far away.” Having the knowledge that God not only knows us, but loves us, gives us co mfort. The ques- tion of God promising to be with us has been answered. He is with us and for us. But what about here in this world, can we really learn to know and trust one another? Many families fall apart, be- cause no one really  knows the others. What is your favorite food, TV show, co- median, politician, story in the Bible or person from the Bible? What sin do you wrestle with more than the rest? Gossip? Bitterness? Hatred? Something else? Who knows these things about you? Your family should. You should be able to talk with them about such things in your life and in theirs. When you can’t this is what’s called the break- down of the family. So to eliminate the sense of being a stranger to those closest to you here is a list of traits Recently I read an article titled “Silence isn’t Golden.” It was written by Golden Tate. Tate is a professional football player who played for the Seattle Seahawks and is now with the Detroit Li- ons. Here is a little of his story, then I’ll get to the point. Tate grew up in Henderson Tennessee and attended the University of Notre Dame. He was drafted by the Seat- tle Seahawks in 2010 signing a four-year contract worth $3.2 millio n. After tha t con- tract was complete, he signed a five-year, $31 mil- lion contract with the Detroit Lions. Many sports fans were upset and confused as to why he left Seattle after they had won the Super Bowl; that’s when the rumors started to fly. In Tate’s own words he writes, “For me, joining the Lions meant playing along- side Calvin Johnson   who I believe to be the best wide receiver in the league   and with a quarterback in Mat- thew Stafford who can throw with the best of them…. Unfortunately, I have since been harassed on social media over a multitude of reasons about why  I left, none of which are true. It was profoundly disappoint- ing, not only that these “fans” were circulating ru- mors about me, but more so how my reputation became tarnished in the process…. When those who don’t even know you, judge you based solely on what they’ve “heard,” it creates a bad environment for the player and those close to him….” The thing that really struck me was this: “But you don’t know  me  , Golden Tate, the person. What I’m all about. You don’t know how much I care about my relationships with the fans and city in which I play.” The thought: you don’t really know me, the real me, the me on the inside, the me that thinks, plans, succeeds and fails   that me. This is some- thing that is worth our time and our consideration. Who really knows you? The real you? Who knows you well enough to know it’s okay to call and ask for help? Who knows  you well enough to know not only will you not be bothered by that call, but that you want them to call? And do you know anyone that well? This is a church newsletter and so you know at some point I am going to tell you that God knows you that well. Psalm 139:2 says of God, “You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I'm SILENCE ISN’ T AL WA YS GOLDEN February Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong Irondale Church News Pray Always Pastor David and Col- leen Community Soup Irondale Bible Institute Our outreach and wit- ness to our community Busy Hands People struggling with illness Young families and single parent families Those struggling with addictions Schools: students, staff, administrators Missionaries Homeless, helpless, hopeless and hungry Salvation for the lost Law enforcement pro-  fessionals The military serving at home and abroad “We will be friends forever just you wait and see” -Winnie the Pooh Continued on p. 2

Feb News

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  • far away. Having the knowledge that God not

    only knows us, but loves us,

    gives us comfort. The ques-

    tion of God promising to be

    with us has been answered.

    He is with us and for us. But

    what about here in this

    world, can we really learn to

    know and trust one another?

    Many families fall apart, be-

    cause no one really knows

    the others. What is your

    favorite food, TV show, co-

    median, politician, story in

    the Bible or person from the

    Bible? What sin do you

    wrestle with more than the

    rest? Gossip? Bitterness?

    Hatred? Something else?

    Who knows these things

    about you? Your family

    should. You should be able

    to talk with them about such

    things in your life and in

    theirs. When you cant this is whats called the break-down of the family. So to

    eliminate the sense of being

    a stranger to those closest

    to you here is a list of traits

    Recently I read an article

    titled Silence isnt Golden. It was written by Golden

    Tate. Tate is a professional

    football player who played

    for the Seattle Seahawks and

    is now with the Detroit Li-

    ons. Here is a little of his

    story, then Ill get to the point.

    Tate grew up in Henderson

    Tennessee and attended the

    University of Notre Dame.

    He was drafted by the Seat-

    tle Seahawks in 2010 signing

    a four-year contract worth

    $3.2 million. After that con-

    tract was complete, he

    signed a five-year, $31 mil-

    lion contract with

    the Detroit Lions. Many

    sports fans were upset and

    confused as to why he left

    Seattle after they had won

    the Super Bowl; thats when the rumors started to fly.

    In Tates own words he writes, For me, joining the Lions meant playing along-

    side Calvin Johnsonwho I believe to be the best wide

    receiver in the leagueand with a quarterback in Mat-

    thew Stafford who can

    throw with the best of

    them. Unfortunately, I have since been harassed on

    social media over a multitude

    of reasons about why I left,

    none of which are true. It

    was profoundly disappoint-

    ing, not only that these

    fans were circulating ru-mors about me, but more so

    how my reputation became

    tarnished in the process. When those who dont even know you, judge you based

    solely on what theyve heard, it creates a bad environment for the player

    and those close to him.

    The thing that really struck

    me was this: But you dont know me, Golden Tate, the

    person. What Im all about. You dont know how much I care about my relationships

    with the fans and city in which I

    play. The thought: you dont really know me, the real me,

    the me on the inside, the me

    that thinks, plans, succeeds and

    failsthat me. This is some-thing that is worth our time

    and our consideration.

    Who really knows you? The

    real you? Who knows you well

    enough to know its okay to call and ask for help? Who knows

    you well enough to know not

    only will you not be bothered by

    that call, but that you want

    them to call? And do you know

    anyone that well?

    This is a church newsletter and

    so you know at some point I

    am going to tell you that God

    knows you that well. Psalm

    139:2 says of

    God, You know when I sit down or stand up. You know

    my thoughts even when I'm



    Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

    Irondale Church News

    Pray Always

    Pastor David and Col-leen

    Community Soup

    Irondale Bible Institute

    Our outreach and wit-ness to our community

    Busy Hands

    People struggling with illness

    Young families and single parent families

    Those struggling with addictions

    Schools: students, staff, administrators


    Homeless, helpless, hopeless and hungry

    Salvation for the lost

    Law enforcement pro-fessionals

    The military serving at home and abroad

    We will be friends forever just you wait and see -Winnie the Pooh

    Continued on p. 2

  • breakdown of the family. So

    to eliminate the sense of be-

    ing a stranger to those closest

    to you here is a list of traits

    that apply to friends and fam-

    ily. This list puts relationships

    into manageable categories

    where we can remove the

    distance from loving relation-

    ships, moving closer to one

    another and seeing our love

    grow. When love grows, joy


    Proverbs 18:24 tells us, One who has unreliable friends

    soon comes to ruin, but there

    is a friend who sticks closer

    than a brother. Do you have that type of friend? Are you

    that type of friend? If you are

    not sure here is a list of quali-

    ties to live out and look for:

    1. No judgment

    Friends let each other be who

    they are without judging fail-

    ures. A good friend knows

    you at your core and contin-

    ues to be your friend.

    2. Genuine

    You never have to fake it to

    get along, dont talk behind one anothers backs and never be afraid to approach

    them with a problem or ques-

    tion. Its never a chore to have them over and you

    never feel like you have to

    entertain them.

    3. Acceptance

    Recently I saw a quote that

    read, STOP! Its not a com-petition, were all crazy. Good friends get that.

    4. Trustworthy

    Keep confidences. There may

    be teasing, but never deliber-

    ate hurting. As one old saying

    says, You know your name is

    safe in their mouth.

    5. Respect

    You wont always agree with them (Who does?), but

    youll always welcome their opinion.

    6. Forgiveness

    You cant move forward if one person is hung up on

    the past. Not just taking

    the action of forgiving when

    an offense is committed, but

    believing they would never

    deliberately hurt you and

    you never deliberately hurt-

    ing them.

    7. Support

    Be present because you

    want to be present, not

    because you are asked.

    Without the encouragement

    of our friends, we wouldnt enjoy many of the wonders

    life has to offer.

    8. Predictable

    Loved ones should be able

    to predict each others gen-eral responses. For exam-

    ple, when one of you does

    something really stupid, the

    other will respond as ex-

    pected. If not, you should

    be comfortable to say, I know what I did was stupid,

    but I thought you would

    laugh not lecture me. This keeps accounts with one

    another short and the past

    in the past.

    9. Thoughtful

    Be thoughtful and willing to

    tell each other that you are.

    Its one thing to think about your friends and family, but

    its another thing to let them know. Its the pack of Swedish Fish just because

    you know they like them, or

    making sure they see that

    you are trashing that ugly

    picture of them. When it

    comes to love, little things

    are the big things.

    10. Listener

    Best friends and family will,

    at the very least, pretend to

    be listening to your sad

    story again, for the twelve-

    hundredth time. They will

    also listen for the emotions

    buried in the rants not just

    the factual details.

    11. Shares your humor

    Did you see that sign? The one that said, Drive Thru Restrooms? Im pre-tending I didnt. (All to-g e t h e r n o w , )

    HAHAHAHA. Laughter is good like a medicine

    (Prov. 17:22).

    12. Loves you for you

    Even when youre angry with the entire world,

    theres always one person who gets spared, and thats your best friend. You love

    each other in spite of

    moods, personality and even

    a questionable memory for

    senseless trivia. Family

    should fall in here too. The

    idea that if you say some-

    thing cruel, they know you

    didnt mean it and look at you thinking, You cant get rid of me that easy.

    We can put these lifestyle

    changes into action one at a

    time or all at once. Save

    this list of traits and use it as

    a check list, asking the ques-

    tions am I avoiding judg-

    ment, being genuine, accept-

    ing others for who they are,

    respecting their decisions,

    e t c .

    Page 2 Irondale Church News

    Silence, contd

    Continued next page

    4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irri-table or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but re-joices with the truth. 7

    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, en-dures all things.13 So

    now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

    1Corinthian 13:4-7,13

  • There is little we can do

    about the actions of others,

    but if enough of us pull to-

    gether to love, encourage

    and support one another it

    will seem like everyones doing it!

    The Bible says in 1 John 4:16

    -21, We have come to know and to believe the

    love that God has for us.

    God is love, and whoever

    abides in love abides in God,

    and God abides in him. By

    this is love perfected with

    us, so that we may have

    confidence for the day of

    judgment, because as He is

    so also are we in this world.

    There is no fear in love, but

    perfect love casts out fear.

    For fear has to do with pun-

    ishment, and whoever fears

    has not been perfected in

    love. We love because he

    first loved us. If anyone

    says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for

    he who does not love his

    brother whom he has seen

    cannot love God whom he

    has not seen. And this com-

    mandment we have from

    him: whoever loves God

    must a lso love h is

    brother (ESV).

    God bless you guys, I hope

    and pray you have a won-

    derful February.

    -Pastor Dave

    Silence, contd

    Youth Group

    love? Do we truly believe

    that it is strong enough to

    reach this city? Oh, we of

    little faith. I too have had

    many a thought lingering in

    the place of doubt, but is it

    not time we take up our

    sword and fight the lethargy

    that pulls us and our families

    away from our dear sweet

    SAVIOR? Is He not strong

    enough? I evaluate my own

    prayer life and the doubt

    stands daunting me away

    from the call of intercession.

    When will we remember

    the charge given to each of

    us to go and make disciples

    while remembering the

    promise of His presence

    with us even to the end of

    the age?

    Church, these youth will

    not be reached for Christ

    merely by fun programs,

    festivities and creatively fun

    messages. Even though the

    Lord uses these means, the

    youth and this community,

    will only be reached with

    the move of the Spirit,

    through the primary means

    of the prayers of the saints,

    solid Bible teaching, and

    various expressions of true

    love. If you want to help: con-

    sider partnering in prayer

    and fasting with me. Possi-

    bly set aside a breakfast or

    some other meal to seek

    the Lord for the salvation of

    one of these little ones;

    what is a meal in compari-

    son to someones eternity? In the end will what you did

    with your time be worth it? Thank you each for your

    prayers and blessings, may

    our Lord lead you in the

    way you should go and may

    He pour out his anointing

    upon you as you step out in

    obedience to His call.


    What a beautiful year has

    begun, truly the Lord is gra-

    cious. As the year opens

    and shines the light of a new

    beginning, I cannot help but

    wonder at the mystery that

    is unfolding before us here

    in this community. The light

    of Christ is shining and I can

    feel the warmth of His love

    breaking forth from the

    cold of the still winter. Yes!

    Yes, and amen! We His

    children sing as we antici-

    pate this new beginning. I cant help but think of the prophet Jeremiah as these

    thoughts whirl through my

    mind, I have loved you with an everlasting love; there-

    fore I have continued my

    faithfulness to you. Jeremiah 31. His faithful-

    ness has not and will not

    fail. Though darkness hangs

    about, His love is everlast-

    ing. As the Holy Spirit says

    in Song of Songs chapter 8

    verse 6, for love is strong as death, jealousy is

    fierce as the grave. Its

    flashes are flashes of fire,

    the very flame of the Lord. Have we given up on His

    Page 3 Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

    Kids in Action

    Turn the page for pho-

    tos of Christmas at

    I r o n d a l e C h u r c h !

    Thanks to Hannah Mont-

    gomery, mom of the lit-

    tlest angel for the won-

    derful pictures!

    Wednesdays 3:00-5:30 pm

    Kids Club meets in the Fel-

    lowship Hall,

    Youth Group meets in the Annex

    All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesnt hurt.

    -Charles M. Schultz

    They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.

    -Bill Keane

  • Page 4 Newsletter Title

    Katrina, Rrunana, TeAmo, Kyara and Zack


    Kamari, Bekka, Izzyie & Claire


    Sarah, Yarro & Zack

    Riley, Sarah & Dymon

    Izzie & Bekka


    River, Katrina, Rrutanna & TeAmo & Kyara

    Christmas Program Cast Christmas Eve Candlelight

    Christmas at Irondale

  • She came to my chair to get me to take them outside; it was her second trip to get my at-tention. I had foolishly ignored her the first time as I tried to work on some project, but she wasnt standing for that any longer. With her soft little paws firmly placed on my leg, she stood as tall as she could reached up and poked me with her soft tiny wet black nose, this time standing on my left side where she had had to squeeze herself into the spot, to make sure I got the mes-sage.

    I did and we headed out-side. It wasnt what she wanted she hung out under the table and said, Well hey I dont want to go outside did you get busy and forget us little guys are located a mere 9 inches from the floor and its cold down here. TURN on the heat, light the fire! We are not wear-ing a nice toasty wool Columbia sweater like you! Sheesh!

    I ignored her impassioned plea, since I had made up my mind if she was going to dis-turb me and interrupt my work, we were all going outside. Id light the fire when we came in. Do you know how demeaning it can be when a darling little dog without words tells you your faults and flaws with no rancor in their tone at all? She wasnt putting me in my place ... just letting me know the drift of things.

    We wandered around the yard and I looked at the still frozen grass, trees, beauty and bounty that God had provided in my life since we moved on the hill.

    There were swings still at-tached to my clothesline sup-ports. They had been placed there for the four children I used to babysit. A huge plastic climbing slide thing rests under one of my favorite trees, now

    seldom used. Bikes outgrown for the most part leaning against the hillside, Tonka type trucks covered in winter grass stuff of high importance at one time. Still when asking the users of such items can I get rid of these the reply was: I still need this stuff.

    I watched as the two dachs-hunds headed up the hill where THEY are not supposed to go into the trees. The giant cedar and firs had become forts of magnificent proportions in the minds of these same children whose stuff of younger years still graces my yard. I climbed the hill to see what was attract-ing the pups and looked down with new perception on the stuff. Lots to let go of in life, thats what God sees when He looks at me at least you too?

    But my stuffs important behind the couch in the living room there are three plastic tubs of toys. I have asked the kids to help me thin them out, but so far in two sessions of thinning we have come up with less that a grocery bag or two of priceless items we can stand to part with. Yikes I am really bad at letting things go and apparently its something that I have in my genes as I have passed this stuff-hoarding thing on to my extended family.

    Perhaps its leftover from my life as a child and being told on many occasions we were moving and I would have to choose what to leave behind. Maybe I ran out of delete this in my brain??? Maybe they will discover one day that there is a switch that can be tripped that allows you to not see the stuff.

    Thats how it is with the stuff I need to let go of in my spiritual life as well I might need God to send along a little cold nosed Dachshund to point out my unhurried air as I waver over letting go of childish be-havior patterns. Sometimes He has used what appears to be a big spotlight to help light the

    way for me, sometimes its just a gentle nudge, but often its a gentle poke, a little more than a nudge, when I refuse to see it His way.

    We all have different styles of living and relating in this world and our way may seem irksome or even unorganized or over organized depending on which side of the fence you are standing on by your own or someone elses standards. In Gods word He tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things.

    I just lit the pellet stove. I had turned the furnace on when we went outside for our invigorating turn around the yard, but, that was several moments ago I am a little forgetful . The pups prefer the pellet stove (so do I) much cheaper and nicerthe dry heat.

    You see in the world furnace thermostats are most usually placed at about my shoulder or head -height. Which means for me everything below the ther-mostat is colder than the dis-played numbers on the ther-mostat screen.

    Can you imagine how cold it can be if heat rises and you are only 9 inches tall? Another thing I have learned from the pups is NOW hold your breath for this one we all dont experience the things of life from the same perception. We need to make allowances knowing that other people are just not going to see or relate to our and their own needs from our perceptions.

    This is why God calls us to give up our childish ways and demands to have things our way and to think of others and live with His Godly perception, in proportion as life relates to others and not just ourselves. We save ourselves and those Pesky Others from being put


    Treasurer Report

    January 29, 2015

    General Operations

    Income: $ 144,243.86

    Expenses: $ 118,787.44 Annual Budget: $153,048.00

    Page 5 Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow

    through undue turmoil by defining life and demanding its circumstances to be as we alone see fit. This is a big part of the un-stuffing of our lives.

    Our pellet stove is 25 years old and can be difficult to light or keep lit sometimes. These things are true; however to not light it at all brings about no change. Sometimes it takes relighting more than once. Irritating yes, but usu-ally all change is a little irritat-ing or has a cost. Dont give up on yourself or others as you or they seek to change. Stuff takes time to collect, un-stuffing takes more time. Happy cleaning!


    There is no fear in love. But perfect loe drives out fear, be-cause fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love be-cause he first loved us.


  • Located at 681 Irondale Road PO Box 959

    Port Hadlock, WA 98339

    Phone: 360-385-1720 Fax: 360-385-1720

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Pastor & Wife: David & Colleen Hodgin Associate Pastor: Troy Norman Visitation Pastor: Chuck Gadbaw Elders: Dave Noble, John Jamison, Fritz Gordon, LeRoy Glessing, Dave Eddie Council: Sue Hay-Missions, Colleen Hodgin-Fellowship, Mary Noble-Finance, Troy Norman-Worship, Jim Wilcox-Interior Property, Kim Wilcox-Treasurer


    Irondale Church

    PO Box 959

    Port Hadlock WA 98339

    Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

    Find us on the web at www.irondalechurch.org

    Weekly Schedule: Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship, Childrens Church & Nursery; Coffee Hour; 6:30 Evening Bible Study Tuesday: 4-6:30 Community Soup Wednesday: 3-5:30 Kids Club and Youth Group Thursday: 11:00 Prayer Hour 2nd Saturday Mens breakfast at Chimacum Cafe 3rd Saturday: Busy Hands Quilts for Foster Kids 4th Saturday: Mens Breakfast at IHOP (Irondale House of Praise)

    First Name Last Name Address Line 1 City State ZIP Code

    ...the LORD appeared to him from far away.

    I have loved you with an everlasting love;

    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you...Jeremiah 31:3 ESV