The Spartan Spectacle February // 2019 // First Issue All the Relevant News you Need to Know What is this? By: Marcey Costello For those of you who do not know me, I am a grade twelve student. I aim to take English in university this coming autumn and have decided to make a school newspaper as part of my co-op. I would like to credit the title of this newspaper to Josh Armstrong. One of my goals is to write an issue for each month; copies can be found in the school (allocated time will be given for classes during a to-be-determined peri- od) and on the schools website under Clubs/Committees. The goal of this paper is to cater to what students want to read, see, and do. If anyone has content suggestions (i.e. complaints, something to add, etc.) or wants to have their work in the paper, please contact me at [email protected]. The Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion By: Marcey Costello Information From: Trans Mountain, Global News, and The Globe and Mail The original Trans Mountain Pipeline was built in 1953 and continues to operate safely today.(Trans Mountain). The expansion would be a dupli- cation of the existing pipeline between Strathcona County, AB and Burna- by, BC. On September 26, 2018, the NEB announced it will hold a public hearing to carry out its reconsideration related to the Project. The Government has directed the NEB to complete the reconsideration process and issue its re- sulting report no later than February 22, 2019.” (Trans Mountain). There are many pros to this expansion, such as an increase in jobs and helping to make sure Canada gets full value for its oil.(Trans Mountain). But where there are pros, there are often cons. Some cons consist of the inadequate consultations with Aboriginal Peoples (Connolly, 2018) and the impacts on the environment (i.e. marine life and environment if there are spills). There are many arguments for this expansion, and it is a very controversial topic. The goal, as of now, is to provide environmental risk assessments to Aboriginal Peoples, continue with field studies, and further developing environmental protection plans. Take a few more minutes of your time to find further information regarding the expansion and the possible impacts it may have; it is important to know what is happening in our world. IN THIS ISSUE Page 1: About newspaper and Trans Mountain Pipeline Page 2: What’s up at SJCHS? and Poetry Corner Page 3: Marando’s Rant, Sports, and Guidance Corner Page 4: Horoscopes Page 5: Spartan Activities Page 6: Sudoku

February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

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Page 1: February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

The Spartan Spectacle

February // 2019 // First Issue

All the Relevant News you Need to Know

What is this? By: Marcey Costello

For those of you who do not know me, I am a grade twelve student. I aim to take English in university this coming autumn and have decided to make a school newspaper as part of my co-op. I would like to credit the title of this newspaper to Josh Armstrong. One of my goals is to write an issue for each month; copies can be found in the school (allocated time will be given for classes during a to-be-determined peri-od) and on the school’s website under Clubs/Committees.

The goal of this paper is to cater to what students want to read, see, and do. If anyone has content suggestions (i.e. complaints, something to add, etc.) or wants to have their work in the paper, please contact me at [email protected].

The Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

By: Marcey Costello

Information From: Trans Mountain, Global News, and The Globe and Mail

“The original Trans Mountain Pipeline was built in 1953 and continues to operate safely today.” (Trans Mountain). The expansion would be a dupli-cation of the existing pipeline between Strathcona County, AB and Burna-by, BC.

“On September 26, 2018, the NEB announced it will hold a public hearing to carry out its reconsideration related to the Project. The Government has directed the NEB to complete the reconsideration process and issue its re-sulting report no later than February 22, 2019.” (Trans Mountain).

There are many pros to this expansion, such as an increase in jobs and helping to “make sure Canada gets full value for its oil.” (Trans Mountain).

But where there are pros, there are often cons. Some cons consist of the inadequate consultations with Aboriginal Peoples (Connolly, 2018) and the impacts on the environment (i.e. marine life and environment if there are spills).

There are many arguments for this expansion, and it is a very controversial topic. The goal, as of now, is to provide environmental risk assessments to Aboriginal Peoples, continue with field studies, and further developing environmental protection plans.

Take a few more minutes of your time to find further information regarding the expansion and the possible impacts it may have; it is important to know what is happening in our world. IN THIS ISSUE

Page 1: About newspaper and Trans

Mountain Pipeline

Page 2: What’s up at SJCHS?

and Poetry Corner

Page 3: Marando’s Rant, Sports, and Guidance Corner

Page 4: Horoscopes Page 5: Spartan Activities

Page 6: Sudoku

Page 2: February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle

What’s up at SJCHS?

By: Marcey Costello

During the month of February, there are many of the following activities…

High School:

~The Afterschool Literacy Program is available every Wednesday starting the 6th

~Wednesday, February 20th and Thursday, Feb-ruary 21st are for First Aid and CPR

~Friday, February 22nd is Hoops for Hearts

~Tuesday, February 26th is the Eastern Ontario SKLZ Competition

~Best Buddies get together on Wednesday, February 27th

Intermediate Division:

~Tuesday, February 26th is the Mixed Hockey Tournament

Have a great month, everyone!

Poetry Corner By: Matilda Byrd

loud as an uncaught kiss

into the abyss

is this where every blown kiss goes?

shouting, where do our unsaid thoughts go? surely someone ought the know for otherwise we’d just be screaming, and screaming leaves the earth uneasy

for every word unspoken there are voices taken like golden tokens into the abyss just as an uncaught kiss

screaming leaves babies warm received by the other cold as if a boiling angry thought pouring out our hearts, like warm cups of tea, laying out lives for you to read

if my life is as a cave will I get echoes thrown my way once I’m just dust in a grave?

if all screams were captured would they all come out for the rapture? screams of love screams out of anger screams of passion some even sound of the stranger

learning to stand is as a whisper talking as walking running as shouting but screaming, screaming is a constant dreaming, the one where you can fly but only so high

silence is the loudest sound

screaming into the abyss must be where the blown kiss goes pray we never know

for when a scream is just in our head can they see it in our eyes? wearing the words on our sleeves screams

Submit photos of your dog(s)

to [email protected]

to be found in the next issue

What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman?

Have an ice day!

Page 3: February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle

Marando’s Rant

Random thoughts from the front of the room…

I’ve been asked by the editor of The Spartan Spectacle to comment on some of my perceptions about SJCHS stu-dents. I must admit that being a teacher at SJCHS allows me the opportunity to work with and teach people whom I truly admire. There are a few things, however, that SJCHS students do that boggle the mind…

Socks and Sandals: What is the point of wearing socks

with sandals? At no point during the year should socks

be worn with sandals. Whoever thought that this looked

good also came up with the idea that putting pineapple

on pizza, banana and peanut butter sandwiches, or dip-

ping your French fries in your chocolate milkshake were

delectable taste sensations. Yet, every day I see people

walking the halls of SJCHS wearing this fashion faux


The whole idea of a sandal is that you don’t need to wear socks. I suppose that if you have ugly feet then you’d want to cover them up with socks, but that’s why shoes were invented.

Wearing Shorts in Winter: Another fashion faux pas. It

is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the past couple of winters. I’ve heard the rationale that the school’s uniform pants are uncomfortable and that’s why students wear shorts. Really? Do you want to know what’s uncomfortable? Pain. Pain is uncomfortable. In winter, exposed flesh will freeze in minutes. Frostbite is uncomfortable and dangerous. I am constantly amazed that this rather obvious fact is missed by SJCHS students who seem completely oblivious to it as they stand there waiting in the freezing cold for the bus to take them home. Hey, at least you’re comfortable.

Overuse of Cheap Cologne: If you’ve walked past the boys change room after phys.ed. class you will have un-doubtedly had to deal with the cough-inducing fog of cheap cologne. While I appreciate the fact that someone wants to smell good, lathering yourself up with half a bottle of cologne is not the way to go. You may think you smell good, but the rest of us are coughing up a lung and looking for the nearest exit for a breath of fresh air. The only thing that comes anywhere near smelling as bad as your cheap cologne is the football room after an especially hard practice, in the rain, and where the weather has been hot and humid for over a week. One should heed the advice of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle when splashing cologne on themselves, “Without moderation, life’s greatest pleasures become [everyone else’s] greatest pain.”


Tuesday, February 26th is dedicated to EOSSAA

Curling at the Carleton Place Curling Club.

More news to come in the March issue on how these

events went.

Just don’t.

By: Mrs. Scattolon and Mrs. Quick

Your Guidance Department hopes you have had a good start to Semester 2! We would like to share a few reminders:

~Grade 12 students are reminded to submit their Communi-ty Involvement hours if they have not already done so. ~Course Selection for the 2019-2020 school year will begin in late February. Students currently in Grades 9, 10 and 11 will participate in a myblueprint.ca session. Students inter-ested in 12X can apply in early March. The specific dates will be posted on our school’s website shortly.

~Grade 8 students who have not submitted their yellow

Course Selection form to Student Services for their Grade 9 choices are encouraged to do this as soon as possible.

We invite you to visit us often! Just walk in during your breaks and book an appointment. In the next month or so, we can assist with planning for post-secondary, OSAP ap-plications, and summer school requests.

You will also find sign-up sheets for upcoming events such as safeTALK training, First Aid and CPR, Blood Donor Clinics, Customer Service training, and tutoring, in the Guidance Office.

Guidance Corner

Page 4: February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

Aries: As Mars, your guardian angel planet, moves into ambitious, responsible, disciplined, success-oriented Capri-corn, where he is very much at home on the 6th of February 2019, you’ll find it easier to take steps up the mountain of your dreams.

Taurus: It’s time to plant seeds and decide what you want to create in your career, as the New Moon in Aquarius is in your 10th house. While you do value your physical and emotional comforts above all else, this New Moon triggers the part of you that’s ready to make changes that are long overdue.

Gemini: Mars, the planet of passion and action, travels in the relationship arena of your chart. Invest your resources in what you truly believe in.

Cancer: You are the most vulnerable sign in the zodiac, and you hate to rock the boat in your relationships for fear of rejection and abandonment. The key with Saturn retro-grades in Cancer is to consciously decide to be your own mother and father and to know that YOU can decide to al-ways be there for your inner child. It’s up to you now whether your inner child feels loved or wounded.

Leo: It’s time to re-create your relationships with the New Moon in Aquarius on the 8th in your partnership house. With Venus, the planet of love and appreciation, also in your 7th house, look at what you most value in your one-on-one connections.

Virgo: Your communication mellows, oh cr itic of the Universe, when Mercury, your guardian angel planet, flows into Pisces, your opposite sign, on the 16th of February 2019. Rather than analyzing every last detail, it’s time to trust and go with the flow, especially in your relationships, as Venus, the planet of love, also cycles into Pisces and your relationship house on the 26th.

Libra: You’ll feel a breath of fresh air as Venus, your guardian angel planet, leaves reserved, serious, conventional Capricorn and cycles into unique, ingenious, one-of-a-kind

Aquarius on the 2nd. All your kooky, eclectic friends come out of the woodwork now and you love it, as they mirror that part of you that wants to challenge convention.

Scorpio: Scorpion, snake or eagle – it’s your choice, dear Scorpio, how you express your power and magic. Mars, your guardian angel planet, cycles into organized, responsi-ble Capricorn on the 6th. The pragmatic, earthy energy of Capricorn, combined with your focused intensity, can create anything.

Sagittarius: The 2019 horoscope says that with Jupiter , your guardian angel planet coming to a screeching halt and beginning its 4-month retrograde cycle on the 1st, you may wonder why your usual exuberance and enthusiasm is down to a trickle.

Capricorn: Lead, follow, or get out of my way could be your mantra now, as Mars, the planet of drive and initiative, reports for duty in your sign on February 6, which he only does every 2 years. As the initiating earth sign, you are usu-ally full of get up and go to climb your mountain of success, but now you are literally unstoppable. When Mars is in your sign, it’s time to become one with your passion. Nothing less will do.

Aquarius: This is your month to shine, oh lover of brotherhood and humanity – the time every year when you begin your journey of life all over again. Take time to love and appreciate you for a change, before you go out and en-hance the quality of life for everyone else with Venus, the planet of love, entering your sign on the 2nd. Appreciate your unique way of looking at the world and your desires to make changes that benefit all.

Pisces: You may not be clear which ocean you’re swim-ming in as Jupiter, one of your guardian angel planets, be-gins its 4th month retrograde cycle on the 1st of February 2019. Normally, you are reflective and introspective by na-ture, but you may really feel like nesting and cocooning as you allow yourself to let go of the whole last year before your birthday.

February Horoscopes

Provided By: Yearly-Horoscope.Org

February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle

What did the snowman’s hat

say to the scarf?

You hang around while I go on ahead.

Page 5: February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle

Spartan Activities

Page 6: February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle · February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle Marando’s Rant is a fashion trend that has reared its ugly head the

February // 2019 // First Issue The Spartan Spectacle

What do you call ten rabbits hopping backwards through the


A receding hare line.