MUHAMMAD NUR AFIF BIN SAMSUN BAHARUN 21073 MUHAMMAD IQBAL SHAFIQ BIN MOHD SHAUFI 21413 MOHD ALIFF NAJMI BIN KASIM 21343 MUHAMMAD IKHWAN AKMAL BIN MOHD YUSOFF 21198 NIK HAFIY HAFIZI BIN NIK RAHIMY 21380 MUHAMMAD AFIF ASYRAF BIN AFFIAN 21114 FACTORS AND SOLUTIONS OF MORAL DECAY (SMOKING) One factor that lead to smoking is government not implement law of Islam that is hudud, qisas, takhzir. Government should bestow this law in our country because Islamic law is not just a law to punish people but also law that punish and give moral value to others people. In lslamic law there is no such specific law that related to smoking but to solve this problem scholar use qisas technique to make the law. Mass media is a significant force in modern culture, particularly in Malaysia. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages of smoking from multiple sources including TV, billboards, and magazines. These messages are not only promote cigarettes, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Researchers have found that teens who see photographs of friends smoking on social media are more likely to do so themselves. To stop the media influence, the federal agency has to develop and place paid advertisements for a national tobacco education campaign. The ads will feature emotionally powerful stories of former smokers living with smokingrelated diseases and disabilities. The campaign also encourages people to call 1800QUITNOW, a tollfree number to access quit support across the country, or visit a quitassistance website. Mass media campaigns to promote quitting are important investments as part of comprehensive tobacco control program to educate about the harms of smoking, set the agenda for discussion, change smoking attitudes and beliefs, increase quitting intentions and quit attempts, and reduce adult smoking prevalence.

Factor n Solution Moral Decay

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    NIK HAFIY HAFIZI BIN NIK RAHIMY 21380 MUHAMMAD AFIF ASYRAF BIN AFFIAN 21114 FACTORS AND SOLUTIONS OF MORAL DECAY (SMOKING) One factor that lead to smoking is government not implement law of Islam that is hudud, qisas, takhzir. Government should bestow this law in our country because Islamic law is not just a law to punish people but also law that punish and give moral value to others people. In lslamic law there is no such specific law that related to smoking but to solve this problem scholar use qisas technique to make the law. Mass media is a significant force in modern culture, particularly in Malaysia. Sociologists refer to this as a mediated culture where media reflects and creates the culture. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages of smoking from multiple sources including TV, billboards, and magazines. These messages are not only promote cigarettes, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Researchers have found that teens who see photographs of friends smoking on social media are more likely to do so themselves. To stop the media influence, the federal agency has to develop and place paid advertisements for a national tobacco education campaign. The ads will feature emotionally powerful stories of former smokers living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities. The campaign also encourages people to call 1-800-QUIT-NOW, a toll-free number to access quit support across the country, or visit a quit-assistance website. Mass media campaigns to promote quitting are important investments as part of comprehensive tobacco control program to educate about the harms of smoking, set the agenda for discussion, change smoking attitudes and beliefs, increase quitting intentions and quit attempts, and reduce adult smoking prevalence.

  • Parents are less giving love and not concerned about the change in the attitude of the children is also a factor of smoking problem in Muslim teenagers. This is because parents that ignore their responsibilities as good parents. In Islam giving love to each others is a good nature to be a good Muslim. Our prophet, Muhammad also being strict about giving love to others Muslim. The prophet also said: I am going to enhance the glory of human morality, reported by Malik. Here I just want to describe about love, which is one aspect of the character of the Prophet who is very necessary for human beings. Parent supposed to give education in sending their children to the anti-smoking campaign. Through participating the campaign , which should be achieved smokers and smokers rate can be reduced . Anti-smoking campaign launched by the government about a year ago in the nation based on the slogan " Tak Nak ! " Slogan is very appropriate to remove the bad habit of smoking and say "Saya tak nak merokok. Muslim teenagers smoking without knowing the jus of smoking. The Islamic scholar already mentioned the jus of smoking which is haram. Teen smoking is more common among teens whose parents smoke. First of all, parents should not smoking as their children will follow their steps to begin smoking. Parents must follow Luqman Al-Hakim as been told in the Quran in surah Luqman. He always give advice to his son like avoid from doing shirk and to enjoin(people) for good, and forbid from evil. So, by this way, it will prevent the Muslim teenagers from smoking. Moreover, parents must be more strict to their children when their children doing something that haram in Islam. Effect for smoking should be told to the children to make them afraid of smoking like telling that smoking will make their lungs black and cannot function anymore. Muslim also lack of iman towards Allah They are easily influenced by mingling with smokers. One should increase their iman toward Allah.This is because when someone remembers Allah, The One and Only,He/She will never try smoking. One should also enhance their self-confidence and not only following other people doing. When we have high self-confidence, we will be hardly influenced by others. One should try to avoid mingle oftenly with smokers

  • because it can give adverse effects to you. Lastly, one should not procrastinate their time and spend most of their time to remember The Mighty God, Allah. Besides, one of the problems that causes moral decay is the society. One of the familiar verses of Quran in surah Al Imran 110, teaches that to be a superior ummah, that we need the culture to uphold the rights and wrongs, to encourage the good habits and forbid the wrongs. But most of us nowadays always think about ourselves and neglect others. To curb moral decays like zina, gangsterism or other bad things which called mungkar, we need to follow a certain guidline based on the hadith of Rasulullah which stated to stop the mungkar by hands, words, and heart. To stop mungkar by hands is to stop the bad things by our power and ranks for example if we are a police, we are obligated to use we power to stop people from stealing, making chaos. But if we do not have the power, use our words, advise them with good advice and do not raise your voice. But still if we can't do it, we are required to stop the mungkar by heart, means to hate the mungkar with our heart and to make ambition that one day to curb it with our words and power. Many complain that this hadith is too familiar and cliche around the society, but as the people neglect to implement it, the moral problems become a disaster for the muslim community.