www.familiestogetherinc.org For more information, contact the center closest to you. Topeka Parent Center (785) 233-4777 [email protected] 1-800-264-6343 toll free Wichita Parent Center (316) 945-7747 [email protected] 1-888-815-6364 toll free Garden City Parent Center (620) 276-6364 (620) 276-2380 (Espanol) [email protected] 1-888-820-6364 toll free Kansas City Parent Center (913) 287-1970 [email protected] 1-877-499-5369 toll free Statewide Spanish Parent Line Lina Estratal de Padres en Espanol 1-800-499-9443 [email protected] Families Together, Inc. Adapted from a Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center Publicaon

Families Together, Inc. · 2017-10-16 · KSB Kansas State School for the Blind KSBE Kansas State Board of Education ... LA Lead Agency LD Learning Disability LDA Learning Disabilities

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Page 1: Families Together, Inc. · 2017-10-16 · KSB Kansas State School for the Blind KSBE Kansas State Board of Education ... LA Lead Agency LD Learning Disability LDA Learning Disabilities


For more information, contact the

center closest to you.

Topeka Parent Center

(785) 233-4777

[email protected]

1-800-264-6343 toll free

Wichita Parent Center

(316) 945-7747

[email protected]

1-888-815-6364 toll free

Garden City Parent Center

(620) 276-6364

(620) 276-2380 (Espanol)

[email protected]

1-888-820-6364 toll free

Kansas City Parent Center

(913) 287-1970

[email protected]

1-877-499-5369 toll free

Statewide Spanish Parent Line

Lina Estratal de Padres en Espanol


[email protected]

Families Together, Inc.

Adapted from a Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center Publica�on

Page 2: Families Together, Inc. · 2017-10-16 · KSB Kansas State School for the Blind KSBE Kansas State Board of Education ... LA Lead Agency LD Learning Disability LDA Learning Disabilities



Page 3: Families Together, Inc. · 2017-10-16 · KSB Kansas State School for the Blind KSBE Kansas State Board of Education ... LA Lead Agency LD Learning Disability LDA Learning Disabilities

SPP State Performance Plan

SSA Social Security Administration

SSDI Social Security Disability Income

SSI Supplemental Security Income

STO Short Term Objectives

SW Social Work/Worker

TA Teacher’s Assistant

TA Technical Assistance

TBI Traumatic Brain Injury

TDD/TTY Telecommunications Device for the Deaf

TS Tourette Syndrome

TWWIIA Ticket to Work/ Work Incentives Improvement Act

UCP United Cerebral Palsy

USDE United States Department of Education

VI Visual Impairment

Voc Ed Vocational Education

VR Vocational Rehabilitation

Acronyms at a Glance AAC Alternative Augmentative Communication

AAD Adap:ve Assis:ve Devices

ABA Applied Behavioral Analysis

ADA Americans with Disabili:es Act

ADD A;en:on Deficit Disorder

ADHD A;en:on Deficit Hyperac:vity Disorder

ADLs Ac:vi:es of Daily Living

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

APE Adapted Physical Educa:on

AFOs Ankle/Foot Ortho:cs

APD Auditory Processing Disorder

APR Annual Performance Report

ARC Advocates for the Rights of Ci:zens with Developmental


ASD Au:sm Spectrum Disorder

ASHA American Speech-Language-Hearing Associa:on

ASL American Sign Language

AT Assis:ve Technology

AYP Adequate Yearly Progress

BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs

BIP Behavioral Interven:on Plan

CADRE Community Advocates for Disability Rights and Educa:on

CAPD Central Auditory Processing Disorder

CCS Common Core Standards

CDDO Community Developmental Disability Organiza:on

CEC Council on Excep:onal Children

CF Cys:c Fibrosis

CFR Code of Federal Regula:ons

Page 4: Families Together, Inc. · 2017-10-16 · KSB Kansas State School for the Blind KSBE Kansas State Board of Education ... LA Lead Agency LD Learning Disability LDA Learning Disabilities

CHADD Children and Adults with A;en:on Deficit/Hyperac:vity


CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program

CIFMS Con:nuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System

CINC Child in Need of Care

CMHC Community Mental Health Center

COP Community of Prac:ce

COTA Cer:fied Occupa:onal Therapist Assistant

CP Cerebral Palsy

CSPD Comprehensive System of Personnel Development

CYSHCN Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

DADS Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services

DCF Kansas Department for Children and Families

DB Deaf-Blindness

DD Developmental Disability

DDS Kansas Disability Determina:on Services

DME Durable Medical Equipment

DNR Do Not Resuscitate

DOB Date of Birth

DOH Department of Health

DPH Due Process Hearing

DPHO Due Process Hearing Officer

DR Dispute Resolu:on

DRC Disability Rights Center

DS Down Syndrome

DSM-IV Diagnos:c and Sta:s:cal Manual IV of Mental Health


EHDI Early Hearing Detec:on and Interven:on

ECERS Early Childhood Environmental Ra:ng Scale

ECSE Early Childhood Special Educa:on

PTA Parent Teacher Association

PTI Parent Training and Information Center

RM Resolution Meeting

RN Registered Nurse

RRC Regional Resource Center

RS Related Services

§ This symbol means “Section” as in “§ 300.7 Child with a

disability” in the IDEA regulations

SA Self-Assessment

SACK Self Advocate Coalition of Kansas

SAS Supplementary Aids and Services

SB Spina Bifida

SC Service Coordinator

SE Supported Employment

SEA State Education Agency

SEAC State Special Education Advisory Council

Section 504 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Section 619 Special Education—3–5 Years Old

SED Severe Emotional Disturbance

SHS Special Health Services

SI Sensory Integration

SICC State Interagency Coordinating Council

SIG State Improvement Grant

SIP State Improvement Plan

SIT Student Improvement Team

SL Speech Language

SLD Specific Learning Disability

SLP Speech Language Pathologist

SPDG State Personnel Development Grant

SPED Special Education

Page 5: Families Together, Inc. · 2017-10-16 · KSB Kansas State School for the Blind KSBE Kansas State Board of Education ... LA Lead Agency LD Learning Disability LDA Learning Disabilities

NCA North Central Association Commission on Accreditation a

and School Improvement

NCLB No Child Left Behind

NECTAC National Early Childhood and Technical Assistance Center

NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCR Office for Civil Rights

ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder

OHI Other Health Impairment

OI Orthopedic Impairment

O&M Orientation and Mobility

OSS Out of School Suspension

OSEP Office of Special Education Programs

OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services

OT Occupational Therapy

OTC Over the Counter (medication)

P&A Protection and Advocacy

Para Paraeducator

Part B Special Education

Part C Special Education—Birth–Two Years Old

PASS Plans for Achieving Self Support

PAVE Parents are Vital in Education

PBS Positive Behavioral Supports

PCA Personal Care Attendant

PDD Pervasive Development Disorders

PECS Picture Exchange Communication System

PL Public Law

PLAAFP Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional


PT Physical Therapy/Therapist

ED Emo:onal Disturbance

EEG Electroencephalogram

EHS Early Head Start

EI Early Interven:on

EKG Electrocardiogram

ELL English Language Learner

EPSDT Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment

ESD Extended School Day

ESEA Elementary and Secondary Educa:on Act

ESY Extended School Year

F2F Family-to-Family Health Informa:on Center

FAPE Free Appropriate Public Educa:on

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FBA Func:onal Behavioral Assessment

FC Facilitated Communica:on

FERPA Family Educa:on Rights and Privacy Act

FOIA Freedom of Informa:on Act

GE General Education

GI Gifted Intellectually

GT Gifted and Talented

HCBS Home and Community Based Services

HCBS/DD HCBS for persons who have Developmentally Disabili:es

HCBS/HI HCBS for persons with a Head Injury

HCBS/PD HCBS for persons who are Physically Disabled

HCBS/SED HCBS for persons who have a Severe Emotional


HCBS/TA HCBS for children who are Technology Assisted

HI Hearing Impairment

HHS Health and Human Services

HO Hearing Officer

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HIPAA Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act

HMO Health Maintenance Organization

HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration

IAES Interim Alternative Educational Setting

ICC Interagency Coordinating Council

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

ID Intellectual Disability

IEE Independent Educational Evaluation

IEP Individualized Education Program

IFSP Individualized Family Service Plan

IHE Institution of Higher Education

IHP Individualized Health Care Plan

ILCs Kansas Independent Living Centers

INTERHAB Resource Network for Kansans with Disabilities

IQ Intelligence Quotient

IRWE Impairment-Related Work Expense

ISS In School Suspension

IR Interrelated Services

JJA Juvenile Justice Authority

K-CART Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training

KACIL Kansas Association of Centers for Independent Living

KAR Kansas Administrative Regulations

KCDC Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns

KCDD Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities

KCDHH Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

KDHE Kansas Department of Health and Environment

KEHS/HS Kansas Early Head Start/Head Start

KGP Kansas Guardianship Program

KGTC Kansas Association for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

KHSA Kansas Head Start Association

KPIRC Kansas Parent Information Resource Center

KNI Kansas Neurological Institute

KSA Kansas Statutes Annotated (Laws)

KSAFP Kansas State Association of Foster Parents

KSB Kansas State School for the Blind

KSBE Kansas State Board of Education

KSBVI Kansas Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

KSD Kansas School for the Deaf

KSDE Kansas State Department of Education

LA Lead Agency

LD Learning Disability

LDA Learning Disabilities Association

LDAK Learning Disabilities Association of Kansas

LEA Local Education Agency

LEP Limited English Proficiency

LICC Local Interagency Coordinating Council

LPN Licensed Practical Nurse

LRE Least Restrictive Environment

MCD Medicaid

MCH Maternal and Child Health

MD Medical Doctor

MPRRC Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center

MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MS Multiple Sclerosis

MTSS Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

NAMI National Association for the Mentally Ill

NASDSE National Association of State Directors of Special


NC Non-Categorical