Faculty/Institution Admin Module System Flow Password Verification Valid? No Create Researcher’s Username & Password View & Evaluate Abstracts (Approve/Reject)

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Faculty/Institution AdminModule

System Flow

Password Verification



Create Researcher’s Username &


View & Evaluate Abstracts



View Detailed /Summary of the

Submitted Abstracts Logout

View Project Detailed/Summary

Approved/Rejected by RMC )

Project Approval

Username & Password to be obtained from ICC

View All AbstractsView Abstract Based on Exhibition

Create AccountLogout

– Project Approval

– View Detailed/Summary of the submitted Abstracts (Individual/All)

– View Approved Project Detailed/Summary (Individual/All)

– View Project Detailed/Summary Rejected by RMC (Individual/All)

– View Project Detailed/Summary Approved by RMC (Individual/All)

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Create Account

Key in the intended value and

press the create button!

Check the related field

Reject/Pending reasons required to be provided.

Press the Submit Approval Statusto approve/reject a project

Approval Module

An email will be sent to the principle investigator regarding about the status of the approval.