Studio One Marketing Plan Fall 2010 | Season 46

Fall 2010 - Season 46 - Marketing Plan

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Marketing plan for the fall semester.

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Studio One Marketing PlanFall 2010 | Season 46

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Team Biographies

Product Review

Target Audience

Secondary Audience

Telecast Market Review

SWOT Analysis

Goals and Strategies

Action Plan



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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Executive Summary Team Dynamic

The Season 46 Marketing Team is composed of two returning students and seven new members.

This team composition brings opportunities for the marketing team this season. One of the reasons

that the Season 45 marketing season was successful was the team knew each other very well, trusted

each other and were already comfortable working together when the season started. The team

dynamic is starting out different in Season 46. New interns bring opportunities to the project. It

gives the marketing team the chance to develop creative marketing strategies and learn how to build

off of past achievements and experience. The marketing team considers this semester a clean slate.


In past semesters, the marketing team has surveyed current interns to find out why they

applied for Studio One internships in order to help the marketing team tailor messages during

recruitment. This season, the marketing team is taking surveys to a new level by seeking

feedback from non-intern students. A survey was sent at the beginning of the semester to

UND students on the Marketing Listserv and the Communication Listserv. Matt Bakke, the

University of North Dakota student body president, sent out our survey to all UND


The survey asked students:

o Have you heard of Studio One?

o Are you aware that we offer internships?

o How did you hear about Studio One?

o What do you look for when applying for an internship?

Over 400 students have filled out this survey. The responses received from this survey will

help the marketing team tailor messages throughout the season. For example, according to

the current results of the survey, one of the main reasons students are apprehensive about

internships is because they are worried they won’t have enough experience. After learning

this information the team is making it a priority to stress to students that Studio One is an

internship where no previous experience is necessary. The survey also showed us that

people definitely take notice to the display case in the Memorial Union. The marketing team

will improve how the display case looks it hasn’t been a main focus in the past.

At the end of the semester, the marketing team plans to survey UND students again. The

goal is to have the number of people who have heard about Studio One and our internships to

increase by the end of the semester.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010


Season 46’s tagline is: It’s your future…let the show begin. This tagline fits Studio One because it

reestablishes that the program is a television show and the internship can have an impact on

students’ futures. The team found through campus surveys that one of the main reasons that

students look for internships is to gain experience for their future careers. This season’s tagline

indicates that Studio One can give you that experience.


This season the marketing team is planning more internal events than in previous semesters. Most

of our internal events also serve as external events. One example is the tailgating event. The

marketing team will invite current interns and nominees but also use this as a way to build brand

recognition on the UND campus and Grand Forks community. Having more internal events can

benefit Studio One because is a great way for all of the interns to bond, which helps in recruitment

efforts. When there is a positive working relationship with co-workers and peers, it makes coming to

work more fun which in turn improves quality of work.

Market Development

Last season, the marketing team began researching different markets to run Studio One on and had

some success in generating one new market and a few additional leads. This semester, the marketing

team will follow-up on those leads in order to continue to expand our markets.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Team Biographies

Miranda Bushaw News Release Writer | Tour Guide

Jeffrey Flannigan Audience Development | Green Room

Miranda Bushaw is in her first semester on the Studio One marketing team. She writes press releases during the week to promote the show. She conducts tours of the studio on show day. She will also help the team promote Studio One internship opportunities throughout the semester. Bushaw brings knowledge and experience to the Studio One marketing team. She was involved in marketing through her high school Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) chapter. DECA is an international organization of high school and college age students. DECA members learn how to develop leadership and teamwork skills while preparing for jobs in marketing, management, and finance. Bushaw was a member of DECA all four years of high school and plans to use her marketing experience to help the Studio One program. Bushaw has a high school diploma from Grand Forks Central High School. She is attending UND and plans to achieve her bachelor’s degree in business. She is also an avid runner and just completed her first half marathon.

Jeff Flannigan is a native of Grand Rapids, Minn., and is in his first semester at Studio One and will be a part of the marketing team. Some of his responsibilities include developing an audience for the live show and working with guests in the green room. He is pursuing a Communication major with an emphasis in marketing at UND. Flannigan has been involved on the UND campus throughout his college career. He has participated in UND’s Big Event, a city wide volunteer project. He has also worked with the Grand Forks Herald through UND curriculum. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar, alpine skiing and driving the Zamboni at The Ralph Engelstad Arena.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Team Biographies

Cathrine Flognfeldt E-News Writer | Greeter

Victoria Hvaring E-News Writer | Photographer

Cathrine Flognfeldt is in her first semester with the Studio One program. She is a E-Newsletter writer, Greeter and Web Assistant. Flognfeldt’s role also includes developing the budget and evaluation sections of the marketing plan. Flognfeldt brings marketing experience to this year’s team. She has in sales at K2 vitamins and “H.Kjellsrud Travel Effects” where she also helped out with advertising ideas. She also holds a one year course in marketing from Nesodden Videregående (High School). In 2005 she worked at a youth club as a dance teacher to get the youth out of the streets and in 2008/2009 she worked as a substitute teacher and assistant at Sogsti Elementary school. Flognfeldt is working on her degree in communication at the University of North Dakota.

Victoria Hvaring was born and raised in Narvik, Norway. She moved to North Dakota in 2008 to pursue her bachelor’s degree in Marketing at the University of North Dakota. She is in her first semester on the Studio One Marketing Team. In this position her responsibilities include putting together a marketing plan, presenting the marketing plan to the Executive Council and implementing scheduled items of the marketing plan. Victoria’s role also includes her responsibilities writing e-newsletters and taking photos during the live show. Hvaring is also active with other organizations. She is the treasurer of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA) North Dakota, and a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) and Sons of Norway. When she is not busy with Studio One projects, school or organizational work you are more than likely to find her nose deep in one of the seven Harry Potter books.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Team Biographies

Zach Jacobson Audience Development | Tour Guide

Ryann Jones Web Designer

Zach Jacobson is in his first semester on the Studio One marketing team. He will be working on the audience development team and as a tour guide on show days. Jacobson brings a marketing background to the Season 46 team. He has four years experience with Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), in high school. He also has one year of management experience at his high school convenience store. Jacobson is pursuing those fields by majoring in marketing and management at UND. After college, he would like to be a marketing manager for a large company in the Midwest. Jacobson is an optimistic and energetic addition to Studio One this semester. He works with kids with developmental disabilities in summers and on holiday breaks in his hometown of Bismarck, N.D. He was also a four-sport athlete in high school, so he brings leadership and teamwork skills to his team. He is excited for the semester and his contributions to the program.

Ryann Jones is a member of the award-winning Studio One marketing team. She is the graphic designer and Web designer for the team. She is using her creative skills to help develop and design a marketing plan for the fall semester. Jones will also create print advertisements that feature the show and available internship opportunities. Jones is starting her fifth year as a student at the UND and will be graduating in December of 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts focusing on graphic design and new art media. Along with Studio One, she has been a part of the Design Team in the Hughes Fine Art Center for two semesters.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Team Biographies

Hayley Kuntz Audience Development | Tour Guide

Brynn Radcliffe News Release Writer | Green Room

Hayley Kuntz is a junior at UND and is a member of the Studio One marketing team. Her responsibilities with the program include working on the audience development team and guiding tours. She is studying communications at UND and plans to pursue a career in advertising. Kuntz is a Grand Forks native and graduated from Red River High School. She brings a rich background in marketing to the team through her involvement in many organizations. She was a member of Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), a member of the National Honor Society and Student Council in high school.

In her spare time, Kuntz enjoys photography and loves her job at Gap.

Brynn Radcliffe is joining the Studio One marketing team for a second semester. On show days she will welcome the guests that will be featured on the show that week. She will also help prepare guests before their on-stage interview. Radcliffe also works with a fellow intern to write weekly news releases. She will also help create a marketing plan, recruit new interns and promote the live show each week during the semester. Radcliffe is not only busy with Studio One. She is also the president of UND’s Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) chapter. As President of the campus chapter, she will be in charge of running weekly meetings, promoting the organization on campus and recruiting new members. She also works as a sales representative at Old Navy. Radcliffe is a junior at the University of North Dakota. Her expected date of graduation is December of 2013 with a major in both marketing and management. When she is not busy with schoolwork or campus organizations, you are likely to find her hanging out with friends.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Team Biographies

Bethany Stender Student Marketing Director

Bethany Stender is starting her third semester on the Studio One marketing team. This is her first semester as the student marketing director. She has experience developing a studio audience, writing press releases, promoting the program and assisting the Studio One Web designer from her past positions with the program. She brings her marketing expertise and leadership to the Season 46 team. Stender is a senior in communications at UND. She plans to use her experience to pursue a career in sports marketing after graduation. When she is not working at Studio One, you can find her practicing in the dance studio, watching the Minnesota Twins or enthusiastically supporting the Fighting Sioux at hockey games.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Product Review

The Show Studio One is a news and information program produced by staff and students at the University of North Dakota. The show is a one-hour weekly telecast similar to network television morning shows. Since Studio One’s initial show in February 1987, more than 526 regional and national awards have been received by the program and individual interns. Studio One has a potential audience of 4 million viewers across the Midwest. One unique aspect of the program is that local content is produced to have national appeal.

The Internship Studio One offers internship and volunteer opportunities to students of all areas of study at UND. Interns gain professional, hands-on experience in an educational environment. Interns work on six different teams to produce the live show: news, programming, marketing, production, weather and graphics. The news and programming teams produce most of the show content. Students write, shoot and edit their own stories. Each week the news team is responsible for producing two news and sports segments. The programming team produces feature stories, entertainment stories and two guest segments. Since Studio One has a large potential audience, students write for a wide audience and develop segments that appeal to viewers outside of the Grand Forks area.

The weather team works with UND’s Aerospace Network (ASN) to create the weather segments of the show. The team uses a high performance weather graphics system which is the same software used by The Weather Channel. The production team is responsible for operating the various pieces of equipment that are used during the live production. The cast and crew are from a variety of the teams. On show day they work together in the production team to produce the show. The graphics team is responsible for creating the visual content used on the show. This team also operates the computer graphics equipment during the live program. The marketing team promotes the television show and internship opportunities. Students on this team write press releases, update Web content, generate social media content, write electronic newsletters, develop an audience for the show and host promotional events. The team also creates print advertisements promoting the she show and internship.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Target Audience

Studio One has two primary audiences: 1. The students that can be recruited for internships 2. The Grand forks community that views the shows

To better understand the target market, the Studio One marketing team constructed two surveys: (A) an internal survey for the current interns at Studio One, and (B) an external survey distributed to all students at the University of North Dakota. An external survey has never been executed at Studio One before. The response was very successful, between 3 surveys, 469 students answered the Studio One survey. The reasoning behind the new external survey was to be able to compare results with the students that actually applied for internships. The surveys can help the marketing team understand what students are looking for in an internship and how familiar the UND campus is to the Studio One television show and internship program. The marketing team also wanted to find out differences between people who know about the internship versus students that actually apply for a position with the program.

In the internal survey, current Studio One interns were asked about their reasons for applying for an internship, when they were first introduced to Studio One and how they were first introduced to the program.

In the external survey the students were asked about their knowledge of Studio One, when they were first introduced to Studio One and if they have considered applying for an internship.

With the results from both surveys, the marketing team was able to compare and analyze the answers

- The surveys show that an average of 56% of the students in both groups learned about Studio One in their freshman year in College

- The internal survey shows that approximately 80% of the students applied for an internship in their freshman, sophomore or junior year

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Survey Samples: What year did you learn about the Studio One television show or

internships? 1

High School 11 5% College Freshman 117 51% College Sophomore 55 24% College Junior 33 14% College Senior 12 5% Other 16 7% People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

What year did you learn about the Studio One television show or internships? 2

High School 1 1% College Freshman 45 59% College Sophomore 9 12% College Junior 10 13% College Senior 8 11% Other 12 16% People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

What year in school did you apply for the program? 2

High school 2 7% Freshman (college) 7 24% Sophomore (college) 8 28% Junior (college) 9 31% Senior (college) 4 14% Other 0 0% People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

1 Results from the external survey of the UND student body 2 Results from the internal survey from the marketing team

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

The marketing team also researched demographic information about UND students from the UND Enrollments Services Web (chart included on next page). Numbers from previous and current interns at Studio One show that these majors are the most attractive to target for an internship:

Arts & Sciences

Business & Public Administration

Atmospheric Sciences



The Enrollment chart also includes the amount of students enrolled in the different categories, as well as their student status. From these findings the undecided category holds most freshmen’s and sophomores, therefore the marketing team will aim most of their classroom presentations on the introductory-level classes.

The main objective is to recruit students early on in their college career, although juniors and seniors will also be recruited. This will give the students an opportunity to spend several semesters at Studio One, which again helps build interns that are more experienced and comfortable in their respectable positions.

UND Student Body Profile 2009-2010 found at: http://www.und.edu/profile/

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

UND Student Body Profile 2009-2010 found at: http://www.und.edu/profile/

Secondary Audience Studio One’s secondary audience includes other telecast areas.

This audience includes: o Colorado

Colorado Springs, Denver o North Dakota

Bismarck-Mandan, Dickinson, Fargo, Jamestown, Minot, Steele o Manitoba, Canada


Winnipeg o Minnesota

Twin Cities Metro Area

Birchwood, Bellwood, Grant, Lake Elmo, Mantomedi, North St. Paul, Oakdale, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Lake

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Telecast Market Review It is very valuable to calculate the number of people that are able to view our program. The size of

our audience may encourage students to intern at Studio One and illustrate what a great opportunity it

is. Underwriters that support our show are interested in how many people it can reach.

Because Studio One is a non-profit program an estimate can be given for viewership. This is because

non-profits do not calculate audience with a Nielson Rating System.

To generate this year’s potential audience, current markets were contacted. Community access

channels do not have a rating system, but they do have a record of number of households that are

subscribed to each channel. For the stations we were unable to reach, the marketing team referred

to the 2009 census to determine the number of potential viewers in that area.

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

US Markets

Canadian Markets


Fargo 30,000*


Bismarck 29,000*

Minot 50,000*

Ray 552**

Steele 4,000*


Denver 120,000*

Colorado Springs 414,658**

* Households

** 2009 Census

Prairie Public Broadcast Area 376,000*

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Brandon, Manitoba

Prairie Public Broadcast Area

Grand Forks 66,414**

Rural Minnesota*


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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Telecast Schedule


Market Growth Throughout the semester the marketing teams will research to uncover new markets for Studio One.

A list of possible markets was developed last semester and will be analyzed by this semester’s

marketing team. We will contact leads on the list to see if the markets would be interested in running

Studio One as part of their programming. The marketing team will also be asking about format of

programming, membership fees and contracts, etc.

BEK Broadcasting: KMSU TBA

Bismarck-Mandan: Dakota Media Access Mon @ 5pm

Channel 3&17: Grand Forks

Channel 18: Rural Minnesota TBA

Colorado Springs: Cable Channel 19 - DCTV-17 Fri @ 5pm, Sat @ 4pm, Sun @ 7pm

Denver: Deproduction: denverevolution TBA

Dickinson: Consolidated Telcom Mon @ 7pm & 9pm

Fargo, City of Fargo Tues @7:30pm, Sun @ 6:30pm

Prairie Public Television Sat @ 6am

Dakota Central Telecommunications Mon-Fri @ 12pm

Metro Cable Network: Minneapolis, Minn. Wed @ 11am

Minot State University: KMSU Mon @ 2pm

Northwest Communications Cooperative Wed-Fri @ 7pm, Mon-Tues @ 7pm

Mon@ 7 am, noon, 6pm, 11pm

Tues & Wed@7 am, noon, 7pm, 11pm

Thurs@7 am, noon, live at 5 pm, 7 pm,11 pm

Fri @7 am, noon, 7 pm, 11 pm

Sat & Sun@7 am, 10 am, noon, 7 pm, 11 pm

Includes: Birchwood, Bellwood, Grant,

Lake Elmo, Mantomedi, North St. Paul,

Oakdale, Vadnais Heights, White Bear Lake

All of North Dakota, Most of Western MN from

MB border to 50 miles below Wahpeton ND.

East as far as Roseau in the north and

Alexandria in the South.

And about 490 miles into Eastern Montana.

Also most of Southern MB including Winnipeg

and Brandon and a small part of


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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is the first stage in the marketing plan process. SWOT stands for strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities and Threats. These four key words are defined later in this section. A

SWOT helps marketers focus on key issues and determine what attributes should be highlighted in

the program. This analysis also helps identify competition and how the program can use unique

aspects to effectively market its products. This season the marketing team conducted its SWOT by

surveying all Studio One interns and analyzing the responses. Twenty-nine interns from Season 46

participated in the survey. The following is a summary of their responses. Additional marketing

team feedback is also included.

Strengths Strengths are internal attributes of the program that are helpful in achieving our goals. Strengths are aspects that the program has control over. (Example: knowledgeable staff.)

Students gain professional experience

Students get hands-on experience

Great resume builder

Nurturing environment

Knowledgeable and helpful staff

Internship is open to students of any major

Networking opportunities

Students can earn credit for the internship

Program is well established on campus

Program plays in a wide range of markets

New interns help bring fresh ideas to the program

Well maintained, modern facility

Different fields of interest within the same program (different team opportunities)

Enhances teamwork skills

Enhances leadership skills

Selection process ensures the program has qualified, enthusiastic individuals

Increased marketing team budget

New production equipment to give students experience with industry standard equipment o Headsets o Monitors o Editing systems o Speakers in editing bays

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Weaknesses Weaknesses are internal factors which can hiders the team achieving its goals. Weaknesses are aspects that the program has control over. (Example: time consuming.)


Stressful for students who find it hard to meet deadlines while keeping up with schoolwork and having a part time job

Hard to get to know other interns and staff members on different teams

Time consuming

Limited advertising budget

One show is produced each week which is very different from a daily news program

Summer breaks can make it difficult for constant viewership

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Opportunities and Threats Opportunities and threats are both considered external factors of the program. These are things that

Studio One cannot control. Opportunities are the areas of potential growth in viewership and

recruitment. Threats are negative aspects that Studio One faces.


Reach a larger number of potential applicants through higher UND enrollment that in

previous years

Recruit more freshman so they have more semesters to apply for internship

Expand networks to reach more viewers

Reducing competition to Studio One internships

Help interns get a job after graduation or completion of semester

Reach out to all majors

Increase amount of applicants each semester

Find more creative ways to promote the show

Use social media to promote stories on the show

Teacher or internship coordinator advocacy


Paid internships

Other media organizations on campus

Other clubs

Local television stations with consistent schedule

Limited number of course credits can be given

Other programs or television stations with greater funding

Interns graduate causing high turnover rate for teams

Interns not managing their time well and creating problems for the rest of the team

The building isn’t well known and can confuse potential applicants

Parking permits are required to park at the building

Either unknowledgeable interns or live show audiences that ruin equipment

Some teachers don’t support the internship

Campus is confused or unaware of television show and internship opportunities

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Goals and Strategies The marketing team has developed goals and strategies to increase recruitment numbers, increase

public awareness of Studio One on campus, and build teamwork within the program. Goals are in red.

Goals are the objectives we plan to accomplish this semester. Our strategies of how to get complete

the goals are in black.

Internal Goals

Tailgating at homecoming football game

o Hotdogs will be given away at booth

Planning on serving about 200 hot dogs

Condiments will also be purchased

Bring along applications and small hand-out about the show

o Bean bag toss

Tail gating attendees will play against Studio One crew before

game for a chance to win Studio One prizes

Show and internship information will be available during event

Potluck midway through the season

All interns will bring food for this event

Bowling party

This event will be planned earlier in the season to help build team


End of Season Party

o The marketing team is planning several events to help boost intern

camaraderie and celebrate team accomplishments

o All events are alcohol free

Community Service Projects

Red Kettle Event

o Interns will ring bell to raise money for the Salvation Army

o Promote Studio One in a caring way and help the less fortunate

o This event will take place at the end of the semester

o Location will most likely be at the Columbia Mall

Water Handout at Potato Bowl Run

o The team will hand out water at this run to promote Studio One in the


o Interns will be wearing Studio One shirts during the event

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Public Awareness


o Stickers on coffee sleeves

Studio One stickers will be distributed on coffee sleeves at

the campus bookstore and UND Stomping Grounds two

campus locations

o Table tents

Will be placed in all dining centers on campus, including

Wilkerson, Squires, and the Terrace

o Posters

Larger quantities of posters highlighting the program will

help make the student body aware of the show,

internships and ways to get involved.

more posters will be printed this season to reach more

students in dorms and other campus buildings

o Bus Sign

A Studio One sign will be on a campus bus before the

recruitment deadline

Weekly Press Releases

o Help keep everyone up to date on what stores will be playing on

that week’s show

o Press releases will be sent to target and secondary markets

o Releases will also be sent out to special interest groups or clubs on

campus to highlight certain topics on show

Social Media

o Video segments may also be implemented to reach specific groups

or clubs

o Facebook quizzes will be developed to engage fans of the page

o Flip cam videos will be posted on the Facebook page to give quick

updates about the teams on the program

o Stories with national appeal will be posted on the YouTube channel

6 Booths

o Recruitment booths will be set up in the Memorial Union, Gamble

Hall, Merrifield Hall, Wellness Center, and Wilkerson common


o Surveys results show that these are the most effective places to set

up booths on campus

o Booths will be a strategic times to ensure high student traffic

o New booth locations this season

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

booth planned at the Wellness Center in the evening

when popular fitness classes are in session

booth planned at the Wilkerson Dining Center in the

evening when most students are getting to-go supper

and have to stand in line

o if booths are successful, more will be planned

o hot chocolate will be served at most booths

Marketing team interns will mix hot chocolate and give

students syrup options

flavorings: Caramel, Vanilla or Mint syrups

Promotional Items

o Rubber Wrist bands

These are a popular item that many students wear

Bands will be imprinted with the Web address

o Drawstring bags

Will encourage students to sign up for more information

about Studio One because the marketing will randomly

select students who sign up to win a bag

These bags are also a great advertisement for the


o Donations

The marketing team has contacted area business for

prizes that could be used as incentives for students to fill

out surveys or sign up for internship information

Business contacted:

o Buffalo Wild Wings

o Carmike Theater

o Coldstone

o Little Caesars’

o Red Pepper

o River Cinema Theater

o Rhombus Guys Pizza

o Slapshot Pizza

o Stomping Grounds

o Valley Dairy

Coupons and certificates cannot be used to

purchase alcohol

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

T-Shirt Days

o All Season 46 interns will be encouraged to wear their S1 tees to

class to help recruit Season 47 applicants

The first week of October interns will wear their shirts

on Monday

The second week of October interns will wear their shirts

on Tuesday

The third week of October interns will wear their shirts

on Wednesday

The fourth week of October interns will wear their shirts

on Thursday

Radio Days

o Interns help with the XL 93 “Countdown at 9”

o XL93 is a popular radio station

o Winning callers during the countdown receive a pizza from the

station and Studio One pizza cutters will also be given to the

winning caller (1 winner per evening)

Night Life Event/ Nominee Event

o Interns will be co-hosting the Sioux vs. Bemidji game at the Memorial

Union at 7 p.m. before the UND Nightlife at 9 p.m.

o The hockey game starts before the official Night Life event

o This event will also be open to Studio One nominees and students

across campus

o Food and drinks will be provided both by the marketing team before 7

p.m. and Nightlife will provide food after 9 p.m.

o The marketing team will be making popcorn and have soda for those

watching the hockey game at the Memorial Union

o After the game, students will be invited to stay for the Nightlife event

with origami and a potential Ghost Hunter who will do tours or a


Homecoming Parade

o Interns will have a float in the homecoming parade pulled by a

pickup from Rydell’s

o Candy will also be distributed by interns during the parade

o This will increase community, as well as student awareness of Studio


Memorial Union Display Case

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

o Interns will be coming up with creative ways to decorate and draw

attention to the Memorial Union display case

o The display case will be updated with information on upcoming

Studio One events/shows

Expanding markets

o The marketing team will research new markets for the program


70 applicants (reached 65 applicants previous semester)

o Fewer events (that Season 45) have been planned for this season

o The marketing team plans to put more money into the events for a

larger turn-out per event

o Marketing team will follow-up with nominees and encourage them

to attend a show and apply for an internship

35 class presentations

o This will be our minimum classroom presentations

o 100 and 200 level classes are the main focus to get younger

students to intern and have the option to intern with the program


o Upper level communication and marketing classes will be visited

o Marketing members will attend at least two presentations

Audience Development

20 audience members per show

o Team will use survey results from Season 45 to help develop a

large audience each week

o Friends/family of interns, classes requirements, and people in

news stories will be our targeted audience

Improvement on those three areas, specifically, will be the

main focus for the audience development team in

Season 46

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Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Action Plan The following calendars show the upcoming recruitment events that are planned for Season 46 at

Studio One.

The recruitment calendar on the following page includes events before the application deadline.

These recruitment events are designed to promote the show and internship. The dates after the

recruitment deadline are events that specifically focus on team camaraderie or build recognition of

the program on the UND campus and in the Grand Forks community.

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Page 29: Fall 2010 - Season 46 - Marketing Plan

Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Action Plan Internal and public awareness events These events focus on building synergy between teams and are not directly related to recruitment

of Season 47 interns. Event Date

Bowling Party October 7

Mid Semester Pot Luck November 4

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign November 15

End of Season Party December 9

Page 30: Fall 2010 - Season 46 - Marketing Plan

Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Budget The Marketing Team’s budget includes money from the summer promo items. The beginning budget was $3151.00. After the summer expenses of $1643.00 (pens, notebooks, and involvement expo carabineers) the marketing team was allocated $1508.00 for the fall semester. This money will cover the costs of recruitment events, advertisements and duplicating. The following is a tentative breakdown of the Season 46 marketing expenses.

Category Event Cost

Promotional Events Tailgating $80.00

Potato bowl Free

Hockey game event at the Union $60.00

Nightlife Free

Homecoming Float/Supplies $100.00

Hot Chocolate Handout $100.00

Rubber Wristbands (500 qty) $270.00

Drawstring Bags (100qty) $191.00

Memorial Union Display Case $50.00

Stickers $40.00


Posters $200.00

Table Tents $200.00

Other Printing $60.00


Dues & Fees $50.00

Binders $30.00

Long Distance $20.00

Original Fall Budget $1508.00

Total Expenses $1451.00 Extra Money $57.00

Page 31: Fall 2010 - Season 46 - Marketing Plan

Season 46

Marketing Plan

Fall 2010

Evaluations The marketing team is using different surveys to evaluate their performance throughout the

semester. The team will be using Google Docs to survey marketing team or Studio One students.

Google Docs surveys give the marketing a view on what kind of advertising and ideas that are most

effective and profitable. Google Docs aids in this process by organizing information and making

forms easy to send out to students. A paper evaluation will be used to survey show attendees, which

then will be put into a Google form.

Evaluations allow the marketing team to gain feedback on events

- This gives us valuable information for future event ideas, and what events were

successful or could be improved.

Evaluations allow the marketing team to:

- choose the most effective marketing tactics.

- better understand how to target our audience and potential interns.

- evaluate the use of finances.

Example: Season 45’s surveys illustrated that only three applicants

applied from viewing the Dakota Student Ads. These ads cost the team $168.

The surveys show that classroom presentations generated 17 applicants and

friends were credited with 14 applicants. Classroom presentations and

encouraging interns to have friends apply is free promotion that is working

to generate qualified applicants.

Below is an example of costs vs. benefit comparisons:

How applicants found out about the program

Cost How many applicants applied due to advertisement

Dakota Student Advertisement $168 3 applicants

Classroom presentation Free 17 applicants

From friend Free 19 applicants

Booth on campus $77.92 4 applicants

Paper evaluations will be used to survey audience members

- This will help the audience development team find out why the audience came to

that weeks show.

- Paper survey results will be recorded in a Google Docs survey for accurate and

easy review.