Feudal system used in France since the Middle Ages Old Regime

Feudal system used in France since the Middle Ages Old Regime

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Page 1: Feudal system used in France since the Middle Ages Old Regime

Feudal system used in France since the Middle Ages

Old Regime

Page 2: Feudal system used in France since the Middle Ages Old Regime

Who made up the Estates-General?

1st Estate

2nd Estate

3rd Estate


Lords or Nobles

The Bourgeoisie, anybody who worked,& the peasants

Page 3: Feudal system used in France since the Middle Ages Old Regime

Who was the king of France during the Revolution?

Louis XVI

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Austrian Born woman Known as Madam Deficit

Marie Antoinette

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Reason why the Estates –General was called for the 1st time in 175 years

Excessive spending & huge gambling debts

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He urged the 3rd Estate to form the National assembly & Napoleon to take control

Abbe’ Sieyes

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The name of the pledge made up by the 3rd estate to not leave until they had written a new constitution

Tennis Court Oath

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The women of Paris marched to Versailles in the rain

Womens March

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Owner of a Revolutionary Newspaper, his answer to problems was kill more people

Jean Paul Marat

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Men who wore their pants down


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Leader of the Committee of Public safety


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What group imposed the Reign of Terror?

Committee of Public Safety

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What % of the population belonged to the 1st & 2nd Estates


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How did the National Assembly loose support of the peasants?

Took away the Catholic Church

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Why did Napoleon sell the Louisiana Purchase?

Raise Money

Cut his losses

Punish the British

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Why is the Battle of Trafalgar important?

Napoleon gives up hope of invading Britain

English Naval Power is secured for 100 years

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What were Napoleons 3 major mistakes?

Continental System

Peninsular War

Invading Russia

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How did Czar Alexander defeat Napoleon?

Scorching the Earth

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A mob stormed a prison looking for gunpowder

Bastille Day

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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

Slogan of the Revolution

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“men are born free and remain free and equal in rights”

Declaration of the rights of Men

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Who was safe from the guillotine?

No one

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Public schoolsuniform laws fairer tax code

Napoleons accomplishments

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Why did Napoleon attack Portugal?

To enforce the continental system

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Group that liked the Enlightenment Views


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By how much did Napoleon Increase french territory?

Tripled it

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Napoleons last battle


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Island Napoleon was exiled to


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Napoleon’s last hoorah

100 days

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Napoleons final home

St Elena

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A sudden take over

Coup d e’tat

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Wave of Panic in Paris

The Fear

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She was good with a knife

Charlotte Corday

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Radical Revolutionary group
