OTHER CE ACTIVITIES FOR CREDIT 1. Teaching/Publications A maximum of 150 hours of credit may be applied toward the FAGD for the following activities: A) Full- or part-time faculty positions at ADA/CDA- accredited institutions B) Continuing education presentations put on by approved program providers. C) Authorship of a published scientific article in a dental or scientific journal, dental textbook, or chapter in a published textbook, or case report, technique paper, or clinical research report in a dental or scientific journal published on or after July 1, 2000. CREDIT LIMITATIONS Credit Start Dates: CE credits earned after the credit start date may be applied toward the FAGD. Credit start dates are assigned upon joining the AGD, as follows: 1. January 1, if joined between January 1 and June 30; 2. July 1, if joined between July 1 and September 30; 3. October 1, if joined between October 1 and December 31; 4. Date of dental school graduation, if membership began within the first calendar year after graduation; 5. Date of residency completion, if membership began within 4 years after completion of an ADA accredited 1- or 2-year AEGD/GPR/GDR. Subject Category: A maximum of 150 credit hours may be earned in each of the 16 dental subject categories. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND DEADLINE Applications must be postmarked no later than December 31 to be considered for the class immediately following the application deadline. The AGD is not responsible for lost or delayed mail. The appropriate non-refundable processing fee must accompany the Fellowship award application. All FAGD requirements must be completed as of December 31 application deadline. Only the Dental Education Council may determine the acceptability of FAGD applications. Applications are reviewed by the council in March of each year and applicants are notified by letter of the council’s decision within three weeks. Final approval is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. Direct Fellowship inquiries to: Academy of General Dentistry Department of Dental Education 211 East Chicago Avenue, Suite 900 Chicago, Illinois 60611-1999 Phone 888.AGD.DENT (243.3368) Fax 312.335.3428 I joined the AGD my last year of dental school. Does that year count towards my three years of continuous membership? No. Active membership in the AGD begins no earlier than the date of your dental school graduation. Do I have to wait until I have earned 500 hours to take the exam? No. You may take the exam whenever you feel you are ready. When and where can I take the exam? The exam is available year round at SMT computer testing centerS throughout the U.S. and Canada, and is also offered once a year as a paper/pencil test on the Friday of every AGD Annual Meeting & Exhibits. How do I locate a testing center near me? You can find a center online by visiting the Web site, however, you cannot make an appointment until a paid exam application has been received and processed in the AGD office. All testing appointments are made through the SMT’s registration department. How many times can I take the exam? There are two different computer-based exams available every calendar year. You may continue to re-test until you pass. Please note that you cannot take the same version of the exam twice. What tools are available to help prepare for the exam? The AGD sells the print and online Fellowship Study Guide for $85 and Self-Assessment quizzes volumes 8-10 for $15 each. Several AGD constituents offer Fellowship Exam prep-courses for those who like to study with others. You may earn 15 CE hours toward the FAGD by completing and submitting the original FAGD Study Guide answer test sheet to the AGD. Can I earn my required 500 CE hours by teaching, publishing articles, and by doing self-instruction courses only? A minimum of 350 hours of CE must be taken through course attendance. This means that a combined maximum of 150 hours of the required 500 hours can be earned by teaching or publishing articles. A maximum of 150 self-instruction course hours can be applied to the FAGD. I have registered to take the Fellowship Exam. Am I automatically registered for the Fellowship Award? There are two separate applications and fees for Fellowship. The first application registers you for the Fellowship Exam. Once you have passed the exam, a Fellowship Award application will automatically be sent to you, or you can call and request an award application when you are ready. The award application must be postmarked by December 31 to qualify you for Fellowship the following summer. DISTINGUISH YOURSELF WITH THE FELLOWSHIP AWARD Fellow

Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry

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Page 1: Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry

Other Ce ACtivities fOr Credit1. Teaching/PublicationsA maximum of 150 hours of credit may be applied toward the FAGD for the following activities:A) Full- or part-time faculty positions at ADA/CDA- accredited institutionsB) Continuing education presentations put on by approved program providers.C) Authorship of a published scientific article in a dental or scientific journal, dental textbook, or chapter in a published textbook, or case report, technique paper, or clinical research report in a dental or scientific journal published on or after July 1, 2000.

Credit LimitAtiOnsCredit Start Dates: CE credits earned after the credit start date may be applied toward the FAGD. Credit start dates are assigned upon joining the AGD, as follows:

1. January 1, if joined between January 1 and June 30;2. July 1, if joined between July 1 and September 30;3. October 1, if joined between October 1 and December 31;4. Date of dental school graduation, if membership began within the first calendar year after graduation;5. Date of residency completion, if membership began within 4 years after completion of an ADA accredited 1- or 2-year AEGD/GPR/GDR.

Subject Category: A maximum of 150 credit hours may be earned in each of the 16 dental subject categories.

AppLiCAtiOn prOCedures And deAdLineApplications must be postmarked no later than December 31 to be considered for the class immediately following the application deadline. The AGD is not responsible for lost or delayed mail. The appropriate non-refundable processing fee must accompany the Fellowship award application. All FAGD requirements must be completed as of December 31 application deadline. Only the Dental Education Council may determine the acceptability of FAGD applications. Applications are reviewed by the council in March of each year and applicants are notified by letter of the council’s decision within three weeks. Final approval is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.

Direct Fellowship inquiries to:Academy of General DentistryDepartment of Dental Education211 East Chicago Avenue, Suite 900Chicago, Illinois 60611-1999Phone 888.AGD.DENT (243.3368)Fax 312.335.3428

I joined the AGD my last year of dental school. Does that year count towards my three years of continuous membership? No. Active membership in the AGD begins no earlier than the date of your dental school graduation.

Do I have to wait until I have earned 500 hours to take the exam? No. You may take the exam whenever you feel you are ready.

When and where can I take the exam?The exam is available year round at SMT computer testing centerS throughout the U.S. and Canada, and is also offered once a year as a paper/pencil test on the Friday of every AGD Annual Meeting & Exhibits.

How do I locate a testing center near me?You can find a center online by visiting the Web site, however, you cannot make an appointment until a paid exam application has been received and processed in the AGD office. All testing appointments are made through the SMT’s registration department.

How many times can I take the exam?There are two different computer-based exams available every calendar year. You may continue to re-test until you pass. Please note that you cannot take the same version of the exam twice.

What tools are available to help prepare for the exam?The AGD sells the print and online Fellowship Study Guide for $85 and Self-Assessment quizzes volumes 8-10 for $15 each. Several AGD constituents offer Fellowship Exam prep-courses for those who like to study with others. You may earn 15 CE hours toward the FAGD by completing and submitting the original FAGD Study Guide answer test sheet to the AGD.

Can I earn my required 500 CE hours by teaching, publishing articles, and by doing self-instruction courses only? A minimum of 350 hours of CE must be taken through course attendance. This means that a combined maximum of 150 hours of the required 500 hours can be earned by teaching or publishing articles. A maximum of 150 self-instruction course hours can be applied to the FAGD.

I have registered to take the Fellowship Exam. Am I automatically registered for the Fellowship Award?There are two separate applications and fees for Fellowship. The first application registers you for the Fellowship Exam. Once you have passed the exam, a Fellowship Award application will automatically be sent to you, or you can call and request an award application when you are ready. The award application must be postmarked by December 31 to qualify you for Fellowship the following summer.

DIsTInGuIsH Yourself WITH THE fellowship AwArd


Page 2: Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry

Beginning YOur CAreerEarning an FAGD gives you immediate credibility and places you within a network of the most educated and talented general dentists in the industry early in your career, at a time when you need it most.

thrOughOut YOur CAreerEarning Fellowship is accomplishing something great professionally and keeping up-to-date on the new proce-dures and technologies. Earning your FAGD will offer your existing patients added satisfaction in their choice of a general dentist and may mean the difference between a loyal or temporary patient.

even When YOu’re BusYThe time it takes to earn your Fellowship can vary. However, the AGD offers many ways to reduce the number of hours spent away from your practice and family based upon personal availability. For instance, the AGD offers online study aids to effectively prepare for the exam, and volunteers from Region 17 provide an exam review course at each annual meeting the day before the exam is administered.Current guidelines also allow you to take up to 150 credits online.

feLLOWship requirements1. Current AGD membership for 36 continuous months by December 31 of the Convocation year for which you are applying.2. Completion of 500 hours of approved CE credit, with at least 350 hours earned in course attendance. 3. Successful completion of the Fellowship Examination. The exam may be taken at any time after joining the AGD but must be completed prior to the December 31 applica-tion deadline.4. Attendance at a Convocation Ceremony, held during the AGD Annual Meeting. Successful candidates are allowed three years following approval to complete this requirement.

ACtivities ACCepted fOr feLLOWship Credit

COurse AttendenCe CreditA minimum of 350 hours of course credit is required for the FAGD. Course content must be directly related to the practice of dentistry. Course credit can be earned for:1. Lecture or Participations CoursesA) Courses by providers who have been approved by the AGD’s Committee on Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE ) or ADA’s Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP). B) Individual intrastate courses approved by AGD constituents.2. Postgraduate EducationIndividuals completing a one-year CODA-accredited advanced dental education program (AEGD/GDR/GPR), may earn up to 150 hours of participation credit. Individuals completing a two-year CODA-accredited advanced dental education program (AEGD/GDR/GPR), may earn up to 300 hours of participation credit. A maximum of 450 hours of participation credit can be earned for non-concurrent completion of both program types. A copy of the certificate is required to receive credit. Credit are awarded upon program completion as follows: •Current member of AGD 100 percent •Join AGD within one year 100 percent •Join AGD within two years 75 percent •Join AGD within three years 50 percent •Join AGD within four years 25 percent •Join AGD after four years 0 percent3. Federal Dental service specialty Rotation ProgramsParticipation in Federal Dental Service Specialty Rotation programs earns one credit hour for each working day in the program. A maximum of 200 hours may be applied to the FAGD.4. self-Instruction ProgramsUp to 150 hours of credit may be applied to the FAGD for completion of approved audio, audio/visual, written, and other self-instruction programs, provided the program provider verifies satisfactory completion. 5. self-ImprovementUp to 10 hours of credit may be applied to the FAGD from approved self-improvement courses taken on or after July 1, 1985.

distinguish Yourself in dentistrY whY fAgd

if you want to distinguish yourself professionally through Ce, achieving fellowship in the Agd (fAgd) is perfect for you.

fOr YOuIn pursuing Fellowship, you’ll learn new techniques in a range of dental disciplines and gain added confidence to perform every procedure in your practice. You’ll have earned one of the only achievement-based designations a general dentist can earn. In addition, you’ll be among the 7 percent of AGD members who have received an FAGD, and have access to a great network for referrals and counsel.

fOr YOur pAtientsWith an FAGD, you’ll offer your patients cutting-edge care. Fellowship requires that you complete 500 hours of CE in various disciplines and pass an examination. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it to make sure your patients receive the best possible care available.