Fauzia & Nighat Parveen

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  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen






    Dr.Fauzia Khurshid

    Ass!ia"# Pr$#ssr

    %Ni&ha" Par'##(

    M. Phi) S!h)ar

    D#*ar"+#(" $ Edu!a"i(



    Present study was designed to investigate the role of demographic variation in determining

    the level of organizational commitment among college teachers. A stratified random sample

    of 50 male and female teachers was collected from two Islamabad Model College for irls

    such as I!"#$ Islamabad and Islamabad Model College for %oys& '!(0#) Islamabad. Among

    them *0 were male and )0 were female teachers& their ages ranged from *5 to $5 years& and+ob e,perience ranged from ( to *0 years. -ata was collected through a research

    uestionnaire developed by Meyer and Allen& named as organizational commitment

    uestionnaire /C12 which was comprised of fifteen items and three subscales named as&

    affective commitment scale& continuance commitment scale and normative commitment scale.

    Collected data was statistically analyzed with the help of various statistics which shows that

    about )03 teachers have low commitment& whereas )(3 respondents carrying moderate

    commitment and only )43 respondents possess high level of the organizational commitment.lder college teachers were more committed than the younger ones. It was discovered that female

    teachers have higher organizational commitment as compared to male college teachers and increase

    in the level of ualification correlates negatively with organizational commitment. Management can

    use various commitment strategies to shape the behaviour and attitude of teachers byfocusing on developing committed employees who can be trusted to use their discretion to

    carry out +ob tass.

    Keywords: Biographic Variations, Organization commitment and College teachers.


    Organizations are consciously coordinate social unit, based on two or more people

    that function on relatively continuous basis, being organizational behaviour theorists Robbins

    and Judge (2010 define !organizational behaviour as a discipline which e"plore impacts

    which individual variations, groups dynamics and organizational structure could have on

    behaviour in the conte"t of organization, aim of applying such e"ploration is towards

    improving organizational# effectiveness$%

    &n an organizational setting employees differ in terms of their appearances, abilities

    and bio'graphics% iographic variations include personal characteristics of the employees

    such as, age, and gender race and wor) e"perience%

    *s organizational commitment is one of the vital attitudes, that is defined by +owday,

    teers - .orter (1// !as novel state of mind which helps employees to identify themselveswith their organizations goals and wishes to maintain membership of their organization%

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    Organizational commitment is a firm belief which can lead employees towards unconditional

    acceptance of organizational norm, culture, rules and regulation it is employees# willingness

    to e"ert significant efforts on the behalf of organization organizational commitment is helpful

    to inculcate an intense desire in employee to maintain employment in the organization$%

    Organizational commitment has been conceptualized and measure in a variety of ways,

    +eyer and *llen (1/ gave tricomponent approach of the organizational commitment which

    tends to reflect three general themes such as normative commitment, affective commitment and

    continuance commitment, all these are part of an overall attitudinal commitment% *ccording to

    this approach, commitment binds an individual with his or her organization and thereby reduces

    the li)elihood of undesired 3ob behaviour including absenteeism and turnover%

    +eyer and *llen (1/4 also differentiates between affective and continuancecommitment, and stated !that affective commitment is employees emotional attachment with

    organization which compel him to identify himself with organization whereas on other hand

    continuance commitment is perceived costs associated with leaving the organization$% *llen

    and +eyer (1//0 also recommended that normative commitment demonstrates a perceived

    obligation to remain in the organization% for him affective commitment (*5 is an emotional

    attachment, identification and involvement of employee with the organization and a belief in

    its goals and values% 6mployees who have strong affective commitment have greater chances

    to continue employment with the organization because they want to do so% 7hile continuance

    commitment is the perceived economic value of staying with the organization compared with

    leaving it, so employee remains in the organization because they need to do so (+eyer and

    *llen 1//1, 1//%

    8arious researches established a significant and positive relationship between age and

    employees# commitment% 9or e"ample, in 1//0 +athieu - :a3ac e"plored that variable of

    age has significant positive correlation with organizational commitment% Researchers alsoproposed that older wor)ers are more li)ely to hold a higher level of organizational

    commitment, one e"planation for such findings may be the fact that the e"pectations from

    older wor)er on wor) place is that they can ad3ust themselves at wor) (;hurshid, 2012%


  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    organizational commitment therefore, individuals with higher he importance of understanding 3ob

    security#s role has increased with the emphasis over the past decade on employee reactions to

    ma3or organizational change%

    7ith respect to the study of gender and organizational commitment, some

    misunderstanding has occurred due to the approach in which this sub3ect has been studied%

    >he gender approach to the study of women and organizational commitment was described as

    one where the fundamental belief was that, women accept family roles as a chief source of

    their identity and fulfillment, leading to a different point of reference to wor) for men, for

    whom wor) is supreme% 5ontrary to it, supporters of the 3ob'model, regarding the study of

    organizational commitment and women specifies that there were no significant differences

    between the wor) attitudes of women and men, and that wor) attitudes of both se"es

    developed in similar ways% &n a meta'analytic study, researchers (+athieu - :a3ac, 1//0

    noted a correlation that specified a stronger, although wea), advantage for female employees

    with respect to organizational commitment% +athieu and :a3ac reviewed 14 studies involving

    gender and organizational commitment here ratings for males were coded with higher values%

    +arital status is one of the important biographic factor that could effects employees

    wor) attitude, generally married wor)ers are perceive more committed towards their

    organization than single wor)ers% *n e"planation for this assumption could be that married

    wor)ers rather than single wor)ers have more family responsibilities to gratify, for that

    rehe relationship between biographical variables and organizational commitment has

    been already researched in the 7estern conte"t but the relationship among biographic factors

    and organizational commitment has not been yet completely discovered in .a)istani cultural

    conte"t especially in the conte"t of college teachers%

    *lthough organizational commitment is an e"tensive researched area but in the

    conte"t of biographic and organizational commitment there is lac) of research, >herefore,

    present study was designed to increase )nowledge regarding the factors that can predict

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    organizational commitment especially in the conte"t of teachers wor)ing in the &slamabad

    +odel 5olleges% =ue to the fact that there is great variation in biographics of +odel colleges

    teachers regarding age, gender, marital status designation, o find out the impact of biographic variations such as age, gender, marital status,

    eachers wor)ing on contract basis are more committed towards their profession than

    permanent teachers%

    6. 6"perienced college teachers demonstrate more commitment towards their profession than

    teachers with less wor) e"perience%

    P*u)a"i( % Sa+*)#

    >eachers wor)ing at &slamabad +odel 5olleges were population of this research% * stratified

    random sample of A0 male and female teachers was collected from two &slamabad +odel

    5ollege for Birls such as &'C4 &slamabad and &slamabad +odel 5ollege for oys, 9'10CD

    &slamabad% *mong them 20 were male and D0 were female teachers, their ages ranged from

    2A to 4A years, and 3ob e"perience ranged from 1 to 20 years%


    tudy was e"ploratory in nature in which

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen


  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    Ta-)# 8 Or&a(iza"i(a) C++i"+#(" I( r#)a"i( " G#(d#r 1N2345

    +ales 9emales (KL20 (KLD0

    + %= + %=

    *ffective 1%0 4%2 1/%D D%45ontinuance 1F%A 4%1 1%0 4%

    Kormative 1A%A D%2 1/%2 4%


    >otal commitment A0%0 11%A AA%A 12%

    >able D describes mean and = of respondents# scores on the variable gender, from

    this table it can be seen that the female teachers are more committed towards their

    organizations as compared to male teachers%

    Ta-)# 9

    Or&a(iza"i(a) C++i"+#(" I( r#)a"i( " Mari"a) S"a"us 1N2345

    +arried ingle (KLD (KL1D

    + %= + %=

    *ffective 1%4 D%4 1%A D%2

    5ontinuance 1F%D 4%D 1%4 D%4

    Kormative 1F%F D% 1F%D 4%4


    >otal commitment A1%D 11%4 AD%2 11%0

    >able A describes the mean and = of respondents# scores on the variable marital status,

    from the table it can be seen that the unmarried college teachers are more total committed

    towards their organizations as compare to married college teachers%

    Ta-)# 3

    Or&a(iza"i(a) C++i"+#(" I( r#)a"i( " A!ad#+i! :ua)i$i!a"i( 1N2345

    777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777+aster +% .hil .h=

    (KL2 (KL20 (KL2 + %= + %= + %=

    *ffective 1%2 D% 1D%0 4%2 1F%0 %/

    5ontinuance 1F%A 4%2 1%A A% 1A%0 %A


    >otal commitment A0%/ 12% 4/%0 14%F 4F%0 %1

    >able A describes the mean and = of respondents# scores on the variable academic

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    committed towards their organization as compared to teacher with different higher Hecturers *% .rofessors (nL10 (2F (14

    + %= +ean %= +ean %=

    *ffective 1/% D%D 1%/ D%F 1%F 4%/

    5ontinuance 1%1 2%4 1F%2 4%4 1A%A 4%

    Kormative 1/% 2%F 14%2 4%A 1A%2 D%


    >able F describes the mean and = of respondents# scores on the variable designation, from

    this table it can be seen that the *ssistant .rofessors possesses lower commitment towards

    their organizations as compared to employees with other designations, whereas teachers who

    are wor)ing as 6> e"hibits higher level of organizational commitment towards their


    Ta-)# he present study was carried out to e"plore the variation in commitment level of the teachers

    wor)ing at college level% 9or the measurement of organizational commitment, Organization

    5ommitment Euestionnaire was used% >he psychometric properties of scale were determined and

    results showed that the scale has sufficient reliability and validity and can confidently use for the

    research purpose% >o identify levels of teachers# commitment percentile analysis were performed% >he

    criteria to find out the cutoff points was one standard deviation plus and one standard deviation minus

    the mean score of the data the score of and were determined as cut off points these score falls on 2A th

    and Athpercentile the score up to 2A th percentile was considered as low level of organizational

    commitment and scores falls on A thpercentile was considered as high level of commitment% Rest of

    the score considered as a moderate level of commitment%

    &t was hypothesized that older colleges# teachers are more committed towards their wor) as

    compared to younger ones% 9ind of the study supported this hypothesis% >he findings of this research

    were consistent with the theory of commitment that state that as age increases, the level of

    organizational commitment also increases% *ccording to the finding of this study overall, older

    teachers were found more commitment with their profession%

    &n 1/D +orrow claimed that commitment is a function of personal attributes which also

    include dispositional characteristics% Brus)y (1/FF proposed that women would become more

    committed to an organization than man would because they had to overcome more barriers than men

    to gain membership did% rebinia) and *lutto (1/2, found that female were less li)ely to change

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    their organization compared to their male counterparts% &n this regard, a hypothesis was formulated

    usually female college teachers are more committed towards their profession than male college

    teachers% Result supports this and it was found that level of commitment was higher in female college


    .revious research discovered that unmarried employees generally found to be highly

    committed towards their organizations as compared to married or separated employees, in this

    research a hypothesis was developed regarding marital status of the college unmarried teachers are

    more committed towards occupation% On commitment finding, suggest that unmarried teachers have

    high mean score on the total scale of O5E% *s for the variable commitment is concerned result

    revealed that commitment increased gradually with e"perienced%

    >eachers# eachers with higher

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    1% iographic variations effect the organizational commitment of college teachers%

    2% Older college teachers are more committed than the younger ones%

    D% Overall level of organizational commitment is higher in female teachers as compared to male

    college teachers%

    4% +arried teachers are less committed as compared to unmarried one%

    A% &ncrease in the level of

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    &t is also recommended that management may assign roles and responsibilities by )eeping in

    view the staff biographic variations li)e age, gender, marital status, e"perience and nature of 3ob%

    &t is also recommended that management may n provide some training to the younger

    employees so their level of the commitment can be raised% *s female college teachers were more

    committed towards their wor)place than males there is a need that management may wor) to e"plore

    the causes of low commitment in males% 9inding informed us about the higher commitment level

    of unmarried college teachers, so there is a need that management may devise some plan which

    can enhance the commitment level of married teachers% 9inding depicted that

  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    concern with the teachers# re%%, - trasser, % (1/4% * Hongitudinal *nalysis of the *ntecedents of

    Organizational 5ommitment%Academy of Management 6ournal& *8& 45!((*.

    ec)er, % J%, - Reil, +% +% (1///% 9eacher Professionalism and the :mergence of

    Constructivist!Compatibleec)er, %% (1/F0% Kotes on the concept of commitment%American 6ournal of

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  • 8/10/2019 Fauzia & Nighat Parveen



    +orrow, .%5% (1/D% 5oncept redundancy in organizational research% >he casewor) of

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    +orris, J% % - teers, R% +% ((4"02. tructural influences on organizational commitment%

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