JULY 23, 2017 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 13900 BISCAYNE AVE. W ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 PHONE: 651-423-4402 www.stjosephcommunity.org Faith: A Lifelong Journey “Your faith journey does not end at Confirmaon, but connues throughout your life, ulmately resulng in eternal life with God.” If you ask any Confirmaon Candidate, I’m sure they’ll tell you they’ve The Lifelong Faith Formaon commission has been working hard exploring and reimagining our Faith Formaon “Increased involvement and parcipaon of adults and families, in their faith journey.” Adult and family faith formaon has become a focus of the US Bishops encouraging parishes to offer formaon opportunies amidst our changing world. Agegroup, generaonal and/or family faith formaon to family life. Whole community formaon places great emphasis on developing households of faith. The Commission will now begin to establish acon steps, to take place over the next few years, which will help [email protected] hp://mytads.com/a/stjoefaithformaon to parcipate. This is a fing verse as we journey together, liing up each journey. Many Volunteers are sll needed for all of the hp://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0c4ca8ae2ca2fa7

Faith: A Lifelong Journey

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Page 1: Faith: A Lifelong Journey

JULY 23, 2017





PHONE: 651-423-4402


Faith:ALifelongJourney� �

“Your faith journey does not end at Confirma�on, but con�nues throughout

your life, ul�mately resul�ng in eternal life with God.” ��������������

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The Lifelong Faith Forma�on commission has been working hard exploring and reimagining our Faith Forma�on

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“Increased involvement and par�cipa�on of adults and families, in their faith journey.”

Adult and family faith forma�on has become a focus of the US Bishops encouraging parishes to offer

forma�on opportuni�es amidst our changing world. Age�group, genera�onal and/or family faith forma�on

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to family life. Whole community forma�on places great emphasis on developing households of faith. �

The Commission will now begin to establish ac�on steps, to take place over the next few years, which will help

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journey. Many Volunteers are s�ll needed for all of the

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Page 2: Faith: A Lifelong Journey


2 Church of St. Joseph · Rosemount, Minnesota JULY 23, 2017

Saint Joe’s Needs You

By now you’ve probably seen the slogan around the parish or heard of the saying “We are Saint Joe’s.” It means that all of us by pitching in make a big difference. The thing of it is, the work never ends, because our parish always has needs throughout the year. So I’d like to take some time this week to highlight some needs we have right now and that are ongoing. For one, we are really looking for a couple of people who would like to help make a good first impression for our parish on the weekend. Our Sunday helpers have moved out into the gather space but our numbers have dropped to 6. It's nice to have at least 8, this way they get scheduled 1 time every other month. This is a wonderful ministry, please call the parish or email Patty Stibal if interested. We only get one chance to make a good first impression. We are also getting really close to the figure we need for hymnals. We’d love to be able to purchase these soon so please consider donating in honor of a loved one. Faith Formation is right around the corner. Thus far, sign-ups have been a bit sluggish. As I preached on last week, we can’t think of God as one thing among many, but have to keep God first. That means learning about Him and what our faith teaches. It’s so important kids get the message that God needs to come first. We are also in need of volunteers to help pass on the faith to our young, and it’s made possible by so many great people willing to give of their time. As a former volunteer of 8th grade faith formation, I can tell you that yes, it can be a bit scary at first, but the parish provides you with great materials and great support to help you, and talk to many catechists and they’ll share with you how rewarding it is to see the faith grow in our young people over the course of a year. We also have an ongoing need for liturgical ministries. Each weekend we need people who are willing to lector, to be an Altar Server, to

distribute Holy Communion as a Eucharistic Minister, or to serve as an usher. So many are so faithful to these ministries, but each week can also pose challenges. Sometimes people forget they are scheduled, or end up out of town and could not fine a sub. These ministries are very important to the flow of Mass each week, so please consider them. RCIA/RCIC is also coming up. In the summertime you may run across people in your travels or among friends and extended family who have thought about the Catholic faith. Lori Hannasch, one of our “super” volunteers, has done so much in this ministry to help bring people into the faith. If you’d like to get involved in RCIA or know someone who would like to know more about our faith, please let us know. St. Joseph’s is once again participating in the annual Leprechaun Days Parade on Saturday, July 29th. Please come join us and walk in the parade. (More info on pg. 6) Lastly, we have our Harvest Festival coming up in September. Bridget Samson has been working very hard on this, and we’re looking forward to a great meal, great music and great fellowship again. We’ll be needing lots of help though so we hope you can consider being a part of our volunteer army for the festival. Please drop Bridget a line at [email protected] Thank you for all you do to make our parish thrive! One final pastoral note, lest rumors fly that I have been re-assigned, I will be away the first week of August (1-8), and be away for 3 Sunday nights coming up, so you may be seeing a familiar face at Mass and we’ll also be having a missionary visiting the weekend of August 5th and 6th.

Hopefully you too can get away and enjoy our wonderful summer weather. Have a great week! Fr. Paul

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Church of St. Joseph · Rosemount, Minnesota 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3

Sacrificial Giving: July 15-16, 2017 Envelope Offering……………....$12,643.00 Plate……………………..…..............$880.00 Automatic Transfer………………………..$0 Total………………........................$13,523.00 Capital Campaign…....……….......$2,680.00

Sacramental Care Pastor Fr. Paul Kammen ext. 3227

Parish Commissions

Administrative Commission

Director Randy Haney ext. 3229

Office Manager Jane Schmitz ext. 3228

Admin Asst: Reception Patty Stibal ext 3221

Admin Asst: Database Maggie Roth ext 3222

Admin Asst: Communications Bobbi Neuens ext. 3233

Maintenance Engineer Pat Archer ext. 5125

Lifelong Faith Formation Commission

Director Esther Jaeger ext. 3225

Sunday School Coordinator Kathy Neary ext. 3226

Parish Life Commission

Director Bridget Samson ext. 3223

Pastoral Ministry/Outreach Commission

Coordinator Kyle Finken ext. 3224

School Commission

Principal Kelly Roche ext. 4100 Secretary Cris Meaden ext. 5100 Worship Commission

Director Bill Bradley ext. 3230 Parish Council

Parish Council Chair Lori Hannasch 952-432-0406

Additional Info

Parish Office 651-423-4402 Summer Hours M-TH: 8:00 am-4:30 pm FRI: 8-12 pm

School Office 651-423-1658 To send an email to a St Joseph staff member, use the following format: first name.last [email protected] Parish Website www.stjosephcommunity.org Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church & School Rosemount Minnesota Twitter: @stjoesrosemount

Archdiocese’s Victim/Survivor Assistance Program: 651-291-4497 (for confidential care)

Mass Schedule:

Saturday~ 5:00 pm

Sunday~ 8:30am, 10:30am, 6pm

Monday, Thursday, & Friday~ 8:30am

Word & Communion Service: Tuesday & Wednesday~8:30am Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 pm

It’s not too late to dedicate a new hymnal! You still have an opportunity to donate $30 per Gather III hymnal. Donations may be made in honor of someone living, or as a memorial for a deceased loved one. There will be a small bookplate in the front of each new hymnal to honor the designated individual. We have 3 ways for you to make a donation…First, we have envelopes below the Monitor in the Gathering Space. Secondly, you can go to our website. Last, simply clip the form below and turn into the Parish Office.

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Mon 24 8:30 † George & Magdlen Black Tues 25 8:30 Word & Communion Service Wed 26 8:30 Word & Communion Service Thurs 27 8:30 † Matt Wallace Fri 28 8:30 † Delores Bernards Sat 29 5pm † Loretta Effertz Sun 30 8:30 † Marita S. Garcia Sun 30 10:30 St. Joseph Community Sun 30 6pm † Herman & Eileen Brenberg


For the Week of July 23, 2017 Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19/Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16/ Rom 8:26-27/Mt 13:24-43 or 13:24-30 Monday: Ex 14:5-18/Ex 15:1bc-6/Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1bc-6/Mt 20:20-28 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15/Ps 78:18-19, 23-28/ Mt 13:1-9 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b/Dn 3:52-56/ Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: Ex 24:3-8/Ps 50:1b-2, 5-6, 14-15/ Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127- 130/Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46


There are many weeds growing with the wheat of our lives. Sometimes the weeds strangle our growth, or prevent us

from hearing clearly God’s voice. We need time to reflect on the garden of our life.

Church of St. Joseph · Rosemount, Minnesota JULY 23, 2017 4

I HAVE CALLED YOU BY NAME Born to a new life in Christ and

joined to our faith community through the water of Baptism, we welcome:

Charlie Phillip Kline

Colton James Soderholm

Jeffrey Bruce Then

Please pray for the following couple

who will enter into the Sacrament of

Matrimony soon: Kaylin Kulhanek & Kyle Hildreth July 28, 2017

~In Loving Memory of those who have

recently passed ~

Anne Barta (Sister in law of Jane Duffy)

Helen Walsh

We pray for all our departed Brothers & Sisters

and those who mourn their loss.

Are you being called to the Altar Server Ministry? If you or someone you know is in 4th grade or above and interested in being trained as an Altar Server this summer, please contact Patty Stibal at the parish office 651-423-4402 ext. 3221 or email her at [email protected]. Those trained this summer will begin serving at mass in the fall.

Training date:

Sunday July 30th

after 10:30 am Mass


Call Patty at the

Parish office if

you’d like to help

fill this empty chair

on Sunday



ext. 3221

What’s missing from this photo?


Our Sunday Helper Ministry is in need of a few more

Volunteers of First Impressions!

Please join us in this fulfilling ministry!

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Church of St. Joseph · Rosemount, Minnesota 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5


Are you new to the Parish?

The next “Welcome Sunday” will be

held Sunday, September 10th from 9:45-10:15am, and will be completed

in time for 10:30am Mass. Coffee and

donuts will be provided.

During this time you will have an opportunity to register if you

have not done so already , ask questions, and receive valuable

information about our Parish. We are excited to meet with you!


Are you looking for an opportunity to ...Help Connect?

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in getting to know other people. Come join our team. Welcome Sunday takes place on the second Sunday of each month between the 8:30 & 10:30am Mass. If you enjoy having a cup of coffee and visiting then this is the ministry for you. Training is provided. Contact Bridget at [email protected] today. Thank you.

BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd weekend of each month after the 10:30am mass. (please note that there can be fluctuations in this schedule depending on other liturgical needs). Parents are required to have completed the Baptism Preparation class which is offered the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. For more information please call the parish office at 651-423-4402. RECONCILIATION Individual reconciliation ~ Saturdays at 4:00 pm or by appointment. Communal celebrations and Individual celebrations are held during Advent and Lent. MARRIAGE All couples anticipating Christian marriage should contact the Parish Office at (651) 423-4402 at least 9 months prior to a wedding date being set. ANOINTING OF THE SICK This Sacrament may be received by any Catholic who is seriously ill, about to undergo major surgery, or in poor health. The second Sunday of each month we offer this sacrament after each Mass or call the Parish Office, (651) 423-4402. PRAYER CHAIN To place a prayer request call Pat at 651-452-7689 or email [email protected] FAITH FORMATION and SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Sunday School for ages 3, 4, and 5 is held during the 8:30 & 10:30 Masses. Esther Jaeger is our Faith Formation Director for Grades 1-12 along with Sacramental Preparation. Call (651) 423-4402 for more information. ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL St. Joseph School provides a God-centered, supportive academic environment for students, Grades K-8. Contact Kelly Roche, Principal at (651) 423-1658 for more information. DAILY ROSARY The rosary is prayed before each weekday Mass (Mon.-Fri.) starting 35 minutes before the scheduled Mass time–except on First Friday when the rosary is prayed at the start of Eucharistic Adoration. All are invited to join us as we pray for the needs of the Church and community. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Noon on Mondays. All bulletin announcements should be sent to [email protected] and to the appropriate staff personnel for approval before they will be included in the bulletin.


A HISTORY OF ST. JOSEPH PARISH 150th Celebration # 13

1886 –1892 After the establishment of the new St. Joseph’s Cemetery, internments at the old cemetery in Lakeville became less frequent. Having two cemeteries both named St. Joseph’s became confusing and the old cemetery began being referred to as the Lakeville Cemetery and later Highland Cemetery. The Highland name came from the Irish tradition of placing cemeteries on the highest ground in the area. The Highland name was also a play on words since the land had originally been owned by the Thomas Hyland family. On July 11, 1887 the St. Joseph’s Total Abstinence Society sold the Temperance Hall to the parish for $65. The Society continued to use the hall for meetings but the parish now had control for parish functions. The Diocese of St. Paul was elevated to an Archdiocese on May 15, 1888 and Bishop John Ireland became its first Archbishop. The first recorded parish festival was held in the parish’s Temperance Hall on September 15, 1888 and realized over $100. In February 1889, Pastor Anthony Hurley embarked on a trip to Rome and the Holy Land. He returned by way of Ireland where he picked up twelve-year-old John Geraghty, the son of parishioner John C. Geraghty. He arrived back to Rosemount on July 5th. During his absence the parish was without a pastor. Various local priests filled in when necessary. Father Hurley, age 53, became very ill in January 1890 and went to St. Paul for care. Again in March of 1892, he was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital and remained until early April. At some point in 1890 or 1891, Father Hurley’s duties as St. Michael’s Mission in Farmington were reassigned. This article based on the research and writings of parishioner Gerald Mattson

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Church of St. Joseph · Rosemount, Minnesota JULY 23, 2017 6


Monday, July 24 9:00 am Vacation Bible School Starts Today! 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus, SH “A” Tuesday, July 25 9:00 am Vacation Bible School Wednesday, July 26 9:00 am Vacation Bible School Thursday, July 27 9:00 am Vacation Bible School 5:30 pm Wedding Rehearsal, Church Friday, July 28 9:00 am Vacation Bible School 3:30 pm Wedding, Church Saturday, July 29 4:00 pm Reconciliation, Church 5:00 pm Back to School Drive, GA Sunday, July 30 8:00 am Back to School Drive, GA 11:30 am Altar Server Training, Church


Summer Parish Office Hours

Beginning on Friday, June 2nd the parish

office will be open as follows: Monday to Thursday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm;

Friday, 8:00 am to 12 noon. If you need to see someone outside of these

office hours, please make an appointment.

Parish phone # 651-423-4402 The Welcome Desk Sunday mornings -

9:30am - 11:45am.

“We are St. Joe’s” Parade

Please note: New Parade Route Saturday, July 29th!

Come and Join us as we walk & celebrate at the annual Rosemount’s Leprechaun Days Parade. Meet at the St. Joe’s float at 10:30 am. We are float #18. (See website for map start area & parking) Parade will begin at 11am.

Remember: Bring water & sunscreen!!

Come support St. Joe’s at the Leprechaun Days Parade.

Stop by the table in the gathering space this weekend

July 22/23 and sign up to participate.

*Each Adult participant must sign a waiver form the day of the parade.

*We want to maintain a safe but festive atmosphere for everyone

participating in the parade,

ALL children must be accompanied by a parent/family to

walk in the parade.

*If your child is coming with another family, please down load a Parental consent & Indemnity agreement form from our

website, fill it out and send it along with your child.

It’s time for our annual

“Back-to-School” drive! Over the years our parish has been incredibly generous with this local drive. This year we are partnering with CAPS Agency in Rosemount. Many area children have been helped through your kindness & are so grateful that they can always count on our support.

Please bring your donations the weekends of July 29th & 30th & August 5th & 6th

The following items are in greatest need: *12 small Preschool Backpacks *50-100 full size backpacks *Texas Instruments Scientific Calculators TI-30XIIS (15-20 needed) *Black Sharpies *Black Flair Pens *Graphing Paper *Dry Erasers & Dry Erase Markers *Composition Notebooks *5-Subject notebooks with pockets included *Computer/printer paper

(Barrels will be in the Gather Space)

Feed My Starving children - Mobile Pack Last year in Feb. our church participated in the Mobile Food Pack at Rainbow Foods in Apple Valley to benefit the FMSC program. The dates for the 2018 Mobile Pack are Jan. 29 to Feb. 3rd. We need about 5 volunteers to implement the project. We would start meeting in Oct. for planning and complete the project by Mar. If you have an interest please call Lou Croke 952.891.1029/ [email protected]

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Church of St. Joseph · Rosemount, Minnesota 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7



Volunteer/Events/Development Coordinator

St. Joseph School has a part-job opening... Please see the job description on the

Archdiocesan website:



Registration is Open for St. Joseph School &

Preschool! Use the link below to register:


Preschool opens this Fall!

Mark your calendars for

Tuesday, August 15th

Mark your Calendar… Annual

September 15th & 16th

Ocktoberfest/Irishfest Theme nights &

150th Anniversary Kick off

We are still seeking sponsors for our event. If your business is interested in being a part of our

celebration please use the link below for more information.


For more info contact Bridget Samson

651-423-4402 ext. 3223


St. Joseph’s is putting on a craft fair in conjunction to the Harvest Festival September 15 & 16 from 6-10pm each evening and we still have spaces available! Spots will cost $30 for a 6X8 table space, $25 if you don’t need a table and $5 extra if you need electricity. You pay us for the space along with a donated item and you keep your profits. If you or someone you know sells a quality craft product, please forward this email and give them my contact: [email protected] Deadline to submit a contract is September 8th, 2017!

*Free lunch, hamburgers/hot dogs, salads and cookies and lots of water.

Dakota County Prolife Fair Booth

MCCL (Minnesota Citizen’s Concerned for Life) will have a booth at the Dakota County Fair, Aug. 7th through Aug. 13th 2017. We are

looking for help in staffing the fair booth. You and a partner are there to offer brochures, balloons and a smile. Shifts are 2 hours, from 10 AM to 10 PM . Call if you can give some time to promote a culture of life. Call Lou Croke at 952 891 1029 or [email protected]

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