NEW ALBANY, INDIANA CONTACT US ONLINE MEDIA Photos Newscast video Polls/Opinions SUGGESTIONS INDEX 812-941-2253 [email protected] www.iushorizon.com News ................................................. 1, 2 Sports ................................................... 3 Events ................................................... 4 Opinions ............................................... 5 Profiles.................................................. 6 Diversions ............................................. 7 Features ................................................ 8 Access exclusive online content by vising www.ius horizon.com as denoted with these ONLINE icons to browse photos, polls and more. Like our new design? What arcles or content would you like to see? Send us your ideas or suggesons to [email protected]. DOWNLOAD US Receive news, features and sports all in the convenience of your iPhone. Download the applicaon from iTunes. See SOCIAL MEDIA, page 2 Week long celebrations kick off homecoming The student voice of Indiana University Southeast Week of Feb. 04, 2013 | Volume 67 | Issue 15 The women’s basketball team gears up for their homecoming game on Saturday at 2 p.m. Megan Cureton, sophomore guard, passes the ball to her teammates during a drill. By ETHAN FLEMING Staff ethfl[email protected] As the sounds of the play- ers dribbling, running, and jumping echo off the walls of the Athletics Building, the IUS basketball teams are readying themselves for the upcoming Homecoming games. The women’s team will tip-off at 2 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 9, and then directly after at 4 p.m. the men take the court to face St. Louis Col- lege of Pharmacy. Fans are asked to wear white during the games for the Homecoming “White- Out.” Both teams are bringing winning records into Satur- day’s games, with the wom- en at 12-9 and the men at 18- 3. Robin Farris, head wom- en’s basketball coach, thinks the excitement of Homecom- ing will have a positive effect on the morale of the players. “I don’t feel like we’ve had a real great home court advantage,” Farris said. He said support has not CourseNetworking Education upgraded to 21st century with social media IU Southeast has found a way to integrate social networking into student’s education through the use of their Oncourse account. The new program is called CourseNetworking. CourseNetworking is a social network available to IUS students that is focused on improving the educa- tional experience by opening up dialog and interaction between like-minded students. Sarah Zike, director of business development at CourseNetworking, said CourseNetworking is de- signed to offer students a cultural experience. “It is a useful educational tool because it helps open up the classroom,” she said. “It helps students see their academic discipline from another perspective.” David Rainbolt, IU Southeast Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence technology coordinator said CourseNetworking functions as an add-on for On- course. Rainbolt said CourseNetworking provides features such as discussion forums, polls, quizzes and events. He said faculty members can grade interaction and par- ticipation by tracking anar seeds. For each action on CourseNetworking, users can gain anar seeds. He said anar is the Persian word for pomegranate, and these seeds serve as a point system for CourseNetworking. Rainbolt said using default anar seeds seings, users can earn up to 20 seeds per day, 100 per week and 1600 per semester. Faculty members can decide how to ap- ply anar seeds to student grades, he said. Some faculty members could decide to use anar seeds as extra credit points or as part of a participation grade, Rainbolt said. He said CourseNetworking is still in the Beta-testing stage and some features are not available or fully func- tional. “Beta testing, for CourseNetworking, is a state where the site is still being heavily refined,” Zike said. “We’re still collecting known issues, learning about bugs and optimizing the site for the iPad.” Rainbolt said it will take time for faculty and stu- dents to get used to using CourseNetworking. “It’s taken a long time for Oncourse to get where it’s at,” he said. Zikes said that a major developing feature of CourseNetworking is a mobile app, something On- course does not offer. She said she those designing the program expect a version of the CourseNetworking mobile app to be available soon. Another upcoming feature, a video feature, CourseNetworking will allow one-way video casts, Zikes said. She said instructors can broadcast lectures, and students can broadcast class presentations. Rainbolt said CourseNetworking also allows inte- gration with Twier and Facebook, and he thinks the interaction with social media is a valuable aspect of CourseNetworking. “It’s an aempt to get students to think about class By HANNAH ASH Staff [email protected] See HOMECOMING, page 2

Feb. 4, 2013 issue of IU Southeast Horizon

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Feb. 4, 2013 issue of IU Southeast Horizon

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See SOCIAL MEDIA, page 2

Week long celebrations kick off homecomingThe student voice of Indiana University Southeast

Week of Feb. 04, 2013 | Volume 67 | Issue 15

The women’s basketball team gears up for their homecoming game on Saturday at 2 p.m. Megan Cureton, sophomore guard, passes the ball to her teammates during a drill.

By ETHAN [email protected]

As the sounds of the play-ers dribbling, running, and jumping echo off the walls of the Athletics Building, the IUS basketball teams are readying themselves for the upcoming Homecoming games. The women’s team will tip-off at 2 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 9, and then directly after at 4 p.m. the men take the court to face St. Louis Col-lege of Pharmacy. Fans are asked to wear white during the games for the Homecoming “White-Out.” Both teams are bringing winning records into Satur-day’s games, with the wom-en at 12-9 and the men at 18-3. Robin Farris, head wom-en’s basketball coach, thinks the excitement of Homecom-ing will have a positive effect on the morale of the players. “I don’t feel like we’ve had a real great home court advantage,” Farris said. He said support has not


Education upgraded to 21st century with social media

IU Southeast has found a way to integrate social networking into student’s education through the use of their Oncourse account. The new program is called CourseNetworking. CourseNetworking is a social network available to IUS students that is focused on improving the educa-tional experience by opening up dialog and interaction between like-minded students. Sarah Zike, director of business development at CourseNetworking, said CourseNetworking is de-signed to offer students a cultural experience. “It is a useful educational tool because it helps open up the classroom,” she said. “It helps students see their academic discipline from another perspective.” David Rainbolt, IU Southeast Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence technology coordinator said CourseNetworking functions as an add-on for On-course. Rainbolt said CourseNetworking provides features such as discussion forums, polls, quizzes and events. He said faculty members can grade interaction and par-ticipation by tracking anar seeds. For each action on CourseNetworking, users can gain anar seeds. He said anar is the Persian word for pomegranate, and these seeds serve as a point system for CourseNetworking. Rainbolt said using default anar seeds settings, users can earn up to 20 seeds per day, 100 per week and 1600 per semester. Faculty members can decide how to ap-

ply anar seeds to student grades, he said. Some faculty members could decide to use anar seeds as extra credit points or as part of a participation grade, Rainbolt said. He said CourseNetworking is still in the Beta-testing stage and some features are not available or fully func-tional. “Beta testing, for CourseNetworking, is a state where the site is still being heavily refined,” Zike said. “We’re still collecting known issues, learning about bugs and optimizing the site for the iPad.” Rainbolt said it will take time for faculty and stu-dents to get used to using CourseNetworking. “It’s taken a long time for Oncourse to get where it’s at,” he said. Zikes said that a major developing feature of CourseNetworking is a mobile app, something On-course does not offer. She said she those designing the program expect a version of the CourseNetworking mobile app to be available soon. Another upcoming feature, a video feature, CourseNetworking will allow one-way video casts, Zikes said. She said instructors can broadcast lectures, and students can broadcast class presentations. Rainbolt said CourseNetworking also allows inte-gration with Twitter and Facebook, and he thinks the interaction with social media is a valuable aspect of CourseNetworking. “It’s an attempt to get students to think about class

By HANNAH [email protected]

See HOMECOMING, page 2

IU Southeast4201 Grant Line RoadNew Albany, IN 47150


[email protected]

The Horizon is partially funded by Student Activity Fees.

The Horizon is a student-produced newspaper, published weekly during the fall and spring semesters. Editors must be enrolled in at least three credit hours and are paid.

To report a story idea or to obtain information, call 941-2253 or e-mail [email protected].

Letters to the editors must be signed, include student’s major and class standing and be fewer than 300 words. The Horizonreserves the right to edit for brevity, grammar, and style and may limit frequent letter writers.

The Horizon welcomes contributions on all subjects.

The Horizon is not an official publica-tion of Indiana University Southeast, and therefore does not necessarily reflect its views.

Your first issue of The Horizon is free. All subsequent copies cost $2 each.

The Horizon is a member of the Indiana Collegiate Press Association, Hoosier State Press Association, and the Associated Col-legiate Press.

Week of Feb. 04, 2013 | NEWS |

Senior EditorsBryan Jones [email protected] Woods [email protected] EditorGail Faustyn [email protected] EditorsKim Kerby [email protected] Powell [email protected]

Features EditorsStephen Allen [email protected] Frazier [email protected] EditorsJonathan Cates [email protected] Teague [email protected] Maksl [email protected]

StaffHannah AshNic BrittonEthan FlemingMychal HarrisMelissa LewisJude MattinglyTina ReedAprile RickertRaymond ShuttRachel SmithSam Weber

Jan. 26 6:12 p.m. Aljelia Lindsey, 21, was cited for helping Rox-anne Bagaipo, 19, get into Woodland Lodge. Bagaipo was given a trespass warning in 2012 by Campus Life. She was given a misdemean-or for trespassing and false information.

Jan. 27 11:58 p.m. A report was taken by IUS Police about a do-mestic dispute in Meadow Lodge. When the subjects were found it was determined it was a verbal argument.

Jan. 28 1:10 a.m. Officer responded to a noise complaint in For-est Lodge, the noise was located and officer advised resident to keep it down.

Jan. 29 2:26 p.m. A student reported her backpack was stolen. An officer took a report but the backpack was later found in the IUS Library.

Jan. 29 4:27 p.m. Officer stopped to help a driver in trouble and the driver was waiting for a tow truck.

Jan. 29 4:41 p.m. Officer took a report of a student harassing other students in the dorms.

Jan. 29 5:21 p.m. IUS Police helped a student stuck in the mud in Overflow Parking Lot. Maintenance was called to assist.

Jan. 29 9:13 p.m. Officers responded to a report of a distraught handicapped student wandering the parking lot. Officer found the mother of the student.

Jan. 30 9:44 a.m. An officer responded to a report of a loose dog on campus near Life Science. When the officer arrived they were unable to locate the animal.

Jan. 30 4:15 p.m. Officers took a report on an altered parking permit in Sycamore Parking Lot. The altered permit was taken.

Jan. 30 9:33 p.m. A student in Woodland Lodge reported he was assaulted, when the officer responded he determined there was no sign of injury. A re-port was taken and will be handled by Cam-pus Life.

Feb. 1 12:03 a.m. Officer responded to a reference on a pending assault case in Woodland Lodge. Subject was not there when officer arrived.


Editorial & Production

CourseNetworking lacks student supportSocial Media


Events organized all week to bring student spirit out for grenadiers

material when they aren’t in class,” he said. He said if students are on Facebook and see that someone posted on CourseNetworking, it could re-mind students to do their homework. Chelsey Engle, psychology junior, said she is not sure she wants CourseNetworking integrated into her social networking experience. She said she thinks school and social life should be kept separate, and she does not think CourseNetworking will af-fect her school experience much. “I don’t need a reminder to do my homework,” Engle said. Angelica Wiseman, psychology junior, said she likes the idea of integrating social networking into

education but is worried it could be a distraction. “It’s nice to think about school away from school because it helps reinforce learning,” she said. “But it can also be a distraction. For me, social media is a really bad distraction.” Rainbolt said he is optimistic about the future of CourseNetworking at IU Southeast. “I think it holds real potential,” he said. “It’s going to be a few years before that potential is realized.” Zikes said CourseNetworking is interested in col-lecting feedbacks and suggestions from students during the Beta testing phase. Students can visit [email protected] to offer feed-back.



Photos by Ethan Fleming

The men’s homecoming game will begin at 4 p.m on Feb. 9 after the women’s game. The Grenadiers will play St. Louis College of Pharmacy. Chet Werncke, junior forward, tried to pass Jordan Thompson, freshman forward, during a drill.

been as great this year as it has in previous years, but Homecoming should bring out the fans. “We’ve always had wonderful crowds for Home-coming,” Farris said. “It’s a fun atmosphere.” Farris said he would like to see bigger crowds with only two home games left and that every win counts toward getting a good seed in the Kentucky Intercollegiate Athletics Conference. “I know the girls would appreciate it,” Farris said. “We’ve got a fun team to watch, we’ve got a team that can score and has a good speed.” Wiley Brown, IUS men’s basketball head coach, said that for the men, defense is going to be key for the win on Saturday. He said the team must commu-nicate on the court to play a better defensive game. “These guys off the court, they talk all day long, then when we get on the court they don’t wanna talk,” Brown said. “We need to be on the same page whether it’s offensively or defensively.” Brown also said Homecoming will be a chance for fans to get involved and see a different side of the team, and also a chance for the team to see a differ-ent side of the fans. He said Homecoming will be a time where play-ers who normally do not play as much will get to play, and fans that do not always come out are more likely to show up during Homecoming. “It’s a very, very special time of the season for

us,” Brown said. “We get the chance to play a lot of the guys that haven’t been playing as much, and the guys that have been playing, we get to rest them. It’s a win-win situation for us.” While the games are not until Feb. 9, the events of Homecoming week begin on Feb. 4. During lunchtime there will be events to celebrate Homecoming week in The Commons. The events in-clude a corn-hole tournament, a tricycle race, Spirit Week, which is a competition between different stu-dent organizations to win spirit points, a Surprise Day and a pep rally. Outside of the commons other events include a student vs. staff basketball game, a graffiti party, hosted by the Multicultural Student Union, a sepa-rate men’s basketball game on Feb. 8 vs. IU East and free pizza. Chancellor Sandra Patterson-Randles will award the spirit stick to the winner of Spirit Week, during halftime of the men’s game. Megan Cureton, sophomore guard, said that Homecoming is a good atmosphere for the teams and students and that it is fun to show support. “We really like making the posters for the seniors and everything that goes along with Homecoming,” she said. After playing she said she is going to stay and cheer on the men’s team and that everyone should

stay and cheer. Brown said he wants fans to enjoy their Home-coming day. “Come out, wear white and be as loud as you possibly can,” Brown said.

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Feb. 4

Feb. 5

Feb. 6

Feb. 7

Fed 8-10

Rudy Giulani

Doggie in the dorms

Mary Whitlock, psychology junior, walks her dog Eavie down the halls of Orchard Lodge. Eavie is one of the few dogs allowed on campus. Whitlock said not only is Eavie a great companion, but she helps her to overcome her health problems.





To submit material to The Horizon for the Events page, call The Ho-rizon at 812-941-2253 or e-mail us at [email protected]. Events should be submit-ted one week in advance.

»»»««« »»»««« »»»««« »»»«««


10 a.m - 2 p.m.University Center

Hoosier Room West Spirt Week will be kicked off this year with a crazy cornhole tournament. Stu-dents can watch or play. The tournament will begin at 10 a.m. in Hoosier Room West.

Blues Control 9 p.m.


Blues Control combines the sounds of psychedelic

intrustmental and hard rock creating a wild vintage sound. The band will be preforming at Zanazbar. The cost is $5.

Matchbox 207:30 p.m.

Palace Theater, Louisville

Matchbox 20 will be pre-forming with Phillip Phillips at the Palace Theater. Tickets range from $42.50-$99.50 on-line.

Punch Brothers7:30 p.m.

Brown Theater, Louisville

The Punch Brothers are a rock, bluegrass and indie rock group all thrown into one. They will be playing at the Brown Theatre. Cost is $26.50.

PresidentsFeb. 18All Day

Everywhere Some school districts and most government affili-ated businesses will be closed down for President’s Day in honor of George Washington’s birthday.

Résumé12:15 - 1 p.m.

University Center Northroom 122

Build up your resume with a free resume workshop. Learn tricks to make your re-sume stand out. Contact Trey Lewis for more information.

Minute Game10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

University CenterHoosier Room West

Come on down and play a “Minute-to-Win-It” similar to the T. V. show in the Hoosier Room for the week of Home-coming. All students can play.

SGA4:30 - 6 p.m.

University Center,room 122

The Student Government Association will be holding their weekly meeting. All stu-dents are welcome to attend and voice their opinions.

Plagiarism Feb. 8

10 - 11:15 a.m. The Writing Center

This workshop helps stu-dent understand exactly when they are plagiarizing. This workshop also demonstrates how, and when to cite.

Bed & BreadFeb. 8

6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Hoosier Room

The Salvation Army will be holding an auction for citizens in the Southern Indiana area. The funds raised will help fam-ilies in need.

White OutFeb. 9

2 - 7 p.m.IU Southeast

To show support for IU Southeast’s basketball teams students are encouraged to wear white to the homecom-ing games.

LeadershipFeb. 9

10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lifescience Building,

This program is designed for all students. Through this event, put on by National stu-dent leader society, students work to gain a personal vision for their future.

Winter PopsFeb. 10

3 - 4:30 p.m. Ogle Center

The IU Southeast concert band will be preforming their annual winter festival in the Richard K. Stem Concert Hall. Tickets are $5 for students.

GirlfriendFeb. 4 - 17

Actors Theatre,Louisville

The actors theatre of Lou-isville will be putting musical that covers various types of music from pop to rock. Tickets are $24.

ValentinesFeb. 14All Day

Everywhere Time to get dolled up and take that someone special how much you care for them by taking them out or buying them a box of their favorite candy.

TaxesApril 15


The last day to file your state and federal taxes is April 15 before midnight. Taxes can be filed online or with a rep-resentative.

FAFSAMarch 10Midnight

IU Southeast

For those receiving finan-cial aid for classes the deadline to fill out the FAFSA form to continue to receive aid is mid-night March 10.

GraduationMarch 15 p.m.

IU Southeast

Students planning on graduating in May and Au-gust must have their applica-tion filled out by March 1 by 5 p.m. The applications can be found online.

Spring BreakMarch 25 - 30

All weekIU Southeast

Time to sit back and re-lax from the stresses of the semester. Take a vacation or just take the time to sleep. Regardless of how you spend your time tell The Horizon on Facebook or twitter.

WFPKFeb. 27

6:30 p.m.Clifton Center,

WFPK is bringing Bobby Long and Civil Twilight to the Clifton Center for a free con-cert. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. seating is limited

WithdrawalMarch 15All week

IU Southeast The very last day to with-drawal from a class without failing is March 15. It can be done online using Onestart. Students who withdrawal be-fore the deadline receive a W.

Where: University Center North, Room 122When: 7 - 8:15 p.m. National student leadership society will be hosting a broadcasting event with New York’s for-mer Mayor Rudy Giulani. Students will be given the opportunity to speak with the former mayor.

Religion12:15 - 1:30 p.m.Crestview Hall,

room 103

The Religious Studies Group will hold its weekly meeting in Crestview to dis-cuss religion. All students welcome.

Special Event 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

University Center NorthHoosier Room West

There will be a secret sur-prise event held in the Hoosier Room. This is a new event that IUS has never done before. Be there or be square.

Water Pong10 a.m. - 2p.m.

University Center NorthHoosier Room

For homecoming week, students can practice sobri-ety. There will be a water pong tournament held. All students can play or watch.

Barney BrightFeb. 1 - March 29

Market street,New Albany

The art of Barney Bright, will be on display at the Arts Council of Southern Indiana. Bright was a famous artist of this area. See the Arts Council of Southern Indiana web page for more ideas.

BMXFeb. 8 - 10

Expo CenterLouisville

The BMX nationals are go-ing to roll through Louisville during the weekend. The na-tionals will be taking place in the expo center. Most hotels nearby are already booked.


Pam TillsWhere: Ogle Center When: 7:30 - 10 p.m. Pam Tills, a country singer who sold six million albums and has more than 14 top five hits, includ-ing “Maybe It Was Memphis,” will be preforming at the Ogle Center. Tickets are $10 for students.


HomecomingWhere: IUS Activities BuildingWhen: 2 - 6 p.m. This year’s basketball homecoming games will be against St. Louis College of Pharmacy. The women’s team will play at 2 p.m. and the men’s team will follow at 4 p.m.





Week of Feb. 4, 2013| EVENTS | 4


Photo by Nic Britton

No Rules4 - 7 p.m.Cluckers,

Jeffersonville Networking without all the strict rules of a typical business meeting. Meet others within your field, at Cluckers in Jeffersonville.

Fat TuesdayFeb. 12

St. Matthews,Louisville

Bluegrass Brewing Com-pany will be celebrating Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras with Oysters and themed food.There will be a gumbo con-test, prizes will be given out.


Buffalo LoveFeb. 9

7 - 9 p.m. Frankfort Ky.,

To Celebrate Valentines day Buffalo Trace Distillery is having a bourbon tasting din-ner event. Smart casual attire is required. Tickets are $100

Week of Feb. 4, 2013 | OPINIONS| 5

I like that old time rock ‘n’ rollBy JONATHAN [email protected] Producer

For many reasons, I was awarded the “Born in the Wrong Decade” superlative for the Lanesville Junior-Senior High School class of 2009. This was most likely due to the fact that just about every day at school I would sport a Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Steve Miller Band or another of my favorite bands’ T-shirts, constantly sing songs, play air guitar or air drums and blare the good tunes in my car when I left the school parking lot. When people ask me what kind of music I listen to, I just tell them that I listen to any kind of music that was made before I was born. I mostly listen to rock, but I can certainly dig country, pop, funk and even rap on occasion, as long as it was made before or near the time of Feb. 27, 1991. Apparently Bob Seger felt the same way when he sang, “Today’s music ain’t got the same soul. I like that old time rock ’n’ roll.” I can barely stand to listen to today’s hit songs

on the radio because they almost drive me in-sane. I used to wonder why I disliked today’s music so much, but then I figured it out: to-day’s mainstream music lacks effort. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that most artists today do not even care about the quality of the music they put out there. It is like the only effort put into making music is finding a good beat so people can bump-and-grind to it. Sure, I love to dance as much as anyone — in fact, I am still undefeated in dance-offs — but when I want to listen to a song, I do not want to listen to one that repeats the words “booty wurk” 42 times in less than four min-utes. That’s right, 42 times. I counted.

I cannot sit here and say that the lyrics of most ’80s songs were of the highest quality, but the music behind them made up for it. What you could not feel with the lyrics, you could feel with the drum beats and guitar riffs. You could feel the passion, effort and a love for music. That might be one reason why today’s music lacks effort. No one even uses any actual instruments any-more. In “Nothin’ But A Good Time,” Bret Michaels of Poison sang, “I raise a toast to all of us who are brea-kin’ our backs every day.”

Do you know why he said that? It was because back then, bands worked hard to get to the point where they were. They played in bars and clubs with hardly any-

one there until, finally, they were discovered. Now, artists like Skrillex can press play on their laptops and make millions of dollars, while the guys who still have the rock-star dream can bare-ly pay rent. Modern technology has given us great things and great opportunities, but I feel as if it has ru-ined good music. With the emergence of Auto-Tune, anyone can be a music superstar without having any actual sing-ing talent. Technology has even given birth to the worst genre of music, dubstep. Dubstep to me sounds like Optimus Prime continuously transforming into a semi-truck. If I wanted to hear the entire Autobots colony trans-forming for three minutes, I might as well just pop the Transformers series into the DVD player. There is a reason why bands from the classic-rock era can still sell out arenas 30 - 40 years after their prime, and artists who were relevant five years ago are lucky to get a gig at a small club. There is a reason why those bands are consid-ered “classic” and why their music will live be-yond their time on this earth. This is because they cared about the quality of the music they put out. They wanted their lis-teners to feel as good about the song as they did when they wrote it. They had passion. But then again, it could have been the drugs.

By KIM KERBYProfiles [email protected]

I am a country girl. I was raised out in the country of Orange County, Ind., by two very strong-willed, strict and traditional parents. But I would not have changed that for the world. See, I was taught re-sponsibility and respect from a very early age . I was taught how to tell the difference between right and wrong, to always be honest and not lie, not to disrespect my elders, to put work —chores and homework— first and fun second, and to work hard and do my best etc. I was also taught how to be responsible with a gun. Guns have been a hot topic in the news over the last month, and honestly, all of this talk offends and irritates me. I get so tired of hearing people’s opinions on who is to blame and why guns are so dangerous. Does our country need stricter laws regarding who can purchase a gun? Yes, but even with more in-depth background checks people always seem to slip through the cracks. The National Rifle Association got so much heat after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary last month. Do we honestly believe that it was NRA’s fault for the deaths of 20 children and six teachers? Sheesh. We seriously need to stop pointing blame at everyone and everything. Just step back and look at the root of the problem. We need to see it for what it is as a whole. Even by saying that, I’m going to point blame just like the next person. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion. In my eyes, technology and the way our society is

today are truly to blame. Kids today are growing up with no sense of reality and easy access to any information that is out there. You can find anything you want on the In-ternet or YouTube. Anyone else see that as a problem? Not only that, but there is a lack of proper gun education in schools across the country and parents should rethink their parenting methods. Our youth today are growing up in unstable households, where parents have unintentionally put so much distance between themselves and their children that they honestly do not know what is going on in their children’s life. And as a result of that disconnection, these teenagers act out—sadly at times resulting in the loss of life. All they needed was someone to care about

them and listen. Something as simple as that could have prevented the loss of so many lives. You could say I am a daddy’s girl. I am also his little girl, being the younger of his two daughters. I have always looked up to my dad, and when I was younger I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him — when he was not constantly working. So combine that with living in the country and being surrounded by woods. The result was being taught how to safely handle and shoot a gun from a young age. I loved spending that time bonding with my dad. My sister and I grew up with guns around us. My dad, uncles, grandparents and neighbors all have guns in their houses. It was only natural for us to know how to use them if the chance ever arose. Instead of playing video games and relying on technology to entertain me like the generations of today, I was constantly playing games outside, ex-ploring our woods or learning how to shoot differ-ent types of guns with my dad. My dad believes guns are essential when it comes to protecting one’s family and territory in the coun-try. My family has over 100 acres of land, with live-stock on parts of that land. We occasionally see and hear unwelcome visitors, like the usual coyote or bobcat. Two animals you do

not want to meet without a gun in your hands. And because of that, I honestly can not think of a time when my dad did not leave the house without a gun or knife within his reach. In my dad’s eyes, it was important for his daugh-ters to grow up in the country and to know the ins and outs about guns. He also wanted us to understand that once a gun was fired, the results were permanent. I was raised to take responsibility for my own ac-tions. Period. Today’s youth find it easier to point the blame at anything or anyone else besides themselves. I say: the gun is not to blame. The gun is simply just a small piece of a much bigger puzzle. My parents were old-fashioned with their meth-ods, but I am very thankful for that. I am grateful I grew up in a stable and loving household with parents who were always protective and supportive. With parents, who taught me right from wrong, hard work and how to use a gun. I’m very glad I was raised the way I was—out in the country with guns.

From the country, like it that wayEducation, responsibility crucial for gun safety

Courtesy Photo

Jonathan Cates, newscast producer, moonlights as a drummer and singer for a Moustache Divided. The Lanesville, Ind., natives play a mix of classic rock, with a set list that contain hits from the likes of Lynryd Sknyrd, ZZ Top and The Rolling Stones.

Photo courtesy of American Talent International

Bob Seger released “Old time rock and roll” in 1979, and since, the song continues to resinate with fans centuries later.

For more opinions go online to iushorizon.com to read senior editor, Bryan

Jones’ newest column.

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By NIC [email protected]

Mary Whitlock, psychology ju-nior, lives in Orchard Lodge with four roommates. One of them, Eavie, is not like the others. Eavie is Whitlock’s service dog – one of the few pets seen on campus. Whitlock received Eavie during her freshman year of high school. At the time, she was suffering from brief, but frequent, epileptic seizures, which would generally last around 30 seconds. “I once had 86 in one day,” Whit-lock said. For that reason, she said she want-ed to have someone with her, but no longer wanted her parents to always be at her side. She decided to look into getting a service dog. Soon after, Eavie joined the Whitlock family. Today, Whitlock no longer has sei-zures to the same degree. “I wouldn’t even call them ‘sei-zures’ anymore,” she said. “My head will tilt a little and it’ll be over. It only happens about once or twice a month.” Though she no longer has sei-zures, Whitlock still views Eavie as an invaluable companion. “I don’t know what I’d do without Eavie,” she said. Ever since she was young, Whit-lock has had to cope with seizures. They were partial, or focal, seizures, which primarily affected the left side of her body. She said more intense ones would affect the right side of her body as well. She has taken medication for sei-zures from an early age. She also went through two brain resections as a child, in which the brain tissue respon-sible for seizures was removed. “My first brain resection happened when I was only five years old,” she said. Despite the measures taken to re-duce the seizures, they continued to persist, becoming more severe as she entered adolescence. It was at this time that Whitlock made the decision to get a service dog.

She began going to training classes provided by Paws With Purpose, a non-profit organization based in Lou-isville. There she was assigned Eavie, an English Labrador retriever. “They placed the dogs with people who have similar personalities,” she said. “Eavie is laid-back, like me.” In the training classes, service dogs are taught how to properly as-sist their new owners. Whitlock said that it is a time-consuming process. “I had to miss most of my fresh-man year because I had to go to her

training class-es,” she said. Eavie was trained primar-ily to provide support to Whitlock and help her with seizure-related anxiety. “She was trained to lay down at my right side when I had seizures,” she said. “She’s

mainly there for support, as a com-panion.” Eavie – who Whitlock refers to as “very smart” – has other skills as well. At restaurants, she is trained to lie down under the table, where she can be safely out of the server’s way. She is even capable of helping with laundry.

“I could just tell her ‘Eavie, get me a washcloth,’ and she’d do it,” Whit-lock said. After grad-uating from high school, Whitlock set her sights on college, and was drawn to IU Southeast. “It’s small, and I like the s t u d e n t - t o -teacher ra-tio,” she said. “I also don’t like big crowds. They make me particularly nervous be-cause of my seizures.” She began as a journalism major, but soon switched to special educa-tion. “I loved it a lot,” she said. “I really like helping kids.” Her aunt inspired her to switch majors once again, however. “My aunt is a therapist and talks on the phone with people in the mili-tary and people with PTSD,” she said. “That got me interested in it, and now I’m a psychology major.” She has lived on campus through-out her time at IU Southeast. While pets usually are not found in the school’s residence halls, Whit-lock’s roommates have embraced Eavie’s company. Reba Potter, graphic design fresh-man, said she enjoys living with

Eavie. “Being a person who loves ani-mals, I’m glad to see Eavie almost ev-eryday,” Potter said. “She loves being petted, and she loves the blue rug in my room.” After Whitlock’s first semester as a sophomore, she had to take time off from school, in order to undergo a third brain resection. “They actually put electrodes in my brain, so they could tell where the seizures were,” she said. Since that surgery in 2010, her sei-zures have become much less promi-nent. “I was actually seizure-free for a while,” she said. “They came back just slightly, but I don’t have to worry about them anymore.” She said she feels Eavie was crucial during the healing process and wants to someday help others get service dogs. “I’d like to work with disaster re-lief, taking dogs to people in trouble or in need,” she said. After graduating, she also wants to follow in her aunt’s footsteps and

become a license-certifies social worker. She still wants to work with kids, though. “I’d like to listen to and help kids who’ve been in traumatic events,” she said. “I’d also like to help people who have had dis-abilities.” In the meantime, she enjoys spreading positivity with Eavie. “I like to tell people that, if they’re having a bad day, they can come visit Eavie,” she said.

By BRETT [email protected]

Leslie Turner, IU Southeast alumna and financial aid counselor, has a pas-sion for helping students find hope and achieve their lifelong dreams. In addition to the work she does in the Office of Financial Aid, Turner writes life stories of individuals and posts them to her blog, “Returning to Health in my 50s.” Turner created her blog three years ago as a collection of inspirational sto-ries from many different people who have faced and overcome life-threat-ening situations. The name of her blog, she said,

comes from her recent accom-

plishment to become healthier, return to s c h o o l

a n d

complete her degree. Turner said she has made it her personal mission to help others enjoy similar success and to inspire with her writing. Born and raised in Westerville, Ohio, her first attempt as a student was at Ohio State University. She began pursuing a music degree but would not be able to finish it until 20 years later. “I dropped out of school and fell in love — just as you hear so often,” Turner said. “My wonderful husband, Paul, and I headed off to California. We lived in the Sacramento area and it was extremely beautiful.” After having three children in Cali-fornia, the company that owned her husband’s music store asked him to relocate. The family was given several choic-es and they chose New Albany as their next place of residence. It was here, Turner said, that she decided she was unhappy and needed a change. “It was difficult because I wanted to be home with my kids more,” Turner said. “Here I was living two miles away from IU Southeast and passing it several times a day, thinking of how

badly I would like to finish my de-gree.”

Turner said she finally achieved her goal in 2001, when she graduated with a music de-

gree and a minor in business. During her time as a student, she was able to

participate in a work-study program for the IT department. She said she made

an impression on sev-eral key faculty mem-

bers, which she said helped

when she was hired

in 2004 to work full-time in the Office of Financial Aid. “We like to say we make students’ dreams a reality,” Turner said. “Often times students come in here thinking money is the solution or the prob-lem, with regard to them returning and completing school. But, money is hardly ever the problem or solution.” Turner has found time for other interests, such as writing, in addi-tion to her work for the school. She said writing has played a large part in many of her jobs, but she never had time to write recreationally. “I’ve always loved it but kept mak-ing excuses for not having time,” she said. “Now, instead of eating or watching TV as I did in the past, I use writing as a reward to myself for mak-ing good, healthy decisions.” Turner said she and her husband were literally forced to remove the television from the living room and delete all games from her computer. Instead of doing things she consid-ered a waste of time, she wanted to put her free time into something that she really loved. With all of the distractions gone, she said was able to put more time into her writing. “I had met all of these amazing peo-ple with amazing stories,” she said. “I needed a way to tell the stories and I had hoped to eventually put them in a book, but the blog is the nexus I use to get the stories to the readers.” Paul Turner, her husband, says he is blown away by the amount of at-tention her blog receives. Her blog receives between 5,000 and 7,000 read-ers a month. “I still can’t fathom what the num-bers mean,” he said. “I am so proud of her; she is able to do what she loves. Of course, I am always sure to be on my best behavior so I don’t end up as the next subject of one of her stories.”

Included on the blog are life stories filled with miracles and other inspira-tional works. Turner said many times students come into her office with information on a friend or family member who would like her to tell their story. She then goes through a process of meet-ing the individual and conducting in-terviews before the story is posted. “I am writing about a couple who live in Florida and I, thankfully, just got to spend a week down there,” she said. “They are amazing, powerful, and asked me to write their story.” Turner said the people she writes about feel the process is fulfilling, re-warding and often grants them a sense of closure or purpose. “These stories are inspiring to me,” she said. “I am hoping others find them inspiring as well.”

Week of Feb. 4, 2013 | PROFILES | 6

Counselor finds purpose, inspires others

Service animal gives student hope, way to cope

Photos by Nic Britton

Mary Whitlock, psychology junior, plays with her service dog, Eavie. Whitlock received Eavie during her freshman year to watch over her, when she suffered from frequent seizures.

I don’t know what I’d do without Eavie.

Mary Whitlockpsychology junior

What movie did you last see?

What job did you want as a kid?

Mary Whitlock

Psychology junior

Eavie, an English Labrador Retriever owned by Whitlock, relaxes in Orchard Lodge.

Leslie Turner, IUS financial aid counselor

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite restaurant?

Series on Helen Turner, mother in law

What’s your most impactful blog series?

Leslie Turner

Financial Aid Counselor


The Onion House.

In theaters, “Wreck-It Ralph.” It was hilarious.

I wanted to be a veterinarian for the longest time. I love animals.

• It was noted Ameri-can poet Ogden Nash, best known as a com-poser of droll verse, who made the following sage observation: “Some tortures are physical / And some are mental, / But the one that is both / Is dental.”

• According to the U.S. Department of Agricul-ture, if you’re like the average American, you consume 132 pounds of sugar every year. Compare that to folks in the year 1700, who consumed only about 4 pounds of sugar per year.

• If you cook a single ostrich egg, you can feed 24 people.

• When you studied history in school, you probably didn’t learn about Edward Hyde. He was a cousin to Queen Anne and was appointed to the post of colonial governor of New York, in which position he served from 1702 to 1708. Though he’s not well known now, he was quite the talk of the colonies in his day. It seems that

when a delegation of colonists went to his mansion to welcome the new governor, they found him sitting on the front porch, crocheting a doily and wearing one of his wife’s dresses. At his first formal ball as governor, he wore a gown. His eccentrici-ties continued until he was caught embezzling public money and was returned to England.

• The next time you see a shampoo commercial and note how creamy and frothy the lather seems to be, keep this in mind: The model in the advertisement prob-ably has either laundry detergent or frothed egg whites on her hair.

• Those who study such things say that 10 years after a hot dog has been dumped in a landfill, the wiener could still be intact.


Thought for the Day: “When you stop do-ing things for fun you might as well be dead.” — Ernest Hemingway

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.




Week of Feb. 4. 2013 | DIVERSIONS | 7

The Carnegie Center for Art & History on E Spring Street joined in the bicentennial celebra-tion with an art exhibit entitled The Artists of the Wonderland Way. They held an open reception on Friday, Jan. 25. The show features work by artists who came together after the 1906 opening of James L. Rus-sell’s art supply shop and gallery, The Art Shop, in New Albany. Warren Payne, co-guest curator for the exhibit, owns several of the pieces in the show. He pointed to a Lawrence Russell, Un-titled, oil on board painted in 1936. “This is another one I like,” he said of the Russell painting. “He was an iron worker, not related to the other Russell, but he loved to paint.” Like Lawrence Russell, many regular citizens — including iron workers and baseball players — became painters after gathering around the inspi-ration given off by The Art Shop in the early half of the 1900s. Collectively, these artists came to be known as The Wonderland Way Art Club, named for a stretch of roads that ran along the Ohio River en-titled Wonderland Way. “It’s a nice picture for a guy who was an iron worker,” Payne said. “That’s the good thing about these guys—a lot of them were just regular people who liked to paint.” The Jamey Aebersold Quartet played on the Carnegie Center balcony during the opening

reception. The basement floor was filled with guests talking about the show—munching on brie and marinated vegetables and sipping com-plimentary wine. “It’s great,” Payne said. “I think the Carnegie always gets a good crowd. They really love their art here.” Hannah Litkenhous, art history senior, is cur-rently an intern at the Carnegie Center. For this opening, she greeted guests at the front door, handed out programs and assisted with informa-tion.

“I love the history that’s behind this exhibit,” said Lit-kenhous. “It’s different than what we usually have.” In a side hall— looking at the dioramas on display— Amy Jo Romig, former IUS student, said that she was no stranger to the Carnegie Cen-ter. “I’ve been here on field trips because I’ve grown up here, and I’ve brought my kids here when they were in

elementary school,” Romig said. “That’s why I came over here to see [the dioramas] it’s just nos-talgic.” Romig said that she was invited to the exhibit by a Carnegie Center curator because she had submitted ideas for the exhibit. She is a photogra-pher and painter. “I knew it would be a one-in-a-million shot,” Romig said. “I literally was at the post office submitting it when they were closing, but I just wanted to put it in there.” Although Romig’s ideas were not used for this project, she said she appreciated getting a person-al call from the curator and an invitation to this event.

ExhibitThe Artists of the Wonder-

land Way exhibit will run through April 6 at the Carn-

egie Center for Art & History. Admission is free.

The Artists of Wonderland Way

The show features work by artists who came together after the 1906 opening of

James L. Russell’s art supply shop and gallery, The Art

Shop, in New Albany.

Exhibit EventsLunch & Learn

Feb. 19, noon -1 p.m.March 19, noon -1 p.m.

Curators’ Talk March 23, 1-4 p.m.

Feb. 26, 7-8 p.m.


Featured EventThe Stained Glass Windows

of New AlbanyMarch 26

Speaker: Greg PhippsSenior lecturer and program

coordinator of the Department of Sociology

For upcoming bicentennial events, visit


Portrait of a Leaning GirlJoseph Krementz

Warren Payneco-guest curator

Week of Feb. 4, 2013 | FEATURES | 8

“That’s the good thing about these

guys – a lot of them were just regular people

who liked to paint.

Attendees browse the Carnegie Center for Art & History during the opening reception for Artists of the Wonderland Way. The exhibit features artwork from New Albany artists from the early 1900s.

Deleasha Thomas and Hannah Litkenhous, art history senior, discuss the exhibit in the reception area. Lit-kenhous currently works an intern at the Carnegie Center.

Photos by Aprile Rickert

By APRILE [email protected]


NEW ALBANYExhibit commemorates bicentennial


This year New Albany celebrates its 200th birthday. To ring-in the big 200, there are many themed events planned to honor the city’s milestone.

Summer on Silver CreekJames L. Russell