Female Heart Attacks

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  • 8/13/2019 Female Heart Attacks


  • 8/13/2019 Female Heart Attacks


    myself $If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walkin! into the net room

    where the phone is or anywhere else.......but, on the other hand, if I don't,

    nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any lon!er I may not be

    able to !et up in moment.$

    $I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the netroom and dialed the aramedics.. . I told her I thou!ht I was havin! a heart

    attack due to the pressure buildin! under the sternum and radiatin! into my

    9aws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, 9ust statin! the facts. 2he said she

    was sendin! the aramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was

    near to me, and if so, to unbolt the door and then lie down on the floor

    where they could see me when they came in.$I then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I

    don't remember the medics comin! in, their eamination, liftin! me onto a

    !urney or !ettin! me into their ambulance, or hearin! the call they made to

    2t. >ude 68 on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw

    that the 7ardiolo!ist was already there in his sur!ical blues and cap, helpin!

    the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. #e was bendin! over me

    askin! 5uestions (probably somethin! like $#ave you taken any

    medications< $) but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was sayin!,

    or form an answer, and nodded off a!ain, not wakin! up until the

    7ardiolo!ist and partner had already threaded the teeny an!io!ram balloon

    up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed ?

    side by side stents to hold open my ri!ht coronary artery.

    $I know it sounds like all my thinkin! and actions at home must have takenat least ?&-& minutes before callin! the aramedics, but actually it took

    perhaps @-4 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and 2t. >ude

    are only minutes away from my home, and my 7ardiolo!ist was already to

    !o to the +8 in his scrubs and !et !oin! on restartin! my heart (which had

    stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installin!

    the stents.

    $Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail< 0ecause I want

    all of you who are so important in my life to know what I learned first


    %. 0e aware that somethin! very different is happenin! in your body not

    the usual men's symptoms, but ineplicable thin!s happenin! (until my

    sternum and 9aws !ot into the act ). It is said that many more women than

    men die of their first (and last) MI because they didn't know they were

    havin! one, and commonly mistake it as indi!estion, take some Maalo or

    other anti-heartburn preparation, and !o to bed,hopin! they'll feel better in

    the mornin! when they wake up....which doesn't happen. My female

  • 8/13/2019 Female Heart Attacks


    friends,your symptoms mi!ht not be eactly like mine, so I advise you to

    call the aramedics if *13#I*= is unpleasantly happenin! that you've not

    felt before. It is better to have a $false alarm$ visitation than to risk your

    life !uessin! what it mi!ht be:

    ?. *ote that I said $7all the aramedics$. /adies, 3IM6 I2 +A 3#66226*76: Do *+3 try to drive yourself to the 68--you're a haard to others

    on the road, and so is your panicked husband who will be speedin! and

    lookin! aniously at what's happenin! with you instead of the road. Do *+3

    call your doctor--he doesn't know where you live and if it's at ni!ht you

    won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants (or answerin!

    service) will tell you to call the aramedics. #e doesn't carry the e5uipment

    in his car that you need to be saved: 3he aramedics do,principally +B1=6*

    that you need 2. 1our Dr. will be notified later.

    . Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a

    normal cholesterol count. 8esearch has discovered that a cholesterol

    elevated readin! is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably

    hi!h,and;or accompanied by hi!h blood pressure.) MI's are usually caused

    by lon!-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of

    deadly hormones into your system to slud!e thin!s up in there. ain in the

    9aw can wake you from a sound sleep. /et's be careful and be aware. 3he

    more we know, the better chance we could survive...

    cardiolo!ist says if everyone who !ets this mail sends it to %& people, you

    can be sure that we'll save at least one life.

    CClease be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care
