1. What is a Geopark? 3. The four reasons we have chosen this logo 4. The wild birds and flowering plants are fantastic, as are the “flow mounds” created by the volcano, Mt. Bandai! 1 ジオパークって、なに? 3 このマークには、4つのワケがある! 4 野鳥も草花も良いなぁ。 磐梯火山がつくりだした“流れ山” もね! A Geopark is a large area of land where visitors can learn about the geological activity of the earth and the history of the land by exploring the topography of the mountains, rivers, and other geological features in the area, as well as the boulders and strata that define them. Visitors can also learn about the ecological systems that have developed on the land and the history and culture of the people who live there, including their local foods and specialty products, and local hot springs. This type of park, where one can enjoy bodily sensation about the land and the connections between it and everything on it, is called a Geopark. The Mt. Bandai region, centered on Mt. Bandai (Bandaisan) and including the towns of Inawashiro and Bandai and the village of Kitashiobara, was certified as a Japan Geopark on September 5, 2011 (Heisei 23). Coincidentally, this certification occurred on the same day that Bandai-Asahi National Park was established in 1950 (Showa 25).Through our activities, Bandaisan Geopark seeks to convey the grandeur of Mt. Bandai to the world, promote tourism primarily through “Geo Tours”and other means, promote education about the area at schools and through courses for local residents, and contribute to the sustainable development of the region. Concept for the Bandaisan Geopark Logo Looking up at Mt. Bandai ①The motif for the logo is the “B”from Bandaisan. The vigorous pen stroke of the B expresses the powerful presence of Mt. Bandai. ②The white squares climbing up the mountain are sacred white-paper-strips called that are used for Shinto Rituals. They symbolize the people who climb Mt. Bandai to worship the gods of the mountain. ③The three rings are ripples from Lake Inawashiro. They represent the three municipalities of Inawashiro, Bandai, and Kitashiobara, and convey the sacred atmosphere of the area. ④The sun symbolizes the rich, natural beauty and grandeur of Mt. Bandai, and the people’ s warm hospitality radiating from the Geopark. The topography that extends over a wide portion of this area was born in the July 15, 1888 (Meiji 21) eruption of Mt. Bandai. The edifice of the peak of Kobandai ( “little Bandai” ), formally located on the north side of Mt. Bandai’ s Ōbandai ( “big Bandai” ), collapsed in a phreatic explosion, and flowed down the north side of the mountain in a debris avalanche. The debris avalanche dammed up rivers, created the lakes and ponds of Urabandai including, among others, Lake Hibara, the Nakase Pond, and Renge Pond. A popular observation deck in this area can be found at Nakase Pond. It is located on top of a geological feature known as a flow mound, which was formed by the soil and stone that was brought down in the debris avalanche and accumulated in one spot. Visitors can also find several flow mounds along the nature path. There are even places where you can see what the interior of the flow mounds look like. See if you can find them. Global Geoparks Japanese Geoparks 世界ジオパーク 日本ジオパーク 磐梯山 Mt.Bandai (2014年3月末の認定地域) は もん すう はい - 磐梯山を見上げて- 磐梯山ジオパークロゴマークコンセプト 身の回りの山や川などの地形とそれを形作っている岩石や地層を通して、地球の活動や大地の成り立ち を知ることができる“大地の公園”です。また大地の上で育まれた生態系や人々の歴史・文化さらに地元 の特産物や郷土料理、そして温泉、大地と大地の上のすべてのものの関係について楽しみながら体感でき るところ、それがジオパークです。 磐梯山を中心とする猪苗代町・磐梯町・北塩原村の3町村からなる磐梯山地域は、2011 (平成23)年9月5日に、日本ジオパークに 認定されました。この日は奇しくも、1950(昭和25)年に磐梯朝日国立公園が誕生した日と同日です。ジオパークの活動を通し て磐梯山のすばらしさを世界に発信し、ジオツアーを中心とした観光を推進し、学校教育や住民向けの普及活動を進め、地域 の持続的な発展につなげていければと考えます。 この辺りは、1888(明治21)年7月15日の磐梯山の噴火で誕生した地形が広がっています。現在ある磐梯山(大磐梯)の 北側に位置していた小磐梯が、水蒸気爆発によりその山体が崩壊し、北側に岩なだれとなって流れ下りました。岩なだれ は、川をせき止めて桧原湖や中瀬沼、レンゲ沼をはじめとする裏磐梯湖沼群を誕生させました。 このエリアで人気の中瀬沼の展望台は、岩なだれで運ばれてきた土石が堆積してできた“流れ山”と呼ばれる地形の上 にあります。また、流れ山は、探勝路に沿っていくつも見つけることができます。さらに、流れ山の内部の様子を見ること ができる場所もあります。探してみてください。 ばん だい あさ こく りつ こう えん ばら なか ぬま たん しょう ろ いな しろ まち ばん だい まち きた しお ばら むら せい はぐく たい けい 地形 地質 郷土 料理 農業 産業 環境 保全 歴史・ 伝統文化 人々の 暮らし 防災 減災 学習 体験 持続可能 な組織 動物 植物 ジオ パーク 2 二つの顔をもつ、磐梯山! ろ しゅつ 2. The Two Faces of Mt.Bandai The Main Theme of Bandaisan Geopark. “A Geopark where visitors can get a sense of the large scale changes to the topography and natural environment in this area, brought about by the birth and changes over time of the volcano Mt. Bandai, especially sector collapses in the mountain and debris avalanches.” What is the relationship between the birth of Lake Inawashiro and the Okinajima Debris Avalanche that occurred approximately 40,000 years ago?! ② What is the relationship between the birth of the Urabandai Kougen and the Debris Avalanched that occurred in 1888 (Meiji 21)? The volume of debris from the Okinajima Debris Avalanche is enough to fill up Tokyo Dome 3000 times! This debris formed flow mounds at the southwest foot of Mt. Bandai. Lake Inawashiro was also born at this time. It is the flow mounds that connect Lake Inawashiro to the Okinajima Debris Avalanche. The debris avalanche caused by the collapse of the peak of Kobandai ( “little Bandai” ) resulted in the death of 477 people and in an instant completely changed the north side of Mt. Bandai. ①およそ4万年前に起こった“翁島岩なだれ”、猪苗代湖の誕生との関係は?! ②1888(明治21)年に起こった“岩なだれ”、裏磐梯高原の誕生との関係は?! 崩壊した山体の体積は、東京ドームおよそ3000杯分!磐梯山の南西麓に流れ山を形成させた。この時に猪苗代湖が誕生した。 小磐梯の崩壊による岩なだれは、477名もの犠牲を出し磐梯山の北側を一変させた。しかし、人と自然の合わせ持つ力が裏磐梯高原を再生した。 磐梯山を南方から見ると、手前に猪苗代湖 がある優美な姿は“会津富士”と呼ばれる Looking at Mt. Bandai from the south, Lake Inawashiro lies in front of you. Behind the lake is the impressive figure of Mt. Bandai, sometimes called “the Mt. Fuji of Aizu.” 磐梯山を北方から見ると、手前に桧原湖が あり、後方に荒々しい岩肌を露出させた 爆裂火口(崩壊壁)がある Looking at Mt. Bandai from the north, Lake Hibara lies in front of you. Behind Lake Hibara, where the rough rock face of the mountain has been exposed (the collapsed wall), is an explosion crater. おきな うら ばん だい こう げん じま いわ いな しろ ゆう あい ばく れつ こう ほう かい へき 『磐梯火山の誕生と変遷、特に山体崩壊と岩なだれがもたらした 大規模な地形および自然環境の変化について体感することができるジオパーク』 へん せん さん たい ほう かい いわ だい 磐梯山ジオパークメインテーマ 「岩なだれ」と「流れ山」 「岩なだれ」とは、火山の噴火や地震などが原因で山が崩れて、 大小いくつもの岩の塊がなだれの様に流れ下る現象。 「流れ山」とは、流れ下った岩なだれが山の麓に形成するたくさんの丘。 Debris Avalanches and Flow Mounds A debris avalanche is a phenomenon in which an eruption from the volcano or an earthquake causes part of the mountain to collapse, resulting in masses of small to large rocks flowing down the mountain like a snow avalanche. Flow mounds are hills formed by the debris that streamed down the mountain in the debris avalanche. くず かたまり ふもと 岩なだれ堆積物 Debris avalanche deposits たい せき ぶつ 流れ山 Flow mounds The interior of a flow mound created by the Okinajima Debris Avalanche, near JR Bandai Machi Station. The island of Okinajima on Lake Inawashiro is one of the flow mounds that was formed in the debris avalanche, a debris avalanche which was itself caused by an eruption. JR磐梯町駅付近に見られる翁島岩なだれによる流れ山の内部。 猪苗代湖の翁島は、この噴火で生じた岩なだれが流れ下って形成された流れ山のひとつ。 The 1888 eruption of Mt. Bandai occurred at the dawn of a new era in which the study of the natural sciences was being introduced into Japan from the West. State-of-the-art research was done on Mt. Bandai and the “Bandai-type eruption”received attention all over the world. 西洋から導入された自然科学の新しい時代が始まろうとする時に起こった1888年の磐梯山噴火。  先駆けて研究が行われ“磐梯式噴火”として世界で注目された。 さき 磐梯山爆裂口と流れ山 Sekiya & Kikuchi (1889)より 中瀬沼展望台 流れ山地形 Flow mounds 猪苗代湖 流れ山地形 Flow mounds 磐梯山1816m Mt.Bandai Okinajima Lake Inawashiro 猪苗代湖 Lake Inawashiro 秋元湖 Lake Akimoto 小野川湖 Lake Onogawa 曽原湖 Lake Sohara 桧原湖 Lake Hibara ヶ峰1636m Mt.Kushigamine 翁島 (流れ山の一つ) Mt.Bandai 磐梯山1816m 磐梯山ジオパーク協議会 Bandaisan Geopark Association http://bandaisan-geo.com/ 磐梯山の「B」の文字がモチーフ力強い筆のラインで磐梯山の圧倒的な存在感を表現 山を登る白い四角は神事に扱われる紙垂であり磐梯山に登り崇拝する人々を象徴 3つの輪は猪苗代町、磐梯町、北塩原村を表現し、猪苗代湖に生まれる波紋で神聖な雰囲気を演出 太陽は、雄大な磐梯山の豊かな自然の象徴であり人々の思いが一つになって熱く燃えている様子 shide ジオパーク 磐梯火山 Geoparks and the Volcano Mt. Bandai ばん だい ざん 現在地 You are here

ジオパークと磐梯火山2-Geoparks and the Volcano … and the...The 1888 eruption of Mt. Bandai occurred at the dawn of a new era in which the study of the natural sciences

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Page 1: ジオパークと磐梯火山2-Geoparks and the Volcano … and the...The 1888 eruption of Mt. Bandai occurred at the dawn of a new era in which the study of the natural sciences

1 What is a Geopark

3 The four reasons we have chosen this logo

4 The wild birds and flowering plants are fantastic   as are the ldquoflow moundsrdquo created by the volcano Mt Bandai

1 ジオパークってなに 3 このマークには4つのワケがある

4 野鳥も草花も良いなぁ  磐梯火山がつくりだしたldquo流れ山rdquoもね

A Geopark is a large area of land where visitors can learn about the geological activity of the earth and the history of the land by exploring the topography of the mountains rivers and other geological features in the area as well as the boulders and strata that define them Visitors can also learn about the ecological systems that have developed on the land and the history and culture of the people who live there including their local foods and specialty products and local hot springs This type of park where one can enjoy bodily sensation about the land and the connections between it and everything on it is called a Geopark The Mt Bandai region centered on Mt Bandai (Bandaisan) and including the towns of Inawashiro and Bandai and the village of Kitashiobara was certified as a Japan Geopark on September 5 2011 (Heisei 23) Coincidentally this certification occurred on the same day that Bandai-Asahi National Park was established in 1950 (Showa 25)Through our activities Bandaisan Geopark seeks to convey the grandeur of Mt Bandai to the world promote tourism primarily through ldquoGeo Toursrdquo and other means promote education about the area at schools and through courses for local residents and contribute to the sustainable development of the region

Concept for the Bandaisan Geopark Logo Looking up at Mt Bandai①The motif for the logo is the ldquoBrdquo from Bandaisan The vigorous pen stroke of the B expresses the powerful presence of Mt Bandai②The white squares climbing up the mountain are sacred white-paper-strips called that are used for Shinto Rituals They symbolize the people who  climb Mt Bandai to worship the gods of the mountain③The three rings are ripples from Lake Inawashiro They represent the three municipalities of Inawashiro Bandai and Kitashiobara and convey the sacred  atmosphere of the area④The sun symbolizes the rich natural beauty and grandeur of Mt Bandai and the peoplersquos warm hospitality radiating from the Geopark

The topography that extends over a wide portion of this area was born in the July 15 1888 (Meiji 21) eruption of Mt Bandai The edifice of the peak of Kobandai (ldquolittle Bandairdquo) formally located on the north side of Mt Bandairsquos Ōbandai (ldquobig Bandairdquo) collapsed in a phreatic explosion and flowed down the north side of the mountain in a debris avalanche The debris avalanche dammed up rivers created the lakes and ponds of Urabandai including among others Lake Hibara the Nakase Pond and Renge Pond A popular observation deck in this area can be found at Nakase Pond It is located on top of a geological feature known as a flow mound which was formed by the soil and stone that was brought down in the debris avalanche and accumulated in one spot Visitors can also find several flow mounds along the nature path There are even places where you can see what the interior of the flow mounds look like See if you can find them

Global Geoparks

Japanese Geoparks





は もん

し すう はいで

-磐梯山を見上げて-磐梯山ジオパークロゴマークコンセプト 身の回りの山や川などの地形とそれを形作っている岩石や地層を通して地球の活動や大地の成り立ち














く ばんだい あさ ひ こく りつ こう えん

ひ ばら こ なか せ ぬま

たんしょう ろ

いな わ しろ まち ばん だい まち きた しお ばら むら

せいはぐく たい けい












2 二つの顔をもつ磐梯山

ひ ばら こ

ろ しゅつ

2 The Two Faces of MtBandaiThe Main Theme of Bandaisan Geopark ldquoA Geopark where visitors can get a sense of the large scale changes to the topography and natural environment in this area brought about by the birth and changes over time of the volcano Mt Bandai especially sector collapses in the mountain and debris avalanchesrdquo

① What is the relationship between the birth of Lake Inawashiro and the Okinajima Debris Avalanche that occurred approximately 40000 years ago ② What is the relationship between the birth of the Urabandai Kougen and the Debris Avalanched that occurred in 1888 (Meiji 21)

The volume of debris from the Okinajima Debris Avalanche is enough to fill up Tokyo Dome 3000 times This debris formed flow mounds at the southwest foot of Mt BandaiLake Inawashiro was also born at this time It is the flow mounds that connect Lake Inawashiro to the Okinajima Debris Avalanche

The debris avalanche caused by the collapse of the peak of Kobandai (ldquolittle Bandairdquo) resulted in the death of 477 people and in an instant completely changed the north side of Mt Bandai

①およそ4万年前に起こったldquo翁島岩なだれrdquo猪苗代湖の誕生との関係は ②1888(明治21)年に起こったldquo岩なだれrdquo裏磐梯高原の誕生との関係は

崩壊した山体の体積は東京ドームおよそ3000杯分磐梯山の南西麓に流れ山を形成させたこの時に猪苗代湖が誕生した 小磐梯の崩壊による岩なだれは477名もの犠牲を出し磐梯山の北側を一変させたしかし人と自然の合わせ持つ力が裏磐梯高原を再生した

磐梯山を南方から見ると手前に猪苗代湖がある優美な姿はldquo会津富士rdquoと呼ばれるLooking at Mt Bandai from the south Lake Inawashiro lies in front of you Behind the lake is the impressive figure of Mt Bandai sometimes called ldquothe Mt Fuji of Aizurdquo

磐梯山を北方から見ると手前に桧原湖があり後方に荒々しい岩肌を露出させた爆裂火口(崩壊壁)があるLooking at Mt Bandai from the north Lake Hibara lies in front of you Behind Lake Hibara where the rough rock face of the mountain has been exposed (the collapsed wall) is an explosion crater

お おきな お うら ばん だい こう げんじま いわ

いな わ しろ こ

ゆう び あい づ ふ じ

ばく れつ か こう ほう かい へき

『磐梯火山の誕生と変遷特に山体崩壊と岩なだれがもたらした 大規模な地形および自然環境の変化について体感することができるジオパーク』

へん せん さん たい ほう かい いわ

だい き ぼ

磐梯山ジオパークのメインテーマ 「岩なだれ」と「流れ山」「岩なだれ」とは火山の噴火や地震などが原因で山が崩れて



Debris Avalanches and Flow Mounds A debris avalanche is a phenomenon in which an eruption from the volcano or an earthquake causes part of the mountain to collapse resulting in masses of small to large rocks flowing down the mountain like a snow avalanche Flow mounds are hills formed by the debris that streamed down the mountain in the debris avalanche




岩なだれ堆積物Debris avalanche deposits

たい せき ぶつ

流れ山Flow mounds

The interior of a flow mound created by the Okinajima Debris Avalanche near JR Bandai Machi StationThe island of Okinajima on Lake Inawashiro is one of the flow mounds that was formed in the debris avalanche a debris avalanche which was itself caused by an eruption


The 1888 eruption of Mt Bandai occurred at the dawn of a new era in which the study of the natural sciences was being introduced into Japan from the WestState-of-the-art research was done on Mt Bandai and the ldquoBandai-type eruptionrdquo received attention all over the world

西洋から導入された自然科学の新しい時代が始まろうとする時に起こった1888年の磐梯山噴火 先駆けて研究が行われldquo磐梯式噴火rdquoとして世界で注目されたさき が

磐梯山爆裂口と流れ山 Sekiya amp Kikuchi (1889)より中瀬沼展望台

流れ山地形Flow mounds猪苗代湖

流れ山地形Flow mounds



Lake Inawashiro

猪苗代湖Lake Inawashiro

秋元湖Lake Akimoto

小野川湖Lake Onogawa

曽原湖Lake Sohara

桧原湖Lake Hibara




磐梯山ジオパーク協議会Bandaisan Geopark Association








ジオパークと磐 梯 火 山Geoparks and the Volcano Mt Bandai

ばん だい か ざん



現在地You are here