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  • 7/28/2019 F4 bio c5




    Chapter 5 Cell Division

    5.1 mitosis

    1. cell division involves mitosis and cytokinesis.

    2. Mitosis involves the division of one cell into two new cells that are genetically

    identical to their parent cell.

    3.cytokinesis is the division of cytoplasm into two.

    4.the significance of mitosis:

    (a) increase the number of cell during growth and development

    (b) replace dead or worn out tissues (exp: malpighian layer of the skin tissue)

    (c) some organism regenerate lost part of their bodies ( crab and lizard)

    (d) asexual reproduction of some microorganisms such as binary fission of amoeba

    and budding of yeast

    (e) elongation of shoot and root of meristematic tissues of the plants

    (f) repaired injured organs ( donate organs)

    (g) the growth of new plants from vegetative reproduction

    Have you ever wondered how it is possible for our human body to go through

    growth and development? What happens when cells in our body are

    damaged? The answer lies in cell division.

    New cells replace old and damaged ones, and increase in number and size

    that lead to our growth. The cell division that contributes to the

    replacement of cells as well as tissue growth and repair is known as mitosis.

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    How is this likeness formed?

    The DNA existing within the chromosomes of a cell's nucleus can make an

    exact copy of itself. This means that all chromosomes within the nucleus

    duplicate (or replicate) themselves. That is why when the cytoplasm divides

    later, each of the two daughter cells has exact copies of the original

    chromosomes and DNA!

    Note: During the division, the cell splits the copied chromosomes equally to

    make sure that each daughter cell has a full set.

    Refer to the following diagram, which depicts the series of stages, known as

    the cell cycle, undergone by a cell that is about to divide. Basically, the cell

    grows, copies (or duplicate) its chromosomes, and then divides to form two

    new and identical cells.

    Another type of cell division is known as meiosis. Meiosis involves the

    division of a cell into four daughter cells. It takes place only in reproductive

    organs (eg: in the testes and ovaries of animals and in the anthers and

    ovules of plants).

    The purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes or reproductive cells so that

    sexual reproduction in organisms can occur.

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    Unlike those produced through mitosis, these daughter cells are usually not

    genetically identical to their parent cells. The chromosomes in each

    daughter cell are half the number found in the parent cell.

    While cell division occurs once during mitosis, cell division occurs twice

    during meiosis. Meiosis I is followed by Meiosis II.

    In Meiosis I, the cell divides into two daughter cells, whose number of

    chromosomes is halved. In Meiosis II, each of the two daughter cells divides

    into another two daughter cells, resulting in four haploid daughter cells

    (with the same halved number of the original chromosomes).

    Shown in the following diagram are the basic differences between mitosis

    and meiosis.

    In biology, meiosis (mass) is a process of reductional division in which

    the number of chromosomes per cell is halved. In animals, meiosis always

    results in the formation of gametes, while in other organisms it can give rise

    to spores. As with mitosis, before meiosis begins, the DNA in the original

    cell is replicated during S-phase of the cell cycle. Two cell divisions

    separate the replicated chromosomes into four haploid gametes or spores.

    Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction and therefore occurs in all

    eukaryotes (including single-celled organisms) that reproduce sexually. A

    few eukaryotes, notably the Bdelloid rotifers, have lost the ability to carry

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    out meiosis and have acquired the ability to reproduce by parthenogenesis.

    Meiosis does not occur in archaea or bacteria, which reproduce via asexual

    processes such as binary fission.

    During meiosis, the genome of a diploid germ cell, which is composed of

    long segments of DNA packaged into chromosomes, undergoes DNA

    replication followed by two rounds of division, resulting in four haploid cells.

    Each of these cells contain one complete set of chromosomes, or half of the

    genetic content of the original cell. If meiosis produces gametes, these cells

    must fuse during fertilization to create a new diploid cell, or zygote before

    any new growth can occur.

    Thus, the division mechanism of meiosis is a reciprocal process to the

    joining of two genomes that occurs at fertilization. Because the

    chromosomes of each parent undergo genetic recombination during meiosis,

    each gamete, and thus each zygote, will have a unique genetic blueprint

    encoded in its DNA. Together, meiosis and fertilization constitute sexuality

    in the eukaryotes, and generate genetically distinct individuals in


    In all plants, and in many protists, meiosis results in the formation of

    haploid cells that can divide vegetatively without undergoing fertilization,

    referred to as spores. In these groups, gametes are produced by mitosis.

    Meiosis uses many of the same biochemical mechanisms employed during

    mitosis to accomplish the redistribution of chromosomes. There are several

    features unique to meiosis, most importantly the pairing and genetic

    recombination between homologous chromosomes. Meiosis comes from the

    root -meio, meaning less.

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    Events involving meiosis, showing

    chromosomal crossover

    Because meiosis is a "one-way" process, it cannot be said to engage in a cell

    cycle as mitosis does. However, the preparatory steps that lead up to

    meiosis are identical in pattern and name to the interphase of the mitotic

    cell cycle.

    Interphase is divided into three phases:

    Growth 1 (G1) phase: This is a very active period, where the cellsynthesizes its vast array of proteins, including the enzymes and

    structural proteins it will need for growth. In G1 stage each of the

    chromosomes consists of a single (very long) molecule of DNA. Inhumans, at this point cells are 46 chromosomes, 2N, identical to

    somatic cells.

    Synthesis (S) phase: The genetic material is replicated: each of itschromosomes duplicates, producing 46 chromosomes each made up of

    two sister chromatids. The cell is still considered diploid because it

    still contains the same number of centromeres. The identical sister

    chromatids have not yet condensed into the densely packagedchromosomes visible with the light microscope. This will take place

    during prophase I in meiosis.

    Growth 2 (G2) phase: G2 phase is absent in MeiosisInterphase is followed by meiosis I and then meiosis II. Meiosis I consists of

    separating the pairs of homologous chromosome, each made up of two sister

    chromatids, into two cells. One entire haploid content of chromosomes is

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    contained in each of the resulting daughter cells; the first meiotic division

    therefore reduces the ploidy of the original cell by a factor of 2.

    Meiosis II consists of decoupling each chromosome's sister strands

    (chromatids), and segregating the individual chromatids into haploid

    daughter cells. The two cells resulting from meiosis I divide during meiosis II,

    creating 4 haploid daughter cells. Meiosis I and II are each divided into

    prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase stages, similar in purpose to

    their analogous subphases in the mitotic cell cycle. Therefore, meiosis

    includes the stages of meiosis I (prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I,

    telophase I), and meiosis II (prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II,

    telophase II).

    Meiosis generates genetic diversity in two ways: (1) independent alignment

    and subsequent separation of homologous chromosome pairs during the first

    meiotic division allows a random and independent selection of each

    chromosome segregates into each gamete; and (2) physical exchange of

    homologous chromosomal regions by recombination during prophase I results

    in new genetic combinations within chromosomes.

    A diagram of the meiotic


    Meiosis I

    Meiosis I separates homologous chromosomes, producing two haploid cells

    (23 chromosomes, N in humans), so meiosis I is referred to as a reductional

    division. A regular diploid human cell contains 46 chromosomes and is

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    considered 2N because it contains 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.

    However, after meiosis I, although the cell contains 46 chromatids it is only

    considered as being N, with 23 chromosomes, because later in anaphase I

    the sister chromatids will remain together as the spindle pulls the pair

    toward the pole of the new cell. In meiosis II, an equational division similar

    to mitosis will occur whereby the sister chromatids are finally split, creating

    a total of 4 haploid cells (23 chromosomes, N) per daughter cell from the

    first division.

    Prophase I

    Homologous chromosomes pair (or synapse) and crossing over (or

    recombination) occurs - a step unique to meiosis. The paired and replicated

    chromosomes are called bivalents or tetrads, which have two chromosomes

    and four chromatids, with one chromosome coming from each parent. At

    this stage, non-sister chromatids may cross-over at points called chiasmata

    (plural; singular chiasma).


    The first stage of prophase I is the leptotene stage, also known as

    leptonema, from Greek words meaning "thin threads". During this stage,

    individual chromosomes begin to condense into long strands within the

    nucleus. However the two sister chromatids are still so tightly bound that

    they are indistinguishable from one another.


    The zygotene stage, also known as zygonema, from Greek words meaning"paired threads", occurs as the chromosomes approximately line up with

    each other into homologous chromosomes. This is called the bouquet stage

    because of the way the telomeres cluster at one end of the nucleus.


    Thepachytene stage, also known aspachynema, from Greek words meaning

    "thick threads", contains the following chromosomal crossover. Nonsister

    chromatids of homologous chromosomes randomly exchange segments of

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    genetic information over regions of homology. (Sex chromosomes, however,

    are not wholly identical, and only exchange information over a small region

    of homology.) Exchange takes place at sites where recombination nodules

    (the aforementioned chiasmata) have formed. The exchange of information

    between the non-sister chromatids results in a recombination of information;

    each chromosome has the complete set of information it had before, and

    there are no gaps formed as a result of the process. Because the

    chromosomes cannot be distinguished in the synaptonemal complex, the

    actual act of crossing over is not perceivable through the microscope.


    During the diplotene stage, also known as diplonema, from Greek words

    meaning "two threads", the synaptonemal complex degrades and

    homologous chromosomes separate from one another a little. The

    chromosomes themselves uncoil a bit, allowing some transcription of DNA.

    However, the homologous chromosomes of each bivalent remain tightly

    bound at chiasmata, the regions where crossing-over occurred. The

    chiasmata remain on the chromosomes until they are severed in Anaphase I.

    In human fetal oogenesis all developing oocytes develop to this stage and

    stop before birth. This suspended state is referred to as the dictyotene

    stage and remains so until puberty. In males, only

    spermatogonia(Spermatogenesis) exist until meiosis begins at puberty.


    Chromosomes condense further during the diakinesis stage, from Greek

    words meaning "moving through". This is the first point in meiosis where the

    four parts of the tetrads are actually visible. Sites of crossing over entangle

    together, effectively overlapping, making chiasmata clearly visible. Other

    than this observation, the rest of the stage closely resembles prometaphase

    of mitosis; the nucleoli disappear, the nuclear membrane disintegrates into

    vesicles, and the meiotic spindle begins to form.

    Synchronous processes

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    During these stages, two centrosomes, containing a pair of centrioles in

    animal cells, migrate to the two poles of the cell. These centrosomes, which

    were duplicated during S-phase, function as microtubule organizing centers

    nucleating microtubules, which are essentially cellular ropes and poles. The

    microtubules invade the nuclear region after the nuclear envelope

    disintegrates, attaching to the chromosomes at the kinetochore. The

    kinetochore functions as a motor, pulling the chromosome along the

    attached microtubule toward the originating centriole, like a train on a

    track. There are four kinetochores on each tetrad, but the pair of

    kinetochores on each sister chromatid fuses and functions as a unit during

    meiosis I.

    Microtubules that attach to the kinetochores are known as kinetochore

    microtubules. Other microtubules will interact with microtubules from the

    opposite centriole: these are called nonkinetochore microtubules or polar

    microtubules. A third type of microtubules, the aster microtubules, radiates

    from the centrosome into the cytoplasm or contacts components of the

    membrane skeleton.

    Metaphase I

    Homologous pairs move together along the metaphase plate: As kinetochore

    microtubules from both centrioles attach to their respective kinetochores,

    the homologous chromosomes align along an equatorial plane that bisects

    the spindle, due to continuous counterbalancing forces exerted on the

    bivalents by the microtubules emanating from the two kinetochores of

    homologous chromosomes. The physical basis of the independent assortment

    of chromosomes is the random orientation of each bivalent along the

    metaphase plate, with respect to the orientation of the other bivalents

    along the same equatorial line.

    Anaphase I

    Kinetochore microtubules shorten, severing the recombination nodules and

    pulling homologous chromosomes apart. Since each chromosome has only

    one functional unit of a pair of kinetochores, whole chromosomes are pulled

    toward opposing poles, forming two haploid sets. Each chromosome still

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    contains a pair of sister chromatids. Nonkinetochore microtubules lengthen,

    pushing the centrioles farther apart. The cell elongates in preparation for

    division down the center.

    Telophase I

    The last meiotic division effectively ends when the chromosomes arrive at

    the poles. Each daughter cell now has half the number of chromosomes but

    each chromosome consists of a pair of chromatids. The microtubules that

    make up the spindle network disappear, and a new nuclear membrane

    surrounds each haploid set. The chromosomes uncoil back into chromatin.

    Cytokinesis, the pinching of the cell membrane in animal cells or the

    formation of the cell wall in plant cells, occurs, completing the creation of

    two daughter cells. Sister chromatids remain attached during telophase I.

    Cells may enter a period of rest known as interkinesis or interphase II. No

    DNA replication occurs during this stage.

    Meiosis II

    Meiosis II is the second part of the meiotic process. Much of the process issimilar to mitosis. The end result is production of four haploid cells (23

    chromosomes, 1N in humans) from the two haploid cells (23 chromosomes,

    1N * each of the chromosomes consisting of two sister chromatids) produced

    in meiosis I. The four main steps of Meiosis II are: Prophase II, Metaphase II,

    Anaphase II, and Telophase II.

    Prophase II takes an inversely proportional time compared to telophase I. In

    this prophase we see the disappearance of the nucleoli and the nuclearenvelope again as well as the shortening and thickening of the chromatids.

    Centrioles move to the polar regions and arrange spindle fibers for the

    second meiotic division.

    In metaphase II, the centromeres contain two kinetochores that attach to

    spindle fibers from the centrosomes (centrioles) at each pole. The new

    equatorial metaphase plate is rotated by 90 degrees when compared to

    meiosis I, perpendicular to the previous plate.

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    This is followed by anaphase II, where the centromeres are cleaved,

    allowing microtubules attached to the kinetochores to pull the sister

    chromatids apart. The sister chromatids by convention are now called sister

    chromosomes as they move toward opposing poles.

    The process ends with telophase II, which is similar to telophase I, and is

    marked by uncoiling and lengthening of the chromosomes and the

    disappearance of the spindle. Nuclear envelopes reform and cleavage or cell

    wall formation eventually produces a total of four daughter cells, each with

    a haploid set of chromosomes. Meiosis is now complete and ends up with

    four new daughter cells.

    Meiosis facilitates stable sexual reproduction. Without the halving of ploidy,

    or chromosome count, fertilization would result in zygotes that have twice

    the number of chromosomes as the zygotes from the previous generation.

    Successive generations would have an exponential increase in chromosome


    In organisms that are normally diploid, polyploidy, the state of having three

    or more sets of chromosomes, results in extreme developmental

    abnormalities or lethality. Polyploidy is poorly tolerated in most animal

    species. Plants, however, regularly produce fertile, viable polyploids.

    Polyploidy has been implicated as an important mechanism in plant


    Most importantly, recombination and independent assortment of

    homologous chromosomes allow for a greater diversity of genotypes in the

    population. This produces genetic variation in gametes that promote genetic

    and phenotypic variation in a population of offspring.

    The normal separation of chromosomes in meiosis I or sister chromatids in

    meiosis II is termed disjunction. When the separation is not normal, it is

    called nondisjunction. This results in the production of gametes which have

    either too many of too few of a particular chromosome, and is a common

    mechanism for trisomy or monosomy. Nondisjunction can occur in the

    meiosis I or meiosis II, phases of cellular reproduction, or during mitosis.

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    This is a cause of several medical conditions in humans (such as):

    Down Syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 21 Patau Syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 13 Edward Syndrome - trisomy of chromosome 18 Klinefelter Syndrome - extra X chromosomes in males - ie XXY, XXXY,


    Turner Syndrome - lacking of one X chromosome in females - ie XO Triple X syndrome - an extra X chromosome in females XYY Syndrome - an extra Y chromosome in males

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    1. The diagram shows a somatic cell during mitosis.

    o a) State the mitotic phase in the diagram and give your reason. Metaphase. Chromosomes are arranged at the equatorial plane.

    o b) After the mitosis is completed, i) how many daughter cells are produced?

    2. ii) how many chromosomes are there in each daughter cell?

    4.o c) Give an example of technology currently used which applies the

    mitotic process.

    Cloning / tissue culture.o d) Name 2 cells which do not undergo mitosis.

    i) Nerve cell. ii) Red blood cell.

    2. The figure below shows the different stages of cell division in the mammalianovary.

    a) Using the letters in the diagram, arrange the stages of cell division in their

    correct sequence.

    o G ? F ? A? C? E ? B? Db)i) Name the type of cell division illustrated in the figure above.



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    ii) With reference to the figure only, state two evidences to support your

    answer in [b) i].

    o There are 2 cell divisions. 4 daughter cells are formed. bivalents are formed.

    c) What biological term is used to describe the cells in stages D and G with

    respect to the number of chromosomes in their nucleus?

    o D : haploid cell.o G : diploid cell.

    d) State one difference in appearance between the chromosomes in stage G

    and F and give your reason.

    o Chromosomes in stage G appear as one stand but the chromosomes instage F appear as two strands.

    Reason: As the chromosomes in G continue to thicken, it isthen seen as two sister chromatids in phase F.

    3. The cell life cycle of an organism consists of phases X and Y. Phase Xcomprises of subphases P, Q and R. Phase Y comprises processes U dan V.

    a)i) Name process U.

    o Mitosis.ii) State the role of process U in living organisms.

    o For the growth of organism.o Replace worn-out tissue // for asexual reproduction.

    b) Diagrams I, II, III and IV below show the stages in process U.

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    i) Arrange the stages of process U in the correct sequence below.

    o IV ? II ? III? Iii) Name the stages in process U.

    o I

    Telophase.II Metaphase.

    III Anaphase.


    c) What is phase X?

    o Interphase.
