FAITH LUTHERAN VISITOR April - 2020 Volume 67 Issue 4 Faith Lutheran Church-ELCA 201 S. 4th Street, P.O. Box 305 Cameron, WI 54822 [email protected] Pastor hoursWednesdays10:00 am-12:00 pm or by appointment [email protected] Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Office: 715/458-2788 Worship Line: 951-799-9891 www.faithcameron.org All Will Be Well Our lives in the last couple of weeks have taken a drastic turn. They are much different than we probably imagined a month ago or at the beginning of 2020. If I had known that this was coming there are a lot of things that I probably would have done, or not done; like I probably would not have booked that vacation to Florida to visit Everett’s two brothers and their wives that live there in the winter. Or I would have booked it for earlier in the year so we could’ve actually gone on that vacation. But I have found that there have been so many blessings in the midst of this pandemic. Here are a few from this week on vacation. I have had the time to have long conversations with family and friends this past week that I would not have reached out to had I not been so restricted in my movements. We were able to celebrate our granddaughter’s first birthday via Zoom. She pretty much ate the whole time, while the adults talked and her older brother tried to get everyone’s attention. I was also able to do some organizing and unpacked some boxes that I had not gotten to in the 2 plus years that we have lived here. And in those boxes, I found some treasures: an old journal, some landscaping and craft books, and a book by Mother Theresa. That journal was written after I had just finished chemotherapy and radiation. I was trying to figure out if I should go back to seminary. And if I did, should I continue in the MA program and become a chaplain or switch to the Master of Divinity program and become a pastor. Life was pretty complicated while this was all going on. My father was a brittle diabetic with heart and kidney disease. My mother had stage 4 metastatic cancer in her bones. My mom’s sister had just died from ovarian cancer. We had two kids in college and Lucas was in a bad motorcycle accident and broke his femur. It was a very hard time in my life. The journal was full of questions and concerns. But underneath there was a faith that God was there in what I was going through and all would be well. It was a blessing to look back at that time and then look forward 13 years and be able to say, “All is Well.” Did things happen that were hard? Yes. My parents have both died, as did many others in the last 13 years. But that is part of life. We will all die. And God was there. It was hard, but it is ok. Have there been other losses? Yes. There have been many losses, but even in those losses there are gifts and blessings. So, I hope that you will take this time to see the gifts and blessings that are all around you today and in the days to come. I will leave you with some words from Mother Theresa. We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Be well, be kind, and God’s peace. Pastor Tamra

FAITH LUTHERAN ELCA Cameron, WI 54822 VISITOR pastor ... · She talked about what a blessing it had been for them to combine. Their beautiful old church was physically rotting, and

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April - 2020 Volume 67 Issue 4

Faith Lutheran Church-ELCA

201 S. 4th Street, P.O. Box 305

Cameron, WI 54822

[email protected]

Pastor hoursWednesdays10:00 am-12:00 pm

or by appointment

[email protected]

Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Office: 715/458-2788

Worship Line: 951-799-9891 www.faithcameron.org

All Will Be Well

Our lives in the last couple of weeks have taken a drastic turn. They are much different than we probably imagined a month ago or at the beginning of 2020. If I had known that this was coming there are a lot of things that I probably would have done, or not done; like I probably would not have booked that vacation to Florida to visit Everett’s two brothers and their wives that live there in the winter. Or I would have booked it for earlier in the year so we could’ve actually gone on that vacation.

But I have found that there have been so many blessings in the midst of this pandemic. Here are a few from this week on vacation. I have had the time to have long conversations with family and friends this past week that I would not have reached out to had I not been so restricted in my movements. We were able to celebrate our granddaughter’s first birthday via Zoom. She pretty much ate the whole time, while the adults talked and her older brother tried to get everyone’s attention. I was also able to do some organizing and unpacked some boxes that I had not gotten to in the 2 plus years that we have lived here. And in those boxes, I found some treasures: an old journal, some landscaping and craft books, and a book by Mother Theresa.

That journal was written after I had just finished chemotherapy and radiation. I was trying to figure out if I should go back to seminary. And if I did, should I continue in the MA program and become a chaplain or switch to the Master of Divinity program and become a pastor. Life was pretty complicated while this was all going on. My father was a brittle diabetic with heart and kidney disease. My mother had stage 4 metastatic cancer in her bones. My mom’s sister had just died from ovarian cancer. We had two kids in college and Lucas was in a bad motorcycle accident and broke his femur. It was a very hard time in my life. The journal was full of questions and concerns. But underneath there was a faith that God was there in what I was going through and all would be well. It was a blessing to look back at that time and then look forward 13 years and be able to say, “All is Well.” Did things happen that were hard? Yes. My parents have both died, as did many others in the last 13 years. But that is part of life. We will all die. And God was there. It was hard, but it is ok. Have there been other losses? Yes. There have been many losses, but even in those losses there are gifts and blessings. So, I hope that you will take this time to see the gifts and blessings that are all around you today and in the days to come. I will leave you with some words from Mother Theresa.

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

Be well, be kind, and God’s peace.

Pastor Tamra

Cookie Cutter Jesus: An Easter Message from our Bishop

I visit a different church in our Synod nearly every Sunday. This Sunday I

discovered a 15 foot cookie cutter outline of the figure of Jesus hanging high

above the altar. 1 I kept staring at the shape during the first hymn thinking

about the outstretched arms of Jesus and realized this as an Easter cookie

cutter. This is the resurrected Jesus who showed the wounds of the nails in

hands when he appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other women. These are

the women who became the first witnesses to announce that Jesus had risen

from the dead to the other disciples. 2 I was still thinking about the cookie

cutter shape of Jesus when the last hymn was sung. After worship I visited with

a long time member of that congregation, Shirley 3 . I remarked how I

appreciated the 15 foot cookie cutter Jesus above the altar. Shirley smiled and

then told me this story: The church sanctuary was built in the 1970s. Everyone was so excited for the first

worship service. The construction workers were busy putting the finishing touches on the sanctuary. The

metal shape of Jesus was lying flat on the floor in the church waiting to be hung above the altar. At the time

Shirley’s daughter, Kari was about 3 ½ years old. Shirley and little Kari were

checking out the progress in the sanctuary. Kari, a normal curious child,

stepped into the cookie cutter frame and stood in the middle of the Jesus

shape. Kari said to Shirley, “Look mommy, I’m standing in Jesus’ hand.” It

was a sweet memory of that long ago moment. Shirley then went on to

finish that story. She told me that her daughter Kari died of complications

from cancer treatment two years ago. She was only 46. Shirley said that she

finds comfort in knowing that her daughter is now resting forever “in Jesus’

hands.” She often thinks about Kari when she sees the shape of Jesus above

the altar. She envisions her daughter in Jesus, resting in Jesus. This Easter,

remember we are “in Jesus.” We have been baptized into his death and

resurrection. We are people who believe “in Jesus.”

Friends, as I write this I realize that we are living in complicated times, COVID-19 frightens, cancer kills,

politics are ugly, wars rage, immigrant and refugees suffer, racism, gun violence, sexism, climate change,

drug abuse are real concerns and yet here we are standing “in Jesus.” During this season of Easter, no

matter where you on your spiritual journey, know that the resurrected Jesus reaches out his nail scarred

hands to us all, appearing to us in our grief, in our scariest moments, in our despair. This Easter Jesus

walked on the road to Emmaus with the two grieving disciples. This is the resurrected Jesus who appeared

to the terrified disciples in the locked room and said “peace be with you.”

Cont. next page

Bishop Easter letter cont.

This is the resurrected Jesus who ascended into heaven and says to us all, “Go and make disciples of all

nations and remember I am with you ALWAYS to the end of the age.” You are “in Jesus.” Go in peace and

share this Easter good news with the world.

Bishop Laurie Skow-Anderson


1 I bake and decorate hundreds of rolled out cookies every year and have a collection of old cookie cutters.

2 The women at the tomb were the first witnesses to the resurrection. 2020 is the 50th Anniversary of the

ordination of women pastors in the United States. Save the date, November 7, 2020 is the Synod’s Day of

Celebration for the 50th Anniversary at Luther Park’s new ministry center.

3 Thank you to Shirley Bostrom for giving me permission to share this part of her story

Romans 6:3-4 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized in Christ Jesus were baptized into his

death? 4 Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised

from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.

2 Corinthians 5:17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see,

everything has become new!

Dear Faith Lutheran Congregation Family,

Just a note to say Thank You for my basket of gift cards-gas cards and cash. Some were signed some were anonymous. To say my wife & I were surprised understatement. I believe the term “flummoxed” describes better.

It’s Monday and I have finished the 2 part series of chemo known as 7+ 3=7 days of non stop drip interveinious with the first three days aided by a once a day booster.

My wife has set me up a CaringBridge account.

God is Love-I feel everyone’s love and I love all of you.

Again thank you!


Please check out Barry’s progress on his CaringBridge page. You can leave a message there for him to let him know we are keeping him in our thoughts & prayers.

From our Council President, Coleen Hillskotter…

I Attended the EPIC workshop 2020 at Bethany Lutheran, Saturday March 7th


Met Kim from the newly consolidated churches in Milltown – now known as Joy Lutheran Church. She

talked about what a blessing it had been for them to combine. Their beautiful old church was

physically rotting, and the congregation was shrinking. The consolidation was successful for them,

they have been revitalized and she is eager to share their experiences.

1. What is a worry of your life that you can place before the feet of Christ as we begin this meeting?

2. Reminded by God’s Word of God’s gracious providing and care, what is a worry about your

congregation or the future of your church that you can set aside tonight?

3. Where do you see the evidence of Gods love and care for you during your worry and anxiety?

Ask yourself – what about your building?

Is it the backbone of your ministry of telling the Jesus story?

Does your building get in the way of your ministry?

Is your building helping the next generation come to know and love Jesus?

What are the “good bones” of Faith Lutheran Ministry?

What needs to be scraped off, torn out and thrown away?

Are we willing to let go of some of the old clutter of the past to remodel for the future?

What ministries need to go to a museum, dumpster?

What NEW tools do you need to learn to use to remodel our ministry?

How much hope do you have that these bones can live again?

How much time and energy do you have to remodel your ministry

How much money are you willing to invest in the future so that the next generation will come to

know and love Jesus?

Ask yourself, do you have enough faith for what’s coming?

God wants us to use “it” when God gives “it” to us, whatever “it” may be

God provides, that’s the reality

Do we understand what is provided?

Don’t worry about tomorrow

Be able to accept change, and engage in the community

Cross Generational Ministry is intentional ministry that engages all ages; ministry that offers

opportunities for ALL ages to gather around the cross and journey together. Ministry with this identity

allows communities of faith, people of all ages to share in the planning, life and witness of the

congregation and in the community.

The goal of intentional cross-gen ministry is to establish an authentic community representing the gifts,

experiences, faith stories, and cultures of diverse ages and multiple generations for the purpose of

reconciliation in our households, congregations, community and the world.

Cont. next page

The Christian church needs ALL people at the table. Jesus calls all generations into ministry

together, sharing gifts and stories, and using their unique gifts to share the gospel.


Parent/Grandparent led Sunday School/Education program

Parent/Student led Confirmation program

Once a month have a cross-gen activity

Advent/Lent cross-gen activity (have selected children up front with Pastor Tamra making

the same hand gestures (like the cross) as she does, or saying Amen - Congregational


Twice a year service project/event

Cross gen VBS

Cross gen Mission or service-learning trip

Invite/equip our youth to help lead worship

Start a multi gen worship planning committee

So, not everything is done within the church walls, we are not here to put seats in the pew and

envelopes in the offering plate, we are called to reach young and old to know and love Jesus.

Sometimes this happens outside of our buildings or whether it’s a group of Grandma’s that are

concerned that their grandchildren don’t go to church – skype or facetime them nightly and say a

prayer with them, or make a Prayer Bear with a pocket and a bible message in the pocket that they

can read before bedtime.

Vitality is risen when there is a deeper engagement in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ

Everyone fully knows and understands the purpose of the congregations….. and operates

like it!

When the congregation is listening and waiting for God to lead and guide them.. not just

doing what they want

Vitality is risen when there is a new partnership in the community:

Days of opening your doors and having good programs and worship being a model for

success are over

Need to have a presence in the community one on one conversations with people


The Mission Statement of Faith Lutheran Congregation:

We, the children of God at Faith Lutheran Congregation, gathered by the Holy Spirit as loving Christian people around Word and sacrament, strive together to witness to God’s grace in Jesus, inviting our neighbors to share our journey towards discipleship.

Faith Lutheran Church Church Council Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2020

Members Present: Coleen Hillskotter, Annette Hoffman, Neil Hoffman, Mike Schieffer, Pastor Tamra, Dale Nelson Members Absent: Brad Brogan, Barry Nelson, Melissa Vinz

Guest: Jason Morse

1. President Coleen Hillskotter called the meeting to order at 5:55 p.m. Pastor Tamra opened the meeting with devotions.

2. Dale made a motion to approve the minutes of the February, 18 2020 council meeting as printed. Motion seconded by Tamra. Motion carried.

Special Report from Jason- Jason has enough equipment to set up live stream and is planning on placing it within the sanctuary in time for the service on Sunday, March 22nd. Jason’s media choice at this time is YouTube media ([email protected]). If feasible it will also be added to Facebook and a donation link for giving. Jason updated information on call in line. As of April 1st it will no longer be Stream Monster due to issues with that service. We will be refunded the remaining amount that we have paid to Stream Monster

3. Team Reports a. Property and Finance- None

b. Internal Ministries- None

c. External Ministries- None

4. Pastor’s Report- Please see separate report.

5. President’s Report- Colleen attended EPIC Workshop on March 7th, 2020. Please see attached sheets for Colleen’s excellent notes and vision.

6. Old Business: a. Cameron Chronicle Ad- We will not be adding on the additional Easter Ad. b. Update on Technology: Jason was present to outline the next steps in setting up live

streaming. c. Changes to the Constitution-Have heard back from Lowell but he does not have the

constitution. Pastor will resend that to him. d. Yard signs- This item has been tabled temporarily until April considering the current

situation. Neil will reach out to Wayne. e. Sargent fund document will be reviewed once the health crisis subsides.

7. New Business: 1. New location for banners in closet by rest room. 2. Ministry Options-what are our next steps

a. Utilizing the 5 questions from Tamra, but first question will either be reworded or eliminated.

March minutes cont. next page

a. Colleen is going to reach out to Kurt Jacobson to discuss the standard 85 questions in the survey. Council would like to determine if we are doubling up on questions and whether the survey will ascertain what direction the congregation would like to proceed.

b. Calling Tree… Colleen and Tamra are going to look into starting a “Calling Tree” for the purpose of checking in on our church members.

3. Annette will donate the money from the Wednesday Lenten meals to the local food pantry.

8. Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer was not present so there was no report.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 21st, 2020 at 5:30 p.m.

Meeting was closed with prayer from Tamra and Lord’s Prayer.

Mike made a motion to adjourn. Dale seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm.

Respectfully submitted, Neil Hoffman Note: This church council meeting was held via web meeting service due to Covid-19 concerns. This type of web meeting was a first in the history of Faith Lutheran. These are unprecedented times and a good deal of discussion took place regarding the health of our community, including Faith Lutheran, our friends and our neighbors. Much of that discussion was not recorded within these minutes.



Bill Knickerbocker-President Brynne Schieffer-Staff Courtney Knickerbocker-Secretary Sam Olson-Parent Trisha Flastad-Treasurer Rep Erin Jensen Jess Robel

APRIL 2020 schedule We are following the recommendations given to us during this Covid-19 pandemic. No gatherings, meetings, etc. will take place at the church until further notice.

Please livestream all services online @ www.faithcameron.org or dial in at service time at 951-799-9891.

Meetings (finance, council, etc.) and the DVD & Discussion will be held via Zoom. Alanon, Quilting, FLCW, Sunday coffee fellowship and Adult Forum are all cancelled until further notice. Work will be done to stay connected to all ages at this time. Please check the website or Facebook for updates during these fast changing times. If you would like bulletins mailed to you, please call the church office @ 715-458-2788.

Thank you for your patience during this time.

Remember in Prayer

Sponsor the Phone Line - 2020

April– Rolly & Virginia Olson in memory of their parents

May– Mary Dodge in memory of mother, Alta Harden

June– Janet Emerson in memory of Richard Emerson & Tina Emerson

July - Wayne Brenholt in memory of Kerry Brenholt

August– Mike & Patti Flach in memory of Leroy & Gladys Flach

September– Carolyn Crotteau in memory of Dean Raven

October– Mac & Kay Paine in memory of loved ones

November- Maxine Huseth in memory of Odin Huseth

December– David & Sharon Przybylski in memory of parents

Prayers of Well-Being Our church Our pastor Our Synod Staff

Prayers for our Servicemen and their families LTC William Moen Gunnery Sergeant Daniel Broom Sergeant Steve Thompson Sergeant Andrew Cosgrove Captain Ryan Hansen Master Sergeant Eric Krubsack Marcus Bronstad

Prayers for those that are homebound Lyle Bonkrud Laverne Fossum

Carol Brown (Lieberherr) Frank Darrah

Gerald Robarge Ardie Fitzgerald

Alletta Severson Verna Perona

Lee Romsos Marge Price

Please include in your prayers those we know dealing with health issues.


February 23, 2020 GIFT: 20

Attendance 9:30 a.m. 61

Offering Received $2,672.00

Other/undesignated $ 45.00

Building Fund $ 70.00

Noisy Offering $ 30.12

$100 was given in honor of Lyle Bonkrude by Lois

Shearrow for Luther Park Scholarship

March 1, 2020

Attendance 9:30 a.m. 63

Offering Received $2,205.00

Simply Giving $ 385.00

Other/undesignated $ 62.00

Building Fund $ 55.00

Noisy Offering $ 43.84

Lent $ 40.00

Ash Wednesday $ 397.00

March 8, 2020

Attendance 9:30 a.m. 66

Offering Received $ 2,055.00

Other/undesignated $ 58.00

Lent $ 163.00

Building Fund $ 30.00

Noisy Offering $ 30.49

Thrivent Choice $$ $ 700.00

March 15, 2020

Attendance 9:30 a.m. 34

Offering Received $ 830.00

Simply Giving $ 2,280.00

Lent $ 190.00

Other/undesignated $ 50.00

Building Fund $ 15.00

Noisy Offering $ 17.13


* Child Care Center

* Feed My Starving Children - www.fmsc.org

* Funding for the worship phone line so home- bound people can listen to the service ($30/month)

* Cameron Food Pantry

* Habitat for Humanity

* Benjamin House (for the homeless) in Rice Lake

* Scholarships for sending children to Luther Park Bible Camp


Newsletter Deadline:

Wednesday, April 22



















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Faith Lutheran Church

PO Box 305

201 South 4th Street

Cameron, WI 54822