, 100 j special mention. Master Fred. Smith, 90. *

Literaturtt—First prize, Miss Switzer, 94J ; special] mention. Muss Maltby, 92J.

Etymologty—First prize. Miss Kate

-r Rtiil.-r, tak 4-9 ; spis-ial Fred. Km[th, 93 H-9. 5: Hist. II)»— First prtke

mention, luster

{Ifift. 98 5-9; sts-elnl fihirl-s Maltby, '.Ml 4-9,

Master Harry mention. Master

SiGeograjhy—First prize, Miss May.Ibsi jnh)i, h([; i-ix-clal mention, Master Fred, ““ttth. f

|!M«*nma:islljj*—First Prize, Master Chas. Mbjtiiy. !tri2-9; speeial mention, Master Linn Edsjjill, 94 .".-9,

lit Hi*- nriniary department Miss Mary Fl^i'-r so|ured a prizi* for the highest Ajdrago i|j all the lessons during the [year, jid Miss kgnes'R.Klnian a prize fo{ the ilj^iest a^eoige In deportment. !

* At tin' i-li:is»; of tho exercises re{resh- il|(jits w<|re served In abundance: and 4iU(-itig W)IS indulged In by the w iiolars i;3jhe R'ittiikiin S*-mlnary although icom- ||tt{itivelj| in its infancy, is destlhojl to 4{i-(impli(4i inueh g(s>d work in the future, tipi. Dint^s? heretofore conducted <s pri- ^i*t(‘ school .at Evona, but about a ;year 4^4 she sdL-ured her present commodious '|(uu-t<-rs fuid started the above named {|emiiiary.» The institution has among Its pupil- schlil^rs ranging In age from fight tp itjventy ^-ears, sons and daughters of fyufie of our jnost wealthy residents. ] The

risiro- are light and airy, thordugh- xvntila^til, and the play ground Is j pro- led witl{ an abundance of shade. No

Itsfqs lim'd la-en spared to make the place f^titactiveijtd the pupils, and for health

{djcomhtt't it is said to bo unsurpassed. T

| Christianity—Flags. IjMEssns.jEditors:—jPermit me through

t||i| yncliuhi of your paper to havo ai few i^iliYls with my old comrades of the army Q»h|ntdc*| the glory of our war is thjtt it Wttttnot a,lvar of conquest pillage, xdc- l«IBk or n^-rt-enary destruction i*xcepi in a f|-,W': is*ilqp-d cases. The glory of; our i^dorv Is that none suffered punishment ,f|tt{ their fttrdr—crime If you wish to call It

If 4 crime, one conduced by ; the flirty In i^wier when the war ceased. We iffli^v thatTwe were men as well as soldier*- fjisvi! haf| old soldier* take from their

Kpa pcts ai|jlt of lead and with pride* say ‘Sthts Is w;hat I got at such and sudh a l^t$e," b(|t never have I had one say to rttji f'Comdjto my home and I will show )|itt'*sllveij 4>r]pictures or aught else taken f{l«ni a soipheni home," I tlinnk God for It jLetusbe men In this matter. You ktiow wha{ It cost to gather up those flags. VSPU; re.manWr we gathered them all fdiitjg from Vlck*burg to the sea—from iftii to: - 10®. -we gathered them on the-way t(j apd fri'tt1 Richmond by a circuitous

xHa Gettysburg, Antietam, Vlcks- fhc j^’ilderness, etc. The gathering

Wj{|b not 'Alton our side. Comrades, Jt cfetyou t|ily know what, to gather them un«' And i|| may cost something to give t Bern UP- Kt It seems to me the most tityl^g se*jtt*-nce b» a war waged b<-tween f*(lliiw eon Air) meij. M<*r<* than one regi- fi|CIiLaI Mag has already been returned: I iijdtsu: thitt, {he iIllustrious soldier Han- cock, mu lor whom many of us fought, "5>fi|d be. Iff liing, In full sympathy with t^e kindly pet. I firmly believe that: the

of tiuj soldier in tilue will upon seeond tA^sht, apd that ere long, bless God for tfffelit, ai. ( .

thik(Christian act of His Exeelieiuy the I’jji(*dd* nt |jf these UulbHl States.

Wii. D. W. Mxlleb,

P Lfto Capt. and A. D. C-, U. 3. A.

fi]i Marching Home Agairw i /Tlie company of the Fifth. U. 8. Arttl-

that Ikissed through this city at nooo of M:l>' ’Zetli, m route from Fort Hamiltoa Ur Wlimingfim, Del., Is on its way back

;aip. «Lait night ft encamped directly jj»|site its- Grant avenue station, and aU

h^M" passpd a severe night building pon- toon’bri'Igitt* to keep out of the flood,-and. rqpctdng the attacks of skirmishing pArtte* of mosquitos. The company of Hffy-3ivc nlfn and the usual equipment of hOrsi—. gui^i and baggage wagons, broke c imp abou| six o'clock this moiHing. The

dice 1 - arefa* published In Tiie Press of M(iy:2>th :-rCapt. brinklc, Lieut. Riley, L|iuf Blupt and Surgeon Evert- The injja} have td*Hsl the severe march with Clipf|g'-, ai|d are all well. Tho most dan- g*frois ca-*> tpat has come under the at- 'c|iti| 'ii of pie surgeon being only tha{ of a |xjj who; strolled into carup with a btptkpu raiifus.

f|i' Fir* Near New Market. liili ing t|e progress of the thunder

slttf*|i r lastinight, a large !»am on tho piJMlpsi-s otMr Randolph Giles, between N’uu- ’Mai k'-t and Fossumtown, and occu- pied * by Ifm. 8tryki-r, iu PiseataWay T.)|YBshi)i. p its struck by lightning, set oil tim u/id totally destroyed, together with niCsslj of Its contents, also a wag.on-hduse and hovel. I'All that was saved wa* a tr^aift-power thresher and wind-mill. The lof» Fid pixjbably reach several hundred dujiars. \f| are unable to h-arn if thbre wi|»iiriy insurance. ;

«:!i —• ^Theodore Glazier, the German fertil-

izing : manttfactun'r of Linden, this country, wlal pleaded non vull to the in* diCtnient a^iinst him for maintaining a nu|Bap ce, pAohiiscd Judge McCormick: at Elizabeth, yesterday, tl.at if sentence was suspended Ue would remove hi* factory. Prvi*»s:utor tWiisou accepted plea and Judge McCormick released the prisober onJhiA own ifeeognlzance.

I p.il tU


j ^ I

Page 2: f •tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health fileESTABLISHED May PLAIX^IElf), X. J.. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 1^87 j ||PRICE, TWO CENT|SW THE DAILY PRESS or Tat WEEKLY *Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT





Boore* of Kings, Quefens,- Princesses in Victoria's


bbey Thronged"WestminsterWith


Spectacle* Secu Out O n t In a Ule Time— :

Brilliant Uniforms and tqolpk»e»—Uo- j

bounded Enlhiuluu — Kvtilenras of

All Alans

Princes and


he Ui«e-ln-

praceslonted Thro in—Ii>t«r- S (

wtlasj Slgbts ai|d Seen**.

qrecx virwTIOIOVT*. June Si—Th

•stration was » stuponriVimultitude*, nuntlmncyle have •witnessed thivasreant IT* Kncil^n lii*U4«.on of urlcr. not a %m£ cthe hariminv of Uio i'ilie KUUU'.'S i resenuxlstreets, wha^ with drajwloss floral r:«Ut*. innuirtias, banti*:-aiul tro|.i.y t>«jf decorations,! and theidrj^isurabte sea of faoo

X brilliancy and

KIA. Ii .h loe dfimoo-

•s SIK'ITM Vast

L-rej t

TSie impression loft in 110 minds of thosewh? saw. tho paguaut i i that whateverbousdkts* tvealth. nitllta y pomp, and II-lustrkm* rank ooul 1 dp to create andbcifrhlcn the effect of aloyalty and ilem.-•mtraLepeople for ths:r sovereipiId*' the result surrasso*r:m! ever seen ia Europe,a\t least.


qver* LiMUHJ pootfreatust stale

y. With perfec-ir.cidctil to mardemonstration

he KICK lines ofd pavillioin. vnd-rable miyeil<>» 01

Ul Uiaif!*.!* jjver moving and !

ban been me of •rv«Uou» anlraa-

•tate's show ofha affortion of a

done, anduf the

ia modern l.iau*

Plcadilly fromPark corner was t splendid sijrl.L.

E s / 4 n.aosion vied with t is neUrhb-jr in th-s

in toe morning

of iui«>ri<<iilai rug* and curtains%-IMO tho gayest npnearam(Sag* from all nal.oa*every pinnace. festoe«nd Cowers curved from

masts alouir theHolhsohild munoQ wan i

Co*UvttoaUaa outsideto \h» windows;Buttered from

is of rlbiaonithe rrarpf il Ve-ourb stone*; the

, the old house he rU byroo lived iscow owned by Kit A.

r effective, and thPalmers i on «. whero t

*u>pped tiis horses to salj.n?mi«r. hatl it*

» alt fllleJ with nink and beautv.At 9 o'clock the tin • uf

*»de a compact mu> uf pi opUv Everyb »>despite the disromfirt

htaauifested the u'.mo.t'be time apurrached f >more the extremes* <>fwitness I he) silow, an I esTt.e t|ii« .^n und t l i e v i i i(amc so *tronj* ilrat lor tof dynamite sn.i t.io dagjx-r were wu. I yforgotten. Tite line ofYVe.umlnstcr- abbey- wks as f,,,:,,»»:

,Kmm tfut-kimrlwun ralointo Con«niu- on*.|'.I. l'.ivni'iiiy to Ke/o.ii, sTrrvt. to "i W i r

East i'<Klc»r>ur1 aj«nue to Uie

'Thames eiuuuthence to tbe

• i I.e line <if route was ft landed by nearly'" N«J In o| *. rrpresi-nlini: all branch;* ol

Iflo palsrr. to fa l l : .<-tn-<r. hi .NiirlliilinOt_-rla

, to

•the wrvia-. an 1 m u.iauiviirnactal Iran.n'; s.iip.«ra»» ut« at the o in ; ofw i l l . ' 'I h« linlu-e inrt«::««l was'uii I«T tu«j uiretl l-ar M Warren. Tut m'in IOT the ii'tniiur.i of O<

TTtf first uf the roj-auf t>ie InJian pr

• (Jcrn.un princes, t*a, u, IIK- i|«<t.<«i. In al••lut-r^cd Irrn the nance«f her Hious-ihU ofin i-Uevr*. t'n- unplaow tocr

w u

uf Jlorat

Bo'.hwu-k, wastamoci home of•e prince in l">ilte the >o!ljr al.jin I bo'i.al Uio

atetvas oaear^

Ihe crosrJTO.I bum»r. / tti.e pageant to

be multitu,!-? to«cially to beholdin? roral'iet. bi-

n. K» bojs Irumi"bo lallir wereic JJfU «n nnmn-

cummin I of S.rita.ry f r«e wailera! U |>|n U > |

wtiia.ly at

»«itf mu*n- t>f t h e a m n j ' m.luiry»Uili<j>t-<l iu frunt o f t h e |>i

Tlw . did iiol v«ir

j At si were l.Xtcd u ;.in? iu't*nm|.aiit«* i

hur nta'e rnbe*.twarn drcos.tl in bl:icii. tier carriugt:

<ir.iwii liy cijrht lon.ni The prince ol'!•<•_ duk- of Edja^ursjh. Iho duke

'i'. h'-rnon^; tl|e t-rowo |>rrncouj»l«r:uli>f (iernumy, tkoniarqu.sof Lorne.p Clir stian of Hchiciwis-UoUtein,.and pr<n<-e Hsnry «f ltattenber^,

»on*-;n Sun-. and princes Al-Tictor and Ocorjo. .if Wales;

SMrici-e Alf:cJ of Elinburg. andFrirco TViliiau. of Pruw ia, her grand-

form bc»idu therd W1ien me

l>'<ivplo at 'lie pa act- pat<» ha,l shoutedcin'cnni for the iiui-un,

t"- cry out lotip iifptot!;o

».«rs, jll ro.lc in fuii uni bodycu

iofWatl.-i. Ti.eque.-n. Jcontin'.i

il in! |i tiicirits.

carnafTB *rtU a Ian:- ou«. of> color, wheels ret. mi.

i t..etlwti raoroiio harness, was) ut tl f r

, whit Ii were otbnv:ih royal blue ribbons.

iwai utber WI

Ill•»n>j-n-state hruriu* of soar!-tai l -• > I. ibeother carriages containing iuei.io.r-. of theroyal iaiuily wvie of • gut, , W J character.

u with four bays each, and lall open.[• : PROGMES* o r THE HBOCEsSlbjI. !The procession prveoeded at a smart

w&liinR paoe into Constitution ball andtttch ado|iU>d a ciorc dclibflratc gale. Owingto Ithe lateness of the spring Ihe beau-tiful green of the avenue trees, the »n:eetodors of tin- hawthorn* anJ tho splendid

^uniforms of the military, coupled with the"citbusimm of the crowd, made the occa-sion one of rcfreshiDK onch:u:tm«ut. Theprtjci-'usion slowly mode its way: pntil theWolluiRton arch was reached and then thefirst introduction to the London street*cii»ued. ,

fenierjfitiR from the Wellington arch, thefirst lo greet the queen wcro the conva-lescent patients and othw-s at \ the SuUebrfre's hosjuUil, whioh \va» lau-lked frombasement to roof, seats huvinp beei> r-n-ctoJfor many thousands over the roof £1 thehosuual. On reaching ^icadilly, V6&'juionwfat seen to look up at Apsley tiiAise, andasishu ]>asscd the mansions of licr intimatefrjenda »hd glanced somewhat hastilyad : tjbeir . abodes,. more especiallywfcnn passing the Duke o! CunibndgC's,Bsjrpn Uotbscbild's, Baroness Uurdcttc-Cdntts and John Bright's old apart-ments. It was not until Devon-shire bouse was reached t:.ut the queenDcpan to realize the grand preparation*that had been made to greel her. Here ttiomirquls of Ilartington had a spacious goX-lery erected, from which many hundredsof kaily-drcssed ladies waved their hauU-kei-chiefs and cheered the queen.

Facing the Devonshire house at tno liathhoteH another gi rantic booth had beenerected, and from this |>olnt to >Vestmin-sMr abbey ercry point of vantage; bad beenseikod by contractors to fix seats. Shopfrdnt* and Hr*t tloors wore renteO at from£26 to £tV each. and. in some cases evenmOre.

The fronts of the Hurlinsrton arcade, therojal academy, the Egyptian halt, St.James' parish church (where 1,000 childrenwejre seated and sang "God save thequfon"). and the museum of geology, werepacked with human beings.

Qn r. aching Kcgent Circus, where sixmain streets converge, the •i?ht was amemorable one, the streets being all splen-didly decorated with flowers, tlags,. ever-iiraoin, etc Many of the im|>oungj commercial building* alon< the way were-tihcmu»i of herbs. Many of the shops here-abouts had their fronts removed and elo-gant boudoirs formed in th<"ir planes

Tic procession, as Tiewad from the dukeof York's column passing down the billfrom the circus to Pall Mall ei»U was arcmarkab e sight. The shouts of thepeople were plainly beard from ttte top ofthe column in one vast roar. •

fcXTKA VAi^iST tXEHli'AS SlIiHTJtEKKMany American ladies and .remit-mon

had »<•' urea seat* at a palatial comnterclalcst4bli«hment In Waterloo place, audJoined .n the enthusiasm as warmly as theiBnfiith. - rassing uround fall Mall ea*"a bfr^o vmllory was orrcted over the <*ol-or.rlml-- of her majesty's theatre, whilel.Stli' i.Lairs, ronbed M from two and threuto Uve guinea* each, were all fl.ied atWaterloo bouso, in Cockspur stroet. Tra-falgar square wao now reacbad, anil erer.v- jwheru ojie looiced nothing but heads wereto be seen. The crowd* here was tr mon-dou*. an 1 completely eclipsed any tiat

w svp assoiublod at the greatest politicalleatherings of recent rear*. The stepsand lion* of the Nelson column werecrowded "ith people. wluia tooroof and strjis of St. Martin'* church andthe *t«ps of tbu national gm.lorr warepacked with a dense moo After croisiu.-Trafals>r tquare wuere tuo polu-e badgroat difficulty ID keeping t:ie people bark.toe pmoe<S'.on smdually approached North

avonue. whicMon its southwest

and ri?ht under the lantern. *o that theforeign royalties, ambassadors, aad thesisters, cousins atij aunts |f royalty's

i relatives who occupied the choir had a fullIrout view of tho iiun-en. f

HCK HAJESTT ENTE.iS-On the procession tearing tlife abbey, ho

troops' saiuted, puns were fir§J, the bell*of the churches rang out merry peals andflags were run up. the cheer, (jg beinsj con-tinued until the queen bad passed into the

WAi.es. [side -a ma:nlr covered with two pitraotlchotels, y.x: th- bot.^ Victoria, anil thebutel MetroTmle. These, as well as thenowiy-erootrtl Constitutional duo buiwere crowded with si^htveers.

, rj.n I

Ill Iho MT

On rearniiur the Th3nie*mTibnnxmmtth<>procession had to mako a detour aimost atnzbtanirles. From the new National Liurral club to Ht. Htcphej's CIU'J tbo entnu»-IJHUI was inJp*rnbab>. Men clamberedUII the trees in such numbers a* to Injuremany of them

AH si »R the Thaoir* cmtwnkm"nt.w.iere not cccupied by public gardens.se.it* an 1 gr.tl^rl••» hal be"n erecteJ.

On torntnir Into Bndpt? street amount* KtKte jJien's club, her majesty ob'ained a fullTiew or the abbey aud tbo preparation*which bad tx«n ina<le in parliament square.*lbc Rrour. I floor of tho aDbcv was rou-o.-j!ol by the lofty irran I lUn I ca!!e>! "Kt'ilargaret'*." the iieat-i of which were suklfir hveayjinca* each. Another block ofscat*, c.i.l -d "liio Canning stiuni," ucconi-modated I.HO |mr*ont. All around the•iquare. an 1 even a<*ro*« the river at StThomas* hospital, wmJuws were crowdedwith (wopl-.


The «<-• n" at Westmlnnter abbey » imint bnJIiaot. Eve.-.v seat wa* H.lod, andtfrerjr |>'r.oa prnK'ut w is a diKtin^uixtitfll» i-sim. Whi-n tue ideivUttos were uuuinor-a ed il iMiuieil as if cver.v locality iu thewurid had sent iM reiir—sfntat.rr person-» a » l n ilo liniinr tn Ea^.aii 1'* quee* onUrilb.tr, rr, at hnlidav. There neverprobiu.l. ,u uiodern times asseroblej underODL-r<i)f a i uk-d.ence ho well aod to bril-1 untly *rr..yul Every man pn-sfrit en-ut.out i w -raunifir.n ora decoration hadbothnn, nnwor bu.Misael up. When thisaudienoe .ra*all seated tho seen' u-aa in.comparable. When the sun shnno brightlythrough th» noble *tamol winJowt or theabbey, its rays fell upon »n unaccustomedsifrht, un I the picture vvasindo*cnbable.

Uulsi.to the ablie.v door the royal trump-eter heraldt took- their i!a:ij.»nl t»luwthiir-itirnn.- faufaron.iJe a* her majcsiy•jprro.iciO'l. ;

l i je queer old wooden arm c'i:«r In wihiclithe sovereign* for centur:es l<:i.o txvicio"«in>{| wa* wheelrM from fcsri nl i,n.Ujr LDI, covered v.lth ifor -.-.iiH elntli u'con.: lor the socund time s r v e l as tlicl..ri>rin of Victoria. Be:icalh tn < scat is t:,<;uncl -nt »tone uf Si.onc, on which the km?*<> r-1-iills.ntl itii ,d When they Wsr? crowneaTru»lili,>n c.vliirh never !ie>) s t i u n u usI hat : this it the very stone Jacob

*>cdj «s his p.llo;v whon he ha I:•!* (am. us ladder iireanj. This thrum'•All* jlijuctd cu a dais iu front ol tun -Itar


the i recession had l«Xt the abbey,the q^OfBia thu head, the etiornious crowd

roasu ratner th^n dimiuish,se>i9i 'n nt tried to gift away, whila

those bdttfud pressed forward to see, it pos-sible, tM notabilities come out of tL9abbej \ ,

The nNlMn? of the crotvils io somaplaces was terrific until We'iUn-U'n an-liwas Kirain reached, and the procession UIHally proCoOdi d at a son.eivliut smarter paraup I nftftltutional Till anJ once morajreachO(l*HUi Kintrham palace, ilnvinir in at/tho cr itjU«ntrance amid the rticcr* i-f ton*ol th us»iuls of people. The ijucen seeni'-djfairlj o«Brcome with the loyalty displayed,by hi r tubjdtM. , j

Thi injpKsiion loft on ihe rfiir.dsof tho*4vriio »r«r (hi [>as«ant is that it suriiassedat.yth '4*1' 'he kind ever seen in Europe,in modem times at least.

To-uaB.iht street scenos of yesterdav;

were i WDtttcd to a ftrva' extent when tnajqueen instate viBitei! tho chihlp.a's pictiijin Uj dejxirk Himilar festivi'ies «0U tuka

' place l^jhl'Orrow and Friday. ;

SSIITH—on ai«t iiifU, Mrs. i iuih E. tirallh. InI il.< 7:n yrar of )n-r ag.-. •'j Kui i .rar^rvl . . «ll|l take | . lm* on Thurwlay.i 2KI iii!%t.. at •• p. n... from h>T h&e r.slOi-jicc. So.i ll!> fjt-t >.^TII.1 r-iri i-(. IiiUrin.-ilt at Turryu.jrn,

Nifw V-.rk. ji *


i u i>i:—T..*n iiii.l lu.iio a. n i . : ii.do autl 5..KI p. m.

JU1WVL—T.JII.'.''4i(, lll.^j a. III. : i.JtJ. r,.^) |.. in.

MOI1.KVILLK, |.ASToX, K T | . , M.Vlt-S.

Cl.-WE—*.i«' n. ni. a»<l 1.311 p. 14.

AUKIVE—*..:iu M. in. i n O fi.lo p. ni.


Arrlvi- a l .*.l'i 11. 111. OfEi-e ..jn'ii f r - l n W.oo a. ni.

M H I I f. r Warr.'iirllli-<iotut>TuCH<la)-. T h u r s d a yau.l >ntm-.lay a l 1"J 111. j;

l!!| i T H E

W i i g m j p Kid Glove| T fECK'S.jjjfjERFdCT !N FIT

A. !i !WJLLEfTT,6 (Park Avenue,

!ml wpll-iH-lixted stock Of •


•west door, between tho twin towers of SitChristopher Wren. ' ;i| After passing throo;7h tho vestibule, hermajesty wai conducted to th«jgrand daisunder the lantern tower. She was sur-rounded by three members Of tbo royalfamily. ?\ The scene in the abbey when the queenentered was dazzling. Ten thousand peo-ple were present. They all " rose. TheWomen discarded their wraps and re-pealed the full splendor of their beautyand attire Three tiers of galleries hadjbren built in tho abbey with, seats forpo.uOU The peers and their Wives wereseated m the south transept. The ambassa-dors anil diplomatic corps were icatod rightand left of the peers. Members of the houseOf commons were placed in the northtransept. The seats for members of tboreigning families of Europe, etc., wereWithin the communion rails. Ail the great(earned societies and corporations wereitepresenjted, wnile the notable* of the law.Scieuco, art and agriculture ani} working-linen's representatives from all parts of theUnited Kingdom, had seats duly alloled tothem ,

: The queen wai profoundly ^Impressedwith tbie scene prepared for), her. Hfae<jras noticeably pale when she reached thedais, tftie soon, however, recovered, audrefrained the bright aud pleasaul aspect shehad' borne all the morning. t! TBI KELIGIOIS HEBVICE*.

, The reliktou* services in t(U6 abbey incommemoration of the queen's Jobilee wereOonductod according to the carefully pri>parod programme which has ulj-eady bev upublished. :- The archbishop of Canterbuiry and the

qVmi cf Y> estminster alone | conilucti<dthem Nearly every dignilarjj! ol lhee.<.(abltshed cliurcb. however, na* preaeol.(osides a great number of dii|t:ntfuishcdqUrKjluen tiriun^ln^ U> other f denomma-bons. The queen's sdver t wol arrungnl•O that she euUrred the abbey preeis-jiy atnoon. Dr. Bridge, organist of it.e abboy,• b o bad for the occasion * speciallytrsoe.1 choir of -i3i) roicx-s MjLcted froiutbe great choirs of London, a inumbor uleainuat soloists, besides a iarg« w-com^a-nunent of brass inslrumeats ajbd Jrums.g>nusinaUy drew the congre^tion iut<Rllen je and their respective pl»ice< to be•jrvp)sretl for the qneen'r eominif by render-ing a number of selections ia a aiaaner thatinside every person within boarjni? of thegreai organ eager lo calca »*i softesttpcei.

; When the queen readied the as>bey andtha royal firoaession wan furintna: in themarquee outside of the west door the statetrumpeter* in go.d and crimson uniform*eyecated faofuro* from the organ loft,nieaxljy In tbi centre of the ediflcu. Wbenthe cier%y, at the head of the . royal pro-oes»)4>n moved Into the churcb. the na-Uooaisntbeiu was rendered by the organ.Tba jnusic Was thrilling. The sudmnc*rose #s a unit an 1 lent thulr ten thousandvoices to accom|4jiy the rtloir. The

ffbet; was fo frrand. so p.-ofound that* frreUt many persons i»eru %uoved totears. It Was at Una moment that theqbeeri appe^rej wi'.bin toe doors. Thentbe singing of the antnem T-ms<iil aud thel^oceasirnsl march from Haudel's -Occ«-moo«l Oratorio" was given by; the organduring the progress of tue quoejn and ther^yal family to the dais.

When they were sealed, the archbishopof Canterbury and the dean of U'eslinm-»»er, who liaO taken their plopt-s witli.nthe sjacrartum, be(.an the service by a*rf-iUK <>f Uod a b,essin< upon the quce:i.

ThqlelJeum Laudamus was then sungby Uie choir lo the music composed by thuprmce consort, Uio queeuhaviii^riiqucstejUus. |

IThe! Lord's prayer was *ald aol tbn re-spunaes (isdapted to t^r occasion^ were n.-Uinedi Incn thruu special prayors. werool-Sdrxl|up ' I

EIGriT RATTLING ROUNDS.A BardVi|(hl Between Mc« oy and Ktl

h«*r Knd* la a Dnw.

Bo-T >3. JLIIC 22.—A bloody rljrht of ei-jh»1ratting bounds took place at South Endclub r am bet n-een Pete McCoy the Kridirr-port m Jtll«« eight, and Denny Kelleher ofBost' n Thti fquffht for a pur*e of Sii«i,xvith tuO-dUme gloves and noth.ns but thocall of time prevented McCoy from btin>;knocked out twice. Hn was seconded bytho "Maflue and Goorgr! (Jodfrev. the col-ored pugilist while Kelleher n m toolcodafter b> fait brother and Dan Uill

The flret roand was a quiet one( withhonors even but in the second they u-ouudup and h»J * me hard tU'htin?. Kqlluherlanded hi* richt on McCoy's Jaw. andi.knocked bisi flat on the lloor. The blow'was a ti *rilk me, and nearly used McC"}'up. Hi » • » uarely able to rise before the-ten s< 1 (lfel« w ire up. an'l Just at he strli?- :fled lo hi* fctt the call of time cime t) hishelp, j j * V s able to come loth.- sirapfliin fair cq*dh un for the uext round, a«dduring the third, fourlL an I fifthrounds the lis-htin? was hot and fur-iou*. MeLOi showed up better thaahe «as <.i|iected to alter t isknock AflWfc m the sec, td linth mencame up£ttt>r£ for th>' sixth and foutht ulshort r-ifJir* ' ntil K'llehor smasti<:d McCoysquati jnt fuce with hit Iff. an<i tt:-sBnd^i i»ri 1 in went to tho t. >or for thesecon 1 UDd Ho finally man.itr.-i'. to gv* onL!s fet1 -ftntl -ltjainthe call of ticaji save himan opi riuflJt- to pel l.,s w.i,!.

Uood ps|!c ^tronirtlieG'«l( h m anil tl."seventh ^ s # remarkably tunio. Tin.- •*:?atliwas )U«t£ tjii OJ'|K)«lt«!- i'l'th men f< • : _-f;tdei|)trHt(|py^ but' McCoy bad ma.;e a irreatrally. i«l y is the fresher At thv linnhboth r * w r<- frr\igtti Kol.i.iit-r ivaHbleed _ m t. but McCoy sh.jw««l coblocil TJiii t .t.t was declared a draw.

•|«-ii» ut, 7 a. m. I«J<1 i-|i.w« at 7.30 ! H Up . m . >uiur.lay9.|..it..8utK.(iil|4 :ni. Op.n evi-ry ! "T'l ,• VI uil:BUlillll>.:t.li.. Iu.. t . .ovii^hf. .f l.K-k Ix.xea. i M ES'S , 8 0 ^ AND ^bfTH'H, L.4DIES',

AND-.-«.|-i, r r . -m4». n i . - to5p . m.

W. L. F d W ' i . ]-..'tm:u<ter.



IVnnsylvanla Trains In C'UIIUIOB.H*I \ * i>* Gn*< E Md. June 22.—The

conere-.^Um»l express on the Philadelphia,Wilmington and Baltimore railroad raninto tralfe K >- 41, south bound. 4t tbestation hero ' >nc man was killed and sev-eral p<*ri9£*l were seriously injurrd. Tho«outb bo^h4', train ha>l )ust. crosiunl the

•Jr ick bridtro ov«r the SusoUfwas crossing tl.o swi;chwhen the congressional

ipee<l, strurk tbe r-ar of the•ninr throe cars.

I | rsi> f>p TUE CEREMONIES;

jFoljo'wirijr the prayer, the "E<'3Ud:at TeItoiniuus" wan sunp, with orerin i.nd brassband jw<H>m|*ninieut The dean < r West-minster advancod io the altar; raiU andread Uio lesson for the Oiiy (r" rpt Kp,»-k- ioI'etcr, c ii. v B-lj). Br. briderfs si*-cialHnthe(m, selected by the queen last year asMr JUbili-e anthem. Was next rendenni,followe.1 by "liotha," couiposeU by theprince consort, wa» lotroiluc—d. Twn more

j pravcrs for thu doTenHfr cf

YolIKU J'.in" 22 —Captan Jack Hus-»ey. t*ii t» 10 > 11*. life saver, diel ac .):I4o'c^vk M"jMe>"da.v after:. Jon in Gnnreueurhosoi il 6*1 pe-'tonitis. f«;iowin? tbawound mlfijesiby Pulioera.in Hahn'* bullet,on the njjpl* of June 'I Caj tain Husseyhad been ipjjjrov'.nir slowlr !;i- stenjilyandhis rec"v«tf3r;;:vva« rejar.led as certain untilho look 11 iudtlen turn for tli«- worse yes-terday i.»l s.n;; rapidly un. l death en-sued.

>lar<hrrer IU ant ttapclzvd.

faith, ithe » | i :nu:l welfan-of tlioi Kin? loin,Had fir |ic:ire an J I JVO, foilnn-ed umi WVTCsupplemented by. tba benu.licti^D. which iwa> ijrunouiicej ov tun arc.'ibishop. [

•j I KI>-IMI TUB v'tSN'r. IlANjU ,IWtijen tlie benediction ha-i bi-eii saiil, rh.- i

i|U<fn's si us knelt bef<>m h.-r* abd kisspil !her banJ. 'ihe.v urose and hef majesty Ikisstx| each u;;cii In* t-neo». Tile |)ruuvssesnext ijulv~nccd to the <|Ueun ami Hiis 1 h r !han.l, an I *he kisH,-d tlit;m all. V favorinc !

fcaxuu Itwioe, making unusuui demonstrationover the iirmoi-i uf W.Ues anJ \ riiice{s«Beatrice. Oilier relatives of th • quei'iitheu «aiutel her an I h^ shook him Is w.lus me uul kissi rl others, knv i i : 'tio rrown|-riu<d Kredor.ck VViibam of jUcrmaoyt.r.-je, very heartily each lime .it all tinsthe congregation applaudci warnil.v [

All Ihe priai-osses U|H.n the da.it uoroLght drosses. •

Xltor all tne royal salutntionsihiid beenmade, tho <)ueen dscended tlm Ulais un 1moveJ: out of the al»u*\v. •»roce.tf l oy tfteroyal family, thRconcr^aiion »Ua,hii^ addc<*ct--riiit? u-ilb fervor all the u-i idj.s-iohn's mare.i irum "\:n.i!i»' h

any lnterS|r#hce by the eovernor. AlfredBlunt, ihaji^lie hunchback nesrro. vrM paythe penult^ iif Id* crime on Friday ci-suBlunt, m May. 1S5T. murJeri;J !ili •••.-ifo uybacking h«T i"Ritti a hatchet and razor ather bomejIdj; Carondejr>t. Elder O. W.Brown, at ih^ colored Second Baptistchurch, tmptjxo i lilun', which ai i^-ared to1,-really icIi'jVc nur. as to h.s u|'|ir TK-hlngccaib

liro^l'*'*! l>f»d 011 l l erk .

DrTum*^ SB ch., June '-"J. — I'a, tain l:oIan 1, of tia*Vi-h >'.!ier K. V 15-al •, ,lro i;>-1dead on iti4.-1 -ck irhile ho* v.-*se! WHSiro»»ii'-' laaJti SL Clair j e s loruay . Cap-I a n Boimid \f;t.H :i vessel master of many>oars' ex|»i?rit;iiie. an«l \v^> u-i-11 k u c v uthroUirhouttllc entire chain of lakes Hoowned tlicUoa:-. arid rosiiioil 111 IiulTalo.

liy 111 • ori; in a:i I i 1 ;,ui:ti.

vtrrntijfpllifiils fur tl&» StAt* B-Klr.Rociir.sT*ui N. V'., June2i.—The (lfHcirsj

of the Stuie Agricultural sbcici.v urrive.1here and afTl^ntrel for the stale fair. Tliefair mil he helJ from Kept. > to 14. The1

sale of lii,t>or will not be allowed on tnegrounds fei/tries. excopt for C.iwers andfruits, iv.lttUjbe Aiiir s


nisjest.v hud <l.-pnr:« I '1tliunc 1 d issolved, "tolcol ion* ol ».i.reii niWiu^ pla^od u iu I uii l.aJ left tbtj uubd

BACK T.I rot HlUIT. :

It was past one o clock uu-;n t i e quc.Mieioerpej from the at>l>ey. Hhe at onco n-sunned her carriage and returned lo Buckingiuuli pali«», tins 111110 taking thu riiuluHIIC went afuir her corott^Uua fltly yeur*

ir- Iciot in l*t»iin«yl tfnni*,rtl.. Juno'22.—A »mnll riot oc-

rurroii here. Ijvt ween the P«n:isy Ivania ss.lwi.i ks ,1 • Jii-r,s uu'l non-uniun 1:1011 Knv-era! -.l.'t.-. tfcf'c tired and a wor.iaa is sad10 li.ivo btjcij latally injured. An extraforce of po^ctfare now on duty.

No ^ - i n c l i Tront Alt»r This.AI.TA.ST, June 23. — Oov. Hill has signed

several amendments to tLe frame laws, thepnuripul One prohibiting tbo taking oftruut less UiaJi six inches lone.

^MANUFACTURERS,LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. j T o w h l l ! l l \ft} c a l l B ^ „„„„. ,„ o t M ^

UHMAi.MMt IN iLMMiLLii i•!ft orricE FOB I Duyejji^^ullyirjuttdeut<pf being ableM I.I1K K S l i l V U l s t 17g'l(-x7. ! l i t Jilease, |j< <h In UI'ALITY

' l'.ilfli-. . I. .1 M.-Vauii, Mix W T I !HI A> > ?B1CE mylOttbun- . Mrn(> n itnn.i- J [ill. Mlt>» MaryI)r«k.-. I I) l i l l iy . 1%.. W 111 HHull 'url . H I. i KHIHIITH; Mm Win Bm m » . Ml^» MurlH L Snfllli. .:•J.-JT.-r~.il. Til.-.- Hulllv.iit, MlchfM-1

-I-Jtjli— ••»* Win II Vi-la-injiz. MI»i.MJ.-lini-. 11. Mr- Narah f VanSi-xtl Mrs Miiry JKami. Mi> i) U Vam'iufr, ilre Anna M

f r a|».vp ),1. iiw-cay advertised.W. L. Folit'E< I', ntmasur.

WANTS AND OFFERS.A<h'itisrmrnU urui-.r [kit hrmUwj, oa-- ornl for tack

I7HJU SALE—A HE(]!OXIJ-HANllr*T~WO-HOB8E.F ••J'.-<-rli-»K" |H,witr. In &*& orrti-r. »..lil• •l»-fc|.. f r wmit ..r UM: Apply s f B.N*lli. r«,-<l Farm. Halnfli-lil. N.Sjl.

A SMALL 1'LEA.s.AJiT KCMlM^fu LET WITHi s . ir Hr<l. L-«-Hli,-ii u* ar .If-jw'tji1: Tt-rmi* lva»M.ii-Hiik I'rnai.- rumily. Apply. Tiii*.iirKR£.—mlutf

I 'i-HXIMIEl) W J M W TO LET T S OESTLEMEN1 iwuli • r with, ul lHiar.li ul X9. IJ W. K«OD<1

»tri-'-l. lib.-. U 1 . M U HTA.ITK.—rfyXltl

/ - • • I H I D TABLt 1KJAKD IX PKI^ATE FAMILV.» t >... n 1-.H.-.I Mr.^ft, oorn.r >Mk-<ind. Man. U

; PtEM-.iT.^mrJftr T .

.;! T>»lt f»\LX—THE IK»T H I H T H 4 A S T OUKN'EK-' r ,.r J.->. kf-.ii 11 v.mi. ai.,1 t~,ni' riti Ktn-< 1. at>..utT 1M' r.-. l ~(iiur>-. r-.rj.rl.i- an.I tfrni!. apply to'1 ii'lllilLH tluoK., Ari-nl'K au.IM.-rs.KV Wiir.-lioun.-.; rr<-m !•'.• I.. 1-il E. ttlii Blrivt. X. f. . l iy . -

: f 1- - •--— :- s: - -



Suitings atjd Trouserings£ f IN" PLAINFIELD.

P l l i HA|J. EHTBAlf CB. • • - . 1

I"! ir •Joh4 A. iThickstuii


, 1 WOOD,


F.i| re*> tl'iliiirr KmrkM Trli»l H u mUTI ^ J61 «i—The tr.al r.f Chael

Roark njlpt 1 for siioj'.iag express mes-senger Matin ltd +trtjt)iu?a car on *^" Na-tional ivpreSiss company OK the IVestrihorrroad. 1 1 ajf tills <-:ty on March 30, has bepunhere la.jj|tti ititc for the people the a»s.s;-anl district* 'orney said thatamonir otherproofs ' f ih i rU's puiit were pi<ves cvf s«al-inir «axW(ftlid in his overcoat pockntMwhich 1 tJKitie torn soals on .the eX/ rcjsacompan % jbuilisted and rifled envelopes.Carlos % lx ikf, tbe woUuJed exores*niesser -if,' t> >ti*ieJ that he recoirniz.-dKoark •< #Oilk is the lame as that of tberobber | j«< ' uld not identify his face asit \va» oHeti. ' by a ma-k. ,

Hoi>Kks at Auction!

2 Car-Loads Large Texas Horses.l i i | k'U a m ] uiitir'-kt-i*. rHUirinn frfjni 3 t>> r> yearn

jiil<J. Will i"- ;*"ltj m I'ui'ii-- Aifi-ri"ij t" tin*' hl*:l:«-s%L l.j.Mi-r. wlUioUt n-'-ftrre, -•»

Saturday, June 25tfi,i - iimlieii. iue nt l.l n. m.. nt ttti* NVtii'-rwo...]

!• Stabl«», Si-tli»-nr..K!. ^ / .

i2-«l:» J. F. BFttJEDING.

TAED«Cot;-[Third tireei and Hadlaoa m .i; f rrivldrr

iMe Hall Gams*.

June 2i—Tba summary ofhimpioashlp fames in th«

threo 1 adL i. base ball asaociatiens is asfollow Sulional league—Chicago Si,PhlU<!c p«i* -4- Indiana|Kilis 4, Boston 3:Detri i' f S 3 ^ ashini?ton 4. Ram at Pitts-burjr- A(8erf<-in association—Metropolitan4. Atl lo^e r- Baltimore 7; Brooklyn 4:Cleveland- lj Louisville S!: Cincinnati 3,St L-ci.*f9.' Internutional leajrue—JerseyCity 1 $jrjl J*e C; Xe»vark S, Uttca 3;Uamilt< itsl^-fi oronto 0 (niorum(f): Uamil-10, rkranfesjsfn (afternoon).



l lr. JuliA T I


Thursday Evening, June 23d,A T " O'l'IJV K. TICKETS SO CTS.


jSlriwIifrrf d UI' t.



Best Fitjtrig Muslin Shirt Mad*



Mpol Uli

cm:.or THE

• ( K V I X O K b

JUNE 21 AND 22, 1887.'! A full . n-li.-tra of u-n plrrr* o | miluk l n « ,* —il . fct'iik-^l i • ,-ollTin i» —r -J».: ,.i».. vo.-«,i

u^l.- l.y tli.-f'linrtnti.iBr. c ercnUIC. AJaiNn . . tII <-4-ih.~. i. u-l^-v.7

Dunham Good-Will Choristers,i

WILL llE nr.LD AT Tfi|I3


Tuesday aod Wednesday Ere'gs,

I i PROGRAMME: ii ! a; [ J. »Ei2. |

t Ov-iirturr—Comrade* | . . .Bowman

1 tN.lla—Oimnr B<. i,i.i<- ;w«jd:aufui.

Jj. rii;B>-raemn<.r V..u I ^ V L - In My |"niyen".

i : • ' ' i [Haya.] ' » L O ( s n n i . i . renus—i-Hi^>nT.ii.-.t. Vsitz—F<<1oi« j .Bu.-nl./H-ii

i \ OIU'BRTBV. I'0. Whfn My Lllilu One's A«l>wp..4 Slcelly.

«. Ova. tun—Belln ..f Tlin Tilla-JB.] .. Boulll.fn.oammm:. J

1. WeCouldn't Brln^ de I.lttln Purvey To.I ' ' k (Whi-nler.| *<»!" AMU PI-LL rmoin s—<noi6sn;mi.

8. Tlrfllli. .i Llttl.- FH.!.-l)KI.»er.|....Tli.,m.i,

J : ; onn.\Er soui. f4 l-ll !Ti»k<- V..u 11..me Arfui,. KatHl^.1,


OBCIIESTBA. ?l l j l

lb.WfT.I v:-.\

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; I OECHE8TIIA. J<i"«f"rm. Jj.:. Bowman.

l>Ki-Ht>TKA. S"

s i i H l l a i i l . .nacHiafTUA.

^ • Falnbaoh

We can






Pajk Avenue,initn<*i»t(« and


Rf(H»[> A I

A. M. WSDERBEEK& GO/S.p nsHpr-JtEx1

A FliiB-TiOe of HpUH. HKT1S.

n l i l t iniafkrt.

PlaiUfiejd, N. J.



hrnrlnif gjg.uffor »l «

n\ .»»*f

PAtASQLS,\ng ftjl [. RAtln wind Alinif*n. *rtt«* v «

• c e n t . | » - l - . w m i r k i - l 4.1 !••»••

Fans, O|intaJj Spanish and|:pen jLacer.!J! r lNEST i - INE OF

'I, JN T n | CITY.

Silk fets jand GlovesTwenty per OMitj. fens tlian n iy other store la

t o w | i | E i H i i i l i i . - . . i i r l i i i o ••t-

F.XA^ISF. yt.-jt --TO !i >>V

Carpets, ^ j t i n g s j hat : . ;;•-> &<i j l Clohs. ,i? |

HO. ij^r. FR0KT SIU'".!lit i -_..i... I



Booztz of Kings, Ques

Princesses in Vii


'Westminster Abfiey Thronged With Rocralty.




tiqrsed with four bays each. and all ,opcn. !; j PROGRESS or THE PROCESSION. 1 Ttlo procession proceeded at a smart

walking pace into Constitution hall and thcij adopted a more deUbarate gate. Owing

line latere

itf 01

ns, Princes and

nia’s Train.

lateness of the spring the beau- of the avenue tree*, the sweet

hawthorns and tho splendid the military, coupled with the

crttbusiasm of the crowd, made the occa- sion one of refreshing enchantnieut. 'Hie procession slowly mode its way until the Wellington arch was reached and then the first introduction to the London streets ensued.

and right under tho lantern, io that the foreign royalties, am has sad of», and the sisters, cousius and aunts of royalty's relatives who occupied the choir had a tuU. , lront view of the queen.

. HER MAJESTY EXTEife. On the procession hearing t lie abbey. :hc j

troop*' saluted, guns were fired, the bells of the churches rang out merry peals and I Hags were run up, the cheering being con- tinued until the queen had passed into the I

Emerging from the Wellington arch, tho fifst to greet the queen were the eonva-

crash and mrosisp eEitao.tiEi

Spectacles Seen But On Brilliant Cnlform, and

bounded Enthuslasi Loyalty All Along

prccedented Thro ostlng Sights sir

-e In s Life Time— Kqulpagcs—I’n* —Evidences of he tune—t'u- igs—I liter- JT d Scene*.

t Ter-

ag brilliancy and


i he

«jr«EV vie XiOinora. June ?i—Th

■stratum was a »tu|>cr.rt-i|is multitudes, fiumbnrng tple have witnessed th< vagrant in English his to t :oji of order, not a aioil the harmony of the irrejjt Tbe seuuea p resented oy ■streets, what with drapdd less floral vs ties, innutnf flag, banner and tropny hi of decorations,! and tbe immeasurable sea of facet d azcflni ti’os.

Tbe impression loft In why saw tho pageant boundless wealth. mtUtafy lustrums rang ooul.l db Leighton tbe effect of a loyalty and demonstrate people for their aovereigA Zita’tbe result surpasse I kind ever seen ia Europe, st least.

Early in tbe morning Hyde Park corner was Each mansion vied with effectiveaeae of Its oriental rags and curtaioi gave tbe gayest apnea rainy: flag* from all nat.oae every pinnae.e. fi sod Cowers curved froi netiao masts aloog the Rothschild msasiou was <lLs|day; the old bouse cow owned by Sic A. ■equally effective, aud th* tbe F aimers! on s. Where * stropped bis horses to premier, bad its grant jprrteu vail, Cited with ” AMI n'olni’lr the in t a

ioccmii Vast • l.uftJ,t»JU poo

greatest state With iKsrfeo

mcident to mar demonstration

he long line* of 'pavtlhons. end-

rabie iruyeti** os iJendcHl tuto masses

cr moving and ha* been me of

tharv^UouH aninia-

minds of those that whatever pomp, and II-

to create and state’s show of

affortion of a was done, and anythis* of the

ia modern itines


festoc ns

WHS iflinro 4

At tt o'clock the 1m ? of *>de a compact mu* of despite the disroitif»rt r.iauifested the utmost ‘lie time apt»rr*acheti f move the farerneni of witness the show, un I es the «|H« .tii i.rul the rls«t|ii came so otreopr t h-.it lor of dynamite and Uie dag&c forgotten. Tue line of Westminster - abbey [Fmm *iu« kinclarn ml,

•f.ill. Ftcvflf'iilf to Kcgo.itt loo palm*!', to fall \ •tsaez. to Nort hninberlai Thames etuounkueut, to •thence to tbe abbey.

% he line of route was 1*Un«j in oj s. representin':

•the servuM. un I iu uddilM elar naval lru u.m; a.up. •Trass up at it»e o of 'rsent. ‘ *j he i ml ice mrce -tm«l was*tinier tuo direct A Far es tVarren. Tad in tin • or the cuii'iiunf of

Ihik) » • » tf the TJIS MAGS I Pi CENT

The first of Ibe royal corr,|>n«io I of the Indian pr n<-e* and a

IA. j b Use demon-

I Lilli

stan I

Plead illy from splendid sijrLL neighbor m the

ration. Cos Ur ttntUBt outside tn the windows; fluttered from

of rlbimni tbe grarefil Vo-

curb stones; the tableau of floral

Byron lived ia Bo’.hwick, was

famous home of prince in l»iGJ

>te the jolly old 1 bo’i.nl Uie and beau tv.

■*»ute was on ear^i Everjrb.*L*y

of the crosJin/. froo.1 humor. /. *

the pageant «** ^he multitude to

ecially to behold ng rovapjes. br-

m>m**nt fears L*r were wu.ly

•be process.*w to as fotlowa: Con«i?iu’ on

s^revt. to ITut ,st i‘«xk»pur

1 avenue to the ifrhiio slrect *nj

rs nk i

guarded by nearly r all branch»s ol n. GOO boy s IFom

The latter were NcU >n numu-

fa-t Very i«r/^ - common 1 or S.r i ilary f r* c was

Go lcra*. G pp« and h-streaujj; Luiua. roriTro’! |»roce«»irm was

fc ,.n

ifnctuaily at 11:15 ojcn «arruiif.

4ran*s. At subi ■MiJ1 were Idled up

_ minor Gcrn.an prince*. a. si , mo in ••tner^rd fro-i the pa iux* «>f iter Jln»us**n»U of rub1

so t-hei-rs. t ic aopUnse Ik* n - ■ci oiupauio i t>jr t«ic music of the mun^ m.itarjr bauds siUitu^nsl iu front of the (ik ace.

The tjueeu did sot rssrjiiur sta^e robes, tint was tlrt»ss:tl in bhicb Her carriage *wa3 •iratrii tty cijrht j on.es. The prinre ol Wales. 11^ dukr of Ediatiurffh. the duke s>f «-.ojin:tUK-it. h- r son*; tije crown prmeo uxiBpcr:ul of Germany, the uisrqu.sof borne, jpfmce Chr’stian of JSchjicswig-Hr.lstejn. •and prince Henry of lhttienbcr£, dier sons-:n !an\ and prince* Al- ttert Victer and Georigo. of Wales; tPrict-e A If ted of - Ellinbunj. and PrircA* William, of Prusiia, her trrand- »««n*s gill ,ro»te in full uniform beside the <4iieen’»'iouA li us a bodyguard. When the pdoplo at the pa are jrat^s had shouted i::or:»sclvc* liiMiruJ ciu'crini| for the queer, tiie^- iontmu^l to cry mitf ionj* life to the pricco nnd | riruvss oT Wales. Tt.e que *n, us sholcft the pa.acc, soouied lo In **i ex- veche at spirits.

tec a ueen’s carria?ti wp» lanr^ nt»*\ of %-iikoiate color, wheels rejl. um iUj rnya*l xirni« in jpdil emblasoned

tbec q*oi*e*. wUU li were oil ir. :lh royal blue ribbons.

,.on l..e )H.ue.*. UA -U f r me

tt'ti* ,l.-c n,;e I lil I lie M-rv.in a

hrune* of aoarl -tail g t >1. i be other carriage, containing iue.„o.-r. of tbe roilal faimly were of a gocleuUa character.

lc-ac-ut patients and other, at the hi 1. George's hospital, which was packed from basement to roof, seats having boeo erected for many thousands over the roof pf tbe hosuuai. On reaching Picadilly, Vte queen wgs aoen to look up at Apsley hirtise, and as she passed the mansions of tier intimate friends she glanced somewhat hastily at ijhcir . ubodesr more especially when passing tbe Duke of Cambridge's, baron Kotbschild’s, Baroness Burdctto- Cdutts and John BrJgbt’s old apart- ments. It was not until Devon- shire boUfse was reached that the queen began to realize the grand preparations that had been made lo greet tier, liere tno marquis of liartinglou had a spaeioua gal- lery erected, from which many hundreds of jgaily-dressed ladies waved their hand- kerchiefs and cheered the queen.

Facing the Devonshire house at tno Bath hotel! another gigantic booth had been creeled, and from this point to Westmin- ster abbey every point of vantage had been seized by contractors to fix seats. Hbop front* and first doors wore rented at from 13d to AM) each, and. in some cases even mare.

The fronts of the Burlington arcade, the royal academy, the Egyptian had. St. James’ parish church (where 1,000 children were seated and tang ‘•God save the queen"), and the museum of geology, were packed with human beings.

On rr aching Regent Circus, where six main streets converge, the sight was a memorable ono, the streets being all splen- didly decorated with flowers, flags,. ever- greens, etc- Many) of the im|>osmgl com merclal buildings sI{ong the way WerC- Otie mass of herbs Many of the shops here- abouts h3d their fronts removed and ele- gant boudoirs formed in lh«ur places

The procession, as viewed from the duke of York s column passing down the bitl fr dn the circus to Pall Mall east, was a remarkable sight. The shouts of the people were piaiaiy heard from the top of the column in one vast roar.

.EXTRAVailaST AMERICAS SliiUTSEEHA Man;,- American ladies and gentiemon

had secured seats a*, a palatial commercial establishment In Waterloo place, aud Joined m tbe enthusiasm as warmly as the

Passing around Pall Mall cas* English a largo gallery was erected over the col- ondude of her majesty’s theatre, while 1,5th' chairs, rented at from two and three to Bvc guineas each, were all Ailed at Waterloo bouse. In Coekapur street Tra- falgar square was now reached, and every where ojie lodkcd nothing but heads were to be sodu- The crowcf here was tremen- dous, and completely eclipsed any that gsvi- assembled at tho greatest political gatherings of recent years. The step* and lions of the Nelson column were crowded --ith people. white l ho roof and steps of St Mart.n’s church anu tbe steps of tbu national gailorv were packed with a dense moo After crossing Trafalgar, square where the police had great aifUculty id keeping Lie people buck, the process-on gradually approached [forth uni bur land avenue. whicA ou its southwest

Afierdhp procession had left the abbey, the queghkt the head, the enormous crowd seemediSajlIncrease rutner Ulan diminish, ns!'.ln-sdia Jri,nt tned to get away, while those Udblhd presswi forward to sec, jf pos- sible, notabilities ceme out of the abbey. fi;!

The tiyaying of the crowds ih some places r^-jMs terrific until Welhnctpn ari'il was tigiiin reached, and the procession iiiH ally pro&sOdcd tit a somewhat smarlcr pace up CowlUutionul hill and once rnorq reachedriBbckinirhana palace, driving in at the ernjjSlentrance amid the cheers i f tons ot thou^iuis of people. The queen seeno-dj fairly overcome with the loyalty displayed by her i|iK|ects. i

Jbe itflpiression loft on the minds of those who sa^f-fche pageant is that it surpassed at.ytUi3§ i|f the kind ever seen in Europe, in rniHieytpfimes at least.

lo-dai ihe street scenes of yesterday were repeat I-.! to a great extent when tea; queen instate viBitcl the Children's fiicu d in HydedMArk. Similar festivities t0il taka

DEATHS. I ! SMITH—On In^U, Mre. UutU E. Smith, li\ i i ili* 73*1 yrar <»f In-rag*-.

Fun*-ral p*tTYlf* wild take «»n Thurs«lfty, | at 5 j». ii».. fh'in L**r htie r**Hl«l»*4icf. N >. j 110 Ea»t >••***• n<l fsiFt-vt. Iuti-rim-iit at Turrjtf •vtrn

N*t w V- rk

piscK-s ijo^NEn. t


place lcK|ilit>rrotv and Friday.


< u< •>!;—T.ao and lo.UO h. m.; 2.90 anJ 5.-to j». m. MtliiVt—7.30. •.*,•10. lll.^ia. in. : ll2-30. Z.M j., m.

SoMhHYlLLL, i-ASroN, hrT^., MAILS. ri- *«E—n. m. aB'I 4.30 j-. ifl. AKEIVE—b.30 a. HI. and 6.Ill |., ill.

SI'NB»AY 51 AILS. Arrlvf* at 5.10 a. in. Ofllct* fr-'in tf.ou a. ni.

t • in. Mall elk***** nt7 Mall t« r Warr* nvUI»-rl..jMn*Tu«Mlay. Thursday

and mu unlay at l‘j in. I'f*»t uf!h*v "i*« n.f at 7 a. ni. at 7.30

l in. ?>atur«lay» «-l*.m*» at k.uo ni. Oiu-n cvi-ry until KAd i». III., t.. «.wn*'t'H *.f l

Wiipmjp Kid (Dove




FIT fili I




No. 6,Park Avenue, iu


rtlXCE OF WALES. •M« i» ma:nlr rorerod with two irirrantic lintetN, v.z: th«> hoM Victoria. Slid the l»o*ot Mstropoie. Th^so. a* n*r»’i u* the n*;wiy-crocted Cr^intitutuinal clut) buildia^ w»*re crowded with si^ht*cors.

THEMEIfIMIf'S ESTnr^IASM. On resrhinx tho Thames oinbankment th<*

procession had to make) a detour almost st stifles From tbi* new Nstioual Lit*,

rral club to SL Stephen's ciu’j the cotnu*- ij.tui was inJescribab.e. Mon climoercd ui» the treses in such number* a* to injure many or them

AH slr o»f the Thames embankment, w.ien» not cc«-up»ed by public ffardena, sc^tts an 5 £r.lWl ha I be>n erected.

On torntnsinto Bridge street around Kt. RtfiAenN club, her majesty obtained a full r.ew of the abbey and tho preparations which bad been lawlo in parliament square. The j^rour. I floor of tho abbey was cou- CMi© 1 by the lofty Fran I stand call© I “St. lUarFaret's.•* tbe aeaT-* of which were sold f.ir fireiruineas each. Another block of seats, ca.l *d “U10 Canning stami,” accom- modated 1.4*10 imrsons. All around the square, an 1 even across the river at St Thomas* hospital, windows were crowded With peopi *.

mtANo acE?4» m Tnr. abbet The »e* n*' at \Ve»T minster abbey n as

most brilliant. Eve.-.v seat was tided, and every p‘r-*oa prenrut w in a distinguished !*• I’Bitii. When toe ideivUtios were euumer- • ed it seemed as if every locality iu the work! had sent its representat.ve person- a?c» t*> do honor to Kmr.an l’s queea on

rri at holiday. There never proUu.iy m modern times assemble J under om* n*ol u i ulil.ciice mi well and so bril- 1 antly srr-yu 1 Every man preseiit en- tit.oul» w -r* uniform ora deeoratton hod both »in, new or ou.Misae I up. When this audiemv* was all seated tho seen- was in e«>niparaoie. When the sun shono brightly through Urn noble stainol win lows ol the abbey, it* rays fell upon unaccustomed silftit, un i the picture was indescribable.

Uuiskw the iiblie.Y door the royal trump- eter heralds look their stand an 1 blew their.stirring faufuronaJe as her majesty uj»r ro.ic'iod.

I ne queer ohl wooden arm c’lair in wjhich the 4over -urns for centuries Ikavo Uvi. ciuwtied was - wbeeltai from back of tm. •%l jr and, covered v.lth ifor^o.-un cloth 0i co a. lor the socuud Uuie seryo-1 as the t.irone of Victoria, lienejith tlu neat is t-i.c unci «nt stone of Scone, on which the kin?-* n rent land *to ,d when they tverr crowincd Tradition (which never lie**) assures us 1 hat this is the very stone Jacob

sodj us his p.ilow whoa he bad :*.s farn- us ladder .dream. This throne *A'nfc pSuced tu a dais iu front o! the altar



■west door, between tho twin towers of Sir Christopher Wren. *

After passinsr thromah tho vest ibule. her inajestv was conducted to tho grand dais under tbo lantern tower. She was sur- rounded by three members of the royal family.

The scene in the abbey wheti the queen entered was dazzling. Ten thousand peo- ple were present. Tney all s rose. The Women dis<*arded their wraps and re- vealed the full splendor of their beauty ami attire Three tiers of galleries bad b«on built m the abbey with seals for jo.uOU Tbe peers ami tbeir wives were seated m the south transept. The ambassa- dors and diplomatic corps were seated right iind left of the peers. Members of the house qf commons were placed in the north transept. The seats for member* of the re gning families of Europe, etc., were ivithin the communion rails. All the great learned societies and corporations were represented, while tbe notables of tbe law. Science, art and agriculture and working- men's representatives from all parts of the L'ntted Kingdom, had seats duly alloted to them. ‘j Tbe queen was profoundly Impressed with the scene prepared for her. She was noticeably paio when she reached the 4aia SSho soon, however, recovered, and regained the bright aud plcasaul aspect she had borhe all tbe mortuug.

TUE KEL1GIOI S SERVICES. The religious services in thh abbey in

commemoration of the queen's jubilee were conducted according to tbe carefully pre- pared programme which baa aiyeudy been published. 1 The archbishop of Canterbury and the 4emi cf Westminster alone condurU'd them. Nearly every dignitary of thee.** iabiUbed church, however, was present, J>js:de» a great number of distinguished qlergyiuea belonging U> other f denominA- Uons. Tho queen’s advent wot arranged so that she eiitered tho abbey |^*eciseiy ui nuon. Dr. Bridge, organist of the abbey. Who, bad for the occasiou a specially lira rte I cho»r of *J.*id voice** seLcted from ihe great choirs of London, a number of eminent soloists, besides a iarga a<*compa itiinent of brass instrument* and drums, gradually drew tho congregation int<- Mlenjoo and tbeir rcsi»octive ptnees to be prepared for the queen’s coming by render inn a number of selections ia a mam. r that made every pers*m within heann 7 of the great organ eager to catch ibi softest tpoei

j When tbe queen reached the a obey and tbe royal procession was forming in the marquee outside of the wcat do or the state trumpeters in goal and crimson uniforms executed fun fares from the organ lofL, niearly In th-x centre of the edifice. When the clergy, at the head of the royal pro- oesaibn moved into the church, the na- tional antheiu was rendered by the organ. Tho fnusic wa* thrilling. Tbe audiencv rose as a unit an 1 lent their ten thousand voices to accom)<dny the choir. The ^Xict was fo grand, so profound that a' great many persons weru moved to tear*. It was at tm* mumeat that tho qUcefl! sppcareJ wi’.bin the doors. Then tbe singtng of the anthem ceased aud the l*rocehsirnai march from Handel's **Occa- niooal Oratorio” wa* given by the organ during the prOfrress of the quueu and the t^yal.family to the dais.

|\Vhbn they were scau*d, the archbishop of Canterbury aud tbe dean of;Westmin- ster, who Lad taken their placps with n the wrtriuin, began the service by asa- iug of God a b.essin^ upon the queen.

Tbq*leDeum Laudaiuus was then sung by the choir 10 the niu*»c «ompostrd by the prince coosort. Urn queieu having Requested this-

The lord’s prayer wus said and the re- sponses (adapted to tOe occasion) were m- t<m<*d. *11100 three special prayei> wero ol- foredup. ’

Esn or the cekemonicsL jFollowing the prayer, tho “Eflaud at Tc

Domdius" was sung, with orrau’knd brass band a* coni|*anirueut The dean < f West- minster advanced 10 the ultar rails and read tho lesson for the day(F n>iEpistle to Feter, c. ii. v. fl-lb). Br. Bridge’s siR*cial ho: hern, selected by the queen last year an hqr Jiibilco anthem. Was next reodeml, foil lowed by “Gotha,” ro:n posed by the pbincc cons4»rt. was mtroduc*nl. Two nior** siieculi prayers lor the derenni «*f u*e faith.ithe spin uul \velfar«*of the-kinglotn, and lor jieace and I avg, fo*lon*ed and \v«*rc supplemented by, ibo beno*Jicti.?n. which wo* pronounced ov lilt) archbish<ip.

j kis-ino tub qi ebn's iuvp. When the benediction ha 1 bt*»;ri said, rh«

• }U«*ei»’s s< n* kneit before he^ ahd kissed i»er hand. They arose and hef majesty kiss**d each uyrn In* cheek. Tin* princesses next ;i<lv;.need t«» tin* queen and kins d her hand, and she UisHcJ them all, fav'orin^ *01110 twice, tnukius unusual demonstration over |he princess of Wales anJ | rinccj-ti Beatrice. Other relatives of ih » «juet*u then Saluted her and she shook hiin is w.tn s n»e and kissed others, kissmz T. jio crown I Fined Frederick William of Germany t.V.ce, very heartily each time, .it ull this the congregation applauded n arnily

All the pnneosses U)K>n the da;» wore Lgbt dresses.

After all tne royal salutations ii;:d be*Mi made, the queen dscended tim dais an J moved out of the abbey, oroce l«i by royal family, thecongnjfaiioD siaadin^ and cuct-ring uith fervor ail the vvitjic, jlc.n- dd.ssohn's m.irc.i from “Atn..!ije hi* 1 iL; rcndcifed by ll| 1 org.iu an 1 ..an I i,u 1; t * J hJr majesty ha«J il**|»ar:« I. Tim g Jt i.m Uitmc t dissolved,select ions of sacred uiusLe being played until oi; Lai left the abbey ,

BACK T») TUK PAI ACE. It was past otic o clock when the que*‘n

emerged from the abbey. She at one*) re- sumed her carnage and returned lo Buck ingUam palate, tins timo taking the n*ub* she *eut after her corooatioa fifty years ago. >

A Hard Fight Hrtwern McCoy nnd Kt*lle>- : h**r Ends iu a liras.

Bo*T«^|,jJune 22.—A bloody tight of ei-zht raUlmiGfdtinds took pla< e at South End

el ween Fete McCoy the Bridge— In eight, and Denny Kelh her of hey fought for a pur*e of ^WH),

$-dunce gloves and nothing but tho c’ prevented McCoy from being ; twice. Ho was seconded by

ilfil” and George Godfrey , tho col- [ilist. while Kelleher was lookcvl

i brother and Dan Gill

M -n* y • n!« r em« Sim unlay t* • l p. 1

p. m. • H"-n fr**ni 4 a m. t

W. L. Fohcii, I‘< •slniaster.


The flMlIfOund was a quiet onev with

ire the striug- t )Jhis


but in the second they wound dome hard lighting. Kelleher

li: right on McCoy's Jaw. and. flat on the floor. The blow

1c one, and nearly use«i McC* y oarely able to rise before the

were up. and Just at he ‘et the call of time came t is able to com*? to tin ion for the next round, afcd

third, fourth an 1 fifth fighting was hot and fuP-

showed up better than uspected to after Lis

in the second Both men tng for ttv* sixth and fnught ul until K' llehcr smashed McCoy tie face with his left, and the

went to the f. »*.r for the Ho finally rnan.'ig»*d to go’ *^)n 1 [Afkin the rail of titufe gav»* him

jity! to get Li* vrip i C jitroDgthen«?d, li rn and the [remarkably tame. The eighth

op j >0*1 te. Beth men f> i-.'Lt 1 bhtc McCoy had made a great' raS the fresher At the tiui-di

re gr<iggy Kcl.Lber was _ ly. but McCoy showed no

iif.fight was declared a draw.


hiigli * . L J M*-Vau»ir Mrw W T iMvi-. Mrs (i U ItHiifl*>1 uli, Mist* Mary Kll**y. Win H SniiiP-ng Mrn Win B Knfllli. p Sullivan* Mtchfu-l ViiilHUl^Mrs B**hhI«‘ V. la.-nifiz. MInh M VanNesh Mr» Mary J Vaiii'infe*. Mr» Anna M Wyt kxffj, Garret

ns calling f**r pleaseikay advertise*!. W. L. FOiiCBi F. •Mtniasu-r.

To which calls ^1** atteatlun of all Shoe Cuy€$9%’rfully <Y^nildeut of being able

jij please, J>**Ch lu qi ALITY i5; j • A>fo Price mylOtt

btfak*-. I I) H tit'Onrd. H I. I Il*i ns. Miss Maria L J«*tfTi-r*«in. TP*-** -T• -i» 1*.— -u. Mi n Sarah J*itli 11-%* n. Wm II I-«liUs< u. Mrs Sarah f K*inl. Mrs li L) Lcun-*n, Wm





F.xpr, Uric

Koark. \t senger IA* tional ex road, nei here Iij ant distr proofs ol mg wax| which fi| company^ Carlos niesson^ Koark * j robber it was cd

New Vi yesterda* th ree follows Philoilelp Detrroit^ burg. A* 4. Athle Cleveland St. L»oui* City l, Hamilton 10, Scran

nla Trains In (Tolllaloa. Gka< e Md.. Juno 22-—The express on the Philadelphia,

’^and Baltimore railroa^l ran 3. 41, south bound. *t the One man was killed and setf-

gwere seriously injured. Tho


any interf Blunt. th»4i the penal' Blunt, in

rrr HI ant. lUpdced. arc 2*2. — HhotiM th*-re not ce by the governor. Alfred

ie hunchbiick negro. Will pay his crime on Friday next.

, 1S5T, murdered bis wife by hacking hfl| pVith a hatchet and razor at her bomeVllI; Cnrontlelbt. Elder O. \V. Brown, of Zb- colored Second Baptist church, b^tpe.i Blum, which aj jH*arcd to greatly reUtifre turn as to h.s appr.’achtng death- £ j-

liropiHMi Dr.Tuoi-f; pi oh., Jum

f tl^whooiier K

I*1 on Prrk. nc 22.— Cai tain Bo

lan 1, of ttdNiho'dicr F P Beal •, droop * \ dead on BlW'dcck while his v*-*»el was crossing Lake St. C’.air yesterday. Cap- tan Holanl fb a vessei master of many years* cxpt^iu-e. and wa» well kiu'wu lhroughentire chain of lakes He owned the'B^iia and rosidetl iu Butlaio.

/trrr»ng«*in«’iit'* for the Stilt* Fair. KocHEs*iin5;N. V’., June ‘2i. —The officer*

of the Stlife ^Agricultural society arrived here aud arrahge 1 for Itie state fair. The lair will 1)0 |ield from Sept, v to 14. Tbe sale of liquor will not bo allowed on tne grounds. jSuTries. except for flowers and truu*, \vi Ail*. S

laburkiot In IViinnylVHiiis. Satkon ^ ra., Juno 22.—A fmall riot oc-

curred here, between the Pennsylvania sail svo» hs -if and non-union men. Sev- en! sh.-ts ii-cie tired and a woman is sa d to have lataily injured. A11 extra force of potiefl are now on duty.

Bo Hfll-inch Trout After This. Altant, June 22. — Gov. Hill has signed

several amendments to tLe game laws, the principal flne prohibiting tho taking 0/ trout lcs» tbsA six inches long.

WANTS AND OFFERS. A*h*rt*arixmlM under (Ms httatltug% ok.-- oral far each w/t 'a'h 1 nt'r(n>n. } -

FV>1I HALE •J'.-.rl.Hr A SECOND HAN It TIVO HORSE. jH.wtfr. In nrrli-r. H**ld

• ifh|>. f r wnitt *»( Apply 84! il Wheilku, Neiif in'- il Farm. PJainfl.-ld. N.jj. ft-32-lf \ SMALL FLEAHANT Til LET WITH

•TV b ard. L*a*atl> u u* ar Terms ivas*>u- Mbit- Pri\at*-family. Apply. Tlll>4.i*FF1 CE.— mlUtf

Trouserings l«HOW3f IN PLAINFIELD.


44 n|yl0m2 X

, 8

I.'M’HNIsUED ‘BOOMW To LET Td GENTLEMEN I 1 v 1 tli • r s ith*-ut I**; ar*li m Nq. Ij W. K«y..nrl j

Mto. Hannah Htaat».— r^yTotl s • i i hi DE4LER IN

t 'IHID TABLE BuaKD IX "I X-.. 17 I'-M'-t - corut-r -nil. liiiR. L. hiYate FAMILY. I Bxix L'1 ,j! S-ILE^THE Ij.>T KOETH-XAST OOKNEK C F Ja. k** -n HVHiui-Hhd tw.ni* njjbt wtr*** t. about •4* f. • ; -pinr**. F*»r plidi* and krinn apply t** j

"To ii.li Buos . Arrfit's andHti-rac* War**h«*u*o-. fr« ni l*r* i«. lgi E. 44th «tr*N-t. N. y. «*lty. — rnyiotf j = T- ----- r : i'- I

|:best qualities


KolilN>r Itoark** Trial Ibgaa. 2i—The tr.al of Chael

Led for shooting express niev p atd 4‘rrbblnga car on 'h*-* >a- |s ifornpany or the West Shore |ls <*;ty on Mari h 30, has begun femhg for the people the ass.st- |tt*rney sa*d thahamong other Urk’s guilt wero pi<*ces cd s*-al- dnd in his overcoat pockets

®!the torn seals on ;the er:>refsa iutliated and rifled envelopes, take, the woJuded express

iestified that he recngniz**d : as the same as that of the

A*ould not identify his face os id by a ina*»k.

IIors(‘s at Auction!


2 Car-Loads Large Texas Horses. Third *treet and Madison art.

i lii- and uriOf -kfii. , ranging fr1?fti 3 t*. n yraj " ill »- *--ld at Publh- Aif4-ft..u I- thv hlgha^st »*ldd**r, wlUioUt r*-4i*rve. • n

Saturday, June 25th,

at iqji- N«*th»-rw-i • ■anin^n* mg at in a m.. Htatjp-.-, S>Hit-nr





•uoe Ball Game*. &. June 22.—ThO summary of ^championship frames in the 'jig base ball asaociations is as htional league—Chicago V,

4^ IndianapolM 4, Boston 3: Washington 4. Rain at Prlts- an association —Metropolitan ; Baltimore 7; Brooklyn 4; Louisville 21; Cincinnati 3, International league—Jersey cuse f»; Newark 'v. Utica 3; Toronto 0 (morning): Hamil- [4) (afternoon). ir


ill A T


Thursday Evening, June 23d, -IMIS TIOKETK 50 CT8. COR. PRO AT »* OTIOCK.



Best Fit^irig Muslin Shirt Mad*


E ’ 8,




train had just crossed the ack br*dg»i ovdr the Susque nd was crossing the swtich

k when the congressional pee*l, struck tbe r*tar of the nine three cars.


U rr(,™!No.3a|l,aj'k Ayoihic ^ ' Olil p,„. ViiiL-rI '(nalriitn. iLlR anH


For M u*W*/vJ-1 8p*.i uiq

Mirrnnrt|ts and VPdn. Hiring*, ai a Sunicul'llm’f wi'Un*-. a

■ jj ! / Am««*rwiu It t of in? hammolvk.

ennj • h W^.ONH iyD CAhra l^AST Bff HAD A

Jo Jack llniwy I><■ ».1 New vm4 Jun» 22—L'apla n Ja.'k IJua-

Hcy, the j§D#'>ui Ufe saver, live) at, 3:14 o'clock .v<W#ila.Y after:, jca in Gnuveneur hOAnii.il. pe.-itoaitis. fnllnwmj tbe wound nifjjejjDy Policeman Hahn’* ballet on the nlffht of June i ('aj taln Huxsey had been S||i,ovlnc,a!otviy Ihj- atea lily and h» re.-oviarl>va'‘ rezur.led a) certain until he look a Sudden torn for the worse yes- terday uwSjank rapidly un :l death eu- sued. 4: R


Dunham Good-Will Choristers,

A. M. VAKOEREEEK & CO T. We can show T\> FISH itir.i.v i!EX



A Fine-Tift.e of IIPDB. KEFTA, ^fcl N Es.

Tuesday and Wednesday Ere’gs,


JUNE 21 AND 22, (887.

j A full • r»-li.*t.tra **f t?n plo'*** ..f music • pgaged i -'OliTt n t» -*• -l*- ; .•• vo.-H| piuHif l»y tb* -«-liortHt(*ic>c. c ev-cnfqjg. Adoil-in ,» ,

H u-1j-w7

>KH. NFls si.* ABTint.AL i>sir-

Ag*-nti* fdr Lfi** Kw Ititi ,!ng ISIrycltf. the Ia'* "t h|ii<) Ji««t 5kiiM*i I in th*


field, N. J.

PROGRAMME . I J. XE 22. i Overture —C«*mrad»*H j.. Bowman

OKTUIMHA. x 2. P--liar—Bon nr B* i.-iic ;Wald!*uful.

(Rt'hlKTKA. ? •I- I lIjB**momtHT \“U J>jvl* In My ^myerf.

- < i [Hays. AND F!*LL nroiUS—i'HOl^MTEBh. * haj'-*—Ft-dma (. .Bueal<«ai.

OlMUBTEt. :: 5. Whj»u My Liltlo One's A»l*«ei».. J. Sk.dly.

M> X) AND FI LL C'HOBVH—4 H<UBKTEB«. 6 Ove. turt.'—Bcll« of Tho Village.! .. .Bouillon.

ORCBEHTR *. 7. WsUouldn’t Brin^ dt* Little Darkey To.

[Wh**oler. A Mt> FI LL ramu s—movisTlIBS. 8. Tl.a Bu. a Little Faded! Fl *wer. A.-. .Thomas

0OBNKT SOL*). vl

D. I U Take )nu li* me Aguiti, |W«*Htend *rf

W)L)pM»q- AI’TIITTE (dfoiiryt—ritOBlsTEhS. lb. ^«lq»til*.i: — L>»g.'ar Student

ORCHESTRA ! 11 4i Whys Take Motii.*i * Advice.. j .

S..LO WIT ! <jrA.BTFTIE CHoBf H. l’J. (>A*«*Ft«ir^— StHg^f.ne ; Lewln

oucnjarrRA. | *i!- dn^irin. 4;.B"wman.

EXTRA. u. __ L

i ip - lr- *J|h—Always Oallant. .. , ORCHEXTRA.

•» Fahibaeh



50£! PAH A SOLS, Emhrnrtng 8^jl!t, Hat In ian«l Alpnea, wM*** *r^

yffor al o»nt. t*‘-l *w market pi hv. a la^ge 11m* of

Fans, Oriental; Spanish and

|pen : Lacer. i^i.NEST LINE OF

i; |n th4 <?ity.

Silk Mitts and Gloves Twenty per qwi^. |han ntiy other store tB

Examine our lino *-f

Gent'UiFunnsfcinf; Gor ’

MILLUini-T. F.XAifiSF. orh six» k .-f

Carpels, Fi'attings; f? at . ; :• *

Oil Clohs. r* ti $ "

j Hne In storpi^ large |in(l well-selected stock ot k ts.zes. MEN’S, BOVrG AND ilt'TB'S, LADIES'. MISSES*


S tilo IE S , From th£ fiEST;MANUFACTURERS,

John A. Thickstun,



NO. j) v. FR0?T s:*f ’■: ills


Page 3: f •tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health fileESTABLISHED May PLAIX^IElf), X. J.. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 1^87 j ||PRICE, TWO CENT|SW THE DAILY PRESS or Tat WEEKLY *Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT




" Cradle or Liberty » Nearly 6acked.Outside and InitMe Meetings—& Pro-

cvaslon Attacked In Cork. i •BOSTON, JUBO2S.4-NO meeting ever neld

In Boston has creitod aucb iuten»e excite-ment as '.tic pal boring of English andScotch societies in Fancuil ball, to o«3lc-brate with a | banquot tbe queen'sjobilee. Every effort to induce thealdennen to rescind their rote pfep-mining tbe use of the banquet failed. Be-fore seven o'uloclf men and boys began togather around thi hall, and their numberin Tensed until the square was nearlyfiled. The police! kept arriving-until oweropBhundred were; on tbe ground. Orderswere given to koej> the walks and entranceclear.

Carriages soon began to arrive, and eachgentlemen was obliged to show his ticket

- to the sentries before ne cnuld gain admis-sion. By 8 o'clock Dock square and theapproach to Faijeuil Hall hod becomedensely packed with people, and the otherstreets leading tnjto< Fancuil Hall squarealso contained lartre crowds. Then orderswere given to drive the crowds back tndrope off the streets. This was done, butnot until some vigorous clubbice had beendone I

In the rush in Dbck square a policeman'sborse stumbled and knocked down a ladwho is reported to have died from his in-juries. The ropes! were stretched at lastand no one was allowed to enter FaneuilHall square unless provided with a ticketto tbe banquet.

One or two speakers barrangued thecrowd in Dock square. Some one sug-gested that the ball be burned, but thissentiment did not meet with much favor.Aside from the shouting and confusioo in-cident to evevjr large crowd, there was nodisturbance.1 As late arrivals at the ban-quet forced their [way through the densethrong, escorted by police, they were lond-4y hissed, but no violence was attempted.


A Proeeaslon AM*(MBn Mobbed Bt W•(•*«.

DrBLix, June 1Cork between tbe

««a in the O»y and a to

.—A fl/ht occurred Inoyallstsand nationalist*

during the nkilitary review bold in honor ofthe queen's Jutylee. The nationalistsparaded past tbe r«n«iring stand carry iDfblack flags. Thisthey attacked, too

ngcred the loyalists andbom* rulers. During

tbe fight that eneu*<1 snots were fired fromboth side* butseveral townshoisted black tiagi

no one waa lujured. Inn Ireland the nationalists

ID each Instance thepolice tore them do vm.

A mob last nit*hthe Cowttitulum, a onser—ative newspaper.and smashed windboay of police burned to tbe scene anil'charged the mob.through their ranks. Injuring sevj. .1 oftbe officers. Tbe pnlieo th.*n made ano;nercharge on the m

oeef cd In dlsper.sin

died ift the rit.r bos•I public expanse,mind and for mmover various partused to make longvard student* andfeit diploma* audprinter anl often


attacked the office of

in tbe building. A

bet the rioters broke

t> with drawn staves*which they used viixh tfoal effdet, and suo-


Kxcltrment In Lauren. Coanty. n. c . Ore*an Expected rprlslne.

CHARLESTON-, June 22.—The people ofLauren* county nave been worlt'.n? tbenj-selve« into a panic the past two TYUI'IC.* over«u alleged threatened insurrection it ttenetrroes in that county. The most. bloodcurdling rumors have bacu circulaU-J tothe effect that the negroes mtenrteu to killthe white men, reduce the bovs to slavery•nd marry the white girls.

Tbe nearroes have been holU:nz meetinnat oiiuniffht in their county ctiurrba»wnnarmed sentinels at the doors add a cordonof pickets guarding all the roads leadingta the places of their -conclave* It wassaid that a white man from Hickory, N- C.named Hoover, bad beon Stirring up strifeand trying to organize the 'negroes underthe style of "C'o-oporative Workers olAmerica," to carry out tUeir bloody irork.

Laurens is easily excited. A company olcavalry was engineered atd cpflkered brtbe most fearless men in the threatenedsection—tbe Cedar Grovo section near theline dividing Greenville and Laurencecounties. This cavalry; jcompany wasarmed of ct.ursc, and , ready for anyemergency; but not sati»|dcd with theirmeans of defeuoe the people appealed tcGov. Richardson, wlio despatched a trustedaide, to the seat of war. Tb* action on the,Governor'* part; started another flood ofrumors, and it has been suggested thatstate militia would be ordered tc Luuremcounty to quell an Insurrection of wDlcbthere has been at no time any imminentdanger. '• \

The affair will probably fellow over with-out further expenditure of terrifying telegrams.

Hoover, wbo U at the bottom of thetrouble, is the same man that was mobbednear Slileujjeville, Ga., about a tr.cn! batrcfor incendiary speaking to the negroes clthat section. . >

I i


New America Tr cycle." BiRXion m New Y O * -I ! • f Liberty Street .


pntral Railrkil of M e rsfj"""K ™ y . , u . .


Furniture,:• .'t ATI

GREEN'S WAREROOMS,! <:>"™er,"f p a . r k " T < - u l f ' l l <2 s "' ,"' 1 1 1

j.t..-k Ht a lHrs-i-. All P--IC ""l-t I-

J, FhANKd, i l h y ^ l . ii*T. si

Time Table in Effect Hay 22nd.; 1881M.A1SFIKI.D ASD XKW YOKK.

L-u\- l ' lauif leM d.l~. 5.43. 6.3J. T.irJ. I" »-. K.SC».*O. 9..12, 10.37, 11.m, H.I2,.uil14'.. i f t 2.57. 3.S1, fi.JJ. 3.:iu. 5.51. ri,:«.*• '.•.!». 11.IS. p. nfc Sunday—S.-.T. *in..;.:. ii.sa a. m.. Lif, s.au. s.ic, f.;'.2-i !•. n i . ! ;

in-**-.- x.-w, York fr..m f.«ji of LiN-rty ait.3". M.:W, tf.mi. ln.15, 11.IN/H. 111..;].:*>, a.**. 4.I»I. *.:«>. 5.mi. j . i s , i.:*>, 7ua. 7.3U, t u s . ».:m. III..«I. 11y—4-iKi. w 45, if.i>u. a. in., 12.i>J), n..»>. <;.3*>. t.JU, I2.WI, p. ni. ]


H , i l l .

j . . - - . . , ,i, »imu.-ff^.: ^..iary iU'.llc. Corn- « - ; i » — /, i " Cinil-.-J.' X.'rTli'vv.-uii.- oi-i.—.It.- I>.->..t i D « * ' ' £ v d d a l j j - t., n n y j art .•( thi- c i ty a::tbfc

O\ jof ; mra J ' 'JACKSON •« C«JIIIX(,T()S.



*ra rt.-cflvtHl m


Shenrlil a 6h.« Store. ?. p .

f ,I«!»1>TS In t ' lmlntrj , Xti!j,r|. •» FnMji- C"iunilK-L.n^rs ..f 1<.-,K:3. ,-tc. C/nnr Park u\viiu>- m i l« - u . ^ t r t j

'li.UG A. MARMI.i.

f I


!•'.»*•• PlalliOVM 5.13, 4 3-J. 7.IU, 7.30.'..<-• HI..17, ll.ilB. 11.42. K. in.. 12.33.

4, C.Vi. T.irj,

-trt-.t, I'lali.tti'

.-I! tl:. r.'r t in- i i , - x M l i i i ' t y

S u n d a y — * ••>".; 1" :.a. 11. JJ. a . I n . 1 . i 7 ,' ••' •"••l«, 7 .2* . v . a l . p . B I . : ! '

u. 4.'"!.

Counselor, at Law. ; y.Supreme Court Cnimlh»i.,u.-r. s..ik-It..r aud , »a

lani.-r lu (hnn.-i-ry. N4tarrpni.ii... : i,,Offloi- Corner Froiiti»ii.l s.m«-r»>-i St».

• mrvtf i

|H. PL\TT, '

90 Park A»enua>, Cor. 6th.St.oni.->.- U'.uri> until l j i . si. 5 111 7 f. a.


Teacher i f Piano.

I \\ Bottler !' -f H4fla;.tin«^ Export. L»p«r Beer. Ale and

I)>-M'» MUwaukuv B tT, andn't...' Pc.rt.rniid bass'Ale. Llndeo

" i.i. s. J. unitrit hy mall,will receive prompt attention,


»-lT-«i-5lV»'- I i . i M ' W' J- <• mylDj-H

A . M:


Isolattne; Tellow Ferer at Key West.WASHIKSTOX, June ii.— Acting Surgjeoo-

Gen. Stoncr has received from PassedAssistant Surgeon Glcnnan, stationoj atKey West, a report in regard to the yellowlever epidemic at vhat place* in rrbicb hesays cases are developing on a!l parts otthe Island and affecting tjio cbildreb otunaccllmatcd residents, the iudicaUonsbeing that tbe disease will run its coursennttl all tbe susceptible material is ex-hausted. He add* that steps are bc:c4taken to confine tbe da wane to tbe isULdand to prevent its spread to the inaial&iid.Aid of every description is being extendedthe local board ot health at Key West bythe. marine hospital service under i.istruo-Uons from the secretary of tbe tro^sury,und assistance will ulso Uc r:nlorej lo-wurd» tbe isolation of tbe ui.jccllmatodrendonu. •

To >>ne Salt lj»kr nty lot Sl.OOO OoaKANSAS t'lTV. June 32 -ijiof»n TiL.o, ol

tots city, who Das been loctJt-iu? ncaiustMoroonlsm. Is about W Ui»t:tj-.o a iuitag-alnst 8alr Lake City foij property val-ued ot «l,ui>),Uia la 1- a. h(> says, Le irtiobilgi-d to By from Salt Lalt* nritti a peaaity «f dvutti Uanjm? orc-r. utm »l.t.-.l(J l.ereturn. ,Ju»t before Jobfi I> Lee was

for the


LAWS' SEED, j! ' |LA>VN DKE-S^ixo. |



J. P.LAIB1E&C0.\i j lumyly

-PT" A -pi) ~CfJC—L _c_. _ X > ~V .

OI-K STOci or


Patent Leathers and Patent LeatherTip Oxfords,


r XewarK .h»nf«'.-iir.aj f I'l-AISFJELU AMI MiMKItVILLEi ; j

; I'lalnfl.lU 5.In. 7.14, x.:)j. a.ai, 11>|. .1. ui.,. 211. 3..«.">,4.;»4, S.if, .VII, n.iiS, «.:»«. d..Vj 7.3f. 9.-JW, II.4B. p. m. Kun.Uy—.t.lli. 11.1.14. »l.

j , -2.tr>, 5.14. <V43, 11*45, p. n.. i j• Somerrllle fi.US, ifi.35. ".UI, 7..'i-J, <tr3'J,i h.l^,

p.-n^. . 10.15, 11.15. ». m.. 12.33, 1 I HI, IM, o.iljl.

M.V-, 4.."in! T.iKi, H.si), |i, ni. ' • ' } ' ; '•'PL.VlSriEl.lJ ASD KAXTM*. ] ! i

U iiv- I'.aiuM.M l.lo.. »,.n, ii.ii, a. in.. ?}»>, ,'l.\i.t.M. MrJ, 6.3«, p .m. ; Suntlny—Vlll, a. !ni..fi.43,

t i n t . K:wl<>ll «.1U, H.57, a. III.. 12.4(1. 4.Uj 7.JW, fj.ni. >.inday—7.15. a. hi., 7.ui, p. in. | ' |


.1. in For Eaxti.u, Allt-ufwu, k>-iidlni;. Mi.u. l ic l iunk. ' I T

n. HI.—For Fl.inincrV'ii. Ea^t-n, wli .Ii c imuk, Drlfi.ii, rppcr L,-1IIK1I, Wri

ii in—For FMlninvVon, Ulitli | Brl'ljHL-n, S*-h.H,ley's M'.aiuuln, Lake II-'iiiLte.>n^>n.^ll.-iiti wn. lc-»4!lii(:. Uarri^l.urj.^ Mrin.'b

i)up. ii R j

. M..u. h

p. iu.--For FUiiniuirioii, U u h ! |h. M ' . _ . -.

REYNOLDS' PHJARMACY,('••r. Pink anil Nnrt|i Avi'

R. R. Stntion.: 1 EstH»)H4he<l lhfis.)

jl.-iiof Dru^s and) | hi

Only thfl y ȣ u < ) |n thi

i rijnnnnfT. I m*ithor huj imr . •11 '-CuE.vr


i DMth of th» Greit A B H I C U Tr»Teler.i BOSTON, June 3L— Daniel Pratt, longknown as tb,' ginst Ainerlcka traveler.

3itaL aad —ill be buriedHe was of uosettlail,

y ye^rs ho wandered!of tbe country. Ha

adtressos to t^e Har-

in fact uttacked bis family und kiilud »er-erall but only »afceede<! in n-uundin*.* Titin.At the time Tobin lied he owned consid-jr-able property :n the city, wlilch has II .

I created in value- until it u now e*tat a ralue of i\,0

bey K»V« bin counter-pcorktiarm. He was •

T«pnd speocbe* innewspaper offices. Uo b»J trsveleJ fromMaine to California a score of tlaiea,

Onasirll of kk e MjMc HhrtlMi.JA>LI<(. i'Jid., Jupeaa.—The tblr-

teentb imperial council of tbe AncientArabic Order of thi Hnblcs of tbe MysticBhrine for the western hemlnphere la msession. Kei re»""ufcitlv»!s horu from Caic-a«o, Ne— York. Ceiiw Kapuis. ClereianJ,Boston. Wn-wl.na. t'hila.lelrbia. fittsburi;Learenwortb. Kuoaus City, M1nnou|ol;s,Washinfton. Uroolttoa, L'Ura, New Bruas-'Wiclc, Louisville «!•<4s•graft of masonr.

AXI> Ftllt:XO OTH*!! TKAmC.H.mrs—it to 1 : 3 t$> •'.: 7 to 9.

A ISi'trixt'^p'd Du-i^n-^T ulways In•tt'T'laiKf. {; iuy9tf

NVON .< so.-i.

Undertakers and Embalmers.4c p»rlt A V . I I U . ' . T i l . i i h i l i f Call N'.. 4<i R^»i.<•••! ** Ma.liB- u Av.-. tVU-ph' <ur c a l l X... 37.

A. M H i y i y o u . Elm.-r E. I:un)'. .ni my»tr

House Painter. \•rth are. All iri.rk guaractwd.

furrri.-*!!" mylOjrl

Soda Water;

,a«t| Jio. lu £ i Front ftreet. :. latr.iniieMiller-e Phar-

• mylOtf

10 x,


Funeral Directors.and Pra.-ti.-al Euihalni.-^f. (jffi..-. Warcr.«nm ! i o f ffMl Orm it SBEPBEBD, J0HN8OX * OoooVVJand Hcj.ld.iuui' So. 14 E. Flri-ul »tn'-t. Telephone i t ! I _ fwiixi..*4. ; j'l|CARP|NTER and BUILDER. j

m r ^ oro. _. HTILZS. , o|iij.rtJ.._,fc« City H...H, on Second .wist." : $ i ne«| t»rk avpnue. PLAIXFIELD. Evidence, 1*

P B0AOLAXD8 ? I ~ "

ICity Express. !

. Xor-.ri AVJ... MainOvld. S. J.Opp<-islti- t.'icBa^^it^.-, i'uriiliur.-fro.,i t|,.. IM!^^ t,, an

r. a-otiHtilc ratep.

HFiSBrt!. of the City, at all.jJt>yx.-'l and e>h!pjx"<1 atI my»yl I 'i,

-t~ I ""1*1 )iTOI1X JOHNSTON", j

Goal De'aler.

Yrird and offlce H.-uth RV»\ ( P. (J. Box

Shipping Arm* to iSAX P_AX<I>CO, June 22.— fcoia-c- color t*

to tbe reixirts of a proposed revolu-tion in the Han-tiiiun Islands by itupinantsof arms from lull, city on the stearucr andtwo sailing vessels which left for Ucr.o-lulu. There were sbippod n,U0(l rifles.: ti5,»GOOcartridtTM, 25,000 pr;mer», fi,0O'bulidts,9 caaes of shot and 4 cases of revolver*.The consignees in Hawaii are W U.Irijrin

i & Co., who are the tinkers for Hpe.-ktes1 and a unmber of tbe so-called tn:s«ion4ryi planters woo have fallen out recently n»tb• Kiilaltaua !

VOEHL'S QUEEN BREADShoulil b». trift. Ai k your grocer for


I N< jn>' of the latter !» fwajliiif i'sc?pt i>ear-! lnoj our litlV'i. [

Al*-o a v(iri»-tj- »t Cijkf mnilc «mt of

IB • I

Jane 23 —Havre t t e button done of tbe con'eswounded l,tt antatment was in aidof a>2,00.) person* wore fncarljr

Matefc.a fenrln* matrtk ct

pped off t_e foil ufs, an 1 be mortally

mist. Tho enlerta.n-Lanty oaterpnso an 1

Tho accident

C.r,.Ruivit«Ucy. a retailMental Je, r;»».on. c<iuarn:l w.tb lit« s in.of ttiis city, and ioablug rcut, arc( ttie pro

Jllmwlf. .9 a.-Jjeriwr<t jl».i'or. »n >*. bJmself.

-tcJ by ill health. *w;»» is a pstwubroterty to i.ieet ln» coo>ibie caus'.'s uf >uicid c

TrmplaS. June S i -

best Tenipio of I'bilalour yard* in a haltjmj was 2 5'1 Tern

f ERSE TCharles Muller, an

v u inniant y killedt>t come in couuict w

The J-ondon T Ithe rnwsion u> Iroiansalulled with theb

lectric li?ht eni»tn»vrv alluiviii'.'his baads

a "IIVB" wire,saya the p»pn sends

been!*': lie :s dl«-of the Irish

It is n'>w fiai'i tdruwnttl l»v the lerrthe Danube. Over lu-beeu recovered.

Tlie nuvy de; artmitaeilusKrnH ot tan ftfur the noar wjr TBpetitivc doHit:ns Ite.i

TJieFilnlity natio*»» b en n»t.fli!d I..Vlucnl H.;it i' w..l notit* doors elce(it unjageinenl.

CM>L Bolaml of tbdrop,*-,! dead tin tb

•*.l.V- ( jpL lioiandMil ma.-kT an i re<n

At the commendHauay Creek ucadcittie lady xradUHtus «'board oX trustou* attbe inoovuiiuu »n<

Bernard D. Btrvisl

self tnriiiifi t •'ion. I!.-lie]., , . iinability U, „ . U.<

ciTiricUlit t

oiii? ,-:ia*e. lie wa-ne vvun piac u in Jai"liny uiuifcijif.

A yr.unj; son ofwie cnvM'ie.1 Chicsln« Upimr atory oi tteveniuir anl reivive;UtLrr a«c. ee ie i in ti«»ii Ju t in Uiue to c,


TbU order

I Mlrhlcanders reel\ LAXSIKG. Mich., June ?2.—The boiise•bill. ro»km« it Uwful tor Insurance compa-nies u»c. mb ne by means ofunderwriter*, was agreed to

! committ«?e of the wholeJ*t.r%al bavinir varueiy pubhsLed insmua>tiens tbat members of the legislature w.>reInCuenced to rut s or reject bi.U a re^oja.t.on was aJopte>l by the buusc r*:.;ue»tipgtbe editor to fcrn.sh oaoiea a_~ suet otafcrparUcu_urs as no caa. . '

i th<| I ••-it iiutt«-rials. -i ; •

Tlmnkful f.;ir pHHt favorx w<> eolk-lt theof <«jr fri«Ti(ln.

a* A. vorni-.I ui>-9m3



ttj IlowrU.>w ill; the bicyciiKt.

lih rac;. ,U»«relfslei half the way.


p wernuccJ'Dt at, 1'aks HIbuuaruu buJ.a* tiuvo

t w 11 pribnbly »lo;>treau of ron«tr<ii-ti<in

ls., nou • of ttu: com-»utisfacn>rybank of C'inclnnu'i

he in- it.ury d< paatrmiti^l toreoi«"nouurj O-.'IT tu^a-


Mm. firvrland a>t Aarnn. :.. S. Y-. June SI— C|a»» day «fs

crcise* at U'c'.l<-« collegu «Turroi yest*r-timy. Ail the youn,: lady pnvluatei weirein at tendance. Mrs. Cleveland WaiIn tneaf'.ernooB she attends tbe »iutin? rrcercises at Cayug* Luue mi.ifa-y(Kja'leny. also at Aurora. Ultb hor claj vmates she is to have an i xcur«un on t elake KHIHV after :ho f t o n w v and w|liprobably »:ari for Wasbinirtoa Frilly, i

Upholstery and Repair Shop.WOBKMES HIM A CALL

Hotel Netlibrwood.

ilrpnrt.rw. Jun • 2." C a. ir.—Vor

Vor',5. P'.-.m.ylva :i> a >.!tjer.-<.y, lo ia l rala*. e^o.vr l em- .e - . t i rc


<tn> yoBa Jun« 21 -*M~ej oz CM at S .:4J, er cr.-.t.







4s. VAT., rt? IT.I in i

• I ITr.^j O t ' ( * : - " ' i 1 r=ir:i.t i r o ! i * i <iuU

u.*:.•»•; I'Ktcrtv i

Bn in Pie 1*.

"Certr.U ^»-'11 • . .. 1 : 1

•ioohnr E. P.rk vcliil.^ wh.K' hi*

—ke St t'l.iir v e s t e r -.* a vr>- i Kuown r«»-in ISulTu.i

ErieKnenr.-fL'ilre Shor'

! • • )



10. ^


irst-Class Market.• found a full llni» of an kln.l- ..1

! MuV

n u < J

ioti emi Osw

re i-aliru

nf tbeji.urit.v, •i». Tli.)

roreU its coniiouunue.;y, a Louisville i-lotli-d by *rtootitur hull-. . l JJ*.|]i).| , ^mt^^R-uliwi;h his IUJII. uud

i, the murJerer of^ufo £>undiiy niifljt,tAJ.a, 1.1 , uller _

m f'jii C>On**rH8IOb.

na during Ibc mgut

ward 8. McDonaldj uoudier. fn.i lro:ncoumy noi|i.uU litxifatal injur:e«. Hisn^rjlea^.-d from in-,

(_• LtUu folluw's

ftlu^iuri 1icittaN. V « >»•-•» linrf.

:fi.J. (.vnir.ilJf. V. lent. t l l u J .NorthwMternOrepwn Sa-.-i^ation.p U M l


:. ^all andt-'v.-n t-i Poultry.

liir tli>- lar^^rti HI- <-lc In ilui .-itj w*. liii«.u<l i-••• a» u i « r a s p .mi l ) i* win, ^«w y.irt

i. l Price*. W« w.llrlt a call Hint we. nu^•iv-e thai we . fowl ] CHEAPEH tliaj> nnyoiil

Inn.1.1. Telephone X... *l. i-SV-U

j-t.Paaloton i

CornCB.W-..-- -

,'uci Auf


Mitrift t a r . CoamWpsl'-ra lnal'.i . ; U*inr—im tafej»l>rj. hJi-a'tin M >*. I'Ji

e s r n . l-'Jlc**. K^cwry—*1rc-»xiul|li.;fcr Jea. i' "*:".

Cawso M:irk'it d-j'l. Mow Y i n cfulcroaaJu-T—New Vork. part I


i Dealer in Flour, Feed, Ba'.ed Hay, Etc.

IliOi E WlNTKli KING. •< iir.LsnitKY A BONNY FJ.OCR.

j | won DJCX W^RELto.. a. . . -> Ifcjiiii NVw f o r k rrie«>R.


B.\l(l.r>' OATSJ NO -i i»\T«,: JEKHEY OAT8,

All purV a.»wj« at popular ;.rt<w.

T h t

|«*»OB]fIS(} A BPECIALTV.-c* mylOtf

prida Qranget and Crape Fruit, \ i

f Foreipn and T>.niestlc Fmtta i1 aud {pomeetlc Tttldi- DellcRCles aindC«nl**tion». B..I ..J tre«h table natacrmckjlr and pick, 2Sct».

, _ - !J KESXET BBO6.,No. JJi&rtb a l i i , next to buil) Prat offlce.

ing Branch, Ocean Grove, «je. | c•iHli.flt-l.l 3.i7. S.I3 I..II-;. 11.iw. i i .* i . i .n i . j


.<.;. 11.iw. 11.14. » .m.j. '.-.r.. '.4-4. p. ni. :S4ia.m)» i.-kt-.*^ii.,\ . i .! /T; KS7. a. m.: I . ,

B0CHD BROOK BOUTE. j ]I'iiillifliM for rllllatlelplila an.l Tf.-iH-.n,i.l'j*. n.14, a.4.1, U 44. a. ni., i l f i ' j.as*.

IT. p. lu. .Hunit»ty—l,£i, '.ltr", W.45, a.I, p. m. : i '

- L E A V K raujLDi:iA'&i.i

and (ire«-n HirtvU. 8.an», ».Su, llim.! at tn..

. U.00. p. ini ' ;Thir l iiiid B.-rl(x r<tnMti<. »• . ar j 'J.iij,

, a. iu., l.iie, 3 *i. •'>.(»», 6uo. p. ni..' Sun--x.ii, a. m., 4.an, p. m. ;Trrnioii. VFurnn and Turk.-r ntn^-tH. !1 -'V. ;».u>», in.in. 11 :U, a. in., I 54. 4.14. l.i.so,

. # , I', in. Sunday— 1.2ft, 'J I*. •JMi, a. ni.,61.r).

id |a | p ywire i-. B.und Bf - .k .

' II, uUrU'SEN, ihtni Supl .ii. If. BALl>*lS, Uu 'l Paaa. A«enL

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC!tlkco the dedaloa o( ttw n. S. SapresM

Coutt aasUlniiig the Driven Well patent,Mr. B. F. Oreen bai giren notice, to agretl many people to pay royalties «a. tbeweilatbey wen octnf within ten e-ya, orr,«lt would be commenced. That tha peo-pl* of PUtafleld may not be compelled to,.'ay i royalty to the wrong person, I wdeMl-tonn tnea that Mr. B. T. Oreen, the pat-

, assigned all his right, title aad In-pat*"'. '•»• tb« toWB_Up «t

Plf^isld, m the 27tk day of Horom»er,| 1063, to Abrani ScbrUig, aniittat

Tall, s_mtaistratar,^ruiierred all •! Abram Sabriag's

to uld territory to the nader-| who is now the owner oi tali pat-

ent i r this cit7, asd has Mtalllsnei alaby three suits In tho 0. 8. Circuitand entitled now to all nysttitt lot

isfeiBgemcats slaea HOT. 27th 1861. IM.-. WALTES I,. H27TELE

aairjf OOBBMI, anl propose now to oslXria it |alty n each well la this city ncVdr**p by me stcee thst time.





r\rfi JEXKisa, M. D , |


7 iu 9 a. ui.; t I4>

T lep u e l a l l . III.

f«fr». S. . it; N.. rthB Od ii cailWlB. Onl.T-.!

T<niu^. T'-1*-Ti< net*i>mpt attention.


_. ._. . . . j .

W K I N O ' S i

Fish Mai-ket,

II line of f, ». • Klr.li


diy.i|«-n a


l-viry iii'iruln... i irlaj ,.t <iur p


"People's Market."P»rHa»S>nu.-. o|.p,.,li.- V,.rtli av mi--. PlaliftiN. -»- _ r»—•!• ai •! sun M.-Ht-i. Vi- r.-tni»l.-M In i |

","<1 >MK1.-4: falrprtcea; wx-oiuiU'H l:

Picture Ftames.•f all kinds at X.-w Y.rk ja-livs. Studio 2*. West B O i » 3 | » S B« THE; DAY, WEES OB lIONIS

Fr-m street. stralnir!*' r r drawing and .ill " ' '


Wholesale and Retail Butcher.ami dealer in FlMi, Yep-tWbleg, ±r. x.,. 16 Park


Aveuue.X.,. - |P l l J


Painters' Supplies, Wall Papars, *c.,Paper Hanging :A Specialty.

Ho. • Xurib ATR.IUB. my»yl

M.WTlK f;

Bookseller and! Stationer.No. 7 Park Arenue.

A lull Hue of Croquet, Babybails, Bau, t c

F. A. POPE, |


NM>. I W. rM-winrmm.

K. 8K1BEL. { ' ,

Furniture and Freight Eipress.P I). B..X 75. Plulnf l . - ld . M. t. All i f o d n ul i lppnd111 u i / o « r r wllil r o i r i i t t t l V111 u i / o«rr wllil pruriipt atb-iitl.<ur.


Livery Stable*.Nartb A»«. .»f>:>. D.-p..t. tAiniaip— Ui n»>—t all

• —ilo.. All klndf «.f TurB-.iuu. rtor «r nl«hl.ri.ni,ij rldiutfa «|«x-lal;r. Trl.pli.;iiu Call 1 1,

5 mynt


No. 2 P'rk Ave., 2d Floor.lr<>a W..rk^r. aluo•Tin.

•.»• ul Si-r Hv- • Autlion>" ; .»>li llr . 1 H.-1 /iii.l H. ro,l>li- Iirl.-kn.-t I

; i l i n | » H nkn and L . a l 1'ltt... HU'fn *UmjrStf


Furniture EiproM.

r<« ti any |.art ••r»tltli»nd rumllure l-.iiirhT I


CABL PZT£X18O?(, ]

TlorisiV' a-» M.. opp. W.irtli A»e..:: n-ar Dep..t. Plaln-tehl. X. J. Alarf8«w«k ot tte>!dlii£ Piano, »i./.»tvn*. • rnymr

Cr>cer4iPn.rNlonn Flour. Ko.«l. ;Oraln. Bal.-d Hay.

^lr*w. *r. ve^>-table^4. av.i N-.. 7*1 KAMI 3*1 8t.»nfc-m W r » r ~ l r r ~ ..f Chart!* i" »ny p«rt or.h» " , > 1 <"••"»> PlaluSWd.

J. n . Bllnuu.'• mr»tf

\n.\OI.0, I

! rThe Croe#r. '

Qir. Bonicrwt and Chatham Street*.

S..riu rialun.-W. N. J.


Sulphur and Vapor Baths,S..ll..-(-d by a thopmch ruOtilnif with alcohol.F..r m.-n ..nly. Hmin 8 10 tl a m.; l » J | , . m .H. lloiixisii. jn w. Jd utrwl. PlalnHelSj. N. 1.R.-f.-r«l.. Dm. IT.,haw... En.jlrjntt. FrltW, Tom-lli.non, Juil^i/ Suydain and Ti H. Arm»trr.nit



f J

Furniture Odaler,-t. p. irl .r; Plnluc-ronn an.li'M A i-rtr<r

m, | ^ ^ r<.r'yiHlr—'I





rRED'i COOMBS, Proprietor. |



l 4 W.

Samp e and Lunch Room*.

rmt «t,. iind No. 1 Somerset> Mll d

^U IU£ ijjl-ES r»O» 7 A. K. TIIJ, B * . , # .A |;HANOE roil ALL! ;;

4 ^ONFORT,. Photop-aphers,! ,l i f. FIUJST 8Tftji£T

IABJXET ruoTo M.50 per

>e Book Seller and Stationer,4* EAST FHONT ST..

Ha* I l|uU line |>f HTMMEU OAMEH. lnclodla*

ETC. Also,

f ^ S U R f

N'i. •


E. riunrr BTBUCT.

T«i»u •600K libjiu.

I I 'limber and 1ia l'ABK AVK

»#-Al( Uinil»-r jart.l Coal


nd Coal Merchants,


»»iber aind Mason*1 Materials,


yyttytp onHou*« tiid Sigji Painting, Crainlng, Etc.'

• • >'' L ' i !

CT, A!»p ffliap IX TDK BEAB o r 1 f

F B O X T 8 T K E E T . • r

D. w»vjT«#. B-p. mxzn.\ r. WEATBUI ; 1 fcil-l

- | i | f » -HUOE8 AT

12 W. Front street.New <5f«)*, La&st Styles, Bett Material*,

; | , ; at Reduced Prices. ; ;UUHpi^lC 8EWIXO MAOHIXI. j

myiwtf !


f j Sunday Papers.I t>« |)44 at 21 ^iirUi avenue. Delivered to all

£: UKAT, ;

Mason and Builder.

"iKi.i r.\< II -.-!.. r. o . B.'X sjn.t j .attfii-J.--! i... £


.-tlii-fl.M nut)iis ir..n.:.tly

kinds o

pt<-. OassPlalndrri,called f.J-

5-jl-it able to



f V»n l^cklo * Torry.) Dealer la a*

Tresh jjuwJ Salt Meats,> In neatnn. No. 10 North nrrnnaj» . J. telephone No. IOJ. Onssra

ijgid prunjpUj dullrered. AJ1 bills pay-

• S03IE Jl_ BILGE RIOTING A frightened community.


The •• Cradle or|liberty" Nearly Sacked. Outside and Instate lleetln|i-A Pro-

cession t tacked In Cork. Boston, June ail. 4-No meeting-ever field

In Boston has created such intense excite- ment as the gathering of English and Scotch societies in Faneuil hall, to cele- brate with a j banquet the queen's Jubilee. Every effort to induce the aldermen to , rescind their vote per- mitting the use ot the banquet failed. Be- fore seven o'clock men and boys began to gijther around the hall, and their number increased until ithe square was nearly filled. The polled kept arriving-until over osjehundred were on the ground. Orders were given tokoop the walks and entrance cigar.

■ Carnages soon began to arrive, and each gentlemen was obliged to show bit ticket to the sentries before ne could gain admis-

By S o’clock Clock square and the approach to Faneuil Hall had become

•jth people, and the other njto Faneuil Hall square fee crowds. Then orders ive the crowds back %nd

rope off the streets. This was done, but not until some vigorous clubbing bad been done. | i

In the rush in Dock square a policeman*! horse stumbled and knocked down a lad who is reported to have died from his Hi- laries. The ropes! were stretched at last and no one was allowed to enter Faneuil Hall square unlust provided with a ticket to the banquet.

Ono or two speakers harrangued the crowd in Dock square. Some one sug- gested that the hall be burnod. but this sentiment did not meet with much favor. Aside from the shouting and confusion in- cident to every large crowd, there warn no disturbance. As }ate arrivals at the ban- quet forced their -way thiougb tbe dense throng, escorted by police, they were loud- Jy hissed, but no violence was attempted.


densely packed - streets leading also contained In ■were given to dr

A Procession Office

Dublin, June ! Cork between tbe during the nkilltarj tbe queen's J )u paraded past the



t ensui d

black hags, they attacked the fight that both aide* but no aeveral towns in hoisted black flag* police tore them

A mob last nigh t the Constitution, a and smashed win,lb body of police bu charged the mob. through their tbe officers. Tbe charge on tbe m which they used oeeded in dispersing

:ed in the Day and ata at Night.

—A fight occurred tn eyelistsand nationalist* review bold in honor ot

The nationalists viewing stand carrying

fingered the loyalists snd home rulers. During

shots were fired trim one was injured* In

Ireland the natlonslists In each Instance tbe


( b w

Death of the l.rt* I Boston. Juna known as the died at the city •t public expense, mind and for over various parti used to make long van students and fpit diplomas and printer and often newspaper offices. Maine U> California

Connell of SI Indian srons, , I

teentb imperial Arabic Order of Shrine for the wi session. Kepresen

-ago. New York, Boston. Wneelme.

doiwn. attacked the office ot

conservative newspaper, in the building. A

to tbe scene and' but the rioter* broke

Injuring aevo. .1 of rjollcc th.'n made another

with drawn staves, tli good effect, and suo tbOm.

Excitement In Laurens County, s. c„ Over an Expected f prolug.

I'n l Rt PtTnV J is is a O.T TL» -

»eive* mto a panic the-past two w6ejf$ ocer au alleged threatened insurrection the nejrroes in that county. The most. blood curdling rumors have been circulated to the effeej that the Degrees intended to kill the white men, reduce the boys to slavery and marry the white girls.

The negroes have been holding meetinsrs at midnight in their county churches with armed sentinels at the doors and a cordon of pickets guarding all the roads leading ta the places of their conclaves li was said that a white man from Hickory, N. C.. named Hoover, had be«n stirring up *tr;fe and trying to organize the negroes under the style of “Co-opeiratlve Workers ol America,’1 to carry out their bloody work.

Laurens is easily excited. A company o! cavalry was engineered and officered bv the most fearless men in the threatened section—the Cedar Grove section near th€ line dividing Greenville said Laurence counties. This cavalry (company was armed of course, and ready for any emergency; but not aatislticd with their means of defeuoe the people appealed tc Gov. Richardson, who despatched a trusted aide, to the seat of war. Thf action on thq Governor’s part; started another hood of rumors, and it has been suggested that state militia would be ordered to Laurens county to quell an insurrection of which there has been at no umc any imminent danger.

The affair will probably blow over with- out further expenditure of terrifying tele grams.

Hoover, who is at the bottom of the trouble, is the same man that was mobbed near Miledgcville, Ga., about a month age for incendiary speaking to the negroes cl that section.




Furniture, etc.


rk hti'UUp nu4j -u<1 **tr*-»t, [«*r D* c!••«*• «j tli*- i iYhIi-1* i •«*lwr. I **1ah1U£«.-1I lh** r*-maiu

J. THANK III DliAIil*. K.wlVfr. Plainfield. Mrv 2" " * —


sal lerea

t American Traveler. —Daniel Pratt, long 1 t American traveler, f

iltal. end will be bu He eui of uo*ett

year* ho wande of the country. He

addresses to the Har I bey guv, him counter- (Jrcorallon*. He waa a

delivered speeches In Ho bal traveled from a score of time*.

Mystic Hurl Be* June 22.—The thlr-

ncit of tbe Aucoint Nobles of tbe Mystic

hemisphere Is in .lives here from Chtc-

Kapuis. Cleveland, -iladelpbio. Pittsburg

Leavenworth. Kansas City, Minneapolis, Washington. Brooklyn, Utica, Sew Bruns- wick, Louisville a:,d Cincinnati. This order 4s s graft of maaoni

Killed In a fencing Jlstrti. Pains. June 32.—{n a rearing match et

Havre the button dropped off the foil of one of the contestants, an 1 be mortal!/ wounded ht« antagonise, Tho euL.-rta.u- ment was io aid of a jcLanty enterprise an l 2.00U persons wore present. Tbo accident nearly cause-la Janreron paaic.

Isolating Yellow Fever at Key West. Wakhikctox, June 23.— Acting Sunpeon-

Gen. 8toncr has received from Passed Assistant Surgeon Glennan, stationed at Key West, a report in regard to the yellow fever epidemic at that place, iu which he says cases are developing on all parts ol tbe island and affecting tfi. children ol unacclimated residents, the indications being that the disease will run its cofirse until all the susceptible material tsi ex- hausted. He adds that steps arc being taken to confine tbe disease to tbe island and to prevent its spread to the mainland. Aid of every description is being extended the local board of health at Key West by the. marine hospital service under instruc- tions from the secretary of the treasury, and assistance will also lie rendered to- wards the isolation of the ui.acclimfitcd residents.

To Sne S»!t Lake nty for *■ 1 .OOO OOQ. Kansas Citt, June 22 —J«hu Tobin, ol

this city, who has been lecturing against Mortaonlsm, Is about u> institute a suit against Bait Lake City foij property rai- ned at tt.uuo.ooa In 1-e.s. he says, he e us obliged to fiy trom Salt. Lake with a pen* aity of death hanging over nun should l.e return, (lust before John II Lee was hanged for the Mountain Meailtw massa- cre he confessed he had been ordered ! by Brigfiatn Zoung to murder Tabih. He bad in fact uttackcd bis family and killed sev- eral! but onty succeeded in wirtiqdin.tr Tobin. At the time Tobin lied he owned consider- able property :n the city, which has n- creased in value uhtii it is now estimated at a value of #’,OuO,t»)ii





J. P. LAIRE & CO. ! Pimrly

” H -A. 3E& IEC .

ovk sToci or


Patent leathers and Patent Leather

Tip Oxfords.


MSlulay—1b..»; ii. m., <13.20, 1.30. 4. In, l.iSJ l>. BS. „ , , ... ISm. 'Tl fl,w- I# •iigi-rs f*»r NfWarM changr rar.-tat Elixajb*-t|i. j J- f PLAINFIELD AND f* »SfEHVI LLK, &■*&«: rirtluflcia S.lo, 7.14, K-TJ. 9.21. 11>). ;4. ui, aw, 3.:i5,4.;i4, s.nt\ 5.vi, r,.i»2, «.:»*. d..v.#, :

9.29, 11.40. f. m, KmnUy-S.iu. M.t4, x|bL‘, 2.43, 5.14. T..43, 19,45, p. m.

S<.in«!*r\ ill«‘6.ii5, ft.us. 7.oo, 7.32, 7.39. s.lfc. -rettaS. lu.15, 11.15, n. Ud.. 12.55, 2 <«», 5,«4>,

» 8.15, H.40* |». iu. Suiuluy—8.30, llijA, it.ini, ’ 4 5°' 7 111

PLAINFIELD AND RAMT«»!C. ! mm'' Plalufl. l(i 5.10. 8A.V2, u.il. a. in.. 2J»8, 2.1«, 4^4. 5.92, 6.38, |». m. Kuim1h>—5.In. a UI..C.43, IJEHV. E;tfsl**n 4.30* K.57, a. in.. 12.4<», 4 1 »j 7.i»U. j}. f*t Suutlxy—7.15, a. in., 7.on, |*. m.


a. in.—For EaMi>u, AlleuD*vu, KoaOluj: aucli chunk. ', n. m.—F«

L*h Chunk,

PURD A 8TILE8. Funeral Directors.

kii*i Pra*-ti<*ai EiLhalm*-^. offle**. Warer«»oniH ami RoMiRvn** So. 14 E. Fp>*m Telephone crtll No. 44. GEO. c. FORD. njy9ff

F*»r Fl* nilnpv*ii, Ea>t< ii. WluljOait . Drlfioii, 1'pjH-r L«'hl^h, HOraiitod,


in.—F» r Fldmlugloii, lilijli > Icli. Ss-Ihk.U-ji'h Mountain, Isakc* ll-*|iiii<t**nii *>n. Allont* wn. K»*ailln^. Iiarri»»hur*ri Mnu< fc "ttk. Wllllam»i»»rt. Tamaijua, Nanitf^kti, I'jL

ehljclt. Hcramou, Ajc. , |». ji».—For Easton.All|niDt-wi^

,-wliii;. Harrlahurs. Mau«*h Chunk, &•: • *-3k. p. in —For Easb-u. "Illd 1 lap. iMfiuefi TuHX' JOHX'STOX . jlk. Taiiuwiua. Willlnme|x»rt, DrtftonjM’thk* - J

8ft T“m.-"y.V Fl«jmlugl--n. Ulgh | lirhlgj Goal D#a,*r>

City Express. Opimslti- the Depot, X'erttt Avl-., PUlnfleld. N. J. Bag!-ag.-, Fumliun- and jFri-lghl c-.nreyed t-> • fr-tni the Dejafi t,. nil itan- -,f the City, at all h'.lirs. pi tin--s rem. -vetl.Jbf-xed and shlj,j.-d at r- fi-diabic* rates. nivOvl


REYNOLDS’ PHARMACY. C’«»r. Park and Av»»nues, near

Rr R. Station rEstahhUhtMl 1W*SJ. i ^ Only th** gnuleAof Dni^s and

Oil*‘micaofit^iinabh* ;ijr»* umm! fn thin i Pliannavy. I n#*itii<*r hujj nor *11 * CHE.vr Dfiroa" *

SUNDAY HOURS. , Reynolds' Fiiariuacvi i- i a-n <>n Sun-

lave f--r Ui-- ilit-;>eiitdiig df Medieiin-e and l’l.—. i:j>ti-Hi-.

Axit Folt NO Oth<® TKATFIC. i T

Hours—!* to 1 : 3 tiij. «: 7 to 9. A Registered Ili.-jen—T always tn

j attendmn-e. n-vlttf

ghlppiMg Arms to UaiwsU. - Pan FsaNcisco, June 22.—Some color '* given to the reports of a proj-osed revolu- tion in the Hawaiian Islands by shipments of arms from this city on the steamer and two sailing vessels which left for Hono- lulu. There were shipped ‘M>XI rifies. fiSe Oft)cartridges. 25.000 primers.fi.OO> buliats, 3 cases of shot and 4 cases of revolvers. The consignees in Hawaii are W G lrtt-ia "tc Co., who arc the brokers for Speckles and a unmber of the so-called missionary planters wno have fallen out recently with

VOEHL’S QUEEN BREAD Should L* trh*d. your grocer for

i it, und ulsM* try our uneqlialled NEW ENCLAND BREAD.

N<(ne of the latter ie.geivfelm- except bear*

made out of 1 in;| nor label.

Also n variety of Ciike tb< U-st materials. - <

i Thankful f-;ir past favors we aotk-lt the

continued patronage of mir frieniis. J. VOEHL.

Bflehlgamlers Feel lusulted. Lansing. Mich., June 32.—The house

bill, making It lawful for insurance compa- nies tor- mb no by means of local boards ol underwriters, was agreed to by the senate committee of the whole The Lansing Journal having vaguely published insinua- tions that members of the legislature- were influenced to |>a s or reject bills a resolu- tion was ajopted by the house requesting the editor to fcrn.sh names and such othjsr parUculars as ha can.

a, A. yozHb. uiy0m3



Why Hs shot Himself. IscMfOU, K.y„ Jut* 23 —Bernard I>.

Rtuvitskey. a retail d.olblor, an >'- himself. Mental depruss-on. ciused by ill health, a quarrel w.tb Ids s in, of this city, and mab lug rent, arc the proi ia

who is a paw.ibro.ier lity to meet In* con.-

ble oaus-ts of suicide.

nierellst Temple IjONoon. June 22.— U

heat Teuipio of I’hila :e four ysnis in a half time was 2 5'4 Tcoi| l

by flow - li. owalU the bicyclist, pTia. yesterday by

mitv race. Howell's i: lei half the way.


»v . wi h

th i'

Charles Muller, an was msiant y killed to come in contact

Thd London T to** the misslen m Ire an salisficd with tb bishops.

It |s new said (lrowu«l bv the terry the Danube. Over tw beeu recovered.

Tl-e navy de; artmea' • he designs of tae nu fur the hew war ves e petitivc designs U'.n.

The Fidelity nation il has b en not.tied t.y luent that it Wid not its doors except und agement

Capt Bolaml of the drupissl dead on tbe ve Sc: was crossing

Niay. Capt, Boland ►el master an i n-o-liyi

At the continence Hauuy Creek aciulen: the lady graduates board of trustee* at the innovation und la

Bernard D. Btrvi hr, cumin.lie! suit Self ttirmlgc t •on, Ih-tii i , . quit inability to . . h.s protauie ruu.- n

ilectnc light enrin* -r ' allowing his hands a ••live” wire, iva the pope sends bgciUV: ne :s dls-

stutude of the Irish

qeiTiricii Puehesl Jfgii/ '-i lino cl in V

has b eu ean ures long eiiasg. Ue mi Be was olac u in Jail hung himseif.

A young son of the convicted Cbicai

tbe J

Ihe upper story of evening anl receive;, father s..e, eede-i iu be wl Just m tunc to cl «yes m death.

Mrs. First-laud at Aurora. Avroua. S Y.. June 22.— Class day ex

orrises at Welle* college <<rtrrrnl yester- day. All the young lady pra-fuates weiyc in attendance. Mrs L'ieve'.anl Was there. In the afternoon she attended the vradu- J.tmg rxeereise* at Cayuga Lake mi.ita|-y ada-len y. alao at Aurora. With her class- mates she is to have an excursion on tj e lake to-day after the exon-.ses, and w|ii probably start for Washington Friday.

Upholstery and Repair Shop.



Ffot(‘l Nethjbrwood.

H>atlujr |;**|K»rt. WA.«rii!«TTTr>x. Jun- 2.’ C a. ir.—Vor

FOL’.ttnd. Ncat York, P'MnjjIvaiii an* Jor^jy, locxl rata». Cwo'.or tem. era*. t?c


t pTAons worn uocjJoot al PakA on bubaruu b<*J.u* D«*vo

11 probably i*>lor*t reaui of conntruvtKin

ls,i non • of tbe ootu- Mitl-Hfaciory bonk of l'indDii»ti

,lic tn- vKury d* i*a»2- i.p^milt^l to ret)[<*n au ouurJ o«ir ui«*a>

■c'.oonnr E. P. Keal« deck while while bit*

Ib»ke St. ii.nr v eater- a w»- i kuoivu ve<»-

in Huff no. cfeut en*rrj<ies of fhe

in: OtWigo c«»unt.>, re i-aliuo Kmvns. Tbo ■iotdiux sioprovoU rorod il» conunuunce.

•y. B ljOUiftvillo cloth

Nmr Yomx June 21 -aOr.ey oa C»!l 6. er c«.t Ctoi’i: Venter hy

4H*v i^". - * 4V 1 *1, «*oa.: — -3 «A 114*7. rt? 4Cr %'**•. 1‘tliJ *-* *

.•TCF.7K M \n:<F.r TTr**c OrNic :-"’’! ' n; ir ;ct itr! a

wrougtMti u»c ernoDi. ■'LDASS'i IMUCRk.

at 5 , nJ novnir TohJajt.

11 > j 1 HI | m




s-vsims I f -

f loa n? YtfTcr i4i7 ...i :•*»

Wi »

iftk r * 9 py Hbofjtittir him* \ l M*'a(Hl (.dpiYsu-

: rel j w»;b bin son. uud rnui wore tho

erb. J.

CtiMhaPwl*. .. iCbi ara li«ir. jeQ.- • :Cbfttr.il "A ’ tlx l'oa i DeL iL 1

Krie trie or*f t»k»; Shor* ... ...

>ai-. »v t Micbtc in Central

Mii*» »urt l'wiftc N. Y a: Sew tin.'. .. S.J. Crntr^l • S. Y- L ent. & ilud. . North w«*<tern Oregon Na.l^Atioo. . p»t- ti- Mxl JCeodin^. - iKocicf^iand *»t. Fail. ... f n*oa i'i* i.ic • . •

. *Ve»t. Ub w» t* • i ::o:>u«:k m.viucef.

•4 *

li \

■ 7|»-i in i ii k . 1 4 s

. ft . 52 4 . l a


UuU f i

no dnjr T*»: ir.. l - 4 • li li H

■ i [H irj to X JMS


24 NOIITH AVK.XrK, 1 i First-Class Market,

a-njre canbe *>und|a full line of ail kind. ,d | F:--il;. -all an.l sn|- k..l il.-afft. S|..-I«l a-tc, tl.-n given to Poultry. V.-g,-t*hles and Fish H-v4i»i* th* |firf*s*i«t hi- «-k In tluic'tjr n-»- lnU*nd l* .:n)H if- a- uoar tm jy..H**ibl»v with N,«w Y*»rl* I Muikt t Pr1c»«*. We ctolirlt n mil that we max

tiding that we */« m*Il CHEAFEU Umn Hnyoril- , in 1'UlnflfW. IVlrpbi»ne N.». 50. 5-2%-tl

Ul'i 1 1 £ * ■*

3‘4 1*-'.


tht* murJercr of uitimo Sunday uitfLit*

hi^.n, 1.1.* uJter made a fall t*on fens ion.

ihd dunoA' the nitfUt

Wh-av Corn U.U. -...

«’ UL 1 :t» %

*i Jul / Auf

» I

( i (15 * (17 SOMERSET STREET, Dealer in Flour, Feed, Baled Hay, Etc.



lie., a- e'-s fhiiti New York Prices.

_Jk*h, ■» M-xUlitaln, Lake Il"J»hI f *ut'i HfVli. AC.

1. i*. hj.—F*»r East'fn, ,\Hf*r»t* wu, lU a^inp^ ft^hurir. Mji.h h CbtUik, .vc.

ng Branch, Ocean Grove, Arc. HMufield 8.27, 5.43. "Ml. U-iSl. i.m 5.25. 5.44, p. ni. Suoday» [except! o»*«mi

57, a. m.

Yar«l and nfflee H**uili av**^ »iunli*y i>f ftrreeiied r

Prfeea, D r Cash* *nU\

P. O. B.,x 1407. The , •weiat Market 1

•rtlMzers f**r 1

my9tf |

BOUND BROOK ROUTE. Plainfield f-T Ftilladel|ihta autl Ti*-i»1->n.>l s.lu», S.1*. a. 43 11.14, a. m.. a V.J *.3S»,!

:«*■ H. 7 j- m. Suailny—1,22, S.dt*, k .'is. a. 1 r--ao. p. m. UCTI UXWO-LE.IVE 1*U! L-LDKLi’HI A

x a d fPB**n htn-pU, H.MP. y :*», li.iii.j ai m.. 3.4.», 5.15. 7.(x», 12*tJl», j». iu. Suudiiy-»t8.^, 5.J9 12.00. p. fiu

8.JI r\ 9.95, p. m.« Bun

v . Wam*n hid! Turk«-r HtnM-foJl.25, 10.10. 11.85, H. III.. 1.54. 4.14. 5.50, Sunday—V25, 9 b*, y.44», a. ni.,,6.15.

^ A4.W. HU KV ib Third and Borll** KtriHfiH. * it lb. a. iu., i in), y.jo, 5.m*i. 0.uo.

! w—8.15. a. in., 410. I*, m. £ fc! b Trent.m. .(&. 9. IU*. 10. e .4 j, |4. m. Su

Sfi'*ld |*asMwug»-r» oy tralnn marktM* bknge » at I’.' Uiid UfH.k. |tJLHAUpEN, iten’i Sup't.

li. P. BALDWIN, Gon'l I'mi. Agent.


8iieo tbe decision of tbe U. 8. Supreme Court sustaining the Driven Well petent, Hr. B. F. Oreen has given notice to a greet many people to pay royalties oa the wella they were using within ten days, er silt would be commenced. That tho peo- ple df PULnfield may not be compelled to pdy a royalty to the wrong person, I would inform them that Mr. B. P. Oreen, the pat- ested, assigned all Ms right, title aod In- terest in said patent, f jt the township ef /laiifiatd, on the 27th day of November, V Di, 1363, to Abram Scbrlng, and {Lai ’headers Tall, administrator, asaignei lit jtrusiorrtd all e! Abram Behring’s interest to said territory to the uder- sigaed, who ia now the owaer of saiA pat- en! for this clt7, and has esUMlshed his claim by three suits in tbe U. 8. Circuit J-imrt, and entitled now to all rnyalttee lor isirtligemcats since Nov. 27th 1861. I Haifa retained M.\ WALTER L. HSTTELT as my coansal, and propose new to celled a royalty oa each well in this city net

by me since that time.




AT A..

as ia s®_ -


o JEXKIJfS, M. D ,

Homoeopathist. t!> I>r. Hft UtYi.i M Ea»t Frmit u* tf;fi{ik'i'. IJoim—7 u> 9 M. ui.; I tt* :

p* l* ® p. iu. myifttf

MKIICHANTIJLE EXCHAN1 ;5 Kf ward 8. McDonal.1,

uju bouJler, fii.i iroin county DOHpiiai J;ahi fatal injures. His n* r jlea«e«»*J rrotn m-*

iluLe Uie LlUo loLioW's

ptu^ Mnnc't stp* 1 j. Croam WpAt'tn IvxlO .; DAirv—lm ixtuvu . eastern. bxli-tlr:an t>i n H*JilS .:

,urn. l-’ftil .ctf. Kacsory—rYeiXllallli; iow iCbeeso— Mr.rk-rt da’l. N«w Yor< ch*rlltr. croauio^y—Sew York, part skiaia;


JEKKEY OATP, All puH* at pD|>al|r j.rttvi*.

T l#*j»li'*ne Call. 113.

Carpenter and Builder, i*fvj**w Avenue. North Pla!nfl<|Jfl. N. .1 ► *x 1567. ajg-dtairvDuiliiliiK ami rnGlli. t specialty. 5-lx-tr

• ‘ [ ‘ — Ttr W KING-8

Fish F/aTket, «!Tv*t, tfi.rm* i ly !*t \n-Vi* v lull Hue <»f /*’»-«■*.•• Fltsii every *l.iy. 5 AI FruttM. ei«*. n gw*

very in«>ruiu^. A irial **t *>ur p '-I



“PbopJe’s Market*” mjlotf i

r-r**W‘^h 8U-re, N.

nu**, <*(sp«,4ite Nt.rth av *uu»*. Plalirfl at *1 hhB Meat*i. V»* •etnl»l*-> lit vtt*

2**od»: fair |»i*ice»: M'conim-tliufc, N«*rth i»v<nm«>. T*'le«>Tw*ne c,er*frtfn,3r*lyl* 11 .... 1 uo B. OitJ.th will receive iit .mj.i ntteiiU«»xi. I

^ E. FLOWER. Picture Frames.

•*f all kind* at New Y -rk prices. Studl * 28 Went Fr- ill Htreet. Wiralocrtt I*-r drawing au*l <*11 palnilng. 1 . mj*9tf

LEWIS.* Wholesale and Retail Butcher.

an.l dealer In Fish. Yeg**ti<bles. Jcc. No. 16 Aveuue. 1


—rn—T p \\tfiBjrFIELI) HOTEL, * ’ 1 tWESTTIKLD, N. J.

FRED’|i COOMBS, Proprietor.

boa^:^eils by the dat, week or ionth


SMITi'S : Sample and Lunch Rooms.

gin! 4 W. I^r1 mt ${,, nnd Nf». I P.*merset 8t., hi, N. 9. illlvauki^ and Krueger's

y 1»sger uniiraught. my^Tl

Painters’ Supplies. Wall Papers, Ac., Paper Hanging A Specialty.

No. 0 Norib Ave.tue- myVyl

M. “Ttu

Bookseller and Stationer. No. 7 Park Avenue.

A lull llue of Croquet, Baby Carrlagee, Baee Bnlim, Ruia. kc. r uiyVtf

F. ' POPE.


N«>. ( w Fa--»T HTarrr. mylOyt

* HAS, SKIllEL. 1 Furniture and Freight Express.

P O B..x 75, pliilnn-l.l, S. j. All go«lft ftblprx-d III iny enrr wlii rrorirc I r<,m ;it s 11.-1111 <11,. Inp.»u


Livery Stables. % A%a. '*P'I, D>*p.*t. <&irrlAgr*w to laeeL all

• mUiM. All kind* <*f Tuto-oul* <lajr or night. Kaniuj rldtuga B^xrlaliy. Tele phono Call 121,

_ \ rnyvtf

K.1 HORN. No. 2 Pr?rk Ave.f; 2d Floor.

Ttn, Cni<(wr M!i«***i lr**U W**rker, aliw> H**Ip \g ut U>c tlto* Auili<m>" Hv^-l Plate Furnace. .*#» h Hr t-h H»*I him! Brl.-k m-t iDuigea. i’un'i-f H rikrt au*l Lffni Hu*vc*t «u>r«wt f<*r he -•a-*'*m myvtf

^AiULb a Furniture Express-

4# W.-mt Pra«ut H.f**el. Iar2" >luiulkii!>ivpriv| Truck**. M*(.t«fA.*il*>u gUMnUiDwwl, G*nh1» (h-li.v

. r*e l-» nny |*ar| '*ffth<* fTrilDvl Miae **. haml Furniture l»*Uirflt an*l j*..M. inyOyl

r*ARL PaTTERBON, Florist

R. a-**-8t.. oyp. N«*rtU Aw**., r»-m Plain- N. J. A large *»f. B*«Ming Plait tn »i r'W Prlsww*. |il>^ltf ^U ktikLk a bLIUil.

Cr>cers; Pn»rlwl«n«. Fl'.iir. Peed. Grain. Baled Hay. ttraw. ,%c. v.'>g* (ahl«to*, Scc.L >'•*, 76 Eant 3d rtt.

>rd**n* Ihei *er**»l fr«* **f tliar^e U» any j»art **f Ik- m , t i *f»*r*»* Plainfield*

Hliarkey. J. H. Bllrmn. inyOlf

^UNOUI, | The Crocfr.

Our. Sompnwt and Chatham Street*, North Plainfield, X. J.


YJea>icated Sulphur and Vafipr Baths,

follow#-,! by a thorough rubbing with alcohol. P-.r no n only. Houra 8 to U a m.: 1 to 3 l>. m H. llottMSH. os w. 1,1 ftlr.-ot, Plalnhofil N J. Ib-for- to Dm. Pn-han,-.. En.jioott, Frltta. Tom- III,SOU. Ju,igo Suyilam and T, s. Armotroog.


{} H. FAIRCHILD. 5 Furniture Dealer.

-I , ’ atj-«-*-t. Parlort I>-n111 g r- - - m an,! I",1 Oft in Furiiiiui-e A I.argi- 8o« k at New

««»*k pnetu. (*nil and ■*•**» f«*ry<HinH*lv**a.—5-23-tf

QNp qsj'.ty.jjrLy FOIBTH,

Wx ST 1(1. UK qi'Ki, J-BO* 7 A. X. Turn s p. k. A CHANCE roil ALL!

FIS f. i . R & W0NF0RTr Photographers,


Dojtdn. bust CABINET PHOTO *3.50 par



'T*e Book Seller and Stationer, No. 2a KAMI' PltONT 8T..

Ha« lull tins hf HUMMER OAMEd, Includlo f f U*4» Htci--;. Ofiiaji.-gT. ETC. Also, kg-BAPY I'ARIUAGES

J.4 ^PF. k

j 1

A. f i ,


il_SURANCE ACENTS, % ’> 1 } ? No. <|;e fuoxt hrai rr

Jxjok u b;io .


lumber find Coal Merchants, UoMfa PARK AVHNI'P AXtl ItAlLUOAD.

! ! |P L^ [ H V I ELD. 5 t; ; e#“All faiirnU-r Hn«l Goal f-XDKH C<»TE».-

1. S <VW3g.fi tnylOyl U 'liLUT H. nwtK. \v 2^0Nj^.;<MyLO)lH


imber and Masons' Materia)*,

orrt^iAsi) iLkfiu—BOUTU SECOND ST. ' lornytp

+ 5 yytAVKu uuof..

Hous^ and Sigh Painting, Craining, Etc. *rPA|‘j4 HANdlNO AVI) KALSOMININO-®*




JP. 0. BOX Alt. I

r j J IH shoe

p. WEAVTO. oiylM

-i JE8 AT Bwr ?! I | ' l

^indolph'e, 12 W. Front street. New Qeods, Latest Styles, Best Materials,

, at Redu S



Mason and Builder,

deduced Prices. AOKYfiS; DOM^XTIO 8EWIXO MACH INK.

•i — it r


CARTE!^ rOR Sunday Papers,

at 21 fflirtli avenue. Delivered to all (tartH otib# city, f niylltl


t M<*aitrk k BlLXU,

c ALL A!^D SEE |

Vnoghees'fNew Soda Fountain. i j I

All "yrirth .f N**w iivo|>pr&*i..n. Prawn from gl*we 21 w. Fo)n| rttrwt. znylbtf and ill

| Mrt»»ldr n* •. I r. i.t Mrvrtt, Flnlnfl.M an*I I *'M*t t.l i;\« ii •*.. I*. O. E> -x j - I.Jjtugr i*r**n.: »t 1V

attefeded t . 5-27-if

■ i ■ i 1


(Sureea^rti Van Sickle A ‘'“^T Tresh gnd Sn etc. OaMh'lu M-a*oo. No. to North avenue. Platafleqt, JN. J. Telephone No. 102. Orders called f-g- kpd [>rvUii>tly delivered. Ail bill* pay- able to rut. 1 - - -

i Terry.) Dealer In i I Salt Meats,


Page 4: f •tivi!5Ui the pupils, and for health fileESTABLISHED May PLAIX^IElf), X. J.. WEDNESDAY, JUXE 22, 1^87 j ||PRICE, TWO CENT|SW THE DAILY PRESS or Tat WEEKLY *Lurr *KD is isaru> trtHT


THE COBRAS! VICTIM.A TeniM* story rr.>«ii Heal JAte

' EMt Indian Sflttleii.cnU.In tne

On a broiling hot ilay,experiences in the Kiwas pouring down its fl•corched earth, write;•hav in the San Franoii

such one oftent In lies, tiiti sun3rce ravs upon the

Mr. E. A. Uraw-co Kz uniner; life

aoeine>: to be extinct. a{l was so calm andsUeat, and* even tha f>iw men employed•round my house m vraJ aoisole»*ly aboat.aa If to bo in keeping with tlio ra»t of nat-ure. ' ' v j

Aj honso, situatoil a lrtri.i distance from• busy town, was !• n i t of atonn. with a

^Teranda over^rowji jwilh crjep-rs allaround it, such a* »eou in most An?io-

, lsilian residences, and aurrouqdod by a, by a small garden iu m hich all the beau-- ties of atro;>i<al climaM flourished.^ Dnrlne this aflcrn.Jjii I w.»s re.-*tin~ my-

self in an eat? b iml K> ctmr alono In myreom; Uie blinls word drawn down *•keep it a* cool as pnitsibta> bat nevortbe-leas the heat was intcnj»<*, making me feelrestleai and lrrititb'.a. W"T.;l after no»alI opened, and after refuting a few pftffAsU.IDC the booic aside; and hivm* tried for

' a few minutes to sleep, I ?ot up'aad went' to one of the winflow*. [ Dntwtirj^ up tha; blind quietly, I saw <a the veranda my lit-

tle duug'itar G U l i .BUe « i< ad.ired l>y mv wifn and myself,

boin? our only chid, an 1 I v u about totap tho class in order t4> attract h »r atten-tion, wh-o 1 noticed thai she wl» carry-ing a bowl of what appi'ared to b-t breadand mile, and see.-ne 1 lo be look; if forsome on.-. At the same) time 1 saw, to myboror, a huge snaice of the most vjnora-ous kind--oobra—creeping from the sidtiof the house alonz Ihq veranda towardbcr. Shn went slowly to meet it.

I knew th:it It wou J pow bi imp^sMblefor mt» t<i (TO out or to niai;e the slijt'ite-Usound without attruclii|<? th3 sniteU at-tention, and then 1 nhudder-d, for whenonce it was alarmed [the oonsequencosmight be fearful, so I bad to wat> h whatv u goini* lo happen in a col 1 perspira-tion of fo ir for tlie safety of my child.

The cobra, on reieliintt the cbil), rearedits loathsome head in tho air until levelwith the bowl, meantvhile dufttag itston.me uaikwird and forward and dst -ing*fierce dances around to see if danger

./was near, w ils it (ievoure I the breadand mil*. Oladii striked its hea<l gantlyand called the reptile "her pal," "her

-^pretty snake." ,I watched the food gradually disappear,

and could have cried for rol.ef whon Iaaw thu snake had finished ita meal,which I inwardly voWe 1 should ba itslast. It then crept slo* y toward a holeIn the si Jo of tha hous: to whicU it disap-pearel.

I rushed from the r m t , and. meetingGlad ix coming into the lalL picked her upin my arms and kiss <d I ier fra itieally, ex-claiming: "Oh, Glaiiiz, G.adix. thesnake!" Tho child b g in to cry, knowingtheu I had se3n h)r irith her pet. Hermrac, coming up to s » what was themutter, I gave G adu into brr charge,and went to fin 1 my wi !e, to whom I toldall that had occurred-

Hy^wlfe learned from Gladiz that shehad'been accustomed I o feed the snaketwice a day—aftor breakfast and duringthe aftornoon—for the fast three months,and often, if she thouu rat she was beingwatched, sbe would lea ve the bowl on theTerandii, fetching it awny at another time.

We, my wife and my* 9lf, arrauged thatthe bowl should be rat in it* place a*usual to-vorrow mo ning, aud that Iahonld shoot thi snaki from the windowof my room while it w« s eating. Wo alsothought it best that G adiz should not betold that her pet was Kpiog to be killed. •

Breakfast was ratbsr hurriel nextmorning for 1 was anxious to get thisdangerous p?t killed ai soon as possible.The bowl w.-.s tempting ly put in its place,aa directed by Gladix. and I took up myposition with a eun at i he window of myroom, completely hiddjan from the out-side by the Venetian [blind. The childWas token by my wife i o the nursery, asarrange.I between us the evening before.All was ready now, the snake alone wasWunting.

: It did not keep me lot g waiting. Boon Isaw its bead appear on of tbc bole Thosnak'j looks 1 around yitk its glitteringeyes, and, seeing the »wl. crawled outon to tho veranda anil made its way to*Warl It.j It sxsmeJ f.-igfitcnol; once or twice it

turned ronnd as if to n turn.My time h jd comn: til >c cobra was rapid-

ly eating* its moal. jt'^irofully brinsrinsrUie gun to my shouldty . fired. The bruteroHe-1 over, quivering • nd wrilhinsr on thoi pround.

I began to-p'ill up tbc blind with tho in-'lentloo of going out ai id giving the cobrathe death-blow, when I tnard a fearfulfccream and a fnorom . aftor saw U l a l irun past the -windowf—her irolden h.«irloose hor dress torn— xiward tbc wound-led snake. •.

J\ Before I could present her she.thrown herself on her Unoes before it, a id

^lifting iU head in bcr handi prcsse-1 itnga'nst her chook, woe ping bitterly whilastiedidso; instantly tha obra bjriod it*poisoned fangs into lor doli.-m.; fl>s'i-She screamed and unrlaspod hor h^udsfrom around tbo sna'<e.

A cry escaped my li| is as I saw wh itoappsnel, an) takinj C ladii in my arm*.Birried her indoors. All that medicalskill could do to suvo c ur child was done,but of no avail. In leuSho was'lead Tears lav J passed sinro{then, but I nc ver can f

at fearful day.

Mot a DesirableFrank HuMonn occu

claim throe miles abovireturning from worn o

1 that something had 'strewn things aroundsupposed tbc intrudernext evening ona pant hor ran out of

' mouth a side of bacoanimal was board byBeen. On the folUv

• took his gnu with himthe bouse securelyturninir in the! even invr.j« evidonce that Mrevening m<b;ii torn ->ft several boof tlie house. Muldoorlnm out, aitd :npeared ut th 3 bciej wturn in the nwi. The

, but d.d not i.iuw djatrh jd xpatturL'd Ills blooti.a J d'inoh«lioa every

• c tr!<•»,

It was n a bonln.-ern int'«"'iicl to nio:jcvt AVtMOfwM. H< v^ru

' upi<earwd bi-fo o tne «a prtit'oi to linv.- en

yj) i»t*d uv«r colored•T If committee naif\ . ou d o very well iniiooid be troubl: \\ piA.e sbo> 11 i o t wantWhile icui bers in a ItliU not there would•cms colored, whichTowb*. h the eoloreJ"I think not I used t•ity with several whiVtook ao offouse at it."

than two hours

rget tha evonu of

Visitor.lies a cubin on hisVanoo, W. T. O:i

ic mgbt ho foundbe* in in his cabin and

promiscuously. Heo be a dog, but Uio

ing the hu'j*eit, taking in bii

That night th'MuMoon, hut not

day Mul lo. nto work, lojv.n,-

but on ru-a racket innid';

'anther wat ul h'n„ showed hoirds from tbcb.ukshouted to brit g

n]ent bis head a;-Muldoon shot

wound wan fitul,untd the pantherall over tbc bousaiin-T in It.

p.pr >achi:


f«j tcnod.

Invest (fation


•of st -org Rout^-yt Uie Journalrdd gni.arif*

.-~r ->> r I in aid ofldre>i tea< h -rs ap*-(o-U. (.tuirraan

le.dor: ' i tbut the e

:ti<: •. for yo j soeio 'tiimiss all Uieuildit g, and if » 1

_ JJiuiiw wl.i'e andwopM mako trout k\"

o gym in replied:teach in a umrer-folks and I neverSilence regmed.

Mncalatann< Almut t!\- I'.urlml Htttrw of tl»*, Old rilcriui'Witrrior.Jrhe localities of the graves of two of the

mpst noted men in history-r-oue in the o:dwiurld. the other in the now: M' »os thePitrUrch, and MilosHtandisn tha Pil:rri;n-4ire shroude.1 in mystery, writes :; Dnx-bory. M.»»s.. corrc»i>o"idi5nt of tho Bo>ton/frr.iia. In the first instanoc it raitv havebseu aa the poel wrote:

. . . No man .1U>T that «>pul<-bcr.i And DO man >aw it e'er:far the snirel* of i>xl aplunicd the and,: And laid the drad man Uiorc.Bnt in the second cnac the location has

b«en lost simply by rarulossness and mat-ton tion of those knowing the fact andfailing to impart it to other*. In lateryrart efforts have been nmdu to ostabiMhthe place of burial of the old Pilgrim ivat-non and, as far as suihenticit.y gc-ea, ther«*tlta hare boon diverse and discoara-jrtng, tt* various snots claimed io b.; hi«

j last resitni;-place being soat,!«ro<l over attaMt a square mile. Probubiy the mosttftmft trauitlon concerning tho sul>J.'^ »sttie following, derived from Mis« CarolineB, Hall, a descendant of Cuotain Btaiidishiitthc seventh generation, whoso brotli«r,James lla.i. collocted much of 'the histor-ical knowledge we now possess relative tohis ancestor.

About sixteen years ago Boi juminPrior, a once wealthy ship-builder ofUuxbury, died in the alms-house. Someyvars before his death lie informed Mrs.Ruth Hull, daughter of Oliver Stamlish,and mother of the present Hiss Hall, thatCaptain Standish was interre-t in the oldcfmetery at South Duxbury, nearly oj>-pOHiUi the Prior homestead. Mrs. Hallnoted the fact at tha time, and since herdecease, some years 'asrn, the memoran-dum has been found. Mr. Prior said thathis father had told him of the burial, hohaving learned it in turn from his father.Who said that he a<tendo<l the funeral,and further said that the jrravc wasmarked by two throc-corncrod stones, onea| , the head and one at tin: foot. , ThePriors were all long-lived. Binj»min dy-iqg at the age of ninety five years, andbeing noted for his remarkable' memoryof ovonts. The Intervening J31 yearssince the death of Standish, Octobers,ltlW can be bridged by three people hav-ing an average age of soventy-soven years.PrioKs house stood nearly opposite thocemetery, and such an pwnt us theburial of Standish would be rjememberedby the family. The cemetery referred to isa short distance west of Hall's corner,Bouth Duxbury. less than throe fourths ofa mile from thj resilience of the old sol-dier. A roufh post and rail fonce inclosesit on three sides, while the fourth, nextU) the street, is bounded by a pretty rus-tic fence of cedar. Its area is les* thanan acre, and tho surface is overgrownWith rank, unrared for grass, interlacedwith tangled blackberry vines. There areno boundaries to lots, interments havingbfieumade in little groups, various clus-tern of Hluto-stoniw bearing the name* of

Cushman and Br^irster,

hair parted and cwinpn where ea

Winslow. Aldcn.descendant!! of he Mayflower baml. ADOticcnbln feature is the lack of epitaphson the stones, some of which date back totbo«nd of the su teen th century, and areembellished with smiling cherub*, with

irled geometrically, andnt are usually plaood.

Okie comical combination is a skull withcherub's wing* That many otdef ;;rave»unmarked by stonea exist is shown by thanumerous depressions, where the eartfihad settled aftor the body had moUiorcdinto dust.

In Standmh'n will, dated "Duxhorrow.M>rch the 7th. lflSi." and prcsoutod forprobate by Captain James Oudwnrth. Hay4. M57. the testator abates: "My will istb^tout of my whole estate mv funeralcharges be taken oat and mv body to toburied in decent manner, and if I die atDoxborrow ray body to be laid as near asOimvently may boe tn my two dear daugh-ters, Dora Rtaudish my daughter audMary Rtandish my dnugfiter-in-law "

;In tho center of the cemetery is'a gra *om<)rko<l by thrcc-«ided. pyramidal shape.1sfnnes at the head and fuot, n-hile twoo|b«r depressions close at hand indicateother ancient graves. - How old tttft gravnmay N' is not known, but it seems to rearoot the truditioo remarkab:y. H< tin-dtmbted %w. tbc stones, and th« tw>graces close by, s'.l seom so much cir.ua>-•tantiai evidence po.nting to it a*. tLe retUrifUng-place of Miles Siandish. i


* l*rm York tlrprtrtrr Inbto n l

!A NOW York A'M« r>-r«rier repiMwl in achoir in a barrier shopBas urday :.fu-rur>oaswaitlni; tho artist's laat t. uchos to actAan shave. Toe hay rum hud beennibbed upon his eh3ek, when there was alengthy panso in the opn-atio-i*. Open-ing his oyes he saw 'ho barbor holding along piooe of glisutning ot-oi over a gasjet. lie held it thrr<> for a moment, andthen approarh^-l with the instrument.The reporter shrank back into the .hairas bn asked in s tremulous voice: "What'stfcatf

"Oh, it's only the latest wrtnkkV' nvpliod the barber so-ithingly, as he isnghtbold of on'< end of the reportnrial m>i»-t4cbe with tha dangerous Looking instru-ment. Bo pulled the moostacV tender)?(oran iustant. Tbo sutel pre**ol trentlyagainst tho stiff upper llpjutd its warm'hmade, a decidedly airreeablo fcelinc Thebarber lit go after a few eeonmU, andbfeatihg the st-wl a^ain purformod A fral-lur service to the other sido of the mus-Ucho.

•When he finished he told tho r<»porV>r tolook in Uio glass. H- di.l so. and cou:dKJarcoly rnoouni** bimsoif. For ttt" firstbine In !iU lite ha felt that he roally lookolp|t)tty. Two curls weco s<Tewo.| ur fromtlie ends uf his mou t h and tiikloi the onJot his no«a He tried to look graW'il ash« asked the baiber: "What, kind ot *Machine do you cull that, any wayf"

i'.'O, It's only a new-faahion«d curlinirmn< hine, j\isl l:kr) what the ladies use, butoil a s:nallur s.alo" i

S-JV. you h IV<J mu. h use for it |-["Y-s; i..ts H..iui meiu don't lik-! thnt

dfidtsh tuisi to their rau.sjtachei. hut tbi-vs^oiil-arn tbiit it U s ui|>re comfortabi^)fueling nci u> h.ive the etiil« everi-Msiiu^./httngiuij int/i their m. uth-i."

!",lW.v \imi will t:.u emls rvmuin thisW.Jy!"

i*"A!jnut l'.v i ,la\'<r" (

i'-Don't you cvrr un- tlio thine for a hertdOflMlli'

!"Y«r», but not frequently; ron wo. Ihaven't much dud.? cuvom. Bit wh—i Idp u <e it that way it suvo i tbo trouble ofpttung u-. Uieir front, ha r in p ipors inb* ier lo ru livale the Kvrlo Botlew hum •«Of fr »i y earl* li te t.io ;o of Lawy.ir !!,•»•.oimbtt W.iy. with on.] of thoie thin * I««ill make HuT.il . Ki,l'» In.lnns or evontoOf*r rr/or'a stiff blac j hair look mrly."

MWoll, I had no idea m»i coull bo soTSm as to require such s i i"s>.rjme.,t '

f'My deir boy, that's Ju»t tno thiig thit«U!5,-e*i«l th} Invention. T l< • aioatw« iien be n-f TSia. You doi't know wh itiu)u«tioe you Jo thorn. Stop in b;r<) toioaday for s l w hours aad if you Jo Vt teamore male v.inity than would shamo aaartny of women you may call me a pro>raneaior and a talkaUva m an."

DANGEROUS SCIENCE.A Few :lt'«ult« or lln.-.-nt Frm"h Experl-

' menu Io llypnotuin.You feavo frequently noticed the study

of whdt is called hypnotLsin by Prof.Charcnit and his ehuf dc tliniq'io. M.Bablnski, nt Uie Salpotriere ilospital here,wriles^a Paris corrosi>oiidrtnt of the NewYork .V' lic<il Jutni-iL Tho Nancy schoolhas doae m jch to unravel, asfar as possi-ble, thiese unekplalnod, mysteries, which,under the nam < of mosni »ri*tn, remainedso lonj? the objects of simple curiosityand amusement, but the plienom>na ofhypnotism are now being submitted torigorous scientific invemigatiou. andit is 'r seen how Viist the tiuld isand bow many medical : a id socialproblejus the study rawof. Whetheror not th.i use of magnet* for tran*-

j ferringsueh symptoms from: one patientto anothor will evar amount pi any thi.ru;of real rnlua only timo can sftow. . At anyrata, hypnotism or "sugcestion" K> thahypnotjizi-d patient Is a subject of m 'dioalinvest«atioM that has attract* 1 a greatdeal of| attention among all feia»-«os hei-p,owing! to the Tarti that itsimedioo-lcffilaspect^ is nt<w unijcr cx:imiqi:ition. It iseasy to soe that it is possibei for an iodi-vidual^to aet^uire an unlimited power ofaction upon ..nothar. so as to be'able toimpose his will upon him and causa himto do whatever ho likes. If this can IK>proven the sphere pt the lejal responsi-bility will bo greatly m<>lirte<ji.

Public opinion ir. France h«s been muchmoved; by these matters, and tne govern-


ment *as urged toexamine into the qtid i h

aroramittoi toe*Uon. this has tieon

done, ittnd the committee is holding »it-tings <rvery ThtirRd ay at .the SV.petrieroHospitial. The c >mmiUec isjeompose 1 ofmagistrates and professor* of mentalmedicine, with Dr. V. Brouar4ei. the Parisprofessor of [••gal medicine. Tiie pnnclnulquestions so tar ttxa'nine I ' into are thefollowing: Can a ]> -i-son ei>u«e another.whon iln a state of hypnoti!*mj. to Riga re-c«ipt<«Tror money not lecoivei: Can a per-son in the same state be fofrcod. againsthis or lior will, to drnw a will in favor ofany bo ly! The minlc of oxierimentntionis as follows: A female p .tiOnt, Mile. A.,is forced tuto the lethargic sleep !>y press-ure, on a sugg«!ite<t bypnoiic point, when,by slight friction on the forehead,she passes into the somnambulisticsUtte. "Prof. Briouardol thoii approachesher and asks nor if she will accept a loanof fifty francs. At first she • r.ifuses, baton the "suggestion being forced upon hershe gradually weakens, and. finally coo-sonts to a<vx-pt UM off!!r. A: stamped re-ceipt is then drawn up with every possi-ble legal precaution, and tha patient her-self lst]uite anxious that thdre should bono mistakes about it. She then signs Uand Dr. Brouartlel puts his Hand into hispockot but does not offer togivo her themoney, She is then awaknjied and ac-knowl<ti?cs that the reo-ipt was signed byher. bi(t can not remember under whatctrcumstoocus she signed it or whether orno* she got the money L«-(f»lly, the re-ceipt is quite valid, and ^according to thapresent law tho holder of it tould collectpayment if the signer had any property,or mnans of paymant.

In regard to the second matter, that ofcompelling a person to draw up a will ina certain way, Uteexperimeni wasoquallysococssfuL Mile. 11 is plunged into thehypnotic state, and Ur. Ilabinski tbentells her that it is absolutely necessaryfor her to make her wil'. at ottco and in hisfavor. - She objects at first, say ing she istooToung to die. etc. This Ia4ts about usnminntes, and she goes on to say ahto thatsbc wUihes to giv.j her properly tn hormother and other relations, but aftor persistanti porsuivsioa and koopm? ap thesugvositioa that it ts better to give everything fo Dr. Uabinski she at laal r>»jnns toweaken wid Dually acc>)<ts the proposi-tion, saying that her property, consists ofabout thirty francs tout she' has saved,ard that sbe ba« a ring, a broooh and apair o( ear-rings. AH this, bjcr sob: prop-erty, sbe thco agrofts to br^unath to Dr.Uabinski. sod the next Thursday is ap-pointod for the signing of th* wi!L A no-tary m to draw np Uie document, and shewill sign it. Moreover, Dr. Bablnski sug-gest* to her to say nothing uLout it to anyone ml tbo moantimA, and lo sny whonasked that she acted of her own free willacid consent, and that shu wit not forcodto act by anybody. '

The sppointod day arrives.iand it is nn-tkvd that the girl ha* b»cn riAher filgotyand nervous slnoa oarly niornlng, aad•ays «tv has something to do, bo I do«snot rrtoTnVr nxsctly what il is. On be-iajr pat into the somnambulistic slat*',howoTor, she remembers b/Tipromise, andwhen One 'I th« bvstanders is introducedas a lawyer she imnx«liatr-ly draws upIvr will -ind gives all tb.t stv has to thednctnr. Tu» is fully w(tn»R»--d, and thanthe bvwy«r« of tbo i-ommiUoe question»«-r as to whether she is acting nith com-plete frendom. and ns to n-hethrM- she h nbnon urgol to MM> art. Hho ; replies thatsbc has done it all ul Lor owti true will;that she known SSA has a ponr family,but sbe wotild rather <riro every thing sbehits UvPr. Kubtn^kl. Bh« says, however,that she ts obliged to do 4 bat wheaasked 'for what reason can not teU, WLoa•he is swakened sbe repeats Uio MIIUstnry. * ;

OIM< of Uae curious sides of Utts matterIs shown In the J>ornal / / Onimm, whichspcms ip soe a terrible hnreay tn lbs stodyo* hypnotism, aod denoonecs tho newscience as 'Mimgerous to moraltty " Inbis stixties M. Charont called in the aid ofinstantaneous photographv, and be baa•*taketi" his patients in every phase andalti«uclc of thrir onmplalntA, Arvirwanlwhen tbe bistory of tho malaims washunted np. rt WHS found thut tttvtto attt-tndes were precisely t-hr.»»e ntpresniited incertain aj.citnt w«rks of art. All whoknow j Prof. Charcot well know that bois something of at. artist himself.Be Mas a great! taste for art, andevery, year when traveling bo hoe vWttedold churcbm and museums. ' UP hns be-nstrucu at finding Uxit old church pnint-ings, portraying the lives lif sun.ta andthose who are, xupposed to bo"poR-*o<«»<)il,"n-prcst-nU^l ex icily the upf>earan<v9 thntii.stiintan.ous phoUH:ru(ih.- \ rovalml inhis hrst«rl.sil patient*. This id.;i was

|| Wlowoil up a id long m»irf!i pro\v-d thaij paintings l.y Andrei* dei S^rV\ U-ilxms.

K I v ii Ncort luxl manvioihr-isof thetei s «»ore »im[)l;. »>fHes from iu»-

turc f.iihfully loprusoiittnff''UM CJMIVUI-i f b i m-n >tu<! ufo.non.

TaiMortml A rtlM. in iThe barber busimis^ iu Uernuuiy is far

d'ff.To.t from ivhat it is iti tbc Americancountry. Thore overy one docs not co tothe barber shop when he Wants to h«shaved. The bent barbers have, of conrso,a r. gulnr custom ut the shops, but theyalso have Ihrw^ or four em jloyos wh. s";bUKiriess it i» to uttotid to! the OU!J>I lotrade; that 4a, they go around from bqusnto house and attend to th« Wants of cur-tain CUB to men. Tbm class of cuKUimers

, Dave tlicir own cups anj raiors, and arewaited on at such time* as btst suits th-ireouveo.ence. They rre tlie: aristocrats,"and would no moru think of going in anaI: king a chair in a barber shop and wait-Ing t o r tu a than they would of blaek-I'ljr'bei-- own shiea. Thes« ipon gcaeral-

•| ly pay from ei/ut to ten Uo kin iiur year; lor Uie sv.vice raajared them;

JUE RACE. : Ia Fits! llorsn i«n I Wit BKa<l

It* oi*n*r a Tidy Kuin.years ii','j smie wo:ilthv E

wbo U*I»M Viiiyin^ h«>rs<? an 1 c:ilt->Hand, proV'i ;c 1 an oiJ I>it<|t(

depreeiatni? the st'vk h ; w4«[them and ]ini!Hln? their own ic

uriaad. The old farmer, sajajte Joumi1, l>ore it all pa: ieutjyiEntrl:shmen boastm^lv mci-i

ic rCLlt endurn^C'1 ati 1 np "i?d tithorses. He tlv-n sail, ulthnu^tl

|hot raise fast h>irs-n for racing"" that )i<* had a:i oH »ow that tiej

( a f ioJ racr. tinl w i s willing£M0 thnt nh? u*i>ul 1 oiitrun artyEnsrliihmeti coliM pr vlui«.

that tl»L» Dutchman was iri earhiBaked to b^ shown th'» won lerfpjalthough they fouit.l Th'1 iininii|i IOP.CJ, ' lean, ravenoii^-lnoiiniitenpable o' accompfifthiug al 1 th i s

cliirn-*.!. the ehaJ'enflre wa*and rilicu'ious that the jjeaUeiptod it, nv.re for th; srxj^i itiinpurpose of winning

p s airrefd upon w>m tBn should t>e ul^xvci|train th-2 hoc. and tBUld produce a horse to rnntein a three-m ile race over the

io heard of the singular matfU•r'nsr how thb old lMtchmtinji,i^ hog to rup.a rai-e «^ith a1

It ho ra]anaged:' it in This waj :le? miles from bis home ho ba-Jl

iinail piece of i&jid an.l a 1 of his••••e accu»toin«i to goin? thereSo tiie^old %ovf: w.»s k<9 without fo >1; tiut

irning. except the two last inoiire Ui* I'ace. she w.is driven oijti

for her b-aakf.ist and tbdnihomo. Tha first two moHi-

i rather contrary about giin|»:Igry, b i t after th it »he woulil I•n a keen run, fifli.v.v )d by one of Ir'« sous on hofsebaoc who, bk !

IMU. 1 not keop within gunshot 9!"V lio^. P ;

e eventful ranrnin? came" tie^rvl the old Hollander's hotaaa lively appearance, for u<itof the people came from t^e

'Jlroun.l but the Englishmen canje"Ht.vl race-horse, and also brougS*.

iheir friends to witnjss th? sp->i!thow tha Dutchman conld get|a

race with a hors/5. When ailly t!i>? bungrv oil sow was lftallowod a few yards start of tileand rider. At first it looked as

IJrt_.,.lhe horse WoulJ pass t i ehog, ."•'jjtfat the balf-starvnd rrea -ure, r'^i^hearing ther clatter iif|the "hftito** feet upon the roaii, seenuJLlto thiwijihe was going to be headed oi fand ttiJne.1 b ick from hor breakfast, andit onlyUl'g.vi her on to a greater speed,and 8be utdiAtanoeO tho horse by a nutn-ber ot; rpdi in the tbroe-mile race. Tt|ehorse jkoa rider came up puffing and pant-ing, fdUoweJ by an excited crowd, white ;the poi>r- famished bog was enjoying it«moaC dn»bmtlfal of the oxcitemeot andadmircUpn it had caused among the mose j


The Plainfield Elect! c .igtif Co.OFFICE—35 aid 37 NOltTH AVENUEJ Opposite R, R, Station.











Huuscs can IT wired without defacementpa* fitting efen b« u»etl. ; (•

rci l ingg. i i

fThe PlalnflfUl ElottHc Light Co. keep a etaf \jt exp«tt wilrcmen, and do al-iring at roxt. < 1 \? (at rout

i I

'•ID O M E S T I C I

1 1st LAJfP, tH 00 PEK ;

• 3U do. 7 (X)- 3d do. 6 00 dd' ji', 4th do. 5 oo .id; {: 5th lo. 4 00 ** «th do. 3 0Q\ 7th do. 2 00 ddJ

And all additional Lamps at fi 0(1 per anqiun each.I

Th<> "'Stensiim of thf [IocandeeceDt lines wiUi?tDadr Jit onee, and an additionmafli- to capacity of Station. m ) •

The Cuiujsiiiy arc ii"^t ru,iking contracts for lurf'tlng, lnf order to have the wir-ing corti]>li-tc<l concurniiitly with the «?xten»iout^ j> t

S*v Cr«'sc«»nt Avenut'Church : The Company'sitjjfllc"1, omioeitc the Depot; alsoPrivate Show Parlors atGreen'e Furniture Ston*: i





JAMES H. FORCE ; . | Proprietor.






him.tlou,that ,FVunkfiort, inday, walking

TP"T Fartans-Trller Told Ent-;; Tran»l<iit OUWK tax<-n at Reasonable Bau>s.peror William In 1863. '

r of anecdotes are related coa-mperor William's long life aiulle number of years sull left to ;

illustrating peculiar suporsti-rth repeating. It is to the effecte time of the Furslon»ta< 4t

lt>63, King William. ot»in the neighborho*)d 4f


| ; !i HEAOiQL'.UtTEBS TOU =



Badoit-jiadcn, awompanieJ by Herr voihBismaJjrck and a number of laJiesaal 7'in-Ueiii'tt^ passed a Uypsy hut. One of tb^Uxli'-s exilaimo.1: "That is whe.ro tbcfamou* Uvn«iy girl Preciosi U>lifortaujes." The party, who were all Miwalkiajt 4r"ss, entere 1 the hut aad hii|ltheir Jiifiunes told in suocemion. tiipKing, Hrhpse Identity wat «>!u-eakvi, oenj-ing Us|iI'I'reciosa held hi» hand a longwhilo 01 jkilouoe and Uvna said: "I we agreat <|ijjini, gruat victories and ;r^a(tago. Yo^ will live ninety-six y^ars. b-t-your iiM days will bring much troubf:and ni^dj sorrow." The King forget a|labout fytl progibecy till 1V4. when, at Itbull iit?t*l^ Russian Embassy til lJ rlMf.Uie Uinjguriji) t'ountest Krl.xly. wboa:m.-itd.-r' wu* a Tsigane, was pn-s-jntod t|>bitit Dun )/ a lo'ig cotlver«aMon it wasinci.1cat4il.' rji.:titiou<%«i that tne Couuteaapm ii-Mjitj, the gift of cUirotnanct.The iJlii pcror held out his Han 1and Ute" Countesv aft"r cxaii inn 'tlie li'iiSs, gravely said: "YouV M.ij.isty

Laing's Hotel! l 1

J. B. MILLER.& BRO.,Proprietor!,


i .



d>'»tin«ll t.i live>t i

yniaety-six yeurn " Tte

was much «-.rnc'» it y

E. P. THORN,No. 17 Park Avenue,


nit to the Vienna T<t>jhLii, phj-Xno Emperor hare declared taaJt

ifo organic fading, and there|p prevent him from attaiai

UteaflpLflit one hundre.l, provided he i sotre ut-htm»«;lf But this is just wbatdons not do AooorJing to authentic ste»-Us'l - i th-'re are al presont in the Ki nk-docn nlPni^ma no IOM than flv-n tbous^nilporsoi* jovor ninety years of n^e, sikhutKlridjof tlv>:n arc ten years oldor thaptbe Erttp«r-)r In all parts of Prussia Uwijaaro ftUtkif of p«oplo bo&naen aiuety ajjl

U The oMosl are Cu be found la


.5 IN fl lE WOKLfe.



of Poiton,russi

Silasia anl Bast fi



Ales,Beers, &c.

j *•S-IMPORTED AXD DOMESjTlC We jfi|rnislGoods delivered to any part of the city, free

of charge. I l o l—FOB


ric Motors:! i j ».



Electric Motors.



Bos* tkoM-rrj lUtA of U m Utittwa ta*<aallrrl«s of Conjti ml, -

Counting 1 1 taa g-Allsries of O>ngres.i,says Uie ,pew York flerai/l't WattbingtonouTn»sJ»X»doDt, has aerar ceased U) bo OftrequMt occuriencio and ofton hoabJ-oanfa kbuut u i r n i g i ! . Il w%s in Cktgallery al U><; House of Kopre»ant4tivcBUna l&t Co >(rer. Una a tnomber of thst

t a-;uin aflor a kui^ pduring whi b oach h^d

another and becomelady who has now t ir ^ti his wtfu aitd U> wh mi he

^ mucb utie-nUon tveforeeit'ier" m.irrie<l ut all Tint. '.oOgafter i |w to Kiting In th- 1; ill«ry thiy bk>

pkf U_'e»i and wei-e oiir: k vl. It wasj l * . ! f:iU«:y. Uit, IQ a U>> la'.« •:«-

f-w.in ixiiir'ol Mrs. J-»hu i t^ of New Jt-rm»y, sisUtr of t'jo

wifr U? e*-*-'",>«>'k0r KanduU. Mr. Hwud,then A ib-picttrnUtUvf from Siarylao-i,was \iiiyin* a: xjntjoj U i M n Vnom p*or>, u

foiuting wtdDw, »o<i it us*»l U> txit.i 1 th it wnoii *<H: appe:kr>;4

ei>. and i.tir-ttMrr m -ujl«r

u 1 Lti

15 To 25 Per Cent. Reduction"IN THE PBICEJOF

Men's and Boy's




CLOTHING. ;Ourlilwat


A T I O N B . -

Sclnved Brothers,|| Leading Clothiers & Merchant Tailors.

No 7 r. Fl.OXT STHEET,


System Embpa<^sHEAD, UNDEBOBOtnTD— !|




ir. H -

. !«. i.niyin

S'J lookol onto join lx»r.

put Liso and »

in the cl.atr

w ojoar for tu>- Mai-ylau 1 member. ''3 iilty of a U a u , Bird.

•", of Cr.imer, Tex . ?ia:i uiscviff-secret of liie quailw l>eiti^ ab!b

well- He w»« wuikuiij in tin a eovey of birds was M I8l>o»ited near h in, unJ the uiu;:..:it itn-d a dea.1 ouk-leaf. crou.-ln 1 ipid, and threw tho leaf over k'f

loj4lhat it was lomplet/'ly h.ldebfrom wSff. Mr. Kay said that he Lad tcgo *n4it«rn orer to« lo»f b-'fo •; hi couldO«U;Vil tlie evid^noe of hia own cyj»


STEAM AND GAS FITTING,Sheet Iron and Heater Work.



Are Ready o Make Estimates


j_ -E^TIMAlTE.- ':

THE COBRA* A Terrtbln storjr fr.*n.

East Imllan s» i On a broiling hot day,

experiencei in the Kill' xu pouring down its:fl 3 scorched earth, write; shay in the San Kranqii i seemed to be extinct, all silent, and* even the f. around my house m ■»od as if to bo in keeping

tty house, situate! a I t'ii distance from a busy town, was built of stone, with

' fe'TSranda ovorgrowLii yrilh creepers around it, such as seen In most Indian residences, and surrounded by a 1 , by a small garden in w hich all the beau*

- ties of a tropical cliotat i flourished l Dnring this aflern.xi^ I was resting my- v self iu an easy bamboo

raom; the blinds wort keep it as cool as possible^ but nevorthe-

VICTIM. i ■teal I.rf,- in the

ttle’nients. such as one often t In lies, the sun rce ravs upon the Mr. E. A. Craw-

co Kz unlHtr; life was so calm and r men employed noiselessly about, ith the rest of oat-

chair aiohe In mt drawn down M

>c, making me feet S 'Tol after noxol

Not a Dealrsb [. Prank Muidoon occu >

claim throe mi lbs above , returning from work o i ; that something had be n strewn things around supposed the intruder next evening on appro a panthor ran out of

' mouth a side of twee animal was heard by seen. On the follow}'

■ took his guu with him the house securely fail turning in thelevcnin Was evidonce that Mr evening meal. Invest lnid torn ->ff several of the house. Muidoon him out, and :n a inori peared at til 3 bole. w him in the ner.L The

, but did not cause dealt had spattered his blootl and demolished every

In r


tla a I No Co! It was ,n a bonier c t

ern inl'pcitc l to ideacii itj BrlmafLu. H, verw

’ upi«ared b.fo o toe sc! a fa-tii !o i to have

-'\p -in ted over colored • il lie rommittce sa!ys s.oud o very weiii in

- s.ouai be troabl 3 H pi ve sho< 11 tot want white tcoi hers in a < si id pot there would r nn colored, which wi Towhi< h the colored “I think not I used sity with several whits took so offense at it.”



leas the heat was inten restless and irritable. I opened, and after rending a few p.tgOS time the book aside; a id having tried for a few minutes to sleep, I got up‘and went to one of the winflows. } Drawi ng up the

j blind quietly, I saw < n the veranda my lit- tle duughter Gliix

She was adored by m wife and myself, being our only child, and I was about to tap tho glass iu order U> attract hor atten- tion, when 1 noticed that she was carry- ing a bowl of what app tnrod to bit bread and mdk, and seente 1 to be looking for some on>*. At the samp time l saw, to my boror, a huge snake of the most venom- ous kind-cobra—creeping from the side of the house along tho veranda toward her. She went slowly i o meet it.

I knew that it won d ipw bt impossible forme to go out nr to Bake the slightest sound without attractu g th3 snake's at- tention, and then 1 shudder-d, for when once it was alarmed the consequences might be fearful, so I had to watch what was going to happen ip a col-l perspira- tion of fear for the safety of my child.

The cobra, on rcachinlg tbe child, reared Its loathsome head in tie air until levol with the bowl, meanwhile dotting its tongue backward and forward and cast- ing fierce t lances around to sec if danger was near, w-.iila it devoured the bread and milk. Gladix stroked its head gently and called the replug “her pel,” “her

-'pretty snake.” I watched the food gradually disappear,

and could have cried Ifor relief when I aaw the snake had finished its meal, which I inwardly voWel should be its last. It then crept slov ^y toward a hola In the side of the houss^ to which it disap- peurel.

I rushed from the noth, and. meeting Gladiz coming into the I tail, picked her up in my arms and kissed I ter fra itically. ex- claiming: “Oh, Gladiz, O.adiz. the snake!” The child b g in to cry, knowing tbeu I had seen her irith her pet. Her nersc, coming up to s >i what was the matter, I gave G ad z into hrr charge, and went to find mv wt !e, to whom I told all that bad occurred-

My" wife learned from Gladiz that she bad been accustomed lo feed the snake twice a day—after breakfast and during tbe afternoon—for the last three months, and often, if she thought she was being watched, she would les ve the bowl on the versndii, fetching it away at another time.

We, my wife and myself, arranged that the bowl should be put in its place as usual to-morrow mo -ning. and that I should shoot the snake from the window of my room while it wi a eating. Wo also thought It best that G radix should not be told that her pet was g jing to be killed. >

Breakfast was rather hurnel next morning fori was anxious to get this dangerous p.-t killed as soon as possible. The bowl was tempting ly put in its place, as directed by Gladiz. and I took up my position with a gun at 1 be window of my room, completely hidden from the out- siie by the Venetian blind. The child was taken by my wife to the nursery, as arranged between us the evening before. All was ready now, the snake alone was Wanting.

It did not keep me long waiting. Boon I saw its head appear nu of the bole. The snake lookel around nth its glittering eyes, nnd, seeing the Ptowrl. .crawled out on to tho veranda and made its way to- wer l it.

It i .-omsl f ighteno 1; once or twice it turned ronnd as if to return.

My time hid come: tlic cobra was rapid- ly eating its moal. .fc'Kirefully bringing the gun to my shouldty ; flreJ. The brute ro!ie l over, quivering i ml writhing on tho groupd.

1 began to-putl up tbe blind with tho in- tention of going out ai id giving tbe cobra ,the death-blow, when I heard a fearful scream and a piemen . after saw Ola 1i run past the-window—her golden hair loose, her dress torn—toward tho wouai- cd snake.

;! Before I could prevent her she had ^JUirown herself on her knees before it, aid Ilf ling its head in her hands pressed it nga-nst her cheek, weeping bitterly while phedid so; instantly the o>bra buried its poisoned fangs into I or delicate fi-sb. Bhe screamed and unclaspod bor hauds from around the snake.

A cry escaped my li] is as i saw whit happinel, aid takin; ( ladiz in my arms, icirrled her indoors. All that medical Skill could do to save nur child was dona, but of no avail. In les- than two hours she was dead. Years 1 avj passed since then, but I never can forget the events of

r that fearful day.

Visitor. lies a cabin on his Vance, W. T. On

i io night ho found in in his cabin and

promiscuously. He obe a dog, but the inching the house it, taking in his

That night the Muidoon, .but not mg day Muidoon to work, loav.ng

itcned. but on ro- racket inside

Panther was at his t gation showed ho

mis from the back shouted to bring

lent his head ap- !ien Muidoon shot wound was fatal, until the panther

_ail ever the bouse i hmg in It.

Prejudice. . r-oT st'ongSonth- 's iys the Journal

1 coin edd gni.arics 100.1 b> r 1 in aid of lore<l tea' h :rs ap~ (o-ls. t hairman

the le. dor: *-lt tbeiry. but the e

nfacticforyoa soe 0 dismiss all the

Imllditg, and if »<i b 3 sumo wlii'e and duld make trouble." lo. gym in replied:

teach in a univer- folks and I never Silence regined.

i ■ - *

MILES ST AN DISH. 8prrnl»tiiin< About the Iturlal llsrr of the

Old Pilgrim' Warrior. The localities of the graves of two of the

most noted men in history-roue in the old world, the other in tho now: sea the Patriarch, and MilesStandisn the Pilgrim —jure shrouded In mystery, writes a Dux- bury. Mass., correspondent of the Boston Jfrrold. In the first instance it inav1 have been as the poet wrote:

: . . No mac duj* that s«*pul**bcr. And Do mun saw it e’er:

for the angel* of v>xl upturned the an*t. And laid the dead man there.

But In tho second case the location ha* been font simply by rarulcssneaa and inat- tention of those knowing the fact and failing to impart it to other*. In later year* efforts have been made to establish th© place of burial of the old Pilgrim war- non and, a* far as authenticity goes, the reanlta lave been diverge end diso-art- gtn$. Mi* various spots claimed to be his lost resting-place being scattered over at Idaat a square mile. Probably the most

<el tradition eone»rning the subject Is tile following, derived from Miss Caroline B! Hall, a descendant of Cuiitain Blandish lit the seventh generation, whose brut her, James Hall, collected much of the histnr- icul knowledge we now possess relative to his ancestor.

About sixteen years ago Boi jumin Prior, a once wealthy ship-builder of Duxbury, died in the alms-house. Some years before his death be informed Mrs. Ruth Hall, daughter of Oliver Stumlish, and mother of the present Miss Hall, that Captain Standish was interred in the old cemetery at South Duxbury, nearly op- posite the Prior homestead. Mrs. Hall noted tbe fact at the time, and since her decease, some years 'aco. the memoran- dum has-been found. Mr. Prfor said that his father had told him of the burial, he having learned it in turn from his father. Who said that he a'tended the funeral, and further said that the grave was marked by two three-corncrod stones, one at the head and one at the foot. , Tho Pkiors were all long-lived. Boajamiii dy- ing at the age of ninety five years, and being noted for his remarkable' memory of ovonta. The intervening 231 years since the death of Blandish. Octobers, lfiSfl. can be bridged bv throe people hav- ing an average age of seventy-seven years. Prior’s house stood nearly opposite tho

'cemetery, and such an event us the burial of Standish would be remembered by the family. The cemetery referred to is a short distance west of Haul's corner. Booth Duxbury. less than thrCe-fourths of a mile from thj residence of the oid sol- dier. A rough post and rad fonce incloses it on three sides, while the fourth, next to the street, ts bounded by a pretty rus- tic fence of cedar. Its area is less than ab acre, and the surface is overgrown with rank, uncared for grass, interlaced With tangled blackberry vines. There are no boundaries to lots, interments having been made in little groups, various clus- ters of slate-stonOs beating the names of Winslow. Alden, Cushman and Brewster, descendants of the Mayflower band. A noticeable feature is the lack of epitaphs on the stones, some of which date buck to tho end of the sixteenth century, and are embellished with smiling cherubs, with hair parted and curled geometrically, and wings where ©or* are usually plaood. One comical combination ts a skull with cherub's wings. That many older grave* unmarked by stonea exist is shown by the numerous depressions, where the earth hsd settled after the body had laddered into dust.

In Btandish's will, dated “Duxborrow, March the 7th. lrVVi." and presented for probate by Captain James Cudworth. May 4.the testator spates: “Mr will is thpt out of my whole estate ray funeral charges be taken out and my body to to buried in decent manner, and if I die at Duxborrow my body to be laid as near ns Cpnvently may boe to my two dear daugh- ters, Dora Blandish my daughter and Mary Standish my dnughter-in-la w." ■In the center of the cemetery is u grave mnrkeil by three-sldo-i. pyramidal shaped stones at the head and foot, while two ofber depressions close at hand indicate other ancient graves. How old this grave may be is not known, but it seems to rear out the tradition remarkably. Its ua- dpubted age, tbe stones, ami tbe two grave* closO by, a'.l seom no much: circum- stantial evidence po.ntmg to it as tLc real resting-place of Miles Standish.

MASCULINE VANITY. ■ Tbf Erperl«»nrv» of * X#>w V*»rh Itrporlrr In

m Ktuhlonablff IUrh*r-SIio|h A New York .Vhh r**rcrier in a

choir in a biirbr*- shop So- unlay :.fl**ruooa awaiting the artint** U*t U uche* to n oWvin shoveL Toe hay rum hud bren rubbed upon bia cheek, wh« n there w:i* a l^i^tliy pauao in tho ope-atio»»*. Open- ins? his eyes he saw the barber bolding a king piece of giist-onlntr st*,oi over a gs* jet* lie held it them for a moment, ami then approachM with the instruntcnL Tho reporter shrank bock into tho » hair as bo asked in a tremulous voice*: MWbat's thatf

“Oti, it’s oo!y the latest wrtnfchV re- plied the barber soothingiy, as ho imnght bold of one end of the reportorial mua* t4cho with the dangerous looking inatru- mcot. He pulled the moustache tenderly far an instant. Tho steel preMK»! gently aga!nat_the *tiff upper lip^ind its warmth made a decidedly agreeable foelinc. Tho bhrbor l?t go after a few seconds, and heating the steel again p»?rforrnod a simi- lar service U» the oti*er side of the ruua- tacho*

When he finished he told the reporter to look in tlw gla«*. H<* da-1 m. and cou>d scarcely r«H»gni»v» himself. For Uh» first tiine In hi-* life ho felt that be really looked pj'etty. Two curls wore screwed ur from the ends of his mou th an<i tieklol the ond of his nose Ho tried to look grateful as h£ asked the bather: MWbst kind ol a machine do you call that, any way f*’

j*40, it’s only a new-fashioned curling ma« h:ue, just like what the holies us*% but ori a smaller scale.*'

|**f>*» you have mu h use for it?* !“Y -s; iota Home men don't like thnt

dudssh twisi to their mustaches, but they soott I'-arn that it is a ui »ro eoizxfortab^) feeling not w> have the enthi everiasiingiy hkngiug inU» their m. uths."

Ion j will t:.o ends remain this

“About tw » day*:** * you ever iuc* tho thing for a head

ofbati t ’ |**Yes, but not frequently; roa seo. I

haven*c much dude cu^'om. U jt when I do u «e it that way it aavo* the trouble of putung u>> tueir front ha r in p ipors in w*ier torutivule the Kvrle Del lew ban ?* of fr %i f curls li to t io .o of lea ver Jfevr- O'mbe. Way. with one of those thin *1 odull make HuT il » Bill’s Indians or even 1 tourer Fryer’s stiff biac < hair look curly.”

I bad no idea ono coull bo so ?a«n as to require such a 1 i^s^rdme.it ’ uMy deir boy, that’s just tie thiilg that vug.esiel t!»3 Invention. TolaTa.,0ot « o nen b« n” vxiru You don’t know what iujaniee you Jo them. Stop in b ir-i soma day for a f -w hours and if you doi't K« more male vanity than would shamo au army of women you may call me a pto- varica'.or and a talkative m an.”

DANGEROUS SCIENCE. A Fowjltcautt* of llB'-nt FrclloH Export- nii-iita in‘Hypnotistb-

You fcavo frequently noticed ’he study of whdt is cull ?d hypnotism by Prof. Charcot and his chef de cliniq io, M. Babinski, at the Salpotriere Hospital here, writes’ia Paris correspondent of the New York jf- tic-il JunrrviL The Nancy school has done much to unruvel, asfur as possi- ble, thjese unekplalncsi, mysteries, which, under the name of mesmorikm, remained so lor.p the objects of simple curiosity and amusement, but tho 'phenomena of hypnotism arc now being submitted to rigoroq* scientific investigation. anil it is j seen how vast lUe Hold is and bow many medical aid social pro bit* pis the study raises. Whether or not tho use of magnets for trans- ferring such symptoms from; one patient to another will ever amount to any thing of reAlival'Ue only time can show. At any rate, hypnotism or ‘‘suggestion” to the hypnotized patient Is a *ulgc<5t of m *dioal invest legation that ha* attracted a great deal of attention among all bias-*©* hero, owing! to the fact that its medico-legal aspect^ is now under examination. It is easy to see that it ii possib o : for an indi- vidual-to acquire an unlimite<l power of action upon another, so as to bo‘able to impose his will upou him and cause him to do whatever he likes. U this can »>o proveii the sphere pf the legal responsi- bility will be greatly modified.

Public opinion in-France ha» been much moved; by these matters, and tne govern- ment tkas ursred toupi-omt arommitte-) to examine into the question. Tnis has been done, jand the committee is holding sit- tings every Thursday at .the Salpetriero Hospital. The c >minittee isicom{>ose 1 of magistraU*s and prof*»ssora of mental mediciho, with I>r. V. BrouardeU the Paris professor of 1 “gn! medicine. The principal questions so rar examine l .tinto are the following: Can a person e^use another, when r« a strife of hypnotism; to sign re- ceipts for money not leooiTej! Can a per- son in the same state be forced, against his or her will, to draw a will in favor of any body? The miKle of ox ierimentation is as follows: A female p»tibnt. Mile. A., is forced into tho lethargic sleep by press- ure on ;a suggested! hypnotic point, when, by slight friction on the forehead, she passes into the somnambulistic sUfrte. ‘ Prof. Bnouardel then approaches her and asks hor if she will accept a loan of fifty francs. At first she j refuses, but on the'suggestion being forced upon her she gradually weakens, and finally con- sents to accept the offer. A stamped re- ceipt is then drawn up with every possi- ble legal precaution, and tbe patient her- self Is quite anxious that there should bo no mistakes about it. She then signs 4t and Dr. Brouardel put* his hand into his pockoC but does not offer to-givo her the money, Stie is then awakened and ae- knowl<vc<*s that the roo*«pt was Rigbod by her, bq't can not remember under what circumstances she signed it or whether or not sbe got the money b'^illy, the re- ceipt is quite valid, and ^according to tho present law the holder of it poukl collect payment if the signer had any property, or means of payment.

In regard to the second matter, that of compelling a porson to draw up a will in a certain way, the experiment was equally successful Milo. B. is plunged into the hypootic state, and I)r. Babinski then tells her that it is absolutely necessary for her to make her wil! ai otjoo and in hi9 favor. “ She objects at first, say ing she is u*>young to die, etc. This laiU.* about ten minutes, and she goes on to say aho that sbe wishes to giv»3 hor property to hor mother and other relations, but after per sis tent" porfttmsion and keeping np the suggestion that it qi better to give every thing to Dr. Babinski sbe at last begins to weaken and finally accepts jibe proposi- tion, saying that bor property consist* of about thirty francs that she has saved, ard tSat sbe ha* a ring, a tyroooh and a pair of ear-rings. AU this, her sole prop- erty, she then agrees to bcqpeath to Dr. Babinski, and tbe next Thursday is ap pointed for the signing of thg wilL A no- tary m to draw np the document, and she will sign it. Moreover, Dr. Bub«nski sug- gests to hor to say nothing about it to any one ml the meantime, and to any when askcxl that she acted of her ojrn free will and consent, and that she u-* not forcod to act by anybody.

The appointed day arrive*, and it is no- ticed that U»e girl has b>wr. nAhor fidgety and nervous since early morning, and says *h«* has something to do, but does not refaenibor nxactly what il is. On be- ing put into the armnambiilisUc state, how;ror, she remembers bor.pmuiiso, and when one of the bystanders is introduced ns a lawyer she immediately draw’s up b**r will and gives all thut she has to the doctor, T*»is is fully witness*xL and than the lawyers of tbo committoe question her ns to whether she is acting with com- plete freedom, and ns to whether she hu been urged to the art. She replies that sbe ha* done ii all ui her own tree will; that she knows she has s poor family, but sb© would rather give every thing sho h*a Uvl>r. HubmskL Bike says, however, that she ts obliged to do it, but when oskod Tor what reason can not telL Whoa she is awakened aba repeats tho sornu story.

Or at of the curious sidoa of this matter is shown in the journal V Omimerm, which seems tp see a torribl© heresy hi tho study cd hypnotisrr., and denounces tho new science as ‘’diMigoroue to morality ” In his atudies M. Charcot called in the aid of lnstantoneoua phoU>giaphr, and ho has ••taken** his patients in every phase ar.d altitude of their onmplainta; Aftorwanl when the history of tho mala.lies was hunted up, rt waa found that tbrao atri- tmics were precisely those represented in curtain ancient works of art. All who know ' Frof. Charcot well know that ho i* something of at. artist himself. Ho ha* u great; taste for art, and 5 every, year when traveling he ho« visited

! ©1(1 churcb»vs and museums. He ha* been strucu at finding that old chur.-h paint-

| trigs, portraying tho lives of saints and t those tv ho are supposed to bo ^pos.-wssj*!,’*

r»*prrik*nU!«l ex ictlv the upiearancrs that | iT.stcptan-^us photographr i«v -h1«.1 in

his hysteri.-ail patient*. This idea was i fa'lowed up a id long sourcii proved that | paintings^ » y Andrea del Biirt-*, Ualiens. !| Hoaalli, V ri Noort ujhI munvic>Jh-*»sof the

oHimasUns were stmfily o>fHcs from nu- rture faithfully representing’tbo CLKivui- ! •*••(.« • f hystericMl m.*n and Women.

Timtorlttl A rt|-t» m (ktidmij. Tb« borlM*r buHio4»<s iu Germany is far

dlfferont from tv hat it is in tbe American country. There every one does not go to the barber shop when ho want* to bo shaved. The best barbers have, of course, a regular custom at the shops, but they also huvo three or four employes wh» so business it is to utt-oad to the out^i io trade; that is, they go around from bou^ lo house and attend td the Wants of cer- tain customers. This class pf customers have their own copa and rasors, and aro 1

waited on at such limes as beat suits thotr_ eonvcti.ence. They i*re tlie: arts:ocrats,* and would do more think of going in ana t: king a chair in a barber shop and wait- ing t .c-ir turn than they would of blaek- ing *hei- own ahoea. These moil general- ly pay from ei*<ut to ton do'lurs i»ur year lor tbe sc. /ice resiored them.

A UNIQUE RACE. An Ofd lllnj Heat* a Fatt ll<»r«n an 1 YVlo

:| It a owner a Tidy Rum. SevirAl years ago some woalthv Eo-

glishi tie farm! show hom the (hi until,] tionet the E he a« purpd I

thin* he See**"-

who were buying an 1 c:Wt- Uaudf prove ce l aa oid Dutqty- depreciating the stock h ; was

them and praising their own its iglaad. The old farmer, says

iu Journal bore it all pa’ientjy* Englishmen boastingly men-

ic great endurito* an l sp »ed «if sh liorses. He tU *n sail, although

{hot raise fast hbrso* for racirtg ^4, that h<» had a:i old sow that he

knovr m1! a pioJ rac.?r, bn 1 was willing to waj dk £100 that she w>>u 1 l outrun any

* Englishmen cobid produce, that the Durchtriari was in earh- nsked to be shown the v.*on lerfu; although they found Tb'* animal

long, lean, ravenou*-looknjg capable of accomplish.ug all th iz man claim 'd, the challenge was and ridiculous that The gentile* ptod it, mow far the spoilt th4h

j ipurposo of winning The\ money, agreed upon wore :\it i.He

n should l»e allowed two tvccks’ train the hog. and th'Engliajit Uld produce a horse to contend

a three-mile race over the pub*

jiwho heard of the singular matrb gidcring how thb old D.itchmiiu

hi- bog to run .a race u^jth a (jit ho mjaiiaged, it in this ■ree miles from his home ho hd-l' small piece of iaj-id and a 1 of his Vere accustom^ to going there

So the^old sow w..s kept penned Do without food; but n*egularLy •rning. except the two last inorh-

the i*a<*e. she w.is driven oijt for her b’dakfast and thdu homo. The first two morn-

.*as rattier contrary about goinfg. gry, bn after thit she would i a keen run, fallow sd by one of r’s sons on horseback, who, bk*

|;K>uM not kecpWLthin gunshot of •y bog. he eventful morning came* the und the old Hollander'9 honfa

a lively appearance, for uht of the people came from tljo

*oun«l but the Englishmen cauie ited race-horse, and also brought iheir friends to witness the spoih. how tho Dutchman could gct|a a race with a horse. When all

ly the hungry old sow was let allowed a few yards start of thie and rider. At first it looked as

&he horse Would pass the t the half-starved creai- earirig the clatter <Sf s feet upon the road, *eem*l e was going to be beaded off

__ 1 back from hor breakfast, and it onlyijUfged her on to a greater speed, and sb0 *>Utdistanoed tho horse by a num- ber ofg i&d1* iD the three-mile race. The horse and rider came up puffing and pant- ing, falfawed by an excited crowd, while tho p«* famished hog was enjoying its meal, unmindful of tbe excitement and admiration it had caused among the more inielli|ibb;t beings.

TO LIVE NINETY-SIX YEARS. — What a Gypsy F«>rtan«-Trller Told Em -

jilperof William In 186.0. ifcnr of anecdote* aro related con Emperor William's long life ami i&le number of years *Ull left to

illustxating peculiar suporstu- , repeating. It is to the effect that iif ^rhe time of the Furstenstag at Frun ktort, in 1SS3, King William, one day, ng in the neighborho<>d of Baden-iludeu, «C4*ompanieJ by Herr von BismaJpck and a number of ladies and geij- tlemnh* passed a Gypsy hut. One of tb© lad ies ^Utc 1 ai mod: “That is where t bo famoul. % Gvpsy girl Free i os a tell* fortune*,” The party, who were all iti walking klrcs*, entered the hut and had

ifiunes told in suncevsion. tho identity was concealed, c-icn-

<;Trecio»a held bis hand a long t Ifiieuoe and thoQ said: “I soe a lf©w:i, great victor.es and gr rjf.

■ 09 will live ninety-six y^ars. b^r- days will bring much tr >ub(j

u The King forgnt ail about the prophecy till 1SR4. when, at a ball at* th*' Russian Embassy ui BerlTi. tbe Uittisgariun Countess Erd«idy. wbotf»

vwls a Tsigano, w;i* presented to him DUri'ig a long conversation it wa* lnciik'OtgUly mentioned that tne Couutess pos-so^ajj, the gift of ciuromanc}. The ffij^jKwor held out his hand and Uhe;” Conntess, aft^r exam •ning the lidda* gravely said: **YouV Majesty is dostiwfcjtp live ninety-six years ” The

added, was much struck by OIM».

jng to the Vienna phy- ’ the Emperor have declared that

organic fading, and there is fa prevent him from attaining

one hundred, provided he taka* care ojt'biinseif But this is just what he dons oat do. According to authentic sha- Us'V^s--til*ire are at present in the King- dom of Pru-weia no les* than five thousand person* jdvor ninety years of age; six hundred of thorn arc ten years older than th© Eiippnr In ail parts of Frussia there are plenty of peoplo bote vn ninety a* ulootYifrYo. The olilisi ore to be found in ♦iv* prtBrlniX“< of Pw)a, Silesia an J Bast and WiMt Prussia. y»:- - -


The Plainfield Electric Light Co.

i IhT—- I

OFFICE-35 and 37 NOfftH AVENUE.! Opposite B. R, Station. lIirLFOBL('8'RE.\.L EKTATK AOKS' Y.)



For PUBLIC B^/LDfXOS, CHURCHES, dV. \AMfor Domestic ljghtixs.




H'msus can W wiictl without (Jffaeeniciit top Existinp; gas fittinc i'nil b« used.

(waJls an[i ceilings.

The Plainfield Electric Eight Co. keep a etaf & export wlrcmen, and do al filing at ro*t. ) ' i

i —: fnl DOMESTIC RftTES|:

5 1st Lamp, 00 Pei! :AJfscw £ : 2d do. 7 00 d«ih j j 3d do. 6 00 d<|i | : 4th do. 5 00 dd| £

5th !o. 4 00 do; 7 : fi* h do. 3 00 dt»; ii ! 7th do. 2 00 d4! ? .

Aixl all additional Lamps at $2 Oil per a no um each. m—i-



The extension of the ilncandeseent lines will ip-made pt once, and an addition made to capacity of Station. €. |

The Company are mnf making contracts for lyfriting, int order to have the wir- ing completed concurrently with the extensions^

See Crescent Avenue Church: The Companv's|Oj®ce. opjKjsito the Depot; also Private- Show Parlors at Green's Furniture Stord! \i

l 1

i I ■ f v


NORTH AVEXt’E. NEAR r. r. defot.


JAMES H. FORCE... ..j Proprietor.


Trausl.li! Guests taken ax liras''naMe Rates.

[I] W. H. ROWE, frpjtSSE, SION AND decorative










their King, j Ing lat whilo j great age your I an<l much sorrow.*'

Laing’s Hotel!

J. B. MILLER & BRO., ;




A First-Glass Family Resort. i# mylotf I

Electric Motors;


C Railway


u mi 1

Ill I.. oPERj^r :£« More electric rail-

.|R'|ys 141AN ALL OTHERS


Wines, Liquors.



Beers, &c. i;

I IN ItriE WORLD 5 ? • \ l J 1 2 . * “1 f ? 5 '

We lornisli Electric Motors

now UwM<*rrj God of Umi UtiltMi Um (iallrriM of Con^rY***.

Oouftilig in the galleries of Oingre*^, says Ui»:iflew York Ikral4y* Wasbingloh <x* respOhdout, ha* never ceased Ui bo of freq’ieoi oci*urieaoo ami often bo* brought about marmg'a. It w%s in C^a gallery fff tl>3 flo iw of Kopi^^santotivcxs that nte. ijfco’iger. tb*ia a motnber of that body, first me*t ogam after a lon^ ptinod of y<»hrv during whi b each h*d br^etA married U> another and Witjav’ again free, ttu> lady who ha* now far some years■:>^i€S&ti his wife arkl tf* wh »rn be hai much attonUon Ikcfore

larr»oil at all N.H lodg hi mil rig In Th' gailory they bh> jhgod and we;-e aurrl>i. It Wi*

i»*> gallery. Um*. th.j.t th * la‘.e «jk- Bwan o»»ur'A>l M J fha It

, of New Jt-rney, sister of tbo j. -F*ieaker HandolL Mr. Swan, I Jb-ipie^ntativo from Maryland

'fag attenUoa Ui 1'tioiQ pswiri, a pi’iating wmJow. ao«i it u+*ui t-> bin

.. lie t.inci th it when ’•fK.* appear^ in the ggilery. and i.nr-tber rn *in! -or <»f the House dl K presell Lit,Vo*, a F'nnsyl-

tio »!»«j lookol on u ith great • l-od to join l»er. Si»eok.5r Itiii-

_il |*ut Li* colfaajfut* >n th«‘ ci.au- louse and *•• K»^jvo :h-» Jh l i m t^e «e*r for tti*» 31atyrlainl mem bor n|t«*noitv of a Usair Bird. yjtay, of G.imer, Tex . hud discW- i^; secret of the quail s l*ciug ab e fo well. He was walking in n

5n a cover of binlg was fijsbed. lied near h m, and the moment.ii ixed a dea l oak-leaf, crouched ip

ijbd, and threw tho leaf over »t» :,tbat it wo* completely h.lden

EF%m Mr* ifaat he LiUl tC go an4-:turn over tae leaf b ?fo e h i could beii;V9 tlie evidanoe of hi* own c'yj*

Goods delivered to any part of the city, free of charge. mylOyl .

15 To 25 Per Cent Reduction


Men’s and Boy’s



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—rtf'll, for^ electric power— i| —stAiripNS.—

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Sclnved Brptliers,

I Leading Clothiers & Merchant Tailors. No 7 P. FEONT STKEET,


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Sheet Iron and Heater Work. TELEPHONE CALL—*.

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