FACTS ABOUT PLASTIC BAGS... 6.9 billion plastic shopping bags are used in Australia every year! So if they were tied together, they would circle the world 42 ½ times. It takes the average Australian family only four trips to the supermarket to receive 60 plastic bags! Australians dump 230,000 recyclable plastic bags in landfills every hour. Plastic bags can take between 20 and 1000 years to break down in the environment. Remember to take your reusable bags next time you visit the shopping centre.


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FACTS ABOUT PLASTIC BAGS...6.9 billion plastic shopping bags are used in Australia every year! So if they were tied together, they would circle the world

42 ½ times. It takes the average Australian family only four trips to the supermarket to receive 60 plastic bags! Australians dump 230,000 recyclable plastic bags in landfills every hour. Plastic bags can take between 20 and 1000 years to break down in the environment. Remember to take your reusable bags next time you visit the shopping centre.