FERMILAB–PUB–15/058–T Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Historical Perspective Chris Quigg * Theoretical Physics Department Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory P.O. Box 500, Batavia, Illinois 60510 USA The discovery of the Higgs boson is a major milestone in our progress toward understanding the natural world. A particular aim of this article is to show how diverse ideas came together in the conception of electroweak symmetry breaking that led up to the discovery. I will also survey what we know that we did not know before, what properties of the Higgs boson remain to be established, and what new questions we may now hope to address. I. INTRODUCTION A lively continuing conversation between experiment and theory has brought us to a radically simple con- ception of the material world. Fundamental particles called quarks and leptons are the stuff of direct expe- rience, and two new laws of nature govern their in- teractions. Pursuing clues from experiment, theorists have constructed the electroweak theory 1–3 and quantum chromodynamics, 4–7 refined them within the framework of local gauge symmetries, and elaborated their conse- quences. In the electroweak theory, electromagnetism and the weak interactions—so different in range and ap- parent strength—are ascribed to a common gauge sym- metry. We say that the electroweak gauge symmetry is broken, by dynamics or circumstances, to the gauge sym- metry of electromagnetism. The electroweak theory and quantum chromodynam- ics (QCD) join to form the standard model of particle physics. Augmented to incorporate neutrino masses and lepton mixing, the standard model describes a vast ar- ray of experimental information. The gauge theories of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions have been validated by experiment to an extraordinary degree as relativistic quantum field theories. Recent textbook treatments of QCD and the electroweak theory may be found, for example in Refs. 8–11. Until recently, the triumph of this new picture has been incomplete, notably because we had not identified the agent that differentiates electromagnetism from the weak interaction. The 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS 12 and CMS 13 Collaborations working at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider capped a four-decades-long quest for that agent. [Further details of the discoveries are re- ported in Refs. 14–17.] The observations indicate that the electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken, or hidden : the vacuum state does not exhibit the full sym- metry on which the theory is founded. Crucial insights into spontaneously broken gauge theories were developed a half-century ago by Englert & Brout, 18 Higgs, 19,20 and Guralnik, Hagen, & Kibble. 21 All the experimental infor- mation we have 22–25 tells us that the unstable 125-GeV particle discovered in the LHC experiments behaves like an elementary scalar consistent with the properties an- ticipated for the standard-model Higgs boson. The first goal of this article is to sketch how a broad range of concepts, drawn mainly from weak-interaction phenomenology, gauge field theories, and condensed- matter physics, came together in the electroweak the- ory. The presentation complements the construction of the electroweak theory given in my pre-discovery article, “Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory”. 26 Presentations similar in spirit may be found in Refs. 27,28. Next, I will briefly summarize what we now know about the Higgs boson, what the discovery has taught us, and why the discovery is important to our conception of nature. Finally, I will address what remains to find out about the 125-GeV Higgs boson and what new ques- tions are opened by its existence. For example, we need to discover what accounts for the masses of the electron and the other leptons and quarks, without which there would be no atoms, no chemistry, no liquids or solids— no stable structures. In the standard electroweak theory, both tasks are the work of the Higgs boson. Moreover, we have reason to believe that the electroweak theory is imperfect, and that new symmetries or new dynamical principles are required to make it fully robust. Through- out the narrative, I emphasize concepts over technical details. II. EXPERIMENTAL ROOTS OF THE ELECTROWEAK THEORY This section is devoted to a compressed evocation of how the phenomenology of the (charged-current) weak interactions developed, in order to establish what a suc- cessful theory would need to explain. A superb source for the experimental observations that led to the creation of the standard model is the book by Cahn & Goldhaber, 29 which discusses and reproduces many classic papers. Becquerel’s discovery 30 of radioactivity in 1896 is one of the wellsprings of modern physics. In a short time, physicists learned to distinguish several sorts of radioac- tivity, classified by Rutherford 31 according to the char- acter of the energetic projectile emitted in the sponta- neous disintegration. Natural and artificial radioactivity includes nuclear β decay, observed as A Z A (Z + 1) + β - , (1) ACCEPTED

FERMILAB–PUB–15/058–T ACCEPTED Electroweak Symmetry … · 2015-03-19 · FERMILAB–PUB–15/058–T Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Historical Perspective Chris Quigg Theoretical

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Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Historical Perspective

Chris Quigg∗Theoretical Physics Department

Fermi National Accelerator LaboratoryP.O. Box 500, Batavia, Illinois 60510 USA

The discovery of the Higgs boson is a major milestone in our progress toward understanding thenatural world. A particular aim of this article is to show how diverse ideas came together in theconception of electroweak symmetry breaking that led up to the discovery. I will also survey whatwe know that we did not know before, what properties of the Higgs boson remain to be established,and what new questions we may now hope to address.


A lively continuing conversation between experimentand theory has brought us to a radically simple con-ception of the material world. Fundamental particlescalled quarks and leptons are the stuff of direct expe-rience, and two new laws of nature govern their in-teractions. Pursuing clues from experiment, theoristshave constructed the electroweak theory1–3 and quantumchromodynamics,4–7 refined them within the frameworkof local gauge symmetries, and elaborated their conse-quences. In the electroweak theory, electromagnetismand the weak interactions—so different in range and ap-parent strength—are ascribed to a common gauge sym-metry. We say that the electroweak gauge symmetry isbroken, by dynamics or circumstances, to the gauge sym-metry of electromagnetism.

The electroweak theory and quantum chromodynam-ics (QCD) join to form the standard model of particlephysics. Augmented to incorporate neutrino masses andlepton mixing, the standard model describes a vast ar-ray of experimental information. The gauge theories ofthe strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions havebeen validated by experiment to an extraordinary degreeas relativistic quantum field theories. Recent textbooktreatments of QCD and the electroweak theory may befound, for example in Refs. 8–11.

Until recently, the triumph of this new picture has beenincomplete, notably because we had not identified theagent that differentiates electromagnetism from the weakinteraction. The 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson by theATLAS12 and CMS13 Collaborations working at CERN’sLarge Hadron Collider capped a four-decades-long questfor that agent. [Further details of the discoveries are re-ported in Refs. 14–17.] The observations indicate thatthe electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken, orhidden: the vacuum state does not exhibit the full sym-metry on which the theory is founded. Crucial insightsinto spontaneously broken gauge theories were developeda half-century ago by Englert & Brout,18 Higgs,19,20 andGuralnik, Hagen, & Kibble.21 All the experimental infor-mation we have22–25 tells us that the unstable 125-GeVparticle discovered in the LHC experiments behaves likean elementary scalar consistent with the properties an-ticipated for the standard-model Higgs boson.

The first goal of this article is to sketch how a broadrange of concepts, drawn mainly from weak-interactionphenomenology, gauge field theories, and condensed-matter physics, came together in the electroweak the-ory. The presentation complements the construction ofthe electroweak theory given in my pre-discovery article,“Unanswered Questions in the Electroweak Theory”.26Presentations similar in spirit may be found in Refs.27,28. Next, I will briefly summarize what we now knowabout the Higgs boson, what the discovery has taughtus, and why the discovery is important to our conceptionof nature. Finally, I will address what remains to findout about the 125-GeV Higgs boson and what new ques-tions are opened by its existence. For example, we needto discover what accounts for the masses of the electronand the other leptons and quarks, without which therewould be no atoms, no chemistry, no liquids or solids—no stable structures. In the standard electroweak theory,both tasks are the work of the Higgs boson. Moreover,we have reason to believe that the electroweak theory isimperfect, and that new symmetries or new dynamicalprinciples are required to make it fully robust. Through-out the narrative, I emphasize concepts over technicaldetails.


This section is devoted to a compressed evocation ofhow the phenomenology of the (charged-current) weakinteractions developed, in order to establish what a suc-cessful theory would need to explain. A superb source forthe experimental observations that led to the creation ofthe standard model is the book by Cahn & Goldhaber,29which discusses and reproduces many classic papers.

Becquerel’s discovery30 of radioactivity in 1896 is oneof the wellsprings of modern physics. In a short time,physicists learned to distinguish several sorts of radioac-tivity, classified by Rutherford31 according to the char-acter of the energetic projectile emitted in the sponta-neous disintegration. Natural and artificial radioactivityincludes nuclear β decay, observed as

AZ→ A(Z + 1) + β− , (1)


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where β− is Rutherford’s name for what was soon iden-tified as the electron and AZ stands for the nucleus withcharge Z and mass number A (in modern language, Zprotons and A − Z neutrons). Examples are tritium βdecay, 3H1 → 3He2 + β−, neutron β decay, n→ p+ β−,and β decay of Lead-214, 214Pb82 → 214Bi83 + β−.

For two-body decays, as indicated by the detectedproducts, the Principle of Conservation of Energy & Mo-mentum says that the β particle should have a definiteenergy. What was observed, as experiments matured,was very different: in 1914, James Chadwick32 (later todiscover the neutron) showed conclusively that in the de-cay of Radium B and C (214Pb and 214Bi), the β energyfollows a continuous spectrum.

The β-decay energy crisis tormented physicists foryears. On December 4, 1930, Wolfgang Pauli addressedan open letter33 to a meeting on radioactivity in Tübin-gen. In his letter, Pauli advanced the outlandish ideaof a new, very penetrating, neutral particle of vanish-ingly small mass. Because Pauli’s new particle interactedvery feebly with matter, it would escape undetected fromany known apparatus, taking with it some energy, whichwould seemingly be lost. The balance of energy and mo-mentum would be restored by the particle we now knowas the electron’s antineutrino. Accordingly, the properscheme for beta decay is

AZ→ A(Z + 1) + β− + ν . (2)

What Pauli called his “desperate remedy” was, in its way,very conservative, for it preserved the principle of energyand momentum conservation and with it the notion thatthe laws of physics are invariant under translations inspace and time.

After Chadwick’s discovery of the neutron in 1932 inhighly penetrating radiation emitted by beryllium irra-diated by α particles,34 Fermi named Pauli’s hypothet-ical particle the neutrino, to distinguish it from Chad-wick’s strongly interacting neutron, and constructed hisfour-fermion theory (what we would today call a low-energy effective theory) of β decay, which was the firststep toward the modern theory of the charged-currentweak interaction.35 In retrospect, nuclear β decay wasthe first hint for flavor, the existence of particle familiescontaining distinct species. That hint was made mani-fest by the discovery of the neutron, nearly degeneratein mass with the proton, which suggested that neutronand proton might be two states of a nucleon, with then - p mass difference attributed to electromagnetic ef-fects. The inference that neutron and proton were part-ners was strengthened by the observation that nuclearforces are charge-independent, up to electromagnetic cor-rections.36 The accumulating evidence inspired Heisen-berg37 and Wigner38 to make an analogy between theproton and neutron on the one hand and the up and downspin states of an electron. Isospin symmetry, based onthe spin-symmetry group SU(2), is the first example of aflavor symmetry.

Detecting a particle that interacts as feebly as the neu-trino requires a massive target and a copious source ofneutrinos. In 1953, Clyde Cowan and Fred Reines39 usedthe intense flux of antineutrinos from a fission reactor anda heavy target (10.7 ft3 of liquid scintillator) containingabout 1028 protons to detect the inverse neutron-β-decayreaction ν+p→ e++n. Initial runs at the Hanford Engi-neering Works were suggestive but inconclusive. Movingtheir apparatus to the stronger fission neutrino source atthe Savannah River nuclear plant, Cowan and Reines andtheir team made the definitive observation of inverse βdecay in 1956.40

Through the 1950s, a series of experimental puzzlesled to the suggestion that the weak interactions did notrespect reflection symmetry, or parity.41 In 1956, C. S.Wu and collaborators detected a correlation between thespin vector ~J of a polarized 60Co nucleus and the direc-tion pe of the outgoing β particle.42 Now, parity inver-sion leaves spin, an axial vector, unchanged (P : ~J → ~J)while reversing the electron direction (P : pe → −pe),so the correlation ~J · pe should be an “unobservable” nullquantity if parity is a good symmetry. The observedcorrelation is parity violating. Detailed analysis of the60Co result and others that came out in quick successionestablished that the charged-current weak interactionsare left-handed. By the same argument, the parity op-eration links a left-handed neutrino with a right-handedneutrino. Therefore a theory that contains only νL wouldbe manifestly parity-violating.

Could the neutrino indeed be left-handed? M. Gold-haber and collaborators inferred the electron neutrino’shelicity43 from the longitudinal polarization of the recoilnucleus in the electron-capture reaction

e− + 152Eum(J = 0) → 152Sm∗(J = 1) + νe|→ γ +152 Sm .


A compendious knowledge of the properties of nuclearlevels, together with meticulous technique, enabled thisclassic experiment.

Following the observation of maximal parity violationin the late 1950s, a serviceable effective Lagrangian forthe weak interactions of electrons and neutrinos could bewritten as the product of charged leptonic currents,

LV−A =−GF√

2νγµ(1− γ5)e eγµ(1− γ5)ν + h.c. , (4)

where Fermi’s coupling constant is GF = 1.1663787(6)×10−5 GeV−2. This Lagrangian has a V −A (vector minusaxial vector) Lorentz structure,44–47 whereas Fermi’s ef-fective Lagrangian for β decay was a (parity-conserving)vector interaction. A straightforward lepton-current–times–nucleon-current generalization of Eq. (4) thattakes account of the fact that nucleons are not simpleDirac particles leads to an effective Lagrangian for β de-cay and associated processes. Many applications and ex-perimental tests are detailed in.48–50

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The direct phenomenological consequences of parity vi-olation in the weak interactions, which shattered the re-ceived wisdom of the era, were themselves dramatic, lead-ing for example to a factor-of-three difference between thetotal cross sections for νe and νe scattering. Parity viola-tion is also a harbinger of a particular challenge to be metby a true theory of the weak interactions. In quantumelectrodynamics, it is perfectly respectable (and correct!)to write a Lagrangian that includes a term for electronmass,

L = e(iγµDµ −m)e = e(iγµ∂µ −m)e− qAµeγµe, (5)

where Aµ is the four-vector potential of electromag-netism. The left-handed and right-handed componentsof the electron have the same charge, and so appear sym-metrically. If fermions are chiral, which is to say that theleft-handed and right-handed components behave differ-ently, a mass term conflicts with symmetries. This willbe made precise in §III B.

A second charged lepton, the muon, was discoveredand identified as lacking strong interactions in the decadebeginning in 1937.51–53 In common with the electron,the muon is a spin- 12 Dirac particle, structureless at ourpresent limits of resolution. It is unstable, with a meanlifetime of approximately 2.2 µs and a mass 207× thatof the electron. It might be tempting, therefore, to con-sider the muon as an excited electron, but the transi-tions µ → eγ, µ → ee+e−, and µ → eγγ has never beenseen. The limits on these decays are so stringent [e.g.,the branching fraction for µ→ eγ is < 5× 10−13 at 90%confidence level24] that we regard the muon as a distinctlepton species.

If the muon is distinct from the electron, what is thenature of the neutrino produced in association with themuon in pion decay, π+ → µ+ν? In 1962, Lederman,Schwartz, Steinberger, and collaborators carried out atwo-neutrino experiment using neutrinos created in thedecay of high-energy pions from the new Alternating Gra-dient Synchrotron at Brookhaven.54 They observed nu-merous examples of the reaction νN → µ+X, but foundno evidence for the production of electrons. Their studyestablished that the muon produced in pion decay is adistinct particle, νµ, that is different from either νe orνe. This observation suggests that the leptonic charged-current weak interactions exhibit a two-doublet familystructure, (





. (6)

We are led to generalize the effective Lagrangian (4) toinclude the terms

L(eµ)V−A =

−GF√2νµγµ(1− γ5)µ eγµ(1− γ5)νe + h.c. , (7)

in the familiar current-current form.Because the weak interaction acts at a point, the effec-

tive Lagrangians hold only over a finite range of energies,

and cannot reliably be computed beyond leading order.A classic application55 of partial-wave unitarity (proba-bility conservation) to inverse muon decay, νµe → µνe,leads to the conclusion that the four-fermion effective La-grangian Eq. (7) can only make sense for c.m. energies√s ≤ 617 GeV. That comfortably encompasses most lab-

oratory experiments, but as a matter of principle givesa clear lesson: new physics must intervene below about600 GeV c.m. energy.

Although Fermi took his inspiration from the theory ofelectromagnetism, he did not posit a force carrier anal-ogous to the photon. This is a perfectly reasonable firststep, given that electromagnetism acts over an infiniterange, whereas the influence of the β-decay interactionextends only over about 10−15 cm. One may hope to ob-tain a more satisfactory theory by taking the next step,supposing that the weak interaction, like quantum elec-trodynamics, is mediated by vector-boson exchange (ofnonzero range) to soften the high-energy growth of am-plitudes. The weak intermediate boson must carry charge±1, because the familiar manifestations of the weak inter-actions (such as β-decay) are charge-changing; be rathermassive (≈ 100 GeV), to reproduce the short range ofthe weak force; and accommodate parity violation. In-troducing a weak bosonW± in this ad hoc manner indeedmitigates the unitarity problem for inverse muon decay,but introduces incurable unitarity problems for reactionssuch as e+e− → W+W− or νν → W+W−, as detailedin §6.2 of.9

It is also worth mentioning the discovery of strangeparticles in the early 1950s, because it was essential toestablishing that the leptonic and hadronic weak interac-tions have the same strength and stimulated the inven-tion of quarks.56–58 Semileptonic decays of hyperons59were an essential testing ground for Cabibbo’s formula-tion of the universality of the charged-current weak in-teractions60 which was the forerunner of today’s 3 × 3quark-mixing matrix.61


This section is a brief historical survey of the ideasthat came together in the notion of a gauge theory forthe weak and electromagnetic interactions. What followsis neither a complete intellectual history (which wouldoccupy a book) nor an abbreviated course, but a tourof key themes, including Yang–Mills theory, the insightfrom superconductivity that spontaneous breaking of agauge symmetry endows gauge bosons with mass, andthe development of the electroweak theory as we knowit. The aim here is to stress the interplay of ideas fromdiverse sources and to show how the electroweak theoryresponds to the established phenomenology of the weakinteractions.

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A. Symmetries and Interactions

Notions of symmetry lie at the heart of much of sci-ence, and a confidence in the importance of symmetryis a guiding principle for scientists in many disciplines.Werner Heisenberg’s quasi-Biblical pronouncement, »AmAnfang war die Symmetrie« [“In the beginning was Sym-metry”],62 resonates in much theoretical work from theearly twentieth century to the present. An essential in-sight of our modern conception of nature is that symme-tries dictate interactions.

While Heisenberg’s assertion can be challenged as mereopinion, physicists have learned over the past centuryhow to connect symmetries with conservation laws, andsymmetries with interactions. The 1918 work of EmmyNoether63,64 which took the form of two mathematicaltheorems, showed that to every continuous global sym-metry of the laws of nature there corresponds a conser-vation law. Thus, translation invariance in space—thestatement that the laws are the same everywhere—isconnected with conservation of momentum. Invarianceunder translations in time is correlated with the conser-vation of energy. Invariance under rotations implies theconservation of angular momentum. Noether’s theoremshows how conservation laws could arise, and indeed howthey could be exact statements, not merely summaries ofempirical evidence.

The derivation of interactions from symmetries wasinitiated by Weyl65 in a series of papers from 1918to 1929, spanning the invention of quantum mechan-ics. In the version that became a prototype for mod-ern gauge theories, Weyl showed that by requiring thatthe laws of nature be invariant under local changes ofthe phase convention for the quantum-mechanical wavefunction, ψ(x) → ψ′(x) = eiα(x)ψ(x), one could derivethe laws of electrodynamics. Invariance under global(coordinate-independent) U(1)em phase rotations impliesthe conservation of electric charge; invariance under local(coordinate-dependent) U(1)em phase rotations impliesthe existence of a massless vector field—the photon—thatcouples minimally to the conserved current of the theory.A straightforward derivation leads to the Lagrangian,

LQED = Lfree − JµAµ − 14FµνF

µν (8)

= ψ(iγµ∂µ −m)ψ − qAµψγµψ − 14FµνF

µν ,

where ψ is the electron field, ∂µ + iqAµ(x) ≡ Dµ is thegauge-covariant derivative, Jµ = qψγµψ is the conservedelectromagnetic current, and the field-strength tensor isFµν = −F νµ = ∂νAµ − ∂µAν . The FµνFµν term, whichaccounts for photon propagation, is called the kineticterm. Under a local phase rotation, the photon fieldtransforms as Aµ(x)→ Aµ(x)−∂µα(x), the familiar formof a gauge transformation in (even classical) electrody-namics. The electron mass term (−mψψ) respects the lo-cal gauge symmetry. A photon mass term would have theform Lγ = 1

2m2AµAµ, which conflicts with local gauge

invariance because AµAµ → (Aµ − ∂µα)(Aµ − ∂µα) 6=

AµAµ. Thus has local gauge invariance led to the exis-tence of a massless photon.

The construction of Quantum Electrodynamics as thegauge theory66 based on U(1)em phase symmetry pro-vides a template for building other interactions derivedfrom symmetries. In 1954, as isospin emerged as a re-liable classification symmetry for nuclear levels and asa tool for understanding nuclear forces, Yang & Mills67[see also Shaw68] asked whether isospin, promoted to alocal symmetry, could lead to a theory of nuclear forces.It is a lovely idea: derive the strong interactions amongnucleons by requiring that the theory be invariant un-der independent choices at every point of the conventiondefining proton and neutron.

The construction begins with the free-nucleon La-grangian

L0 = ψ(iγµ∂µ −m)ψ, (9)

written in terms of the composite fermion fields ψ ≡ ( pn ).The Lagrangian (9) is invariant under global isospin ro-tations ψ → exp (iτ ·α/2)ψ, where τ is a Pauli isospinmatrix, and the isospin current Jµ = ψγµ τ2 ψ is con-served. Now require invariance under a local gauge trans-formation, ψ(x) → ψ′(x) = G(x)ψ(x), with G(x) ≡exp (iτ ·α(x)/2). The construction is similar to the onemade for QED, but is more involved because of the non-Abelian nature of the SU(2) isospin gauge group. In thiscase, we find an isovector of gauge fields, corresponding tothe adjoint representation of SU(2). The gauge fields sat-isfy the transformation law b′µ = bµ−α×bµ−(1/g)∂µα

or, in component form, b′ lµ = blµ − εjklαjbk − (1/g)∂µαl:

the translation familiar from QED plus an isospin rota-tion. Here g is the coupling constant of the theory. Thefield-strength tensor is F lµν = ∂νb

lµ − ∂µblν + gεjklb

jµbkν .

It is convenient to define Fµν = 12F


l. Then we maywrite the Yang–Mills Lagrangian as

LYM = ψ(iγµ∂µ −m)ψ − g

2bµ · ψγµτψ − 1

2 tr(FµνFµν)

= L0 −g

2bµ · ψγµτψ − 1

2 tr(FµνFµν) , (10)

namely a free Dirac Lagrangian plus an interaction termthat couples the isovector gauge fields to the conservedisospin current, plus a kinetic term that now describesboth the propagation and the self-interactions of thegauge fields. As in the case of electromagnetism, a massterm quadratic in the gauge fields is incompatible withlocal gauge invariance, as in electromagnetism, but noth-ing forbids a common nonzero mass for the nucleons. Thequadratic term in the gauge fields present in the field-strength tensor gives rises to self-interactions among thegauge bosons that are not present in Abelian theoriessuch as QED.

The discovery that interactions may be derived fromisospin symmetry, and from a general gauge group,69 pro-vides theorists with an important strategy for derivingpotentially well-behaved theories of the fundamental in-teractions. Nuclear forces are not mediated by massless

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spin-1 particles, so the Yang–Mills theory does not suc-ceed in the goal that motivated it. Nevertheless, the ap-proach underlies two new laws of nature: quantum chro-modynamics and the electroweak theory.

B. SU(2)L ⊗U(1)Y

The Yang–Mills experience shows that there is no guar-antee that a gauge theory built on a particular symmetrywill faithfully describe some aspect of matter. A greatdeal of art and, to be sure, trial and error, goes intothe selection of the right gauge symmetry. In the late1950s and early 1960s, several authors advanced propos-als for a gauge theory of the weak interactions, or ofa “unified” theory of the weak and electromagnetic in-teractions, reading clues from experiment as best theycould. Even after what would become the standardSU(2)L⊗U(1)Y electroweak theory had emerged and waselaborated, imaginative theorists put forward alternativeideas, guided either by experimental hints or by aesthet-ics. We do not (yet) have a way of deducing the correctgauge symmetry from higher principles.

What turned out to be the correct choice was elabo-rated by Glashow in 1961.1 Let us review the essentialstructure to recall why a new idea was needed to arriveat a successful theory, even after the correct symmetryhad been chosen. The leptonic elements of the theorywill suffice to exhibit the motivation and the principalfeatures.

We begin by designating the spectrum of fundamentalfermions of the theory. It suffices for the moment toinclude only the electron and its neutrino, which forma left-handed “weak-isospin” doublet (cf. Eq. (6)), Le ≡( νe )L, where the left-handed states are νL = 1

2 (1 − γ5)ν

and eL = 12 (1− γ5)e. For the reasons we reviewed in §II,

it is convenient to assume that the right-handed stateνR = 1

2 (1 + γ5)ν does not exist. Thus we designate onlyone right-handed lepton, Re = eR = 1

2 (1 + γ5)e, which isa weak-isospin singlet. This completes a specification ofthe charged weak currents.

To incorporate electromagnetism, Glashow defines a“weak hypercharge,” Y . Requiring that the Gell-Mann–Nishijima relation for the electric charge, Q = I3+ 1

2Y , besatisfied leads to the assignments YL = −1 and YR = −2.By construction, the weak-isospin projection I3 and theweak hypercharge Y are commuting observables.

We now take the (product) group of transformationsgenerated by I and Y to be the gauge group SU(2)L ⊗U(1)Y of the theory. To construct the theory, we intro-duce the gauge fields

b1µ, b2µ, b

3µ for SU(2)L,Aµ for U(1)Y .


Evidently the Lagrangian for the theory may be writtenas

L = Lgauge + Lleptons (12)

where the kinetic term for the gauge fields is

Lgauge = − 14F


lµν − 14fµνf

µν (13)

and the field-strength tensors are F lµν = ∂νblµ − ∂µblν +

gεjklbjµbkν for the SU(2)L gauge fields and fµν = ∂νAµ −

∂µAν for the U(1)Y gauge field. The matter term is

Lleptons = Reiγµ

(∂µ +



)Re (14)

+ Leiγµ

(∂µ +


2AµY +


2τ · bµ


The coupling of the weak-isospin group SU(2)L is calledg, as in the Yang-Mills theory, and the coupling constantfor the weak-hypercharge group U(1)Y is denoted as g′/2.the factor 1

2 being chosen to simplify later expressions.Similar structures appear for the hadronic weak interac-tions, now expressed in terms of quarks. The universalstrength of charged-current interactions follows from thefact that both the left-handed quarks and the left-handedleptons reside in weak-isospin doublets.

The theory of weak and electromagnetic interactionsdescribed by the Lagrangian Eq. (13) is not a satisfac-tory one, for two immediately obvious reasons. It con-tains four massless gauge bosons (b1, b2, b3,A), whereasNature has but one, the photon. In addition, the ex-pression (15) represents a massless electron; it lacks the−meee term of the QED Lagrangian Eq. (8), and for goodreason. A fermion mass term links left-handed and right-handed components: ee = 1

2 e(1 − γ5)e + 12 e(1 + γ5)e =

eReL + eLeR. The left-handed and right-handed compo-nents of the electron transform differently under SU(2)Land U(1)Y , so an explicit fermion mass term would breakthe SU(2)L⊗U(1)Y gauge invariance of the theory: sucha mass term is forbidden.

C. Insights from Superconductivity

How gauge bosons can acquire mass is a conundrumfor both the Yang–Mills theory as a description of nuclearforces and for the SU(2)L⊗U(1)Y theory as a descriptionof the weak and electromagnetic interactions. An impor-tant general insight is that the symmetries of the laws ofnature need not be manifest in the outcome of those laws.Hidden (or secret) symmetries are all around us in theeveryday world—for example, in the ordered structuresof crystals and snowflakes or the spontaneous magneti-zation of a ferromagnetic substance, configurations thatbelie the O(3) rotation symmetry of electromagnetism.[See70 for an interesting tour of spontaneous symmetrybreaking in many physical contexts.] The common fea-ture of these phenomena is that the symmetry exhibitedby the state of lowest energy, the vacuum, is not thefull symmetry of the theory. In addition, the vacuumis degenerate, characterized by many states of the sameenergy, and the choice of any one is aleatory.

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As it happens, superconductivity, a rich and fascinat-ing phenomenon from condensed-matter physics, pointsthe way to understanding how gauge bosons can ac-quire mass. In 1911, shortly after he succeeded in liq-uefying helium, and therefore could conduct experimentsat unprecedented low temperatures, Heike KamerlinghOnnes71 observed the sudden vanishing of electrical re-sistance in a sample of mercury cooled to 4.2 K. This firstmiracle of superconductivity is of immense technologicalimportance, not least in magnets that are essential com-ponents of the Large Hadron Collider.

The second miracle, which for me marks supercon-ductivity as truly extraordinary, was discovered in 1933by Meissner & Ochsenfeld72 [for an English translation,see73]: magnetic flux is excluded from the superconduct-ing medium. A typical penetration depth74 is on theorder of 10 µm. This means that, within the supercon-ductor, the photon has acquired a mass. Here is the germof the idea that leads to understanding how the forceparticles in gauge theories could be massive: QED is agauge theory, and under the special circumstances of asuperconductor, the normally massless photon becomesmassive, while electric charge remains a conserved quan-tity.

Two decades would pass before the idea would be fullyformed and ready for application to theories of the fun-damental interactions. The necessary developments in-cluded the elaboration of relativistic quantum field the-ory and the full realization of QED, a focus on the con-sequences of spontaneous symmetry breaking, the emer-gence of informative theories of superconductivity, andattention to the special features of gauge theories.

D. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

A key insight into hidden symmetry in field theory wasachieved by Jeffrey Goldstone,75 who considered the La-grangian for two scalar fields φ1 and φ2,

L = 12 [(∂µφ1)(∂µφ1)+(∂µφ2)(∂µφ2)]−V (φ21 +φ22). (15)

The Lagrangian is invariant under the group SO(2) ofrotations in the φ1-φ2 plane. It is informative to considerthe effective potential

V (φ2) = 12µ

2φ2 + 14 |λ| (φ

2)2, (16)

where φ =(φ1


)and φ2 = φ21 + φ22, and distinguish two

cases.A positive value of the parameter µ2 > 0 corresponds

to the ordinary case of unbroken symmetry. The uniqueminimum, corresponding to the vacuum state, occurs at〈φ〉0 = ( 0

0 ), and so for small oscillations the Lagrangiantakes the form

Lso = 12 [(∂µφ1)(∂µφ1)−µ2φ21] + 1

2 [(∂µφ2)(∂µφ2)−µ2φ22],(17)

which describes a pair of scalar particles with commonmass µ. Thus the introduction of a symmetric interactionpreserves the spectrum of the free theory with |λ| = 0.

For the choice µ2 < 0, a line of minima lie along⟨φ2


= −µ2/ |λ| ≡ v2, a continuum of distinct vac-uum states, degenerate in energy. The degeneracy followsfrom the SO(2) symmetry of the potential (15). Desig-nating one state as the vacuum selects a preferred direc-tion in (φ1, φ2) internal symmetry space, and amounts toa spontaneous breakdown of the SO(2) symmetry. Letus select as the physical vacuum state the configuration〈φ〉0 = ( v0 ), as we may always do with a suitable defini-tion of coordinates. Expanding about the vacuum con-figuration by defining φ′ ≡ φ − 〈φ〉0 ≡

( ηζ

), we obtain

the Lagrangian for small oscillations

Lso = 12 [(∂µη)(∂µη) + 2µ2η2] + 1

2 [(∂µζ)(∂µζ)], (18)

plus an irrelevant constant. There are still two particlesin the spectrum. The η-particle, associated with radialoscillations, has (mass)2 = −2µ2 > 0. The ζ-particle,however, is massless. The mass of the η-particle may beviewed as a consequence of the restoring force of the po-tential against radial oscillations. In contrast, the mass-lessness of the ζ-particle is a consequence of the SO(2)invariance of the Lagrangian, which means that there isno restoring force against angular oscillations. It is ironicthat the η-particle, which here seems so unremarkable, isprecisely what emerges as the “Higgs boson” when thehidden symmetry is a gauge symmetry.

The splitting of the spectrum and the appearance ofthe massless particle are known as the Goldstone phe-nomenon. Such massless particles, zero-energy excita-tions that connect possible vacua, are called Nambu–Goldstone bosons. Many occurrences are known in par-ticle, nuclear, and condensed-matter physics.76 In anyfield theory that obeys the “usual axioms,” including lo-cality, Lorentz invariance, and positive-definite norm onthe Hilbert space, if an exact continuous symmetry ofthe Lagrangian is not a symmetry of the physical vac-uum, then the theory must contain a massless spin-zeroparticle (or particles) whose quantum numbers are thoseof the broken group generator (or generators).77

This strong statement seemed a powerful impedimentto the use of spontaneous symmetry breaking in realis-tic theories of the fundamental interactions, as the dis-ease of unobserved massless spin-0 particles was addedto the disease of massless gauge bosons. Motivated byanalogy with the plasmon theory of the free-electron gasAnderson78 put forward a prescient conjecture that onezero-mass ill might cancel the other and make possible arealistic Yang–Mills theory of the strong interactions.

The decisive contributions came at a time of intenseinterest in superconductivity—in the intricacies of theBardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) theory79 and in un-derstanding the role of symmetry breaking in the Meiss-ner effect. From the remove of a half century, it seemsto me that preoccupation with the microscopic BCS the-ory might have complicated the search for a cure for the

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massless gauge bosons. An easier path is to analyze thephenomenological Ginzburg–Landau80,81 description ofthe superconducting phase transition in the frameworkof QED. It is then easy to see how the photon acquiresmass in a superconducting medium [see, e.g., Problem5.7 of Ref. 9, §21.6 of Ref. 82 and the “Abelian HiggsModel,”83]. But that is hindsight and speculation!

Searching for a solution to the problem of mass-less gauge bosons in field theory, Englert & Brout,18Higgs,19,20 and Guralnik, Hagen, & Kibble21 showed thatgauge theories are different. They do not satisfy theassumptions on which Goldstone theorem is based, al-though they are respectable field theories. Recall thatto quantize electrodynamics, an exemplary gauge theory,one must choose between the covariant Gupta–Bleulerformalism with its unphysical indefinite-metric states orquantization in a physical gauge for which manifest co-variance is lost. Through their work, we understand thatthe would-be Goldstone bosons that correspond to bro-ken generators of a gauge symmetry become the longi-tudinal components of the corresponding gauge bosons.What remains as scalar degrees of freedom is an incom-plete multiplet—defined by the unbroken generators ofthe gauge symmetry—of massive particles that we callHiggs bosons.

Their collective insight did not, as many had hoped,make a proper description of the strong nuclear force outof Yang–Mills theory. It did, however, set the stage forthe development of the electroweak theory and for plau-sible, if still speculative, unified theories of the strong,weak, and electromagnetic interactions.

It is inaccurate to say that the work of these theoristssolved a problem in the standard model—the standardmodel did not yet exist! Indeed, they were not con-cerned with the weak interactions, and the implicationsfor fermion mass shifts are mentioned only in passing.[Recall that for nonchiral theories such as QED and theYang-Mills theory, the origin of fermion masses does notarise, in the sense that fermion mass is consistent withthe gauge symmetry.] Their work can be said to havetriggered the conception of the electroweak theory, whichis a very considerable achievement.

Following the discovery of the Higgs boson of the elec-troweak theory, François Englert84 and Peter Higgs85shared the 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics. Gerald Gu-ralnik and Richard Hagen86 have published a memoir oftheir work. In addition, several of the leading actors inthe discovery of spontaneous gauge symmetry breakingas an origin of particle mass have described their personalinvolvement: Anderson,87 Englert,88 Guralnik,89,90 andHiggs.91,92 Their words carry a special fascination.

E. The Electroweak Theory and theStandard-Model Higgs Boson

In the late 1960s, Steven Weinberg2 and Abdus Salam3

used the new insights about spontaneous breaking of

gauge symmetry to complete the program set out by Shel-don Glashow1 that we recalled in §III B. The construc-tion of the spontaneously broken SU(2)L⊗U(1)Y theoryof the weak and electromagnetic interactions is detailedin many places, including §2 of “Unanswered Questions,”Ref. 26, so we may focus here on a few important con-ceptual matters.

If SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y proves to be the apt choice ofgauge symmetry for a theory of weak and electromag-netic ineractions, then that symmetry must be hidden,or broken down to the U(1)em symmetry we observemanifestly. The simple choice made by Weinberg andSalam, which now has significant empirical support, isto introduce a complex weak-isospin doublet of auxil-iary scalar fields, and to contrive their self-interactionsto create a degenerate vacuum that does not exhibitthe full SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y symmetry. Before spontaneoussymmetry breaking, we count eight degrees of freedomamong the four massless gauge bosons and four degreesof freedom for the scalar fields. After spontaneous break-ing of SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y → U(1)em, following the pathwe have just reviewed in §IIID, the scalar field ob-tains a vacuum-expectation value, 〈φ〉0 =



), where

v = (GF


12 ≈ 246 GeV to reproduce the low-energy

phenomenology.The charged gauge bosons, W±, which mediate the

V −A charged-current interaction, acquire mass gv/2.The neutral gauge bosons of Eq. (11) mix to yield amassive (Mz = MW / cos θW) neutral gauge boson, Z0,that mediates a hitherto unknown weak-neutral-currentinteraction and a massless photon, γ. [The weak mix-ing angle θW, which parametrizes the mixing of b3µ andAµ, is determined from experiment.] The photon haspure vector couplings, as required, whereas Z0 has a mixof vector and axial-vector couplings that depend on thequantum numbers of the fermion in question. Eleven ofthe twelve bosonic degrees of freedom now reside in thevector bosons: 3 × 3 massive bosons + 1 × 2 masslessphoton. The last degree of freedom corresponds to theHiggs boson: it is a massive scalar, but the Weinberg–Salam theory does not fix its mass. Because the Higgs bo-son and the longitudinal components of the gauge bosonsshare a common origin, the Higgs boson plays an essen-tial role in ensuring a sensible high-energy behavior ofthe electroweak theory.93

All this is fixed by the construction of the theory: oncethe representation of the auxiliary scalar fields is chosenand the weak mixing parameter determined, all the cou-plings of gauge bosons to fermions and couplings amonggauge and Higgs bosons are set. The new neutral-currentinteractions among the leptons are flavor-diagonal. Also,to this point, we have solved only one of the outstand-ing problems of the unbroken SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y theory:the masslessness of all the gauge bosons. What of thefermions? Weinberg and Salam saw the possibility togenerate fermion masses in the spontaneously broken the-ory by adding to the Lagrangian a gauge-invariant inter-

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action, LYukawa = −ζe[Re(φ†Le) + (Leφ)Re], where theYukawa coupling, ζe, is a phenomenological parameter.When the gauge symmetry is hidden, the Yukawa termbecomes

LYukawa = −ζev√2ee− ζeH√

2ee, (19)

where H is the Higgs boson. The electron has acquired amass me = ζev/

√2, and the Hee coupling is −ime/v. It

is pleasing that the electron mass arises spontaneously,but frustrating that the parameter ζe must be put in byhand, and does not emerge from the theory. The samestrategy carries over for all the quarks and charged lep-tons, and may also be seen as the origin for the parame-ters of the quark-mixing matrix.

If the Higgs field is the source of the quark and charged-lepton masses, that does not mean that the “Higgs bosonis the source of all mass in the Universe,” as is frequentlystated—even by physicists. The overwhelming major-ity of the visible mass in the Universe is in the formof atoms, and most of that is made up of nucleon mass,which arises as confinement energy in Quantum Chromo-dynamics.94 Electroweak symmetry breaking is decidedlya minor player.

Only three quark flavors (u, d, s) were known when theelectroweak theory was formulated. The weak-isospindoublet ( u

d cos θC+s sin θC )L, where θC is the Cabibbo angle,captured the known structure of the hadronic charged-current interaction and expressed the universal strengthof quark and lepton interactions. Within the Weinberg–Salam framework, however, this single quark doubletgives rise to flavor-changing s ↔ d neutral-current in-teractions that are not observed in nature. Glashow, Il-iopoulos, and Maiani95 noted that the unwanted interac-tions could be cancelled by introducing a second quarkdoublet, ( c

s cos θC−s sin θC )L, involving a new “charmed”quark and the orthogonal combination of d and s. Theabsence of flavor-changing neutral currents generalizes tomore (complete) quark doublets, and is a striking featureof the experimental data.

To save writing, I have outlined here a theory of a sin-gle generation of leptons; the other lepton families areincluded as simple copies. However, a theory of leptonsalone would be inconsistent. In our left-handed world,each doublet of leptons must be accompanied by a color-triplet weak-isospin doublet of quarks, in order that thetheory be anomaly free, i.e., that quantum corrections re-spect the symmetries on which the theory is grounded.96

Since its invention, the electroweak theory has beensupported again and again by new observations, in manycases arising from experiments conceived or reorientedexplicitly to test the electroweak theory. I treated thisquestion in some detail in §3 of “Unanswered Ques-tions”,26 to which I refer the reader for specific refer-ences. It will suffice here to mention some of the majorsupporting elements. The first great triumph of the elec-troweak theory was the discovery of weak neutral cur-rents. This was followed in short order by the discov-

ery of charm (hidden first, then open), which was re-quired in the framework of the electroweak theory, onceneutral currents had been observed. The discovery ofthe W and Z was the second great triumph of the elec-troweak theory. Experiment also brought new evidenceof richness, including the the discovery the τ lepton andevidence for a distinct τ neutrino and the discovery ofthe b quark. The top quark completed a third quarkgeneration; the top-quark mass became an essential in-put to quantum corrections to predictions for preciselymeasured observatbles. Moreover, finding a third quarkgeneration opened the way to understanding, at least atan operational level, the systematics of CP violation.61Highly detailed studies at many laboratories confirmedthe predictions of the electroweak theory to an extraor-dinary degree.

As the electroweak theory emerged as a new law ofnature, the question of how the electroweak symme-try was hidden came to center stage. While the de-fault option—the one emphasized in textbooks—was anelementary scalar Higgs boson, electroweak symmetrybreaking through some sort of new strong dynamics, or asa message from extra spatial dimensions, or as an emer-gent phenomenon arising from strong interactions amongthe weak bosons all received attention from both theoryand experiment.


The most succinct summary we can give is that thedata from the ATLAS and CMS experiments are devel-oping as if electroweak symmetry is broken spontaneouslythrough the work of elementary scalars, and that the em-blem of that mechanism is the standard-model Higgs bo-son. I refer to Refs. 22–25 for details and to Ref. 17 forperspective.

The bare facts are these: the LHC experiments havefound a new unstable particle H, with a mass in theneighborhood of 125 GeV. It decays into γγ, W+W−,and Z0Z0 in approximately the proportions expected fora standard-model Higgs boson. The new particle is nar-row, for its mass, with the current bounds measuredin tens of MeV. The dominant production mechanismhas characteristics compatible with gluon fusion througha heavy-quark loop, as foreseen. Topological selectionshave identified a subsidiary mechanism compatible withvector-boson fusion. Some evidence has been presentedfor the decays H → bb and τ+τ−. No decays that entaillepton-flavor violation have been observed. The new par-ticle does not have spin 1, studies of decay angular distri-butions and correlations among decay products stronglyfavor spin-parity 0+ over 0−, and while spin 2 has notbeen excluded in the most general case, that assignmentis implausible.

As one measure of the progress the discovery of theHiggs boson represents, let us consider some of the ques-tions I posed before the LHC experiments in Ref. 26.

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Future Issues (from “Unanswered Questions . . . ”)

1. What is the agent that hides the electroweak symme-try? Specifically, is there a Higgs boson? Mightthere be several? To the best of our knowledge,H(125) displays the characteristics of a standard-model Higgs boson, an elementary scalar. Searcheswill continue for other particles that may play a rolein electroweak symmetry breaking.

2. Is the “Higgs boson” elementary or composite? Howdoes the Higgs boson interact with itself? Whattriggers electroweak symmetry breaking? We havenot yet seen any evidence that H(125) is otherthan an elementary scalar. Searches for a com-posite component will continue. The Higgs-bosonself-interaction is almost certainly out of the reachof the LHC; it is a very challenging target for fu-ture, very-high-energy, accelerators. We don’t yetknow what triggers electroweak symmetry breaking.

3. Does the Higgs boson give mass to fermions, or onlyto the weak bosons? What sets the masses andmixings of the quarks and leptons? The experi-mental evidence suggests that H(125) couples to tt,bb, and τ+τ−, so the answer is probably yes. Allthese are third-generation fermions, so even if theevidence for these couplings becomes increasinglyrobust, we will want to see evidence that H cou-ples to lighter fermions. The most likely candidate,perhaps in High-Luminosity LHC running, is forthe Hµµ coupling, which would already show thatthe third generation is not unique in its relation toH. Ultimately, to show that spontaneous symmetrybreaking accounts for electron mass, and thus en-ables compact atoms, we will want to establish theHee coupling. That is extraordinarily challengingbecause of the minute branching fraction.

10. What lessons does electroweak symmetry break-ing hold for unified theories of the strong, weak,and electromagnetic interactions? Establishing thatscalar fields drive electroweak symmetry breakingwill encourage the already standard practice of us-ing auxiliary scalars to hide the symmetries thatunderlie unified theories.

To close, I offer a revised list of questions to build onwhat our first look at the Higgs boson has taught us.

Issues Sharpened by the Discovery of H (125)

1. How closely does H(125) hew to the expectationsfor a standard-model Higgs boson? Does H haveany partners that contribute appreciably to elec-troweak symmetry breaking?

2. Do the HZZ and HWW couplings indicate thatH(125) is solely responsible for electroweak sym-metry breaking, or is it only part of the story?

3. Does the Higgs field give mass to fermions beyondthe third generation? Does H(125) account quan-titatively for the quark and lepton masses? Whatsets the masses and mixings of the quarks and lep-tons?

4. What stabilizes the Higgs-boson mass below1 TeV?

5. Does the Higgs boson decay to new particles, or vianew forces?

6. What will be the next symmetry recognized inNature? Is Nature supersymmetric? Is the elec-troweak theory part of some larger edifice?

7. Are all the production mechanisms as expected?

8. Is there any role for strong dynamics? Is elec-troweak symmetry breaking related to gravitythrough extra spacetime dimensions?

9. What lessons does electroweak symmetry breakinghold for unified theories of the strong, weak, andelectromagnetic interactions?

10. What implications does the value of the H(125)mass have for speculations that go beyond the stan-dard model? . . . for the range of applicability of theelectroweak theory?

In the realms of refined measurements, searches, and the-oretical analysis and imagination, great opportunities liebefore us!

Summary Points

1. The ATLAS and CMS Collaborations, working atCERN’s Large Hadron Collider, have discovered anew particle, H(125 GeV), that matches the profileof the Higgs boson of the electroweak theory.

2. Observation of decays into the weak bosons, H →W+W− and H → Z0Z0, establishes a role for theHiggs boson in hiding the electroweak symmetryand endowing the weak bosons with mass.

3. Evidence for the decays H → bb and H → τ+τ−,together with characteristics of H production thatimplicate gluon fusion through a top-quark loop,suggest that the Higgs boson also plays a role ingiving mass to the fermions.

4. It will be important to show that H couples toquarks and leptons of the first two generations andto test its role in generating their masses.

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5. If the electron mass, in particular, does arise fromthe vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field,we will have a new understanding of why compactatoms exist, why valence bonding is possible, whyliquids and solids can form (cf. §4.4.2 of Ref. 26).

6. The spin-parity of H, which is strongly indicatedas 0+, favors the interpretation as an elementaryscalar.

7. Even after its apparent completion by the obser-vation of a light Higgs boson, the electroweak the-ory raises puzzles. An outstanding question is whythe electroweak scale is so much smaller than otherplausible physical scales, such as the unificationscale and the Planck scale.

8. It is possible that the Higgs boson experiences newforces or decays into hitherto unknown particles.


The author is not aware of any affiliations, member-ships, funding, or financial holdings that might be per-ceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.


Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance,LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with theUnited States Department of Energy. I am gratefulto Professor Heinrich Meier and the Carl Friedrich vonSiemens Foundation for gracious hospitality during thefinal stages of writing.

I want also to pay my respects to the designers,builders, and operators of the Large Hadron Collider andof the ATLAS and CMS experiments; to the experimen-tal teams for their outstanding achievement; and to thegenerations of scientists whose work has brought us tothe point of savoring the discovery of the Higgs boson.

Appendix A: Terms / Definitions

Anomaly: The violation by quantum corrections of asymmetry of the Lagrangian. If anomalies violategauge symmetry, the theory becomes inconsistent,so the freedom from anomalies becomes a powerfulcondition on candidate theories.

Charged current: The weak interaction mediated bythe W±-boson, first observed in nuclear β decay.

Effective field theory: A description valid over a par-ticular range of energies or distance scales, based onthe degrees of freedom most relevant to the phe-nomena that occur there. Nonlocal interactions

mediated by virtual heavy particles are replacedby local interactions that yield the same low-energylimit. The effective theory can only be a valid de-scription of physics at energies below the masses ofthe heavy particles, and must be superseded by amore complete (but perhaps still effective theory)on that energy scale.

Flavor-changing neutral current: A transition thatchanges quark or lepton flavor, without chang-ing electric charge; strongly inhibited by the GIMmechanism in the standard electroweak theory.

GIM mechanism: Observation by Glashow, Iliopoulos,and Maiani95 that flavor-changing neutral-currentinteractions vanish at tree level, and are strongly in-hibited at higher orders, provided that quarks (andleptons) occur in SU(2)L doublets. Argued for thenecessity of the charm quark.

Goldstone Phenomenon: The appearance of masslessmodes whenever a global continuous symmetry ofthe Lagrangian is broken, in the sense that the vac-uum state does not display the full symmetry of theLagrangian. One massless scalar or pseudoscalarappears for each broken generator of the full sym-metry.

Higgs boson: Elementary scalar particle that is theavatar of electroweak symmetry breaking in thestandard electroweak theory, an excitation of theauxiliary scalar fields introduce to contrive a vac-uum that does not respect the full SU(2)L⊗U(1)Ysymmetry on which the electroweak theory is built.An unstable particle with mass 125 GeV thatclosely fits the profile of the Higgs boson was dis-covered in experiments at CERN in 2012.

Lepton: An elementary (at the present limits of resolu-tion) spin-12 particle that does not experience thestrong interaction. The current roster is composedof three charged particles, e−, µ−, τ−, and threeneutrinos, νe, νµ, ντ .

Neutral current: The weak interaction mediated bythe Z0-boson, first observed in the reactions νµe→νµe and νµN → νµ + anything.

Quark: An elementary (at the present limits of resolu-tion) spin-12 particle that experiences the strong in-teraction. The current roster is composed of sixspecies: up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom,grouped in three weak-isospin doublets.

Superconductivity: A phenomenon that occurs inmany materials when they are cooled to low tem-peratures or subjected to high pressure, supercon-ductivity entails zero electrical resistance and theexpulsion of magnetic fields.

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Appendix B: Abbreviations and Acronyms

ATLAS: One of two general-purpose experiments forthe Large Hadron Collider, located adjacent toCERN’s main campus. atlas.ch.

CERN: The European Laboratory for Particle Physicsstraddles the French-Swiss border near Geneva.Its principal research instrument is now the LargeHadron Collider. One of Europe’s first commonundertakings at its founding in 1954, CERN nowincludes twenty-one Member States. cern.ch

CMS: The Compact Muon Solenoid, one of two general-purpose experiments for the Large Hadron Collider.It is located in Cessy, France. cms.cern.ch.

LHC: The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is a two-bore proton synchrotron 27 km. in circumference.It is designed to provide proton-proton collisionsup to 14-TeV c.m. energy and luminosity exceed-ing 1034 cm−2 s−1, as well as Pb-Pb and proton-Pbcollisions. lhc.web.cern.ch.

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