! i 8: htol mi. .Kr Two tTars a year in . advance, t VriTHOUT PtVIATlON. j tr- - a1 Bill for Advertisements, Job- - , Work, or Subscription, considered due wben Wracted except against those with whom' v have running accotihts, : - OCT bub.cr;bers failing to order a Jicor.- - 'tima for wbieh thev rnav have Bubacribed -- 'are considered aa wuhing to renew; and it will be continued to thetn accefdingh . toy" No paper will be aent out of the roaaiT nnlesspaid for in cavarwe. QT" Advertisements inserted at One Do- llar: per square of: Twelve Lines r L-s.f- the Grstinaertion; Tift y Cents for each continuance. OCT Peraona advertiaing by 'the jear, will be charged Forty Dol vnlnmn. TwcHly IolIa ' Ten I.ll:irs for one f,W rem tern uner rany circuses The iirivilge'of yearlv advertisers is 'i'ti'r.tli Um tedto their own immediate and teg- - 'ulir business: and the business of an adrer- - i 'tisfng firm ian-)- t considered as including that 'f ita indiridnal nvmbera. . . ry A nndunrina candidates Three Dol lars, to be vail in advance in every case. " Advertisements not marked with the "number n( insertna wben handed in, will 1 cv UihucI until ordered out, and payment - i "7 Ko'alvertsfirMn' inserted gratuitously fJ A ivertih-meut- s rrf n abusive nturs, vsiU not he inserted at any price. OCT Job irintii, all linds, veaVy done vn VfW Tj pe. and t n as teaOLall; terms ac any i fkas in Tennessee. ty JVo ia per will be discontinued until all aireartgos are paid up except at the cp- -t on of the Publitlttr. EOTII SIDEB. A man in his ca riage was riding along. A gai!jr dreysrd wife by Vs Mde, In satin and lace looked like a,queei, And be like a king in bio rids. A wood faw rer stood in ihe street as they j.sed, , The carriage and couple be ered.: And rnd, us be worked with bis saw on the lojr, 1 th I Ties rich and could ride." The tan 3n the carriage remarked to hi? "One iLinglwoi.ltl give if I could I wt uld g ve all my wealth for the strength and the health Of the man who saweth the wood." . .. .. . . , A:l: Ve..t trfii.ig 'og w ith mile" of delight. . while lmirg love-Wb- ing air. I She Wf4 on the carriage,. -- the la-- sbe. 68 w- - . j Arrayed in .1 o fine , And ,d m . h.a re,y W . 1 be aatms and laces were mine." , i i ii r i i he laiiT looaeu oui on mo nui with htr work, ' . ! So fair in her c,ico !resF, . . ' - - Aid Paid. ' I d reliirnuiFh ir.s-.tio- n ai d wealth Ilt-- b a:iiy and Ttriih topossd." " Visor or. Snow C tp for Soldiers. We have received a note from a lady, asking to republish the directions which she alleges - she saw Inst winter, how to knit a worsted cap For the soldiers! Not remembering . the ; article,' or at what time it ..appeared, we have, submitted her note to several ladies rlin tiavp knit the cans, and havej T.Ktr:nrv.l 4lir frill nvlntr 1? rprt loliS! 1 l II l 1 111V VA iviiwniiita ,?fluton JoU rtitci:cP, pnd Kini;; . . ribbed one finger. aim a. qud-iii-- s.- - length. laue off for the head piece, 01 ttitfbcK and knit a fin- - until . I the .l.lcb arc t.kcn off. Then takp up the .t.tches s jou . would tucKOt- - oi a fcoviv, miju ,w.h as on a eock until you have 12b stitches left on the needles Afr tcr narrowing knit a few rows round 1 1 i rr .and omu 011. uvtv.r ' ' It is in .of the of certain news- paper correspondents, an document by Buell, emhodyiug a defence of his movements, 'stating the army, his reinforce- ments, 'and his knowledge of the enemy, fell hands'; of the rebels a few days ago. ; It is , that II. . hung Provost of Lexington, :" hLs(Morgan mother that city. - X::. ; Gen. Rousseau did riot die of his . ..wound ' received Perry ville. . He has a Major General r " by . - - llTMTTIirr-TipT- i -- nr n - . PMBf Worth ern , Went. ! . . Da tl TaTtf i,p Nfl'rih : New - Vr-l- - . limes-- mnfcpts an admissioi tliat we ex pectcd Such t.a TVUt'Il it SaVSi ?AnOtlier-- T cne anarch V and civil war extelld- - ed even through the'Free ".States, and the Southern Confederacy aud unassailable." The same issue the Times, the I 31st quotes thff 0f a , . ... lakers: , iiuiiiv: . "I am going to .Washington, and 1 reach there I will go to the President. 7 1 will tell lnm tliat wiuiout a cuaiigc U1. "r "" ' all T 1 TEN r rnn.vvl.annlicable per , 1 rebellion, consigns January ult,, Northern when first; unconaiuonai. "".""r of -nd UQt neip me' uou, wm Qf.the liberties won '70 by of million of yvGeorge Washington's thy Country's, , ;li0n State consequent-'- 4 immediate, pajlft prominent constitution, l nt i. V' vorknitrrt (bv tiat palladium through con-- ! after next 'outrases Mitchell his. r,S rJ;n t of 7,7s con?a. its lav their 'ciTlnvflinn, pa have wclllfty :U proclamation enough. ' j :.. l . 1 i n i.,r.;nn m rvtr urn in in nil tun. iii'iiiiiif o n c?t n in ep jail If have power! At t; mee nuu;u ine marsbal for President ' sneak igg'ue- - his proclamation, a irentleman .f 'ujned Rebel Con- -' America, jiayjng ap- - slavery by proclama-cin- g orochedy all of We all gacrifices Let considera-den- t, commander-in-chie- f, o - uin n rln poniine tne could irnZeiVed''1 I ticbl ecciiiex.ees resulting; banishmeht hole..South: :. all; Proc- - pros- - 0f bearing ages the Fsays:-r--p(Tou- s Northern eighteen forty-fiv- e, i dweU male emancipation proclamation; - r0U8 Republic become virtllal confession to. commanded One -- suggestion. fighting. !. Vcry hampered that consequence indiscretion important prepared '.".besides strength into the,', jorin Morgan Ky.for iU treating livingin ; beenmade Lincoln.'" naeriiarary tri- umphant of na.;,nn 0f t T i. ..A we eieci cvntuui, ter.dtohavethiscurseawarsioppca instantly, whether Lincoln agrees fr if or not earrv the a w x a y next of R presentatives we will together the 4th next at ngton. President t Ihis mhimous war. crouin- - vaia Vr The York World, the - same date boldly Ve have seen, one alter ;anoth- - er, our most insolently most sacred rights maue the plaything: brie of sj'mph1 1 1 1 1 4 I sers wiiii reoeinon utuuuii- - incaprc ty of those suffered to But there is a to. .. everythirg1 "sleeping lion i this case is.no. has is , uiiticeiui . of weakness made administration that is wieldng allowance 001112 made tor na- - , u ill .vy, open porta,-superi- or wealth, ;and the military resources the South and ltscii; no more humiliating in history this exhi- - l of moral, abjectness. - the administration hopeot success legitimate never thought emanci - .but was at last maae:f believe that there otner c way succeed a pusillanimous j m the same re: . . , .f thftt Mn Chas n , ' fn-rM- 1 " i " 4ln hi Conner, an(i intrcpld pohtKUU., ten in. fo,, TnmOR the 1 that gentleman being a for. the strict. - Mr. O'Copner eayst ; oonaage, nt all the of tFfe Our whole. mmucity,.men, in one iThe.. r ' m. mnocnrprl 1 Of. youtli, into wi th h3 nuuuu of the incarceration n7."." . - "Let die ends B V L L r N: ! )ImIUIH I 'Fv vt(J; - ilh.W victims", are ; not ' only 1 - A not They break down which them 'J tween is ! iSGo. citizerjg and coming ms enjoj- - lit tuefand f ia lli 1 ; "if you j oilrsclf the entire sat: : the ; :ailor you be locked ,,up." au men." three heroic Hear .. kind, a arrest f all ever pride and; nation's Every i S who j amputated limbs : jnle- worli results, its own . -- - ' have r wronr J II Ml I. iiin .1 it A vvi t itg four Fort Warrer a sing . : - T : us, . nccomnaniments. submissive-imatio- n foe nevr-previousl- to, their men could not dared "V proauce coipu.? aiun K' .1.11 U"L. useless inconvenient. .makes account- - Campbell anded(a dissatisfaction thou .be URSDA Jstva J'ori Observer. strikes ' encuzh his Proclamation '.TT for pleases to not ruuti proclaim that all other ara merely threatened. ' the lie has are already caught, dissolved the relations existing be-l- y the ' after bondage, absolute, 1, it rtAiitiTrino f.1""," continue wi to spy change colonists, . Ilrlr-n- n 41-i- its Christmas, of or 'tl niirl In "V" reiauons, wife, laws punish may annulled verbal them, such dreadful about And country once? crew, horse, a..i:. i mi:iuii i the right and present, is Just as lie uo an iuii!j:, oi supeiioiii( well the also statesmen, disordered order Thus finances, Jefersori and the and hkh b attained or even any or those imation.'- - the as has ' cnrri' these that the but this of of of the 0f and wilt ul- - and of up tiVCs at too, pass iy 4haf rlto hprA eucii ue; by the that one not the the nisn ct nuut of iiiv-uiuicui- v 1 mvseli to civn Le eiiectuai tnan Pi . of the'- - - 'from months of army, Of s our 0nCe arms the Neither !0f and and all upon the fact our white as soon as the which, eighteen years old. a ycars ' The onquer the by - - Iilve : s much i.i i..rrlrt-lf- . . r . ' . General of - the s) at . - he another General ' n d "If nnri if . Hjuse have it on ol Marc Washi wheth- - er the Is it or not-- - on our New declares: precious liberties upon; our called function reason, and " r i 101 the not victory. limit, The in fiction; nor - H - ' .o ment military by an skill) quadruple linus meimaiuiuu. There is than bition While had. by fare it ot patiou, it to bears . n .o ' i TnnnPV ei:na tuuulv v,,..,... ... ,,r Krooks. ol nnn(yrpRS. 8th it is to it ni of fit on our earth s. ol to and cnil- - co . .wm or ,;r.r lOCUnd . s tyrant s in E y whicli menaces. Besides, would approve jfsfactiotl constituted the people's gftfetyj0r remains. t. 'rVprisin-- r rlpbt. intolerable taxation, . thousands" ' ' vf .tilout promised result " - necessary tjateu: ouf vindication ' viplfl- - I l i t the i1T1,:iifitin?T ' ' ' ; . . i - monar- - State dten and which n afc the a ; and ave to av0wed 'rebels and back upon , nold in of the North merely . 'j r t whom their ;aiior ;thfe and e nAt tJ wnnm f r iil uvw w, ' , 1 uf, on imoeas wimc,. w ,r 1. j . .nti anv in tne iann.- - , - . ; i,Q t- -- - . , .1 ..m " as or i The New: York. in the ! the mnrse .an ,, dd used here a$ anl ent to And " J. . , . ? M trv WM w w - . - . John P. the token of fall aim'st at thy TH J'jow hi f ' .A BLOW. far' with' ' -. - J Jl. unuer iue- - lawful oe a aeain uiow me he would laws should be ..... a s la decree master and servant Now, citizen shall beot lorce : I are otner bsuiis- - ban d and and and there are to and and a more tnat an of the Mt is if the see j I if I were of and were to - j even this is ptprs nil ai mv of ! to the "at banj igh the foot and 4t i ii of the the be to "I hot and of to know these - that Tip- - run in ut I if ana more ine .. eighteen abolition, em including emaiiapat to and jlaraation same people. We statement that ' the g0 more - fair Presidcnt J: his reported.' Marshal following call 1 ot trampled of " mechanical spectacle to iuu the de to to strength, .n' H le at to T, to nr. J of ; an no - a the Pre to do it, :. of can oe no , , xi. any wi.o neiievcs me rigiu the put down the rebel - j lion, and the ' the are often and ' Vnl1 ; nnf tonrl , n tlip rrntnt in. w i r tm a Li. J a. a. v. iiva v wa-wa- ; hr-:.- ,.. r..,. mi and the more sup- 7 X. mt of the if the would issue his nrocla- - all State lines. aiKl all the 'and - the war 'he' he: ncces- - the nowcrof . all. bv the trucklcMl swing ulliAWful ct:;ens dislovaltv offences, SrlTZTul Times theNorth-- i Wis vcr8everance. Y, DEATH repealed, wiiatever .A""" child, debtor creditor; stealing murder, President. happen. South "leave" whole abolish Presi-hav- e ininre capable journal 'persons they South- wcuK1 defied stated rebellion would bondage Agent, right'in inability candidate editorial, sident there! l,nt,tin. enemy, restore Union. "What loyal States crochety sometimes' troublesome. snecdv pression rebellion, Presiddiit abolishinir removing States loyal U"nd'?r power do-wha- thinks rights; Governors put down the rebellion, an and this last would be the final death-blow- .- It-ha- had sev- - dontli-hlow- s. but this would kill dead. i Jkw PmiooBruhics are. Made. s - P,mfm bonis are Hat " ; tlurtv Imtio'. nnfl a half leet o - tviik nt. the bow. and. feet tho sides the Vidth of ?ix feet. Eacll on , ruuning gear four I 1:po1 nnd s lisfd ss ft liflcrsrace wa-o- n the nontoniers. carrying its proportion of 0f plank. On a river the boats unloaded, floated rcros I I '!T Cheshire, .ngland, , as '; compared with the relief records of 18G1, is St'ockrjbrt3S3 per cent rbnl New j 4o pray . - - - ' i ' i .. - .."Three unconstitutional and des-- following remark: . by a cable made the stream, potic have been before thel ..yerypne .knows with what then the string pieces are laid across American for about thirty . cn . interest ; any indication of j fTorn me j0at the next, and on days, receiving " judgment. pne ; hostility . ,t . t h e . Confederate these are placed the planks, each threatens subvert existing social 'Administration, coming twenty-on- e feet . long, which form relations the;South; the from'asrebel Congressman or fromthe gangway of that width, two, by their. purport, at once and ft 11 newspaper, is received, ': . 1 , : immediately consign ftold, footstool of arbitrary with:,.sc evident Lincoln repeat of can of string reaching .".It la . T " yet tueae as we call them, are startling, in .Auwn-unaer-wn- e, xonimon'rampRraveiy inirequen ana ex-i- ue. uiv .;rens 1.: are; . sifflpiy tne du,, iiacKuuw vLC,17. - a T-- i i i r i r rtAF iaii t 1 ra K'lycuu-MttprArwt- p. rare maiviauais. muwjc,vruti, v"" v irresponsible power, jflhah:. itants women doom calm.-- . iBpeecn inai a nnff Rgc tue 'nnrl lirrKf tPD must alike accord provo$t, maranai lovalty. or . he may- - apply remedy, ingco government's military benign jn wn-Zfinr- l demand . . demand judge general jtself, Eliioris:-t- - me simple rebels would iiwvuiici flip-min- d rebel? measure to are for' r. in at . I- - in 'idnti ii in rnmi NHfii i . Aukiwi uua Dt.uii tuivv iyc, f - , v , Lwheat lor planting oniy. u?m mi ; w .,ro.iwu uuuiucu. uvp,... iT-.f-- t" and charges. . . lMUW,Ui SaTy five and acts God's, and Troth's" ita nmi n n rf i n 7 I ft K F 77 1 1 IV . ) fno "Ztxiu hH, w5th the re i "Stone-fro- m the fce beard cruns. "'-- JT "U fi4Ce'. " on, SC., more of tU d,6oly abou cities, fanned, the, tlames .g. respettedby all r. gd . his aQ(J penret sqa inron calm- - J s'oiui Brilih on American Affairs. The London correspondent of the N. Y. Times writes: It is a curious fact that the En- glish press have not much as one favorite or, two in . the Northern ' or army;- - They do1 not see a single Northern I entitled credit i fiPHPral any V heroes are Davis, Lee, Beau- - ward, and, above all, will" Jackson. He is the victori- - cusCromwellof the war. This ;. (rrmv n nnivprsal that - . nanersl . which have, from abolition cause, have now abandoned it, and tiic recognition of the South, if ;couj be proposed to-- d ay", would with little opws ltion. 'change i z since irk orviri !0f Ias d Slidell is verv ' marked. The course of General Butler VU'm this result. But there has been;10 somet thing stronger. Above every ,.ir.. i txrrriliis Knf. - thing .fa.a- - . : 'CCSs. fashion .fc...i,m and soldiers. ell known in r n litorarv world, writes: -- Everybody hprWithfuw Pvrentionsris Wrl tacool.nw tlnn firf lino- z C" C"""0 t 4 mat anxiety in is ,.r il,- -, tociiruf on.-- , n..! hny" eir dowrn nlfnr. nml :i mrir mi urniw imiiii a rr liiiintu ri i.'iiu ;jfortu may we " fcUi:!fv to laiK his lovalU'. generals, trade, w of enormous': Davis is 1C m-- ; wo h the is which n .; fanen libeJ : sliglltest . Coniti. ar io ;fllIt;n As to the abstract America between of of of '1 I man in to ..r , to it Lottomed. fppf a for fast.up people to o to whether other gjems. -- .flhcy ir ann r 11 m 'o to Their vi war; "'"f1 I.3- -' ner? the lanati- - nveu, not m de-i- ut QCmCa g'-."."- mow thot palnotism. yne year uniiKeiy vwu, . , , i .if .- - maKe a roiana oi one-na- u oi meir now with beginning scethat.the iJdow that quondam of the North." These are the words of one the most men r,f PnTfinrl. .inrTa Libornl in nol - rOc? bVvSthefcclingof - vatives and in the London 'ffefaldj viluch con- - t Tinh jsh t hn isiin r iodo- , . ' i ' montade8 01 "luannaiian, wno; has done his best to aid the South- - .1 XT .1 and me iortncrn into contempt. . 111s leticrs are ea gerly read, exponents of North and Speculators, Extortioners, Ba- - were Congress. opposing gylVania Democratic and people can't a pound it - being the ' case suffering - such food, the agents ; amounts Iluntsville by speculators, iri tidn army it to teed boys the it morel peopl- e!- Wp suffer benefit J the army but riot to enrich an my of the was one in the the War. . The Times says: ! whu - -B- oston is in her quota of five and six' eDt the t ihrtt sand is to have cred- -' ' ' - . it for the number of sailors iri the . : naval service from ceQ l e has) l betieVr, wod hU port. ..If .the rule ia good as to Jo plied to it should be gener- - u lalli ppttly and ally acted and case ntl; Ujs utcs9 is" osually a wouia oe ort amUM' t,S feel- -; Wash ol fci nd macb ... raeet their and ... . I " Al Shut na. a ! it ' i .v o rY Xiiijruuiu e seapuxi, . , . . . t t i i r ii i r ' t iit nrnii lilt: i 1 f .a in mfSt 111 iwune iiiuifsiyii io i defense? reason, Boston seeks, D3 a cowaruiy 4uiuu., iv r . rortion oi n. Doubt- - "v' tsr , V 4- - 1.' ; wno nave oeen u vwuuh. battle, will rusii w.iub uuw.- ..- Their colored have 1 . r 11 . , I anil niS IUllV RWnucu, . n -- 11 C tnat isoswn wiu iur - ouota without .i 4 M iov' will Alabama, things . : its . s) happy in North. in in ft parent thousand pieces 1 ' A y-- f m , 0j couritIs. He in . . l. r ).tiL -- ..,1 me ui uio so it it rr i v I n tr rr iiri in n uitiiiut v" ' . lue sneawing ...i . l- u- ll'Hl UUl. to ore should be counted, u e iuuin and and . and 0f and town tor.. . ' e !their seat of Boston, seat ot fVrtiana noaie he an slnCfr .tn Ua Meu 11 nailed hi cause, bring Such here, large 'hou- - flense hope ... 3 IU -f- flV old . of nnra . ern . . ner ! m, the of uaireu,is " UlKiTI"-- C w i . t l i a. i rmi nr ni 11 a! a. ti' i V. n mr.lt ' anu was iiireaicucu nu " ' nwoeen now would be Worm v . . . . i an j as al Sea. Cantain S. rt. master of '.i ' " r t, if i nr-'- V. a me ui Tii;L.pW The. are ; " "e filled to control State, - toi tn 1 ern as f rate at 'ot tne "SJV, the New - - ; . . . " . ' 4 1 ' - - - - - . : - . . . w . ' couriers cenlr(Jf . Vi r , ; . w " : qimt, seems new fitfhiii.r I tried when . , corpn nce(J . I ' I tyet bend' much. Wben . cf ' know time when that of test that . ? .- -t ! 1 1 ;i,imv of I i ' ' too, a who fliiee' 1 A a f ee h form ' ; a leads. lis king in weeus f lard, &c, were sale here at ing our and New f!inpa wi,cn mpet tvery 25c. and for f fcard to get and it was g0: ' ' than had : , to pay it. But a worse out fleet to block than is our and the arid cause to r I went on the jjgg Iji army and extor- - with when or- - to have up the with f by a bare bacon and and all of anj would have been than irons, the of iDUt Mr. and Aveeks and all that and I him. " The to can if I to be put 13 of. It 'for that his ocrats a ma-th- e put The is away in , by that on still, our buy is sale! and bur army at or is to bacon store viola- - of that they may nress our uravo in and pay cor-- 1 25 cents 20 than paid are readv to to ar-- who of ap-- ! is upon, Now hntmri uai. Jio in anu M his ne to tt; . rAtion of we on steain- - !er I asked to I was no one : going retaliate. u e ere in an j tor lie Boston of x ; In ine ciaie : in ui borers of &UU to for 2o . l 1 " J are in their i ue ... V Mrt ; : rrjed at of coU.rt-hoUse-of affairs ': exists in . 11 V!imn!n IT 1TI 1 !1T ITO 1 IPfl NW York has completely fdcstroj-ed- , nothing ie-main- ing structure 'but walls roof ing the Boston Shirking that this land iorK the the first time tain me, any answer put the with sail and few upon the labor says: the 'this have wnoare work less than cents per Hour. ut-imu- other cannoi ouiam- - any The same state !The the c.n-a't- rl A.TUtfi? Ubp over, The . fttjne of one the of the r built mlhe The the ' ; - .' -- .: : - .' Proprietor Chicago behind esfromthepaor .tjirnixcorrespoDd-troop- s followiog' prctures proposing prominent. GeDerals':' 'evferib6d)?6 coi.firleore. Boston, ;Tther ngtor.nn Opinions Government thinkinrf reiisiuunj frnrprnnipnt. iiie!t"ull,6 invincible resorting wasti.td iytiwing derior,, leaving Berceabld imtrtssioo toitlie !?V0UH i!S:tiono( ConW opinion Phillips sectional P0?1011 Helalialioa Tilton, Ampn'mns riH'an(1 country. English 7ZKK&m Southern," associates enlightened feeling. hailing brethren Garrison followers furnishes TrarcUer, speaking support, VHOLE 576. t?.'j' n Mark tela . . f 1 J iim 0D me uunng rA; tt;. HID UIMI VI attiwir. -- A Ms and wi re to s,od from the right, Mt aQj RnJ lbe ,holeJi?rsni.u . 11 otrol. fKOiTBEET. o.,r. t.,, VJf J (,f.C00rj hHglit.and tins a i(ink full of nlik on nd old Biquaintaoce. . . M taQ , qrJal iir fcr(.itlg slroDg od1 well roTtihfcd. posilioni 31 II f jn IIP1I ... Le. showed bis opprecia-ol- J h m oo the shoulilti abd suid war 'horser. In this en" be was second In com- - tnacd tf tbe army, LU old . . feI.-tL- 0 Li3 ablti " handling. JACK90X. was surprised at son's -- Hn'b'is de scribed aa sort of clown. neter saw bim riding with Lis knees ;dn.wn up. like a nd his ftstinu 000D tlS breast. II crev don I like to come about the army Tho ke(4p m bHrfhendvd all the? thev becio to cheer jje u,unijy r,uud ,,ff Lis hatt Rather a Revolution this! Lamp Wicks. A correspondent gives the Columbia the useful bit of uii mirht interest Mine vour O to at this iit is' so to get wicks the tops of 0id homc-km- t cot- - ton 3 cut into strips the proper wiuin, maKe as goou ones rasthe came from fYankeedom." i , j : The Quartermaster. of .1 il outn uaronna nas. recenuy uiuu- - una soldiers in. vwginia, 2,000 overcoats, 3,000 pairs ; fi,000 blankets. . men nies'.remarK.auie iw religions elevation, . Beaurpgaru js man feels depen on ah Almighty Powtt. A . vTT" first ;aDd' n dressed Cptain of Cstnlry Stroyed sea Capt. feemraes, Uitb unpretending stiff. His uni- -. is fine ehoogb,.- - ccrUis! with" pathetic nar-- f tbIife But tbe imagine misfortunes, from; tiou is piqued, y'ou know, by tbe ab extract the following as cox. A lew ago Dacon,' was,"aouxioriiiv;iiicis cwv;o.-ifpUrgL,- 3 Dorsft arnnuns dull of property, Bedford lfce lira at say rttuil! traders 'people are their war meet';s,ep 6omo gVe ii.-g- j 8 as glad this price, ,ings, offering two hundred 'dollars ;fce raD more the people money bounty for and sending; 7 .. for enemy ! their-ston- e np Grow, the present speaker of the Yankees now destroy-- ! harbors, that he was going Federal House .Representa-in- g country it is retaliate." quar-:tjvc- gj terribly beaten for of speculators ter-dec- k my son, he reelection Thaddeus tioriers! They all dered me in lee-wai- st, Ste)hens gets in major-th- e lard, more my crew, us were put;; the Tennessceans asked two in exception f0r Buchanan- - his ago, are buying two boys (cook' steward.) friends Tenn-cam- e market or that they ' asked him was in delegation stands Dcm-he- ar is monopolized irons. The reply was to 7 Republicans, clear purpose of extortion is stored1 purser was in irons, and b.jority.of six. Legislature houses in lluhtsville for head shaved Us, and he aiSQ joint ballot. higher prices not for for the attention of Government Chattanooga, Nowhere called rhe of in in orders, starving Vir-ini- a', Smorants for Mitchell our extortioners ought com of te lh see emporium jplainty rretefction, volunteers, of , :wtich On arriving the'Cap-- : as harm. His was to Ice-wai- st, old us, a' planks scarcity ol ih the some portions 01 workmen are scarce, consequence luumamwi upon wharves city a society which numbers over members, pieageunu,;. onoemajters D(j a his for be "a iy.w, eu over io im? vwueucmc u-- be the to serve we hear of places where masons and for the ue of South Caro-- coiintrv ,"i price. interior other States, oil Times, been of the ancient and oldest between Webster io by papers board release doing North, out,in mecnanies. i. i The Court of , of the warf by Ala., have ; mon and they, "are the ihundred vet cent., for good beein before coimty,: should be v ".i'.i 7:. .i;rATm ntfiu ? "snrmtiTid. rtliance. hurrving cfflt mn?fl. u.uwt't-- " tt AaM.firi-t:P.ii,- . solditr, ttacetiittit and BtcnewaH biieata6ceis teen 0Dkey. clotfces." Stonewall !tim; Guardian readers difficult lamp General coats, pants, and two '"6, IOm inrougn having cur bought paying defeated with to.mau mauuiacvuiiuij rank's thorities Hatitsrttte Adtocate. Thisbuild- - Commissioner greatJ Generals corn-Clar- ke county, levied consent,, indigent vicinity, having jfamihes Revolution. example followed, HO: Soulhcra Genera!.' 'following information: isceof '

Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1862-11-27 [p ]. · 1 cv UihucI until ordered out, and payment-fJi "7 Ko'alvertsfirMn'inserted gratuitously A ivertih-meut- s rrf n abusive

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Page 1: Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1862-11-27 [p ]. · 1 cv UihucI until ordered out, and payment-fJi "7 Ko'alvertsfirMn'inserted gratuitously A ivertih-meut- s rrf n abusive




htol mi.

.Kr Two tTars a year in . advance, t


tr- - a1 Bill for Advertisements, Job- -, Work, or Subscription, considered due wbenWracted except against those with whom'v have running accotihts, : -

OCT bub.cr;bers failing to order a Jicor.- -

'tima for wbieh thev rnav have Bubacribed--'are considered aa wuhing to renew; and itwill be continued to thetn accefdingh

. toy" No paper will be aent out of theroaaiT nnlesspaid for in cavarwe.

QT" Advertisements inserted at One Do-llar: per square of: Twelve Lines

r L-s.f- the Grstinaertion; Tift y Centsfor each continuance.

OCT Peraona advertiaing by 'the jear, willbe charged Forty Dolvnlnmn. TwcHly IolIa

' Ten I.ll:irs for onef,W rem tern uner rany circuses

The iirivilge'of yearlv advertisers is'i'ti'r.tli Um tedto their own immediate and teg- -'ulir business: and the business of an adrer- - i

'tisfng firm ian-)- t considered as including that'f ita indiridnal nvmbera.

. . ry A nndunrina candidates Three Dollars, to be vail in advance in every case.

" Advertisements not marked with the"number n( insertna wben handed in, will1 cv UihucI until ordered out, and payment

-i "7 Ko'alvertsfirMn' inserted gratuitouslyfJ A ivertih-meut- s rrf n abusive nturs,

vsiU not he inserted at any price.OCT Job irintii, all linds, veaVy

done vn VfW Tj pe. and t n as teaOLall;terms ac any i fkas in Tennessee.

ty JVo ia per will be discontinued untilall aireartgos are paid up except at the cp- -t

on of the Publitlttr.

EOTII SIDEB.A man in his ca riage was riding along.

A gai!jr dreysrd wife by Vs Mde,

In satin and lace looked like a,queei,And be like a king in bio rids.

A wood faw rer stood in ihe street as they

j.sed, ,

The carriage and couple be ered.:And rnd, us be worked with bis saw on the

lojr,1 th I Ties rich and could ride."

The tan 3n the carriage remarked to hi?

"One iLinglwoi.ltl give if I couldI wt uld g ve all my wealth for the strength

and the healthOf the man who saweth the wood." .

.. .. . . ,A:l:Ve..t trfii.ig 'og w ith mile" of delight.. while lmirg love-Wb-ing air.


She Wf4 on the carriage,. -- the la-- sbe.68 w- -

. j

Arrayed in .1 o fine ,

And ,d m . h.a re,y W. 1 be aatms and laces were mine." ,

i i ii r ii he laiiT looaeu oui on mo nui with htr

work, ' . !

So fair in her c,ico !resF, . .'

- -

Aid Paid. ' I d reliirnuiFh ir.s-.tio-n ai d wealth

Ilt-- b a:iiy and Ttriih topossd.""

Visor or. Snow C tp for Soldiers.We have received a note from a

lady, asking to republish thedirections which she alleges - shesaw Inst winter, how to knit aworsted cap For the soldiers! Notremembering . the ; article,' or atwhat time it ..appeared, we have,submitted her note to several ladiesrlin tiavp knit the cans, and havej

T.Ktr:nrv.l 4lir frill nvlntr 1? rprt loliS! 1

l II l 1 111V VA iviiwniiita,?fluton JoU rtitci:cP, pnd Kini;;

. .

ribbed one finger. aim a. qud-iii-- s.- -

length. laue off for the headpiece, 01 ttitfbcK and knit a fin- -

until . I the .l.lcb arc t.kcn off.

Then takp up the .t.tches s jou .

would tucKOt- - oi a fcoviv, miju ,w.has on a eock until you have 12bstitches left on the needles Afr

tcr narrowing knit a few rows round1 1 i rr.and omu 011.



It is in.of the of certain news-

paper correspondents, andocument byBuell, emhodyiug a defence of hismovements, 'stating the

army, his reinforce-

ments, 'and his knowledge of theenemy, fell hands'; of therebels a few days ago.


It is , that II.. hung Provostof Lexington,

:" hLs(Morgan mother thatcity. - X::.

; Gen. Rousseau did riot die of his. ..wound

' received Perry ville. .

He has a Major Generalr " by . -

- llTMTTIirr-TipT- i --nr n -.


Worth ern ,Went. !

. .

Da tl TaTtf i,p Nfl'rih:

New - Vr-l- -. limes-- mnfcpts

an admissioi tliat weex pectcd Such t.aTVUt'Il it SaVSi ?AnOtlier-- T

cne anarch V and civil war extelld- -

ed even through the'Free ".States,and the Southern Confederacy

aud unassailable."The same issue the Times, the I

31st quotes thff 0f a

, . ...lakers: ,

iiuiiiv: .

"I am going to .Washington, and1 reach there I will go to the

President. 7 1 will tell lnm tliatwiuiout a cuaiigc U1. "r "" '


T 1 TENr

rnn.vvl.annlicable per,




ult,, Northern







neip me' uou, wm Qf.the liberties won '70 byof million of

yvGeorge Washington's

thy Country's,



consequent-'- 4



prominent constitution,

l nt i. V' vorknitrrt

(bv tiat palladium through con-- ! after next 'outrases Mitchell his. r,SrJ;n t of 7,7s con?a. its lav their 'ciTlnvflinn, pa have wclllfty




' j :.. l . 1 i n i.,r.;nnm rvtr urn in in nil tun. iii'iiiiiif o n c?t n in

ep jail If have power! Att; mee nuu;u ine

marsbal for President' sneak igg'ue- - his proclamation, a irentleman.f'ujned Rebel Con- -' America,

jiayjng ap-- slavery by proclama-cin-g

orochedy all of We allgacrifices Let considera-den- t, commander-in-chie- f,

o- uin n rln

poniine tne could

irnZeiVed''1 I ticbl ecciiiex.ees resulting; banishmeht hole..South::. all;

Proc-- pros- - 0f bearing agesthe Fsays:-r--p(Tou- s Northern eighteen forty-fiv- e,

i dweU maleemancipation proclamation; -

r0U8 Republic becomevirtllal confession to. commanded One -- suggestion.

fighting.!. Vcry hampered

that consequenceindiscretion




into the,',


Ky.for iU treatinglivingin;







t T i. ..Awe eieci cvntuui,ter.dtohavethiscurseawarsioppcainstantly, whether Lincoln agreesfr if or not earrv thea w x a y

next of R presentatives wewill together the 4th

next at ngton.President


Ihis mhimous war. crouin- -

vaia VrThe York World, the -

same date boldlyVe have seen, one alter;anoth- -

er, our mostinsolently mostsacred rights maue the plaything:


of sj'mph11 1 1 1 4 Isers wiiii reoeinon utuuuii- -

incaprc ty of thosesuffered to

But there is a to. ..

everythirg1 "sleeping lion i

this case is.no. has

is , uiiticeiui .of weakness made

administration that is wieldngallowance 001112 made tor na-- ,

u ill.vy, open porta,-superi- or wealth,;andthe military resources the Southand ltscii;

no more humiliatingin history this exhi- -

lof moral, abjectness. -

the administrationhopeot success legitimate

never thought emanci -

.but was at last maae:fbelieve that there otner c

way succeed a pusillanimous j

m the same re:. . , .f thftt Mn Chasn, 'fn-rM- 1

" i "4lnhi

Conner,an(i intrcpld pohtKUU., ten in.

fo,, TnmOR the1

that gentleman

being a for. thestrict. - Mr. O'Copner eayst ;

oonaage, nt

all theof tFfe Our whole.

mmucity,.men,in one

iThe..r ' m.mnocnrprl



youtli, intowi th h3 nuuuuof the

incarcerationn7."." .


"Let die ends

B V L L r N:!


I 'Fv vt(J; -ilh.W victims", are ; not

' only1 - A

not They break down

which them 'J tweenis ! iSGo.

citizerjgand coming ms

enjoj- -littuefand

f ia lli 1 ;

"if youj oilrsclf the entire sat: :

the ;

:ailor you be locked,,up."

aumen." three heroic





arrest f all everpride and;

nation'sEvery i


who j

amputated limbs :


worli results,

its own. -- - ' haver wronr

JII Ml I. iiin .1 it A vvit itg four Fort Warrer

a sing. : - T


us,. nccomnaniments.

submissive-imatio- n

foenevr-previousl- to,


mencould not

dared"Vproauce coipu.?


K'.1.11U"L.useless inconvenient.




anded(a dissatisfaction

thou .be


Jstva J'ori Observer.


' encuzh his Proclamation'.TT

forpleases to

not ruutiproclaim that all


ara merely threatened. ' the lie hasare already caught, dissolved the relations existing be-l- y

the ' afterbondage, absolute, 1, it

rtAiitiTrinof.1""," continue

wi tospy

change colonists,

.Ilrlr-n- n 41-i-

its Christmas, of or'tl niirl In




annulled verbal

them,such dreadful about


country once?crew, horse,

a..i:.i mi:iuii i

the right and present, is

Just as lie uo an iuii!j:, oi supeiioiii(well the also statesmen,

disordered order Thusfinances, Jefersori and the and hkh

b attained or evenany or those imation.'- - the

as has' cnrri' these


the butthis of

ofof the


and wilt ul- -

and of

uptiVCs at

too, pass iy

4haf rlto hprA


ue;by the




the the




iiiv-uiuicui- v 1 mvseli to civn Le eiiectuai tnanPi .

of the'- -

- 'from months of army,Of s our 0nCe arms the

Neither !0f and and allupon the fact our white as soon as

the which, eighteen years old.a ycars

' Theonquer the by - - Iilve : s much

i.i i..rrlrt-lf- . . r . '

. General












n d"If

nnri if .

Hjusehave it on ol

Marc Washi wheth- -

er the Is it or not-- -

on our


precious libertiesupon; our

calledfunction reason, and

"r i101


victory. limit,The

in fiction; nor -

H- ' .o

ment military byan

skill) quadruple

linus meimaiuiuu.There is

thanbitionWhile had.

byfare it otpatiou, itto


n .o' i


ei:na tuuulvv,,..,... ...

,,r Krooks. olnnn(yrpRS.


it is







earth s. ol


and cnil- -co

. .wmor,;r.r lOCUnd


tyrant s in



whicli menaces. Besides,




constituted the people'sgftfetyj0r

remains. t.

'rVprisin-- r rlpbt. intolerabletaxation, . thousands"

' '


.tilout promised result"-

necessarytjateu: ouf


viplfl- -I l i t


i1T1,:iifitin?T '



. .



monar-- State



whichn afc the a ;

andave to av0wed 'rebels and

back upon ,

nold inof the North merely

. 'j rt whom their ;aiior

;thfe andenAt tJwnnm f r iil uvw w,' , 1 uf,on imoeas wimc,.w ,r 1. j . .ntianv in tne iann.- - ,

- . ; i,Q

t--- -. , .1 ..m"

as or

i The New: York. in the !

themnrse .an

,, dd used here a$ anlent to And

" J. . , . ?

M trv WM w w -. - .

John P.

the token of


aim'st at thy


J'jow hi

f ' .A BLOW.

far' with'' -. - J Jl.unuer iue- -


oe a aeain uiow mehe would

laws should be..... a s la

decree master and servantNow,


shall beot lorce: I

are otner bsuiis- -

ban d and andand there are

to and anda more tnat an

of theMt is if the see j

I if I were of andwere

to - j

even this is

ptprs nil ai mv of !

to the "at banjigh the foot and

4t i i i

of the the

be to"I hot and



these- that Tip- - run in




ana more ine

.. eighteen abolition, em includingemaiiapat to and

jlaraation same people.We statement that


theg0 more -

fair PresidcntJ:

























nr. J

of ;



- a

the Pre to do it,:. ofcan oe no , , xi.any wi.o neiievcs me rigiu

the put down the rebel - j

lion, and the '

the are oftenand '

Vnl1 ; nnf tonrl , n tlip rrntnt in.w i r tm a Li. J a. a. v. iiva v wa-wa-

; hr-:.- ,.. r..,.mi

and the more sup-7 X. mt

of the if thewould issue his nrocla- -

all State lines.aiKl all the

'and - the war'he' he: ncces- -

the nowcrof . all. bv the






theNorth-- i Wis






child,debtor creditor;

stealing murder,





abolishPresi-hav- e



journal'persons they

South- wcuK1 defied










sident there!l,nt,tin.

enemy,restore Union. "What

loyal States crochetysometimes' troublesome.

snecdvpression rebellion,Presiddiit

abolishinirremoving States loyal

U"nd'?r powerdo-wha- thinks

rights; Governors

put down the rebellion, anand this last would be thefinal death-blow- .- It-ha- had sev- -

dontli-hlow- s. but this wouldkill dead.

i Jkw PmiooBruhics are. Made.s-P,mfm bonis are Hat" ;tlurtv Imtio'. nnfl a half leeto -

tviik nt. the bow. and. feet

tho sides the Vidth of ?ix feet.Eacll on , ruuning gear four I

1:po1 nnd s lisfd ss ft liflcrsrace

wa-o- n the nontoniers. carryingits proportion of0f plank. On a river theboats unloaded, floated rcros




Cheshire, .ngland, ,as '; compared

with the relief records of 18G1, is

St'ockrjbrt3S3 per cent

rbnl New j

4o pray. -

- - ' i

' i.. -

.."Three unconstitutional and des-- following remark: . by a cable made the stream,potic have been before thel ..yerypne .knows with what then the string pieces are laid acrossAmerican for about thirty . cn . interest ; any indication of j fTorn me j0at the next, and ondays, receiving

" judgment. pne; hostility . ,t . t h e .

Confederate these are placed the planks, eachthreatens subvert existing social 'Administration, coming twenty-on- e feet . long, which formrelations the;South; the from'asrebel Congressman or fromthe gangway of that width,two, by their. purport, at once and ft 11 newspaper, is received, ': . 1 , :

immediately consign


footstool of arbitrary with:,.sc








.".It la . T "

yet tueae as we call them, are startling, in .Auwn-unaer-wn- e,

xonimon'rampRraveiy inirequen ana ex-i-ue. uiv .;rens1.: are; . sifflpiy tne du,, iiacKuuw vLC,17.

- a T-- i i i r i r rtAF iaii t 1 raK'lycuu-MttprArwt- p. rare maiviauais. muwjc,vruti, v"" v

irresponsible power, jflhah:.itants


doom calm.-- . iBpeecn inaia

nnff Rgc tue'nnrl lirrKf tPD

must alike accordprovo$t, maranai

lovalty. or . he may- - applyremedy,






wn-Zfinr- l







Eliioris:-t- - me













I-- in 'idnti i i in rnmi NHfii i . Aukiwi uua Dt.uii tuivviyc, f - , v ,Lwheat lor planting oniy. u?m mi ; w.,ro.iwu uuuiucu. uvp,... iT-.f-- t"and charges. .

. lMUW,Ui





God's, and Troth's"

ita nmi n n rf i n 7I ft K F 77 1 1 IV . )


"Ztxiu hH, w5th there i"Stone-fro- m the fce beard

cruns. "'-- JT "U fi4Ce'. "on, SC., more of tU d,6oly abou

cities, fanned, the, tlames .g. respettedby allr.

gd .his aQ(J penret sqa inron

calm- -

J s'oiui

Brilih on American


The London correspondent of theN. Y. Times writes:

It is a curious fact that the En-

glish press have not much as

one favorite or, two in . the Northern

' or army;- -

They do1 not see a single NorthernI

entitled crediti fiPHPral anyV

heroes are Davis, Lee, Beau- -

ward, and, above all,will" Jackson. He is the victori--

cusCromwellof the war. This;. (rrmv n nnivprsal that- .nanersl.

which have, from abolition

cause, have now abandoned it, andtiic recognition of the South, if

;couj be proposed to--d ay", wouldwith little opws ltion.

'change i z since irk orviri!0f Ias d Slidell is verv'marked.

The course of General Butler


this result. But there has been;10sometthing stronger. Above every

,.ir.. i txrrriliis Knf. -thing .fa.a- - . :'CCSs.


and soldiers.ell known in

r n

litorarv world, writes: -- EverybodyhprWithfuw Pvrentionsris

Wrl tacool.nw tlnn firf lino-z C" C"""0t 4

mat anxiety in is

,.r il,- -, tociiruf on.-- , n..!hny" eir




:imrir mi urniw imiiii a rr liiiintu ri i.'iiu

;jfortu may we" fcUi:!fv to laiK

his lovalU'. generals,trade, w

of enormous': Davis


1C m--;

















As to the abstract America





'1 I

man in


..r ,







people too

to whetherother


--.flhcy ir ann







war; "'"f1 I.3--'

ner? the lanati- -


mde-i- ut

QCmCa g'-."."-

mow thot palnotism. yne yearuniiKeiy vwu,

. , , i .if .- -maKe a roiana oi one-na-u oi meir

nowwithbeginning scethat.the

iJdow thatquondam of the

North." These are the words ofone the most menr,f PnTfinrl. .inrTa Libornl in nol -rOc? bVvSthefcclingof -

vatives andin the London 'ffefaldj viluch con- -

t Tinh jsh t hn isiin r iodo-, . ' i '

montade8 01 "luannaiian, wno;has done his best to aid the South- -

.1 XT .1and me iortncrninto contempt. . 111s leticrs are eagerly read, exponents of North


Speculators, Extortioners, Ba- -




Democraticand people

can't a pound it- being the ' case

suffering - such food,the


amountsIluntsville by speculators, iritidn army

it to teedboys the

it morelpeopl- e!-

Wp suffer benefitJthe army but riot to enrich anmy of

thewas one in the

the War.

. The Times says: ! whu - -B-

oston is in her quota offive and six' eDt the t ihrtt

sand is to have cred- -' ' '- .

it for the number of sailors iri the . :

naval service from ceQ l e has) l betieVr, wod hU

port. ..If .the rule ia good as to Joplied to it should be gener- - u lalli ppttly andally acted and case ntl; Ujs utcs9 is" osually a

wouia oeort

amUM' t,Sfeel--; Wash

ol fci nd macb ...




... . I " Al Shut na.


! it ' i .v o rY Xiiijruuiue seapuxi,

. , . . .t t i i r ii i r' t iit nrnii lilt:i 1 f .a in mfSt 111iwune iiiuifsiyii io i

defense? reason, Boston seeks,D3 a cowaruiy 4uiuu., iv r

. rortion oi n.Doubt- -

"v' tsr , V 4--


; wno nave oeen u vwuuh.battle, will rusiiw.iub uuw.- ..-

Their colored have1 . r 11 . , I anilniS IUllV RWnucu,

. n -- 11 Ctnat isoswn wiu iur-

ouota without.i 4 M

iov' will Alabama,


. : its.











1 '


y-- f



0j couritIs. He in. . l. r ).tiL -- ..,1me ui uio




rr i v I n tr rr iiri in n uitiiiut v" ' .

lue sneawing



l- u-

ll'Hl UUl.


ore should be counted, u e iuuinand and . and 0f and

town tor.. .' e!their

seat ofBoston, seat ot

fVrtiana noaiehe an

slnCfr .tn Ua Meu 11 nailed hi

cause, bring



'hou- -



...3 IU -f-flV old .







! m, the ofuaireu,is "

UlKiTI"-- Cw i

.t l i a. i rmi nr ni11 a! a. ti' i V. n mr.lt' anu was iiireaicucu nu " '


now would be Wormv

. . . . i an j


al Sea.

Cantain S. rt. master of'.i ' "

r t, if i nr-'- V.

a me uiTii;L.pW

The. are ; ""e filledto

control State,-toi






at'ot tne "SJV, the New



. .


" . ' 4 1

'--- -

- .

:- . .. w.





r ,

;. w " :




tried when

. ,


. I

' Ityet




. cf'

know time when


test that.


.--t ! 1 1


ofI i '


too, a whofliiee'


Aa f ee h

form '

; a leads.

lisking in

weeus f

lard, &c, were sale here at ing our and New f!inpa wi,cn mpet tvery25c. and for f fcard

to get and it was g0: ' '

than had : ,

to pay it. But a worse out fleet to block

than is our and thearid cause to r I went on the jjgg Iji

army and extor-- with when or-- tohave up the with f by a bare

bacon and and all of anj would have beenthan irons, the of iDUt Mr. andAveeks and all that and I him. " The

to can if I to be put 13of. It 'for that his ocrats a ma-th- e

put The isaway in , by that on

still, ourbuy is

sale! andbur army

at oris to

bacon storeviola- -

of that they maynress our uravo

in and pay cor-- 1

25 cents 20than paid

are readv to toar--



ap-- !



hntmri uai.




M his




rAtion ofwe

on steain--

!er I askedto I was

no one :

going retaliate. u e erein an j



x ;In ine ciaie :

inuiborers of


to for 2o. l 1 " Jare in

theiri ue

... V Mrt ; : rrjed atof coU.rt-hoUse-of affairs ': exists in

. 11 V!imn!n IT 1TI 1 !1T ITO 1 IPfl

NW York hascompletely fdcstroj-ed-

, nothing ie-main- ing

structure'but walls roofing the

Boston Shirking





thethe first time

tain me,any answer

put the withsail and few


the laborsays:

the 'thishave

wnoarework less than cents per

Hour. ut-imu-

other cannoi ouiam--

any The same state!The the

c.n-a't- rl A.TUtfi?





fttjne of onethe of the r

built mlhe The

the '

; - .' -- .: : - .'


Chicagobehind esfromthepaor .tjirnixcorrespoDd-troop- s

followiog' prctures

proposing prominent. GeDerals':'

'evferib6d)?6 coi.firleore.Boston,









derior,,leaving Berceabld imtrtssioo


!?V0UH i!S:tiono(







Ampn'mns riH'an(1

country. English 7ZKK&mSouthern,"










VHOLE 576.

t?.'j' n Mark tela

. . f 1 Jiim 0D me uunngrA; tt;.

HID UIMI VI attiwir. - -

A Ms and wi reto s,od from the right, Mt

aQj RnJ lbe ,holeJi?rsni.u.11 otrol.

fKOiTBEET.o.,r. t.,,VJf J

(,f.C00rj hHglit.and tins ai(ink full of

nlik on nd old Biquaintaoce.. .

M taQ , qrJal iir fcr(.itlg

slroDg od1 well roTtihfcd. posilioni31 II fj nIIP1I... Le. showed bis opprecia-ol- J


m oo the shoulilti abd suidwar 'horser. In this en"

be was second In com- -

tnacd tf tbe army, LU old. .

feI.-tL- 0 Li3 ablti"


was surprised atson's -- Hn'b'is described aa sort of clown. neter

saw bim riding with Lis knees;dn.wn up. like a nd his

ftstinu 000D tlS breast. II

crev don I liketo come about the army Tho

ke(4p m bHrfhendvd all the?

thev becio to cheerjje u,unijy r,uud ,,ff Lis hatt

Rather a Revolution this!

Lamp Wicks. A correspondentgives the Columbia the

useful bit ofuii mirht interest Mine vour

Oto at this

iit is' so to get wicksthe tops of 0id homc-km-t cot- -

ton 3 cut into strips theproper wiuin, maKe as goou ones

rasthe came fromfYankeedom." i

, j :

The Quartermaster. of.1 iloutn uaronna nas. recenuy uiuu--

una soldiers in. vwginia,2,000 overcoats, 3,000 pairs

; fi,000 blankets.

.men nies'.remarK.auie iwreligions elevation, . Beaurpgaru

js man feels depenon ah Almighty Powtt.

A. vTT" first ;aDd' n

dressed Cptain of CstnlryStroyed sea Capt. feemraes, Uitb unpretending stiff. His uni- -.

is fine ehoogb,.- - ccrUis!with" pathetic nar-- f tbIife But tbe imagine

misfortunes, from; tiou is piqued, y'ou know, by tbe ab

extract the following as

cox. A lew ago Dacon,' was,"aouxioriiiv;iiicis cwv;o.-ifpUrgL,- 3 Dorsft arnnunsdull of property, Bedford lfce lira at

say rttuil! traders 'people are their war meet';s,ep 6omo gVe ii.-g- j 8 asglad this price, ,ings, offering two hundred 'dollars ;fce raDmore the people money bounty for and sending; 7 ..

for enemy ! their-ston- e np Grow, the present speaker ofthe Yankees now destroy-- ! harbors, that he was going Federal House .Representa-in- g

country it is retaliate." quar-:tjvc-gj terribly beaten forof speculators ter-dec- k my son, he reelection Thaddeus

tioriers! They all dered me in lee-wai- st, Ste)hens gets in major-th- e

lard, more my crew, us were put;;the Tennessceans asked two in exception f0r Buchanan- - his

ago, are buying two boys (cook' steward.) friends Tenn-cam- e

market or that they ' asked him was in delegation stands Dcm-he- ar

is monopolized irons. The reply was to 7 Republicans, clearpurpose of extortion is stored1 purser was in irons, and b.jority.of six. Legislature

houses in lluhtsville for head shaved Us, and he aiSQ joint ballot.higher prices

not for

forthe attention of Government

Chattanooga,Nowhere called rhe

of in in


Vir-ini- a',

Smorants forMitchell our

extortioners ought











:wtichOn arriving

the'Cap-- :as

harm. His

was toIce-wai- st, old

us, a' planks

scarcity olih the

some portions 01

workmen are scarce, consequence

luumamwiupon wharves city

a society which numbers overmembers, pieageunu,;.







iy.w, eu over io im? vwueucmc u-- be

the to serve we hear of places where masons and for the ue of South Caro--

coiintrv ,"i price.interior other States,


Times, been

of the ancientand








release doing



i. i The Court of , of the warf byAla., have ; mon and they, "are the

ihundred vet cent.,for

goodbeein before coimty,:should be

v ".i'.i 7:.


ntfiu? "snrmtiTid.


cfflt mn?fl.u.uwt't-- "





BtcnewaHbiieata6ceis teen


clotfces." Stonewall



readersdifficult lamp


coats,pants, and


'"6, IOm




boughtpaying defeated


to.mau mauuiacvuiiuijrank's thorities

Hatitsrttte Adtocate.

Thisbuild- -

Commissioner greatJ Generals corn-Clar- ke

county, levied consent,,


vicinity, having jfamihesRevolution. example followed,


Soulhcra Genera!.'

'following information:

