OAKWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL | NEWS ISSUE No 11 2018 FEATURED FEATURED 29 November 2018 Singing at the Mandurah Forum 4:00pm 30 November 2018 Peel Says No to Violence Free Dress Day 4 December 2018 Triple P Parent Seminar 9am 5 December 2018 Christmas Concert 5:00pm Principal’s Lunch 1:00pm 6 & 7 December 2018 Free Dress Day for P & C 7 December 2018 Assembly 2:30pm FROM THE PRINCIPAL We are moving into a very busy me of year and there are a number of school and community events over the last few weeks of term. We enjoy our community involvement and look forward to seeing you at the events you can make it to! Our preparaons for moving into the new buildings are finalized and we can’t wait for 12 December! We have children singing at the Mandurah Forum on 29 November and at the Madora Bay Carols on 8 December. It would be wonderful to have as many children performing as possible and any support you can give them to learn the words of ‘Aussie Jingle Bells’ would be much appreciated! The family support has been wonderful this year and we really appreciate this! I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedicaon of our staff also. They have been working relessly all term and are always willing to give that extra effort for the lile Oakwooders! We will be welcoming a number of new staff for 2019 and I know they will complement the staff we already have to build an even stronger team. Teamwork makes the dream work! Christmas Concert The Christmas Concert will take place at 5pm on Wednesday 5 December. You are welcome to bring a picnic and make a night of it. Our P & C will be running a raffle and a hundred dollar board also. The children and staff are pracsing hard and we can’t wait to enjoy the performances! We look forward to seeing you there.

FEATURED - oakwoodps.wa.edu.au

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29 November 2018

Singing at the Mandurah Forum 4:00pm

30 November 2018

Peel Says No to Violence Free Dress Day

4 December 2018

Triple P Parent Seminar 9am

5 December 2018

Christmas Concert 5:00pm Principal’s Lunch 1:00pm

6 & 7 December 2018

Free Dress Day for P & C

7 December 2018

Assembly 2:30pm

FROM THE PRINCIPAL We are moving into a very busy time of year and there are a number of school and community events over the last few weeks of term. We enjoy our community involvement and look forward to seeing you at the events you can make it to! Our preparations for moving into the new buildings are finalized and we can’t wait for 12 December! We have children singing at the Mandurah Forum on 29 November and at the Madora Bay Carols on 8 December. It would be wonderful to have as many children performing as possible and any support you can give them to learn the words of ‘Aussie Jingle Bells’ would be much appreciated! The family support has been wonderful this year and we really appreciate this! I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our staff also. They have been working tirelessly all term and are always willing to give that extra effort for the little Oakwooders! We will be welcoming a number of new staff for 2019 and I know they will complement the staff we already have to build an even stronger team. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Christmas Concert The Christmas Concert will take place at 5pm on Wednesday 5 December. You are welcome to bring a picnic and make a night of it. Our P & C will be running a raffle and a hundred dollar board also. The children and staff are practising hard and we can’t wait to enjoy the performances! We look forward to seeing you there.




Outdoor Classroom Day On 8 & 9 November, we held our outdoor classroom days where we celebrated learning opportunities in our outdoor spaces. A wide variety of activities were planned by our staff and the children had an absolute ball taking part in all manner of things. David Templeman MLA was also able to attend and enjoyed seeing our children engage so enthusiastically. A big thank you to the Oakwood team for organising this event!

Lunchboxes Thank you everyone for providing a variety of foods in your child’s lunchbox each day. Next year, we will have a canteen open five days a week to support our families also. We would like to request that no chocolate or lollies are sent in school lunchboxes. We appreciate your support with this matter.

Steering Committee Our steering committee met for the last time on Tuesday 6 November. This group has played a huge part in the development of our school and has shaped much of our vision for the future. I would like to acknowledge the community members who have been involved and thank them for their efforts. Early next year we will be forming our inaugural school board.

Peel Says No to Violence On Friday 30 November, we will be holding a free dress day to promote “Peel says no to violence’. All schools in the Mandurah network are taking part to promote peace and harmony in our homes and community. We are asking each child to wear free dress and donate a gold coin on this day.

Parent Workshop Oakwood PS is hosting a Positive Parenting workshop on Tuesday 4 December at 9:00am. This seminar provides helpful and practical support to parents to create a happier family life. To book in for this session visit: www.triplep-parenting.net.au/wa




P & C Disco The P & C Disco last Friday was a roaring success with lots of children and families taking part. There was dancing, limbo and great music from our DJ Drew Hampson who kindly gave his time and shared his wonderful music with us. The organising committee did a great job again and thanks to many volunteers, the food was prepared and distributed for everyone to enjoy. Well done to everyone who contributed to this event, it raised $450 for our P & C funds and was another example of the great community we are all a part of. Below, we have acknowledged all of the kind sponsors for our disco.

Merit Certificates

Brody Brimson

Charli-Rose Rowlands

Cooper Tucker

Daveen Hohaia-Popata

Grace Kendall

Isabelle Clare

India Murphy

Luca Butler

Layla Shord

Mason Allen

Maya Bennison

Murdoch Dickie

Tallon Norris

Tori Oosthuis

Congratulations on

earning this recognition

by being wonderful

little Oakwooders!

Remembrance Day On Friday 9 November, Oakwood Primary School commemorated Remembrance Day. Each class learnt about why we observe this occasion and made poppies. These poppies were placed in our school grounds to create a display for the afternoon and held a minute’s silence in the classrooms. Our school also took part in a ceremony at Mandurah Cemetary on Sunday 11 November. Finn Leafe and Sienna Day represented our school, laying a flag on the grave of Corporal HH Williams, our school’s adopted veteran. Both children did a great job! A big thank you to Mandurah RSL, who organised this event, it was an honour to be involved.

Donation Many thanks to the HIIT Chicks, who donated $150 to the school recently!