FETAL DEVELOPMENT FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?

FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?

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Page 1: FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?


Journal #7What is something your parent shared with you about

their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?

Page 2: FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?

Development Before Birth1st MonthBlood begins circulating. Brain is just beginning to form, though it does not work. 2nd MonthArms, legs and internal organs begin forming. Genitals are starting to form, but male and female still look alike. Tail disappears. 3rd MonthMale and female begin to look different. Fingers, toes, and fingernails form. The head is almost half the size it will be at birth. You can hear the heart beat

Page 3: FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?

Development Before Birth4th MonthMuscles move. Skin is transparent. Sweat glands, eyebrows, and eyelashes form 5th Month Hair, eyelashes, eyebrows continue to form. Hiccups begin and other movement can be felt. Heartbeat can be heard. There is hair on the head. 6th MonthBrain waves begin (brain starts working). Eyes open. Ears begin to work. There are fingerprints and footprints

Page 4: FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?

Development Before Birth7th MonthAdds body fat. A lot of movement. Responds to sound. Falls asleep and wakes up. 8th MonthLess active, less wrinkled. Still growing longer and heavier. Nails and bones begin to harden 9th MonthLungs and other organs finish maturing. The brain won’t fully mature for two more years, then it will mature more in the preteen and teen year. The reproductive system won’t finish maturing for years.

Page 5: FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?


1. Congestion Women have a higher volume of blood running through their body, so it can cause runny nose or congestion 

2. Frequent UrinationVolume of blood increase causing pressure on your kidneys and as you get bigger weight of the baby puts pressure on your bladder. 

3. Changes with Your BreastBreast become larger than normal and may be tender. They are getting the body ready for breast feeding

Page 6: FETAL DEVELOPMENT Journal #7 What is something your parent shared with you about their pregnancy, labor, or you as a baby?


4. Changes in Teeth or MouthYour body is using more calcium for your baby so if you don’t get enough each day it will take from your bones causing teeth to break. Hormones may also cause gums to bleed.

5. Shortness of BreathAs the baby grows he will push against your diaphragm 

6. Gas or HeartburnBack up of stomach acid

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Stretching of ligaments to get your body ready for labor

8. ConstipationHormones can cause this. Make sure you drink enough water, exercise and eat food high in fiber 

9. Leg CrampsLow potassium or iron intake can cause this