Document #3359275 (Fall of the Toons) Author: Bignose Description: This document was found in Gyro Gearloose’s lab and discussed in an emergency company meeting on April 12th, 2014. Approved for use by the Director of Ambush Marketing.

Fall of the Toons

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My Toontown Fanfiction story. Nothing more than that.

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Document #3359275 (Fall of the Toons)Author: Bignose

Description: This document was found in Gyro Gearlooses lab and discussed in an emergency company meeting on April 12th, 2014. Approved for use by the Director of Ambush Marketing.

Where could I possibly begin? I have to begin before everything happened, but how long ago to start, I dont know. So many things seem so important, and yet so useless at the same time. I might as well start with what I used to be. Once upon a time, I was a dog named Bignose. I ran from place to place, from task to task, fighting Cogs, and generally being heroic. I climbed to claim 119 Laff Points for myself. It was a wonderful monotony, the life I lived. But now I should carry on to the first moment that I noticed something was up. It all began one day during one of my regular trips into the Sellbot Factory. I was all alone that day, and I overheard some inter-skelecog chatter in the pipe room.Ugh, these boring patrol routines. I wish we could live the high life like those Bossbots.Mind you voice chip, the Supervisor might hear you.How? Hes in that tower up there, ways away from us!Another Skelecog entered the conversation. Youre quite the loud one, arent you?Leave it alone, hes a Mover & Shaker, they all have large opinions.Well, he should at least keep his voice chip quiet about the Bossbots; being a Flunky is grunt work! You get no respect from anyone, and you have SO many stock options to get between promotions.How would a Telemarketer know what life as a Flunky is like? Besides, it gets better after that. Even as a Pencil Pusher youve got better odds to work with than we do. And besides, all those Bossbots are about to make the next move, and were just the bystanders.What do you mean the next move?Didnt you hear? Rumor has it that the C.E.O. is planning a large-scale invasion on those animals. Theres even talk of getting into their Playgrounds!Isnt that impossible?Yes, before. In yesterdays company memo, the Senior V.P. announced his decision to sell the blueprints of some device to the Bossbots. Now its been rumored that the device is to penetrate the barrier that is the Playgrounds, and apparently it was invented by some Mr. Hollywood who had the funding of the Cashbots to build such a thing.Wow, thats some great news. About this Mr. Hollywood, whats his number? Id like to call him sometime.You cant, responded the Mover & Shaker. He was our last Supervisor. I think you know what happened to him.Too bad for him. Now, I would love to chat with you guys more, but Im no Mingler. I have to get back to work.Ok then, we will see you soon. Sometimes, I liked to imagine that what I did was controlled by someone else, that I was part of some destiny that would make a difference in someones life. And sometimes, when I closed my eyes, I could vaguely see someone and hear his thoughts. I closed my eyes then, hoping to receive some guidance, but all I could see was a smiling little boy, just as pleased with his monotony as I was. So I went in, destroyed all of the Cogs, and asked no questions.

The talk of the Skelecogs became more important several weeks later, during an otherwise normal Toon penetration of the C.E.Os banquet. Why he always became suspicious at the exact same moment was another question I never asked, but I digress. We had just begun serving the Cogs the poisonous food being put on the conveyer belt by Good ol Gil Giggles when I struck up a conversation with a specific V2.0 Corporate Raider. He thanked me once I brought the 1st can, finished his food, and wanted more. I brought him the next can.So, hows life being a waiter?Boring. You never do anything but serve Cogs at these banquets.You should be thankful. You live a better life than most other Cogs; you dont have to fear those Toons coming in and destroying you.Thats nature, always wanting more and never being thankful for what you have.All too true. But dont worry, youll see some action soon.What do you mean?Im surprised you havent heard. Everyone knows.Whats the story?Well, the C.E.O. bought the blueprint to this device designed to sniff out Toons in Cog suits from the Sellbots a few weeks ago. That idea alone is brilliant, but hes been refining it into a device capable of breaking the barrier between us and the Playgrounds. Provided the device works, this is the moment to strike a deafening blow. It occurred to me at this moment that the device he was talking about was the same device that the Skelecogs had been discussing. But no time to stop the conversation. I had heard about that device, though I was told the device was originally FOR breaking the barrier to the Playgrounds. Take my word for it. Also, can you get me another can of food? I got the can, but didnt give it over yet. I was too interested in this. Things are looking up for the Cogs now. And the best part is, those Toons dont know a thing! But thats all I know. If you want to find out more, take a trip to Cog Nation; a Flunky interning there knows more than I do.Interesting. How could I arrange a meeting with one of these Cogs in Cog Nation?I dont know. Because of my duties in the Cog Golf Courses, Im only allowed to go to Cog Nation for the general company meeting, which is next Tuesday. Any Cog who owns stock is allowed to attend. If you want, I can tell you how you can get installed as a shareholder.How would I do that?You need Cogbucks. Id suggest a common stock ownership of DIP Inc., which is what I own. At the shareholders meeting, the C.E.O. is going to put his plan forward to the Board for approval. If youre lucky, you might even see the Chairman. However, the current exchange price is about 11,897 Cogbucks, though, so you better know a-HURRY UP AND SERVE THE FOOD! I turned around to find a bunch of angry Toons staring at me. I reluctantly served him. He chugged the can down and exploded without saying another word.

How could I describe the next three days? Cogbucks. Mints. Coins, dollars, bullions. I think thats good enough. Several days of constant Mint assaults to get eleven thousand and something Cogbucks in time for the shareholders meeting. But I got the necessary amount that Friday night. During the weekend, I applied for a meeting with Loony Labs to acquire aid in entering Cog Nation, but there were no openings before the meeting in four days. I tried to appeal to Flippy, hoping to get the Toon Council on my side.Bignose, he began, Were processing thousands of Cog claims just like yours every day. Unless I have some sort of tangible evidence, I have no way of convincing the Toon Council that this isnt some sort of prank. It pains me, but I have to decline your appeal. Having no support from Loony Labs or the Toon Council, I entered the Executive Tower on my own on Monday. How I managed to get through the inspections that day I have no idea. Maybe my imaginary friend was on my side. The elevator inside lowered to Cog Nation. I remember little about Cog Nation that day; what I do remember is rushing to reach the Stock Exchange plaza before the closing bell. I made it, though, and entered a very long line of various Cog types. I eventually made it to the front, where a Flunky sat at the service window.Buy or sell?Huh?Are you here to buy or sell?My senses restored themselves. Id like to buy.Okay. Please take this clipboard and fill out this form. When youre done, please bring the form to the next window. I sat down at a table by myself and began to fill out the form:

When this was done, I went to the next window, manned by a Yesman.Is this the window where I turn in this form?Yes.Could you take this from me?Yes.Could I have free stock?Ye-What are you doing here?! The Yesman turned around to find a Head Hunter staring at him. He sat motionless. Get back to work, or Ill have you head for this.Yes, sir. He left, leaving the form behind. The Head Hunter sat down. Im sorry about him. Was he giving you a problem?He just said yes to everything I said.Forget about him, hes got a head for trouble. Lets see this form. He entered some info on a computer. Now, youre buying a share in DIP Inc. correct?Yes.Okay. That will be 11,947 Cogbucks.I reached into my pocket, and counted the 11,897 that I had collected. Fifty short! The price mustve gone up during the week! I began to panic, and counted the money again to disguise the fact that I didnt know what to do.Short, huh?It was then that this guy entered the scene; a Level 9 Loan Shark.Dont lose you head over our business, the teller commanded. This has nothing to do with you.Let me talk to him, I could help him out.Closing bell is in two minutes, so you better make it quick.The two of us walked a distance away from him. How much do you need?I knew the trouble Id put myself through, but I hit him up. Fifty Cogbucks.I can give you fifty, but I want 200 Cogbucks tomorrow. What choice did I have?Deal. He handed me a backpack he no doubt stole from a Toon.Ill take a bite out of you if you dont follow through. He left, leaving me the bag. I opened it and found what I needed. I returned to the window and handed over the Cogbucks. The Head Hunter typed some more info into the computer.Congratulations, you are officially a shareholder in DIP Incorporated. The shareholders meeting is tomorrow at 3:30. Youll need this to get in. He handed me a slip of paper. I grabbed the paper just as the closing bell rang, and I left Cog Nation as fast as I could.

I arrived back in Toontown, where thankfully, no one noticed that I had left at all. I ran back to Toon Hall and showed Flippy the paper. Of course, I had to explain how I had gotten it.I believe your story now, but I cant condone what you did. You couldve gotten yourself captured. But this will definitely convince the Toon Council, though.What do we do now?Obviously, I need you to attend that shareholder meeting.By myself?This invite allows only one entry. Go back and take this form with you.Perhaps you could photocopy it and send it to the Council?They wont buy it unless its real. Report back to me with anything you notice. All I can say is, good luck. I started to leave, but then turned back around.Do you have two hundred Cogbucks?Let me check. He went into a back room and emerged with the amount I asked for.Thank you, sir. I took the money and left.

Tuesday what a day that was. It felt so normal in Toontown. I started the day by doing some relaxing gardening, just like any other day. The Playgrounds had no shortage of their usual energy, and Cog HQs were as smelly as before, but it still felt very different. Just before entering the Executive Tower, I closed my eyes and tried to summon my friend. He seemed to be away at the moment, but I still asked him to wish me luck. I was once again able to infiltrate Cog Nation, bypassing many of the security precautions with my pass; everyone respected a stockholder, apparently. I remembered the place better the second time. There was something about the smog and dirtiness of the place that reminded me of Sellbot HQ, but there was also a sense of order and control unlike that industrial wasteland of the Sellbots. I couldnt possibly describe the rest of it, though. Everything was so big that it was impossible for a living creature to swallow it; this was a city for robots. When I arrived at the meeting hall, two halves of a rowdy Double Talker were there to let me in.Hello there, Mr. Downsizer. Welcome to the shareholders offices. We stockholders are all for one, one for all-And every man for himself, interrupted the second-half of the Double Talker.Dont talk now; cant you see Im trying to greet someone?I see him, the metal-kissing son of a Flunky! Besides, youre not even a stockholder yoursel-Shut up! Hes a Downsizer! Hes powerful, much more powerful than we are. And hes a stockholder, too, so we gotta get him to the meeting area! Come with us, Downsizer. The two argued over where the meeting was supposed to take place, leading me all over the building until they realized the answer was on my piece of paper. They took the paper from me and read it.See? I told you this was where it was!Okay, okay. Come with us, Frownmeiser.Downsizer!Id pay money if you guys would just be quiet! At once, they stopped and stared at me.How much? Trying to call my bluff, huh? Ill show you.Ten Cogbucks.Then give us the money!" Once I gave them the ten Cogbucks, they finally collected themselves and brought me to the right location. I could feel the stares coming my way as I entered the balcony of the meeting hall. I looked up at my adversaries, the most powerful Cogs in Cog Nation, their ranks joined by a Toon such as myself. I pushed myself to the front. There they were, the four Cog bosses, all on separate podiums. I saw them so frequently as enemies that they had lost all effect of intimidation on me. But the Chairman wasnt among the four. That did frighten me.The annual company meeting is now called into order, began the Chief Justice. Now, first on the docket is our annual report from each division, starting with the Senior Vice President representing our Sellbot division.Our division has had a successful year, sir, the VP squaked in a much less confident tone than I had heard him speak before. We promoted nine hundred and twenty thousand Sellbots to the rank of Mr. Hollywood this year.Hmm, even lower than last year, the Chief Justice observed, writing something on his podium. Have you resolved your... Toon problem?Um... no sir. The CJ sighed gruffly and continued note taking. Its not like you guys have, either. The room instantly exploded into a buzz with Cog chatter.Order! Order! The CJ banged his gavel several times, and the room fell silent once more. We all need to improve on that, yes, but you havent set any more of a good example than the rest of us. Now, onto our Cashbot division, represented by the Chief Financial Officer.Twelve million dollars of new Cog currency were shipped this year, nearly replenishing the amount sabotaged last year by the Toons. While our debt continues to rise, there are positives associated with that as well.True, but keep that debt in check, the CJ advised. If you lose control of it, there could be a major economic crisis, and the Toons would benefit tenfold from it. Now, moving on to our Bossbot division, represented by the Chief Executive Officer. Sir, I understand you have a special proposal that you seek approval towards?Yes I do. I have invented a device that will enable Cogs to enter Toon playgrounds. Various murmors went through the crowd surrounding me.Hmm, interesting. How does this device work?As you are aware, the make-up of the protective barrier surrounding Cog Nation is similar to that which surrounds the Toon playgrounds. The aim of this device here is to remove this barrier and replace it with the particles from the Cog barrier at an equal pace so that the transformation will not be detected.Do you have the device with you?I left it at my headquarters guarded by my highest level Cogs for safekeeping.Has it been tested?It has, and we have managed to breach several Toon estates using the device.Anything else you would like to add?I would also like to request that a large invasion force be organized to commence an invasion upon the Toon playgrounds in the event of successful infiltration. So this was his plan all along; bypass the Playground seals and full-on invade Toontown. But time didnt pause for me to take in the moment; the CJ moved to bring the plan to a vote, and the CEO seconded.All in favor say aye. A loud chorus of ayes rose from around me. All opposed, say nay.Nay. Everyones eyes turned to me. I got too confident, I spoke my mind at the wrong time.And why not? The CJ was the first person to respond after several seconds of silence.Well, um, what proof do you have that youve tested it?I have plenty. I can show you afterward.Um okay.Wait a second, I know who you are, a Loan Shark announced. You owe me money!Money that I have! I took the Cogbucks out of my pocket and threw them in his face. Youre ten short, he told me as he counted the money. Wheres the rest of it? I suddenly remembered the money I had given to the Double Talker. Where is it?! Tell me now! He grabbed a baseball and reared it back.Control yourself, a Robber Baron urged. If hes broken, youll never get your money!I want my- I heard nothing else as the wind was knocked out of me. After several moments collapsed on the ground, I put my hand on the ground to help myself up, and felt a cold metal against my hands. I jumped up, surprised.Hes a Toon! a Big Cheese shouted. I looked down, my disguise was in shambles.Get him! A metal swarm descended towards me as I sprinted out of the room. I took a right into a dead end. No time to turn back; the mob had passed the only other hallway. I reached into my backpack, looking for something, ANYTHING, that might stave off my impending doom. Nothing. Its time you Toons learned your lesson, one Cog said. The VP will very much enjoy your company.The VP? a Head Hunter said. Everyone stopped. Why does he deserve him? If anything, this is the CEOs day. HE should hold the Toon captive.No, chimed in a Big Wig. He must stand trial for infiltrating our world. The CJ shall extradite him to Lawbot Headquarters.Youre all talking nonsense. The Loan Shark now returned into the conversation. I want my money, and hes going to pay up. Give me all his gags now.And who are you to tell us what to do? Youre a Loan Shark; you have no control over any of us.If it werent for me, you wouldnt even be arguing about this! And everyone completely forgot about me as they started bickering. I shrugged and took out my teleport hole.Well, I think-Youre a Flunky! No one cares!Maybe we should actually CAPTURE him first before having this debate.Okay, new plan: we capture him on three. One, two, thre- HEY, HES GETTING AWA-

I had never felt so much relief to be safe and sound in Toontown. For several moments, I just stared around at the butterflies and the fishing ponds, just happy to be back home again. I closed my eyes and summoned my friend once more. I saw him this time, that happy smile on his face, proud of what I had accomplished. Or it could be that same dumb monotony smile, I had no idea. Regardless, I returned to Flippy as soon as I could catch my breath.Invade Toontown? This is serious, Flippy reasoned. But regardless, Ill need that pass from you now. Of course I could not, as I realized when I reached into my pocket and remembered the metallic suit I had put it in. Whats wrong? Please tell me you didnt lose the paperI could, but that doesnt make it true. Flippy just shook his head for a moment; the one tangible piece of evidence I had to prove my story was now gone. The both of us frustrated at myself, I began to head toward the door of his office.Wait. I stopped and looked back. You said that the Cogs was gathering an invasion force?Yeah.I MIGHT be able to validate your story from that.Its a stretch.I have no other options other than to throw out your appeal. We have to move quickly, though; the Cogs will prepare even faster now that you broke in.Can I be of any help?After your stunt in Cog Nation? We chuckled. But honestly, leave everything to me. Ill keep you updated.

The next few weeks were very frustrating. Not by the actions of anyone in particular, but because of how SLOWLY they went by. Flippys surveillance missions failed to reveal much, as he told me in a letter the week after our meeting, but he kept trying. In the meantime, I tried to be cool and collected, but on the inside, I was struggling. During this time, I found myself extremely drawn to that guy in my mind. Most of the time, he seemed happy as before, but one particular day contained a disconcerting fantasy.At the very beginning, he was happy as usual, but then his happiness turned to a confused look.Mom, he called, and a different creature approached and looked at the screen. What do they mean?For updates, maybe?No, theyd say it And it ended there. To this day, I dont understand it.About a month after the Cog Nation event, Flippy announced that there would be an important Toon Council meeting on the next Thursday. The next day, tickets to the meeting were in my mailbox. I actually debated on whether or not I should go. On one hand, Flippy would likely bring my name up, and I needed to be there to tell my story again should they need it. I had a fantasy of being applauded for breaking into Cog Nation and saving Toon kind, but fantasies can be harmful if you believe in them too much. And honestly, I wasnt sure if I wanted to go either; the Cogs would have probably found out about it and used the advantage to invade one of the emptier Playgrounds, and I considered enlisting in Lord Louden Clears Toon Patrol, whom Fippy trusted with protecting the Playgrounds in case such an invasion happened. So dont ask what led me to march up the steps into Toon Hall on Thursday morning, like thousands of other important Toons who were ALSO invited to the event. The confusing path inside eventually led me to a giant and colorful auditorium; darks and brights and nothing at all symmetrical. At a certain point, Flippy came onto a raised platform in the center. Everyone at once quieted.I, Flippy Doggenbottom, the acting President of the Toon Council, have called this meeting in response to a claim I received from Bignose. If you are in the audience, please proceed to the stage at once. I shouldve known that Flippy was going to ask me to speak, but it still took me by surprise that he did. Regardless, I ascended to the stage. Bignose, I want you to tell the Toon Council your story.How much of it?However much you feel is necessary. I told them everything I could remember. Every major moment, every minor detail that occurred to me at the time, I told it, the plaster walls in the shareholders building, the level of the Loan Shark that got me busted, every word of their argument. I left out a few things, but whatever didnt occur to me then probably wouldnt occur to me now. I also paid attention to the faces in the crowd; some members, such as Professor Pete and Alec Tinn, were quite engrossed in the story, whereas others, such as Lil Oldman, kept a neutral expression. When I was done, Flippy motioned me off the stage.I request that we begin swelling the ranks of the Toon Resistance to combat this impending attack. I sense that it will be biggest since the initial invasion. The members of the Council were silent for several moments, collecting their thoughts.Okay, Lil Oldman responded, the first member to do so, Before I make a decision, I want to see proof. Our Toon Resistance has so far done a phenomenal job protecting Toontown from the Cogs. Unless I know that this story is true, I dont know why we should increase its ranks.Well, the surveillance team I sent to the HQs have observed a large increase in the forces stationed at the HQs.Thats not direct proof. Maybe theyre just trying to prevent Toons from sneaking in; we do it so often. What other proof do you have?Well, Bignose DID show me a piece of paper that he apprehended from one of the Cogs in Cog Nation, an invitation to the shareholders meeting.Okay. Lets see it.We cant show you it.Why not?Bignose left it in Cog Nation during his second trip. Besides, why are you so against this? Youve always given your apprentices ridiculous Cog assignments.Because- Before Lil Oldman could finish, the power went out in the room. Now, this normally wouldnt be a problem, because Toontown Central is one of the sunniest places in the Tooniverse, but it was suddenly as dark as Donalds Dreamland outside. Confused chatter ran through the room.I wonder whats going on, Flippy thought aloud. Alec! Could you go outside and turn on the generator?S-sure, Alec timidly responded, clearly spooked by the outage. He turned on a flashlight, interrupting the darkness for a brief moment, and then left the room.Are you for or against this? I became aware that there was someone sitting next to me.Im Bignose, I responded.For, then. Youre a great storyteller, by the way.Certainly Im less of a chatterbox than Billy Bud, though, right? We chuckled.Yeah. Hey, how do you know when Lounge Lassard is at the door?How? Ive heard this one before; Lassard has been the butt of Toon jokes ever since he left the Broccoli Brothers, however long ago that was. He cant find the key, and he doesnt know when to-DONT HURT ME! Alec Tinn screamed from the hallway. He came running back into the room just as a deafening noise echoed throughout the auditorium, followed by Alec Tinns screams. We heard a thud and then quivering; he must be okay. His flashlight landed on the opposite side of the room, shining against a wall and providing the rest of the room with a very small, flickering light.Some kangaroo court you got here. The power now restored itself to the room, revealing a lone level 12 Big Cheese. He examined the room, and began to approach Flippy. Ive been running through hoops trying to get here. A lit TNT emerged from one of the rows into the Big Cheeses path. Fortunately, the sight of a bleu Toon will be worth my- HUH? The TNT exploded in his face and knocked him back a few feet. He continued moving forward, most Toons too petrified to do anything but stare. You Toons have strung us along for too long. He reached the stage, grabbing Flippy and holding him up in the air. He made and held eye contact. Flippy Doggenbottom, Im going to cream you.On the contrary; YOURE the one whos getting creamed! Flippy stuffed a cream pie in his face, and the Big Cheese stumbled backward, releasing his hold on the President.GET IN HERE! He shouted as he exploded. In an instant, more Bossbot Cogs came flying in, shattering the windows as they entered. The room exploded into a fury of Cog vs. Toon action, but Flippy ran out of the room. I followed him down the winding path of Toon Hall, confused as to what I should be doing.Where are you going?! I asked.We have to get to the Gag Shop, he responded. As long as thats safe, we can fend off the Cogs. Ive already called the Toon Resistance into Toontown Central to protect as many Toons as they can. The scene outside I can barely describe it. Cogs were everywhere, and you could barely go five feet without a Cog battle going on. Despite the Resistances efforts, at every step some poor Toon would be going sad, and his cry would enter my ears. Flippy did what he could, setting traps for the Cogs as he went along. When we reached the Gag Shop, Flippy set train tracks in front of the door.That should keep most Cogs from entering. In the meantime, help me fight these Cogs. So now the two of us were the only protection between the Gag Shop, which Toons were still streaming into, and the Cogs. Our first cog was a Bean Counter, handled in short order, but the fighting quickly intensified as the Cogs became aware of the Gag Shops importance. Flippy was a master of his craft, though, and always seemed to know what to do. We cleared wave after wave, but every group we defeated was immediately replaced. As we began to exhaust, some of the Cogs started getting past us. I heard the train tracks activate and do their work; Flippys failsafe had worked, but neither of us thought to put another in place. Just as another set exploded, Flippy looked behind him to see a Corporate Raider enter the building! Clara! You stay out here Bignose, Ill handle this. Flippy gave me a piece of paper and then dashed inside the Gag Shop. I put the paper in my pocket, forgetting to read it, as a Cog building began to descend.Flippy? The building drew closer. Flippy?! I banged on the door. No noise. FLIPPY! I struggled to open the door, to no avail. FLIPPY! I screamed one last time as the Gag Shop was crushed by the Cog building. The elevator opened, and I read the markings on top:Goofys Gag Shop Inc.BossbotAt that point, I ran. Ran for my life, ran through Punchline Place. The situation there was no better; Cogs chasing down Toons and buildings falling left and right. I recall a Mingler was hunting me down as I raced for the tunnel to Barnacle Boulevard. But thankfully, I was safe once I reached the other side. I went to the Playground there, completely deserted, and sat on the island, trying to digest todays events. When other people began showing, I didnt move. They talked about how Toontown Central was evacuated. Several members of the Council showed up as well and gave a pep talk. While all that was going on, I closed and looked at my friend. He was crying.

Our positivity was short-lived. The Cogs immediately began spreading their invasion to other areas. While the Toon Resistance was still functional after the fiasco in Toontown Central, Lord Louden Clear was captured in the fighting at Donalds Dock. After that, the Toon Resistance was never as organized as they once were, falling to bickering over how to stop the Cogs invasion. After Donalds Dock was captured, I moved into Chip and Dales Acorn Acres. When that was captured, I moved to a hiding place in Bossbot HQ, which is where I was for the longest time. Remaining Playgrounds fell quickly and with little note; I wouldnt have even known that Donalds Dreamland had fallen if I had not heard the chatter of two Head Hunters a few months later. I tried to take one more visit to my friend, but for some reason, I could not summon him. After a few tries, I gave up. My cowardice that day has haunted me ever since. What if I had tried to conquer the Cog building? Would I have saved Flippy? Would the Toons have been able to fend off the Cogs? Would this dismal future be any different? Of course, I had no way of answering any of these questions, but Ive thought considerably about them. And my inability to answer them has slowly driven me nuts. But today I decided to do something different. Reminded of the piece of paper Flippy had given me, I took it out of my pocket and at last began to read it. It was instructions on how to get into a secret room in Sellbot Headquarters. Seized with hope and excitement, I snuck out of Bossbot HQ and managed to reach Sellbot HQ despite the anti-Toon security measures in place. Following the instructions of the paper, I reached a secret room within the confines of the Sellbot Factory lobby.It was a dusty, dimly lit white room with a single item in its center. There was a note on the machine, which I managed to make out in the dim light:

Bignose, This is Gyro Gearlooses old lab. The machine you see here was invented by him in haste to correct the damage Scrooge had done, but before he could use it, he was captured by the Cogs. Its too late for me to do anything about the past, but its not too late for you. FlippyIt is now at this point that I must end this story and leave it to you to join me in the past. I have no knowledge of what will await me, what I could possibly change, but I know how to get there; Gyro left instructions on how to use the machine. Is it fated that I should save Toontown? Is it fated that I should return to this very spot to try again in vain? These are questions I cannot answer, but I close my eyes now and see him once again, an older boy, staring proudly at me. Hes waiting for me, and Im ready for him. My name is Bignose, and today my story will be rewritten.