Facoltà di Economia Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Lingua Inglese Welcome Bienvenus Wilkommen Benvenuti Bienvenidos Benibenius Benibenius a.a. 2008/2009 a.a. 2008/2009

Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

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Page 1: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Facoltà di EconomiaFacoltà di EconomiaCdL Economia e gestione dei servizi CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi


Lingua IngleseLingua Inglese

WelcomeBienvenus Wilkommen

Benvenuti Bienvenidos BenibeniusBenibenius

a.a. 2008/2009a.a. 2008/2009

Page 2: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

OLGA DENTIhttp://www.econoca.it/did_docenti_dett.asp?id=112

orario di ricevimento Martedì 13-15 (STUDIO 11)Venerdì 9-11 (STUDIO 11)by appointment ANY TIME!!!! [email protected]

Page 3: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Sito Web: http://poloeco.unica.it/inglese/All’interno del sito:•Collegamenti con riviste e quotidiani online;•Siti didattici con esercizi di inglese generale e specialistico;

Page 4: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Economia e Gestione dei Servizi Turistici


ORE Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì


Lezione (Denti)

15-17 EsercitazioneDott.ssa Claire WallisGruppo A

17-19 EsercitazioneDott.ssa Claire WallisGruppo B

Page 5: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Materiale didattico

Intelligent Business Pre-intermediate, , Coursebook and workbook w. CD, Longman

Activities, job seeking, image, location, price, service

Focus on travels and Holidays, , Modern Languages

Page 6: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

L’Esame ……….

Due prove, 1 scritta e 1 orale La prova scritta consiste in: Ascolto e comprensione; Use of English (grammatica e lessico); Lettura e Comprensione di testo a

carattere economico-turistico con esercizi vari.

Page 7: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

L’Esame ………. Due prove, 1 scritta e 1 orale La prova orale consiste in: Presentazione personale + descrizione e

confronto di fotografie (PARTE 1); Presentazione di un articolo di argomento

specifico (economico, turistico, socio-politico); Discussione sul testo. Il candidato dovrà rispondere a domande di carattere lessicale, sintattico, morfologico, semantico. 2 copie pulite foglio A4 (PARTE 2)

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L’Esame ……….PART 1 DESCRIBE YOURSELF. DURATION: 5 MINUTESTalk about your personal life, your hobbies, interests, wishes and

hopes for your future life.COMPARE AND CONTRAST TWO PHOTOGRAPHS. Describe what you see and compare.


MINUTESStudents will introduce a topic of their choice, and present a

newspaper or magazine article. The article should not be longer than a photocopied A4 page. A part of an article is also acceptable.

The article should discuss a relevant economic, tourist or political issue.

They will be then asked specific questions about the text. Students will bring two copies of the article. One, to be given to the examining board, must be perfectly clean.

Page 9: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

L’Esame Percorso alternativo……….

Per i frequentanti: 1 prova di ascolto e comprensione giovedì 27 novembre 2008;

Per i frequentanti: 1 prova di grammatica & use of English giovedì 27 novembre 2008;

Un voto di almeno 20/30 consentirà di non sostenere la prova di ascolto e la prova di use of English a Gennaio/FebbraioAlle prove interne potranno accedere solo gli studenti che avranno frequentato almeno il 70% delle lezioni con la dott.ssa Denti e delle esercitazioni con la dott.ssa Wallis

Page 10: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Choose the best word to fill each gap in the sentences below. (MULTIPLE CHOICE)

1. We offer a ….. to customers who buy in bulk

a) refund b) discount c) delivery

2.We ask customers who are not fully satisfied to ………goods within seven days

a) discount b) refund c) return

3. Goods will be ………. within 24 hours of your order

a) despatched b) purchased c) exchanged

L’ESAMEL’ESAMEUse of English

Page 11: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Word formation. (MULTIPLE CHOICE)1. He will be a very .................... manager

a) success b) successful c) succeed

2. .....................is good for business

a) compete b) competitive c) competition

3. Goods will be ................ within 24 hours of your order

a) delivery b) delivered c) deliverable

L’ESAMEL’ESAMEUse of English

Page 12: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

. Transform the following active sentences into passive ones.

EXAMPLE: Yesterday they renovated your apartment YOUR APARTMENT WAS RENOVATED YESTERDAY

a. She has parked her car outside the building

b. John didn’t pass his exam yesterday

c. They will take him to the airport

d. The coach is giving instructions to the players

e. He hates her

L’ESAMEL’ESAMEUse of English – Grammar Exercises

(rif. Livello B1)

Page 13: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Comprensione generale di un testo scritto attraverso:

Analisi della frase e del periodoTrue & False questionsGeneral QuestionsLanguage Questions: Synonyms, Antonyms ParaphrasesMorphology: “holidaymaker” HOLIDAY-MAKE-(E)RPhonetics : / kwa (r)/ verb

L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

Page 14: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

Holidays are the last thing the British want to give up“(I) Although the tourism business is not (or not yet) disintegrating, it does seem to be changing. Two-week holidays are becoming a thing of the past, with many people preferring shorter but more frequent breaks. This may partly account for resilient-looking figures .…..(II) More perversely still, given a weakening economy, rising unemployment and higher inflation, tastes in holidays seem to be moving upmarket. According to Ms Smalley, there is a steep decline in holidays that cost less than £400 and a commensurate rise in those costing £800 or more, especially to the Caribbean. As sadness mounts at home, it seems that Britons are willing to pay more to escape it.

L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

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L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

What are shorter and more frequent?

Verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs????

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L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

Weakening ['wɪːkənɪŋ] adj. [usually before noun] becoming weak; diminishing

To be willing to means:

A: to oppose B. to want C. to be probable in the future

Page 17: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

Resilient-looking figures refers to:

A. People who look better

B. Flexible data showing a recovery

C. Increasing results

Page 18: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

What words or expressions in the text mean:

a. To be the reason or explanation, to be responsible

(verb) (I)

b. Increasing, growing, soaring (adj) (II)

c. Not being employed, not having a job (noun) (II)

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L’ESAMEL’ESAMELa Reading ……..

True or false?a. The British are stopping to go on holiday because

of economic problemsb. Data look healthier due to the new form of micro-

holidaysc. As the economy improves, the British prefer more

expensive holidays

Page 20: Facoltà di Economia CdL Economia e gestione dei servizi turistici Lingua Inglese Welcome BienvenusWilkommen Benvenuti Benibenius Bienvenidos Benibenius

The English language in 2008

How many people speak English in the world today?

1st language, 2nd language, Foreign language :????

1st language 360-450 million (70 m. creole)

2nd language (70 countries where it has a status – Ghana, India, Nigeria, Singapore.) 200-800 million (number depends on fluency and on what’s happening in India). The good guess is 400 m.

Foreign language, 120 countries: 600-1.000 million learning English (China & Olympic Games???)

DISTINCTION BETWEEN 2nd and FOREIGN is difficultNIGERIA-GHANA vs. Sweden & the Netherlands…..

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The English language in 2008

Overall: an estimate of 1500-1600 million speak English

The world population is today 6 bn This means that 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 now are

speaking English, and that.. …for every 1 native speaker there are 3

or 4 non-native speakers Moreover, the population growth rate of

non-native speakers’ countries is higher… So the ratio is going to grow in favour of

non-native speakers of English, like us Italian students!!!

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Global English- English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)

The language of non-native speakers will soon become the language of international communication

WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF THIS?- Vocabulary- Pronunciation- GrammarThe English we teach and learn will change.Certain pronunciations and errors will be



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Global English- English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)

Why do people want to know English?

WORK LEISURE AND HOLIDAYS STUDY (school, university, life long learning) INTERNET PERSONAL INTERESTS ……… and contribute to the definition of our



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Global English- English as a Lingua Franca (ELF)

What’s English for?

Intercultural communication

Professional necessity

Driver of international capitalism

A threat for local cultures and languages