9 things I wish I had known about  FAT LOSS when I first started working out by Leslie Hooper

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9 things I wish I had known about  FAT LOSS when I 

first started working out

by Leslie Hooper

145 Waverly Place

New York, New York 10014


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my noggin'

Allow myself to introduce…myself.

I’m Leslie Hooper and I’m an Online

Nutrition and Fitness Coach who

specializes in helping people break

free from the shackles of dieting 

hello there!

Some of you may know me as the not-always so charming

southern belle from New Orleans who loves deadlifts, tacos,

and gift wrapping (that last one is not a joke, by the way; I

seriously love that shit). But among my clients, I’m mostly

known as a no-nonsense broad who doesn’t take herself too


When I’m not on a quest for the perfect guacamole, I can

often be found burying my nose in a book, in jiu jitsu class, or

dancing in-between sets in the squat rack. 

while simultaneously achieving the body of a Superhero.

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WHO AM I? (cont'd)


Client who is currently ranked #2

in the world. She doesn't suck.

I may have the reputation

of being a black belt ball-

buster with a strong

aversion to pants, but if

there’s anything I do care

about, it’s your success.  

You see, I’ve been told I

have an “obsession.”  

This isn’t just a paycheck

for me. After ten years of

the corporate grind, I 

My own transformation was so powerful that it inspired me to

throw all of my chips on the table, walk away from the

comfort of a budding profession, and go all-in so I can help

people like you achieve your dreams, too.

hung up my pants suit and chose this career path.

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WHO AM I? (cont'd)

Same weight in both pictures

I can’t not help people

improve their lives through

lifting heavy shit.

It’s who I am.  

It’s what I know.

It’s me and I’m it.

Together, we’re like white guys

and bad dancing. It’s the

Cheech to my Chong.

And when you discover the key that unlocks the door to your

happiness every single day, it becomes your duty to share it

with anyone else who’ll listen.

So here I am.  

Banging away on my keyboard. Shouting from the virtual



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WHO AM I? (cont'd)

I probably need a bit more caps lock key for that, but you

know what I’m sayin’…right?  

My approach to physique transformation is simple, effective,

and founded on the principles of scientific research.  

No quick-fix scams.

No supplements.  

No belly wraps.

No detoxes.

No bullshit.  

Fat loss doesn’t have to suck and it definitely shouldn’t be an

additional stressor in your life. You have enough to worry

about without having to obsess over calorie counting and

dodging cake.

Allow someone with over a decade of experience to save you

from the frustration and confusion of uncertainty. Together,

we can create an optimal plan for your body, so you can

spend more time focusing on the fun stuff — like, wrapping


talk soon!-lmh

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Firstly, how about a high five for surviving that intro, eh?

WHEW!now what?

Sheesh. Someone likes to talk about themselves.

If you need to take a bathroom break, I understand.  I'll wait.

You back?  Cool. 

So I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to dazzle you

with my knowledge on all-things fitness.

The truth is, I'm still learning, but 15 years in the game has

put me way ahead of many, so let's dig into some of that

stuff now, shall we?

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drop your


Fat Loss Thing #1Not knowing how much you're eating

While most people can get into pretty decent shape by adding healthier

foods to every meal, that’s not going to be enough to produce dramatic

results if your goal is to take your physique to the next level.

If you’re carrying a lot of excess fat, you can definitely start shedding the

pounds by simply exercising more and making better dietary choices.

Whole foods tend to be more nutrient dense with fewer calories, so if you

substitute some of the higher-calorie foods you're accustomed to eating

with more physique-friendly choices, then yes, that caloric decrease is

likely going to produce fat loss — until a point.

Somewhere down the road, you’re going to hit a plateau, and from then

on, just making the right food choices isn't going to be enough to

stimulate fat loss anymore.

The key to fat loss is eating the right amount of calories for your body. 

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This is why a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approach can't possibly be

optimal for everyone. Your program needs to be customized to your

body for maximum results.

This ties into the 'quality over quantity' argument that is addressed

below, but it’s safe to say, that your energy intake, relative to your body's

energy requirements will be the primary driver of your fat-loss progress.

You could eat nothing but the healthiest organic foods available, but if

you're overeating them, then you're still eating too much. Whether it's

from chicken breast or pizza, if your end-of-day calories add up to more

than the calories required to maintain your bodyweight, you won’t be

losing fat.

To get lean, you need to be in a caloric deficit. It’s really that simple.

On the flip side of that, if you're eating too few calories for your

bodyweight, you're also going to experience less-than-optimal results,

albeit for different reasons.

The art of dieting isn't in the initial nutritional strategy, but rather, the

changes that get made to it to ensure continued progress along the way.

When your initial diet hits the fat loss wall, how do you know what to do

with your calories if you don't know how much you're eating in the first


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Fat Loss Thing #2Eating too many meals

One of the most dramatic changes I made in my own transformation was

tossing out the old-school train of thought that in order to lose fat, you

had to eat 5-7 small meals a day “to keep the metabolism revving.”

Eh, not so much.

I mean, even on its face this seems completely ridiculous and

counterintuitive, but the multi-billion dollar food industry is a persuasive

machine and they took that bit of information and ran with it. And like

millions of others, I fell for it, too.

The fact is, there is no scientific research that supports this long

perpetuated myth. There is nothing magical about spreading your meals

throughout the day when it comes to body composition. And as far as

I’m concerned, eating six meals a day instead of three is just three more

opportunities to overeat. 

I’ve noticed that when I eat smaller meals all day, every day, I never really

reach the point of feeling completely satiated. It feels like I’m eating just

enough to take the edge off, but not enough to satisfy my hunger for

long. This was problematic because I was always thinking about food

and my next meal.

Another issue I frequently ran into was the fact that there really wasn’t a

whole lot of food I could eat that consisted of just a few hundred calories.

Maybe an apple and tablespoon of peanut butter? Half a chicken breast

and a handful of nuts? 

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Fat Loss Thing #3Protein, veggies, and hunger

For most, it makes more sense to stick to three meals a day with no

snacking in-between. And maybe a fourth on a day that you’ve trained.

However, if you’re one of those people who enjoys grazing like a goat all

day, then by all means, please continue. But do so with the

understanding that it’s not superior for fat loss. You don’t lose extra

pounds for dicing veggies and washing tupperware six times a day

instead of three.

The most important factor in your success is always going to be what’s

sustainable for you. We all have our individual preferences. In the end, it

doesn’t matter if it’s two meals or nine meals a day, the only diet that’s

going to “work” is the one that you can stick to as effortlessly as possible. 

When it comes to undergoing a physique transformation, you’re going to

have to get used to the idea that certain foods will do a better job of

helping you arrive there than others — namely nutrient dense whole


High calorie ‘on-the-go’ foods might be convenient, but they’re not ideal

when it comes to transforming your physique. To make the biggest dent

in achieving your body composition goal, protein and vegetables will be

the leading stars of the show. 

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By now you know that in order to lose fat you have to be in a caloric

deficit. This is highly uncomfortable for most and a big contributing

factor as to why very few are capable of transforming their physique in a

meaningful way. 

Dieting is stressful — both from a psychological and physiological

standpoint. Now, add in hunger on an emotionally charged day and it’s

game over for your willpower.

BUT, you have a choice. 

You get to decide how you choose to perceive your relationship with

hunger. I would encourage you to approach it from the perspective that

hunger is an indication that you’re achieving your fat loss goal:

“Wow! I’m starting to get kind of hungry — this feels like progress!” rather

than busting through the door like the Kool-aid man yelling, “HOLY SHIT!

I’M STARVING!” and then proceed to eat everything that isn’t nailed

down, including the kitchen sink.

Hunger is not an emergency. Like feeling tired or the sensation of

needing to pee, it’s just a body cue. You’re not going to die.

We need to accept that in order to lose body fat, that hunger will be a

part of the process. Expect it, plan for it, and practice being comfortable

with it.

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At first you may only last five minutes, that’s fine. Maybe at your next

meal you’ll be able to make it to ten minutes before digging in. All we’re

looking for is practice, not perfection. You have the rest of your life to

figure this stuff out. And if you didn’t get it right at breakfast, you can

always try again at lunch. No big deal.

That said, I would advise you not to go hungry for longer than 30-60

minutes, depending on your comfort level. Waiting too long to eat

becomes a problem when we allow ourselves to get so hungry that we

lose all sense of control and eat everydamnthing before we realize how

much we’ve shoved down our pie hole. And then it’s too late.

Hello, Fat Pants.

There is no enjoyment in this situation. We’re purely eating to get rid of

the hunger, not to enjoy the flavors of the food. And one of the most

important factors in your long-term success will be to ENJOY the foods

you’re dieting on. If you can’t see yourself eating the same way six

months down the road, you’re setting yourself up for a nasty rebound.

One thing that I think that is worth mentioning here is that eating

satiating foods like protein and veggies in every meal will help prevent

hunger from creeping in while keeping your calorie count relatively low.

Sometimes, it’s not even hunger that’s causing the discomfort — it could

just be that you’re thirsty and in need of a big glass of water.

Hunger is normal. Hunger is part of the fat loss process and a clear

indication that things are moving in the right direction. Learn to become

comfortable in your discomfort and the fat loss will take care of itself.

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Fat Loss Thing #4Not using an outcome-based approach

If something is broken you need to fix it, right?

What do you do if your training and nutrition program stops producing

the desired results?

You think you're doing everything right; you're nailing your diet, you're

following your workout program, you're doing cardio, but for some

reason, the results just aren't happening. 

What do you do? Keep grinding it out? 

The obvious response is no. Why would you continue doing something

it’s not working?

Yet this is what a lot of people do. They keep trying the same quick-fix

diet while following the same workout protocol over and over and over

until they give up out of frustration. Or boredom. With probably a bit of

stress that whole damn thing isn’t working, too.

Listen, if what you're doing isn't working, doing it longer isn't going to

jump start your plan into working again. Your program needs some help

and you need to make some changes.

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What's an outcome-based approach? 

It's pretty obvious. Basically, what you do moving forward is going to be a

direct result of what you've already done. 

Are you seeing the results you want? Stay the course. Not getting the

results you want? Time to adjust. See? No brainer type stuff. 

I think the best timeline to measure your physical results is every two

weeks; it's long enough to see if what you're doing is promoting any

physical changes, but not so long that you've wasted a lot of time

spinning your wheels on a program that isn’t working.

If there are no changes in two weeks, it’s time to adjust your program by

manipulating your caloric intake.

Perhaps you need to lower calories by another 10%. Look to your diet

first; don't automatically assume you're not doing enough cardio because

more than likely, you already are. I’m looking at you bikini competitors.

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But I get it. This is a lot of jibber-jabber. It would probably me a lot more

entertaining if puppies were reading it to you.

Let's go ahead and pause a moment for a bathroom break, a glass of

water, and this hilarious picture of Mike Tyson.




You back? Okay, cool. Let's wrap this party up so you can get back to

playing Candy Crush. But you better not be the schmuck who keeps

sending me invites to play Candy Crush on Facebook.


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One of the biggest obstacles that prevents people from achieving fat loss

success is a lack of dietary compliance — that is, adherence to your plan.

Particularly on the weekends. 

Fat loss programs are only as good as the people following them.

No matter how well designed or personalized a nutritional plan is for you,

if you don't follow it, it's not going to produce the desired results.

Now, keep in mind, no one said this is going to be easy. There will be


There's a reason more people aren't walking around with enviable

physiques. It's hard work. But, with a little planning, some dedication,

and a customized strategy, you can reach your fat loss goal. Real, lasting

results are right there, if you’re willing to do the work. 

Before you can measure the effectiveness or the results of any plan, you

first have to look at how well you followed it.

Did you really stick to your plan, or did you just "kinda follow it"?

Without sufficient adherence to your plan, you really can't explain the

outcome. Were your lack of results due to your meal plan (that wasn't

being adhered to with consistency)? Was it due to missed meals?

Changed meals? Cheat meals? Without control over these variables, you

will never know. 

Fat Loss Thing #5Ignoring the 90% rule

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The problem with not knowing is that when a plateau comes around

(and it will come around), your ability to trouble shoot your strategy is

tossed out the window.

There's no point in changing a nutritional plan in an attempt to kickstart

fat loss again if the original plan wasn't being followed in the first place.

In other words, the plan isn't the problem, your ability to stick to the plan

is the problem.

You need to accept that every action has a consequence. The most

important factor in your long-term success is your ability to stick your

nutrition plan consistently.

So what would be considered successful dietary adherence? The magic

number is 90%.

If you follow your plan 90% of the time, your chances of succeeding are

very good. Of course, the better the adherence, the better the results.

Fat loss is first and foremost about nutrition.

Training and cardio, while obviously important elements of your

program, aren't just second to nutrition; they're a distant second.

Nutrition is what will make or break you. 

Most people, when asked how well they are following their plan, would

probably assume they are doing a good job of it. But are they really?

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Most people, when asked how well they are following their plan, would

probably assume they are doing a good job of it. But are they really?

What about those few little treats in the car? Or that slice of pizza off

your kid’s plate that they didn’t finish? Everyone knows that those

calories don’t count, right?

Too many of these little slip-ups and before long you're sitting at only

75% compliance. Little dietary indiscretions don't seem like a big deal in

isolation, but with enough of these momentary lapses in self-control,

you’re no longer in a caloric deficit.

Fat Loss Thing #6

Environment for success

Making small changes to your home and work environment can

make achieving your fat loss goal significantly easier. The key is to

surround yourself with nutritious foods and encouraging,

supportive people.

One thing I like to do is go grocery shopping immediately after my

workout. This helps me stay on track because I’m already in the

mindset of wanting to make better decisions for my health and

physique goals.

I’m far less likely to hit the gym and then want to derail my efforts

by consuming a pint of ice cream immediately afterwards. So,

instead, I take advantage of my post-workout “high” and use that

window of time to purchase the foods that best align with my

specific goal.

Fat Loss Thing #6

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Let’s think of it this way — your body is your bank account and every

workout or healthy food choice is a deposit. In order to be successful in

your fat loss goal, you’ll need to have more deposits (nutritious foods,

consistent workouts) than withdrawals (treats, skipped workouts).

It’s okay if you take a withdrawal from time-to-time, but it’s with the

knowledge that you should always be making more deposits than

withdrawals. Another behavior to be mindful of is not bringing home

unhealthy foods. If they’re not easily accessible in your immediate

environment, you’re far less likely to hop in the car and drive around town

looking for them. It’s usually just a momentary craving that will

eventually subside.

However, if one evening you decide that you do want to grab an ice

cream cone or some chicken wings with a friend, go to a restaurant —

enjoy it, and leave it there. Do not bring these items back to your home.

Treats are for isolated incidents outside of the home. And despite what

your cravings are telling you, you don’t actually need them daily.

Another thing to be aware of is where you eat.

Eating a meal should get 100% of your attention. When we eat in front of

a TV, computer, phone, etc. it’s a distraction and we can easily lose focus

on how much we’ve eaten, or if we’re even hungry anymore.

Mindless eating leads to overeating. And you can literally blow an entire

week of dieting in one meal if you’re not paying attention to the amount

of calories you’re consuming in a single sitting.

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What's the first thing most people think of when they think of fat loss

through means of exercise? Cardio. Yep, hours upon hours of boring,

mind-numbing cardio.

Okay, maybe that’s just me, but if I have the option to do metabolic

workouts or the hamster wheel, I’m choosing metabolic workouts every


As soon as spring is in the air, the treadmills, the bikes, the ellipticals —

especially the ellipticals, get busy.

What’s up with that?

Because that’s what has been etched into our skulls. You want to lose

fat? Go run.

Here's the problem — there's a reason you have to do so much of it; it

doesn't burn that many calories to begin with. What? But the elliptical

says you burned 1000 calories in 10 minutes? Sorry, not happenin’. All of

these machines overestimate caloric expenditure by roughly 20%.

The problem with doing cardio is, the more you do, the more you have to

do to still elicit results.

In other words, the more you do an exercise, the better you get at it. And

as you become more aerobically fit, you also become more efficient at

losing fat.

Fat Loss Thing #7Overexercising

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Sounds awesome, right?

Not exactly. How much fuel does a Honda Civic car burn?

Not much. It gets a lot of mileage out of a little bit of gas. Same with us.

The more efficient we become, the less energy our bodies have to expend

for a given amount of activity. Efficiency sure sounds good, but when it

comes to fat loss, inefficiency is the sweet spot.

Look at physique competitors; they start off with 30 minutes of cardio

four times a week and by the time they're done dieting, they're up to 60

minutes twice a day.


Whether it has to do with increased efficiency or not, the point is, they've

had to add more and more. Did the 30 minutes four times per week stop

producing results? Did they become more efficient? What they could

have done instead is simply up the intensity, rather than resort to insane

durations. (As an aside, anyone who has to do that amount of cardio to

lose fat needs to take a closer look at their diet.)

Now, don’t get me wrong, steady state cardio can have it’s place in a fat-

loss program. The common mistake is made when we put an

overemphasis on steady state cardio for fat loss.

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Metabolic workouts have become very popular these days thanks to

Crossfit culture.

If you're not familiar with the term 'metabolic workouts,’ the phrase refers

to workouts that are generally a bit higher on the rep scale and lower on

the rest/interval scale. They often revolve around a series of several

exercises with the end goal of getting a lot of work done in a short

amount of time.

These workouts are generally really tough, short, and intense.

In other words, if your cardiorespiratory fitness could use some work,

you'll probably find yourself on the floor in a puddle of sweat struggling

to catch your breath.

The end goal of ‘metcon’ workouts is to expend a lot of energy, and create

what has affectionately been coined the 'afterburn’ — which is basically

an increase in calories burned during the post-workout recovery period

(although, it’s worth mentioning that the amount of calories burned is

relatively insignificant). 

While I definitely think such programs have their place, I tend to think

training for strength should be a priority. 

Not prioritizing strength in your training program

Fat Loss Thing #8

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That is, at least some of your workouts need to be done above a certain

intensity threshold in order to provide your body with a sufficient enough

reason to keep your muscle. As they say, if you don't use it, you lose it. 

Muscle loss while dieting can become more of a concern as your body fat

levels get lower.

When it's higher, or you’re just starting out on your fat-loss quest, muscle

loss, (provided you are doing some resistance training) is highly unlikely. If

getting stronger is a priority throughout your diet, and you are successful

at it, you will likely minimize any muscle loss.

While high rep, short rest interval training does have the potential to burn

a fair number of calories, at least some of your training during a fat loss

phase should be used to preserve (or even increase) muscle mass as

opposed to stimulating fat loss. 

Fat loss should come primarily from nutrition, with the rest coming from

various forms of cardiovascular work (interval training, bodyweight

circuits, some steady state cardio, etc.). Some of your weight training

should be focused exclusively on getting stronger, and keeping the

muscle you have, not fat loss. Let the other 23 hours of the day take care

of that.

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Muscular gains are the result of tension placed on the muscle (weight

lifted) as well as how long that tension was applied (time under tension).

When your calories are over maintenance and you're eating enough to

sustain heavy lifting, your ability to recover from workouts will be far

more improved than when you’re in a caloric deficit.

When it comes to training with fewer calories in your system, your ability

to recover from strenuous exercise will be significantly reduced. Without

the necessary energy intake, you simply cannot do the same amount of

work that you could if you were eating in a caloric surplus. No energy

makes for a pretty crappy workout. 

One of the most common mistakes I see with people who are dieting is

the desire to add a bunch of exercise on top of their low calorie

intake...which never lasts long. It’s not sustainable approach to fat loss

and eventually you’re going to hit a wall. And when that happens, you

could potentially lose size, strength, and feel overtrained.

As a result, the amount of sets and reps you’re doing needs to be reduced.

Keep in mind that the goal of resistance training while dieting is to

maintain muscle and strength.

Too much volumeFat Loss Thing #9

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You're simply not going to be making significant muscular gains while in

a caloric deficit — no matter what any online keyboard warrior tells you.

I'd even suggest to play it smart and err on the side of caution by doing

less training when you want to do more.

Programming for successful fat loss really doesn't need to be that


There are some basic rules and principles that need to be a part of every

program, but beyond that, there can be a lot of variability in how the final

program is set up and packaged.

Many people are aware of the more common fat loss slip-ups, and they

successfully avoid them, but in many cases, they still fall short of their

ultimate physique goals.

It’s my hope that by highlighting these fat loss pitfalls, i’ve provided you

with the necessary awareness to help you overcome your own fat loss

hurdles and take your physique to the next level.

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Carly -11lbs

Sarah-42lbs Joseph-28lbs


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WELP.That's it for now.

thanks for hanging out with me. If you have any questions or if I can help you with

anything, don't hesitate to reach out.

Feel free to contact me anytime at:




Or, there's always e-mail: [email protected]

-lmhtalk soon!
