Journal of Medical Genetics (1972). 9, 302. Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis* R. S. WELLS, JANET M. HIGGS, ANGUS MACDONALD, H. VALDIMARSSON, and P. J. L. HOLT From the Institute of Dermatology, St John's Hospital, the Department of Dermatology, Guy's Hospital, the Department of Dermatology, St Mary's Hospital and the Rheumatology Unit, The Department of Medicine, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London Chronic oral candidiasis has been described in association with abnormalities of the endocrine system on many occasions, both in case reports (Sutphin, Albright, and McCune, 1943), and more general reviews (Kunin et al, 1963). Chronic candidiasis has also been recorded in the familial thymic aplasia described by Nezelof (Nezelof et al, 1964), Swiss-type agammaglobulinaemia (Hitzig, 1968) and DiGeorge's syndrome (DiGeorge, 1965). More recently deficiency of the migration inhibitory factor (MIF), where cell mediated immunity ap- pears to be partially defective, has been shown to be a feature of some patients with chronic candidiasis (Valdimarsson et al, 1970). It has also been associ- ated with defective granulocyte function, as in chro- nic granulomatous disease (Quie et al, 1967) and myeloperoxidase deficiency (Lehrer and Cline, 1969). During the last 3 years a group of patients has been investigated (Wells, 1970) who have chronic oral candidiasis with no other significant clinical abnormality. In some of the kindreds, sibs were found to have the disorder, and there was often a family history of consanguinity. We have sug- gested that this new group, hitherto undescribed and which we have called familial chronic muco- cutaneous candidiasis (FCMC), has a genetically determined abnormality, inherited as an autosomal recessive trait which results in susceptibility to can- dida infection. It is possible that an inherited biochemical or immunological abnormality results in this picture. Present Investigation Ascertainment. Most of the patients were re- ferred to one of us (R.S.W.) in the genetic clinic at St John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin following a postal questionnaire which was sent to all the consultant Received 15 May 1972. * Reprint requests to R.S.W., Institute of Dermatology, St John's Hospital, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London WC2. dermatologists in England and Wales. Three families have been under observation for several years. Some were referred from general practitioners and others from the Dental Department at Guy's Hospital, and the Eastman Dental Hospital. From all these sources a total of 61 people were ascertained, of whom 46 were included in this study. Very detailed information was available for 3 other affected individuals who had died, and who must have had the same condition. Method of Investigation. Many of the propositi were seen in hospital outpatient clinics, and subsequently other family members were visited in their homes. In some instances both the propositi and their families had to be visited, and affected individuals were seen in the North of England, North Wales, the Midlands, and the West Country in addition to London. On these visits saliva was collected, blood taken, and appropriate skin tests were carried out. The results of a few of the latter had to be recorded by their general practitioners, or by local hospital consultants, who sent us the results on a standard form. Thirty of the 46 patients in the study had either been admitted to hospital recently for investigation and treat- ment, or had been admitted in the past and so fully examined that re-admission was not necessary. Some of the others are still being investigated by us, or by other consultants in their local hospitals. It was not possible to examine personally 3 individuals; 2 were resident in the Republic of Ireland, and the other refused to see any medical or dental practitioner. They were included in the pedigrees, because there was good documentary evidence of the type of disease with which they were all affected. A preliminary clinicogenetic classification is given in Table I, and reasons for these groupings will be dis- cussed. Two of the individuals who had died would have been included in group 2, but, from the informa- tion in his hospital records, we could not accurately place the third, who had died from a malignant thymoma. It is very likely he would have been classified in group 4. Investigative Protocol. Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis has been associated with abnormalities of cell-mediated immunity in several recent reports 302 on April 8, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright. http://jmg.bmj.com/ J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.9.3.302 on 1 September 1972. Downloaded from

Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

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Page 1: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Journal of Medical Genetics (1972). 9, 302.

Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*R. S. WELLS, JANET M. HIGGS, ANGUS MACDONALD, H. VALDIMARSSON, and


From the Institute of Dermatology, St John's Hospital, the Department of Dermatology, Guy's Hospital, theDepartment of Dermatology, St Mary's Hospital and the Rheumatology Unit, The Department of Medicine,

Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London

Chronic oral candidiasis has been described inassociation with abnormalities of the endocrinesystem on many occasions, both in case reports(Sutphin, Albright, and McCune, 1943), and moregeneral reviews (Kunin et al, 1963). Chroniccandidiasis has also been recorded in the familialthymic aplasia described by Nezelof (Nezelof et al,1964), Swiss-type agammaglobulinaemia (Hitzig,1968) and DiGeorge's syndrome (DiGeorge, 1965).More recently deficiency of the migration inhibitoryfactor (MIF), where cell mediated immunity ap-pears to be partially defective, has been shown to bea feature of some patients with chronic candidiasis(Valdimarsson et al, 1970). It has also been associ-ated with defective granulocyte function, as in chro-nic granulomatous disease (Quie et al, 1967) andmyeloperoxidase deficiency (Lehrer and Cline,1969).During the last 3 years a group of patients has

been investigated (Wells, 1970) who have chronicoral candidiasis with no other significant clinicalabnormality. In some of the kindreds, sibs werefound to have the disorder, and there was often afamily history of consanguinity. We have sug-gested that this new group, hitherto undescribedand which we have called familial chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis (FCMC), has a geneticallydetermined abnormality, inherited as an autosomalrecessive trait which results in susceptibility to can-dida infection. It is possible that an inheritedbiochemical or immunological abnormality resultsin this picture.

Present InvestigationAscertainment. Most of the patients were re-

ferred to one of us (R.S.W.) in the genetic clinic at StJohn's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin following apostal questionnaire which was sent to all the consultant

Received 15 May 1972.* Reprint requests to R.S.W., Institute of Dermatology, St John's

Hospital, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London WC2.

dermatologists in England and Wales. Three familieshave been under observation for several years. Some werereferred from general practitioners and others from theDental Department at Guy's Hospital, and the EastmanDental Hospital. From all these sources a total of 61people were ascertained, of whom 46 were included inthis study. Very detailed information was available for3 other affected individuals who had died, and who musthave had the same condition.

Method of Investigation. Many of the propositiwere seen in hospital outpatient clinics, and subsequentlyother family members were visited in their homes. Insome instances both the propositi and their families hadto be visited, and affected individuals were seen in theNorth of England, North Wales, the Midlands, and theWest Country in addition to London.On these visits saliva was collected, blood taken, and

appropriate skin tests were carried out. The results of afew of the latter had to be recorded by their generalpractitioners, or by local hospital consultants, who sent usthe results on a standard form.

Thirty of the 46 patients in the study had either beenadmitted to hospital recently for investigation and treat-ment, or had been admitted in the past and so fullyexamined that re-admission was not necessary. Some ofthe others are still being investigated by us, or by otherconsultants in their local hospitals. It was not possibleto examine personally 3 individuals; 2 were resident inthe Republic of Ireland, and the other refused to see anymedical or dental practitioner. They were included inthe pedigrees, because there was good documentaryevidence of the type of disease with which they were allaffected.A preliminary clinicogenetic classification is given in

Table I, and reasons for these groupings will be dis-cussed. Two of the individuals who had died wouldhave been included in group 2, but, from the informa-tion in his hospital records, we could not accuratelyplace the third, who had died from a malignant thymoma.It is very likely he would have been classified in group 4.

Investigative Protocol. Chronic muco-cutaneouscandidiasis has been associated with abnormalities ofcell-mediated immunity in several recent reports


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Page 2: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis


Number ofGroup Genetic Group Type of Candidiasis Clinical Features Affected

Ilindividuals1 Autosomal recessive I Familial chronic muco-cutaneous Chronic oral candidiasis; nails, skin, 22 (5 sporadic)

candidiasis (FCMC) and other sites sometimes affected

2 Unknown Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; extensive 8 (all sporadic)with other features; severely skin and nail involvement; skinaffected group granulomas sometimes present; eyes,

larynx, pharynx may be affected;susceptible to other infections

3 Autosomal recessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic)with endocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism andcandida-endocrinopathy syndrome hypoadrenocorticism,

hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus

4 Probably not Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis of Chronic oral candidiasis 7 (all sporadic)genetically late onsetdetermined

Total 46

(Marmor and Barnett, 1968; Chilgren et al, 1969;Valdimarsson et al, 1970). Some of these patients havethe candida-endocrinopathy syndrome. It is also possiblethat one of the conditions necessary to establish such aninfection is a defective oral epithelium, since it has beenreported that it is not possible to induce candidal infec-tion experimentally on a healthy oral mucous membrane(Maibach and Kligman, 1962).A comprehensive protocol was designed to investigate

these 3 aspects, which included investigations of cell-mediated and humoral immunity, a search for endocrineabnormalities, and tests to exclude deficiency stateswhich might lead to a defective epithelial formation.The latter in particular was directed to those associatedwith glossitis and angular cheilitis such as iron, folic acid,and vitamin deficiency.The methods of investigation of immunological func-

tion are fully described elsewhere (Valdimarsson et al,1972 b).

Skin testing using Bencard candida antigen, a somaticcandida preparation* and purified protein derivative(PPD) was carried out, to assess the development of de-layed hypersensitivity. Sensitization was attemptedwith dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) in some patients.Lymphocyte function was assessed by transformation

to phytohaemagglutinin, concanavalin A, and candidamitogens using tritiated thymidine incorporation as amarker. MIF and lymphocyte cytotoxicity were alsomeasured. The laboratory protocol made it possible todifferentiate between lymphocyte nonresponsiveness andinhibition of the response due to factors present in theserum.

Polymorphonuclear function was assessed by the nitro-blue tetrazolium (NBT) reaction (Baehner and Nathan,1968) and measurement of yeast cell killing, by the dyeexclusion technique (Lehrer and Cline, 1969).Serum was examined for antibodies to candida and

* Prepared by Professor J. Pepys (The Institute of Diseases of theChest).

immunoglobulins were measured by the method ofMancini, Carbonara, and Heremans (1965). Saliva wastested for blood groups, H substance, and IgA levels.

Clinical FeaturesSex. Of the 46 patients in the study, 22 were

males and 24 females. If the 3 who died were in-cluded, there would be 25 males. There was noindication that the severity or any other feature wasdifferent in the 2 sexes, except that 2 females re-ported a premenstrual exacerbation of their symp-toms.

Age of Onset. All the patients in groups 1, 2,and 3 (see Table I) developed chronic oral candi-diasis in the early years of life, and many motherswere emphatic that the condition had been presentin their children before the age of 2. Some olderindividuals could not give such exact information,but most remembered having it when they wereyoung. At the time of this investigation the peopleseen were of all ages; the youngest was aged 4 andthe oldest 67.The 7 people in group 4 were easily separated

from the others, because none had any lesions be-fore they were 35 years old, and most had no diseasebefore the age of 50. The chronic oral candidiasishad proved resistant to conventional treatment. Itis possible that they have a disorder which is in-herited, but it is more likely that they have an ac-quired abnormality, the cause of which has not beendetermined. The age of onset was so strikinglydifferent from the others, that it seemed reasonableto separate them on these grounds alone.


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Page 3: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Wells, Higgs, Macdonald, Valdimarsson, and Holt

Chronic Oral Candidiasis. Every patient(Table I) had one clinical feature in common,namely chronic oral candidiasis. This remained inspite of intensive treatment, and was uninfluencedby changes of dentures, climate, or environment. Inalmost every instance it was the reason why theywere attending hospital clinics, and many had beenout patients for most of their lives.The tongue was usually enlarged, fissured, and

indented by the teeth. The white candidal areascould be scraped off, with difficulty in some patients,leaving a smooth, red, raw, shiny surface.The buccal mucous membranes were coated with

a thick, white membrane, which could be removed,leaving a raw, red surface. In some instancesthere was chronic hyperkeratosis, producing anirregularly raised surface.Most of the patients had an angular cheilitis

often causing great discomfort, always bilateral, andusually symmetrical.

Group 1: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneousCandidiasis. Twelve of the individuals in thisgroup had a chronic candidal paronychia with anassociated onychomycosis affecting one or morefingers, but in no instances were more than 6 fingernails abnormal. The distribution was asymmetri-cal, and one particular digit was not affected morethan any others. However, the infection tendedto remain confined to the same nails in any onepatient. The more severely affected usually saidthey were chronic nail biters. Only one patient hada candida infection of some toe nails.

In 5 individuals there was a history of chronicblepharitis, presumed to be due to candida, but thisgenerally improved with advancing years. Four hadsome evidence of mild skin involvement, one on thescalp, one on the face, one on the hands, and anotherin the groins. Two were chronically hoarse due tocandida laryngitis, and 3 of the females had a provenchronic candida vaginitis. Two of the older maleshad had an operation on their tongue for suspectedneoplastic change. Apart from the mouth lesions,none of the people in this group were severelyaffected, their general health was good, and nonehad any evidence of hypoparathyroidism, hypo-adrenocorticism, or diabetes mellitus.

Group 2: Severely Affected Patients. Theoutstanding feature of all the patients in this groupwas the severity of the candida infection. In addi-tion to the chronic infection in the mouth, all hadskin involvement at many different sites. Thescalp, face, neck, and upper chest were the areas

most usually involved, sometimes giving rise to acandida granuloma. The limbs and groins oftenshowed evidence of chronic candidal infection aswell. In all these patients, several finger nails wereinvolved, 5 had infected toe nails in addition to thefinger nails, and in 2 every finger and toe nail wasabnormal. All these patients reported eye symp-toms, probably due to a candida blepharitis. Fivehad a chronic candidal laryngitis, and one a provencandidal pharyngitis.

Chronic skin infection with organisms other thancandida, usually bacterial, was a feature in severalpatients, and in one there was an infection withMicrosporum canis which could not be eradicated.

All the affected individuals gave a history ofincreased susceptibility to intercurrent infection,and all had had chronic chest infections, with bron-chiectasis in at least 4 persons. The 2 deaths weredue to chest infections; in one instance necropsyexamination showed multiple lung abscesses.The severity of the infection in the patients in this

group suggested a more severe disorder of their im-mune mechanism compared with those in group 1.However, as they were all sporadic cases, it is pos-sible that some of them may be more accuratelyclassified in one of the other groups.

Group 3: Candida-endocrinopathy Patients.In addition to the mouth infection, 3 out of the 9patients had skin infection of the scalp, face, andhands respectively; some finger nails were abnormalin 6, 4 had blepharitis, and one female a provencandidal vaginitis. Laryngeal involvement wasnoted in one patient. In 4 of them there was an in-creased susceptibility to infection other than can-dida, one had a very chronic infection with epider-mophyton floccosum, and 2 had had infectioushepatitis.Three of the 9 patients had hypoadrenocorticism

and hypoparathyroidism, 3 had hypoparathyroidismwithout hypoadrenocorticism, and one the reversesituation. One patient was included in this groupbecause he had diabetes mellitus, and another be-cause he had hypothyroidism.

In addition to other endocrine abnormalities, onefemale patient had primary amenorrhoea, anothersecondary amenorrhoea, and one male had lowketosteroid excretion.

Group 4: Late Onset. The only clinicalabnormality in 6 of these patients was chronic oralcandidiasis. In one patient a malignant thymomawas found. Other reports of this association havebeen published (Montes et al, 1968).


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Page 4: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis

Genetic FindingsGroup 1. For pedigrees see Fig. 1.Pedigree A. III.3. A.H. Male aged 55. The

propositus had 2 sisters (III.10 and III.11) whowere also affected. Two sibs (III.1 and III.8) diedat or shortly after birth, the latter following a con-vulsion, but the others were all alive and well. Theparents and the children of affected individualswere normal. Consanguinity was easily established,because both parents had the same name before mar-riage.

Pedigree B. III.3. H. Y. Female aged 16.The proposita's older brother (III.1) was affected,and the parents knew they were first cousins.

Pedigree C. IV. 7. M.C. Male aged 35. Thepropositus and his affected sister (IV.6) were bothresident in this country, but the family derives fromsouth west Ireland. Consanguinity was stronglydenied at first, but was eventually established by thepropositus when he visited his relations in Ireland.His parents lived in such a small community that it

Pedigree A

Pedigree DI

nb I 1 b1 2 3 4 5 6 7

mI (

Pedigree G









Pedigree FI

II *7)

* * Affected

o 0 Unaffected.% Proband

0 Miscarriage

A.S\ Identical twins

/\ Non-identical twins

_L1i Consanguinity

0 Female died young

Fig. 1.


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Page 5: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Wells, Higgs, Macdonald, Valdimarsson, and Holt

would be almost impossible to avoid marriage to arelation if both came from the same village.

Pedigree D. II.2. J.B. Male aged 21. Thepropositus had a brother (II.6) and a sister (II.8)who were similarly affected. The propositus'smother (I.2) had a difficult obstetric history with 3miscarriages. The parents came from the samearea in an English county town, and although theycould not establish consanguinity, it is very probablethat they were distantly related.

Pedigree E. III.6. N.M. Female aged 30.The proposita and one sister lived in England, butall the others were resident in southern Ireland.The other 2 affected individuals (III.4 and III.11)were reported to have identical clinical features, andagain all the family members lived in a very smallrural community. Although it has not yet beenpossible to visit them, it would seem to be verylikely that consanguinity could be established, andthat an autosomal recessive hypothesis is the mostsatisfactory explanation for the distribution of casesin this pedigree.

Pedigree F. II.2. G.H. Male aged 5. Con-sanguinity was unlikely in this family.

Pedigree G. II.2. C.S. Female aged 9. Con-sanguinity was unlikely in this family.

Pedigree H. III.1. A.C. Male aged 42. Onlyone of the pedigrees of the 5 sporadic cases in thisgroup will be given, because it is the only one inwhich consanguinity was established. However,consanguinity was probable in the other 4 kindreds,because one patient was born in a very small villagein the Midlands, where his family had lived formany generations, one was of Jewish Ashkenazidescent, one was illegitimate and was born in a smallcommunity in North Wales, and the last had parentswho both derived from the same district of a townin the north of England.

CommentGroup 1. In all the pedigrees that have been

described the parents and children of affected indi-viduals were normal. Both sexes may manifest thedisorder, and it occurs in sibships. Therefore thepedigrees are all compatible with an autosomalrecessive mode of inheritance, and this hypothesisis very strongly supported by the exceptionallyhigh incidence of consanguinity, which was estab-lished beyond doubt in 4 pedigrees, was probable in6, and unlikely in 2, but even in the latter more thanone individual was affected. The condition is rare,

because a very extensive ascertainment has only re-vealed a small number of cases. If the propositiare excluded in the sibships with more than oneaffected individual, then there are 10 affectedpersons and 27 unaffected in the 7 pedigrees. Thiscorresponds very closely indeed to the expectedratio of 1:3. For all these reasons it is suggestedthat an abnormality, at present undetermined, is in-herited as an autosomal recessive trait, and that itgives rise to a susceptibility to candida infection.

Group 2. All the 8 patients provisionally in-cluded in this group were sporadic cases, as were the2 who had died. The parents of all ofthem, includ-ing those who were deceased, were interviewed, sothat full details of the pedigrees were obtained. The10 individuals had a total of 28 sibs, 14 male and 14female. Consanguinity was not established in anyof the kindreds, although possible in 2, but veryunlikely in all the others. None of the propositi hadany children.For these reasons it was not possible to draw any

conclusions on the genetic aspects in this group.The early onset of the abnormality, and its severity,suggest autosomal recessive inheritance, if the dis-order is genetically determined. However, it isalso possible that they may have been the recipientof a new autosomal dominant mutation.

Group 3. In the sibships with more than oneaffected individual, 2 brothers, and a brother andsister, had the disorder. Consanguinity was likelyin one family, but not the other. Of the 5 sporadiccases, consanguinity was probable in three families.However, there are many published reports of thiscondition which include family studies (Sutphinet al, 1943) and there is little doubt that it is in-herited as an autosomal recessive trait.

Group 4. The genetic aspects of these 7 indi-viduals were entirely unremarkable.

Immunological FindingsNo abnormality of polymorph function was

found. Antibodies to candida, of all 3 immuno-globulin classes, were not significantly differentfrom those found in the normal population. Severalabnormalities of lymphocyte function were found,in particular, an inability to produce lymphokines(MIF). This appeared to correspond with absentdelayed hypersensitivity to candida in the skin, andwas found in some cases even when blast transforma-tion in response to candida occurred. This im-plied a specific inability of the lymphocyte to pro-duce MIF. In other patients unresponsiveness of


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Page 6: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis

the lymphocyte to candida antigen was found. Thisappeared to be due to the presence of a blockingantibody in the serum, which could be demonstratedby the use of lymphocytes known to respond tocandida. However the responsiveness could bepartially restored by washing the lymphocytes.The defective delayed hypersensitivity response tocandida was sometimes associated with an inabilityto sensitize the patients to DNCB. Where it hasbeen possible to test sibs of affected individuals, thesame defect has generally been found in the affectedrelatives in each sibship, but differed betweenfamilies. One other finding of interest is the almostuniversal occurrence of blood group 0 in affectedindividuals, associated with the presence of H sub-stance. A detailed report of these findings is givenelsewhere (Valdimarsson et al, 1972 b).

Endocrine FindingsThe candida-endocrinopathy syndrome (group 3)

is usually evident by the second decade of life.Patients previously diagnosed and receiving treat-ment at the time of this study, were not further in-vestigated. Specific tests of endocrine functionwere performed on the other patients under 25years ofage and included tests of thyroid, pancreatic,and gonadal function, synacthen stimulation of theadrenals, and ethylene diamine tetra acetic (EDTA)infusion as a test of parathyroid function. Asthere is a high incidence of auto-allergic phenomenadescribed with the candida-endocrinopathy syn-drome, screening for auto-antibodies to a profile oftissues was carried out, and the results were negative.It was not possible to test all patients by identicalmethods, since children and adults were admittedto different hospitals, and some tests were not ap-plicable to children under 10 years of age. All theother patients were screened for an endocrinopathyby routine biochemical testing.No new patients with endocrinopathy were identi-

fied. However, 3 patients had some evidence of anendocrine abnormality, which, although not typicalof those with the candida-endocrinopathy syndrome,might be regarded as a partial manifestation of thisdisorder.One patient who was difficult to evaluate was a

19-year-old male who had long standing muco-cutaneous candidiasis, as well as a chronic skininfection with epidermophyton flocossum andrecurrent chest infections. He also had iron-deficiency anaemia, which was refractory to treat-ment, and an absence of iron stores. Myxoedemahad been diagnosed and treated 2 years before thepresent investigation and tests of adrenal function

were within normal limits. Serum calcium andphosphate were normal on 3 occasions, but in-fusion of EDTA as a test of parathyroid functiongave an atypical response, because there was no fallin serum calcium during the next 24 hours. Hedied 4 months later of a fulminating pneumoniafollowed by cardiac arrest. A serum calcium at thetime of his cardiac arrest was low, ie, 5-3 mg/100 ml,and remained so following initial resuscitation, sug-gesting the onset of hypoparathyroidism. Atnecropsy many endocrine glands were found to beatrophied, including the thyroid, the adrenal glandsand the testes. The parathyroid glands werepresent and appeared hypertrophied. There was adecrease in the amount oflymphoid tissue present inthe tonsils and lymph nodes, and no thymic tissuewas identified. As a result of the necropsy findingsthis patient was classified in group 3. A patientwith some similar clinical features was described byKugelman, Cripps, and Harrell (1963).Two patients classified in group 1 had some evi-

dence of ovarian dysfunction, but ovarian auto-antibodies were not detected. It is not certainwhether these findings should be regarded as purelyincidental or whether isolated ovarian dysfunctioncan be regarded as part of the candida-endocrino-pathy syndrome, since primary and secondaryovarian failure have been described in conjunctionwith other endocrinopathies (Kenny and Holiday,1964).

Biochemical FindingsDefective Epithelial Formation. The para-

meters measured in this group of investigations in-cluded serum iron and folate, vitamin A, carotene,ascorbic acid, and vitamin B 12. Pyridoxine wasalso measured in a small number of patients.

Iron Deficiency. It was found that of the 31patients investigated so far, 23 showed evidence ofovert or latent iron deficiency, in that serum ironestimations were persistently low, iron binding capa-city was normal or raised, and bone marrow biopsiesin 15 patients showed reduced or absent iron stores.Fifteen of these 23 patients had no clinical evidenceof anaemia, but as their serum iron levels were low,and iron stores were absent in most cases, we havesubsequently referred to them as having latent irondeficiency.Ten out of the 14 patients investigated in group 1

had latent iron deficiency, including all the affectedsibs in 3 of the families. Two patients had pre-vious investigations to show that their latent irondeficiency had existed for more than 5 years.


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Page 7: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Wells, Higgs, Macdonald, Valdimarsson, and Holt

All the patients so far investigated in group 2showed evidence ofmarked iron-deficiency anaemia,as did one patient in group 3 and one in group 4.Latent iron deficiency was present in one patient ingroup 3 with an atypical endocrinopathy, and waspresent in 4 of the 7 patients in group 4.

Vitamin A. Eleven patients had low serumlevels of vitamin A. Five of these patients werefrom group 1, 3 from group 2, and 3 from group 4.

Pyridoxine. Five of the 6 patients testedshowed low fasting levels of pyridoxine. Four ofthese were from group 2 and one from group 4.

MycologyNothing has emerged from mycological investi-

gation of these patients to suggest that the actualorganisms with which they were infected were inany way different from those found in the environ-ment and in normal individuals. In 2 patientsspecies of candida were isolated which had charac-teristics different from Candida albicans. In thesecases Candida parapsilosis and Candida guilliermondiiwere isolated together with Candida albicans fromvarious sites on a very heavily infected skin. A re-markable feature in some cases was the paucity ofcolonies grown from material taken from lesionswhich clinically seemed to be heavily infected.This was true even in cases in which numeroushyphae could be demonstrated in biopsy material.

Treatment5-Fluorocytosine (Roche). Five patients were

treated with systemic 5-fluorocytosine (200 mg/kg).Substantial initial improvement was observed in allof them, but this was not maintained in 4 of the 5patients. One developed neutropaenia and ageneralized macular eruption on the 10th day oftreatment, which therefore had to be discontinued.One patient who had the candida-endocrinopathysyndrome, developed a severe relapse of his oralcandidiasis, during the 4th week of therapy. Atthis time there was no alteration in his blood pictureor liver function tests.Although the numbers were small, it was con-

cluded that 5-fluorocytosine did not effect any last-ing improvement in this group of patients withchronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis.

Clotrimazole (Bayer 5097). Two patients,both with extensive skin involvement, have beentreated with systemic Clotrimazole (100 mg/kg) for 3months. Both have shown substantial improve-ment in the appearance of the skin lesions and of theoral candidiasis.

After 2 months, one patient developed an acutegingivitis, which was not characteristic of oralcandida infection, and he was found to have a markedneutropaenia. The drug was stopped and anti-biotics were given orally. There was no relapseof the oral lesion while taking antibiotic therapy, andthe skin remained clear of lesions. The white cellcount returned to normal within 2 weeks. Otherpatients have been treated with some improvementin the clinical condition, but the incidence of sideeffects has been high.

Iron Therapy. Eleven patients have beentreated with oral iron, parenteral iron, or a combina-tion of both for several months, and 9 have shownsignificant clinical improvement. This observa-tion has been supported by a small clinical trial andmore detailed studies of iron metabolism are in pro-gress (Higgs and Wells, 1972).

Vitamin A Therapy. One patient has beentreated with large doses of vitamin A, but the treat-ment had to be discontinued because of headachesand other signs of toxicity. There was some clinicalevidence of improvement.

Immune Therapy. Two patients in this serieshave been treated. Initial deliniation of the im-mune defect has led to the use of transfer factor inone patient unable to respond to candida antigen bylymphocyte transformation, although MIF wasproduced. In this patient a good clinical improve-ment was noted, accompanied by improvedresponsiveness in vitro. The effect was temporary,but could be repeated by further administration oftransfer factor.

In the other patient, although lymphocyte DNAsynthesis occurred following candidida antigenchallenge, there was no production of MIF. Thispatient was given HL-A identical lymphocytesfrom his brother with marked clinical improvement,which has been maintained for 18 months(Valdimarrson et al, 1972 a).

DiscussionClinical Aspects. The clinical features of

familial chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis (group1) were consistent and well defined. The patientshad chronic oral candidiasis, often from early child-hood, and the nails, skin, and other sites were some-times affected. They did not have any endocrino-pathy, but many showed variable immunologicalabnormalities. It is a very rare condition.Some of the severely affected individuals in group

2, may be more correctly classified in group 1, but it


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Page 8: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis

seems likely that different causes may be deter-mined for these patients. The individuals ingroup 3 were diagnosed by the additional features ofan endocrinopathy, and group 4 patients by thelate onset of their chronic oral candidiasis.

Genetic Aspects. Although not absolutelyconclusive, the pedigrees studied strongly sug-gested autosomal recessive inheritance in group 1.Sibs of either sex were affected, and there was a veryhigh incidence of consanguinity compared with thegeneral population. Parents and children ofaffected individuals were unaffected. There is noway at the present time of diagnosing those who areheterozygotes. If the candida-endocrinopathy syn-drome is regarded as an inborn error of metabolism,then it is likely that familial chronic muco-cutaneouscandidiasis may be classified in a similar way.Although we have described only four groups,

there may be others, for instance, if a susceptibilityto chronic candidiasis can be shown to be inheritedas an autosomal dominant trait.

Immunological Aspects. Two possibilitiesfor the inheritance of susceptibility to candidiasisexists. Either it is the result of a specific defectleading to infection with candida alone, or candi-diasis is an expression of lack of immunity whichmay result from many different inherited defects,only one ofwhich may operate in each patient. Theaffected sibs who have been tested always had thesame defect as the proband, for instance, in one

family, deficiency of migration inhibitory factorproduction, in other words a relatively localizedimmune defect, which might be in keeping with aninherited abnormality. The possibility exists thatthe more severe immune defects would be lost to thisseries by early death, but there was no evidence thatthis occurred in the close relatives of affectedpatients. We can assume that the defects found inthese individuals were representative of the defectsfound in this disease.

Iron Metabolism. The existence of latent irondeficiency without anaemia is well documented(Stafford, 1961; Heinrich and Bartels, 1968), but itsclinical importance remains controversial (Beutler,Fairbanks, and Fahey, 1963; Verloop, Leim, and deWijn, 1970). As it has not been correlated withany specific disease entity, doubt has been cast onthe need to correct such a state.

Glossitis and angular cheilitis may be associatedwith iron deficiency in a small proportion ofpatients,although the reason why this should be so is notclear (Bothwell and Finch, 1962). However, thefinding of latent iron deficiency may be of im-

portance in the pathology of chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis, since chronic lack of tissueiron can result in defective epithelial formation.This would not have been treated, as most patientswere not anaemic and would not therefore be con-sidered to be iron deficient. Consequently, asuperimposed candidal infection might become per-sistent, while the epithelium remained dystrophic,and could lead to an alteration in the immune re-sponse over a prolonged period of time, as the anti-gen load was gradually increased. Such a parasiticrelationship may ultimately become extremely diffi-cult to eradicate. There is also some evidence tosuggest that iron deficiency may in itself have adirect effect on the development of lymphoid tissue(Schmidt, 1928).

Detailed analysis of these results are recordedelsewhere (Higgs and Wells, 1972), in which evi-dence is presented to show that these findings areof clinical importance. The deficiency of iron mayprecede the onset of the chronic oral candidiasis andsuggests a specific abnormality of iron metabolism,which could be of fundamental importance in thepathology of this condition, whether immunologicalabnormalities are present or not.

Further Studies. In mice a link has beendemonstrated between pyridoxine deficiency anddepression of both antibody production and thecell-mediated response (Axelrod and Trakatellis,1964). Since pyridoxine deficiency may predisposeto angular cheilitis, glossitis, skin changes, and amicrocytic anaemia of a nonspecific type (Vilteret al, 1953), the existence of such a link with depres-sion of the immune response has suggested a furtherstudy to estimate pyridoxine levels in the rest ofthese patients.

SummaryFrom hospital records, referral by dermatologists,

and other sources, 46 persons who had chronic oralcandidiasis were ascertained. A clinicogeneticclassification was formulated, with 4 groups.Twenty-two of these individuals were considered tohave a newly defined syndrome, which we havecalled familial chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis(FCMC; group 1). There was a high incidence ofconsanguinity, suggesting that the disorder has anautosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Five ofthese patients had no family history of the condition,but all the others had one or more affected sibs. Adescription of the clinical features is given.Of the remaining 24 individuals, 8 were found to

be severely affected, with a susceptibility to otherinfections (group 2). As they were sporadic cases


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Page 9: Familial Chronic Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis*3 Autosomalrecessive Chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis Chronic oral candidiasis; 9 (5 sporadic) withendocrinopathy, ie, the hypoparathyroidism

Wells, Higgs, Macdonald, Valdimarsson, and Holt

it was not possible to form any conclusions on thegenetic aspects. Nine were found to have thecandida-endocrinopathy syndrome, which is in-herited as an autosomal recessive trait (group 3).The remaining 7 individuals developed the disorderlate in life (group 4).

Tests of specific immune responsiveness wereabnormal in over half of the patients investigated.Of the 31 patients from all groups so far fully

investigated, 23 showed evidence of iron deficiency.Eight persons had evidence of anaemia due to irondeficiency, including all those in the clinicogeneticgroup 2. The remaining 15 had evidence oflatent iron deficiency, as defined by a low serumiron and reduced or absent iron stores in the pre-sence of a normal haemoglobin. This was true of10 out of 14 patients in group 1 who were fully in-vestigated and included affected sibs in 3 families.These findings appear to be of clinical importance,

whether abnormal tests of immune function exist ornot, and suggest the possibility that a fundamentalabnormality of iron metabolism may be associatedwith familial chronic muco-cutaneous candidiasis.

Our thanks to all the consultant dermatologists, re-gretably too numerous to mention, who referred theirpatients to us for study, and to Professor R. A. Cawson,Dr Y. Clayton, Professor S. Cohen, Professor T. Lehner,Dr J. A. Fraser Roberts, and Professor J. F. Soothill, whohave given a great deal of help with various aspects of thisinvestigation. Our thanks to Bayer Pharmaceuticals andRoche Products for supplying their products. Weshould also like to thank the Herbert E. Dunhill Trust,the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council for Research andthe Vigdis and Olafur Memorial Fund in Iceland for verygenerous grants to support this work.


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