Faculty Guide: Fuelling the Customer Attendants TABLE OF CONTENT S.No Session Page No Session 1 A Day in the Life of a Customer Attendant 2 Session 2 Essentials of Grooming 12 Session 3 Personality and uality Essential in the !ndustry1" Session # All a$out !%CL Products and Ser&ices 21 Session ' Facility (anagement 2' Session ) *alue Added Ser&ices 2+ Session" Process,raining #- Session. Automation Process #) Session + Safety and Fire /andling '1 Session 1- Customer Ser&ice: 0ho is (y Customer '. Session 11 Customer Ser&ice: Good to Great )2 Session 12 Customer Ser&ice S ills )) Session 13 Communication: *er$al 4on5*er$al "3 Session 1# Communication: Listening S ills "" Session 1' /andling Customer ueries "+ Session 1) /andling Customer Com6laints .3 Session1" Life S ills +- Content Developed by Centum Learning Limited 1 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF THE CUSTOE! ATTENDANT

Faculty Guide Revised

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Faculty Guide: Fuelling the Customer Attendants


S.NoSessionPage No

Session 1A Day in the Life of a Customer Attendant2

Session 2Essentials of Grooming12

Session 3Personality and Quality Essential in the Industry17

Session 4All about IOCL Products and Services21

Session 5Facility Management25

Session 6Value Added Services29

Session 7Process Training40

Session 8Automation Process46

Session 9Safety and Fire Handling51

Session 10Customer Service: Who is My Customer?58

Session 11Customer Service: Good to Great62

Session 12Customer Service Skills66

Session 13Communication: Verbal & Non-Verbal73

Session 14Communication: Listening Skills77

Session 15Handling Customer Queries79

Session 16Handling Customer Complaints83

Session 17Life Skills90

Content Developed by Centum Learning Limited


ObjectiveThe objective of the module is to welcome participants, break the ice among the participants, introduce them to the company and familiarize them with its responsibilities as a Customer attendant.

The objective of the module is to make participants understand themselves, overview of their day to day tasks, understanding their roles and responsibilities, determining how to work in a team, being a confident and self managed worker.


S. No.TopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Introduction & Brief of IndianOilDiscussion2

2.Outlet LayoutVideo & Discussion4

3.Core ValuesVideo & Discussion

4.Job Description Roles & ResponsibilitiesGame4

5.Team Work, Confidence Building and Self Management Activity and Discussion10

1. Introduction & Brief of IndianOil

Trainer welcomes all participants and says.Good Morning. I welcome all of you to this Fuelling the Petrol Pump training being conducted by IndianOil.

Show Slide 1

Show Slide 2

Show Slide 3

Trainer introduces himselfI am ____________________________________________________________I have been with this organization ________________________________________

Show Slide 4What is the Purpose of this Training?

Trainer to read the above slideShow Slide 5

Trainer to read the above slide2. Outlet LayoutShow Slide 6 & 7Show Video (Layout of Petrol Pump)

Show Slide 8

DebriefThis Video showcased the layout of the Petrol Pump in general. How the dispensing units, equipments are placed at different locations. However it is clear these are units do not make petrol pump complete.It is clear that you people are the true face of the company. You all are the first point of contact with the customers and represent the values of IndianOil. You all play a major role by being at the retail outlet throughout the day, attending to varying needs of the customers, smiling and greeting them, following safety norms at the outlet and providing a wonderful experience to the customers to ensure that the customer is satisfied and again visits the outlet.SayLet us now look at the core values of IOCL which each one of us needs to understand and imbibe and practice in our day to day work.

3. Core ValuesShow Slide 9 & 10Show Video (Core Values)

Trainer to derive through the discussion, the 4 core values of IndianOil.Show Slide 11Care

Cleaning of Windshield Flexibility of Card / Cash Payment Marshalling to Avoid Confusion Treating all Customers Equally Maintaining Clean Environment Maintaining the Safety Standards by: Asking Customers not to use the Mobile at the Petrol Pump. Asking Customers not to smoke at the Petrol Pump. Maintaining filled up DCP next to the Dispensing Unit. Maintaining Dry Sand in the Sand Buckets.Show Slide 12Innovation

Handing over Automated Bills after each and every transaction. Using the Card Swiping Machine. Efforts to minimize the waiting time of customers in queue

Show Slide 13Passion

Cleaning and Maintaining of all Equipments at the Petrol Pump. Being Well Dressed. Being in Clean IndianOil Uniform. Working as a Team. Working 24*7 even in unfavorable conditions.Show Slide 14Trust

Showing the Zero reading before filling the fuel. Showing the Amount & Volume after filling the fuel. Putting the Nozzle on Auto Mode during filling the fuel. Handing the Automated Bills after each and every transactions. Testing the Quality of the Fuel.

SayNow that we have understood what the core values are lets understand the Roles and Responsibilities as CUSTOMER ATTENDANT.For this what we will do is play a game Talent Hunt 4. Job Description Roles & Responsibilities

Let us play a game - Talent Hunt. Show Slide 15

Show Slide 16

Divide the participants in 3 groups. First group to perform the Role of Marshalling & Cleaning the Windshield. Second group to perform the Role of Oil Filling. Third Group to perform Role of Air Filling.

Each group will verbally state what are their respective roles and responsibilities and Trainer to note down the responses on the flip chart.

AskWhat would happen if you all do not perform your tasks properly? Say Definitely, this would lead to lot of dissatisfaction among the customers and they may even complain to the higher authorities. Derive the consequences from the participants. Some of the indicative consequences can be: Unhappy Customers Complaints to the highest competent authority. Decrease in sales Bad word of mouth Decrease in your productivity at workTrainer to summarize the following as indicators to roles and responsibilities of a CUSTOMER ATTENDANT:

Marshalling Team Marshalling Customers with a Smile. Marshals play an important role in directing the vehicles to different lanes in petrol pump. Trucks / Buses in one lane. 2-wheelers in another lane. 4-wheelers in another lane. Managing the queues at the petrol pump.Oil Filling Team Smiling and Greeting Customers. Maintaining right kind of distance with the vehicle. Asking for which type of fuel to be filled (Petrol or Diesel). Asking the amount (in Rupees) or volume (in Litres) of fuel to be filled. Showing the zero reading to the customer before starting the filling. Showing the amount or volume of fuel filled after the filling. Taking payments (cash or credit). Handing over the Bill. Greeting the Customer again with a smile and directing them towards the way out.Wiping Windshield Team Smiling and Greeting Customers. Politely asking the Customer that Sir/ Mam Can I clean the windshield? If the Customer says Yes, then lift the wipers gently before cleaning the windshield. After cleaning the windshield, gently put the wipers back in place.Air Filling Team Smiling and Greeting the customer. CUSTOMER ATTENDANT always has to be present at the Air Filling Zone. Queue Management at the zone.SaySo we have looked at core values, different roles and responsibilities but how do we ensure that all of us work towards a common goal.

5. Team Work, Self Management and Confidence Building

Team WorkShow Slide 17

AskAs discussed in the Talent Hunt Game, out of the various roles performed by the Attendants as Marshaling Team, Oil Filling, Wiping Team and Air filling team, which all tasks do you think are very important at the petrol pump that would give the customers utmost satisfaction and great service? Are all these tasks really independent of one another?

AskAre all these tasks not directed towards a common goal: Serving the customer?

SayYes definitely. In order to serve the customers at every stage, beginning from the moment customer enters the retail outlet till he leaves the retail outlet the objective is to provide good experience.Hence Team-work is very important at the work places. All of you are different. Have different interests, personalities, different style of working and interacting. However all needs to be aligned when working in a team. A team unites everyone. A team helps people grow.

Show Slide 18Let us do an activity called The Boat Race

Activity Select 12 participants from the batch, the others will be observers. Divide the 12 participants into 2 Groups. Name the Team as RED & BLUE. Give 1 rope to each group Participants are to hold the rope tightly as in tug of war and have to form a human boat. The 2 human boats to do a race from one end of the room to the other. Trainer to specify the start and end position of the race. The group has to choose one leader. He will decide in which direction the rope has to move. (Inform half of the participants of Team BLUE (secretly) to move in exactly the opposite direction as asked by the leader) Give a signal to start the race.Debrief Who won the race?Team RED What happened to one of the groups?Team BLUE lost the race. Why was it difficult to take the whole boat along together?As half the members of Team BLUE was moving in the opposite direction. Where was it easier to win?Yes, for the RED Team. Why?As all the team member of the RED Team were moving in the same direction.Analyze and Reflect

Trainer to read Slide 19Say Remember the strength of a team lies in differences and not in similarities

Show Slide 19

Self ManagementShow Slide 20

Trainer to read the above slide

Additional, if time permits cover this.Confidence Building

Let us do a little practice of what we have learnt so far?

Show Slide 21

CaseletSet Up

In a petrol pump, the customer keeps on arguing in a queue and us getting impatient while waiting for his turn. He is constantly nagging the attendant and telling him that there is no management at the petrol pump without realizing that it is the peak time of the day and all attendants are addressing other customers.

Sample dialog

Customer: Since a long time I am waiting in this queue. When will my turn be coming? This is ridiculous. Such huge lines. Are there not enough machines to take load of heavy traffic? You are taking so much time. Why dont you divert the traffic to another machine? You should know how to attend the customer quickly. CUSTOMER ATTENDANT: "Sir, please cooperate, Your turn will come soon

A few moments later customer again gets agitated and addresses the attendant.

Customer: Points out at the machines meant for 2-wheelers and says That machine is empty, I will take the vehicle there. However if the customer breaks the line and enters the wrong lane, others would follow too and this would then lead to chaos and confusion at the retail outlet.


Let 2 CUSTOMER ATTENDANT respond and the Trainer to note the responses on the Flip Chart.Now with the help of the participants analyze what kind of behavior did the 2 CUSTOMER ATTENDANT display? Was it Aggressive or Passive? Say Aggressive Behavior is not the right method. Passive Behavior is also not the right method. Assertive Behavior is what CUSTOMER ATTENDANTs should display. Trainer to convert the Aggressive response to an Assertive response. Trainer to convert the Passive response to an Assertive response.

Example Aggressive Sir nahi ja saktePassive Dekhte hain/ Batata huAssertive Sir agar aap jayenge to baki log bhi follow karenge jisse aap customers ko hi problem hogi. Request you to please cooperate.Show Slide 22

Show Slide 23

Say:Customer attendants need to be assertive in their approach when dealing with customers and others in their day to day interactions. Once you take an assertive approach your confidence starts building up.

Show Slide 24

ESSENTIALS OF GROOMINGObjective of the ModuleThe objective of the module is to sensitize participants to developing a good personality. An important aspect of Personality is Appropriate Grooming, which directly reflects their personality to the customer. The customer forms his first impression about you from the way you have dressed up.

Overview of the ModuleS.NoTopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Introduction to Grooming.Discussion & Activity7

2.How to dress up at work and why?Video & Discussion13

Show Slide 25

Show Slide 26

SayThe way we dress up also makes up our personality. That is the outer physical covering of you. You will not give an expensive gift in the most soiled and dirty gift-wrapping paper.So in order to present yourself you have to transform yourself according to the occasion.

1. Introduction to GroomingShow Slide 27Let us understand the purpose of dressing properly

SayThis is RajuThis Customer attendant is not in proper uniform.He is one of the normal ordinary boys. But now he has joined us and in some moments from now he will be transformed

SayShow Slide 28

Raju ban gaya gentlemanActivityShow Slide 29

Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman Form 2 teams Number both the team members as 1,2, 3, 4, 5, etc Call out number 1 and both members with number 1 will form pairs. Go on doing this till all pairs are formed The member from Team 1 becomes the Grooming Expert The other partner is now the Transform me and prepare them for working in Petrol Pump The partners will reverse the roles for Round 2 E. g. Trim your nails No Slippers Transform mes should give an undertaking that he will do the needful. Tell it personally to the participant without embarrassing him/ her

Show Slide 30

DebriefSometimes there are things that we may not even be aware about ourselves as how we appear to others. A good sense of dressing gives us confidence. Dress need not be expensive but it has to be clean, ironed, have a proper fit, buttoned carefully. No broken buttons done up with safety pins.

2. How to dress up at Work and Why?DiscussA customer enters the petrol pump and sees the attendant wearing filthy uniform dress, slippers, no cap, unshaven look and chewing gutka. What impression do you think the customer will form of that attendant?Show Slide 31Picture of a Customer Attendant with incomplete uniform

AskWhat impression would the customer form about the outlet? SayDefinitely it would not be a good experience.

Show Slide 32Picture of a Customer Attendant with complete uniform

AskNow what you think the customers would feel when they see attendants in complete uniform always?Say The customers would feel good about the environment of the Petrol Pump.SayRole of Customer Attendant involves maintaining high level of social contact and spending lot of time with the customers.

Show Slide 33

The way you all behave and interact makes a lot of difference and decides whether the customer would return to the petrol pump or not.

Your job is very challenging and demands great deal of physical activity and maintaining safety at the outlets. Attendants are often exposed to Petrol & Diesel fumes & hazardous conditions and may be exposed to hot or cold temperatures depending upon the weather. Conclude Proper Uniform and shoes give positive impression to the customers about the attendants and this in turn would also give confidence to attendants and enable them to perform effectively at work.

Self GroomingShow Slide 34

SayDOs Donts

Greet appropriately to the customers with a pleasant smile. Do not remain seated when customers are interacting with you

When interacting, maintain eye contact. Do not indulge in side talks with other attendants while on duty

Stand up while talking. Do not have chewing gum in mouth while talking

Talk in clear, distinct voice that conveys respect and dignity. Do not talk in loud voice

Be audible while talking Do not fidget , itch yourself

Appear confident and poised

AskSo how do we ensure we are groomed well and feel confident?Say Make sure you smell fresh and clean. Take bath every day. Take time to shave and have a clean look. Even if you have to keep beard, a moustache, it should be neatly trimmed and kept clean. Hair to be cut and combed properly Nails to be kept short and clean. Wear clean socks. Ears to be kept clean. In case of running nose, always use a handkerchief. Teeth to be brushed. No use of tobacco or gutka at the Petrol Pump. Proper Uniform, Cap, Proper Shoes, wearing the Identity Cards.

Show Slide 35

Proper uniform and grooming also signifies the following: Commitment towards the IndianOil and work Positive attitude and belongings at work Attendant is self aware and dedicated to work Symbol of pride in what one is doing Source of Inspiration for new employees to follow

Show Slide 36


Objective of the module:The objective of the module is to define personality and qualities, essential for a Customer Attendant

Overview of the module:

S.No.SessionMethodToolsTime (min)

1HygieneDiscussion/ ActivityActivity7

2Honesty/IntegrityRole PlayRole Play4


4Hard WorkDiscussionDiscussion2

Show Slide 37

Show Slide 38

1. HygieneThe work of Attendants involves engaging in lot of physical activities. At the petrol pump, the attendants are also exposed to Hazardous equipments, fumes and gases throughout the day. In order to protect oneself from the effects of these exposures, it is very important to maintain self hygiene and keep clean surroundings.

Discussion:Randomly select some attendants and ask them what do they understand by hygiene?Trainer to note down the responses on the Flip Chart

Show Slide 39 and Summarize

Trainer to read the slide to the participants

2. Honesty / IntegritySayAt ones workplace we often come across several situations where we do not have a straight answer as to what we should do.But remember by weighing the pros and cons of the situation, we should abide by the truth and do what is right.So being truthful and honest is the next important personal quality that we should imbibe.

Show Slide 40

Role PlayA Customer has come and got the fuel filled in his vehicles tank, worth Rs. 2000. Mr. Nirmal gives three notes of Rs1000/- to the Customer Attendant. When the Customer Attendant is counting the money, he sees that he has been handed Rs. 3000/-.Customer Attendant Sir ye lijiye aapka billCustomer takes wallet out of pocket and says Ye lijiye 2000Customer Attendant counts the money and says- Sir aapka bill 2000 ka hain na?Customer HaanCustomer Attendant hands Rs. 1000/- back and says- Ye lijiyeCustomer- Kya hua? Waapis kyu kar rahe ho?Customer Attendant Sir aapne 2000 ki jagha 3000 rupaye de diye, isliye aapko 1000 ka note waapis kiyaCustomer- Oh! Maine to dekha hi nahi. Thank you.Customer Attendant smiles- Yeh toh mera farz tha.Customer drives away with a smile.Here, the trainer should say that this is how the Customer Attendant should display honesty.

3. PunctualitySayWhen we talk of honesty, we must be honest to our words and our promises. Therefore being punctual is one of the promises that we must ensure as always.

Show Slide 41

CaseletA Customer Attendant works in 6:00 pm 2:00 am shift. However, due to less availability of staff on a particular day his manager asked him to reach early by 3:00 pm. Taking it lightly, he slept late in morning at 3:00 am, thinking he would be able to get up on time. He put up an alarm of 1:00 pm thinking that it would ring and he would wake up. At 1:00 pm, the alarm starting ringing, but the Customer Attendant being too tired that day did not respond to the alarm. After some time, the Customer Attendant got up and saw that it was already 4:00 pm. He panicked and started getting ready without taking bath. By the time he got ready it was already 5:00 pm. He starts his vehicle and drives to the petrol pump in a hurry.

Trainer to ask the attendants what do they think would have been the scene at the petrol pump?Answers could be (indicative): Queue Chaos. Customers shouting at other available Customer Attendants for early service. Customers leaving because of delayed services.Trainer to emphasize that this happens when an attendant is not punctual at work

Importance of PunctualityShow Slide 42

Being punctual strengthens and shows integrity. Being punctual shows you are dependable. Being punctual builds your self-confidence. The more you keep the promises you make, the more your self-confidence will grow. Being punctual shows you are disciplined. Being punctual helps to build respect.

How to be PunctualShow Slide 43

Commit yourself to being 15 minutes early. Always wear a watch or mobile. Maintain accurate timing of your watch. Plan out your activity.

4. Hard WorkSayWe all work hard to ensure that we meet the common objectives of IndianOil. What does it mean for a Customer Attendant?Trainer to note down the responses on the flip chart Show Slide 44

Trainer to discuss the following: Should always be on time for work Should not engage in unnecessary talks with colleagues at work. Should not utilize extra time for meal. Should help the other colleagues. Regulate the vehicular movement during rush hours. Manage the Customers those waiting in Queue. Clean Windshields Clean area in and around Petrol Pump

Show Slide 45


Objective of the module:The objective of the module is to educate Customer Attendant about IOCL products.

Overview of the module:S.No.SessionMethodToolsTime (min)


Products & Services at IOCL retail outletsDiscussionDiscussion, PPT20

IOCL ProductsShow Slide 46

Show Slide 47

Show Slide 48

Trainer to Say:There are different types of products of IOCL. IndianOil is the largest petroleum in India. The Lubricant business at the retail outlet includes Petrol & diesel. Lubricants are manufactured with base oils and addictives Servo the major lubricant brand of IndianOil has the largest market share close to 30%.

Show Slide 49Lubricants are classified into the following main categories: Automotive Lubricants Industrial Lubricants Specialty Lubricants

Show Slide 50Automotive Lubricants are sold at retail outlets. The common lubricant grades sold at retail outlets are: Engine Oils Brake Fluids Coolant Greases

Trainer to read the slide to the participants

Show Slide 51 & 52Applications of the grades

Trainer to show and read from the slides to the participants

Petrol - XTRAPREMIUM Petrol

Show Slide 53

Trainer to read the slide

93 Octane Show Slide 54

Trainer to read the slide

Diesel - XTRAMILE Super DieselShow Slide 55

Trainer to read the slide

Show Slide 56 & 57

Show Slide 58


Objective of the Module:To equip Customer Attendants with Facility Management Skills and maintaining Neat and Clean Surroundings. Overview of the Module:S. No.SessionMethodToolsTime(Min)

1Facility ManagementTrainer led discussions, ActivityPPT, Check-list15

Show Slide 59

Show Slide 60

Facility ManagementFacilities provided at Retail OutletsShow Slide 61

SayA Retail Outlet is just not a place for taking fuel. It offers a range of facilities which can be classified as:Mandatory Facilities: These are facilities which every pump must provide. These include: Free Air for Tyres. Drinking Water Facility Suggestion / Complaint Box Display of Working Hours Display of Name & Telephone Number of the IndianOil Company Personnel (Field Officer) and the Dealer to be contacted by the Customer in case of complaint. First Aid Box Washrooms Safety Equipment as per statutory requirements.

Show Slide 62

Other Facilities: For the convenience of customers these additional facilities may be provided by the dealers in the vicinity of the Retail Outlets. These include: Clean drinking water Coolers Convenience Stores (Top Up) Snack Bars Washing Space for Vehicles Telephone Booth ATM Servicing / Repair Shops Tyre Shops Loyalty Card ProgrammesDiscuss the Guidelines for Maintaining Facilities

Show Slide 63

SayIt is very important to keep equipment at the safe location within the petrol pump. The equipments like fire extinguisher, sand buckets, lubricants should be placed in such a manner it does not affect the flow of customers and attendants. He should look after DUs, care for lighting, working of phones. He should have sense of ownership. All of you should be aware of the facilities being provided at your petrol pumps

Show Slide 64

SayIt is important to keep a note of all the important numbers so that such services can be availed promptly whenever the need arises.

Show Slide 65

SayIt is important to see that all the facilities are well maintained at the petrol pumps and all of you should take care of your surroundings.

Show Slide 66

Trainer to read the slide to participantsShow Slide 67

Say To maintain all the Equipments in safe operable condition all the time. Know all facilities being provided at your outlet - what are mandatory facilities. Know all other value added facilities available at your outlet. Always keep essential contact numbers such as: Supervisors Emergency Contacts (Police, Fire, Hospital/Doctor and Ambulance) IndianOil Company Useful Contact Numbers Contact Number of Repair & Maintenance Staff How to Handle & Clean Oil Spillages. Ensure sufficient dust bins are available at the right places. Keep Surroundings Neat & Clean by taking help of the housekeeping personnel. Check toilets are properly cleaned throughout the working hours with essential toiletries kept. Ensure personnel present are disturbed as little as possible while cleaning & washing of floors. Get rid of rubbish and waste promptly and safely. Ensure proper illumination is there at night; get any faulty light sources replaced. Report suggestions & feedbacks received from customers regarding facilities to your Supervisor promptly.

Activity My Facility Check-list

Show Slide 68

Assign all participants to make a My Daily Facilities Check-list. Use White Board or Flip Chart.

Show Slide 69

Participants share their learning from the My Daily Facilities Check-list.

Show Slide 70

VALUE ADDED SERVICESObjective of the ModuleThe objective of this module is to understand the various value added services to be provided at the petrol pump and how important it is for the attendants to ensure that these services are available to the customers whenever needed.

Overview of the ModuleS.NoTopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Introduction to XtraPower fleet cardsDiscussion2

2.Use and application of Xtra Power Fleet cardsActivity and Discussion6

3.Use and application of Easy Fuel Cards, Co-branded Cards and Xtra Reward CardsRole Plays and Discussion7

Show Slide 71

Show Slide 72

SayFirst Type of Value Added Service is Xtrapower Fleet CardsShow Slide 73

XtraPower Fleet Cards are innovative solution to the fleet owners/ Operators that facilitates cash less purchase of fuel & lubes from specific retail outlets through flexible prepaid and credit facilities. The fleet card program also offers an exciting Rewards Program and unique benefits like personal accident insurance cover and vehicle tracking facilities.Each one of the Fleet Cards is a smart card, which can be used by the card holder (driver of the vehicle) to make purchases of fuel/ lubricants at designated retail outlets of IndianOil. Customer Attendant needs to know the nearest Retail Outlet where the fleet cards are accepted so as to guide the customer incase the fleet card machine at their Retail Outlet is not working due to technical issues.

Ask What all details are stated on the Xtrapower Smart Card?Show Slide 74

The XTRAPOWER smart card is personalized with details like 16 digits Card Number. Card Member's Name, Customer ID (10 digits always starts with 1000XXXXXX), Vehicle Number and Expiry Date (MM/YY) printed on the card. This card is inserted in the smart card terminal for completion of the transaction.

AskWhat do you understand by Fleet Control Card? Show Slide 75

Control Card is no longer a physical card. It is a unique number allotted to every customer and is used only during CCMS Recharge & Redemption of points through Fleet card machine along with a 4 digit Control pin. Customers need to be advised to login to their account using the login id / password to redeem points which is easier & convenient & minimizes the risk of misusing the control card no & control pin. AskHow can a customer activate the fleet card?Show Slide 76

SayCard which is being used for the first time needs to be activated i.e., its pin is to be changed from default pin (0000) to a new pin 4 digit number. This is one time process. Procedure to change user pin (activating card):1. Insert card into the fleet card machine kept at the petrol pump.1. Select change user pin option in the fleet card machine.1. Machine will ask for old pin. Please enter 00001. Machine will then ask for new pin. Please enter any 4 digit value.1. Machine will again ask for the new pin for confirmation. Please enter the same pin as entered in step 4. Please note down as this pin is required for all future transactions.1. Machine will display Pin changed message indicating pin of the card has been changed.When using the fleet card, PIN no can be entered in 3 times (fleet card machine allows three attempts to enter the correct pin). After the third attempt (if incorrect pin is entered 3 times), the card would get blocked and needs to be activated through the server. Post which card also needs to be unblocked on the fleet card machine.

AskHow can a customer update and unblock the fleet card?Show Slide 77

Update card option needs to be exercised whenever certain card parameter changes are done at the server level E.g.: Limits increased / decreased. The Attendant needs to needs to click on Update card Option to download the modifications done at the server level.

SayProcedure to update card on the fleet card machine:1. Please insert card into the fleet card machine kept at the petrol pump.2. Select Update Card option in the fleet card machine.3. Machine will display Card update ok message and a slip will also be printed indicating pin of the card has been changed.SayProcedure to unblock card on the fleet card machine:1. Insert card into the fleet card machine kept at the petrol pump.2. Select unblock user pin option in the fleet card machine.3. Machine will directly ask for new pin. Please enter any 4 digit value.4. Machine will again ask for the new pin for confirmation. Please enter the same pin as entered in step 3. Please note down as this pin is required for all future transactions.5. Machine will display Pin unblocked message indicating pin of the card has been changedAskWhat all options for payment are available with Xtrapower Fleet Cards?

Show Slide 78

Show Slide 79

SayPrepaid - On prepaid cards, customer can pre-load as much money as they require within prescribed limit. The customer can also deposit the desired amount in Central Cash Management System (CCMS) through designated of HDFC bank.Credit Cards Under credit, cards are sent with credit limit as approved by the credit partner Sundaram Finance Limited.Customer Attendant needs to know there are 3 types of transactions Cash, CCMS & Credit transactions. Cash transactions if customer is giving hard cash to the RO CCMS transactions if customer wants to make payment through the card Credit transactions if customer has tie up with Sundaram Finance for making paymentHowever if on the fleet card, limit is less and money spent is high at the Petrol Pump, then the transaction gets declined. The error needs to be communicated to the customer.

Show Slide 80

AskWhat is the major advantage of the fleet cards?SayThe major advantage is that the customer need not carry cash every time at the petrol pump. This is very convenient for the customers and the points too get added for availing further loyalty points. Customer has full freedom and control to load on the prepaid card. Like for instance payment can be made in one location and card can be transacted at another location, i.e., does cash reload at Retail Outlet1 & Cash sale at Retail Outlet 2. Also, customer can recharge his account (using CCMS Recharge option which requires Control Card No. & Control PIN) at any Retail Outlet, this amount gets credited to the customers central CCMS account which can further be allocated to other cards.Another advantage is to track the usage of card and in this manner the fleet owner can keep track of its people.

Show Slide 81

Activity - A customer- fleet owner walks into the retail outlet. Through what means, you would try to sell Xtrapower fleet cards to him. Trainer to ask few participants to be Customer Attendant and one of the participants as customer See different ways through which attendant tries to convince customer to use XtraPower Card.Trainer to share these points with the Attendants and ask them to use when convincing the customerNotesBased on the smart card technology, the XTRAPOWER card gives you: Payment convenience-both prepaid and credit options. Detailed fleet management reports. Facility to track each vehicle Personal Accident Insurance Cover and Medi-claim for fleet owner, driver, co-driver and helper. Attractive rewards on purchase of fuel & lubricants through the CardDiscuss Show Slide 82

Show Slide 83

AskHow does the customer get his CCMS account recharged? CCMS Recharge By making a lump sum cash deposit at any designated retail outlet. Thereafter money available in the CCMS A/c can be used for reloading multiple fleet cards through CCMS Reload / making payment for fuel purchase using CCMS Sale option, at any of the designated retail entries.Any customer who enrolls into Xtrapower Program is given an A/c no (HDFC Virtual A/c) IOCLXP(Customer ID) E.g.: IOCLXP1000828915. This A/c is unique for every customer.

Points RedemptionShow Slide 84

SayRedemption of Points takes place online also. 1 point is equivalent to 1 paise. Redemption can be done by following 2 methods,a) Selecting Redemption option on the fleet card terminal, entering Control Card No, Control PIN as selecting the appropriate ITEM CODE. PA needs to know this.b) Customer using his login details, converts points into money & puts it into his CCMS a/c. CCMS sale transactions needs to be done at the RO to complete the redemption process.

Show Slide 85

SayBatch Settlement Offline transactions are uploaded online. Every 24 hrs batch settlement has to take place. Limit is either Maximum of 75 transactions or amount Rs. 50,000; to be settled in every 24 hrs (whichever is earlier). To be carried out by the Customer Attendant. Machine needs to be connected to UPS all the time for all transactions to ensure uninterrupted power connectivity.

Show Slide 86

Cash Reload Loading money on the chip of the card. Cash Sale - Transferring money from chip of card to Dealers a/c (gets affected only after settlement) CCMS Sale - Transferring money from customers CCMS A/c to Dealers a/c (gets affected only after settlement). Alternately, a CCMS Reload followed by a Cash Sale transaction can be done. CCMS Recharge Transferring money to customers CCMS a/c. Void Transaction Void transaction is to void (nullify) transactions. Only Cash Reload / Cash Sale can be voided.

Show Slide 87

AskWhat are the common errors faced by CUSTOMER ATTENDANT during the batch settlement?Say Machine not connected to telephone line or connection to UPS is lostAskIn case of any other problem and machine is not functioning, what will you do?SayContact the fleet officer and/or call the toll free no 18001029272

Demonstrate - The participants to demonstrate the correct way of holding credit cards of the customers

Easy Fuel CardsAskWhat do you understand by Easy Fuel Cards?Show Slide 88

Trainer to read from the slide

Show Slide 89

Trainer to read from the slide

Ask Utility of these Easy fuel cardsDiscussShow Slide 90 & 91

Trainer to read from the slidesSay Entering the wrong PIN three times will result in blocking of card. To unblock Call the toll free help-line 1800 200 1214 and after due verification the PIN will be unblocked.

Show Slide 92Trainer to explain the process of multiple recharges that can be explained to the customer

Co-Branded Cards

AskWhat do you know about Co-branded Cards?DiscussShow Slide 93

Trainer to read from the slide

AskWhat is the utility of these Citibank Co-branded Credit Cards?DiscussShow Slide 94

Trainer to read from the slideShow Slide 95

Therefore, it is important to ensure that Citibank cards are necessarily swiped on Citibank machines at IndianOil Retail Outlets, wherever available. Else, customer is deprived of the promised benefits giving way to customer complaints.

Show Slide 96

Trainer to read from the slide


XtraRewards Card gives: Loyalty Points on purchase of Fuel. 1 point per Rs 75/- spent by the Customer. Points can be exchanged for free fuel / gifts. It also provides special discount on products of Dominos, CCD and at other merchant stores based on Tie up..

Show Slide 98

Role PlayThere would be 2 parties One customer and another one a Customer AttendantA customer has come to know about XTRAREWARDS card. He asks Customer Attendant regarding the same.Customer Attendant : NamasteCustomer: NamasteCustomer: Mujhe Reward card ke bare me puchna tha aapseCustomer Attendant: Ji puchiyeCustomer : Agar mujhe wo card lena hai, to kya fayda hoga mujheCustomer Attendant : Sir us me har Rs. 75 kharachne par 1 point aapke card me jayega. Un points ko aap exchange kar sakte hain free gift ya free fuel se, aur discount bhi milta ha Dominoes pizza, Caf Coffee Day par aur merchant shop pe...Customer: Agar mujhe ye card lena hai to kya formalities hain?Customer Attendant: Sir aapko ek form fill karna hoga aur Rs. 60 dene honge, aur aap use kar sakte hainCustomer : Form fill karna zaruri hai?Customer Attendant: Sir uske bina aapka card 60 dino baad band ho jayega, fir aapko unblock days ke points bhi nahi milenge.Customer : Reactivate kaise karva sakte hain?Customer Attendant : Aap bas form fill kariye, aur issi pump pe jama kijiye , 21 days mein aap dubara use kar sakte hain card. Aur aap customer application form (CAF) online bhi bhar sakte hainCustomer: Agar koi problem ho card me to?Customer Attendant: To aap 1800228888 pe call kar sakte hainCustomer : Pata kaise chalega ke kitne points hue hain?Customer Attendant: Jab aap HDFC machine par card swipe karenge fuel purchase karne ke baad to slip show karegi ke aapne kitne points earn kiye hain.Customer: Accha , thank you Please form denge?Customer Attendant: Welcome, Jee bilkul, smiles.The Trainer to say, this role play informs the customer about XTRAREWARDS card.

Show Slide 99


Objective of the ModuleThe objective of the module is to enable the participants to understand in detail the life cycle of events taking place at the petrol pump. This would cover the entire process of end to end customer interaction.

Overview of the Module

S.NoTopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Introduction to Process at a Petrol PumpVideo & Discussion2

2.Understanding the Lifecycle of Events at a Petrol PumpActivity and Discussion18

Show Slide 100 & 101

Introduction to Process at a Petrol PumpSayWe already have witnessed the life at the Petrol Pumps. There exist gamuts of activities that are carried out at the petrol pumps. Before the processes begin, Customer Attendant to test the Dispensing Units and the Printer by: Switching the Dispensing Unit ON. Testing the nozzle of the Dispensing Unit. Ensuring that Paper Roll is present in the Printer. Checking that the Printer is working. Checking that the Outdoor Point of Sale (OPOS) machine is working. Ensuring that Paper Roll is present in the Printer of the Outdoor Point of Sale (OPOS). Checking that the Printer of the Outdoor Point of Sale (OPOS) machine is working.

2. Understanding the Lifecycle of Events at a Petrol Pump

Show Slide 102 & 103

SayThe Video shows that all the Customer Attendants takes up their respective positions to start servicing the Customers.

Show Slide 104

ActivityOne day before the training, Trainer to make 10 number 2X2 inch chits of paper and write the following on it and fold them: Marshals on 2 chits of Paper. Windshield Cleaner on 2 chits of Paper. Air Filling Attendant on 2 chits of Paper. Fuel Attendant on 2 chits of Paper.Divide the chits of paper in 4 lots. Take 4 small size envelope and put first lot of chits in the first envelope, second lot of chits in the second envelope, third lot of chits in the third envelope and fourth lot of chits in the fourth envelope. One by one allocate different chits of paper to the participants. Chits consist of roles Marshal, Attendant at the DU, Air filling, and Windshield Cleaner. (Choose 10 participants, form 2 groups - division of roles among each group should be such that should be such that Marshals 1, Attendant- 2, Air filling 1, Wind shield Cleaner and Customer 1)

Each Group to perform the following tasks:- Attendants to take in their positionsLets assume Today is a bright sunny day. All the current shift attendants reach the petrol pump. Determine one by one what preparation you would do before you start taking in customers:

SayIt is always important to speak clearly so that the listeners can understand. Trainer to facilitate the discussion and elucidate the following responsesShow Slide 105

Quality Checks: All are properly dressed, proper shoes, belt, cap and well shaved individuals

Marshal Wears the uniform and gets ready to take his position

Attendant 1 Cleaning the dispensing unit. Sets the table. Check that paper roll is there in the printer. Takes out 5 ml oil to check if the printer is working. Also takes the print out from OPOS.

Attendant 2 Checks the quality of oil. Cleaning parking areas, offices, equipments and remove trash.

Air filling Engaged in cleaning the machine and checking the air pressure. Now let us see what happens when the customer starts coming in:Show Slide 106 - 108Stage I Marshalling

A customer (assume two wheeler) enters the petrol pump. Carry out the Marshalling activityNotes: Smile and greet the customer Direct the customer- a two wheeler to the vacant dispensing unit What would you do if there is no vacant dispensing unit? How would you ask the customer to wait in queue? Ask them Politely to wait for their turn in the queue Show the hand movement when a car and a two wheeler enter at the same time. How would you direct them to 2 different locations?

Stage II Attendant at the dispensing unit

Complete the activity of filling oil. Trainer to keep track of the conversation between both customer and attendantNotes: Smile and Greet the customer Ask for Petrol or Diesel and for how much oil needs to be refilled Request to open the tank Feed the requirements Lift the nozzle Ask the customer to check the O reading Refilling process begins. Do not press the nozzle After it is done, ask the customer to check Put the nozzle back to booth Take receipt from the automated dispensing unit printer Ask the customer if you can clean the windshield. And do so if asked to properly. Hand it to the customer (in the right manner, trainer to show how to hand the bill ) Take money (Cash / Credit). (Trainer to show the method of holding the credit cards and handing the bill to sign on the card holder) After the transaction is complete, Smile and say thank you Attendant to direct the vehicle to the way out.AskWhat if the queue is long and the customer is waiting in queue for the getting the change? SayAttendant to politely ask the customer to move his / her vehicle aheadAskIf there is some issue in Dispensing Unit, and you have encountered any problem at work, what would you do?SayCommunicate the same to your supervisors AskWhat would be your action if the customer says he doesnt require the bill?SayIt is important to understand the rule No bill no delivery. The attendant should politely tell the customer Sir we cannot accept money without giving the bill

Stage III Air filling area

Attendant to smile and greet the customerCheck air pressure in tyres and add air as needed.

DebriefIt is the responsibility of all attendants to handle and move objects and inspect equipment and structures.

It is very important that you all must be exact in your work processes and ensure all details are done. Errors may cause damage to both people and machines. One has to be active physically and mentally to work for longer periods.

Maintaining Relations

Show Slide 109 & 110

Say Attendants role demands the following actions as well:

1. Maintaining interpersonal relations

SayAs an attendant, your role demands that you maintain high level of social contact. There is lot of dealing with the customers. One has to maintain healthy relations with subordinates, peers and subordinates. Team work is very important feature of this job.Attendants need to politely attend to the customers and clearly keep their view point no matter how rude the customer may be. This profile requires great level of customer service skills.

2. Maintaining Physical Conditions at the Petrol pumps

You all are often exposed to contaminants such as Petrol/ Diesel fumes and hazardous conditions. Your work involves work to carry out outdoors. It is well understood that this job demands exposure to hot or cold temperatures and loud sounds.

Show Slide 111 & 112

Show Slide 113

AUTOMATION PROCESSObjective of the ModuleThe objective is to make the participants understand the automation processes carried out at the petrol pumps.

Overview of the ModuleS.NoTopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Introduction to Automation and its BenefitsDiscussion7

2.Understanding the Automated Processes at the Petrol PumpVideo12

3.Details on Automated ProcessesDiscussions11

Show Slide 114

Show Slide 115

1. Introduction to Automation and its BenefitsSayAutomation has been launched at all Retail Outlets of IndianOil across the country. It helps to: Access Data of any Automated Retail Outlet. Keep track of all the transactions that occur at the Petrol Pump. Record all the Receipts and Deliveries in the centralized system. Utilize Data for improving RO performance. Ask Trainer to ask the Participants about the Automation Systems at their Retail Outlet and makes note of it on the Flip Chart.

Following indicative responses can be summarized: Automatic Bill Generation Bill Generation through OPOS/outdoor printers How much Fuel sold by an Attendant in a Shift

Show Slide 116

SayTrainer to explain the Benefits of Automation in Retail Outlets by stating the following: It has contributed towards attaining trust of customers due to automated bill. Customers faith in IndianOil is going strong by the following observations: Automatic Bill Generation in few seconds. It has helped in creating databank of Loyal Customers. It helps to depict Integrity and Truthfulness in dealing with Customers. It helps in depicting Transparency and Customer doesnt feel cheated. It helps in minimizing the Time and Effort of the Attendants.

Show Slide 117

Trainer to read from the slide

Show Slide 118 Show Video

Summarize & Say Recording of Cash Transactions. Reconciliation of sales with cash/credit Capture Sales Details for Fuel, Lubricant & Other Consumables Managing Inventory Generate DSR, stock reconciliation, shift reconciliation etc. Creation of Customer Database Reports Generated on nature of fuel sold, cash collected & how much was recycled2. Understanding the Automated Processes at the Petrol PumpShow Slide 119

Discuss & Say Ensuring Power of Dispensing Unit is never switched off unless it is an emergency Ensuring Paper Roll is always there in the Printer. Giving Automated Bill after every Transaction. Tearing the Paper from the hatch of the Printer Carefully. Checking that the print out on the Bill is clear and one is able to read what is written on it. Not throwing the Bills here and there at the petrol pump Following the Principle No bill No delivery3. Details on Automated ProcessesShow Slide 120

Say Real Time Transactions are recorded under the automation system. Transactions- details record is available. One Transaction is completed from Picking the Nozzle from the Dispensing Unit, Operating it and putting the Nozzle back on Dispensing unit. Printers are mapped to nozzles. Ask What is the advantage of getting the print out from OPOS? (Phase-I)SayThe major advantage of using OPOS Outdoor Point of Sale is that if the Printer of the Dispensing Unit is not working then print can be taken out through OPOS.

Show Slide 121

SayTrainer to explain the Process of Operating the OPOS as stated below: Punch in Select the transaction Enter the Mobile No / Vehicle No Mention Vehicle Type 2 Wheeler, 4 Wheeler State Cash / Credit transaction Mark in Sale, Recycle, Sample, Other , Redemption

Show Slide 122

Show Slide 123

AskHow would you hand over the bill to the customer?SayHandover Bill to the Customer Politely and with a Smile

Ask What would you do if you see that the Printer of the Dispensing Unit is not working properly?SayInform the supervisor immediately/can take the print out from OPOS in phase-I/can take print out from DU printer also.

Ask How to check if the Dispensing Unit is on Automation?SayIf the Dispensing Unit is ON then it is on Automation. Under NANF DU will not deliver. In non NANF we can see the DU in automation through the graphic depiction in back office system (BOS).

AskWhat would you do when your shift ends?Say You need to inform the handing over attendant that the Dispensing unit is in Automation Printers & OPOS are working. To ensure that the Totalizer Sales displayed on the Dispensing Unit tallies with the shifts sales report that is generated nozzle wise. SayIt is important to understand the use of Automation for the following purposes: Useful for Future Reference Customers Grievance Redressal

Show Slide 124

Trainer to Discuss the following Case: Once a customer complained to the higher authority that he is being cheated as at the time of filling the fuel, the needle did not rise and the tank was not filled up completely. The customers complaint was addressed by showing the back end recording of the transaction. Through transaction record, customer can be told exactly as to what volume and amount the fuel was delivered and at what time at which nozzle and with what product.

SayThis is one of the major benefit of automation at petrol pumps wherein attendant needs to be knowledgeable that customers complaint redressal is possible through automation transaction record.

Show Slide 125

Show Slide 126

SAFETY AND FIRE HANDLINGObjective of the Module:To impart Knowledge and Skills on To create awareness about fire and safety to the Customer Attendants and enable them to provide effective & better services.

Overview of the Module:S. No.SessionMethodToolsTime(Min)


2Importance of SafetyTrainer led discussions, Activities, Role PlaysCheck-list, Role Play, Video20

3Handling Fire, Safety DrillTrainer led discussions, Activities, Role PlaysRole Play, Mock Exercise15

1. IntroductionShow Slide 127

Show Slide 128

2. Importance of Safety at Retail Retail OutletsShow Slide 129

SayLet us understand now the Importance of Safety at Retail outletsLet us now look at this slide. Trainer to read from the slideMotor Spirit (MS) / High Speed Diesel (HSD) are widely used as automotive fuels. There has been high growth in consumption of these products commensurate with the increase in number of vehicles. Accordingly, number of retail outlets for dispensing of MS/ HSD has gone up in the country. Retail Outlets are the principal installations for refueling of MS/HSD for automotive use.

Some Safety GuidelinesShow Slides 130 & 131

SayLook at the Slide for the Safety Guidelines that need to be followed at the Petrol Pumps by the Attendants Operating personnel of retail outlet shall possess adequate knowledge and experience of handling MS/ HSD to ensure functioning of the station in a safe and efficient manner. During unloading of the product from the tank truck to the bulk storage vessels, the tank truck shall be parked in the space marked for the purpose. Show Video

Show Slide 132

Trainer to read the above slide

Safety Equipment Show Slides 133

Trainer to show the slide: This slide shows the kinds of fire extinguishers to be used Show Slide 134

Trainer to discuss meaning of each of these safety equipments from the slides


Trainer to read from the above slide and share the emergency plan and procedure for maintaining safety standards at the Petrol pumpTrainer to say The Retail Outlet shall maintain close liaison with Fire Service, Police, District Authorities and IOC. Important telephone numbers for emergency use shall be displayed prominently in the Retail Outlet. Means of communication shall be always at the disposal of the supervisor of the Retail Outlet. Emergency Action Plan should be tested with mock drill at least once a year. First Aid Kit shall contain items to handle possible emergencies. Shock treatment chart written in bilingual & local languages.

Show Slide 136

Trainer to discuss meaning of each of these symbols


Trainer to discuss the Dos and Dont from the slides to the participants

Classes of Fire - A, B, C, D, and K:Show Slide 138

Trainer to share details on different kinds of Classification of firesClass A - Class A Fires consist of ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, trash Class B - Class B Fires are fueled by flammable or combustible liquids, which include oil, gasoline, and other similar materials. Class C - Class C Fires. Energized Electrical Fires are known as Class C fires. Always de-energize the circuit then use a non-conductive extinguishing agent. Such as Carbon dioxide.Class D- Class D Fires are combustible metal fires. Magnesium and Titanium are the most common types of metal fires. Only use a Dry Powder extinguishing agent. Class K - Class K Fires are fires that involve cooking oils, grease or animal fat

Show Video: Petrol station fire started by motorist's cigarette lighterShow Slide 139 & 140

DebriefIt is very important to maintain safety at the petrol pumps. It involves not only your lives but also lives of others as well. It is seen how lighting a cigarette at the petrol pump lead to fire and put life of people at petrol station in danger.

Show Slide 141

Activity: ChecklistTime 5 minutesDivide the group into teams of 4-5 participants and task teams to fill the following check-list:Sr.NoParticularsRemarks

1.All the Dispensing Units externally & internally clean. In the sand below Dispensing units there is no Spillage of product and inflammable waste.Y/N

2.All the piping connections of Dispensing units & tank farm are leak free & there is no sweating in the jointsY/N

3Wire mesh in the product vent is not choked with foreign matter.Y/N

4.Fire Extinguishers are in place and are valid for use as on date. Y/N

5.Road & pathways are clear of any obstructions.Y/N

6Safety signs are in place. (No smoking, Mobile Phone Switch Off)Y/N

7Tank farm is clean and free of dry vegetation.Y/N

8The sand in the fire bucket is dry and without any lumps.Y/N

9All the light fixtures at the periphery, canopy and the sales room are in working condition.Y/N

10No employee of the Retail Outlet is in an intoxicated state Y/N

11Dos and Donts on Safety exist at the outletY/N

12General House Keeping is good.Y/N

13There are no electrical faults observed in the entire Retail Outlet.Y/N

14Any other unsafe condition Y/N

Trainer to discuss the responses of the above checklist and note down the responses on It is important to note that these checks are maintained at the petrol pump on regular basis.

III. Handling Fire, Safety DrillTrainer to Narrate Story of Crying WolfShow Slide 142

There was a small boy who was sent to look after the sheep in the meadows. He was a big prankster and bored of sitting there the whole day. So he started shouting Wolf, Wolf just to see what happens. All the villagers came there running soon with sticks to kill the wolf. But they did not find any wolf there. They came to know that it was a false alarm.When they warned the boy, the boy simply said I wanted to see how well prepared my villagers are in case of an eventuality i.e. in case an actual wolf comes. DebriefThe learning from this story is that It is important to be prepared in advance for the worst before such a situation arises This will not only save your time but also minimize the effect of accidents.

What is Safety drill?Show Slide 143

SayA routine training and check up is called Safety drill. Providing safety training ensures that : To work safely & without risk to health Making employees aware of Safety Policy & how to implement the same and the part they have to play Making employees responsible for Safety not only for themselves but also for other their co-workers and customers visiting the outlets.Drill is important when: New people join make it a part of Induction Program Employees changing jobs New equipment is purchased A Refresher Training Program

Activity: Mock Safety DrillShow Slide 144

Trainer to organize mock safety drill by dividing the participants into two groups first, customers and visitors; second, petrol pump staff.Each group is free to plan and assign roles. Trainer to act as an Observer. Initiate discussions after conclusion of the activity.DebriefShare the experiences of the participants in the mock drill

Trainer to show videos of safety Video on DecantationShow Slide 145 & 146

Debrief Trainer to share the learning for the video Safety to be maintained during Decantation Use of Fire extinguisher Use of Sand buckets Prohibition to smoking and talking on mobile phone.

Show Slide 147

CUSTOMER SERVICE: Who is My Customer?

Objective of the module:The objective of the module is to make Customer Attendants understand what is Customer Service and why is it essential.

Overview of the module:

S. No.TopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Who is My Customer?Discussion & Activity8

2.Types of Customer.Discussion8

3.Understanding Customer Needs.Video & Discussion4

Show Slide 148

Show Slide 149

1. Who is My Customer?Show Slide 150

SayTrainer to inform the Participants as to Who is Their Customer? and Customers can be recognized based on: Age Gender Education Level Income Level Buying Habits Occupation or Industry Geographic Location Personality Attitudes

Show Slide 151

ActivityMy Dear Customer Make 4 teams amongst the total no. of participants. Each team will be asked to make Meaningful & Positive Statements about Customers. For each statement, Teams would be awarded 1 Point. The Team with the Maximum Points would be the Winner. Give them 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, ask each Team to say 1 Statement at a Time and go on noting the points on the Flip Chart. Declare the Team with Maximum Point as the Winner.

Following are indicative Statements that Participants could make. Customer is King Customer is God Customer gives Business Customer have their own Choices

2. Types of Customers

Show Slide 152

SayBroadly customers can be categorized into the following types. Knowledgeable Customer Ignorant Customer Egoistic CustomerSayKnowledgeable CustomerThe Knowledgeable Customers tend to show that they know everything. For ex: Read the conversation between a customer and Customer Attendant Customer Attendant Sir reading dekh lijiye petrol bharvane se pehleCustomer Mujhe pata hain, batane ki zarurat ni.. dekh lunga.AskTrainer to ask Participants on how to deal with such Customers and note it on the Flip ChartIndicative responses can be: One has to be polite and do not raise your voice Smile and say thank you Sir/ Mam One need not answer back to such customersSayIgnorant CustomerThe Ignorant Customers tend to show that you dont know anything about the productCustomer No I dont know anything. (many times - when the attendant tells him/her about the various loyalty cards, about bill to be given after fuel filling or things bought from in and out store)AskTrainer to ask Participants on how to deal with such Customers and note it on the Flip ChartIndicative responses can be: Share relevant information pertaining to use and application of service Give accurate and updated information Be honest with the customersSayEgoistic CustomerCustomer You know who I am. I am the wife of the Supreme Court judge or I am the brother of the famous singer when asked to stay in queue.AskTrainer to ask Participants on how to deal with such Customers and note it on the Flip ChartIndicative responses can be: Never Argue with such customers Be Polite when dealing with them Never raise your voice or answer back to such customers Seek Supervisors help in case needed.

3. Understanding Customer NeedsShow Slide 153

SayTrainer to inform the Participants that it is important for them to understand the Needs of the Customer If we understand the Needs of the Customer only then we can serve them satisfactorily.Some of the Needs of the Customers are: Basic Needs Timely Service Proper Marshalling Safety Needs Availability of Safety Equipments at the Petrol Pump Status Needs Buying the Best Lubricants Always getting the Tank Full

Show Slide 154


Objective of the module:The objective of the module is to make Customer Attendants understand what is Customer Service and why is it essential.

Overview of the module:S. No.TopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Customer ServiceDiscussion & Activity8

2.Rapport BuildingRole Play8

3.Knowing PreferencesVideo & Discussion4

Show Slide 155

Show Slide 156

1. Customer Service

Show Slide 157

SayTrainer to inform the participants that the ultimate goal of Customer Service should be from Good to Great

ActivityKeys to Great Customer Service Give all participants key shaped cut-outs (size 6X3 inches) made from chart paper Ask Participants to write down on each Key (in two or three words) one factor as how they would like to Service their Customer. Put all the keys in a key Chain. Trainer to hang the Chain in some place in the class room. Trainer to ask participants to make a similar chain and put it at an appropriate place at their Petrol Pump. The above chain will help Customer Attendant to remember all the important factors to Service the Customer well.

Discuss each key and why this is a great service.

Indicative factors for Customer Service can be: Listening Understanding Empathizing Being Polite

SayOnce we have understood the methods of providing good customer service, the next we need to understand is how to built rapport and attain trust of the customer. This is very important as once we get connected with the customer by providing personalized customer services, it would go a long way in building loyal customer base and generate customers for life.

2. Rapport Building

Show Slide 158

SayTrainer to elaborate the following: Rapport is the Key to Building Trust Rapport is when two people can see the other person's viewpoint Rapport is when two people appreciate each other's feelings Rapport is when two people are on the same wavelength.

Role Play 1Trainer selects two participants. One participant becomes the Customer and the other Participant becomes the Customer Attendant.

Customer: Hello.Customer Attendant looks up at the Customer but doesnt smile or say anything.Customer: Mujhe kuch information chahiye thi XTRAREWARD card ke baare mein.Customer Attendant uses a friendly voice but with arms crossed and doesnt look directly at the customer and says. : Aapko pehle form fill karna hoga.Customer: Aaj ni kar sakta, aaj meri meeting hai, aap agar thoda sa bata dein card ke baare mein.Customer Attendant: Sir abhi time lagega, bahut lambi line lagi hui hai.Customer: theek hain.(Customer drives away)

DebriefHere the Attendant is task driven and does not use these 5 aspects of Rapport Building Smile Greet the customer Use open body language Make eye contact Thank the Customer

Role Play 2Trainer selects two participants. One participant becomes the Customer and the other Participant becomes the Customer Attendant.

Customer Attendant looks up as the Customer drives and Smiles and says:: Namaste.Customer: Namaste.Customer Attendant: Sir, bataiye kaise madad karu main aapki.Customer: Mujhe kuch information chahiye thi XTRAREWARD card ke baare mein.Customer Attendant uses a friendly voice and with warm body language, looks directly at the customer, makes eye contact and says. : Sir, XTRAREWARD card aapko Rs. 60/- aur form fill karne par mil sakta hai. Agar aap Rs. 75/- ka saaman lete hain hamare petrol pump se toh aapke card me 1 point aa Jayega.Customer: Theek hain. Thanks.Customer Attendant: Shukriya. Namaste.(Customer drives away).

DebriefAsk participants to answer the following questions verbally. In which Role Play the Rapport Building happened?Role Play 2. Why Rapport Building did got built in Role Play 2?The Customer Attendant did the following: Smiled Greeted the Customer Used open body language Made eye contact Thanked the Customer

3. Knowing Preferences

Show Slide 159

SayThe need today is to keep the Customers for Life because of competition. In order to keep Customers for Life we should know their preferences.

AskTrainer to ask the Participants regarding the common preferences of the Customers of IndianOil and make note of it on the Flip Chart.

Some indicative preferences are listed below Xtra Service like Windshield cleaning, filling of air in tyres. Facilities like Drinking Water, Top Up Stores and Washrooms. Facility for Car Wash. Facility for Repair of Tyres

Show Slide 160


Objective of the module:The objective of the module is to make Customer Attendants understand what are Customer Service Skills and why is it essential.

Overview of the module:

S. No.TopicMethodologyTime (in minutes)

1.Customer Service MarshallingVideo & Discussion5

2.Customer Service Queue ManagementVideo & Discussion5

3.Customer Service Managing Air Filling StationVideo & Discussion5

4.Customer Service Right Way From Start to FinishVideo & Discussion5

Show Slide 161

Show Slide 162

1. Customer Service - MarshallingShow Video (Wrong Way of Marshalling)Show Slide 163 & 164

Trainer to show the video

Show Slide 165 & 166 - Show Video (Explanation of Wrong Way of Marshalling)

Trainer to show video and discuss

Show Slide 167

Trainer to read from the above slide

Show Slide 168 & 169 - Show Video (Right Way of Marshalling)

Trainer to show video and discussShow Slide 170

2. Customer Service Queue ManagementShow Slide 171 & 172 - Show Video (Wrong Way of Queue Management)

Trainer to show the Video

Show Slide 173 & 174 - Show Video (Explanation of Wrong Way of Queue Management)

Trainer to show video and discuss

Show Slide 175

Trainer to read from the slide. As we can see in the Video, other attendants are also getting distracted due to this and that would also result in delayed services to the other customers.

Show Slide 176 & 177 - Show Video (Right Way of Queue Management)

Trainer to show the Video and discuss

Show Slide 178

Trainer to read from the slide

3. Customer Service Managing Air Filling Station

Show Slide 179 & 180 - Show Video (Wrong Way of Managing Air Filling Station)

Trainer to show the Video

Show Slide 181 & 182

Trainer to show the Video and discuss

Show Slide 183

Trainer to read from the slideDebrief No Customer Attendant present at the Air Filling Station Angry Customer shouting at the Customer Attendant Customer Attendant giving lame excuse for not able to provide service to the Customer Unhappy Customers drives away without the service being provided

Show Slide 184 & 185Show Video (Right Way of Managing Air Filling Station)

Trainer to show the Video and discuss

Show Slide 186

Trainer to read from the slide

4. Customer Service Right Way From Start to Finish

Show Slide 187 & 188Show Video (Customer Service Right Way From Start to Finish)

Trainer to show the slide and discuss

Show Slide 189

Trainer to read from the slide

Show Slide 190

COMMUNICATION Verbal & Non-VerbalObjective of the Module:To impart Knowledge and Skills on To develop skills of verbal & Non verbal communication To develop listening skills to the Customer Attendants and enable them to provide effective & better services.

Overview of the Module:S. No.SessionMethodToolsTime(Min)

1CommunicationTrainer led discussions & ActivitiesPPT & Game10

2Non-verbal CommunicationTrainer led discussionsPPT5

3Non-Verbal CommunicationTrainer led discussions,PPT5

Show Slide 191

Show Slide 192

1. CommunicationGameLets start with a game called Minefield.Show Slide 193

Game Minefield: - Instructions Select 2 Participants and Form a Pair One Participant (Customer Attendant 1) is blindfolded and stands at one end of the room i.e. minefield The non-blindfolded partner (Customer Attendant 2) stands at the opposite end of the room i.e. minefield Throw a few objects into the playing space, the "minefield." The non- blinded partners have to give verbal instructions so that the partners can cross through the minefield without running into any of the obstacles. Keep adding obstacles every 2 minutesDebrief How did Customer Attendant 1 respond to the instructions of Customer Attendant 2?Was Listening and trying to follow the instructions. Was Customer Attendant 1 able to give clear and crisp instructions?No. Did Customer Attendant 2 understand what Customer Attendant 1 wanted to say?Little Bit. Did Customer Attendant 1 say what he meant & mean what he said?No. Was the Customer Attendant 1 at a loss of words sometimes?Yes. Do you think Customer Attendant 1 could improve upon his communication skills?Yes.

SayThis was just an activity but in real life situations (say when giving instructions to another Customer Attendant colleague) do you think with your communication skills you will be able to provide help or support?

Mode of CommunicationSayWe just saw the importance of Communication. Now lets understand the Mode of Communication that Customer Attendants have to do frequently.Show Slide 194

SayAt the Petrol Pump the most commonly used Mode of Communication is Face to Face. In Face to Face Communication one Customer Attendant talks across to the other Customer Attendant.

Communication ModelShow Slide 195

SayCommunication Model consists of the following: Sender : The person who is sending the Message. Receiver : The person who is receiving the Message. Channel: The Media through which the Message is transported. In Face to Face Communication Air is the Media. Message: The information the sender wants to send to the receiver. Feedback: The information the receiver sends back to the sender confirming that the information has been received and understood.

Faculty Guide: Fuelling the Customer Attendants


Tips! For Effective Communication Show Slide 196

Trainer to Read from the above Slide and Explain the following: Always use simple words during communication Avoid using unnecessary words during communication Avoid using jargons during communication Always explain technical words during communication Avoid using acronyms like DCP, OPOS, SU to new Customer Attendant

Show Slide 197 Trainer to Read from the above Slide and Explain.2. Verbal Communication

Show Slide 198

Trainer to Read from the above Slide and Explains the following: Verbal Communication requires spoken words. Verbal Communication should be clearly stated.

3. Non-Verbal CommunicationShow Slide 199

Trainer to Read from the above Slide and Explain.

Show Slide 200

COMMUNICATION Listening Skills

Objective of the Module:To impart Knowledge and Skills on To develop skills of verbal & Non verbal communication To develop listening skills to the Customer Attendants and enable them to provide effective & better services.

Overview of the Module:S. No.SessionMethodToolsTime(Min)

1Listening Skills Trainer led discussions & ActivitiesPPT20

Show Slide 201

Show Slide 202

1. Listening SkillsShow Slide 203

ActivitySayWe will start this session with a small activity called All ears to youTrainer must speak very softly, almost in whispers and give some important message may be regarding the schedule for the next hour etc.Participants will be making serious efforts to listen to the Trainer.Observation You will observe that some participants might not be paying attention to you. Some others might be straining themselves to hear you

Debrief Why did some participants strain to listen to me?Because some participants could not hear me Some were not concerned, some few tried to keep pace for some time and then gave up.They gave up because they tried listening but could not hear.What we have just demonstrated here are some forms and levels of Listening.

Show Slide 204

Trainer to Read from the above Slide

Show Slide 205

Trainer to Read from the above SlideDiscuss the Steps of Listening. Hearing Understanding Acknowledging Repeating the same communicationHonest and effective use of proper listening helps: To Win the trust To Address the root cause of the problem Makes others feel safe and secure in your company

Show Slide 206


Objective of the Module:To impart Knowledge and Skills on Handling Customer Queries and Complaints to the Customer Attendants and enable them to provide effective & better services.

Overview of the Module:S. No.SessionMethodToolsTime (Min)

1Handling Customer QueriesTrainer led Discussions PPT20

Show Slides 207

Show Slide 208

Welcome Handling Customer QueriesShow Slide 209

Show Slide 210

The customer today has many options but from where he decided to fuel his vehicle would be influenced not only by the quality and prices but also by the way he is treated.

Show Slide 211

A customer might interact with the Customer Attendant for any the following reasons:

Query When the customer is inquisitive about the products or schemes being offered. He might have come across an advertisement or heard about the schemes through somebody and he just wants to find out what the scheme offering is. An existing customer also can come with some query from time to time.

Request When an already existing customer wants some changes say provisioning or de-provisioning of some value added service, he comes in contact with the petrol retail outlet.

Show Slide 212

Trainer to read the above slide

Show Slide 213

Attributed requiredAs a customer service person you must have the following attributes: Reliable The customer must feel that you are a reliable person. This you can achieve only by staying true to your commitments. Lay the facts in front of the customer. Always revert at the time you have communicated even if it is for informing him that you need more time to provide a resolution. Responsible When you promise an action to the customer, you are responsible to ensure that a resolution is provided. Assertive Be open and assertive while communicating with the customer. Dont over commit; dont make false promises just to make the customer happy. Stick to facts. Adaptable When you are interfacing with the customer, you cannot be a hardliner. You have to adapt your approach as per the situation. Committed Be committed to provide the best possible solution to the customers request. Competent Keep yourself updated with what is happening concerning your job role.

Show Slide 214Interacting with Customer

Greet the customer (according to the time of the day)

Show Slide 215

Smile warmly Listen Listen attentively to what the customer is saying, comprehend the meaning of what is being said. Summarize your understanding, if required ask relevant questions to gain details. Respond When the customer has stated his complaint/query or request, respond accordingly. If its a complaint and the customer is angry, you must follow the following steps: Empathize Tell the customer that you understand his inconvenience. Tell him that if you had been at his place, you would also have felt the same. Your voice should match words. Apologize Dont hesitate to apologize for the inconvenience. It is not necessary that some wrong has been done, even if the customer is mistaken or has some wrong perception, apologize. Commit Once you have apologized to the customer, commit to him that his problem would definitely be resolved or put forth at the right level. Close Put in that extra effort to provide the WOW feeling to the customer and ensure that every interaction is a delightful experience for him. Ask for further assistance. Thank the customer; wish him as per the time of the day.

Show Slide 216


Objective of the Module:To impart Knowledge and Skills on Handling Customer Complaints to the Customer Attendants and enable them to provide effective & better services

Overview of the Module:S. No.SessionMethodToolsTime (Min)

1Handling Customer Complaint Zero ReadingVideo DiscussionActivity 10

2Handling Customer Complaint - NeedleVideo DiscussionActivity10

Show Slide 217

Show Slide 218

Show Slide 219 & 220 Wrong way of handling Customer Complaint Zero Reading

Trainer to show to Video

Show Slide 221 & 222Show Video - Explanation of Wrong way of Handling Customer Complaint Zero Reading

The Trainer to show video and discuss

Show Slide 223

Trainer to read from the slide and say that the video showed:The Attendant fills the petrol, without showing the Zero reading to the Customer.And when the Customer asks, why the tank filled so early and he was not shown the Zero reading, the Attendant says its not his fault that the Customer did not see the reading.The Attendant became aggressive with the Customer.

Trainer to say, that this is a wrong way of handling Customer Complaint. Now see how to handle the Customer complaint in the right manner.

Show Slide 224 & 225Right way of handling Customer Complaint Zero Reading

Trainer to show the Video

Show Slide 226 & 227Show Video Explanation of Right way of handling the customer complaint

Trainer to show the Video and discuss

Show Slide 228

SayIn this video the Customer Attendant greets the Customer properly, asks does he want his vehicle filled with Petrol/ Diesel.To this the Customer replies Petrol full tank.The Attendant points at 0 reading, so that Customer can notice.When the car gets filled, the Customer asks Itni Jaldi?To this the Customer Attendant replies that there is Automation System in place and he will also provide Bill. Then the Customer says Ok, gives money and drives away satisfied.

Note that the Customer Attendant did not react aggressively even when the customer was aggressive.

Trainer to emphasize, this is how Customer complaint should be handled. Show Slide 229 & 230Wrong way of handling Customer Complaint Needle

Trainer to share the video

Show Slide 231 & 232Show Video Explanation of Wrong Way of Handling Customer Complaint Needle

Trainer to share the video and discuss

Show Slide 233

Trainer to discuss the Video.Trainer to SayThe Video shows that a Customer had come to get his bike filled with petrol.The Customer Attendant starts filling the petrol and presses the nozzle again and again, which is why the needle does not rise and the customer complaints.

Trainer to explain:Nozzle should be left untouched while filling of petrol in the vehicle.

Now see how to handle the Customer complaint in the right manner.

Show Slide 234 & 235Right way of handling Customer Complaint Needle

Trainer to share the Video

Show Slide 236 & 237Show Video Explanation of Right way of Handling Customer Complaint Needle

Trainer to share the video and discuss

Show Slide 238

SayThis video shows that once the Customer enters the Petrol Pump on his bike, he is greeted in a very good manner by the Customer Attendant.When he complaints that the Needle did not rise up, even after filling of Petrol, the Customer Attendant speaks to him in a very respectful way and says that every machine is automated.Pointing at a Camera, the Customer Attendant says that every activity is being recorded, and if the Customer wants to see, he can see it.This satisfies the Customer and he gives the money and Customer Attendant says thank you.

Emphasize This is the right way to give response to Customers.

Show Slide 239


Objective of the module:The objective of the module is to make Customer Attendants understand what are life skills and why are they essential.

Overview of the module:S.No.SessionMethodToolsTime (min)


Work is worship Discussion/ ActivitiesActivities 10


Time management, stress management, being happy Discussion/ Activities/ Role PlayActivities20

Show Slide 240

Show Slide 241

Work is Worship

Show Slide 242

Trainer to read the above slideCommitmentShow Slide 243

Trainer to read the above slide

Zeal and ZestShow Slide 244

Trainer to read the above slide

Time Management

Show Slide 245

Scene 1This portion to be done after the trainer has announced a break of 5 minutes. Instead of 5 minutes break the trainer arrives after 10 minutes.The Trainer arrives a bit late. He has a tired look, ruffled hair and clothes (half shirt tucked in and half out)

Say Hi! Sorry I am late. I am really very tired.Did not sleep well last night and had to get up early for training here.

ReflectAre these not the usual excuses that we hear whenever we are late?Why can we never be on Time?It means that we need to manage our time well. So we will now begin with our module on Time management.

TellWe always crib about not having enough time.But if you calculate do you know how much time we have in a day? Explain the calculations. Do the calculations in your worksheet

DiscussThe point is if we have so much time why do we not make the most of it. Remember every second counts.

SayYou have probably heard everyone right from your mother to your teachers to the bus conductor the importance of time and always being on time. For ex: If a Customer Attendant turns late to the petrol pump, what will happen? Discuss.Many of our proverbs speak about time.Give me some examples of these proverbs.Discuss A few proverbs like waqt kisi ke liye rukta ni hai

Distribute the 2 sheets shown below and a pencil to all the participants and ask them to fill it up Conduct the following activity for the customer attendants

Activities I do throughout a typical day

Sheet 1: Time Flies - 12 hoursTime Time Spent Activities


8 am

9 am

10 am

11 am

12 pm

1 pm

2 pm

3 pm

4 pm

5 pm

6 pm

Now analyze your throughout the day activities and find out how much time you waste

Sheet 2: My Daily Time Balance SheetTime AvailableHours usedHours Wasted

Sleep12 hours

Wasteful activities

Daily Routine activitiesBath, eating


Useful activities


My effective Time Score Output = ________/ 12

What are the causes of running late syndrome?

Expected AnswersCauses No planningImproper planningSpending more time on wasteful activitiesReworkSayLet us list some activities, which are total Time Wasters

ActivityLet us do another small activity to reduce the effect of Time wasters The activity is called Time- Waster Vaccination Camp

Example: Talking with fellow attendants while dealing with customersTaking extra time at lunch etc.

Conduct Activity Divide the participants in 4 Teams. Each team is given an envelope with a Time waster and some blank cards called Vaccination cards The team should brainstorm some strategies to remove that time waster, or at least to reduce its impact. Give only 2 minutes to brainstorm the ideas The teams then write their ideas on the vaccination cards in the next 2 minutes Discuss each vaccine for the Time waster Select the 2 best vaccines to be used against each Time waster

Stress Management

Show Slide 246

Activity - Bursting the Balloon Give colorful balloons to some participants and ask them to start blowing air into it. They have to blow it till it bursts. It will not burst till some time and then it will burst. If the balloon does not burst by itself, provide a trigger by pricking it.

DebriefWhy did the balloon burst? Derive the fact that it was not the air; it was that incremental amount of air (extra pressure created on the balloon) (Or the pin that acted as a trigger) at the end, which caused the balloon to burst. Till the time the right amount of air is filled in the balloon, it will not burst. Similarly the capacity of taking in pressure in human beings are like balloons as well

SayWe are loaded and overloaded with everyday worries, anxieties, tensions, deadlines keep adding up within us. One day we will burst out because we cannot withstand the pressure of stress.

Situations Let us start with some situations Call some volunteers to enact how they would behave in a few situationsSituation 1 You are stuck in a traffic jam and getting late for the attendant duty Ask them to describe how they would behave in this situation and your feelingsSituation 2 A customers XTRAREWARDS card is not working. He starts shouting kis tarhan ke cards hai ye, jab kam hota hai tab chalte hi ni Ask them to describe how they would behave in this situation and your feelingsHint for trainer - there may be a problem with HDFC machine or Tata phone.

Situation 3 You are already having a personal problem and are feeling frustrated and a customer starts shouting at you because you have asked him to be in a queue Ask them to describe how they behave in this situation, and what should be actually done

DebriefThis activity will help participants/attendants to become more aware of themselves.SayMost often we get very stressed in such situations. We get angry. Our behavior often gets influenced by these stressful factors which can lead to a negative impact on the customers and also the reputation of the organization.

Activity - Albert Pinto ko Gussa kyon Aata haiThis is an individual introspection Participants to make 3 columns on their notepad. Each of the participant will close eyes for a few minutes and try to recollect things which have caused you stress in the past Make a list of all those things in Column 1. Discuss a few examples of stressors listed by participants Then in the Column 2 ask participants to write for a few stressors how did they react in those situations

Discuss a few reactions Then ask them to analyze